#watch as tumblr eats my formatting again T_T
cephalonserotonin · 1 year
Devstream 170 Notes
This was a great stream, fun and full of antics, I recommend watching it for yourself. Regardless, here are my highlights :) Duviri spoilers will be under the cut.
Rebb's outfit… I say this every time, but god DAMN, fashion QUEEN
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I'm glad the team is happy with it!! I loved the quest, and they should be proud of it :)
The devs waiting until they see the stats to make a call on the duviri paradox as a new player start is the right choice.
Is it just me, or is there some lack of alignment between Pablo and Rebb as far as game direction that wasn't there before? It could just be Rebb's mania from sleep deprivation. EDIT: expanded on later, as Pablo stabbed Rebb in the back by not responding to her slacks liking Leon Kennedy
As usual with my boy Pablo, everything he has said about decrees is on point. I'm glad he has acknowledged the progression curve on drifter with decrees is a bit nuts but still respecting how fun the power fantasy is. He's very aware of the delicate balance, and he is a good steward. I didn't know we'll likely be getting more decrees in the future, and I look forward to seeing them!!
So many of the fuckos on r/Warframe have been saying DE doesn't play or test on Steel Path, so Rebb talking about how she and Pablo did a run on Steel Path and how they recommend approaching it was VALIDATING
Dax-inspired Warframe??? 👀👀👀
Defense objectives in the Undercroft might be revisited later.
Rebb originally wanted 10 emotions. Oh my god I want to know what they were
Discussing Calm as a potential free roam mode… I would love this for me personally, because I love exploring and resource gathering.
Confirmation that sol/terra/luna is voiced by a guinea pig, the cutest that Chris on the sound team could find.
Kullervo: new Warframe
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fuckinf. DAGGERS. a pincushion boy. He's so pretty and shiny He's got a voidy syandana:
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my clanmate contributes "Kullorbo from my Warframes"
Gardening: We are now on Gardening Plan v 4, smaller than previous ambitions. Rebb regrets getting community expectations so high, and they simply have to acknowledge the limitations of the team size. No Dormiview Valley for us.
Gauss Deluxe: "Space Hermes meets Mecha"
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His head goes UP
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Acceltra concept, which… doesn't look like the acceltra at all lol
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Gauss Deluxe Kaithe skin looks sick as all hell:
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Tennocon 2023: Buy a digital pack to tennocon to receive… X-shaped (for Tenth Anniversary) Syandana, which I think is terrible and will clip into everything
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Gorgeous rapier skin
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A smattering of other customizations showed too quickly for me to take notes on.
Q&A I had to type all this v fast so it's paraphrased Q: More bosses? Pablo: We have plans for one more miniboss Q:Does it make a difference which name you choose for Sol/terra/luna? Rebb: it's a flavour choice Q: Crafting or housing in Duviri? Pablo: We looked at making the dormizone a third base (after orbiter/drifters camp). It's complicated. We are going to look at stats for drifters camp first. Kary: We would need a very good reason to rebuild all those machines
Rebb is very happy that Duviri is out, and will be even happier when the bugs are fixed, which the team is fully committed to doing. And then there was a round of shoutouts to the great voice actors in this update. And a joke about Rebb getting food poisoning while recording a steel path test run. Watch out for raw eggs.
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moldy-mold · 3 years
August Blog My life is out of my hands.
I’m embarrassed at how often I tell people “depends on the schedule” when I’m trying to make plans. When I can eat, when I can spend time with friends. I can’t even go to the grocery store or do laundry when I want to. My life is determined every Sunday when my bosses send out the schedules for the upcoming week. However, if I wanted to, I can make it all finally stop...
“It didn’t feel daring, it just felt like the right thing to do for myself. I feel the best when I am in control of my life.”
I was talking to someone who just quit their job and this is what they said. That really resonated with me.
After a year of failure, I am going to leave my design degree behind me to pursue something else entirely. I kept holding on because I didn’t want to “waste” what I learned in college. I may be a creative person, but I don’t need a creative job. I hate doing portfolio and I always have because the projects I actually loved were never “useful” enough to be put on display. Maybe that’s why I keep failing to get a job (that isn’t min wage). Maybe a design job is no longer applicable to the Moldy that exists at this very moment.
I don’t know if I’ll succeed where I’m headed, but I think it’s time I try. I remember being so optimistic at the beginning of the year! Now I’m just exhausted. There’s only so much I can take. T_T
Daily Routine August 2021 ver. My days are split between 4 routines. I no longer have a concept of weekdays or weekends because work days are scattered and change every week. Hours change too, but this is an average.
cafe days 10:00 am: wake up, read webtoons, skincare, brush teeth 11:00 am: yoga, water plants, make breakfast 12:00 pm: check email/social media 1:00pm: zestiria/drawing, freelance/commission 3:00 pm: make lunch, get ready for work 4:00 pm: work 10:00 pm: get home, shower 10:30 pm: eat dinner, watch chinese drama 11:00 pm: get ready for bed 11:30 pm: read webtoons/zestiria 2:00 am: sleep
office days 7:30 am: wake up, skincare, brush teeth 8:00 am: eat breakfast, check email/social media 9:00 am: work 3:00 pm: get home, eat lunch, water plants 4:00 pm: work out 5:00 pm: shower 6:00 pm: zestiria/drawing 8:00 pm: eat dinner 9:00 pm: get ready for bed 10:00 pm: zestiria/read webtoons 11:00 pm: watch anime with friends 1:00 am: sleep
rest days 11:00 am: wake up, read webtoons, skincare, brush teeth 12:00 pm: yoga, water plants, make breakfast, check email/social media 1:00 pm: walk in the park, think about my life and my choices 3:00 pm: stretching, shower, eat lunch 4:00 pm: zestiria/drawing/clean apartment 8:00 pm: eat dinner 9:00 pm: get ready for bed 10:00 pm: journal/read webtoons/zestiria 2:00 am: sleep
game days (once a week) 10:30: wake up, read webtoons, skincare, brush teeth 11:00 am: yoga, water plants, make breakfast 12:00 pm: go out and grab boba tea of choice 1:00 pm: tales of xillia 2 lunch and snacking all happen at some point during game hours 8:00 pm: shower 8:30 pm: eat dinner, watch a movie 11:00 pm: get ready for bed 11:30 pm: read webtoons/journal 2:00 am: sleep
Gaming My roommate and I started Tales of Xillia 2, my final Tales game. I find it to be a rather unusual Tales game because it doesn’t feel like I’m on a journey with a story unfolding. It’s more like I’m going through a chain of related side quests put together into a game. I like Ludger though, very relatable lol.
Now that I’ve finished Xenoblade, my new solo game is Zestiria NG+. With Berseria’s lore still fresh in my mind, I was curious about the connections between the two games. I’ll have to say that it is very satisfying to reverse-find the references made in Bersy. This time around, my best performing character is Mikleo. Human character of choice is Rose - I played Sorey the first time. You know, this game is pretty short for a Tales game imo. Like, once you do the trials, it’s not that much more until the game ends, especially if you’re not doing all the side content. I am doing them though since I am interested in the lore for research.
Finished Watching...
Demonslayer: Mugen Train ◆◆◇ How could they do that to me?
Tales of the Abyss Anime ◆◆◆ I felt like I watched a speed-run but they did a pretty good job.
Mystic Pop-Up Bar (kdrama) ◆◇◇ It was alright.
Perfect Blue ◆◆◆ Not for the faint of heart. I was definitely triggered by some scenes, but I really liked its execution and themes.
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness ◆◇◇ Pros: it was very Resident Evil. Cons: it was very Resident Evil.
Masters of the Universe: Revelations ◆◆◇ I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I am a fan of Skeletor now lol.
Projects I’m working on a Tales comic series (again) but it’s more Webtoons format instead of 4koma like I usually do. It will probably look best on Tumblr thanks to how vertical it is but I’ll have to settle for whatever it turns out to be for other platforms. I won’t reveal too much - it is my personal take on what happens to Rokurou post-game. Although I’ve been struggling to find time/energy, I hope I finish this one too.
Happy that people read Undercover! and liked it. It’s definitely... niche. So I didn’t expect it to do well. But hey, I can say I finished something for once.
As usual, thanks for being here.
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soleilsuhh · 4 years
hihi faye!! urgh tumblr is back at it again eating my asks >:(. the show I'm watching is actually an american show called How to Get Away With Murder, it's about 5 law students and their professor (and a bunch of side characters ofc) who get entangled in tons of crime and scandal (more complicated than that ofc) against their will and how they get out of it. what i find cool about it is that they start out every season with snippets of the problem at it's climax and then they (second ask T_T)
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oh wow okay that sounds really interesting, especially the format of the show. i’ve been watching suits which is also about lawyers and solving/closing cases. i really love those kinds of shows; perhaps i’ll watch how to get away with murder soon hehe. definitely putting it on my (horribly long) list.
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Saturday, March 25, 2017
So this is weird. Not exactly sure how this notebook works but it looks really cool. I even set it up on my phone. Tots want to transfer all the lists from notes to this on my phone. So today. Too many thoughts unsure where to start. So this is gonna be a ramble.
 I'm watching Chopped right now. Cant pay attention to it. I try to watch and I cant focus. No idea whats cooking. No idea about the basket ingredients. My head cant focus on the show. I keep thinking.
 Good sleep last night. Woke up at 6:30 to begin my day. So enjoying waking up and thinking. It's the best thing ever. I havent been able to this in so long, its like my brain just turned on. Papa says I just gave myself permission to do other things. 4 years of just focusing on colitis and tv and now its like the world has opened new opportunities.
 Tots feel bad for not formatting this. Or being articulate. So scatter brained. BRAIN TURN OFF!!!! Or at least calm down.
 Kinda feel like its fine though. My writing is showing how im thinking. Makes me feel cool. ;)
 This will be great on a blog. I have so many plans for recording this trip. Excited.
 Ok so back to today. Woke up feeling good.
 Hoping not to repeat anything from this entry to another entry.
 Ok, ok. Focus. Now I want guddo to see what she thinks about this journal. She always stole my journal when I was small and said it was boring. Like just a list of events. No emotion or feelings or anything juicy. Thinking this is a better attempt.
 Ok, really. The point is to focus on today. Feeling like I should do something artistic and focus on the whole transplant thing if its gonna be on a blog. Nah. This is better.
 Woke up happy. I started reading this MIT tech magazine. So interesting. Wanting to start reading about advancements in tech. and to read research articles.
 Then, I started looking up things for guddo. So happy her application deadline isn't passed. Tots freaked out the other day that all deadlines are gone.
 Really wanting to color right now. Its actually really soothing. Gotta finish the entry though.
 Pass order was perfect today. Got out at noon.
 Then went to the best massage ever. You got no idea. My masseur is an angel. (love the background noise of tv) She had perfect pressure, perfectly warm hands. Perfectly hot hot stones. Hehe. Hot hot. Ive had several massages, but this is the best one yet. Ive never moaned in my life but I did today. I was so afraid that I was making it awkward.
 I keep peeing. WHY? Every freaking 20 minutes! :(
 Yeah im gonna say everything. No barriers. No embarrassment. Having people look at your butt for the last four years because of colitis.
 By the way, the relaxation room before and after a massage is something everyone should do. It's so calming. You should definitely arrive early enough to get 30 minutes in the relaxation room before your massage. It's great being surrounded by people, all on comfy couches, enjoying soft music. So calming. Therapeutic.
 Post massage.
 Ok, so now I want to start this on a blog and make it public for people to read daily if they're interested. But my mom says I jinx things when I do that. I'll talk to Guddo, Mama, and Papa and analyze their opinions. Probs gonna do it anyway. I want to keep my friends updated but I also want to make it public and see if I can be popular. (my dad is taking a pic of me right now for the family) So vain, I know. But I think it's ok. Might just skip asking everyone.
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My daddy's picture
 Gotta pee again. Ugh. So frustrating.
 This is taking so much longer than expected but I'm really enjoying it.
 Loving my life.
 Ok, after massage. Went back to apartment (dad has an apartment nearby to get to nih when I get discharged from hospital and need to come stay in area for biweekly checkups) Opened packages! Got my new disney jacket, cherry blossom hand sanitizers, fan for hospital. Then, just changed and got ready to go. I keep wanting to work on my LEGO castle but with always doing something everyday I don't get time to do things at the apartment. T_T
 So back to hospital we go. Currently hooked up to IV pole thingy. 12-6 is basically the only time I'm unhooked when I can be everyday (some days I have extra medications so the schedule changes some times.
 Almost forgot to mention pizza. Right after leaving the hospital, I convinced Papa to go to &pizza. Half the fun of eating is eating with another person.
  So ive been without food for the last 5 weeks. Docs wanted to do a bowl rest where nothing goes through mouth except meds and water necessary to take them. For some days now I've been allowed to slowly add clear liquids. Basically one item a day, slowly increasing amount of liquids everyday while reducing my high dose steroids every few days. Clear liquids includes tea, chicken broth, italian ice, etc.
 Back to &pizza. We took lots of videos of the process. Such a good smell in the restaurant. So many toppings. I recorded the people there, my dad ordering, the food. Videos are great ways to save memories. While my dad ate, I had some sweet tea and cherry italian fruit ice. It was so much fun to just take him out and eat together after so long.
  Btw, I was readmitted to hospital 5 weeks ago for gvhd of the gut. More on that later.
 My dad hated the pizza but I think he enjoyed the experience. And then, of course he complained about the bad food afterwards and how I owe him another pizza. Blah blah blah.
 Ok, back in hospital now. Getting tired. Think im gonna stop for today. Anything I forgot to mention, sorry. Going to Tumblr now, starting new blog, posting on FB, bypassing parents (though I did ask my dad about it). Peace out.
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