#watanuki sakuya's sister
yarrayora · 8 months
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me and @synth-exe had a discussion regarding whether some female characters were fridged or simply dead and decided that no of course ophelia wasn't fridged. she was offered to escape with lawless but decided to die for peace anyway. a female character who exists for the sake of a male character's development will not die in a way that is thematically relevant to the narrative (in this case the vice of excessive charity, which goes hand to hand with lawless representing greed)
sakuya's sister doesn't count as fridged for the same reason. sure, she definitely couldn't escape her parents, and even if she refused her parents' scheme, they would probably just kill her and staged it as suicide anyway. but she made the choice to jump to protect her brother.
both of these storylines happened pre-canon and before the character development that happens during canon. their existence in the backstory isn't meant to elicit cheap anger, they weren't plot devices, they were characters whose motivations were fully fleshed out.
yoshimasa, a dead male character, fills the same role as these two dead women
sometimes a woman isn't fridged. sometimes they're just dead
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pomfry · 6 years
Chapter: 1/1
Relationship: Watanuki Sakuya & Watanuki Sakuya’s Sister
Tags: Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Listen their parents were horrible, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Family Feels, Fluff and Angst, Lots of Thinking, I named the sister, Protective Siblings, The soulmate aspect isn’t the focus though
Series: or let me love you
Summary: She wonders, with a sinking, sickening feeling, if their parents ever loved them. She doesn’t think they did. What kind of parents who loved their children did this to them? All the same, she protects her brother as much as she possibly can.
(In which a sister raises her brother, struggles, and loves him with all her heart.)
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ca-3 · 3 years
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🎃サーヴァンプハロウィーン 👻
I've been thinking about this costume for Sakuya since last year haha 💚
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xthunderbolt · 3 years
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Sakuya wanted to die like his sister
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longwombraider · 3 years
i dont think i posted this on Tumblr, so I guess I will now
I did this a few months ago ngl so its a lil rough but I had fun doing it <33
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shiroekoyuki · 7 years
It has been boggling my mind ever since the first time I knew about Sakuya's past, but it's only now that I choose talk about it. Why? I don't know XD Anyways, remember when Tsubaki told Mahiru about Sakuya's past, he mentioned, "It is really no surprise that 6 years later, Sakuya found himself doomed to follow the same path as his sister." Follow the same path as his sister... Remember why Sakuya's sister died? She did it to save him from his f***ed up parents. She died for him. She died in order to protect him. That's her reason. The reason why she took the path she did. So when Tsubaki said those words, I was wondering... I may sound really stupid, but does anyone other than me thinks Sakuya has another younger sibling? A younger sibling his parents decided to have after Sakuya's sister died? Because if he really did "follow the same path as his sister", he may have also died to protect a younger sibling. After all, at that time, he seemed old enough to protect himself and fight his parents off. I don't think they could actually come up with a good enough excuse to get him to kill himself, other than forcing him to do so by threatening the life of someone else. Please tell me I'm not the only one having this kind of thinking.
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romaxpan · 3 years
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sweetjijisama · 5 years
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Inktober 2019 Day 29 - INJURED
Sakuya Watanukis sister :’c
I can’t believe I have never drawn her before!!! Q_Q
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mrskeletondarkness · 5 years
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Inktober days 11 - 15: "herbs", "shop", "voodoo", "owl", "ghost"
Ahhh I got so behind!! A few of these still have the pencil lines under the ink because it'll probably look bad if I erase them.
(I'm aware that the drawing for day 13 isn't technically voodoo, but it was the closest I could think of from Servamp lol. Also I wanted an excuse to draw Otogiri and Belkia Doll XD)
Oh and I wasn't gonna upload number 10 just yet cuz I couldn't figure out how I wanted the crows to look. But I'll upload it anyways. I think it looks good sketchy
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Inktober day 10: "crow"
My boy Tsurugi and his crow friends :D.
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incorrectservamp · 6 years
Sakuya: Does it ever get easy?
Sakuya's sister: You mean life?
Sakuya: Yeah. Does it ever get easy?
Sakuya's sister: What do you want me to say?
Sakuya: Lie to me.
Sakuya's sister: Yes, it’s terribly simple. The good guys are always stalwart and true. The bad guys are easily distinguished by their pointy horns or black hats, and, uh, we always defeat them and save the day. No one ever dies, and everybody lives happily ever after.
Sakuya: Liar.
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adeslowmoqueen · 7 years
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Sakuya's beloved sister *w*)9 ! yeah I was finished drawing her a few days ago but I'm so busy rn I cannot even publish things =////=) uhhh ~ It's been a long time drawing her and also the first time drawing her with green eyes... ! wuh :M But the actual reason drawing this was when I had a livestream on Instagram cosplaying her 8D ! Seriously, wearing her uniform and her wig is truly comfortable ~ more comfortable than the other Cosplays I possess. Furthermore it's fun hitting people with my ponytail when turning around >:D MUAHAHAH this wig was actually a Higruashi wig - ultimateinsaneyanderesendhelp. yeah, everyone who watched the stream was able to see/hear how much I'm complaining over everything =v=)b yööyyy ~ hope you like iiiiit :D ! I'm also preparing a lot of other artworks!*^* It's great to have a power-drawing-flow again, so I'll do as much as I can !!~~ YUSSSSS so there's no need to be worried or sth about me being silent ( sry discord peeps ;w; ) I gotta stop being distracteeedddd- aaaaand in exactly one week is a special daaaaay (~ >w>)~ ! (b ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)b
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katzkinder · 3 years
Sakuya Watanuki Headcanons <3
Happy birthday Sakuson!
The first time Sakuya and Tooru met, it was on the front step of Tooru’s apartment while Sakuya was trying to pick the lock on the door while Mahiru watched because he’d misplaced his key. Sakuya wanted to scream because that was not the impression he’d wanted to make on his best friend’s guardian.
Another of the incidents involving Uncle Tooru’s and Sakuya’s ongoing relationship of one-sided fear on Sakuya’s part involves Tooru walking in on his nephew and his dumbass friends trying to pierce Sakuya and Ryuusei’s ears in his living room of all places with a home kit. The day this boy finally learns Tooru is a C3 top dog is the day his soul leaves his body.
At some point he gets a tongue piercing, and his favorite is a little barbel that says “fuck you”
Somebody says something that annoys him and he just. Sticks his tongue out.
“Nice. Real mature.”
He’s naturally clingy in his sleep. Normally this isn’t a problem as he usually just ends up hugging a pillow, but if it’s something like a school trip where he’s in close proximity to a classmate, he might wake up spooning them and prays nobody saw.
If nothing is available for him to snuggle, he tends to curl up into a tight ball to protect his stomach, arms tucked close and hands positioned in front of his face to block anything aiming for it. It’s a habit he’s mostly lost since going to live with Tsubaki and the others.
Speaking of which, when Tsubaki first brought him home, he was absolutely adorable. Awkwardly knocking on Tsubaki’s door in the middle of the night because he couldn’t sleep and hesitantly asking if he minds kind of thing. No one really... Minds his awful personality? Like they’ll poke the bear about it, but truthfully, it makes them glad. At first, Sakuya was so... Quiet. Meek. Skittish. That he mouths off at them, gets loud and is open about how embarrassing he finds them all... It’s proof of how far he’s come.
Despite his punk appearance, he has a bit of a sweet tooth. Once he and Koyuki went to the school store together to buy something for lunch. The vendor assumed that the savory Yakisoba bread was for Sakuya and the sweet pudding bread was for Koyuki and tried to hand the respective items over to the buyer. They took the bags then immediately traded them, thanked her, and went on their way—
He likes to free run! It’s kind of his way of sticking it to his parents. He likes the feeling of weightlessness, and revels in the fact that even if he falls, he’s able to catch himself.
Since so many of the people in Sakuya's home speak something other than Japanese as their first language, naturally he's picked up a few things here and there. Belkia specifically goes out of his way to teach him various swears and insults in Romanian.
When Sakuya was little, his sister would let him play with her hair, and she kept it long even though it was a pain in the neck to deal with because he liked it so much. That hair of hers was the last thing he saw of her before she died-- Even as the years pass and his memory becomes hazier, the one thing that never gets any fainter, though, that stays as crisp and sharp in his memory as the last day he heard it...
"Sakuya... Big sis loves you. You know that, right?"
Watanuki sis usually walked home with Sakuya everyday from school, but during flower viewing season, they'd take a detour to walk along a path that had cherry blossom trees blooming all along it. Sometimes, if she had enough spare change on her, Watanuki sis would buy a skewer of sanshoku dango for them to share. It was the closest they ever got to a real flower viewing party while she was still alive.
Now, in present time, whenever the melancholies go out to have one during spring, Sakuya will ask for a cup of Amazake (sweet sake with very little alcohol content). He doesn't drink it himself... He sets it aside for his sister.
Jumping off of that... Sakuya’s father was an alcoholic as well as addicted to gambling, so he tries to stay away from both of those things as much as he can. He doesn’t care if other people do them, just don’t try and pressure him into it.
To finish off with something funny, sports festival day comes around and he wants to die. The whole group is there. They made a banner. And boxed lunches. They have noisemakers. And headbands.
"Hey man is that your family??"
"Nope, never seen those people before in my life."
"... They have a poster with your face on it."
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ca-3 · 3 years
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Some sad girl Servamp art I guess... 💔
From my Twitter @ ca3_crazyanime3
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random-husky · 3 years
Ok ok, so I loved your Servamps’ origin theory post. But there’s one Servamp theory that I’ve had a feeling about for awhile now they I was hoping I could run by you?
It goes back to Sakuya and his family. I could be way overthinking it but I still can’t help feeling there’s at least something to this.
In the manga, we’re not given much indication of what his sister or parents looked like. In the anime, we see that Sakuya and his sister not only share identical hair color but hair type as well here
I say same hair type because the curvy wonky way the sister’s ponytail is shaped resembles the wonky way Sakuya’s signature unruly curl is.
However we also get a colored representation of the parents as well. We may not see their eyes or hear their voices due to Tsubaki’s narration of the story, but we do see the father’s hair color/type and facial structure, and the mom’s hair color/type here
I brightened up some of the shadows a little... but we can clearly see that that father has black hair that is not unruly whatsoever like his children, he has a much different facial structure than what Sakuya has grown into and different skin tone. The mother isn’t as clear but appears to either have black or dark brown hair; but her main detail is that she doesn’t have any wave or curl or unruliness to her hair whatsoever like her children.
I know genealogy can be weird and of course this is all fiction; however Tanaka is one of those writers that meticulously hides detail throughout the story to use at a later date so I find no reason he couldn’t hide something like this for a reveal at another date and time. Again, we never see any of the other Watanuki’s faces... but we can infer from this information that Sakuya and his sister probably resemble each other very much; but neither of them really resemble either their mom or their dad.
What if Sakuya and his sister aren’t their children?
The dad seems to have been more of the aggressor, so going by that assumption they could’ve had a sh!tty mom and then he was their evil af step-dad. OR (what I think could a possibility) what if Sakuya and his sister were adopted? I don’t know entirely how things work in Japan... but in the US, legally a “parent” can collect life insurance on an adopted child; I’m pretty sure foster parents can’t collect life insurance on foster children, I think it’s only if the child is officially adopted. Whichever way you look at it, either of these could explain Mr. & Mrs. Watanuki’s — *non-resemblance, *complete lack of hesitation, and *100% emotional detachment — to Sakuya and his sister.
As I said, I could just be overthinking it... but part of me is convinced that, even if we never see their full faces, there would be absolutely no point for Tanaka or the animators to deliberately make the sister resemble Sakuya and deliberately make the parents not.
What are your thoughts?
Anon I think you summed up this theory pretty well, so I'm just going to add on a few things :3
So first off when I watched the anime I found it weird that Sakuya and his sister didn't look like their parents. As you mentioned their hair color/type didn't match. Same thing when I read the manga. The characters in servamp who are related so far seem to resemble each other one way or another. Mahiru, his mom, and his uncle. Misono and his mom. Mikuni and his mom. Etc. But when it comes to Sakuya and his sister, they don't really look like their parents at all. And it just seems... out of place..?
The second thing I wanted to add is Sakuya's arc revolved around one thing in particular, lies. Sakuya came from a town of liars, was raised by liars, was forced to lie about his sister's death, etc. But what if there was another lie? A lie that was never found out. A lie that connected him and sister to their killers. The lie that their parents were their parents.
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adeslowmoqueen · 7 years
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//Xx°*~( DOKOMI 2017 )~*°xX \\ [ part 2 ]
Tadaaaa \( owo)/ the reeest ~ more Servamp Cosplayer <3 it's heaaaven ~ in the end there were like 15 Servampcosplayer I guess.. ? STILL HEAVEN YISSSSSS <3
as were were taking photos with the other Sakuya-Mahi-Kuro Trio someone just jumped in out of nowhere - PHOTOBOOOMB :M ! it was a unicorn, huehuehue, idk was sort of funny because nobody noticed this person until we saw it on our photos :'DD
Furthermore my adorable Sakuya bought a rose for me ////v////) ! <3 <3 <3 sdjsejrgtstillflatteredertjserjtserjt she even kneeled n front of me with it so it looked like as she was trying so say '' will you marry me ? ~ '' yo, the WatanukiWedding xD ! ahah <3 unfortunately I left the rose in my hostesses car... fuckmylife x.x aahhhhh it was so beautifulllll what have I doneeeee ;w;;;;;; !!
of course there happened much more but therefore I gotta write a whole book about it :'D eheh so, that's it for the Dokomi-'spam' on tumblr ~
hope u like iiit \( >w>)/
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katzkinder · 3 years
Ok ok, so I’ve had this theory for awhile now and have recently been passing it around to my fav Servamp blogs to get other opinions. I was hoping I could run it by you?
It goes back to Sakuya and his family. I could be way overthinking it but I still can’t help feeling there’s at least something to this.
In the manga, we’re not given much indication of what his sister or parents looked like. In the anime, we see that Sakuya and his sister not only share identical hair color but hair type as well here
I say same hair type because the curvy wonky way the sister’s ponytail is shaped resembles the wonky way Sakuya’s signature unruly curl is.
However we also get a colored representation of the parents as well. We may not see their eyes or hear their voices due to Tsubaki’s narration of the story, but we do see the father’s hair color/type and facial structure, and the mom’s hair color/type here
I brightened up some of the shadows a little... but we can clearly see that that father has black hair that is not unruly whatsoever like his children, he has a much different facial structure than what Sakuya has grown into and different skin tone. The mother isn’t as clear but appears to either have black or dark brown hair; but her main detail is that she doesn’t have any wave or curl or unruliness to her hair whatsoever like her children.
I know genealogy can be weird and of course this is all fiction; however Tanaka is one of those writers that meticulously hides detail throughout the story to use at a later date so I find no reason he couldn’t hide something like this for a reveal at another date and time. Again, we never see any of the other Watanuki’s faces... but we can infer from this information that Sakuya and his sister probably resemble each other very much; but neither of them really resemble either their mom or their dad.
What if Sakuya and his sister aren’t their children?
The dad seems to have been more of the aggressor, so going by that assumption they could’ve had a sh!tty mom and then he was their evil af step-dad. OR (what I think could a possibility) what if Sakuya and his sister were adopted? I don’t know entirely how things work in Japan... but in the US, legally a “parent” can collect life insurance on an adopted child; I’m pretty sure foster parents can’t collect life insurance on foster children, I think it’s only if the child is officially adopted. Whichever way you look at it, either of these could explain Mr. & Mrs. Watanuki’s — *non-resemblance, *complete lack of hesitation, and *100% emotional detachment — to Sakuya and his sister.
As I said, I could just be overthinking it... but part of me is convinced that, even if we never see their full faces, there would be absolutely no point for Tanaka or the animators to deliberately make the sister resemble Sakuya and deliberately make the parents not.
What are your thoughts?
My thoughts are I love you and I have had this EXACT same thought! (also omg fave?? ;w;)
I've also thought about, like. Okay hear me out.
Wouldn’t it be Fucked Up if the only parent Sakuya murdered was his father bc he saw his mother as another victim of an abusive man, and later he sees her on the street, happy, with her new husband, and a child walking between them
Wouldn’t it be great if instead of glad for her, he just felt bitter and resentful
Wouldn’t it be amazing if she caught sight of him, like a vengeful spirit come back to haunt her, before he slips into the crowd
Wouldn't that be great?
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