silly-storm-chaser · 6 years
//You’re the nerd here, sheesh....
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sparrowofthesands · 7 years
"Again! Focus yourself, feel creation and destruction as one, not two!"
What was she to do? He was the teacher, after all. The weaver closed her eyes, again thinking of the task at hand. The goal here was simple. Take some stone, and press down on it until it became something new. It was easy in theory but in practice... Well, there was a reason the ronin was having her repeat the exercise.
The broken mass of stones from her last attempt rose from the ground once more, swirling about each other until they came close enough to touch. It was then she pressed inward, each bit trying to force itself into the same space. While they looked stationary, Taliyah could feel them vibrating, shifting, heating up from the pressure of her magic. This was the hard part.
This was what worried her, that soon she would lose control. The stones were heating up, slowly but surely. The beast form of panic was prowling withing, waiting for its chance to strike, but she was intensely focused on the task at hand.
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light-puns · 7 years
The woods, untamed and grand, swirling with a thousand tones of swampy greens and earthen browns, vast as proud ironwood trees would dampen the burning sun overhead with its leafy canopy, the wanderer trudging through shady lanes of light green. The scent of another land clung to his robes, cuts and scars of small and large told a tale of a sellsword perhaps... Or a wanderer searching for some unknown, faraway goal. "Where am I?"
Lux had felt him before she’d seen him. The feeling of not being alone, the trees themselves noting his passing and pulling on her nature element. She wasn’t alone but this man does not incite fear in her. He is strange, he is different, and unlike anyone she’s seen around here before but she does not fear him. She is quiet as she watches him for long moments, eyeing the sword at his side critically. 
Then he speaks, as if confused and she can’t help the laughter that bubbles up from her. Bright and shining, battling the sun in luminescence, as she can do nothing but look at him helplessly. How can he not know where he is? He seems so confused and she feels for him. 
“Demacia friend, you are in Demacia. Is that not where you wished to end up?” She leans forward slightly a smile on her lips, as she attempts to catch his eye. 
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heartstrlng · 6 years
Most expensive thing the mun owns.
To go with a single thing would very likely be my car. It’s not an expensive car by any stretch, but it’s a modern lil’ thing and not a run down cheap buy like my first car. If I wanted to cheat the system, my musical instrument collection net worth would probably eclipse the worth of my car though.
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vindictivly · 7 years
Role Models || Accepting—[ I have a few people and had to use a random name generator since they are all precious. ]
One of the first few friends in the making of this community. Someone I will not forget so easily, even if I am forgotten. This person has been a huge source of inspiration for me and has taught me things that I wield to this day. This mun has seen me through ups and downs, and sometimes it’s really the smallest things in life that make this world bearable. As I progress forward with my web comic, a character has been dedicated to his existence and as in the real world, serves his purpose as a teacher and as a friend. A tree harvests a flower, which develops into a fruit before it is harvested or falls to the ground.
This mun also has interesting views with Yasuo, and personally is one of the best Yasuo’s I’ve seen around there. If you’re looking for a Yasuo blog, I’d recommend this one. You might find your muse on a journey probably.
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leonadawnchaser · 7 years
"You're armour is... Rather shapely. I merely wonder if women beneath belies any of that."
“I was gifted it...Though, do you truly wish to see what is beneath it?”
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judicandum · 7 years
"Accept your place in life, angel. It makes it easier to forget what you've done."
“What makes you think I have not?” she huffs quietly, folding her arms over her chest. “I have no need to forget. I know what I am and what my purpose is. Do not project your own insecurities on me.”
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swordmaid · 7 years
wasure-arashi replied to your post: wanna make …………..a r*iven again…………………
I see you, fam.
what is a man what has he got .......... if not himself then he has naught ...........
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banishingtheshadows · 7 years
wasure-arashi replied to your post: ((Ah new followers, hello and welcome, you should...
She’s also a fucking microwave chicken.
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silly-storm-chaser · 7 years
I have so many questions. Not only as a muse, but as your boyfriend as well.
Sunday shennanigans
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voidbornriven · 7 years
I don't think biting is the best way of marking people, Riven.
“For humans maybe not...” she grumbled, head hung low. “But its very hard to simply give a ring to someone in the void for...various reasons. So biting is the best thing we can do.”
Riven ran her fingers through her hair and sighed. “Even so...I did not think I would cause such a mess when answering a simple question.”
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hajarsahir · 7 years
A smile tugs at his lips, gently shaking her shoulder, as a father would to their sleeping child. "Welcome back to the living, Little Sparrow."
“ H-Hey! It’s not like I slept for days! I’m very much alive! “  She’d turn on herself, arms moving up and down, the fabric of her clothes following her movements until one in particular made the small ornaments of the clothing collide with her cheek, causing her to stop dead in her track.  “ Ow… “
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vindictivly · 7 years
"A weapon is a tool, a warrior is the one who decides."
“Someone who understands that Rhaast is only a tool…but he is also who I am now.” The assassin spoke, gripping the blue scythe in his hands a little tighter as he glanced down to it. Rhaast only looked up at him silently, and shifted his gaze to the samurai before him. His eye only narrowed, probably from dislike. Whether this was the case or not, Shieda did not seem to care, and turned to Yasuo slowly. He was of Ionian, what other than to not hate him.
“He is my right hand, my weapon, my life. Without him, I am nothing.” Shieda glanced to the katana of which Yasuo carried, nodding his head to gesture to it. “What about yours?”
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exiile-blog1 · 7 years
*raises hand*
My Opinion on;
Character in general: angsty hobo :^)  A wanderer who has strayed off his own path and his has tried to find it again, though the choices made are a bit unsavory How they play them: beautifully crafted threads and poetically described. still looking for that forgiveness but has to be able to forgive himself first I still gotta respond to our thread ajhfsddhjskdhsds The Mun: Pretty cool and is always keeping me on my toes about Yasven, it always gives me something to look forward to
Do I:
RP with them: YES, RIDE ON THIS TRAIN OF YASVEN HELL WITH ME Want to RP with them: WE ALREADY DO and maybe a bit more 
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Please, give this blog a look and I would highly recommend reading some of their threads BECAUSE THEY GOT THE GOOD STUFF. Also, for your yasven indulgences, I recommend that as well. 
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty
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judicandum · 7 years
Upon tired eyes would he see her, cloaked in vibrant light, and a crease of his brow and curl of his lip would follow as scarred hands would move to grip themselves. "Justice, goodness... Nothing can be pure forever," he would say. "All blades grow dull, and all gusts will die in the end. But in all things, there is balance."
She laughs, and it is a quiet, tired sound. “You are correct,” she murmurs. “All blades do grow dull, and there shall be an end. But not here, not yet. For now, fires still burn bright, and the earth will be scoured of corruption. The scales snap to even.”
Gauntleted fingers tap along the pommel of her blade, slow and ponderous. “You doubt that which has no crack or fault as of yet. Am I so distasteful to you?”
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