#watanabe chikayou love anthology
oumiyuki · 5 years
I’m sleepy
So. Instead of “I’m sleepy” maybe I should title this “I was asleep” because I totally don’t remember writing what I wrote. But I suddenly had this vague feeling I was writing while lying in bed, 3/4 ways to sleepy-land. XD
And well, eh...here we are.
Pairing: ChikaYou
Genre: Fluff in the night
"You-chan...I'm sleepy..." Chika whines from where she lays on the couch.
"Go to bed then." You replies, hands busy working up a sketch.
Chika makes sounds sleepily and whiney, her hand dropped offf the edge of the sofa, dangling. "But you're not with me..."
You pauses after a stroke on paper. Turns her head and sees Chika's eyes closed; sleepy but still holding out to get her to sleep too. You smiles and stands up.
Putting her hands under Chika, she easily lifts Chika up in a princess carry. "Let's go then."
Chika drowsy and  weakly slips her hands around You's neck. Then thinks she lifts herself up but actually pulled You over to her, kisses her nose and rests in the crook of You's neck.
You smiles softly, places Chika  into bed and joins her soon after.
A loving gaze. A loving smile and a loving touch. You brushes some stray hair on Chika's face. Leans in to press a good nighr kiss before whispering. "I love you, Chika-chan... Good night."
And they fall asleep in each other's arms after Chika snuggles closer and wraps her arms around You with their legs tangled.
It was a warm night.
Author Notes
Me not editing this proves that I wrote it half asleep because obvious typos on a short :>
Also, I amazingly uploaded it on AO3 while sleeping? =v= mmm~
I love ChikaYou (heart) (heart) (heart) (´・` )♡
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oumiyuki · 5 years
This Creamy guy and Creamy timeeee(can i call that? XD) what if in the middle of date of You and Chika Meet the fans by accidentally and You-chan suddenly get dragged out by fans what our lovely Chika-chan gonna do to help her gf :D //this idea just suddenly kick in to my head after i read YouChika Fanart again and again...
I’ll Protect Your Smile Forever
Pairing: ChikaYou
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Slight Drama (because upset Chika shows up)
Words: 1061
Author Note
It’s been too long since we had ChikaYou right? o3o
May you enjoy!!
“Wait here, Chika-chan. I’ll be right back.” You winks as she half-jogs over to the crepe stand to order one; sharing snacks is something the ash-brunette adores ever since the two started dating…it just had this strong sense of ‘We’re dating!’ And You just simply loves to spoil Chika by feeding her.
The orangehead watches You join the queue and smiles.
You-chan is always trying to be a little more charming…
Chika plays with the hem of her white, button-up shirt, finding it hard to stop grinning.
It’s cute…and cool…but I totally don’t mind standing in queue too…
Crimson eyes rest on the line separating her from the afternoon sun while she sits in the shade as her girlfriend instructed her to. She looks up to see You waiting patiently for her turn to order.
You-chan has a hat…but I could open my umbrella!
Chika lowers her gaze a second later and pouts indignantly to no one.
But it’ll cause trouble for the other people queuing…
Chika scuffles her shoes on the ground before smiling to herself again.
This is why I have the best girlfriend, huh? …hehe~
The orangehead beams when You finally gets their crepe and was making her way back.
Yay! You-chan!
Their eyes met and had a wordless cheer together. That happiness was cut short, however, when a group of girls squealed and surrounded the equally surprised ash-brunette. It only took a few seconds and Chika couldn’t see her girlfriend anymore.
What in the world?! You-chan?!
Chika leaves the shade and hurries over and frowns as she realizes it was You’s over-enthusiastic fans all over again.
“Kyaa! Watanabe-san!”
“Ahh! W-W-Watanabe You-chan in the flesh!”
“Can I get an autograph?”
“What crepe are you eating?”
“She’s getting crepes?? I wanna get the same flavour!”
“You-chan~ Can we get a picture together? We’re your biggest fans!”
“You could take a bite of your crepe first if you like~”
Chika sweatdrops at the intensity of this group of fans; she’s encountered You’s fans many times but never were they this whacky. They were so loud and didn’t even give You a chance to say anything.
You-chan doesn’t like this sort of things…
“U-Um…” Chika focuses on You’s nervous voice. “I…”
Chika starts trying to penetrate her way through the circle of fangirls but it was to no avail. “E-Excuse me.” Chika tries but they ignored her as they continued bombarding the helpless ash-brunette stuck in the centre of all this heat and fangirls. “Hey… Could you…just…uu…”
I’m so losing my patience…How do I get You-chan out of there-
“Ah-” One of the fangirls moves backwards and steps on Chika’s feet, her red-white converse shoes blemished, but what short-circuited the Leader of Aqours’ fuse was the fact that this fan didn’t even apologize as she tried to continue harassing Chika’s girlfriend again.
Chika stomps her foot angrily behind the girls and shouted. “GET OUT OF MY WAY.” The orangehead jabs both hands between the shoulders of the fangirl wall, surprising them and pushing past to finally, finally see her girlfriend again. Chika swallows subconsciously as she saw You holding onto the crepe with both hands dearly and looking very much like a cornered deer.
Always. Always. Always. Interrupting our dates. Stealing You-chan’s attention. Scaring my girlfriend! Gaooowoah!
Chika does a war cry in her head as she grinds her teeth together, and grasping You’s hand, pulling the stumped swimmer away from the herd of fangirls.
“Hey!” A fangirl dared to sound out.
Chika tilts her head backwards; crimson eyes a deadly shine, mouth a frown that could bite without contact. “Huh? You-chan doesn’t have time for you lot.” The clearly upset orangehead faces the front again and walked off with her girlfriend in toll.
It was only when Chika reached a quieter street did she stop walking. She turns to make sure You was okay and seeing that innocent face, soft blue eyes, Chika’s anger dissipates more. “Sorry…I hope I didn’t scare you…”
You shakes her head and squeezes Chika’s hand that never once let go of her own. “Thank you for saving me back there. I’m so bad at getting away or saying no to fangirls…”
Chika pursed her lips at the memory of that rude bunch. “They were crazier today…”
“I should thank them though.”
“HUH!? Why would you!” Chika stares indignantly at her girlfriend, questioningly and upset.
Why would you even- for those-
“They let me see a really cool side of Chika-chan.” You smiles crookedly, azure eyes twinkling with mirth.
Chika softens at that, her frown turning into a pout and eyes shifting sideways. “Forget about that…I bet it was scary…”
You chuckles. “I’ll never find Chika-chan scary. I thought it would be really cool if you had a tux on at that point of time though.”
“Why..?” Chika was confused.
Does she want me to wear a tux during our wedding..?
“That would be so mafia-like. The way you went ‘Huh? You-chan doesn’t have time for you lot’ – I could totally imagine you with a cane or baton, some sort of blunt weapon that just came over to rescue me! …Chika-chan was really cool earlier…hehe.” You’s cheeks were a beautiful pink hue as she finished her explanation.
Chika’s cheeks were covered in red too from two reasons; one, her girlfriend seriously found her angry, protective side cool, and two, she totally jumped to conclusions about their wedding when this was still about the mob-of-whatever-they-were that Chika can’t remember anymore. “Eh…Mm…I see.” Chika scratches her blushing cheeks nervously.
You smiles bashfully and lovingly. “The…crepe. We should eat it before it becomes too hot.”
Chika looks to the crepe with its cream mostly melted but in the ash-brunette’s experienced hand. “Yeah…Feed me?” The orangehead opens her mouth going “ah~” cutely.
You chuckles and feeds Chika the first bite. “Ahh~”  
“Mm~ Sweet! You-chan take a bite too.” Chika insists and You nods, moving the crepe over to her mouth.
“Mm~m~ It’s really sweet indeed! Totally worth the queue.” You beams and Chika couldn’t help but reflect that; her heart feeling a strong tug as she loved her girlfriend’s bright smile directed at her and only her, and her girlfriend’s hands in hers despite the heat of Summer and the sweatiness from holding hands for so long now.
I’ll protect You-chan’s smile forever.
Author Notes
Aaaannnndd, that’s a wrap! Hoo-wahh~ @O@ Chika really got mad there! She was a little scary but very, very cool! >w
You can fangirl over You-chan, sure, but if you scare You-chan too much, and step on Chika’s shoes that You-chan complimented her in…you’re getting The Takami Angry Course. XD
To Cream: I also just realized that another ChikaYou prompt you gave me, I already had it with fangirls around You and Chika doing a little something to get You’s attention :3 but well, this time it’s during a date. With crazier fans XD
I hope y’all were surprised and enjoyed this as much as me! *O* Leave me a comment if you like~ It’s time to get back on track so I can share more ChikaYou stories! :D
Perhaps…you could suggest which part of You and Chika’s life you’d like to see next? ;D
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oumiyuki · 6 years
Sometimes all you need is a reliable girlfriend
Summary: Wrestling with a jelly FOR 10 MINUTES made Chika furious. You knows just what to do to let her girlfriend be all happy again.
Pairing: ChikaYou
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Words: 609
Read me at fanfiction.net or AO3 too~
Author Notes
-heavy pouting-
May you enjoy… =3=
“Uggghhhhh….Nnnn…Grrrrr….Arghhhh…Mou!!” Chika groans and grumbles and growls before she throws the jelly with the tattered plastic cover from all her attempt of using her nails and teeth to get it to open across the living room.
“I just want to eat jelly on a hot day and it’s like that’s so much to ask for! Gaahhh!” Chika huffs and glares at the infuriating jelly lying on the floor – looking fine as though mocking the orangehead’s efforts. “Grrr, I hate you.”
Chika stomps off to sulk.
You opens the door to the shared apartment with Chika, placing the keys on top of the shoe cabinet as she calls,  “I’m home~”
The ash-brunette blinks and accesses the situation when she doesn’t get a happy “welcome home, You-chan” or even see her girlfriend’s shadow. “Did Chika-chan go out?”
You wonders aloud but soon notices the uneaten jelly on the floor and she could feel Chika’s presence in the house – sure to still be fuming. You smiles to herself, knowing what she has to do.
“Hmmrrnnmmm…” The orangehead sounds from where she was angrily squashing and un-squashing her plushie.
You raises an eyebrow at her sulking girlfriend who looks up at her with red eyes turning a tad less upset but still clinging onto that negative emotion. The swimmer smiles understandingly as she makes her way to Chika, taking a seat beside her. “Here.”
Chika looks to You’s hand, revealing the jelly that got her this infuriated. “I hate it. I don’t want it.”
You chuckles, moves the jelly away from Chika’s line of sight only to rather easily open it. Chika’s eyes widen at the sight but pouts hard; not wanting to admit defeat and accept the jelly. You offers it again with that gentle smile Chika likes. “C’mon. Say ah~?”
Chika chews the inside of her mouth; weighing her options. Sighing, she gives in. Eating the jelly would be revenge…and her girlfriend is feeding it to her – why say no to that, right? “Ah…”
You chuckles softly. “Delicious?”
The ash-brunette puts the empty jelly case into the plastic bag that has been in her hands and she ruffles in it before taking out a cup of glistening with water vapour on the outside, sweet mikan-flavoured pudding. Chika’s mouth was beginning to water already. You’s blue eyes twinkles knowingly. “I bought each of us one from the convenience store.”
Chika swallows in anticipation. Ruby eyes hungry as she looks to You for permission.
You beams. “For you~”
Just as You opens the pudding for Chika, the orangehead puts her plushie to the side and climbs onto You’s lap, sitting facing the swimmer. “Chika-chan?”
“Feed me.” Chika demands as she puts her hand lazily around You’s shoulders.
The ash-brunette resigns to her fate and obliges despite having to fight her growing blush on an already hot day. But what’s a little heat, drumming heart and blush-covered face in exchange for Chika’s joyous mood and smile? Nothing You won’t do for her girlfriend.
“Mm~” Chika mews happily with each bite. She takes the spoon from You halfway through the feed her favourite person in the world, You chuckles as she accepts the scoop.
When done, Chika hugs You, pressing her cheek to You’s shoulder. Breathing slow. “You-chan…”
“Mm?” You hums as she puts the empty pudding case away in the plastic bag and aside.
“Thank you…”
You could hear Chika’s pout, probably still indignant about the jelly, and a dash of embarrassment from behaving so needy. You rubs Chika’s back comfortingly.  “Anytime.”
Chika smiles; yup, most favourite, most special, most loved person in the world to Chika is You.
Author Notes
This was inspired from my personal experience of fighting with a jelly, but minus the sweet and capable You-chan. =3= where’s my You-chan~? (and jelly)
XD Mm~ I hope y’all enjoyed the read! Maybe it’s relatable too? Hahas. :P
Leave me a comment if you like~ (Chika will be spoiled by You here, sitting in her lap and getting hugs~ while waiting for your thoughts! :D)
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