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captainhancock727 · 5 months ago
Waynewood x JavyDade - Comeback (Lyrics)
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hungrygh0st5 · 7 months ago
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girl4pay · 7 months ago
note app fic where the others take winterfell back from the boltons and jon ‘leads’ a wandering army in rickons name w lady stoneheart that i will never finish but want you all to read anyway
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badarchitectrecords · 2 years ago
Check out this emotional, new track by Waynewood! One of my new favorites!
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bloodfcrblood · 1 year ago
setting : the coronation of jaehaerys ii targaryen, somewhere in the halls of the red keep saella qoherys happens upon jeyne waynewood ; starter for @jeynewaynwood
the figure of saella qoherys glided down the halls of the red keep, heels clicking upon the marbled floors as silks of lavender flower behind her. there was a commanding presence about the lady of rosby with posture poised and straightened. one might find her relaxed within the halls of her own home or gazing down upon her ludus, but here amongst the many nobles of the surrounding kingdoms, she maintained an elegant, composed image for wandering eyes.
hues of amethyst scanned the crowd, an occasional polite smile and nod to those she knew, some utterances of hello to the occasional passerby. the woman herself did not have many a friend beyond those she selectively chose to be within her inner circle, but she had made acquaintances in her line of work, knew how to play the part of perfect hostess. in truth it mattered little to her what people actually thought of her, as long as the image was maintained. it was all about image.
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a figure just down the hall caught the silver-haired woman's attention, head tilting as if her focus would sharpen upon just who the other was. vale. waynwood. strong. harrenhal. her mind leaped from one conclusion to the next until it settled upon just who the lady was. cat-like grin perked upon her lips as she strolled right up to the other woman. "lady waynwood." she greeted her, tone full of veiled kindness, though she had little care to control it. "it is good to see you have traveled so far to celebrate our king." saella added. "i hope everything has been to your liking? you may consider me an ally should anything of concern arise, yes?"
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paintedcrowfeather · 9 months ago
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Did some painting 🎨 Sadly some of my favorite colors of acrylic decided to dry out in the bottle 😭🥹. Had to edit the colors as my phone turns the saturation up way too high so the colors look slightly different between the photos. And the paper tore from the paint oh well I really like how it turned out.
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vansanthoughtz · 1 year ago
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desertislandcloud · 2 years ago
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pointer8708 · 3 years ago
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#catholicboy #thejimcarrollband #jimcarroll #brianlinsley #stevelinsley #terrellwinn #waynewoods #allenlanier #bobbykeys #earlmcgrath #bobclearmountain #jasoncorsaro #jeffreynorman #bobludwig Photography: #michaelhalsband #annieleibovitz This entire album is a great record, yes I know everyone is familiar with both #thebasketballdiaries #peoplewhodied - this was such a great record - who knew what a great band this was and add Allen from #blueoystercult and Bobby from #rollingstones and have Earl who ran the stones label to produce it , makes for a great record of amazing great images and stories out of one of my favorite cities- NYC and you have this great record! Enjoy (at Hollywood Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd1yk3uJTOL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ludwig-holy-blade · 2 years ago
It Must Be You, Or No One.
Plot: You were a child born of Old Valyrian blood and blood of the First Men, life was never meant to be easy. 
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Daemon Targaryen & Rhea Royce!Son x Rhaenyra Targaryen:
Your Birth: Yours was not an easy birth. In the darkness of the night your mother, lady Rhea Royce, walked to the Maester's tower to give birth. Rather than aid her in this trial your father, Prince Daemon Targaryen, simply took to the skies on Caraxes and proceeded to remain there for the duration of your birth. It took the entire evening and into the next for you to come into this world, your mother demanded to have the window open so she could curse her husband. When dawn turned to dusk your mothers cries were replaced with your own. Your father returned not long after, a dragon egg in hand. When you were placed in his arms but rather than embrace as most fathers would Daemon Targaryen inspected you. He could find neither purple or blue in your eyes and your head hadn’t even a sliver of silver. Affronted he passed you to the midwife and left for Kings Landing that night. Dragon egg in hand. When you began to cry she attempted to pass you back your mother but alas Rhea refused and turned to rest asking you be taken elsewhere. Your grandfather, Yorbert Royce, Lord of Runestone carried you off whispering tales of old gods and heroes past as he did.
Childhood: Growing up neither of your parents were truly interested in you. Daemon spent the majority of his time in King's Landing only returning on your name-days with some expensive, extravagant gift from a far off place. Practice swords made of dragonbone, Qohoric knives, Lyseni silk clothing and the like. In the end however he would leave long before the day was over. Your mother concerned herself mostly with her companions and court favorites, riding out in hunting parties or out to engage in combat with the Mountain Clans. This left you alone mostly though it didn’t make you sullen so much as angry. The only attention you could muster from your mother was when you would pick fights with other children, some Corbray child or Waynewood heir. She would praise you ever so slightly if you’d won and scold you if you lost. When you were six your grandfather told you. "If your going to fight you might as well do it right." He showed you Lamentation, House Royce's Valyrian steel long sword and you wanted it. You set out with a new goal from there. You would be the greatest warrior to ever come out of Westeros much less the Eyrie. In time you’d set your eyes upon Dark Sister as well.
Your training was purposefully intense. Four hours of swordsmanship everyday, beginning at daybreak. Then time for food and lessons before another three hours devoted to mounted combat and finishing out more swordsmanship long into early hours of the night. You spurned socialization with other devoting yourself wholly to study of both blade and battle. Yes you also studied in preparation to one day rule Runestone but that was not your passion. Your passion was such that by the tender age of twelve not a single squire in Runestone could hold their own against you. Such was your skill that you trained against two at a time. It was in your three-and-tenth year when you were put to the test.
In celebration of your birth you were invited to hunt with your grandfather. For two days and a night you spent time in the woods with your father and a small contingent of Household guard. You drank wine and laughed freely. One of your happiest memories was watching your grandfather trip backwards into a river, nearly drown under the weight of his armor. It was in the evening when the mountain clans attacked. They overwhelmed the guards forcing you and your grandfather to flee for home. Somewhere in the madness your grandfather took an arrow and as you passed through the gates of Runestone he collapsed. In the chaos of the yelling and the screaming and the men carrying your grandfather away nobody noticed you taking Lamentation, a bow and a quiver bursting with arrows. In the dark of the night, you followed their trail back to their camp. It was small, they were celebrating. When you fell on them they didn’t expect it. You circled with your horse volleying arrows into their legs, dropping them where they stood. From there you collected fifteen heads from their living bodies and returned to the seat of your house bloodied with Lamentation on your hip.
King’s Landing: When news made it's way to King's Landing of what happened Viserys was incensed. With Daemon all but out of consideration for the throne you were Viserys's unspoken but clearly favored heir. He had made it clear that until he was certain her couldn’t produce another child, a male heir, then you would take the position as Viserys's heir. Apparently Daemon had failed to inform you during his last visit, your one-and-tenth name day. Worried for your safety he decided to demand your mother send you to King’s Landing for your protection as well as to begin proper education should you be chosen as his heir.
It was a bright and sunny day when you left home. Your mother waited at Runestones gates with you for your father to finally arrive. It was a long quiet wait with a mother in the throes of grief and about to be forced to speak to the husband she hated. She hadn’t said a word. When you heard the beating of Caraxes's wings was the moment Rhea finally spoke you. She unveiled Lamentation and passed it to you with a single command. "Show them boy, show them all who you are, remind them that the blood of the first men more than matches that of Old Valyria." Caraxes's shook the earth when he landed and Daemon Targaryen, a stranger with a familiar face who you called father, dismounted the dragon. You took up Lamentation, marched to your father and mounted the blood wyrm without of a word. You arrived in King's Landing that evening, the walk through the streets up towards the Red Keep was as silent as the flight. The entire time not a word was shared between you and your father. You had expected a silent entrance to the Red Keep to your surprise when the doors opened there was a celebration. Queen Aemma Arryn greeted you with an embrace followed by your cousin the Princess Rhaenyra. King Viserys greeted you warmly but the final embrace was your father, Daemon Targaryen took you into his arms and spoke for the first time that day. He said to you. "Welcome home son."
The Song of Ice and Fire: In the days following your arrival you spent a great deal of time with your uncle Viserys. He was different than you expected, at Runestone men were typically stoic, indomitable and soberingly serious but Viserys was surprisingly gentle. A man with a good soft heart, who was quick to laugh when he was happy, prone to tears when sad but he wasn’t weak he simply bore his emotions outward. In short he was a good man, you liked him, he reminded you of grandfather. He kept you close which you found mildly odd but threw it up to him being curious about his next possible heir. He found you quite funny as well, at only three-and-ten you were serious, dutiful, honor focused and quick to anger. You met any perceived slight to your house or family physically, especially if those insults involved your mother. Many a young man at court had made the mistake of referring to your mother by her new moniker "The Bronze Bitch" in your presence had found themselves lacking teeth. The few young ladies who’d disparaged your mother usually left your presence weeping after being bombarded with insults and cruel jabs.
Viserys would in time trust you with the secret of House Targaryen. You would be summoned in the dead of night by Harold Westerling, Lord Commander of the King's Guard. Taken to the King's chambers you were met by both Queen Aemma and King Viserys, there he explained everything about Aegon's prophecy and asked you what you thought about Dragons. You called them weapons to be feared and he approved. He wouldn’t call you heir yet, he and Aemma wanted to try once more for a boy child but should worst come to worst Viserys told you. "It must be you, or no one."
To be continued
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thetunesclub · 5 years ago
I Love This Great Rap & Rock Music- 'Mirage' by Waynewood & JavyDada, Must Check It on Spotify
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madphantom · 4 years ago
Zombiecore / Rotcore songs
River Lea - Adele
Sur I'Ocean Couleur de Fer - Alcest
O Willow Waly - Ashley Serena
Buried Alive - Avenged Sevenfold
Maggot Belly - Awfultune
The Girl that you buried in your Backyard - Awfultune
Hollow Hills - Bauhaus
Hostage - Billie Eilish
Six Feet under - Billie Eilish
Grave Digger - Blues Saraceno
Frozen in Time - Box and the Twins
'Ere the Flowers unfold - Cinema Strange
First Example - Cinema Strange
Mathilde in the Dirt - Cinema Strange
Mediterranean Widow - Cinema Strange
In the Woods - Hozier
Oh Klahoma - Jack Stauber
Ghost - Jamie-Lee Kriewitz
If I'm to die - Keaton Henson
While floating high above - Ken Hill
Do not stand at my Grave and weep - Leah
The Ghost on the Shore - Lord Huron
The yawning Grave - Lord Huron
Way out there - Lord Huron
A Place with no Name (Original version) - Michael Jackson
The Grave - Michael Trapson
Body - Mother Mother
Ghosting - Mother Mother
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons
Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
Desert Song - My Chemical Romance
Interlude - My Chemical Romance
My Dream Girl don't exist - Neutral Milk Hotel
Higher than Hope - Nightwish
Death is a Party, invite all your Friends - Palaye Royale
Old Souls - Phantom of the Paradise
Storm Song - Phildel
Sleeping with Ghosts - Placebo
Skin - Rag 'n Boneman
Ohne dich - Rammstein
Burn the Witch - Shawn James
I lost something in the Hills - Sibylle Baier
Cowardly Deer - Teddy Hyde
La Da Dum - Teddy Hyde
Sex with a Ghost - Teddy Hyde
The Pack of Vultures - Teddy Hyde
Constellations - The Oh Hellos
Danse Macabre - The Oh Hellos
Pale white Horse - The Oh Hellos
The Lament of Eustace Scrubb - The Oh Hellos
China Doll - Warren Haynes
Bodybags - Waynewood
Cotard's Solution - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
Hand me my Shovel, I'm going in - Will Wood and the Tapeworms
Have a great Flight - Yelawolf
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no-vacaneee · 5 years ago
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sansaissteel · 3 years ago
Been wanting to get this down for some time. So here's all the references to Sweet Lady.
Sweet lady
1. Joffrey calls Sansa sweet lady at the trident.
2. Then ser barristan calls her sweet lady.
3. Varys calls lady Catelyn stark sweet lady.
4. Little finger calls cat his sweet lady.
5. Loras calls Sansa sweet lady.
6. See Morton waynewood calls Catelyn sweet lady
7. Jon snow calls his mare sweet lady.
8. Ser Dontos calls Sansa sweet lady
9. The singer Tyrion kills calls Shae sweet lady.
10. Marillion calls Sansa sweet lady.
11. Marillion calls lysa sweet lady during his confession.
12. Qarl calls asha sweet lady
13. Dany second husband calls her sweet lady.
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nooneeverlookedforagirl · 4 years ago
Let me give you the Game of Thrones we all wanted. Not just me and you, but D&D too. They wanted the unexpected and the thrill, we wanted the characters. These are not mutually exclusive.
Arya Stark kills the Night King, but not alone.
Jon makes it to his last little brother just in time to see a battered and bloody Theon cut down defending him. The Night King is injured, but not defeated. He has no interest in meeting Jon head on, so he sends the wights to do so while he advances on Bran.
Rhaegal, wounded but loyal, appears to burn the wights who would have stopped him. Jon has no time to be in awe of the dragonfire which saves his life, only time to charge straight at the Night King and fight. This is why he left his black brothers to die, after all, for Ned Stark's last son. He could not save Robb, could not fight beside him, but he will give his life for Bran if need be.
Yet the Night King cares nothing for honor. Wights gone, he summons his generals. Two White Walkers rush to his defense, preparing to kill Jon, but they do not make it across the courtyard before it is filled with wolves. The largest of them, a she-wolf as large as a pony, leads her pack in the charge. Nymeria cannot kill the White Walker, but she and her pack rip them limb from limb, the screams like nothing Jon has ever heard.
Cruel and careful, the Night King uses his distraction to knock him off his feet. As the killing blow comes down, Jon sees something behind the Night King. Silent as any shadowcat, Arya has snuck into the godswood, into the battle. She drags her blade across the White Walkers throat, and he turns into a rush of blood and a shattering of ice shards.
All of his wights fall with him, but there are other White Walkers yet remaining. Somewhere beyond the walls of Winterfell, Rhaegal and Drogon obey their mother, and turn their wights into nothing more than ash. Relieved of the great burden of the living dead, the men rally to kill the remaining White Walkers. Grey Worm kills one and Sandor another, while Brienne claims two. Under the watchful eyes of the ravens, none escape.
The Starks do not notice this. Jon hugs Arya tight, there in their father's godswood covered with the fallen dead, and cries for the first time since he woke from darkness. Arya, who might have been No One except that she could not forget Jon Snow's smile, pulls him back to Bran and holds him tight.
This is how the dawn is won.
Afterward, the Starks rally their men to march North. Cersei awaits them, enthroned in Kings Landing, and she has hurt them too much to forget. Sansa, afraid and angry, whispers in Tyrion's ear before he goes. She has known no benevolent monarchs and no merciful women once they have their power. Lysa, Margaery, Cersei, all of them turned against her. So she gives up the secret she has sworn to keep, for the offer of a crown on her brother's head. Arya and Jon head south with the army, but Sansa has sworn never to leave the North again.
As they march south, Daenerys frees Riverrun, naming Edmure and his new daughter her rightful rulers, and meet with the remaining 30,000 men from the Vale. Anya Waynewood remembers Queen Visenya's visit to the Eyrie; she does not need a reminder of why the Vale kings knelt to the Targaryens. When they reach Kings Landing, the Reach awaits them, some 10,000 men rallied from the shadow of Highgarden and Horn Hill.
Plans are formed and ravens sent, but when the armies are gathered the queen remains on Dragonstone. In her place are Jon and Rhaegal, landing before the city and calling the forces to attention. Sansa was not wrong. Tyrion and Varys would sooner a man sit the throne than a woman, birth and expulsion aside, and so would most of the realm. Their greatest challenge had been convincing Jon, reborn without purpose, conqueror of the White Walkers, King in the North, Jon, that he deserved his father's throne.
Tyrion presents an impassioned plea, including a warning of the threat the coldness between his sisters and the queen carried. Sam, crippled yet alive, gives him papers supporting his claim and his late father's writings, which name his son Aegon as the Prince Who Was Promised. Varys, the Mad King's most trusted advisor, is quick to support these claims. After all, why would a Stark bastard be brought back for nothing? He had won the Dawn. He had defeated the Army of the Dead. Now his throne awaited.
Aegon. What better name for a king?
So it is that Jon names himself Aegon VI Targaryen, recognizing Lyanna Stark as his mother, and takes Kings Landing in a bloody battle. When it is done, there is a new Sack of Kings Landing, the city half afire and the Red Keep in ruins, but there is a new king.
Ned Stark had tried to save Cersei's children, but she has no more of them. Jon condemns her for usurping the throne, destroying the sept, and the murder of his father. Rather than executing her, he sends her to the dungeons she had fostered to die as Unella and Tyene and Falyse Stokeworth had.`
Then he turns his gaze to the rest of the realm, demanding obedience. Both Targaryen and Stark had suffered too long under lesser houses. Under Tyrion's guidance, he uses Ellaria as leverage against Dorne and names Bronn the Lord of Highgarden. When the Reach rumbles with the Florent's threat of rebellion he burns Brightwater Keep to ash with her lord inside, and gives the land to Melessa Tarly for her son's service.
A king needs a queen, and Daenerys had been rejected by his advisors. Alys Waynwood and Jynna Mallister are called to the capitol to see the king, although Jon refuses to entertain any of Tyrion's cousins. Both of them are rejected, and Jon insists a Northern girl be summoned, one who worships the Old Gods. The Faith doesn't like that, but aren't in a position to protest yet.
Cersei's screams can be heard from the dungeons, and Tyrion can't bring himself to go down and see her. The sister that he had fought so hard to help would blame him for this fate, he knows. He bars Jaime from the capitol, shipping him back to Winterfell and his lady knight with a hundred men as guards.
House Yronwood, now wed to Oberyn's last daughter, have no interest in rejoining the realm. Jon threatens to kill Ellaria and send them her head, but what does Yronwood care about a bastard who had murdered Doran Martell, when compared to a man usurping the name and throne belonging to Elia's son? She is not Sarella's mother, and Jon will not wed their princess.
When Yara Greyjoy declares her independence behind their own, Jon prepares Rhaegal for a war. They fought against Robb and weakened him, what does Jon care for their houses or Daenerys' promises? The Iron Islands will belong to the Iron Throne or they will be dust and ash.
Daenerys isn't dead.
Varys poisoned her, but she is a Targaryen and they have always resisted poison and illness better than most. For many days she is too weak to get out of bed. When at last she can stand, Grey Worm admits to her that Rhaegal is gone and Jon Snow rules in Kings Landing. He sits on her throne, but she cannot fight against her son.
For some time she is forced to stay on Dragonstone to recover. It is during this time that a ship full of Dothraki arrives. It is largely young men eager to join her men, but two women are on the ship as well. Ornela, the khaleesi who had helped her in Vaes Dothraki, and Jhiqui, Irri's sister. Her bloodriders, Aggo and Kovarro, who had joined her after Drogo's dead, had called for them.
Together they support her while she recovers from near death. They bring her food and wash her hair, they find food testers and sleep next to her at night. Once she had led her people across the Red Waste and fought for their freedom, but now they are her strength. One night, Dany sits with Grey Worm and tells him he is free to go if he wishes to. Her stoic war commander had refused, promising to see her home first.
But where was her home?
The darkness that has encompassed her life is finally broken by the arrival of a Volantene galley arriving in her harbor. Jon is not brave enough to war against her, knowing that Rhaegal would lose a fight against his brother, but Volantis was not afraid. They had sided with Yunkai against her, sending ships and men to their aid.
It is not the soldiers of the Old Blood that have come to Dragonstone. It is an old woman. Her spine is bent and her white hair so thin Dany can see her scalp. Her face is covered in scars, but her eyes are bright and black. She has come not for Daenerys Targaryen, but for the Breaker of Chains, the woman those in the Bay of Dragons still call Mhysa.
She calls herself Vogarro's whore, but the slaves in Volantis call her the Widow of the Waterfront. Nothing she has can help Dany. Instead, she brings a plea from the slaves of Volantis. She says that they are waiting. She begs her to come soon. Slaver's Bay may be no more, but the Free Cities still thrive. Children are bought and sold every day.
And so Daenerys rises from Dragonstone and leaves the Iron Throne behind. If she is not to be a queen, then let her be a conqueror, a rescuer. Grey Worm and his men rally to her side.
Her fleet is reduced, but so are her men. She takes them all, refusing to leave any of her people where the Westerosi might find them, and she summons Drogon from his nest in the hills. With him comes Rhaegal, her son responding to her call despite his rider. When they sail east, two dragons go with her.
Volantis, as Slaver's Bay before her, falls to fire and blood. Daenerys frees the city and gives rule over to her people, the freedmen who fought for their own freedom when the dragons came to their aid.
Months later, a ship with the last Lannister sails into Volantis' bay.
Daenerys is not there. She has gone north, to Pentos, to an old friend and to strangers. The Unsullied who remain in the city are no friends to the Sunset Kingdoms, and least of all Tyrion Lannister.
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vansanthoughtz · 1 year ago
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