#we gonna get some ANGST in this series boyyyyyyys
Karasuno Secret Santa 2
Part 1
“So, in a couple of weeks, we’re all coming back to the gym and exchanging presents,” Takeda said, looking over his clipboard. He had a list of talking points to get through today because otherwise he would be way too distracted by all of the holiday decor and feelings. This was honestly his favorite time of year, both as a regular faculty member and also as a member of the Karasuno team. 
Kageyama stared at the small piece of paper that he had pulled from the volleyball basket. Hinata’s name was written in Takeda’s smooth handwriting, but it still looked absolutely alien to him. What in the world was he supposed to get that idiot? His mind was completely blank. He looked around the gym to see if anyone else was also having the same problem as him. Tsukishima was the only one who seemed to be on his level, but that was not really surprising. While Tsuki was a great blocker and would occasionally open up to the team, it was extremely rare.
“Oh!” Takeda said, a bright smile on his face as he looked around the gym. The chattering teammates stopped and looked at him expectantly. 
“I almost forgot to mention that every friday until the party, we will be having a surprise practice game with different teams!” Takeda said. Noya jumped up on Asahi in excitement and Hinata yelled along with Tanaka. For them, this was just about the best Christmas gift any of them could ask for. For Kageyama though, the thought of a surprise game against Aoba Johsai filled his chest with whirling anxiety. Sure, they had won against Oikawa’s team before, but every time they played against him…Kageyama couldn’t help but remember that terrifying moment when Oikawa had moved to slap him.
It had been in middle school and all Kageyama had wanted to do was be exactly like Oikawa, the best player on the volleyball team. He learned sets, blocks, and took notes on just about every game that Oikawa played. No matter what he did to gain Oikawa’s attention and praise, Oikawa just shot him down. Kageyama kept trying though, as he had learned that Oikawa always respected a player who never stopped trying. So, he kept asking for his advice, for his help, and no matter what, Oikawa told him to get lost. 
And then, he finally asked Oikawa for his help serving and Oikawa reached back and looked as if he was going to hit him. Kageyama could see it so clearly, but he was just about frozen in place. It came in slow motion, but nothing hit. Thankfully, Iwaizumi had stepped between the two and stopped the smack from happening. Ever since then, Kageyama had stopped asking for help. From anyone. The person he had trusted the most had betrayed him, reached out to hurt him with hate in his eyes. Kageyama decided that no one could be trusted, not even his own team. Why let anyone close if all they were going to do was hurt him in the end?
“Hey, Takeda?” Kageyama asked, moving close to the faculty member so as to not be overheard by the others. Just about everyone else on the team was practicing now, getting ready for whatever team they would be playing tomorrow. 
“Yes, Kageyama? Would you like for me to throw you some sets?” Takeda asked, pressing his glasses up his nose. His smile was so kind, but Kageyama knew better than to trust a smile like that. 
“Who are we playing tomorrow?” The team setter asked, shifting awkwardly on his feet. Takeda laughed.
“It’s supposed to be a surprise, Kageyama!” Tadeka said, but something about the way Kageyama was acting that made Takeda pause. While Kageyama was usually pretty stand-offish, this seemed to be about something else entirely. Takeda opened his mouth to say something about it.
“Nevermind then,” Kageyama grumbled, jogging up to the court. He just needed to get his nerves under control and focus on something else. Usually, setting up plays for Hinata helped him feel better. The perfect way that they worked together just made everything better. Especially after his previous team had abandoned him, he knew that he could just about always count on Hinata. 
“Hey, Kageyama! That was a little high up, everything okay?” Hinata asked, bouncing over towards him with that ridiculous smile on his face. Kageyama paused, his arms still up in the air as he waited to make the next set.
“Uh, yeah.” Kageyama said, his cheeks flushing a light shade of pink. Why the hell was this kid so good at picking up on his mood? And why did it not bother him as much as it should?
Hinata jumped, practically tackling Kageyama to the floor. The other teammates immediately froze after hearing the cmmotion. Yachi wondered absently if this was going to be another fight between the two. She tensed, looking over at Daichi and Tanaka, making sure that they were aware of something wrong.
“Hey, guys, let’s not–” Daichi started, moving towards the two on the floor.
“Kageyama is nervous! I’m helping him!” Hinata called out. 
“Yeah, right, idiot.” Kageyama grunted, trying to move from underneath where Hinata was sitting on him. Now his cheeks were really turning red. Why was Hinata so okay with being this goddamn close to him? He was practically straddling him!
“Kageyama, are you ticklish?” Hinata asked innocently, leaning down to get right in Kageyama’s face. Everyone on the team definitely heard that. Kageyama was bright red now, from his neck all the way to the tips of his ears. 
“Because my old team would tickle me whenever I got nervous about our club or test,” Hinata said with a small shrug before wiggling his fingers in the air above Kageyama’s face.
“He’s definitely ticklish.” Tsukishima chimed in from the other side of the net. Kageyama looked over at the blocker, a blatant look of shock on his face, the complete opposite of Hinata’s bright smile.
“H-how would you know, loser?!” Kageyama snapped, starting to get nervous underneath the stares from everyone in the gym. Why the hell was this so amusing to everyone?
“Because every time I grab your shirt from the side you squeak like a dog toy,” Tsukishima said, and Kageyama could swear that he saw that bastard smirking. 
“I do not!” Kageyama retorted, but it appeared that the damage had already been dealt. Nishinoya and Tanaka were hovering over him, matching evil grins on their faces as they stared down at him.
“Looks like we gotta calm ya down here,” Tanaka said, also wiggling his fingers.
“Tsuki is lying to you! I’m not ticklish you idiots!” Kageyama said, squirming underneath the now six pairs of wiggling fingers as they descended on him. 
Hinata descended on his belly, spidering his fingers up and down the sensitive stomach. Tanaka was tickling up and down Kageyama’s ribs and under his arms whenever he saw an opening to. Noya was just about the most deadly though, his hands darting around and pinching, prodding, and squeezing whenever there was an opening for him to do so. 
Kageyama had never ever experienced a tickling like this before. Hell, he had never really experienced tickling before Tsukishima began grabbing at his sides on purpose during games.
“GAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAP!” The setter pleaded through his crazed laughter. His feet kicked out, banging against the gym floor.
“Awww, is our little Kags a little ticklish? Which is worse? Here? Or here?” Tanaka teased, switching between drilling his thumbs underneath Kageyama’s arms and squeezing his ribs. While the torment under his arms caused him to shout out laughter, the squeezing on his ribs made him jerk and jolt as if he were being electrocuted. 
“If you aren’t ticklish like you said, Kageyama, then why are you laughing so hard right now?” Hinata chimed in, looking way too innocent compared to the devilish torment he was giving his partner. 
“YOUHOHOHO ARE SOHOHOHO DEAD!” Kageyama laughed, trying to bat away Hinata’s hands, but stopping as soon as Tanaka tickled his armpits again. 
“I haven’t heard you laugh like this. You should do it more often,” Noya said, playing Kageyama’s sides and ribs as if they were a damn piano. Tears of mirth began falling from Kageyama’s eyes as he kicked and struggled against the three ticklers of the team.
“Alright, guys, let him breathe,” Daichi said, pulling Tanaka away. Asahi picked up Noya, throwing him over his shoulder as if he were a sack of potatoes. Hinata didn’t need anyone to pull him away, just stopping his wiggling fingers and letting Kageyama take in some well-needed air.
“Feeling better?” Hinata asked, smiling down at Kageyama. 
“Look out,” Sugawara said, swooping in and picking up Hinata by his armpits just as Kageyama jumped up for a counter-attack.
“Give him back! I’m gonna teach the little bastard a lesson he won’t forget!” Kageyama said, jumping around as Sugawara moved Hinata out of the way each and every time. Each time he moved Hinata, however, his fingers would wiggle and Hinata let out just about the cutest laugh that Kageyama ever heard. No fair! He should be the one doing that.
“Puhuhhuhut me down!” Hinata giggled, kicking his legs out in the air.
“I think it’s just about time for everyone to head home. We need some rest before our game tomorrow. We don’t know who we’ll be up against, so we need to be ready for anything,” Daichi said, taking Kageyama by his collar and holding him back.
“You get a five-second head start, Hinata.” Sugawara said before setting down their prized decoy. Hinata didn’t need to be told twice. He bolted out of the gym, leaving both his shoes and his bag behind as he ran back to his house, still giggling. Daichi counted to five and then let Kageyama go as well. He also left his shoes and his bag, yelling after Hinata that he was going to “kill him with laughter”.
“I’ll get their bags to them,” Kiyoko said with a soft sigh.
“I’ll come with you! It’s dangerous at night, you know!” Both Tanaka and Nishinoya said, running up to help their manager carry the bags.
“What do you think Kageyama is so nervous about, Daichi?” Sugawara asked, stepping closer to the captain. He looked concerned. Daichi was too. It wasn’t like Kageyama to get this nervous unless they were playing against Aoba Johsai. But why?
“Not sure. I’m sure he’ll be fine during the game though,” Daichi responded. “But, we should look into his relationship with Aoba Johsai. I noticed how he only gets like this whenever we go against them.”
“But he doesn’t know who we’re playing tomorrow,” Sugawara said.
“Still, it’s something that we should keep an eye out for. I know that he used to go to the same school as Oikawa did, but not much of anything other than that.” Daichi said.
“I just hope he’s okay.“
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