#we get more insight on rowdon in the chapter because hes the main person you interact with
neewollah-dorm · 4 years
How Neewollah would operate in the game
More so a series of events than actual like, story story written out. More so the beats than everything in depth and detail. 
The beginning of the arc has sprinkled in a lot of hushed whispers of other students about the vague 'game' or about 'bets' being placed to them and others anxious that they didn't make a wrong bet or that their bet actually went through and didn't get duped into money being lost cause they got tricked. 
With those whispers and rumors going around about a soon to happen ‘session’. Ace and Deuce definitely want to stick their noses where things don’t belong and are very intrigued with what they hear the upper classmen talking about so secretively. Thus when inevitably Ace can’t keep his mouth shut and is asking and talking about it so freely and openly it will catch the attention of Rowdon. Whom, if i should remind people, is more of the muscle that makes sure that people don’t talk about it. Not so openly at the least. 
So Rowdon would be quite an intimidating force and especially so for the Adeuce duo thanks to them wanting to find out what they can. I’m sure the two probably end up getting quite a bit roughed up that lead to more interest unfortunately in this session but also probably leading for Yuu to going to the Neewollah to personally talk to the dorm leaders about Rowdons actions. Sure they hadn’t seen Rowdon do anything to the duo but...with their insistence and how they try to turn the other way whenever Rowdon even shows any trace is worrisome. 
Yuu and Grim probably end up demanding Rowdon take them to Neewollah. Which Rowdon will shock them with nodding “Tomorrow. Same time, meet me here! Kekeke.” In which Rowdon will be dragging them personally towards the mirror without explaining anything which is honestly quite terrifying. They get dragged in through with burlap sack tied over their heads and then shoved into a moving enchanted bathtub while they make their way to the dorm building. Obviously in a homage to the movie. 
Its a lot of alluding to how busy Ammiras is and how its rare hes seen unless its for scheduled events and usually you need to mark down when you meet with him if its so important and cant be solved in a few minutes. Which drives Tallis up the wall that he has to deal with so many of the dorm leader responsibilities on his own, but that’s just how it is around here and it was like that last year too when Tallis took up the vice dorm leader position. 
A lot of the inside Neewollah portion is dealing getting to see the relationship between Rowdon and Tallis which is quite a bit odd but also it’s where theres a few small and quick interactions with Ammiras that was busy about and also coming to pick up reports the others in Neewollah have dropped off. He’s quite a bit hospitable and kind but he makes sure the stay for Yuu and Grimm isn’t long. Though he did say he’ll ‘talk with Rowdon’ about his actions and that he’s ‘So sorry something could potentially harmful could have happened, he’ll investigate when he has the time further’ . Ammiras personally would escort Yuu and Grim out of Neewollah, back in the enchanted bathtub and with the burlap sacks over their head again [Though Grimm probably was just stuffed in a bag fully]. Oh well the cat’s out of the bag when they get to leave Neewollah, he’s fine.  
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Cause its getting close to when 'The Day’ happens, when the place will open in a specific area and only people who have placed bets know when to go precisely in and with the right code that they better memorize or they wont be able to come in at all and will just flat out lose their money if they cant keep their shit together. its high stakes and secretive and i bet grim really wants to get in there and see whats up because they hear you can even learn high and secret spells most of the public don’t have access to that makes it very alluring for those wanting better magical prowess. So theres more than just monetary prizes to win.   Obviously its around a very high stress time for Ammiras because he needs to keep everything organized on everyone as hes the only one to handle all this because if only one needs to keep a secret then the secret will stay secret. He has to write reports for Crowley, he has to deal with a snoop that might actually end up in the place if he isn't careful. People aren’t being careful with how much they’re talking as much as they used to. Not to mention the prefect of Ramschackle seems to be butting their head into this business and with what’s been following where they go it’s worrisome. Especially since he heard of Azuls ruined contracts, those overblots, so many things. He’s more tense than usual. 
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its the end where they get to see the underground place thats blacked out and full of glow in the dark leading to more hints of who it could be. It’s got music going, a myriad of different rooms, and a giant door that leads to the ‘pit’ as most like to dub the arena people watch the ‘losers’ compete. 
As The Gambler, Ammiras is very showy, hes a proper show man and gets the crowd interested and ready. Though it’s not hard to when most of the crowd know what they’re getting ready to see. People struggling to survive in the pit.  When Yuu and Grim stumbled in Ammiras thought it would be a good example for why you don’t meddle. Forcing them in to continue playing like the other penniless losers. However being Yuu and Grim and working together they’ve started ruined the game going on for those who are the rats for the peoples entertainment for the others failings and now this whole thing is tumbling over, people are upset, people want their game, people want their bets, and these upstarts are ruining everything! He hasn’t worked years on this for these stupid first years, a weird racoon and a magic less human to come RUINING! EVERYTHING! 
Mostly everyone scatters as soon as as The Gambler starts overblotting, leaving only the few people around in the pit left while people above are getting out of there because they don’t want to be chanced with interacting with The Gambler when overblotted.  Behind The Gambler, obviously it would be oogie boogie like the other villians, but i do think Ammiras would show a lot more spider qualities to show its way more like him in the overblottage. 
What we’d see in Ammiras memories would be a moment with freshman Ammiras, showing his grandfather in falling health, his sole guardian at this point all the tiers he’s been getting, disregarding practically everything else, no clubs, no friends, no breaks, just having worked as fast as he could to getting all these tiers showing what he’s learned not just only from the school but in the dorm. Ending the little scene with Ammiras assuring he’d come back as dorm leader and get to show off a new dorm outfit. [But that wouldn’t be able to happen as his grandfather passes away before getting to see him as a dorm leader] 
In the aftermath of it all hes probably waiting terrified in the dorm room waiting for Crowley to show up, hes an adult, he’d easily be tried for all the things he did, the least offense he could get is expulsion and as a third year.... so close to graduation. 
he probably already packed what few things he had just ready for him to come to just leave but then Crowley....doesn't. So Ammiras probably keeps staring at the Yuu and Grim far away whenever hes out and about for classes, obviously distrust and disdain when others aren’t looking. He wonders what they're up to, what they're plotting, why haven't they told Crowley? itd be something that carries over into another chapter for full reconciliation and being on good terms
Ammiras would find them repulsive for being like this and tell them straight to their face "Your tenderheartedness can be so unbelievable. Its disgusting how you want to portray yourself so genuinely like thats the truth of yourself. You don't want me safe at all. Whatever. If it makes you feel so superior fine. Just keep your mouths shut." being very transparent just this once and leaves the room before pausing at the door and turning his head over his shoulder "But thank you. I appreciate you being quiet in the least." "Even if you caused that whole mess in the first place."
it probably just ends up a chill underground club on the weekends with cool glow in the dark and less deadly games and more like a general casino but with the cooler atmosphere. With glow in the dark, actual games to play and ya know learn, still more stacked in Ammiras favor but still those are how casinos go. Actually a lot of the more terrifying and scary equipment from the pit, chains, saws, electrical things, and more probably are more used for decoration behind glass containers so there’s still a bit of edge to the whole look of things...and especially how it started as a reminder.  he did as they asked, he held up his end in making the casino both safer, more fair, and more accessible.  They just need to shut up and don’t mention whats up though Rowdon probably lets Yuu, grimm and unfortunately the Aduece duo in whenever instead of specific people only because Ammiras doesn't want them feeling slighted for not getting an invite even tho they didn't apply for one basically.  Ammiras knows better than to go against the hand that feeds you. 
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