#we all know Chiitan right
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Five nights at Chiitan’s is the scariest game ever..
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yurin23 · 2 years
The Daily Life of MaYuki Family #57
#57  Strife A few days before the halloween event, Chihiro and Haruppi are at the quadrangle Haruppi: Chiitan! ヽ(•‿•)ノ we've finished setting up the lights Chihiro: Hi haruppi *faint smile* Haruppi: hmmmm…  Let me help you with that *gets the chairs* Chihiro: eh? Haruppi: Are you still thinking about what happened last time? Chihiro: *nods* But don’t worry I’ll be okay. Also you should rest too, you know? You are always helping me. Haruppi:  But I want to help Chiichan to finish her duties as soon as possible so that we can go and eat dinner together. ٩(^◡^)۶ Chihiro: But we already went out yesterday though Haruppi: (^^ゞBut being with Chiichan makes Haruppi happy and I like being with Chiichan! Chihiro: *blush* I like being with Haruppi as well *whisper* Haruppi: Really?! (´つヮ⊂) Chihiro: *blush harder* Haruppi: *giggle* Anyway, let’s finish this! So I can spend time with Chiichan alone  (ノ^∇^) Chihiro: un! *shy* Haruppi: By the way Chiichan, I’m always here for you, you know that right? Chihiro: T-thank you Haruppi
Meanwhile at the cafeteria, Aoi and Iichan were assigned to get the bento meals for the student council and volunteers Aoi: Iichan thank you really for volunteering, it's a big help! Iichan: hehe it’s nothing (⁀ᗢ⁀) Aoi: Lately you've been really energetic. Did something happen? Iichan: Well, you see I already told Maachan what I feel Aoi: Eh? Really? What happened next? Iichan: She hasn't given me an answer yet, but I’m willing to wait until she falls in love with me Aoi's mind: Does maachan plan to move on? I better talk to her. Iichan: Ah ~ I’m really happy (⁀ᗢ⁀) While the two are on their way, Jiina approaches them. Jiina: Hello Aoi-san, Izumi-san, did you need any help? Iichan: Ah - sure Aoi: No.We are good Jiina: Uhm Aoi-san can we talk ? Aoi: Sorry but we still need to do a lot of things Jiina: Please. It will not take that long. Iichan: Aoitan, I’ll carry that *gets the box of bentos from aoi* don’t worry i’ll handle this *glance at jiina and nods* Aoi: *sigh* okay They went to one of the classrooms where no students were inside. Aoi: What do we need to talk about? Jiina: I’m sorry. Aoi: … Jiina: Aoi-san, I know how important Natsumi is to you, your her cousin and I hurt her so much when I left Aoi: You sure did. Jiina: Please let me explain, things in my family are really complicated, they set me up with someone I don’t love. I don’t  really mean to hurt Natsumi and it hurts me too. I’m really trying my best to make it up to Natsumi. Aoi: But you choose to leave her alone without any word. You know how much you damage her? She can’t eat, nor sleep. She keeps waiting for you until you come back. You know how hard that is?! Jiina: I-I’m really sorry.I promise I will do better now. Aoi: No Kojina-san. She’s getting better now and plans to move on, to move forward! Nacchan is trying her very best to move on, then you come back? *trying not to cry* Are you playing with her feelings?! Jiina: No! I love her! I really do love her! Please believe me. Aoi: If you really love her, why choose to hurt her like that?! It’s not like you will just leave your toy  and go back when you want it to! Jiina: Then give me a chance to prove it to you and your friends that I really love Natsumi Aoi: You are hurting my friends too! I don’t trust you Kojina-san. Your words are not enough. Jiina: *crying* Please, just give me a chance to prove it. Aoi: Sorry Kojina-san but I think this conversation is going nowhere. I will go now. I still need to do a lot of things. *clench her fist* Jiina: *hurt and frustrated* O-okay. T-thank you Aoi-san for you time Jiina is hurt badly and all she wants to do is to see Natsumi to get her feelings better. She went to the newspaper club and caught up with Natsumi and Lovetan there. Lovetan: Oh- speaking of hmm *notice her eyes* Natsu: *Immediately get and close her laptop* Lovetan: I will leave you two, please close the club room after. Jiina: Y-yes senpai *sniff* Natsumi: *notices jiina’s eyes* A-are you okay? Did something happen?  Tell me. *worried* Jiina: *hugs natsu tightly*  I’m better now I just need to see your face *lean her face in natsu’s neck* Natsumi: *feeling guilty* Please tell me. Jiina: Hmm *shakes her head and wipes her tears* It’s nothing. I promise. *faint smile* Are you done with your tasks? Do you need some help? Natsumi: I’m done. Do you want to go somewhere else? What do you want to do? Tell me. Jiina: Can we eat crepes? Natsumi: Sure. Anything you want. *feeling guilty* Natsu fixes her stuff and puts it in her bag. They went to eat crepes on their way to Jiina’s apartment. Natsu tries her best to cheer up Jiina and puts all her attention only to Jiina. She feels guilty, she feels unworthy for Jiina who is trying her best to make it up to her. But at the back of her mind the real reason she feels guilty is that she knows something is not right, she feels like she’s not loyal to Jiina. She’s already committed to someone but something is still missing and that is Madoka. That night when Natsumi got home, she thought carefully of what she should do. Does she need to tell Jiina about what’s bothering her? What will Jiina feel? Does she need to tell her about Chihiro and Madoka’s confession? Does she need to tell Jiina that she loves her but something is still missing? Does she need to tell Jiina that she is confused right now and feels guilty about it? A lot of things are going on in Natsumi's mind but she’s concerned; concern of what will happen; concern that whatever her move she will hurt Jiina; the person who loves her. The person who is now disobeying her parents and runs away  just to be with her. But she also thought of what Madoka would feel. Will Madoka hate her more? Will Madoka talk to her again? Will there be a chance to fix their relationship with each other? She doesn’t know what she really needs to do. The next day after class, Madoka is in the music club. She is sitting on the piano stool trying her best to practice for next month's competition because it will the finals and she hates to think that even in piano she might lose to Jiina in that competition. Madoka: *sigh* I can’t focus. I keep on making mistakes *looks around and notice the chair where natsu always sits while she’s waiting for her* Madoka: *sigh* gets the necklace on her pocket and stares at it*  Natsumi… Suddenly aoi show up at the door of the music club room Aoi: Ma~do~chan Madoka: eh? Aoitan? What are you doing here? Aoi: Just visiting my friend Madoka: *smiles* Aoi: Did you already decide where you will hide your card ? There's only one week left! Madoka: I haven’t decided yet. You look excited about the event Aoi: Yep! A lot of our kouhai will be there. By the way maa-chan how are you? Madoka: Eh? I-im just fine Aoi: How about you and iichan? Madoka: *blush* Aoi: Iichan told me Madoka: eh?  What did she tell you? Aoi: About  you two. Are you really planning to move on? Madoka: I actually don’t know what should I do Aoitan, I don’t want to hurt Iichan. I can’t give her any answer yet. Aoi: Do you still love Nacchan? Madoka: I-uhm Aoi: Are you really going to let her be with Jiina? Madoka: Natsumi loves her Aoitan. Aoi: I still love Nacchan and yes they are together but I cannot accept it Madoka: … Aoi: It will be better if chiichan or maachan will be nacchan's girlfriend. Madoka: I don’t get what you wanted to say Aoitan. Aoi: Nacchan only sees Aoi as her important cousin and friend. She treats me like Saku-chan. That's what I think. It hurts me to accept this but after Jiina  talk to me, I would rather push my closest friends to be with Nacchan. My closest friends that I trust and will never hurt nacchan. Madoka: Aoitan… Aoi: I know it's hard to turn down iichan, but it will hurt Iichan more if you will give her hope and yet you still love someone else. The truth is, the time I told Nacchan I love her I turned it into a joke, and even everytime  i give her a hit about it , when I look into her eyes I know she will never love me back like what I wanted to. So please maachan at least try to put up a fight for it. Madoka: uhm Aoi: Good luck on your practice maa-chan! I will go now.  Please think about it, okay? Madoka: *nods* Aoi's mind: This is for the best. After their talk, Madoka is in deep thought and stares at the necklace again. Madoka: I think I know where I should put my card. Morning of the event, Madoka is at the music room. Hiding her card. Upon her hiding her card, someone shows up, it's Jiina. Jiina: Ah. Good morning to you Madoka-san Madoka: G-good morning too Jiina: Are you hiding your card here too? Madoka: I'm still thinking where will I put it. Jiina: I see. *approaches the piano and hides her card* Madoka: I will go now Jiina-san. Jiina: Madoka-san, before you go, Madoka: uhm yes? Jiina: *looks at madoka firmly* Do you have feelings for Nastumi? Madoka: *shocked* Jiina: I know you are friends with her and if you ever really have feelings for her, please stay away from her.
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modelronpagame · 6 years
Modelkuma’s Final Thoughts || GFS End I
Once all of the students have completed their runway walks, Modelkuma clears their throat and pulls their mic close, tapping it gently to get everyone’s attention.
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“Congrats on completing your first Group Fashion Show, everyone! I know it’s hard getting your footing when you’ve never done a big fashion show like this before, but a few of you have definitely impressed me a bit!”
They nod, humming softly to themself.
“Alright then, now for my final thoughts!
de Silva-san! For me, it felt like you were trying a bit too hard this time around. I loved your moves a few days ago when you walked the regular fashion show runway, but this time.. It’s just not cutting it! You’re going to have to try a bit harder, okay? Only a 12 from me this time! Bathory-san! Though I wasn’t floored, I liked this performance better than your last! That first move was delightfully cute! I think when you take on a sort of whimsical aura, you can really shine! Unfortunately, your last two moves didn’t really pique my interest. You get a 25! Fujimoto-san! Your walk wasn’t as show-stopping this time around as it was before, but I can imagine this kind of thing would make one nervous! Still, you performed well enough! A 28 from me! Fujimoto-san number two! You really sucked this time! Your performance put me in a bit of a bad mood. I think you needed a lot more practice for this one, and you just didn’t deliver! I’m disappointed. I’m only gonna give you a 5! Boo! Mazawa-san! I understand that this theme was probably a bit difficult for you, but I appreciate that you did your best! You clearly tried hard, and I can always respect that! A 27 from me! Fukumoto-san! Your performance was fine, and your first move was stunning! The other two didn’t impress me all that much- in fact, I think your first move sort of out-shined them in the end! Guess I’m a sucker for those pretty eyes, huh? A 26 from me! Fukuyama-san! Hahahaha!~ I loved that costume! You really embody the essence of Chiitan, don’t you? It was a bold move, and not one without praise! I definitely loved it!~ You get a nice 37 from me! Bahahahahah!~ So cute!~ Aikawa-san! You don’t seem to have improved at all since your last fashion show! Then again, I guess it’s a lot to ask for you to improve in such a short amount of time. It’s not a bad thing, I guess- your performance was pretty good! I’m just gonna give you the same score as last time! A good ol’ 29! Amashiro-san! Mmmm, I wasn’t impressed. None of your moves really stood out to me, it was all just sort of boring! I think you need a little more practice- sorry! You only get 12 from me. Imamiya-san! You have experience in this field, and you haven’t disappointed me yet! This category isn’t really your forte, but you rocked it anyway! For a cute-themed runway, you did the best you could, and I’m satisfied! A 30 from me! E.ve-san! I know I’ve been hard on you during these past few days, but I was truly inspired by your runway performance today! It’s good to see you shying away from your goofy style and giving us something with a little more spunk! So much enthusiasm and charm, I was blown away by your talent! It just goes to show that when you put yourself out there and show us everything you’ve got, you really steal the spotlight! Upupu! You’re getting my highest score yet! A whopping 40!~ Kyou-san! You started off strong, but really blew it there at the end! You’re undeniably cute, and that’s a fact! Next time just try not to overdo it, alright? I think if you practiced a little bit more, you could’ve saved yourself from the disaster that was your last pose! Keep that from happening again, okay? I give you a 24! Kanta-san! Your entrance really knocked me off of my wheel! I was so amazed at your charm, that coy smile was just to *die* for! Unfortunately, that was the best it got! Next time I think you should try and keep up that charm throughout your whole walk, alright? You get a 28 from me! Kumagae-san! Wahahahaha!!~ Wowee!! I think I’ve fallen head over heels! You sure are a cutie, aren’t you? Your pure charisma on the runway blew me away! I don’t think I’ve seen such a performance in a long time! Perhaps I should have put you in the cute category, huh? Upupupu! Even though it got a little dodgy in the middle there, you picked it right back up in the end! I truly loved it! An astounding 44 whole points for you, Yuuna-chan!~ Woooo!~ Hamaguchi-san! It’s clear we have an experienced young model in our midst! It’s easy to see your years of stardom giving you the one-up here on the runway! You may have fumbled a bit in the middle there, but overall your walk was a delight to watch! Keep up the good work! I’ll have to be a bit stricter with you next time, knowing you come from an experienced background!~ That’s a 39 from me!~ Ng-san! I should have expected the same sort of routine from you. The ‘too-good-for-modelling’ shtick is getting old, and you’ve completely abandoned the theme! It wasn’t cute at all! I can admire your captivating stage presence, but that’s about it! Find a new act, okay? You’ve got 19 points from me! Next!~ Oh-san! I suppose I was a bit too harsh on you during your first fashion show, wasn’t I? Your performance was delightfully cute and I found myself enjoying all of it for the most part! Sure you may not have been outstanding, but you’ve got plenty of experience and it really shows during your walk! You’ve earned a comfortable 38 points!~ Sada-san! I can understand that cuteness isn’t really your forte, right? Still, you did your best and I can appreciate the effort! Even though you’re not what a lot of people would describe as ‘cute,’ I still found myself liking it all a lot! The whole walk made me feel happy, upu!~ That’s a 29 from me! Red-san! Hmmm, while it was a creative technique, I have to say I wasn’t a huge fan of the signs. Where’s the action? Where’s the pizzazz? I’d venture to say you barely moved a muscle! Next time I’d like to see you engage in some actual posing, okay? You get a 21 from me!”
They pause, and for a moment they hold their cutesy smile. Then, slowly, they turn to Raketsu.
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“.... But it looks like there’s still someone left, isn’t there? Someone whose decided to boycott this little fashion show of ours, huh? Well, I’m sorry to say, Hachimitsu-san, but you’ve earned 0 points!”
They then glance to their fellow judges in anticipation for their scores.
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of 10 Pepsi Facts That Will Make You Thirsty For More. When it comes to soda drinks, Pepsi Cola is a heavy hitter. These are 10 things you didn't know about Pepsi soda. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 Pepsi is a household name in the soda industry. Whether you are a team Pepsi or a team Coca Cola person, you recognize the label and you’ve tasted it before. Pepsi has been around for a while. But, there are some things you still might not know about it. Here are 10 Pepsi facts that will make you thirsty for more! If you enjoyed this list of 10 Pepsi facts that will make you thirsty for more, then comment: #Pepsi #Soda #Drinks TIMESTAMPS: 0:21 Pepsi was originally called “Brad’s Drink” 1:46 The First Celebrity Pepsi Endorsement 3:36 Pepsi-Cola went bankrupt 5:02 Coca-Cola nearly Acquired Pepsi-Cola 5:59 Joan Crawford and Pepsi have a Long History 8:04 Cardi B’s Super Bowl Commercial was a Political Statement 9:27 Pepsi had a Japanese Mascot 10:59 Pepsi has had a Crazy Amount of Flavors 12:47 Pepsi made it into the Soviet Union before Any Other Product 14:13 Pepsi used Skywriting to Advertise before Anyone Else Did SUMMARIES: - Pepsi was invented by a guy named Caleb Davis Bradham. A trim-looking fellow with a fashionable mustache and a big forehead. He was a druggist, or you could call him an apothecary, or as we like to say today, a pharmacist. - When Pepsi was first launched, as “Brad’s Drink” it was being sold in pharmacies. It was marketed as a product that would aid digestive issues. The drink’s slogan was: “Exhilarating, Invigorating, Aids Digestion.” - Woah… it almost sounds blasphemous having “Pepsi” and “Bankrupt” in the same sentence right? Pepsi’s current fame and stable presence on the market would never have you thinking that the drink and its owner once filed for bankruptcy, but it happened. - Once Loft Candy Co. had bought Pepsi-Cola, the Great Depression hit. Charles. G. Guth, the president of the company, tried his best to sell the drink to a very dry market. During his struggles, he was approached by Coca-Cola who offered to take the drink off of his hands. - Joan Crawford was an American actress best known for Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?, Sudden Fear, and Mildred Pierce. Her work in Mildred Pierce won her an Oscar for Best Actress in a Leading Role in 1946. - When Colin Kaepernick kneeled during the anthem it caused a whole stir. At the VMA’s, Cardi B shouted: “Colin Kaepernick, as long as you kneel with us, we’ll be standing by you, baby.” When it came time for the Super Bowl to announce who would be performing during the halftime show there were some rumors that it would be Cardi B. - For those of you who saw John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight episode that talked about Chiitan and Shinjokun, you already know about Japan and their numerous mascots. If you have not seen this episode go check it out. - Over the years Pepsi has had many variations of their original product. Here is a little list of some of what the company has explored and the flavors they have tried. - In 1974 the first USSR Pepsi plant opened. It apparently made up to 160,000 bottles of Pepsi per shift. This is impressive because Pepsi’s key competitor, Coca-Cola, was not active in the Russian market at the time. - You have surely seen some kind of skywriting in your lifetime. Skywriting is the process of a small aircraft expelling smoke and flying in a pattern to create words or pictures in the sky. This craze was first used for advertising by Pepsi in 1932. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://www.youtube.com/babbletop/join 👕 Check out our MERCH! https://ift.tt/2xcFumO 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOvb3ZRIwh0&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg Top 10 Saddest McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXjSIxWR9Jo&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=63 Top 10 Most Popular Secret Menu Fast Food Items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEDoWmFKBWI&list=PL2AXIR2uRsIlSkW5W0YF4gcw66jKxXUCy&index=13 Top 10 Candy Bars America Wished They Had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVIx10iBgc&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=40 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEqcMBAbur4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=15 10 McDonald’s Items That Would Make America Great Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UksU5Ki0SW4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=9 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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