#way of the astral self
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e-johnsen · 8 months ago
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As a treat, I thought I'd show my age today. I'm working on a full design for Suvi and all I've ever pictured from the start is a certain internet sensation from my youth. The scene where Kyana uses her Limbo abilities to make a mini.........
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mitaukanoarts · 2 years ago
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Fuckit posting my D&D art to my pretty much abandoned art blog. Air Gensai Monk, Way of the Astral Self, named sparrow. She likes girls but she has Zuko levels of "MY HONOR" issues. Recently found out her memory was manipulated by a demi-god who just wanted to jack her shit.
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bugpysforge · 5 months ago
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From pure meditation, Shedinja has attained enlightenment. She sends projections to carry out her commands after drawing energy from the Astral Plane.
Race: Celestial Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Astral Self Location: Temple of Keys Alignment: Neutral Good
View the pokedex of all dungeon pokemon on the Bugpy's Forge website.
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seraphares · 9 months ago
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Freya’s astral arms <3
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leasdoodles · 1 year ago
New guy alert!!
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This is a character for a short campaign that will be DM-ed by @witchxrydnd , he's a pirate, he's very pretty and he's a huge asshole <3
he also may or may not have -2 to charisma haha OOPS
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mitaukano · 2 years ago
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Why not upload art I dunno anymore. Anyhoo this is my Air Genasi monk Sparrow. She is of course is a Way of of the Astral self monk, and yeah, I learned AFTER that it's a Jojo reference I haven't read jojo gimme a break!
She only talks in third person cause she has Zuko "MY HONOR" issues.
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catpaku · 4 months ago
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Doodles of my dnd character while watching Critrole on the plane!
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galedekarios · 7 months ago
I think the reason some Galemancers think the astral scene is the “lesser choice” is because you get 5 extra approval points if you choose the bed scene. Both are good! But that’s what I would think. Also, I believe the astral scene pushes him towards the crown more vs the bed.
thank you for your message, anon, and for trying to explain!
however, i think there's some confusion and (unintentionally, i'm sure) false information here that i'd like very, very much to clear up:
a) approval points
both choices have the exact same approval points attached to them: five in both cases.
astral sea scene:
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Player: I'll remind you we're newly acquainted, not newlyweds. Gale: Then we'll start writing the prequel. Gale: What do you say? Player: I think that sounds delightful - but I don't see a bed. ['Gale 5']
old ways scene:
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Player: I don't need illusions. I want the Gale standing right in front of me. Gale: Are you sure...? I could conjure up any sight that you could dream of, and a few you could not. I could use the Weave to make us feel sensations beyond reckoning. I could do more than woo you. I could wow you. Player: You don't need to impress me, Gale. I'm no goddess., FEMALE ['Gale 5'] Player: You don't need to impress me, Gale. I'm no god., MALE ['Gale 5'] Player: You don't need to impress me, Gale. I'm no deity. ['Gale 5']
you can net five approval points in the last night alive scene in other ways too:
telling gale you love him:
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Player: I'm in love with you too. ['Gale 5']
2. leaning in for a kiss:
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Player: Lean in for a kiss. ['Gale 5']
3. gale also doesn't mind if you change your mind during the astral sea scene and want to return to the 'real' world:
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Player: It's beautiful, but it's you I want to be with. The man, not the illusion. ['Gale 5'] - Player: I want to be with the real Gale - the man, not the fantasy. ['Gale 5']
these are NOT extra points. you will ONLY get these if you didn't choose the "Player: I think that sounds delightful - but I don't see a bed. ['Gale 5']" option in the same dialogue tree i listed above to follow through to the astral sea scene, but instead return to the "old ways" scene (gale snaps his fingers and the illusion of waterdeep disappears).
4. the friendship version of the scene also allows the player to not five approval points if the player chooses to stay with gale under the stars:
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Gale: Yes... but there is so much to live for, and so few moments in which to house it all.Approval_AtLeast_30_For_Sp6 Gale: Damn you. Damn you for giving me so much to care about. Our friends, our adventures... this would have been so much easier if it was just me. But it isn't. Gale: If there is a way - any way - to save all that's grown dear to me, I want to seize it. I just cannot fathom what that might be, other than to fail Mystra and condemn the world. Gale: Stay with me, will you? I don't want to think of it any more, but I don't want to be alone either. Player: Stay with him and watch the stars in silence. ['Gale 5']
the second part i want to address because that is (again, i'm sure it's completely unintentional so no worries, anon, and/or a misconception/misunderstanding) false information:
b) choosing the astral sea scene pushes gale towards the crown
that is completely factually wrong and i felt it was important to clear that up. there is not a singular flag in the entirety of the scene's files that determines pushing gale away or towards godhood, away or towards the crown.
not one.
which makes sense because at that point in time, neither gale nor the protag even know about the crown. it's only at the end of act 2 that you find out about it, and it triggers gale's act 3 choice to pursue the crown (and godhood) or not to.
the only flags set in gale's act 2 romance scene is if you push him towards sacrificing himself or making him understand that he doesn't have to do that and that you'll find another way with him.
i've detailed that in a meta post about those flags.
if you would like to check the file for youself, you need to open "CAMP_GalesLastNightAlive_SD_ROM", which contains gale's act 2 romance scene.
the only other flags that appear in this scene are the following:
ORI_State_Partnered = False / True
CAMP_GalesLastNightAlive_SD_ROM_Event_CollateralDamage = False / True
as well as the flags for approval (to determine which scene variation you get -> low approval, friendship, romance) and for karlach, as she has special dialogue in this romance scene with gale, depending on whatever or not she got the second upgrade that allows her to be able to touch.
again, my goal here is just to clear up misinformation about the scene. none of the two versions have a disparity in approval or have a 'negative' consequence attached to them in terms of flags.
what i, personally, find interesting and what i would like to add at the end of this post are the devnotes. we don't have that many in this scene, however, gale makes it clear that if you pick the 'old ways' scene - which is, in and of itself, a perfectly valid choice to make btw depending on how you rp your character, and i have two characters myself who have different ways of doing this scene - the devnote makes it very clear that gale is bowing to the player's preference.
it's not his wish. it's the player's wish.
and it's a wish that he respects to the utmost:
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Player: It's beautiful, but its you I want to be with. The man, not the illusion. Gale: The old ways then. If that is what you wish, so be it. devnote: Tactful, bowing to the player's desires Gale: A small gesture towards your comfort.
all in all, i think personal preference is something else entirely, but i do think - looking at everything i've laid out here - it's very sad to see one scene painted as the 'lesser' for reasons that are factually wrong.
if ppl are interested to read a post taking on a more favourable reading of the astral sea version of gale's act 2 romance scene and want to understand why some people might prefer it, i'd greatly recommend this meta by @clericofgale. i've also talked about my own feelings (this is my personal opinion) in the tags of this post:
#i've spoken about this already but the amount of times i had to read derisive takes on the astral sea scene #because people think that making gale understand that he is more than his magic #is the same as separating him entirely from it #it does him a great disservice when it's such a great part of his life #you are romancing a wizard and a wizard comes with magic #i think it's also important to note that gale believes this is his quite possibly last night #the scene is literally titled that in the files: 'last night alive' #it's not a show it's love and acceptance and vulnerability #he is trying to share what he can and as much as he can with the person he loves in what little time may be left to him #he shows you his home and bares his soul to you in hopes you'll accept him in his entirety for who he is and the things he holds dear #when you deny him he acquiesces but he is doing so on your wishes and your comfort alone - not for his
again, thank you for your message, anon! 🖤
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fatedroses · 5 months ago
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Many things were used to describe the mad hermit of Amaurot: a drunkard, degenerate, cynical, and even monstrous by those who stirred trouble for the newly appointed Azem. But nothing could prepare Emet-Selch for what he would see for himself, when offered a chance to meet the Sun's Shadow.
#ffxiv#ancients#endwalker spoilers#emet selch#lahabrea#azem#azem oc#apollo#dionysus#hemitheos dionysus because I like the thought that anyone with soul sight will look at him#and they get to be jumpscared by what i like to personally imagine as a winged embodiment of void or the abyss#I would say the moon but within the context of FFXIV the moon isnt actually a normal astral body#though like azem/apollo and the role of the sun#I write dionysus to be the astrological moon#a character who represents the subconscious and the self- who often sees and brings out the worst in those around him#how I basically describe as being around him will break you to your barest so you can remake yourself into something better than before#unfortunately for the convocation he is also an antithesis to their ways and their biggest critic- out of love- funnily enough#also dont mind the idea that magic (especially creation magic) is so deeply ingrained that the idea of manual work is surprising to people#dionysus has to constantly use his aether to suppress his power he's either doing things by hand or sleeping#ancient zenos does not get to escape the sleepy curse#weird vintner in the mountains found lounging off in the middle of his vineyard#emet expecting dion to be the problem out of the duo until he realizes that /apollo/ is the overprotective cryptic and chaotic weirdo#with the power to stop an active volcano#and dion is the chill and collected hardworking man who despite everything is more human than most#tbh this was mostly inspired by the scenes with thordan and varis and how they react to WoL and Zenos in those moments#for dion/zenos it is their being while on the flip side for WoL/Azem it is their choices and the expression of such choices
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buqbite · 8 months ago
it's kinda fascinating to me how welt has been "at the end of his life" for like. several decades by now. he goes on and on about how old and weary he is and how "his job is done" and his story is over but- oh wait i just realized i can phrase this in a very funny way- he's kind of sorta immortal now because he got the herrscher core back, so he's really just stuck in the epilogue for all eternity
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tacticalgrandma · 2 months ago
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Doing oc meme things is basically the same as writing about them, right??
Loadout Boxes:
1. Soul armor set: Mask of Soul Perception, Gloves of Soul Catching, Vest of Soul Rejuvenation (all hidden)
2. Boots of Uninhibited Kushigo (hidden)
3. Cloak of Displacement (hidden)
4. Jewelry: Magic Amulet, Eversight Ring, Ring of Protection
5. Manifestation of the Mind unarmed strike, Darkfire Shortbow
6. Camp clothes: Raffish Midnight Garb (black & furnace red), Tiefling Underwear (black & furnace red), Tasteful Boots (Wyll/Lae’zel)
[TEMPLATE] by @arcandoria
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maddie-grove · 6 months ago
Double Trouble is kind of a flippant name for a YA novel about recently orphaned twins who are separated from each other (one going to live with an irritable and borderline neglectful aunt, the other going to abusive foster parents who try to make him join a cult) and use their psychic powers to deal with various disturbing threats (a sadistic teacher/gold thief, a school bully/attempted rapist, the aforementioned cult), but no one consulted me back in 1987, before I was born.
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bugpysforge · 10 months ago
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A sandstorm devoured Orthworm's arms. Rather of seeing it as a sign of weakness, he trained his new, astral arms at a monastery.
Race: Yuan-Ti Class: Monk Subclass: Way of the Astral Self Location: Haina Desert Wanderers Alignment: Lawful Neutral
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seraphares · 1 year ago
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Casual summer outfit for Freya
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rowletraine · 1 year ago
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A Thri-kreen Astral Self Monk is so fun to visualize, because that's a total of six arms performing unarmed strikes. Kepler was made for a Spelljammer campaign, and I was very excited to go on a spacefaring romp as a big lanky alien bug.
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And yes, the supposed holy text they have devoted themself to is just a copy of Carl Sagan's Cosmos, which somehow ended up on their homeworld and inspired them to explore the billions and billions and billions and you get the idea.
Unfortunately, it was not to be. That campaign fell through just as soon as it started, very unexpectedly at that. Maybe one day I'll be able to bring this silly mantis monk out again.
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ruvi-muffin · 2 years ago
Man can y'all believe that ptsd is just my body turning against me while simultaniously saving my life?????????
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