#watching nat die has a funny way of making me ship bruce and nat
finntasticmxfinn · 5 years
Post-endgame story...
It is all spoilers at this point.
About spoilers: I am here, posting because Endgame fucked up my emotions. I have been crying on and off since I finished watching the movie. Watching Nat fall from the cliff, gove up her chance at happiness and family was triggering, haunting and just plain sucky. Nat deserved better. Her fans deserved more. I am not taking this well. *Actually, no, this is 'wrong.' I think. Realities diverge only when a stone is moved. They would need 2014 Nat. Just take the Gamora/ Nebula conversation and replace it with Nat and Clint. Convince Nat, like Gamora convinced her past self that the future is bleak. Clint went to Vormir with his best friend but left alone. 2014 Nat is in 2023, like 2014 Gamora. Both their later versions die-- Nat soon after, Gamora four years later. Thanos needed to kill Gamora to get the soul stone to snap half the universe out of existence, and the snap still happened because Banner had to snap again to undo it.
Bruce watches as Steve passing their time, returning to his 'unchanged' world. Bruce almost cries-- if only he could go back too to see the woman he had once considered running away with. But he had wished for her back when he had snapped to bring their dusted friends back to battle Thanos again, and she could not be reached. Now Steve had taken the stones back, taking Bruce's chance to try to save Nat again with him.
As the sorceress supreme had said, they had no right to disrupt different timelines. It had to be this way. Nat would not want harm to come to anyone, anywhere hecause of her. He watches his friends watching an interaction a bit away. Nat was not here. She had made her choice-- to leave them. He remembers he too had made a choice, albeit one of lesser significance, to leave her.
It is Steve in the distance, an older Steve but a Steve who knew them well enough to hand Sam his shield. Bruce blinks. On that bench, sat a man who had lived. Bruce shakes his head. Their timeline was in good hands with Sam. It would be in better terms with Nat back as well, or maybe she would like to spend her time elsewhere, letting their friends be the Avengers. She could finally relax, knowing lives were safe in this crazy dimension screwy world. Nat could not make that decision though. Her forced silence on the matter would haunt him. He wanted to know what Nat would do-- not Black Widow, their Nat, who had finally seemed comfortable in this world, like she belonged.
She belonged in this world. Did the other timelines matter less, as the soceress supreme had argued? He now had the brains and the brawn, but he was not going to touch that. He would touch the Pym particles and the Time Heist device though. He would touch tranquilizers and peanut butter and Nat when he dragged her back to where she belonged.
His friends are still standing in silence when he returns, just processing, he presumed. Well, they were about to have one ore thing to process-- or many things if they tried to tease out the effect on the other timeline Bruce's Nat Heist would cause. Yeah, they might not get the Soul Stone without her to throw off a cliff. Or they might anyway because they are the Avengers, dammit, and they avenge. Whatever it takes.
"Guys, I found her," Bruce calls. His voice is loud enough to stir the slightly drugged Nat. Nat now alert, her spy instincts having taken over, tries to sit up in his arms, causing him to drop her to his feet.
She steadies herself against his body. "... drugged...? Why peanut butter?" She collaspes forward. "Peanut butter has been my comfort these past..." She stabilizes herself again. "Something happened?"
"You didn't miss much." Just the fulfillment of your one wish these past five years, Bruce thinks.
"Miss much? What did you do, Bruce?"
The remaining team is staring at the pair. "Yes, Bruce, what did you do?"
Nat Heist, he thinks. They were not taking this from him.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
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let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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anogete · 5 years
Bullet List of My Very Random Thoughts on Endgame
Don't click the keep reading link if you haven't seen the movie yet.  I don’t want to be responsible for ruining your first watch of the movie.  Serious, guys.  Only click if you’ve seen it.
I really enjoyed it and I'm happy to suspend my disbelief with almost all of the time travel plot element.  All things considered, it was masterfully executed and a beautiful love letter to the characters, movies, and fans.
My original six lovelies:
- Tony's arc was beautiful and heartbreaking but in a very satisfying way. I think most of us saw that one coming with the way IW set him up against Thanos.  It was that much more poignant when you saw he was happy with Pepper and their little girl but still couldn’t step away from helping make things right if he had the ability.  Pepper knew he couldn’t avoid involving himself despite not wanting to jeopardize his life with her, so her encouragement at the beginning and her comment to him right before he died (“We’re going to be okay. You can rest.”) just break my fucking heart.  So does Peter crying over a wounded and dying Tony, telling him they won.  Oh man.  The waterworks were something fierce.
- Nat was a surprise but packed a shockingly hard punch for me.  Maybe that was in part because it WAS a surprise and also because when we opened the movie she felt so fragile even though she was the one keeping the hope alive.  That moment with her sad little sandwich and the news about Clint being so far off the rails that Steve interrupts?  That alone made my heart hurt for her.  My stomach dropped when I saw her and Clint climbing the mountain on Vormir as I realized what had to happen to get the Soul Stone.  I was hopeful they could game the system and jump off the cliff together and both live, but I understand why this would cheapen it.  She always felt like the glue that kept all these big personalities and big egos together, so it hurts that she’s gone and the group has been fractured with Tony’s death and Steve being out of the game.
- As for Clint--I’m assuming he returns to the family man life unless something big comes up in the future.  I don’t know anything about Renner’s contract, but I’d like to see Hawkeye again.  The hair and the sword and the arms and tats and revenge attitude really did it for me.  How very dare they make him look this edible.
- Thor coping with grief by drinking beer (that beer belly, though!) and playing video games with Korg and Miek was actually refreshing and endearing.  I know some people didn’t like seeing him that way, but it gives his character so much depth.  Besides, he was back to his kickass self by the end of the movie.  I do love that he handed over New Asgard to Valkyrie to rule, and I hope we see him pop into movies in the future, especially with that adorable rivalry between him and Quill.
- Bruce and his newfound truce with Hulk was a delight to see and completely unexpected.  Also, Bruce/Hulk with the muscles and the voice and the five o’clock shadow and the glasses?  Ummmm...  ::is tempted to write Hulky Bruce smut::  I hope he’ll be in future movies.
- Steve.  Ahh, Steve.  I loved the fight with himself and the funny little winks to the viewers with the lines (America’s Ass, “I can do this all day”, “Hail Hydra”).  I loved that he was encouraging others to move on when he couldn’t seem to do so himself.  I LOVED him wielding Mjolnir, especially when the lightning started flying out of it.  Thor’s reaction to that (”I knew it!”) was adorable.  But, I’m torn with Steve’s storyline.  I wanted him to get his happily ever after.  I was dreading seeing him die in this movie, which I thought was definitely going to happen.  But what was so shocking to me was that he got exactly what I wanted him to get but it felt so cheap to me.  I left the movie satisfied with everything but the way they ended things with Steve, and yet I couldn’t seem to put my finger on why I started hating it the more I thought about it.  I know a ton of people are Stucky ‘shippers and, while I love his relationship with Bucky, I’ve never ‘shipped them together.  I’m not thrilled about the way they glossed over that relationship, but I understand the necessity because of time constraints.  I don’t mind that Steve handed the Shield off to Sam because I assumed either he or Bucky (or even both) would pick it up in Steve’s absence.  Bucky would have been a nice full circle between the two of them on their separate paths, but I also understand why it was given to Sam.  Bucky obviously knew exactly what was going on, though I thought the distance between him and Steve was a bit strange.  Maybe they were trying to make a point of showing that Steve and Bucky have both changed.  Whatever.  I can live with it, I  guess.  No one wanted Steve to get his happy ending more than me.  So, what gives?  I couldn’t figure out why it felt so wrong and cheap and like the worst kind of fan service.  @bulmavegotaku sent me THIS ARTICLE which actually articulates what has been bothering me.  Just because I wanted a happy ending for Steve doesn’t mean that it was what was best or even what was in-character for him.  I know other people thought that him hiding in the past to live his life with Peggy WAS in-character, but I don’t think it was at all.  And that’s not even to mention the fuckery with Peggy’s timeline.  Yeah, yeah, they left the question of who Steve married up in the air by not having him divulge that info when Sam asked, but I’m not stupid.  He says she’s the love of his life.  If he’s going back, he’s not going to share a dance with her and then go marry some other chick in the past.  Please.  And that makes Steve Sharon’s uncle.  Which is... weird and WTF.  But maybe they thought we’d forget all that since it is now an alternate reality or whatever.  So, Steve’s “ending” was the one major thing I really didn’t like.  I’m sure one day I’ll write some fic that branches off into an AU in which it didn’t happen that way.  It’s a little too fresh right now for me to tackle, though.  I need to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
Other things I liked:
- Nebula’s dynamic and (at times) heartbreaking storyline as we watched her internal struggle actually play out in front of us with two Nebulas.  My heart dropped when Rhodey was able to return to the present time on Earth, but she got trapped in the past with Thanos.  I’m so happy she survived.  Plus, her game of finger football with Tony was so goddamn endearing for both of them.
- Gamora being alive and the thought of watching her future interactions with Quill all over again.  I love the sexual tension and the chase for sure.  However, if past Gamora ends up in present time, then did all that stuff with Quill and the other Guardians even happen?  Her past self is in the present and so is Nebula’s past self.  Plus, Thanos plays a part (even if he’s off-screen) in much of the two Guardians movies, so if his past self died in the present, did this create some sort of alternate reality in which the things we witnessed didn’t actually happen in that way?  This kinda ties in with my dislike of Steve’s storyline.  Too much fucking with time travel begins to unravel the plot and create holes that I start picking at.
- Thanos turning to dust.  So so so satisfying.  What an absolutely arrogant turd.
- “On your left.”  What a wonderful moment when you heard Sam’s voice and saw T’Challa appear from that portal followed by all of the others.
- While I didn’t enjoy it, I did think the fight between Steve and an emaciated and exhausted Tony at the beginning of the movie was so well done and well-acted.  What a low point to climb out from.
- The scene in the beginning when they kill Thanos was also pretty low, but I thought a great way to start the movie.  You can kill the bad guy, but that won’t change all the bad he did.
- I feel like Scott Lang is all of us.  The scene with him outside when his taco blows away was so wonderful. And the scene in the diner when the kids want pics with Hulky Bruce, but not poor Antman.  So awkward and so funny.
- The closure that Tony got with his dad.  Oh man, that was the best and made even better because he was a father himself at that moment.  Thor being able to speak with his mother and move forward from that was also unexpected but so needed for his character, especially at that moment.
- While I love Carol Danvers and the Captain Marvel movie, I didn’t want her to come in and steal the show from the core group of Avengers as we ended this era of the movies.  I’m pleased with the way they used her to rescue Tony and Nebula and then go off to bring some order to the rest of the universe before returning to help in that final battle.
- Speaking of Carol--the scene during the battle when she takes the new gauntlet from Peter in an effort to get it away from Thanos and all the badass women fall in line behind her to assist brings a tear to my eye.  What made it even better is it caused the two bros seated beside me to mutter and wiggle uncomfortably in their chairs because it was obvious they didn’t really like that part.  As Beyonce would say, “Suck on my balls,” boys.
- Wanda’s white (red?) hot rage toward Thanos when she finally came toe-to-toe with him during the battle.  YES.  I was cheering her on.
- Steve’s ass.  Oh, I’m sorry America’s ass.
- Did I mention Steve wielding Mjolnir?
- Loki being the sneaky little snake he is and grabbing the Tesseract during the confusion when Tony gets hit by the flying door.  And Hulk screaming in frustration about how many stairs there are since he wasn’t allowed to ride on the elevator with everyone else.
- Bucky’s luxurious hair.  Although, I do want my beefy Civil War Bucky back.  On a side note, can someone please please please fix Sam’s facial hair before the next movie or show?  Please?  I do not like it at all.  Anthony Mackie, please go back to WS or CW facial hair.  I’m begging you.
I’m ready for more Guardians of the Galaxy featuring Thor.  I’m ready to finally watch the first Spiderman movie before the new one comes out.  (Don’t shoot me for not seeing it yet!) I’m pumped for more Carol as Captain Marvel.  I love the original characters the best, but I understand we have to move forward and I’m trying to embrace these new babies even though they aren’t Tony or Nat or Steve.  I’m consoling myself with Bucky and Sam right now.
And most of all, I’m excited to start writing again.  I started something last night, but I don’t want to give many details until I know if what I threw on the wall is going to stick.  If it does, then it’ll be Wintershock, take place after Endgame, and will probably be fluffy and free of life and death situations.  My heart can’t take any more of that between Endgame and Game of Thrones.  I’ll pop in periodically to keep anyone who cares updated on new material from me.  Can’t wait to see you again over on AO3 this summer!
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Journey into the MCU XII
Avengers: Endgame
I just watched Endgame. Part of me doesn’t even know what to say. Some bits were brilliant and exactly what I wanted them to be and then some bits were just... a bit shit?
Don’t get me wrong. I loved it. Whenever something happened I was screaming ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT’ you know, in the best way :) ...But... I had to love it, you know what I mean? Seriously though, don’t really know what the shit I just watched (in a good way lol)
So, I love the fact that it started with Clint - that already got me crying (the first of the 41 instances of crying due to this film and probably the fact that I’m hormonal lmao). I adored Tony and Nebula’s interaction playing the game in space and I was like ‘Ah shit here we go again he’s adopting another one’ lol. I honestly had no idea how they were going to get back to Earth until That Bitch™ turns up - I actually waaaaay prefer Carol in this film to Captain Marvel!!!
I love them so much :’) sorry I’ll stop
Tony’s whole ‘zero zip nada no trust liar’ just. Wow. Very well done to both RDJ and Evans because that’s improvised right? I love!
I really like Thor, Protector of Lesbians and That Bitch’s interaction. Instantly a yes from me.
I enjoyed Thor’s desperation at just slicing that purple twat’s head off.
I’m trying to do this chronologically but I’m gonna start fucking up. Whatever.
I HATE what they did to Bruce. I wanted to see Bruce Banner being distraught and instead they wrote in all this unnecessary humour which personally I didn’t think was too funny maybe because I was too mad and made him permanently green?? Excuse me? The Russos have gotta be clowning right? The dared do THIS to the strongest avenger? Fuck off honestly. Think about what that man has been through - tried to kill himself and this is the treatment he gets?! No.
I like the fact that Thor is depressed because that was a natural decline. And I mean, he was depressed waaay before 2023 right? He has lost EVERYTHING and can’t really relate to anyone else because most of his loss was different, but he manages to maintain some of the humour we see from him in Ragnarok, HOWEVER I feel like the Russos were just trying too hard to make the humour happen and it just didn’t feel right?
Also, Tony Stark really is one of the best dads, huh? Along with Mr. Lang of course. AND NEITHER OF THEM GOT TO SEE THEIR KIDS GROW UP SORRY MORE ON THAT LATER.
I understand that Tony wasn’t on board at first, despite being a bit annoyed at him being selfish, I got it. And then bitch gets on board and everything’s happy for 20 minutes.
The Time Heist was ICONIC aND no one can tell me otherwise!!! Honestly just the fact that it was called the time heist and it was Scott’s plan and Scott is still tHE biggest fanboy - we stan.
I knew about the time travel shit before watching and thought they were gonna fuck it up because time travel is difficult with regard to not just going ‘so now we’re gonna go back and fix everything, job done’ but I actually think they did a pretty good job and did well explaining how *this version* of time travel was gonna work.
I really enjoyed Bruce’s interaction with the Ancient One and when she realises there must be a problem in the future if Stephen saved Tony’s life for the stone.
STEVE, TONY AND SCOTT WERE EVERYTHING AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THESE GUYS BACK IN 2012!!! I love Tony making Scott induce a heart attack. ICONIC. I live for the fact that we see all this sort of ‘behind the scenes’ action of The Avengers 2012 and the stuff that happened after the event and the ins and outs of everything. I will NEVER be over these whole shenanigans!!!!! I already knew about Cap V Cap but nOTHING could’ve prepared me for tHAT. This will be a continuing theme lol. I had no idea the whole ‘that is America’s ass’ thing actually happened jfc. SIDE NOTE: Tony really does say ‘I forgot that suit did nothing for your ass Cap’ bITCH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA why you looking though you bi little shit lmao I’m not sorry. Steve whispering Hail Hydra was iconic and I was screaming ‘FUCK YEH BITCH FUCK EM UP NOW THEY DONT KNOW WHAT THE FUCKS GOING ON HELL YEAH STEVE!!!!!!’ and at first I was like ‘wait, are they gonna recreate the CATWS elevator fight sequence?’ and then they did tHAT. ICONIC. And then I also knew that they go back further because I knew Tony met Howard and I knew about Dr. Potts and Capt. Stevens (lol) BUT NOTHING COULDVE PREPARED ME FOR THAT EITHER!!!! That shit got me FUCKED aND he hUGged him! He hugged his dad! I was! Not ready! For that!
Anyway so their time heist was really nice and I loved it so much it was everything I could’ve hoped for.
Thor and Frigga’s interaction I thought was really nice and she MUST know by the way he’s talking that in his future, the near future, she’s dead. I just find it so lovely and she completely restores Thor’s confidence in himself.
That totally fucked me up. I knew Nat died at Vormir but turns out it didn’t matter that I already knew because nothing could’ve prepared me for that either.
For one, they hint at it quite a bit after they’ve finalised the plan - you know, that someone’s gonna go there and die. Nebula knows and we know that whoever’s going to Vormir ain’t coming back - well, one of them. oops
Secondly, I had no idea that they *playfully* fought it out to decide who it was gonna be and I was sOBBING from the moment they got to Vormir till- uhhh- well tbh it never stopped but you get the point. The whole fact that Nat realised that *this* was her purpose and after what Clint had been doing for the last five years, he thought he was too far gone and didn’t deserve his family anymore, even if they could get them back. It just totally fucked me up. That was one of my favourite scenes.
Sad Steve. AHHHH.
Then a whole load of shit happens and Thanos learns about the plan. I like the way Thanos talking about his future self is written, so kudos to the writers on that one!
I also appreciate the fact that there’s no delay between Thanos, Squidward and the rest of his crew coming to the future and the fight. That’s it. All of a sudden we’re straight into it! Great!
AHHHHHHH so now it’s time for The Big Three to confront Thanos and I just LOVE this sequence so much I honestly can’t express it and I was so so sooooo hoping that I would see these three on their own (plus purple numpty of course). At this point Thanos is just completely psycho because he wants to destroy the universe and create a new one which is an addition I really like - creates a new sense of urgency I suppose.
In other news, Steve Rogers is worthy! Which I love because somewhere around CATWS I started stanning this bitch!
Dr. Strange’s portals? ICONIC. Hotel? TRIVAGO.
Peter’s back and his and Tony’s whole interaction and hug had me in fucking tears jesus fUCKING christ nope. That shit hurt. THAT IS HIS SON RIGHT THERE. FUCK.
The fact Stephen knows - has known for 5 years - what must happen.
The look on both their faces when Tony realises.
Made me wanna die.
Then he does it. Fuck. I’m completely fucked now. Thanks. And then Peter’s by his side and Peter’s whole speech while Tony’s just dYING!!!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT. I DID NOT COME HERE TO BE HURT LIKE THIS. AND RHODEY. AND PEPPER. AND PEPPER HAS TO PULL PETER OFF. NOPE.
THEN they dare just cUT TO THE FUNERAL??!!?!
Get the fuck out honestly.
Tony’s recording. No.
The placing of everyone at the funeral was just perfect. The funeral was just beautiful in general tbh. The Proof That Tony Stark Has A Heart on the flowers. HARLEY!!!!!!! NO.
Did I know Tony Stark was gonna die? Yes I did. I would’ve had to leave Tumblr to not have found out. There’s only so much that tagging can hide and you see something that hints at it and then you see a quick gif and then you just know, you know?
Did it prepare me? Fuck no.
Now, Steve.
What was that?
I’m not buying it.
Love the fact he passed Cap onto Sam, but to spend the rest of his life with Peggy? Fuck no. Some girl he knew too seconds vs spending the rest of his life with his BEST FRIEND who was irreplaceable. Fuck off. Bucky’s face throughout the whole sequence. The poor man was fucking devastated. And I’m writing this from a canon perspective because I’m all for stucky you know? Then I asked my self: ‘How could Steve do that?’ Conclusion: he couldn’t and he wouldn’t - the writers were playing silly games and none of us, none of us are buying it.
Did I know all this was gonna go down? Yes. Was I prepared? No.
Not for Bucky’s fucking face jfc. All they got was a line and a quick hug. They were BEST FRIENDS. I honestly can’t stress that enough. Wow.
The deleted scenes. Of course I have watched them aND WHY IN THE SHIT WERE THEY DELETED??? Russos are fucking clowns!!!! They all fucking kneeled for him and that was cut? You having a laugh mate?! And Gerald the Alpaca was cut because??? The extra Howard and Tony didn’t make the cut? Excuse you? Tony’s talking about how he doesn’t think he’s done enough, and then he goes and does the aBSOLUTE MOST???? :’) fuck. And uhhh Rhodey having the ONLY brain cell in the avengers with the whole ‘well you coulda jumped out the plane beforehand Cap’ lmaooo brilliant!!!
So they may be deleted but let me tell you, they released them so now they’re fucking canon.
So in conclusion, did I know all the major spoilers before watching this film? Yes because I wasn’t going to be a tumblr hermit, but managed to pretty successfully ignore them until today. SO WAS I PREPARED? FUCK NO!
Surprisingly I LOVED Clint in Endgame - not that I didn’t like him before but I just really respect how broken he is in this. His family. Nat. It really adds up and I really enjoyed what they did with his character.
I did really love it generally but just wasn’t entirely happy with some of the character choices - because they seemed pretty damn out of character! There’s development over 5 years of not having seen them, and then... there’s... some other situations.
Would I have enjoyed it more not knowing any spoilers? Completely! But I wasn’t gonna stay clear of Tumblr for 4 months lol.
Main thing I will take away from watching this. I miss Tony Stark so much and love him so much. And no I will not shut up about it. And was I crying for a good hour after the film ended and then some whilst I was watching the extra content? Maybe.
Also I’m so emotional that this is IT for Downey and Chris. Wow. Ok I’m done :’)
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tempestaurora · 5 years
endgame opinions
spoilers under the cut. i’ve opened my dms so feel free to come and scream/yell/cry/whatever with me. this turned out really long because i start speculating half way through as well as talking about opinions.
let’s start with harley keener, my son, who was literally only in the movie for a second, at the fucking funeral. are you kidding me. and a lot of people don’t know what ty simpkins looks like now?? so even my friend didn’t know who he was until i started physically vibrating in my seat
HOWEVER, he and peter are in the same location, which totally opens up a plausible reason for them to know each other, become best friends/brothers/roommates at MIT
it’s sad that it was just him standing alone though, like no one stood with him, like his mother or anyone. that’s sad.
i wrote a harley keener infinity war fic so like,, feel free to read that to get the harley keener endgame feelings we DESERVE
aNYWAY, good film
i enjoyed it a lot for the most part, like i have so few complaints its unreal
it’s a genuinely funny film that didn’t feel like it was shoehorning in comedic relief, but like the movie was SUPPOSED to be lighter and funnier and drama was happening in between
i didn’t care for the ending in the slightest fuck that
i’m pissed about being lied to by the directors about a canon gay character. they sat up there on their high horses, congratulating themselves for a job well done for diversity, when it was just a fucking extra with no name, referring to a male partner twice. that’s it. you’re fucking kidding me if you think that’s diversity, if the russos truly think that was worth getting our hopes up for.
you know who could’ve been confirmed lgbt? valkyrie. steve. bucky. tony. (and no, tony appreciating steve’s ass doesn’t confirm our bi father, son and holy spirit on screen, unfortunately.)
that’s a fucking joke, russos. i hope they’re fucking ashamed of that.
(i really was watching that final bucky/steve scene and hoping for some hint of, it was always you, you know and got fucking nothing. i barely even ship stucky and i know that it should’ve been them)
the clint/natasha fight on vormir was the best scene, hands down. there’s no competition here. it was the best moment of the film, and despite my annoyance at the russos seeing that the audience didn’t appreciate gamora dying to further a man’s arc, and then fucking doing it again, i really did like that scene
i figured nat was gonna die but i didn’t think i’d actually be sad about it
as soon as they said they were going to vormir i knew the fight would happen and it lived up to every expectation and some
the barton home cold open was fantastic
why the ever loving FUCK was carol danvers so forcefully advertised to us?????? why were we told over and over and over that carol was gonna kill thanos, that she was gonna save the day, that the avengers literally had zero chance without her????? she had four minutes of screentime what the fuck
i appreciate her and peter’s interaction though that was cute and he was wrecked
the peter/tony reunion was cute af, glad they finally got their hug
also, i always wanted peter to call him tony but like that???? nah
side note, don’t remember in the slightest what rhodey and peter said as tony died because i was sitting there going, he’s not actually gonna die, obviously, that’s not gonna happen, they’re gonna make us think he will and then he’ll come back so i missed both their goodbyes
i know it was a 3 hour film but there was space for... more. there should’ve been more. where was rocket and groot’s reunion? where was bucky and steve’s?
where did valkyrie get a fucking pegasus from
bruce and hulk’s new system is hilarious but the fact that he dabbed pains me
bruce wielding the gauntlet was so incredibly left field i loved it, like no one guessed that he’d be the one to bring everyone back. no one
scott did great
i’m not sure if i can settle myself with this five year time jump for a whole host of reasons
1. do we have, officially, a new cassie lang actress? is our iconic abby ryder fortson leaving us for an older actress???
2. far from home takes place, supposedly, a week after endgame. it was one of the reasons i believed tony wouldn’t die, because it seems like a wholly upbeat film - and y’all saw his face at the funeral, he was fucking gone - and it’s even been confirmed to be lighter and funnier, so there better be some fucking low blow that takes peter out on the tony front (but did the writers/directors even know tony had died when they made the film? will it be ignored altogether?) back to the main point:
2a. it’s around the year 2023 and as soon as the entire world comes back, there’s a two week field trip to europe that peter and all his classmates have somehow paid for, signed permission slips for, and arranged, despite the fact that they’ve all been dead for five years. and i mean all. literally the entire main cast of spiderman is still in peter’s class, they haven’t grown up and moved on. the entire fucking cast got dusted.
3. we didn’t really get to see tony and steve make up??? they kinda just brushed over everything
i almost cried seeing ned leeds and peter reunite
okay now the biggies:
i’m Not Okay with tony stark dying
i’m not
it’s not just that he’s my favourite character and i care about him above all others, it’s that his entire arc has been about first, accountability, and second, leaving the fight. yes, it’s also got a lot of heart motifs and mentions of sacrifice too. i understand that. but tony has been wrestling with his father’s legacy and the kind of father he’ll be since day one.
he deserved his happy ending.
not just five years. not just a daughter who will know OF him but not know him, who’ll forget the short time of memories she has in due course. he deserved to grow old with his daughter and his wife and the kid whose photo he placed on the shelf in the kitchen, where he could see it every day.
he does deserve rest. but he deserves the kind of rest where he’s alive.
i have said before that if tony stark dies, i stop watching the mcu, and tbh, might actually go through with it. i don’t know if i really want to watch the films, knowing he’s gone? (and that they could’ve used either the time stone, or, you know, their time travel machine, to go two weeks back, grab that tony and bring him into the present. say, hey, you died, but now you can keep living.)
and steve.
oh steve.
i love steve rogers, i do. i absolutely adore steve rogers. but i’m about the same level of angry about his ending as i am about tony’s.
and honestly? it’s only because it’s not him. it’s not the him we know. my friend said that cap went and settled down because he’d finally learnt the lesson tony had been teaching; that maybe there is a reason to set down the shield and live a quiet, good life. but i don’t like it. it opens time anomalies, inconsistencies. it doesn’t feel like him.
since cap came into the 21st century, his story line has had a motif of moving on. about getting with the times, learning new music, new references, finding old friends and having to decide whether he should hold onto them and risk what he has now, or let them go. he’s been staring at a photo of peggy carter since 2011, he made peace with her life when he visited her in hospital, he let her go when she died. he watched her, through her office window, be director of shield, knowing she was about to have a life that she loved. she has children, a family. 
it doesn’t feel like the steve rogers i know to take that away from her
but at the same time, i understand that sometimes, he should get to be a little selfish. he was selfish when it came to protecting bucky over all else, and it ended with mixed results.
i loved the final scene, of he and peggy dancing and kissing, but i think i would’ve loved that scene just as much, if not more, if it had happened in the afterlife. with an about time from peggy.
on the same subject: bucky and sam.
i’m super happy with sam being the next captain america (does this mean we’ve been lied to about the whole falcon and winter soldier tv show? is it actually a captain america and winter soldier show?)
i think bucky knew what steve’s plans were, though it would’ve been nice to have some on-screen confirmation. i think that’s why he seemed relieved that steve was sitting on the bench; he knew what steve was going to do and was glad he’d lived long enough to pass the torch once and for all
HOWEVER, the time anomalies i mentioned:
peggy carter’s established timeline is broken
does sharon carter exist? if yes, does this timeline’s steve rogers still make out with her
if steve goes into the past, the steve that he already was and his whole existence in the 21st century will still happen. that means he’ll look for peggy. that means he’ll find her. with him. in the future/present. steve is therefore made aware of the future - would that then effect how he acts with civil war/infinity war etc? would that then erase the events that happened, limiting steve from going back?
does he tell anyone that hydra is in shield
does he get bucky the fuck out of hydra or does he let his best friend be tortured for 70 years
i think bucky should’ve been a part of the sam/captain america torch conversation. if only because steve’s narrative has focused around bucky since 2011 and it ends with a don’t do anything stupid while i’m gone / you’re taking all the stupid with you - that’s not a satisfactory ending lads
much of me thinks steve and tony’s outcomes should’ve been switched. tony wants a quiet life, steve has said many times that he can’t imagine giving up the fight, living as a civilian in obscurity. i think it’s a cruel way to end it.
plus steve is ALWAYS the one making speeches about sacrifice, but he’s never the one to actually make the sacrifice. it’s always tony.
i’m happy for steve, i am.
i think i’d just be happier if morgan could grow up with her father and if pepper wasn’t a single parent and peter didn’t have to navigate the rest of his life - super powered and not - alone
side note, far from home taking place a week after endgame: nick fury wasted no fucking time jumping on spiderman. like, tony absolutely protected him from fury before infinity war, and the dude’s barely buried and fury’s making his move on peter - not cool
anyway, i genuinely did enjoy the film. i find it incredibly difficult to believe this was shot immediately after infinity war because the tone is so different, and i was remembering all those photos we had from reshoots and realised none of those scenes made it in the final cut. 
it was a good film. probably the most emotionally mature of the mcu. not my favourite. i’m angry about the ending. nebula should’ve killed thanos at least once. cool that gamora’s back. sad about nat. devastated about tony. happy for steve on the surface, until i spend 2 seconds looking deeper. loki’s probably alive because the timeline changed and they replaced the tesseract in 1970, not 2012, so officially, loki never goes to asgard jail anymore
but for real: how does steve replace the tesseract in the past when it’s now the space stone? how does he get that past anyone at all?
edit: I SOMEHOW forgot about rescue, the moment i’ve been waiting for for a decade
i love her, i love the suit, i love the pepper was incredibly badass with it with zero hesitation. i wish someone had said the name rescue like i wish someone had said captain marvel - but no dice. it’s such a rad suit and seeing her and tony fight side by side was so cool
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alaurableness · 5 years
Okay I need to write all my thoughts out or else I’m not gonna rest, there’s too much that happened. So spoilers below the cut and pardon my rambling.
Okay my first overwhelming problem that I keep coming back to is why Natasha and Clint went to Vormir with no warning about the soul stone’s price. WHY didn’t Nebula or anyone else who overheard her and Peter’s chat with Thanos in Infinity War not give them a warning about the cost of retrieving the stone? Even if it ends up not being avoidable for one of them to die—I get it, it’s a cruel situation—at least give her the full credit for what she did by going in with her eyes wide open, and a real sense that her death couldn’t be avoided. Clint and Natasha going in blind cheapens the whole exchange because it made me feel like they could have figured something out. But now it’s too late, and it casts Nebula in a very sinister light for no reason. Have them hash it out, mull it over, and then come to the conclusion that there’s no other way but for one of them to sacrifice themselves. Also I get that Nat wouldn’t have lived with herself if Clint had died, but from an audience perspective, Clint surviving feels fake. 
TONY. WHY did they kill Tony? After all that happened to him, after having everything, a wife, a daughter, after being the one to solve the time travel problem, why did they have to kill him? WHY did they make Peter Parker watch him die? I was SO mad that the “rest” he finally gets is to be dead. Like, no, thanks. I get the poetic cinema and drama and blah, but come on. Give a guy a break, let him do cameos for the rest of the movies, he’s well earned that right as the first hero.
Thor. I understand. Depression is what it is, it makes sense for him to react that way to having lost what he did, and being eaten alive with guilt for failing to kill Thanos when it most mattered. Him cutting Thanos’ head off on the Garden was excellently done, it showed how horribly he had been dealing with what happened. But to make him the butt of all the jokes because of having gained weight? It was entertaining for the first half hour, but after they found him, at least take the time for him to shave, even if he doesn’t work out back to where he was before. ESPECIALLY for Tony’s funeral. I get that depression changed him, but he’s still Thor. He still believes in dignity and honor, and he still would have cleaned himself up to honor his friend. They didn’t do a good enough job setting us up for him leaving Asgard behind, after he did so much and grew so much to become their king in Ragnarok. It’s like they dismantled his entire arc for the laughs and I’m not here for it.
Captain Marvel. Why would a superhero with her caliber of power abandon her home planet when it needed her most? I get it, she has to help other planets, but again, such a sloppy excuse for her being gone for most of the movie and then showing up at the last second. For all the hype of her arriving to save the day at the end of Infinity War and in Captain Marvel, she did save a lot, but was barely in the movie at all. Which reminds me.
INTERNAL CONSISTENCY OF POWERS. HOW is it possible for Carol to blast her way through Thanos’ ship and then suddenly NOT be able to kill Thanos? What is it about him that makes him so immune to her? The stones? Hell no. She could’ve easily taken him out, and the writers didn’t know what to do with that. ALSO.
WHY is it that neither Steve, Thor, nor Tony could take Thanos down before he had the stones? When Thor had freaking Stormbreaker? And Steve had freaking Mjolnir? Thor stood his ground against Thanos when he had all SIX infinity stones; Steve stood against him when he had FIVE; Tony stood against him when he had FOUR and DREW BLOOD. And now they’re all three there and Thanos has ZERO stones and they STILL couldn’t kill him? Bull. 
That’s all of it. That’s all the points of frustration. And if they had been any less central to the way the plot went down, it would be easier for me to brush them off—every Marvel movie has issues. But because these issues led to characters dying when it could have been avoided had the Russos been consistent and played by their own rules, it left me really frustrated, and it felt pretty anticlimactic. 
But, there are a lot of things I loved. 
I loved the teamup of the female superheroes during the final battle—seeing them all there made me realize how many we have, and I’d love a flik with them all at the center. 
I loved Valkyrie being made queen and arriving on her winged horse.
I LOVED all the time travel and going back to old scenes and really getting a sense for all the ground we’ve covered. That was delightful and funny and I laughed a lot in this movie at all the jokes and the banter and the ridiculous situations. 
I loved Thor getting to see his mother and getting encouragement from her, and it makes it so profound to know that she knew she was going to die. Those scenes were precious. I loved when Mjolnir comes to him and he says he’s still worthy. That was beautiful. 
I LOVED Captain with the hammer and the lightning. Yes. Thank you.
I really loved what they did with Steve as a whole, the way they finished off his arc so meaningfully and beautifully. 
I freaking LOVED Falcon being made the next Captain America and I am HERE for a Captain America featuring Sam. And the fact Bucky knew what Steve was planning. Ugh. So good. 
They finally figured out what to do with Bruce and the Hulk and I couldn’t be happier, they did such a good job with him this time. So funny. 
It’s clever the way they brought Gamora back, even though we don’t know where she went at the end. 
I LOVED how Pepper finally got to a point of accepting Tony for who he is instead of constantly trying to change him. That was beautiful.
All the dramatic entrances to save the day were phenomenal. 
And I’m sure there are more moments that will come back as time goes on.
For a 3-hour movie, it didn’t feel like three hours. They placed it really, really well. 
I’m definitely going to see it again. 
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eni2121 · 7 years
It’s a trap!
Peter Parker X Reader
Summary: Reader thinks there is a clown is her room but nothing is what it seems.
Warnings: Deadpool, Clowns, Swear words, Mentions of sex.
Word count: 1890
A/N: Sorry for all the writing errors but English is not my native language. I hope you guys like it.
Y/N has created a chatroom.
Y/N has invited Tony, Sam, Wanda, Nat, Vision, Clint, Bucky, Steve, Pietro, Thor, Bruce and Peter
Tony has joined the chat.
Steve has joined the chat.
Nat has joined the chat.
Clint has joined the chat.
Pietro has joined the chat.
Vision has joined the chat.
Steve: Y/N what is going on!
Tony: She is going to die can’t you read.
Steve: shut up Stark.
Tony: But by the way why do you wake us up at 3 am.
Clint: What tony were you sleeping, you said to me that the great Tony Stark never sleeps.
Tony: Whaaaaat I never said that.
Nat: Yes you did I was standing next to you.
Tony: Shut up Nat you need to defend me not him, I will pay you.
Nat: You know Clint is my best friend so I am on his side.
Tony: But I am the great Tony Stark genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist!
Nat: But he is my best friend so I defend him.
Clint: Loveeee you toooo Nat <3.
Tony: Hey wait don’t we need to help Y/N.
Clint: He is changing the subject ;)
Pietro: He was probably taking a beauty nap.
Clint: Ha good one speedster.
Nat: What is the problem Y/N?
Y/N: Well this evening I was watching a horror movie about a creepy clown with Peter.
Y/N: And as you guys know I am terrified of clowns.
Vision: But why do you watch a movie about something that you are afraid of?
Y/N: Peter is my boyfriend I do everything for him!
Clint: I ship it!!
Steve: Calm down Y/N, you still didn’t say why you are going to die.
Pietro: It was probably tony because he makes funny noises when he sleeps and he was taking a beauty nap ;).
Tony: What I don’t!!!
Pietro: Yes you do.
Tony: Shut up!
Steve: What did you hear Y/N?
Pietro: Come on Y/N it can be anything no need to be afraid.
Tony: Y/N I'm going to be honest this bed is too comfortable to leave.
Tony: You are overreacting Y/N and that’s me saying it but I am sure that someone else is going to help you.
Tony: What why is it my fault Y/N?
Steve: Y/N you are overreacting, you love Peter.
Nat: Yes, yesterday you said to Tony that you would always love him because he recruited Peter.
Y/N: I know I know I loveee Peter sooooo much BUT I AM GOING TO DIE and today it is our 6 month anniversary and I even can’t make it :’(
Y/N: Peter, my love if you read this I just want to say that I love you to the moon and back and that you are the best boyfriend ever and I could not live without you but my time has come I need to go THERE IS A CLOWN IN MY ROOM AND HE IS GOING TO KILL ME I know today is our anniversary and I’m sorry I could not make it. Bye my love
Tony: Yep, I am leaving.
Tony has left the chat.
Y/N: Steve pleaseeee come to my room.
Steve: I am sorry Y/N I am on a mission in Europe whit Nat and Clint.
Thor Has joined the chat.
Nat: Thor caps lock!!
Thor: Oh sorry lady Natasha.
Thor: But I have a question.
Thor: Why did I hear lady Y/N screaming?
Nat: Y/N thinks she is going to die because there is a clown in here room.
Thor: What is a clown we don’t have those on my earth?
Thor: I will search on the internet.
Clint: Thor I would not do that if I was you…
Clint: There he goes.
Clint: I wonder what he saw.
Bucky has joined the chat.
Sam has joined the chat.
Steve: Bucky, Sam can’t you guys go to Y/N’s room?
Sam: We can’t sorry.
Bucky: Come on Sam where are you.
Clint: Wait what are you two doing.
Sam: Nothing!
Bucky: Nothing!
Steve: Go to Y/N’s room.
Sam: We are kinda busy right now.
Nat: At this hour?
Bucky: Yes we are.
Clint: Wait you’re not preparing a prank without me
Bucky: No we aren’t.
Sam: Bucky where is Pietro.
Bucky: I don’t know you had to look after him.
Sam: Oh wait.
Bucky: I saw him last at the Ferris wheel.
Wanda Has joined the chat
Sam: It was Y/N.
Wanda: What Y/N never screams?!
Sam: She thinks there is a clown in her room.
Wanda: Oh I hate clowns.
Wanda: Someone should check on her.
Wanda: Bucky, Sam???
Bucky: We are busy.
Wanda: Busy.
Sam: Yes busy.
Wanda: Where are you guys and where is my brother he is not in the building.
Wanda: Actually no one of you two neither.
Wanda: Where are you?
Vision: They are at the amusement park.
Wanda: At this hour!!!
Vision: I heard them speaking this afternoon and they said that they were going to break in there.
Sam: Oh man why did you said that Vis.
Wanda: Why would you guys even break in there?
Bucky: We hate waiting lines.
Wanda: Vis!!!
Bucky: What are you going do?
Vision: Yes Wanda?
Wanda: Go with me to that amuse park.
Sam: What no, come on you can’t get us out of here we are having fun.
Wanda has left the chat
Vision has left the chat
Bucky: Sam did you find Pietro?
Sam: Uh no why?
Bucky: I think Wanda is going to kill us.
Sam: Where are you?
Bucky: At the red roller coaster.
Sam: I am coming to you.
Pietro: Oh you guys are by the roller coaster I’m coming too.
Sam: Oh man where were you?!
Pietro: I was eating.
Bucky: The shops are closed right now.
Bucky: Did you break into the food shop?
Pietro: …
Pietro:  Maybe.
Sam: Without us :’(
Sam: That hurts man.
Bucky: Wait guys did you hear that?
Sam: …
Bucky has been disconnected.
Sam has been disconnected.
Pietro has been disconnected.
Clint: I wonder what happened there.
Steve: I begin to worry about Y/N.
Nat: She is probably fine.
Nat: She can defend herself.
Steve: But she is really afraid of clowns.
Steve: she has Coulrophobia remember.
Clint: Who is not afraid of clowns?!?
Nat: I’m not afraid of them I just kick them.
Clint: that’s why you are my best friend <3.
Steve: I hope she is all right.
Nat: We need to go Fury just send us a new mission.
Steve has left the chat.
Nat has left the chat.
Clint has left the chat.
Deadpool has joined the chat.
Deadpool: Hello avengers.
Deadpool: Everybody left.
Deadpool: Hello darkness, my old friend.
Deadpool: I've come to talk with you again.
Deadpool: Oh what are my beautiful eyes reading now?
Deadpool: Parker your chick is in danger, time to wake up.
Deadpool: Princess Peter wake up.
Deadpool: Your little muffin is in danger.
Deadpool: I know you are here you didn’t disconnect.
Deadpool: I am going to count and if you don’t wake up at 10 I WILL FUCK YOUR AUNT.
Deadpool: 1
Deadpool: 2
Deadpool: Wait I want to fuck your aunt hehe.
Deadpool: we are going to speed things up.
Deadpool: 10
Deadpool: Peter fucking Parker wake up.
Deadpool: the love of your live is in DANGEEEER
Peter has joined the chat.
Peter: Wtf Wade!
Deadpool: Princess Peter there you are <3.
Deadpool: Ooh but now I am sad that you are there
Deadpool: I wanted to fuck your aunt.
Peter: Wade wtf is wrong whit you!
Peter: Why did you wake me up?
Deadpool: It’s Y/N.
Peter: what about the love of my Life ;)
Deadpool: She died.
Peter: WHAT????
Deadpool: Okay no perhaps I exaggerate.
Deadpool: she is half dead.
Deadpool: Maybe she is missing an arm or a leg.
Deadpool: I hope it's a leg because then I can race with her wheelchair.
Deadpool: Oh no wait I do that every day in the hospital.
Deadpool: Have you ever heard that there are 57 wheelchairs stolen from the hospital?
Deadpool: That was me :D
Deadpool: I have a beautiful collection, want to buy a wheelchair for Y/N.
Deadpool: One time there was actually still someone in the wheelchair.
Deadpool: I threw him out of the window.
Deadpool: He was annoying.
Deadpool: wooooops
Peter: STOP WADE!!!!
Peter: IS Y/N AL RIGHT!!!
Deadpool: NO.
Deadpool: There was a clown.
Deadpool: In her room.
Deadpool: NO.
Deadpool: Spiderling if you don’t believe me read the chat.
Deadpool: yes it is.
Deadpool: why do you even watch a movie about clowns if you know she's afraid of it?
Deadpool: I’m even not so stupid
Deadpool: What is Coulrophobia?! It sounds like two German words fucked.
Deadpool: that reminds me of your aunt ;)
Peter has left the chat.
Deadpool: hehe he is so naive.
Deadpool: N/Y???
Deadpool: He’s gone.
Deadpool: My plan worked.
Deadpool: Oh I mean our plan worked.
Y/N has joined the chat.
Y/N: Thanks Wade.
Y/N: He is going to be soooo surprised, I hope he is going to like it.
Deadpool: Of course he is going to like it darling!
Y/N: It’s our 6 month anniversary it must be perfect.
Deadpool: It will be cupcake.
Y/N: thanks Wade <3.
Y/N has left the chat.
Deadpool: Now it’s time for my plan.
Deadpool: I am going to aunt May.
Deadpool: She is alone.
Bruce has joined the chat.
Bruce: This was your plan from the beginning wasn’t it?
Deadpool: You can’t proof anything.
Deadpool has left the chat.
Bruce: I knew it.
Bruce Has left the chat.
 XXX The end XXX
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finntasticmxfinn · 5 years
Let me have this. I need this. Marvel won’t treat Nat right so I will, even if it is just in my head.
I figured it out!
 Red Skull says “the soul stone demands a sacrifice... in order to take the stone, you must lose that which you love... a soul for a soul.”
Clint got the stone because he lost Natasha. He didn’t sacrifice her the way Thanos did Gamora, but apparently, just losing that which you love is enough-- you don’t need to personally give it up. If the latter were the case, Clint would not have gotten it.
Natasha sacrifices herself. Clint would not have let go. She kicks off the cliff face and uses that momentum to pull away from Clint. Natasha falls and presumably dies. We don’t know what happens to the soul stone sacrifices in the MCU except for the scene with Thanos and Gamora at the end of Infinity War.
My wishful thinking theory:
Either Natasha or Clint could have gotten the stone. Natasha lost that which she loved too. She willingly gave up what she loved most in a way Clint did not have to. Natasha’s choice meant Clint didn’t have to make that decision. Natasha gave loved being a hero, and she sacrificed that; she loved Clint, and she lost Clint. She loved the other Avengers and the concept of the team being together, but she sacrificed that. So why should she not get the stone as well? 
Because she died. At the end of Infinity War, Thanos speaks to young Gamora. Is the “theory” about that scene not that he goes into the soul stone to talk to her? The world where young Gamora and Thanos meet is orange, the color of the stone. A form of Natasha should exist the same way. In the comics, at least, the soul stone controls life and death. If Natasha had the stone, she could bring herself back. Natasha paid the price for the stone. If she exists in some form, she should get to use it.
The soul stone is sentient. In Infinity War, Red Skull says “but it cast me out, banished me here.” It has control over who can wield it and what happens to them. It can decide to let Natasha wield its power.
However plausible this is, imagine how awesome this plot would be. Natasha in the soul world, eventually using an infinity stone. If we want to get really crazy: Thor is in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy. What if when Natasha uses the stone, they detect the energy, and go there. Thor knows that is where Natasha died. He would investigate. With Thor comes Thor’s hammer. Natasha uses Thor’s hammer in her battle against whatever force she’s fighting. Win win win. Nat comes back. Nat sees she is worthy. We all rejoice because the MCU finally will have done her justice.
But this will not happen. The Black Widow movie will be a prequel where they de-age Johansson the whole time, and we have to watch knowing that no matter what happens in that film, Nat only gets a happy ending of  the “atonement” she had in the coming years before she dies. 
As a side note, I noticed Natasha smiles genuinely a few times in Endgame. She’s having fun when she and Clint are flying. I think, despite the nightmare-ish situation and the deep hurt, Natasha found some contentment in the role she played in the world’s recovery. Her demeanor was different. I wonder if in those years, Nat came to finally feel like and accept herself as a hero and became comfortable in that role. 
Also, Red Skull calls Nat “daughter of Ivan.” He knew the name of her father. Natasha says, in response to Clint’s disbelief at that whole situation, “I didn’t.” Why not hurt her one last time before she jumps off a cliff? Nat’s been tortured repeatedly throughout!
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