#we don't have a name for this litle guy
pocket-lizart · 2 years
You've heard of the autism (tbh) creature, you've heard of the adhd (btw) creature, you might even have heard of the depression (wtf) creature
But are you aware that these conditions often occur in combination with each other?
So together with my friend, who struggles with both adhd and depression, we've come up with this:
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EDIT: By popular demand (aka said friend and me and literally nobody else) these guys are now available as stickers
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ravennaortiz · 9 months
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Summary: Chapter 2 of the Juice x OC Stormie Rayne Epps.
Warnings: As always this is an 18+ story. General themes of the show such as violence, drugs, swearing, smut etc. Mentions of child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault/harassment are in some chapters.
"I...don't know what to ask first" chuckled Half-Sack as the two separated from their hug wiping his own tears from his eyes. As he did so his gaze landed on the little girl who was peeking at him from behind Stormies legs. Glancing back to Stormie who looked away from his questioning gaze he crouched down. "Who do we have here?" he asked the little girl sending her a smile. "Its okay." murmured Stormie as she crouched down next to her little girl. "This is mommy's brother I told you about" explained Stormie. The litle girl nodded before answering. "Isabella" whispered the little girl. "That is a pretty name. I'm Kip." replied Half-Sack as he smiled at her.
"Are you going to hurt my mommy too" asked Isabella her little face full of worry as her eyes found the knife hanging from his belt. "Isabella" started Stormie shocked and embarrassed before Half-Sack spoke. "It's okay Storm. Reasonable question" soothed Half-Sack as he patted her knee before turning his gaze back to the little girl. "No sweetheart" he answered. "Good" stated Isabella firmly making Half-Sack chuckle. "Come in and talk?" asked Half-Sack as he looked at Stormie. Stormie looked over his shoulder at the three other men considering her answer. "They won't hurt you. I promise." comforted Half-Sack as he followed her gaze to where Tig,Juice and Chibs were still standing. Stormie nodded as she turned to pick Isabella up wincing slightly. "Let me" offered Half-Sack as he reached for the little girl.
Stormies eyes took a moment to adjust to the dark interior of the building that was littered with furniture and reeked of alcohol and smoke. She knew from the arrest record she found that Kip was involved with a motorcycle club but this isn't exactly what she had expected. "I'm hungry" stated Isabella still in Kip's arms. "Chibs and I can take her into the kitchen and find her something while you talk" offered Tig as he moved towards Half-Sack.
Stormie was uneasy and the look on her face stopped Tig as he saw it. "I like kids. In a normal way, sweetheart" offered Tig with a smile hoping to make her feel better. "Jesus" muttered Chibs at the statement. "Sorry Lass, you have to excuse Tig here. He is just an idiot. Completely harmless idiot" stated Chibs as the others laughed a bit. Stormie struggled with what to do. Since Isabella had been born Stormie had been extremely overprotective. Wanting to prevent what happened to her from happening to her sweet girl. "Mommy" whined Isabella as her tummy rumbled again bringing Stormie back to her. "Okay" Stormie nodded.
Stormie looked up from her phone when her brother and the other man who had been outside sat down. "This is Juice. He is the Intelligence Officer and he's just going to fact check as we go for the others." explained Half-Sack as he watched Stormie. He had asked Juice many times to try and find her and they never got anywhere besides one arrest for shop lifting shortly after she ran away but the charges had been dropped. Stormie frowned slightly but nodded. "Juice this is obviously my little sister Stormie" continued Half-Sack as Juice nodded while opening up his laptop. "Nothing you say leaves the three of us unless you end up being a cop or something" stated Juice with a silly grin trying to lighten the tension in the air.
"I figured you guys didn't just find riding motorcycles together a fun hobby" replied Stormie with a small smile. "Yeah just some slight troublemaking" shrugged Juice shooting her another smile. A sharp kick from Half-Sack had Juice getting back to business. "So what name am I putting in for my search?" he asked as he looked at Stormie. "Cinnamon Bundt" replied Stormie as she closed her eyes knowing judgment would come. She wasn't proud of what she had done to provide for her daughter and keep her safe the first couple of years.
Juice typed in the name and the results flooded in. Mostly high end escorting sites, minor arrests for prostitution and a more recent victim statement and restraining order she had out on some ex-military guy. "Not a cop, not ATF, not FBI, not exactly a serial killer. All good on my end." stated Juice as he moved the laptop over in front of Half-Sack for him to see. Half-Sack froze at the name on the restraining order. David Gillian, he had been their dads best friend, a grade A asshole and violent with drug problems.
Half-Sack struggled with what to ask as he looked up and saw tears slipping down Stormies cheeks. He had never liked to see her upset or in pain ever since they were kids. After their mom died their alcoholic and abusive father had gotten even more evil. Half-Sack tried to take the brunt of it but some times he wasn't fast enough.
Juice sat silently watching the siblings. He had heard stories of the abuse from Half-Sack and it was something he could relate too. His own childhood had been rocky at best and he couldn't imagine having to watch a sibling go through it as well.
"Why did you runaway?" asked Half-Sack thinking that might be an easier question. Stormie swallowed hard before replying. "I was not useful anymore....because of my condition." she explained her voice cracking slightly as the memories came back. Juice winced and shifted in his seat wondering if he should be here for this part. Half-Sack nodded. "While you were gone for bootcamp....dad.....sold me to David" continued Stormie figuring she might as well lay it all out.
Stormie let loose like a broken damn with her words. She explained that she found a little old lady who had taken them in, that she changed her name after David found her and cut her face up while forcing himself on her again. She then got into escorting to make more money to move quicker and easier. They had been living in Fresno for a couple years peacefully and she had switched to exotic dancing. Unfortunately the club had posted her real name and photo on their site and David had shown up breaking in. This time she had come out on top. Once she was done speaking she sat with her head down and hands tightly clasped. Anger burned through Half-Sack as Stormie spoke mostly with himself for having left her like that. "You two are safe now Stormie. I will never let someone hurt either of you again." stated Half-Sack as he reached across the table to squeeze her hand. The roar of motorcycles broke the silence and made Stormie tense. " Get ready to meet your new very dysfunctional family" joked Juice as he stood up and squeezed her shoulder before moving to head outside.
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radiandromeda · 2 years
althea what ARE your hobbies and interests that you don't hide from everyone
[His voice is moderately muffled.]
ALTHEA: (‹|3 ONE SEC!!!)
[For several seconds, some kind of audible physical efforts are made. There is a horrible suction noise, like something being rapidly displaced from within deep mud, followed by a series of gloopy-sounding blows connecting with a rubbery surface. Whatever recording equipment may be in use only partially registers the low, reverberant tone that responds; somewhere between a groan and a rattle.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 THERE we go!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Phew!!!
[Momentarily, Althea’s voice goes quiet again, like he’s far away from the mic.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
[The audio quality is much clearer now.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 WELL!!!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like frog hunting!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Generaltly speaking I love hodling little guys ≈:) Im in a swmap righ tnow and theres SO MANY GUYS you would not BELEIVE
ALTHEA: ‹|3 And gheyre not all little!!! Theresd soooooo many bugs an dspiders and forgs and really cool birds and turbles ans snakes and cute litl fishies and crocogators
ALTHEA: ‹|3 They dont all like beifn held but thats ok!!! I can appreixtae them from a ditsance!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 But sometimes i think they woukd love to be held but they are too big ≈:( But that usuallt means theyre pettable!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Pattable?? Petpat.......
[The mud suction noises pick back up, in a steady rhythm.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Ans sometimes they dotn like being held or peatted but theyr MORE than happy to try snd shove u in their chomphole
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Like that guy just now ≈:) He was very nice ans helpful when I asked!!! A real hop-up gentlemn
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Other hobbies n interestes uhhhh
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like goin really fast ridinf on my lususz back!!! Anddd climbign things and participatifj in weather and cooking wirh whatever i have around
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like umm drawing sometines but im not very good andd also swimmifn sometiimes and OH
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like visiting my best friends!!!!!!!
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Re— wait can I say thier names
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Uhhmmm
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Best friend 1 adn best friend A!! Theyrbe both the best
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like visitjng them and hanfing out and talking in oerson or over text and sometimes they even let me show fhem cool stuff !! Well Aesi— bestfriend A goes with me a lot when im with her but I hsve a harder time convincing best frend 1
ALTHEA: ‹|3 I like dxploring a lot ≈:) The world is so cool!! Andbthe parts of it that trolsl dont usually go to are so full of the most interestijg creachers and old ruins and environemnts and ahhhhh mannnn itsjust so cool
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Can you see anyvof this??
[The sound of rushing air being processed through a cheap mic. A short pause.]
ALTHEA: ‹|3 ..I wish I coukd show u ≈:( its the prettiest things
ALTHEA: ‹|3 .....
ALTHEA: ‹|3 Augkjh I hsould go my husk is dying ≈:[
ALTHEA: ‹|3 But rhsnk u for asking me!! Stay warm!! And have a good mornign!!!
[-— Manual disconnection 00:00 —-]
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rideyoonmin · 2 years
Yoongi's POV:
It was a misty morning. People were
so busy getting ready for their day. My
footsteps got faster as I put my hands in
my pocket. Cold morning breeze hit on
my face making me shiver. I was enjoying
the sounds of the trains as I was walking
towards the train station that was filled
with people. My attention to the sounds of
the trains got distracted by someone calling
my name from a quiet distance.
"Hey!! Yoongi, wait up for me!!" Yelled
my brother, Jimin. I stopped and
turned around to see him with two big
suitcases in his hands. One was his suitcase
and the other was mine. He had a tired
look on his face as he was carrying them
by himself since we got out of the taxi. I
ignored him as I turned around and started
to walk towards the train station again.
Then I heard the sound of some footsteps
coming towards me.
"Yaah!! Why you gotta walk that much
faster. You already know that I can't walk
fast like you with these suitcases in my
hands" He said as he let out a sigh. I didn't
reply and Jimin started talking again.
"Yoongi,help me with these! They are
so heavy. At least get your suitcase to your hand" He raised his voice making me stop
walking for a moment.
"Aren't you the one who said that you are
strong enough to carry those all in your
hand?" I made a question.
"Yes I did but.. I'm tired now. Besides, it's
unfair to let a younger one carry your
suitcase" Jimin pouted as he tried to lift
the suitcases again.
"You are just two years younger than me.
Two years isn't a big deal. So shut up and
follow me" I replied as I put my hands in
my pocket again.
Then both of us walked inside the train
station. I bought two tickets for me and
my brother, Jimin train already
arrived and we got inside of it. Jimin
struggled a litle as he had to get inside
of the train while carrying those two big
suitcases. Both of us sat on a seat and I sat
near the window.
Soon, the train got filled with various
people. Some were going to their jobs and
some were visiting their relatives. I rested
my face on my hands as I kept looking
outside of the train. Jimin was still
making a grumpy face to me while crossing
his arms as I didn't help him with the
suitcases earlier.
At the same time, the train began to move.
It was chuffing out of the station making a
good flow of wind hit my face. I breathed
in as I said goodbye to the city for a long
time. I made up my mind to move to the
countryside where my grandma lived.
Since she passed away the house that she
lived in, became mine. So my brother,
Jimin and I decided to move there and
stay without wasting our money on house
rents in the city. I sighed while thinking
about those and getting ready for a new
start in my life.
The train arrived at the destination. People
hurried and got out of the train. I stood up
and tried to walk away but Jimin was
struggling again with the suitcases. So I
took both of the suitcases in my hands to
help him and got out of the train. Both of us
walked out of the train station as we kept
looking for a taxi to get to grandma's house.
As soon as we found a taxi we got inside
with our suitcases and proceeded on our
way to the house. We moved past beautiful
lakes, flower gardens, farms and small
houses. We had to stop at a grocery shop
as Jimin was thirsty and we didn't
have any water left. We walked towards a
random grocery shop and the bell on the door of the shop made a 'ting' sound as we
stepped inside the grocery shop. Jimin grabbed a water bottle and some snacks
and we went to the counter to pay for them.
At the counter, there was a guy who looked
like he was in his 20s. He was on his phone
talking to someone and he had a mad look
"How many times do I have to tell you
that I didn't eat your jelly pudding!!?" He
yelled through the phone. He waited for a
response from the other side of the call and
spoke again.
"I don't have time to argue about your jelly
pudding now. I'm busy here" He hung up
the phone as he threw it on the counter. He
let out a sigh and looked at us with a smile
on his face. Then he started speaking.
"Sorry for what just happened. How can
help you?" He asked in a sweet tone.
"Just these, please" I said while pointing to
the water bottle and snacks.
"Sure" He nodded and proceeded to make
the bill.
"Your total is 12 dollars" The boy at the
counter said and began to put the water
bottle and snacks into a bag. I placed the
needed money on the counter and took the shopping bag. The boy gave me the bill and
started talking tO me.
"Are you guys new here? I haven't seen you
guys in this area before" He asked.
"Yes, we just moved here today" I replied
with a slight smile.
"Ahh, I see.. See you around then" I nodded
he responded.
Then Jimin and I walked out of the
grocery shop. We walked along a road that
was busy with people. It was a little but
beautiful town and all of them reminded
me of a fairy tale. The smell of bread filled
my nose as we walked past a bakery. After
a quiet long walk, we made it to our house.
I unlocked the door with an extra key I
had and stepped into the house. I placed
the suitcases on the dusty wooden floor as
Jimin followed me into the house with
the grocery bag in his hands. Everywhere
in the house was dusty and walls were
covered with spider webs as no one lived
there for a long time. After grandma passed
away, no one came to the house or cleaned
it. Now we had to do it ourselves.
I walked up to a window and opened it
making a wind blow inside the house.
At the same time, my eyes caught on something. A girl.
YN's POv:
It was a really boring day. Everything was
normal and tasteless. I was also wanting to
eat a little snack. But the house was out of
snacks. Even the jelly pudding I made last
night. I was keeping it in the fridge to eat
when I feel hungry but my stupid brother
had eaten it too.
On other days, I go to our little strawberry
farm with my friends for maintaining
works but today all of my friends were
busy. So I had nothing to do. I walked up
to the window of my bedroom to get some
fresh air. I opened the window slowly and
inhaled the air as it gave me a fresh feeling.
I kept looking outside of the window until I
noticed something.
It was the house next door which no one
was living. It was locked up for more than a
year since the old woman who lived in that
house passed away. But one of the windows
was opened and a man was standing there
while looking at me. I freaked out for a
minute as I suddenly thought it was a ghost
in that deserted house.
He was tall yet handsome. He slightly
smiled at me but I couldn't smile back or
think of anything as I was still shocked at what happened. Who is that? What is that
man doing in that lonely house? Are they
moving here?
Is he my new neighbour?
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nysocboy · 8 months
Gemstones Episode 2.1 Review, Continued: Keefe's kiss, Kelvin's boner, and a thug with broken thumbs
This is a continuation of Episode 2.1: Junior likes dicks, Kelvin likes pecs, and f*k yeah, we got both!
In the last scene, Keefe is excluded from Sunday dinner with the family.  Now we see what he missed:
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Judy and BJ accused of betraying the family because they got married at Disney World (by Prince Eric, the "hottest guy in the Disney catalog"), and because they don't have kids.  Judy argues that she's trying to keep her body "foine" to incite BJ's desire.  Nope, they need to make babies. The job/house/wife/ kids litany again.
There's also a jab at Kelvin's muscle obsession. It's not just homoerotic desire: desire of any sort is inconsistent with family.  
Left: Jonah Hauer-King, who played Prince Eric in the Litle Mermaid movie.
More Disruptions: We cut to Eli playing croquet, gazing at girl butts, and flirting with a lady. Suddenly Junior, his friend from his wrestling days, appears amid sinister music!   Eli ignores him and drives away.  A homoerotic disruption of Eli's heterosexual dalliance, parallel to the God Squad disrupting the nuclear family procession earlier. 
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My Mans:  The family flies to Florida to inspect the site of the Lyssons' proposed resort.   When they return, Keefe and the God Squad meet them at their private airfield.  The family is shocked: didn't they know about the God Squad? 
"Uh-oh, my mans!" Kelvin exclaims, rushing forward to tell Keefe "You are looking great!"  In Southern Coastal grammar, "mans" is singular, "mens" plural.  He means Keefe.
Keefe tries to move in for a kiss, but Kelvin blocks him with an awkward hug.  He tries again, and Kelvin blocks him again. Finally he makes a blatant "enough!" gesture and backs off.  Judy finds this little dance hilarious.   It reflects the couple's conflict this season: Keefe wants to join the family as Kelvin's partner, the equivalent of BJ, sitting at the dinner table being criticized, while Kelvin isn't sure that same-sex romance is even possible.  His muscle cult is about desire: no love allowed. 
We cut to Eli in his office, watching a tv news show: Thaniel Block being interviewed about the "salacious scandal" story that took down Pastor Butterfield.  How famous was this guy?  I thought he was just the anonymous pastor of a satellite church.  They preach "sex only between married heterosexual partners, or you're going to hell," but privately they do everything under the sun.  Who will he target next?   Maybe Kelvin-- "Secretly gay youth minister holds wild sex orgies with his stable of muscle boys."  Ulp.   
Damn, we got old: Later, Eli is standing at the docks, worrying, when Junior approaches him and grabs him from behind, another homoerotic intrusion into his heteronormative life.  Junior complains that Eli forgot that he existed. 
Then: "We got old.  I look like a piece of shit, but damn!  You look sturdy!  Still got that mass going on!"  He grabs Eli's butt to check. Sort of presumptuous, dude, thinking that your ex will still be into you after fifty years. 
Eli thinks that Junior plans to blackmail him over revealing their days as loan enforcers (and lovers?), but he claims that he's just there for nostalgia, looking up an old friend.  "Why you all nervous, Eli?  Why are you bein' all weird?"  In this series, "weird" usually refers to sexual frustration.
Junior tries to hug him again, but Eli pushes him away.  On a scale of 1 to 100, how certain are you that these guys spent the psychedelic 1970s enjoying free love?  
As Eli walks away, Junior guilts him into a dinner invitation.
Sticky Stephens:  Nuclear families are  eating at Sticky Stephens, a parody of the Sticky Fingers Restaurant in Charleston that closed down in 2020.  Both sound dirty. The 1972 Rolling Stones album of that name  depicted a pair of jeans with an enormous bulge, leaving no question about why the fingers are sticky.
Junior points out a kissing couple: "Damn, look at that piece of tail he's with!" Ok, so he's bi.  Everybody watches as the man, Randall (Rene Rivera), lifts his girl onto the counter so they can have sex right in the restaurant!  Why doesn't someone on staff intervene? Eli yells at him to "tone down romance," and Randall yells "Suck my dick, Grandpa." But the couple leaves.
"I wonder what my Daddy would think about you and me being reunited," Junior says.  Eli answers: "He put us together, so he would think he did a pretty good job."  Except they were separated for a lifetime.  That's not a great job of matchmaking.
Junior says that his Daddy just disappeared one day, setting up a major mystery of the Season: Did Eli murder Glendon Marsh?
A Proper Erection:  The siblings meet at the Aimee-Leigh memorial to discuss who will be in charge of the church after Eli steps down.  Certainly not Kelvin, Jesse jibes: "All you care about is muscles," and it's not about God, "it's about being self-centered and popping boners."  Jesse just stated that Kelvin gets a boner when he looks at muscular guys, and he doesn't deny it.  He doesn't get the least defensive.  How out can you get?
Kelvin counters that it's about being healthy.  But, he concedes, "If you're healthy, you do maintain a proper erection." 
Judy agrees with him.  Their stories run parallel, so obviously they have both been having sex with their partners.  Fans who claim that Kelvin is not sexually active tend to ignore this scene, and actually the entire season. 
Next, Jesse goes to work on his son's masturbation.  He actually doesn't think that there's anything wrong with masturbation, but in order to convince Abraham to stop leaving secretions, he says that when you do it, all of your dead relatives, even your distant ancestors, swoop down to watch and judge you: "When people see you do something bad, it's hard for them to look at you in any other way."  In sociology it's called a stigma, a "spoiled identity."  I wonder if other people around have spoiled identities due to the bad behavior in their past.  Maybe Eli?
Back to Eli and Junior: Outside the restaurant, the guys run into Randall the Thug saying goodbye to his girlfriend.  "Bet you two queefs haven't seen action like that in years!" he jokes. Eli doesn't want to engage, but Junior gets riled: "How dare you talk to us like that! We're from Memphis, asshole.  We stuff twinks like you full of rocks and sink you in the Misssi-fucking-sippi."  Only gay men use the expression "twink." Junior knows his way around gay culture. 
Things escalate. Randall punches Junior, then Eli  The old wrestling training kicks in, and Eli punches, kicks, and head-butts him, and as he screams for mercy, breaks his thumbs! The end.  Dang!  These boys are obviously being presented as ex-lovers, and Junior is openly bi in the present!
The full review, with examples of "proper erections," is on RG Beefcake and Boyfriends
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