#waste a moment kings of leon analysis
mamafishfound · 5 years
Leon: The Rabid Lion and Astrology
Alright finally got to posting this I'm sorry it took so long a lot was going on with the Cornovirus stuff and my husband had issues with his green card and can't find it which we had no luck finding but alas thats a unrelated issue to the post. So here we are for the long awaited Star Crossed Myth and Astrology post
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The Leo Archtype
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Leo is ruled by the sun and rules the 5th house, the house of creative expression, arts, hobbies,children, and ect. Leo energy shines the brightest when it is in your sun sign and many famous Leos tend to pursue theater careers and are stereotyped as dramatic and attention-seeking. In a way when we first met Leon, he instantly was all like " you do what i say woman" and magically took her up in the sky to show her the stars. Logically speaking he was just trying to convince her he and the rest of the gods were for real not just trying to kidnap her XD, but the way he did all that was very dramatic and theatrical hahaha. So right off the bat, Leon was very Leo like ASSHOLE edition. In my experience, Leo placement folks are rather generous expressive and kind and although they appear to be self centered, they are kind to their friends and love to share the spotlight. Leon I guess is the kind of Leo who is sick of all this attention due to his powers (if you consider it a power hehe) and thus he wanted to withdraw himself from others and used his powers to appear dominate and in control. Leo energy is very much all about keeping up their reputation and the bad apples of the signs can come across arrogant and egoistic, which Leon shows right off the bat in his route and other routes. Leon's whole purpose is to erase his sin of rejecting true love. Leo archetype is all sharing and expressing love so Leon is basically an unevolved Leo that need to find love for himself once more. Leon was always hard on himself and due to his guilt of indirectly causing a goddess to fall from grace... I don't blame him.
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Leon hides the very dark and sad feelings he has and its up to the MC to help him rediscover the true beauty and essence of love. Love does correlate with creative expression that the archetype is all about and I don't blame the king of the heavens casted him away. Leon shouldn't just waste away in self doubt and hide it in shield of aggressiveness and arrogance. Fixed signs in general can have a hard time being open to different perspectives in morale and values and when they are fixed in one way to view the world its a bit of a challenge for them to change it up. This isn’t the say all fixed signs are narrow-minded but when they do change its almost like they go through a metamorphosis and they are better then ever.
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Leo is a fire sign and its also fixed, so passion and self expression is strong and upfront. I only met a few introverted Leos and even they have a certain type of stubbornness that is unmatched. Leon takes several chapters to admit his downfalls and give love one more shot. He didn’t believe in true love because all he saw was goddesses lust for his sex and power, so he came to one conclusion that love is not real and he wanted to change the heavens to see through his own image. He even attempted to overthrow the king and take his place. He was someone who thought highly himself and wanted his way only. Its no wonder he is the leader in his department due to his power and charisma that the Leo archetype is all about.
once Leon opened up his cold heart to MC then he is absolved of his sin and he can fully represent the Leo sign. He still is a bit controlling dominate and sadistic (which is why we all secretly love him for hehe) but after he reaches his revelation in love he is more caring generous and kind to the MC. He definitely did a 180 and was more daring and love struck which i can see in Leo placements in general. Leo energy is also known to be wildly sexual and hot and heavy in the bedroom. Leon in some side stories and sequels to his story he definitely is known as an amazing sex god.
The 5th House
This house in astrology is associated with our creative endeavors, hobbies, casual flings, self-expression, and artistic talents. This house is how we standout (or don't standout?) in this world compared to others or audience we are "performing" to. Leo energy is said to be the performers of all the signs so we can imagine that this energy desires to shine through. Leon is the main guy in this story and its no wonder, since he is the route who "outshines" the rest of the guys. Kidding of course LOL, but if you saw the interview of one of the writers of the story, she appeared a bit thirsty for Leon when discussing his storyline. He kept trying to paint the Heroine to be so into him when she got embarrassed over seeing him and Teo having an "orgy" ( like they were just messing around but basically it appeared to be like that LMAO) and even pointed out their bet on the Heroine to be curious and want to "watch their performance". Perhaps she did want to secretly see it but to be accused of such can be humiliating haha. I understand that since I'm a 12th house person ( I'll go over that on Ichthy's analysis if you are unfamiliar with the houses in astrology) I tend to hide my true colors and myself out of shame and insecurity and so seeing Leon being so arrogant and so full of himself rubs me the wrong way and it explains why hes one of my least favorite characters, because he represents everything i shame myself to feeling. Arrogance and cockiness can be seen in the 5th house but remember that is only shown if the said individual is enabled to do so.
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Leon represents the side of this house with casual flings and self-expression. He is the head minister of the Wishes department, and even though he acts like he could care less, he is very passionate of his role. All the gods under his department respect him despite his blatant affairs. The fifth house is all about living life to the fullest and expressing ourselves in a way that makes us feel special and unique. The sun rules this house and its no wonder because the sun is the brightest star in our solar system. Leon knows this and it seems he is tired of this yet he still enjoys having the limelight still. This is very stereotypical of Leo energy in general but I feel Leon is just bored of simply getting attention just because he wants to gain attention being unexpected and challenges the King for it by attempting to take his power. I think side stories or his POV route goes over this more but Leon is tired of playing by the rules and he wants to go extreme in order to feel more "alive". From what i heard from others regarding his second season stuff and other side stories, his route is all about the DRAMA and its no wonder he's pushed to be the front man of the game....we all love a hot and dramatic story line for our daily otome hahaha (and if you don’t well....ajfklajlfjakljflajjaklajlGAJJJ lol jk do you boo).
Children also represent this house and normally its associated with your relation with children or how you are as a child. This house also might cue in about your own children if you chose to have any that is. There is a saying that says " Children brighten our world" which is fitting considering what makes us stand out and "bright" is what this house is all about. Leon is not necessarily a big fan of children (unless side stories of his reveal otherwise) but his dramatic and unfiltered comments to the Heroine can be deemed "childlike". Someone correct me but he and Partheno are the only routes that its confirmed the Heroine get preggers right? If not then what i am about to say is invalid but its no wonder Leon's route gets the married with a baby ending. I wonder how he would be as a father? I bet he will shower his child with love tender and care but would also push his child to be the best version of themselves. People in general with personal planets in the 5th house if they decide to have kids, are very good parents and would be the fun mom or dad that encouraged their kids to reach their dreams.
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Planets in Leo
Okay so we talked about the archetype of Leo and the house placement and a bit of its ruling planet (the sun) of Leo as well. Now for planet placements. I will only be focusing on the 9 planets astrologers study just to keep things simpler. If anyone wants more of my take on other placements such as Chiron, North node, or even Lilith, let me know I will make a separate post for that. In a birth chart the moment you were born its made by the exact placement the planets are at the time. The sun sign is normally what horoscopes go over but did you know that Venus mars and other planets impact you even more? Since the gods rule their own sign, we can assume their birth chart is all in one sign haha. So I will be going over how Leo energy is played in each planet and how its shown in the entire main story for Leon's route.
Sun in Leo
The sun is considered our sole purpose in our life time. It also is the part of us that is our over all theme of our personality and life choices. It also is what we want to become in the future. The sun sign is normally what horoscopes focus us but the sun sign is only like a summary to our life long autobiography. Sun in Leo is Leo's true home planet and its easier to pick out Leo sun folks especially if their sun sign is positioned between the 1st and 5th houses. Leon is very much the staple of Leo with his arrogance, confidence and need to be dramatic. Though at times he tries to act like he could care less, its soooo obvious he does care about being the center of the Heroine's attention even in the begining of his route XD.
Moon in Leo
The moon sign is known as the "dark side" of your personality. The moon is the hidden sense of self that only your close loved ones or significant others experience. The moon is also associated with the mother or women in your life. The moon is how we react and how we internalize our emotions as well. Most astrologers will look at your moon sign and might come up with what kind of mother or mother figure that raised you, since the mother is the parent that teaches and nurtures us and our emotional well being. Since there was no talk about Leon's parents in the main story (maybe in side stories? ) we will talk about how Leon expresses himself emotionally and how his emotions change based on how the Heroine interacts with him as they get to know each other. I really saw his moon shine when he saw how the Heroine was passionate about helping Her best Friend Hyori's romance life. Normally Leon acts like he could care less but he was being inspired by the Heroine's persistence to make Hyori and her bf to get along again after a big fight. Another example was when Leon openly gives respect to the Heroine in teaching him love and its real meaning. Well go over that more in the Venus section. his emotions are volatile and responds when the heavens started to go against him. Leo moon folks normally are vibrant and warm folks and are good at sharing the lime light over Leo sun folks. Leon even thanks and acknowledges the Heroine for being so strong in the forbidden ending which is the epiphany of how Leo moons show their feelings.
Mercury in Leo
The mercury sign is associated with the conscious mind. This planet is all about how we communicate and retain information within. Mercury also is about our learning style and thinking pattern on a daily and mercury normally is closely aligned with our sun sign. Mercury in Leo are folks that can come across as theatrical and dramatic and are good at gassing themselves and others. The spotlight for this placement is vibrant and fun and Leon at the get go of the route is blunt with the Heroine. He is sadistic in his thinking and has fun being dominant an is very open in dialogue over that. Remeber when Leon would always call out the Heroine when she was distracted or doing something that is laughable? I do remeber her talking to Karno and he so calls out her out being a fickle goldfish. Throughtout his route he communicates with sass and always seems to want to start something. Its no wonder Zyglavis and Scorpio can't stand him, he just sooo full of himself but at least he can back it up being the strongest god in the heavens next to the king himself.
Venus in Leo
Venus is major component that Leon seems to lack connection with in the route. Venus is the planet of love, romance, and short term gains. Its also how we show are love to others and how we expect to be loved back as well in romantic relationships especially. Spolier alert, its love that Leon seems to underestimate love , causing the King of the heavens to kick him out to figure what is loveeeee baby dont hurt me (sorry i had too LOL). Leon doesnt realize this and thought since he did not pleasure the goddess that obsessed over him that was the reason he was cast away from the heavens. The 5th house has a tendency to be more about the fun and thrill regarding love and can get confused with lust. That is what Leon seem to have an issue with, he was so used to being the center of attention due to his power to give absolute pleasure but he always felt like he was being used by others. He wanted more when it comes to love and thats what the Heroine teaches him. Love can come in many different ways and I find Venus in Leo folks love to share the spotlight and help others find love within the best kind of trait in Venus in Leo.
Mars in Leo
Mars is considered the planet of action, agression and sex. Its very much the opposite of Venus. Mars is greatly shown in Leon's route, especially when he decided to fight the King of Heavens. Mars in Leo has a powerful force within any individual that has this placement. Leon's abiliies are known to be the most powerful and every god and goddess fear and respect him. Even Zyglavis the other department head fears him. going back to the concept of love, Leon confuses lust and love and he is apologetically thinks he knows better then what the heroine has to say about love and he gets aggressive if questioned or dissed. Leo placement folks tend to easily get offended and might lash out quickly if anyone questions their stance or actions. Leon is no exception and that plays in the role of fear and respect among all the gods in the heavens.
Jupiter in Leo
Jupiter is the planet of expansion and good fortune. Its the planet in our chart that gives us the most luck and talent wherever its positioned in the chart. I have this placement in my own birth chart (but in retrograde smh lol) and I think its shown in Leon's route with his natural charisma and excellent leadership skills. He might be feared and sought after the most but everyone relies on him the most when the going gets tough in the heavens. Even though he was cast out of the heavens for his sin, the gods still go to him for help as soon as they realize he can still use his powers. He basically is the ace and brings luck to the heavens when the going gets tough.
Saturn in Leo
Saturn is the planet of restrictions and discipline. Its considered the grandfather of all the planets. Leon is put on restriction for loosing interest in love and not doing his job to the fullest. He also is arrogant and looks down on those who don't have power like him. I see the king of heavens being like Saturn in these circumstances for he wants to teach Leon a lesson for getting too full of himself just becauae he has the most power. The entire route is basically synonymous to his Saturn in Leo that teaches him to not get cocky about himself and realize love's true meaning and to share love to all humans to be able to do his job correct. After all he is the head of the department of wishes and how could he grant wishes if he doesn’t even believe in the power of love?
Uranus in Leo
Uranus is considered one of the generational planets of change and humantarian pursuits. In the sign of Leo change is necessary on how you are viewed in the spotlight whether for a good or bad reasons. I think change occurred when Leon and 5 other gods where cut of their powers and had to figure out what their sin they needed to absolved from. Uranus is not comfortable in Leo since Uranus's original ruler is Aquarius, the opposing sign of Leo. So its no wonder Leon tried to fight the King and rallied up the other gods to go against him.
Neptune in Leo
Neptune is also a generational planet of modern day changes and the overall dreams society might strive for as a whole. Leon does have a wish to rule over the heavens and be the strongest god there ever is (spoiler alert he does in the ending of season 2 LOL) and he grows tired of the King of Heaven's sadistic ways so its no wonder he tries to go against him. I also associate Neptune in his job as head minister in department of wishes. Since dreams and wishes tend to intertwine, when it comes to granting wishes he seems to go for those of hidden desires in human's need to be center of attention. He did grant the boys need to get stronger to help his grandma as an example in his route. Wanting to be the center of attention is not inherently bad especially if its where you shine to help others in need and being the "hero".
Pluto in Leo
Now finally the planet of death is here haha that is not to say literal death but it does have association with the death and rebirth cycle. Pluto is the final generational planet that defines the exact generations itself ( such as boomers or generation z ect) each generation brings something new to the society and transformation on how things are change with changing times. Pluto is also represents what we need to change and evolve in our individual placements. Since the gods probably been around from many millions of years so Pluto's effects probably are more immediate then gradual. it took 12 chapters for Leon to learn about love and its true meaning so Pluto's transformation was more immediate for Leon then any human ever lol.
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So How Accurate is the Game then?
So is the game accurate in representing Leo? Well that’s subjective they do got the negative stereotypes down of Leo's such as arrogance, over dramatic, and sadism but remember just because that is considered the bad traits doesnt mean all Leo's are like this. I have known a lot of great Leo's that are generous, entertaining and kind. In fact in my experience Leo's shine gives me hope for a better future in humanity itself. I think once Leon does realize the value in true love then that’s when more positive traits of Leo are shown. Leon is not overall horrible character he just has flaws that tend to get excused because he is the main guy and we as consumers that play this game are suppose to not care and want some of that shit he does to us because he is soooo hOt...Which is problematic but isn’t that the tea and Leo energy thrive in the drama in general even if they don't mean too. His route is the most dramatic and its only fitting that its because he's a Leo. Now a friend of mine (shouting out to u @bitch-pinnacle 😍) told me that the gods character design are similar to the Ascendant of each sign. The Ascendant is the sign that reflect your outward demeanor and how you are perceived to others. Finding your ascendant is by knowing your exact time of birth and it starts the entire house system in your birth chart. Leo rising are known to have hair like the mane of a lion and are expressive and lavish looking and tend to attract anyone to them. That definitely sounds like Leon. Even in his god form his hair is all big and long like a Leo rising are said to be like. So overall i think the game is pretty accurate its just that in the get go Leon embodies the negative side of Leo and I can see that rubbing you Leos the wrong way haha. After all if people say unpleasant things about you even if not meaning to can offend you. Leo folks in my experience get readily hurt fast if ridiculed or questioned. After all Leo is the performers of the zodiac and shine the most out in the open.
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diamondsaregold · 7 years
Drake Walker x MC - A Playlist
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#ChoicesCreates Round 24 Prompt: “Movement of the Stars” @hollyashton and @alwaysanotheroc​. A lot of the songs in this playlist use motifs of stars and light, so I was really, really happy to see that this was the prompt! As always, thanks to our wonderful hosts. Background Info: “His pain, his loneliness, is laid stark against the inky backdrop.” ✨  The second playlist for TRR I’ve been working on for the past few months, aka how I’ve been getting my feels out every week.   Click on each song title for the link. I highly recommend listening while looking at the visuals, lyrics, and analysis. 😉
If you’re interested, you can find Maxwell x MC here and Zig x MC here.
1) “Halfway Gone” Lifehouse An exhilarating alt-rock anthem to rocky memories and bold decisions.
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I'm hanging on but growing cold While my mind is leaving ----- You got one foot out the door And choking on the other Always think there's something more It's just around the corner ----- Talk, talk is cheap Give me a word you can keep Cause I'm halfway gone and I'm on my way
Stepping into the bar that night, Drake is no less cynical than he was back in Cordonia. When he sees the way that the Prince looks at us—the waitress with the pretty eyes and penchant for quips—he’s reminded that this is not the place for him to dare dream of a future. Not in New York, and not anywhere else.
So back at the palace, he wastes no time telling us the truth: that this is not a land of fairytales. To us, he’s brusque, colder than the night air.
Inside, he’s suffocating. His rebellion against this institution of lies and gilded smiles allows him to stay safe, in a world where his walls keep all hopes out. Just the way he wants it.
2) “God Put a Smile Upon Your Face” Coldplay A guitar riff-driven, alt-rock song that twists and turns with the observations of a jaded mind.
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Where do we go, nobody knows? I’ve gotta say I’m on my way down ----- Now, when you work it out I’m worse than you Yeah, when you work it out I wanted to Now, when you work out where to draw the line Your guess is as good as mine
Granted, we’re much tougher than we seem—among other things. He reminds himself that his watchful gaze on us is only because his best friend has fallen head over heels for us, of course.
But when he slips back into the tent with drinks in hand, he’s taken aback by our beaming smile, directed just at him. Questions begin swirling through his mind, all centered on this strange churning in his stomach, as the three of them laugh together.
After years of letting rolled eyes and offhand insults fester, camaraderie sure is a strange pill to swallow.
3) “Amsterdam” Imagine Dragons An introspective indie-rock tune for the nights we spend reminiscing and gravitate toward truth.
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I'm sorry, mother... I'm sorry, I let you down Well, these days I'm fine - No these days I tend to lie ----- Kinda thought it was a mystery and then I thought I wasn't meant to be You set yourself fantastically, "Congratulations you are all alone." ----- Your time will come if you wait for it, if you wait for it It's hard, believe me... I've tried But I keep coming up short ----- No I won't wait much longer 'cause these walls they're crashing down
That night, we stroll along the sidewalk, surrounded by the soft glow of street signs and the echo of conversation. More bold than we’ve felt in months, we tease him shamelessly, until he’s tossing his head back and laughing heartily. 
When the palace comes back into view, the bitter twinge in his chest creeps back in; yet at our bright smile by his side, it soon dissipates.
As the night wind whips through our hair, Drake ponders what we might see the next time we look at him, a man veiled by a stony barrier that has begun to crumble, and what magic that future moments may reveal. 
4. “Holes” The Paper Kites An atmospheric, indie-folk ballad that rings with aching vulnerability.
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Never did I find all the answers I’ve untied But then you always pushed the light in your way And your voice was trembling At the thought of “you couldn’t win” But it’s the only race I’m in, running strong ----- Till you did, I faded out of sight All my days and nights You never leave my mind ----- Holes let in the light
With his gaze lost in the twinkling constellations above, all of his past comes rushing out. His pain, his loneliness, is laid stark against the inky backdrop. Somehow, he feels strangely whole. When his shoulder presses firmly against ours, all we can think of is how alive this night feels. How we yearn to let this moment fade into infinity. With only the swaying trees to bear witness, we want nothing more to press against this wavering space between us. As we walk through the snow, hand in hand, he knows now that somewhere along the way, we set off a spark in him—a glow that leaves him craving more.
5. “little light” Lewis Watson An uplifting folk-rock ode to seeing the world renewed through bright eyes.
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Staring at the clouds, looking for a silver lining I was caught in a cocoon but now you got me feeling butterflies Dreaming in the lows, I never thought I'd see this high ----- And all the plans that I've been chasing are always fading But ever since I found you A little light is breaking through ----- I was longing for the rain, you were the flood that made me overflow A stranger to my skin, but now I'm braver in my bones You see I'm shooting for the moon, you're painting me in indigo
It’s as if he’s floating on air, yet still anchored to the earth—with the purpose, and the beauty, that our presence brims with. As the weeks unfold, he basks in the afterglow of all our times together.
There’s no denying it any longer: he feels deeply for us. It takes all his willpower to hold himself back from sweeping us into his arms on the dance floor, to remind himself to look away after smiling for too long.
He prays that these golden moments will stay, for just a little longer.
6. “Stall Out” Mutemath A trancelike, alt rock track that brims with the apprehension of a moment, or a future, that could shatter all at once.
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Racing on a faultline Bracing for a landslide Conscious of every move getting harder Has the race gone underwater?
I keep stalling out; I just can’t keep up There’s alarming doubt; am I good enough? But you keep coming around to convince me It’s still far from over
All we hear is the wind whistling through the open window, as we stare at him in disbelief. In pain.
After falling through the cracks of his walls, we’ve burned slow trails around his heart. One step closer and this distance may very well disintegrate into the passion that we crave every night. 
We have gone too far.
And so, he pushes us away. As he trudges out the room, his hands forced behind his back to prevent himself from reaching for us, for one last touch, he bitterly thinks of the dreams he’s learned to deny himself of. 
Neither of us sleep well that night.
7. “Illuminate” The Kite String Tangle, Dustin Tebbutt A stirring, electro-indie number to surrendering to desire and letting the light in.
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As the words fade away, I still believe what your eyes say I still see you illuminate, as I drop my guard. ----- Time slows for the last breath While everything is shattering ----- We won't make it keeping to our own No, it's not easy Through the long shadow, you can’t see the road ----- Can you just let us grow?
Alone in the study, we summon the bravery that we’ve learned over the past weeks. The courage that we’ve found in loving him. When we place a gentle hand on his arm and lift our face to meet his, we have no request. Simply a question. Is he willing to open himself up once again to risk, to possibility? To finally let himself breathe, free?
Desire swirls through his eyes like whiskey. As he presses his mouth against us, hard and lets his hands roam unrestrained, fiery, we have our answer. 
He understands now; all along, we needed him just as much as he needed us.
8. “WALLS” Kings of Leon A moving, soft rock ballad to one man’s heartbreak and bare confessions.
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I can get there on my own You can leave me here alone I'm just trying to do what's right ----- I could never point you out Waste of space in a faceless crowd ----- Oh, a man ain't a man unless he has desire ----- The western girl with eastern eyes Took a wrong turn and found surprise awaits Now there's nothing in the way When the walls come down
As Drake watches us twirl about in the ballroom, attracting adoring smiles wherever we flit, there is an undeniable heaviness in his chest. When it becomes too much to bear, he escapes to the cool night air, and attempts to catch his breath. Soon, we follow. In the minutes that we spend lost in each other’s eyes, he can’t help but move closer to our warmth. As he presses his lips to us and pours all his sorrow into simply feeling this one, glowing moment, he silently begs it, and us, to stay. But moments, as precious as they are to him, as much as he wishes to deny it, are fleeting. And so with one last desperate gaze, we slip back into the castle, our hearts aching with the thought of stolen touches and endings we didn’t dream of.  He sits at the bar until his hands turn cold. Until it’s finally time.
“Holes” is my favorite, favorite song out of this entire playlist. It just screams Drake x MC and that legendary stargazing diamond scene to me. I also wanted to take a moment to say that seeing all your lovely faces on my dash made my day. You all are beautiful, and I hope you all have a wonderful week! Now, it’s time for me to hit the books...again...😢
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