#watanabe shouhei
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The cover art for THE IDOLM@STER SHINY COLORS “CANVAS” 01 album has been released and the album is set to be released on April 12th 2023. It will feature three new songs by the unit as well as a special drama track.
This album features Illumination Stars, consisting of Mano Sakuragi (cv. Hitomi Sekine), Hiori Kazano (cv. Reina Kondo), and Meguru Hachimiya (cv. Mayu Mineda), in their One-Two Marching Parade outfit.
The crossfade of the album is located here
Tr.01 Forward March!!! Lyrics: Akiko Watanabe Music&Arrange: Yuugo Sasakura Tr.02 Hoshi ga Nagarete Lyrics: Akiko Watanabe Music: Tomokazu Yamada Arrange: Shouhei Sumiya Tr.03 BRIGHTEST WHITE Lyrics: Akiko Watanabe Music&Arrange: Masahi Kusano Tr.04 Drama “Tied Up And Linked” Tr.05 Forward March!!! (Off Vocal) Tr.06 Hoshi ga Nagarete (Off Vocal) Tr.07 BRIGHTEST WHITE (Off Vocal)
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[Announcement] おぼんろ 第17回本公演「ビョードロ~月色の森で抱きよせて~」(obonro dai 17 kai honkouhen - byoudoro ~ geshoku no mori de dakiyosete~)
the show will be running from February 14th, 2019 to February 17th, 2019 (Tokyo) @ 新宿FACE (Shinjuku FACE)
Kamakari Kenta Kurosawa Tomoyo Suehara Takuma Wakabayashi Megumi Sahigashi Junpei Rina Takeshi Nobuhisa Watanabe Shouhei Marika miotchery Tanaka Shou Matsumoto Seiya Saitou Nodoka Gonda Nanako
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#ビョードロ#byoudoro#鎌苅健太#kamakari kenta#黒沢ともよ#kurosawa tomoyo#末原拓馬#suehara takuma#わかばやしめぐみ#wakabayashi megumi#さひがしジュンペイ#sahigashi junpei#rina#武子展久#渡辺翔史#watanabe shouhei#茉莉花#marika#miotchery#田中翔#tanaka shou#松本聖也#matsumoto seiya#齋藤のどか#saitou nodoka#権田菜々子#gonda nanako
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The Wooden-Mortared Kingdom - Garo 20th Anniversary Memorial Issue - VARIOUS
Here’s a proper post for it. For Garo’s 20th anniversary, a massive anthology was put out collecting all of the authors that had been featured in the magazine up until then (at least it looks that way), haven’t verified). 1200 pages.
DDL Torrent (600dpi scans) Mangaupdates
Abe Shinichi AKASEGAWA Genpei AKI Ryuuzan AKIYAMA Shigenobu ANZAI Mizumaru ARAKI Nobuyoshi ARASHIYAMA Kouzaburou EBISU Yoshikazu FUJISAWA Mitsuo FURUKAWA Masuzou HAGA Yuka HANAWA Kazuichi HAYASHI Seiichi HIGO Tomiko HINO Hideshi HIRAKUCHI Hiromi HIRATA Hiroshi HISAUCHI Michio Hoshikawa Teppu IIKO Junzou IKEGAMI Ryoichi ISHII Hisaichi ITOI Shigesato IWAMOTO Kyuusoku KAMOSAWA Yuuji KANNO Osamu KATSUMATA Susumu KAWASAKI Yukio KIMURA Tsunehisa KOBAYASHI Norikazu KOJIMA Goseki KONDOU Youko Kou Shintaro KUSONOKI Shouhei MASUMURA Hiroshi MATSUMOTO Michiyo MATSUO Hiroshi MINAMI Shinbo MINEGISHI Toru MITSUHASHI Otoya MIURA Jun MIZUKI Shigeru MOMOTAROU Kotarou MORISHITA Hiromi MURANO Moribi NAGASHIMA Shinji NAKA Keiko NEMOTO Takashi OKUDAIRA Ira OSAWA Masaaki SAKURAI Shoichi SASAKI Maki Shimizu Satoshi SHIRATO Sanpei SUGIURA Hinako SUZUKI Oji SUZUKI Seijun SUZUKI Shigeru TAKAGI Jun TAKAYAMA Kazuo TAKITA Yuu TAMURA Shigeru TANI Hiroji Tashiro Tamekan TATSUMI Yoshihiro TERUHIKO Yumura TSUGE Tadao TSUGE Yoshiharu TSURITA Kuniko UESUGI Seibun WATANABE Kazuhiro WATARI Futoshi YAGUCHI Takao YAKUWA Masako YAMADA Murasaki YODOGAWA Sanpo YOSHIDA Mitsuhiko YOSHIDA Shouichi
タイトル : 木造モルタルの王国 : ガロ二〇年史 出版社 : 青林堂 初版発行日 : (昭和59年)1984年12月1日 ISBN : 4792601320 サイズ(函) : 縦23㎝ 横18㎝ サイズ(本) : 縦22㎝ 横16㎝ ページ数 : 1200ページ 備考 : 各作品の欄外に作者の経歴・コメント記載 収録作品 『ざしきわらし』 - 白土三平 『ねこ忍』 - 水木しげる 『海原の剣(武蔵の巻)』 - 諏訪栄(小島剛夕) 『顔の曲がった男の物語』 - 星川てっぷ 『真昼』 - 渡二十四 『愛 : 新釈武士道物語』 - 加治一生 『チーコ』 - つげ義春 『若草漫歩』 - 藤沢光男 『宇宙の出来事』 - 田代為寛 『夏』 - 池上遼一 『かかしにきいたかえるの話 : シリーズ・黄色い涙』 - 永島慎二 『六の宮姫子の悲劇』 - つりた・くにこ 『巨大な魚』 - 林静一 『どろ人形』 - 日野日出志 『海ほおずき』 - 仲圭子 『花あらしの頃 : 寺島町奇譚』 - 滝田ゆう 『長持唄考』 - 矢口高雄 『雨季(2)』 - つげ忠男 『わかれみち』 - 辰巳ヨシヒロ 『たこになった少年』 - 淀川さんぽ 『かんたろ月』 - 勝又進 『うらぶれ夜風』 - 川崎ゆきお 『雨の色』 - 鈴木翁二 『マツコおじちゃんの嘆き』 - 秋竜山 『ぼくのデブインコちゃん』 - 佐々木マキ 『無頼の面影』 - 安部慎一 『幻の少女・和小路伯爵邸のトラブル』 - 谷弘兒 『肉屋敷』 - 花輪和一 『北への旅人』 - 吉田昌一 『彩雪に���う・・・・・・』 - 楠勝平 『おざ式』 - 赤瀬川源平 『「ガロ」第一期 : ガロの時代をひらく』 - 上野昂志 『再会』 - 増村博 『紫の伝説(イメージSTATION)』 - 古川益三 『絶対休日』 - 秋山しげのぶ 『荒れた海辺』 - 安西水丸 『クシー君の発明』 - 鴨沢祐仁 『毆者(ボクサー)』 - 吉田光彦 『昇り凧』 - 村野守美 『ペンギンごはん』 - 湯村輝彦.糸井重里 『愛の嵐』 - 蛭子能収 『ぼくの弟』 - 糸井重里 『?』 - 南伸坊 『それからの岩本武蔵・怪談』 - 岩本久則 『ハリー氏のこと』 - 松尾ひろし 『愛妻記』 - ひさうち・みさお 『ギョーザ定食の昼』 - 平口広美 『お父さんのネジ』 - 渡辺和博 『長靴をはいた猫』 - 清水聰 『ものろおぐ』 - 近藤ようこ 『モダン・ラヴァーズ』 - 奥平衣良(奥平イラ) 『性悪猫』 - やまだ紫 『青春の汗は苦いぜ』 - 小林のりかず(小林のり一) 『夜行』 - 高山和雄 『ぷいさん村放送局』 - 八鍬真佐子 『五人だまし・道糞武士道 : 幻想の明治』 - 高信太郎 『怠屈な日』 - 泉昌之(和泉晴紀[作画].久住昌之[原作]) 『K』 - 大澤正明 『海のお話』 - 滸太郎 『二つ枕(初音)』 - 杉浦日向子 『PHANTASMAGORIA』 - たむら・しげる 『野辺は無く』 - 三橋乙椰(シバ) 『少年』 - 森下裕美 『糸口』 - 松本充代 『ママと呼ばれて三ヶ月』 - 根本敬.高木順 『ローカル線の午後』 - 菅野修 『ホトホトなんぎなパパとママ』 - みうら・じゅん 『扁桃腺の夏』 - 峰岸達 『戻ってきた日』 - 肥後十三子 『スラップスキップ』 - いしい・ひさいち 『はぴー・ばーす・でい』 - 芳賀由香 『どうなってんの : イソップ式漫画講座』 - 水木しげる 『浪漫写真 : 私のアリス達』 - 荒木経惟 『図象の学習塾 : 肖像 イメージ選挙』 - 木村恒久 『目安箱 : 「書けないということについて』 - 上野昂志 『嵐山の人生相談』 - 嵐山光三郎 『重坊のスーパーマーケット : 悪評嘖々』 - 糸井重里 『劇画風雲録 : 嗚呼、貸本の灯は輝やいて』 - 桜井昌一 『連載随筆 : 夏と暴力』 - 鈴木清順 『白土三平論 : 英雄論』 - 石子順造 『清���入道のウンチク寄席』 - 上杉清文 『読者サロン』 『「ガロ」第二期 : 多様化・拡散の時代』 - 呉智英 『木造モルタルの王國の貴賓室』 「木造モルタルの王国」によせて(※寄稿文.小冊子) 『「ガロ」有罪説』 - あがた森魚 『ガロはきっと大丈夫』 - 秋野等.井上章子 『二十年のランナーへ』 - 有川優 『(タイトルなし)』 - 岩家緑郎 『ガロには貧乏がよく似合う』 - いしかわじゅん 『(タイトルなし)』 - 糸川燿史 『「ガロ」は忘れない』 - 小野耕世 『とにもかくにも、エライ!!』 - 川崎徹 『すてきな可能性を持ったマンガの世界』 - 金子勝昭 『長井さんと苦労のこと』 - 川本コオ 『(タイトルなし)』 - 桑原甲子雄 『(タイトルなし)』 - 小島剛夕 『「ガロ」われらの聖森』 - 佐々木守 『大プロデューサー・プランナー 長井勝一さんへの手紙』 - 佐々木昭一郎 『(タイトルなし)』 - 末井昭 『(タイトルなし)』 - 杉本博道 『(タイトルなし)』 - 谷川晃一 『高校時代、文学、エロチシズム、思想の香りを味わっていた』 - 高取英 『(タイトルなし)』 - 高橋章子 『祝・開店20周年』 - 長新太 『(タイトルなし)』 - 竹宮恵子 『 『ガロ』に 』 - 鶴見俊輔 『きみよ』 - 堤任 『(タイトルなし)』 - 栃谷隆 『(タイトルなし)』 - 内記稔夫 『(タイトルなし)』 - 野本三吉 『(タイトルなし)』 - 萩尾望都 『(タイトルなし)』 - 原田三郎 『安倍慎一』 - 松岡博治 『(タイトルなし)』 - 松田哲夫 『(タイトルなし)』 - 村上知彦 『「ガロ」創刊20周年、本当にバンザイ!』 - 森田芳光 『青林堂はえらい』 - やなせ・たかし 『(タイトルなし)』 - 吉弘幸介 『(タイトルなし)』 - 四方田犬彦 『(タイトルなし)』 - 渡辺一衛
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[December] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
♪ December 1st
◎ Tomotsune Yuuki 友常勇気 1985
♪ December 2nd
◎ Funahashi Hiroki 船橋拓幹 1994
◎ Kurofuji Yuuki 黒藤結軌 1986
◎ Shiraishi Kousuke 白石康介 1996
♪ December 3rd
◎ Fujiie Kazuyori 藤家和依 1984
◎ Goku
◎ Takahashi Fumiya 高橋ふみや 1993
◎ Usui Masahiro 碓井将大 1991
♪ December 4th
◎ Asato Yuuya 安里勇哉 1987
♪ December 5th
♪ December 6th
◎ Hayashi Kento 林遣都 1990
♪ December 7th
◎ Masui Kento 桝井賢斗 1994
◎ Sakurada Doori 桜田通 1991
♪ December 8th
◎ Fukazawa Taiga 深澤大河 1994
◎ Kimura Tatsunari 木村達成 1993
◎ Saotome Jouji 早乙女じょうじ 1986
♪ December 9th
◎ Kajimoto Daiki 鍛治本大樹 1983
◎ Yamazaki Masashi 山﨑雅志 1979
♪ December 10th
◎ Kobayashi Katsuya 小林且弥 1981
◎ Yuuki Kousei 結木滉星 1994
♪ December 11th
♪ December 12th
◎ Doumoto Shouhei 堂本翔平 1993
◎ Kominami Kouji 小南光司 1994
◎ Watanabe Takahiro 渡辺貴裕 1996
♪ December 13th
◎ Eita 瑛太 1982
◎ Hasui Yuuma 蓮井佑麻 1993
♪ December 14th
◎ Isono Dai 磯野大
◎ Yagami Ren 八神蓮 1985
♪ December 15th
◎ Baba Ryouma 馬場良馬 1984
◎ Okui Nagato 奥井那我人 2000
♪ December 16th
◎ Anzai Shintarou 安西慎太郎 1993
◎ Kobayashi Ryouta 小林亮太 1998
◎ Raita 雷太 1993
◎ Seto Keita 瀬戸啓太 1994
◎ Tanaka Toshihiko 田中稔彦 1983
♪ December 17th
◎ Hashimoto Zenitsu 橋本全一 1987
◎ Maekawa Yuuki 前川優希 1997
◎ Someya Toshiyuki 染谷俊之 1987
◎ Tamaki Yuuki 玉城裕規 1985
◎ Yoshikawa Sumihiro 吉川純広 1982
♪ December 18th
◎ Furukawa Yuuki 古川雄輝 1987
◎ Sagawa Daiki 佐川大樹 1991
◎ Tmy 1992
♪ December 19th
◎ Tateishi Toshiki 立石俊樹 1993
♪ December 20th
◎ Arai Yuuya 新井雄也 1995
◎ Kuranuki Masahiro 倉貫匡弘 1982
◎ Mizuta Kouki 水田航生 1990
◎ Yajima Yakumo 矢島八雲 1990
♪ December 21st
◎ Yanagi Koutarou 柳浩太郎 1985
♪ December 22nd
◎ Higuchi Yuki 樋口夢祈 1984
◎ Sakamoto Kenji 坂元健児 1971
♪ December 23rd
◎ Akutsu Nichika 阿久津仁愛 2000
◎ Komatsu Junya 小松準弥 1993
◎ Masada Naohiro 正田尚大 1991
◎ Okazaki Kazuhiro 岡崎和寛 1987
◎ Tanzawa Seiji 丹澤誠二 1990
◎ Terayama Takeshi 寺山武志 1987
♪ December 24th
◎ Takahashi Kensuke 高橋健介 1994
◎ Tanaka Ryousei 田中涼星 1994
♪ December 25th
◎ Maeuchi Takafumi 前内孝文 1985
◎ Nakayama Masei 中山麻聖 1988
♪ December 26th
◎ Kawahara Kazuma 川原一馬 1990
◎ Oguri Shun 小栗旬 1982
◎ Okutani Chihiro 奥谷知弘 1994
◎ Shirota Yuu 城田優 1985
♪ December 27th
◎ Matsumoto Ukyou 松本享恭 1994
◎ Washio Shuuto 鷲尾修斗 1987
◎ Yasukawa Aiji 安川集治 1992
♪ December 28th
◎ Kanno Yuuki 菅野勇城 1987
◎ Toyoda Yuuya 豊田裕也 1988
◎ Yoshida Yuuki 吉田邑樹 1991
♪ December 29th
◎ Arata Shihou 荒田至法 1994
◎ Matsumura Ryuunosuke 松村龍之介 1993
◎ Suzuki Katsuhiro 鈴木勝大 1992
◎ Watanabe Takaki 渡邉駿輝 1999
♪ December 30th
♪ December 31st
◎ Hashimoto Shouhei 橋本祥平 1993
◎ Kawasumi Bishin 川隅美慎 1992
◎ Oosone Keita 大曽根敬大 1985
◎ Takamoto Gaku 高本学 1993
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Shohei-kun & Tsurugi-kun's LINE LIVE Cute scene XD
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Heisei era Sentai team 29 of 32: Zyuohger
Status Post #8261
Zyuoh Eagle / Zyuoh Gorilla / Zyuoh Whale (Red): Yamato Kazaki (Masaki Nakao)
Zyuoh Shark (Blue): Sela (Miki Yanagi)
Zyuoh Lion (Yellow): Leo (Shouhei Nanba)
Zyuoh Elephant (Green): Tusk (Tsurugi Watanabe)
Zyuoh Tiger (White): Amu (Haruka Tateishi)
Zyuoh The World (Black): Misao Mondo (Naoki Kunishima)
Zyuoh Whale (Red): Cetus (Cho) > Yamato Kazaki (Masaki Nakao)
Zyuoh Bird (Orange): Bud (Kohei Murakami)
Zyuoh Human (Pink, wannabe): Mario Mori (Susumu Terajima)
Extra Ranger (Violet): Zyuoh Condor (Kousuke Asai, voiced by Masaki Nakao and Kohei Murakami)
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The Idom@ster SideM Wake Atte Mini! Spin-Off TV Anime Set to Premiere on October 9
A TV anime adaptation of The Idom@ster SideM Wake Atte Mini!, The Idom@ster SideM franchise's chibi style character-featured official spin-off manga illustrated by Sumeragi, is set to premiere on Tokyo MX and BS 11 on October 9, 2018.
The manga was serialized in Kadokawa's Dengeki Maoh monthly magazine from its June 2016 issue to March 2018 issue, and compiled in two tankobon volumes. Thanks to the anime project, the manga's serialization will restart in the magazine's November 2018 issue to be released on September 27.
315 Production's all 46 idols from its 15 units (see the VA list in the bottom of this article) are confirmed to appear, alongside the production's office clerk Ken Yamamura (CV: Kengo Kawanishi) and president Takashi Saito (Fumihiko Tachiki). The anime's official website has already opened with
a 50-second announcement PV introducing its deformed character visuals.
「アイドルマスター side M 理由あってmini!」アニメ化決定〜っ! 理由あって監督を��らせて頂くことになりました……! 315プロダクションの46人がアイドルとして全員登場します。10月の放送をお楽しみに♩ #ワケミニ pic.twitter.com/chlFpMXwqw
— まんきゅう (@mankyu55) 2018年8月20日
Key visual
Manga tankobon 1st and 2nd volume covers
Main staff:
Director/Series composition: Mankyu (The Idolm@ster Cinderella Girls Theater)
Character design: Sao Tamato (Puchimas! Petit Idolmaster)
Chief animation director: Kazuhiko Yokota (Tsugumomo, Grand Blue episode animation director)
Music: EFFY (The Idolm@ster SideM)
Music production: Lantis
Sound director: Takatoshi Hamano
Anime production: ZERO-G (Nil Admirari no Tenbin: Teito Genwaku Kitan)
Production cooperation: Frontier Works, Arch
Production: Bandai Namco entertainment
Voice cast:
Teru Tendo: Shugo Nakamura
Kaoru Sakuraba: Yuuma Uchida
Tsubasa Kashiwagi: Taku Yashiro
Touma Amagase: Takuma Terashima
Hokuto Ijuuin: Daichi Kanbara
Shouta Mitarai: Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Rei Kagura: Yuusuke Nagano
Kei Tsuzuki: Shunichi Toki
Kyoji Takajo: Yuichiro Umehara
Pierre: Shun Horie
Minori Watanabe: Tomohito Takatsuka
Kyosuke Aoi: Yoshitaka Yamaya
Yusuke Aoi: Takeru Kikuchi
Hideo Akuno: Kentarou Kumagai
Seiji Shingen: Takuya Masumoto
Ryu Kimura: Kento Hama
Kuro Kiyosumi: Yuya Nakada
Shoma Hanamura: Yutaka Balletta
Kirio Nekoyanagi: Daiki Yamashita
Shiki Iseya: Shou Nogami
Hayato Akiyama: Shouya Chiba
Haruna Wakazato: Yusuke Shirai
Jun Fuyumi: Takuma Nagatsuka
Natsuki Sakaki: Hiroshi Watanabe
Shinsoku Ikkon:
Suzaku Akai: Takeaki Masuyama
Genbu Kurono: Toshinari Fukamachi
Cafe Parade:
Yukihiro Kamiya: Shou Karino
Soichiro Shinonome: Kouhei Amasaki
Asselin BB II: Makoto Furukawa
Saki Mizushima: Daiki Kobayashi
Makio Uzuki: Takuya Kodama
Shiro Tachibana: Keisuke Furuhata
Nao Okamura: Shougo Yano
Kanon Himeno: Ayumu Murase
Michio Hazama: Kento Ito
Rui Maita: Junya Enoki
Jiro Yamashita: Yoshiki Nakajima
THE Kogadou:
Takeru Taiga: Junta Terashima
Ren Kizaki: Shouhei Komatsu
Michiru Enjoji: Daiki Hamano
Ryo Akizuki: Yuko Sanpei
Daigo Kabuto: Takehiro Urao
Kazuki Tsukumo: Tatsuya Tokutake
Amehiko Kuzunoha: Jun Kasama
Sora Kitamura: Fumiyoshi Shioya
Chris Koron: Wataru Komada
Ken Yamamura: Kengo Kawanishi
Takashi Saito: Fumihiko Tachiki
Source: TV anime "The Idom@ster SideM Wake Atte Mini!" official website
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Anonymous Asks Answered
Part 1
All answers under the Read More! This is gonna be in 2 parts since I did get quite a few. A few of these have been answered separately on their own. If you missed them, just search the tag “asks” or “replies” on this blog and you should be able to find them.
If you’re viewing this on the app, you won’t be able to read under the Read More apparently, so please view it in Desktop mode on your phone browser.
I feel like my answer to this should be obvious lol. As you’ve seen, I basically scanned the entire thing, so if you looked at all that and you’re still on the fence, I’d still say buy it because it’s really great quality and you’d be supporting the production! I understand giving the postcards a pass since one of them is literally just a picture of a volleyball on the stage (I still bought it tho), but I think the guidebook is absolutely worth it.
Ahhhhh always a really difficult question!!! Ok in no particular order, my favorites include, Suga Kenta, Kimura Tatsunari, Akisawa Kentarou, Hashimoto Shouhei, Ino Hiroki, Kondou Shouri, Nagata Takato, Kawasumi Bishin, and Arisawa Shoutarou (I decided to stop at 10 lol).
For future reference, this is literally one of the more specific asks and not vague at all! But unfortunately, I really don’t know of any Judai/Sonde specific blogs. I will say that it would be hard to run one for Sonde because he only has a blog, no twitter or instagram, and he updates it REALLY rarely. I’m talking like once or twice a month? So just based on that you’re more likely to find a Judai-specific blog. I can try to update on him more but he is one of the actors that tends to not say that much when he updates, which is every day. Just usual things like, went to rehearsals, came home, gonna sleep lots! That’s like 85% of what he posts.
I reeeeeally could not give you those specifics, EVEN IF I knew them, which I don’t. I especially could not give an answer as to how theater staff are paid, but whenever possible, if you can financially support the productions, I will always encourage people to do so. With DVD purchases especially. And then after that, whatever they make, at least you’ll have contributed a little! As to how popular it is compared to other 2.5D shows, there’s no denying it’s up there. It gets a lot of press, and a few avenues of promotion that certain other plays don’t get because it stems from an already-existing, very-popular Jump series. It’s still no Tenimyu, and I don’t think it out-performs Touken Ranbu, but it is very highly regarded and stands in the top tier. But stage plays are still a niche market, and you can be in the top-level productions as a minor character and still not make very much.
They all wear face masks all the time actually, especially as the weather gets colder. Japanese people habitually wear face masks to avoid getting sick, prevent other people from catching what they might have, and also just to keep their faces warm because Tokyo is WINDY and cold as fuck in winter. I used to wear one just to keep my face warm, and so did most of my friends.
Well I’ve posted the two major parts of the rap battle in two posts already that I’ll link below, but I don’t know where you can download it. I bought my own DVD to rip those clips from, and I highly encourage people that can buy their own DVD to do so.
Part 1: (x) Part 2: (x)
I’ve mentioned before in several prior posts and have also shared dress rehearsal footage for Winners and Losers in which both Shouri and Takato cross-dress to play Aoba Johsai fangirls for the match between them and Karasuno. Shouri is talking about his cross-dressing experience playing that fangirl.
They both wear wigs.
I claw my face about this pretty much every week. Basically, just use Tumblr on your internet browser on your phone and set it to Desktop mode because if you’re using the Tumblr app, it’s shit. There is no way to get those links to work on mobile and that’s not your fault or mine, it’s that the Tumblr mobile app SUCKS BALLS.
It really depends on the agency. Obviously some of them are more restricting than others, but in general most talent agencies feature a wide variety of talents, including models and singers, not just actors. Many of the actors belong to smaller subsidiary agencies of Watanabe Entertainment which is a huuuge agency featuring many many actors and singers and other types of entertainers. Japanese talents tend to work a little differently; you pick a specialty for sure (acting, singing, dancing, etc...) but you’re generally expected to be able to do a little bit of everything. ESPECIALLY stage actors. In Hollywood, we have a bunch of actors and actresses who can’t carry a tune to save their lives, but in Japan, they try to use every person for as many different things as possible so even if your specialty is acting and not singing, you may be required to sing for a role at some point. Every actor therefore does their best to expand their overall repertoire of available skills.
Across the board though, there is an overall restriction across 99.9% of agencies that forbids actors from talking about their personal lives and relationships. Commonly known as the “love ban” it applies most strictly to idols and musicians, but also gets applied to actors and seiyuu. For the most part, nobody is known to be dating until they’re about to get married. And then maybe you’ll see a marriage announcement, or in some cases, you have to keep your marriage a secret. I’ve seen stage actors announce upcoming marriages and now even some seiyuu, so it’s not impossible. Overall, stage actors are allowed more freedoms than TV/movie actors and musicians/idols. I feel like models have the most freedoms allowed based on what I’ve seen.
MAN THAT DRAMA WAS HELLA BAAAAAAD but I love Peacemaker Kurogane~ Kenta’s been around though... he’s been acting since he was a child, I think his first role he was 4 years old? He features in a wide variety of stuff from TV shows to movies and variety shows. Since his role in Peacemaker, he’s done mostly movies, but he obviously made the transition to stage because he absolutely had to play Hinata no matter what. ^_^
I get this question about Allen a lot and I need to clarify that I don’t actually have a 100%, for-sure answer since I don’t have his birth certificate and I don’t know his parents, but I do not think he is half. I have mentioned before that his name is spelled with Kanji ( 亜廉 ) and that Aren is an existing Japanese name that just happens to have a really nice English equivalent. Allen did study English back in school, so he would know that better than most. And I will say that he’s at least a quarter if not half Okinawan (he mentions an Okinawan grandmother in an older blog post). So his features aren’t entirely main-island Japanese, and that may be where people are getting the impression that he’s half along with the romanization of his name, but I really do not think so. To me, his features still look entirely Asian. Justin we know is half Australian.
Winners and Losers pretty much covers just the Interhigh match between Karasuno and Aoba Johsai. They do cover the post-match meal and Hinata and Kageyama getting upset and promising to never apologize anymore, and they do go through the third-years deciding to stay on the team, but in 3 acts it covers mostly the match. They do throw in a lot of flashbacks and they do include a flashback about the Karasuno third-years that in the manga occurs during the Shiratorizawa match (so that’s earlier than expected), but it’s still mostly just the match.
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Yamaoki Yuuki Blog 260417
LIVEDOG Presents 'A Certain Kariya's Life' Production Director Matsuda Ichidai Music Kisaragi Natsuki
Schedule 3 to 11 June 2017 Theatre Shinjuku LIVE
Cast (Double cast system)
Team Black Yamaoki Yuuki / Imade Mai / Uchibori Katsutoshi Arisawa Mutsuki / Otokawa Arina / Kamikoshi Akira / Karasuma Luna / Kawasaki Masahiro Shintami Naoto / Sugawara Yutaka / Sono Kazuki / Tanaka Hiroki / Tsujimoto Shouhei Nakashima Takami / Nakamura Rena / Nonaka Satomi / Hajikano Natsuki / Fujita Sena Fukuda Saki / Maeda Yukari / Yano Airi / Watanabe Makoto
Team White Yamaoki Yuuki / Imade Mai / Uchibori Katsutoshi Adachi Yuna / Iwasa Yuki / Ema / Oonuma Yuuki / Kaname Maki Kubota Kousuke / Sakauchi Yuuki / Sakishima Hayato / Takahiro Suzuki / Takeda Saki Tsuji Yurika / Nakamura Momoko / Fujiwara Saeko / Matsutani Takaya / Matsubara Ryuuji Minamo Mizu / Yasuyuki / Yamazaki Mion / Yoshida Natsumi
A person's life can be said to be an act on a stage. In other words, everyone is playing the role of 'myself'. However, after one has stepped off that stage, where would his soul go to?
On the wedding day. Kariya who was at his peak of happiness suddenly lost his life. And yet, he found himself awake in a studio. It turns out that a person's life has been written in a scenario, and everyone was acting as their character. Those who die will return to the studio, and thus begins the search for a new 'scenario'!
'Your life is all written in a scenario' With that point of view, what would it mean to live true to yourself? As such, a question about the meaning of life, a surreal comedy from Matsuda Ichidai!
#Yamaoki Yuuki#Blog#AruKari#MAN THIS HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL TO BE SO GOOD#As expected from the director who produced the CUBE thing#I'M SO PSYCHED#AAAAAAA >.<
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Ten Songs I’m Currently Obsessed With
Tagged by: @otomeyokai I’m so sorry! I just saw this while scrolling my notifs ;__;
3$EVEN by Nozuyama Yukihiro
ERROR by Namine Ritsu
GLIDE by Masuda Toshiki
RAY OF LIGHT -Takeru solo- by Terashima Junta
Shiryoku Kensa by Okiayu Ryoutarou
Sarishinohara by Okiayu Ryoutarou
Shinpakusuu #0822 by Okiayu Ryoutarou
Hypnosis Microphone -Division Battle Anthem- by Hypnosis Microphone (too lazy to list all the VA’s ‘v’;;;)
Natsuzora Records by Watanabe Hiroshi
RULE ~Kiba o Ugate yo~ by Komatsu Shouhei
Tagging: anyone who wants to do it! 👌
P.S. some of the links might not work if anyone reading this is browsing from the US because EXIT TUNES restricts access to the US
#HiroTexts#mood: everything is seiyuu related except error because exit tunes presents actors hasn't gotten anyone to cover it yet#the links work fine for me since im in canada but like if anyone ever really wants to listen to the exit tunes tracks i can just upload em
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[Announcement] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
you will be able to watch it @ 日テレプラス on September 7th, 2020 (9pm)
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya
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[Announcement] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
you will be able to watch it @ niconama on October 28th, 2018 (9pm) (remember that you need to use a VPN to watch/get access to the show^^)
2.160 points (you can get your ticket until November 25th, 2018 [23:59 JST])
1.520 points (for premium account members only)
[Timeshift is valid until November 26th, 2018, 23:59]
if you don’t know how to purchase niconama coins please take a look at this helpful guide♡
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya
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[Announcement] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
the DVD/Blu-Ray will be available from January 11th, 2019 ☆ ☆ ☆
natalie enterstage
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya
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[Pics] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
the ‘morning’ after^^
Yamamoto Ikkei
Matsumura Taiichirou
Tanimizu Riki
Yasui Kazuma
Takasaki Shouta
Kitagawa Naoya
Akazawa Ryoutarou
Kominami Kouji
Konishi Seiya
Yamanaka Kenta / Yamanaka Shouta
Ueda Kandai
Higuchi Yuuta
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya
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[Pics] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
visuals update under the cut^^
Ozawa Ren as Akehoshi Subaru (明星スバル)
Yamamoto Ikkei as Hidaka Hokuto (氷鷹北斗)
Matsumura Taiichirou as Yuuki Makoto (遊木真)
Tanimizu Riki as Isara Mao (衣更真緒)
Maeyama Takahisa as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智)
Yasui Kazuma as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉)
Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦)
Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李)
Hashimoto Shouhei as Tsukinaga Reo (月永レオ)
Takasaki Shouta as Sena Izumi (瀬名泉)
Kitamura Ryou as Narukami Arashi (鳴上嵐)
Aramaki Yoshihiko as Sakuma Ritsu (���間凛月)
Kitagawa Naoya as Suou Tsukasa (朱桜司)
Akazawa Ryoutarou as Oogami Kouga (大神晃牙)
Kominami Kouji as Sakuma Rei (朔間零)
Okutani Chihiro as Hakaze Kaoru (羽風薫)
Akira as Otogari Adonis (乙狩アドニス)
Saeki Ryou as Morisawa Chiaki (守沢千秋)
Hori Kaito as Shinkai Kanata (深海奏汰)
Konishi Seiya as Nagumo Tetora (南雲鉄虎)
Murakawa Shouichi as Takamine Midori (高峯翠)
Fukazawa Taiga as Sengoku Shinobu (仙石忍)
Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな)
Sakurai Keito as Shino Hajime (紫之創)
Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也)
Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
Yamanaka Kenta as Aoi Hinata (葵ひなた)
Yamanaka Shouta as Aoi Yuuta (葵ゆうた)
Ueda Kandai as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎)
Komatsu Junya as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人)
Higuchi Yuuta as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
homepage twitter sumabo pash+
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya#��澤遼太郎#akazawa ryoutarou
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[Pics] あんステフェスティバル (ensute festival)
visuals update under the cut^^
Ozawa Ren as Akehoshi Subaru (明星スバル)
Yamamoto Ikkei as Hidaka Hokuto (氷鷹北斗)
Matsumura Taiichirou as Yuuki Makoto (遊木真)
Tanimizu Riki as Isara Mao (衣更真緒)
Maeyama Takahisa as Tenshouin Eichi (天祥院英智)
Yasui Kazuma as Hibiki Wataru (日々樹渉)
Watanabe Takaki as Fushimi Yuzuru (伏見弓弦)
Hoshimoto Yuzuki as Himemiya Touri (姫宮桃李) Hashimoto Shouhei as Tsukinaga Reo (月永レオ) Takasaki Shouta as Sena Izumi (瀬名泉) Kitamura Ryou as Narukami Arashi (鳴上嵐) Aramaki Yoshihiko as Sakuma Ritsu (朔間凛月) Kitagawa Naoya as Suou Tsukasa (朱桜司) Akazawa Ryoutarou as Oogami Kouga (大神晃牙) Kominami Kouji as Sakuma Rei (朔間零) Okutani Chihiro as Hakaze Kaoru (羽風薫) Akira as Otogari Adonis (乙狩アドニス)
Saeki Ryou as Morisawa Chiaki (守沢千秋)
Hori Kaito as Shinkai Kanata (深海奏汰)
Konishi Seiya as Nagumo Tetora (南雲鉄虎)
Murakawa Shouichi as Takamine Midori (高峯翠)
Fukazawa Taiga as Sengoku Shinobu (仙石忍)
Oosaki Natsuki as Nito Nazuna (仁兎なずな)
Sakurai Keito as Shino Hajime (紫之創)
Miyazaki Yuu as Mashiro Tomoya (真白友也)
Okui Nagato as Tenma Mitsuru (天満光)
Yamanaka Kenta as Aoi Hinata (葵ひなた)
Yamanaka Shouta as Aoi Yuuta (葵ゆうた) Ueda Kandai as Kiryuu Kurou (鬼龍紅郎) Komatsu Junya as Hasumi Keito (蓮巳敬人) Higuchi Yuuta as Kanzaki Souma (神崎颯馬)
homepage twitter natalie enterstage ß’slog
#あんステフェスティバル#ensute festival#小澤廉#ozawa ren#山本一慶#yamamoto ikkei#松村泰一郎#matsumura taiichirou#谷水力#tanimizu riki#前山剛久#maeyama takahisa#安井一真#yasui kazuma#渡邉駿輝#watanabe takaki#星元裕月#hoshimoto yuzuki#橋本祥平#hashimoto shouhei#高崎翔太#takasaki shouta#北村諒#kitamura ryou#荒牧慶彦#aramaki yoshihiko#北川尚弥#kitagawa naoya#赤澤遼太郎#akazawa ryoutarou
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