#wb: vultis
inseasofgreen · 1 month
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Worldbuilding Intro: Nite Region Overview
"The Nite Region of Nyrus holds true to it's origin. It's name dating back to when The Kings of Dawn's empire expanded past modern day Ivaenia. Their influence, coupled with the Zaentriaeal and the Zrato, have formed a unique culture that pays homage to their patreon deities, Atlir, Nae'lia, and Zhareem." - Grand Elder Orulf, Of Arcane, Divination and Chaos: a Brief Overview of The Nite Region.
The Nite Region is home to five countries; Ivaenia, Vutlis, Saevi, Osca, and Roshait. A small territory, Zenier, also calls this region home. Though Zenier is not formally acknowledged as a country. About five-hundred years from the beginning of "Plight of the Oracle" the reglion was riddled with war. From ancient feuds, to broken blood debts, to the ever growing power imbalance between the Zrato and The Kings of Dawn. Peace was a concept that seemed unachievable.
It wasn't until King Scyro of Ivaenia and Queen Zaevetti of Vultis came to an agreement and called their own truce. Once allied, Saevi, Osca, and Roshiat had one chose, call cease fire and forget all transgression, or face both the Dragon's and Kings of Dawn's wrath. An easy choice really.
What secured half a millennia of peace, was nothing more than a meager bandage for a festering wound. Under the surface of this "peace" was silent war of words and broken promises between nations. As the Region grows volatile, all wait to see who breaks the treaty first.
Quick rundown of each country undercut
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@lord-fallen @inkingfireplace @rhikasa
Geographics: Lush green fertile land, mild winters and warm summers
Random Facts: Home to the Kings of Dawn, has as many magic wielders as it does non-magic wielders, has many colleges that offer a wide range of topics to study
Geographics: A wide range but some honorable mentions: grassy plains, marsh lands, tropical oases, and volcanic mountain ranges
Random facts: South Eastern Vultis has the biggest population of Zrato, Home to the only domesticated dragons, The biggest Country in all of Nyrus
Geographics: Heavily forested, cold winters and mild summers.
Random Facts: Many born in Saevai have bright auburn hair they are often called Spawns of Atlir who is believed to share that trait, most of their magic wielders are arcanic users - meaning they draw their magic from nature, Most it's citizens are taught to fight from a young age. No matter how low born.
Geographics: Marsh and grassy plains, hot summers and warm winters
Random Facts: The Roshaiti are a proud people who believe they are equal to the Irayo and thus equal to the Zrato, those who wield magic in Roshait tend to be wielding Chaotic magic (Elemental and blood magic), killing a panther is illegal - even in self-defense
Geographics: Hot summers and mild winters, lots of wild foliage but not as fertile ground.
Random facts: Are well known for their wine, have a good mix of all magic wielders, opens trade from the eastern regions of Nyrus with the Nite Region
Geographics: Magic flows freely through out it's forested lands, giving the plants a bluish hue. Warm summers and mild winters.
Random facts: It's temples also double as schools and collages', the Zaentrial are believed to have been born from Zenier, many calling it their motherland, does not have a traditional monarchy, it's High Priestess' are anointed by the gods and are chosen at birth. Though not all the priestesses get to act as ruler.
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