#wcsmp fae au
mean-gills · 2 years
After the death of the queen of the fae realm the 8 nobel families who rule the 8 kingdoms of the fae realm must fight, negotiate, and discuss who is next in line.
Lord Scott Smajor the rotten, his name brings fear to those who know of him commonly not being spoken out of fear. Legends say that he killed his elder brother to become heir, but why is he so ruthless? Why does he do this? No one has been brave enough to ask.
Lady Cleo the perplexing, unlike the others she doesn't quite have a kingdom per say rather she is one of the 4 time fae controlling how time works in the fae wild. Presumably she is some kind of leader although it is said that the 4 share equal power, so why her? People have asked and gotten various answers.
Lady Shelby the cloud bringer, the true royal living in a large family being the eldest of her siblings, her kingdom is notorious of being rather distant from the world below. Not much is known about her for that reason, so what does she have to gain? What does she have to lose?
Lady Eloise the coniving, her story is tragic her parents dying young with her being the only heir people watched her intently. She is known for her mischievous side more then anything, but why is she here? Perhaps it's just for fun, or maybe she wants to honor her parents memory?
Lord Joey the banished, banished from the winter court due to his fire magic he built a life for himself and dispite his banishment and disownment somehow he was still sought after. He was a nobody and still specifically wanted, why?
Lady Prismarina the dark, dispite water magic being a very neutral seelie magic there was something inherently unseelie, something dark within her calling out to all those who meet her. She always seems to know what is going on and this presence makes her seem arrogant. Why is she here? What is going on with her?
Lady Cupquake the blossom, choose by mother nature herself to be the heir of the spring court, she isn't familiar with royal customs. Not much is known about her with that non royal background, so perhaps she's a threat. Why was she chosen? What are her plans?
Lady Lauren the legend, she is from the totally real sand kingdom, a very closed off kingdom which is why you probably thought that place was fake. She totally isn't something they just found in the desert. Why is she here? If she's such a totally experienced royal then why does she act so improper?
Thought I would share! If you have questions I would be happy to share more about this au!!! These characters have a lot more complexity then these small descriptions show, I would love to get asks for this au please!!!
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asterssunzephyr · 10 months
Ive mentioned this au before but im pulling it back out! Sorry for letting you get dusty..
Coffeetalk! A game that can be bought on steam. You make coffee/tea and live in a world of beings who arent exactly.. human.. You meet a flurry of people. A fae, catfolk, a vampire, an elf, a werewolf, aliens, and succubi!
This au follows the playthrough that Shelby Shubble did and can be found on her vods channel on youtube!
It diverges from canon, since its revealed that you(The Player) are an alien and related to a hive mind. This au instead follows the first Coffeetalk stream Shelby did, where Chat was discussing the possibility of the player being a witch
This au takes place in the universe of empires season 2/witchcraft smp. It follows a timeline of 13 years after s2 and 3 after wcsmp.
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mean-gills · 2 years
Wcsmp fae au tidbits: Personal relationships
Scott, Cleo, and Eloise have a alliance going on where they promise to help each other out if they become ruler of the fae realm.
Lauren and Joey used to be friends, in fact Joey was Lauren's first friend. That was until Joey ruined it by telling everyone Lauren's big secret (that she wasn't royalty)
Prismarina sorta ruined her relationships with most if not all the other witches by mysterious circumstances that she doesn't really understand she also has a massive crush on Eloise
Shelby has a large family, mostly consisting her, her father, and her many siblings, including her younger brother Hermes who is her father's favorite. She also has a girlfriend
Tiffany has tried to make friends, but she doesn't really know how to talk to royals due to her being a farmer before the competition
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mean-gills · 2 years
Wcsmp fae au: motivation pt 2
The reason Shelby is trying so hard is for a lot of reasons she supposed. Throughout the sky kingdom she was definitely the least recluse having a decent idea of what is going on time to time and it was definitely a world she wanted to know better. Adding onto that is the favoritism towards her younger brother, she thinks that if she weren't the heir they would most likely not even pretend to like her. Then to add onto that the sky kingdom has been loosing a big part of it's spark to various different things. But which one is it? Is she trying to be apart of this separate world down below? Is she trying to make ker kingdom proud and step out of her brothers shadow? Or is she trying to bring back the old spark of her kingdom? She wants all 3 of those things, and what she is really doing this for is for is to gain all 3. She wants her kingdom to be better, she wants to step out of the shadows, and she wants to know the world below better.
Prismarina needed this, well maybe it's what inside that is desperate for this, she doesn't really know anymore. She was kicked out of her home but found refuge in the sea, maybe that's why she needs this, to help her home. Before she was kind, before she was definitely less competitive, but maybe this just means so much? No, this isn't her, is it? Her home, her need, her motivation. She was special right? Now though she's just confused, why is she acting like this? No she needs to win, she wants to win, and whatever is inside isn't real, wait no? It's real! She's confused
Lauren has a secret, she doesn't even really know what royalty is, something something rulers? It doesn't matter because while she was traveling through the desert these weirdos who were wearing far too much clothing to be comfortable in such a hot environment. Then after asking for directions to this place I never heard of they just took her and explained she is apparently a royal. Then they gave her a bunch of really weird clothes and now she's fighting to become queen? Whatever that means.
Joey really needs this. He was kicked out of his kingdom when they found out about his fire abilities, exiled away never to be seen again or so he thought. On his one year anniversary of exile he was given an invitation as heir to fight to become the ruler of the fae realm, this could be a chance to prove himself worthy! He needs this, of course he needs this! If not this then what could he possibly need!?
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mean-gills · 2 years
Wcsmp fae au: Motivation pt 1
Scott's motivation is simple, love. He wants to rule the fae realm so he can get access to the secrets of necromancy to bring back his love. For you see Scott for most of his life was found undesirable, he was born in the scary, dark, creepy unseelie court, in the scariest kingdom of all, Grimwood, he also wasn't born with much power being the second born child so it really wasn't worth it to anyone, additionally being a sorta forgotten middle child compared to Aimsey and Xornoth just sorta left him alone a lot of the time. He thought he was fine with it, until he met him. Not only did they have a lot in common, but they just sorta clicked! After Xornoth's unfortunate demise and the rumors that spread about Scott, he was at his lowest and yet he stayed by his side... Until he couldn't... He needs this
Tiffany's motivation was simple too, it's her duty. Sure she was born a lowly farmer in her large family, but mother nature calls and she can't just let her down. She could question for days apon why, but in the end it wasn't going to do much. This would definitely change her life if successful and if not then she would have to go home empty handed. Most spring fae mind their business among political matters, and perhaps her newness would be her fall, who knows. She certainly doesn't
Eloise's motivation isn't quite simple. If you asked her, she would tell you she just wants to have fun and make new mischief pals. But that really isn't the full story. Her parents died when she was young leaving her to inherit a crown far too big for her head. With no older siblings she was suddenly put in serious pressure not to rule, she was too young for that, but rather the pressure to learn. She gave up her childhood practically to be alone forced to do, what was in her mind, boring things. She never really had friends before and as she is given this chance. Maybe she can both prove herself and find a real family to call her own.
Cleo's motivation isn't quite black and white either. She has explored timeline after timeline of vast world's different from her own, met so many people, but they started blending into each other. She knows there is someone, a person she once knew, that's where the castle came from, that's the place she is thinking of, but she needs to remember. The 3 other time fae want this, sure, but in the end she stands her ground and proves herself to them and she can do the same for those royal pricks!
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