#watching too much uk youtube has our brains rotting i see
mosviqu · 1 year
well i mean at least u get ur thoughts out of ur system ig?!😭
THAT BUTTON IS SUCH A STRUGGLE ACTUALLY LMAO AND IM GLAD IM NOT ALONE WITH IT 🥸 and idk if i have asks on tbh so i will have to figure that out or sumn:o but jsjndnfmgmfmf the fact that u think of telling me things just makes me sjhdnfjgkd/pos i feel very honored cuz of it lmao🥹
YESSS PEOPLE WANT HIS EMOJI TO BE A CAT BUT THE STRAWBERRY WOULD BE SO PREFECT FOR HIM LIKE PLSSS 😭gaslighting is not going to be needed cuz the songs will be good (manifesting so hard bro) wahhh can't wait till enhas album is out cuz the songs will actually slap so hard and i really hope u will like them as well but a bit of the title got leaked and some people didn't like it so;-;
SAME I COULDNT TALK ABOUT LOVEJOY WITH ANYONE REALLY SO U ARE MY SAVIOR!! I LOVE THAT REACTION LMAO TBH I HAD TO REPLAY PORTRAIT CUZ I WAS LIKE NO WAY IT CAN GET BETTER THAN THIS THEN I WAS LIKE NO WAY THEY JUST OUTDID THEMSELVES!!! u are so super right!!!!! i feel like everyone watching wilbur's mc vids should be a lovejoy stan!!! i really hope he never stops mentioning european cities they just have a special place in my heart and i really hope they will go to bratislava !!! AND OKAY PLS DO IWOULD LOVE TO SEE MORE LOVEJOY THINGS and ngl i also can't listen to them without thinking of u😭
THE SPACE BUNS WERE SO UNEXPECTED (or at least to me it was) AND JUST SO GREAT!! I ACTUALLY NEED JIHOONS HAIR TO BE LIKE THAT FOR A LONG WHILE!!!I LOVE UR LAYOUTS AND LOVE JIHOON!!! and as u should tbh changing layouts is fun probs one of my fav things to do (and i deff need to change mine lmao its a bit of clapped) (LIEBESTRAUM ANON💞💓)
u dont have asks on but i can always dm u ig 😌😌 which brings me to a question HOW DID U LIKE THE ENHYPEN ALBUM TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME I NEED TO KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS !!!! yes i think of telling u things because in my mind we are basically besties.
I mean im down for a cat emoji too because come on... he IS one but the strawberry is so cute i need it to be a strawberry😭😭😭😭 i fucking love strawberries and everything abt the aesthetic that comes w them HHHH i love your manifestation 💗 the album is already good altho it doesnt exist yet and i am a strong believer of that💗💗💗
i am a portrait of a blank slate defender at all times if someone DARES to say a bad word abt the song i'll bring out a gun. also im a lovejoy stan first, human second 😌😌 so im glad i found someone i can scream to about them AHAHA. I did show my brother lovejoy songs once and he did enjoy them and was in DISBELIEF that its wilburs band but i dont think his knowledge of the songs comes further than the few listens he had w me 😭😭 but im pretty sure one of his parody songs was his top song on spotify one year so :,)
they were kinda unexpected with his eboy image but also kind of expected because he's babygirl 😭😭 I NEED HIM TO WEAR THEM MORE also thank u for loving my layouts i try. Also have u seen the clip of him singing super by svt on a live i almost cried he he HE.
also your theme is not clapped i actually kinda dig it ngl 😭😭
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autumnal-ardor · 5 years
50+ Fall Questions Tag
I’ll be posting the questions and my answers in under a ‘Read More’ so as not to clog up the timeline. Feel free to play along if you’re so inclined. Tagging: Anyone who wishes to participate. Credit to the original poster: http://www.tagquestionss.com/fall-tag-questions/
Describe your feelings of fall rain in three words. Peaceful. Cozy. Relaxed.
Which two things tell you that the fall season has begun? The stores have begun to fill up with everything pumpkin spice. The changing of the leaves’ colors.
What are your plans for this fall season? I will be traveling to Wisconsin in September. Aside from that, I plan on watching all the horror movies my brain can handle, and enjoying every rainy day and colored leaf that the season can give me.
Silent nights or windy ones? What do you love more about the falls? I really love windy nights because I love the sound the wind makes against the house. The ONLY negative to it being windy, is that it always knocks out our power.
Cold rain or heavy fog. What do you enjoy more? Cold rain.
What three things you love about the season? The changing colors of the leaves. The constant rain. All the horror movies on television.
What three things you hate about the season? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. How dare you.
Share your best memory for the autumn season? There’s far too many to name. I really just going to the autumn festival with my husband.
What is your favorite scent for the fall season? There used to be an autumn scented candle from Yankee Candle that was blue. I wish I could remember the name of it, but I don’t believe that they carry it any more. It was my all time favorite. If I would have known they were going to discontinue it, I would have bought it in bulk.
What is your favorite autumn movie? If it has to be related to autumn, then Hocus Pocus. But if it can just be horror in general, then The Shining.
What’s the most beautiful thing about the fallen leaves? The crunch beneath my boots.
Do you enjoy movies in the bed or near the fire? In bed.
In the autumn, what do you enjoy most with your partner? We enjoy going to a near by farm to pick apples and pick up apple cider, and also celebrating the autumn festival at the farm.
Do you ever go for the hiking in autumn? If yes, how was the experience? I have not gone hiking in autumn, but I probably should.
Have you ever gone for apple picking? Yes. Every fall.
What is the best way to enjoy the rain of fall season? Open up your windows, turn down the volume of your tv and just listen to it pour.
Describe the romantic nature of the fall season in one sentence. I can’t. It deserves a whole book.
Watching TV or Racking leaves? What do you prefer in the autumn? Watching tv.
What is your favorite fall color? Orange.
Autumn or winter? What do you like the most? Autumn.
Autumn or spring. In your opinion, what’s more romantic? Autumn.
What is your favorite dress code for the fall season? Oversized hoodies/sweatshirts, skinny jeans, and boots.
Share your worst memory related to the autumn season. I don’t have one.
Do you believe that autumn fall season should be the wedding season? YES. It’s the time of year that I got married!
What are your most likes drink in the fall season? Tea with milk and sugar. Pumpkin spice latte. 
What could be a perfect date for the autumn season? Going to the farm to pick apples or pumpkins, and to get cider.
Fall day or fall night. Which one looks more beautiful to you? Fall day. You can’t see anything at night! For me, a fall night is better for listening to the sounds of the season.
The smell of pumpkin guts or rotting leaves. What do you love? Pumpkin guts.
Have you ever tried pumpkin carving? If yes, so how was the experience? Yes. I’m okay at it.
What is your movie scene related to the autumn? “Another glorious morning. MAKES ME SICK.”
Which fashion trend you often prefer in the fall season? Oversized hoodies, skinny jeans, and boots.
What type of music do you like in the fall season? Alternative/indie/pop/folk.
Hat or cap? What do you prefer in the autumns? Neither. I’m a hoodie type of woman.
Haunted house, haunted food ride, or haunted corn maze? What do you like in the autumn season? All of those things give me anxiety BUT I have agreed to go to a haunted escape room this year, so that’ll be interesting.
Share your feelings when you see the birds migrating? I like to see them flocking together to migrate. It’s a beautiful thing to watch.
Do you like baking in the autumn season? Heck yes.
Racking leaves or climbing trees. What’s your favorite in the autumn season? Raking leaves.
What types of music do you love to listen in the fall season? I love listening to alternative/indie/pop/folk. There’s some really good fall playlists out there on youtube.
When you go outside, do you love to experience your blowing breaths? Sometimes!
Which song you often sing in the autumn? There’s way too many to name.
What is your favorite meat food in the fall? Sauerbraten.
What is your favorite food in the fall season? Sauerbraten.
What is your favorite thrifty activity in the fall? I don’t know if this is even considered ‘thrifty’, but I like to draw a lot in the fall.
Halloween or Thanksgiving. Which one is your favorite day? (For the people in UK, you can change thanksgiving with the Harvest Festival) Halloween.
Wool or knit sweaters? What do you like to wear in the fall season? Ooooooooof. Tough one! I really do like a good knit sweater.
Sweet or salty pumpkin seeds. Tell your favorite one for the autumn season? Not a fan of pumpkin seeds, so neither. 
Do you like to explore haunted places in the falls? I did a few times in my life, but I haven’t done that in quite some time. I think the last time I did was in 2013, when I did a ghost hunt in Gettysburg. That was a wild one.
Tell the best eternal feeling you have in the falls? Fall just gives me such a feeling of peace and calm. The best way that I can describe it is that fall just feels like home to me.
Which place do you love to visit in the autumn season? I know this is going to be such an off the wall choice, but it’s 100% New Orleans.
Which place you wish to visit in the fall season? I would LOVE to visit New England in the fall. More specifically, Vermont or New Hampshire.
Fairy lights or candles? What is your choice in the fall? Candles!
How do decorate your room in the falls? I don’t. I decorate my living room and the exterior of my home/yard.
Do you love raking the leaves on the lawn or do you leave them where they fall? I leave them where they fall.
What comes in your mind when you see the leaves fallen down? I enjoy watching them fall, but once all the trees are bare, it makes me sad because I know the season is almost over.
What three things you love to keep in your room for the falls? I always have a small autumn leaf bowl that I got from Michael’s on my night stand. Other than that, I don’t really keep anything fall related in the bedroom. All that stays out in the living room or outside.
What is your favorite teas flavor in the falls? My go-to year round is black tea with a little sugar and milk. But every now and again I’ll reach for an apple spiced tea.
Do you ever change your way to run through the autumn leaves? Not that I’ve noticed!
In your opinion, which leaves have the best color in the fall season? I have a Japanese maple in my front yard that turns a MAGNIFICENT fire color. It varies from yellows to oranges to deep reds. I’m all about those colors. If I HAVE to choose a color, I’d say the deep reds are my favorite.
Have you ever experienced pumpkin picking in the falls? I have a long, long time ago when I was little. I’d like to do it this fall, though. That’s on my ‘to do’ list for sure.
Which is your most loved pumpkin-based food? Pumpkin bread. I bake that every fall, and not only does it taste good, but it makes the whole house smell so good.
Which moisturizer is your favorite in the autumn season? My all time favorite to use all year round is the L’Occitane Almond Milk Veil. Smells SO good and is super moisturizing.
Which lipstick color you love in the falls? My absolute favorite is Pumpkin by Kylie Cosmetics.
Apple pie or Pumpkin Pie. What’s your favorite? Pumpkin pie.
October or November? What’s your favorite month in the autumns? October, because the leaves are still vibrant and (for the most part) the trees have yet to go bare. Plus we get Halloween, my favorite holiday.
Do you enjoy feeling the cold air, or do you wrap up warm? I wrap up warm, but that’s exactly why I love when it gets chilly.
How much do you love to enjoy the fire in the fall season? I used to go to bonfires when I was in high school. Now that I’m older, I don’t really have the time for it any more, which is sad. Usually, all the neighbors (us included) will pull out our fire pits and sit out at the bottom of our driveways on Halloween while we pass out candy to the kids. It’s kind of like a street of just bonfires and a beautiful sense of community. I love that night most of all.
In the falls, do you love traveling or enjoying the season at home? I always take my vacations from work in the fall. The weather’s better, you’re not going somewhere else and then sweating all day. Flights and hotels are generally less expensive. It’s the perfect time for travel.
Are you more energetic during the autumn season, or more laid back? I’m far more energetic. I’ve always kind of likened it to a reverse seasonal depression. I’m so sluggish and just...bleh during the spring and summer months, but OH BOY, when Autumn hits, LOOK OUT. I’m ready to go!
Do you have any specific traditions to celebrate the fall season? Celebrating Thanksgiving with my family is always the biggest tradition that I enjoy having. Aside from that, I always put out my fall decorations on the last day of Autumn. Got to welcome in the season on the very first day of September!
Name a person whom you loved and really miss in the fall season. Well, I miss my best friend all the time, as we live in separate states, however, I really miss her in the fall. I loved going to the orchards with her and her little one to go apple picking.
What do you feel at the end of fall season? Sad. I long for Autumn, and it almost always passes by far too quickly. So when it’s over, I get a very deep sense of longing for the season to begin again.
Share your favorite quote related to the autumn. “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” - L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
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