#we could have had a doro who really thought Supreme Leader was going to change the situation for non nobles
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randomnameless · 3 years ago
I saw you make a comment on another post about Dorothea having lines but you think it doesn't improve her much. And yikes I can't help but agree. Dorothea is just awful in this game. Her sadness at the war came across as legit genuine in 3H. Here in Nopes it comes across as self righteous hypocrisy since there's no SS counterpart but only CF+ and CF 2.0. Even in AG she keeps bitching about how much she misses Edie and how war bad, even tho she is fine with it in SB apparently?! Dorothea, shut up
To be fair, even in FE16 I found Doro...
well, kind of annoying bordering on irritating.
Her Church Sus comments are really the worst, like wtf is her "is it part of the church's teachings to teach us how to kill people", girl, you didn't join a monastery, you joined as a student of the Officer's Academy - a Military academy.
In a world where Kostases, Giant Beasts and Giant Worms are legion.
Idk, it's like someone joining Totsuki in Food Wars and complaing about having to cook??
I've also developped in the Nobles BaD post how Nobles are expected to have and perform certain duties, like, protecting their people. Doro refuses to consider this, and refuses to move a iota from her initial "nobles bad", even if... she is trying to end up with one of them to secure a good future.
And let's be clear, Doro being a sex worker or hating nobles but feeling like she has no other choice than ending up as a doll to have a future in Adrestia is fascinating, just like how she apparently hates herself.
The only support where this angle of hers is alluded to is in her Sylvain support - but seeing how Sylvain develops and exists in Nopes, I can't really see him end up on the long term with "Why the Goddess forces us to fight??" Doro, especially since Sylvain has real solutions he wants to try to stop the seemingly eternal conflict with people from Sreng.
(instead of blaming the Goddess).
Doro also has the dubious honor of being the only member of the BE to go "uwu don't want to kill Eddie" in SS, when everyone now knows about Flamey and their associates, Merceus being bombed and - say, Doro worries about the Opera Troupe in Enbarr, but apparently not because the Emperor might put them to the sword, no, she just worries about them for ~ reasons ~ and really regrets having to fight Eddie, when Caspar (i seriously love the dude when he's not a member of the bullshit eagle sus force) tells everyone in his very simple words "she got it coming".
Doro is moved to tears when Leopold offers his life in exchange of his soldier's - but apparently not when Leopold trounced randoms, and did very intelligent things as the Minister of War, nope.
Worst Doro moment for me is the "maybe we can keep the damages to the noble disctric of the city" which is... idk, as bigoted as saying an entire race of people has to die because their blood ruins the society.
First because it's especially icky to say this when her friends are nobles, and their families are still most likely living in those suburbs, Second because Dorothea more than anyone else know Nobles employ a lot of people, and if those areas are destroyed, one Ludwig might die, but 50 "Dorothea's mom" could also die.
Honestly, Doro should have been a Tru Piss exclusive character, refusing to consider other POVs (no Doro, Ingrid has a type, and it's not you), always blaming others Supreme Leader designed as the ones responsible for the war, not giving a frick about anyone who isn't in her immediate entourage, her "we killed Ferdie :'( " rings so hollow and empty (which is why fact she helped orphans is just jarring - if Doro helped those people who lost everything because of Supreme Leader, why the reluctance at having to fight her?).
IMO, Doro and Hubert are part of Edel's court, along with Monica. They are just here to make people feel bad/good for Supreme Leader. She could have been much more than the "sassy one liner kween" we got - for the only commoner POV we have in Adrestia, we have just "me me me church bad nobles bad me me nobles bad me me church bad".
She could have been better if she really sticked to one gun, like, idk, questionning nobles and what is their duty after Remire, something like
"They pretend to protect the people and yet the Church has to shelter those people! What are the Nobles in Enbarr doing?"
And if a Supreme Leader support is reached, maybe she could add
"Maybe this will change once Eddie becomes the Emperor..."
During the Ball maybe we could have a Doro reflect on her blindness and life in Adrestia
"They really throwing up a ball for everyone here! I even heard children from the monastery will attend to the festivities. I wonder would my life have been different if I had been sheltered by a church? ... Never mind me professor, Adrestia doesn't even have a church."
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