#we can not like things but we cannot condemn eachother to hell over NOTHING
thesketchystar · 4 months
it is okay to not like something. it is okay to be made uncomfortable by something. this DOES NOT MEAN that something is bad/traumatizing/should be gone. it means YOU should go out of your way to stay away from it- not that the ENTIRE REST OF THE WORLD needs to go out of the way to keep it from you.
i am so, so deeply tired of the violent push for online censorship in recent. its also been prevalent in media production (everything is being watered down to be 'acceptable to all', and its KILLING media)
not everything is for/about you. curate your own online experience. curate your own real life experience, too. the world will not cater to you- that does not mean it is harsh/cruel. it is impossible to cater to EVERYONE. one mans yuck is another mans yum. you have to keep the yuck away and attract the yum.
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