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whencallstheheart · 4 years ago
WCTH Pre-Season 8 Survey Results
Thank you to those who took the time to participate.  Here’s what you had to say:
Who will Elizabeth pick? - 94.6% Nathan, 5.4% Lucas
Which episode will the choice be made in? - 36.5% episode 9 or 10, 29.7% episode 11 or 12, 17.6% episode 7 or 8
Does Elizabeth do the picking? - 85.1% Yes, 14.9% No, the other man bows out
Will there be more than one kiss for Elizabeth and her final pick? - 51.4% Yes, 48.6% No
Will the man not picked begin a romance? - 58.1% No, 41.9% Yes
Will Carson and Faith get married? -  58.1% Yes, 41.9% No
Will Lee and Rosemary adopt or get pregnant? - 89.2% Yes, 10.8% No
Will Allie's father show up in Hope Valley? - 78.4% Yes,  21,6% No
Will Nathan officially adopt Allie? - 93.2% Yes, 6.8% No
Will we see any of Elizabeth's family? - 83.8% No, 16.2% Yes
What are you looking forward to this season? Do you have any concerns?
Read the responses under the cut.
Just to have the triangle over. It makes Elizabeth look like she is enjoying have two men after her. Why she can’t figure who she loves is beyond me and I’m tired of her behavior.
Looking forward to meeting the Canfields. Concerned that the triangle will drag on!!
End of the love triangle!!!
I am concerned there will be so much going on that we don't get a lot of time spent with Elizabeth and her new suitor. At the same time, though, I'm excited for all the other characters' stories and WANT to see their stories. It's a catch 22. We need more episodes!
Looking forward to Elizabeth finally making up her mind, Gowen's plot line and ofc, Rosemary and Lee getting a child or not and having obstacles on their way (maybe even introduce Rosie's past)
Looking forward to pretty much everything but the triangle continuing. My biggest concern is the triangle will take up too much of the time. She needs to pick so her character isn't completely destroyed and the whole show can move on.
Ehh, I just hope the love triangle doesn't get annoying. Hopefully it will be handled nicely. I'm hyped for the new showrunner; the last few seasons have felt kinda stale & repetitive.
nothing or Lucas to turn gay
Excited to see the new family in Hope Valley! I am concerned about the love triangle being resolved. Some Hearties are so entrenched on one side or the other that I don’t see them coming around and accepting the outcome. I think it’s going to be ugly, and it makes me sad just thinking about it.
I'm looking forward to 3 months of escapism! Worried if Elizabeth picks Lucas as I won't like that at all, will be hard to stay engaged in the show. But also looking forward to other storylines (Nathan/Allie, Rosemary/Lee, hopefully Lucas/Fiona eventually).
E finally choosing so this triangle can end, the new family on the show, and maybe a dream of Jack tell E who to choose haha! I think E already decided though at the end of S7 when she said something similar to, “I’ll always be grateful for that” referring to her book to L.
The end of the love triangle
The love triangle ending, the new family, and family visits1 response
The consequences of hug.
I'm looking forward to Elizabeth's choice to put an end on the love triangle. I'm concerned that the love triangle is being mishandled.
Hoping this love triangle mess is finally wrapped up and they don’t drag it out too much, but I’m not optimistic. It’s honestly began to make me lose interest in the show. I hope she picks Nathan because I just can’t see myself watching Elizabeth and Lucas.
henry is left out so much, let him have some friends
Elizabeth's choice concerns me, especially if that choice is Lucas. Also, i would like to see Rosemary and Lee truly happy instead of them just being a filler for Elizabeth's drama. Their family needs to expand. A storyline for Henry that is positive because i believe that he deserves it seeing that he us a seasoned actor.
More Lee/Rosemary! Especially them becoming parents but also in general they are my fave part of the show and looking forward to them having important story lines. Excited to see how the new characters fit in to Hope Valley. Honestly no concerns I mean there’s always gonna be things that annoy me (love triangle) but I don’t foresee anything getting too messed up. Hopefully there are no abandoned storylines but I think there’s less of a chance of that happening this season. Overall super excited!!!
Lee and Rosemary
Love triangle ends. More of Nathan and Allie together.
Concerns: love triangle
That Faith and Carson will get engaged. I don't care for them
End of this triangle finally, story line for Fiona
Elizabeth, Nathan, Little Jack and Allie
Elizabeth and Nathan 's love story to develop
I was looking forward to the triangle being over, but it looks like I’ll be waiting longer for that. Otherwise, I hope Lee and Rosemary finally get to be parents in some way. I look forward to Jesse and Clara maybe going through some struggles but finding a way to work through them.
Lee and Rosemary stepping toward parenthood. Nathan and Elizabeth romance and coupling story.
I'd like to see Lee and Rosemary find happiness with a child, but worty they'll focus so much on the bew Canfield famiky and the love triangle, that it won't get the screen time it deserves.
I’m concerned she chooses Lucas. TeamLucas keeps talking about how he’s so good for her. But I don’t think she’s good for him. They’re boring...I can’t see any interesting storylines coming from them as a couple (except picnics and candlelit dinners).
Looking forward to Nathan and Elizabeth. My concern is that the show runners will pick Lucas
Whatever happens, at least 1/2 the audience will be ticked off about it. I think we all agree Lee and Rosemary keep a certian faction watching. My second favorite story line is Nathan and Allie- they have a magnificent story to tell. I hope Jesse and Clara have some good storylines coming up
Less about the love triangle and more about the other characters.
I think Lee and Rosemary’s niece will be the one getting married. Maybe her fiancé (the new guy) got a job in the oil business.
Henry, Fiona, The Canfield’s, Bill and Molly
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hopevalley · 5 years ago
something i thought about recently is how other fandoms have those like surveys that get passed around, where people get tagged or encouraged to reblog and add their own answers to questions. maybe wcth could use one of those to increase participation?
Oh, for sure. I’m not even sure what people call those: they’re not technically memes but I’ve seen them called that anyway. Maybe I’ll start putting them together. Melinda does her season-end surveys, but I think you mean more like the “send me two characters and I’ll tell you how I ship them” or, this, or even this. Heck, this counts, and this, and this.
Larger fandoms tend to have fandom-specific "games” like this, but I find they’re more difficult to implement just because they have to get specific and the amount of people here who would participate would be so low it might not be worth putting together. We could definitely try and do something, though. Send-Ask Saturdays or maybe a new one based off of each new episode as it airs? Thoughts?
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colorado-springs · 7 years ago
Out of interest, do you answer all the questions you get sent via this blog? There seems to be a fairly good split of positive vs negative comments but I wonder how many new viewers are tuning in vs. die hard DQMW fans. Just curious that's all :-)
Pretty much all of them, yeah.  I don’t publish any that have spoilers (so please avoid them if you want me to reply) and sometimes I’ll skip over ones where the comment or whatever has already been made multiple times and I don’t have any more to add.  Or sometimes I’ll try to lump them together if they all come in around the same time.
I really have no clue how many people are actually doing the group watch or if they’re old or new viewers.  It’d be nice to know.  Maybe I’ll do a survey thing for the end of season 2 to gauge opinions and get some info like I do with my WCTH blog.  
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
WCTH Season 7 Survey
Please take a few moments to share your thoughts about season 7 and what might come next!
The survey will remain open until Wednesday, May 6th.  I’ll share the results with you all then.
Your participation is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!  
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
WCTH Season 7 Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey.  There were 122 responses total.  Here’s what everyone thought:
How would you rate season 7 as a whole? - 8/10
What is your general view of the show? -  I really enjoy it (78.7%), I'm not as into it as before (19.7%), I don't like it anymore (1.6%)
How do you feel about the love triangle? -  I'm enjoying it (22.1%), I don't like it but it's fine (55.7%), I hate it (22.1%)
Who do you want Elizabeth to pick? -  Lucas (13.1%), Nathan (78.7%), Still undecided (8.2%)
Would you continue watching if Elizabeth doesn't pick your guy? -  Yes, I would still watch (70.5%), No, I'd be done with it (4.1%). Probably not for much longer/would have to see (25.4%)
Do you think Elizabeth made her pick in the finale with the hug? -  Yes, the triangle is over (10.7%), No, Lucas is still in the running (18.9%), She will pick Nathan but it's not official yet (70.5%)
What do you think could be behind Nathan's awkwardness? -  Bad experience in the past with women (15.6%), Not feeling worthy of Elizabeth (27.9%), A possible connection with Jack (24.6%), Something else (32%)  
How would you describe Lucas and Elizabeth's dinner in the library in the finale?  -  Romantic (12.3%), Uncomfortable (71.3%), No opinion (16.4%)
Do you think Lucas is ready to settle down and have a family? - Yes (23%), No (77%)  
Have you missed Faith in her absence? -  Yes, bring her back! (32%), Faith who? (27.9%), Don't care either way (40.2%)  
If Elizabeth wasn't the main focus of the show, which other female would you want to take her place? - Rosemary (73.8%), Clara (7.4%), Fiona (18%), Faith (0.8%)  
Do you think Lee and Rosemary will finally be parents in season 8? - Yes (87.7%), No (12.3%)
Do you think Clara will get pregnant in season 8? - Yes (67.2%), No (32.8%)
Would you welcome Abigail back to Hope Valley? - Yes (40.2%), No (59.8%)
What do you think the plot will be for Henry in season 8? -  Come back to Gowen Petroleum (26.2%), Start another business (26.2%), Deal with a health problem (44.3%), He won't be in Hope Valley (3.3%)  
What do you think of Bill? -  I've always liked him and still do (40.2%), I'm liking him a lot more now than I used to (55.7%), I don't like him (4.1%)
What do you think Fiona might do next? - Go back to the telephone company (3.3%), Work for Gowen Petroleum (44.3%), Start her own business (30.3%), Something else (22.1%)
Are you interested in Elizabeth's journey to becoming a published author? - Yes (47.5%), Not really (50%), No (2.5%)
On a scale of good to bad, where would Henry fall? - 3 (32.8% - more good than bad)
If you have to pick just one, which was your favorite plot line this season? - Top 3: The windstorm, Nathan’s father, Jesse & Clara’s wedding
How excited are you about next season? - 5/5 (59.8%), 4/5 (23.8%), 3/5 (10.7%), 2/5 (3.3%), 1/5 (2.5%)
Your comments will be shared in another post.
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
Mid-Season 7 Survey Results
You’ll find the responses to the 2 short answer questions under the cut.  Apparently you guys aren’t into the love triangle.  What a surprise!
What would you like to see more of this season? -
Lucas and Elizabeth
More friendships ans less if that stupid love triangle. I'm done with it.
Jack return
More serious plot lines, less filler plot lines that are just boring
The triangle to be over. Decide who stole your heart.
More Lucas and less of boring Nathan. I would love it if both Nathan & Allie left the show. Both have ruined the show for me. I am about to start recording the show, so I can fast forward their scenes. That is something I rarely do for any show.
Jesse and Clara. Lucas and his past. Lucas and Elizabeth.
I’d like to see more Henry, and less love triangle! I’d also love more about Lee and Rosemary starting a family, and Jesse and Clara settling into married life.
More townspeople stories other than the triangle. There are so many stories to tell. I’d also like to see a pastor again. I miss the services, etc
More Elizabeth story lines independent of Nathan and Lucas
More of Lucas and Elizabeth of course ? They are just so perfect. I love them because...he shakes things up for her, but he isn't to wild or not caring and solid enough for her. It's just perfection lol
The other kids
Lucas and Elizabeth romantic scenes!
Lucas and Elizabeth getting together by the end of the season.
More girls fun, like the bachelorette party, I was hoping to see more of that in the last episode. But the mixing of the two parties in the end was kind of a fitting ending. And more teacher/classroom moments
Rosemary! Florence and Fiona’s friendship. Meaningful plot lines for the whole town and characters who are not paired off.
Lee and rosemary
Baby Jack! Those twins and how they interact with the cast are priceless and adorable and sweet!
Lucas and Nathan friendship
Better story lines for Bill and Henry
Elizabeth in the classroom.
I'd like to see more good writing ;)
something interesting apart form the triangle like, idk really just something interresting.
Nathan and Elizabeth
Elizabeth and Lucas together courting and starting a life together
Not sure
The triangle over sooner rather than later :)
Romance, more Mountie investigations, Elizabeth’s choice
Nathan actually being a mountie, the library kinda has disappeared, so maybe more of that, some storylines that aren't striclty connected to romance. And also more bonding amongst the boys, the bachelor party was super awkward and not because of Lee, because we've never seen them interact with each other before, Nathan only talked with Bill, Lucas only talked with Henry and barely Lee. The girls have lot more scenes together about other stuff then them. I can't believe I'm saying this, but it seems like they are using the guys just as romance ploys XD
Henry fall in love
A little more drama. This series has had a lot of fun and the triangle have taken a lot of screen time. I would like to see more balance.
Carson & Faith
Deeper character exploration
more fiona/henry interaction. More interesting plot that would overshadowed the love triangle. Also Nathan/lucas....what Girl can dream...
Lucas and his past in more details. Gowen finding a woman
Henry Gowen!
I want more meaningful drama. To me the plots are resolved to fast. It feels like they rushing every moments.
I would love to see a plotline pick up speed. I DO NOT want this love triangle drawn out for 2 o more seasons
Nathan's mountie work
More of Lucas and Baby Jack!
I want Bill-centered stories that have nothing to do with any of his jobs...also I want to know more about Fiona
More Lucas and Elizabeth scenes and more students besides Allie. Seems like we’ve had a lot about her and haven’t really seen the other students much.
More of Elizabeth with her students, teaching and like the opal scene we had where she read to her!
henry/abigail but if not then henry
Lucas in casual clothing
More Nathan and Elizabeth moments with little Jack and Allie!
Henry and Elizabeth scenes
Better writing
Rosemary and Lee
More Elizabeth and Rosemary friendship
community problems
The coulters
BETTER and more INTERESTING writing!!! Please
Lee and Rosemary dealing with infertility.
More of Florence and Molly! Theyre useless right now, tbh.
More of Rosie and Lee! And Henry!
Elizabeth with the children
clear communication instead of romantic hints PLZ haha
Elizabeth and Lucas together
I would like to see Nathan do more Mounty stuff. More scenes with Henry.
More of Lucas and Elizabeth romantic moments together. Rosemary is pregnant . Maybe a scene of Elizabeth telling baby jack about his father and that he is always with them. Elizabeth and Lucas kiss.
More of Henry storyline . Maybe a love interest for him. More Elizabeth and Lucas moments. I think they have great chemistry and really hope they end up together. The Mountie storyline is dry and already been done. I don’t think it will happen this season but fingers crossed for Lucas and Elizabeth kiss. Even a kiss on the check would be really nice. Also more of baby jack.
Lee and Rosemary
Lee and Rosemary in a serious argument, Rosemary meeting a friend Lee doesn't like, the women of Hope Valley doing more together, Henry finally not being looked down on/frowned upon.
Rosemary and Lee
More of the Hope Valley kids! There’s been very few scenes with any kids besides Allie.
The growth of Elizabeth and Lucas's relationship. I'd like for them to explore their feelings and eventually fall in love (maybe next season?)
The kids, even with chicken pox they managed to be overshadowed by the adults. they used to be more present and be part of the plot. now it's just Allie, kind of feel like Elisabeth is not a teacher anymore...
More scenes with Lucas and Elizabeth. I'd also like to see more storylines with the Hope Valley kids.
Nathan and Ally
Scenario with Lucas and Baby Jack
Any other thoughts about the season so far?
It would ne nice to see other characters developement such as Molly, Florence, Ned who bring the sparkle of fun and lightness to the show.
Without Jack and Abigail, stop the season. WCTH no longer makes sense.
Too much make up - cut it out!
Hate how Brian Bird has turned the Hearties against each other with this triangle. Then the fact he gloats about it is so unchristian. Apparently Mr. Bird is not the Christian he claims to be with his behavior on social media. He loves the fact the Hearties are divided and the community has become hateful towards each other.
I just hope the triangle ends this season and finally be on the path to develop the second love chosen for Elizabeth
I’m unclear on who is in charge of Hope Valley right now. There was a mention of the town council in this week’s episode, did the head of town council become mayor? Did they get rid of the mayor’s office, and now the whole town council is in charge? I’m not sure why, but I think about this a lot whenever I’m watching.
I’m not a huge fan of this supposed love triangle. Not at all.
Not enough drama for this time period. We need more cliffhanger type moments. Stakes aren't high enough like they used to be.
They have done a FANTASTIC job. Honestly, this season, along with season 6, are my favs.
It’s been great
I absolutely detest the "love" triangle. It is out of character for Elizabeth to be attracted to two men. She's a one-man woman. Also I HATE the way this unnecessary triangle has divided the Hearties and caused so much ugliness.
Lucas and Elizabeth are constantly getting interrupted by Nathan. Less of Allie and more of the other kids. Little Jack walk and not be carried all the time. Lucas and Elizabeth dance at the wedding and/or on the trip they take. Nathan sees he is not winning over Elizabeth and Lucas
I really want Elizabeth to end up with Lucas and show their love story
I'm leaning more towards Lucas mostly because I don't want the teacher/mountie storyline recycled but for both options, I would like more in depth characterisation.
I actually really like love triangles, so I don’t mind it at all if they manage it well. The season is certainly not good so far, but I’m mostly enjoying it and looking forward to new episodes more than in previous seasons. My expectations are very low, but I’m still worried they’ll manage to disappoint me in so many ways. On a completely positive note, I’m loving the importance of Rosemary’s friendship with Elizabeth!
I like it
Kevin is only there when he's needed for the Fione storyline, the guy that works for Gowen is in the back more than Kevin. Kevin actually doesn't make much sense since he doens't interact with many characters other than Fiona and the occassional storyline with the livery
Get storylines for Henry and Bill
It’s ok - some plot lines are strong and some are very weak and waste a lot of viewing time.
Not happy w/the triangle. #Hearties are too divided.
Better writing not so predictable
I prefer Elizabeth to be with Lucas because he isn't a Mountie, we already had that story-line with Jack and i just want something fresh for Elizabeth.
We need a love interest for Henry!
I hate the triangle! It is causing division among the #Hearties. I think if the writers are going to put Elizabeth with another mountie which i hope and pray they dont! They should have replaced Jack. I think this triangle is making Elizabeth look silly and the men look like teenage boys. It has took the Elizabeth we have known away. Lucas is so perfect for Elizabeth he reminds me so much of Jack and to put them together would bring back the excitement to the show it has lost.
It's really ok. I don't really get why some have these like, HUGE expectations. It's a Hallmark show, I only have 1 real expectation: Be good, and realaxing.
Please renew for more seasons. I love this show. This is a great season
Honeslty it's quite okay. I would like to have more active plots, but this is Hallmark, so it's fine
More Lee and Rosemary and a quick end to the love triangle would be perfect.
They really need to work in the Spanish Influenza of 1918
I like the evolution of Elizabeth and Bill’s relationship - he is becoming a father like supposrt foe her and surrogate grandfather to Jack Jr developing
It's like the writers are running out of ideas. They did better with S6 even with kicking out Lori
Triangle needs to end by season
I feel like Henry would have had a bigger role with Abigail, so I'm sad that his character has to suffer the consequences of the Loughlin scandal. He's still a very good character but he deserves more plot than he gets.
Don't want the love triangle go to the next season.
This season is an improvment because there is no behind the scnes drama to accomodate for, however, it still feels stiff or something. I am looking forwrd to seeing Jesse and Clara's wedding! It will be the best since Rosemry and Lee's
No, it's all good
Would like to learn more about Lucas' family!
It's been kinda meh, with parts i've adored and parts i've loathed. trying to stay open-minded
Nathan’s character boring and needy. They way the writers have written him is very off-putting. Allie is grating on nerves too. Where are all the other students? I realize the writers must have a plan in place, but I honestly do not understand why they are dividing the fanbase over Elizabeth’s love life. It’s heartbreaking.
Please have Elizabeth choose already!! I feel like the love triangle is being dragged out!! Lol! But I love all the Elizabeth Lucas scenes!
Love it!
This season is so amazing so far! I cannot wait to see what is in store for Elizabeth and the rest of Hope Valley!
The ensemble cast really shines through. And also Erin is doing really good work with what´s been given her.
I miss the previous seasons and how much more interesting they were
Drop the love triangle
I don't think Elizabeth has chemistry with either man
If things don’t improve - end the show. Sorry - but my honest opinion.
I would like see a less competitiveness between Nathan and Lucus, the way they are acting is just silly and it belittles both of them. I think it would be more interesting if they were friends 1st before they both became interested in Elizabeth. Other than that I like the season so far, it feels fresh!
Nope, everything is pretty solid. But i really hope they don't go the Nathan route.
It’s great to be invested in this show again!
I’d like them to stop trying to make Henry into a bad guy
I would like the triangle over
I dont want this love triangle to continue for too long because it is becoming confusing and annoying to watch. I prefer Nathan because i feel like Elizabeth has more chemistry with him than Lucas. I think she also prefers Nathan but is afraid to allow herself to make her feelings known because shes afraid of lossing him too. I don't see her with Lucas because he is everything she left behind when she chose to stay in Hope Valley.
I’m really enjoying it! The flowers episode was my favorite! Very sweet and romantic.
I like Molly having a job now, too.
It’s pretty good. I wish the love triangle would be solved soon.
I love Jesse & Clara!!!
Really enjoying it! Excited to see where the storylines are Going!
I could use a little less Nathan and Allie.
Less love triangle.... wishful thinking
#TeamLucas. That's all ?
Need to end the triangle
With Elizabeth being the teacher she should interact with all the students. Sorry, not sorry but enough of Ally
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
Mid-Season 7 Survey Results
Thank you to everyone who took the survey.  I really appreciate you doing your part to participate.  There were a total of 113 responses.
How are you feeling about the season so far? - I’m really into it (51.3%), It’s okay (40.7%), I’m not liking it (8%)
Who do you want Elizabeth to be with? - Nathan (32.7%), Lucas (48.7%), Still undecided (18.6%)
Has your choice changed from before season 7? - Yes (7.1%), No (92.9%)
Do you think they’ll throw a third option into the mix? - Yes (8%), No (35.4%), I hope not (56.6%)
Would you be open to another suitor for Elizabeth? - Yes (19.5%), No (46.9%), Maybe (33.6%)
How do you feel about Kevin and Fiona? - I’m really into them (33.6%), They’re just okay (60.2%), I don’t like them (6.2.%)
How do you feel about Carson and Faith? - I really like them (32.7%), They’ve grown on me/they’re okay (44.2%), I don’t like them (23%)
Do you think Henry crossed a line with the oil business? - Yes (19.5%), No (41.6%), Maybe (38.9%)
Do you think Nathan was unfairly judged for not trusting his father? - Yes (47.8%), No (52.2%)
Do you want Lucas and Nathan to be friends? - Yes (51.3%), No (6.2%), Maybe in a while (42.5%)
What would you prefer to see Lee & Rosemary do? - Adopt (29.2%), Get pregnant (13.3%), Adopt and also find out they’re pregnant (57.5%)
Your comments will be included in a separate post.
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
WCTH Season 7 Survey Results
Read all the comments below the cut!
What are your hopes for season 8?
Nothing much. Just be good and relaxing.
Elizabeth officially picks Nathan and they start courting, with lots of adorable shy flirtation and early romance happiness, cute family scenes with Allie and Little Jack too, and a big passionate kiss scene towards the end of the season, possible after one of their lives is in danger. New romantic interest or other plotline for Lucas so he can bow out of the competition gracefully but not disappear. Jesse and Clara get pregnant. Rosemary and Lee adopt a child. Bill and Nathan carry on with exciting Mountie and Judge business. Something positive for Henry, for the love of god.
Nathan + Elizabeth. Baby for Rosemary and Lee. Lucas goes away.
Nathan and Elizabeth, Elizabeth and Allie, Elizabeth and Lucas, Carson and faith, Lucas and a new character, colters, Flynns, kevin and Fiona, more Florence, and a new paster. Also more kids and their interactions with each other and the adults.
Elizabeth and Nathan get together
more baby Jack
For Allie to leave. For the love triangle to be resolved. Less Elizabeth. Less Nathan. More Lee/Rosemary. More Jesse/Clara.
Elizabeth and Nathan get together
The triangle is done and focus on Elizabeth’s future. We waited forever for Elizabeth to get married to Jack and I think it would be nice to actually see her settle into married life other than just one episode. Plus, baby Jack needs a good father figure. I would like Lee and Rosemary to have a family. The writers could have a lot of fun with her being pregnant.
Elizabeth starts a relationship And more adventures start for all of Hope Valley!
I'm hoping the love triangle gets resolved no later than 8x03, and I'm really hoping it ends with Elizabeth engaged. Like, I know it's a little quick, but I think they waited way too long to get her and Jack married. And now that she's a widowed mother, I don't really want to see her in a long courtship or engagement. Especially if she picks Nathan (come on, we know it's all headed that way). I want to see Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie, and Jack as a family, and quick! I want to see the PTB do right by Henry, more than anything. I want to see Lee and Rosemary either pregnant or adopting.
Hopes: An end to the triangle...start to Elizabeth and Nathan's relationship. Parenthood for Lee and Rosemary via natural and/or adoption. Meet Lucas Mother and/or return to Lucas, man of mystery and maybe slightly dodgy. Developing friendship/mentorship with Nathan and Bill. A trip or visit from Hamiltonians (Elizabeth's parents or more Julie!). More Mountie cases with Bill involved...more Judge-centred stories for Bill. Last,but not least...Leland's motorcycle and leather coat from series 2!
Elizabeth chooses Lucas. Cute moments with little jack. A baby for rosemary . Elizabeth book deal journey . Henry has a new job. Lucas running oil business. Ally and Nathan moments.
Same as it was mid season, watch more interaction between the guys and the girls. There's been very little especially in the last episodes, it was more two on two all the time. It was amazing watching Nathan do exciting mountie stuff, so I definitely want more of that, especially because it will bring something to resolve in his relationship with Elisabeth. I would like Faith to be back, since I like her and Carson a lot, and possibily some real talk about baby Coulter, it's been barely there, I think it deserves more attention (I know it's Hallmark, but it's not a scandalous topic, there's an orphanage in WHC soooo)
Elizabeth & Nathan to get engaged, Rosemary & Lee to become parents, Gowen to acquire his Oil business again and fall in love, Bill to falll in love, Lucas & Fiona to become a couple and Jesse and Clara to be pregnant. Things should be resolved faster as we dont know how much longer the show will be renewed. Before it is cancelled, it should be tied up in a nice bow for all of us who love it.
No drama. More of Elizabeth and Nathan and little Jack.
I hope they don't do a time jump. I really would like to see Nathan deal with the emotional fallout of moving that gun barrel. That would be a really good but heartbreaking storyline.
Rosemary and Lee to start a family
Hope that we get to see Nathan open up more. And also get to see more about Lucas’ past. More Nathan and Bill moments.
That Elizabeth finally makes a decision, for more focus on Jesse and Clara, Lucas away from Elizabeth maybe become a villain, Faith and Carson reunited
More screentime for background characters and more humor! Less love triangle
Lee & Rosemary getting pregnant/adopting. Ending the triangle. More stories not revolving around Elizabeth and her love life.
Nathan and Elizabeth get married
That Elisabeth make her choice early in the season. Going back to a fun Lucas. More Fiona. Carson find love with somebody else.
Baby for Rosemary & Lee!! More of them in general they are my fave part of the show. Definitely a resolution to the love triangle so we can at least see where they will take it. More Henry!! Fuck Lucas give Henry his company back and allow him to be more a part of the community.
Elizabeth to choose between Nathan and Lucas early on in the season. Lee and Rosemary have a child. Ned and Florence get together. A love interest for Henry.
For the love triangle to be resolved, hopefully towards the beginning of the season. Also I really want to see Elizabeth and Nathan go on that date, but because of the time jump I’m not holding my breath.
End to the triangle (dare I hope). Elizabeth and Nathan begin courting. I like the idea of Lucas and Fiona together. Lee and Rosemary adopt a little boy. Bill and Molly begin a romance. Just more of being in Hope Valley. Would like a storyline where the town comes together to defend itself (maybe against a band of outlaws, I know that's very "old westernish" but would be nice to see them band together and fight to save the town).
a conclusion to the love triangle
To continue like they do with great story lines especially with The children
More Nathan, Elizabeth, Allie, and Little Jack. Lots of adventures with them. More Opal. I would love to see Archie and Suze in the Christmas movie. Elizabeth's and Jack's families visiting their grandchild. Nathan's Mother coming to town. Nathan's ex coming to town.
Love triangle to be over
Love triangle ending
I want to have more continuity in the plotlines. I liked having a story on two episodes.
No triangles
The end to the love triangle with Nathan coming out on top. Lee and Rosemary start their own family. Lucas and Fiona become a couple.
Just generally good writing. Also for Nathan & Elizabeth to get together and Lucas to stop being weirdly creepy. Also, I want more Rosemary and Lee plots that aren't comical. I like them regardless, but they really shine in more serious stories.
E and N together
Lee and Rosemary with a child and Bill to find love
Fiona declares herself mayor and makes a town decree that the love triangle must end. Also, Henry finds happiness and lots more of Lee and Rosemary.
Elizabeth and Nathan! Jesse and Clara get pregnant. More action, for the whole town, especially Nathan. Rosemary and Lee continue to be their great selves. More student plotlines. And something good happens to Henry.
I hope to see more interactions with the rest of the characters and of course their lives on how they grow and of course Elizabeth finding love in which I hope she picks Nathan crossing my fingers and everything else that goes on and more. ?
For the love triangle to last only a few more episodes. We don’t need this to drag on. I think it would be great if Rosemary and Lee had a child. I also hope to see the same for Clara and Jesse. I’d like to see more of Henry, Bill being fatherly to Elizabeth and Clara. Fiona finding her passion.
The love triangle is resolved with Nathan as the winner!
Something good! Maybe more of Lucas and delving more into his personality, and I want to see Faith become a doctor.
Elizabeth and Nathan getting together(if they do) and Rosemary and Lee having a Family
A resolution for Elizabeth and a baby for Rosemary. I want to see her pregnant. Lol
For Elizabeth to pick a guy, and Lee and Rosemary to become parents.
Elizabeth makes a choice, Rosemary and Lee become parents, Lucas and Fiona become interested in each other, Henry gets better and gets his business back.
Quick resolution of the love triangle or at least by half of the season. Agree with everyone's suggestions or expectations of the other characters storylines that I've read. I'm really just so happy for a season 8!
End to the triangle early in the season
Aucun. La série aurait du s'arrêter là. Et, Elisabeth devrait rester seule avec le petit Jack.
A quick end to the love triangle. Rosemary and Lee finally becoming parents. A new mayor.
I hope Elizabeth doesn't pick either - she can stand alone
Nathan and Elizabeth More Elizabeth and student plotlines More mountie business plotlines for Nathan (I feel like they have been doing a pretty good job in this last season) Lucas and Fiona Ned and Florence More drama and action
Elizabeth drop Lucas, and start a ‘slow burn’ relationship with Nathan (we’ve waited long enough). More Ally (in general), Nathan, and Elizabeth. I would love to see more story with baby Jack (hitting more milestones? Interacting with Nathan?), I would love to see Nathan go after the brother and sister and get justice (maybe that would draw Elizabeth to him?). A love interest for Henry and to get his company back from that dreadful Lucas.. Honestly, I want Lucas to just go away (sorry), or maybe back away from E and stop being so creepy. A baby for Lee and Rosemary. Fiona romance storyline with either, Lucas, Carson, or Kevin? Mainly let’s explore Nathan’s past and his relationship with Elizabeth... not to mention let’s find out what Carson’s “it’s a keeper“ photo is going to foreshadow for N & E!
See more of Elizabeth and Sargent (Jack's horse) Nathan and Elizabeth!
Nathan and Elizabeth
Resolution to the love triangle Lee and Rosemary adopt/ have a child Clara and Jesse become parents Maybe some storylines that last more than a few episodes
anything to do with Henry, he gets friendship or love ect. idc the poor guy been out of a decent plot for a while
swift end to the love triangle, new characters
Elizabeth to actually make a choice of who she wants to be with and put her own happiness first for once, which I wholeheartedly believe is with Lucas. Adoption for Lee and Rosemary. Faith to become a doctor. I think Nathan needs to be better developed on his own, and maybe more meaty mountie storylines. Fiona should work for Bill, she definitely has the brains do it.
More Rosemary and Lee! And hopefully they have a baby!
Elizabeth choosing Nathan and they become a family
Elizabeth chooses Nathan. Henry has a romance. To meet Nathan's mother (after his dad).
Ending the triangle, just please.
End of the triangle
Elizabeth will pick someone to date. Rosemary will be pregnant. Happy times. More of Clara and Jesse please.
I hope they finally let Lee and Rosemary adopt a child!
Wrap up love triangle. See some children for Lee and Rosemary
Team Lucas! R & L finally becoming parents; Storyline of publishing E's book
#teamlucas and have Nathan talk more about what happened to Jack.
Prefer Lucas and Elizabeth but hoping which ever way it goes that the love triangle is over with soon. More Lee and Rosemary. Hoping that they have a baby or adopt next season. Love interest for Henry would be nice to see develop.
Elizabeth starting a relationship with nathan
For the triangle to be dissolved. For Lee and Rosemary to consider adoption. For Fiona to start her own hair dressing business. For Henry to finally be seen as a good guy by the town. For Nathan and Elizabeth to be together. For Cody to come back without Abigail.
More faith/God references Nathan saves Elizabeth... again. :) Rosemary and Lee adopt or get pregnant Some sort of family for Henry
More stories for Fiona More happy stories for Henry More action and drama
That the love triangle will officially end - with Elizabeth choosing Nathan!
It comes quickly. Elizabeth doesn't continue to lead Lucas on if he is not the one. I think Fiona is a better match for Lucas.
Wrap up love triangle, child for Lee and Rosemary, continue to expand profiles of characters and relationships rather than one off/pointless plot line episodes. Also more episodes in the season- 12 episodes (not including Xmas movie) would provide for better story line development
Lucas and Elizabeth together, no more triangle
Elizabeth makes her decision for Nathan official and we will gut a first kiss.
More Elizabeth and Nathan. Baby for Rosemary and Lee. Fiona and Lucas.
My greatest wish for season 8 is that Elizabeth and Nathan start courting officially and that the love triangle is put behind us once and for all. I am excited to see what potential challenges lie ahead for them as a couple and blended family. I would also like to see Rosemary and Lee finally become parents. I'm excited for Henry's journey. It would be nice to see him start a new business that surpasses Gowen Petroleum in success. I am also very excited for Fiona. I think it would be exciting for her to start a business or even run for Mayor. I think she is smart and capable enough to fill the hole that Abigail's character left. I also really enjoyed Bill's character this year. I like seeing him as a judge and as a supportive friend. I'm curious to see if they'll find him a new love interest. It would be nice to see one of the supportive characters have a storyline next season. I would enjoy seeing Molly, Florence, Ned or anyone else in the spotlight for a change. As for Jesse and Clara, I wouldn't mind seeing them have a baby. I also think there are wedding bells in the future for Faith and Carson. Lastly, since I doubt they'd ever get rid of Lucas, I hope they bring his character back to what it used to be. I feel like he has the potential to be a fun (and infinitely more likeable) character if he's not so obsessed with Elizabeth.
That the love triangle will be over. Hopefully it will be Nathan. Lee and Rosemary become parents. Henry is back and doing good.
Generally, I just hope they only do a few things I dislike, and that there are good, interesting stories for the characters I enjoy (maybe something for Florence and Molly!). I’d love to see more of the supporting characters, their friendships with each other, and some meaningful fresh storylines for several members of the cast. I’d prefer, if season 8 is the season that Rosemary and Lee become parents, it is through adoption, without her also becoming pregnant this season (maybe later as their family grows, but I’d like some time with their first child before). Whatever direction they take with the main romance, (whoever Elizabeth is with and however they choose to write it), even if by some miracle it’s what I want, I hope for significant focus to remain on the friendships and for Elizabeth to also have other things going on.
Any other comments?
Great season! looking forward to next year!
I am falling deep down the obsession rabbit hole for this show all of a sudden and for the Elizabeth/Nathan pairing in particular. Thank you for this blog and beautiful gifs that make it so easy to fangirl to my heart's content. Do you ever read/share fic? If so, where?
Absolutely love WCTH
Thanks for all the work you put into the blog. I super enjoy hearing your thoughts on everything!
This has been my favourite series by far. It feels like an ensemble show...even if the triangle was top billing...and there were some great stories there, even if I got frustrated that they didn't do more with some. The cast do seem to enjoy each others company and McGarry and McNally feel as if they have always been there. If it weren't for the adorable twins playing little Jack, I would say...'Jack who?' Bill, Florence, Molly and even Ned felt more part of the town than they have in a long time. When Faith and Carson were on, I enjoyed them. It would be interesting the next step in that relationship as it is quite different than any in HV. I liked the kid stories that were there...Robert and becoming a Mountie, Allie and Grandfather, even Emily getting lost, so I hope they just don't focus on adults all the time. Hope we don't have to wait too long for series 8!
I wish Lee and Jesse had hugged when Lee got better, I felt like there was something missing from the scene :(
Why isn't it December yet? Also, thank you for putting together the survey!!!
Just thank you for keeping this place running ?
I still think Carson and Elizabeth would have made a great couple. Especially since Jack would get possessive when the two of them would talk.
Honestly I’m glad Abigail is done at this point bc other than Elizabeth her story took up most of the time and I wasn’t all that interested in her anymore either. Rosie is my absolute fave and I want as much of her as possible and I love Lee both as her husband and as a character too so I really want them to have their baby this season. I’d like to see a more extended storyline outside of the love triangle, doesn’t really matter who maybe put a couple characters together but I think Lee’s accident and aftermath would have been great to see if he was in the infirmary for more than a hot sec lol. I think Pascale could have really shown us a deeper side of Rosemary and more of the town coming together for that episode would have been nice. I mean I’d love to see Lee’s family again or go into Rosemary’s family too even if that doesn’t seem like it will happen. In general I’d like to see more storylines actually finished and not just introduced and cut off. While I still think Elizabeth is the fave of a lot of people and the love triangle is a point of contention I definitely think a lot of people would enjoy getting to really know other characters more and i would definitely be open to that any day. Overall I did enjoy this season and I do have high hopes for next season! Special thanks to your blog for fueling my obsession :)
Overall, really enjoyed the season, looked forward to each and every episode. I think they have managed to overcome the hurdles (Jack dyinig, Abigail leaving) and come out stronger.
Best show on TV
The love triangle is doing the character of Elizabeth no favors. Right now I don't really care for Elizabeth, Lucas, or Nathan. The triangle storyline needs resolved so I can go back to liking them.
I feel like Nathan doesn’t want to put Elizabeth in a relationship that has a chance where he dies like Jack. He might be scared.
Love your blog and reading your interpretations!!!
Great blog!
Comme certaines personnes, je n'aime plus cette série depuis que Jack est mort.
I think it’s safe to say I’m on everyone’s team BUT LUCAS’.. lol
Elisabeth should run out the door when lucas did that weird stuff at the dinner date
Thanks for the fun survey!
I want a spin-off series about Rosemary and Lee!
Rosemary falls pregnant
I liked Rosemary/Lee scenes during the chikenpox episode which were funny. I didn't like episode 5 due to the competition between Lucas and Nathan. But the scene with the dart falling in Nathan's glass was funny.
Thanks for your blog and all the time you put into it! :)
See above lol
I've noticed a couple of similarities between Nathan and Edward in Sense and Sensibility: the little gift for Baby Jack was wrapped similar to the little book given to Elinor and the wood chopping scene.
Thank you very much for everything!
I'm worried about the new Showrunner. I miss Alfonso already.
Thanks for all of your hard work this year! Finding your blog was a blessing. I love seeing the gifs and reading all of your comments and analyses. I am also looking forward to the rewatch and anything else you come up with!
I wouldn’t say this season was exactly good, but it had me emotionally invested, and there were plenty of things I enjoyed about it, despite the many faults. There are so many good characters, who will hopefully get even more chance to shine next season! I personally love Elizabeth and Lucas together, and am very grateful for the time we’ve had if it doesn’t last much longer. Rosemary remains amazing (as always), and her friendship with Elizabeth has been great to see, and is probably the best part of the show recently!
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
Pre-Season 7 Survey Results
There were 84 responses total.  Here are the results!
Are you excited about the love triangle? - Yes (23.8%), No (47.6%), In the middle (28.6%)
As of now, who do you want Elizabeth to pick? - Lucas (34.5%), Nathan (51.2%), Someone else (14.3%)
How sure are you in your choice? - I won’t budge (26.2%), I prefer one over the other but I’m open to seeing what happens (60.7%), I don’t care either way (13.1%)
What do you think of Carson and Faith? - I love them! (23.8%), They’re just okay (56%), I don’t like them (20.2%)
Who would you like to see return to Hope Valley in season 7? - Frank (28.6%), Julie and/or Tom (32.1%), Cody (20.2%), Cat (19%)
Of the upcoming plots teased, which are you most interested in or intrigued by? (Pick 3):  
Lee reveals a big secret about his past to Rosemary.
Nathan is confronted with his past when his father shows up in town.
Some [characters] end up in harm’s way, either by the natural elements or, in one instance, at the hand of another. 
Season Ranking:
Season 1
Season 6
Season 3
Season 4
Season 2
Season 5
Thank you to everyone who participated!  It’ll be interesting to see if our opinions change after season 7.
Your Comments: (under the cut)
I Hope the next Season Will be even much better than the last one. And I really want the show to continue as long as possible.
would like to see Frank back and Faith and Carson together.
I have to be honest - I watched the show originally mainly for the on screen chemistry and love story of the Thorntons. I enjoyed the first season the most - as a side note - Lori (aka) Abigail hogged way too much of the screen time as seasons progressed - WAY too much - very annoying. Need to bring back Frank or introduce a new pastor for the show and Carson / Faith have O chemistry ( might as well be siblings) !! I think they should have developed Carson and Elizabeth possibly - I could have maybe grown to route for them. Thanks for this platform!!
I love that you do this after each season. So fun! Wish I could have picked two characters to come back. I do wish Frank would come back. I think that he is important to the town and he would be great help with Jack (like this more than Bill being there) I don’t want an Elizabeth love triangle. Faith and Carson have lost their spark to me. They drag things out too long and I lose interest. Fiona and Julie would be fun to watch. I do want to learn more about Lucas’ past.
Thank goodness Abigail and Jack are gone, but the show's been going down in quality... :(
Thank you for putting these surveys together. It's always fun to see what kinds of results you end up with after polling people who visit Tumblr. These were great questions! Some were genuinely hard to answer (for different reasons, which makes me a bit nervous about S7), but I think something we should consider when we think about S7 is that the writers/cast/et cetera usually don't put everything out on the table before the episodes start airing. Here's to hoping we get some surprise plots along the way that spark an interest from fans who aren't particularly looking forward to any of the teased plotlines coming up. Cheers!
I hope Frank does come back, although I'm not at all religious, the program was all about the community's faith and it would be nice to see that return. But not too heavily
Not a fan of Jesse's undying distrust of Lucas. Hopefully that's over.
I love the "side-stories" more than the main plots 😂 Lee and Rosemary are basically everything I need. But I'm hoping to see more of Nathan, he seemed like a different character in When Hope Calls. Funny and witty and there's none of that in WCTH, probably because they are too busy having him in love with Elisabeth. 🤔
The show should focus on the characters they have already - stop bringing in new folks and then discarding them quickly!
love your blog and all the hard work you do! i just returned to tumblr after a break and i'll support ya <3
Just hope the show keeps going!
To be quite honest i believe that they should in the end keep Elizabeth single or something, its not because i cant see her without Jack its just that the two love interests arent the best. I dont like Nathan because he is a bit uptight and boring the only thing he has going for him is Allie (who is my favourite character!) and there is just something off with Lucas, otherwise i would chose him..... ultimately she could go with someone else....
Thanks for all that you do here an on your other site! I'm more of a lurker, but I want you to know I appreciate you!
You're doing an incredible job with your site and I'm so sorry any one of us has made you feel anything less than immensely appreciative of all your efforts. God bless you. You are a big reason I love the show so much is because of your insight and observations. So keep up the great work:) xoxoxo 
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whencallstheheart · 5 years ago
WCTH Pre-Season 7 Survey
A longer, more thorough survey will come after the season has aired.  For now, I just want to keep it simple and relevant to what’s going on.  The season ranking portion is optional if you’d like to do it.  Please put only one season in each number slot or your response will not be counted.  
The survey will remain open until January 18th.
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whencallstheheart · 6 years ago
When Calls the Heart season 6 survey results:
Short answer responses will be in another post.  Percentages are rounded so they may not add to 100.
How would you rate season 6 overall? - Average 7.7/10
How would you rate the retooling/re-edit effort? - Average 4.4/5
How would you rate the finale? - Average 4.1/5
Did you think the show could survive after the Lori scandal? - 57% Yes; 33% Unsure; 9% No
Do you think the show has staying power now? - 86% Yes; 11% Unsure; 3% No
Do you have a new appreciation for the show now? - 66% Yes; 23% About the same as before; 7% No
Do you want Abigail to be recast and return next season? - 75% No; 14% Undecided; 11% Yes
Do you think the show is better off without Lori/Abigail? - 73% Yes; 19% Undecided; 9% No
Who is your favorite couple? - 67% Lee & Rosemary; 18% None of the above; 9% Carson & Faith; 5% Jesse & Clara 
Who would you PREFER Elizabeth to be with? - 41% Nathan; 32% Lucas; 27% Someone else
Who do you think will end up with Elizabeth? (not necessarily who you'd prefer) - 75% Nathan; 15% Lucas; 10% Someone else
Who is your favorite newcomer? - 31% Fiona; 23% Lucas; 18% Nathan, 17% Baby Jack;  12% Allie
Which unconventional Elizabeth pairing would you pick? - 45% Elizabeth & Hickam; 41% Elizabeth & Henry; 15% Elizabeth & Bill
Is Henry redeemed now? - 49% Not quite; 45% Yes; 6% No
Are you enjoying Baby Jack? - 61% Yes; 31% He’s okay; 9% No
Do you find Elizabeth more enjoyable now? - 57% Yes; 34% About the same; 9% No
Who would you like to see Fiona with? - 50% Lucas; 17% Nathan; 16% Someone else; 9% Kevin; 8% Hickam
Which character would you like to see more of? - 43% Florence; 27% Molly; 20% Hickam; 11% Ned
Would you like to see Henry find love? - 75% Yes; 22% Not yet; 3% No
Do you think Carson and Faith will stay together? - 82% Yes; 18% No
Do you think Lee & Rosemary will adopt a child next season? - 99% Yes; 1% No
Are you over Jack's death? - 73% Yes; 27% No
Have you been tempted to/did you quit watching at any point? - 51% Yes; 49% No
Does Laura deserve a raise? - 73% Yes; 27% No
Do you like Fiona's style? - 89% Yes; 11% No
Do you think Nathan and Lucas have more chemistry with each other than with Elizabeth? - 28% Yes; 72% No
Do you plan to watch When Hope Calls? - 35% No; 35% Not sure yet; 31% Yes
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whencallstheheart · 6 years ago
Take the WCTH season 6 survey!
It only takes a few short minutes (if that) to complete, so please take the time to share your opinion about the show!  I will keep the survey open until Sunday, June 16th.
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whencallstheheart · 6 years ago
Any other comments about the show and/or the blog?
See all the responses below the cut.  Thanks for the nice comments!
The show died with Jack
You do a great job with your blog thank you!!
Wish Hallmart ran more in Canada
I love this blog and thank you so much for putting so much of your time and effort to it. I enjoy reading your take on the show that ties us all together. I probably check in every day, and reply or ask a question every month or so. I can try to be a more active poster! Thanks again for your commitment to this blog (and all your blogs!)
I don' t always agree with you, but you are doing a great job and I really like reading your comments/opinions. Thanks!
the blog is great
Thank you for all of your hard work every day On the amazing tumblr you have! You bring so much joy to so many fans and I truly appreciate t! May God bless you . Hannah
Wonderful blog !
Thanks for doing this!
i took such a long break because i didn't want to see jack die. and then the lori thing. but i think they actually handled both really well.
You do such a good job with this blog!
Keep the gifs coming. They are a fun addition to my tumblr dash! :)
No. I immensely enjoy the blog as it is.
Thanks for your hard work on the blog. I’m so glad there is a place like your blog for the fans of the show
Keep making gifs. They're great. And please drop the Nathan/Lucas pairing. That would kill the show.
Henry and Abigail season 7
I like your blog a lot. You seem to put a lot of effort in :) I would like to see Cody return in the show as well.
Thanks for your blog its great!
I really enjoyed this season and am so glad the show was able to come back from the whole Lori debacle.
Good riddance Abigail!!
Your blog is great!!
Great blog, thanks for your hard work!
Nope. Just that the blog owner is appreciated by me, I may not interact a lot but I appreciate the gifs, and seeing the blog posts after each episode. Keep doing what you’re doing
I think things have taken a turn for the better after Abigail left which is a relief! Love the blog and content, super nice to know there are more ppl who watch the hallmark channel lol so thanks !!!
I love your blog! Keep up the good work
Thank you for doing this blog
your blog is awesome
Love the blog and I’m super excited for what’s to come in season 7! It can’t come soon enough.
I love the show and the blog!
The show does not have the same excitement & heart as it did before, it seems to have lost its true story.
Thank you for all that you do!
Wish didn’t have to pay to watch when Hope calls
Your blog is a safe place for people to voice their opinions without being reprimanded on social media cause you have a different opinion. But, no matter what forum opinions should not be mean or disrespectful.
I hope the show continues for more seasons.
I love your reviews of the episodes, I'd be happy if you were to detailed them even more.
Thank you!
I love this blog! You do such a good job with it.
Tour blog is amazing. thanks for sharing. Wish you the best.
Hope to see more about Henry and other secondary chatacters.
Enjoy the show more without Jack and they did great without Abigail! Thanks for the blog. It’s fun to read!
Like your blog! Don't always agree with you, but you keep everybody informed on what's going on. You do a good job!
Thanks for your hard work
Love your blog, keep up the awesome-ness!!!
Season 6 made me fall back in love with the series.
I’m looking forward to next season! 💕
Keep up the great work! 👍🏻
I feel s7 will be more on track and they have a new vibe with potential to be great!
Despite the ups and downs of the show, thank you so much for all your hard work on your blog! Your dedication is admirable, especially considering how small the fandom is.
Really excited for season 7 and seeing the new characters develop. I absolutely love your blog. Thanks for all your time and work!
I do enjoy reading the blog, I find it enjoyable and informational.  I don’t usually comment but I do like to keep informed as to what is or may be happening with the show.
Thanks for keeping it
Better without Abigail but a shame we lost cody.
Keep up the great work, Melinda!! <3 You are appreciated!
Those blog is the best for me.  I have lots of information and gifts and you amaze me with all your work.   Thank you
None. Thank you for everything!
Keep up the good work
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for being so consistent with the blog! You rock <3
Great blog! I know it is a lot of work so please do what you need to. But, it is appreciated.
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whencallstheheart · 6 years ago
What do you hope to see happen next season?
See all the responses below the cut.
Jack alive
Lots of Henry stuff, more Fiona, better stuff for Bill, Rosie and Lee adopt!
Consistency in the show plot carrying from the end of season 6 through the whole of season 7.
Elizabeth finds love again
I would like to see Henry and Elizabeth’s friendship continue to develop- not romantically so, but as friends that can counsel and help each other. I’d like to see another man come to town to really capture Elizabeth’s heart. Neither Lucas or Nathan seem to be sweeping her off her feet like Jack did. Would like to see that for her again.
Lori returns
Henry continuing a path towards redemption. Him and Elizabeth having contact with Abigail through writing or phone. Lee and Rosemary scenes. Allie scenes.
Lee + Rosie have kids.
Better storyline’s for Henry and more Fiona!
I hope Elizabeth stays strong and  Starts a relationship  With Lucas later in the season. Rosemary has a baby. Carson and Faith's relationship grows and Nathan and Fiona start dating
Love for henry, Elizabeth chooses lucas
More transition to modernity and how they deal with it.
I truly hope Lucas and Elizabeth end up together. Nathan's a fine guy it's just I don't want to watch  Her fall in love with another Mountie. You can't replace Jack and I think it would be disrespectful to try. I hope lee and rosemary adopt a chikd. Carson and faith get engaged, love for Henry, more cute scenes with baby Jack, Jessie and Clara's wedding  and love for Bill . He needs someone special . Fiona date Nathan
more character development for the new characters. letters from abigail. it sucks that they also got rid of cody.
More community scenes.
L&R to adopt a sibling group instead of just a baby, C&J to get married, and Lucas to start dating Fiona.
Henry finds love. Lee and Rosemary become parents. And I hope the triangle with Elizabeth isn't too OTT ridiculous.
Elizabeth picking Nathan, Abigail recast and I wouldn’t mind seeing more of Elizabeth’s high end society life. The costumes for those scenes are amazing.
Henry’s redemption.
Lee and Rosemary adopting. Love for Henry. Elizabeth and Lucas. Morr back story on Lucas. More Elizabeth with the baby and Elizabeth being independent
Really want to see L&R start a family. Even better if they adopt and end up having a surprise baby at the same time. Rosemary having to handle two kids would be both entertaining and heartwarming. She'll be a wonderful mother.
Less romance for Elizabeth and more of her with Baby Jack. More Lee and Bill interacting and more Rosemary!! Also maybe a pregnancy for Clara
More in depth stuff with the characters we love. Lee & Rosemary adopting a child.
Lee and Rosemary adopt a child.
Rosemary and lee adopt, Jesse and Clara get married.
More Lee rosemary storylines
Jesse clara get married
Faith carson go away
Better plot lines less fluff
Lee & Rosemary adopting a child. Anything involving Henry. A visit from cody.
Better plot lines for Elizabeth/ more stuff about Lucas and Fiona, a wedding for Clara and Jessie, more Henry!!
À New love for Elisabeth
Lee/rosemary with a kid. Jack’s family visiting. Elizabeth dating.
I would like to see a recast Abigail, hopefully somebody that has chemistry with Henry.
Elizabeth & Lucas slowly exploring  potential romance.
Fiona lighting a fire under Nathan’s butt.
Lee & Rosemary adopting.
more drama, but not relationship drama
Better storylines for Elizabeth she's so boring
Lee and rosemary getting a kid
A wedding for Clara & Jesse!
See Lee/Rosemary have a kid, see more Henry, more development b/w Carson and Faith
Rosemary and Lee adopting Spencer, or any child.
LESS ALLIE. I can't stand that annoying child.
Elizabeth and Carson
Less drama
a good show
Elizabeth picking Nathan, but going very slow. Julie is added as a permanent part of the cast. Oh the adventures they will have. Rosemary and Lee adopting and by the Season Finale, OPPS. She's pregnant. Jesse and Clara marry. Faith and Carson get engaged. Fiona and Kevil start courting. Ned and Florence start courting. Lucas and Henry still have tricks up their sleeves. Henry finds love with a newcomer. Molly has a new role. Allie is Class President.
More Elizabeth and Nathan scenes.
Rosemary and Lee with a baby. Henry gets a second shot as mayor.
I would like to see a love interest for Henry and for Lee and Rosemary to have a child some way. I would also like to see Elizabeth with another love interest.
Bill leaving
I want to see Lee and rosemary adopt one, if not more, children. I love the couple and would love to see their dynamic as parents.
Rosemary and Lee to have a baby
Jesse & Clara wedding, Elizabeth & Nathan pair up, Henry is vindicated more, I’ll goes off somewhere else to be a judge
More Lucas. Even more Jesse and Clara. Lucas and the baby. More Fiona.
Other romance for people in the town besides Elizabeth. Fiona and Lucas maybe and a romance for Henry. Also would love for a sickness to hit the town so Carson could use his skills more. Nobody ever gets sick..pretty uncommon for this time period.
Elizabeth and Nathen get closer. Maybe a date or 2. He hears he might be transferred again. He leaves the Mounties for town sheriff, which is open since bill is a judge now. Nathen says he quit for Allie, we all know it’s for Elizabeth
Elizabeth teaching and finding her own way.
Elizabeth possibly finds love. Fiona too.
Elizabeth and Lucas begin a courtship
Lee & Rosemary become parents.
More real life scenarios and  continued focus on all characters not just a few.
1) Elizabeth not repeating old dynamics with a new love (that I fear will be Nathan).
2) More Coulter's moments. :)
addopting a child
Elizabeth falling in love with Lucas
More screen time for Lee & Rosemary, and maybe an emphasis on Clara & Jesse.
I’d like to see more unconventional friendships and relationships developing. I also hope they focus on the characters already on the show and don’t add too many new characters and plots.
More about The relationiship between Nathan and Allie and more about their background.
Not make focus on love triangle w Elizabeth. Dont pair Elizabeth w another Mountie. Maybe Faith gets with Nathan after long time away. Elizabeth and Carson begin to bond over sick baby jack.
Don’t bring back Abigail. Bill leaves in search of a better more cutting edge plastic surgeon.
Oil spill/drill accident and Henry comes full circle but this time comes out as the hero.
Continued improvements and good writing.
Adoption for Rosemary and lee, mariage for Carson and Faith
I hope they keep moving on away from Jack's death and Abigail's unfortunate exit.
Henry finds love...as does Bill!
Elizabeth stopping balancing between the 2 new guys, Lee and Rosy with a child, Baby Jack growing, Henry's storyline.
\- Elizabeth having more plotlines that do not always involve romance.
- Henry finally finding love and happiness.
- Lucas being more accepted in the town.
- Lee and Rosemary adopting a child.
- More plotlines with Fiona.
Final season put the show out of its misery
Elizabeth to move forward with her life and maybe see her have some parenting struggles. I would like to see something happen that causes the whole town to rally together.
I hope we dont see a dragged out love triangle- the show does not need one. I don'f think its in Elizabeth's best interest to string along these two guys. Also I want to see more of what this season had- of was an even balence
Lee and Rosemary adopting. Henry dating. Carson and Faith breaking up. Elizabeth quit being in everyone's business and Abigal not being recast.
I want far more Henry content & Henry interactions. Elizabeth & Henry interactions particularly, but I'd love for him to interact more with Jesse & Clara. I want Nathan & Elizabeth to slowly end up together. I hope in them (hopefully) becoming a couple, Elizabeth can get more character development (but I love any kind of character development outside of relationships!!)
Elizabeth growing closer to Clara and Rosemary, Elizabeth/Lucas development, Jesse/Clara wedding + some good luck coming their way, Julie staying on as a series regular, Henry's continued redemption, Lee/Rosemary with a kid, Lee + an upswing for his company, etc.
The Coulters adopt, Henry trying to let the past go and maybe more of his personal life, Cody visiting Hope Valley for a few episodes, and Elizabeth happy (with or without a relationship) and continuing to enjoy motherhood and friends.
I would love to see Rosemary and Lee become parents, Elizabeth to find a new love and father for Baby Jack and Faith and Carson grow in their relationship.
Hopefully the close out who Elizabeth end and up with. It doesn’t even have to be Lucas or Nathan
Elizabeth find love
Rosemary and Lee to adopt
Carson and Faith engaged
Clara and Jesse get married
More Carson and Faith and Elizabeth falling for Nathan
More Henry
Lee & Rosemary adopt
Another girls night
I hope Elizabeth finds a new partner. This time, I hope the relationship isn’t dragged out for multiple seasons with no development. I hope Faith and Carson stay together and that Jesse and Clara get married. I also would like to see Lee and Rosemary adopt or maybe get pregnant after all.
I'm not ready to think about this yet! But honestly I think I'd like a low key wedding for Clara and Jesse the most.
Elizabeth stop by the saloon and find Lucas sick with fever and her and Carson will help him.  Lee and two men will be sick too because they were all playing poker.  The cause will be bad wisky bottle and Bill and Nathan will arrest a man doing smuggled alcohol. A girl can dream!
Lee and Rosemary adopt a child. Henry and a recast Abigail or another lady courtship.
Lee & Rosemary adopting. More of Elizabeth's relationships with Nathan and Lucas.
Jack back
Henry should find love, the coulters should adopt, Elizabeth should be with Nathan and he should quit the Mounties.
Something big
Rosemary and Lee adopting the little boy who had one line at the Festival. Rosemary finally getting a theatre. Allie staying. Elizabeth choosing either to stay single or I suppose date Nathan. Carson dating Fiona. Fun and light stories like this season. Plenty of humour.
Lee and Rosemary adopt Spencer and face trails of parenthood. A mayoral election. Elizabeth opening her heart. Carson and Faith face trails, but work through them. Clara and Jesse marry.
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whencallstheheart · 6 years ago
What are your favorite moments from season 6?
See all the responses below the cut.
Elizabeth asking Bill to be Baby Jack’s godfather
Rosemary and Lee moments...Jesse and Clara stuff...all the Henry plotlines... Elizabeth getting to hang with other characters apart from Abigail !
Favorite moments would include conversations between Lee and Rosemary about their ability to have a baby, Elizabeth’s conversation with Henry after the mining note was discovered, and scenes related to the entry of the telephone into Hope Valley.
When Lori was still good in the show
Henry/Abigail. Lee/Rosemary. Allie
Lee being proud of Rosie not spilling the tea about Faith + Carson. (And the kiss of course) :-)
Nathan telling Elizabeth the founders would be proud and Allie’s expression afterwards.
The strong man contest that Carson won.
Pretty much all scenes that we now get to see more of the characters interacting that never did before.
Rosemary and Lee’s baby conversation
The show flows really greatknow that lori is gone. I enjoy Elizabeth being strong as a mother. I love Elizabeth and Lucas charming scenes together and lee and rosemary are so amazing together.
Baby Jack, Lee and rosemary , Lucas, new saloon looks great
When the doctor won the game instead of Lucas and Nathan.
I love the fresh face of Lucas. I think he brings mystery and a lot of charm to the show and his Chemistry with Elizabeth is beautiful . I also enjoy Fiana's new style. And energy she brings to the town
everything fiona, rosemary being sad as opposed to hyper all the time (nice change of pace), i love nathan's niece. and i'm quite intrigued by lucas
The scene in the finale with the guys trying to win the fishing pole for Alie.
All the kids - they are so adorable and should have more screentime! Baby Jack has more potential than I expected - he should be fun to watch as toddler.
Elizabeth moving on with life. She was growing intolerable the last two seasons, even while Jack was alive. I'm happy to see her pulling herself up by her bootstraps and getting on with life.
Lee and Rosemary were terrific as always.
Lori leaving was honestly the best thing to happen to this show. It's so refreshing to see other characters on screen.
Just about anything with Elizabeth and baby jack
Faith and Carson finally taking the plunge.
I really enjoyed moments with Elizabeth and baby Jack. The talks between rosemary and lee
Fiona is so much fun and adds something to every scene she's in. :D
Anything Lee and Rosemary!
Henry and Abigail want it to happen season 6
Lori Loughlin being gone and other characters getting more attention since she was a screen hog.
Writing is so much better.  Love that we are getting to know ALL of the characters.
Florence getting more depth when she got a job, Nathan’s niece being jnrkduced, Jesse and Clara engaged.
Jesse clara proposal
Rosemary lee talks
Bill being asked to be godfather
Julie coming back
Tying in of old storylines for once it felt a little more cohesive
Clara and Jesse scenes
Anything with Henry. And I ended up liking Elizabeth & Baby Jack a lot more than I was expecting to.
All the Lee and Rosemary scenes
Épisode 6
Lucas giving Elizabeth the library.
Learning that Henry tried to get the safety of the mine inspected.
Jesse staying at his job with Lee.
Rosemary & Lee talking about their inability to conceive.
All the Carson and Faith moments
What I remember really liking was Lucas and Elizabeth being held hostage, and Nathan coming to the rescue. I overall liked the episode a lot
My favorite moment was when Elizabeth introduced herself to Nathan. Was really tasteful and nice.
Lee/Rosemary discussing the baby situation
The conversation with Elizabeth and Lucas when he quotes the book to her.
Elizabeth asking Lee/Rosemary to be Jack's guardians, Jesse/Clara proposal.
Christmas episode
when jesse decides to stay loyal to lee
I enjoyed every moment after Lorigail was fired. It's so much better of a show. I think what surprised me most is that I love Faith and Carson together. I enjoyed everything about Fiona, Nathan, and Lucas as well. Julie coming back was great, too.
My favorite moment was definitely in the finale with the look Elizabeth and Nathan gave each other at the very end of the show. It was like she wanted to say something to him. There was definitely a spark between them.
Henry and Bill scene in the finale.
My favorite moment was when Baby Jack put his hand on Bill’s shoulder. When Elizabeth asked Bill to be the Godfather and when Bill and Lee were watching Baby Jack.
Lee and Rosemary's talk in ep 7
the strength game and, honestly, the break that took away Abigail. i hate it happened, but I enjoyed the rest of the season so much more!
Jese and Clara discover the oil. Beautiful hug.
Carson and Faith romance and finding out Henry did try to address safety in the mine.
Anything with Henry or Nathan
Everything Elizabeth and baby Jack.
Henry redemption
Nathan and Allie
Introduction of new characters
The carnival
Henry and Elizabeth’s conversation and Lee and Rosemary’s conversation about having children.  These added substance to the show.
Basically any moment with unusual friends paired: Lee/Bill, Elizabeth/Bill, Fiona/Clara, Lee/Jesse.
Plus, of course any Lee/Rosemary moment.
adding new characters
not seeing Lori
When Elizabeth Met Lucas
Aside from Abigail Stanton leaving (a true highlight! sad to hear about the issues with Lori Loughlin, but not sad to have her character leave WCTH), the best moments are every scene with Lee and Rosemary.
Nathan and Lucas’s scenes together, the Lee and Rosemary wanting a child plot, Elizabeth’s brief stint as an action heroine
The carnival
lee and rosemary's storyline
Nathan and Elisabeth talki'g about Allie's difficulties to make Friends.
I enjoy Nathan’s niece. Would like to see more Fiona interact with the town. I really liked the phone coming to the town.
Faith and  Carson scenes, Henry's arc and Lee and Rosemary. Glad to see the characters get to shine!
Rosemary and lee conversations
The carnival; it was sweet when Carson won Allie the fishing pole.
All scenes with Henry in them!
I liked the library stuff, the baby moments, the Coulter's storyline, the founder's day festival.
\- The new library being built.
- Fiona and Lucas being added to the cast list.
- Henry beginning to move forward from the past.
None.very boring show.m
All of the Elizabeth and Lucas scenes
Rosemary and Lee at the Ladies Choice- so cute!!!
Also Lucas quoting classic literature- I want more of that!
Henry being redeemed. Bill and Lee watching baby Jack.
I loved Henry. His scenes were always pretty amazing. I love all of Nathan & Elizabeth's scene because most of them feel so genuine, natural, and real.
Elizabeth and Rosemary's girls' night, Lee/Rosemary + kids storyline, moments when the whole town interacts like with the library and festival, Julie being baby Jack's godmother, Lucas in general
Elizabeth and Rosemary  girls night, Rosemary and Lee scenes, Elizabeth and Lucas in the library when he was quoting the book, Elizabeth and Henry finale scene.
The writers did a fantastic Job re-tooling and I enjoyed all do season 6.  That being said, I loved it when Elizabeth asked Bill to be Baby Jack’s godfather, and his Baptism.  Also when she asked Rosemary and Lee to be his guardians.
The Lee and Rosemary moments
Baby Jack being born
Faith and Carson romance
Rosemary and Lee anytime they were on the screen
Elizabeth meeting Nathan
Anything with Lee & Rosemary
I really liked how they spent a good amount of time with each character/ couple rather than spending the whole hour focusing on Elizabeth/ Abigail. I lost motivation to watch the show during seasons 4-5 because the storylines weren’t interesting or exciting to me, but this season was really enjoyable to watch. Can’t wait for season 7!
Bill being asked to be godfather.
Henry striking oil.
The part where they took Lorigail out. :P
Lee and Rosie's conversation about getting through things together.
When Elizabeth is mad at Lucas for teaching a card trick to Allie.  The boys trying to win the fishing pole for Allie. Henry and Abigail at the Queen of the Heart opening dance.
Lori's exit. It was the best thing that could have ever happened to the show.
Elizabeth and baby jack
Hickam running through town covered in oil. Elizabeth talking to Henry.
Lee and Rosemary storyline
Everything Lee and Rosemary especially the infertility plot
All of Lee and Rosemary!
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whencallstheheart · 7 years ago
Survey Comments
Okay, I’m copying and pasting the comments in their entirety.  And there’s a lot of them.  I didn’t go through and edit this, sorry, but there’s a lot of good stuff in here.  Each line is a separate comment unless it’s a longer comment or paragraph.  Read them all below the cut!
I do not appreciate being manipulated for ratings. Series wayyy off the rails I am disappointed with the direction of the show. I will record season 6 but only watch the episodes you say are good in this blog. I'm not giving them ratings when they drag out silly story lines and neglect good ones..
Something is just off with the series. It used to be so good. I miss the lightheartedness and I'm going to miss Jack. I am disappointed that the cast/ executive producers keep saying there is hope in Hope Vally because of the baby coming. I have no desire to see that story line played out. I lived it. There is no hope or joy in growing up without a father.
The way the powers that be are trying to do damage control is insulting to fans’ intelligence. I can’t believe they knew for a year and a half and this was what they gave us. I think they should bring Jack back and say he was found alive with amnesia. I’m so mad that they dragged the wedding out until season 5 and only gave us a couple episodes of them being married before killing off Jack. It feels like they don’t actually care about the story at all, just trying to squeeze out as much ratings as possible. I feel really used. I wish they would have handled Dan's exit a whole lot better than they did, but oh well. Going to miss Jack. He was my favorite character. I'm still too numb. I loved "dark" Elizabeth. Thought it gave a lot of depth to her character. Nice to see her not be so happy all the time, it is rather unrealistic.
They should've told fans that Daniel was leaving to prepare them. It's like they are admitting they don't have confidence in the show beyond the main couple. Next season I hope they spend more time on the characters we already know instead of bringing in new people we only see for an episode or two.
Well done! You're amazing! :) ras i would like to see daniel and erin in a ,movie f their own I think they are all amazing actors/actresses. I do not blame Dan for moving on but I am sure going to miss him. Disappointed in how his exit was handled.
My favorite episode was "Heart of the Matter" but I thought the denouement in "Weather the Storm" was lacking. That story arc probably needed three episodes, but that was indicative of this season and series. The writing has always been up and down throughout the seasons. I am disappointed with Jack being gone as he is a great character, but I think I would have been more disappointed with recasting. I know the actors and writers and producers are very connected with the fans, but I would never have expected them to give me a heads up when they chose the death route. I accept that this is how it is handled. I would have loved, however, having a few more Jack-read letters to Elizabeth. I really thought it would have been great to have one in the Season 4 finale, but also one in "Weather the Storm." It would have felt a little more even and connected. Regardless, I think "In My Dreams" and "Close to My Heart" were probably the two best episodes back to back in the season. I think there are great storylines going forward, but I am also prepared for suspending reality as usual when it comes to uneven plots, missing characters, magical travel times, and pristine sets. That's how it's been since season 2 and I just accept it because while it isn't the greatest, it's good enough to keep me interested and chuckling. I really enjoy your Tumblr. Thanks for all the work you do. NA The only storylines that could get me to continue watching the show would be a Henry and Abigail romantic relationship and the development of Jesse and Clara as a couple. Take them off the back burner for a bit while Elizabeth copes with single motherhood. No, it's unfortunate that Dan wanted to leave, but that's reality. So I don't feel "cheated" as fan. I've been watching since Day 1 but honestly havent kept up with the most recent season. I was sad that Jack's character is no longer part of it, but I'm hopeful. I'll probably start faithfully watching again to see how the show continues.
Thanks for your hard work The season finale was extremely well done! Incredible cinematography! The actors and crew did an amazing job considering the pill to swallow! I hope they made J&E married life longer with a marriage at thr end of season 4 with a baby on the way! And season 5 about their married life and the baby! With an unfortunate departure for WW1 (in terms of time/date, I think we are pretty close from beginning of WW1) and a very heroic death on the field! Although I knew something not good was going to happen with Daniel’s reduced participation I had hoped it was temporary and he would be back full time for season 6. I feel betrayed and think it’s all about the ratings has nothing to do with the fans.
I love Carson's character. I love how he found himself again after losing his wife. I think if Jack cannot come back, then Carson would be the perfect character to pair with Elizabeth because they were both hurt by feeling cheated of their loves. They can find comfort, strength, and a new faith in God's plan in each other. This series is dead to me. I'm done. They should have told us in advance that it was Dan's last season.  Fans were misled.  The hair and makeup is completely overdone - makes it feel sooo fake. Why couldn't you just recast Jack in s4? we would have accepted that more easily and allowed the story to continue. Please don't milk something that is "cute" once (i.e. Brownie).  It gets very old. This season was cruel now that we know they knew Dan was leaving for 1.5 years. They should have had a show where we got to say goodbye knowit was his last show.
Bring Frank back! Loyal fans were cheated, used and deceived. Makes me more angry to know all involved knew for year and half and yet through together the rest of J&E story.
They Mase a mis tale Wotherspoon Jack death
Season 5 ended with the wedding for me.  The rest of the season just fell flat! Season 5 was extremely disappointing with terrible writing. No Bring back Jack I am upset that they had a wedding to kill off Jack and now Elizabeth will be a single parent.
no More doom and gloom next season.  Elizabeth will probably die giving birth to Jack's child.  I will never watch the show again. I think faith and Carson should be an item. They need to gather up the many things going on too busy.
The producers and writers dropped the ball in dealing with Dan's departure. What was the point of the wedding if they were going to kill him off immediately after. Would rather have had the wedding instead of the engagement in Season 4 and at least seen the two happy before he left for the Northern Territories. Season 5 could have had them in their home and happy before sending Jack off on his training exercise. I feel cheated and lied to by the PTB and won't be watching into Season 6. And I don't believe all the hype about Dan still being part of the Hallmark family. I've seen just about every other cast member, including the kids, in more than one movie over the last 5 years, but only one with Dan in it. That speaks volumes. No wonder Dan wanted to leave. He's a far better actor than many of the men in the Hallmark family and yet they shelved him. I could see in Dan's eyes that he was conflicted about lying to Hearties and fans of WCTH. I hope he walks away and never looks back. It's obvious Hallmark, BB and even Lori knows they screwed the pooch in the way they handled Dan's leaving and I am getting fed up with all the damage control they're doing. Why don't they just be honest and admit they screwed up instead of continuing to lie to and manipulate the fans of WCTH. If they were confident they did the right thing then why all the damage control. I guess that's entertainment business for ya. They're all full of crap and only want one thing....MONEY
They should have had Jack & Elizabeth marrying at the end of Season 2 and had Season 3 be about their married life with possibly a child, they made the mistake of drawing out the courtship way too long-very unrealistic. Also needed more in depth character development with core characters instead of bringing in new people and killing off Cat Montgomery for instance. Season 1 was the best Season by far in my humble opinion.  If the writing does not improve, I will not continue to watch. They had a really good thing and pretty quickly proceeded to kill it.  SAD! I miss the season one aesthetic so much, it was darker and grittier and much more real. Now it's just a pointless soap opera with no direction or plot. Jack and Elizabeth were the bar  -  chemistry will be difficult to match I feel like they can move past Jack's death only if they spread around the character focus. Hopefully, we will have more time with Rosemary and Lee. I want to see their family grow. I want to see progress between Abigail and Henry. Give Henry more screen time! He is such a interesting character. I so didn't like Elizabeth being pregnant, it feels like another slap to the face. Now, she has to raise this child without its father!  She will probably have another love interest and it will probably be Carson. It will be interesting to see where the show goes from here.
It's just heartbreaking and unfair to the fans and the characters.
I understand that Dan is an actor and wanted to leave, but as Jack and Elizabeth were built up to be the main characters of the show(in my opinion), they should have had them go off together.  To keep the show going after that they should have been building up another couple to take their place.  Shows like Little House on the Prairie had main characters leave like Charles and Caroline, but the show remained with them returning periodically to guest star.  I would have hated to have Erin leave, but I think that would have been the best option for the fans.  Sorry, Lori you have lost a fan of your show. Good luck in your future endeavors, Dan! My overall feeling is that if the writers handled and developed other characters well, then a main character's death would be just an addition to the plot. I'm not upset about Jack, I'm upset with the lack of development.  The show just doesn't hold my attention anymore. Thanks for doing this survey!!! And for taking time to listen to followers.
I did not care for the way they handled Daniel Kissing leaving. Hallmark is the channel people watch for escape, a happy ending.  I will not be watching next season. Bring Jack back
No Not right now
Know many will disagree but would have preferred a recast so the characters'' lives could go on. Thanks for all that you do well if Eliszabeth is happy with carson i would'nt mind but other wise anyone apart from Charles i am good.
Writing is so sad Needed more married time. His death would have been easier if they had written it better. I think Lori Loughlin’s indluence as an executive producer led to a change in focus for the show .All of the crowd storylines took time away from the central focus from season 1, which was Elizbeth and her life. Just watching the social media interactions and the stories in recent seasons it seems as if Abigail, not Elizabeth will be the central character.
I wish I'd stopped watching after season three when I was mad they didn't at least have a proposal after his near death experience. I personally would never want Elizabeth to be paired up wih anyone from Hope Valley. No Your blog is awesome.  Thank you for all the work you put into it.  We appreciate it!  I think the storyline I liked best was Henry's almost return to the dark side only to turn towards good in the end.  I do think there will be more seasons, but I don't think there should be.  The money/ratings are just too good for Hallmark to shut it down... and the "hearties" will continue to support, I have no doubt.IMO, that's why Elizabeth had to be pregnant.... ensured storylines for future seasons. Thanks for the spoilers on the last two episodes of the season, I haven't watch those episodes because of that. I think it was rotten of all of them (Hallmark, BB, Lori, etc.) to decided to kill off Jack rather than recast. Not sure if I want to watch next season because of the way they handled it. If I do watch in the future it will be for Lee and Rosemary.
I've been shocked by Lori's attitude on fb live. She was selling the damage control as the right hand of BB. Never have thought that she has so much influence on the show. I've got a very bad taste in my mouth seeing and hearing her talk about the show. 18 months of knowing it and do nothing to make the end acceptable for tke fandom. I won't support this emotional manipulation anymore. WCTH stab their fanbase in the back.
Boy do they need to work on their skills They really screwed themselves by waiting so long to get e/j married. It would have been much easier to swallow if everything wasn't so rushed.  Also, I hope we get more story lines about the dangers of the frontier next season, they kind of lost those at some point.
I really miss Jack This is a cool tumblr . I'm really pissed Jack is gone I was pretty 'yuck' about the suggestion of Carson/Elizabeth, but I think with a little care and attention, it might be an okay pairing. Of course, this hinges on them not jumping into it, and preferably not failing to acknowledge that both of them can still love their deceased spouse while finding a new love. Not sure they're fully capable of doing it well, but I'll take 'reasonably decent' at this stage. Thanks for the survey! :) I just hope Elizabeth finds someone new soon in the appropriate time that we can all love and that Abigail and Henry get together or Abigail and Bill or Bill and AJ
The way the powers that be (specifically Brian Bird) have handled this is incredibly frustrating and insulting to fans. The constant deception and snarkiness is so over the top, and really doesn't jive with their whole goody-goody Christian values image that they're trying to project. Booooo.
it was an interesting season and i really love this show.
I feel it was super sad to have jack die. The fans and myself truly loved that relationship and honestly that’s a big reason I watched the show. I’m not sure if I will continue to watch or not. I feel it is too sad to not have him there anymore and the relationship between them will make it hard to see her with someone else. However, she needs to have love in her life. Rosemary needs to get pregnant but I’m glad elizabeth is. They could have handled Lessing's departure so much better, moving on with the story from season 4. Pity.
Abigail as a character is unrecognizable and by getting rid of Frank they threw away their most interesting male.
. I would like to see the series have a time jump and have Elizabeth with a new love interest I don’t think Carson and Elizabeth is a good idea but maybe if they pursue the paring, the show will prove me wrong
With a year and a half of knowing Dan was leaving the show.  They could have done better.  If they had married in season 4 and shown them together as a married couple for a while then he died in the northern territories and she found she was pregnant when he was gone it would have been better Keep hearing Dan was fired and then he quit. Want to know what’s happening. Only ereason I started watching was for that pairing not interested in saccharine sweet storylines and dropped characters. Nothing to add
It appears that Dan has taken on the role of resident scapegoat.  The message is "Please blame me for leaving, but keep watching the show".  I think the issue was Dan wanted to branch out from Hallmark and guest star on NBC where he got his North America break, and that didn't sit well with management.  It' feels like the other actors are only working for Hallmark. I've been feeling dissatisified with WCTH since the Charles proposal, but I was holding on for the engagement and the wedding.  Now after season 5, I'm disappointed in myself for not trusting my instincts and stopped watching three seasons ago.  Aside from the cute moments between Rosemary and Lee, there's not enough substance to keep me interested in WCTH.  I will continue to look for Dan in future roles and wish him all the best. I feel SO cheated! I think they should have ended it, or have Elizabeth and Jack leaving Hope Valley together and continue the show with the other characters. I don't know if I will ever watch another show from Hallmark, they used to be my happy place! Now I feel betrayed. Not happy with waiting to season 5 for all that happened between E&J.  Totally a manipulative move especially when we know they have been working towards him leaving the show for some time.
Hope there is more Henry and Abigail next season. Barley got anything. Maybe if they didn't drag out the Elizabeth and Jack storyline/wedding we would have gotten to see more of the other characters.Hopefully next season will be better! just have to wait an entire year No
Questions are good, but some answers need expanding. Killing off a central beloved character is very risky, so anything after 1st 3 episodes of S6 is shakey. HM counld have handled Dan’s leaving a little better. Other thing is this show keeps getting rid of the “strong male” characters, which I don’t think is good. I love seeing shows with strong women roles, but I also like to see them paired against a strong male character. This show is lacking balance, and has begun to morph into The Widows of Hope Valley. Also, life is hard enough, that’s why I like to escape into Hallmark shows. This show could be long lived, if they develop the characters, stop making Bill so ornery and Henry depressing, and Jesse a little stronger. Lee seems balanced- take the lead from that character. Not a fan of Carson, though him and Faith could have a good relationship.One last thing, the finale was too stark and depressing, which I think also added to the fans upsetment. Thanks for taking the time to develop the survey. Just recently found your blog, but glad I did. Although there were quite a few gems this season, it felt very...unorganized overall. There was very little cohesiveness, and the storylines were (for lack of a better word) cheesey.
With Daniel not really committed to the show the past 2 seasons I am fine with his death. Not really sure how it could have been handled better since they missed the chance at a wedding earlier in the series. Hoping it will return to its earlier formula of developing other characters and storylines. Carson is boring, Frank was boring, bill is boring as a romantic lead. I don't think they necessarily had to kill Jack off if Dan wanted to leave. More stories with Lee and Rosemary
I hope they stop with all the pairing. Life isnt about that and Elizabeth should be a great teacher without a pairing.  In fact teachers weren't allowed to get married and keep their teaching job.  I really hope, although it is Halmark, to see more of what life is suppose to be like at the turn of the century.  Or at least idealized as in Anne of Green Gables.  This shows writing has gone down hill.  But its Halmark paried with Oak.  Overly sweet sappy love stories ahea. If they were going to have Jack and Leixabeth to get married, they should have had them married by the beginning of season four. They could have had Jack die in the NT and it would have been painful and meaningful and whatever else. Lee and Rosemary have so much potential and the writers refuse to utilize them and it’s very frustrating. I would actully like to see a relationship between Carson and Faith!
Should have found another way Incredibly poor writing with gaping plot holes and disappearing characters.
The lack of a proper funeral for Jack the character was an insult to all the character has been to the story - 3 minutes reallY!  43 minutes of grieving is ridiculous - all it takes is a letter from the dead, a ride on the horse and a talk with Opal and she's smiling - totally unrealistic.
I was widowed a couple months after I got married when I was 25. I use TV to escape so it’s dishearting that TV thinks death is the only way to close a characters chapter on the show. It’s like I lived this, I see it in real life, give me an escape. It’s been 9 years but sometimes I think my daydream about my husband coming back. I understand Dan wanted to move on, and the show could have sent Jack on assignment, he could have still been mentioned in the show and made occasional guest appearances when his scheduled allowed. That way the fans still get what they want and when the series ends we could have had Jack and Elizabeth riding off into the sunset with their family. I would have preferred not for Elizabeth to be pregnant because now not only did we actually get to see Jack and Elizabeth as husband and wife but we don’t get to see them as parents....together. Although I stopped watching the show when Dan’s screentume became less and less, I still keep up with the show here and there. I would support Elizabeth and Carson only because they know what the other has been through but I still won’t watch the show consistently.
I respect Dan's decision to leave, really sad about it but I think I felt relieved over the fact that they developed a lifelong friendship. But truth be told, those obstacles led to Jack and Elizabeth getting paid dust and honestly deserved so much more - especially with the house and baby talks they had during the season. Recasting would have turned out horribly, but I think it's pretty understandable that Jack died a hero since he's a Mountie. His life is on the line in his job. I just wish they had settled down after the wedding instead. Will watch the Christmas special, and that'll be the deciding factor if I'm sticking around. It's going to be hard without Jack, but having Dan and Erin's friendship as it is, that's something I'll hold onto. After Jack went to western teritories the show lost its momentum and it went downhill from there. It felt as if he was absent even when he was in Hope Valley. Such a shame. I want Elizabeth to be happy but I also do not want to get invested in another relationship of hers. I am also not thrilled about the baby - super predictable, and I don't think every woman would be thrilled that she has to go through pregnancy and raising a child without the father. I'm sure Hope Valley will support her, but I hope they show her struggle with that. I don't particularly like Carson/Faith (it seems like she has a kid crush on him) but I also don't like Elizabeth/Carson. Not sure what they'll do for season 6 ...
I do like that most problems start and end in one episode, I do miss the ongoing issue that runs through an entire season. Saw that season 1-3 but it lacked the last two. The financial crisis didn’t count this season. That was just poorly executed.
Pay Dan what he wants. Make it a dream,continue the show as it was. Horrible way they played along with the romance for years and then threw everything together like a bowl of spaghetti.  I'm done removed it from my DVR.
I really don’t blame Hallmark for the entire mess.  I fell there is a lot more to Dans leaving than has been reported. Hallmark and the Hearties jump started his career in the US and he could have stuck around to given  them another season to continue his and Elizabeth’s love story and be there to see his child born. They only film for barely 3 months so I think it could have been worked. I feel Dan is responsible for taking the joy out of the series. I respect that one has to move on, but I hope for his sake that he made the right choice. Hollywood is fickle. This show has always had its faults, but both season 4 and season 5 have felt utterly directionless. Maybe that's a result of trying to steer a large ship away from Jack and Elizabeth to focus on other story lines, but it has been so very frustrating to watch. I watched all previous seasons on Netflix (I don't have cable), but I bought the 5th season because Daniel Lissing was finally back and I wanted to see the weddings I could finally put this show behind me. Basically, I bought this season out of a sense of desperate frustration. The wedding itself was wonderful (not the whole episode - just the wedding), and when Jack and Elizabeth said "Finally!" at the end, I did too. But the rest of the season? Ugh. Plot progression is so slow, if there is any. I feel like we see the same thing over and over with Lee and Rosemary, the same crisis over and over with Abigail as mayor, even the same conversation between Henry and Abigail over and over ("I'll never be accepted, Abigail" "Yes, you will. I know you're a good man."). It's exhausting. And this isn't a popular opinion, but I'm not crazy about the kids - too cheesy for me and the school scenes are so sugary sweet I can't stand it. Elizabeth has turned into a walking stick of cotton candy. Anyway, for me, I was planning on ending this show with the wedding unless something in this season really grabbed me. I haven't watched the end of the season because I already got what I came for, but I am frustrated that Jack died and angry at the way the whole production team decided to handle it - although with their plot pacing decisions over the past 5 years, I'm not sure why I expected better. This show could be so much more, but it's not.
It's the most saddest, tragical love story I've whitnessed on tv. Not only between Jack and Elizabeth, but also between Dan and Erin. I quite the show and really hope that season 6 is their last one. I don't wanna be part of a show in which fans are cheated and lied to, only for the ratings and the money. The powers to be and also the leading cast, Dan, Erin and Lori, don't deserve any attention from the fandom. The way they handled everything about the show was devestating. I will also unfollow Dan. I'm not interested in him either. To deserve attention you have to show some respect to your fans. He didn't. Only control damage, especially by Lori. I've always admired her for working hard and combining private and business live together, but this time I've got a very bad taste in my mouth considering her. Finally the show, Hallmark, the powers to be and the leading cast showed their true colors!!!!!!  I wanna thank you for your time you've spent on me. It's just a show. Just some Sunday night entertainment. More Rosemary appreciation around the town, PLSSSSSS
I'd prefer that Jack's character have been played by another actor rather than removed from the show (even if he rode off happily into the sunset), UNLESS Elizabeth left too. (I think Andrew Walker would have made a superior replacement for Daniel Lissing.) I'd happily watch the show just for Lee + Rosemary, but this plot twist has squeezed all the joy out of a previously happily un-realistic TV show with this crudely presented character death. It was unfair of the network to insert gut-wrenching drama at the conclusion of a season where the (previous) worst problems were resolved in moments. Hallmark didn't allow the hero in the Aurora Teagarden Mysteries to be killed off even though his character dies in the books, conveniently sending him back to the CIA instead. But in their "family-friendly, heart-of-TV" show, they kill off the hero in a landslide instead of recasting? What a sad way to end five seasons of “sweet and naïve” television. They handled things well. I would say that I’m disappointed that they knew for so long and decided not to tell us that Daniel was leaving. However, it was Daniel’s choice to leave the show so he could focus on other things. Like they said in their live stream, they went through every option. I strongly believe that killing Jack was the best thing they could do because replacing him with a different actor would not have worked. I’ll continue watching the show and supporting the cast because they have a story to tell and I want to see where it goes. Jack's death should have been handled differently. The reaction of BB and LL left a bad taste in my mouth. Thead shows are supposed to entertain and uplift, not depress. That was a terrible way for them to get rid of Jack. I would like to have seen Jack recast since DL wanted to leave, it could have been very exciting to have a new Mountie Jack. Maybe still could be if the backlash is strong enough.
Thanks for the fun times! I feel hurt and cheated. I know its just a show but I have been crying all week, I was hoping Jack was still alive. Henrigail. Only thing I'm hanging on for. Wishing, but not bothering to hope, that they do that right. Steeling myself for continuing mediocrity.
Unless I hear that jack is miraculously back, I’m out
Definitely understand Dan's decision to leave. They could have handled it better. Especially having a long time to plan for it. Not mad at Dan in the slightest. Really going to miss him. Hope nothing but the best for all involved in the making of When Calls the Heart. Carson and Faith pairing all the way! Thanks for your blog!! I think they should have ended the show with this season since Dan wanted to leave. It would have been more respectful for the fans who have been following this show for 5 years now. I get the comment made by Lori about a lot of people depending on the show for a job. However, this show is filmed in Vancouver and there are plenty of tv jobs within that city. Also, tv is unpredictable and people who work in film know that. I just find Jack’s death as a slap in the face to the fans. They should have ended it this season. I mean let’s be honest, this show is obviously very different since it started. The quality in storytelling has gone way down.
I want for season 6 more deapt in the stories and not so many plot per episode.
This season was a huge letdown.  The wedding episode was terrible.  Also, Rosemary should have been pregnant instead of Elizabeth. no Thank you!
I'm done with this show. Jack and Elizabeth was what hooked me.
Overall, I think the show has the potential to return to it's former self in previous statements. But I do think it's lost its way this season. This season was a train wreck and I feel cheated on J and E's relationship.  Very jerked around by Hallmark regarding the hype of the wedding.  From chalkdust to eternity?!  How about from chalkdust until 3 weeks from now--when you die!
Shitty season. Honestly, they could've had Jack go elsewhere and still send letters just in case Daniel did want to come back. Thanks for the survey! This has been a great season (except for them killing Jack off). I enjoyed all the stories. I loved all of the kids getting storylines. Opal's adventures. I loved the stories of Jesse and Clara. I loved Rosemary and Lee. Gowen's stories, too. I loved they tied up Tom and Julie. I hate that everything was rushed with Jack and Elizabeth and now he's dead. That is why I won't continue. I'll miss it, but life goes on.
The series touches hearts and gives hope...life isn't sunshine and roses but with faith and hope we are able to make it good... This season was wasted on filler- and they did not utalize Dan's limited time wisely. I think we are still getting half the story on why they went the route they did. In the FB LIVE You could tell Dan was given the lowdown on what he could or could not say- poor guy!
This season could have been better but they need to get rid of all the one and done people. But i'm here for Henry and Abigail. Let that ship sail!!
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