#wc: jin chan yeol
kimsgoeun · 1 year
making the effort to find where their partner is and dragging them by the hand rather than just calling them over to where they wanted them in the first place. (jae/chan yeol)
Yeol lets out a breath when he turns and realizes Jae is nowhere to be seen. Neither of them had expected the sudden crowds of people to enter. It seems like the luck of the draw to have arrived during one of the busier moments, but it's certainly an inconvenience.
Turning in place, he glances over the people in search of his bodyguard. At least being tall has its perks. After a moment of searching, he spots him. Jae doesn't seem to care that they're separated though. He probably expects them to simply meet back at the entrance once they've collected what they needed.
He considers doing just that. It's like he's said before, he doesn't actually need Jae around. He takes a step forward with that in mind only to pause once more. Sighs at the argument in his head head. Leave. Wait. Leave. Wait. Leave. Wait--
His feet move before he changes his mind. Pushing back through the crowd, he shifts around the idling bodies, saying excuse me when it's deemed appropriate until he's back besides them. Jae's brows lift in silent question, but Yeol chooses not to say anything. He tries not to give Jae much of a chance to say anything either before grabbing the man's hand and tugging him forward back into the crowd. It's harder to navigate through with someone in tow, but he doesn't loosen the hold on Jae's hand. His hand hangs loosely in Yeol's for a few feet and then he feels the squeeze of fingers against his hand. His steps falter, and he's glad he's facing forward and away from Jae.
It doesn't mean anything. Prepares an answer in his head to the question Jae's bound to ask (the accusation that's going to be thrown). He didn't want to wait. The crowd's only getting worse. The presumption that he wants to hold the other's hand is off the table. It's the last explanation he wants to hear, but he knows it's coming.
He tries to drop Jae's hand the moment they've made it out from the crowd. There isn't any real surprise when their hands are still connected. Still, Yeol lets out a stream of air and prepares for whatever Jae has to say once he stops to turn towards him.
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kimsgoeun · 1 year
[ NINETEEN ] : “ i can’t do this to you. ” (jae/chan yeol)
There's a hand on his arm, keeping him in place. Stills him from what he's about to do. Yeol's unable to mask the confusion from his face. "I can't do this to you."
"You can't do this to me?" he scoffs. "And what? This is somehow different than any other time?" He tries to pull away, but doesn't get far. Not with the hand still gripping his arm--a measure Jae's probably done just so Yeol can't run off like they both know he will. But an uncomfortable gnawing stirs in his chest as the mood shifts.
He watches as a frown forms on Jae's face. His gaze met with some unreadable, serious expression. An unspoken implication brewing in the silence that grows between them. An implication that Yeol's been more than happy to shove away into some dark, forgotten corner and ignore it.
Jae opens his mouth to say something, but Yeol cuts him off. "Don't." Eye widening in alarm, he shakes his head, not wanting to hear it. Repeats himself, "Don't." Whatever this is, he doesn't want it. Doesn't need to further complicate what's already a giant mess. If Jae's offended or hurt by it, he doesn't care. Maybe prefers it if it means the conversation would just stop. But now Yeol doesn't want to look at him and find out.
It isn't necessarily a relief when there's irritation laced in Jae's tone. Not when he's still holding onto him like he expects something. "You can't ignore me forever."
He turns and glares. Knows he's being ridiculous and childish all to avoid confrontation. "Watch me."
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kimsgoeun · 1 year
" don't think i won't carry you if i have to! " (jae/chan yeol)
Yeol sputters in disbelief. Rips his attention away from the work at hand to stare at Jae instead. Common sense insists that it's only words. There's no real way that the man means it--mostly because that would be preposterous. But Yeol also doesn't trust that Jae wouldn't do something preposterous just to prove a point. Especially to him.
"I know you're thinking about it, but I will do it."
He scowls, blowing out an annoyed breath. "You can't just threaten me whenever you want me to do something."
"It works though," Jae shrugs.
They stare but the silence speaks volumes between them. Seconds tick by and he knows how it's going to go. Yeol huffs. Rolls his eyes and relents.
"Don't," Yeol warns when he sees the look on Jae's face. Tries to ignore him further when the other man holds up his hands in feigned surrender and follows him out of his office.
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kimsgoeun · 1 year
✦ - Rolling up their sleeves to keep cool, showing off their forearms (jae/chan yeol)
The AC isn't working in the office building. A major inconvenience to them all considering the work attire and the shuffling of employees on every floor. Yeol half expects it to be taken care of within the hour at least--there's no way someone isn't paying an exorbitant amount for it to get fixed as soon as possible. But until then, an inconvenience.
An uncomfortable, hot inconvenience.
A fan circulates warm air around his office. Yeol wipes at his brow and lets out a breath as if that'll suddenly cool him down. Having already removed his jacket, he tugs at the tie around his neck and attempts to focus on his work. The heat, at least, keeps Jae quiet from bothering him. They're seated across from each other in the sitting area of his office. Cups of ice water are set between them on the low coffee table.
Yeol catches movement in his peripherals, glances up only to see Jae loosely roll up the sleeves of his white button-up. It's an innocuous act that means nothing (it means it's hot in the office), but his gaze distractedly lingers on the other man's arms. Mentally chastises himself for the simple action attractive... For finding Jae attractive at all.
"See something you like?"
His attention flashes back up towards Jae, caught in the act. "No." His brows furrow when he notes that Jae's already gotten up to move in front of him. Holds in a grumbled complaint when he's forced back on the couch, Jae pinning him in place between his arms and leaned down towards him. Yeol keeps his eyes fixed on him, knowing this is yet another bait on Jae's part. It still doesn't stop the extra thump that goes off in his chest.
"I don't understand how you have the energy to do this when we're all about to suffer a heat stroke."
Jae shrugs. "Isn't there some saying about how if you can't beat 'em, join them?"
He rolls his eyes. "That has nothing to do with beating the heat."
"I don't hear any better solutions."
"I finish my work and then we can leave--maintenance will most likely get it fixed soon anyway."
Jae leans in closer, easily enough for Yeol to close the distance like he's sure Jae wants him to. "My idea is better."
"Your idea involves inappropriate workplace behavior," he says, giving him a pointed look. Jae shrugs once more in response, smiling temptingly. It's not like Yeol has much of a choice in the manner, work or no work, not if he has Jae in his face like this.
So annoying is the thought on his mind when he gives in, grabbing the collar of Jae's shirt and kissing him. Jae grabs the back of his head, shoves the laptop off of Yeol's lap. A firm hand on his shoulder pushes him further down on the couch until they're nearly horizontal. Yeol traces a hand over his arm, tension and muscle under his palm.
There's a break in the kiss in an attempt to breathe. As they do, a hum buzzes in the air. The air's back on. "Told you it'd be fixed soon." Jae runs a finger against his jaw, murmurs a "Mhm" as he kisses the corner of his mouth. He's inclined to keep going, but... "I have work to do still," Yeol mumbles between the press of lips.
Jae pauses, meeting his gaze with disbelief. "So?"
"Well the air is on... and so now I can go back to finishing the work I have..." Somewhere in between that, Jae has given up listening, more bent on distracted Yeol from his train of thought. His breath hitches at the hand slipping under his shirt. "...It's not going to take long." A lie most likely, but he also can't figure out how to stop this when he doesn't exactly want to either.
So when Jae points out that the work will still be there afterwards, it's difficult for him to argue against that.
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kimsgoeun · 1 year
❀ - BONUS TOUCH EDITION: Asking your Muse to help put sun screen / lotion / medical salve on a wound anywhere else (jae/chan yeol--a wound jae got from protecting him, preferably lol)
His lip is split, a bruise forming along the man's jaw at around his left eye. It's not the prettiest picture in the world to be looking at, and Yeol feels partially responsible for the state Jae's in. Being targeted as some kind of payback towards something his father has done in his business dealings does make it feel like it's Yeol's fault, but only because Jae's hurt as a result.
The fact that his father only called to remind Yeol not to speak to press about it and his secretary then messaged him to send over any medical expenses that needed to be paid said how little concern there actually is regarding what's happened. Don't cause a bigger spectacle is the unspoken message behind both.
Yeol watches as Jae tries to clean himself. Winces when he raises his arm in an attempt to dab antibiotic cream to his split lip. Jae catches him staring and rolls his eyes. "So are you planning are staring or are you going to help me out here?"
"I didn't think you needed my help," he shrugs, but he moves towards the other man anyway. Yeol tries not to frown at seeing the injuries up close. Instead he says, "You look like shit," as a way to not seem concerned.
"You're not supposed to insult the person that got punched for you. Kind of an asshole move."
"Just stating the truth." Taking the disinfectant from him, he swabbed some onto the Q-tip. He reached out towards him when Jae attempted another comeback, but Yeol interrupted. "--Just shut up for a second and let me do this first."
Jae listens for once without being difficult. Carefully, he dabs the ointment onto his bottom lip, gaze only flickering towards his once when Jae seemingly hisses at the initial contact. Focusing back on the task at hand, he pauses once he's done, hand lingering in the air between them.
The bodyguard breaks the silence first. "What? Thinking about the ways you're going to make this up to me?" He knows he says it jokingly, sarcastically, but Yeol nods all the same. Whatever look Jae gives him at that, he misses, but the hand at his wrist pulls his attention back. "I'm just fucking with you. It's happens."
Yeol doesn't say anything to that. Logically he knows that, but it doesn't negate the guilt that lingers in his gut.
He's tugged forward towards him, blinks in surprise when he nearly loses his balance. Jae flashes him a stern, yet irritated look. His tone drips in sarcasm once again, "If you're that torn up about it, you can just kiss me for my efforts then."
There's probably an expectation of a scoff to come as a result of the comment. A brush off. A scathing remark in return. But Yeol does something that seems to surprise them both. He's careful to miss the cut he's just treated, pressing a kiss to Jae's lips for a brief second. Yeol lingers again, hovering a breath away from him. Spotting the disbelief on the other's face, he pulls back and breaks the awkward tension he's formed. "Thanks for getting punched in the face for me."
At least the comment is enough for Jae to snort in response. "I'd prefer it not to be a reoccurring thing."
Yeol nods in amusement. "I will try to keep that in mind, but you are rather punch-able, so you'll probably have to work on that first." Chuckles when Jae shoves him ever so slightly back.
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kimsgoeun · 1 year
“i know you don’t like being touched, but there’s nothing that can be done about that now.” (jae/chan yeol)
A crowd rushes onto the busy elevator just as the door is about to close. Yeol steps back absent-mindlessly until he's pressed into the corner of the elevator. He pays no mind to Jae and assumes the man would be stuck beside him, only to glance up when he realizes they aren't side-to-side but face-to-face. His brows furrow at the sudden forced proximity, especially when someone bumps into Jae's back and forces the man even closer.
Knees nearly pressed together, Jae holds out a hand against the wall behind Yeol in an attempt not to be fully on top of him. There's no space to move. To breathe, really. He really doesn't appreciate how close this put their faces near each other.
Someone bumps into Jae's arm, and now instead of the wall, it's stuck resting against Yeol's side. He bristles at the contact, and Jae's quick to murmur something under his breath. "I know you don't like being touched, but there's nothing that can be done about that now." Yeol glares, but says nothing in response.
There is though. Getting off the elevator and waiting for another is one. Getting off the elevator and just walking the thirty flights up is another. But considering the crowd, it'd make it rather impossible to leave without it causing a big hullabaloo.
So he's stuck. It's fine. Mostly fine. Besides, it's not as if this elevator ride up will last more than a few minutes... Except the seconds seem to stretch for much longer than they are.
Jae's breath is warm against his face and he's well aware of the hand at his side. It's impossible to avoid the other man's gaze, shoots him a 'Don't you dare do anything' look when he notices the smirk on Jae's lips.
There really isn't space to move, but there is enough minimal space for the hand resting on his suit jacket to slip under it instead. His hand splays against his side, fingers digging into his waist--a not so subtle reminder of the last time they were this close together. Yeol sucks in a sharp breath. Glares again. But it's only met with a shrug and a not so innocent 'I'm not doing anything' smile.
The doors of the elevator chime and a majority of the inhabitants onboard finally leave, until it's just the pair of them again on board. Ten more flights to go. When the doors close and Jae has yet to move, Yeol finally says something. "What are you doing? You can get off of me now."
"You sure you want me to?" Jae chuckles. He eyes the space between them, his leg rubbing against him to point out the obvious.
Heat flushes over the back of his neck and he clears his throat. Yes is the obvious, blatant answer, but he doesn't manage to utter it out. The elevator chime answers for him though. Jae rights himself and takes a step back, flashing another arrogant smile before turning around to let Yeol get himself situated right as the doors open. He pauses for an added second and lets out a deep breath.
"You're insufferable," he mutters as he passes.
Jae laughs quietly, following him out of the elevator. "I'll be sure you to remind you of that later then."
Yeol shoots him a scowl. He doesn't like that he might actually be looking forward to this supposed later.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
“ you’re too good for her ” (jae/chan yeol)
Usually these black-tie affairs are drab and boring and life-sucking, but Yeol's nearly enjoying himself for once. It's the company--a blind date, really, surprising as that is--and technically he has his mother to thanks. How she set him up with someone who isn't a carbon copy of her in some fashion is clearly a misstep on her part.
He doubted his mother would approve of her if she'd actually gotten to know them.
There isn't a plan to see her, Ha-rin, again though. As nice as the night's going, he isn't into her that way. Maybe if they hadn't met through his mother, but it's not as if he's going to be heartbroken about it. There's plenty of other things going on his life to keep him well distracted.
Ha-rin excuses herself to the bathroom, patting his arm and flashing him a smile. He smiles back, nodding. Taking a sip of his drink now that he's standing alone, he sighs when Jae slips into his peripherals. They stand side by side, Jae's arm brushing against his. At least it's not close enough to draw unwanted attention.
"You're too good for her."
The remark catches him off guard and his head whips around to stare. Disbelief is written over his face, waiting for some kind of added insult or sarcastic follow-up. When it doesn't, Yeol isn't sure if that makes it better or worse. Especially since Jae stares back at him without a trace of mirth.
"What's that supposed to mean? You know something I don't about her?" He isn't necessarily curious to learn something unseemly about Ha-rin, but he doesn't understand what Jae's angle is in expressing opposition to the entire thing. It's not as if he ever sees these dates again anyway. It's not as if he's going to believe that Jae might be jealous.
"She seems into you. Clearly there's something wrong with her."
And there it was. Yeol scoffed and rolled his eyes. Leave it to Jae to burst whatever semi-good mood he's found himself in. "So there's nothing wrong with her except her taste, is that it? Gee, thanks. I'll keep that in mind when she comes back."
"You're going to keep talking to her then?"
He isn't taking this conversation seriously anymore. "I don't see why not. If it bothers you then it seems like a win-win to me." The only thing that stops him from walking away is the vice-like grip that's suddenly on his arm and keeping him in place.
"What?" Jae doesn't say anything though. There's that look on Jae's face again, but Yeol's done trying to figure it out. He repeats himself once more, "What?" Sighs when he gets no further response. "I don't understand what's your problem. If there's nothing actually wrong with her, then you're just being a jerk. Which isn't any different than you usually are, because it's not like you're jealous--"
"--I'm not. Jealous." He spits out the word, seething, but the hand on his arm only squeezes tighter.
Yeol wants to laughs. Ridiculous. This is ridiculous. "Right. You'd just rather make sure I'm living miserably beside you." Jerking his arm out of Jae's grasp, he stalks off. He doesn't bother looking back. Doesn't want to know whether or not Jae is hot on his heel. And definitely doesn't want to continue the argument they're bound to end up in if he is.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
“ you’re like a forbidden fruit when i can’t touch you ~ kind of sexy ” (jae/chan yeol)
They're surrounded by people, people related to him, so he doesn't think twice about it when Jae comes over to tell him something. He expects it to be work-related. So he's mid-sip when the words are whispered into his ear and he manages to choke on his drink.
Yeol should've realized not to trust Jae to come anywhere near him.
A few people look over at him concerned and curious, but Yeol's too busy clearing his throat as he shoots daggers at a much too pleased Jae. With his back still turned to the rest of the crowd, no one else sees the satisfied smirk resting on the other man's lips as he pulls away. He's definitely done this on purpose. It's apparent when the expression drops from his bodyguard's face the moment his mother comes crowding Yeol's attention. But then again, it's not like his mother seems to notice Jae (even if she had a hand in hiring him) or care that someone else is around.
He's trying to brush her off as she pesters him about this and that. Are you okay? You shouldn't drink so fast. What if you had caused a bigger scene? You didn't get anything on your tie, did you? On and on it goes, and he definitely blames Jae for the stir.
But as irritated as he is, he's grateful when Jae reappears and says Yeol needs to make a business call. It's enough of an excuse to leave his mother's side as he follows Jae to some other room down the hall.
There's no call, and once he's safely inside the room, he lets out an audible sigh. He really did hate these cocktail parties. But currently it's a toss up on who he hated more: Jae or his mother. Turning, he spots Jae leaning against the closed door, a laugh muffled behind his hand.
Maybe in this very second it's Jae by a hair.
"Next time just stab me, it'd be less mortifying," he admonishes dryly. It only further causes amusement for his bodyguard. At least that would give his mother something to actually fuss about.
"Not nearly as entertaining though."
Yeol rolls his eyes. "Yes, god forbid it's not entertaining," he retorts and steps towards him to get the door. Jae puts his hand up and asks him what he's doing. Annoyed exasperation crawls over his features. "Leaving. She's probably distracted by someone else by now. The coast is clear for me to--"
Jae turns the lock. Yeol stares at him blankly, momentarily confused. "--You do know I can just unlock that, right? Locks aren't exactly effective unless you're on the other side of it."
Now it's Jae's turn to roll his eyes and stare at him like he's stupid. "I am well aware how locks work."
"Okay... Well then you realize you're only preventing someone from coming in here..."
They're staring silently at each other when it occurs to him what Jae's trying to do.
So maybe he's being a little slow, but to be fair, only one of them had to just deal with his mother.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[text]: is he bigger than me? (jae/chan yeol)
[ chan yeol » jae 2:13am ]: What the hell are you talking about? [ chan yeol » jae 2:13am ]: I don't even know who you're talking about. [ chan yeol » jae 5:37am ]: For your information, not that I need to tell you anything, I didn't go home with someone else.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
i only have eyes for you. - chanyeol & seulgi
Tension rolls off of him in waves. Hunched over his desk, he lets out a labored breath and rubs at his temples. He doesn't know how long Seulgi has been watching him or has even been in the room until she's spun his chair towards her. She appears in his line vision, crouched in front of him so he's forced to look at her. "I'm fine," he breathes out. "Except you clearly aren't." His gaze drops from hers for a second. He's tired. Always just so tired. "What do you need? I can go and get--" She starts to stand and he grabs her hand. "I don't need--I just need..." The words get stuck in his throat. He doesn't understand why it's still so difficult just to ask for help. To just ask for her. But she understand when words fail him and reaches out to brush hair off of his forehead. Rubs a delicate hand over his cheek. He focuses on the soothing touch, some of the tension ebbing away. When he finally manages to look back towards her, he sees her watching him carefully. Softly. A feeling swells in his chest. Placing a hand over hers, he leans into the palm of her hand. His thanks doesn't manage to leave his lips either, but she seems to understand all the same.
He doesn't remember falling asleep, nor does he remember Seulgi slipping into bed with him. When he wakes again, Yeol isn't sure what time it is. But he is met with someone besides him, eyes staring over at him. He blinks, groggy but surprised to see her. She utters out a low apology for waking him and he shakes his head as he tries to sit up a bit. "Didn't mean to fall asleep anyway..." She titters, but he doesn't understand why. "What? I couldn't have been asleep that long--when did you get back anyway?" Seulgi pulls the bedsheet further up, settling in and laughs again. "Why? Were you waiting up for me?" she asks. Yeol shrugs and answers honestly. "Yeah." She grows quiet at that, staring at him in some odd way. Brow lifting in question he asks, "What?" In turn, Seulgi smiles knowingly. "Oh, nothing."
Some show plays in the background, but he's reading. It's nice, for once, having nothing to do and actually being able to just be in the same space as Seulgi. Even if they aren't necessarily doing something together, it's nice. Peaceful. Comforting. She leans into his side and when she squirms to get comfortable for the third time, he drapes his arm around her. It at least gets her to stop moving, albeit it makes it harder for him to turn the pages of his book. Of course she notices. He feels her staring without taking his eyes off the sentence he's still reading. "I can turn the page for you," she offers. "Or I can just do this." He places the book in front of her face so the hand around her can reach and turns the page himself. Yeol laughs when she complains that she can't see the screen if he does that. "You'd be taking your eyes off the screen if you turn the pages anyway," he points out. Seulgi humphs but goes quiet in thought. But it's the kind of quiet that makes him think she's about to do something in response. Opening his mouth to say anything to quell that, he's stopped short when she shifts once again until she's resting her head on his lap. "There, now we're not in each other's way," she states, looking up at him triumphantly. Technically she's right, he has to give her that, but now he's a little too distracted to read on normally. And of course she notices that too. Yeol chooses not to look back at his wife whenever she happens to glance up at him.
There's less patience when it comes to his mother. She seems to blame his wife for the sudden change in his behavior. His demeanor. Yeol rolls his eyes when his mother makes yet another remark in Seulgi's direction. "We see so little of him now that he has you." It might've stung if it isn't for the fact that it isn't at all true. "What happens if I stop recognizing my own son with how little you let him see his own mother?" Yeol sees it, the way Seulgi prepares a comeback. Annoyance stiff in her upper lip. For once he steps in before she can. "You're being dramatic, eomma," he sighs. "I saw you last week for lunch and at the gala event--stop pestering Seulgi with things that aren't true." The look his mother throws him is as if he'd slapped her across the face. Lips puckering and eyes narrowing, she excuses herself from talking to the pair of them. Thank god, he can only think. It's obvious he'd hear about this later, but for now he welcomes the relief of not having his mother's company. Glancing over to Seulgi in preparation to apologize again for his mother, he finds her already staring. He pauses, seeing the look of surprise over her features. But she meets his eye and grins widely. "Look at my husband, all grown up," she teases. Yeol rolls his eyes again, but this time there's no trace of exasperation in them.
Yeol hovers over her, Seulgi beneath him on the couch. Her hands are pressed to his chest, pausing their movements. She's staring up at him through her lashes, a little flushed in the cheeks. Worried he's done something wrong, he nearly pulls away, but she grabs his shirt to keep him in place. "What are you doing?" Yeol asks perplexed. Seulgi grabs his chin using her thumb and forefinger, looking over his face. "Just looking at you." Whatever she spots on his expression has her smiling though. Forced to stare back at her and unsure of what's going on, he takes comfort in seeing her look pleased. But the longer he stares, the more something begins to dawn on him. Oh. Somewhere along the way he's fallen in love with his wife.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
❝ you don’t have to be so shy about it. ❞ (jae/chan yeol)
Jae's voice is in his ear as he stands behind him. He prickles at the insinuation, jaw clenching. "I'm not being shy about anything," he argues, turning around to face him. "There's a difference between being shy and just not wanting to talk..." It should've been apparent which category Jae fell into considering how little they actually spoke to each other about anything important or concrete.
They're standing too close to his liking. "And you don't want to talk to me?" His brow raises, curious and yet mocking all at the same time. It's infuriating.
Yeol rolls his eyes. "We don't do much talking to begin with." He tries to sidestep around Jae, trying to create space between them, but it doesn't do much when he's still quick on Yeol's feet. Annoying freaking bodyguard, he wants to mutter, and continues to try and step around him.
Avoiding Jae becomes impossible though when an arm shoots out and blocks his path. He sucks in an impatient breath, fixing him with a glare. "What? What do you want?"
"For you to answer me for once."
His lips press together into a tight line. It shouldn't be this difficult. It isn't as if they haven't already slept together, and yet the idea of holding a conversation with him sounds painfully too intimate in comparison.
He's taking too long to answer. Yeol can see it on Jae's face. When he finally relents and agrees, he sees the traces of satisfaction on his face. "Fine," he repeats. "We can talk or whatever. Just stop being so smug about it."
"I'm not being smug about it."
Yeol shakes his head, already regretting this. "Liar."
The laugh comes out of Jae at least doesn't produce a visceral reaction that time around.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[ LIFT ] :     sender lifts receiver up, so receiver’s legs wrap around sender’s waist. (jae/chan yeol)
There's something wrong with him. It's the only conclusion that can be drawn when he feels another heated kiss against his skin. His blood roars loudly in his ears and he reaches out to grab the other man's chin to meet his lips in a kiss. This isn't even close to the first time that they've found themselves in this position, but somehow it's only taken the one time for the floodgates to open.
He blames Jae. His proximity. His ability to always be around when he's not wanted or needed. The challenge in his eye when he moves too closely into Yeol's personal space. The constant remarks that get under his skin. All of it only clouds his judgement to the point he doesn't realize what he's doing until it's already happening.
And by then? Well it's to a point where Yeol can't bring himself to stop either.
The edge of his desk digs into the back of his legs. Jae pushes him back until he's seat atop of it, the papers on it now scattered to the side and the floor. He stands between his legs, leaning down to reach the expanse of skin along Yeol's collarbone.
Yeol leans back, slightly out of reach. Their gazes meet, ragged breathing being the only accompanying sound as they silently stare the other down. It's another chance to call it quits on what they're doing, but neither man makes a move to leave.
Some indication on his face gives Jae the green light. He pulls his legs, lifting him slightly until they're flushed together. Yeol hooks a leg around his waist and claws at his back.
There's no stopping now.
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
  💔  (the fucked up kissing meme) for jae/chan yeol
xvii. a  kiss  to  give  up  control.  @cass1x1​
Jae’s lips on his is anything but soft and sweet. There’s a selfish roughness to it that screams relinquish and submit. But neither of them do. They’re flushed together when he’s slammed back against the wall. He breathes out a pained grunt and a smirk forms on Jae’s lips at the sound. Angers boil under his skin as his mouth returns to his. His hand skims over the back of Jae’s head, pulling him in roughly. Tugging at the other’s hair, he tries not to think about the shiver that run downs his spine at hearing Jae’s muffled moan against his lips. 
Pulling at Jae’s shirt, he’s lost as to who exactly removed it, but it was tossed to the floor without a second thought. Yeol’s fingers dig into his skin, heat radiating off of him. His eyes fall shut as Jae’s mouth trails down over his neck, hissing out a curse when Jae nips at his skin. It isn’t long before his own shirt is forcibly removed and out of the other’s way. 
He’s dizzy, unable to do much more than think more, more, more. 
He nearly forget exactly who he’s making out with until he hears Jae teasing laugh in his ear. And suddenly cold reality slaps him back into reality. He shoves Jae back harshly, chest heaving as they’re both stuck facing each other. His brows scrunch together, traces of a frown at the corner of his lips. 
What the fuck. What the fuck What the fuck. 
Irritation is etched over Jae’s features, but he picks up his shirt without a word and Yeol does the same. He doesn’t bother looking at him (can’t, really) when Jae shoves past him, slamming the door behind him. Letting out a shaky breath, he sits and drops his head into his hands. 
What the fuck was he supposed to do now? 
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[ TWENTY-TWO ] : “ ‘no homo’ is really starting to sound like homo, bro. ” (jae/yeol)
His thoughts fizzle out until all he hears is the pounding of his heard. It’s just another jab from Jae to get a rise out of him, Yeol knows that, but it doesn’t land the way all the man’s remarks usually do. A creeping sensation slowly emerges at the edges of his thoughts. A single thought nearly came to fruition.
Do I have feel--
He brings his thoughts to a screeching halt, shoving them as far away as he could. There’s no way in hell he’s going to even entertain that idea. There’s just no way in hell he could ever consider feeling anything other than loathing, irritation, and absolute annoyance whenever in Jae’s presence. 
But it doesn’t help that they’re still standing close--somehow they manage to get in each other’s faces every time they hurl insults and smartass remarks at each other, but now he can’t recall the exact conversation they had been having for the other to say that. Nor does it help that Jae sports the infuriating smirk on his face, the one that says I’ve gotten under your skin. 
Yeol’s brows furrow slightly, lips pressing into a hard, thin line. “You’re such a jackass,” he mutters under his breath and shoves past him. 
Joking or not, he refuses to have feelings for his bodyguard. 
His life was pathetic enough without adding some cheesy cliché to it. 
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
[ text ] you’re supposed to tell me not to do stupid things. explain yourself (jae/chan yeol)
[ chan yeol » jae ]: As if you would've listened to me to begin with
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kimsgoeun · 2 years
☠ five times my muse thought about hitting yours, and the one time they did. (yeol/jae)
i. Bad First Impressions Are An Understatement. It's only been a week and he's already slowly being driven up the wall. Not wanting a bodyguard following him around is bad enough, but having Jae specifically around is somehow becoming a living, waking nightmare. A seething comment there. A sarcastic remark there. Yeol doesn't understand why Jae insists on saying something about everything. Nor does he understand why the other man seems to dislike him even though they've barely shared more than a few curt conversations. He's never met someone so utterly and completely... annoying. At least not someone he hasn't been able to at least ignore and avoid (an impossible feat considering the man's been hired to follow him around). Yeol cannot recall ever a time he's ever wanted to hit someone before just to get rid of them.
ii. It's One After Another. Whatever breath he's holding isn't released the moment he's safe at home. It's difficult to let go of the tension in his shoulders when he's still stuck with Jae to deal with. There must be some kind of silent signal to the other man, because he's in front of him in the blink of an eye. In his face. In his space. That coil inside of him winds tighter. His eyes narrow in the other's direction. "I cannot deal with you right now," he utters out sharply. It doesn't work - it never does - and Jae only smirks in response. Laughs when Yeol recoils at the hand that brushes over his chest. He sucks in a breath, releasing the urge to shove him out of his way.
iii. It's Probably Nothing... Probably Jae's lips hover over his. Tempting. Challenging. He hates it. Him. Hates that he very much considers closing the distance just to put himself out of this misery. It's not as if this means anything to Jae. Or to him. It doesn't mean anything to him... Right? His hands clench at his sides, heart hammering away in his rib cage. Yeol should shove him away. Push him and tell him to back off. But he teeters between self-preservation and falling off the edge of that cliff. Another thing he blames Jae for. He wonders how much he's going to hate himself for giving in. But he also wonders if he'd hate himself more or less if he actually did something against Jae.
iv. Off Kilter "Leave. Me. Alone." He enunciates the words, but it has no affect on Jae even when Yeol stalks out of the room to head to his office. He's still right on his heels and too close for comfort. A slow, uneven breath passes his lips when a hand grabs his arm and forces him to face him. What happened? The question throws him off. Especially with a look akin to concern is written over Jae's face instead of his usual smug mockery. That throws him off. He doesn't know what to do with that. Say to that. But it pisses him off that suddenly Jae's found some kind of heart. It's the last thing he needs right now. His eyes narrow and he rips his arm out of his grasp. "Why do you even care?" Seeing a returned glare somehow is more comforting. At least Yeol's gotten the reaction he prefers this way rather than resorting to some kind of physical harm.
v. The Thought Doesn't Count His headache is worse than usual. Sleep is the obvious answer to his predicament, but the mountain of work to get through says otherwise. It's fine, he's used to it. Except Jae doesn't seem to accept that as an answer. "I need to finish this--" "--No, you need to take a break." It's the same argument over and over again, and again, Yeol doesn't see why it matters to the other man. But he's losing his patience when he's dragged out of his chair, laptop forcefully shut closed mid-email. Who's to say what's exasperating his headache at that point: the lack of sleep or the lack of boundaries between them. Jae doesn't let him sidestep him. "I don't know what you think you're doing, but this--" he gestures between them standing dangerously close together, "--this doesn't help. You're not helping. I have better things to do than be distracted by you." His breath hitches ever so slightly when Jae steps forward. Hates that he reacts in any way whatsoever because of him. That trademark smirk makes its appearance on the other's face. "Doesn't seem that way to me." God, how he'd love to wipe that smirk off his face just once.
vi. The Water Boils Over Yeol doesn't exactly remember what they're arguing about, but it's not as if this one is any different than the rest of them. At least it isn't until it is. "It's not like we mean anything to each other." The words hang in the air, and yet his blood boils at how casually Jae states it. So matter of factly. As if months of whatever the hell they're doing adds up to nothing more than some random one night stand. Yeol reacts without thinking. His fist clips the corner of Jae's jaw, sending him back a few steps and Yeol freezes as the scene before him finally dawns on him. The vehement glare shot in his direction isn't what freaks him out though, nor does the idea of what Jae might do in retaliation. No. It's the why behind the punch that freaks him out. The answer seems to be screaming right at him as does the ache in his hand. Shit.
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