#we are told jc knows that wwx isn't at fault for the fall of lotus pier
mxtxfanatic · 9 days
It's interesting how Madam Yu is so adament about Jiang Fengmian hating Jiang Cheng because he's her son, and yet she... Doesn't do that with Jiang Yanli.
Of course, we understand that it's because JYL does not have a lick of her personality, but also. Madam Yu's been saying that since before WWX came to the sect. Probably their entire life.
Do you think she ever said such things to Yanli too, when she was younger? Or did she only start with Jiang Cheng because she barely considered her daughter as her actual kid due to the internalized mysoginy that I feel she's definitely suffering from?
That the only kid that matters is her son, and so she made her son to be (like) her, because I feel like the kids were too young to exhibit such behavior consistently enough for Madam Yu to see that only her son acted like her.
It's a very interesting thing to think about.
Why did Jiang Cheng never realize the dissonance between what Madam Yu said (Jiang Fengmian hates you because you're my son) and how Jiang Yanli was treated by both of her parents, both so different with her than with him? Did he think that JFM hated Yanli too? Or did it just never occur to him because, like to his mother, Yanli didn't ACTUALLY matter as a person?
I feel like this is an entire new can of worm opened here. So much to think about.
Idk, I think Madam Yu just dissociated from Jiang Yanli because from the moment her daughter was born, she was "someone else's wife." No need to live vicariously through a kid that's gonna eventually end up in someone else's household. Instead, she spends the few times we see her intact with Jiang Yanli admonishing the poor girl for acting "beneath" her station (interacting nicely with Wei Wuxian). Jiang Cheng is the child who will eventually inherit the Jiang Clan. Better to sink her claws into him so that her influence on the Jiang Clan is unshakable.
I don't think Jiang Cheng thinks Jiang Fengmian hates Jiang Yanli, but he realizes that Jiang Yanli has a better personality than him and his personality is why he doesn't get along with their dad. But also like, Jiang Cheng's logic around Jiang Fengmian's parentage is that as his actual children, they deserve his love and affections exclusively. Jiang Yanli is Jiang Fengmian's daughter, so she deserves to have a good relationship with him, meanwhile he is robbed of the affection that is "rightfully" his "because Wei Wuxian, the outsider's child, robs it from him." In the end, Jiang Cheng is truly his mother's child: he knows the reason why things are the way that they are, but to accept it means that he has to accept that he is at fault for the consequences he has reaped. He doesn't want to acknowledge his responsibility in his own failed relationships, so he believes in the lie that paints him as a victim to others' scheming.
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