#watching djats be here Soon!
beybaldes · 1 year
the woman that loves you (boy you're such a fool)
Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
Word Count : 3.1k
Summary : the end of the band is just the beginning for y/n and her favourite bassist.
normal = flashbacks ,, italics = interviews
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered your fav show/book because i have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more Eddie fics xoxo
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Y/n: I think about that last day all the time. I think about everything I should've said or done. But I don't think it would've changed anything honestly - everyone seemed pretty set on what they wanted for the band. Who was I to change that?
your legs pulled from warrens lap, quickly jumping from you seat and running out of the bus, desperate to reach the cab before it could pull out and take Eddie away. whatever was out there had been on your side, your hard pull open of the door stopping the driver from leaving as he put it into gear and got ready to leave.
"I'm so sorry" you said to the grey haired man in the front seat, turned to Eddie with a creased brow. "I'll only be a minute."
"birdie..." he hummed, pushing his sunglasses away from his eyes, letting them meet your own. "let me go, I need to leave, I can't stay here - not with Billy, not after everything."
"I'm not asking you to stay, Ed's." You murmured, tears brimming your eyes as you placed one knee into the cab, tucking yourself into the crook of his neck, one arm holding the door open. "I know that's not fair. I just don't want you to leave without saying goodbye."
Though you couldn't see it, tears began to pool in eddies eyes at the way your voice trembled and your words came out in a whisper - like a little kid too upset to really get the words out. When he'd packed up his things and called the cab he had only thought about leaving, getting away from all of it and getting to be his own person - he'd yet to consider that he'd be leaving some of his nearest and dearest friends behind in doing so. That he'd be leaving you behind.
Eddie: I'd never done anything as hard as leaving the band. At least not until y/n stopped the cab to speak to me.
"I got to go birdie, I got a plane to catch." soon half a continent would separate you, something so scary when for the last decade you'd only been a street, a room or a curtain away at all times.
"Just gimme one more moment." You tried to savour the feel of his arms around you, holding your body tight and close as if it was the last time he was going to do so. 'it probably was the last time he was going to do so,' the thought made your stomachs churn and your whimpers boarder on full on sobs. If it weren't for the fact you wanted your last moments together to be happy, you would've just let it all out, cry into his arms like the little kid your rise to fame never let you be. "Just one more moment."
Camilla: Y/n. She, she was always the closest with Eddie. They were like two peas in a pod - I don't think I'd ever seen one without the other somewhere nearby.
With a particularly tight squeeze, you pulled away, knowing that no hug would last long enough to satiate the longing ache already settled deep in the pit of your stomach.
Eddie was quick to wipe at the tears that silently rolled down your cheeks, his large hand cupping your face as his thumb stroked across the apple of your red cheek. "I'm gonna miss you, birdie."
"Not as much as I'm gonna miss you, Ed's." You pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth, trying to tell him everything you didn't have the time to say in what could easily be passed off as a misjudgement of closeness. "Please don't be a stranger."
Eddie didn't say anything else. He let you close the cab door and stand on the side of the pavement, watching as he drove off and away from the six, away from you. Only when the cab was out of sight did either of you let the tears fall, not wanting the other to be saddened by your own heartbreak. Though, when had goodbyes ever been easy?
Billy: Y/n had always been a sensitive girl. But the band had been her whole world - each of us, we, had been her whole world. I think it truly broke her when the band broke up that day.
Furiously you wiped at your tears, trying to clear your face before you returned to your seat on the tour bus, knowing now that it was unlikely the six would continue past this moment, and that more goodbyes would probably be in order. You could cry it all out on the flight you were sure you'd have to book later today.
Making your way back to the tour bus, you silently got back on, not even making it to your seat before you broke down in tears again. Your knees couldn't hold your weight any longer, and as you began to sink to the floor, Warren was quick to spring from his seat, wrapping you in his arms and lowering you to the floor at a gentle pace. He gently stroked his fingers through your hair, shushing you as the pair of you rocked back and forth on the floor of the tour bus. Karen was quick to join the two of you, pressing a kiss to your temple and letting her own tears fall in the group hug containing the final members of the 6.
Y/n: Karen and Warren - I'd always been good fiends with them. But that day, on the bus, it became something different then. They're my best friends in the world now. Karen was the maid of honour at my wedding. I did ask Warren but he refused, claiming it only made sense for it to be Karen.
"It's okay sweet girls." Warren whispered to the two girls that were now cradled in his arms, all three of the in a mess of limbs and tears on the floor of the tour bus. "Everything's going to be okay."
"Warren had been right of course." You paused with a smile, waiting for Julia to adjust the camera so that both you and Eddie fit into the frame; his arm wrapped around your waist pulling you into his side, a kiss pressed to your temple after which he gazed down at you lovingly. "Everything was okay, in the end. Eddie called me the second he landed back in Pittsburgh, correctly guessing I'd still be on the tour bus with Warren and Karen."
"Thank god I'd been right (about the tour bus)." Eddie smiled, pressing another kiss to your temple, relishing in the feel of his arm that was around your waist, knowing he'd never have to lose that feeling as long as he played his cards right. "I don't know what I'd have done if she hadn't picked up. If I'd lost her for good."
"Hello." You murmured into the phone, the loud ringing having woke you from your sleep. Thankfully, Warren and Karen were still asleep to your right, the ringing noise not waking them after the exhaustion of getting through such an eventful and emotional day. "Who is it?"
You sat upright at the voice on the other end of the line, sleep vanishing from your eyes. "Eddie." You whined, fingers scratching at the phone as if you could claw you way through it and into his arms. "I miss you."
"I know birdie, I miss you too."
"How'd you know to call here?" You and Karen were crashing in Warrens room, the three of you too upset to be left alone and not wanting to pay for three separate rooms when money was now going to be an issue.
"I figured you'd end up in bed with Warren, or Karen, or both. I called each room until you picked up." A soft smile graced your features at the thought of Eddie calling every room until he found you. He knew you so well. "I'm back in Pittsburgh, I want you to come with me."
It had taken Eddie seconds to realise the mistake he'd made in leaving the band. Not in the way of leaving the band, but rather in the way it meant leaving you, too. But his cab was going and his flight had been paid for.
"I... I love you, birdie." Eddie whispered, unsure if he was allowed to say such words after how hard he'd made you cry just hours before. "I don't want to not have you in my life. And I'm not calling just because I need someone right now, or because I regret leaving the band. I'm calling because I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you in it, and when you realise that you do something about it."
Eddies words had you shocked to silence, his voice calling out for you several times in the moments that you took to process what he'd just said. "Birdie, please say something."
"I'll tell you I love you too when you pick me up from the airport tomorrow at 11."
You could feel the smile that filled Eddies face through the phone.
"Am or Pm?"
Your hand interlinked with Eddies as you let your head fall to his shoulder, wrapped up in the memory of your first day out of the band. "It was difficult to say goodbye to Karen, her flight going back to England when both mine and Warren's were going back to Pittsburgh. It hurt a lot to see her go."
"I was in tears the whole flight." Karen laughed, wiping away a stray tear as she recalled when you and Warren left her at the gate to get your own flight. "But I called y/n as soon as I landed, and she told me she'd already booked flights to come and visit in a month. She's always been so good to me, to all of us, like that."
You'd slept on Warren's shoulder for most of the flight, his head atop yours as your dreamt about what life would bring going forward. Neither of you wanted to stay in Pittsburgh, but knew it was right for the moment, to take a deep breath and remind yourself of who you were before the band - without the band. Warren's long-time girlfriend, Lisa, had been the first person you saw once you escaped baggage claim, her running into his arms the moment she spotted him, but not forgetting to give you a hug of your own and a kiss to your cheek.
"My girl now, Rojas." You teased, pulling Lisa into side hug, hear head falling to your shoulder with a bright smile.
"Already forgetting about me?" You were quick to turn around at the sound of Eddie's voice, dropping your luggage and crashing into his arms, pressing kisses to his cheeks again and again, only stopping when he placed two fingers under your jaw and turned you to face him, finally giving you a real kiss after years of dancing around each other.
"Finally!" Warren shouted, head thrown back in laughter as he watched the two of you address all those lingering looks and hugs and touches that had happened over the past few years. "I better be invited to the wedding!"
"She told you that?" Warren scoffed, pulling the lit cigarette from his mouth, tapping the burnt butt into his ash tray before replacing it between his lips. "I only refused to be her maid of honour because Eddie asked me to be his best man first. How could I say no to being her maid of honour otherwise?"
"I love you too." You gasped out, pulling away from the kiss with Eddie. "I love you too. I love you so damn much it keeps me up at night, you're all I think about, all the time."
"I love you even more then that, birdie." Eddie nuzzled his nose against yours, quick to pull you in for another kiss that had Warren shouting at the pair of you to 'get a room.'
"Y/n did fulfil her promise." Karen nodded, thinking about her life long friendship with the brunette she'd met by chance. "She came to visit three weeks later. I was so excited. We spent a lot of time taking about the solo career I'd been planning for myself and how she could come along, be my opener for the American leg of the tour I would hopefully do - I didn't even notice the ring on her finger until her third day there!"
"I proposed the same night she got back to Pittsburgh. The girl had just flown halfway across the country cause she didn't know how to be without me, and I'd practically begged her to do it because I didn't know how to live without her. How could not?" Eddie retold with a soft smile gracing his features. It was one of the things you'd come to love the most in his old age; how soft and loving his features were when we wasn't stressing about the six, or Billy.
"I can't believe you came all this way, for me." Eddie mused later that night, the two of you face to face in his childhood bed, not wanting to fall asleep in fear this would all be some dream.
"How could I not?" You asked, pulling one of your hands out from beneath the duvet, pushing a strand of Eddies overgrown hair out of his eyes and safely behind his ear, careful to avoid brushing against the black eye nursing on his cheek. "Like you said, Ed's, I want to spend the rest of my life with you in it. Why would I wait to start the rest of my life when I could start it right now?"
Eddie pressed a hot and firm kiss to your lips, pulling away and resting his forehead against you own, a lovesick smile gracing his face. "You're exactly right birdie. Exactly right." Another series of kisses were pressed all over your face, starting at your lips, moving to your cheeks, then your forehead and back to your lips again. "Why wait when forever can start right now?"
Eddie pulled off one of his rings, holding it out in the small gap between the two of you. "Marry me."
It hadn't been a question.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I have no doubt in that. And I know more then anything, I want the rest of my life to start right now; I've spent years not doing that, and I don't want to wait another day. Marry me."
"It was quite the bold ask." You giggled, curling into Eddies side with a bright smile. "But who could say no to such a face?"
"Yes." You whispered into the darkness of the room you'd spent so many of your formative years in. "Yes." Eddie slipped the ring on your finger, pressing another series of hot and firm kisses all over your face.
"He promised to go out and buy a real ring the following morning." You explained to Julia, sticking your hand out towards the camera to show her that your engagement ring was just as simple of a band as your wedding one. "But I told him a didn't want one. This one meant more."
"She gave me that ring as a gift for my 15 birthday." Eddie mused, reaching for you hand and toying with the ring that'd sat on your finger for the last 20 years. It should've sat there for a lot longer, he thought. "It seems kind of full circle that it's ended up back in her possession. But she wouldn't have it any other way."
"I was happy for them, y'know." Daisy smiled, thinking back onto the pictures you'd sent her of your wedding day, her choosing not to come to keep any peace you may have had that day. "Glad to see more then just Warren came out of the band happy. Really happy."
"We only had a small wedding." You explained, the day feeling minutes ago rather then almost 20 years ago now. Where had the time gone? "Warren and Karen came, but everyone else didn't. I asked Cami to come, but she felt it'd be better if she didn't. I understood of course, things were different then, but it hurt me a lot - that the people I'd spent everyday of the few years of my life with didn't want to come to my wedding."
Eddie squeezed your hand tighter, pressing a kiss to your hair. "It was a hard day for y/n. But despite everything, we had the best time; it was the perfect day, honestly."
"Everyone came to visit sooner or later, one at a time, to congratulate us, apologise for not coming. Graham was the first to come and visit." You let out a low laugh as you dwelled on the memory. "I wish I had a photo to show you of the face he made when he realised I was pregnant."
"I'm sorry... what?" Graham choked out, unmoving in the doorway to your house as he stared at the baby bump that had formed under your summer dress. "Since when were you pregnant?"
"It wasn't the way I meant to say it." Graham denied. "It had been about 4 months since the band broke up, and only 1 month since they got married. I was just surprised!"
"Since just over 3 months ago." You laughed, pulling him into your house with a kind smile, taking hold of his bag for him and leading him towards your guest room. "Don't tell Eddie, but I think it's a girl."
"Oh! Of course she did!" Eddie laughed, his head thrown back over the cushions of the loveseat the two of you were cuddled on. "Though, not that I said anything at the time, I knew it was a girl."
"I'm sure you did." You nudged Eddie in his side, intertwining your fingers with his and letting your head fall to his shoulder. "Our Janie was born 6 months later. She was beautiful. 6 pounds and 8 ounces."
"She just started college last year, it's weird for the house to be so empty." Eddie added, a slight frown settling into his features. He missed Janie every day she was gone, that little girl - his little girl - being the absolute light of his life.
"You didn't have any other kids?" Julia asked, head peaking up just over the top of the camera she was recording the two of you with.
"No. Just our Janie. She was perfect. We didn't need another. Spitting image of her mother, with my rocking personality." It was moments like this, where Eddie spoke so fondly of you, your daughter, your family, that you knew - despite the hurt the band caused you across the years - every second had been worth it.
"Yeah, it was perfect. All perfect."
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jesstasticvoyage · 9 months
Opinions on these DJATS ships?: (book and show) Karengraham, Daisybilly,Edmila, Warrenlisa. Also, Rod Reyes is an underrated DJATS character and I loved his ending.
Oh boy… 😂 weeeeeeell. My memory isn’t the best and my opinions between book and show ships tend to blur. Except for Edmila since that one didn’t exist in the book.
Karengraham - I felt that they were always meant to be a fling as soon as you realized Karen and Graham had different views on the future. Don’t get me wrong, I loved their dynamic and thought they had great chemistry but Graham wanted someone to settle down and have a family with which didn’t match what Karen wanted out of life.
DaisyBilly- this is such a complicated mess. Personally, after everything Billy went through with his father issues, lack of self control, low confidence, you name it. He needed to spend more time with recovery and see a therapist. To me, Daisy turned into a new kind of drug for him that he clearly couldn’t get enough of. Now, this is where it gets messy because I am in the camp (as unpopular as this is) that believes he was in love with two different women at the same time. I also think that even though the book never came out and acknowledged it that, to me, he did cheat on Camila with Daisy. The reactions were far too dramatic for it to be a near kiss (in the book) and a parking lot kiss (in the show). I wish the show and book went into more about how long and what happened after Camila passed away for Billy to see Daisy. And, I don’t know if this is because I’m getting older or what, but I do feel that if I was in Camila’s place I would want to encourage my husband to seek happiness and not let it die with me. Again, this is so complicated and one of those discussions that can go on and on. There’s a lot of emotions and history and unknowns here. Plus the cheating on both Billy and Camilas part further complicates it. When he was WITH Camila physically and emotionally it made me warm and fuzzy inside. They worked well together and were really lovey dovey in their scenes. Just watching them together is a guaranteed smile from me. When he was with Daisy you can see just how charged and alive he is creatively and that creativity was his passion. Daisy shared that same passion with him, which I also enjoyed seeing play out. I felt very much like Billy (reading and watching every thing unfold) and couldn’t decide which path to choose. Which made the whole experience enjoyable as I usually have a clear cut choice when I watch love triangles. But I know I’m alone in this camp.
EdMila- I know Eddie tends to be the least favorite character, and I didn’t like him in the book, but in the show you can actually see he was in love with Camila. And I feel Camila knew this and used him. It wasn’t a shining moment in her life and as someone who watched her parents marriage fall apart before my eyes (when I was a kid) I can see why she did what she did. Doesn’t make it right as she and Billy should have ended things before it reached that point. Divorce wasn’t unheard of during that time but hell, Camila did warn Billy their relationship would be over if he loves Daisy. But sometimes severing a relationship gets harder to do especially when children are involved. (I see this with the domestic abuse cases through my job)
WarrenLisa - They were perfect for each other. I wish the show talked more about them seeing each other and for how long like the book did.
SimoneBernie - I wanted more of them!! God, they were the only healthy relationship in the whole show. It makes me mad a lot of people found their episode boring when it was the one of my favorites!
Rod Reyes - 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 I wanted him to find love on the show but I guess they didn’t have time to incorporate that. There really should have been at least 2 more episodes since there was SO much that could have been added.
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mzannthropy · 3 months
Also,Hello Sunshine included Gal Gadot (an actress who supports Israel) in one of their IG posts. Can't wait for them to shut down.
Did they, I don't know anything about that, I don't get involved in this matter, but let's be realistic, they're probably not shutting down any time soon. I can rant "plague on Hello Sunshine" when I get mad, but the logical side of my brain knows this won't happen. Besides it's kinda dick behaviour to wish a business to go down (there's probably many worse studios in Hollywood). If they go down bc of mismanagement of their dealings, then that will be the consequence of that and nothing to do with how I feel about what they did with DJATS. Although, their FYC campaign for the Emmys last year (the time when I thought I was losing my mind) focused heavily on Riley and pretty much ignored Sam, and it was noticed by people other than me--but I like to think that the fact that DJATS came up empty from all the awards shows (aside from costumes and one award for sound, forgot which one, also Honeycomb got some type of award, but that's down to the songwriters and the people who sing the song) was their just desserts.
I watched Where The Crawdads Sing, which was their production, and was annoyed that I couldn't trash them bc I liked the film, lol. (You know that song Carolina by Taylor Swift, it's from the movie.) I think I've only seen Gal Gadot in Death on the Nile, which was an adaptation of a book by my most favourite author of all time, Agatha Christie.
At the end of the day, politics is politics and entertainment is entertainment. 2024 is the biggest election year in recent history; many elections have already taken place (I've not even checked the results of EU parliament elections, I know it'll only upset me), there's a general election next week here in UK and you guys got one later this year, and you know it's gonna be crucial. Celebs are just celebs, it's the politicians that have the power to change the world.
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karouvas · 1 year
top 5 characters this year so far can be from books movies shows etc
I’m doing this in terms of character who were totally new to me so far this year so if it’s a reread/rewatch, additional content for chars I already love like a sequel I read or an adaptation I watched it doesn’t count (there’s one on here who is from a long franchise but she still counts for a reason I’ll explain)
 I love all the yellowjackets girls but especially Taissa/Shauna followed closely by Natalie would be my favorites. Tai and Shauna are just so the type of characters that would obviously be favorites for me it sort of doesn’t bare explanation, and I really feel for Natalie a lot all three girls are such interesting characters and perfectly acted I’m obsessed with them. 
Kate Wallis from Cruel Summer, we talked about this but she’s such a great character I love how she subverts the trope of like as much as I love her an Alison Dilaurentis type of mean it girl who is involved with older men and painted as an evil temptress for that (in a way her character to me is like a combination of aspects of Ali Spencer and Aria if the Pll writers had a better grasp of what to do with their arcs), I loved how empathetic the portrayal of her character was and her arc through the season, and Olivia Holt is just so charming as her. 
Eleanor Vance from The Haunting of Hill House book (I was planning to finally watch the show over break but I got sidetracked with the SaB season release + Djats releases and my brain rot, hopefully I will watch it soon I promise it will be the next New show I start just not sure when I will start watching anything new rn I’m just watching YJ and Abbott weekly and I’m going to start that partial Pll rewatch for a project.) but anyway book Eleanor is an incredible character I’m in love with her voice, and women who’s narratives are about isolation and also homoerotic subtext especially in horror you’ll always be famous. 
Meritte Audrey and Harper from Plain Bad Heroines, if I have to pick one probably Meritte since I dug her voice and initial characterization the most although Audrey’s arc was my favorite. I really really loved this book everything about it was written specifically for me in mind including these three characters and the dynamics between them (canon polyamerous sapphics in a horror novel!! I loved all the dynamics between the three of them so much that’s also why all of them count) 
Courtney Dilaurentis from Ali’s Pretty Little Lies the prequel to the Pll book series. Even though this is part of a franchise and there were scenes involving Courtney in the main series I’m counting her because getting a story from her pov does separate her char from just the version of her the liars see in flashbacks and you feel for her in a different way. I thought her character in this book was so fascinating, throughout the whole thing she’s referring to herself as Alison to method act her way into her life but also to me her character felt a bit like a version of show Alison where the writers could find a middle ground between viewing her as sympathetic because of her horrible family and the way older men took advantage of her and gave you reasons for why she does the fucked up things she does, without completely de-fanging her character for a redemption arc the way late Pll did. And I just found her dynamics with the other liars in the book so interesting esp with Aria and Emily. thank you for the ask! (Ask me too 5 of anything)
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titsthedamnseason · 2 years
2022 mid-year book tag
no one tagged me in this and i haven’t seen it going around but i really like doing it as a way to reflect on the year AND just catch up since i haven’t been super active this year at all :)
best book you’ve read so far: it’s so hard to pick just one! but if i have to i’ll go with the poppy war as a whole series, it was just perfection
best sequel you’ve read so far: muse of nightmares, finlay donovan knocks em dead, and tokyo dreaming all come to mind
new release you haven’t read yet, but want to: funny you should ask, the chandler legacies, and here’s to us
most anticipated release for the second half of the year: carrie soto is back would be my number one by a long shot! but i’ll give an honorable mention to misfits like us and people like us because not only am i getting lunnelly but marrow is returning to me <3
favorite new author (debut or new to you): i read my first sally rooney book this year and i have to say it definitely hooked me enough to get me interested in the rest. i also really loved the kiss quotient by helen hoang so i hope to get around to the rest of her stuff soon
biggest disappointment: i had really high hopes for the book skye falling and while it was still a very good book i found the main character pretty unlikable which was unfortunate (but i still enjoyed reading about her growth and can acknowledge her arc changed some of her more off putting traits). i also did not enjoy book lovers even half as much as it seems everyone else did (although perhaps any expectations i had for this were on me since i didn’t like beach read either). i will also briefly mention archer’s voice which wasn’t bad but also did not live up to the hype at all
biggest surprise: probably the no show by beth o’leary! i read her book the flatshare and thought it was cute but nothing could have prepared me for how well crafted and clever this book was. i prepared for a fun romance and was hit with a clusterfuck of confusion and emotions (honorable mention to finally donovan is killing it which was an impulse buy but has not left my mind for a second since i put it down)
book that made you happy: better than the movies was the best rom-com type book i’ve read in a long while 10/10 for cuteness. in another vein true biz was not what i’d call a happy book but it made me happy by having some of the best representation for deaf and hard of hearing people i’ve ever read and had such an interesting format
newest fictional crush/favorite character: my fav milf finlay donovan!! but i’d also be no one without charlotte holmes, sebastian hughes, the bellinger sisters, and zafira bint iskander
book that made you cry: strange the dreamer and muse of nightmares, the midnight library, the guncle, the burning god, last night at the telegraph club (i really read this question and thought the answer was going to be none 💀 should have known myself better)
favorite book to film/tv adaptation you saw this year: bridgerton season two was pretty good! i think they nailed the characters but the book had better plotting however the show aesthetics and acting make up for it. i also watched the summer i turned pretty which i read too long ago to really judge as an adaptation but thought was some cute mindless fun to watch (hoping i can say djats by the end of this year 🤞🏻)
most beautiful book you’ve bought or received this year: i loveeee the look of the poppy war series and i am currently reading the book counterfeit which i think has a really interesting cover. if i’m being picky i got the sands of arawiya and dreamer duologies for christmas in 2021 but i’ll mention them now since i read them this year and all 4 books are stunning
book you need to read by the end of the year: so so many! i want to finish the aogg series for @daddyblackthorn and also wrap up a lot of random romance series’ that i read the first book for and never committed to finishing. i also never finished the serpent & dove series which i ALSO started ages ago for tessa so it would be nice to finish that as well (sorry tessa </3)
i won’t tag anyone since this didn’t really start as a tag game but i think it’s really fun and i love having these to look back on so i definitely recommend doing it for everyone reading this !
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beybaldes · 1 year
Eddie Roundtree x Actress!Reader social media au !!
djats masterlist
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liked by daisyj, kianamaderia and 870,346 others
yn well done I'm proud of you flowers >>>> 💐💐
tagged : eddietheroundtree
welchwelchwelchwelch I can get you better and more flowers date me instead
| yn you put up a hard bargain livy but no I'm sorry
| welchwelchwelchwelch 🥲
warrenrojasofficial you guys are so cute
| yn I'm blocking you
| warrenrojasofficial ummmmm?????hello?????what??????
honeycombyn actually goals
kianamaderia baby post a pic of you please and thank you
| yn hmmmmnnnn check ur dms cutie
allaboutyn who are all these people yn is responding to????
| ynupdatesoffical new cast????? I recognise some of them but not from one cast together
sadiesink can't wait to see you soon girlie!! <3
karenkaren so proud of you my love <33
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liked by karenkaren, emilysteaparty and 1,924,562 others
yn a year on from my 'proud of you flowers' and now I'm getting 'that's a wrap!' flowers !!! can't wait for you all to see fear street 1994, 1974 and 1666 all out on Netflix Friday 1 August !!!
tagged : fearstreetnetflix and eddietheroundtree
camillaslife11 so so proud of you Angel <33
| yn I love you mama 🥲
eddietheroundtree the prettiest flowers for my pretty little birdie ❤️💐
| yn stop I love you so much sweet boy
warrenrojasofficial our girl is all grown up 🥲
| ted_sutherland I remember when she was just a newborn and stumbling around set 🥲
| sadiesink where'd all the time go 🥲
| yn guys I'm not dead wtf
allaboutyn everyone being so supportive of her in making me tear up i love all their friendships
thebetterdunne me and karenkaren have been waiting to see this so bad you don't even know
| karenkaren movie night!!!!!
honeycombyn hottest cast on planet earth don't even @ me
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liked by ynfan17, honeycombyn and 304,582 others
fearstreetnetflix fear street 1994, 1974 and 1666 are out now!!! here are some of our favourite bts moments of everyone's favourite couple #daimon
tagged : yn and fredhechinger
fearedstreet Simon and Daisy are the cutest couple everrrrr :((
sadiesink this is my joker !
| ted_sutherland I don’t think you used that right…
| sadiesink no I did :)
| ted_sutherland what does this mean???
ynandeddie420 her and Eddie are cuter
| ynfan17 babe it’s for a movie chill tf out
| eddiefuckingroundtree clearly just an excuse to cheat on him
| camillaslife11 in what fucking world ??????? are you stupid ??????
yn freddie is the worst at Mario cart lollolololol
| fredhechinger only did bad cause you cheated :((
| yn no ❤️
| simoncoolivoda FREDDIE????? AAAAAAH
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liked by yn, ted_sutherland and 894,532 others
eddietheroundtree proud of my birdie always, but especially tonight <3 fear street trilogy out on Netflix now !!
tagged: yn
allaboutyn he visited her on set??????
| howdidwegethere they are actually so cute I can’t even
karenkaren best movies of the year???? Me and thebetterdunne are already on out third watch
| thebetterdunne the talent is insane what an amazing cast icl
| yn you guys :((
welchwelchwelchwelch fave couple <33
ted_sutherland miss you already wtf :((
| emilysteaparty i second this!!!!
| ryantheryan I third this !!!!
| mcabesly I fourth this !!!!
ynupdatesofficial fear street 2004 when???? I need to know what happens to Daisy
| honeycombwarren in the books she uses magic to bring Simon back and they live in the tunnel system together
| ynupdatesofficial omg what???
| honeycombwarren sorry I made that up idk
fredhechinger simon and daisy forever ❤️
| warrenrojasofficial yall had me sobbing on the couch
basistsdoitbetter69 proud of our girlie look how far she’s come from her one season arc on teen wolf back in the day 🥲 liked by yn
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