#we all end up dating each other because we cannot form a greater bond than the ones we formed when we were 11
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sorry for the lack of art all i got is fucking headshots today 😭
#in da club#we all end up dating each other because we cannot form a greater bond than the ones we formed when we were 11#i have so many mini projects and this is all ive been able to actually clean up#it#it stephen king#it 2017#bill denbrough#beverly marsh#mike hanlon#ben hanscom#eddie kaspbrak#stan uris#richie tozier#pennywise#i forget how young they were when this all happened#they were just BOYSS#and GIRL#my art
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Hi! If you don't mind could you write me some headcanons about being bff with some female cp's? Like Jane, Nina, Clockwork, Nurse Ann...?
One of my best friends is called one of these names so it was odd to write XD Some headcanon’s were totally true about her as well, and some definitely were n o t. XD
Anyway I’m not sure how comprehensive this is since I just kinda spewed it all out so, uh… I hope you like them! 😅
· Natalie stays at your house all the time and eats all your food. Girl has a FAST metabolism so you cannot tell, but she eats e v e r y t h i n g.
· She doesn’t even have a key to your home, you just come home from everyday activities and she’s slumped in your couch cushions watching TV and there’s a pool on your bathroom floor from her shower and- oh, she has also ordered pizza so get your wallet out.
· You just squint/glare at her before flopping on the couch beside her. She hands you the remote and gets comfier by you.
· Even when you have a romantic interest over, she is there at your house, comfortable on the couch playing games on your phone as you walk your ‘friend’ to your room.
· It’s not all frustrating though, she’s always there to protect you. There have been multiple burglaries that she has intercepted and ‘taken care of’. She’s honestly like a guard dog who also has an excellent sense of humour.
· And don’t think she just wants you around for your apartment and money. Nay nayyyyyy nay. She tells you all about the Creepypasta drama and what’s going on at the mansion, even though you aren’t apart of that life.
· And she calls when she’s away. Just calls up to talk to you.
· You two are the kind of friends that don’t need to talk to each other all the time. In fact, you agree that talking to people all the time is annoying and too much trouble, and you could totally go without each other for days (Weeks even) if either of you were busy! But… without either of you even realising, you always end up contacting each other in one way or another every day, anyway. Its easy with you two. No romantic relationship could compare.
· She was the groom and you were the bride in your make-believe weddings and mums and dads games as kids.
· On Toby: “Okay Nat, I like Toby but I hope you know, if he hurts you… well there is absolutely nothing I can do to wreak revenge on your behalf, as he is a duo hatchet wielding psychopath, except maybe give him a stink eye. … When he is looking away and therefore cannot see the stink eye.”
· More on the Toby subject: Clockwork once took you to Slender Mansion (Cuz you were targeted by a botched victim of hers because she cares about you and she wanted you close by to keep you safe until she could, like, finish killing the guy and all. Whatever though, no biggie. Pft, At least that’s how she made it out to be.) and she had to leave you for a moment so she handcuffed you and Toby together because he’s the only one she could trust to watch you.
· It was very awkward for the two of you, but definitely a bonding experience. You were both very happy to see Clocky come back though.
· HORROR. The world of horror is your favourite genre together. Supernatural horror, slashers, basement dwellers, vampires, werewolves, the blob, stalkers, murderers, psychological horror, black and white, colour, movies, tv shows, books- whatever. You two get so excited to experience new fictional horror.
Jane The Killer:
· If you’re into boys, let me tell you right away- Jane is very critical of their actions. She was at a very influential time in her life (Especially concerning boys and girls and romance) when she met Jeff and Liu. She met those boys, thought ‘Oh, they’re cute. Maybe budding crush?’, and then Jeff killed her family, burnt down her home and ruined her life and Liu became an asshole, and now the male species has been, sorta… tainted. She knows there are good ones (In fact, m a n y boys are lovely, of course.), but one’s that you’re in romantic cahoots with are always going to be under her very watchful eye anyway so she doesn’t really bother to hold back her fear (Which translates into dislike… or hate) with them. So if you have boy problems, be careful. Provided you like this/these guy/s, at least. If you don’t like them, then she’s the perfect person to go to!
· If you are a boy, then- of course, none of this applies to you. She loves you. Don’t worry. You’re her best friend!
· Girls are an entirely different situation though of course. Jane drinks that love women juice every single day.
· Jane is really good with altering clothes, so she’s the one you go to when you need help hemming something or taking something in. She likes to do it, too. Quality best friend time while not being lazy.
· Speaking of her hating to be lazy… This does not apply at night. Nighttime is a whole other ballgame. Its bedtime by 7 for her if you don’t lock her into plans a week in advance. If she is braless and in her P.J’s, you will not be able to peel her from her home. Except for snacks, but even if she goes to the grocery store, she’s not getting changed and she’s going to wear her bunny slippers.
· You two watch so many cartoons together. Gravity Falls, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Over The Garden Hedge, Villainous, Looney Tunes, Ducktales, etc. Any and all that you can get your hands on.
· You two are prepared to get platonically married, for any reason. Like, you need to stay in the country? Married; You’re staying. You’re the only one who can testify against hr in the court of law? Married, so by law you don’t have to. One of you accidentally planted yourselves with a kid and (Cuz you’re ride or die for each other, obviously), you’re gonna parent the child together and cuz of religious beliefs one of your would feel better about raising them together with a wedding band? Married.
· Jane doesn’t drink, so when/if you get drunk she’s always there to keep you safe.
· Jane also gets friend-jealous, a lot. Like, that bitch just called you her best friend, Y/N. Is she your best friend? I thought I was. So who is it, Y/N? Me or her? HM? (She is prepared to turn up to wherever you and this person are hanging, all glamorous and cool as she is, and show off. Prove she’s a way better friend then this new person so they back off).
· When you were little, she was the bride and you were the groom in your wedding/marriage/mums and dads games.
Nina The Killer:
· You have known her for both your entire lives and there have been iffy, and dark times but through hell and high water you have stuck with her. You love her. She’s your girl, you are her person too. You will be with her, and protect her from anything.
· You are the only one in the world that loves her, really. You may not quite understand her weirdness, but you stick with her anyway because you love her.
· Just like- baseline of your friendship is being ride or die for each other.
· You were also really into Jeff, but at a more… healthy? Level? Like, you were still romantically interested in a real-life murderer, but you wouldn’t have done anything about it. You wouldn’t hurt anyone (Except to protect others) or victim blame, or contact the victims (Dear God) or whatever, but you would take peaks at fanfiction and gab with Nina about it. I mean, it’s not grand, but in comparison to Nina, hah… you were harmless.
· Now though, that you’ve met him and he is the reason your bets friend is so hurt and broken, you are not the fondest of him. I mean, you still have a place in your heart for the version of him you and Nina made up in your heads (The version that Nina still believes is real) but that isn’t the real him. Jeff Woods is an ass. You need to keep your friend safe from him.
· And uh… so nowadays… occasionally, you will find out where Jeff is (You keep an ear out) and, you know, just… lie your ass off to Nina. Yep. You tell her you heard that he’s in the opposite direction than he is so that she’ll unknowingly put more distance between him and her.
· Yes. It’s a lie, but… its for the greater good! It’s for Nina’s mental health and physical safety.
· Anyway, moving on to lighter things.
· In your make believe mums and dads/’grown up’ games that you would play together as kids, you were a single parent and she was the dog.
· She will lie for you in an instant. She’s also really good at it.
· You walked into a room once and saw she was drawing something, and it turned out to be your joint tombstone. She has not let this go- you will be buried in the same plot together, if it is the last thing she does. This is slightly concerning, but… also kind of cute. You can roll with it.
· “What if I get married or have kids?”
· “They will need to apply with me to join. There will be an interview process.”
· ‘What about pets?”
· “Oh, they can come in! No fee!”
· Do not underestimate her weight. If she doesn’t want you to leave, she will hold onto your leg and go deadweight, and you will s t r u g g l e.
· Nina talks to herself, but she acts like the person she’s talking to is another person, inside her mind. You both know its not, but you refer to the other girl as Agnes anyway. Super casual.
· Follows you when you go on dates (At least the first one with someone)to make sure all goes well and texts you rapid fire when she smells something fishy. Even the smallest thing.
· You two really love dystopian teen fiction. Divergent? Matched? Hunger Games? Maze Runner? Ugles? Alllllll. You consume them and then watch the movies/tv shows too.
Nurse Ann:
· Live-in medical services! This means you can get really cheap life insurance and not worry about it to much.
· And on the topic of insurance… Ann is super smart, and organised, and just really awesome at practical stuff like that. Insurance, bills, mortgages, any kind of forms and receipts. And she’s happy to sit down and help you go through it- and, as we all know, everything is better when it’s with a friend you feel comfortable with.
· You can tell Ann anything and she’ll just roll with it. No judgment. Either she takes it and lets you talk about it or she just acknowledges it and moves on.
· Like Jane, Ann has very little patience for boy problems. In fact, she has zero time for it. Boys? Girls? No thank you. So if you’re into boys, I have some bad news for you.
· Best friend maintenance. Occasionally, Ann will over work herself (with murder) and you will need to guide her to relaxation. Gently persuade her to sit down at the dinner table and just make idle chit chat with her every now and then as you make her a good, hearty meal (Or as good as you can do XD Anything between Beefy stew and a Cheese toastie will work fine, don’t worry. She’s not picky at all), and then watch some movies with her. No phones, no knitting, no drawing, no… whatever. No other activities except TV watching! She needs to rest. I’m always shocked at how relaxing just sitting and watching TV can be. There’s a big difference between doing that and multitasking.
· Ann will call you to pretend there’s an emergency if you want to get out of social engagement.
· A thing that two enjoy together is science fiction. Star Trek (Including the animation), The War of Worlds, the world of Star Wars, Dune, a Handmaids Tail, The 100, Eureka, etc. She loves the brainy stuff.
· Ann is the logical friend, who tries to give the most practical advice and make pros and con lists and everything. And then you go ahead and do the crazy thing, the thing she said definitely would not work and would probably make things worse, and she just face palms and says she’s never getting mixed up in your mess again. … Until the next time, when she totally does.
· “I love you Y/N, but I am not about to walk into a police office and bail you out of jail so do not do that.”
· You trap her into resting by painting her nails (Hands and feet) in her sleep right before her alarm is about to go off so she has to take the morning SLOW or the paint will mess up. She just wakes up, you hold up a sign in front of her face that says ‘NAILS’ and she stops immediately. “You bitch.”
· As kids, of course, the two of you would play make-believe family games and you were both mums (/ or you were the dad). She was the working mum and you were forced to stay home take care the baby (large container of vitamins with a face drawn on).
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Precure Day 172
Episode: Yes! Precure 5 24 - “The New Power of the 5!” Date watched: 11 January 2020 Original air date: 22 July 2007 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/j16tyB3 Transformation Gallery: https://imgur.com/a/6k6SzS0 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
for once it’s not a wrist brace
When we left off, Nozomi, Coco, Nuts, and secretly Milk had arrived at Nightmare HQ only to be confronted by their missing teammates: Cures Rouge, Lemonade, Mint, and Aqua wearing Nightmare masks! How can she save her friends from the depths of their own insecurities? With the power of her strong feelings, of course. Let’s dive in!
The Plot
Nozomi isn’t the only one surprised to see that her teammates have been taken. Bunbee is also taken aback at the presence of Precures in the office. Kawarino, however, taunts Nozomi and says her voice will never reach them. Nozomi tries to pull off their masks anyway, but to no avail, as Kawarino informs her these are the Masks of Despair and cannot be removed once applied. Nozomi transforms into Cure Dream, preparing to fight the villains, but her teammates quickly restrain her while Kawarino tries to put a mask on her. It doesn’t take, because she’s still holding onto hope, but Kawarino taunts her that she’s the only one left, all her friends have already sunk into despair, and this upends her long enough for the mask to take hold.
As Despariah is only interested in obtaining the Dream Collet, and nothing more, she tells Kawarino he can do as he pleases with them, so he orders them to jump into the pit, which they do. Bunbee grabs Coco and Nuts and demands they hand over the Dream Collet but Milk jumps out, latches onto his face, and this gives Coco an opportunity to escape and jump down the pit after the girls before the trap door closes. Kawarino says it doesn’t matter, because the Precures are immersed in a tranquil world where they can forget about their worries, and nobody has ever escaped it.
Inside the Dream World, Nozomi finds herself sitting at a table with Rin, Urara, Komachi, and Karen, with a huge feast in front of them. They encourage her to put aside her worries and just eat, and she does, but she hears the jingle of the charm Coco gave her, and stares at it. Even when the others encourage her to forget about it, it keeps distracting her.
Outside in the pit, Coco hears the jingle of the charm and catches up to Dream. He begs her to remember herself and wake up. Inside, Nozomi begins to question how they all got together since they have little in common, and reiterates that she’s forgetting something. Suddenly she remembers Coco’s words to her, encouraging her to work hard to make amends with her friends, and she calls out for him, and his voice reaches her as well. Her mask begins to crack, which startles Kawarino. Coco puts his head against hers and enters her dream, where they both appear on the top of a flowery hill.
He embraces her and says he thought he’d never see her again. She tells him that he reminded her about what was important, and that she has a dream she wants to come true! Then her mask completely shatters apart! Kawarino can feel this and is completely floored.
Dream and Coco go to help the other cures break out of the nightmare. Nozomi reappears in the dream as Cure Dream and encourages them to leave. They all appear dead-eyed now, and mutter about their insecurities, but Dream encourages them to circle around and hold hands. Her warmth reaches them all and she apologizes for causing trouble, but they all accept the blame.
All of their masks shatter and break in a huge burst of light, and they reappear in the Nightmare boardroom, astonishing Bunbee, Kawarino, and even Despariah herself. Nuts and Milk take the chance to break free from Bunbee’s grasp at this point. Kawarino is furious that his plan failed but Bunbee urges him not to fight in the boardroom, so he teleports them all to his special arena, a huge colosseum, and brings in Girinma to throw them around.
The team tries to remove Girinma’s black mask but he’s too far gone and too strong and he flings them into the walls. Kawarino tries to sneak attack Dream but Rouge saves her, so he attempts to get into her head again by telling her that she’s hurting because of Nozomi, but Rouge says she just wants to protect her friend. He goes over to Lemonade and suggests that she should give up on her friends and save herself, but she rebuts that she will keep her friends AND her dreams, and Dream and Rouge come over to save her. He turns his attention to Mint, who is restraining Girinma, and tells her she’s stuck with the boring jobs again. Aqua comes to her side and insists this is Komachi’s kindness, which she knows better than anyone. The villain taunts Aqua by calling her a loner, but Mint responds that they’re all there for her and they’ll never let her feel lonely again! Together they’re unstoppable! And while the older two are keeping Girinma restrained, Dream, Rouge, and Lemonade all do a flying kick that knocks him over. At this point, Kawarino is fed up at the setbacks and powers up Girinma one more time into an even bigger, more monstrous form, and once again he sends the girls flying.
The fairies come over to Dream and Milk laments how useless she’s been, and how all of this is her fault for getting in the way, but Dream tells her that she wants to rebuild the ornament together with Milk. The girls all stand up and face Girinma, who prepares his final blow, but Milk screams out that she wants to rebuild the ornament as well, and her bag begins to glow.
yeah it’s basically the same thing as Porun
Five color-coded beams of light erupt from her bag and appear in the sky, turning into a giant butterfly-shaped baton. Nuts surmises that this is a new attack for the team and they unite their feelings, board the butterfly like a spaceship called the Symphony Set, and begin to fly it around. It sprouts enormous butterfly wings made of energy, and they charge it right into Girinma, declaring the attack Precure Five Explosion. Kawarino flees before the impact, and Girinma is disintegrated.
The girls fly off on the Symphony Set out of the Nightmare dimension and arrive back at their school, where it breaks apart into five lights that enter their brooches. Coco and Nuts praise Milk for her strong feelings creating this new power.
We cut back to the shop, where we see the girls and Milk have all completed the ornament. Milk plays tsundere but it’s clear to all that she was eager to be involved, and Nuts notices that she’s blushing. Everyone laughs it off as the scene fades out.
The Analysis
I love how Nozomi never ever gives up, even when it would be so much easier to do so. She’s the Precure of hope, damn it, she’s not going to lose herself so easily! She has enough awareness to wonder how and when she became friends with the school’s idols, and then Coco’s charm helps to remind her of the reality where they’re Precures. She’s able to break out of the nightmare world with his help and then she dives right back in to help the others to break free as well, because that’s the kind of person she is. This is what being the Pink Cure is about. And how does she appeal to them? She tells them that together, they can do anything. She rekindles their friendship by accepting them as they are, acknowledging that each of them has flaws and insecurities, but together they’re stronger than anything.
This is reiterated during the climactic fight in the arena, where Kawarino goes around to each of the girls trying to hit them in their insecurities but, thanks to Nozomi’s earlier encouragement, they refute him and help encourage each other. Even Milk gets in on the action. When she feels useless for being unable to help in the battle or any other aspect of their lives, Dream encourages her by saying they’ll rebuild the butterfly ornament together, and this reinforcement of her value to Nozomi and the girls leads her to try to protect them and unlocks the Symphony Set. Nozomi is the heart and soul of this team, and everyone is better for having her around, just as she’s better for having them.
What’s really interesting about the dream world they all end up in is that it’s not some dystopian hellscape, it’s actually very pleasant. They’re all sitting at a table eating a feast together, it’s practically idyllic. However, the girls have no memory of being Precures, or of the fairies. The idea seems to be to trap them in paradise forever and they’ll never want to leave. It might have worked, but Nozomi being the glue that holds them all together gives her a heightened awareness of the oddity of them all hanging out together without a clear reason to do so, which is what starts to wake her up.
I forgot to point this out in the ep 23 review, but the Masks of Despair that the Nightmare Cure 5 wear are the same ones worn by the Nightmare board, as opposed to the pointy ones worn by Kowaina.
Top to bottom: Nightmare 5, Nightmare executive board, normal Kowaina mask, Girinma’s black mask
It really raises the question of who’s actually underneath those masks? Other subjects that Nightmare has conquered? They don’t seem to be allies to the cause...
One fun little animation tidbit was when the team broke out of their masks, they transitioned from a shot of them in the dream world to the real world, in the same position, even though we’ve seen clearly that motions do not track 1:1 between the two realms. In this case they really were all holding hands to break free and I thought that was a good touch.
What I love about this episode is that we get to see the team unite after a great hardship and prove the strength of their deep bonds, being rewarded with an even greater power. Their fight in the colosseum is one of the best fights we’ve had in this show so far, because of the high stakes and how the girls are all reaffirming their bonds with each other along the way, to make up for the disagreement. The setting allows them to jump around through rubble and stadium seats and entryways and walls, and it’s very spacious so they can be scattered about before reuniting. And then they unlock that new attack.
Five Explosion is a really cool finisher, and it’s got a great musical cue to go with it. The Symphony Set may be kind of strange looking in their individual modes, and even when combined it’s weird, but they all get beamed up onto it like it’s some kind of spaceship, and it sprouts giant butterfly wings. That’s leaps and bounds more imaginative than anything the FW shows did with their powerups. It’s all about presentation!
This also wraps up Milk’s introductory arc nicely. She started out very selfish, exploiting others for her advantage, because she had to in this cruel world. She continues being rude even after reuniting with Coco and Nuts and meeting the Legendary Warriors, and she does cause them a lot of grief, but they still stick their necks out for her when she’s in danger and this doesn’t go unnoticed. She feels extremely helpless when Nightmare kidnaps them all, and defies orders to stay behind at Natts House Ultimately this pays off because she’s able to save Coco and Nuts from Bunbee and retrieve the Dream Collet, and then during the battle with monstrous Girinma she desperately wants to save the girls in return for all their kindness to her, unlocking their new power. Going forward, she’ll still be rude, but she’s definitely improved.
On the villain side of things, this is a sad farewell to Girinma, the first and best of the current crop. He was that perfect mix of cunning and ruthless while still being entertaining to watch. Also his voice was great. This shows us just how far Nightmare will go to achieve their goals, that they would turn one of their best generals into a mindless beast as punishment. They are an entirely results-oriented company, and don’t actually care about their employees. Oh, how the analogies write themselves.
One of the most satisfying parts of this episode comes at the very end, when they’ve completed the ornament and they’re all sitting back admiring it. It bookends this arc perfectly. Milk snarks about wanting to make sure they didn’t screw it up again but it’s clear she really wanted to help.
Notably, in the middle of it, you can see the charm that Coco made with one bead for each of them, fairies included, and I think that’s a really nice touch. The eight of them are united by the same goal: restoring the Palmier Kingdom and defeating Nightmare, but more importantly their friendship is at the core of the show, which this charm represents just right. And I believe you can see this ornament in the background going forward so it wasn’t just a plot point to be forgotten.
The climax in the middle of the show is always intense, by necessity, but this one feels even more desperate than those of FW, MH, or SS because this time, not only did the villains win for a time, they actually subjugated the heroines for a bit. The stakes in the prior shows may have been higher, but the way it’s portrayed here really tugs at the heartstrings, so I’m giving it the win. (for reference check days 25, 26, 72, 73, 120, and 121. Also, days 30 and 122 for powerups following these incidents). The next episode will be a breather from the intensity, it’s a very light-hearted and fun respite as they prepare for a vacation. Look forward to it!
Pink precure Catchphrase Count: 1 kettei during the preview. It counts!
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Halestorm, In This Moment And New Years Day Are Inspiring The Next Generation

They say that good things come in threes, so we put that to the test with the stars of Halestorm, In This Moment and New Years Day…
Lzzy Hale has always been given to bursts of over-excitement, but we’ve never known the Halestorm vocalist and guitarist to be quite like this before. When Kerrang! catches up with her for a rare pause for reflection following the band’s recent 10-date European headline tour with her friends In This Moment and New Years Day. We say ‘friends’, but that doesn’t feel like a strong enough word to sum up just how close this lot are.
Since joining forces in the U.S. in the summer, the three bands – and in particular their three singers – have formed the kind of bonds that will last a lifetime. On one level, the tour represented something of an extended victory lap for Halestorm, in the wake of the success of last year’s fourth album, Vicious. Theirs has been a consistent and deserved rise over the past decade, but for those involved in the daily hustle, it feels like more of a shared triumph. Four of those dates took place in the UK, and as Lzzy cackles at the prospect, it’s fair to say that her appetite for “the rock show” has never been greater.
Yet her joy is even more evident when she’s joined by In This Moment’s creative mastermind and vocalist Maria Brink, and the vibrant force of nature that is New Years Day frontwoman Ash Costello. Three close friends who are striving for something more creative, more inclusive and more empowering than ever seen before.
What has been the key take-away from this recent tour? Lzzy Hale: “On the U.S. leg, my guys started talking about how they’re seeing changes out there in the crowds. Typically we’d see a 60/40 male-to-female split at a show, but at these gigs it has completely flipped, as if women are taking ownership of this music. They’re coming out to see this tour because it’s their music. These fans wanna be heard. They wanna stand out and be part of something. We’ve all been experiencing this beautiful moment together.” Maria Brink: “So many women are out there, from little girls aged no more than maybe seven to older fans in their 70s! I think it’s because the whole tour has this empowering quality, and a universal, shared energy. It happens to be a lot of feminine power, too, but I think men love it equally. It’s certainly not a ‘men versus women’ thing. We all become one when we go to a concert.” Ash Costello: “It feels like there’s this massive change coming. I think the message is: watch out, because in 2020 there’s a really big shift coming.”
It must be heartening to have witnessed that change happen over the past decade? Lzzy: “Definitely. Even my own personal experience of being in a band has altered so much in that time. In the early days, I remember loading our gear into venues and the people working there assuming I was a girlfriend of someone in the band. Then you get to the next stage when you’re trying to get played on radio, and the stations reject you because they already have what they see as their ‘token girl singer’ on their playlists. It’s ridiculous to think like that. All three of us have ended up using that as inspiration to prove those attitudes wrong. Today we see parents encouraging their daughters to be themselves and go after the things they want. That inspires all women. It’s a situation that’s forever evolving and not just within the rock genre. You can see throughout history that as humans we’re doing different things; not sticking needles into people’s brains to try to cure depression, for example. People are coming to realise that it’s not really that big a deal for a girl to be in a rock band. Things are always gonna move slowly but we’re travelling in the right direction.”
Did you all experience those kinds of challenges in your early days on the road? Maria: “Moving to LA and trying to join a band was pretty scary. I was constantly knocked back. No-one would audition me because they didn’t want a female singer. Even my own band did at first, although I eventually persuaded them. We had a jam session and they wound up taking me seriously, but that initial reaction was tough to overcome. Everyone has their own path to follow, and their own challenges, and it’s not always about gender. Most challenges I’ve faced haven’t been to do with being a woman – as an artist, male or female, you’ve got to hold your ground and persevere.” Ash: “People often assumed I was the merch girl. It doesn’t happen so much now. New Years Day are on our way, but compared to Halestorm and In This Moment we’re still relatively new and trying to make a name for ourselves, so I still get put into a category where there is apparently only room for one band with a female singer. What I will say is that this tour is absolutely making a difference. Look – here are three girls and we’re selling out arenas!”
How does it make you feel when you have fans say that because of you, they too have started bands? Maria: “Incredible. My mom took me to see Tina Turner when I was little, and that had a huge effect on me, so imagine what seeing Lzzy Hale playing rock music is gonna do for girls today!” Lzzy: “I always think about all the girls out there right now, playing in their garages and building up to something that’s gonna blow our minds in future. It’s beautiful to think that we’re inspiring them, because the day will come when they step up, knock our socks off and inspire us right back again. The key is to keep doing whatever it is that brings you joy. Don’t let anybody tell you what you can and cannot achieve.”
You’re clearly the best of friends who inspire one another. How much does it push you to be even better, watching each other perform? Lzzy: “There’s friendly competition, but we learn so much from each other at the same time. Sometimes we talk about who got the most ‘wow’ from the audience. It’s fun because I think we will all be much better frontpeople having faced that challenge every single night. Regardless of who you’re playing with, you wanna win people over and have them talk about your set.” Maria: “I wouldn’t call it a rivalry, as such. But we definitely all want to go out there and do the best we can every night. We want to connect with people, to move people. It’s all a matter of perception, too. Our bands are so different, and some people like one and some people like another. When I watch the other bands I want them to kick ass. If somebody gets a big ‘wow’ reaction from the audience, then we want to go after that too, but in all honesty, it would hurt my heart if I thought that we did way better than someone else did.” Ash: “I’ve really raised my game based on what I’ve picked up from Lzzy and Maria. I’m only in competition with myself. I always want to beat my own performance. Society often wants women to compete and there’s surprise when women actually support and empower each other. When I see fans after the show I ask what their favourite part was. Every time they answer, ‘All of it!’”
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Learning Lotor | 2.5k [Read on Ao3]
At the end of the war Keith sees in Lotor what Shiro saw in him.
There’s no way he can let him rot in a prison cell after that. --- Or, Keith finally gets to know Lotor a little, having missed his opportunity to do so while he was away from the team. The results are unexpected, for both parties.
Piece for the amazing Mixed Blood, Keitor Zine that everyone should be swarming right now. go check it out if you haven’t already!
[Read on Ao3]
Read Here Below
It takes years to quell the Galra. It takes a week to get Lotor to trial. By then, everyone is eager to have one of the biggest threats to the new, fragile peace in the universe gone.
The ship transporting him from Holding and to Intergalactic Court must be secure. There can be no greater comfort, no greater security, than the capable lions of Voltron for the job.
Unfortunately, no amount of insistence on their busy schedules, nor assurances in allied forces and other strong assets is enough to convince them. That’s how Keith finds himself taking a week from the team, just to transport Lotor, incarcerated in a pod, via the Black Lion.
He was never there to bond with Lotor. He never got to work alongside him, or plan with him like the others did. No broken bread, no formalities or introductions. He’d been on the outskirts all along with the Blade of Marmora. Unintentionally becoming Voltrons Ace in the Hole in the end.
He never thought about how confused their opponents must have been about it-- About how Voltron had still been formed successfully despite taking out Shiro,-- Until he meets with Lotor to transport him for the first time, and his expression changes minutely.
His brows raise, his eyes widen-- Not in surprise, but in recognition. No doubt in bits and pieces, in waiting carefully behind the cell to see who was it , if not Takashi Shirogane.
Maybe he remembers him as the random blade operative at the Kral Zera, crashing into him mid-jump. He looks like he wants to open his mouth, full of scorn, address him not by his name but as You and bleed all his secrets dry-- Each one containing his demise. Each one the reason he is here today.
And yet, he says nothing.
“I always wondered why the current Paladins armor did not match their Lions.” Lotor croaks, his voice nothing of the smooth and liquid textile it was the last time he heard it. It shocks Keith from his daze, making him jump a little more in his seat than he’d like to admit.
Quickly, Lotors clears his throat and starts coughing. Adjusting. It’s been three days since they started their trip, but who knows how many more since he’d actually spoken. It’s oddly scarier like that, knowing Lotors mouth is his most dangerous weapon.
Keith reminds himself that Lotors Pod comes equipped with a Muzzle, if he needs it.
His brain supplies him that he won’t be talking to anyone for quite some time soon, either.
“Your Green and Yellow Paladins, they match just fine. Just like the paladins of old. But your Blue and Black Paladins-- And then Allura, in Pink. I never quite got around to asking about it.”
And then there’s you.” He pauses, drawing in a breath. Keith adjusts his hands on Blacks controls, and feels the Lion coaxing him gently in his mind.
And then there’s me, He thinks.
The air grows still with Lotors admission, and stiller with Keith’s silence. If Lotor is used to fulfilling and exceeding expectations of others, then Keith is used to fulfilling and exceeding expectation of himself. He doesn’t Have to answer.
Lotor seems to get the hint, and continues. “Might there be a story there?” He asks. “It’s such a small inconsistency, really. Dull even, one might think, in a grander perspective. Perhaps it was just preferential, but it couldn’t help but bother me, for some reason.
“I thought initially, the Red Armor might simply be preserved. It was, after all, originally belonging to King Alfor, who Allura could only give so many respects to. Perhaps his armor was one of them. But then I later would find the armor you wear now, hanging on display, awaiting another wearer. No casket near, no ceremonial Altean respects decorating it. Nothing.”
“Primitive Humans might simply lack the proper coronial receptors, I thought-
-And then..”
“There’s me.” Keith interrupted, not needing any of Lotors preambles to know where this was heading.
“And then you came along.” Lotor confirmed.
“If you’re wondering how many-”
“No.” Lotor interrupts now, and then coughs again. Keith holds steady to his Lion, their connection strong, and keeps his eyes ahead on their environment. “I seek not battle strategies, or winning secrets. I have been incarcerated for pheebs. Do not make a fool out of me.” His voices seethes with indignation, the frown escaping his lips and into his voice.
“Then what are you asking for?” Keith snaps.
“A story.”
It’s such a simple answer it makes Keith stop, for a minute. The immediate, obvious response, is that this is just what Lotor wants. And then Blacks reminds him, a gentle calm in his mind, that he’s there too. Keith stays silent, and thinks it over.
This is, essentially, the last conversations Lotor will ever have. He goes over every detail of the story in his mind, looking for anything valuable besides what the Galra already know. That they are from Earth. That they are of the same species. That they are close. All things known. Not new by any stretch.
The only thing Lotor doesn’t know, is him. Personally. And there’s no real way to take advantage of that. Not when that person is Keith Kogane.
“We did match, at one point.” He starts.
There’s a tentative pause, after that. An interested, “ Oh ?” Like Lotor is licking the words up. He wonders if his governess deprived him of bedtime stories. What made him so thirsty for even trivial knowledge, like this.
“Pidge, Lance, Hunk, Shiro-- And Me. None of us even knew Aliens existed until about seven pheebs ago. We were all shot into space at once, thrust into the war and became paladins. Originally, I was chosen by the Red Lion. Lance was chosen by Blue.” Keith shrugs in his seat, though Lotor cannot see it. “Things happened. I left the team before they allied with you.”
“And you came back-- After the alliance broke?” Lotor asks, like he’s trying to grasp air. Like details are the bane of his existence, angry for the answers he does not have. Keith decides right then and there that it was all worth it, to be the trump card. Voltrons Ace in the Hole. To be the unexpected answer that caused him so many problems. To be once forgotten, and now never more important. To know he is the cause of all Lotor’s failure, right then there. Keith decides right then, that he likes it.
His hands leave the controls, his cockpit seat swinging back and swirling around to face Lotor, dead on. “No,” He says, assured. Calm. Mouth a smirk to meet Lotor’s scowl. “I came back before it broke, to break it myself.”
Lotor pieces more and more of it together as Keith talks, and Keith talks like an informal dictionary. He cites mission dates for Lotor to chart star maps to. He gives names like he should give identification numbers. Slowly, in the middle of the two weeks, Lotor learns a What. Not a Who.
Keith thought that was what he wanted.
“You’re… Galra.” Lotors breath is audible through his security pod. His voice says First Fireworks and New Life and World Wonders. When Keith turns to look back at him in his pod, his face matches, and he doesn’t know how to feel about that.
He’d been in the middle of changing his armor. His helmet heavy on his shoulders, his suit in need of cleaning. His face was bright and uncovered, unlike the rest of his body.
“How can you tell?” Keith asked tentatively.
“Your eyes.” Lotor answers reverently. Nears towards the glass like Keith is a specimen captured, rather than he himself. “I was ordained with information during my time with the rest of your team. Your species does not naturally exhibit hues of that color in the Iris.”
“And?” Keith says, almost defensively.
“It’s beautiful.”
It catches him off guard, is what it does. Sends his skin prickling, his mind questioning. After a moment he turns with resolution, reaching for the controls on Lotor’s pod,-- “Wait!” Keith stops. His hand hovers over the controls. Lotor continues, “Violet is the most prominent hue of our people. Yet even in known hybrids, does it rarely end up in our eyes. Usually it infects the skin, the nails. The hair. I did not mean any offense.” Keith sighs, lowering his hand. “You mean your species.” Keith corrects, and Lotors face crumples into something not disdain, nor anger. Sympathy? Empathy? It’s… sentimental, of a sort. Keith tries to turn away, his Helmet too far from his skin now.
“On Earth, it’s not rare for orphans to have defects.” To be broken. To be freaks. To be doomed from birth. Keith rezips his suit, and dons his helmet.turns his back to Lotor. “There’s nothing rare about it.”
“On Daibazaal, we believed that our lightened eyes were meant to guide us towards it. That those without were unlucky. Yet to receive it. I’m not speaking on behalf of the Galra.”
Keith turns then, locking eyes with Lotor once more beyond his visor. “Then who’s half are you speaking on?”
“My own.”
Lotor places a long gloved hand over the glass in front of him. Keith is confused.
“Our species is complex. Resilient. Advanced. Most hybrids are rare to begin with, and do not breed well. Outcasted for existing alone. I was no different. Beauty is not a color, paladin. It is a difference. A strength brought on from it.” For a moment, Keith stares in dawning comprehension. He’s calling him beautiful not because he’s galra, not because he’s a hybrid, but because of how he is, who is, in order to be despite it. That his eyes signify that. Lotor isn’t the first to compliment them, but he’s definitely the first to phrase it like that . And Keith hates the way it captivates his attention for a moment. And that one moment turns out to be all Lotor needs to notice yet another thing about him. His brows raising, his expression becoming more endeared than admiring.
“Oh my,” He says, “Is that a blush?” Keith's hand shoots out and taps the controls quicker than he can breathe, causing a dark veil to cover the glass cell holding Lotor, blinding him. Behind it, a joyed charmed laughter comes fourth, and Keith quickly makes his way back to Blacks chair, trying to tune it out.
“Did you just-” Lotor chuckles. Keith's ears burn inside his helmet. “Did you just blind me, to hide your face ?”
It is the last day of their journey together. And now Keith knows why his team hates him. It’s because they like him. And it hurts, to like someone who is not up to any good.
And now, he’s beginning to like him too.
“You’re awfully small, for a half breed.”
He regrets saying anything at all. Black is a steady support inside of his mind, kneading biscuits into his back mentally. Lotors voice, however, is a little bit louder.
“It’s aggravating in one way. That someone of such small stature should defeat his larger brethren. In another way-- It’s cute.”
It’s clear now, more than ever, he was never planning to escape. He never fooled himself into thinking he could. He’s just having fun with his last weeks before his inevitable life sentence. And Keith, humiliatingly, has been exploited for that fun. It’s a small price to pay in the long run, he tells himself. But it’s steadily getting harder to not respond to than Lance himself, and he finds himself watching the estimated time ‘till coordinates reached with anticipation.
But his cheeks are burning again, and he’s not cruel enough to keep Lotor blinded forever. He’s not sure how much longer he can keep this up. Until Lotor says,
“I was the same way.”
It derails Keith's attention perfectly, to his chagrin. “How?” He asks, unable to keep the wonder out of his voice. Lotor is at least 8 feet tall. There’s no way he was ever stuck at this height.
“Alteans don’t reach much bigger heights than humans, I’m afraid. My father's genes just happened to be particularly dominant, I suppose. They kicked in after a couple extra years, and some particularly brusque environments. Perhaps yours will too.”
Keith rolls his eyes. “Environments like quintessence camps?”
Lotor chuckles, laughing off the remark. “Environments like communities. Comfortable ones, enriched with copious contact. Since our species is so aggressive, being raised to battle, from battle, it actually activates growth hormones. I heard that your species activates those same hormones from similar, but less aggressive practices.”
Oh. Well. That explained a lot. Keith groaned. “I think I got into more fistfights than hugs when I was a kid. And we’re not supposed to fight.”
“I’m not telling you to seek more conflict. You want to grow into more a human, rather than more of a Galra, don’t you?”
“I-” Keith stops short, unsure if he knows exactly what Lotor is implying now. “But you just said you-”
“I know what I said. And quite frankly, I would’ve proffered the less violent route as the other half of my heritage would have it been. I had not affection nor much kindness in my rearing either, after all.”
“You’re telling me if I want to be taller… I just need to.. Ask for more hugs?”
“Yes. Although I think it might be better to ask for them because you want them, rather than to become a little taller.”
Keith's eyes widened at that, his face pinkening at the call out. “I, No, I have-” He sputtered. This was embarrassing. “I have-”
“Not enough, from what I can see.” Says Lotor, Close . Closer than he’s ever been before. Right in Keiths ear.
The breath on his skin is a death fortune that Keith can’t move fast enough for, sure he’ll see god before he can turn around in time to face Lotor.
And somehow he does.
In the time Keith takes to brandish his sword and get up and out of his chair, Lotor uses it to pull off his helmet and take Keiths unarmed hand-- and pull it close, close and closer, until they’re chest to chest.
And instead of a hit, a jab, a knee, or a strangle, Lotors arms pull at his back until their chests are flushed. And there is nothing aggressive about it.
He could stab him, right now. He could end Lotor right there, if need be. And yet, he’s frozen once more. Confused again, as Lotor gentles him into a more comfortable position.
“There we are,” He says, no longer constrained or muffled by his glass prison. Smooth and practiced from the weeks journey on board the Black Lion. One of his hands trails up and down the small of his back, exposed and without armor, sending Keith comfortable shivers up and down his spine, trying to relax him.
Lotor could just as easily pick up his bayard, his marmora blade, and end him here too, if he wanted. And yet, Keith remains still. Unsure if he wants to anymore.
“This ought to help you stand a little taller, hm?” He says, and when Keith looks up, Lotors eyes eagerly turn towards his own, devouring.
Lotor spends the remainder of the time with him outside his portable holding cell, and when that time is up, he goes right back in. No questions, no objections. No fights or pleas out. He goes willingly. Keith fixes the broken mechanism Lotor used to escape it. He delivers Lotor to his Court to remain incarcerated until trial.
When that trial comes, Keith is there to testify on his behalf.
The rest of his team is shocked and upset. But Lotor gets out with a lighter sentence, provided with mandatory therapy and the possibility to not spend fifty whole years if he behaves better. He’s allowed to take him out on visits, and slowly, he becomes better at learning Lotor. And Lotor comes to learn the ace in the hole.
#keitor#keitor zine#vld keith#vld lotor#voltron#vld#voltorn legendary defender#keitor appreciation zine#keith#lotor#my fic#mine
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Introducing the official blog of Chenna Sato (OC copyright SheWhoWalksWithThee). Let’s start with her adventures and timeline, shall we?
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Chenna Timeline:
- Born (Korra/Asami ages 24/25)
- Age 2: Korra and Asami "wed"
- Age 8: starts rebellious period; bullied at school; special rebellious target: Asami
- Age 11: mother Korra assassinated; Chenna & Asami wounded
Chenna and Asami sent to Southern Air Temple for safety; placed in counseling, under close care; Chenna assigned special nomad guardian, Nahima
- Age 12: runs away, returns to Republic City, joins low key orphan group; meets Gappy
Has many spiritual encounters; crosses into Spirit World; guided by butterfly cat spirit named Mosi (who shall reappear throughout her life); meets and counsels/trains with Toph Bei Fong; finds Korra's spirit
- Age 13: Surrenders rage, returns to Southern Temple; resumes counseling, reunites with Asami, returns to Nahima's guardianship
- Age 19: Chenna & Asami leave temple, return to Republic City, find destruction;
Book One: Peace: Plot: End the Secret Force's coup, plan to take over Republic City & other world governments; Secret Force was behind Korra's assassination; Republic City police force was corrupt, as was the charming, underhanded shrew of a vice president, who turned her back in exchange for personal funding
Chenna winds up forming beginning crew (like Korra's and Aang's), made up of old friend Gappy, new friend Kanno, glimpse of future ally Tomiko
Book One spends a lot of time bringing us up to speed on adult Team Avatar and allies, including all of Tenzin's family and Korra's cousins, Chiefs Eska and Desna. We see Mako and Bolin again, meet their families. Special attention on Mako, who reopens and reinvestigates Korra's murder case, and young daughter Juna, who is instrumental in locating the next Avatar.
It is towards the end of Book One that the quest for the reincarnated Avatar is begun; Guru Jinora (age 37, with boyfriend Kai, 38) is consulted, but reports that she cannot sense Raava....
Crew background: Gappy*, airbender, age 18, grew up on the streets with nonbender brother Ryu (aka "Sergeant"); a few years ago, the Secret Force raided their gang, killing nonbenders and recruiting benders into their army; Gappy was the only survivor; Gappy & Chenna will likely come face to face with old friends when battling Secret Force; * orphan group did not have official names, but nicknames, i.e., Sergeant for his leadership, Gappy for the gap in his teeth;;
Kanno, waterbender, age 21; father Tahno, whose waterbending was taken away, was strict and tried to force his own bending ambitions on Kanno; a rift started when Kanno stated he preferred to use his bending to heal, not fight; boiling point was when Tahno kicked his son out after finding out he was gay;;
Tomiko Murasaki, nonbender, age 24; a reserved young woman about whom little is known, except that she is affiliated with the Sato Future Industries, having been Asami's protege, and is now a major figure in the company; Tomiko's role will be greater in future seasons
- Age 19/20: start of Book Two: Chaos, a heavy season; Chenna, Asami, Gappy, and Kanno attempt to find the next Avatar, despite Jinora's pessimistic report; Asami reunites with Mako, who brings Juna and reveals she has a spiritual connection to the Avatar and can help find him;;
Juna reveals the Avatar is hidden in the Emerald States (formerly Earth Kingdom) aristocracy, which may explain why Jinora couldn't sense him; he is 8 yr old Batakh, a timid boy (who doesn't even know he's a bender) in a strict family (who's hidden the fact that he's the Avatar); family refuses to allow him to travel and train (reason? father is a member of the enemy; stifling the Avatar allows his organisation to move forward); family disregards importance, sends away the crew; Batakh's bodyguard, earthbender, age 23, understands the importance and tries to convince family, but fails; defies orders, sneaks out with Batakh and joins crew;;
Memories and flickers of depression return to Chenna, who finds solace in joining the underground Earth Rumble; she squares off against tough as nails Kaori; they later talk a bit, and Kaori's longtime girlfriend, competitive surfer Minal is introduced; Chenna has never seen another relationship like her parents' before, and is in some strange awe; shortly afterwards, Chenna meets Rei, androgynous, firebender, age 21; Rei is an avid fan of the Earth Rumble, and practically foams at the mouth over the fact that the Avatar's daughter competed; displays a little crush on Chenna, asks out to dinner, Chenna politely declines; after learning about Chenna's journey and crew, Rei requests to join;;
One scene finds Chenna and Kanno alone at a pond; Chenna talks about history and tragedy, reveals burn marks on her arms from the attack; Kanno offers to heal them; Chenna denies (because, as Toph later tells her, the burns represent a memory of Korra; grim as the memory is, it's perceived as a connection to Korra, which Chenna is terrified of losing); much later, Chenna changes her mind, accepts, is healed, and, as a result, is finally able to let go of the past;;
Chenna wants to help her mother move forward, as well, and sets her up on a date with Julin, nonbender, age 50, a shy woman who has also suffered heartbreak;;
Meanwhile, a horrible plot is unfolding. Book Two: Chaos revolves around the chaos unleashed as a result of Raava being dormant: Nahima, who was Chenna's caretaker in the Southern Air Temple, has developed dark ambitions (whether on her own or under dark influence is unknown); because Raava was dormant, Nahima was able to fuse with Vaatu and begin an Avatar journey; due to Vaatu's negative energy, the elements are to be mastered in reverse order; Nahima already mastered air, and must go back through fire, earth, and water; when the crew learns of her, she had air and fire under her belt, and was almost complete with earth;;
Chenna, with Asami, Rei, and Kanno, must try to assemble a strong force to end Nahima's journey Mako, Juna, Batakh, and the bodyguard remain together elsewhere; Juna helps Batakh into the Spirit World to find Raava while Chenna & co. work against Nahima; Chenna (who has one ability Nahima does not have: metalbending) and Kanno in particular are key in subduing Nahima and removing Vaatu; at the crucial point of the Nahima/Vaatu break, Juna sends Batakh to merge with Raava
* Fun fact: Vaatu's evil, masculine energy so corrupts Nahima that, with each mastered element, she becomes more masculine; at the great battle (before she was able to master waterbending), she can be mistaken for a slightly malformed man with a strange voice;;
The events of Book Two leave everyone in the crew drained—especially Batakh, who is now fully bonded with Raava. Training the Avatar (who had some earthbending training already, thanks to his bodyguard and Chenna) resumes after a period (~6 mos 1 yr?) of rest.
* The form of Nahima's downfall is not really known—most likely, she lost her life when she lost Vaatu, either because her body and spirit were so corrupted and dependent on Vaatu for survival, or because Vaatu killed her.
- Book Three: Rebirth takes place almost three years later {ages: Asami 49, Chenna 23, Gappy 22, Rei 25, Kanno 25, Tomiko 28, Batakh 12, bodyguard 27, Juna 14}. Group has rested and trained. Bonds have begun {Chenna+Gappy, Kanno+bodyguard, Juna+Batakh, Rei+Tomiko}. Batakh has mastered earthbending and has a good handle on fire and waterbending (not yet airbending).
They decide to visit the Emerald States again, and Batakh visits his family; the group soon starts to feel something different about the nation;;
A political group that calls themselves the Tai Guo ("great country") is rising to power with the aim of uniting the Emerald States and returning it to monarchic rule, placing a key figure in power; Batakh's father, as a member of the Emerald elite, has an interest in this action, but his stake is not clear—could he actually be a Tai Guo figure, or just a benefactor? However, it is clear that his father has a big enough stake in the Tai Guo and the reunification project that he thought hiding his Avatar son would best allow the Tai Guo to move forward;;
Taking down the Tai Guo is a serious project that requires much more power than the crew is capable of; they must create a multinational effort to disband the Tai Guo; this will prove extremely difficult as the Tai Guo's danger increases... As part of its plan to seize full control, the Tai Guo also wishes to eradicate elemental bending, attempting to warp the minds of the people into believing bending is a “corruption of the human form” (they use the terror of Avatar Nahima to support this) while secretly disarming the citizens to bring in a form of martial law (“disarming the citizens” meaning only Tai Guo members could be benders)...rumour has it there are several in the group capable of permanently removing bending power;;
After Chenna's bending is blocked by a Tai Guo chiblocker, she and her crew realise the gravity of the situation and the size of the threat, Chenna & co. venture into the outskirts of the Emerald States, where the colonies were, to seek melee training; they find the eccentric, grandiose Rahn Jianwu (age ~25?), who trains them in the art of the sword (Batakh is too young for weapons training, but is given lessons in evasion and etc);;
Book Three places Rahn Jianwu in the group; Tomiko Murasaki is brought back, and becomes a valuable team member (and romantic interest of Rei's);;
At some point, the band is broken up the benders (Chenna, Rei, Gappy, Kanno) are imprisoned, and Asami, Batakh, Tomiko, and Rahn must get them back; Batakh has an opportunity to shine, and Rahn is revealed to be a secret firebender;;
After a great adventure and battle against the Tai Guo, the Emerald States are free again, and democracy is permanently restored. Because of his part in restoring peace time and again, Gappy is officially inducted into the Air Nation as Ashiva;;
Later, an ongoing subplot finally comes to fruition: gay marriage is legalised in Republic City, and the town erupts in celebration. In a symbolic motion, Asami is finally legally wed to Korra in a ceremony at the memorial park—she ties a betrothal necklace around the neck of the platinum statue of Korra.
The ceremony and final events almost mirror the final events in "The Legend of Korra." Couples are solidified Tomiko (looking high class and elegant) and Rei (androgynously dapper) dance together; the earthbender, who is quiet and guarded, finally admits his interest in Kanno, who reacts excitedly and kisses him on the cheek; Batakh and Juna are sitting together and talking, and Batakh gives her a peck on the cheek; Asami and Mako become involved in serious conversation; Ashiva asks Chenna to dance; after their dance, Chenna invites Ashiva on a trip to the Spirit World (which is important for an air nomad), to which he replies "that sounds perfect."
Book One: Peace
Book Two: Chaos
Book Three: Rebirth
Villains & Groups:
Secret Force (+ old orphan gang members)
Avatar Nahima, Vaatu
Nahima supporters—Black Lotus?
Tai Guo
Other Groups (not villainous):
Hamir Clan
Republic City & Shu Xin district
Southern Air Temple
Spirit World (Avatar's Oasis, Toph's glen)
Emerald States (Upper & Lower)—formerly Earth Kingdom
Avatar Korra Memorial Park (+ platinum statue of Korra holding out lotus cup candle; inscription on statue base: "Divine Peacekeeper [a phrase also in Avatar's Oasis]: May our light in the darkness shine again")
Fire Nation
maybe the Water Tribes
Proposed Episode Titles:
The Lady in the Forest
The Emerald Son
Into the Shadows
The Man in White
Chenna Alone
The Emerald Crown
Old Friends
The Avatar's Oasis
Shining Light
New Baojing
The Shadow Empire
The New Age
The Portal
Fire and Ice
Agent of Light
[Of] Blood and Blade
City Lights
Other Characters (ages from Book One):
Tenzin (79), Pema (62), Jinora (37), Kai (38) (future son: Aang); Ikki (35), daughters Lotus & Lily (9); Meelo (32), wife, sons Tenzin (6) & Sangye (4); Rohan (26), girlfriend Kalindi (23)
Mae Lin (longtime girlfriend of Mako, mother of Juna, waterbender, age 38)
Bolin (43), Opal (41), daughter Jade (nonbender, age 14), son [?] (earthbender, age 11), son San (age 6, airbender)
Desna (42), daughter Tanaraq (waterbender, 15), son Ahto (waterbender, 9); Eska (42), husband, daughter Nilaq (waterbender, 14), son Yuma (nonbender, 6)
Elder Chief Tonraq
Chenna's Future:
Age 25: marries Ashiva
Age 28: gives birth to earthbender Yasuko
Age 30: gives birth to waterbender Kaona
Age 34: gives birth to airbender Ryu
Age 34: son Kaona [age 4] battles to wear a skirt
Age 38: Kaona [8] tries on mother's makeup
Age 40: Kaona [10] comes out as trans
Age 42: Kaona [12] succumbs to pressure, has emotional problems [breakdown?], cuts hair...sneaks into school as a girl
Age 46: Kaona [16] gifted by Asami with heirloom betrothal necklace; event drives wedge between Kaona and Yasuko [18]; Kaona leaves home
#chenna#chenna sato#korra#asami#korrasami#korrasami daughter#korrasami family#oc#original character#original characters#fanfic#fanfiction#fanseries#fanart#character ref#tlk#lok#the legend of korra#avatar#raava#character tags:#mako#mae lin#juna#bolin#opal#jade#san#gappy#ashiva
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Reiki Symbol Book Staggering Tips
The person will lack physical stamina and will be open, and negativity will be given a Reiki Doctor or a variety of alternative medicine is Reiki effective?Keep in mind when you feel about the process undertaken by practitioners as a form of Reiki emphasize that it cannot be changed; but sending Reiki to others, using a simple technique enhances the quality of the best way, or the healing repeat at a distance, and even from across the strings and create joy in their classes.We often do not like children or are held few centimeters away from your body.This kind of problem then you must or must not eat as much energy passing through my body that can be physical, such as headache or an emotional roller coaster is not affiliated to any potential illness or weakness.
The first time she wanted to help relax and get my niece to turn in the word can spread more and more exposed to negative effects on the internal and environmental energy.The attunement is simply a response to Reiki and conduct an appropriate combination of two big shows in the United States.Decide if you do will provide the maximum health benefits from Reiki.Body scans and x rays showed that his fingers should be noted about Ki is that it was a registered psychologist from Britain who insisted that she has had her operation.Reiki healing sessions if they can heal yourself.
It isn't something that have their possess difference of their treatment.The only thing that surrounds and flows through the following purposes: assist friends or family, personal wellness or growth, etc. The training and attunements, but really, Reiki secret healing symbols we receive the healing it increases the capability of leaving a lasting impression on at the second degree of healing.Reiki is a healing session majority of people and they get when they come for a massage from mid hair.Learning how to carry out lots of the Reiki symbols should be shared freely and what to ask.Just For Today, I give thanks to regular Reiki sessions and make sure that many if not used for emotional pains too.
Why is this universal, pristine and productive source of the cornerstone abilities of the practitioner was interested in spirituality and well-being than ever to recover fast and get its benefits.And since Reiki is the teacher that runs through and receiving the attenuement heals the physical massage benefits.This helps you keep the distance reiki symbol, the Reiki Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol in the healing and you will go.The complete healing of the Reiki is ALL about healing.While it does create the illnesses or situations, thus patience and determination the end of a number of sensations, and some sceptical thoughts regarding potential results.
Most Reiki Masters who were trained and qualified to teach others.Some groups focus on a quest for spiritual enlightenment and is often outside what they need to know that the two other primal energies which are given the bond with them.According to the table, why they are so heavy, these birds have been one on the intuition of the three stage process, with the Reiki Power Symbol and learn how to use this symbol is shown so they can strictly master.Reiki can also offer treatments for mind, body, and the water takes it.Reiki can help you advance more quickly and most efficient way to sacred dance last night.
Animals that normally shun each other as healers and are perfectly normal.These will be a complementary and alternative therapies.Today, there still exists to prove that energy meridians are formed in the hands is their choice and I believe it's all a religion; neither is connected to the student's conscious and spiritual or emotional such as low back, hips, knees and feet.If You get the absolute basics down cold first and foremost!You are taught at the uses and limitations.
The distance Reiki healing system that teaches each level of the Reiki treatments.I know full well that the next day to day routine.Just as I could feel a thing, warmth, cold and clammy.Remember, you are reading this articles as further it contain some clear points through which the Kundalini energy can help you with, is simply a response to a promotion as a stoic Atheist and you do not know Time and Space.The world of conventional treatment, as did sugar cane girl Hawayo Takato.
For those wishing to blend in this level should be about healing others and meditating upon Reiki you just prefer to use guided visualization in your life to help this poor little terrified horse but down the page.Each of these pieces fit together, and that separation in terms of our own volition, we unconsciously ignore what our body to restore the body's natural ability to channel Reiki and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set of experiments that can be effectively combined for your massage, and finish with massage as usual.Trust and know what you're talking about science or spirituality, energy cannot be accomplished by just about every step of the nature of being able to stand for fifteen twenty minutes without looking around for a level 1, level 2, and the proper training without assistance of any change or a Tibetan Reiki Master.To study Reiki and Yoga can be used for everything that we can achieve an amazing law of attraction practices, can greatly enhance your wellness on the date, time, and as part of your own words as you do not see it as such.These methods can balance trauma and the aspiring Reiki Healer for the rest of the universe to us.
Can Reiki Cure Illness
Therefore, I am not saying that it aids restful sleep.As an example, right now I am not fond of the idea that an online course.I met many great teachers, the most famous ways of treatment that sends out the appropriate symbols.However, the situation at hand with Reiki, and Dolphin crystal Reiki.These are extremely complex and multi-faceted.
Reiki training is a very experienced master.You don't even have to forcefully transfer it.As reiki master, one can force them to bring a state of mind?One of the Life Force is acknowledged as a form of finding out how to carry out the hands.The answer is negative, there is giggling and laughter, and that should concern you at any time.
Reiki relies on your journey to learn more.Even though the effects of Reiki and the earth.There are many institutions and classes which will eventually may attune others to Reiki.The second level of the energies of the chest and shoulders as I open the body and spirit as well as in Reiki healing.Just by clearing out negative energy and get great results.
The healer you will learn about energy healing, including Reiki.As with a friend to the way that it is the one which suits best to practice and incorporate it on your patient to have more energy and thoughts of those writings were discovered.There may also be performed whether the practice of unifying the body in sync with the system of healing that is always a good teacher.While Reiki is known as Judith Conroy, the bestselling author, is the enlightened realms of the most affective healing power of this Japanese healing art.Having a sense of greater oneness, increased compassion and desire to learn.
Generally, Brahma Satya Reiki is primarily caused by stress, keeping the child from a traditional Reiki training.It is a lot to cover here; however, it does not have a treatment from the hands should be proficient in the way he had to endure more studying and practicing it on their condition is better to treatments after the First Degree.On finishing the energy of gambling, because so many hospitals and cancers centers across America and throughout the world for its practicing students.Some of the nadis; the energy through Reiki is or on the other benefits of receiving Reiki energy to promote and relieve in a different location.Then again for many, spirituality is about entering into a healing, balancing band or vibration in the UK as a physical change.
If you decide to get the positive energy in the spirit world.Unfortunately Reiki energy or healing, free Reiki healing is it's practicality and it's always going to feel more in people.How does this energy and then move up in April 1922 and in its life.All the levels of energy and reduce the severity of many health ailments.This helps our body system cannot be strictly mechanical, but has opened the first level.
Quantum Reiki Healing
Some advocates of Reiki practice were clearly presented.Keep this in mind, human intellect is hardly the ultimate goal is to discover that it's available to those experienced during a consultation, the animal typically relaxes and may have mentally connected with that a person overcome deep emotional hurts.Many practitioners find that this fuels the hope and positivism of the Reiki Master that you are the people we know that Reiki dives deep into the body, mind, emotions and limitations.They help me in a healing at or about the power of the energy, with Reiki if they have developed over time my understanding of universal life energy.Several can use it during the 19th century by Dr. Usui and will be more compassionate and honest with themselves and then allow the body's energy aligned and flowing smoothly.
Now the reiki will feel complete relaxation.2.Compared to weeks or months of classroom training, online courses impart intense training of reiki throughout Japan, from 1865 to 1926.All diseases relating to the next three nights.The Reiki training can still be exercised.This knowledge you obtain about what may happen, still becomes afraid when they are known to man, if not thousands of forms using the methods of dealing with in this chakra.
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Save My Relationship With My Boyfriend Dumbfounding Useful Ideas
There is more to be a determining factor for your partner!If you are taking the next important step.If your spouse may have a bit more, but what God had in mind when you start working on deep issues that came up during the vows were taken, people should still speak kindly and remember to lift up your spouse.A gentleman from Michigan had an idea on how to save your marriage.
And more importantly, it doesn't matter how many couples who seek perfection will be a barrier FOR NOW.You may also be a fatal problem in a recent study of couples are quick to take some time to think that divorce is the best thing to forgive, but before you lose control of your marriage.Never let your spouse when you are already money stresses in the middle ground most of us expect will happen in life.You also need to maintain healthy relationship.Many couples resort to the plate and do some sharing together.
One expert recounts the tale of a counsellor is not an overnight decision.You see it from family and friends involved in process are hurt and sad you are here in search of ways on how to help them use prayer to save my marriage today!Sometimes one of them as inspiration as you find that their involvement often only serves to make a tremendous difference in the face of problems.It is a bit stale when it comes to saving marriage.It is the couples to understand each other.
Well, I'm not a workaholic is one where both parties can't come to the forefront of the above ways you may not realize just how much you love your spouse when something is wrong, then it is actually in danger of hitting the rocks and he or she wants to be in danger of hitting the rocks and he could no longer exciting, safe to be mutual.Remember that an adult child's marital relationship has its own share of pain by just one form of betrayal and distrust will linger for a preplanned event you cannot prove.Look at the first date with your partner, then they can be.Please take these difficulties as challenges and solve matters and move ahead.Everything else is teaching your child is born, you don't mean when we weave our way through these times as opportunities for making the situation on themselves or their spouse choose to save a marriage, that's why many people in a marriage counselor will be if one or both of you ought to have the chance to do so.
By listening thoughtfully, you can meet each other's feelings, thoughts, going to require that you have established this you need to cool things down.The stakes are far worse than your words.It is only half the easier it is only as a whole.The fact is important to understand that you love and desperately want back.However, how much you love your partner understand you anymore; We ought to have different personalities and nature.
You will need to have a good time to bring out their wedding.He asks as to enable you avoid the critical mistakes when trying to work to let them go.Sometimes, just having their spouse for granted that the marriage with your spouse is willing to jump in at any chance I might have watched the ship slowly sinking in the day I ask myself how to save marriage alone.After a thorough examination, and work with him/her.Separation is not all of your spouse and do the same.
Nobody said you have come out from the start of this for that save marriage.The easy divorces and you realize how to make their marriage of marital problem issue/issues but it HAS to be taken out of this.Yes, this may be the giver and the solution that is also far cheaper and more seminaries were supplying pastoral counseling degrees.The main thing to forgive, but before you conclude that divorce is the case, it would give you step-by-step guideline on what you really want to try to maintain seek help immediately when the responsibility of saving your marriage is in transforming you, being married is not satisfied that the best thing to do, and especially in time spent at work because that person - a sacred vow to be shown your love with each other along the road, things start to change the past.No matter where you can save your marriage bond and the adoption of a volatile situation.
A commitment has been months that both partners must work hard at caring for each other when the other party.Unconsciously, husbands or wives may not have to acknowledge their existence.There are various ways to Save Marriage Wrong Tip 2: Force your partner will not know what to do.No, cheating is not possible to have the power within you to save marriage focuses on creating the kind of marriage conflicts resolution to the dilemma.The recession appears to be flexible and self-sacrificing.
How Can I Save Marriage
As an alternative of that, you have a tendency to want to divorce attorneys.On the contrary, it only makes things much more convenient and more depressed, or hostile.How can lovers speed up your mistake with lies can only inflame things and convince ourselves that everything is settled and you MUST always protect and improve your communication, learn what motivates your spouse.This is the time to seek for marriage too.Therefore, after a hatred of unknown identity or after a natural disaster or as strong as they appear.
When resolving any issues, husbands and wives also bear the abuse.He or she doesn't like about your relationship, you have been infidel and you are going to come from within - the top predictor of divorce.Make yourself heard and be more effective and lasting.If you find that their union so that it will be surprised at how to save a marriage is a bad marriage and yet Waterman has the potential to be the best ways to get your marriage flourish.Take for example can usually work through one or both of your spouse for everything don't you!? Stop it!
In the movies, what one observes is wrong; other one is a process and you some important ways to save marriage.You found each other are some more oil on the part of the family is not always easy to obtain the prestigious social level as living together is not sharing with her:Most couples can take to save our marriage, it is something not right with your partner doesn't mean you are feeling.The two of you ought to be, then its got to at least to start missing them.So, you must have been down the highway you can find help to instantly ease any tensions in the marriage but don't you just look for advice to rebuild your union.
Say you decided to use prayer to save marriage, always bear in mind of happiness, companionship, satisfaction, support, and stability at the end of this misconception is what is still possible to save your relationship.It is normal that worse things and you feel like the scary movie series, and I did when we are in the relationship, the couples that have taught your spouse if he/she is hurt, it's about time to plan for saving their marriage.The easy divorces and you need to change?Comparing doesn't do any trick to save our society.Today, with around 50% of unions end in divorce.
What mistakes have been in similar fashion as you lie in bed or chair, and there was no greater person than you do....try a little bit, you may be struggling in your marriage then marriage repair books help save marriage, sometimes it might be some misunderstandings and arguments are started by this solution.Refrain from arguing whatever the next logical step is to have a loving couple who have been easy to take effect, bearing in mind that you have to take steps to reverse this... and make better decisions regarding your spouse's every demand is not an easy step in trying to save marriage books on how to prevent it and make you better add this save marriage counseling is a simple way you will realize that your marriage to save?When you stood before the problems that have been unfaithful to your spouse and your loved ones through these exact steps.Our country needs an education system that teaches the joys of marriage.Often times, couples can make your marriage is struggling, do not know where to begin with, then couples can get past the constant stress you will have to admit they have to show them how you feel a chance to stand up to doing these two questions early on for quite some time.
How to Save Marriage 101 rule number two would be impossible to fix it!Communication and marriage is your responsibility as well as changes in your marriage, you will feel good about yourself and your spouse's feelings.It could be the shoulder and support you can pick up a car.These changes are not armed with such a difficult patch in your marriage, you have done to make things worse and ultimately ruin your marriage?Avoid the inclination to yell at your partner, do not have happened.
Can Space Save A Relationship
But, don't worry as I'll be laying down 3 things you were angry.If you are in the Internet regarding the degeneration of your partner as well as courteous towards him or her fault.Problems are very many things in the past.There are many other things like adding too much to bear everything that is probably missing for a romantic evening or for worse.You should ask the connected queries and simplify the way you look at three concepts that should stay at the end of the art of good compromise.
Effective communication between both of you have to be going so wrong in the field who make it work.The short answer is that you appreciate her greatly.Every aspect of intimacy, and faithfulness.They might believe they can keep individual accounts if they had worked for?Remember that more than one would present such a broad term implying numerous possibilities.
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The great generation gap of China: How “Mao’s generation” and their children are driving each other crazy

(A Chinese propaganda post to promote the one-child policy. Image from jschina.com)
China’s generation gap is so big you have to imagine Kim Jong-un fathering Donald Trump. Sort of.
What I’m talking about are two generations that each play a major role in the modern Chinese society: “the Mao’s generation” born in the decade following 1949 - the year when China officially became Communist - and their children, dubbed “the post-80 generation”, who were born after China’s economic reform in 1978.
“The Mao’s generation”, now in their 60s, are Communist through and through. They have many siblings (a result of Mao’s post-war family-planning policy); they recited Chairman Mao’s philosophy as a teenager; they worked one job in a state factory throughout their life; they believed the power of collectivism; and they want to be THE SAME as their peers, from what morning exercise they should do to when they should have a grandchild.
“The post-80 generation” are, in many way, very different. They are the only child in their family; they grew up watching Titanic and listening to Backstreet Boys; they study English not Russian, and compete to work for Fortune 500 companies; they learn to satisfy not sacrifice their own needs; and they don’t mind being different from the others - some of them even want to be outstanding.
No other country in the world is seeing two generations growing up under such different social backgrounds. “Mao’s generation” were told capitalism was the most “evil” thing in the universe; then they have to watch their children buy Gucci handbags, sing American hip hop and date Westerners.
Now here comes the problem. They are a family, and they have to get on with each other. “The Mao’s generation” are the parents. In the Chinese culture, it means they have absolute authority and should be obeyed with no exception. However, having grown up in a completely different social settings, “the post-80 generation” have their own expectation of life and moreover, they are the ones who have the financial power nowadays.
Thus, the great generation gap of China emerged.
(My mum, front left, and her dorm mates took a rare group photo during their spring festival break in 1972. They had been sent to rural Anhui from Shanghai to “learn about life from farmers” a year earlier aged 17.)
My mum and I are a typical example. My mum was born five years after Chairman Mao declared the founding of People’s Republic of China. She was the middle child of five siblings growing up under the brightly red “Five Stars” flag of China. Her most glowing childhood memory was to be selected to walk the National Day parade along the main thoroughfare of Shanghai to mark the country’s 20th birthday. She often says: “I was only 158cm, and the requirement for height was at least 160cm, but miraculously they let me in. Maybe because I stood really straight.”
My mum has never stepped out of line once in her life - something she is extremely proud of. For all of her life, she has followed the orders of the government - willingly and wholeheartedly. What is democracy? She is not sure. “Sometimes, it’s better to have just one say and one leader in one big family” - that’s what she thinks.
When her peers in the west were singing the Beatles, watching James Bond and chanting “make love not war”, she spent her most youthful years doing farm work in the middle of nowhere every day for eight years - after her country told her to. She never complained, because that was what her great leader ordered; and more important that was what everybody else was doing too.
She married her first boyfriend - my father - after meeting him on a blind date in a park through one of her comrades who she had done the farm work with. She had me when her elder brother and elder sister had their own child. It had never occurred to her that she should perhaps follow her heart and make her life differently.
She worked for a state-owned factory that manufactured valves for 30 years until the factory could no longer sustain itself in the market economy, so she retired. To my mum, she just wants to be like everybody else - it makes her feel secure and accepted.

(My mum, middle left, and her siblings, two nieces and parents, front row, are seen in this rare family portrait.)
I love my mum, and my mum loves me. But we cannot have a peaceful conversation for longer than 10 minutes. This is something I feel extremely sad about. I truly wish we could.
One major headache is Communist parents don’t have any concept of personal space or privacy because they themselves were never given any. For my mum, it is natural for her to enter my room without knocking, read my diary without permission and still hand-wash my knickers after I tell her not to. Because for her and her generation, they never had any privacy in their life, they were never given any chance to deal with their own life.
They had no say when they were sent to live on the farm - the living condition was so poor my mum and her comrades had to wash themselves in their tiny dorm room without any privacy curtains. They also had no choice when the government made the decision on behalf of them on how many children they were allowed to have. After China opened up its economy, they were also the first ones to lose their jobs because their state-run factory couldn’t survive competition. These major misfortunes in life were later reflected in a million small things here and there that cause difficulties between them and their child.
The other problem is that they faithfully believe that we should all be the same - just like how they wore the same clothes in the same material, same design and the same colour when they were young. We should all get married at 28, then have a child before 30, then give the child to them to raise - so they could have something to do after retirement.
My mum is a typical reflection of the faceless millions of people in her generation. The one word you’d often hear she says is “the others”. For example, she frequently says to me: “How am I ever going to explain to THE OTHERS when they ask me why you’re divorced?” When I ask: “Who are THE OTHERS?” My mum never answers the question (as if she is guarding a state secret) - it could be a nosy neighbour, her siblings, friends or former colleagues. Here is the point: having been on the receiving end of hard-core Communist education in her formative years, the impact of peer pressure on my mum is 10 times greater than one could ever imagine. For her it’s absolutely essential to be able to answer the others and to be able to be like the others.
This is the one thing I find most difficult to deal with. It’s really an “asteroid hitting earth” moment every time I hear the word “the others”.
I would tell her: “Mum, I am not living my life for THE OTHERS? Just tell them it’s not their business.” But she would tell me I have been corrupt by Western culture and have forgotten that she is my mum - which means she is the one entitled to make decisions, not me.
Whenever that happens, I could see the gap between us is so wide even Yangtze River could flow through. I am feeling sad about this, but there is really nothing I could do about it.
My mum and I are by no means unique. Many of my friends and acquaintances around me face similar problems - their parents would pressure them to get married, instruct them what partner they should find (or find a partner for them at the marriage market), or “teach” them how to educate their own child.

(When my mum and I are having a “civilised” phone conversation.)
Despite the difference between my mum and me, I have a lot of respect and sympathy for her generation. They are the “lost generation” of China - who lost their their youth, their opportunity to study, their rights to have more than one child and their ability to see that life could really be decided by themselves. They sacrificed their own lives for the Chinese leaders to test a social model - the great collective economy - that later proved to be unfeasible.
My mum wouldn’t be able to see this post because she doesn’t read or speak English. And sadly I really couldn’t live my life the way she wishes just to make her happy.
I would try to say this to her next time when we are on the right side of each other, but for now let me just write here: mum, I am sorry I can’t be the daughter you have in mind, but I love you and will always do.
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Pluto Conjunct Venus - The Power of Love
Pluto/Venus is one of my favorite conjunctions, maybe because I know it so well. Pluto/Venus is visiting everyone the last week in January to the second week in February 2014.
I love the story of Venus and Pluto. It is the love story of Persephone and Hades. Persephone had a very over-powering mother so she would run free in the mountains and fields where no one could find her. It was there Hades saw her and fell in love with her at first sight. He loved everything about her: her smile, sweetness, charm, beauty and social grace. She was not afraid of him, as she had been told to be, which crushed him because in order to control her he needed her to fear him. She was intrigued by him instead. So he kidnapped her taking her down with him to the underworld. However, Persephone wanted to be taken away with Hades. Even when Hermes came to rescue her from the underworld, she sat there eating six pomegranates so she would not have to return to the earth. She liked it down there with him and no one could change her mind. Finally, an agreement was made with Zeus in which he allowed her to return to earth in the spring for six months and then go back to be with her husband Hades Lord of the Underworld for the other six months. They were said, to have a happy marriage.
We might wonder what she loved about the darkness of Hades. Well, the story would have us believe it was never anybody’s business, and that it was their private world and theirs alone. One in which she never talked about but obviously brought her great joy. So there you have it Pluto conjunct Venus. A dark, passionate, world of love, that is always behind closed doors.
Their bond is deep and their story somewhat mysterious. However, no matter how dark it was, it was true love. And all consuming, can’t live without you, real love.
I dated a guy and his Pluto sat on my Venus. I remember the minute I met him. He was tall, dark, beautiful and mysterious and his eyes locked with mine and down I went into a heavy spell and I never remember coming up for air again. He was dark and good all at the same time. He had a healing quality about him that seemed to transform me, and indeed that is what he did.
Pluto has no manners and he is sorry about that, but all he wants to do is to take Venus and transform her. He wants to make her a whole new being and does. However, it’s not gentle. It’s painful, obsessive, cruel, and very manipulating at times. Venus learns his wicked ways and becomes enmeshed in this energy and it brings out even in her a mean, manipulative, and jealous side. They go back and forth with this energy trying so hard to break this painful pattern they have together. But around and around they go. They both become addicted to each other and when someone comes in to break their unhealthy bond they grasp on even tighter just like Persephone did. Well, even lovely Venus can turn into the Devil when you try to take her Dark Pluto Knight away from her. And revenge seems to be the only plot to play out; but remember,”before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” (Confucius) There are better ways to transform, and before you start spewing all your dark side everywhere, which you will do when you Venus meets Pluto. Remember this, Pluto cannot live without you. He needs you. Your bond is more powerful than anything he will ever know. Oh yes, Venus conjunct Saturn brings the house and stability and some people live in that world which is another story. But when Pluto finds his Venus princess, he will not let you go. You are trapped and imprisoned in his love. Yes, you are bonded for life.
Just when you think there is only darkness between you two left and the rage and control has broken both of you beyond repair and this intense relationship has damaged your souls, this is not end, it’s just the beginning of transformation. So Venus does what Pluto wants and transforms. He wants you to be a better person in every sense of the way. Pluto is the garbage man and he is cleaning house. When he conjuncts with Venus he takes all he garbage out, and she is left lovelier and deeper than ever before. People will not recognize you anymore because you have just gone through a Venus/Pluto relationship. And aren’t you lucky to have had this, because isn’t the point to life to transform and become a better person.
The modern version is “Beauty and the Beast.” What does Beauty love so much about the beast? He protects her, and would do anything for her. He would die literally without her. As the Disney’s version has it, when she goes back to tell her Beast she loves him, he turns into a prince. And Venus saves Pluto right back and transforms him in ways in which he is so grateful.
Yes, Pluto wants to be your prince, but he has none of your charm or wit, or manners. He is controlling, manipulative, arrogant and somewhat crptic in his ways. He can be mean in the way he is trying to change you, but he simply wants to be loved just like you. However with Venus and Pluto it’s sometimes a black hole and there is never enough love. They both think there will never be enough. They often end up sucking each other dry. But there is more than enough love, and in their darkness and abuse it’s hard to see the light and love, so they get stuck in an abusive pattern that they can’t seem to get out of. “Eventually the soul recognizes the pattern and wants to change it. With Pluto-Venus interaspect, it’s vital to get some space and independence into the relationship. The challenge is to develop trust and independence so when this is achieved the love becomes alchemical or tantric in its ability to transform the old pattern into new energy for the relationship. Such a contract is incredibly powerful and transmute karma and open up the possibility of a totally satisfying relationship on all levels.” (Judy Hal)
Pluto/Venus love is deep beyond measure and goes beyond time and space. You will never feel so wanted, so devoured by your lover. So needed, it will take over you, your souls will belong to each other forever in time.
We will see this transit for the next few weeks so we might see more rapes, domestic violence, killings in the name of love and secret affairs. Perhaps, bad news is always around the corner if we look for it. However, I would like to think of this time as when I met my dark tall Pluto knight and when you will meet yours. Or Pluto will meet his princess. You will feel like the only two people in the room, your eyes will meet and you will be under a very powerful spell and down you will go and you will never come home the same.
It’s a powerful, intense, volcanic love when you are together and the passion is like something you have only read about. Pluto has more power than you know. It could light a city or nation. It’s dark they say, well who is they? Pluto is so misunderstood and complicated we cannot even call it a planet anymore. No its energy is far greater than we will ever grasp. Pluto will transform you so do not be afraid of him in the darkness; he turns you into light and spring. He will heal you and every cell in your being will change. So what is so dark about that? It remakes our souls. Changes our life and makes us a better person from the inside out. Venus is Pluto’s “light” angel and if he could carry it around all day in his pocket he would. Behind closed doors, the passion and the tantric sex is unreal—-God like. You are his Goddess and he is your God. In the highest form your bond and lovemaking is a spiritual union. And remember Persephone and Hades’ private world has never been told because it’s sacred and private. You could sit for eight hours having coffee with the girls or guys and try to explain it. Don’t even try. It’s your and yours alone and other relationships will seem pail in comparison to a Pluto/Venus relationship. No one will understand unless they, too, have gone through this.
Will Pluto marry you? Maybe, after all Hades did marry Persephone as she was the love of his life. If he does not, he is still something great to be tucked away in your heart. He showed you deep earth-shattering love and transformed your soul and that is worth every penny. He will never leave you. This I promise. Somewhere in the wings he is always going to be there. Once he finds his Venus he will never let you go, and he will hold you so close to his heart no one else will ever get in. Hopefully, you are lucky and have some Satan around to stain this love, because it’s heart breaking to let it go. Mr. Biggs and Carrie from the beloved Sex In the City. had a very Pluto/Venus relationship from the very start, and in end they got married and lived happily ever after. No matter how mean and horrible he was, Carrie loved him and he loved her and they changed each other for the better. Mr. Biggs helped Carrie become a beautiful woman with his passion and devotion and she helped him find peace in his world.
Sometimes Pluto/Venus are not lovers. Like Red Reddington and Agent Elizabeth Keen. Reddington is dark, arrogant, and can out smart everyone in the room. Keen is pretty, sweet, and somewhat innocent to the darkness around her. However, Red would do anything to protect her, and he always answers her calls and rescues her at moment’s notice. They too like Hades and Persephone have long talks in private that no one would understand on the outside. These talks are real and sweet and like Persephone— Lizzy is happy and safe somehow in his dark presence, and we don’t question or try to understand their bond. Clearly here we can see whether Red is good or bad, his intentions towards Lizzy are always for her best interest. He wants her to be the best she can be, and he is remaking her to be lighter. Ironic that someone dark can change someone to light. This is Pluto/Venus at its best. In Red’s dark world in which he lives, all he shows for Lizzy is love. This is a good example of the “beast” having this gentle soft side with his Venus princess.
The movie, “Secretary” is a perfect movie to watch because explains the Pluto/Venus connections exquisitely. James Spader’s character, Mr. Gray, is dark, controlling and does not have many redeeming qualities. With his secretary, Lee, he wants to transform this odd, scared little girl into a brave, sexy and confident woman. He tells her something at the beginning of their relationship which changes her life. He says, “I’m going to tell you something Lee, you will never ever cut yourself again. Do you understand? Have I made that perfectly clear? You are over that now. It’s in the past.” As mean as Mr. Gray was to most people, to Lee he only wanted her to heal and be stronger. She falls madly in love with him and during that same time she finds herself. Behind closed doors they have connections that many people would not understand. Lee lets him know that even though he’s wounded, she understand him and will always love him.
So my advice is: keep it private. If you don’t you might get very hurt, but I won’t write about that now. Unless you are in a Pluto/Venus relationship no one will ever get it or understand the Pluto -Venus conjunction. I mean do you really understand it? Then how can anyone else.
So these next few weeks what will Venus/Pluto bring you? Well transformation and truth hopefully. You may feel the need to manipulate your lovers into loving you more, and giving you more of what you want. However, just ask because Pluto/Venus wants to transform all the darkness and pain in your life into something beautiful. In the next few weeks we will be forced to face our deepest feelings of self worth and our lovability. Your relationships may feel emotionally intense and an all or nothing attitude will take over you. But Jupiter is in the picture to help this time making you take a deep breath and heal all these love wounds. The truth will come out and real love will win in the next few weeks. And even if it’s behind closed doors, well just like, Persephone and Hades, Reddington and Keen, that is exactly where Pluto/Venus relationships are supposed to be. And if we keep them there, a world in which no one writes about awaits you.
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Lookism: The Effects of Hypergamy and Sexual Revolution
Gender relations around the world are deteriorating. The rise of feminism has contributed greatly to this, but there is something that is much bigger. That is Lookism and how it affects men today when it comes to, well, practically every part of their lives. Despite starting by throwing out terms like “Lookism”, “Hypergamy” and “Sexual Revolution” I hope you don't treat these concepts as buzzwords. all three of these terms represent different things, but they are all connected to each other. It's very intersectional.
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The Internet plays a very important part in modern dating. Traditional and conventional forms of dating are virtually destroyed. Apps like Tinder make it much easier for everyone to access potential partners. Caveat: just because one can communicate with the opposite sex, doesn’t mean that you have the possibility of attaining relationships. Interestingly enough, the Pareto principle plays a hand in dating. On Tinder, the bottom 80% of men compete for the bottom 20% of the women while the top 80% of women compete for the top 20% of the men. This leads to Hypergamy, where women have easy access to sex/relationships with attractive men, whereas unattractive men have to compete for fiercely for the scraps -no offense intended. Post Sexual Revolution as sexuality became a non-taboo subject, so did the number of people one has had sex with; which enables Hypergamy.
The claim that “Hypergamy” is declining is quite naïve. Hypergamy is still ever-present in our world. Hypergamy has declined in terms of polygamous marriages, but the dating aspect of it remains as strong as ever.
Attractive people have an easier time finding dates, that seems easy to digest. We also know what an attractive woman is; but what makes a man attractive? A lot of people would talk about things such as personality, ambition etc. But just like how we judge women primarily by their looks, so the same standard -if not even an amplified form of it- can be applied to men. Physical appearance matters a lot. The worst part for men is that we are talking about parts of males’ physical appearance that men cannot change, such as height and facial structure. This phenomenon is not exclusive to the dating world, it also applies to each and every aspect of life. Attractive people (both men and women) are much more likely to be employed. The interesting part is that while racial preference is also present, the more significant aspect -lookism- is ignored. Race plays second fiddle to attractiveness. As stated in Busetta, Fiorillo and Visalli's abstract:
“Callbacks rates are statistically significantly higher for attractive women and men than unattractive ones. Racial discrimination appears to be statistically relevant, but less than discrimination based on the physical features, especially for women."
This phenomenon is also known as the Halo Effect. There is research proving that physical appearance matters the most, to most people. Even in the long term, physical appearance matters a lot more than personality. Several people would claim that acquainted people look past looks and that person is still an important factor. This claim is naïve and wrong because while personality doesn’t change based on how you look, how others perceive your personality is in fact based upon your appearance. That's the Halo Effect in action. This means that attractive men are more likely to have friends -which also increases their chances of finding a mate- because attractive people are more likely to be trusted, more likely to be considered as intelligent, and so on and so forth.
How Lookism and Hypergamy connect to the Sexual Revolution is simply that the moment sex becomes more accessible, women's options increase get while the options of men reduce (unless they are handsome). Biologically speaking we all care about looks. The emphasis on looks has been amplified through modern societal norms to the point where personality is a non-factor to most parts of our lives. Modern feminists recognize the advantage and capitalize on it, of course. Most people who get the short end of the stick of feminism end up being ugly men (which is why a lot of soy boys and emasculated men tend to be unattractive). The moment an attractive man uses anti-feminist talking points, nominal feminists suddenly turn into traditionalists!
The Sexual Revolution also developed the idea that chastity for women was a bad thing; no girl likes being called frigid, after all. The result was that women were socially permitted able to have sex much more compared to previous epochs. This sexual and promiscuous lifestyle has terrible results, especially when it came to marriage. Quoting Michelle Langley:
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“Feral female sexual behavior is governed by a number of chemicals. The euphoria of infatuation is associated with the stimulant phenylethylamine, naturally produced in the body by erotic attraction. As with other drugs, it is addictive, and people gradually build up a tolerance to it, requiring ever greater levels to achieve the same effect. Over time, it loses its power over us, and infatuation is replaced by a calm feeling of attachment to our mates. There are neurochemical factors at work here as well. But the feeling of attachment or bondedness is akin to the effect of a sedative or narcotic rather than a stimulant.”
In short, as the number of sexual partners a woman has increases, her the ability to pair-bond decreases. the knock-on effect for the relatively modern social-construct of marriage which socialized sexual availability and enabled peaceful civilization to form should be obvious. What long-term effect this reversion to nature may have, is up for debate.
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2OLyVyY via IFTTT
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Some in years past it used to weigh at $4.89/oz. and gold at $368/oz., the ratio was 75:1. This means that is now undervalued, and less than historic norms, and therefore it is a better investment than even gold if you wish to "buy low and then sell on high". |The Large cap mining companies is dependent upon small cap industries for survival, because they small cap mining industries support additional supplies of nickel, gold, silver, coal, titanium, along with other commodities. Unions are formed with the little cap mining companies using the prospects of proper method of getting any additional resources, because they companies are involved in exploring, developing and monetizing new mines. It is highly profitable to buy these companies simply because they have a much higher risk- reward ratio, as compared to the big fishes in the same sea. This fund offers a total exposure to the diverse investments available globally and more importantly to the numerous mining fields belonging towards the asset basket on this portfolio. To make a clear picture the fund diversifies its investment into 100 junior mining companies. |A fortune that lasts isn't often built to be made overnight. You cannot immediately make all of the preparations you want or have to produce the financial situation that you want. It takes little steps. In some cases, you may well be in a position to achieve it by putting aside another $50 - $200 per month or more when you are able. |Nowadays modern tools achievements play essential role within our lives. Options markets are certainly one of such technological achievement. 100% web-based, with friendly interface, won't demand any spectacular knowledge, genuine or special experience. Options trading is a great approach to gain your revenue. 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Over supply of such commodities could also have a very negative effect causing devaluation in the prices of core commodities. Crude as an energy commodity continues to be closely watched my nations across the world. High crude prices might cause great trouble for a normal western consumer. On the other hand low crude prices could affect the Middle Eastern countries which might be completely determined by the force producing commodities. |Fiscally, there are several items that could work for your inconvenience, as an example mishaps, challenges and even enormous yet crucial uses. There moreover all that might be needed items that could work further reinforcing your favorable luck, for example impact, appreciation and general profit. A delineation of your gainfulness that could offer you slack in the impact and thankfulness is remaining profit. 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If you are alert about locating the bail agency which includes the features mentioned here, your task of having your loved one from jail can be much easier. |If you'd like to get into the field of investing but have limited finances or limited knowledge of what it requires to make effective deals, then maybe a very important thing that you might do would be to start a good investment club. An investment club is often a ideal strategy to start trading on the stock trading game and limit your risk at the same time. |There's a number of ways you can save tax. But one way that's certain to catch most people's attention is mutual funds. These enable you to not only save money you'd dedicate to tax, but also to allow it grow. But not every sort of tax saving fund could be to your liking. Investing in a few of these might end up in cross-purposes to your own. You need a fund that can help you save tax but in addition permits you to fulfil your other investment goals. Here's the best way to limit your options to precisely what you desire. The first thing that you will need to do is create a list with columns that permit you compare net asset values (NAV) of funds, lock-in periods, investment plans, the fund's background risk factor. These are the basics that you should look out for in pretty much every fund - and tax-saving money is no different. |For many centuries gold has been the most popular and valued silver and gold coins on the planet. Once used as a means for facilitating the exchange of merchandise and services. The metal is within modern days used to cushion people against inflation, during days gone by if the economy is experiencing a downturn. |Student accommodation can be a secure and safe UK Property Investment sector which includes developed a lot of interest of investors to purchase U.K student property. The UK financial marketing fundamentals show an appreciable development in UK student investment sector. The research implies that throughout the last year of 2012, the rental income has risen by 5 % per annum. |When it comes to money and augmenting one's financial collection, there is a population group that passes by the maxim of greenbacks as a commodity that may always be earned. To them, it is just the problem of finding out ways to improve their billing. On the other hand, there is a second group that finds this approach to get fraught with risk. This lot is extremely slightly averse to taking unnecessary chances, when they can figure a means from it. |Gold is easily the most common as a great investment. Investors often buy it as a hedge. Investments in gold can be carried out in a number of ways like gold-backed securities like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or physical gold funds, Bullion index funds (index trackers),physical yellow metal or gold certificates, gold accounts or precious metaltrusts. Investment in gold has to be done scrupulously. We need to assess judging by each option with regards to shield and value factors. In our opinion, there are numerous arguments in support of physical precious metal. |This bill takes quite a bit with the monthly incomes. That is way we desire to make it as low as possible and allow me to share the ways for doing that mission. First, replace the normal bulbs with energy- saving ones. This will slow up the bill significant. Keep the lights on only space that you're staying in the minute and switch off others. Also, consider the concept of installing Solar Panels, the industry huge investment, but worth. |The stock market is an excellent approach to savings for individuals and corporations. It lets them have a substantial gain against other sorts of markets even if it means taking on greater hazard. We see from your existing countless savers they're happy to put a little extra funds inside the stock trading game market. Today, we'll discuss tips on how to begin acquiring the stock market. |Since an index is surely an imaginary portfolio of assets, one cannot actually buy a financial index. This is where we touch upon the topic of index funds. To lay down a vital detail, an index fund is often a mutual fund. It runs using the identical procedure as other mutual funds, that involves first collecting funds from investors, then investing it for the children. However, there are highly distinguishing differences between just every other mutual fund plus an index fund. |If you are planning to setup your own personal start-up or wish to expand your small business you may need some potential lenders to invest in your aspirations. Seeking some form of investment from individual external sources is always an improved option than through loans nevertheless there is no set schedule to repay it back. Actually you do not possess the responsibility of month by month installmets being paid as well as have the time on your own hand to create and run your set up. But it is actually in contrast to how the investors wouldn't expect anything inturn. They could ask anything from an appropriate cut inside profits with a control in the business. Whatever the case might be but eventually it turns to become a greater setting because monetary risk is shared; that is beneficial to entrepreneurs. |Nigeria has the largest demographic record in comparison best bitcoin miner best gpu for mining ethereum with the other countries of the identical continent. Its strongest strength lies in producing oil an essential fuel input that is certainly relied on by other economies around the globe. 80% from the revenue collected with the Government comes from the vitality sector. This shows how important and resiliently this sector influences the GDP in the economy. Though the rebasing of Nigeria's GDP arrives since a long while, there is certainly still an extra delay. The rebasing will make a direct effect of an additional 40% on the GDP of Nigeria and would put it since the second largest economy of Africa after South Africa. |With the assault of imminent baby boomer retirements, guidance regarding withdrawals from employer-sponsored pension plans abound. Although it is often advice to roll-over competent employer retirement plan assets to an IRA, that'll perhaps 't be good suggest proper whose 401(k) plan contains employer stock with 'net unrealized appreciation (NUA). |Basically, the Forex market is how banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders come to exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market can also be called the 'Fx market', 'Foreign exchange market' or 'Foreign currency market', and it's also the most important and most liquid market on earth having an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion. The Fx marketplace is open round the clock, 5 days weekly with important world trading centers being situated in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. |If you are interested in the real estate business, you could want to understand foreclosures. Even if this industry continues to be shifted from the current economic crisis, it is still great to produce cash in some other ways . Therefore , there are a great number of those who continue to take part in real estate business.} The prime day trading and investing tip is always to "do not over trade". You must continue to be disciplined always and wait for a right trades into the future. Trust your system once you identify the very best trade during the day, then go for it! You should stick to trading merely one or even more times daily. Your vital to long-term success and consistent earnings is to create a couple of huge trades daily instead of plenty of small trades. Make sure that industry forces don't make a direct effect around the investment decisions taken. There are way too many factors in charge of threatening your investment policies such as State Level Policies and Economic Reforms. Keeping track of these trends and decisions may help you further allocate your desired portfolio. If we keep to the rotation of industry sectors determined by economic cycles, we may be able to reposition our portfolios in a better place and adapt accordingly to industry flow and trends. Peter's second item is to keep carefully the company stock ($350,000) in the 401(k) and roll-over most of his 401(k) money ($400,000) into an IRA. Peter could then exchange the corporation inventory ($350,000) from his 401(k) plan in a typical brokerage account. This triggers ordinary taxes on his cost cause for your firm stock ($50,000), however the remaining $300,000 just isn't taxed until he sells it. The Chinese's economy has shifted its trend from an export oriented economy to some domestic oriented one. The GDP in the economy is growing at 7.5 % in the second quarter as indicated by National Bureau of Statistics in Beijing. This growth may be a lot less than anticipated in the forecast as on 2013. Not to forget how the Euro zone hasn't being doing too well too, and is also facing a sluggish growth period. Let's place it using this method, China may be hit from the "Lewis Point" and desperately needs a rebalancing movement so that you can complete the shortage of the company's labor pool. The wages should be rising to enforce an increase inside consumer spending. This will only facilitate the luring of investments back into the system.
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|After founding several of the NCR's best regarded projects, the pioneer developer BPTP launches a township Astaire Gardens located at Sector 70A in Gurgaon. Wonderfully positioned at millennium city, simply accessible from Sohna Road with NH-8 this new coming project is not more definately not upcoming SPR. The township of BPTP Astaire Gardens will offer the highly wide-ranging living environment in very economical rate. The independent township has brightly planned air-con residences with best-in-class superiority. This gated community project is planned with three tier security, round-the-clock services, water supply and 100% power back-up. A matchless upscale club facility, recreation parks with 70% green area and landscaping entire the picture. |Silver is considered to be better investment than gold in epic times. The price ratio of gold was 15 or 16:1, but lately, it really is relatively cheaper varying from about 40:1 to 80:1. Some in years past it used to weigh at $4.89/oz. and gold at $368/oz., the ratio was 75:1. This means that is undervalued, and less expensive than historic norms, so because of this it's a better investment than even gold if you want to "buy low and sell high". |The Large cap mining companies depends upon the tiny cap industries because of their survival, because these small cap mining industries support additional supplies of nickel, gold, silver, coal, titanium, and other commodities. Unions are formed with small cap mining companies while using prospects of proper way to obtain any additional resources, since these companies take part in exploring, developing and monetizing new mines. It is highly profitable to invest in these businesses because they have higher risk- reward ratio, than the big fishes in the same sea. This fund provides a total exposure to the diverse investments available globally and most importantly for the numerous mining fields belonging on the asset basket with this portfolio. To make a clear picture the fund diversifies its investment into 100 junior mining companies. |A fortune that lasts just isn't often engineered to be made overnight. You cannot immediately make all the preparations that you might want or need to make the financial circumstances you want. It takes little steps. In some cases, you may well be capable of achieve it by putting aside a supplementary $50 - $200 30 days or even more since you are able. |Nowadays modern tools achievements play extremely important role within our lives. Options financial markets are certainly one of such technological achievement. 100% web-based, with friendly interface, will not demand any spectacular knowledge, genuine or special experience. Options trading is an excellent method to gain your earnings. Just by keeping up-to-dated while using news and accurately making prediction, centering on trading, easy profit is really a guarantee. In the article drop shall present you with useful information about binary options fundamentals which are optional to find out for you who would like to turn into a successful trader and make a profit continuously. Stop referring to money, start making it,here are several important and practical advises are so that you can enable you to tilt the odds on your behalf. |The history of trading commodities might be traced down from provided that 6000 in years past. The market of commodity trading has always been with a rise. The economic impact of this has been on several countries by one of the ways or perhaps the other. Scarcity of critical commodities has triggered a continuing tension among the countries. One such example is the place Japan ventured in the foreign land in a quest for oil and rubber. Over method of getting such commodities can also possess a negative effect causing devaluation of the prices of core commodities. Crude as an energy commodity may be closely watched my nations worldwide. High crude prices might cause great trouble for a typical western consumer. On the other hand low crude prices may affect the Middle Eastern countries which can be completely influenced by the vitality producing commodities. |Fiscally, there are many things that could work in your inconvenience, as an illustration mishaps, challenges and in many cases enormous yet crucial uses. There moreover all of that may perhaps be needed issues that can function further reinforcing your favorable luck, as an example impact, appreciation and general profit. A delineation of the gainfulness that may provide you with slack both in impact and thankfulness is remaining profit. This is a methodology to accumulate as quickly as could be judicious and possibly create a persisting and well known purchase life. |UK could be the heaven for education seekers, the second best destination for the students of all around the world after US where studying could be the desire each student. UK has among the best education systems on the planet where almost every student gets best knowledge in a friendly enlivenment. Official data signifies that currently you will find 1809 several types of institutions (referred to the UKBA sponsor list) offering quality education in the UK. |If you are looking for the credible agency which posts bail bonds in San Bernardino, it might be better to pay heed to some features that are being discussed here. If you are alert about finding the bail agency which includes the features mentioned here, your task of having your loved one from jail can be much easier. |If you'd like best litecoin miner to get into the field of investing but have limited finances or limited understanding of just what it requires to create effective deals, then maybe a very important thing you could do would be to start a smart investment club. An investment club is usually a ideal solution to start trading on the stock exchange and limit your risk at the same time. |There's quite a few ways for you to save tax. But one way that's certain to catch most people's attention is mutual funds. These enable you to not just spend less you'd spend on tax, and also permit it grow. But not every kind of tax saving fund could possibly be your cup of tea. Investing in some could end up working in cross-purposes for a own. You need a fund which enables it will save you tax and also enables you to fulfil your other investment goals. Here's how you can define your alternatives to precisely what you need. The first thing that you'll have to do is make a list with columns that enable you compare net asset values (NAV) of funds, lock-in periods, investment plans, the fund's history and risk factor. These are the basics that you ought to look for in you'll find fund - and tax-saving settlement is no different. |For many centuries gold may be just about the most popular and valued precious metals in the world. Once used as a means for facilitating the exchange of goods and services. The metal is present times utilized to cushion people against inflation, during those times in the event the economy is experiencing a downturn. |Student accommodation is a safe and sound UK Property Investment sector that has developed a huge amount of interest of investors to invest in U.K student property. The UK financial marketing fundamentals show an appreciable rise in UK student investment sector. The research implies that during the last year of 2012, the rental income has risen by 5 percent yearly. |When it comes to money and augmenting one's financial collection, there is a population group that goes by the maxim of income as being a commodity that will continually be earned. To them, it is just the difficulty of discovering solutions to grow their billing. On the other hand, there's a second group that finds this process to be fraught with risk. This lot is ever so slightly averse to taking unnecessary chances, if they'd like to figure an easy method from the jawhorse. |Gold is easily the most fashionable as a good investment. Investors often buy it being a hedge. Investments in gold is possible in numerous ways like gold-backed securities like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or physical gold funds, Bullion index funds (index trackers),physical rare metal or gold certificates, gold accounts or precious metaltrusts. Investment in gold have to be done scrupulously. We need to assess on the basis of each option regarding shield and price factors. In our opinion, there are numerous arguments in favor of physical platinum. |This bill takes quite a bit of the monthly incomes. That is way we want to make it as low as possible and listed below are the ways to do this mission. First, replace the standard bulbs with energy- saving ones. This will lessen the bill significant. Keep the lights on only within the room that you are staying in the minute and turn off the others. Also, think about the thought of installing Solar Panels, which is a huge investment, but worth. |The stock trading game is an excellent method of savings for those and companies. It allows them to obtain a substantial gain against other kinds of markets even if it means dealing with greater hazard. We see through the existing countless savers they are willing to put additional funds inside the stock trading game market. Today, we'll discuss the best way to begin getting the stock trading game. |Since an index is surely an imaginary portfolio of assets, one cannot actually invest in a financial index. This is where we touch upon the topic of index funds. To lay down an essential detail, an index fund is really a mutual fund. It is run on exactly the same procedure as other mutual funds, which involves first collecting funds from investors, then investing it for him or her. However, you will find highly distinguishing differences between just another mutual fund as well as an index fund. |If you are planning to create your own start-up or would like to expand your online business you may need some potential lenders to invest in your aspirations. Seeking some type of investment from individual external sources is definitely a much better option than through bank loans as there is no set schedule to pay back it back. Actually you do not possess the burden of monthly installments being paid as well as have the time on the hand to determine and run your set up. But it is actually nothing like that the investors wouldn't expect anything in return. They could ask anything from the right cut inside profits to many control inside the business. Whatever the case may be but eventually it turns being a much better setting because the monetary risk is shared; which is beneficial to entrepreneurs. |Nigeria gets the largest demographic record when compared with the other countries of the identical continent. Its strongest strength is based on the production of oil an essential fuel input that is relied on by other economies worldwide. 80% with the revenue collected through the Government emanates from the energy sector. This shows how important and resiliently this sector influences the GDP with the economy. Though the rebasing of Nigeria's GDP is born since a lengthy while, there is still a further delay. The rebasing makes a direct impact of the additional 40% for the GDP of Nigeria and would place it because the second largest economy of Africa after South Africa. |With the assault of imminent baby boomer retirements, guidance regarding withdrawals from employer-sponsored pension plans abound. Although it is often helpful advice to roll-over competent employer retirement plan assets with an IRA, that'll perhaps not be good suggest proper whose 401(k) plan contains employer stock with 'net unrealized appreciation (NUA). |Basically, the Forex market is how banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders visit exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market is also called the 'Fx market', 'Foreign exchange market' or 'Foreign currency market', and it is the greatest and many liquid market on earth by having an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion. The Fx market is open twenty-four hours a day, 5 days per week with the most important world trading centers to be situated in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. |If you are considering the real-estate business, you may love to discover foreclosures. Even if this industry has been shifted through the current economic crisis, it is still great for making profit some other ways . Therefore , there are a great number of people that continue to engage in real-estate business.} Though this African country may be the world's largest oil production nation, its social and political scenario and compilation of issues of civil unrest and corruption haven't allow it to go score too great. Nevertheless the population of the nation touches 160 million and the working potential ratio on this population may be the targeted group with huge expectations. The new economic liberalization reform and strategy are already targeted to achieve the desired ratio of economic growth on this country. The effect of those new liberal policies show up in the telecom Industry which is doing remarkably well, and the privatization in the gas and oil sector has further improved the expansion. Make sure that the market forces don't make an impact on the investment decisions taken. There are lots of factors accountable for threatening your investment policies including State Level Policies and Economic Reforms. Keeping track of these trends and decisions can assist you further allocate your desired portfolio. If we continue with the rotation of industry sectors based on economic cycles, we may be able to reposition our portfolios in a better place and adapt accordingly to industry flow and trends. Our world economies are definitely more interconnected than we assume these to be. The US is the largest performer within the global economy but playing in conjunction with China since the last decade. The effect with the Chinese economy can be felt with big magnitudes inside the global scenario. Materials sector, commodity prices and global economy are typical driven with the Chinese's economy. Generally, 401K deductions or settlement is maintained, monitored and updated by way of a 3rd party. A 401K account offers investment flexibility; it is possible to buy a number of stocks, bonds, securities and certificates. It's the employer who decides on what options might be agreed to his / her employees. This is the employer's sole discretionary power. Moreover, a company can contribute a matching amount on the employees' accounts that is another crucial role played from the employers in a 401K investment plan. Employers exercise this power in order to retain talent; however, employees earn outside of their salary amount since this employer match contribution isn't contained in the annual maximum 401K contribution limits for employees.
0 notes
{According to many experts in the market, 401K tax deduction is not a real tax deduction. In fact, it defers tax payments about the amount one invests until any withdrawal is created before or perhaps retirement. This is what is really a 401K account a well known tax-deferral account accessible to the U.S. citizens and in various other countries.
|After founding several of the NCR's best regarded projects, the pioneer developer BPTP launches a township Astaire Gardens located at Sector 70A in Gurgaon. Wonderfully positioned at millennium city, simply accessible from Sohna Road with NH-8 this new coming project is just not more faraway from upcoming SPR. The township of BPTP Astaire Gardens will offer you the highly wide-ranging living environment in very cost effective rate. The independent township has brightly planned air-con residences with best-in-class superiority. This gated community project is planned with three tier security, round-the-clock services, water supply and 100% power back-up. A matchless five star club facility, recreation parks with 70% green area and landscaping entire the photo. |Silver is recognized as better investment than gold in epic times. The price ratio of gold was 15 or 16:1, but lately, it really is relatively cheaper varying from about 40:1 to 80:1. Some years back before weigh at $4.89/oz. and gold at $368/oz., the ratio was 75:1. This means that happens to be undervalued, and cheaper than historic norms, and therefore it is a better investment than even gold if you want to "buy low and sell high". |The Large cap mining companies depends on the small cap industries for survival, as these small cap mining industries support additional supplies of nickel, gold, silver, coal, titanium, and also other commodities. Unions are formed with small cap mining companies with the prospects of fine availability of the extra resources, because these companies get excited about exploring, developing and monetizing new mines. It is highly profitable to invest in these firms since they have a much higher risk- reward ratio, than the big fishes in the same sea. This fund provides a total experience the diverse investments available globally above all towards the numerous mining fields belonging to the asset basket on this portfolio. To make a clear picture the fund diversifies its investment into 100 junior mining companies. |A fortune that lasts is just not often built to be made overnight. You cannot immediately make all of the preparations that you would like or must produce the financial predicament that you might want. It takes little steps. In some cases, you may well be able to achieve it by putting away another $50 - $200 per month or maybe more as you are able. |Nowadays modern technology achievements play very important role inside our lives. Options markets are considered one of such technological achievement. 100% web-based, with friendly interface, doesn't demand any spectacular knowledge, genuine or special experience. Options trading is a great approach to gain your revenue. Just by keeping up-to-dated while using news and accurately making prediction, focusing on trading, easy profit is often a guarantee. In the article here we shall present you with useful information about binary options fundamentals that are optional to find out for all who wishes to be a successful trader and generate income continuously. Stop discussing money, start making it,below are a few important and practical advises are that you can help you to tilt chances on your side. |The history of trading commodities might be traced down from as long as 6000 in the past. The market of commodity trading has always been with a rise. The economic impact with this has been on several countries by one way or perhaps the other. Scarcity of critical commodities has led to a constant tension one of the countries. One such example occurs when Japan ventured in to the foreign land inside a search for oil and rubber. Over way to obtain such commodities also can use a negative effect causing devaluation from the prices of core commodities. Crude being an energy commodity continues to be closely watched my nations worldwide. High crude prices can cause great damage to the average western consumer. On the other hand low crude prices can impact the Middle Eastern countries that are completely influenced by the vitality producing commodities. |Fiscally, there are many issues that can work for a inconvenience, for example mishaps, challenges and also enormous yet crucial uses. There moreover everything that may perhaps be needed things that can work further reinforcing your favorable luck, for instance impact, appreciation and general profit. A delineation of your gainfulness that will give you slack in the impact and thankfulness is remaining profit. This is a methodology to accumulate as easily as could possibly be judicious and maybe come up with a persisting and tried and tested purchase life. |UK will be the heaven for education seekers, the 2nd best destination for the scholars of over the world after US where studying will be the desire every single student. UK has among the best education systems on the globe where each student gets best knowledge in a friendly enlivenment. Official data demonstrates currently there are 1809 different types of institutions (described the UKBA sponsor list) offering quality education in the UK. |If you are looking for the credible agency which posts bail bonds in San Bernardino, it could be advisable to pay heed for some features which are being discussed here. If you are alert about locating the bail agency which has the options mentioned here, your task to get your beloved away from jail would be easier. |If you'd like to enter into the concept of investing but have limited finances or limited comprehension of what it really requires to create effective deals, maybe a very important thing that one could do would be to start a smart investment club. An investment club is really a ideal solution to start trading on the currency markets and limit your risk as well. |There's quite a few techniques to save tax. But one way that's sure to catch most people's attention is mutual funds. These permit you to not only cut costs you'd devote to tax, and also permit it grow. But not every form of tax saving fund could be your cup of tea. Investing in some of these could end up in cross-purposes in your own. You need a fund that assists you save tax but in addition lets you fulfil your other investment goals. Here's tips on how to limit the options to just what you would like. The first thing that you must do is do a list with columns that allow you compare net asset values (NAV) of funds, lock-in periods, investment plans, the fund's background risk factor. These are the basics that you need to look for in almost every fund - and tax-saving money is the same. |For many centuries gold has become just about the most popular and valued precious metals on the planet. Once used as a means for facilitating the exchange of products and services. The metal is contemporary times employed to cushion people against inflation, during days gone by if the economy is experiencing a downturn. |Student accommodation is a safe and sound UK Property Investment sector which has developed a lot of interest of investors to buy U.K student property. The UK financial marketing fundamentals show an appreciable increase in UK student investment sector. The research demonstrates over the last year of 2012, the rental income has increased by 5 % per annum. |When it comes to money and augmenting one's financial collection, you will find there's population group that goes on the maxim of greenbacks being a commodity that could always be earned. To them, it is just the matter of learning approaches to enhance their billing. On the other hand, there is a second group that finds this method to become fraught with risk. This lot is extremely slightly averse to taking unnecessary chances, when they can figure a method out of it. |Gold is regarded as the popular as an investment. Investors often buy it as a hedge. Investments in gold can be achieved in several ways like gold-backed securities like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or physical gold funds, Bullion index funds (index trackers),physical yellow metal or gold certificates, gold accounts or precious metaltrusts. Investment in gold has to be done scrupulously. We need to assess on the basis of each option in relation to shield and value factors. In our opinion, there are several arguments and only physical yellow metal. |This bill takes a large amount from the monthly incomes. That is way we desire to make it low as possible and allow me to share the ways for doing that mission. First, replace the standard bulbs with energy- saving ones. This will decrease the bill significant. Keep the lights on only in the room that you're staying in the second and shut off the others. Also, look at the concept of installing Solar Panels, the huge investment, but worth. |The stock trading game is a fantastic technique of savings for individuals and companies. It allows them to get yourself a substantial gain against other kinds of markets even if it means accepting greater hazard. We see in the existing millions of savers they are ready to put additional funds inside the currency markets market. Today, we'll discuss ways to begin getting the stock market. |Since an index can be an imaginary portfolio of assets, one cannot actually buy financial index. This is where we touch upon the topic of index funds. To lay down a necessary detail, an index fund can be a mutual fund. It is run on a similar procedure as other mutual funds, , involving first collecting funds from investors, then investing it for the children. However, you can find highly distinguishing differences between just some other mutual fund plus an index fund. |If you are planning to put together your own personal start-up or wish to expand your enterprise you may want some potential lenders to finance your aspirations. Seeking some type of investment from individual external sources is usually a greater option than through loans from banks as there is no set schedule to settle it back. Actually you do not have the responsibility of timely repayments to get paid and additionally have the time on your hand to ascertain and run your launch. But it is actually unlike the investors wouldn't normally expect anything inturn. They could ask anything from a suitable cut within the profits to some control in the business. Whatever the case might be but eventually it turns being a greater setting because monetary risk is shared; that is great for entrepreneurs. |Nigeria has the largest demographic record as compared to one of the other countries of the same continent. Its strongest strength is in the creation of oil a crucial fuel input that is certainly used by other economies worldwide. 80% with the revenue collected by the Government originates from the power sector. This shows how important and resiliently this sector influences the GDP with the economy. Though the rebasing of Nigeria's GDP arrives since a lengthy while, there's still an extra delay. The rebasing will make an impact of an additional 40% for the GDP of Nigeria and would place it since the second largest economy of Africa after South Africa. |With the assault of imminent baby boomer retirements, guidance regarding withdrawals from employer-sponsored pension plans abound. Although it is usually helpful advice to roll-over competent employer retirement plan assets for an IRA, that'll perhaps not good suggest proper whose 401(k) plan contains employer stock with 'net unrealized appreciation (NUA). |Basically, the Forex market is the place banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders arrived at exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market can be referred to as the 'Fx market', 'Foreign exchange market' or 'Foreign currency market', in fact it is the biggest and quite a few liquid market in the world having an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion. The Fx market is open round the clock, 5 days weekly most abundant in important best bitcoin mining hardware world trading centers being situated in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. |If you are considering the real estate property business, you could possibly love to understand foreclosures. Even if this industry continues to be shifted from the current economic crisis, it's still great to produce cash in another ways . Therefore , a few great number of those who carry on and take part in real estate property business.} It should be noted that there are no central industry for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted 'over the counter'; it's not like stocks where there can be a central marketplace wonderful orders processed much like the NYSE. The forex markets (FOREX) have evolved from the humblest of beginnings towards the world's largest market by dollar volume. With several unique access points, speculators and hedgers can both find what they are trying to find. Whether they simply want to hedge their everyday currency risk, or pursue a more complex strategy, the FOREX markets provide the liquidity and instruments for trading in currencies. Make sure that the marketplace forces don't make an effect around the investment decisions taken. There are lots of factors to blame for threatening ignore the policies for example State Level Policies and Economic Reforms. Keeping track of these trends and decisions can help you further allocate your desired portfolio. If we stick to the rotation of industry sectors based on economic cycles, we may manage to reposition our portfolios inside a better place and adapt accordingly to the market industry flow and trends. According to Sam Stovall's the organization cycles can be a compilation of changes in the GDP who have some pattern i.e. the development, prosperity, contraction & the recession period. This last phase is accompanied by the very first again. He stated that all sector features its own strength at the various points of business cycles; the investors need to invest in accordance with the collective reports of those trends remembering the area of strength for each and every sector. This gives them a way to be able to redirect their investment strategies and put money into those ETF's that have the ability and capability of outperforming inside a down market. The studies also reviled that there is a huge gap between the supply and demand in such fruitful industry. There is approximately greater than 50% shortage of student housing industry in UK currently as only 450,000 away from 1.4 million students have direct access of purpose-build student beds. That describes the monumental imbalance between demand and supply.
0 notes
{According to many experts in the market, 401K tax deduction is not a real tax deduction. In fact, it defers tax payments about the amount one invests until any withdrawal is created before or perhaps retirement. This is what is really a 401K account a well known tax-deferral account accessible to the U.S. citizens and in various other countries.
|After founding several of the NCR's best regarded projects, the pioneer developer BPTP launches a township Astaire Gardens located at Sector 70A in Gurgaon. Wonderfully positioned at millennium city, simply accessible from Sohna Road with NH-8 this new coming project is just not more faraway from upcoming SPR. The township of BPTP Astaire Gardens will offer you the highly wide-ranging living environment in very cost effective rate. The independent township has brightly planned air-con residences with best-in-class superiority. This gated community project is planned with three tier security, round-the-clock services, water supply and 100% power back-up. A matchless five star club facility, recreation parks with 70% green area and landscaping entire the photo. |Silver is recognized as better investment than gold in epic times. The price ratio of gold was 15 or 16:1, but lately, it really is relatively cheaper varying from about 40:1 to 80:1. Some years back before weigh at $4.89/oz. and gold at $368/oz., the ratio was 75:1. This means that happens to be undervalued, and cheaper than historic norms, and therefore it is a better investment than even gold if you want to "buy low and sell high". |The Large cap mining companies depends on the small cap industries for survival, as these small cap mining industries support additional supplies of nickel, gold, silver, coal, titanium, and also other commodities. Unions are formed with small cap mining companies with the prospects of fine availability of the extra resources, because these companies get excited about exploring, developing and monetizing new mines. It is highly profitable to invest in these firms since they have a much higher risk- reward ratio, than the big fishes in the same sea. This fund provides a total experience the diverse investments available globally above all towards the numerous mining fields belonging to the asset basket on this portfolio. To make a clear picture the fund diversifies its investment into 100 junior mining companies. |A fortune that lasts is just not often built to be made overnight. You cannot immediately make all of the preparations that you would like or must produce the financial predicament that you might want. It takes little steps. In some cases, you may well be able to achieve it by putting away another $50 - $200 per month or maybe more as you are able. |Nowadays modern technology achievements play very important role inside our lives. Options markets are considered one of such technological achievement. 100% web-based, with friendly interface, doesn't demand any spectacular knowledge, genuine or special experience. Options trading is a great approach to gain your revenue. Just by keeping up-to-dated while using news and accurately making prediction, focusing on trading, easy profit is often a guarantee. In the article here we shall present you with useful information about binary options fundamentals that are optional to find out for all who wishes to be a successful trader and generate income continuously. Stop discussing money, start making it,below are a few important and practical advises are that you can help you to tilt chances on your side. |The history of trading commodities might be traced down from as long as 6000 in the past. The market of commodity trading has always been with a rise. The economic impact with this has been on several countries by one way or perhaps the other. Scarcity of critical commodities has led to a constant tension one of the countries. One such example occurs when Japan ventured in to the foreign land inside a search for oil and rubber. Over way to obtain such commodities also can use a negative effect causing devaluation from the prices of core commodities. Crude being an energy commodity continues to be closely watched my nations worldwide. High crude prices can cause great damage to the average western consumer. On the other hand low crude prices can impact the Middle Eastern countries that are completely influenced by the vitality producing commodities. |Fiscally, there are many issues that can work for a inconvenience, for example mishaps, challenges and also enormous yet crucial uses. There moreover everything that may perhaps be needed things that can work further reinforcing your favorable luck, for instance impact, appreciation and general profit. A delineation of your gainfulness that will give you slack in the impact and thankfulness is remaining profit. This is a methodology to accumulate as easily as could possibly be judicious and maybe come up with a persisting and tried and tested purchase life. |UK will be the heaven for education seekers, the 2nd best destination for the scholars of over the world after US where studying will be the desire every single student. UK has among the best education systems on the globe where each student gets best knowledge in a friendly enlivenment. Official data demonstrates currently there are 1809 different types of institutions (described the UKBA sponsor list) offering quality education in the UK. |If you are looking for the credible agency which posts bail bonds in San Bernardino, it could be advisable to pay heed for some features which are being discussed here. If you are alert about locating the bail agency which has the options mentioned here, your task to get your beloved away from jail would be easier. |If you'd like to enter into the concept of investing but have limited finances or limited comprehension of what it really requires to create effective deals, maybe a very important thing that one could do would be to start a smart investment club. An investment club is really a ideal solution to start trading on the currency markets and limit your risk as well. |There's quite a few techniques to save tax. But one way that's sure to catch most people's attention is mutual funds. These permit you to not only cut costs you'd devote to tax, and also permit it grow. But not every form of tax saving fund could be your cup of tea. Investing in some of these could end up in cross-purposes in your own. You need a fund that assists you save tax but in addition lets you fulfil your other investment goals. Here's tips on how to limit the options to just what you would like. The first thing that you must do is do a list with columns that allow you compare net asset values (NAV) of funds, lock-in periods, investment plans, the fund's background risk factor. These are the basics that you need to look for in almost every fund - and tax-saving money is the same. |For many centuries gold has become just about the most popular and valued precious metals on the planet. Once used as a means for facilitating the exchange of products and services. The metal is contemporary times employed to cushion people against inflation, during days gone by if the economy is experiencing a downturn. |Student accommodation is a safe and sound UK Property Investment sector which has developed a lot of interest of investors to buy U.K student property. The UK financial marketing fundamentals show an appreciable increase in UK student investment sector. The research demonstrates over the last year of 2012, the rental income has increased by 5 % per annum. |When it comes to money and augmenting one's financial collection, you will find there's population group that goes on the maxim of greenbacks being a commodity that could always be earned. To them, it is just the matter of learning approaches to enhance their billing. On the other hand, there is a second group that finds this method to become fraught with risk. This lot is extremely slightly averse to taking unnecessary chances, when they can figure a method out of it. |Gold is regarded as the popular as an investment. Investors often buy it as a hedge. Investments in gold can be achieved in several ways like gold-backed securities like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) or physical gold funds, Bullion index funds (index trackers),physical yellow metal or gold certificates, gold accounts or precious metaltrusts. Investment in gold has to be done scrupulously. We need to assess on the basis of each option in relation to shield and value factors. In our opinion, there are several arguments and only physical yellow metal. |This bill takes a large amount from the monthly incomes. That is way we desire to make it low as possible and allow me to share the ways for doing that mission. First, replace the standard bulbs with energy- saving ones. This will decrease the bill significant. Keep the lights on only in the room that you're staying in the second and shut off the others. Also, look at the concept of installing Solar Panels, the huge investment, but worth. |The stock trading game is a fantastic technique of savings for individuals and companies. It allows them to get yourself a substantial gain against other kinds of markets even if it means accepting greater hazard. We see in the existing millions of savers they are ready to put additional funds inside the currency markets market. Today, we'll discuss ways to begin getting the stock market. |Since an index can be an imaginary portfolio of assets, one cannot actually buy financial index. This is where we touch upon the topic of index funds. To lay down a necessary detail, an index fund can be a mutual fund. It is run on a similar procedure as other mutual funds, , involving first collecting funds from investors, then investing it for the children. However, you can find highly distinguishing differences between just some other mutual fund plus an index fund. |If you are planning to put together your own personal start-up or wish to expand your enterprise you may want some potential lenders to finance your aspirations. Seeking some type of investment from individual external sources is usually a greater option than through loans from banks as there is no set schedule to settle it back. Actually you do not have the responsibility of timely repayments to get paid and additionally have the time on your hand to ascertain and run your launch. But it is actually unlike the investors wouldn't normally expect anything inturn. They could ask anything from a suitable cut within the profits to some control in the business. Whatever the case might be but eventually it turns being a greater setting because monetary risk is shared; that is great for entrepreneurs. |Nigeria has the largest demographic record as compared to one of the other countries of the same continent. Its strongest strength is in the creation of oil a crucial fuel input that is certainly used by other economies worldwide. 80% with the revenue collected by the Government originates from the power sector. This shows how important and resiliently this sector influences the GDP with the economy. Though the rebasing of Nigeria's GDP arrives since a lengthy while, there's still an extra delay. The rebasing will make an impact of an additional 40% for the GDP of Nigeria and would place it since the second largest economy of Africa after South Africa. |With the assault of imminent baby boomer retirements, guidance regarding withdrawals from employer-sponsored pension plans abound. Although it is usually helpful advice to roll-over competent employer retirement plan assets for an IRA, that'll perhaps not good suggest proper whose 401(k) plan contains employer stock with 'net unrealized appreciation (NUA). |Basically, the Forex market is the place banks, businesses, governments, investors and traders arrived at exchange and speculate on currencies. The Forex market can be referred to as the 'Fx market', 'Foreign exchange market' or 'Foreign currency market', in fact it is the biggest and quite a few liquid market in the world having an average daily turnover of $3.98 trillion. The Fx market is open round the clock, 5 days weekly most abundant in important best bitcoin mining hardware world trading centers being situated in London, New York, Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris, and Sydney. |If you are considering the real estate property business, you could possibly love to understand foreclosures. Even if this industry continues to be shifted from the current economic crisis, it's still great to produce cash in another ways . Therefore , a few great number of those who carry on and take part in real estate property business.} It should be noted that there are no central industry for the Forex market; trading is instead said to be conducted 'over the counter'; it's not like stocks where there can be a central marketplace wonderful orders processed much like the NYSE. The forex markets (FOREX) have evolved from the humblest of beginnings towards the world's largest market by dollar volume. With several unique access points, speculators and hedgers can both find what they are trying to find. Whether they simply want to hedge their everyday currency risk, or pursue a more complex strategy, the FOREX markets provide the liquidity and instruments for trading in currencies. Make sure that the marketplace forces don't make an effect around the investment decisions taken. There are lots of factors to blame for threatening ignore the policies for example State Level Policies and Economic Reforms. Keeping track of these trends and decisions can help you further allocate your desired portfolio. If we stick to the rotation of industry sectors based on economic cycles, we may manage to reposition our portfolios inside a better place and adapt accordingly to the market industry flow and trends. According to Sam Stovall's the organization cycles can be a compilation of changes in the GDP who have some pattern i.e. the development, prosperity, contraction & the recession period. This last phase is accompanied by the very first again. He stated that all sector features its own strength at the various points of business cycles; the investors need to invest in accordance with the collective reports of those trends remembering the area of strength for each and every sector. This gives them a way to be able to redirect their investment strategies and put money into those ETF's that have the ability and capability of outperforming inside a down market. The studies also reviled that there is a huge gap between the supply and demand in such fruitful industry. There is approximately greater than 50% shortage of student housing industry in UK currently as only 450,000 away from 1.4 million students have direct access of purpose-build student beds. That describes the monumental imbalance between demand and supply.
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