#we did not even know the other language wors for sentence or word. rip
rigelmejo · 2 years
I had a conversation today! It went slowly as I am bad at recognizing words I hear and they did not know any English except for a few words, so we both were often asking "x是什么意思” and 再说 and 你懂不懂,你明白了吗 ToT but we figured it out and talked for an hour!
I do feel I ought to listen to more podcasts and livestreams just more of regular conversations because topic is so much more random in them with so much less context and I'm just not as good at figuring out what the words are. I think part of that would come with more practice. Also I need to learn how to say "give me a moment" or "let me say that again" or "nevermind" not quite filler words but the words that mean forget what I said lol let me rephrase. I only know 没关系 for when I need to say nevermind I know i was incomprehensible djdjjd
I've also run into specifically accents from dongbei twice in two days and maybe I should get more familiar with it. I got confused for a whole minute because someone said 书吧 and I heard Shubar and had no idea what "bar" was. I also heard some shi that sounded like si and I'm used to that so that wasn't as hard to get, but the r at the end of a few things was not the kind of r endings I'm more used to so I kept getting quite confused over words I should have recognized.
I am happy to say my grammar was bad yes, so I did get some corrections (thankfully wooh), but it was Also good enough I was understandable. My grammar was bad but did not impede understanding, and they were able to say "you meant X right?" So I could say yes or rephrase to what I meant. My grammar could be so much worse considering I only did passive grammar study so ;-; I take it as a small personal success my chatting is comprehensible and not total confusing babbling.
Also a small personal success to me, I got a few pronunciation corrections (good cause I need them pointed out) mostly on saying the tone firmer on some words (xiao!). But my tones like the grammar did not prevent understanding. And just being understandable when i say something is a small personal success ;-;. (Also a personal note, I absolutely raised tone instinctively a Lot at the end of sentences, I do think this is that English accent of raise ur voice at the end of a question/when ur not sure, and I did it so much I know I'm absolutely fucking up that way and need to try controlling it better. It didn't impede understanding but it was a very frequent error and could be fixed by me just going 是不是 or asking some small confirmation words at the end of sentences I'm unsure of, its an error i can actually notice and can fix on my own.)
I feel if I did find a tutor, finding one that could teach by first sort of explaining a topic like "country has many places, places have local languages, local languages are called x" then having a few conversations using those many new words, would be a structure that would work well for me. If I have a more basic conversation starter so I know what the subject is then I do much better at figuring out what words I'm hearing and figuring out new ones. But when we just jump into randomly talking about say Travel after something very unrelated I sit going what is 旅行 even though I know the word, or jump to translations and hear 翻译 and don't realize it's a word I know cause I didn't realize we were talking about translations now. Mm so that sort of intro then in depth structure with a tutor I think might suit me well (future me keep that in mind).
Small bit on listening. My listening still isn't ideal (that will take timeee) but it was easier than a podcast obviously since I could ask about the convo. Hearing words wasnt hard I'm actually fairly okay at hearing words and repeating back to ask what X parts meant. So that part of my listening is MUCH better than last year. I struggled a bit to hear fast speaking but I think a decent portion of difficulty was just not knowing topic so not sure what word I was hearing (like again hearing shubar and not realizing it was 书吧), and trying to decide if a word I didn't understand is one I Should know (like 书吧 翻译 旅行) or actually a new word I don't know and need to ask the meaning of. Listening is still sure rough but eons better than this time last year.
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thefreakydeaky · 4 years
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Call Out My Name
Part Eight Title: The Town
Characters: Negan, Reader, A stupid little prick named Rick Grimes, Garbage pail kid Daryl Dixon, Tanya and Frankie.
Summary: You belonged to him.Try as you might to pretend indifference, Negan’s very presence has awakened feelings in you that you believed had died with the old world.Is the ruthless King of the Sanctuary still human enough to fall in love?
Warnings: Language, Canon Typical Negan BS, Canon Typical Violence, A bit of gore, Angst.
Word Count: 3000
With each step you took your stomach knotted tighter in dread of the big scary u.Dealing with the unknown had always been a problem for you. When something was unknown, you were stuck waiting around to find out and in that time you could not plan for it.Upon reaching the ground floor, you saw that all of the dock doors had been pulled down. Every exit locked and blocked.The hungry rasps of the dead filled you with dread.It sounded like you were surrounded. Your eyes darted nervously about the place, from the worn and teary faces of the scared inhabitants to the hard expressions worn by the invaders.
The pounding of heavy boot steps had you swiveling your head about to find the source.
“Don’t you think of tryin’ anything.” Darryl grated.
“Get down on your knees.” He ordered gruffly.
You and the other two girls knelt on the concrete floor, waiting.
You could hear someone approaching behind you.Your breathing quickened in horrible anticipation.
“Are these his...wives?” A deep voice, asked calmly. “Carl said there were five.”
“I looked all over. Found one dead and these three."
You closed your eyes, wondering briefly who it had been.Your stomach churned.You knew what would happen next.He would hit you.He would hit you and demand to know where Sherri and Amber were.You wouldn’t have an answer, except to say you hadn’t seen them in a couple of hours.
“We’re not here to hurt you.” The man’s gentle tone was reassuring. “We’re here to free you.”
“Where is number five?” He inquired.
You couldn’t bring yourself to look at the man, you couldn’t bare it.
Darryl put a hand on your shoulder and shoved you forward.
“Ask her.This one was leadin’ ‘em.”
A pair of worn leather work boots stopped in front of you.The man inhaled deeply as if to calm himself.
“Are you alright?”He seemed to actually mean it.
You clenched your jaw.
He reached out and brushed his knuckles along your cheek.
You stiffened, hardening your heart for what was to come.
He tipped your face up, his index finger just under your chin.
Your eyes met his clear blue gaze.
The gasp you emitted made Tanya and Frankie turn to look at you.
“Y/n?” He sounded as astonished as you felt, almost hoarse with the shock of this revelation.
His arms were around you and squeezing you in a warm embrace before you could fully process it.
“Oh,” He kissed the top of your head.“You’re alive!”A sigh of relief escaped his throat.
Your lower lip trembled, emotion overtaking you.
Home hadn’t come to mind in a long time.Hugging him, you were transported to a different stage of your life, a different society.
“She doesn’t understand.Much as I wanna be there,I have got to put work first.We talked about this when I joined the force.Lori agreed that she should stay home and take care of Carl, that I would provide for our family. These days, I cover a late shift for another officer, get home and she starts ripping me a new one. Says everytime I’m out late I been drinkin’ with Shane.She accuses me of any wrong thing a husband can do.You name it, according to Her, I’ve done it.”
You frowned a bit at that. Lori wasn’t the best person, but she certainly wasn’t the worst. Neither of you was really in a position to judge her. Not when you were sleeping with her husband.
“Well, I’m sorry that ya’ll are goin’ through a rough patch.”Your voice sounded dejected even to you.
He closed his eyes briefly, his expression contrite.
“I’m...I’m sorry.You shouldn’t have to hear all this.I don’t know what I was thinkin’.” He kissed the top of your head in apology.
You snuggled closer, your head on his bare chest and sighed.
“It’s okay with me for you to talk about your problems.Everybody needs to vent sometime.The thing is, I feel...bad.I feel like I’m part of the problem.”
“You’re not.” He said vehemently. “Lori started accusing me of havin’ an affair long before you and I ever...”
He couldn’t bring himself to say it, his guilt wouldn’t allow it. That sat well with you. It was the least either of you could do.Admit that this temptation you’d both given into wasn’t right.
“How much do we owe you for watchin’ Carl?” He inquired with a softness in his tone that made you melt inside.
“I can’t charge you not when we’re sleeping together.It would feel like-like-“
“I get it.” He ran his hand along your side tenderly. “But I’m gonna have to pay you anyway.”
You winced.Of course he did. She would notice if suddenly there was an extra $80 bucks in their account every week. He could hide the money, save it and use it for something. but that would be one more lie he had to tell Lori. So you accepted the money and put it all in your savings account. Guilt kept you from spending it and as it turned out,you had needed that money to get yourself out of Kentucky.It had gotten you as far as Richmond,Virginia when all hell broke loose. It was there you met Charlie and the gang...
“It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” He murmured into your hair.
Darryl cleared his throat. “Are you forgetting somethin’?”
Rick looked to him questioningly.
“She’s married to a sociopath!”
“She’s...a friend” He hedged. “I know her. She would never willingly have married a man like Negan."
“I don’t care if she’s your damn aunt fanny! Her husband murdered Glenn and Abraham!” He growled and spit at your feet.
You jerked back at the insult.
“You’re not the only one that’s lost people to The Saviors.” Your voice shook as you spoke.You couldn’t bring yourself to say that it was Negan who killed Charlie.Negan had done terrible things, but he also made you feel wonderful things, now was not the time to reconcile the two.
“He killed my best friend. My co-leader,Charlie.” You told them.”He forced me to become a wife. You gestured toward Tanya.
“Her mom was terminally sick.She was suffering. He offered to get her some morphine if Tanya would become his wife.”
Rick was listening with wrapped attention, compassion in his gaze.
“Frankie,” You nodded toward the redhead. Her green eyes begged you not to tell.
You took a breath.
“She was attacked by a group of cruel and violent men. Negan and The Saviors, rescued her.The price for his help was marriage.” You hoped Amber had gotten far far away from the Sanctuary.
If your words were revealed to be untrue, you might all be killed. You had no doubt this, Darryl guy would have you strung up in a heartbeat. Quiet followed the sad tale.
“I believe you.” Rick said calmly. “I’m sorry you had to go through this.”
Your eyes filled with tears.Not because you agreed with his insinuation that your marriage to Negan was a form of torture you had undergone, but for all else you had endured since leaving Kentucky.
Darryl huffed loudly.
“What are we gonna do with Negan?” He ground out.
“Now’s not the time or place to discuss this.” Rick inclined his head, peering at Darryl over your shoulder.
“We’ll talk about it once we get them to Alexandria.”
“Fine.” The man responded.Though it didn’t sound as if he were fine with Rick’s decision at all.
Once we get them to Alexandria. He’d said.
Your heart leapt at the possibility that Rick’s them included Negan.
During the three month deliberation of Negan’s sentence, Hilltop’s Doctor Carson had informed you that your dizzy spells and drowsiness were actually pregnancy.You were elated at first, then heartbroken when you realized there was a huge chance your child would never meet it’s father.
It took pride shriveling amounts of begging and sweet talking your ex-boyfriend to get him on your side to save Negan’s life.Rick turned the majority of the council in your favor.Their final decision was that Negan would live.Your relief at hearing this was immense until you were told the terms on which his execution had been stayed.You would be delivering his sentence.
The rustling sound of soft soles walking across the dirty concrete floor reached Negan long before your tear stained face came into focus in the dim light.
He kept his face blank.
“Y/n.” His voice sounded raspier to you than usual.
Your eyes scanned over him in the dark and caught on the white bandage set across his throat.
“I’m here to-“
“Do I look like I give a shit?” He glared over your shoulder at Darryl.”You people are ridiculous.Five women to choose from and you send the one I regret ever setting eyes on.Nice.”
You glanced over at Darryl.He looked supremely unimpressed.
“That isn’t true and you know it.” You wet your lips with your tongue.
“You get the fuck away from me right fucking now.”
You took a shaking breath and tried to hold back the tears.A sobbing emotional mess was the last thing either of you needed at the moment.
You held your wrists up where he could see the restraints the council demanded you wear at all times.
You felt sorry for him.This was going to hurt both of you immensely, but if you didn’t do as you’d been asked, he would be getting a hell of a lot worse than a life sentence.
He turned away from you, unable to bear the sight.
“You’re wasting your fucking time.I am not fucking talking to you.”
“You don’t have to say anything, just listen.” You inhaled slowly and held it, to steady yourself for the pain to come.
“I’m not married to you.I wasn’t ever married to you.You manipulated, scared, and threatened me into submitting to you.”
He stiffened.
“You are a power hungry, sociopath who took advantage of my weakness and the weaknesses of many others-“
“Weakness? You?” He scoffed.
“-you brain washed us like some kinda deranged cult leader.I don’t love you.I never loved you and neither did any of the other wives.”You spat the word at him.
He laughed bitterly.
“I did what had to be done to keep all of you alive, if that makes me the fucking bad guy then fuck it.”
“Don’t you dare laugh!”You cried glaring at his back. "Do you have any idea how many people had to die because of you?Do you have any remorse for the pain you’ve caused? The lives you’ve taken?”
He turned to look at you then. From Negan’s surprised expression, the tears streaming down your face must really be selling it.
“You know I don’t.”He frowned, uncertainty in his tone.
“I hate you!”
“Hate me? For what?” He huffed.
“For everything you took from me! For everything you did to me!”
“You sure seemed to like what I did to you. Used to beg me to keep doing those things to you...But don’t you worry, Baby. I’m sure you’ll be getting your retribution soon enough.”
He crossed his arms over his chest defensively.
You sniffed, choked down a sob and prepared for the grand finally.You stepped right up to the bars.Eyeing you wearily, he moved slowly towards you.
“Kiss me.” Your voice was a low whisper.
The reluctance in his gold flecked eyes unsettled you, made what was to come that much harder.
He leaned in and through the bars pressed his dry lips to yours. He closed his eyes, reveling in your proximity, the familiar intoxicating taste of you.You fought to keep still, to appear unaffected. It took him longer to realize that you weren’t participating, than you thought it would.
He pressed his forehead to yours.
“I love you, Y/n.” He declared, breathing harshly. “Don’t you forget it.”
You raised one eyebrow attempting to seem aloof.
“You have been sentenced to life imprisonment.You’ll have all the time in the world to reflect on the atrocities you committed.It’s a fitting punishment for what you’ve done. Wouldn’t you say?"
He smiled sadly.
“I would much rather die, but they know that, don’t they?”
He held you as best he could.
“They don’t have any mercy to spare where I’m concerned...Why’d they send you to tell me?”He wondered out loud.
You pulled away, taking a few steps backwards, so he could see you fully.You placed your hands on your stomach in that soft maternal way, the sick fucks had told you to do.
His face fell.
“I’m expecting.”
“No, no no no no.”
“Oh yes...but don’t worry.My baby will have a father.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Do you remember those little chats we used to have?”
He nodded, hanging on your every word.
“I told you about the man I was seeing, the cop with the bright blue eyes...”
Negan shook his head in denial.
“Fate has brought him back into my life. Can you believe that? I mean what were the chances, that the man to take you down, would be the only man that I have ever loved, Rick Grimes?”
Negan dropped to his knees. His eyes were wide pools of vulnerability.
“Have a nice life. I know I will.” You turned away.
Darryl gave you a begrudging nod of approval on your way out.
You’d never hated yourself as much as you did in that moment.
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