#we got to have the ‘annoyed audience’ reaction from aunt Jane
katvara · 11 months
Imma be honest. I was too busy vibing and having a fun time that I wasn’t paying attention to the beginning of the Sparky’s Diner scene, so I got the full MatPat jumpscare.
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embersofalily · 5 years
Avengers Endgame
With 10 years of story and film coming to an end, needless to say it was going to be epic.
Spoilers ahead.
Last Warning SPOILERS ahead!!
Ok, if you’re still reading, and haven’t seen Endgame, stop here.
All sorts of emotions happened during the film.
Be prepared to at least shed tears.
The start of the film was as expected with everyone in a devastation.
Little Kate being hinted as future Hawkeye (comics)! Or so I think. Mayo, wierd taste buds.
Clint’s family being dusted in the snap! I was expecting it from the trailers but it still made me feel dread and then pain for Client. The panic Jeremey Renner portrayed felt very real.
Some of my theories were off like how and who would be rescuing Tony and Nebula. Tony’s farewell message we saw in the trailer still made me feel for the character.
Heck yea to Ms. Marvel’s ( I can’t get use to Captain Marvel as her MCU name) appearance! I’d say I’m satisfied with her being their rescue.
Part of me wonders if Pepper or any of the Avengers staying at HQ we’re receiving the recordings.
It would have been moot since they rescued him, unless, the recordings were how they were able track where the Milano was drifting. If they were that deep in space, would explain why it took so long for Carol to find them. And enough time for Steve to finish shaving, haha.
It hurt to see Tony and Steve still not fully on the same side. I had forgotten momentarily, that, while they fought Thanos together, they were not fighting side by side. When Tony ripped his core out, it scared me out of concern.
That Lets Fight Thanos one more time to get the stones- plan could have been grief talking. With maybe Carol’s personality heh.
While having the stones destroyed in the current timeline was disheartening for the hearts, anyone who’s been theory crafting with the trailers probably expected Scott’s arrival and time travel.
5 years! I wasn’t expecting that amount of time to pass.
Scott’s actions of experiencing the after math was heartbreaking too; thank goodness Cassie wasn’t part of it. I wonder who was taking care of her those 5 years, perhaps Scott’s friends from Ant Man movie? Forgot their names...
Ooh, so it wasn’t Scott in the past like some were theorizing on the net, it was real time Scott ringing the front door.
Little Morgan was adorable! I wonder if her putting on that helmet means something for the future Marvel films? Or is that me looking too into it?
Time travel movie references HA. MCU time travel rules involves multiverse, like how the cartoons and comics have multiple Earths.
Ooh, Tony, you’re still an Avenger even if you want to protect the now (Pepper and Morgan).
Also, Tony should have pulled a “language!” at Morgan, bwahaha. “No, only Mommy can say that word. She coined it.” 
Wasn’t expecting Banner Hulk combo or his new found fame.
Time travel experiment was amusing since Banner wasn’t familiar enough with Quantum physics and Cap and Nat were concerned about Scott’s safety. Insert forced smile towards Scott and comedic time travel effects on Scott.
Tony and Steve make up! And aw, Tony gave Cap another Shield ~
New Asgard!
Oh gosh, I thought Thor with a beer belly was bad but Thor rambling, drunk?, about Aether and Jane. Rocket’s face and Hulk’s gesture said it all haha.
Time heist! Nice ring to it by the way.
Bwahah, Banner Hulk, Cap and Tony (2019) seeing Hulk (2014) smashing things and realizing the personality change. Insert fake punch car and weak throw bike, Bwahaha.
I knew the heist was going to have a hiccup somewhere, potentially more than once. Bruce talking to (2014) Ancient One and she realizes Strange had a plan! That was a sigh of relief there since it seemed like it was going to be full Nope not giving you the Time Stone - situation.
Cap 2019 getting in the elevator with 2014 SHIELD agents (hydra agents) was a nod off to Civil War!! I was prepared for the same beat down that happened in Civil War to happen again.
Cap 2019 meeting Cap 2014. “ I could do this all day” “oh I know you can. (Sigh)” was funny.
I’m assuming using the scepter on Cap 2014 erased the fact Cap 2019 told himself about Bucky being alive.
Pointing out Evans butt was amusing.
Tony 2019 getting hit by door+ annoyed by stairs Hulk (2014) had to hurt. Loki warped away with 2014 Teseract! That has to be something that’ll be touched on in future films, with how the Ancient One talking about branches of the timeline.
Tony meeting his dad and their interactions as fathers was sweet. And hey 1940s Jarvis!
Cap 2019 seeing Carter 2014 from another room was bittersweet.
Nat and Clint fighting each other to sacrifice for the Soul Stone was tense and then heartbreaking when Nat did sacrifice herself.
Nooooo I didn’t realize Nebula 2019 was connected to the system still in 2014 so Thanos got to see the future! Gamora 2014 def has some hint of switching side though.
When they all returned from their respective missions, their reactions finding out Nat sacrificed herself was saddening.
Execute plan to return the 50%! Was worried about damage to Banner Hulk’s body post Iron Man Gauntlet snap. Luckily it was only the arm and not full body and that his body could indeed take the toll.
Victory was short lived since Nebula 2014 brought Thanos, Order and army of 2014 to 2019 and oberlierated HQ.
So worried that when Nebula 2014 caught up to Clint that she’d kill him but luckily Nebula 2019 and Gamora 2014 caught up to Nebula 2014!
Surprised Nebula 2019 killing her 2014 self didn’t have any temporal backlash, but Marvel time travel meant it only caused a branch.
The 3 vs 1 fight between Cap, Tony and Thor vs Thanos!
Cap finally able to pick up and call Mlojnir!!!! Insert audience claps and cheers!
“I knew it!” -Thor
“On your left! “Insert audience cheer as all those who got snapped came back via Strange, Wong and other fellow mystical monks’ yellow portals.
Peter and Tony’s hug~ warm and fuzzy feels there :)
Carol just destroying the mother ship in her reentry to Earth. Oh yea~
The LaCucaracha car alarm ha! A nice comical break during the battle.
“Anyone see a brown van?”
The hot potatoing of the stones to try to bring it to the van.
All female hitters assisting Carol to the final goal, another heck yea~
Thanos’ headbutt to Carol doing nothing, mwahahaha, YES! 
Thanos destroying the van just as Carol was about to toss the stones in , nooooo!
Strange signaling Tony about the one chance.
Tony using the gauntlet to snap Thanos and his goons. Yes! But..!
Noooooooooooo! Peter’s and Pepper’s farewell to Tony was so sad! Tom Holland’s acting and voice really brought me to tears. It was a reversal of RDJ and Tom Holland’s scene in Infinity Wars. 
Tony’s recorded farewell was also sad to watch. Happy Hogan making his appearance to the funeral and interacting with Morgan was bittersweet.
I was surprised to see that boy from Iron Man 3 at his funeral but it was a good kind of surprise. I actually didn’t know who he was when I saw the scene but found out after I read an IGN article.
Cap’s choice to stay and live life naturally with Carter was sweet! I wonder if Bucky knew of Steve choice before Cap went back to return the stones to their natural place. It was a nice end to Cap’s story.
Sam gets his Shield!!! Nod off to comics Sam Wilson becoming next Cap!!
Thor going the Guardians and Valkyrie becoming next Ruler of Asgard were nice touches! I’m glad for Thor that he got to have a talk with his mother in 2014.
Clint reuniting with his family was nice especially since in the beginning it was so heartbreaking. I wonder if he’ll tell them about their Aunt Natasha though ):
Wonder what Banner Hulk’s future plans are? He’s pretty popular with the kids it seems, so it’s not like the Incredible Hulk where the Army was after him.
Young Avengers seems possible for future films. There was also news of a Black Widow movie, though I wonder if that’ll be a prequel type or another lady taking up the name???
Peter seems pretty learned with his powers, or at least the Iron Spider suit during the showdown. Well, I guess the suit is broken now and no one can repair it like Tony could ):
I wonder if Vision will return? If Shuri did indeed download all of his data, his body could be (or perhaps even is being??) remade and restored via Wakandan tech even. 
The metal clinks at the end of the credits made me wonder. Are they a nod to Tony Stark, for starting these 10 years? Or a hint of a future armor wearing hero? 
Now that Disney has bought Fox and X-Men back, I wonder what sort of stories will be coming up. I’m assuming with these hints of Young Avengers line up in Endgame, that they’ll be character movies in the future.
All in all, Endgame was a nearly definitive end to Phase 1, with only the questions of the branches to alternate Earths the Ancient One mentioned being questioned (Loki’s escape with Teseract 2014). The weaves of the story were pretty well done in my book, with nods off to past films in Endgame during the Time heist as well as closures for many of the original Avengers.
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