#we don't even have an itinerary?? how are we supposed to pack when we don't actually know what we're doing?????
pinktinselmonstrosity · 5 months
i'm at my WIT'S END lads i'm going on this trip TOMORROW and they only told us THIS MORNING that we need a sleeping bag
great news: i have a really good quality sleeping bag, all seasons, lightweight, packs away super small
bad news: it's at home!!!! at my parent's home!!!!! in a cupboard!!!
and if they had told us earlier that we needed one then i could have just asked my mum to send it but no they waited until the MORNING BEFORE to give us a kit list. what the fuck!!!!!!
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flowerslut · 1 month
I might be projecting because my love language is gift giving and I am the kind of person who needs every detail of my life planned down the second and even my routines have routines but-
I have so much pity for Jasper. Like, don't get me wrong, he's got a great family and his wife is the fucking best thing since sliced bread, but she can see the FUTURE. imagine him trying to plan something special for their anniversary, a trip abroad or something, a wonderful surprise. First of all, he can't even decide until the very last second because he wants to keep it a surprise, which is already impossible, but then, THEN. He books the tickets and before he can even tell Alice what he's planned, she's packed their bags and figured out the itinerary and has already experienced the whole trip in her head and is already telling Jasper how great it will be and how much they will love it and how much nasty back-breaking sex they will have at every opportunity. He would love it, I'm sure, and loves her power and her having total control over him but!!! This poor man can't even plan anything special for his wife because she sees it happening before he does it!! Every gift is left to the last minute, and every experience has to be spontaneous, I don't know why he even tries honestly. That's why Alice is in charge I suppose
(I say this all in jest, I love Alice and her ability and that's probably one of the things Jasper loves most about her but. Imagine the suffering)
Jasper having to go along with any and all schemes he gets roped into is such a goldmine for comedy. It’s so great. I don’t feel the least bit bad for him; it’s like a delicious extra layer of karma. Like, sure sure we can argue that his empathy superpower is karmic justice being served against him, but him being reduced to a standing lamp who sometimes gets plucked out of Alice’s accessory pile to be promoted to Bag-Holding Arm Candy is absolutely incredible.
Listing out his trauma/problems just gets funnier the longer you go on because his problems range from "horrifying appearance that terrifies other vampires no matter what" to "wife has never once taken his advice". He’s a vampire who is hardwired to kill because murder = survival but he has an honest-to-god eating disorder because he feels the suffering of all his victims. He’s a two-time veteran where he was nothing more than a body tasked with inflicting violence on opposing forces to retain power and control over others but he’s married into a family of pacifists who like to play human in a world where being found out by said humans can and will get you killed by the vampire mafia. He has dogshit willpower but he has to sit through high school English classes with depressed/horny teenagers over and over again for appearance’s sake. He's a bulletproof immortal struggling to get a good grade in Being Good because of his ingrained ruthlessness and he will never once surprise his wife with an anniversary present because she’s a bratty, meddling little psychic.
I agree with your entire assessment here but I also laugh so hard when people try to woobify Jasper or be like “poor baby” because as a Jasper stan I love seeing this bitch suffer. Jasper will never know a moments peace no matter what happens to him and I can't help but point and laugh at his misfortune ♡
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delopsia · 10 months
del 💃🍰 i think it’s time that someone asked about rhett, robby, and reader’s honeymoon...
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...you know, I knew someone was gonna yell at me for ending the post like that 😭 which is exactly why I did it because I will completely forget to write it otherwise. "It was all tame until the honeymoon rolled along..." post in question.
They're sold on the idea of going somewhere new for their honeymoon, unfamiliar to all three of them. And several weeks of research and a weeding later, they find themselves packed up on a plane, looking down at the ocean, on the way to their destination.
Rhett's adorable. He's never done something like this before, and it's so evident in how he lights up. Look at this weird bird! Oh, oh! The buildings are different. Bobby, Bobby, Bobby, what in the world is that restaurant over there? Can we stop there? Please? He's all over the place and glued to them at the same time. By the time they get into their room, he's plain tuckered himself out. Dead on the bed before they can realize it.
There is no better way to celebrate the end of a long trip than an impromptu nap. It is also the reason why Rhett wakes up first and realizes he's got a major thing for seeing Bob wearing that new ring on his finger.
Waking up to an impromptu blowjob was not on Bobby's itinerary, but alas, who is he to complain? Bucking up into Rhett's drooling mouth, fucking that pretty little throat without a second thought. With the wedding, stresses of planning, and everything in between, antics like these stopped over a month ago. It's the longest they've gone without intimacy since they moved in together, and it's accidentally the catalyst to...well.
Think of it as a dam bursting.
One moment, everything is calm. Then Reader is waking up and Rhett's being hauled between their legs by his hair, and he's rutting his pale hips against the sheets, and it all goes downhill from there.
They can't keep their hands off of each other. The Reader rides Bob before dinner and Rhett afterward. Then turns around and falls on their knees next to their cowboy, kissing and sucking at the sides of Bobby's flushed cock until he can't take it anymore.
Bob pins Rhett against the edge of the bathtub and fucks his cute little ass until he's limping afterward. Then wakes him up the next morning by riding him. Of course, that ride happened after he sweetly ate the Reader out until they were pushing his head out from between their legs.
They have to leave the beach early because Rhett swings his leg over the Reader's hips and whispers that he wants to ride their strap-on when they get back.
Bob finds himself on his knees, choking on Rhett's cock because they couldn't keep off each other while the Reader was getting ready. And how are they supposed to leave their beloved s/o out when they stumble upon the sight of Rhett cumming on Bob's flushed face?
And then Rhett's at the pool in those annoying short shorts, and his lovers can barely keep themselves from grabbing handfuls of his ass in public.
They do get some things done; they (somehow) manage to try all of the fun restaurants they spotted, including an evening harbor cruise that reminds them all of why they don't take Rhett on boats. He doesn't get sick, fortunately, but he damn near turns green. Spent time watching the sunset on the shore, in which Rhett and Bob got into it with a crab.
"It bit me!"
"No, it pinched you. It doesn't hurt that—ow!"
They venture off alone and return with presents for each other; somehow, the Reader finds a light-up cowboy hat, and of course, they had to see if it'll stay on his head while riding. It did until he got rolled over onto his back...
Went on a short hike and found a cute little waterfall to relax at; Rhett refused to go in the water, Reader and Bobby splashed him so many times that he looked like he hopped in head first. Booked an afternoon riding horseback and got to laugh at Bob struggling to remember how to ride. Rhett still hasn't let him forget about how he almost fell off.
Bobby gets a little sick on day five and spends most of it snuggling on someone's chest, running the slightest fever, his pale face a few shades whiter. And Rhett's just plain homesick, burying himself into Bob's side and not too keen on moving. That's where it all slows down, for the most part. Limiting the remainder of their days to a few adventures at a time for the sake of Bob's energy, entertaining the familiar things to ease Rhett's stress, and spending their time lounging. Plum lazy, as Rhett calls it.
It's quite funny, actually. Rhett and Bob were about the same skin tone when they arrived, but when they board the plane home, Rhett's noticeably tanned, and Bobby is...lightly roasted. Not necessarily sunburnt, but he's got a redness to his cheeks that lingers for a few days. The freckles on his cheeks have been hidden for years, but in the light of their bathroom, the Reader starts to realize they're resurfacing.
Rhett and the Reader have to kiss every single one, from his cheeks to the ones running down his back, don't they?
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abcd-adventures · 10 months
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I saw this absolutely gorgeous flower yesterday on my walk! I had to stop and take a picture. I feel like--especially this year--life is going by so fast that it's insane and it's really grounding to take a moment to just STOP and focus on something small, real, and beautiful.
This weekend, we are meeting my best friend and her family at a cabin in Fredericksburg to check out some German Christmas markets, hike, and generally just spend some time together and relax. She is a SUPER planner and she always packs her itineraries, but I told her that B goes to bed at 7 and that all I want in the evenings is some time with wine around the firepit and in the hot tub and I will not be leaving after 6:30! Lol We've been friends almost 40 years now, so she gets me. I'm looking forward to that downtime with people I love very much! And, there are some decent wineries in Fredericksburg, so we should have good wine, too!
I am part of two "working groups" for my organization--one re: antiracism and one on harm reduction. I am constantly annoyed by the tediousness of the process of exploring how "difficult" it is to "strike the right balance" in what we can bring to the larger team...because it honestly reminds me of the same garbage with school libraries or teachers not being allowed to talk about critical race theory or have certain books available...are we reallllllly right to be that concerned about how difficult it is for people with more privilege to simply hear about what it is like to have less? Should we not be more concerned with how to delicately but directly facilitate conversation and address anger/discomfort/sadness/fear/WHATEVER when it arises? I used to be a teacher. I used to facilitate discussions on difficult topics all the time because teaching kids how to think critically is supposed to be the point of teaching even though it feels less and less like that now. My rules were that you could say or argue anything but you had to be prepared to explain your reasoning behind your thoughts/opinions and I reserved the right to stop you at any time and make you explain them. We talked about other people's life experiences and how words and beliefs shape policies and shape societies and how they impact others directly and indirectly and we explored how comments affected us in real time. It was really cool to see the transformation over the course of a year from at the beginning of the year when kids would fumble and stare at me when I would ask, "Ok, why do you believe that?" to the end of the year when they could site evidence and share insights they'd received from discussions with others. If my students can do it, I think it's fair to expect that from adults. Is it difficult to navigate emotionally-charged, stigmatizing topics? Of course. But, nothing changes if we don't.
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purplesurveys · 4 months
How long ago did you wake up? A few minutes before 9 AM, so that was around 6 hours ago.
With a fried egg, do you prefer the yolk runny or set? Runny! Always runny. I like the texture and find that it's more flavorful that way as well.
Would you ever want to visit Thailand? I've been, loved it save for the humidity and would 100% go back. Our itinerary was insanely packed since we went mainly for a concert, so I would love a second trip that's a lot more loose. But speaking for the time I was there, I enjoyed it a lot – it's like a more vibrant and more alive Philippines except with more night markets and street food stalls and just general cool shit to do.
Do you like Marvel movies? Do you have a favourite? I'm not into Marvel stuff and superheroes in general.
Have you ever planned a wedding? No.
How far away from home is the place you work or study? (or spend the most amount of time outside of home) My office is a 20-50 minute drive away, depending on the traffic.
Do you have any pimples right now? Yeah, one between my eyes and another on my right cheek. It's been a while since I've had more than one pimple so I'm kinda bothered at the moment lmao but I'll just wait for them to go away as usual.
What member of your family are you most similar to? In which ways? My dad and I are both laidback yet terrible with pressure. We watch the same sort of documentaries, series, and movies; and we also have more modern ways of thinking, I would say.
How do you listen to music? Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, something else? Spotify.
Do you think everyone should vote, even if it's not mandatory? I don't think it should be mandatory, as those who don't have much candidate knowledge or don't feel too confident or simply aren't up to voting shouldn't be forced to do so. It should be a right that's accessible to everyone, though.
Have you ever painted a rock? Never. I did paint an egg once for Easter lol but that's that.
If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you have? I already love having dogs.
Do you ever shop at Aldi? Do you even have one nearby? No, not familiar.
How old were you at your first concert? I was 15 when I went to my first concert; I saw Paramore.
What are some of your favourite snacks? Pizza, mozzarella bites or sticks, dynamite (local street food), spicy chicken wings, arancini...tbh anything deep fried.
Are you religious or spiritual in any way? No, atheist.
Do you know how to change the oil in a car? Nope.
Has it rained or snowed today? It's drizzled a little bit but the most notable thing is the fog. Tagaytay fogs up like fucking CRAZY. We're supposed to have a view of the Taal volcano from our hotel room but there's zero visibility. It's like I'm entering the gates of heaven hahahaha
Did you go to school with anyone named Levi? If so, what were they like? Nope.
What's on your shopping list at the moment? More milk for my coffee.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 2 years
Bruce Wayne and his sugar baby? 😍
Bruce fiddled with his watch and waited.
You were, of course, fashionably late. You did like to make an entrance- and who was he to fault you. A little harmless vanity and no small amount of bravado never hurt anything.
And, making your way in the world like you did. Even though you were officially/unofficially retired now that Bruce was paying your bills- you still had to deal with people who liked to look down their nose at you. But you were beautiful and confident. Poised. And you knew exactly where your power lay.
So when you entered the dining room, in the dress he'd paid for. Hair done. Make up done. And jewelry on that would probably set you up for a good long while if you ever sold it, he smiled. Standing to pull out your chair as the owner himself lead you to the table. He barely heard what the man was saying- the effusive compliments about your beauty, promises that if he needed anything he need only ask. And when you smiled your thanks- a smile that Bruce had seen turn an appalling number of men into blithering idiots- he's not disappointed when the man flusters. Surrendering you to Bruce with a look of envy.
"All this for me?" He rumbled, eyes crinkling at the corners, "I'm flattered."
"You know I hate to disappoint," you hum, accepting a kiss hello before allowing him to seat you.
"Oh I do," he said, resuming his own seat. And for a moment, as you look out the window. At the traffic and the sparkle of the lights twinkling like the diamonds on your neck- your cynicism faded, just slightly. He can see you as he first met you. A cute, fun party girl. A model who worked nights doing bottle service- worlds away from home. With puppy fat on your cheeks still. But the most infectious little giggle when champagne bubbles tickle your nose.
You may not giggle now, but when you take a sip from your glass, your little smile is just as infectious and his own lips twitch. At least until he hears the tell tale whispers. "I don't know how she can sleep at night-"
"Naked on silk sheets, usually," you purr, pitching your voice for his hearing.
And Bruce grins, taking your hand and kissing it. "How do you feel about Paris, next week?"
"I can rearrange my schedule, I suppose," you sigh, giving him his favorite smile. Slow and teasing. "Is it business or pleasure?"
"A bit of both," he said, "You know how I hate eating dinner alone."
"I do," you answer. "I'll have Chaitra pack for your itinerary."
"What happened to Kate?" he asked, interested. It had been a while since he'd been to your penthouse. He hadn't even realized Kate had left- unusual, given that your maids were treated well.
"Greener pastures," you answer, with a put-upon sigh, "It's my own fault really. But they just made such a good couple-"
"I didn't realize you were expanding your interests to matchmaking," he chuckled.
"I dabble," you chirp, looking pleased with yourself. "At least she helped me find Chaitra, bless her. You know I'm useless at anything domestic."
"I remember," he said wryly, hiding a smile. "I never knew it was possible to make that big a fire boiling spaghetti."
"I made up for it though."
"You did," he chuckled, "But I'm sure the fire department gets far fewer calls now and will forever be sending your staff Christmas cards-"
"We send them bagels."
And his belly laugh makes everyone in the vicinity turn to look.
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thatbipolargirl · 3 years
Mom has decided not to go to Las Vegas with us due to the Omicron variant. I'm utterly disappointed, but I certainly understand. I've been working on our itinerary for that week. We are going to take a helicopter ride to the Grand Canyon, go see Hypnosis Unleashed, take a Gondola ride at the Venetian, eat at Egg Slut, and Jeremy is going to drive a tank. On the day we get there, we are meeting up with Holly's best friend, Jane, who lives in Vegas. I'm hoping she will pick us up from the airport but we shall see. She's such a nice person, and l feel bad for her because she lost her husband of over 35 years to cancer last year. It will be good to see her. She hung out with us a lot when Mom, Holly, Angela and I went to Las Vegas in 2019 for Mom's 80th birthday. I'm so excited about our upcoming trip that I have already started packing!
I haven't talked to David since January 6th. I can't say I really miss him, but I do miss our conversations. I haven't yet been able to delete them yet. I don't know if I will even. I just don't have the heart to do so.
Jeremy and I are doing well. We went to eat at Boudreaux's and to the casino on Monday. I had $25 in free play, and Jeremy gave me $60.00. I played on that for quite awhile, but then had to go to the ATM and draw out $100. I shouldn't have, but I'm not letting it get to me. I'm so fucking bad with money.
Jeremy's grandma died last Monday, January 10th. Her name was Virginia, and she was 84 years old. She was Tom's mother, so technically it was Jeremy's step-grandmother. After Tom died, Virginia just sort of gave up on living. She moved to the nursing home and became very depressed. She didn't like having visitors, so we didn't get to see her over the last few years. She used to work with Jeremy at Walmart, and whenever I saw her, she was always so nice and funny. That's how I will remember her.
On Thursday, January 13th, Angela's mother-in-law, Pat(ricia) died from Covid. She was 76. She had been in the hospital for about a week, and signed an order that she didn't want to be put on a ventilator. I don't blame her for that, but I do blame her for not getting vaccinated. Her death could have easily been prevented, and that really pisses me off. She left Callie and Cassidy without their Meme because of her stubbornness. Oh, and Angela told me the government is paying for her funeral out of Covid relief funds, which I find totally ridiculous! Mom, Holly (and family) and Jeremy and I sent them wind chimes in memory of her. They are supposed to arrive today. I sent a sympathy card to them and also a separate one to Callie at school.
Yesterday I did laundry, took the tree down and ran the dishwasher. Today I'm going to finish up the laundry (I have one load left), and scrub the floors in the kitchen and living room. I've been feeling okay lately, so it is nice to take advantage of this energy and motivation. So, I'm going to get busy now.
Until then...
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