#water proofing contractors near me
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Track Seal Waterproofing offers reliable home waterproofing services near you, ensuring that your property is protected from leaks, moisture, and water damage. With tailored solutions like membrane coatings and chemical treatments, their expert team provides long-lasting protection for your home, making it safe and durable in any weather. Trust Track Seal Waterproofing for high-quality and efficient waterproofing services.
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deccanclaphyd · 2 years
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tip-top-cloud-surfer · 8 months
Never Have I Ever (Part 3) - Hangman
Pairing: Hangman / Civilian Contractor! Reader (Callsign: Dove)
Length: 3.9k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only
Warnings: Female Reader with a Callsign and Family, but no Physical Description or Name; Not Necessarily Healthy Decisions/Coping Mechanisms; Slow Burn; Coworkers to Friends to Lovers; Oblivious Idiots; Excessive Pining
Summary: Dove and Jake learn more about each other as they work through Dove's challenge.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
Master List
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# 30 - Gone Sailing
Dove and Jake got out of his truck and walked through the marina parking lot. When Jake found out that Amelia and Penny had been trying to convince Dove to come sailing with them for months, he accepted their invitation on her behalf. 
“I still can’t believe that you never went sailing with them before,” Jake stated, pulling on a pair of his sunglasses. Turning to Dove with a teasing smile, he asked, “You’re not going to tell me that you’re afraid of the water, right? Or that you can’t swim?” 
“No,” Dove scoffed, shooting him a look. “I can swim. And I’m not afraid of the ocean.” 
“They have life jackets. You’ll be fine. And if anything does happen, I’ll be here to rescue you. Passed swim training with flying colors.” 
“Phoenix said that she saw you cry after swim training.”
“Does she have proof?”
“Don’t worry, your big tough guy persona is safe with me,” Dove joked, poking him in the side. 
Dove and Jake walked down the dock to Penny’s boat. Theo was trotting around on the deck while Amelia and Penny got ready to set sail. Amelia spotted them first and waved to Dove excitedly, causing Penny to turn around. 
“Well, it only took you six months to accept our invitation,” Penny mused, resting her hands on her hips.
“Better late than never,” Dove replied, looking a bit nervous. 
She walked on board and was quickly greeted by Amelia, who was very excited that her tutor finally decided to come out for something fun. Jake watched as Dove talked with Amelia and relaxed a bit more. Leaning over to grab a life jacket, Jake felt Penny’s eyes on him. She simply offered him a knowing smile before walking onboard.
They set sail shortly afterwards and the seabreeze quickly cut through any sort of southern California warmth that Dove had when she got on board. Jake sat beside her, both of them staying out of the way of Amelia and Penny as they operated the boat. 
“Jesus, it’s cold,” Dove cursed, curling in on herself. 
Jake sat calmly, a little cold, but running warm. Holding onto the railing right behind Dove, he stared ahead as the boat rode over the waves. Dove slid back as the boat went over another wave and tucked herself into Jake’s side to keep warm. Jake stared down at her as she shivered, subconsciously curling his body around her more. 
“You okay?” he asked, his voice barely loud enough to hear over the wind. 
“It’s fucking cold!” 
# 31 - Seen Dolphins in the Wild
Settled in calmer waters and warmer air, Amelia and Dove sat near the bow, chatting and looking down at the water. Jake sat farther back with Penny, asking her questions about how the ship operated. Amelia glanced back at Jake before turning back to Dove.
“Why’s Hangman following you around these days?”
“He’s just helping me with something,” Dove dismissed with a shrug. 
“Like as a friend? Or a boyfriend?” 
“Life is not a cheesy Netflix movie. He’s just bored.” Dove turned back to Amelia and offered her a smirk. “How’s What’s-His-Face? The surfer kid?” 
“Shh!” Amelia stressed, glancing back at her mom before turning back to Dove. “My mom says that she’s ‘fine’ with me hanging out with boys but she’s not.” 
“A lot of parents are like that,” Dove told Amelia, nodding along. “It’s usually because they’re worried that you’ll make the same mistakes they did when they were your age.” Dove and Amelia shared a look, quietly doing the math in their heads. “How old was your mom when she met Maverick again?” 
Amelia laughed before she caught movement in the water out of the corner of her eye. Grabbing Dove’s arm and shaking it lightly, Amelia pointed at the pod of dolphins that were swimming by. Dove followed her finger and quickly sat up. 
“Holy crap,” Dove laughed, watching the dolphins swim with awe. Turning to where Penny and Jake were talking, Dove called out to them. “Jake! Penny! Dolphins!”
Jake walked over to where Dove and Amelia were staring out at the pod of dolphins. He silently marveled at the sight as he stood just a step to Dove’s right. 
“Have you ever seen them like this before?” Jake asked her, referring to the dolphins. 
“No,” Dove admitted, turning to look at Jake. “Have you?”
“Hmm,” Dove mused, smiling as Jake met her gaze. “Maybe you need a list of your own.” 
“Maybe one day,” he agreed softly before they turned back to the dolphins.
# 32 - Gone Rollerblading
After returning to shore, Jake and Dove started walking down the adjacent boardwalk. And when Dove saw a rental place for rollerblades, she had her next idea. 
“Are you sure that you’re up for this?” Jake asked, handing her a helmet. 
“I only rented them for twenty minutes,” Dove pointed out, tying up the rollerblades. Taking the helmet from Jake, she pulled it on. “I need to stop being scared. I mean, if I stayed scared of going on the boat with Penny and Amelia, I never would have seen the dolphins. I need to try new things.”  
“Alright,” Jake agreed, standing in front of her. “Just take it slow.”
He offered Dove his hands and helped her to stand up with her skates on. When Dove nearly slipped to the ground, Jake quickly wrapped his arms around her waist. Dove gripped his biceps as she got her bearings, growing a bit warm in her cheeks. 
“I’ll be fine,” she insisted, releasing him. 
# 33 - Been to the Beach First Aid Stand
“If I hear the phrase ‘I told you so’ come out of your mouth,” Dove warned Jake as he helped her along the boardwalk. 
“Come on. There’s a first aid station up ahead.” 
Dove was a little worse for wear. No bones were broken and she wasn’t in any kind of excruciating pain, but her knees were certainly banged up. Jake held Dove up with one arm, not trusting her on her own, and knocked on the door to the lifeguard stand. 
# 34 - Had Pistachio Ice Cream
“Ice cream makes everything better,” Jake suggested as they left the first aid stand. 
“Unless you’re lactose intolerant,” Dove pointed out, causing Jake to turn to her. 
“You’re lactose intolerant?” 
“No, I’m not,” Dove stated, frowning a little bit. “You saw me eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s with Bob two weeks ago.” 
“Good. Then pick a flavor that you’ve never tried before,” Jake stated, pointing at the list posted at the front of the stand. 
Dove looked over the list of flavors, mentally checking off the ones that she had and picking from the rest of the flavors. 
“I guess I’ll try pistachio.” 
Jake ordered two ice creams, a pistachio for Dove and a chocolate one for him, before walking over to the table that Dove picked. Placing the cup of pistachio ice cream down in front of her, he took his seat and offered her a smile. 
“For your troubles. And your injury.” 
“Thanks,” Dove replied quietly, still embarrassed. 
She took a spoonful of pistachio ice cream in her spoon and slowly brought it to her mouth, taking a tentative lick. Dove took a moment, testing the flavor, before nodding.
“Not bad,” she stated, turning back to Jake. 
“See? Maybe things can surprise you.” 
# 35 - Gone to a Boardwalk Fair
Dove and Jake continued on their way after they finished their ice cream. Jake was listening to Dove talk about some more ideas that she had for her list when he spotted an ad posted on a light stand. He took a step over, drawing Dove’s attention, and read the details.
“What about this?” Jake suggested, pointing at the posters.
Dove stepped up beside him and looked over the ad for a boardwalk fair a few towns over. Turning back to Jake, she nodded and smiled softly. 
“Yeah, I’m sure that we can find things there that I haven’t done before.” 
# 36 - Eaten a Corndog
“You brought me all the way out here to eat a corndog?” Dove asked Hangman as he held one out to her. 
“Stop stalling and take a bite.” 
Dove sighed and took the corndog from him. She glanced down at the corndog with distaste before taking a small bite off the tip. Chewing it, she studied the corndog again as Jake waited for her reaction. 
“Weird texture, but not too bad. You can finish it though.” 
# 37 - Eaten a Bug
Dove cupped a few crispy grasshoppers in her hand and held them out to Jake. Though he looked concerned himself, Jake reached out and grabbed one. Dove grinned and held up a cricket of her own. She jokingly clinked their crickets together, like they were clinking drinks after work, before bringing the cricket to her mouth. 
“Cheers,” she exclaimed before popping it into her mouth. 
Jake stared down at the cricket for a moment before slowly putting it into his mouth and chewing tentatively. Dove grinned as she watched Jake try to hide his grimace. Finishing her cricket quickly, Dove poked Jake in the side. 
“Don’t forget, spitters are quitters.” 
Completely unprepared for that phrase to come out of Dove’s mouth, Jake started to cough and choke. Dove’s teasing smile dropped as Jake hit his chest with his fist. 
“Are you alright?” she asked him worriedly, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“Fine,” Jake wheezed, coughing again.
# 38 - Gotten Your Fortune Read
“Now this might actually be the dumbest thing you’ve thought of so far,” Dove complained as Jake dragged her over to the tent. “You know that it’s all crackpot nonsense.”
“That’s not the point. We’re exposing you to new experiences,” Jake drawled, gesturing for Dove to sit down.
Rolling her eyes, Dove sat down and waited for the fortune teller. Jake stepped out of the room to give them ‘spiritual space’ and the woman stepped out from behind the curtain a few moments later. She greeted Dove before sitting behind her crystal ball. The fortune teller gave Dove and overview of what to expect before she began. 
“I see . . .”
“A glass ball?” Dove muttered quietly to herself. 
“I see some struggle in your future,” the fortune teller replied, causing Dove to raise an eyebrow. “You have some great trials before you.” 
“Don’t we all?” 
“Your life could be in danger.” 
“Oh, dear,” Dove feigned concern. 
“I see some balloons.” 
“What color are these balloons?” 
“Multicolored, dear. And I see a lion.”
“A lion?”
“Yes, and then a screw. It seems to have fallen, putting you at risk,” the fortune teller continued, pausing as she closed her eyes. “But you’ll survive, my dear. And a man will be right there to hold your hand and comfort you through it.” 
“Well, I hope he’s handsome,” Dove replied sarcastically, offering a forced smile. “Or rich.” 
“Or both,” the fortune teller added, causing Dove to nod. “That’ll be ten dollars, dear.” 
# 39 - Won a Prize at the Fair
“You’ve never played a fair game?” Jake admonished Dove, who scoffed.
“I played one when I was a kid, but they’re all scams! Like that fortune teller.” 
“Did you win anything?” he asked, causing Dove to shake her head. “Then let’s go.” 
“Jake, it’s pointless. And a waste of money.”
“Well, I don’t lose.”
Hangman scanned the games in the area before selecting the darts booth. The attendant, who seemed to have given up on caring, handed Jake some darts and gestured to the moving multicolored balloons behind him. Dove stood to the side as Jake lined up his shots. Tossing the darts and popping the balloons, Jake turned to the attendant. 
“Pick any from that wall,” the attendant sighed, gesturing to a whole bunch of stuffed animals. 
“I’ll take the lion,” Jake decided, causing Dove to pick her head up.
“What?” she breathed out.
The attendant handed Jake the stuffed lion and Jake immediately handed it over to Dove, who stared up at him with wide eyes. Staring down at the lion like she was honestly waiting for it to bite her, Dove just let Jake steer her along with him.
# 40 - Ridden a Fair Ferris Wheel
“I’m not convinced that this would pass a safety inspection,” Dove remarked as the ferris wheel started to ascend.
“You’ll be fine. It’ll take like five minutes and then we’ll move on.” 
“What idea do you have next?” Dove asked Jake curiously.
“I had a couple different ones. Are you hungry or did you want to actually go do something?” 
“Maybe something—” 
Dove gripped the safety bar with a tense grip as the ferris wheel came to a screeching halt. And then she swore that she heard a screw or nail or something clink against the metal frame of the ride. Turning to Jake with wide eyes, Dove tried to not panic.
“Don’t worry. They’re probably just letting more people on,” Jake assured Dove calmly. 
# 41 - Gotten Stuck on a Ferris Wheel
Ten Minutes Later . . . 
“Sorry, folks, but it seems that the ride is having some technical difficulties. We’re working on resolving it as quickly as we can.” 
“You were saying?” Dove hissed to Jake, still with a tight grip on the safety bar. 
“I’m sure that it’ll just be a little bit longer,” Jake replied, though he didn’t look convinced by his own words anymore. He looked over the side and tilted the cart a little bit, causing Dove to tense up. 
“Stop moving! You’re going to tip it!” 
“It’s not that—” 
“—Please, just don’t tip it,” Dove pleaded softly, closing her eyes.
“Are you afraid of heights?” Jake asked quietly, staring at Dove with concern. 
“I’m not afraid of heights. I’m afraid of falling from heights. And that stupid fortune teller said that my life could be in danger and she already got too many other things right and now I’m afraid that I’m going to fucking die falling from this piece of shit ride.” 
“Why didn’t you say something earlier?” 
“Because I thought she was a crackpot and I thought this ride was going to last three minutes.” 
“Have you always been afraid of heights?” 
“Have you always been this bad at knowing basic facts about other people?” Dove snapped back, still with her eyes screwed shut. 
“Maybe,” Jake returned, studying her posture. “Just breathe.” 
“I am breathing.” 
“You know what I mean.” 
“Jake,” Dove warned him.
“Then just keep talking to me. If you’re talking to me, you’re not focused on that.” 
“What the hell am I supposed to talk about?” 
“Anything. I don’t know.” Jake glanced down before turning back to Dove. “I’m starting to realize that we don’t actually know that much about each other.” 
“I know plenty about you,” Dove replied quietly. 
“Like what?” 
“You were born in Austin, Texas. Because you can’t stop fucking talking about Texas. Honestly, I’ve never met someone from Texas who didn’t announce that they were from Texas within fifteen minutes of me meeting them. What the hell is that all about?” 
“Alright, what else do you know?”
“You’re the youngest of four. You have three older sisters. Julia, Jordan, and Jenna. You’re the baby of your family and the only boy. And I didn’t need anything beyond a fifteen second interaction with you to know that, actually.” 
“Harsh,” Jake mumbled. 
“Your mom’s name is Mary and your dad’s name is also Jacob. Your dad runs his own small business and your mom works down at the local school. You have five or six nieces and nephews and you’re the only one that’s not married yet.” 
“How the hell do you know all this stuff?” Jake asked, causing Dove to hiss.
“Because! I! Listen! That thing where people close their mouths and let other people talk!” Gripping the safety bar a little less, Dove added in a softer tone, “You talk about your family all the time. They send you care packages. Of course, I know about them.” 
“Do you know this stuff about everyone on the team?” 
“Are you going to quiz me?” 
“Would that make you feel better?”
“Would that make you feel better?” 
“Alright, fine,” Jake sighed, throwing in the towel with that one. Turning back to Dove and studying her for a moment, he asked softly, “What about you?”
“What about me?” 
“Tell me your story then. You seem to know mine, so it’s only fair.”
“What do you want to know?” 
“Just something to pass the time and get your mind off of things. I’ll work on my listening skills. You can quiz me afterwards, if it’ll make you feel better.” 
Dove sighed, clearly thinking that this was a stupid idea. But between the fact that she was still stuck in the air and Jake was definitely not going to let it go, she caved. Taking a deep breath, she tried to figure out where to start. 
“I’m the oldest of six.” 
“Technically, all of my siblings are my half-siblings. Mom’s side. My dad never had any kids after he and my mom got divorced. My mom remarried a month after the papers were signed.” 
“How old were you when they got divorced?” 
“Four when they separated. And six when it was finalized.” After a moment, she added, “And if you even think about using the phrase ‘I’m sorry,’ I will push you off of this ride.” 
“I lived with my mom most of my childhood. My dad worked a lot and after my mom got remarried, she was stay-at-home, so it just made sense. But I’m closer with my dad than my mom because my mom . . . she doesn’t do well with people that she doesn’t understand. She doesn’t argue, she just tells you over and over again that she’s right. It wears on you after a while. And we’re just very different people.”
Jake nodded slowly as Dove thought through her next words carefully. 
“I was too shy, too timid to be the daughter that she really wanted. That was my sister Michelle.” 
“Are you close with your siblings?”
“Some of them. Michelle and I don’t get along. She’s my mom’s favorite and everyone, especially her, knows it. I’m the closest with my sister Phoebe. We’re fairly similar. And Brendan, my only brother, insists that I know the latest memes so that I don’t embarrass him. But I’m not too close with my youngest sisters, Nikki and Tillie. They’re twins.” 
Dove opened her eyes and turned back to Jake, her grip noticeably lighter on the safety bar. If Jake noticed that, he didn’t mention it. 
“So, you’re closer with your dad then?”
“Yeah. He’s the chief of his fire station and he’s going to work until he literally cannot physically get out of bed anymore. I tell him to slow down, but he doesn’t listen. And I know that he wouldn’t hesitate to pick up my call and come help me.” Smiling softly, Dove added, “He drove eight hours through the night to be there for my dissertation presentation.” 
“He must be very proud of you,” Jake commented softly, causing Dove to nod.
“Yeah, but he’s always worried about me. He didn’t want me to go into this industry.” 
“Why?” Jake asked, confused. 
“Well, physics isn’t exactly the most welcoming industry for women. And then I started working as a civilian contractor for the Navy and he almost had a heart attack over it.” Dove paused before turning to Jake. “I think that he was also annoyed that I was working with the Navy and not the Air Force.” 
“Your dad was in the Chair Force?” 
“Don’t call it that,” Dove sighed, giving Jake a light nudge. “And yes, he was. It was part of the whole reason why he and my mom got married and had me. Well, technically, he knocked my mom up first and then he married her, but still.” Pointing a threatening finger at Jake, Dove added, “And if you even think about calling me an oopsie baby—” 
“—You’ll push me off the side?” Jake surmised, causing Dove to grin.
“What do you know? You can listen.” 
Two Hours Later . . . 
The sun had set and most of the fair had cleared out. And even though it was southern California, the ocean chill had pushed Dove away from the safety bar and into Jake’s side to keep warm. He rested his arm around her waist to keep her safe and relaxed.
“Favorite . . . non-dairy milk?” Dove suggested, pulling at absolute straws. 
“I only drink real milk,” Jake sighed, staring down at the mechanics working on the ride. 
“But what if you become lactose intolerant?” 
“That doesn’t happen.” 
“It does happen. All the time actually.” 
“What’s yours then?” 
“Oat,” Dove mumbled tiredly, her head resting against his shoulder. 
“I’ll go with oat milk then, I guess.” 
“Have you ever tried it?” 
“No, but I trust your judgment.” 
“Your turn,” Dove reminded him, poking him in the side. 
“Favorite . . . type of french fry?”
“Thin and crispy with a little bit of salt. In-and-Out fries,” Dove stated, just as her stomach started to growl. “If we ever get down from here, I’m going to need a big bucket of french fries. And a drink.” 
“Why stop at one?” Jake mused, causing Dove to smile to herself. 
The ride suddenly jolted and Jake and Dove quickly grabbed onto each other as a reflex. Dove fisted Jake’s shirt and Jake tightened his hold on her waist, pulling her even closer to him. They held their breath and after a moment, the ride started to move again. 
“Holy shit, we’re free,” Dove breathed out, releasing Jake’s shirt. But Jake was a lot slower to release his arm around her waist.
# 42 - Tried Whiskey
After being freed from their mid-air prison, Dove and Jake went out to dinner together at a pub just down the street. And Dove was very content to find that the fries that the pub offered were thin, light, and crispy. And Jake was relieved that they had whiskey. 
“You don’t normally order whiskey,” Dove noted as the waiter walked off with their menus. 
“I only order it if I have a long day,” Jake admitted, taking a sip. Placing the glass down, Jake slid it towards Dove. “You want to try it?” 
“I’ve never had whiskey before.”
“Well, now you definitely should try it.” 
Dove reached out for the glass and took a tentative sip. Jake laughed as she wrinkled her nose and slowly placed it back down, looking like she regretted her decision. 
“I’ll just stick with what I know.” 
# 43 - Made a Toast
“Speech,” Jake joked, causing Dove to smile and reach for her drink. 
“I’d like to make a toast to never going on fair rides ever again and to the fact that I’m very thankful that all of the planes that we work in and around actually have real safety standards,” Dove toasted, lifting up her drink. 
“To safety standards,” Jake agreed, clinking their drinks together. As he set his glass back down, Jake asked, “You want to knock some more ones off the list tomorrow? We came up with plenty of ideas.” 
“Actually, Nat said that she’s taking me out,” Dove stated, picking up some of her french fries. “But I’ll add whatever we do to the list.” 
“Just be careful.” 
Dove snorted. “It’s Nat. I’ll be fine.”
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4
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mintbuildersllc · 8 months
Remodel contractors
Beyond Aesthetics: The Practical Advantages of Kitchen and Bath Remodeling
If you think kitchen and bath remodeling is solely about aesthetics, think again. While the allure of a beautifully designed kitchen or a luxurious bathroom is undeniable, the practical advantages of these remodels extend far beyond visual appeal. 
In this blog, we'll delve into the tangible benefits that go hand in hand with kitchen and bath remodeling, highlighting how these projects not only enhance the look of your home but also elevate its functionality, efficiency, and overall value.
1. Enhanced Functionality: Tailoring Spaces to Your Needs
One of the primary practical advantages of kitchen and bath remodeling is the opportunity to enhance functionality. By customizing the layout, storage solutions, and overall design, with the help of Remodel contractors you can tailor these spaces to suit your needs and lifestyle better. 
From additional cabinet space to optimized countertop layouts, the remodel allows you to create a seamless kitchen and bathroom.
2. Improved Efficiency: Streamlining Daily Tasks
Efficiency is a key consideration in both kitchens and bathrooms. A well-thought-out remodel can streamline daily tasks, making your routines more efficient. 
In the kitchen, this might involve repositioning appliances for better flow. At the same time, optimizing storage in the bathroom can reduce clutter and improve accessibility, contributing to a more organized and time-efficient space.
3. Increased Property Value: A Wise Investment
Beyond personal satisfaction, kitchen and bath remodeling are wise investments that can significantly increase the value of your property. 
Potential homebuyers often prioritize updated kitchens and bathrooms, recognizing the practical benefits of modern and well-designed spaces. This increase in property value can yield a substantial return on investment when it comes time to sell your home.
4. Energy Efficiency: Sustainable Upgrades
Modern kitchen and bath remodeling often incorporate energy-efficient features and appliances. 
From energy-efficient lighting to water-saving faucets and appliances, these sustainable upgrades contribute to a greener environment and result in long-term cost savings on utility bills.
5. Better Storage Solutions: Decluttering and Organizing
Storage is a common concern in both kitchens and bathrooms. A well-executed remodel provides an opportunity to implement better storage solutions, reducing clutter and enhancing organization. 
Cleverly designed cabinets, pull-out shelves, and built-in storage can maximize available space, ensuring everything has its place.
6. Adaptation to Changing Needs: Future-Proofing Your Home
As your family grows or your needs change, a remodel allows you to future-proof your home. 
In the kitchen, this might involve creating a more open layout for family gatherings, while in the bathroom, features like walk-in showers or accessibility modifications can ensure your space remains functional and accommodating over time.
7. Health and Safety Upgrades: Prioritizing Well-Being
Kitchen and bath remodeling provide opportunities to integrate health and safety upgrades into your home. 
Non-slip flooring, well-lit spaces, and easy-to-reach amenities in both areas contribute to a safer and more secure living environment, particularly for households with elderly family members or individuals with mobility challenges.
Conclusion: Practical Transformation for Everyday Living
In conclusion, kitchen and bath remodeling extend far beyond surface-level enhancements. The practical advantages, ranging from increased functionality and efficiency to energy efficiency and health upgrades, make these remodels transformative for everyday living. 
Whether you're looking to optimize your space for better organization or create a more sustainable and efficient home, searching for the best Home remodeling near me that can cater to your specific needs is crucial.
At Mint Builders, we understand the significance of these practical transformations in enhancing your daily life. Our team is dedicated to delivering visually stunning spaces and ensuring that every aspect of your kitchen and bath remodel contributes to a more functional, efficient, and enjoyable living experience. 
Contact us today, and let us be your trusted partner in creating spaces that blend beauty and functionality for a more enriching everyday experience!
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rajulinkbuilderblog · 11 months
Storm Damage Roof Repair near me
When a storm unleashes its fury, your home's first line of defense is undoubtedly your roof. It stands bravely against wind, rain, hail, and more, ensuring the safety and comfort of your family. However, even the sturdiest roofs can fall victim to nature's wrath. This is when the importance of prompt and professional "Storm Damage Roof Repair near me" services becomes evident. In this article, we will explore the significance of addressing storm damage to your roof and how to find the right repair services close to your home.
The Urgency of Storm Damage Roof Repair
Storms can be relentless, causing a wide range of damage to your roof. High winds can tear shingles off, hail can leave dents and punctures, and heavy rain can lead to leaks and water damage. Ignoring these issues can result in more extensive and costly repairs down the line. Therefore, when you notice storm damage to your roof, it is crucial to act swiftly.
Safety First: Your family's safety should always come first. A damaged roof can pose serious risks, as it may lead to structural problems and even collapses. Additionally, roof damage can result in water leaks, which can lead to mold growth and compromised indoor air quality.
Protect Your Investment: Your home is one of your most significant investments. Ignoring storm damage could decrease its value and make it less appealing to potential buyers if you decide to sell in the future.
Cost-Effective Repairs: Addressing storm damage promptly is typically more cost-effective than waiting for the damage to worsen. A small repair now can prevent a full roof replacement later.
Finding "Storm Damage Roof Repair Near Me"
The next step is finding a reputable roofing contractor who offers storm damage repair services close to your location. Here's how you can go about it:
Local Recommendations: Start by asking friends, family, and neighbors for recommendations. People in your community who have faced similar issues can provide valuable insights into the best local contractors.
Online Research: Search online for local roofing contractors. You can use search engines, social media, or business directories to find companies offering storm damage roof repair in your area. Be sure to include your location in your search query, such as "Storm Damage Roof Repair in phoenix.
Check Reviews: Read online reviews and ratings for the roofing companies you find. Websites like Yelp, Google, and Angie's List can provide valuable feedback from previous customers. Look for consistently positive reviews and high ratings.
Verify Credentials: Ensure the roofing contractor is licensed and insured. Ask for proof of insurance and check their license with your local authorities. This step is crucial for your protection and guarantees that you are working with a professional.
Request Multiple Quotes: Contact several roofing contractors to request quotes for the storm damage repair. Compare their estimates, but don't base your decision solely on price. Consider their reputation, experience, and the quality of materials they will use.
Ask About Warranty: Inquire about the warranties offered by the roofing contractor. A reputable company should stand by their work and offer warranties on both labor and materials.
Storm damage to your roof is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Ignoring it can lead to severe consequences for your home's safety, value, and your wallet. When searching for "Storm Damage Roof Repair near me," take the time to research and choose a local roofing contractor with a strong reputation, credentials, and a commitment to quality workmanship. By acting promptly and wisely, you can restore your home's shelter and protect your family from the elements, ensuring peace of mind in any weather.
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How to Find Concrete Layers Near Me
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When it comes to laying new concrete, you can rely on concrete contractors to get the job done. Look for a local company with years of experience, relevant concrete industry certifications and glowing client testimonials.
Local contractors also tend to be more responsive if issues come up during construction. This is important for any complex project that may be interrupted by weather events.
When a homeowner hires concrete contractors for residential projects, they want to be confident that the job will be done correctly. They should ask the contractor basic questions, such as if they are licensed, insured, and certified in the concrete industry. They should also ask for photos of past work.
Some homeowners might be tempted to bypass careful measurements and simply add water to a dry concrete mix until it looks about right, but this can lead to weak spots that crack when the ground shifts. Foundation cracks are extremely expensive to fix and can lower the value of a home or building.
Hiring a professional is the best way to ensure that a concrete project is completed properly and won’t crack or fail prematurely. A qualified concrete company will have a team of experts who know how to prep the site, choose the right concrete mix, install formwork, and follow proper curing procedures. This ensures the project is done correctly from start to finish and will last for years.
Concrete may seem like a simple material, but specific expertise is needed to ensure that it is installed correctly. Whether you’re looking to have your driveway poured, a sidewalk constructed or kitchen or bathroom countertops installed, professional concrete contractors will work with you to design and build the perfect solution for your home.
Qualified concrete companies have years of experience installing residential concrete projects. They know how to choose the best concrete mix for local conditions and install it using formwork that creates a precise, stable surface. They will also advise on factors like termite-proofing, insulation and thermal properties to keep your property safe and energy efficient.
A good concrete contractor will be able to help you with design issues, layout concerns and council compliance processes. They will prepare the site and take care of things like dirt work and grading. They will also apply surface finishes like stains and dyes to create a unique, one-of-a-kind look.
Local Contractors
The concrete contractor you hire will play a critical role in your home improvement project. A shoddy job is more than a nuisance or eyesore; it can compromise the structural integrity of your home and outdoor surfaces. Before you make your final decision, ask about their warranties and guarantees. Also, make sure that they are licensed and insured. In addition, you can check online reviews and Better Business Bureau listings to get a sense of the quality of their work.
A concrete service can help you with a variety of projects, including laying new concrete and repairing existing concrete. Some concrete contractors will even offer dirt work and grading services to prepare the site for concrete installation.
The best concrete contractors are those who can solve your specific problems. For example, some local PolyLevel contractors are able to lift and level sunken concrete slabs without needing to tear out the old concrete and start over.
Fast Response Time
Concrete is a composite construction material, consisting of a binder (typically Portland cement paste or asphalt) dispersed within a filler of aggregate (typically a rocky material, loose stones, and sand). Its formulation and composition determine its strength and density, as well as its chemical and thermal resistance. Achieving a high-quality mix requires careful mixing and thorough screening of aggregates, which should be sized according to the nominal mix ratios of Cement : Sand : Aggregate.
When you hire a concrete layer who is local, you are also supporting your community and regional economy. In addition, a local business has a much stronger connection to its community and can offer a more personalized experience.
Additionally, local contractors can provide faster response times when it comes to addressing issues that arise during the project. For example, if there is a problem with the weather, a local contractor can better address it quickly.
source https://concreterstoowoomba545092813.wordpress.com/2023/07/08/how-to-find-concrete-layers-near-me/
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kmhallconcrete · 1 year
Problems That Only Expert Concrete Contractor Companies Can Solve
You might have seen new construction projects failing badly. For example, the structure of the project seems to deteriorate within a few weeks or months. Such problems often occur due to poor concrete construction. When people neglect to choose expert concrete companies Lethbridge, they face such problems. Here's how an expert concrete contractor company can make things easier for people. Foundation Construction: Concrete foundations are a preference these days. People have been going for concrete foundations for residential, commercial, and industrial purposes. However, there are a few problems that occur due to poor foundation construction. But when people focus on going with expert concrete contractors, they do not have to go through a difficult situation. The concrete foundations last longer and stand more stably for years. And only expert contractors can make it possible. Therefore, choosing such contractors is the only choice. Basement Construction: Who has not heard about basement leakages? Isn't this problem too common and critical? Well, expert Lethbridge concrete contractors can help you deal with the problem. Expert contractors from this company what causes basement leakages. Therefore, they use all the efficient water-proofing techniques to save your place and your belongings. Moreover, basement leakages can deteriorate the strength of construction. But expert contractors take care of it without any hassle. In this way, experts construct the best possible basements for residential and commercial projects. Flooring Construction: Concrete flooring is one of the preferred choices these days. Concrete has been enhancing the durability and strength of any construction. Therefore, it is the first choice today. However, poorly constructed concrete floors can be a hassle. It can increase repair and reconstruction costs. Therefore, it is crucial to contact expert concrete contractors in the first place. These contractors know how to make the concrete floor more stable and indestructible. They have the right pieces of equipment, products, skills, and technique to construct commendable concrete floors. So, without wasting another second, make sure to contact an expert concrete contractor company for all basic and advanced concrete constructions. About K M Hall Concrete Ltd.: K M Hall Concrete Ltd. makes sure that all your concrete construction for residential commercial projects is according to your expectations. This company is one of the best available residential concrete contractors near me. You can consult the experts from this company and get the required solutions easily. Make sure to contact K M Hall Concrete Ltd. Find out more about it at https://www.kmhallconcrete.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/46x7VeB
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timelinetreassures · 1 year
1Residential Restoration Services 05/23
Water mitigation is recovering a residential or commercial property by removing the excess water and drying out the area to prevent additional damage. It needs special tools, experience, as well as techniques, so it is necessary to employ skilled experts who appropriately give water reduction services.
That's why Watertight Restoration Residential was founded for. We're residential contractors found in Winder, GA, that focuses on offering superior reduction and residential restoration services for residences as well as businesses throughout the location. Our group of seasoned specialists has the abilities as well as understanding to do exceptional work, particularly pertaining to water damage restoration.
When searching" reduction services near me", there are lots of reduction firms to choose from. However if you want the most effective reduction services in Winder, GA, look no more than Leak-proof Reconstruction.
Our group of highly knowledgeable experts will certainly ensure your building is taken care of as well as effectively recovered with marginal disruption to your day-to-day life. Stop searching for" reduction solutions near me" and deal with us!
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eagleexteriorsri · 1 year
Installation Process for Windows and Door
Best Window and Door Company is a typical home improvement project that involves replacing or installing new windows and doors in a residential or commercial building. Proper installation is crucial for ensuring energy efficiency, security, and aesthetics.
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The Steps Involved
Here are some critical steps involved in windows and door installation:
Measurement and Assessment: Before starting the installation process, accurate measurements of the existing openings or the desired locations for new windows and doors need to be taken. This helps determine the correct sizes and specifications for the new installations.
Material Selection: Choose the type of windows and doors that suit your needs and preferences. Standard options include vinyl, wood, aluminum, fiberglass, or composite materials. When selecting materials, Consider energy efficiency, durability, maintenance requirements, and aesthetics.
Removal of Old Windows and Doors: The old ones must be carefully removed if you're replacing existing windows and doors. It involves removing any trim, sashes, or hardware and ensuring the opening is clean and prepped for the new installation.
Installation: The installation process varies depending on the type of windows and doors. Typically, it involves fitting the new units into the prepared openings, securing them with appropriate fasteners, and sealing them properly to prevent air or water leaks. Following manufacturer guidelines and best practices for a proper installation is essential.
Insulation and Weatherproofing: Proper insulation and weather proofing are crucial to ensure energy efficiency and prevent drafts or moisture issues. Insulating materials such as foam or caulk are used around the frames to create an airtight seal and improve thermal performance.
Finishing Touches: Once the windows and doors are installed and sealed, any necessary trim work, caulking, or painting can be done to enhance the appearance and provide a finished look.
It's important to note that Best Window and Door Replacement Company can be a complex task, and hiring professional installers or contractors with experience in this area is often recommended. They can ensure proper measurements, installation techniques, and adherence to building codes or regulations.
Remember to take your time, do thorough research, and consider multiple factors before making a decision. It's important to choose a Best Window and Door Replacement Company that not only offers quality products but also provides reliable installation and excellent customer service.
When considering Window and Door Installers Near Me, obtaining multiple quotes, checking references, and choosing a reputable contractor or installation company is advisable. Additionally, familiarize yourself with local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance.
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buildhealer01 · 1 year
The Essential Guide to Selecting the Right Waterproofing Contractor in Bangalore
Are you looking for a waterproofing contractor in Bangalore who can effectively deal with water seepage and leakage in your home or commercial property? Water damage can be destructive, causing significant property damage and posing a threat to your safety. That's why it is essential to hire a reliable waterproofing contractor in Bangalore who can provide the best solutions to protect your home or commercial establishment. With years of experience, a waterproofing contractor in bangalore can identify the problem and provide the right solutions to keep the water out. 
Finding a reliable waterproofing contractor in Bangalore is no easy task. It is crucial to hire a contractor who is experienced, knowledgeable and trustworthy. A good waterproofing contractor in Bangalore should be able to provide quality service, use the right materials and complete the job in a timely manner.
It is important to remember that waterproofing projects can be quite expensive and the results of poor waterproofing can be disastrous. Therefore, it is essential to select a credible contractor who has the necessary expertise and experience. Make sure the contractor provides references from previous clients, proof of insurance, and a warranty on their work.
In order to ensure that the contractor you hire is up to the task, ask for proof of licensing, certifications, and insurance. It is also a good idea to check online reviews, ask for referrals and contact the Better Business Bureau for further information.
Additionally, ask questions about the waterproofing process, the materials to be used, the expected timeframe for completion, and the guarantee for the job. You should also check for any hidden costs or unexpected expenses.
Finally, it is important to choose a waterproofing contractor in Bangalore who has a good reputation and can provide quality service. By doing your research and making sure the contractor is experienced, you can be assured that the job will be done correctly and with the highest standards.
For more info:-
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Source Url:-
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drroofix · 2 years
Routine Roofing System Cleaning Up - Why Is It Required?
When discussing normal roof cleaning this does not suggest that it needs to be done on a monthly basis however needs to be done at least yearly. Many house owners do not feel comfortable do this so they employ a professional roofing cleaner. Your Roof Replacement Contractor Near Me , particles, algae, moss, and dust that needs wiped. By doing so it will certainly increase the value of your house need to you decide to do it. It will certainly also extend the lifespan of your roof.
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Removing debris
Particles can include tiny tree branches, leaves, etc as well as is just one of the simplest parts of roofing system cleaning. If the property owner determines that they intend to pull several of the smaller sized branches off the roof covering they require to make sure that they have a durable ladder to use. If you are going onto the roof covering to get any larger items or to sweep the fallen leaves, see to it that you are wearing slip proof shoes. You should likewise have somebody on the ground to enjoy and also ensure that you do not drop as well as to aid hold the ladder stable. Be careful when tossing off the branches that you do not lose your balance and also loss. If you have a long expansion cord, you could utilize a fallen leave blower to blow the fallen leaves off the roof and afterwards make use of a mop to move the rest off. After your roofing cleaning, you will certainly require to make the effort to clean up the gutters of the leaves that have blown right into them.
Removing algae as well as moss
This is something that a property owner can do however most leave this job to a professional roofing system cleaning company due to the fact that they have the expertise and also cleansing supplies and also tools to do the job appropriately. Both of these are natural adversaries of your roofing system and can triggering leaks in the Certified Best Roofing Repair Service . They ought to be gotten rid of promptly, which may imply every few months as opposed to once or twice a year. It depends upon how negative it is. The professional roof covering cleaning service will typically use an acidic remedy with a pH level that is below four. The option is a 50/50 ratio of hot water and also vinegar. You can also include some citrus juice to the mix. If your roofing system is tormented more by moss, they will use it to your roofing system as well as not rinse it off so it will certainly have time to kill the moss. If it is algae growth, they will certainly use the very same acidic solution but will clean off the algae using a soft brush to scrub the location up until it is eliminated. Ensure that the expert roof cleaning services do not utilize a stress washer because it can damage your roof.
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How to Choose the Best Waterproofing Contractor in Gurgaon?
Choosing an appropriate waterproofing contractor is very important for the safety and stability of your space, especially in Gurgaon which has a varied climate. Lon which is the most popular brand for waterproofing in Gurgaon -One of its subsidiary also focusses on Professional solutions catering to different needs from basements, decks or small Residential spaces- Track seal Waterproofing
Evaluate the knowledge and experience
A Record of Proven Expertise: You will also want to know that the contractor you entrust with your waterproofing project is one who has done it all before. It will be more profitable if owners can find contractors who handle a variety of projects because their experience armors them to deal with different problems that come up at varying times. Whether you need basement waterproofing, or have deck waterproofing that needs done, they do a job and it shows in their years of experience as well as the variety of comparable services Track Seal Waterproofing has offered to properties.
Check Credentials and Reviews
Permitting and Customer Feedback: The contractor chosen for the job should have full insurance coverage to prevent you facing any liabilities. Read online reviews as well as testimonials to get a gist of what other customers experienced. Reviewers tend to gush about the professionalism and cooperation shown by contactors such as Track Seal Waterproofing, who is a top provider in this category.
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Review Services Provided
Full-Service Waterproofing: The leading water proofers in your area should provide comprehensive solutions for all types of water-related problems This means products suited for high-traffic areas of residential homes, including decks and basements. Track seal Waterproofing offers an integrated service solution thereby a one-stop shop for all waterproofing solutions.
Look for the Quality of Materials Used
Quality: When it comes to waterproofing, the job is only as good as its materials. While top contractors only use the most trusted products which promise long-term shelter. Track seal Waterproofing offers top-quality waterproof materials that are extremely tough and long lasting, keeping your property always at peace against the threats of water.
Look for Customized Solutions
A Certificate Tailored to You: Much like each property is unique, so are its waterproofing requirements. Top Rating Contractors are known for providing customized answers instead of one size fits all solutions. We excel at evaluating your waterproofing needs and providing a solution that is not only cost effective but also complimentary to the structure being protected.
Contractor experience: When selecting a waterproofing contractor in Gurgaon, it is important to take into account how expert they are whether or not the materials used by then going to possess good quality; what sort of services do they provide and also if you get an option for customization. Check, Track seal Waterproofing tops in this entire segment which makes them one of the finest waterproofing contractors near me.
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deccanclaphyd · 2 years
Waterproofing Contractors in Vijayawada
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Book Professional waterproofing Contractors in Vijayawada, offering waterproofing Solutions at 30% lower than market prices and up to 20% off on total quotations with 8 years full service warranty. we are one of the Best Waterproofing contractors in Vijayawada, we have 15+ years of experience in Building waterproofing Services, Apartment waterproofing Services, waterproofing Services for new construction and waterproofing Services for old construction, offering interior waterproofing services, Exterior waterproofing services, Bathroom waterproofing services, Epoxy Tile grouting services, Bathroom tile grouting services, Terrace waterproofing services, Waterproofing services, we are one of the leading Bathroom waterproofing Services, Terrace waterproofing Services,  water tank waterproofing Services, Exterior waterproofing Services, interior waterproofing Services, Tile grouting Services.
Call / WhatsApp Us On: +91 8106 365 017, +91 9951 216 833, +91 9346 012 928
Head Office: DH HEIGHTS, 201, beside lane Pratul Honda showroom, Erragadda, and Bangalore – 500018.
Website: https://www.deccanclap.com/
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Examples of Roofing Services Only Top Roofing Companies in Florida Can Provide
Roofing is an integral part of any residential or commercial building. It provides structural protection and keeps the occupants safe and secure. However, while some roofing projects can easily be done as weekend projects without requiring expert assistance, others are best reserved for professional roofing companies Ave, Venice, FL . Let’s delve deeper into some of the roofing jobs that are best set aside for local roofing companies.
Roofing Repairs
Roofing repairs can be tasking and pretty expensive to manage especially if you don’t know what you’re doing. Attempting to fix a damaged roof on your own could lead to all manner of problems, safety issues, and even the potential for costlier repairs down the line.
Roofing professionals are trained to get to the root of the problem in order to provide a long-lasting fix to the problem. If you attempt to do it on your own, you might end up only patching the bad spots failing to pay attention to the real weak points as you attempt to beat the Sunday evening deadline.
On the contrary, a quick search for something like “roofers near me” can help you link up with experts willing to stump out the problem so that once the job is done, the roof is back up strong and capable of lasting many more years.
Complete Roof Replacement
Has your roof outlived its lifespan? Has it been sagging or showing major signs of water damage? Then it might be time to tap into the services of a roofing contractor. Roofing companies do roof makeovers every so often. Working with you, they determine what exactly your roof needs and offer many solutions that you can choose from.
By adhering to the existing building codes in the country and using state-of-the-art roofing installation equipment, these companies can go a long way in keeping your roof damage-proof. What’s more, they can provide you with consultations and useful techniques for keeping your roof in tip-top condition for many more years to come.
Waterproofing/Roof Coating
Roofs are exposed to the elements more than any other part of your building. From being blasted by the sun’s rays to putting up with tons of snow when winter comes calling, roofs bare it all. By simply conducting a Google search such as one on “roofing companies near me” or something more specific like “roofing repair near me” it is possible to link up with some of the best roof coating service providers in the game. This way, you can reduce roof maintenance costs, cut energy costs, and improve the overall appearance of your home.
Betting On Quality Roofing Services in South Florida
Whichever part of the globe you are in, finding a competent roofing replacement and repair service to work with is the best way to guarantee yourself good quality services. And as it turns out, sometimes all it takes is a random search for words like “roofing contractors near me” and the search engines will automatically hook you up with dozens of suggestions. It is a small price to pay for many more years of quality roofing and peace of mind.
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Nickmann’s Enterprises
Nickmann's Enterprises has been providing quality interior, exterior concrete repair, restoration services and Masonry contractor in Winnipeg CA for over 14 years with over two decades of experience in both residential and commercial ventures. We are a Better Business Bureau accredited company with an A+ rating and 100% customer satisfaction. Our mission is to fix small problems before they turn into extensive issues that harm structural integrity and are an expensive burden to maintain and repair. We are driven to provide the highest level of service and value to our customers and go above and beyond to meet client expectations. Contact us today for an estimate!
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anilvarmaseo · 3 years
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