#we also used to play as warrior cats together. I was lemonfeather for anyone wondering
learned about DB Cooper when I was like 8 from my little brother's 'weird but true' books and OBVIOUSLY i immediately made it into a game so. here's how you 'play' DB Cooper, by 8-year-old me.
go to a hill. you and your friends can call the hill whatever you want-- fort knox, the white house, the louvre, somewhere where they keep things of value. you run up the hill and, once you reach the top, start running around and grabbing anything you can find of value and shoving it into a 'bag' (the bag is just you holding your hand up like you're hoisting open the mouth of a large sack and making shoving motions with your other hand).
you call back and forth with your friends, talking about what you're putting in the bag (for some reason, me and my brother always landed on famous statues, art pieces, and ridiculously large pieces of gold (i.e. 'i'm stealing a 14-million ton piece of gold!)) and about how you need to leave soon because the police will be arriving soon.
finally, one of your other friends (who has been waiting at the bottom of the hill) starts running up as fast as they can, making police siren noises. you and your friend at the top of the hill then have to run out of the 'building' (aka, running around at the top of the hill as if running through hallways and out of doors) and then sprint down the other side of the hill as fast as possible. you can also roll down the hill, or jump down and then start running-- point is, you're getting down, FAST.
once you get to the bottom, you throw all of your findings into a big 'vault' (once again, you pantomime opening a large vault and throwing in the equally fake 'bags') and then YOU guys become the police, counting to whatever # you decide on (twenty? thirty?) to let the people at the top of the hill steal stuff. sometimes they can pretend that you guys left a bag behind and start raiding that for themselves.
does it follow the actual story of DB Cooper? absolutely not. will it be fun for older kids to play? also probably not. was it fun back then? ABSOLUTELY. there was also an alternate version where you stole stuff at the bottom of the hill, then ran to the top and pretended you were 'helicoptering away' from the scene of the crime.
but yeah. my childhood game. what a classic.
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