#wasted a forma on it
tru-daddy · 6 months
womp womp now dante is half as good at his job and the people complaining about overguard messing with their abilities are still going to complain because they still have oveguard 😔
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in conclusion:
6 notes · View notes
bruhnze · 15 days
Yo solo digo que deberías hacer una historia basada en esta canción.
Or what we know in the world of fanfiction as a song-fic. Sorry, I have intrusive thoughts sometimes
FIC IS IN ENGLISH. Only a spanish title i promise :)
(For @nani1803 (sé que la historia ya no tiene mucho q ver con la canción, pero espero q te guste de todas formas. De todas maneras, hay mucha suciedad en ello😏)
And to the anons who sended requests like this one, I hope this made you happy aswell :)
Warnings: sub!Lucy, smut, smut, smut, dom!Ona, I feel like I should say a BDSM warning.. things get…freaky. use of words like slut/toy/etc.. 50% AU (only bcs Ona is no footballer). Also, there is some Spanish in this, for continuity purposes it is not translated but I have made sure everything can be understood from context (i think). The smut may or may not have some spelling/grammatic errors. :( sorry.
Vino tinto y una súper Nova
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Wordcount: 13k, i really cant keep it short damn, this was supposed to be 5k max.
Summary: Lucy Bronze gets an invitation to a special speakeasy. Should she go? It is her last chance to use the invitation because she is leaving Barcelona in a couple days…
One last time MINORS for the love of god, DNI.
This is the filthiest thing i have ever writting omg. Very descriptive, i repeat.. very descriptive, probably best to read at an unholy hour..
Vino tinto y una súper Nova
Lucy stared at the little black card in her hand for what felt like the thousandth time since she had received it three months ago, her mind racing. She would never, right? The thought echoed in her head as she traced the dark red letters on the card with her finger. Elixír Oculto.
The name alone had an intoxicating allure, a whisper of something forbidden. A speakeasy in the heart of Barcelona... how could she resist? The idea was undeniably cool, almost too tempting to let the opportunity go to waste.
When she had done some digging online, the secrecy surrounding the place had only heightened her curiosity. There wasn't much information, but the description she'd found told her everything she needed to know and more.
"Indulge in an intimate atmosphere where connections flourish, and desires are whispered between sips of the finest vintage. At Elixír Oculto, we offer an exclusive, invite-only experience where boundaries blur, and the night unfolds in ways only your imagination can envision. Here, every encounter is as unforgettable as the last, curated for those who seek more than just the ordinary. Discretion is our promise, and a magical experience is our guarantee."
Lucy frowned, her heart beating a little faster. She wasn't really considering this... was she? A sex club? But then again... these were her last days in Barcelona. Maybe this could be her little farewell gift to herself, a night of adventure. It had been too long since she'd done anything like that. But could she really go through with it? Was she truly going to sleep with someone who might be paid for it? Shouldn't she just pick up someone at a bar instead? But then again, who knew if the people there were paid or not?
Maybe, just maybe, everyone with an invite was just like her - someone just looking for a bit of fun, a brief escape. She could meet someone on the same wavelength, someone who wanted what she wanted: a night of no-strings-attached pleasure.
She sighed, running a hand through her hair. She had played all her games, packed all her bags... didn't she deserve a little adventure? Five more days in Barcelona, one more night to herself. What was the harm in just taking a peek inside this speakeasy? If it turned out to be nothing, she could simply turn around and leave, laughing about it later.
But what if it wasn't? What if it was everything the card hinted at and more? Lucy glanced at the card again, feeling the pull of the unknown. Maybe... just maybe... this was exactly what she needed.
Lucy stepped into the shower, letting the hot water trail over her, washing away the tension of the day.
She took her time, scrubbing herself thoroughly, feeling grateful once again for the laser hair removal she’d undergone. Smooth skin was a necessity in her line of work for her, where shared dressing rooms were the norm. But it also came in handy for those unexpected moments of.. fun, the ones she hadn't had in far too long.
By the time she finished, it was around 7:00 PM. She sat naked on her bed, her damp hair wrapped in a towel, scrolling through her phone absently. Cooking? Or ordering in and going out? The question lingered as her eyes drifted back to the little black card lying on the nightstand. Ordering in and going out to where, exactly? Was she really going to that club? She asked herself.
She shook her head, making a quick decision. Sushi. Might as well savor some of Spain’s delicious fish before she left. After placing the order, Lucy stood in front of her nearly empty closet, groaning in frustration. Everything's packed... Was she really about to dig into her suitcase for something to wear? All this for a night at a sex club? Pathetic, she thought, but with a sigh, she unzipped the suitcase dedicated to her formal wear anyways.
She went through the neatly folded clothes, searching for the least wrinkled option. Finally, she settled on a brown suit. Not her first choice, but it would do.
At least she hadn't packed her jewelry and didn’t have to dig for that. Small victories.
Glasses or lenses? She hesitated, then opted for glasses. If there was ever a time to pull a "Clark Kent," this was it. With any luck, no one would recognize her there.
Loose hair, she decided. It was different from her usual look, but she slipped two hair ties onto her wrist just in case - always good to be prepared.
Back in the bathroom, she leaned into the mirror, the only one left in her apartment. She couldn’t check her entire outfit, but at least she could perfect her makeup. A touch of light foundation, a sweep of mascara, a hint of blush, she kept it simple.
She smiled at her reflection, feeling a flicker of confidence. You’re Lucy Bronze. She reminded herself, taking a deep breath. You can do whatever you want. You’re going to this club because you deserve it, and because you want it.
She practiced a wink, her attempt at charm feeling a bit rusty. Why was this so hard? she groaned, shaking her head with a small, self-deprecating laugh. She really needed to do things like this more often.
With a splash of her favorite perfume, she sealed the deal. The scent was subtle but intoxicating, just enough to boost her confidence.
She walked into the kitchen, turning on some music to give herself a little pep talk in the form of a dance, well, something resembling a dance at least, but no one could see her here anyways. She needed to get in the mood, shake off some nerves.
No alcohol, she reminded herself. She was still a professional athlete, after all. Even though a drink might ease her anxiety, she wasn’t about to compromise her principles just because she was nervous. She was still in season, and there was no room for slacking off.
Lucy exhaled slowly, pulling herself together. No liquid courage needed. She could do this on her own. She wasn’t going to waste this invitation - she was going to embrace it. And if she was honest with herself, she knew she wanted this.
Lucy took a deep breath, standing inside of what looked like just another ordinary bar. This should be it, right? she thought, glancing around. It didn't look like anything special, but then again, that was the point of a speakeasy.
Her fingers brushed over the little black card in her pocket, the red letters Elixír Oculto barely visible in the dim light. Oh, right... the 'vino tinto' thing, she remembered. The guy inviting her had mentioned something about asking for the red wine specialties. Maybe that was the theme of the club?
Lost in thought, she nearly jumped when a voice interrupted her. "Señorita?"
She looked up quickly, a friendly smile on her face. "Oh, sorry, I was just... uhm..."
The bartender chuckled, recognizing the uncertainty in her expression. "Ah, inglés," he said with a warm smile. "Welcome to our bar. What can I get you tonight, beautiful?"
Lucy felt a light blush creep up her cheeks. Damn, why am I so easy? she thought, flustered. "Uhm..." She hesitated, then held up the card. "Red wine?"
The bartender's smile widened as if he had been expecting this. "I thought so," he said with a knowing nod. He gestured for her to follow him. "Come, I'll show you the wines we have in stock."
They walked through a door behind the bar, descending into a dimly lit wine cellar. The air was cool, the scent of aged wood and fermented grapes heavy around them. The bartender reached for the only bottle on the shelf that wasn’t covered in dust, pulling it gently. The sound of a mechanism clicked, and a hidden doorway swung open. He stepped aside with a polite bow. "I wish you a very good evening, ma’am."
Before Lucy could respond, he was gone, leaving her standing at the threshold of the hidden hallway. This is so freaking cool, she thought, her excitement growing. It was just like in a movie. She walked down the narrow corridor, the exposed brick walls adding to the clandestine vibe, until she emerged into a lavish, red-lit space.
The atmosphere was intoxicating. To her left, a sleek bar was manned by two bartenders who moved skillfully, mixing and pouring drinks with effortless grace. Directly in front of her was a stage where men and women danced sensually, their movements captivating.
Plush chairs were arranged around the stage, some already occupied by persons who watched the performance with rapt attention.
"Puedo ayudarla, señora?" A mans voice spoke softly next to her.
Lucy jumped, startled out of her thoughts. "Uh, I was invited," she said with a nervous chuckle, turning to face the man who had approached her. "First time." She offered.
"Ah, inglés," the man said, echoing the bartender from earlier with a friendly smile. Lucy couldn’t help but laugh at the coincidence of them reacting exactly the same.
"I asked if I could help you," he clarified. "But I see, you’re new here, so of course, I’ll assist you."
Lucy nodded, feeling a bit more at ease.
"First, we need to stop by the hall over here," he said, gesturing to the right as he began walking. Lucy followed closely. "You don't have a coat, but if you'd like, you can leave your jacket here. If not, that's fine too." He pointed to a row of small black lockers built into the wall. "Devices go in here."
Wow, this is serious, Lucy thought, realizing just how secretive the place was. "Okay," she agreed, slipping off her small bag. She started to take out her phone but was gently interrupted.
"No bags allowed either," the man said kindly. "You can place it in the locker and take the key with you."
"Alright," she replied, securing her belongings. The man shut the locker for her and handed her the key.
"Perfect. Now, you’re free to enjoy a drink at the bar. Did you see where it was, or would you like me to show you?"
"I’ll go by myself, thank you," Lucy smiled, feeling a bit more confident as she took the key.
"If you need anything, just ask someone with this," he said, pointing to a wine-red handkerchief peeking out from his breast pocket. "Enjoy your time at Elixír Oculto, beautiful." With a final smile, he walked away.
Lucy blinked, a bit taken aback. Did they call everyone beautiful here, is that just part of the charm? she wondered as she made her way to the bar.
"Uh, could I get a whiskey glass with ice... but with iced tea instead?" she asked awkwardly, feeling a little out of place. "No alcohol," she added quickly, clarifying her request.
The bartender raised an eyebrow but complied without question. Lucy felt a bit of regret - she should’ve grabbed some cash from her bag. How was she going to pay for this? They’d probably let her settle the bill with card when she left.
She thanked the bartender with a smile and took a sip. Yep, iced tea.
"Hello," a soft voice said from behind her, accompanied by a gentle touch on the small of her back.
Lucy stiffened, her heart racing. Is it starting already? She carefully lowered the glass from her lips, afraid of choking, and turned to look.
The woman beside her wore a sharp suit, a wine-red handkerchief in her pocket just like the man from earlier. Ah, she worked here.
"Hi," Lucy replied, realizing she’d been silent for too long. Wait, did she just speak English?
The woman smiled warmly. "The gentleman from earlier mentioned you were English," she explained.
Wait, had she said that out loud? Lucy wondered. Or was her face really that readable?
"It’s normal to feel a bit nervous your first time here," the woman continued, her tone reassuring. "But I want to make sure you’re comfortable."
Lucy nodded, trying to steady her breathing. "T-thanks."
"We’re all about creating magical evenings here," the woman said, her voice soothing. "If I may take the liberty to make an assumption, I’d like to suggest our other room."
Lucy tilted her head, not quite understanding. Another room? Sure, why not? But what was this other room?
"This room is for women who like men," the woman explained, gesturing toward the stage, "and men who like women." She looked at Lucy with kind eyes, no judgment in her gaze. "But we also have a room where women dance for women only."
Lucy swallowed hard, her breath hitching slightly.
"If my assumption is -"
"No, no," Lucy cut in, offering a reassuring smile. "You’re correct. That would be more up my street."
"Perfect." The woman smiled, her eyes twinkling. "You can follow me."
Lucy quickly got on her feet, leaving the red bar chair behind.
The woman led her through another corridor, these walls were also lined with exposed brick. As they reached a pair of dark red curtains, the woman held them open and Lucy was greeted with an even more enchanting room than before.
Or maybe it was just the fact that this room was for women only that made it feel so captivating. The space exuded a warm, inviting glow, with plush furnishings and soft, ambient lighting that made everything look almost dreamlike.
Lucy took in the scene with wide eyes, her earlier nerves beginning to ease as curiosity and excitement took over.
The room was mesmerizing, with a stage prominently set in the middle. As she looked around, she noticed four women on the stage. They weren’t exactly dancing like what was happening in the other room; two were just sitting and drinking something, but the two that caught Lucy’s eye were engaged in a more intimate display. Lucy felt a flush rise to her cheeks. She absently fidgeted with her collar, loosening it to help her breathe a bit easier.
“Señora?” The woman who had guided her in gently touched her arm.
Lucy turned back, her face warm. “Oh, sorry. I’m just feeling a bit hot,” she said, demonstratively removing her jacket.
The woman smiled understandingly. “I was just saying, if anything here makes you uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to let them know.”
Lucy blinked, a little taken aback. She couldn’t imagine those beautiful women being a bother at all. “Oh, thanks. I’ll keep that in mind,” she replied awkwardly.
“Choose a seat,” the woman continued with a friendly smile. “And if you finish that iced tea, just let me know, and I’ll get you something - anything you like.”
Lucy felt a flush of embarrassment. Did she know it was iced tea? She chuckled nervously. “O-okay, thanks.”
The woman laughed softly. “We rarely serve alcohol here. We do have it for those who want it, but we often welcome athletes or models who don’t drink, but even otherwise, we don’t judge.” She reassured Lucy with a warm smile.
“Oh, great, I’m an athlete. Thanks,” Lucy said, her cheeks still tinged with color, assuring the woman she wasn’t just someone with an alcohol problem or something.
The woman’s eyes twinkled with curiosity. “I’d love to know more, but I’m not allowed to ask,” she said, holding up her hands playfully. “Have a great evening, beautiful.” She gave Lucy a wink before walking away.
Lucy watched her go, a hint of self-consciousness creeping in. Damn, I should’ve just owned the iced tea. I’m a professional athlete, damn it, why did I let myself feel so awkward? She sighed, feeling a bit unsettled.
The girls had now spotted her, all four pairs of eyes were trained on her. Lucy made her way to one of the chairs, forcing a smile as she went to take a seat, deliberately choosing a spot not too close to the platform. She draped her jacket over the backrest and surveyed the room.
The platform was only slightly raised, just below knee height, with a lower step running around its edge. In the center stood a plush red sofa and four poles were evenly spaced around it.
The room had a inviting, but over all very red, ambiance. Around the platform were chairs similar to the one Lucy was sitting in. Behind her was a wall lined with booths - small tables surrounded by benches. The lighting was soft and atmospheric, with a brighter spotlight focused on the center of the room, were the platform was.
As she glanced back at the platform, she noticed two of the women had begun dancing on the poles, those who had been touching each other earlier. Lucy’s attention was drawn to another set of curtains behind the platform. That was not the hallway she had came from right? She shifted her gaze, only to cringe slightly when she met the eyes of the woman who had guided her in. Damn, why is this so awkward? she thought.
The woman gave a reassuring nod, and Lucy forced a smile in return before turning her attention back to the platform.
A moment later, a woman approached her. “Eres tan hermosa, primera vez aquí, no te reconozco,” she said, her voice soft and inviting.
“Uh, l-lo siento, soy i-inglés,” Lucy replied, feeling flustered. “I mean, I can understand, pero no hablar muy bien. But yes, first time.”
The woman smiled warmly. “You’re pretty,” she said as she moved behind Lucy, her fingers lightly tracing along Lucy’s arm before resting gently on her shoulders. She leaned in, whispering against Lucy’s ear, which made her shiver. “Would you like a little show?”
Lucy nodded, her eyes drawn to the girl still lounging on the red sofa. She found her to be the most captivating of the four, though all were undeniably beautiful.
“Yeah, that would be -”
“Perfect,” the woman interrupted with a mischievous smile. “We’ve been dying for some audience.”
Lucy’s attention was drawn to the girl lounging on the red sofa. As if she sensed Lucy's gaze, the girl stretched languidly, her movements effortlessly graceful. The dim lighting bathed her figure in a soft glow, accentuating her features and adding a sensual allure to the scene. She was really pretty.
Meanwhile, the girl who had approached Lucy earlier had selected a new track - something with a more seductive rhythm than the background music that had been playing before. Lucy’s eyes darted between this change in atmosphere and the girl now rising from the sofa with a confident, almost mischievous smile.
The dancer approached the pole closest to Lucy with deliberate, measured steps. While the other three women continued their synchronized dance around their poles, Lucy found herself completely captivated by the girl who had drawn her in from the start.
With an almost hypnotic grace, the girl returned to the sofa, her body swaying to the rhythm in a way that was captivating, truly. She traced her fingers along the plush red fabric, creating a tantalizing scene. The background music seemed to fade away for Lucy, leaving her entire focus fixed on the dark blond-haired dancer.
The girl’s performance was a seamless blend of elegance and sensuality. Her movements were fluid and confident, a blend of seductive dance and playful tease.
Occasionally, her gaze met Lucy’s, each glance filled with a promise that was both alluring and mysterious.
The dancer’s use of the poles were masterful, their bodies contorting in ways that was mesmerizing and purely art, if Lucy could give her opinion about it.
All four of them could dance, but as Lucy tried to focus on it all she couldn’t help herself staring at the brown eyed girl.
The performance was captivating, drawing Lucy deeper into the fantasy of the evening.
As the show progressed, the girl’s movements grew more passionate and intense. Lucy watched, entranced, as the boundaries between reality and fantasy seemed to dissolve, the room around her fading into insignificance. It felt like she had walked right in to a Hollywood filmset.
When the performance reached its climax, the girl struck a final pose. Instinctively, Lucy placed her glass on the table beside her and clapped, genuinely impressed.
Wow, she thought. Just for this private show, it was worth it. Damn, these girls are fucking amazing. She found herself wondering if it was okay to think of them in an objectifying way. Regardless, she couldn’t deny the sheer amazement of the experience.
The girls gathered together, their giggles filling the room. “Thank you, thank you,” they chimed with an adorable accent, clearly pleased with her applause. They made a playful bow.
Lucy’s gaze fell on the shorter girl again, who was now smiling directly at her. As the four of them stood together, it was evident that she was the shortest. She smiled at Lucy, then turned to her companions, and they began to speak rapidly in Spanish. Lucy tried to follow their conversation.
“Está claro que le gusta Ona,” one of them said.
“No podemos ir todos juntos?” another replied.
“Bueno, pfft, Ona te la llevas.”
Lucy caught a few words and felt a thrill of excitement. Were they discussing her? Did she understand correctly - they were deciding who would be with her? The thought made her feel giddy. She really hoped the shorter girl was called Ona.
Jeez, she thought. Was she really thinking about this like that?
To her surprise, it was indeed the shorter girl who approached her. Lucy straightened in her chair, her curiosity piqued.
"Hola, hermosa," the girl said confidently, her voice carrying a hint of playful seduction. "Can I take a seat?"
Lucy glanced around, momentarily flustered. Her heart raced as she processed the unexpected request. Her initial thought was, In my lap? Really? It felt like something out of a fantasy or a cliché.
Unsure of how to accept with words, she simply nodded, her cheeks warming slightly.
With elegant movement, Ona settled into Lucy's lap. As she adjusted Lucy's collar, straightening it, she said, "The other girls think you’re interested in me."
Lucy’s heart raced. So, this was Ona.
"Is that true?" Ona whispered, her breath warm against Lucy's ear. "Would you like to come with me?"
Lucy glanced back at the platform. The other dancers had returned to the sofa, lost in their own interactions. "Mhm, I think you’re a very good dancer," Lucy said, trying to keep her voice steady.
Ona’s eyes sparkled with satisfaction. "Follow me, preciosa." With a charming smile, she stood up and beckoned Lucy to follow her. Her tight braid swinging back and forth as she turned.
Lucy quickly grabbed her jacket and hurried after Ona, her excitement growing as she moved toward the curtain. Only at the curtain she realized she had left her glass behind.
Ah, fuck that iced tea, Lucy thought, amused with herself, as her gaze lingered on the woman’s miniskirt, which left little to the imagination. She couldn’t help but wonder what was hidden underneath. Bronze! she scolded herself internally. Get a grip - don’t be a creep.
“This is -” the woman began, but then paused, turning around.
Lucy quickly snapped her gaze back up to meet the woman’s eyes. Shit, caught.
The woman chuckled mischievously. “Like what you see?”
Lucy nodded, feeling like a teenager caught doing something naughty. God, why is everything going so terribly rough?
“This is my room,” the woman continued, starting over with a smile. “After you.”
Lucy stepped through the door as Ona held it open. “Thank you, Ona,” she said, taking in the spacious room. A bed with red sheets dominated the space, and a large, perfectly fitted closet lined one wall.
As she looked around, she realized Ona hadn’t followed her in. The woman was still standing in the doorway, her expression suddenly serious.
“How do you know my name?” Ona asked, her tone stern.
Lucy looked at her, confused. “Oh ehrm, the girls- they were-” she stammered, pointing back towards the main room.
“You heard?” Ona’s expression shifted to something more mischievous. “How much did you hear?”
Lucy’s eyes widened. “I don’t know, not much. They said Ona was going with me?” she offered hesitantly.
Ona smiled and finally stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. “Okay then, Ona it is. But I’d like to know your name too then.”
“Of course,” Lucy said, draping her jacket over her left arm. “Lucy.” She extended her hand.
Ona chuckled, taking Lucy’s hand and bringing it to her lips to place a soft kiss on her knuckles. “Very formal, huh? Nice to meet you, Miss Lucy.”
Lucy nodded, feeling a bit flustered. “Y-yeah, nice to meet you too.”
The room here had the same kind of music playing as the other room, only quieter.
“So… do you work here?” Lucy asked, breaking the silence, as Ona moved further into the room, which felt like a luxurious hotel suite. Probably not the best conversation starter, Lucy thought, biting her lip.
Ona’s eyes sparkled with amusement. “Work?” She laughed softly. “No, baby, I do this because I love it.”
Lucy frowned. “So you don’t get paid?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.
“This is a private club for attractive people, by attractive people,” Ona explained matter-of-factly. “I understand you are someone who likes to know the details.” She chuckled. “When you get invited here, it’s by someone who’s been a member for a while and earned the privilege of handing out a card. It’s a pretty big deal to receive one,” she smiled. “Being a member is free; we call it ‘pretty privilege.’ But most members make donations. I also get a cut from those donations, and sometimes people make a specific donation just for me. When that happens, I get it all.” She sat down on a leather couch and leaned back, eyes locked on Lucy’s. “I’m under contract with this place,” she continued with a smile, “so what you said is probably true. But I prefer to see it as an arrangement that lets me live out my life’s passion.”
Lucy nodded, captivated by Ona’s every word. “What is it?” she asked, genuinely intrigued.
Ona grinned, a flicker of mischief in her eyes. "Well, it goes hand in hand with Elixír Oculto’s motto - helping people experience a magical evening. But my personal passion is making dreams come true, even the ones you never knew you had."
"Wow," Lucy murmured, letting the words sink in. Achieving every dream you have, even the ones you’ve never thought of before. It was poetic, inspirational.
“Don’t be afraid to take a seat, cariño,” Ona’s voice was soft but commanding, her smile so hypnotic that it made Lucy’s heart skip a beat. Those dimples, perfect teeth and scattered freckles. They could tell her this woman was send right from heaven and Lucy would believe them.
Lucy nodded, not trusting herself to speak, and settled into the leather chair half-facing Ona. She couldn’t tear her eyes away from her. God, this girl was stunning.
Ona’s grin widened, her amusement clear. “Afraid I bite? I mean, I won’t… not just yet.” Her chuckle was warm as she patted the spot beside her on the couch. “Come closer, hermosa.”
Swallowing, Lucy stood up, leaving her jacket draped over the chair. She moved to sit beside the Catalan, nerves dancing along her skin. She fidgeted, scratching at her wrist in an attempt to calm herself.
Ona noticed and gently took Lucy’s hand, her touch soft and reassuring. “Don’t be so nerviosa, beautiful,” she whispered, tracing the inked skin on Lucy’s wrist. “You’ll hurt your pretty tattoo.”
Lucy glanced down at their intertwined hands, then back up at Ona.
“Show it to me,” Ona said, nodding toward the tattoo.
Without hesitation, Lucy unbuttoned her sleeve and rolled it up, revealing the intricate design she was so proud of.
Ona’s fingers lightly traced the ink, her touch sending a shiver down Lucy’s spine. “English, with a tattoo that says família?” she teased, a playful lilt in her voice. “Estás segura de que no hablas español? Did you just say it so you could eavesdrop?” She chuckled, her eyes twinkling. “Or did you just have a bad tattoo artist?”
Lucy laughed softly, shaking her head. “No, I’m half Portuguese… but I don’t speak it that well either, to be honest.”
“Hmm,” Ona mused, her fingers still lingering on the tattoo. “Okay then, what brought you to Spain?”
Lucy smiled, a hint of nostalgia in her eyes. “I worked here, but now I’m heading back to England. It’s been amazing working in Barça, and I wanted to end my time here with something special. I was invited here by a photographer from work. He thought I’d enjoy this place. Guess I owe him a thank you.”
“Hmm, okay,” Ona said, catching the subtle compliment with a knowing smile. “So, you’re a model?”
Lucy chuckled, shaking her head. “Not really. I guess I am sometimes, but it comes with my real job - I’m an athlete.”
Ona’s interest piqued as she shifted, settling onto Lucy’s right thigh, her legs resting between Lucy’s. “Really, what sport?”
"Guess," Lucy replied with a playful smirk, finally enjoying a moment of being the one in control.
Ona’s finger traced lines on Lucy’s muscular upper chest, down to her shoulder and bicep. “Hmm, the muscles make me think something like.. rugby,” she contemplated. “But I’m not sure.”
Lucy chuckled. “It can feel like that sometimes, but no - it’s football. I played for Barça.”
Ona’s eyes widened slightly, a glimmer of amazement slipping through her composed exterior.
“And what was the shoot for? The one where you got the invitation?” Ona asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.
“Underwear,” Lucy admitted, feeling a bit awkward as she wasn’t supposed to reveal it yet.
“Hmm,” Ona grinned, her finger now tracing the buttons on Lucy’s blouse. “Now I’m curious what the photographer saw when he gave you that card.”
Lucy’s breath hitched as Ona began undoing the buttons. “Is this okay, bonita? Can I?”
Lucy nodded eagerly, her thoughts screaming for Ona to take it all off, right then and there.
Ona smirked as she revealed Lucy’s rock-solid abs. “Was it a Calvin Klein shoot?” she asked, eyeing the matching bra and the sliver of fabric peeking out from above Lucy’s pants.
“Uhm,” Lucy grimaced. “I signed a confidentiality agreement… I’m not supposed to -”
“My lips are sealed,” Ona assured, miming locking her mouth and tossing away the key. “But I will enjoy the photos if I ever come across them.” She winked cheekily and continued tracing her fingers over Lucy’s exposed skin, the touch light and teasing.
Lucy’s breath hitched again as Ona’s hands slipped beneath her blouse, sliding it off her shoulders with that same practiced ease. Quickly, Lucy undid the last button on her sleeve, leaning forward to help Ona remove the blouse completely.
Ona chuckled softly at Lucy’s eagerness, enjoying the way Lucy seemed to hang on every moment. As their faces drew closer, Lucy’s gaze locked onto Ona’s lips, her desire surging as she leaned in for a kiss. But just as their lips brushed, Ona pulled back with a playful chuckle.
"I can tell you’re used to being the one in control," Ona teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement.
Lucy blushed, the rejection making her feel suddenly shy again.
"But it doesn’t work like that here," Ona continued with a grin. "Well, it can, but that privilege has to be earned."
Lucy nodded, feeling a bit uncertain.
Ona smiled warmly, placing Lucy’s hand on her knee. "Oh, come on baby, don’t worry. You didn’t do anything wrong - it’s just one of the rules," she explained, her thumb brushing across Lucy’s bottom lip. "You can kiss me anywhere except on my mouth," she added, cupping Lucy’s cheek. "I’ll teach you all the rules along the way, hm?"
Swallowing, Lucy nodded again, her nerves settling slightly.
Ona chuckled softly. "You haven’t bitten your tongue, have you?"
Lucy shook her head. "No, I understand."
A knowing smile curved Ona’s lips. "You’re so eager to please, aren’t you?"
Lucy’s cheeks flushed.
“Kiss my neck querida.”
Lucy hesitated for a moment, glancing at Ona, who was comfortably seated on her lap, her neck now tilted to one side, invitingly exposed.
Leaning in, Lucy let her lips brush softly against the warm skin, savoring its softness and the intoxicating scent. God, her skin was so soft, and damn, did she smell good.
Encouraged by Ona’s subtle cues, Lucy began to place delicate kisses along her neck, listening intently for any sign of pleasure she was bringing. When Ona tilted her head back, giving her more space, Lucy grew bolder. She added a teasing flick of her tongue, a gentle scrape of her teeth, her breath warm against the damp trail she left behind.
Ona chuckled as she felt Lucy getting lost in the moment.
Lucy pulled back slightly, curious about the reason of Ona’s amusement.
"I can already tell this will be a great night," Ona murmured, her voice dripping with satisfaction. "You’re doing very well so far."
A wave of confidence washed over Lucy at the compliment, and she smiled, feeling more at ease. Ona stood up, and Lucy’s eyes trailed her every move, captivated by her grace. God, she was stunning. Clad in leather boots with a heel, a miniskirt, and a little top. Ona didn’t wear much already, but Lucy couldn’t help but imagine her wearing even less.
Ona moved to one of the closet doors, her back to Lucy as she opened it. Lucy couldn’t see what was inside, but her heart raced when Ona returned holding a leather rod with a small feather at the end, bundled with little strings of leather. Was she going to get hit?
But instead of using the rod, Ona casually walked to the kitchenette and opened the mini-fridge. She retrieved a bottle of water and poured two glasses, adding a few ice cubes to each. Returning to Lucy, she placed the rod on the coffee table and handed her one of the glasses.
“Water,” she said simply, taking a sip from her own glass.
Lucy awkwardly accepted the glass and took a sip, trying to calm her nerves.
“How can we get you relaxed, amor?” Ona asked, settling herself onto one of Lucy’s legs again. “You’re so tense.” Her fingers traced lazy patterns on Lucy’s skin. “What’s making you so nervous?” She leaned in, her lips brushing softly against Lucy’s jaw. “Is it because you’re letting go of control for once?” Her voice dropped to a whisper, “It can be amazing, hermosa,” she assured, placing another kiss just below Lucy’s ear. “I know you can be so good for me, hm? Just let me take control.”
Lucy swallowed hard and nodded, “Y-yeah,  i-it's just... new.”
Ona pulled back slightly, studying Lucy’s face. “New? Completely new? You’ve never…?”
Lucy chuckled, her nerves easing just a bit. “Oh no, I don’t mean that… I mean having sex with someone in a setting like this.”
“Sex?” Ona’s voice was serious, her tone unreadable.
Lucy’s heart plummeted. Had she completely misread the situation? But just as panic set in, Ona’s lips curved into a mischievous grin.
“I’m jokingggg,” she giggled, leaning against Lucy. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.” She cupped Lucy’s face gently. “You should’ve seen your face.”
Lucy exhaled shakily, trying to regain her composure.
Ona took the glass from her and set it beside her own on the coffee table. Then, she shifted her position, straddling both of Lucy’s legs, her knees planted firmly on either side. She pushed Lucy’s hair behind her ears “Sorry I teased you, sometimes I can’t control myself.”
She smiled as Lucy stayed silent, “You’re okay, Lucy. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s good that you said this is your first time. We can talk everything through as we go.”
Lucy hesitated, then lifted her hands, which had been resting awkwardly at her sides. She was eager to touch Ona, but unsure of the boundaries. “Can I…?” she asked, her voice trailing off as she tried to figure out how to navigate this.
Ona’s eyes sparkled with amusement at Lucy’s sudden eagerness. “Yes, you can put your hands on me if you like,” she said, smiling. “Good job for asking first.”
Lucy’s smile widened, relieved that she’d finally done something right. No, she reminded herself, she’d done well with the kisses too - she shouldn’t be so insecure. Her heart pounded as she gently placed her hands on the warm, bare skin of Ona’s thighs, feeling the smoothness beneath her fingertips.
Ona subtly grinded on Lucy’s lap, tracing a finger from her chest to the tip of her chin, ‘’are you going to let me have some fun with you, let me play with you?’���.
Lucy hung on every word, every movement the beautiful woman made. There was no question in her mind - she would do anything Ona asked. She nodded eagerly, her wide eyes full of obedient anticipation as they locked onto Ona’s.
Ona’s thumb once again grazed Lucy’s bottom lip, letting it pop gently a couple of times. She smiled, her mind already dancing with thoughts of the fun to come. “Soy la maestra tonight, sí?”
Lucy nodded again, her thoughts a swirl of sí, por favor, and gracias, already unable to think straight.
“Claro?” Ona repeated, her voice firm yet playful. “Because if you understand, I want to hear you say it.”
“Y-yes, claramente,” Lucy stammered, throwing in a bit of Spanish out of sheer confusion.
Ona’s grin widened. “Ah, perfecto. But next time, I want to hear, ‘Sí, maestra,’ okay?”
“Sí, maestra,” Lucy echoed, her voice certain this time.
"Good girl," Ona purred, a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Let’s see if you can keep that up." and stood up, taking the rod with her ‘’follow me’’.
Lucy followed her closely, Ona took place on the bed.
‘’On you knees hermosa’’. She ordered, leaving space between her legs.
Lucy swallowed, her heart racing, so this was it, it was happening. She knelt down, her hair falling infront of her face like a curtain, quickly she put her hair up.
She looked up, meeting Ona’s smile, ‘’well prepared’’ she said pleased.
Ona put her foot up and pushed Lucy’s shoulder with it, ‘’take these off’’.
“Sí, maestra,” Lucy said, her gaze already have drifted off to Ona’s legs, with her leg up like this a glimpse of dark red, laced underwear was revealed.
‘’Querida’’ Ona said sternly, ‘’you are not getting distracted, are you?’’.
“N-no,” Lucy licked her lips unconsciously, but pulled herself together, biting her lip ‘’uhm, no, maestra,”.
Ona pushed the sole of her leather boot a little deeper into the skin of Lucy’s shoulder.
Lucy got the hint and pulled the zipper down to take her left boot off, then she reached for the other.
After that she eagerly waited on the next command.
 Ona spread her legs further.
Lucy didn't have a second thought about the fact that she was staring now, she was just admiring the view provided.
Ona noticed her looking, her smile turned into a grin, ‘’you are looking at me with hungry eyes’’ she chuckled.
Lucy briefly looked up, wondering whether that was something positive in Ona’s opinion.
‘’Well’’ Ona said, standing up ‘’do you want a taste?’’.
Lucy scooted back slightly, giving herself some space as her face was almost pressed against Ona, who had just stood up. “Sí, maestra,” she nodded eagerly, “please.”
“So well behaved,” Ona said, tipping Lucy’s chin up with her finger. “It’s almost boring. Are you a little boring, Lucia?” she teased, “But I don’t believe you’re all that innocent. Are you?”
“No, maestra.”
“Tell me what you want.”
Lucy blushed, she could think of a lot of things. ‘’u-uhm.. a.. taste then?’’.
Ona chuckled, ‘’oh my sweet puppet’’ she brushed her fingers through Lucy’s hair, ‘’how could I deny when you are being such a pretty obedient toy for me’’.
She swallowed, ‘’can I?’’ Lucy asked as she reached up to hook her fingers in the band of Ona’s skirt.
Lucy took the skirt and thongs off all at once, maybe by accident, maybe not. But she was just going to rock with it.
Now she was face-to-face, no scratch that, face-to-lips, with Ona’s heath. She looked up, ‘’can I maestra?’’.
Ona melted, she hadn’t expected the woman who carried herself so.. confident.. to be such an easy submissive.. but if she was honest she missed a bit of resist. ‘’No.’’
Lucy backed up, confused. No? Why not. ‘’w-why.. maestra?’’.
A soft chuckle escaped Ona’s lips. “Because, preciosa, I want to be in my comfortable chair.” She reached for the leather rod again, her tone playful but commanding. “And you will follow me like the good pet you are.”
Lucy instinctively moved to stand, but the gentle press of the leather rod against her shoulder stopped her.
“Hands and knees, hermosa. Come.”
There was a brief hesitation - was she really going to do this? But the light, insistent tap of the rod on her skin urged her forward. Lucy met Ona’s gaze, then slowly bent down, beginning to crawl toward the couch.
A light thump landed on her still-covered ass, prompting her to glance back at Ona.
“Too slow,” Ona teased. “I thought you were an athlete.”
Lucy gave a slight nod, quickening her pace as she continued to crawl.
Ona easily overtook her, settling into the leather chair with a languid grace, her legs spread invitingly. “Come, cariño. Your reward is waiting.”
Finally, Lucy reached Ona, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had been waiting for this moment ever since she decided to step into the speakeasy. Now, seeing Ona up close, a girl even more captivating than she had imagined, the desire was almost too much to handle.
It felt strange to be in this position - usually, she was the one in control. But giving up control felt natural with the way Ona guided her. From the moment she had entered the room, she knew this was what she wanted, she’d do whatever the Catalan would ask.
‘’You see what mess you created?’’ Ona asked rhetorical, ‘’clean it up’’. She said pointing at Lucy with the whip she was still holding.
Lucy nodded and wanted to lean forward but was restricted by the rod poking against her collarbone.
‘’Manners hermosa’’. Ona said looking at Lucy with a grin, the girl was locked-in on her center like it was going to walk away if she blinked.
 Without looking up Lucy answered, ‘’sí, sorry maestra… please let me clean you up maestra’’.
‘’mhm, go on’’.
She leaned in, her focus on Ona’s thighs. Lucy knew she had talent and wanted to show Ona she wasn’t just another amateur, she wanted to be the best.
As she placed her hands on Ona’s inner thighs and moved closer to her wet core, she was met with a corrective tap, prompting her to pull her hands back.
On her hands and knees, Lucy lapped at Ona’s wetness, she groaned of pleasure as she tasted the girl. Damn, Ona didn’t just look incredible, she tasted amazing too - subtly sweet with a hint of something more. God, had she missed tasting a woman. But Lucy tried not to lose herself and alternated between kisses and teasing licks, deliberately avoiding Ona’s clit, waiting for her to guide her next move.
Ona considered her options. She wanted to savor the moment with this stunning woman but she also wanted to climax. She could come multiple times.. so.. she could play with the woman some more later right? After all, Lucy was an athlete - she likely had stamina for days.
Ona buried her hand in the brown hair of the kneeling woman, guiding her. "Show me what that pretty mouth of yours can do, belleza." Her voice remained steady and composed.
It didn’t take long for Ona’s resolve to waver. She couldn’t stifle her moan as Lucy’s skillful tongue worked its magic. Ona’s fingers dug deeper into the roots of Lucy’s hair, pulling just enough to keep her in place while still allowing some movement. Ona’s smile widened smugly as she felt Lucy’s moans vibrating against her core. Oh! this girl liked it a little rough.
Ona couldn’t deny it, this woman knew exactly how to use her mouth. She was enjoying this a lot, and if Lucy kept it up, she might even crack the top ten of women Ona had been with. The soft, eager whimpers coming from between her legs only fueled Ona’s arousal. The idea of a woman not just enjoying, but worshipping her body always got to her. God, Ona realized, she wouldn’t last much longer.
Lucy was lost in her own world between the strong thighs of the Catalan woman, oblivious to the moans she was drawing out as she brought Ona closer and closer to the edge. She only heard her own soft moans, and felt them echoing against the warm, wet skin. And fuck was she drunk on the taste of Ona’s arousal.
Lucy didn’t even notice the trembling legs squeezing her head until she was yanked back, forcing her to look up.
Ona grinned down at her, meeting the two dazed eyes staring back, looking at her with the most adoring eyes, like she was an actual goddess. It would’ve been almost adorable if not for the setting.
"That’s enough for now, my pretty mascota," Ona said, her voice playful but firm. "Come, help me up." She extended her hand.
Lucy rose to her feet and pulled Ona up with her.
The rod that had fallen beside the chair was forgotten for now - they were going to search out some new things anyways.
"Get undressed, my little muñeca follable," Ona whispered as she passed the slightly taller woman.
She made her way to the closet, a mischievous smile tugging at her lips. This was one of her most prized possessions. Behind the doors, red velvet panels framed an array of black hooks and pins, displaying her collection of toys like weapons in a high-end gun shop.
As she opened the lengthy wooden doors, the little spotlights shot on and highlighted her collection of tools.
She turned around to the awkward but endearing sight of Lucy struggling to step out of her pants. Sensing Ona’s gaze, Lucy blushed, quickly discarding them and standing there in just her white boxers.
Mhmm, Ona's mouth watered at the sight. Lucy’s muscular, athletic build was a masterpiece, her tanned skin in contrast against the white fabric. The only thing she wore on her torso now was a simple gold chain, gleaming against her skin. In a different setting, Ona would have gladly let this piece of eye candy ruin her completely, or maybe, she'd allow that later.
Ona grinned as her eyes lingered on Lucy’s tight ass, the white briefs stretching across it as she bent briefly to place her glasses and rings on the coffee table. Hmm, that toned ass could only belong to someone well-familiar with working a strap. She blinked and chuckled, snapping herself out of her daydream. She couldn’t let herself get too distracted.
Lucy looked at the laughing woman and walked back toward her, eyes innocent and questioning.
Ona grinned. "You look so good-
Oh. Lucy blushed, caught off guard by the compliment, though pleased that Ona thought so. She knew her abs got plenty of attention from women, but it still felt good to hear it.
-I can’t wait to ruin you."
Lucy blinked, her steps faltering just before she reached Ona. The soft, promising tone in her voice sent a wave of heat through her body. Would she let her ruin her? No doubt about it. She’d let Ona ruin her and say thank you afterwards.
Ona chuckled. "Come on, don’t get shy again. You can choose a few things you'd like."
It was only then that Lucy’s gaze shifted to the two open doors or rather what had been hidden behind them. Her eyes widened at the sight of the array of sex toys on display. She’d never seen so many gathered in one place before, well, except for the couple of times she had visited an adult store.
Ona stepped back slightly, inviting Lucy to take a closer look.
Mesmerized, Lucy moved closer but hesitated as her hand reached out. She realized she probably shouldn’t touch everything.
Ona opened another door to reveal a selection of harnesses in various colors and materials: brown, black. Her gaze fell on a dark red one, her favorite. She took it and slipped it on, savoring the familiar feeling against her skin.
Turning back to Lucy, who stood there in awe, Ona couldn’t help but grin.
She positioned herself behind Lucy, standing on her tiptoes and pressing her harness-clad hips against the woman’s ass. She reached around and pointed at several straps, displayed from small to large. “Which one will I be wearing?” she whispered, brushing her lips against Lucy’s neck.
Ona gently bit down, a teasing nip. If she was right, this woman wasn’t shy about a bit of pleasurable pain. Her suspicions were confirmed when a soft, whiny gasp escaped Lucy’s throat. Mhm, this was going to be so much fun.
Ona reached around Lucy, cupping her perky breasts and teasing her already hardened nipples between her fingers.
Lucy’s vision blurred from the overwhelming sensations of Ona’s presence. Her hips pressed against her back, her teeth sinking into her neck and the way her nipples were being twisted. A moan escaped Lucy as electric shocks shot straight to her core. She tried to bring her hands up to cover Ona’s, keeping her close, but suddenly, everything was gone.
Blinking, Lucy saw Ona now standing beside her, gazing at the array of toys. “Choose, mi juguete. What will you let me play with?”
Lucy wanted to shout, Me! With me! but held her silence. Instead, she focused on the toys, deliberately considering her options. She wasn’t shy about receiving a strap, it was something she had enjoyed in relationships, though less so with casual encounters. But she certainly had nothing against it, especially this beauty, she could do what ever she wanted.
She reached out for a strap of a manageable size, glancing at Ona before touching it. Ona gave a smug smile, raising her eyebrows. “I’m guessing you have some experience?”
Lucy nodded, blushing as she recalled not only her experiences with other women but also her solo adventures. She handed the strap to Ona while keeping her gaze fixed on the endless lines of toys.
Her attention then shifted to a collection of butt plugs. Only recently had she started exploring these, and although she had never used them in front of someone else, the orgasms they provided were incredible.
"Ahh," Ona cheered, surprised by Lucy’s interest. "I wouldn’t have picked you as someone gustan las cosas por el culo." She let her hand brush over Lucy’s muscular ass before giving it a playful squeeze. "Well, choose one, hermosa."
Stepping closer, Ona reached for a decently sized plug with a bit of texture. "I recommend this one," she whispered.
Lucy shivered as goosebumps trailed down her spine. She took the plug silently, rolling it between her fingers, her body already reacting. God, she was so worked up. She was aching with desire, feeling a firm pulsation between her legs.
Ona surveyed the array of equipment for restraining and gagging, including her favorite, the gag ball. However, she had a feeling she’d enjoy the sounds Lucy would make even more. She put the strap on and took one of the whips from a pin, the whip was red with black. Matching perfectly with her. She was wearing a red harness with a black strap and she was still wearing her red top. Then she look a black vibrator, or her magic wand, how she liked to call it.
‘’satisfied?’’. Ona asked, she thought they could start easy as this was their first encounter after all, even though she found Lucy and her working together pretty good.
Lucy looked up, turning to Ona in surprise. Wtf? Satisfied, no she was not satisfied at all, she was dyeing-
‘’chose the toys you like?’’. Ona added, clarifying herself.
Ohhh. Lucy nodded, ‘’yes’’.
Ona chuckled mischievously, almost sadistic. ‘’Manners cariño, manners.’’ She shook her head sarcastically, ‘’oh oh,’’ she stepped closer, driving Lucy against the wooden door, ‘’it’s a shame I have to punish you now’’ she grinned as she saw Lucy swallow hard, but her eyes told Ona she didn’t mind this at all, ‘’you want to be punished?’’ she grinned.
Lucy blushed, remembering what she had to call Ona and anticipating on something that was definitely far from a punishment for her, ‘’S-Sí, maestra,’’
Ona chuckled, seeing the woman squirm against the wood, ‘’Beg me’’ she said, bringing her hand up to the woman’s neck, ‘’how bad do you want it?’’.
Lucy’s face flushed, her mouth suddenly dry, her lips still sticky from earlier. ‘’please maestra, p-punish me’’.
‘’Have you been bad?’’. Ona said, closing her hand around the thick neck.
‘’mhm’’ Lucy nodded, almost not being able to focus as Ona put a little pressure on her throat ‘’uh- yes.. maestra’’.
Ona grinned, ‘’desperate puta’’. She guided Lucy by her neck towards the bed, ‘’bend over, bend down on the bed like the puta sucia you are’’.
She released her grip.
Ona chuckled silently as Lucy almost face planted on the bed as she eagerly crawled on it.
She hovered behind her, letting her fingers graze over the ass that was sticking up in front of her. Sliding a finger under the elastic band of Lucy's boxers, she pulled it up before snapping it back against her skin. "And why is this still on?" she asked.
"You're not listening very well, are you? I told you to take it off," Ona said.
"Sí," Lucy mumbled as she got back up on her knees. "Sí, maestra, I-" She fumbled with the fabric, trying to shuffle it down her legs but struggling in the awkward position.
Ona pressed the whip against her shoulders. "Down. Leave it like that, if you're so desperate."
Her eyes were fixed on the impossibly slick lips of the woman bent down in front of her. She was a mess, the briefs she'd been wearing completely ruined.
Ona reached over Lucy, not bothering to keep the strap from pressing into her as she took the toy from her hands. Leaning over Lucy's back, Ona couldn’t help but admire the sculpted physique beneath her. This woman was clearly an athlete, but even among them, she was on the upper end of the scale. Broad, muscular shoulders and a body that was nothing short of stunning, it made perfect sense why the photographer had given her a card. She was captivating.
Letting her nails lightly graze down Lucy’s bare back, Ona whispered, “I think you deserve a little correction, don’t you?”
Lucy arched into the touch, her heated skin prickling in the cool air. “Mhm,” she murmured, biting down as Ona's hands kneaded her flesh. Every nerve in her body was on high alert, craving more of the touch she desperately needed.
Ona chuckled and leaned back, ‘’what was that hermosa?’’. She teasingly asked, letting the strands of leather travel along her back.
Lucy whimpered, ‘’si, maestra, I need-
She arched as the whip landed firmly on her ass, she moaned into the bedsheets. Fuck.
Ona leaned down and kissed the spot that was now turning red, ‘’and what do you say now my toy? I gave you what you asked for’’. She said, amusement clear in her voice. She loved the way the woman seemed to enjoy this.
She bit down in the flesh of Lucy ass, as an answer stayed off, or maybe just because the skin looked so perfectly bitable, so tight, so round.
Lucy’s brain short-circuited. Was it.. thank you? Did Ona expect her to say thanks? ‘’Uh, t-thank you?’’ she said, a little unsure.
‘’Thank you who, pretty?’’. Ona said, letting the leather strings of the whip tease over the sensitive prickling skin of Lucy’s ass after she landed another strike.
Lucy arched as she grabbed the sheet between her fists, whimpering from the impact. ‘’Thank you maestra!’’ she cried out.
‘’Very good beautiful.’’. She caressed Lucy’s ass, ‘’but you’re a bit of a messy girl, aren’t you?’’. Ona said as she changed the whip in her hand for the plug and swiped it along Lucy’s core. ‘’You are-’’ she chuckled as she saw Lucy’s body reacting to what she did, ‘’-a little wet muñeca, how come?’’.
Lucy breath shuttered as she felt the toy dipping between her lips, it was frustrating the way Ona teased her. ‘’You’’ Lucy groaned, ‘’Because of you maestra’’.
‘’Hmm.’’ Ona smirked, ‘’beautiful zorra, so eager, so wanting’’.
Lucy pussy tried to clutch on nothing but thin air at the dirty words Ona spoke. She stiffened as her cheeks were held and she felt Ona spit down on her asshole. God she felt dirty, but she enjoyed every bit of it.
A flat hand soothed her lower back, ‘’relax for me baby.’’ Ona cooed as she reached down to place soft kisses on Lucy’s cheeks. Lucy whimpered as Ona got lower and lower with her mouth, she wished the girl would eat her out, but Ona stayed away from her heath. Instead the plug was now circling her ring of muscle, teasingly waiting to enter.
With ease, Ona slid the toy inside, her smile widening as she watched a shiver run up Lucy’s spine. The girl let out a soft, almost grateful moan.
Stepping closer to the bed, Ona guided her strap through Lucy's wetness, teasing her mercilessly.
Lucy leaned back, desperate, aching for more, but Ona chuckled and stepped away. “Up. Come here,” she ordered, her voice firm.
It took Lucy a moment to process, her mind clouded with need, but she finally turned to look at Ona.
“Kneel for me, mi juguete,” Ona commanded, grinning as she watched Lucy’s dazed expression, her pupils blown wide. “You’ve made quite a mess.”
Lucy dropped to her knees in front of the Catalan without hesitation.
“Show me, princecita,” Ona murmured, cupping Lucy’s jaw. “Show me how pretty you look with your mouth full.”
Lucy swallowed hard - this was something new for her. She’d been on the other side plenty of times, the one wearing the strap, in control. But as Ona tapped the damp tip against her lips, she opened her mouth without hesitation.
Like a shameless slut, Lucy wrapped her lips around the plastic shaft, locking eyes with Ona as she did.
Ona could barely keep her composure. There was nothing quite like watching a strong, confident woman drop to her knees for her. She pulled back slightly, gripping the base of the strap as a string of saliva clung to it, then playfully tapped it against Lucy's cheek. Smiling wickedly, she murmured, "Imagine if people saw you like this, hm, the Lucy Bronze on her knees."
Lucy whimpered, all traces of shame long gone. She craved this, she needed it desperately. Her tongue flicked out, and she eagerly took it back into her mouth, determined to please Ona.
Lucy locked eyes with Ona as she took in as much of the length as she could.
Ona gently wiped away a tear that slipped down Lucy’s cheek. "Hmm, you've been so good," she murmured, stroking her jaw tenderly. "Now, stand up for me."
‘’Si maestra’’. Lucy stood up, watching intensively waiting for any other instructions. Hm, she wish she could take that top off of Ona.
She didn’t realize she was staring until Ona’s soft chuckle broke the silence. “You’re actually adorable,” Ona said with a smile, momentarily unable to hide her amusement. “What’s on your mind? Do you want to take my top off?”
Lucy blushed and looked up shyly. “Mhm, yes, you’re so pretty,” she replied softly.
Ona chuckled and drew Lucy closer by her hand. “Then take it off, bebé.”
With a smile and a racing heart, Lucy lifted her hands to remove Ona’s top. Ona raised her arms, and within moments, she was standing naked before Lucy, who also took the opportunity to finally kick off the briefs that had been dangling around her knees.
In awe, Lucy let her hands explore Ona’s bare torso, beginning at her sides and gradually moving up to her chest. She gazed at Ona with a mixture of anticipation and admiration.
Ona, rolling her eyes with a playful smile, asked, “What is it you want to say?”
Lucy hesitated, her eyes drifting to her hands. “U-uhm, can I?” she stammered.
“What is it, baby?” Ona tilted her chin up, encouraging her. “Tell me what you want.”
“Kiss them,” Lucy replied, her voice almost dreamy.
“Of course, pequeña,” Ona replied with a chuckle, charmed by Lucy’s timidity. Most athletes were quite full of themselves and self-absorbed, but this girl only seemed to have eyes for her. From the moment their gazes had locked at the beginning of this evening, she had been the sole focus of Lucy’s attention. It was cute.
Lucy surprised her by leaning down, starting with soft kisses at her belly button, and slowly working her way up. Between each kiss, their eyes met, intensifying the moment.
Ona’s chest rose and fell as Lucy moved closer to her nipples. Damn, this woman knew exactly how to affect her. A groan escaped as Ona’s head fell back, surrendering to Lucy’s touch.
Ona snapped back to reality as Lucy guided her toward the bed, trailing kisses along her neck until the back of her knees hit the edge of the mattress.
Ona slid her hand into Lucy’s hair, gently pulling her away as she tutted softly and talked in a stern voice. "Not good, hermosa, not good." Stepping to the side, she added, "You’re too distracting. Get on the bed, bend over."
Ona chuckled, her voice teasing. "Trying to take the lead, hm?" she asked, reaching for the whip. "Oh, so you wanted more punishment?" she added sarcastically, as Lucy whimpered when the leather met her skin again.
"That's fine," Ona murmured, her breath warm as she grazed her teeth along Lucy’s neck. "Next time, just ask, mi juguete. I love playing with you." She let her lips trail down Lucy’s spine before standing up straight again.
Lucy moaned into the mattress, her ass more sensitive than before after each hit. She braced herself for more, but the expected impact didn’t come. Instead, she felt Ona press up against her.
Ona reached for the vibrator and, with her arm around Lucy, gently slid it across her wetness until she felt Lucy start to buck her hips. She grinned as she turned on the device, keeping it at its lowest setting.
At the same time, she aligned herself with Lucy’s entrance, having slid the strap through her slick a few times to ensure it was well-lubricated. It was definitely wet enough, she had to make an effort to maintain control and prevent slipping inside just yet.
If the wetness pooling between Lucy’s legs didn’t make her arousal clear enough, her soft, breathy groans into the bedsheet left no doubt that she was ready.
Lucy moaned as Ona entered her in one fluent thrust, completely bottoming out, pressing against the plug that was still inside of her.
Ona started thrusting as she felt Lucy had gotten used to the way she filled her up, starting with slow languid thrusts as she held the vibrator in place.
Lucy struggled to focus on all the sensations overwhelming her. She felt euphoric yet whiny, caught in a paradox of feeling both overwhelmed and unsatisfied. She craved more.
She cried out as Ona thrust harder and more deliberately. Fuck she was incredible, Lucy thought as every movement hit just the right spot. But she quickly realized that this wasn’t entirely focused on her. As her own orgasm built, the swears and murmurs behind her revealed that Ona was also nearing her climax.
“I-” She moaned, cutting herself off as waves of pleasure surged through her. She collapsed onto her forearms, her face pressing into the bed as her thighs quivered. The intensity of her orgasm hitting her sooner than she had anticipated.
Ona bit her lip as she watched the wetness gushing down between their bodies. She let the vibrator fall onto the bed, leaving it running as she gripped Lucy's hips, desperately chasing her own release. She was so close. She shut her eyes tight, concentrating on her peak, thrusting just right so the base of the strap pressed firmly against her clit.
Lucy’s walls convulsed around the strap, having moved past the initial waves of overstimulation, and another orgasm was already building up.
At the same time they cried out, waves of pleasure rippling through their bodies at the same time, jerkily Ona rode out her orgasm until she pulled out and collapsed next to Lucy.
Lucy was in a complete daze, her vision blurred, heart pounding so loudly she could hear it echoing in her ears. A wave of pure bliss washed over her, and time felt meaningless.
She couldn’t tell if it had been seconds, minutes, or longer. Time seemed to blur in her hazy state. Slowly, Lucy became aware of the gentle buzzing against her belly. With fumbling hands, she reached down, trying to turn it off. Ona chuckled softly and took it from her, switching it off with ease.
Lucy let out a deep sigh. "That was… fucking amazing."
Ona turned to face her fully, a satisfied smile on her lips. "Glad you liked it."
"And you?" Lucy asked, her voice a bit breathless.
"Mhm." Ona leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to Lucy’s cheek. "Very good."
Lucy smiled, rolling onto her back, stretching out as contentment washed over her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling this satisfied before. As she sensed Ona moving beside her, she cracked one eye open and was met with a playful smile.
Ona reached out, lazily tracing patterns on Lucy’s chest. "You tired already?" she teased, though there was a faint note of disappointment in her voice.
Lucy hummed, savoring a few more moments of bliss before sitting up slightly. "Why?"
Ona chuckled, that familiar mischievous glint returning to her eyes. The athleticism was always a plus, models tended to tire too quickly for her liking. "Want to wear a strap? I think you’ve earned it." She smirked, already imagining how Lucy would womanhandle her, or perhaps she could ride her, propped up against those irresistible abs.
A slow smile spread across Lucy’s face. Oh, she definitely wanted to wear a strap. "Yeah," she replied, "I’d like that."
"Perfect," Ona said with a grin, standing up with the kind of ease that made it seem like she was just starting her day, full of fresh energy.
Lucy could feel her own energy gradually returning. As Ona removed her harness, letting it fall to the floor with the strap still attached. Lucy stepped towards her, removing the plug and laying it beside the discarded strap.
Ona didn’t seem to notice, already preoccupied with scanning her closet. Without looking up, she handed Lucy a harness, her mind focused on choosing the right strap.
With practiced ease, Lucy slipped into the harness, already feeling the familiar stir of excitement building again.
Ona turned to her with a grin, handing over the strap and a small bottle of lube.
Lucy raised an eyebrow as she took it. This girl was definitely experienced, but the size of the strap was... pretty big. She couldn’t help but smirk, though she kept any comment to herself.
It was a shame Lucy wasn’t allowed to kiss her, especially now. Ona looked so damn cute biting her bottom lip, intently watching her secure the strap. Truly a shame.
Unable to resist, Lucy leaned in, kissing the soft skin of her neck with eager lips. They stumbled into the wooden door, and Lucy caught Ona just before she could crash into it too hard, pausing her movements.
Their eyes met, Ona’s filled with undeniable lust. Lucy smirked. This girl truly had a passion, no doubt about that.
Lucy lifted Ona, carrying her toward the nearest wall, to not to let Ona’s back press against the rough wood.
Ona chuckled at how effortlessly the girl carried her. Cupping Lucy's face she pressed a soft kiss to her cheek before trailing her lips down to her neck, playfully returning the favor with a few teasing bites mixed in.
She paused, however, when Lucy pressed the lubed strap against her, a low groan escaping her lips as Lucy began to grind her hips. Held securely against the wall, Ona could feel the firm grip of Lucy's big hands on her ass, grounding her.
Her jaw went slack as Lucy slowly entered her, guiding her down onto the rubber strap. God, she loved the feeling of being filled like this.
Ona reached for Lucy’s hair, fingers tangling just above the nape of her neck, giving it a firm tug. Lucy groaned in response, but it didn’t slow her rhythm. Instead, she leaned in closer, her lips finding Ona’s neck once more, resuming her trail of eager kisses.
Lucy felt the urge to give Ona more, to feel even closer, the desire to kiss more of her skin was overwhelming. With that thought, she shifted, holding up Ona easily as she walked them towards the bed. Her movements slowed but remained deliberate, their connection never breaking even as she shuffled on to the bed.
Lucy eagerly latched onto Ona’s chest, her tongue tracing circles and lips sucking gently, every movement fueled by the soft sounds escaping the woman below her. Each moan spurred her on, her own thrusts becoming more insistent, matching the rhythm of Ona’s pleasure. Lucy’s focus was completely on her, reading every breath, every gasp, and responding with more intensity.
Ona groaned, a sudden idea flashing through her mind. She tugged Lucy up by the roots of her hair and, with a swift motion, rolled them both over. Lucy, caught off guard but intrigued, let it happen, eyes widening as she watched Ona straddle her waist. Instinctively, she tried to sit up, eager to continue her trail of kisses, but Ona gently pushed her back down, pinning her to the bed.
Without a word, Ona reached for the vibrator they'd used earlier, switching it on and positioning it against herself. As she began to ride Lucy, her left hand pressed firmly against Lucy’s toned stomach, steadying herself while she controlled the pace, her movements deliberate and intoxicating.
Ona's eyes squeezed shut, her breath hitching as she focused on the growing tension coiling in her core. The heat in her stomach tightened with every thrust, every brush of Lucy’s touch, pulling her closer and closer to the edge of release.
As Ona’s body faltered, Lucy’s hands tightened around her hips, steadying her movements. She continued to lift her up and down, her own hips rolling rhythmically beneath her, guiding Ona through every wave of pleasure.
With a satisfied hum, Ona eventually eased herself off Lucy and collapsed beside her, turning off the toy with a soft click. She exhaled deeply, sinking into the bed in contentment, her breathing gradually slowing.
Lucy rolled on her side to watch Ona, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.
Ona sighed and rolled her eyes, before turning to face her. "Lucy"
Lucy, still captivated by Ona’s beauty, smiled warmly. "Yes?"
Ona leaned closer, gently cupping Lucy’s face in her hands and squeezing her cheeks. "Hello."
Lucy chuckled, feeling a flutter in her chest. "Yes, hello. I already -"
"No," Ona interrupted, squeezing a bit harder. "I know that look. Put your brain back in gear for a moment."
Lucy blinked, momentarily confused. Her mind was engaged, or so she thought. Oh shit. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized she might have been caught up in the moment more than she intended.
Ona's grip tightened slightly. "You’re not falling in love with me," she said firmly. "This was fun, but it's just an act. We're not running away together, we’re not getting married on an island, and you’re not buying me presents." She released Lucy’s face and gave a reassuring smile.
Lucy’s frown deepened as she processed Ona’s words. Wait, was I really - she thought shocked, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment washing over her.
"But this was great," Ona continued, her smile softening. "If you ever find yourself back in Barcelona and have time for a night of fun, just ask for Nova."
"Nova?" Lucy asked, still a bit flustered. "Oh, is that your stage name?"
Ona nodded, a playful glint in her eye. "Sí."
----the end-----
I hope you liked it, I have never written a song-fic and i went a little of track (litteraly lol).
sorry, this was... a lot 🙈
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crarinhaw · 3 months
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The Driver
Olá minhas estrelinhas, bem vindes a mais um imagine!
Esse imagine é um dos que foram postados originalmente no wattpad (foram só dois kkkkk), estou os repostando aqui para que eles tenham um alcance maior!
Ele tem uma parte dois que nunca viu a luz do sol, talvez algum dia eu crie vergonha na cara e traga ele para cá
Tudo que Enzo queria era fazer com que aquele affair não fosse passageiro. Não estava em seus planos se apaixonar naquele dia, muito menos com a jornalista brasileira que havia acabado de conhecer.
O uruguaio e a brasileira se conheceram da forma mais profissional possível, Enzo estava na première de seu mais novo trabalho como ator, e a mulher o entrevistava para a emissora para a qual ela trabalhava.
Flertes em forma de olhares vinham de ambos durante a entrevista, a jornalista não parava de notar como Vogrincic encarava seu corpo, e ela não podia negar que não conseguia deixar de reparar como o ator ficava fodidamente gostoso com aquele terno muito bem engomado.
De surpresa, assim que seu expediente termina, a brasileira recebe um convite da organização do evento para que ela participe do after party da premiere, ela aproveitou a oportunidade para tomar alguns drinks de graça e talvez acordar na cama de algum desconhecido, afinal, só se vive uma vez, não é mesmo?
Primeiro uma Piña Colada, seguida de uma dose de Gin, depois um Mojito e uma Marguerita, até se surpreender com um copo de Caipirinha surgir em sua frente, estranhou-se, pois não era a dona do pedido e muito menos sabia que possuíam a bebida brasileira no menu.
- Acho que não se compara com a original, mas espero que goste - A voz rouca e grossa do ator uruguaio ecoa próximo a jornalista, que sente todo o seu corpo se arrepiando.
- Está tão escancarado assim de onde eu vim? - A mulher pergunta, encarando Vogrincic dos pés a cabeça, ele havia tirado o blazer, ficando apenas com a camisa social e a calça de alfaiataria, porra, como ele consegue se superar no nível de gostosura?
- Seu sotaque é tão fofo, que não pude deixar de notar - CARALHO, alem de arrepiada e molhada, Enzo conseguiu a deixar com as bochechas vermelhas como um tomate. Sua única reação foi dar uma risadinha tímida, o que provocou um sorriso de bobo apaixonado da parte do uruguaio.
- Você acha? Poxa, demorei tanto para conseguir disfarçar - Acredite, tirar o nordestinês da fala em espanhol é uma tarefa bastante difícil.
- Eu poderia passar horas ouvindo você falar - A mulher precisa se controlar para não engasgar com o gole da bebida que acabara de passar por sua epiglote, sabia das intenções de Vogrincic mas não imaginava que ele fosse ser tão direto.
Com essa deixa do mais velho, os dois passam praticamente o after party inteiro bebendo e trocando flertes disfarçados, conversaram sobre tudo sentados nas banquetas do bar, sobre o novo filme de Enzo, a mudança do Nordeste do Brasil para o Uruguai da jornalista que acabara de completar um ano, o amor que ambos tinhas por suas respectivas profissões, além do gosto em comum por fotografias e pela franquia de Toy Story.
Dado um momento em que a mulher ja estava bêbada o suficiente para tomar alguma iniciativa maluca, mas sóbria o suficiente para lembrar de tudo no outro dia, a musica THE DRIVER da banda italiana Måneskin começa a tocar, por se tratar de uma de suas musicas preferidas, ela não tarda em chamar Vogrincic para a pista de dança. A atmosfera criada entre os dois unindo a música em tom sensual e as luzes em tom avermelhado iluminando o espaço aumentou ainda mais à tensão sexual que pairava sobre eles.
"Bare your soul 'til it's naked
Bite my lip 'til you break it
Steal my heart, get it wasted
Don't do it slow"
Não demorou muito para que asm mãos largas de Enzo se hospedassem na cintura da mulher, que por sua vez acariciava os cabelos compridos na nuca do mesmo, seus corpos colados e suas bocas unidas em um beijo que com certeza nunca sairia da memória de ambos, tudo isso com a batida de rock envolvente servindo como trilha sonora perfeita.
Mãos bobas, mordidas nos lábios, risadas entre o beijo, uma calcinha molhada e um volume na calça, eles não precisavam de mais nada para levar aquilo adiante.
- Mi casa o tu casa, nena? - Enzo sussurra próximo ao ouvido da jornalista, que quase derreteu ao ouvir aquela voz rouca carregada de tesão.
- Por mim a gente nem precisa esperar chegar em lugar nenhum - Vogrincic então põe em seu rosto seu melhor sorriso sacana que deixa qualquer mulher fraquinha e guia a mais nova até o carro dele.
Acho que eu não preciso contar o que aconteceu em seguida não é mesmo?
"If you wanna love when you touch the sky
You can be my midnight rider
If there's nowhere to go when you wanna go wild
I wanna be the driver"
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alligade · 9 months
I knowwwww it won’t happen because Warframe was pretty clear during TNW that the Drifter and Operator can’t really exist in the same plane of existence for very long but……… god I want more interactions between them. Can you imagine having to deal with the teenaged version of yourself? You get executed every day for like a billion years then you finally escape and the thirteen-year-old version of yourself is yelling at you for like wasting a forma on a warframe they never use
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esuemmanuel · 4 months
Sometimes I feel that people are just looking to argue and nothing more… it's their way of enjoying being alive. Or, at least, what they think is "being alive". The only thing I'm willing to fight for is the realization of my dreams, for opinions or ways of thinking? Never! Life is too short to waste time doing something that will do nothing but help you get unfocused and off the path you need to formalize your goals. Let's learn to pick our battles.
A veces siento que la gente busca sólo discutir y nada más… es su manera de disfrutar estar vivos. O, al menos, lo que creen que es «estar vivo». Por lo único que estoy dispuesto a pelear es por la realización de mis sueños, ¿por opiniones o formas de pensar? ¡Jamás! La vida es demasiado corta como para perder el tiempo haciendo algo que no te ayudará más que a desenfocarte y a salirte del camino que necesitas para formalizar tus objetivos. Aprendamos a elegir nuestras batallas.
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kasiobite03 · 1 year
QSMP Fanfic Recs
(qjaiden and qroier focused) (mostly qjaiden)
The Spider Web In The Corner - Mothsdotcom Summary:
Jaiden sits in Bobby's room. Oh how it use to be filled with life. Now the paintings done by small hands are collecting dust and cobwebs. She examines all the strokes on the canvases. Too scared to touch them as they might disappear forever if she did. One of the last things to remember her son by. She looks towards a corner of the room. A spider in it's web inhabits the space, it crawls delicately across the web before hiding in the crack of the wood plank. She remembers this corner, a happy memory floods her head. -- Or Jaiden reminisces on a specific memory of her happy family in Bobby's room
Night Flight - JayWritezForFun
" No? You don't want to go on the speedboat? " Bobby shook his head. " Okay, Bicycles? " Bobby shook his head again. Jaiden was getting a little confused for a bit before she put Bobby down, seeing him run over to his drawer and pull out his pen and sketch paper. Immediately he wrote something and run over back to Jaiden as he held the sketchbook up for her to read. ' Fly ' it read. - Bobby then gets curious enough and wants to fly with Jaiden because she has wings, but Jaiden still had some injuries ever since the explosion of the wall from the first day of the QSMP How will this turn out for both of them?
A Drink Between Friends - acollectionofcuriouscontent
Jaiden and Roier have both found themselves pulled on all sides by the approaching wedding and Cucurrucho’s tasks, but even they manage to find some peace in the storm with one another.
Aceptar. - Alewew_Souris
“La muerte no es el final, es un inicio. Aquellos que se van, no nos abandonan. Jamas nos abandonan." Pero Missa esta aprendiendo y lo hace lento, asi que debe entender en el proceso que todos aceptan la muerte de forma diferente.
i brought a lighter - ThatGrayMushroom
Jaiden shows Cellbit her house, they smoke, they talk.
I miss you even when you're here - Madison_Arden
Jaiden has time travelled to the very beginnings of the island shortly after Festa Junina. She has to deal with travelling between the ghosts of her former family.
Family is Where the Heart Is - Anonymous [Note: you need to be logged in to view this fic]
Jaiden curled her wings further into herself. Once upon a time, it was enough for her to imagine that it was a hug but nothing could ever compare to a Roier hug. She had gotten it for the past couple of months and it felt horrible to have gone so long without one. Roier was the best partner, and best dad to Bobby, and she couldn’t be more thankful to the island and to Bobby for bringing them together. But right now, she would give anything to get another Roier hug. Anything at all. -------------------- or: Jaiden's place on the server was with her family- her son Bobby and platonic partner Roier. But with Bobby gone, where does she stand with Roier?
la crianza - atthebell
A series of drabbles on egg parenthood and what it means to love and care for something that is meant to die.
Prométeme - WhyB
She never felt guilty about using her own things. If Jaiden decided, hey, today I’m going to take all of my supplies and risk building this stupid contraption that may or may not work, then she could do it knowing failure or not, she was the only one at fault. However, in the rush between taking care of Bobby and her sudden absence, she never got around to proper mining and ended up either behind the curve of everyone else in terms of tools, or being gifted them by Roier. When she fails, it’s Roier’s things she’s wasting. And that… feels awful. == OR; Jaiden is going to tell Roier and Bobby she's moving out. She ends up not doing that.
Gnaw - I_Fear_I_Fell
Jaiden swallowed. Looked into Roier’s face: stared into the openness she could see there and tried to meet it with her own. “Do you ever wish you had a different partner? Instead of me?” Or: Jaiden struggles to find her place. Roier helps.
curious, furious (i feel alone) - bravehearteds
In the dark, Spreen almost looks like someone she could trust. Jaiden wonders just what kind of revelations the break of dawn will bring forth. (After Bobby dies, Jaiden finds understanding in an unlikely place. It's not solace, but it's not nothing either. That has got to count for something.)
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actnod · 1 year
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with power i know how you are now, you twist everything else around               now you're fucking with me, it's a waste of my time
𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐎𝐒 𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐒 ; primer capítulo
Conforme pasan los días, tu no-vida vuelve a caer en la rutina. Las acciones suben y bajan, las pinturas se subastan en los mercados y, los clientes nocturnos vuelven a tocar en tu puerta. Pero hay algo que no deja de llamar tu atención: el comportamiento de los animales de los que te propusiste olvidarte con la misma rapidez con la que dejaste de lado todo lo sucedido en el festejo de Shōda Kiyoshi. La cantidad de ratas de las que fuiste testigo solo ha incrementado y lo que al inicio se pensaba como mala fortuna, con el paso de algunas noches se confirma: los animales de alcantarilla van sobre los vástagos. La situación escala hasta que no es posible que el Príncipe continúe haciéndose de oídos sordos y solo apoyando a les miembres de su secta. Un llamado es lanzado, una clase de acuerdo. Él pide ayuda de todo vástago sobre su dominio para disipar la plaga de Tokyo, ya que cada vez es más notoria la manera en que estos bichos tienen un objetivo, lo que representa una amenaza contra La Mascarada. A cambio proporciona todos los elementos necesarios para que la misión se lleve a cabo: jaulas, señuelos, redes y cualquier otro artefacto que puedan necesitar para ahuyentarles de la ciudad y que se conviertan en problema de los lupinos. Todo a cuenta de la realeza, claro está. ¿O es que vas a quedarte de brazos cruzados con el pensamiento de que pueden roer cada una de tus muchas o pocas pertenencias? ¿Y qué piensas que sucederá mientras duermes? Tal vez los ataúdes podrían volver a las tendencias. Mientras por un lado se lidia con la crisis de ratas, una cosa es poco clara y es la ubicación de Mihara Naoki. Como todo rumor entre los inmortales, lo sucedido al final de la velada en el vesuvius se ha ido contando de boca en boca y distorsionando. Al final, nadie parece tener ni una pista. ¿Dónde está Naoki? Nadie entrega una respuesta concreta pero entre tanto, el mandatario que mantiene su porte firme y apacible envía citatorios reales por primera vez en cinco décadas. No hay nada que delate el motivo detrás, pero los guardias reales que les hacen llegar los mensajes comentan que está relacionado con el nombre del momento y la mayoría se pregunta: ¿qué tiene de importante un vástago que decide desaparecer? Mihara Haruka, Sergei Belyakov, Asteria Chakrii, Luka Hong, Choi Binna, Kim Taewoo, Yoon Misuk, Siddharth Lahiri, Nesta Lanthimos, y Hyun Yongsaeng son quienes cuentan con la gracia de pisar el palacio imperial por segunda vez, circunstancias un poco diferentes a las iniciales, siendo quien les recibe esta vez a quien festejaron hace unas semanas atrás, pero su rostro ahora porta una seriedad que no le queda nada bien. ¿Qué es lo que estas personas tan diferentes podrían saber?
¡Bienvenidos a la segunda actividad, Vástagos!  Esta vez, estará girando alrededor de  la plaga inesperada que ha llegado a perturbar la no vida de cada une de los habitantes inmortales de Tokyo. Sabemos que no todes están acostumbrades al concepto de trabajo en equipo, pero como la mismísima Camarilla lo recomienda, si quieren echar a las ratas con la mayor rapidez posible, ¡les invitamos a buscar a une compañere! Al mismo tiempo la aparente ausencia de Miraha Naoki se está volviendo una incógnita de la que todes están escuchando, o en caso de los citados, hablando. De cualquier forma, ¡suerte a todes!
⦾ La actividad se llevará a cabo alrededor de toda la ciudad (exceptuando los distritos de yokohama y kawasaki) durante tres noches, los invitamos a situarse en el tiempo y espacio que les resulte más adecuado para sus personaje. Pueden encontrar varias opciones en el apartado de locaciones o plantear las pertinentes.     
⦾ Se desarrollará a través de sentence starters que estaremos publicando dentro de unos minutos. 
⦾ Durante esta actividad, no habrá código de vestimenta, aunque aún así están invitados a publicar lo que están vistiendo sus personajes durante uno o los tres días donde se sitúa la actividad y luego rebloguearlo en el blog de ediciones. 
⦾ Los personajes que han sido citados al Palacio Imperial serán contactados durante los próximos días por la administración para poder incluir, o no, la información otorgada en sus conversaciones. La intervención será privada en tanto se esté llevando a cabo esta actividad, pero luego estará disponible para la lectura y exclusivo conocimiento OOC del restante cuerpo de usuaries. 
⦾ Queremos recordarles que, a pesar de ser un grupal de temáticas sensibles, nuestra prioridad es la comodidad de todes nuestres usuaries por igual, así que les pedimos tengan cuidado con la manera con la que se abordan estos tópicos en el dash ya que se trata de un espacio compartido, y pedirles por favor que no hagan caso omiso a la lista de triggers que se encuentra actualizada para que puedan hacer uso correcto de cada etiqueta.
⦾ La selectividad, rol burbuja o parecidos están estrictamente prohibidos. De sentirse afectade por alguna de estas situaciones, por favor siéntanse libres de acercarse a la administración.
⦾ Por último y no menos importante, la actividad tiene una duración de diez días, el evento concluirá el próximo MIÉRCOLES 30 DE AGOSTO.
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venusswhite · 1 year
Acima das Ruínas | Três
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Simon Ghost Riley x fem!reader
Em um mundo devastado pelo caos e pela ameaça dos mortos-vivos, dois destinos se entrelaçam de uma forma inesperada. Ghost, um ex-militar endurecido assombrado pelos horrores da guerra, encontra [leitor], uma jovem perdida e desolada. Com sua experiência e determinação, Ghost decide ajudá-la, e juntos embarcam em uma perigosa jornada em busca de um centro de refugiados. notas:  Inglês não é minha primeira língua, e inicialmente escrevi esta fanfic em português. Com a ajuda de recursos online, reescrevi em inglês.
Dois - Quatro​
Vários meses se passaram e [ _ ] ficou mais forte a cada sessão de treinamento do Ghost. O peso aumentou, voltando a um nível saudável. Suas costelas não eram mais tão visíveis e seus braços não eram mais tão esqueléticos.
As the days went by, Ghost taught [_] about combat, hunting, weapons, and survival in general. All the knowledge he had gained from his time in the army was passed down to the younger one.
He felt proud of how the girl fought to survive in the end of the world. And [_]'s admiration for the older one grew stronger over time.
They had grown very close in the past months, and their connection had grown stronger. The cold shell of Ghost was breaking.
"Let's start packing up. We're leaving tomorrow. We need to get closer to the shelter," Ghost said determinedly, looking for more clues about the place.
"Are you sure?" [_] was unsure. As much as she felt stronger, she didn't know if she would still be a burden to Ghost. She also wanted to protect and help him.
"I'm more than sure. You've surpassed yourself in these past months," he praised, making the girl nod and smile.
They began to pack their things, taking only the essentials: food, sleeping bags, water, and weapons. [_] didn't know how to use weapons yet. Ghost thought it would be a waste of bullets, so he made a bow and arrow for her. She was skilled; she had good aim and could even take down smaller animals like rabbits.
Nightfall approached, and they lay down - this time, lying together - to wake up early the next day and begin their most challenging journey.
"Rest well. We need energy for tomorrow," Ghost said with [_] now lying against his chest.
"You too," she said, lightly rubbing his defined chest, feeling his muscles through the cold shirt he wore. "Goodnight, Ghost!" she said, falling asleep.
As the sun rose, Ghost and [_] began their journey. They were headed for the city and then on to the north, trying to avoid zombies as much as possible.
But avoiding didn't mean they wouldn't encounter any. They walked through the forest towards the city and spotted a group of three zombies. [_] grabbed her bow and arrow, hitting one and quickly grabbing another arrow to kill the other two.
"Nice!" Ghost said proudly, smiling at the shorter one. They continued walking, avoiding any larger groups of zombies.
"Ghost, what if we find a car?"
"We can try to find one."
They walked through the buildings, searching for a car they could use. Most were stuck amidst other cars or were broken down.
While exploring the outskirts of a building away from the city center, they found a car in an open space.
"Ghost, look! A car!" exclaimed [_] pointing to the vehicle, its paint dusty and windows covered in dirt. They cautiously approached, ready to face any threats. The car was merely dirty and could easily be moved. Luckily, the door was open, and the keys were inside. Likely, the owner had been one of the victims.
Ghost started the car, the loud sound a welcome music to his ears. [_] excitedly got in, placing her backpack in the back.
They had been on the road for hours. The day was perfect, with the sun shining in a clear blue sky. It wasn't too cold or too hot; it was just right.
"Do you think we'll find the shelter?"
"Of course, we will. Once we get there, I'll try to contact the others, so we'll know exactly where they are."
"I'm scared, to be honest."
"Don't worry, we'll be okay," he reassured, holding [_]’s smaller hand.
After that, they didn't let go. Throughout the entire journey, the girl was acutely aware of the larger hand holding hers. She played with the veins on Ghost's hand, warm and rough, but still comforting. She felt the same way she did on the day they first embraced and slept together. It was a whirlwind of emotions.
She paid attention to every detail of the man. His blue-green eyes, his slightly blond lashes, his broad shoulders and strong arms. The way he held the steering wheel with his remaining hand, as the other was interlaced with his own, lightly squeezing. She yearned for him desperately. She wanted to see him without the mask and clothes, to see the real him.
"What are you looking at so much?"
"Nothing," she said, turning her face away.
"[]," Ghost said, slowing the car down and leaning closer to [_], cupping her face with the hand not on the wheel, lowering his mask, and kissing her lips.
She could have died right then, and she wouldn't have complained. Feeling his slightly chapped lips and the roughness of his beard made her tremble inside. Fireworks went off in her mind. Their lips moved slowly, unhurriedly. They savored the texture and taste of each other.
They pulled apart, their faces flushed and breathing quick. The girl broke into a genuine smile, feeling embarrassed and happy.
"We need to do this more often," she said.
"Yes, we do," the older one agreed, smiling slightly, putting his mask back in place.
They arrived in the city not long after. The city was like all the others – complete chaos.
Abandoned cars and houses, people turned into animals chasing after human flesh.
They parked the car near an off-white house that appeared to be closed. They entered silently, being careful in case there were any zombies inside.
"I'll check upstairs," Ghost said, and [_] nodded.
She moved through the living room, avoiding the sofas and the fallen table. Entering the kitchen, she encountered a zombie – a man. He was larger than her and attacked as soon as he sensed her scent.
The girl dodged his strikes, realizing that he was different from all the other zombies they had encountered. This one seemed stronger and more intelligent.
He punched her in the face, causing her to fall onto her stomach. He grabbed her by her backpack, making her let go immediately and fall again.
The zombie began destroying everything in the backpack – food, clothes, and the communication radio. In desperation, she leaped onto him, trying to hit him with a knife from the countertop. But she was thrown against a cabinet. She quickly composed herself and went after the zombie again, attempting to strike. Upstairs, Ghost heard the loud noise and quickly descended, shooting the zombie twice.
"Are you okay?" he asked, extending his hand to help her up.
"I am, thank you! I could have killed him quickly with one of these," she said, pointing to Ghost's gun.
"I don't have enough bullets to waste trying to teach you, unfortunately."
They removed the body and put it outside the house, closing all windows and doors.
"I'll try to contact someone. Where's the backpack?"
"That zombie destroyed everything. I'm sorry, Ghost!"
"What?" he said, slightly louder and irritated.
"He ended up grabbing the backpack, and I couldn't stop him," the girl said, growing desperate at Ghost's sudden change in behavior.
"You can't protect a damn backpack? It's no wonder you were nearly dead when I found you. And now? What are we going to do?"
the older one shouted.
"We look for another one. There might be one in an electronics store, I don't know," she whispered, frightened by Ghost's outburst. She knew she had done something wrong, but she didn't expect him to get so angry.
"We? You're the one who's going to look for another one, not me. And you better find one quickly."
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pink--rhino · 12 hours
Somehow my math was wrong and I forma'd my zarr wrong and now it's got to be SIX forma and it won't MATCH my other kuva weapons and I wasted a whole forma. This is the worst thing that could happen ever. >:(
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retphienix · 10 months
Never have I regretted my "collector" mentality in games more than this moment.
well maybe not, but this still sucks lol
So in my trek from like 2015 or whenever until now in warframe I've been F2P the whole time, and it's only VERY recently, like, last two years roughly, where I wasn't "living plat to plat".
Like two years ago or so I started trading hardcore and now plat is whatever. I'm not rich, or flushed with ridiculous purchases, or stacked with cosmetic everything, and I'm still F2P so I don't have like premium only stuff, but for the last couple years I've been Comfortable.
I've been able to waste plat on forma whenever the fuck a random idea pops in my head, I've been buying slots instead of selling weapons, all that jazz. I usually sit on a stock of 1k plat, I'm currently below that due to this 'project', but usually.
But that wasn't always the case and long-winded ramble aside, I used to sell everything to make room for new MR fodder, and now that I'm L3 and am closing the door on my overall collection for like, mods and stuff, I'm being confronted by my collector folly.
I Have To Have Every Weapon On Hand And At Max Rank JUST. IN. CASE.
so I've been leveling so fucking many weapons for effectively no reason and I'm so tired lol
There are nearly 600 weapons in the game.
I sold. Most. Of Them.
I am now making All Of Them Again And Leveling Them Again.
I haven't even started dojo bps, fuck. I'm already tired from having to make so many dupes for other weapons that require them to be made, let alone the leveling aspect, let alone the grinding for drops aspect, let alone that entire huge list of dojo weapons I don't have on hand anymore.
Fucking stupid idea, who's stupid idea was this, I'm stupid.
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ricardodeoliveirablr · 8 months
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akoyermin · 2 years
Hi guys. I don’t think I’ve shared this with any of you. I’m pretty sure I haven’t.
Hola, chicos. No creo que haya compartido esto con ninguno de vosotros. Estoy bastante seguro de que no lo he hecho.
2022 has been a tough year. I think we can all attest to that. The year of the Tiger was a year of action, change and upheaval; fast moving waters and the Tiger did not waste time or sit idle. He took a swipe at everyone.
2022 ha sido un año difícil. Creo que todos podemos dar fe de eso. El año del Tigre fue un año de acción, cambio y agitación; las aguas en rápido movimiento y el Tigre no perdió el tiempo ni se sentó inactivo. Le dio un golpe a todo el mundo.
I feel like every aspect of my life had been swiped at, scratched or bitten. The pandemic took its toll on what was already a challenging year to begin with. People and relationships were strained, lost or broken.
Siento como si cada aspecto de mi vida hubiera sido arrastrado, rayado o mordido. La pandemia pasó factura en lo que ya era un año difícil para empezar. Las personas y las relaciones estaban tensas, perdidas o rotas.
Personal life was unsteady. People lost, relationships ended.
La vida personal era inestable. La gente se perdió, las relaciones terminaron.
Work was in turmoil. I’m only now seeing some stability to my department. Needless to say it’s been a struggle. A struggle. Im still job hunting. I don’t think I want to stay.
El trabajo estaba en crisis. Solo ahora estoy viendo algo de estabilidad en mi departamento. No hace falta decir que ha sido una lucha. Una lucha. Todavía estoy buscando trabajo. No creo que quiera quedarme.
The bright side of 2022 and the down side of 2022. In September I met someone on Tindr. It was a surprise. A beautiful young man from Colombia, handsome and kind. We started chatting and had been chatting every day since. Video calls, voice calls. A day hadn’t gone by where we weren’t in touch. Things moved fast. We made plans to meet in March for my birthday and then further plans to meet in July for his. Things were getting serious. Until they didn’t. Suddenly in January one week he grew distant and I confronted him. He said he’s met someone else. This was all on Friday the 13th no less. 😞 He said “it was complicated but it just happened and that he didn’t love me the way I love him”.
El lado positivo de 2022 y el lado negativo de 2022. En septiembre conocí a alguien en Tindr. Fue una sorpresa. Un joven hermoso de Colombia, guapo y amable. Empezamos a charlar y habíamos estado charlando todos los días desde entonces. Videollamadas, llamadas de voz. No había pasado un día en el que no estuviéramos en contacto. Las cosas se movieron rápido. Hicimos planes para reunirnos en marzo para mi cumpleaños y luego otros planes para reunirnos en julio para el suyo. Las cosas se estaban poniendo serias. Hasta que no lo hicieron. De repente, en enero, una semana se aleje y me enfrenté a él. Dijo que había conocido a otra persona. Todo esto fue el viernes 13 ni menos. 😞 Dijo "fue complicado, pero simplemente sucedió y que no me amaba de la manera en que yo lo amo a él".
I was devastated. I don’t know why but as short as it was, I had truly come to care for and love him and this hurt so much more than I’ve ever felt in a relationship. The last three weeks I’ve been depressed and anxious. We still text. I want to find a way forward but I can’t compete with someone who is there with him. No matter how many texts I send, no matter how many emails, voice calls or video calls. None of that matters. I think we’re just going through the motions at this point but I’m not finding it easy to let go.
Estaba devastado. No sé por qué, pero por muy corto que fuera, realmente había llegado a cuidarlo y amarlo y esto me dolió mucho más de lo que he sentido en una relación. Las últimas tres semanas he estado deprimido y ansioso. Seguimos enviando mensajes de texto. Quiero encontrar una forma de avanzar, pero no puedo competir con alguien que esté allí con él. No importa cuántos mensajes de texto envíe, no importa cuántos correos electrónicos, llamadas de voz o videollamadas. Nada de eso importa. Creo que solo estamos pasando por los movimientos en este momento, pero no me resulta fácil dejarlo ir.
I have had my friend and my family rally to my side. Fuck him! Forget about him! Let go! I can’t. I won’t do it. I don’t know how. I love him and he doesn’t love me. 😭
Mi amigo y mi familia se han unidado a mi lado. ¡Que le jodan! ¡Olvídate de él! ¡Déjeme! No puedo. No lo haré. No sé cómo. Lo amo y él no me ama. 😭
But I have to move on somehow.
Pero tengo que seguir adelante de alguna manera.
Right now the only thing helping is just taking it literally hour by hour, then day by day. And it’s been a looong three weeks. I wish I could see an end in sight but I don’t right now. I don’t have him to look forward to. I don’t have anyone else. It was him.
En este momento, lo único que ayuda es tomarlo literalmente hora a hora, y luego día a día. Y han pasado tres semanas. Más o menos. Ojalá pudiera ver un final a la vista, pero ahora mismo no. No lo tengo con ganas. No tengo a nadie más. Fue él.
One glimmer of hope if anyone ascribes to being spiritual is it’s now the year of the Rabbit. For most of us this our year. It’s the yin to the Tiger and a year of calmer waters, thoughtfulness and healing. I need the healing. Hopefully the Rabbit is gentle but I know I have to work towards it. Right now I still feel like I’m crawling. I haven’t quite picked myself up. The deep knot of pain in my chest is starting to let up, but only a little. it comes and goes. The grief is still there. I miss him. I miss what could have been. Ironic that he was born in the year of the Tiger and that I was born in the year of the Rabbit. Maybe we were only meant to cross at this junction. Fate is so cruel sometimes.
Un destello de esperanza si alguien atribuye ser espiritual es que ahora es el año del Conejo. Para la mayoría de nosotros, este es nuestro año. Es el yin del Tigre y un año de aguas más tranquilas, consideración y curación. Necesito la curación. Espero que el conejo sea amable, pero sé que tengo que trabajar para conseguirlo. Ahora mismo todavía siento que estoy gateando. No me he levantado del todo. El profundo nudo de dolor en mi pecho está empezando a sonar, pero solo un poco. Va y viene. El dolor sigue ahí. Lo echo de menos. Echo de menos lo que podría haber sido. Irónico que él nació en el año del Tigre y que yo nací en el año del Conejo. Tal vez solo estábamos destinados a cruzar en este cruce. El destino es tan cruel a veces.
The antidepressant meds seem to be helping. I’ve also sought out counseling.
Los antidepresivos parecen estar ayudando. También he buscado asesoramiento.
To my friends and family as of late. I apologize if I couldn’t be there for you guys in turn. We’ve had our struggles and our losses this year. Some more than most. I’m dealing with this as best as I can. I have to have hope somehow that my broken heart can heal. Even if there is no hope for him and me. 😞
A mis amigos y familiares últimamente. Me disculpo si no pude estar allí para ustedes a su vez. Hemos tenido nuestras luchas y nuestras pérdidas este año. Algunos más que la mayoría. Estoy lidiando con esto lo mejor que puedo. Tengo que tener la esperanza de que mi corazón roto pueda sanar. Incluso si no hay esperanza para él y para mí. 😞
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zydrateacademy · 1 year
My List O' Frames
I'm going down my "Usage" stat, though Warframe's tracking for most used items is... odd, to say the least. My Bolter Prime is still third on my most used weapons despite having not touched it in years. Bolter Prime was just... my first prime, if memory serves and it served well for a while.
The frames are kind of the same, with Ember Prime still locking down my "second", again, despite not having used it for years. As I use them they shift around so they'll be dethroned eventually.
I actually own -most- frames with several exceptions. I won't list them all here, like stuff I never play. Banshee, Nyx, Zephyr, etc. I just wanted to compile a list of frames I actually use and sort of document what kind of "mood" I am in when to play them.
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Saryn's my main girl and has been for a long time, even in her non-prime days. Generally my go-to for most missions with the exception of Spy/Capture/Assassinate. She has a very low sprint speed with no real mobility skills. She can handle pretty much everything else. I've recently rebuilt her into range so I can hit more of the map.
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Ember, as I said I haven't played her in years and don't see a lot of them running around. I wonder if her firestorm just doesn't scale well, but it's usually pretty fun to use.
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Titania is my "let me not waste my teammates time" frame. I bring her notably on Sorties and various steel path missions, specifically stuff like Spy and Capture because there's always some speedster Gauss or Volt just speedrunning the whole map because nobody wants to waste their time burning down bullet sponge enemies. Titania is third on my list not because of kills likely, but from missions completed AS her. She's basically my speedrun frame. Does almost no damage in her pixie form, despite having forma'd her special weapons a couple times and modded them as much as I really can. They're dual pistols that fire fairly slowly which can chunk some enemies but she really exists just so I can keep up with the pros and not take five minutes getting to extraction.
She can also cheese the treasure hunts and several mastery tests.
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Mesa is my "fuck around with lowbies/friends/low level missions" frame. I wish her Peacemaker scaled better because on 70+ missions, they can't seem to handle Eximus shields and domes very well (as they become more and more common). She mostly has to rely on the 3 and whatever primary weapon I'm using at the time. She's as built as I can feasibly get her, so I generally switch to fairly basic automatic/ballistic weapons on her to play into the gunslinger archetype. Sometimes I just want to Call of Duty this shit.
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Mirage, like Mesa, I wish scaled better. I have the explosive item augment on her which makes her great fun to play on defensive missions but it's immensely boring, and just recently bought the augment that increases her clone's damage so I may need to rebuild and forma her more towards that style of play. One or two of her skills are situational depending on if you're in light or shadow and that's a level if micromanagement I don't care for.
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I remember playing a lot of Protea, I tried to build into the Artillery turret in hopes to get it to last longer but even at the highest I can get it, it only stays up for 6 seconds at 201% duration. I think I can do better with mods now but haven't bothered. I like tossing grenades around but she joins some of the others in "play in low level missions" pile.
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Wisp will some day be second to Saryn. As she's both powerful, useful, and is along the same lines of Titania as my "let me not waste my team's time". Health regen and huge speed, I drop her motes down with 300% strength (raw, not counting various procs and perks). I generally play her on some of the hardest missions due to the health mote alone, and her passive to where she's invisible while flying through the air... She only really dies if I'm being stupid and trying to find a corner to cower in when I really should just be bullet jumping across the map with the speed mote. Not as fast to fly through the map as Titania but they both fulfill the same function.
In addition, her 4 remains fairly functional in high-ish level missions, up to 70 or 80. It's one of the most fun 4's to use, and at 300% strength why the fuck not drop it sometime?
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I built Nova to speed up defense missions and to look pretty damn awesome while doing it. I never use her for anything else. If I have no frames to level but I need to level 2-3 weapons, she's my go-to to get that shit over with.
We'll now be getting into two off-categories. One is; "I'd play these more if they were better" territory, with a couple of exceptions (like Hildryn and Garuda). The second is "I wish I really understood what their kit really did".
For a very long time, despite reading abilities over and over again it took me a long time to truly comprehend what a frame's kit actually does.
Take this ability for example;
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This is Mesa's 1. What the fuck does it mean that it "stores damage". What the fuck is a buffer limit. What do you mean "channeled" through the next gunshot. Is that for, a single shot? Is it just an ability for snipers? I have no idea, and many MANY frame abilities are worded like this. For a player who's just getting into the game you could read through entire kits and not fucking understand what's going on. That was my problem for a long time, and I'll explain more on this most as I run into them.
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Octavia is a Category 1. I wish she was better. She's fairly well modded, 3 or 4 forma, baseline energy costs but everything else is in the positives. Yet it seems like my Skyrim-tune thumping rollewheel only does like 300 damage per tick. She's basically along the same lines as Mesa and Protea in the sense that she's great fun to take on under-50 missions. Otherwise most of her damage comes from whatever primary weapon I'm using. At that point, what's the use of the frame itself?
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Ivara is Category 2, "I wish I knew what her kit was for". Her 4 is completely pointless because I have my own better bows I could use in place of it. Her 1 is a cycling of various arrow types. Making my own ziplines is cute but who cares? Her 2 does an Assassin's Creed style arrow control through the air but just equip some aoe primary and that fulfills the job ten times faster. Her 3, an invisibility and extra loot goblin type ability is the only real selling point, so she can be useful in spy missions. So much of what she is can be done with better tools.
She looks GREAT on a design standpoint.
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I've got Mag in some of the sickest drip but she's stuck in another Category 2 of "I don't really understand her kit". Her 4 is like a big aoe crush but my Saryn's 4 essentially does the same thing.
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Hildryn is the first of the exceptions to the two above categories. I want to play her a lot more and she has a purpose. She synergizes well with my brother's Nidus main (who needs energy to fuel his constant growth and damage potential). And at ~3700 shields with the adaptation mod on her (which puts her 'effective' health in the tens of thousands), she's a great go-to tank for when I just don't want to die. The problem is, Wisp also fulfills this task just as well. Wisp has a fraction of the health pool but a constant on demand regenerative ability. Hildryn can strip shields but what if the enemy doesn't have them, or what if they wander out of range of the ability. Various other drawbacks. Wisp is my "alright I won't die at all" frame, but I still understand and enjoy Hildryn's kit and I want to play her more.
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Xaku is another "I wish I understood what the fuck they do despite having read all their abilities multiple times".
Let me save some time here and name a few others that are in the same camp that I won't even bother screenshotting: Gara, Gyre, Equinox, Nyx, Valkyr, Citrine, and Khora.
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Voruna is awesome looking but her kit just feels like Garuda's with extra steps. But honestly I kind of want to play/forma her some more. I'm just not too hot on melee based stuff.
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I am actually surprised to see Garuda on the bottom of the list except I then remembered this is the prime variant. I played her standard form a bit more, whom has long since been eaten by my ship. She's generally my go-to when I actually feel like taking melee seriously, or for a melee based Nightwave. I do not yet know how well she performs on high level content and I haven't even forma'd her yet.
And that's it! I own several others that I never plan to play much. Excal Umbra, Loki, several other male-coded ones. I want Caliban some day. Maybe Revenant.
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ximenabarragn · 1 year
I too, Used To Be Young
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Used To Be Young salió, coincidentemente, a escasas 2 semanas de que cumpla 34 años; la he escuchado en un loop interminable, me ha hecho llorar y sonreír mucho.
Yo he sido fan de Miley desde que era Hannah Montana; la gente se burlaba de mi cuando les decía que ese niña me parecía súper talentosa (cantaba The Climb con un vibe súper heartfelt que me encantaba)… se puso shortcitos, bailó en un tubo, y medio llamó la atención, pero la controversia se puso gruesa cuando se encueró y se subió a una wrecking ball con un martillo.
La gente se concentró mucho en las formas poco ortodoxas de self-expression por las que optó y poco en la música, la potencia de su voz, la estética, la producción, la sensibilidad, y el statement en sí mismo que era Bangerz.
Circula por ahí una carta de Sinead O'Connor a Miley, en la que le dice algo como que no debería permitir que los hombres de la industria exploten su cuerpo, que no es necesario encuerarse para abrirse paso, etc…. Yo difiero, la verdad, aunque, por supuesto respeto la opinión, y memoria, de otra súper talentosa y prolífera rockstar, y claramente yo no tengo ni media idea de cómo funciona el music business, pienso que el tema de Miley era una cuestión más personal, pienso que nunca ha sido tonta, pienso que si decidió hacer lo que hizo fue porque, en ese momento, en aquellos ayeres, ella lo necesitaba (lo que los onvres de la industria hayan hecho con eso, dejémoselo a ellos, es su responsabilidad).
La cosa es: en nuestra juventud, en nuestros procesos de construcción personal, de encontrar nuestra identidad, de definirnos como personas y como parte de una sociedad, todas y todos necesitamos recurrir a ciertas acciones, actitudes, formas de expresión… hasta Rory Gilmore tuvo sus wild days.
Y eso es justo Used To Be Young, una oda a ese proceso, una forma de recordar y re prensar todas esas decisiones que, en su momento, o un poco después pudieron parecer terribles, fatales, estúpidas; con esos momentos duros, embarazosos, desordenados. Me encanta escucharla y pensar en todas esas “wasted nights”, re-significarlas, hacer consciencia de que, efectivamente, recuerdo cada una: cada borrachera, cada necedad, cada llamada desviada a mi mamá, los chistes, los bailes, las entradas clandestinas por unos tacos raros, los recuerdos especiales en el techo, las escabullidas en la noche de mi casa y casa de Luisa, los coches, los terrenos, conocer y ligarme a diferentes perfomers, salir con un rockstar que me triplicaba la edad …
Esta canción es una oportunidad no sólo de revivir, sino de reconciliarme con todo eso, con mis decisiones, con mis locuras, con mi proceso, una forma de honrarlo y entender lo que cada pendejada aportó a la construcción de mi ser actual, un ser que, como el de Miley, está, ahora, lejos de esa chica medio irresponsable y ansiosa por coleccionar experiencias, aunque fuera de una forma temeraria y estúpida.
En fin , Used To Be Young es solo una muestra de lo que la música puede lograr en nuestras vidas, un ejemplo que me ayuda a responder un poco mi eterna pregunta : ¿de dónde viene ese vínculo tan raro que entabla la gente con artistas y celebridades?, somehow se siente como que Miley yo compartimos emociones y perspectivas, como Taylor Swift y yo compartimos anhelos, sentimientos y molestias; y justo ahí encuentro una de las riquezas más grandes del arte: la posibilidad de poner en común, de dar forma, voz y expresión a lo que las simples mortales no podemos.
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kazzykatt · 1 year
omg verda que puedo escribir en español y casi nadie se enteraría :0
"Somos solo máquinas lucecita. Solo, ¡cosas! Podemos simular, pero no lo sentimos."
Pensaste un momento. Simular. Claro, pueden simular las emociones que deberían sentir. Dan las respuestas que otros quieren escuchar, seguirle el juego a los niños y complacer a los padres en la medida de lo posible. Lo que sea que les preguntes, te darán la respuesta que quieres oír.
"Eso no cambia lo que dije. Son importantes para mi, da igual si son honestos o no, I still lov-"
"Oh but we ARE honest. Eres importante, ¡si! Muy apreciado. ¡El súper duper mejor amigo que tenemos!... Sin embargo," hizo una pausa "no es bueno que te distraigas."
"¡Distraerte! Pasas mucho tiempo aquí. Es bueno tener alguien más con quien hablar pero no debe ser bueno para tu salud, no no no! Stop wasting time with this old thing" he giggled while pointing at himself "¡Lo entendemos! De todas formas no hay sentimientos para dañar."
Eso no es- Un momento ¿por qué aún pelean contigo? ¿Acaso creen que eso es lo que quieres oir?
wip de algo que no sé si sólo escribir porque le quiero agregar dibujos para mostrar así bien la emoción pero pues flojera kdghdskjg
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Concepto Steamer/ Foggernaut Concept:
Los Steamers mantienen la misma temática tanto en Dofus como un Wakfu, y es el uso de artillería para uso ofensivo y defensivo, siendo la diferencia que en Dofus usan artillería en forma de torretas, mientras que en Wakfu ellos son la artillería (apenas recientemente se dio la opción de crear Steamers humanos), por lo que vamos a combinar ambos.
Al estar vinculados a las profundidades de Sufokia y tener una sociedad completa en esta region, es de esperarse que se adapten a una vida parcial o completa bajo el mar, por lo que tomando el concepto de maquinas de Wakfu, ella tiene múltiples modificaciones en su cuerpo que le permiten desenvolverse tanto en tierra como en agua:
Ojo biónico el cual le permite tener una mejor visión en la oscuridad de las profundidades abisales.
Mano biónica la cual le permite tener un mejor agarre de su tridente.
Brazo biónico en forma pinza, el cual posee dentro de su fauce un cañón (El concepto es de una guerrera submarina, por lo que primero me vino a la cabeza fue "cangrejo").
Piernas biónicas, las cuales están equipadas con propulsores en sus talones para impulsarse en el agua.
Su armadura esta diseñada para funcionar como una escafandra, protegiéndola de la presión de las profundidades tanto como una armadura, un sistema de respiración el cual al activarse despliega un casco y filtros con forma de tentáculos a nivel del cuello de la armadura, y un par de "chimeneas" en la espalda las cuales regulan la presión del traje y expulsa los desechos de stasis.
Tanto la armadura, su tridente y las habilidades de la Steamer están alimentadas por la fuerzas de wakfu y stasis (este ultimo siendo de especial domino de la clase), teniendo mas prevalencia en algunas partes que en otras:
La armadura corre en su mayoría con stasis, con el cual puede propulsarse al hacer combustión en las piernas y usarlo como munición en su cañón de mano (ya sea con una ráfaga de daño bajo-medio o cargarlo para un gran disparo de alto daño).
El tridente corre en su mayoria con wakfu, el cual puede usarse para añadir mas filo a sus dientes y tiene un sistema de propulsión similar a un torpedo, con el que puede aumentar la velocidad de lanzamiento o en su defecto aferrarse a este para mayor movilidad (de ahi el porque de la mano bionica).
Foggernauts keep the same theme both on Dofus and Wakfu, and is the use of artillery for attacking and deffensive use, difference being that in Dofus they use the artillery in the form of sentries, while on Wakfu they are the artillery (just recently there´s the option to create human Foggernauts), so let´s mix both together.
Being linked to Sufokia´s depths and having a entire society on this region, is expected for them to adapt to a life being part or full time under the sea, so taking Wakfu´s concept of machines, she got multiple body modifications which let her move both on ground and water:
Bionic eye which lets her have a better vision on the darkness of abbysal depths.
Bionic hand that lets her have a better grip to her trident.
Bionic arm shaped like a claw, which has a cannon inside of it´s maw (her concept is of an abbysal warrior, so the first thing that came to my head was "crab").
Bionic legs, which are equipped with propellers on their heels so she can propel herself in the water.
Her armor is designed to work as a diving suit, keeping her safe from depth´s pressure and also working as an armor, a breathing system that when activated deploys a helmet and filters shaped like tentacles on the armor´s neck, and a pair of "chimneys" on her back that regulates the armor´s pressure and takes out the stasis wastes.
Foggernaut´s armor, trident and abilities are powered by both wakfu and stasis forces (the last one being the class´ mastery), having more prevalence on some parts than others:
The armor runs mainly on stasis, which she can propel herself with combustion on her legs and use it as ammo (being with a rapid fire low-medium damage barrage or a charged up high damage burst).
The trident runs mainly on wakfu, which can be used to add more edge to it´s teeth and it has a propeller system similar to a torpedo, which helps to increase it´s throwing speed or to grip into it for a higher movility (that´s the why of the bionic hand).
Su diseño esta basado tanto en mis Steamers Abyssal-Blindage (Dofus) y Wak-Sta-Auto (Wakfu), teniendo una influencia de los Steamers y la tecnologia sufokeña.
Her design is based both on my Foggernauts Abyssal-Blindage (Dofus) and Wak-Sta-Auto (Wakfu), being influenced by sufokean Foggernauts and technology.
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