#wasn't gonna post again tonight but. this got me I'm sorry
byanyan · 1 year
losing my wholeass mind holy shit
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georgeclarkesgf · 3 months
shush, it's a secret | george clarke
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it's not unusual for you to be over at george's flat considering you and him met at university and both moved to london around the same time. but about four months ago, your relationship changed from close friends to just that, a relationship.
you'd both decided to not tell anyone, despite how difficult it was proving to be to not be all over each other 24/7. the fans knew of you, to an extent. you'd appear in the backgrounds of videos or tiktoks posted by the boys. your social media was public, however, none of your accounts included your name, making it less likely for fans to find you.
tonight, you're over at the flat again, legs strewn over george's lap and eating some of the dominoes he'd ordered. a movie chris had picked out plays on the tv, but was now long forgotten about since a debate has broken out amongst the boys. over what? you don't know. you're too focused on the way george's hand is subconsciously trailing up your thigh, dangerously high for a 'close friend'. he honestly hasn't noticed that he's doing it, too engaged in the ongoing debate. so, you pick your phone up from your chest and message him.
too high x
his phone dings and he leans forward, grabbing it off the table before noticing it was from you. you watch as his brows furrow in confusion, before sending him another message.
your hand x
realisation hits george and he squeezes your thigh gently as an apology, moving his hand back down to rest above your knees. he mouths 'sorry' at you, to which you can't help but giggle and shake your head. arthur (hill) looks between you two in slight confusion, going to say something but deciding to keep his mouth shut.
it wasn't that you didn't want to tell people, you'd both just agreed it would be easier figuring things out and adjusting to this shift in dynamic without other people prying their noses in. it didn't make the thrill of getting caught any less exciting though. even the simple things such as him wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder made you get an adrenaline rush.
you can feel your eyes growing heavy, despite it still being relatively early, and decide to call it a night.
"sorry guys but i'm gonna head to bed," an echo of boos fill the room while you shrug, laughing, "i'm tired guys leave me alone. mind if i crash in your bed george?"
it feels weird having to ask your boyfriend if you can sleep in his bed, but it seems to be doing the trick of keeping the relationship a secret. there are only three bedrooms and you've known george the longest, so it makes sense you'd stay in his room.
"no go for it, i probably won't be long." you give him a smile and climb off the sofa, heading to his room.
george's eyes widen when he next checks the time, not realising it was so late.
"shit." he mumbles to himself, gaining a weird look from the boys.
"you alright george?" arthur (hill) questions.
"yea i'm fine. just didn't realise it was so late that's all, got stuff to do tomorrow. i'm gonna go to bed though, night guys." he was lying right through his teeth, he had nothing to do tomorrow.
what george had meant to be ten minutes or so had turned into an hour and a half. arthur (tv) ended up coming over and they'd gotten so caught up in conversation that time seemed to fly by. he knows that you hate falling asleep without him and feels guilt seep into his skin. especially since he knows you won't ask for him to come to bed, not wanting it to come off weird since to the others, you're 'just friends'.
you're staring at the ceiling when he shuts his bedroom door, having fallen asleep for all of twenty minutes before you woke up to an empty bed over an hour ago.
"i'm so sorry baby, i didn't realise it had been that long," you turn to look at him, enjoying the way he starts stroking your cheek with his thumb, "have you been waiting for me?"
"mhm, fell asleep for about twenty minutes and been awake since. it's okay though, kept myself busy," george's jaw drops slightly, clearly misunderstanding your words, "oh my god george, no! i meant by reading some more of my book you perv. get your mind out the gutter."
he laughs and goes in to kiss you but you push his forehead away before he can. you scrunch up your face in disgust.
"ow, what was that for?" he's rubbing his forehead like you just hit him with a bat, making it much more dramatic than necessary.
"brush your teeth, you have pizza breath." he tries to do it again and catch you off guard but fails, "i mean it george."
"yes ma'am."
he disappears into the bathroom and returns a few minutes later. his teeth are brushed and he's wearing a pair of grey joggers. your arms open wide, inviting him to lay on top of you so you can run your nails through his hair and up and down his back. a feeling both of you love.
"can i kiss you now?" he teases, grin widening when you nod your head.
several kisses are planted on your face and you know he's purposefully missing your lips. you frown, wanting him to kiss you properly, not having felt his lips on yours in what felt like years. realistically, it's been a few hours.
"george, kiss me properly." you whine.
and he does just that. one hand holding himself up to hover over you, the other stroking your cheek and bringing you in closer until your lips finally meet. the kiss starts off slow and loving, until he presses you further into the mattress, his hands beginning to roam your body. every ounce of sleep you were feeling disappears, suddenly becoming hyper aware of what's happening.
pulling away, you mumble, "we can't, everyone's here. they'll hear us."
"never stopped us before." george whispers against your mouth, connecting your lips once again.
well touché.
a/n don't ask where the inspiration for this came from at 2 in the morning cause i don't have an answer. not proofread either sorryyy. shall i make a part two? i feel like i'll end up doing it anyway but what do you guys think??
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apomaro-mellow · 10 months
Every Baby Needs a Daddy
Part 1/?
Modern au rock star!Eddie & sugar baby!Steve; alpha!Eddie/omega!Steve
Fall was in full swing and a chill was officially in the air at all times. Most especially as the sun started to go down. Eddie was warm in his leather jacket but for a brief moment his heart went out to the guy standing outside the bar, arms bare to the wind. He was dressed in a striped polo shirt and jeans, not quite what one might see in a dive bar like this.
But he was probably waiting for someone, so Eddie went inside without another thought, catching just the smallest whiff of his scent as he walked by. An omega. He was definitely waiting for someone then. No one kept their omega idling for long. Once inside, Eddie took his shades off, the lights low enough to keep most from recognizing him.
It helped that he was flying solo tonight. No band members or bodyguards in sight. It was nice to be anonymous sometimes. Not that fame and fortune ever got tiring, it was just a good change of pace. He posted up to the bar, ordered a beer, and got comfortable. He was right in the middle of a conversation with another patron about the current season's fishing prospects when that scent washed over him again something like lavender and petrichor.
Although, when Eddie looked over, that second part might've just been the scent of actual rain. The omega from outside was sitting next to him. The tops of his shoulders and head were damp.
"Was wonderin' when you'd come in and grace us with your presence", the bartender said.
The omega simply rolled his eyes and didn't order anything. Eddie saw him shiver and without thinking, took off his jacket and placed it over his shoulders. He realized what he'd done when the other man froze.
"Sorry you just looked cold and maybe you were but I shouldn't've just done something like that I can-I can take it back", he reached out.
"No", the omega held onto the jacket. "No, it's fine. I was cold. Thank you."
"I uh, saw you outside. Boyfriend making you wait?" Eddie inwardly cringed. He meant to be more subtle than that. Meant to say something anything else.
"Don't have one." The omega got a strange look as he finally looked Eddie square in the face. "Have I...seen you somewhere before? Sorry", he shook his head and let out a breath of laughter. "What I line. I swear I'm not-I'm not trying to come on to you or anything, I just know I've seen you on like tv or something."
Eddie couldn't judge on pick up lines after what he said about a boyfriend. "You...you might've." He looked around and contemplated for just a second before he continued. "Ever heard of Corroded Coffin?"
"They're a band, right? That's where I know you from?"
Eddie grinned. "Yeah, that's where." He could tell this guy just barely recognized him and that it wasn't an act.
"God, Dustin would kill me. I can hear him now. Sorry, I'm probably not the kind of fan you like running in to."
"I'll take polite conversation over groveling any day. So do you know any of the member's names?"
"I know there's the guy Dustin likes the most because he can play drums and the bass. He admires talented people like that. And he goes on and on about this Eddie guy, but I can never remember which one-you?"
"Me, handsome", Eddie grinned. "And your name?"
"Steve. But I also answer to 'handsome'."
Steve. Eddie had to taste it on his tongue. "Steve. And were you waiting for Dustin before the rain brought you in?"
Steve smiled now, adjusting Eddie's jacket across his shoulders. "No, I wasn't really waiting for anyone. And before you ask, Dustin is definitely not my boyfriend. I'm completely untethered." Steve ran a hand through his hair, not so damp anymore after they had been talking.
"You gonna order something or keep taking up space at my bar?", the bartender asked.
"What's your poison, Steve?"
"Oh, I can't pay you back", Steve said.
"Then don't. Order something."
"I mean I really can't pay you back, Eddie. I was hanging around outside because I...because I'm between paychecks right now. And I'm not that kind of omega." Steve's shoulders hunched up in shame and he looked like he was about to remove Eddie's jacket.
"I didn't say you were. You don't have to pay me like that. I take many forms of compensation. Including sparkling dialogue with gorgeous men."
"Really?", Steve asked, voice flat in disbelief.
Steve turned to the bartender. "Whiskey sour please."
Eddie smiled. "So, what's your opinion on farmed fish versus wild caught?"
Steve had been going through the worst day of his life. Work had been awful and he had wanted to scream. He ran out so quick that he forgot his jacket and was already halfway home when he remembered. He kept going. He wasn't going back there today. He got to his apartment, ready to fill his empty stomach with something only to find he was devoid of food.
Of course. He'd cleaned himself out with his last heat and hadn't gone grocery shopping since. He'd been eating out for the past week. And if he checked his bank account....
And pay day wasn't for another three days. Steve was desperate. It was plenty of money if he went to the convenience store right outside his apartment. But the cashier there always gave him odd looks and he just didn't have the energy for it. He contemplated sending someone in to buy his stuff, but he wasn't feeling very trusting right now.
Which was how he ended up at the bar. The dollar store would've been an option last week, but it was a couple of miles away and his car was in the shop. He didn't even know what his plan was. Buy the cheapest drink and fill up on pretzels and nuts? It was why he was standing outside as the sun got lower, just feeling sorry for himself.
He just wished someone would take pity on him. Would see how hard he had been working and told him it was okay, he could take a break now and they'd take care of him.
Hell would probably freeze over first though.
Then the rain started and he couldn't waste time out here any longer. At least inside the bar, it was warm. Steve already wasn't looking forward to the walk home. What if it was still raining? He couldn't afford to get sick right now. He sat at the only empty seat at the bar and thought of the least pathetic way to ask for a cheap drink when something warm came over him.
It smelled of ginger and cinnamon and for a moment, Steve was drowning in it when he heard the owner of the jacket try to apologize for it and then take it back. Instinctively, Steve held onto it tighter.
"No, no, it's fine. I was cold. Thank you."
The alpha next to him said something about a boyfriend that Steve barely registered but figured out by context what he was asking.
"Don't have one." He shook his head and then actually looked the alpha up and down. Curly hair spilled over his shoulders and he looked smaller without the leather jacket that was currently over his own shoulders. There was something oddly familiar about him. Like he'd seen that face on his social media feed or something.
When Steve asked, he realized he was talking to a guy in Dustin's favorite band. He felt like an idiot. This guy was probably used to starstruck fans bowing at his feet and here Steve was, just treating him like a nobody. But try as he might, Steve couldn't pretend like he was some big deal, even imagining Dustin's lecture on proper celebrity sighting etiquette later didn't change things.
Then the alpha, Eddie his name was Eddie, introduced himself and then asked for his name, tacking on a compliment at the end of the question.
"Steve. But I also answer to 'handsome'." He couldn't help being a little hungry for some positive attention right now.
Then Eddie asked a very unsubtle question about Dustin, insinuating that he was some kind of boyfriend and Steve wanted to laugh. The little kid he had babysat that had been like the pain in the ass brother he never asked for definitely wasn't that. And he let Eddie know that.
"Dustin is definitely not my boyfriend. I'm completely untethered." He didn't know why he said it like that. He might as well have spread his legs and held up a sign that said 'open for business'. This guy was a literal rock star, he must have lustful groupies throwing themselves at him all the time. Wording it like that absolutely wasn't Steve intention. Even if his scent was so comforting and intoxicating.
Then the bartender urged them to order something and Steve felt his empty stomach drop. Eddie insisted on buying him a drink and Steve really wished he had the money for it because there was no way he was paying in any other way. And if Eddie was expecting that, he'd just as soon go back out into the rain, leaving the warm jacket behind.
"You don't have to pay me like that. I take many forms of compensation. Including sparkling dialogue with gorgeous men."
Steve searched his face for a bluff, any sign of dishonesty. But he saw none.
So Steve ordered just as Eddie asked him something about fishing and clearly this night was not going to go the way he planned.
Eddie was halfway through his second drink and knee deep in a conversation about the pros and cons of fishing compared to hunting. Apparently Steve's dad took him out hunting before he presented and afterward, his grandfather took him out on a couple of fishing trips.
"One just seems more fair, is all I'm saying", Steve said, still nursing his first drink. "One has you sneaking up on an unsuspecting animal. The other one you're just luring them. Fish know what they're getting into. Deer don't until they're already in your sights."
"You think very highly of fish intelligence", Eddie noted.
"I once had a year long beef with a friend's pet fish. Long story. But fish are smarter than they look." Then Steve's stomach growled. Very loudly. Embarrassingly loud.
"I don't know about you, but all this fish talk is making me hungry", Eddie said. "Can I buy you dinner?"
"I suppose I've got about twenty bucks worth of more conversation in me", Steve smiled, appreciating what Eddie was offering.
Eddie paid the tab and Steve put his arms into the jacket, then remembered Eddie might want it since it was cold outside. "Did you want-"
"Keep it on. I run hot anyway and we just need to make it to my car." That was a lie, Eddie had the circulation of a failing newspaper but he liked the look of Steve in his jacket too much to give it up. And the rain had stopped so now it was just damp and cold outside.
Steve thought he should feel wary of getting into a car with a stranger, especially a famous one. But he had his phone on him and Eddie was taking him to a place with a lot of people, so it was fine. Eddie put his sunglasses on as they went inside and asked for a table in the back, which the person up front gladly accommodated.
"Not to toot my own horn", Eddie said as they were seated. "But I can never tell when and where I'll get recognized. And I don't want any tabloids tomorrow morning." Because right now, Steve didn't just look like some random guy that Eddie was wining and dining. Right now, he looked like he belonged to Eddie.
"Got any funny stories?", Steve asked.
Eddie grinned and rolled his shoulders as he got comfortable in his seat. "Well, there was the one time I was literally in a tv studio about to be interviewed with the band and someone thought I was the boom guy."
"If I was dressing up on Halloween as a boom guy, I think I'd put on this general look", Steve said, gesturing to Eddie's whole body.
"And there was the time I got recognized while at a fabric store. I'm standing in line, basket full of sewing supplies and a bunch of floral fabrics, and this woman in her sixties asks for my autograph."
"Aren't you in a metal band?"
"Yeah and some of our most hardcore fans are women over 40", Eddie said. "Don't underestimate 'em."
A waiter came by and took their orders and they kept talking. Steve couldn't believe how badly his day had started because now it felt like he was flying above the clouds. Eddie actually seemed interested in what he had to say. And Steve was constantly thrown by the different directions Eddie took the conversation. From fishing, to getting recognized stories, to horrible customers, to the perils of sailing a boat.
"I remember going once as a kid and was scared shitless the whole time", Steve said. "Whoever decided it was okay for me to watch Titanic in kindergarten really messed me up."
"So besides that one time you've never been on a boat?", Eddie asked.
"My parents tried getting me on a yacht once and I started hyperventilating on the dock. I stayed on the boardwalk", Steve said. Just one of the many ways he'd been a disappointment.
After the meal, Eddie offered to drive Steve home. He wanted to. But after drinks and food and talking to Eddie for so long about nothing at all, Steve felt cautious. Had his guard lowered? If he let Eddie see him to his door, would Eddie be expecting something? What made him even more hesitant was that he might let Eddie get away with it.
He was handsome and charming and had alleviated Steve's worries for a few hours. He was even going home with some leftovers in a box. For a second, Steve wondered if food was all it took.
"Hey, look, I understand if you don't want some strange alpha taking you home. What about if I just order you a ride?", Eddie suggested.
"You can take me home", Steve said quickly. "Just don't expect any dessert."
Before leaving, Eddie excused himself to use the restroom and Steve used that opportunity to do something that was probably really stupid. It was certainly pointless. But he could take a risk every now and then. He tore off a piece of the menu and used a pen at the podium up front and that was how Eddie found him.
"Ready to go?"
"Ready", Steve smiled.
The car ride was a little more quiet, both of them digesting both the food and what had happened tonight. Meeting a stranger that you clicked with, it didn't happen every day. Steve gave him his address and Eddie pulled up to the building.
"You should walk me up", Steve said. "Make sure I get there safe."
"Y-yeah, I can do that", Eddie stuttered, struggling with his seatbelt while Steve was already out of the car.
Eddie followed him to his apartment, glad now for the chill outside because otherwise he'd be sweating watching Steve's ass for so long as he walked in front of him.
"Well, this is me", Steve said.
"I had a great time tonight", Eddie said.
Steve laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "Can we come up with anymore first date lines?"
"Hmm, how's about I'd love to do this again soon?", Eddie smiled, leaning in a bit.
"I'd like that." Steve took Eddie's jacket off his shoulders.
"What if I want you to wear it for our next date?", Eddie asked.
"If you want me to wear this, you better scent it properly", Steve goaded.
Eddie pinned him against the door and smashed their mouths together. His jacket was trapped between their bodies. Steve let out a soft sound and brought a hand to Eddie's cheek.
"We can't go on a second date until the first one is over", Steve said when he pulled back. He curled a lock of Eddie's hair around his finger just because he couldn't help it.
"Your number?", Eddie asked, licking at Steve's lips.
"Check your jacket", Steve breathed.
Eddie didn't take his eyes off Steve as he went through his jacket pocket and found what Steve had been scribbling on earlier. It was a ripped piece of the menu. And it had Steve's number on it.
Part 2
If I had a nickel for every time I steddified a Marilyn Monroe song I'd have two nickels.
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unluckilyimnot · 4 months
hiîi can I request prompts 7+20 with SAE and kaiser (separate)??
also can I use 🎀 as an anon?? I loveee your work!!
7 - "I thought maybe we will kiss tonight" + 20 - "You'll always be my favorite" with kaiser (hurt to comfort) and sae (fluff)
m.list | rules | prompt list
Note: hiiii I did it exceptionally, it's normally close but maybe I'll open it if I feel courageous
Of course you can !! Anyone can feel free to ask for an emoji or to be tagged when I post ♡
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When Sae walked into his apartment, it was past midnight. He's been gone all day and wasn't expecting anything when coming back home. 
You both got used to his changing schedule and the time when you used to wait for him was long gone. 
He never expected to see you fast asleep on the couch, a plaid on you and the TV still showing the rerun of Friends. You never really liked it but here you were, badly sitting and breaking your neck.
It didn't take him long to notice the dry tears strains on your checks and a million rushed through his brain. Yet, he'll know nothing until tomorrow. Nothing about your day, what you ate or why those tears were there in the guest place. 
Taking a seat next to you, he laid his forehead against yours, not holding the released sigh in the back of his throat anymore. “I thought I'll get to kiss you tonight.” 
He knows he's absent lately, a lot more than you can handle. And he's so deeply sorry to do that to you. You don't know how bad he tries to get back to just see you awake, before bed. 
You don't know how bad he misses you all day and wants to spend just an evening with you. Because seeing you will always be his favorite part of the day.
Your relationship with Michael was complicated. Call this a situationship if you want, but it was mainly because of the press you weren't together. It would be a scandale if they found out. 
What you never expected is Michael to be so jealous when it touches his co-workers. You've met some, being in the model industry, and he never made a fuss about it. Before today. 
“Please, what are you mad about ?! We're doing our job !” you yelled at him, gripping your hair because sighing loudly. 
Your quota had already expired for the day and he was ignoring you. That's all it takes for you to grab your jacket and start your leave.
“I thought we could have a chill night together. Watching a sappy movie, maybe kissing midway since it would've been shitty but you decided to be an asshole. Thanks.”
His silence was loud. His back was facing you and he didn't even glance in your direction. The anger was slowly replaced with sadness as you exhaled slightly to hold back your tears. 
“Why are you always like this when you're my favorite, huh ?” 
“I'm scared you're gonna leave me for someone else.” He confessed under his breath, you almost missed it. It made you lay your bag on the counter again before taking a few steps closer to him.
“Why would I? It's by being like this that it can happen Michael…” 
“I know but I can't express it another way!” He snapped at you, aiming to push you away but you were out of reach. Instead your gaze falls in his glossy eyes, breaking your heart. 
You didn't forget how mean he was, never, but you couldn't help but hold him close to you. Even if he rejected you at first. 
He's hard to deal with, but deep down you know he's only hurt and scared, and that you have to help him with that. 
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Let me know if you liked it!
Reblog are appreciated ♡
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transmascaraa · 7 months
multiple characters headcannons!
life after getting together...
characters: tighnari, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: hello hello hello i'm alive and again just because the strike is over i won't be silent about Palestine🇵🇸🍉💗. tysm for being patient w me guys i really appreciate it<3 love the req and i hope you have a great day/night ^^
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✿ Tighnari
-life before getting with him, aka being his friend, wasn't that bad. yes, he was sometimes like a parent, but it was all for you own good.
-you weren't aware that he would only be more of a parent once you started dating.
-being brutally honest, yet knowing when NOT to say some things.
-just so he won't hurt your feelings that much.
-nonetheless, the relationship had it's romantic moments and times, although, the rest was either theoretical talks about nature,
-him trying to teach you about nature himself, the flora and fauna of Sumeru.
✧ Wanderer
-it was really tricky before dating.
-you didn't even know if you could be considered friends, judging by how he treated you...
-at least it was better than how he treated others.
-so, after getting together, it was a little different.
-just like tighnari, he was brutally honest. but the difference was that he didn't know to draw the line...
-that's why he ended up hurting your feelings a few times, unaware of how much it actually hurts you.
-but he would realize it by your reaction soon, and he would try to apologize.
-not much, because his ego was huge, but a simple and quiet "sorry" with being a bit nicer for the next few hours.
-after your better, he's back to his normal self almost in a minute.
one post before i got to school today so why not🤷‍♂️
thanks for requesting @sisi-is-a-cutie i hope you have a good day/night!
gonna do 1/2 more reqs tonight and btw my reqs are closed until i finish the leftover ones lol (i have 9 left)
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icarusredwings · 23 days
Snippet of my one fic series im calling
"Finding home."
This comes after DOG TAGS. They're spending the night at the Xmen mansion when someone pays them a visit. Established Poolverine.
Warning: Wade is just.. Wade. Logan (worst wolverine) is learning to stand up for himself, Complicated stuff with Jean Grey and other xmen characters. Post unknown context.
Angst, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff.
Coming into the room, Logan had found Wade lying down. Sprawled out beautifully like a dame in one of those fancy paintings. As if he was worn out. This had pleased him greatly. It meant he had so much fun that he was satisfied with the level of exercise and socialization for today. Something that was a rare sight.
Walking over, he climbed into the bed with a big smirk, pulling him close, underneath him.
He chuckled softly, starting to kiss him all over. The kind of kisses that meant he was hungry for something more, already nipping at his lips and his neck. Putting his head back into the silk pillows Wade groaned, putting his hands up to the back of his head, beginning to pet him.
Sliding his shirt up, It wasn't often that Logan let himself wonder so confidently. Which is why Wade whined, his stomach fluttery a bit as he groaned. Maybe it was because Logan was leaving a trail of nips down his abdomen or maybe it was because of how nauseous he was getting, but something wasn't right.
“Oh god. I usually would never in a billion life times say this but.. Stop?” What ever has gotten into Logan had got him good because he only chuckled again and bit his ear, Holding him by the hem of his jeans. “Sorry, Bub, But you're all mine now. Stuck with me. So get used to it because you're gonna be scr-”
“Logan Stop.”
Almost instantly, Like a switch he sat up, No longer touching him. In Fact the look he gave him was filled with concern and almost ashamed for the things he's done. For not stopping the first time. There've been plenty of times where stop didn't actually mean it, but he knew better when it was said in that tone.
This only made Wade pout more. Look at him!! All confident and ready to play the way they've been training his self confidence for. And the dirty talk too? Come on! How he was sitting like this? All obedient and worried for him? Ugh! He only wanted to fuck him more now. It wasn't fair.
“I'm gonna puke.” He stated a quick explanation that made the man frown, his thoughts instantly going to because of him, as if he were too gross to play with, but a single brain cell pipped up as he remembered his dear fiancé was not new to throwing up.
“If… if you don't mind. Do you think we could just cuddle tonight?” He asked, looking almost ashamed of himself too, feeling bad for turning him away.
“Yes. I mean- Of course… Do you want help?” Watching him light up like a puppy with hope to be helpful.
Wade couldn't help but stifle a laugh, giggling after the scoff. “Can you hand me that trash can? And.. maybe look away. Or something.” He muttered, not liking when people saw him so gross, especially not him. No one wanted to kiss you with vomit in your mouth. Within a few seconds, He fetched the trash can, sitting next to him as he rubbed his back.
“You're alright.” He whispered, reassuring Wade that it was okay, that he could do whatever he needed to do, and no one would be mad at him. Sometimes, he became upset with himself for times like this. Thought it ruined the moment, and past shitty hookups have convinced him it was true and his fault.
This was the opposite of looking away, but no one really wanted to be alone when sick.
“You're burning up…” he mummbled, looking away but kept his hand on him as he hurled, gagging and grunting how much he hated doing this.
Listening to him try to catch his breath was the worst part for him, knowing how sensitive he was to unauthorized breath play and cancer didn't exactly believe in safe words.
“I know.. I know.” It took him about a month to finally get it when he first moved in, that Wade wasn't lean and thin because he wanted to be, Rather, he could barely keep anything down some days.
“It's alright. Hey. You're okay. I got you.” He whispers to him. Wade put his head back, tears in his eyes as he breathed deep and slow.
“There we go. Better?”
Starting to nod, this quickly became a shake of his head, putting his head in that trash can again. Oh, the poor thing…
Opening the door, Logan swallowed as he saw her. “Hey…”
To make matters worse, there was a knock at the door. God, they couldn't catch a break, could they? Without even getting a chance to ask, Wade went off to the bathroom, slamming the door. He always did prefer a toilet, really. It's much easier to throw your guts up when you don't have to worry about holding a bucket full of vomit. Much easier to clean up too, just flush it instead of rinsing it and cleaning it with soap.
“Erm.. Hi?”
“Look.. Logan I- We.. we're sorry. For everything.”
Crossing his arms he looked away, leaning against the door frame. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Yes. You very much do. You claim that you're different, but the way you've been acting shows that we even hurt you in your timeline, too. So.. While I don't know what we did then, I want us to be on good terms.”
“Us?” He asked, a little confused, shaking his head a bit. “Jean.. that was a long time ago. And you're not even the same person. I'm not even the same person.”
Blinking, Logan looked outside of the door, as if trying to see if there was anyone else. “I'm sorry- this is bothering me. We?? Who's we?”
“I know.. but that doesn't mean we can't apologize... Maybe start over? We would like that."
“Well.. you know how he can be.”
“Jean, Usually when people apologize, they're in person and say it to their face. Not send their pregnant wife to come confront them by herself.”
A Small look of horror came to her face, as if she hadn't told anyone else yet. A look that said ‘How did you know?’ But she only sighed.
“Only ever what mattered…” His nose crinkled a bit, Able to smell it. She wasn't far enough along for him to tell if it was a boy or a girl, but the baby was healthy. That's all that did matter to him. There was nothing wrong with worrying for a friend's child.. was there?
“I never could hide anything from you...Could I?”
“Logan, Please. He really is sorry. He's just.. you know.. with the school and you of all people know how much a man's egos can get in the way of things...” She mumbled, taking his hand, rubbing over his knuckles.
She wasn't even doing anything with her powers, and yet he felt this intense wave of relief fall over him, only for it to be instantly covered with a sense of protectiveness. She always had that effect on him. He wanted to protect her no matter what.
Swallowing again, he pulled his hand away as it started to sweat.
“That's exactly my point.. If he actually was sorry and believed he did do something wrong, He'd be standing here with you, now wouldn't he?”
“That's not-”
“I'm not finished!” He growled, tired of being spoken over. Wade did a hell of a job to connect his emotions to his mouth, and now he wasn't shutting it off. He worked hard to turn his grunts into words. And she would litsen.
Becoming quiet, she nodded, Implying that he could finish without another interruption.
Taking her other hand, he held both of them.
“I know you're an independent woman. You always have been. But you shouldn't have too. You need a man that will not only defend you, but will take care of you, and stand next to you for things like this.”
This speechless promise quickly becomes a lie. “Logan-” Her eyes were almost… hopeful.
Tears welled in her eyes but wouldn't let them drop.
“I'm not that man.” He started, shaking his head slowly as he did, not wanting her to get any ideas.
“Not anymore… Do you understand? Hell, Even Forge stands up for Ororo and would defend her until his last breath despite her practically being an all-powerful weather goddess!... and your husband won't even stand next to you while saying sorry? Think about it.”
“F-for what?”
“Jean, I'm sorry.”
“Because I'm happy. I was never going to fit into your marriage. Not ever. Not… well. At least. Everyone thinks that relationships are finding someone who matches your puzzle piece. When in reality it's finding someone who's willing to change pieces to fit. I mean- I'm engaged now!” He whispered this bit, almost excited, leaning down some to talk to her.
“Is.. he okay?” She asks.
“How crazy is that? The Wolverine settling down? Crazy to think about. And with a dying maniac at that.” He smiles, only to frown, hearing a big cough and a groan of frustration from the bathroom. “Oohh Fuck..” It said.
He now stands, putting his hands in his pockets. “He gets tummy aches.” He lied, whispering. “Gluten sensitivity.”
“Ooh…then why is he-”
Just before she could say it, Wade came out with a stretch, seeming better as he dramatically held his stomach.
“We're pregnant!!”
“No- we are not.”
“Pfft-” snickering some, Logan put his hand to his face, rubbing it embarrassedly.
“Oh we so are! Don't you remember? It's the only reason he's marrying me really. Got me knocked up and now we're having A shotgun wedding. How scandalous! I can see the headlines now.”
“There's not going to be any headlines, you lunatic!” He chuckled, almost at the brink of giggling.
A frown came to her face, only to softly smile.
“... I've never seen you laugh like that before.”
“Huh? Oh… heh.. yeah. I uhm… I didn't know that I could..”
“Hmm.. Well.. I guess I should be going..” She whispered. “Leave you two alone..” Turning to leave, she had mixed feelings about the interaction. Happy for him yes, but also now had other topics to think about.
“Mmh.. Yeah.. Oh- And Jean?”
Turning, the hope in her eyes made him frown, feeling sort of bad for being kind of a jerk to a pregnant lady. “When Scott grows some balls? He knows where to find me.”
Sighing, she nods. “…Goodnight, Logan.”
“ ‘Night.”
Closing the door, he came back to bed, still giggling a bit. “Why did you tell her we're pregnant? I can't get you pregnant, idiot.”
Laying on the bed, Wade looked slightly offended. “Are you calling me a liar!?”
“I'm calling you the biggest liar.”
He shrugged. “Oh well. And who knows? Maybe I got a cancer baby in there or something.”
Rolling his eyes, He climbed under the blanket with him. “Oh shut up. You don't have a cancer baby.”
“You never know…So…marrying a dying maniac?”
“Oh… how much of that did you hear?”
Grunting, He rolled over, Putting his face in his hands again. “Nngh.. I'm sorry.. I didn't mean for you to hear all that..”
“The bathroom has surprisingly thin walls.”
“It's alright. It's always nice knowing that you're just as big of a whore as I am.”
“Hey! Am not! It was just… complicated.”
“That's what whores say when they can't pick one dick to ride” he giggled, Rolling over to climb into his chest, nuzzling up under his chin.
“Are…are you sure you aren't happier... here?” He asked, the questions slipping out.
So many things were running through his mind, things that he probably shouldn't be thinking but he's learned that as long as it stays in his head, no one would get hurt… except.. that was the hard part.
Logan let out a deep sigh. “Wade?”
“I mean- Do you even like that i'm with Vanessa? What were you doing? Being a barrack bunny? But for the mansion? The mansions personally sex pet or some kinky shit like that?”
“Yeah, yeah.. shut up.. I know...”
“I let you cut up my dog tags…and turn them into a ring”
“Technically Forge did that- actually.”
“.. a ring that you own now.. right?”
“Uh… yes?”
“And dogs go with their tags.. right?”
“I guess so?”
For a few seconds there was silence.
“So what does that mean?”
“25- no! 26. I'm pretty sure it's 26.”
“What?” He laughed. “That wasn't even a math question.”
“Ugh, just tell me. I'm not good at stupid riddles! If I ever met the riddler I'd just shoot him in the face.”
“The who-? erm, nevermind. If the tags belong to me. Yes?”
“And now you own them. Yeah?”
“Then that means..”
Blinking, he suddenly gasped a few seconds later, going into a giggle fit as he held him tight. “Oohh!! I wanna get married!”
“We will. Just not yet.”
He wasn't tucking and running anymore. He would stay like a loyal mutt. As long as he wore that ring on his finger, he'd follow him. Whether here, or at that shitty apartment. He didn't care which.
“Because.. you deserve a good one. And good ones aren't planned overnight.” Logan smiled.
“And for your information… I was always the Barrack bunny..”
“GASSSP!! No way!! Same!”
“Yeah I figured that much… and.. As for Vanessa? We're inviting her to the wedding right?”
“Obviously. Duh.”
“.. Go ahead and kiss her after me.”
“Shut up and take orders, Wilson.”
“Really? But that’s- I don't think-”
“Yes sir!.. erm... peanut?”
“Do you still want too?....you know”
“Hm?” It was these late night talks that really made him enjoy having him around. The pressure on his chest, the gabbing, the giggles. It made him feel young again.
“Eh.. not really. 'm tired."
“Oh thank god! My stomach is killing me.” He groaned. Shifting them to lay on his side, Logan pulled him close into his chest, rubbing his stomach softly.
“Behave, Jr.” He mumbled, earning himself another laugh and a deep kiss. “Mmh..” intertwining their hands, Wade curled up against him, happy as always just to be next to him.
“...I love you..” Holding him in his arms as he said this, he felt embarrassed and almost.. nervous. As if he wouldn't say it back. But if there was anything about Wade he knew, it's that he'd never skip a beat to reciprocate affection.. something he wasn't used too.
“..How much?” Usually, he wouldn't ask such childish things. But Tonight? He might have needed it.
“I love you too, Logan. A lot.”
“I'd fight the entire world.”
“You do that anyway. More than tacos?”
“Woah there, Angelcakes! Know your place.”
They both laugh, the giggles die down, and snoring replaces the sounds.
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97linelover · 5 months
please please please please please write jeonghan fwb angst where jeonghan is still very much in love with his ex 😭
it will always be her - Joon Jeonghan
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18+ / mdi
summary: You finally thought you found your soulmate, but you never had a chance in the first place right?
content: Break UP AU, mentions of cheating , ex lovers, fight, angst, crying
wc: 1.2K
a/n: it´s my birthday week so I´m gonna post this a little early.. thank you for suggesting, I hope you like it :)
2 years and 3 months, that's exactly the time you've dated Jeonghan. You both recently moved in together, he asked you to move in after you spend nearly everyday with him. Ever since you two were unstoppable, you were sure that he would be the man you will marry.
Jeonghan was your first love, he made you experience things you never felt before. But within the last three weeks he had changed.
He was distant, he barely talked about his day and he barely asked about yours, and that wasn't like him.
Jeonghan always asked about you, he always listened to every detail. You tried to ignore the stinging feeling, but you don't know for how long you can ignore it.
You were just cooking some food when the door opened. „I'm home,” he announced. „Hi, Hannie” you said happily, „I made your Favorite, Quattro cheese pasta." It always reminded him of your first Holiday to Italy.
He looked up „I ate after work, didn't I tell you?" You furrowed your eyebrows „no you did not; I spent so much time in here” you whispered.
„I'm sorry, I'll tell you the next time" he walked past you. „How was your day?" you followed him “good, it was a long exhausting day, I'll got to bed right away"
He did not want to tell you, alright.
„Goodnight then” you whispered and walked back to the kitchen packing the food into some boxes for tomorrow.
But the next time he forgot your lunch date was when you were celebrating your new job position. You went to bed alone this time.
You saw the invite at the table for his annual Christmas party, he had bought you a dress for it and just told you to be ready at eight. When he came to pick you up, he was already dressed in his suit, he looked handsome like always, Jeonghan was beautiful.
You always thought he could be in the cover of fashion magazines.
„The dress fits," he stated, and you nodded „thanks, it's beautiful" You smiled and kissed him softly. „Let's go," he walked in front of you, and you tried to follow his steps, but the heels are making it pretty hard.
The party was in full bloom when you arrived „Hello Y/N you look lovely tonight" Mr. Choi said, Jeonghan´s boss. You always liked the elderly man, his wife always gave Jeonghan sweet treats for you. 
„Thank you  Mr.Choi, you don't look to bad yourself" you smiled charmingly „you know how to charm a old man" he laughed, and you shrugged it off “only the truth"
You did notice that Jeonghan´s gaze was on someone else, and you followed it. There she was, in the most beautiful emerald green colored dress.. You needed to look twice but now you are sure.
Ko Hyerin. Jeonghan´s ex fiancé.
You felt the breath getting knocked out your lungs.
„You did not tell me she would be here" you whispered, and Jeonghan looked at you „She transferred back here from Japan" he said with a sad smile.
„Temporary?” you asked with a quivering voice „No, she bought a house here, she will stay for good now" you nodded taking his hand „let's dance?" you wanted to cheer the mood „no I don't feel like it right now love" he pecked your cheek.
With soft affection, everything seemed fine, but you knew.. Nothing will be fine from now on. 
„Hannie" a high-pitched voice interrupted you two „Hyerin" he said soft, and you had this weird feeling once again. „Oh you must be Y/N" she smiled at you „Hello" you said trying to sound confident, but she felt the weird undertone you had.
„Oh Hannie, I've gone to the restaurant we've been to last week; I told my mother about it and now she really wants to try" her hand landed on his  arm and he chuckled at her "And she asked about you; we should go together , you me and momma" she suggested with a gasp and you felt your heart clench. 
Without them noticing you rushed out of the door, you sat down on the bench feeling some tears running down your cheek, you did not think about the possibility that his ex fiancé will come back. 
And you did not think that Jeonghan would talk to her again, she broke his heart, she chose her happiness over his and you glued his broken pieces together just so that he broke yours. 
You don't know for how long you  were sitting there but when you began to shiver you looked for Jeonghan, you found him dancing with her. The embarrassment you felt at this moment was not describable; he chose her once again. 
You stepped through the crowd "Jeonghan" you said with a shaky voice, and he looked at you "Y/N" you saw a flash of concern on his face "can we please go home? I'm not feeling well" you whispered and he nodded "yes sure, let me just get the coats" He walked away, and you looked at her, and she just blinked her eyelashes at you. 
She knew exactly what she was doing and she enjoyed it. 
When you got into his car you both did not say a word, it was not until you reached home that he broke the silence "I think we should break up" he said calmly, and you blinked at him "what?" Your voice was barely a whisper. 
"Maybe we moved to fast.. Since we moved in together I don't feel the same anymore" he was dead serious "no jeonghan" you said with tears in your eyes "Don't blame it on moving in; it's about her right?" you sniffed and his eyes widened. 
"Don't play dumb Jeonghan, I saw you tonight, I saw how you treated her, I saw the love in your eyes" your sobs grew louder. 
"Y/N I did not plan this" His voice got weaker, and you laughed at that. "I never had a chance, did I?" You walked inside the bedroom, grabbing the black suitcase. "I thought I fixed what she destroyed but god I was dumb" You stuffed some things into the suitcase, and Jeonghan watched you. 
"It's not fair I know, I thought I was over her but, I wanted to marry her" he played around with his tie. 
"You're so fucking right; it's not fair to be treated like a gap filler.. Yoon Jeonghan I thought I know you.. but I was wrong" you grabbed your bag "Did you hook up with her?" you whispered, and you saw how his expression changed from guilt to shame. 
"You disgusting piece of shit" you spat and slapped his cheek so that the noise must've woken all the neighbors up. 
"I DO NOT DESERVE THIS" you sobbed, and rushed past him "you played me, god how could I trust someone like you" you turned around "I wish you two only the best, but believe me she will leave again, because remember that she left you once she will do it twice. You lost something so good" with that you carried the suitcase downstairs. 
And when you reached the home of your best friend, you just fell sobbing to the floor "GET ME OUT OF THIS DRESS" you screamed, and you felt your best friend sobbing with you. 
"I did not deserve this," you whispered to her "shhh, he's not worth it, you're way to good for that" she kissed your head softly "You should sleep a bit, and tomorrow me and Cheol will get your things" She smiled softly at you, and you nodded. 
You lost the man you thought was your future. 
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thepagemistress · 8 months
This post from @blanketforcas got the brainworms going but I didn't want to hijack the post so here's a little thing:
Castiel was woken by an overwhelming feeling of distress, of yearning.
For the briefest moment, he thought he was back in Purgatory. Listening to Dean's desperate prayers, wanting nothing more than to reunite with him but knowing it wasn't safe. He couldn't give in.
But no, this wasn't Purgatory. It was most definitely the bunker, and the warmth plastered along his bare back, the arms wrapped around his chest were most definitely Dean's.
Before Castiel could say anything, a mutter sounded from behind him.
The arms tightened their grip, Dean's forehead pressing in between Castiel's shoulder blades.
"'m sorry," he said again, louder this time and all the shakier for it.
Fully awake now, Castiel managed to shuffle his way onto his other side, never quite shaking Dean's grip, until they were facing each other. "What's wrong?"
Eye contact was in short supply as Dean sucked in a breath. "Happens sometimes. Kinda thought it would stop once I got my shit together-"
"We got our shit together," Castiel corrected, earning an amused huff.
"But guess that was too much to hope for, huh. I mean, I got everything I could possibly want, right? So why the hell do I feel like if I don't like crawl inside you, I'm gonna fucking combust?"
It's said in such a rush, it took a moment for Castiel to even parse the words. "I know what you mean."
Dean scoffed and it was wetter than Castiel liked. "Sure."
"No, Dean, you misunderstand," Castiel said, finally earning eye contact. "I know what you mean."
Dean stared at him, into him, waiting for him to find the right words.
"When I rescued you from hell, we were both in our purest forms. Your body was still in the ground and I had yet to procure a vessel. It was just your soul and my grace, completely entwined. Perhaps...perhaps part of your soul craves a return of that feeling. Just as my grace does."
The awe in Dean's eyes was like divine revelation. "Huh. You really do know what I mean." It was teasing, but his relief was palpable.
"I'm sorry I never made the connection before..." he started but Dean shook his head, sniffing as he curled in tighter, tucking his head under Castiel's chin.
"'s ok. I know now. It helps." They lay in silence for a few moments before Dean spoke up again. "Could we..." Castiel sucked in a surprised breath, realising what Dean was about to ask. Pulling back again, Dean's sharp eyes darted across Castiel's face before asking again. "Could we?"
With a not inconsiderable amount of effort, Castiel managed to swallow down the frantic desire to claw his way to Dean's soul there and then. "Not tonight," Castiel uttered, voice gruff and eyes wild. Things that clearly didn't escape Dean's attention since Castiel didn't pick up on any feelings of rejection from the other man.
"That's not a no," Dean said.
"Definitely not a no," Castiel confirmed, earning an amused smile. "I just...need to make sure I know I'm not going to do any damage. I need to have control. Certainly more than I would have right now."
Dean's amused smile turned into a smug smirk. "Yeah? Gets you all hot and bothered, huh?"
"Dean, holding your soul within my grace has been the single greatest privilege bestowed upon me and I have wanted nothing more than to feel it again."
"Oh," Dean breathed, sobering immediately.
"The fact that it's possible your soul might feel the same way is...overwhelming, to say the least. I need some time. Will you give me that?"
"Yeah, course. Course, Cas. However long you need." Castiel kissed Dean on the forehead, wrapping his arms around his shoulders as he felt the man slip back into unconsciousness. "Worth the wait," he mumbled, just before sleep claimed him.
"I know what you mean," Castiel whispered.
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angelismmm · 2 years
—﹒⟢ The Way I Think (of you~) ft diluc, kaeya, tartaglia
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summary: they caught you in the act, but you're too close to stop now!
a/n: ill probably make a pt2 of this but,, this is my apology post for u guys i promise ill come back soon 💔💔
warnings: nsfw, use of toys, sub!reader, dom!character, gn!reader, fingering (no not implied fem!reader)
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diluc did mention he wasn't gonna be home early again.. so what was the harm of missing your boyfriend in a.. different way? you barely have seen your diluc all week other than small notes he leaves behind. but turns out he wasn't gonna be out all night, finishing off the last hilichurl camps nearby plus any abyss mages with them. the thought of you both finally cuddling in bed, to his surprise though, it wasn't like you didn't miss him, and wouldn't do something about the feeling.. but this way of missing him was.. truly interesting. through the candle lit hallways of the 2nd floor in dawn winery, he heard something. like you calling out his name, "dear, are y-" coming into the room, weeing you sprawled out on the bed, small tears im your eyes, giving a hint you were close, "i'm so sorry lo-" "j-just help me out please, close, i need you luc.", but oh well, let's just say you got what you wanted, a million times over
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kaeya your wonderful superb boyfriend, sad he's been away for a bit too much, well 2 weeks certainly is alot. nothing else but him would be on your mind at dawn, when would he come back, when would he make you feel ethereal again, wanting that isn't so bad right? oh well, a human's imagination is infinite. he didn't mention when he'd be back, so.. what was the harm in missing him in a special way? waiting around doing nothing gets you nowhere! what about a headstart? just that, you didn't know he wanted to surprise you specifically today. "mmfー faster.. close so close" you said to yourself, vibrator remote scattered on the bed, fingers thoroughly in and out, a fast pace, you heard the door opening, (oh by the way his scarf thingy is like on your neck basically, don't ask me how ❤️) "hey i'm ho- oh my..." he says, slowly putting down the chocolates he'd bought from who knows where, "iーi'm sorry! i couldn't wait and y-you weren't there to help this, ha-hagh.. please i'm so c-close!" kissing your forehead oh so lovingly, "i'll treat you better than those toys.. don't you worry your pretty head about it anymore, i'm here."
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pretty boy childe.. ohh pretty boy childe. unbeknownst to him, his cute (and fuckable) partner was quite the lonely wolf tonight. maybe the way you howled out his name at night really did it. but out if all timesー he comes home now.. childe comes through the door awaiting you to wrap your arms around him and smother him in affection again. but you didn't seem to be there at all. he wondered where you were, coming up the stairs calling your name, but being cut off after coming close to your guys' shared bedroom. and it didn't seem like you were trying to hold back, as he slowly peeked through the slightly open door, you were so close, he could sense it. seeing you so vulnerable, so sensitive for him. so adorable, just for him. the tent in his pants becoming more visible, seeing you slowly moaning out his name, mewling, in such a cute state, as he described, "my, my, you really couldn't wait could you beautiful?" he said, slightly looking up to see your lover's hungry eyes, devouring the sight of the scene you both are in the moment. "a-ah! a-ajax, p-please 'm close!" you said, your head bowing down in embarassment, "fine, just keep moaning my name out that pretty little mouth of yours."
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i hope i ace my exams
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secret-sturniolo · 11 months
stay - chris sturniolo
summary - based on the prompt "stay with me tonight, please." where chris comforts y/n after she gets hate
warnings - hate comments, lil angsty
a/n - this one is kinda short but i like it so hopefully you guys do too
why is y/n here again?
i get the feeling y/n is using the triplets for clout
i thought we made it clear nobody likes y/n
lmao y/n really thinks she has a chance with chris who's gonna tell her
The comments came flooding in on the new car video the triplets posted, where I joined them as a special guest. It wasn't the first time I had gotten hate for being friends with them, but usually I was able to ignore it as there wasn't very much of it. But this time, I couldn't just ignore it when the majority of the comments were mean ones about me. Overwhelmed with sadness and anxiety, I stood up from the couch as I announced that I was going to head back to my place.
"Are you sure? Is everything okay?" Nick asked me.
"Yeah, I just don't feel good all of a sudden." I replied.
Nick and Chris shared a glance before looking back at me.
"I can get Matt to drive you home if you want?" Chris asked me.
"No, no, don't worry about it. I'll text you guys later, okay?"
I made my way out the door and into my car. I waited until I had pulled out of the driveway, but then the tears started rolling down my cheeks. Am I really that bad? I thought. It was only about a five minute drive back to my apartment thankfully. Ignoring the smeared makeup I could see in the mirror, I went straight to my bedroom and laid down, staring at the ceiling. I tried not to, but I picked up my phone and started reading more of the hateful comments directed at me. My promise to text the boys when I had gotten home was long forgotten as the sadness took hold of me, and I fell asleep, tired from crying.
Chris's POV
I thought it was strange how y/n suddenly decided to leave. It was very unlike her, and she didn't even give a good reason, simply saying she didn't feel good. I tried not to worry about her too much, but as time went on I just couldn't shake the feeling.
Our new video had been up for a while now, so Matt, Nick and I decided to check YouTube to see how it was doing and if people liked it. Right off the bat, we could see that it already had more views than we normally get, which at first glance seemed like a good thing. I watched as Nick's eyes widened at the computer screen, mouth hanging open. I grabbed the laptop to see for myself what made him so shocked. Scrolling through the comments, almost every one was about y/n. My expression quickly changed to match Nick's as I read through them.
"Dude, do you see these? They're all about y/n, and they're terrible!" I said, showing Matt the screen.
it's so obvious that she likes chris. im embarrassed for her
do people actually like y/n?
why would they hang out with a girl like y/n? shes not even that pretty
My heart dropped as I finally realized why y/n "wasn't feeling good".
"Matt, you have to drive me to y/n's place, right now." I said urgently.
Matt seemed to understand instantly. "Okay, I'll go start the car."
When we got to her apartment, I told Matt he could go back home and I would call him if I needed a ride. I grabbed the spare key from my pocket as I unlocked her door. There was no sign of y/n in the kitchen or living room, so I made my way to her bedroom. I softly knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so I slowly opened it. My heart broke when I saw her curled up on top of her covers, dried mascara on her white pillows. Without even thinking, I moved to her bed, and gently laid down next to her, pulling her into my chest.
Y/n's POV
I felt someone wrap their arms around me, and for a moment it startled me as I opened my eyes, but when I realized who it was, I snuggled deeper into his chest as I began crying again.
"Shh, it's okay. I got you." he said gently.
We just laid like that, with my head in his chest until finally he spoke again.
"I'm so sorry I didn't realize sooner."
"Am I really that bad, Chris?" I asked, sniffling.
"Absolutely not, y/n. Those people are just morons who aren't happy with themselves so they like to pick on other people. I know they upset you, but that's exactly what they wanted to happen. You can't give them what they want."
I let his words sink in for a moment. "So you read the comments?"
"Yeah, and they're wrong by the way, about everything." he said, looking into my eyes.
I realized what he was saying, but I was too tired to bring it up right now.
"Stay with me tonight, please?" I asked him.
"Of course. Let's get you under the blankets though, it's getting cold."
I giggled as he lifted me up to pull the blankets out from under me. I rolled over, and he pulled my back into his chest, as we matched each other's breathing. I sighed contently as he gently played with my hair sending tingles down my spine.
Just as I was falling asleep, I felt his breath as he whispered against my neck.
"I love you, y/n"
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heyhihellosworld · 2 years
𝗬𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸…𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻
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Mason Mount x reader
Word count: 5k
Summary: You meet your childhood friend Mason again after not seeing him for long.
Warnings: Fluff, smut, angst?? maybe teeny tiny if you squint with closed eyes
Notes: Sorry for not posting in long, didn't really feel inspired but I found this idea interesting and tried it yk. This is from a prompt I got suggested so I did this, don't know what I think of it but the idea was fun. It got a bit weird and probably pretty drastic but yeah... Also couldn't find the request but hope it's okay and thank you for it!
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"Who did you say again?" You asked you father who sat lazily in the kitchen chair. He wasn't really focused on you, scrolling down on his computer whilst his eyes fleeted across the screen
"Dad" you repeated, rolling your eyes as he looked up at you sheepishly "What did you say? Sorry sweetie I'm a bit into this"
"I asked who it was that were coming for dinner" you repeated with a soft smile "Ah, Mason. You remember him?"
You nodded through a deep breath "Well he is coming to discuss how we are going to put it up this season" he explained
"Remind me again what you are gonna do with him?"
Your father chuckled at your bored tone, shaking his head at you "I am going to be his agent" "Wow that sound so much fun!" you squealed sarcastically but your father only laughed at you. "It's gonna be fun" he promised with a smile.
"I know you didn't get along with him too well when you were kids but I'm sure you have come over that by now, right?" he asked pointedly, giving you that look he always did when he wanted a certain answer. "Yes dad it's all fine" you murmured, your eyes rolling again "You know you would be much more credible if your eyes didn't roll that much" he smiled at you causing you to laugh, "I can't help it"
"Anyway, I'm going to the library"
"Okay, see you tonight then, dressed formally, don't be late"
"Wait" you stopped, looking at him "Do I need to be a part of this dinner?" you asked with horror, his laugh booming in the room "Of course y/n, you promised you would, don't you remember?"
"I do not" you whined, hanging your head "It's gonna be fine, I think he is bringing someone too" "Fine" you grumbled taking your bag "Be here at six!"
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You felt slightly weird as you sat on the kitchen counter waiting for your guests. You had met Mason before but that was many years ago, when you had both been kids and your parents had gotten together for dinner and drinks as the friends they were. You went along good when you were like really small but then it became weird, at least for you.
Mason grew and changed especially in your eyes and your crush became more and more noticeable and the older you got the more you kept away from him, excusing yourself from the dinners to go with some friends or a birthday party. Now you hadn't seen him, except from on the tv, in over seven years.
"Thank you for being here y/n, it really means a lot and even if I know they are our friends and all I am still nervous"
You chuckled at your dad who where running around to fix the last minute details. You had helped him cook when you'd arrived back home from the library and everything was set.
"It's gonna be fine, Mason loves you he would never change his mind" you assured, fixing the napkins and lighting the lights.
The doorbell rang through the house making you both perk up. "Can you open it please, I just need to run to the office to get all the papers and forms"
"Ugh fine" you groaned, turning on your heel to get to the door.
A deep breath, in and out
You unlocked and opened the door to be met by Tony, standing at the door with a huge smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand. "Y/N! It's so lovely to see you again, you look wonderful" he gushed, engulfing you in a sweet hug and handing you the flowers as you welcomed him in.
"Thank you Tony, they are beautiful" you smiled, showing him into the kitchen where your father had re-appeared. "Mason is just on my tail, he took his own car from the facility" Tony explained just as the doorbell went off yet again.
Your eyes rolled as your father looked at you with a pleading look but you went to open anyway. You almost choked as you opened the door, head snatching back to look up at Mason. It looked like the words caught in his throat too, his eyes fleeting over you, blinking slowly as if to gather what he was seeing.
"Y/n?" he asked in disbelief making you chuckle, tongue poking out from the side of your lips
"Yeah, good to see you again Mason"
You tried to sound polite, moving to the side so he could walk into the house but he didn't move but stayed put, still looking at you. "Wow-uh you look..." your eyebrows raised at his words, anticipating what he would say. You could actually see wheels turn in his head as he tried to rack his brain for the right thing to say.
"..grown" he finally let out, his eyes widened at his stupid words and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing at him. "Well, thank you" you said sarcastically the panic fleeting around in his eyes and it was all more amusing "No, I didn't mean grown... I mean you look... big..."
Your eyebrows raised once again and his eyes widened even more as he heard his own words "No no no no no, not like that... I just mean you look a lot older... no... fuck!" he exclaimed in annoyance of his lack of conversing skills and you couldn't keep yourself from laughter anymore.
"It's okay, I think I get what you mean" you chuckled, gesturing with your hand for him to move into the house. He dropped his head with an annoyed look on his face, striding towards you and the door "You look great" he sighed as he walked past you causing a grin to make it up to your face as you catched up with your fathers who sat in the living room.
"Mason! It's so good to see you"
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The dinner was boring, you were sitting next to Mason as he conversed with your father most of the time. Your father loved his agent job but you never realized how anybody could, it felt boring. To be someone else's fixer, nothing for you.
They discussed all kinds of stuff for the upcoming partnership, but it didn't take long enough to cover the whole dinner so when it was over the topic-to your horror- was you
"So y/n, what do you do now?" Tony asked politely
"Well, I'm still studying" you smiled hoping that would be it but of course it wasn't
"Oh right, what are you studying again?" "I'm studying law" you hummed, trying to eat away the attention on you.
"So do you still live at home or do you have your own apartment? Maybe you live with that boyfriend?" Tony continued and you looked up at your father with a discreet but warning look, but he didn't want to meet it. Knowing you didn't like this attention even from a friend as Tony.
You could feel Mason's eyes on you as well and it stirred something inside of you. It was like the old bubbly feeling you'd had around him as a kid came crippling back and it wasn't welcomed. But who were you kidding. If you'd liked 16 year old Mason 24 year old Mason was not kidding around.
"Well I do have my own apartment" you answered "And I live alone"
"Oh? I thought I heard that you lived with your boyfriend?" Tony continued "I did" you confirmed, feeling immensely uncomfortable with Mason's eyes practically burning into you. "But I moved out when we broke up"
"Oh, sorry I didn't know you'd broken up"
You smiled at the older man "It's okay" you assured, swallowing big to drown out the awkward silence that'd settled around the table.
"Well that's a shame, he was a lovely boy" he tried to soothe but all you did was hum in response, not really wanting to go into detail about just what a lovely boy your ex is.
"Anyway, Mason!" You exclaimed, desperate to move to the next topic. You ignored his widened eyes and smiled sweetly at him "How is your ball going?" He stifled a chuckle at you "My ball? You mean my football?"
"Yeah that's what I said" you muttered, eyes rolling as your dad chuckled at you
"Just talk" you muttered under your breath so only he could hear and he did
"Well it's going shit" he smiled sickly sweet and you couldn't help but to laugh under your breath "Oh I'm sorry" you smiled, his eyes rolling at your sarcasm.
"Yeah you sound so"
"It's not going shit Mason" Tony scolded "It's just not the right time right now"
"That's just a nice way of saying it's going shit" Mason muttered
"I always thought you were the key in Chelsea" you mused, remembering how cockily he'd told you last summer over text when you'd catch up for a barbecue dinner with the rest of his family but he hadn't shown because of a game or training or whatever.
"Y/n, don't be rude" your father tried but he didn't look that mad. "I'm sorry just confused because I remember he told me so clearly last summer" Mason looked at you between narrowed eyes, putting a spoonful into his mouth "It's not just me that's shit everything is shit right now" he defended
"Okay okay, I'm only joking with you but I'm truly sorry if it's hard at the moment, I have seen some of the comments on social media and they are not exactly nice so, I am sorry"
He gave you a quick nod to acknowledge, noting that it was fine. "You should come to a game soon y/n" Tony suggested "And see a shit team?"
You chuckled at your own comment before apologizing to the bitter boy "no I'm sorry, it was a joke" you grinned, patting his thigh reassuringly which only made him grunt
The rest of the dinner went smooth, you mostly sat out and listened to your father and Tony converse, only needing you to grunt and hum every now and then.
You didn't pay much attention anymore, thinking about the evening you were gonna have at home. Maybe you should grocery shop? Or watch a movie? Or both... you were ripped from your thoughts as you felt Mason's hand grip your thigh firmly.
Your head snapped up to him but he didn't look at you, instead humming at something your father had said.
You felt hot under his hand, feeling the need to squirm. "What are you doing?" you whispered at him, glaring into his mischievous eyes
"What? You don't like it?"
"That was not the question, it was: What are you doing"
"I'm touching your thigh, is that not okay?"
"Depends on your intentions" you answered to which he only chuckled. The tension was thick, it had been all evening, just from the second he'd looked you over on the doorstep.
"Don't tell me that the little girl inside of you isn't dying from her girl crush right now" he grinned, a part of you wanting to smack that grin off his face but the other one wanted to take him upstairs and fuck him.
You couldn't help but chuckle "oh she is dying, but the grown woman y/n is debating whether to crush your hand or not"
"Ohoh kinky" he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows at your rolling eyes
"So you're telling me that the little boy Mason didn't care for me but grown Mason... gets a boner with his hand on my thigh?" you asked, not being able to unsee the bulge in his jeans.
"Noo, not exactly" Mason hummed, looking over the table again "Young Mason had boners all the time and there are no difference to grown Mason"
You couldn't help but to chuckle at the weird conversation, moving your own hand to his thigh.
Your eyes were stuck at his hand, fingers gently digging into your thigh. "You like my fingers?" Mason asked amusedly, loving the way you looked at him and the way your fingers brushed up his thigh.
"No" you deadpanned, you voice as quite as possible as to not be too obvious with your fathers right across from you.
"Hmm, that's a shame, most people do"
You narrowed your eyes at him "Do you really think I will get turned on with you throwing other women you've fucked in my face?"
He looked unsure for a second at your raised eyebrows and deadpan expression. "Uh-probably that isn't the best way to go huh?"
"I don't know how it usually works, but it doesn't work for me" you hummed amused, looking up into his sparkling eyes
"Well usually it doesn't matter what I say because they still bend over for me at the end of the day" he shrugged, casing your eyes to roll. "Cocky asshole, it won't be that easy, if that's even what you want"
"Well, I mean it's what i've wanted to do since we were kids" he pondered, looking down at your hand that rubbed gently over his thigh.
"Well then you just gotta keep on dreaming" you smiled sweetly, your hand creeping up over his crouch, squeezing his length through his jeans before smirking at him, pushing his hand off and standing up from the dinner table.
"Well this has been lovely but I need to go home, I have early work" you excused
"Ah right sweetheart, how are you coming home?" your father asked standing up to hug you. "Well.. walk?" you suggested
Your father scoffed at you "not a chance at this hour"
"But dad! I don't wanna take an expensive cab" you whined but you knew you wouldn't win this fight, he would never let you walk alone this hour and you honestly didn't want to either.
"I can drive you home if you'd like" Mason offered politely, standing up from the chair as well. You didn't have the time to object before your father answered "Ah that would be awesome Mason! Thank you!"
You stopped yourself from groaning out loud but pressed on a polite smile. "How nice of you" you sarcastically smiled at him, he didn't really care though, a huge grin making it's way over his face.
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You said goodbye to the older men heading out to Mason's fancy car. "For going shit you sure do get a lot of money huh?"
He didn't answer, just sent you a cheeky wink as you settled in the car. "It's sexy huh?"
"It is" you hummed in agreement, leaning back into the comfortable seat.
The tension was thick, edging on unbearable but at the same time it was exciting.
Mason didn't look at you, concentrating on the road but you couldn't help to look at him. His eyes stuck ahead of him, one arm resting in his lap and his tongue coming out to wet his lips.
"So" you began, trying to break the thick tension. "I know you said it's going shit... but a lot has happened with the club right?"
"Wow are you hanging on to the news?" Mason smiled, throwing you a quick playful look "Well no but dad does, can't stop talking about you.. I think he has a crush" Mason laughed, shrugging his shoulder "well yeah, they've switched owners of the club, and our manager's been sacked"
"Aha, so it's not only on you?" "No, I guess no but it's really not been my season you know" he sighed making you take pity on him a little
"I'm sure it's not that bad" You promised but the shake off his head showed that he didn't seem to agree with you. "You should've seen me these last couple of weeks, hideous" he gruffed
"I have seen" you hummed making him turn to you for a second before looking back on the road
"I don't know shit about football so I can't really say anything but it has been looking stiff, maybe a bit slow? Confused? But that's the whole team, not you"
"Have you been watching my games?" he grinned smugly, your eyes rolling at his cockiness. "Yeah"
"Really?" he laughed, delighted by the idea "Calm down, it's been on the tv and dad has more or less forced me to"
"Still, you've watched it"
"Yeah yeah" you sighed as he rolled up outside of your apartment complex parking up and turning the engine off.
It felt natural to bee with him like this, even though the tension was still apparent it was comfortable in a way. It was easy.
You chewed on the inside of your chin, contemplating what you should say or do, feeling a bit weird just leaving him now.
"So, it was really nice to see you again" Mason beat you to it, smiling stiffly
You looked down, your eyes fleeting around before landing on his
"Do you wanna come in?" you asked, eyes never leaving his, watching as his lips turned upwards in a genuine smile "Sure" he smiled, quickly popping out his key and jumping out of the car.
You felt a bit stiff leading him through the building and into your apartment but as soon as the door clicked close and you turned to look at him again it disappeared.
You watched as he stepped out of his shoes and walked into the apartment with big eyes
"Wow it's honestly a very nice apartment" he hummed, looking around in the area. It was indeed a very nice apartment, you were proud of it. Big windows showing the city and nicely put together.
"Not to sound rude but how did you afford this place?" he asked astonished, turning his head too look at you "Ah you know, I worked" you shrugged
"In a strip club" you joked, his eyes making a double take between you and the roof decoration "What??"
"hey why are you so surprised, you don't think I would be able to work in a strip club" you asked slightly offended
"Sure you could've" he chuckled, throwing his arm around you "Just didn't expect you to"
"Well I don't, I work in a restaurant and it honestly wasn't as expensive as it looks" you shrugged, tugging off your shoes and jacket before re-joining him in the living room.
He turned to you, licking his lips as you stared up at him intently
"What do you want?" he asked lowly, looking you up and down subtly. "What do you think I wanted by inviting you up here?" you challenged, loving the way he reacted to your words, eyes sparkling and lips turning into a smirk.
"I think you wanted me to do what young us dreamed of"
You didn't answer him, just watched as he came closer to you, placing his hands on your hips and pulling you close before smashing his lips against yours.
It was heated and aggressive, teets and tongue clashing together. You pulled tightly on his hair, his fingers digging into your hips letting you feel everything of him.
You started to walk him backwards, following him with your lips on his as you led him to the bedroom.
"Yeah?" he smirked, pulling back to breathe for a second
"If you want ofcourse" you hummed, pushing him down on the edge of the bed "of course I do" he smiled, guiding you to sit on his lap.
You smiled, kissing his jaw and down his shoulder before sitting straight and dragging off your top. He followed your example, ripping the t-shirt he was wearing of his gorgeous body.
Your eyes trailed his body with lust, fingertips tracing the handsome torso, following his muscles and ripples. Before you knew it he had unclasped your bra and popped your jeans button up, pushing you to stand to take them off which you did, watching as he did the same.
When he had discarded his jeans he went to you again, attacking you with a hot kiss as he lifted you up from the ground, gently laying you down on the bed as you giggled at his behavior, scotching up to the pillows.
He crawled over you, kissing up your body, stopping at your breasts. He completely drank you in, peppering you with kisses and love. "You look beautiful, so fucking beautiful" he grunted out, his breath tickling your skin.
You felt like you were on fire as he licked over your nipple, back arching into his mouth, every part of you begging him to touch you where you needed him to.
You grabbed his hand, leading it down your body to your panties, looking up at him with pleading eyes. He swallowed hard dropping his head slightly before locking eyes with you again.
"Yeah? That's what you want?"
You nodded closing your eyes as you felt his hand creep over your panties. "You want me to touch you here huh?" he teased, dipping one finger inside of your panties, stroking the skin there before taking it back.
"Yes" you breathed, eyes begging him and he didn't have it in him to resist you. His hands pulled your panties down, you kicked them off your feet as his hand finally made contact with you.
He teased you slowly, one finger dipping inside of your folds, dragging it up and down before slowly circling your clit.
It didn't take long before he let one of his fingers slide into you, your eyes closing at the pleasure.
"Mhm" Mason huffed happily, loving to watch how you took his finger
He soon added another one, slowly moving them in and out before he was done teasing. He looked at you with a crooked smile as he slid his fingers in again, keeping them buried within you before he started to crook them in a furious pace, your mouth dropping open and eyes closing.
"Fuck, fuck, ah fuck" was the only words that could leave your mouth as he continued to flick his fingers, his fingertips pressing at the right spot against your walls. It was almost too much, your body moving by itself as he grinned at you, taking pleasure and joy in how your body writhed and the sounds you let out.
"Yeah?" he smirked at you increasing his speed even more, your eyes closing shut at the impact "Mhmm" you mumbled out groaning as his thumb began to circle your clit. "Does that feel good?"
You didn't answer him in words just hummed and mumbled something as you bucked into his hand "Mhmm I bet it does" he murmured, his eyes gawking at you, drinking you in.
"Close" you managed to choke out just in time before your orgasm racked through your body. You jerked under him, your legs shaking as you came down from your high finally opening your eyes to meet his.
He was dangling his face straight over yours. His brown eyes sparkled, his mouth in a soft smile. You felt almost dizzy, a lazy smile meeting his. "You where right, I do like your fingers"
Mason laughed at you, dipping down to kiss you again as you regained clarity and energy. He grinned as you flipped around straddling his waist.
He fixed his position, sitting up against the headboard. This time you took more control, kissing him hungrily, messy and sloppy.
"I know I said I wanted to do this when we were kids but honestly i'm very happy we didn't"
You raised your eyebrows at him as a sign to explain further as you pushed your hand inside of his boxers, softly wrapping your hand around him, stroking him at a slow pace.
"Well now I know I am good and that I at least can hold out for more than 30 seconds"
You chuckled against his lips, brushing yours over his "well then I'm glad too" "Oh really? So 30 seconds isn't enough for you, you're so demanding"
"If you cum in 30 seconds I will be deeply disappointed, especially now when you promised you were good"
"Fuck, maybe I shouldn't have said anything"
You giggled again, kissing him sweetly, "Just fuck me and we will be fine"
He smiled down at you, even sitting in the slumped position he did made him taller than you, he had really grown a lot.
"Well I think you are on top right now so I think you should take the first step"
You pursed your lips at his smart comment, speeding up on your movements, taking satisfaction in the way his tongue came out to wet his lips and how he starts to breathe quicker.
You pushed his boxers down completely pecking his lips sweetly.
You reached up a little, sitting on your knees as you ran his dick through your folds before you sank down on him slowly.
You couldn't help but whine at the stretch but the thing you were most focused on was his face. He looked utterly beautiful as his mouth dropped open, eyes watching you take him more and more and small huffs of air leaving his mouth. His hair was already messy on his forehead but it looked even better like that.
His hands stopped on your hips, helping you create the pattern he wanted. "Shit you take me so good" he groaned, eyes still watching where you were connected.
You tried your best to keep up his pace, the feeling striking through you every time you moved but your legs felt like giving up already. "Fuck, my legs don't work" you panted out, hinting on him to take over. "Is that a lame excuse for making me fuck you?" he chuckled breathy. "No" you breathed and he took pity on you as your legs begun to shake, holding you still whilst moving to fuck up into you instead. Your head landed in his neck, sucking some deep marks there as he picked up the pace. "Fuck, my legs don't work" you panted out, hinting on him to take over. "Is that a lame excuse for making me fuck you?" "No" you breathed and he took pity on you as your legs begun to shake, holding you still whilst moving to fuck up into you instead. Your head landed in his neck, sucking some deep marks there as he picked up the pace.
His mouth was right next to your ear, moaning softly as you used the energy you had left in your legs to move back onto him, meeting his quick hard thrusts. You did all you could to hold back on your sounds but it was close to impossible as he hit that perfect spot inside of you making you climb higher and higher to your climax.
Your eyes closed, mouth still keeping busy at his sensitive skin, using it as a distraction from your independent orgasm. "fuck you feel to fucking good" he mumbled in your ear, sucking your earlobe into his mouth as you let out a whine. The friction was too good and it felt like you were about too explode.
"Fuck Mase" you whined eyes struggling to open as he continued to hit the right spot. "Please" you whined not really knowing for what but for something.
"Fuck baby, keep squeezing me like that and I will come in a second" he grunted, not letting up the pace he had created.
Grunts started to escape his mouth and he quickly pulled out, panting in your ear. He flipped you over to your back, gently laying you back against the pillows. You giggled as your hair tangled in front of your face, his hands coming out to push it out of your face, smiling as he met your eyes again.
His lips met yours sweetly as he lifted one of your legs over his shoulder.
He made eye contact with you before slowly entering you again, relishing in the way your eyes fluttered and back arched as he bottomed out. "Fuck, I won't hold on for too long" he grunted but you didn't care as you could feel your own orgasm picking up just where it was before.
"It's okay" you breathed out. It felt almost hard when you couldn't bury your face in his neck anymore. There where nowhere to distract yourself and nowhere to hide your sounds. You threw your head back, Mason nipping on your neck instead, one of your hands on his hip, digging into his flesh whilst the other on was gripping his shoulder tightly.
"Mase" you whined but this time he seemed to understand as his hand moved down your body and to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles.
It felt like you were floating, your eyes fluttering and back arching more and more for every thrust.
"Ah fuck!" You groaned as he angled just right. "Let go y/n. Fuck-let go"
You moaned out loud as you felt yourself losing grip of reality, his thrusts speeding up before faltering. "Fuck" he grunted as he too let go. You saw stars behind your eyelids as you came down from your high, his hips slowly stilling completely inside of you whilst you both panted harshly.
"Fuck" he whispered, pulling out of you carefully. He dangled his face over yours, grinning stupidly as he kissed you softly
"I hink it was worth the wait"
"Mhm" you smiled, not really having the energy to say anything more but he seemed to understand, flipping down beside you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to him. You already felt asleep, smiling lazily at his sweetness.
"You're really amazing you know" he whispered in your ear making you chuckle lowly "you are too Mase"
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yourstingrey · 7 months
Foolish One
A/N:Hiii i already tried to post this once and run away for the weekend so I didn't have to see any notes but I forgot tags so reposting lol but thank you for the support on my last fic as well I tried to take my time with this one and even though I'm still not the biggest fan of it I thought I should still post it so I can improve next time!!!
Warnings: angst, situationship, lowkey toxic relationship, hinting at hooking up, i gave the cabins a bathroom cus im not making you walk outside for that, grammar??
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My cards are on the table, yours are in your hand
Chances are, tonight, you've already got plans
And chances are I will talk myself to sleep again.
Me and Luke have had a bit of a flirtationship for a while. A LONG while. Sometimes I think for too long but I've always had a crush on Luke. I mean the greatest swordsman at camp, always so helpful to new campers, and he's so beautiful. So when he finally noticed me months ago I gushed to my siblings about it, in the beginning, it was perfect. He would invite me on perfect dates, little picnics by the lake, walks in the forest together ranting about things at camp that bugged us, and even a couple of ‘hangouts’ in the Hermes cabin when everyone was off. 
You give me just enough attention to keep my hopes too high
Wishful thoughts forget to mention when something's really not right
But nowadays he's always so busy I mean I can't blame him he's THE role model of camp. Plus he never forgets to slip a letter to my siblings saying he was sorry for not seeing me but I know where he is. He's never really busy.
And I will block out these voices of reason in my head. 
And the voices say, "You are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson"
Moths fill my stomach as I walk to the Hermes cabin eating holes inside me and making my nerves practically leak out of me as I approach the door. Finally reaching the pale yellow door and sucked in my breath before knocking. I rock back and forth on my heels staring at the stained glass above the door before refocusing my attention on the door opening. To my dismay, it wasn't Luke who I planned on asking to hang out with today but instead, Chris opened the door.
As he opened the door he made an almost pitiful look “Are you looking for Luke..?” I cleared my throat awkwardly before speaking “Oh um yeah… do you know where he would be by any chance!”. The look on his face practically sunk in more but then I think he realized how he was staring at me “I think he is out training but he might be busy so maybe you shouldn't see him” he said rushed while rubbing the back of his neck like it was sore “Thanks Chris but I'm sure he won't mind i'll be super quick!”
Foolish one
Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love
That ain't never gonna come
You will take the long way, you will take the long way down
Leaves crunch as I walk the arena mumbling under my breath how to ask to have a break with him. Even a quick walk in the woods would work. I'm desperate for Luke now even if he wants to say he doesn't want to see me anymore I'd take it. Arena in sight my pace quickens to the entrance ready to slip in but pause as I hear the unmistakable charming laugh of Lukes but also unfamiliar hushed giggles. 
As I stand outside the clear opening I purse my lips before deciding that I would peak in just in I mean it's not like I mean to eavesdrop but I've never seen Luke with any girls so publicly he insists he likes things like that to be private saying “it's more special to keep it to ourselves”. The moment I looked inside the arena my heart dropped to my stomach it was Luke and Drew. Drew was a daughter of Aphrodite and you could tell she was tall and had long dark hair she was beautiful. Clearly, something Luke said must have said the funniest thing on the planet as they couldn't stop laughing. 
In some universe where I was braver, I would march up to them and ask what was so funny but instead, I cowered, peaking in still. But in the worst-case scenario, Luke looked over at the entrance. It wasn't even some corny I slipped and he saw he just looked over. It was clear he saw me, he whispered something over to Drew and now she was looking too. It felt like I was in quicksand I couldn't move and I was sinking deeper and deeper now that she was watching and he was heading over.
As he jogs over I hear him in an out of breath tone spit out “Hey what are you doing here?” I go back to rocking on my heels “Oh uhhh I just came to see you because we just haven't hung out in a while. I mean if you're busy it's okay just uh y'know..” I mumble out the last bit embarrassed of my stammering. Rubbing the back of his neck looking behind him before turning back at me sharply inhaling through his teeth and saying “Uh… sure yeah how about you meet me later at the spot? Just go at night and I'll meet you there.” I try not to look visibly awkward by the curt sound of his voice but I won't prod to see if that's true “Okay I'll meet you there later!” 
He looked at me before giving me a quick bye and spinning on his heel back to Drew. But honestly, I was riding a tiny high right now. I was excited to see him.  A coy smile plays on my lips as I go back to my cabin.
You know how to keep me waitin'
I know how to act like I'm fine
Don't know what to call this situation
But I know I can't call you mine
Picking out an outfit isn't hard when most of your clothes consist of orange camp shirts or the few cute clothes you took from home. I landed on shorts and a sweater before finally tiptoeing out of my cabin. The cold chill of the evening air was overwhelmed by the almost caffeine jitter bounce running through my body as I walked a secret path Luke and I practically created with how much our shoes scuffed up the ground leading to our spot. 
Reaching the end of the path expecting a familiar head of curls to be sitting maybe watching the stars waiting instead I stare out into the empty small clearing. My eyes sting and my lip wobbles. I quietly continue to shuffle over until I sit down trying to shake it off to him running a bit late. We didn't say exactly what time so honestly I felt silly getting upset. Relaxed now I bring my knees up to my chest and prop my chin up on them holding my legs with my arms. Sitting in our spot felt nostalgic for the earlier summer, stumbling off into the woods looking to escape prying eyes and stumbling on this exact spot…
And it's delicate, but I will do my best to seem bulletproof
'Cause when my head is on your shoulder
It starts thinkin' you'll come around
Swift feet run through the forest as I feel my arm being tugged along to keep up, “Luke! Slow down trust me no one is gonna find us at this rate!” my voice practically cuts out like glitches through my laughter as Luke finally slows down his pace to turn back to me “Yknow you're no fun in trying to make it private for us” tilting his head to the side and giving me a joking pout. I grab his hand and swing it back and forth “Shut up if that's true why do you spend so much of your precious time with me then hmmm?” He drops my hand and starts to walk backward further into the woods “You know what... You're on to something I've gotta get away from you! I think you must have put a spell on me, are you sure you’re not a daughter of Aphrodite after all?”
 I follow after him and jokingly shove him to the side to walk in front of him “ugh you're such a jerk someti-” My feet lifted from the ground cutting my sentence off, feeling his strong arms wrap around my torso and looking down at his laughing face before he starts to spin us in a circle a quick few times before stop and setting me back down. Looking up at Luke to see him gazing at the view in front of us, an almost perfect clearing giving you a view of the calm water below and the blue sky above a log laid down in front of it grabbing hold of luke's hand again and tugging it to get him to sit down against the log with me. Sitting I leaned my head to rest on his shoulder, knees bumping as we sat our interlocked hands sat in my lap and I just stared down at them in this light with him and me sitting here they looked almost like they were carved out of marble made only fit with each other perfectly. I changed my gaze to peer up through my lashes at Luke now to see he was already looking at me. My cheeks flare up in a warm pink glow as I feel my chest humming, his face leans down, his other hand reaching up to cup the burning cheek, eyes fluttering shut lips brushing in delicate kisses while Luke grins into it…
But then the voices say, "You are not the exception, You will never learn your lesson"
Foolish one
Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love. That ain't never gonna come
You will take the long way, you will take the long way down
I shiver maybe at the breeze passing by, maybe at the memory I couldn't tell, hugging my knees tighter and looking out before the sound of a leaf quietly crunches behind me. I didn't look back though I knew it was him no one else knew our spot was too far out. He slid right next to me on the log before speaking up in a quiet tone “I'm sorry I took so long just.. Yknow my cabin has so many campers it's hard to duck out when you're their counselor, I really didn't mean to keep you waiting..” Finishing his sentence he pulls me into him making me cuddle into his side. I sigh contently forgiving him in my head because to be wrapped up with him shining down on us like a spotlight made it feel right. “s’okay thank you for coming Luke..” “Of course..”
Now I'm slidin' down the wall with my head in my hands 
Sayin', "How could I not see the signs?"
Oh, you haven't written me or called, But goodbye screamin' in the silence
We sat there together for a while and talked about what we had missed in each other's lives until the quiet chill made our hands feel frozen even with them clasped tightly together. Luke said he would walk me back to my cabin saying “If we get caught I'll just say I caught you sneaking out and I'm taking you back” Thanking the gods that we have Luke's counselor job as pass I really don't think I could handle Mr. D and Chiron put me back to cleaning the stables which I only did to take the blame for Luke last summer. 
We arrive back into camp feeling Luke unclasp our hands without a word. My steps flatter for a mere second before I simply choose to ignore the action and catch up with his stride. As we walk I speak up “Um thanks for walking me back to my cabin I really appreciate it..” “It's no problem can’t let my favorite archer walk out in the cold alone!” he says in a positive but quiet voice. “So I was wondering if I could see you again yknow maybe we could just eat together or something if you don't have a lot of time..?” Our steps come to a halt in front of my cabin now he looks at me sucking a breath from his teeth before opening his mouth to speak “Ah.. I think I'm kinda busy tomorrow, Drew asked if I could show her how to get better at sword fighting so I have to show her that… I think I'll be doing it for a while. Y’know how practice makes perfect but I'll let you know when I'm free.” 
My lips pursed together for a moment looking at my shoes as he talks and finally looking back at him when he finishes “Oh okay.. Well yeah just let me know! See you later!” I hear him mumble a quick ‘yep night’ before turning around and walking off, I stand there for a moment almost waiting to see if he would look back and maybe try to catch a glimpse of me going in, but he didn't.
'Cause you got her on your arm and me in the wings
I'll get your longing glances, but she'll get your ring
And you will say you had the best of intentions
And maybe I will finally learn my lesson
Creeping back to my bunk as quietly as possible trying not to disturb any of my sleeping siblings, but forgetting about one extra creaky floorboard located directly next to one of my sister's bunks, at camp practically everyone is a light sleeper after having to go on a quest.  A mess of tangles and a sleeping mask shot up before my sister Rey pulled it off her eyes to see me ‘doing the walk of shame’ as she once called it. “What are you doing awake…?” her voice quiet and still full of sleepiness “Oh yknoww I just hung out with Luke for a bit..”
 She sat up a little straighter and gave me the same look Chris gave me this evening. “You saw Luke..? I thought you guys were like totally over…” “Well, not completely we just fell out a bit I'm going to see him again soon he just is going to help train campers for a bit y'know!” Her brows furrow and her mouth twists with disdain “Is that camper.. Drew?” leaning against a bedpost and starting to pick at my nails “I mean yeah but like-” A loud groan cuts me off “You're kidding. I'm not saying this to hurt your feelings but.. Do you really think they're training? It just seems like what you guys used to do if you ask me..”
 She tucked herself back into the covers rolling over to stop facing me leaving me with a not so subtle hint. Walking to the bathroom to brush my teeth so i could finally sleep i find myself staring at my figure in the mirror longer, my hand dropping down to stop brushing setting it down on the sink, my lip starts to wobble again and the bitter sting filled my eyes again blurring my vision as i sunk to the floor to sit on the cool tiles for a bit. Drew and Luke were doing exactly what they used to do ‘training’ is Luke's code word for fucking. I knew that already, we used to use it often. But i thought if he saw me tonight then it couldn't be that. He wouldn't do that. But Luke would, he knows that I know those code words but Luke wouldn't do that… 
Foolish one
Stop checkin' your mailbox for confessions of love
That ain't never gonna come
You will take the long way, you will take the long way down
Waking up felt like a chore this morning, the sun shining instead of being warm and inviting felt like it was melting me down into a pile of mush as I got up. Walking to the mess hall was worse seeing them sit together breaking the camper's sit with their cabin's rule, giggling into each other's ears like I saw them before. Walking past them to my table hoping he would spare me a glance just a small look that said ‘I'm only entertaining her for a bit and I'll be back’ but he was practically bewitched by her. 
Ain't never gonna come
Ooh, you will learn the hard way now
Foolish one
Sittin' 'round waiting for confessions of love
They ain't never gonna come
A week passed by and he never came running back instead he ran around with her, when it finally sunk in the pitiful sorrys of my sibling and even a handful of Luke's friends came but they fell silent on my ears wallowing in my self-pity, shutting in my cabin for a bit before deciding I couldn't just shut myself in because I lost the 3rd most decent head of curls in camp. The night came crickets chirping, acting as my background music as I took my throw blanket off my bed to sneak out just to take a short walk to relax. Heading down the long path noticing fresh grass starting to grow back out of the scuffed dirt it brought a small grin back to my face which fell almost immediately at the sight of two figures in a oh so familiar spot. 
And thinkin' he's the one, you should've been walkin' out
Foolish one
The day is gonna come for your confessions of love
When all is said and done, he just wasn't the one
No, he just wasn't the one
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cowboybarzy · 11 months
Hi can you write a fic for part 4 of unexpected. Where Reader brings Myla to her first Islanders game? You can be creative and add more to the request I just couldn’t think of anything else to add to it. 😂
hii!! tysm for the request!! sorry it took so long but then I thought it’d be more fitting to post it at the actual season start!
so I decided to do more one shots of this series than actual longer parts, so feel free to keep sending in requests if you want to see more :)
word count: 620 part of the unexpected series
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"Oh no, baby girl, don't fall asleep. You're gonna miss your daddy's first game," you whispered to you daughter as you rocked her in her carrier, trying to keep her awake, but that only seemed to make her sleepier. She looked so adorable cuddled up against you in a fuzzy beat suit and big noise canceling headphones. And now at five months old, she started to look a lot more than her father. Her eyebrows bent like his, her eyes shined green at times, and her smile was just as crooked as Mat's. You took a quick picture of her and sent it to Mat, hoping he'd still see it before he had to go on the ice.
"How's she doing?," Sydney Martin came up to you, her own to kids attached to her.
"Sleepy." You laughed and stroked her little cheek, before bending down to little Winnie, complementing her cute Islanders outfit. She twirled around for you, loving the affection and you had a vision of baby Myla in a few years cheering for her dad.
It was the first official game of the season for Islanders and for that occasion the girls decided to rent out a suit, especially because of all the kids around. You hung out with the other, mingling with Mat's family as well who flew out here for the home opener.
For warmup's you went down to the ice level where Mat stopped to say 'hi' almost immediately after stepping on the ice. His grin was enormous when he saw you two standing there. He was so proud to have you here and his daughter at her first game. He tried his best making silly faces at her to get her to laugh or even smile, but she didn't seem to recognize him and eventually the sleepiness got to her.
Unfortunately, you couldn't quite enjoy the game like you usually do, not wanting to disturb sleeping Myla, so you did away at the back of the suit following the game on the big TV with a virgin cocktail. You were joined by some of the other girls with smaller children so it wasn't too lonely.
After the game, you made your way to the car, too tired to mingle more. You put Myla in her car seat and spent some time soothing her back to sleep after she woke up because of the transfer. A while later the trunk opened, making you jump, and Mat popped his head in dropping his bags. "Hi!"
"Hi," you whispered excitedly as you turned back to face him. He closed the trunk as quietly as possible, but instead of jumping right in the driver's seat, he stopped by Myla.
"Hi, pretty girl," he whispered pressing soft kisses to her face. "I'm so so happy you were here tonight."
"She can't hear you."
"So?" He stuck his tongue out at you, before finally climbing in the driver's seat. "Hi."
He grabbed you face and kissed you deeply. "I'm happy you were here, too."
"You did good."
"Might have had something to do with who was in the audience." You smiled and got another long kiss from him. "Alright, let's go home. I'm beat."
"Me too. I don't really remember the last time we stayed up so late." You both chuckled.
"Oh, look." As Mat was hooking up his phone to the car he showed you his new wallpaper. It was the picture of the three of you his mom had taken earlier during warmups. A loving warmth spread throughout your body and you leaned over to kiss him again. You would never get tired of your little family. "Seriously though, how did she do tonight?"
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wosoluver · 6 months
To undo a mistake
Part 7/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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You were all slightly shaken up. We were lacking a lot. Once everyone was in the locker room, they announced the changes that were going to be made.
"Y/N, you're going in as a playmaker."
"No but's we need it. Were gonna need your creative mind."
You just nodded your head. You always dabbed a little in the position, specially at Bayern. But you had never played as anything other than a forward in the national team.
"Hey your gonna do fine yeah?!" Said Lena squeezing your shoulder reassuringly. She knew how much anxiety you got at unplanned things.
"Just do what you do back home, alright?" This time Syd spoke.
You were scared. But you knew what to do, right? You just needed to stay calm, and trust yourself.
You all went back out, as the half time was over.
Not even 3 minutes in, you distributed the ball Nüsken passed to Bühl who scored the equalizer.
You celebrated like the goal was your own. Jumping on Jule's back, screaming loudly.
"Let's fucking go guys!"
Austria had a couple good shots after that. But it was on the 60th minute that the final goal of the match came.
Freigang had been taken down by Zinsberger on the box.
As far as you could tell, it wasn't a penalty. But you guys were lucky there was no VAR to check it. So the referee's decision was kept.
Gwinn as the captain was the one to kick the penalty ball. The goalkeeper choose the right corner but still wasn't able to stop it. And it was 3x2.
Before the game was over you had managed to cross a great ball to Obi who almost scored a header.
The team had other good opportunities but the game ended with the 3x2 score.
You couldn't remember the last time you so glad to had won. This game felt like a new chapter was starting for you.
"Good game!" Said Lena coming you're way.
"We almost scored too!" and thats all your brain replayed, 'we'.
"Yeah, good one." You gave her a tight lip smile.
You proceeded to greet the Austrian players as well as your teammates.
Even though you guys wanted to celebrate partying, you settled for a dinner instead.
There was still a game ahead, and you guys couldn't lose focus.
Everyone was singing and dancing around when you decided to go out and get some fresh air.
Lena decided to follow you out. When she got outside you were sitting down with your phone in hand.
"Are you texting Ana?"
"No? I'm texting my mom." and you were.
"Sorry about being nosy. Can I sit here?" she asked pointing to the sit next to you.
"If I say no, are you leaving me alone?"
"No." she said with a laugh as she sat down.
"Why are you out here?"
"Could ask you the same thing."
"I needed some air. You?"
"I needed some air, with you."
"Please don't start."
"I won't. I just wanted to be with you, for a little bit."
"We're already sharing a room."
"You always manage to fall asleep before I get back."
"Sorry I've been trying so hard to run from you." You said it sarcastically.
"We agreed on still sharing the room at camp. And staying friends."
"I didn't agree to anything. Plus what I thought you meant when you said that, was 'look we're over, but no hard feelings'."
"You simply cut all ties."
"I needed time for myself. I needed to turn the romantic feelings I had off. Before I could even think about having you on my life again."
"Do we have a chance at friendship?"
"Maybe. If your honest with me."
"About what?"
Might post another part tonight!
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warmaidensrevenge · 7 months
It's not a never.
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Pairings: Eddie x fem!best friend Plus size reader
A/N: Happy Sunday loves. Here I present the final part in this series. It's a bit steamy if you ask me. So ready your naughty bits. As always thanks for reading. Please feel free to share and comment your thoughts. It really gives me a boost of dopamine that I crave. So anything is awesome. Kay love ya. Byyyyyeeee.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A huge thank you and credit to the original posters and artists.
Word count: 3,824
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Angst, language, sexual implications, sexual situations, p&v, oral (both receiving), unprotected sex and mentions of alcohol use. Not proof read
Part 4: Right now
Summary: Time goes by. But feelings still remain.
The farewell was in fact unbearable. It hurt Eddie like hell. But what hurt the most was a year after. College life became hectic for you. Which caused letters and phone calls to lessen. 
Then the guys got a big break. It was a small record label with very little rapport. But it was one he had a good feeling about. They made a deal for one full album and a few shows to promote it. 
It was a very busy year that turned into two. Then three.
Before any of them knew it, they were playing sold out shows. 
Things were working out. His dreams were coming true. But he never forgot about that girl with the sweet little smile. Though it has been some time since he saw it. He was fortunate enough to see it again one summer night in that third year.
The band was performing at one of their favorite places one hot night. They loved it because it was on a rooftop. Where they could see most of the city.
Tonight though, Eddie could only focus on the pretty girl with the small smile he almost forgot if it weren't for the prom picture he kept in his wallet.
The second the set was over, he jumped off the stage and ran to you. Obviously dodging the groupies and fans asking for autographs.
You yelped when he embraced you. Surprised when he picked you up a little.
“ Oh shit! I can't believe this!” He said when he planted you back down. 
You giggled. “Hi Eddie.”
He leaned back a little and grinned like crazy. “ When did-” He was cut off by the rest of his buddies.
He took a few steps back to let everyone have their turn with you. To be honest he needed the minute to get over the shock of seeing you. 
One thing led to another and you guys went out for drinks then ended up back at their apartment.
The whole night you guys were hanging off each other. Loving glances were shared and every word you said sounded like a love spell to him. And that didn't end when it was just you two.
Everyone else went to bed and he wasn't tired at all. So why end the night? Who knows when he was gonna see you again.
“ Ehem. So Eddie?” You said, putting your half empty glass on the coffee table. “ How many times do I have to squeeze your thigh to get you to kiss me?”
He laughed nervously.
You gave him a sexy sly grin. “ Common I've been flirting with you all night.”
He cleared his throat and smirked while you moved closer to him. It was true. You were flirting. He was too. And he shouldn't have. 
You reached up to move his bangs to the side. After you rested your hand much closer to his genitals. 
He quickly put a hand on yours. Just in case you decided to touch him further. “ Ummm…” he mumbled and met your beautiful eyes.
If things were different, he wouldn't question a damn thing and take you right here and now. Maybe even on the floor and the kitchen counter. Definitely fuck you in the shower and again on his bed. But he couldn't.
He exhaled. “ I'm kinda seeing someone.”
You practically jumped back. Pulling your hand away in the process. He could see how red you were getting from embarrassment.
“ Crap! Ed- I'm…uhhhh I'm sorry. I should go.”
You stood up and without thinking he grabbed your arm and stood up too.
“ No! I mean. Please don't go.”
You looked at him and shook your head. “ No I should. I've embarrassed myself enough for a lifetime.”
You tried to go but he gently pulled you back and cupped the sides of your face. 
“ Common kid. Don't be embarrassed. I was flirting too.” He hung his head a little. “ I shouldn't have but…it's you.”
He felt your warm soft hands on his. Making him meet your eyes. 
“ Eddie I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to come and -”
“ No. You did nothing wrong. It was me. I should've said I was seeing someone sooner…but seriously, don't go. I-I've missed you…So fuckin much.”
You bit your lip and nodded. “ Okay. But you have to sit on the other side of the couch.”
He dropped his hands and held onto yours. “ Yeah, or I'm gonna have to make a phone call and become single.”
Your eyes widened. “ I'm flattered, but probably don't do that.”
You both grinned at one another before returning to the couch. Talking until the sun came up.
For Eddie it was heartbreaking saying goodbye to you that next morning. You were still that funny, sweet, affectionate girl from highschool. You were still the person he could talk to for hours without a care in the world. And he remembered the love that he still had for you. 
What he learned last night was that you were so busy with school that you didn't have time to date. He also found out that college was much harder than you thought it was gonna be. So hard that you changed your major twice.
Eventually, you found something you really saw yourself doing. Career wise that is. And he was happy for you. Just like how you were happy for him and the guys. 
Still, there was still something between you two. Something he wished he could explore. Something that just flowed with you. It was as if you guys picked up from where you left off.
It irked him. It bothered him so much that he actually opened up to his girlfriend about it. 
At first she was quiet, then she got pissed. Eventually, she calmed down and broke up with him. And to be honest it didn't really affect him that much. Sure he liked her. She was fun to be around. But after talking to you, he realized he never had a decent conversation with her. It was just partying and sex mostly. 
It wasn't her fault though. It was him. He never cared to open up to anyone besides his friends. Maybe it was because he thought no one would understand or get him. Get his quirks or quips. They probably wouldn't get his music tastes or like his nerdy side. Or maybe he didn't want anyone to. Perhaps it was because he still had hope for you. Hope that was instilled in him over the best pancakes in the world.
Either way it would be another 4 years until he would see you again.
Jeff was getting married. To Connie, in Hawkins. Everyone was invited and Eddie, Gareth and Grant were his groomsmen. They were all his best men cuz he couldn't choose one. 
Which was such a grueling task. Helping with the wedding and planning a bachelor party took up a lot of time. 
But besides all that, Eddie was looking forward to seeing one guest. One very important guest. The pretty girl he's been corresponding to for the past four years. 
He got in touch after you left New York. And kept up contact. He didn't want to disconnect again. Lose you again.
Though nothing was ever said about getting together, he anticipated that after the wedding he was gonna leave with you. Finally getting to that right now you had mentioned seven years ago.
He was near the entrance of the church, saying his hellos with the rest of the wedding party when he saw you. 
Everything around him seemed to slow down as you exited the car and fixed your royal blue dress. You looked around and smiled at the people you knew. Then you went to help your mom out of the car. 
He absolutely could not look away. You were a knockout. Absolutely gorgeous. 
What were the chances he could sneak you out of the party and make love somewhere? Maybe he could convince you to leave early. 
He suddenly felt a jab in the ribs. 
“ Ouch! What the fu-” he groaned as he looked at Gareth who was nodding towards Jeff's grandma. “ Oh right!” He uttered, holding out his elbow for her. “ Hello there young lady, I am to escort you to your VIP spot.”
She hit him with an ohh you and took his arm. He looked back to see if he could catch your eye. But it wasn't until the ceremony that he did. 
With a big smile you lifted your hand. Giving him a little wave. He smirked and looked down. Continuing down the aisle. 
Damn! He thought. He really wanted you to be a part of the wedding party.
Originally you were, but you had just started a new job and couldn't get away for rehearsals or any planning. So you opted to only be a guest. Which sucked for him because now he had to look at the happy couple instead of staring at you.
Once he got to the altar he met your gaze again. He knew he must look crazy grinning the way he was. But he didn't care. The girl he was in love with was in the same town, at the same place he was. And he was gonna make sure he left with you.
The vows and I do’s were said and the pastor gave the bride and groom the go ahead for a kiss. 
Eddie looked over at you and you had tears of joy falling from your eyes. He pulled out his  handkerchief and took a few steps towards you. Asking for the person sitting in front of you to hand it off. 
You blushed and wiped the tears away while he went back to his spot. Gareth nudged him, but he didn't care. He had to make sure you were good. 
At this point he would do anything for you. He would give anything to be with you. He'd say anything and everything he could just to see you smile. And for a second he pictured what his life would be like with you.
Applause broke out and he clapped along as Jeff and Connie walked back down the aisle together. Once they were at the end, the guys and bridesmaids followed. 
He looked at you again and you were talking to your dad. However, you met his eyes as he passed and mouthed a thank you. 
He nodded and planned on circling back around so that he could get to you. Unfortunately, he had to go in the limo as soon as they walked out. 
Apparently word mysteriously got out that Jeff was getting married. So there were paparazzi and a handful of fans waiting outside the chapel. 
It was a good thing that they had security on standby just in case this happened. 
Everyone was escorted into the car and rushed off.
Jeff was pissed but Connie calmed him down. Saying that to not let it ruin their day. 
Eddie smiled to himself. He was happy for his friend. Jeff had found the girl he was meant to be with. Even with the band getting bigger and the crazy schedules. One of his best friends got to spend the rest of his life with someone who calmed him. Who accepted him for all that he is and truly made him happy. 
Eddie was a little envious of it. Still, he was completely overjoyed for his buddy. 
He wanted that. More than anything, he wanted you. So it was his prerogative to be with you.
Everyone had to show their invitations to get into the dance hall. But once in, the music was going and drinks were being served. 
Eddie waited patiently by the door. Nearly jumping up and down. Excited to finally get to talk to you. 
While giving security your invitation you locked eyes with him and smiled from ear to ear. 
You looked away for a second then followed your parents in. 
He said hello to everyone as they made their way down the line to the newly Weds. Finally it was your dad's turn. They shook hands and your mom was next.
“ Why hello there, gorgeous. You are a vision.”
Victoria blushed and gave him a playful smack. “ Stop it.”
He laughed and gave her a hug. 
At last, it was your turn. 
“ Hi Eddie.”
He stood there with his lips together and an eyebrow raised. Giving you his flirtatious smile. “ Hi baby.”
You tilted your head to the side and raised both brows. “ Baby?”
He beamed at you and grabbed your hand. Pulling you closer to him. “ Yeah. You're my baby girl now.” 
Before you could say anything, he pulled you into a long warm hug. Rocking you from side to side. Making you laugh.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Alright Munson, you're holding up the line.”
You pulled away but he didn't want to let you go. He gave your hand one last squeeze before releasing it. His eyes never left you as you finally made it down to Jeff and Connie. 
He smiled as you took Connie's hand and twirled her around. Clearly admiring how beautiful she looked in her gown. Then you gave her hug. Moving on to the groom. He chuckled seeing you and Jeff do your nerdy handshake before hugging.
Afterwards, everyone sat down to eat. Eddie of course didn't want to sit with the rest of the party. Not while you were just a few feet away. He grabbed his plate and his beer and went to sit next to you. 
“ Eddie…Connie's is gonna kill you.” You warned.
He looked up at the head table and saw Jeff and Connie just enamored with each other. Not really paying attention to anything or anyone else but each other for that matter.
He put a hand on the back of your chair and scooted closer. “ I don't think they care.”
He watched you as you glanced at your friends and smiled.
“ Awww I love them.”
He reached up and moved your hair behind your shoulder. Causing you to look at him. “ Want to get out of here?”
You jerked your head back. “ Dude! It's our best friend's wedding.”
As the night progressed you guys were practically inseparable. You danced, drank, and talked. It was as if nothing had changed between you two. He made you laugh and you made him nervous. 
It felt right.
Even the approving nods he got from his friends and family assured him this was it. He could do this with you. 
Your parents were about ready to leave a couple hours later and you along with them. What could he do to get you to stay?
“ I-I can get you a ride home later if you want.” He offered.
You shook your head. “ No, I have some work to do so I better get going.”
He frowned. “ But we hardly got to hang out.”
You looked down, clearly to him, trying to think of something. When he came up with something first.
“ I uhh I should probably try and find a hotel for tonight.”
You met his eyes with yours. “ Why?”
He nudged his head towards the door. Where there were paparazzi hanging out with cameras at the ready. “ I was gonna stay with my uncle, but I don't want those guys to bother him.”
“O-oh… ummm well you know my parents still have the pull out in the basement. I could...if you want, I could sneak you out? But what about everyone else?”
He shrugged. To hell with them for the night. “ They're adults, they can figure out something I'm sure.”
You softly laughed. “ Alright. How about you go out the service entrance and we’ll circle around for you?”
He smirked. “ Let's go.”
He was laying there in his boxers trying to figure out how to sneak past your parents room and get into your bedroom. Sure it was probably a stupid idea to try and have sex while your parents were across the hall. However he needed you. He craved your lips, and your warmth. He wanted your body next to his.
So he decided to grab something to drink, then see if your parents had gone to bed.
What he found was even better. 
You were in the kitchen grabbing a Popsicle. Wearing nothing but a long shirt and tube socks.
When you turned around you jumped. “ Eddie!” You half whispered. 
He grinned. “ Sorry baby. Was thirsty.”
He went for a glass to pour himself some tap water. Paying attention to your movements. You had gone to sit at the table and started sucking on the ice cream. All the while reading a manuscript. 
He gulped down his drink and went to sit next to you. Pulling the chair as close to you as possible. 
You did your best to ignore him and his advances. But the way he played with your hair made you shift closer to him. 
You had gotten so overcome by his light touch on your thigh that you squeezed your legs shut. You then flipped the page you were working on and licked the Popsicle that was melting all over your hand. Some of the sweet syrup dripped down your chin. And before you could wipe it away he grabbed your hand with one arm and lightly held your chin between his index finger and thumb with the other. He then licked a fat strip from the underside of your chin up to your bottom lip.
He smirked to himself hearing your breath hitch. He had you right where he wanted. 
He stood up and grabbed your hand. Stealing your sweet treat and finishing it off before leading you down to the basement. Of course locking the door behind you. 
When he got you on the bed, he finally took that kiss he'd been dying for all day and everyday for the past seven years
Wet and needy. Tongues dancing together. Exploring tenaciously. With hands doing the same.
He started needing your breast and was surprised by something hard. Curious, he went under the shirt and felt two small metal balls on either side of your hardened nipple. 
He groaned against your lips. “ Fuck baby. I like this.”
You laughed softly and whispered. “ I knew you would.”
He grinned while he played with your piercing. After a bit he kissed his way down your body until he reached your underwear. But instead of taking them off. He moved the damp cloth to the side and spread you a part. 
He was addicted as soon as his tongue touched you. The sweet, sweet nectar that poured from you drove him mindless. But even more so feeling your hand get lost in his curls as the other covered your mouth. Trying to conceal your pleasure.
He stared up at you, enjoying your contorted face as he sucked and licked and swallowed like there was no tomorrow. 
Then he added fingers. Doing a come hither motion. Wasn't long after that. Your body trembled as an orgasm hit. Your pussy throbbed around his fingers. Coating them generously with your wetness.
He waited patiently for you to come down before climbing back up your body and crashing his lips into yours. And when he did you sucked in his bottom lip. Causing him to push his hardened length against your soaked undergarments.
You pushed him up off of you and got on your knees before him. He watched in awe as you wrapped your hair up and freed his cock from its cotton prison.
You teased him at first. Giving his head little kitten licks and kisses. It was maddening. Feeling your slick tongue swirl around the tip before retreating back into your mouth. 
“ Baby please!” He begged.
You looked up with darkened eyes and a less than angelic smile. “ Shhh. You have to be quiet.”
He pouted. Pleading you with his eyes. 
Then you did it. You took the whole damn thing. Making him reach for the back of your head and lifting his hips to go deeper. 
The hum in your throat had his eyes rolling back and toes curled until they hurt. 
A few seconds passed by and he felt your throat close around him as you started to choke. He loosened his grip and let you back off. 
He opened his eyes and focused on you. Watching you catch your breath before taking him in again. This time not so deep. Adding your hand into the mix. 
It was fucking amazing. Every slurp, every gag, every teasing lick around his balls nearly had him cumming. Even more so when you forced him in every once every other stroke. Building up his confidence and his orgasm.
“ Sh-shit baby…got-gotta stop.” 
You let him go with a small pop and had a concerned look in your eyes.“ Everything okay?”
He licked his lips and swallowed. “ Yeah. Fuckin perfect. Just don't wanna cum yet.”
He leaned forward and pulled you into a kiss while helping you up. 
You stood before him and used his shoulders for balance as he peeled off your panties. 
Once they were at your feet you kicked them off and straddled him. Slowly lowering yourself on his shaft. 
Your mouth fell open and your eyes screwed shut and his tip pushed through. 
“ OH MY GOD!” He moaned. 
Your warm tight pussy clinged to him. Hugging him like no other has before. Feeling you flutter around him as you rocked back and forth had him focusing on not cumming. 
He buried his face in your bosom and concentrated on his target. That one special spot that made you cry out his name. That spot that not only drove you over the edge but made him see heaven.
Sure enough he found it. But at this angle he couldn't touch it as much and he wanted to. 
So he wrapped his arms around you and held on tightly as he flipped you over on your back. 
You giggled in the process and stole a kiss and he repositioned himself. When he looked at you, you were grinning up at him.
“ Oh Eddie. So serious.”
He narrowed his eyes at you and rammed himself in. Earning that yelp/ moan. He reached up to cover your mouth as he plowed into you.
“ This. Is. Serious.” He grunted. 
Your eyes got lost in the back of your head as he thrusted hard and steady. Your moans turning into whimpers and sighs as he fucks you into the bed.
And within moments your body and his reacted to the immense pleasure. 
The climax washed over you like a wave of ecstasy.
Once it passes, he rested his forehead on yours panting with you. Letting his hand fall away from your mouth. 
“ I've missed you so much.” He whispered.
You nodded in agreement that he was also missed. 
He kissed your forehead. “ I'll go find something to clean you up.”
He then pulled out slowly and put on his bottoms.
When he came back he had a warm washcloth with him. He gently cleaned between your legs then himself before pulling you to lay in his arms.
You had started tracing his tattoos. Making him smile.
That's when he found himself writing something on your arm.
You sighed lightly and snuggled closer to him. Tracing your answer on his chest.
He raised his head to look at you. " Yeah?"
You nodded. " On one condition...You have to break the news to Grant."
Eddie threw his head back into the pillow and smacked his forehead. " Shit! He's gonna kill me."
You giggled. " Yup."
@salenorona23 @browneyes528 @ohmeg @eddiesguitarskills @trashywormeateroffics @eddie-is-a-god @crookedcrone
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toughguymatt · 2 months
Night Drive
Part 1/3
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Pairing: AU!Nick x Male OC (Adrian Rivers) Summary: Curiosity getting the better of him, Nick takes up an offer to go on a late night drive. Warnings/Content: Language. Oral sex. Third Person POV. Posted in three parts, so it's an easier read. Smut is in the final part. A/N: When we say AU, we mean it. Nick bartends, is into cars, and knows how to drive? Crazy. Buckle up, get strapped in. Also, the FC for Adrian is Vinnie Hacker, but feel free to picture whoever you like.
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“I think I’m gonna get a drink and head on out. This jet lag is kicking my ass,” Adrian spoke loudly in Tara’s ear. “Text me later, yeah?” He couldn’t exactly make out what Tara said above the raucous bass, but her nod and smile was enough confirmation. Adrian watched as she descended up the stairs to the private VIP entrance, a tray of shots balanced perfectly beneath her hand. She had insisted that he come by Nova so they could catch up on her break, but Tara was in high demand tonight. Adrian blew out a breath, trying to ignore the unread emails piling up in his inbox, and forced his way through the maze of drunk patrons to the bar.
He smiled at the busy bartender. "Hi, can I get a cherry Coke?" 
Nick's head swiveled toward the customer, automatically leaning in a bit to hear his order over the music. He spoke back, loud enough for him to hear, and maybe then some. "You want that on the rocks, big spender?"
He wasn't about to question the lack of alcohol in the drink, but a cherry Coke? Why could no one order a Starry or something? Aside from the fact that Starry was ass.
Adrian presented his credit card between two fingers. "You can close the tab. It's all I'm getting." He waited a moment before speaking again over the music. "I'm sorry, but were you the valet earlier in the week? I had the white- Well, you probably don't remember. But you look very familiar." Nick’s fingers clasped around the card and stuck it in the reader. While it was thinking, so was he. "White Camaro, black leather seats? Smelled like vanilla?" 
The tips of Adrian's ears burned red beneath his hair. He didn't expect the other to recall his car at all, or what it smelled like. "I got it detailed recently."
Nick hummed as he grabbed a mixing glass, replaying the image of last week in his mind while pouring in just a bit of grenadine. Of fucking course Nick remembered him. How could he not? That car was sexy as hell. "Oh yeah. I drove that thing up and down those streets. Side to side. Left and right. Had to drive it backwards on the way back, though.” He spun the reader back to the customer with one wrist, so he could finish the transaction. “Took the miles right off."
"Backwards, huh?" Adrian entered a 20% tip and his pin on the number pad: the date of his bakery’s opening. "Sounds like you could teach me a thing or two." His smile never left his lips as slid his card into his phone case. Adrian wasn't used to such confidence when people spoke to him. Usually there was a sort of trepidation, a fawningness. But not in this scenario. The bartender couldn't care less about how Adrian looked. The same couldn't be said for Adrian,  however, he was immediately attracted. Even the glint from the bartender's nose ring was sexy. "So," Adrian popped a cherry into his mouth, "should I ask for you personally next time I'm here, since you know how to handle my car so well?" 
Nick’s gaze caught on the sharp angles of the customer’s face and the way the cherry on his tongue matched the tint of his lips. “You want me to handle your car after I’d basically just said I’d taken it for a joy ride?” Had he? He’d never say for sure, especially since he could get in trouble and he wasn’t completely fucking insane. But a smile tugged at his lips nonetheless as he wiped his hands on the bar towel that hung just below the counter. “That’s crazy.” 
"But you brought it back without a scratch.” Adrian took a sip. “I think that's pretty impressive." Any other customer would probably swig down the rest of the drink, give their thanks, and go about their night without another thought, but Adrian never passed by an opportunity. "I'm sorry," Adrian blushed slightly beneath cascading lights, "I know this is forward, and I know you're working, but... I'd really like your number."
The way this guy went from ridiculously hot to cute was like a jump scare to Nick, and his hand flew up to his chest like the request was an insult. “Whaat?” His own cheeks flushed. “Why? No!” he said a little sharply before clearing his throat. Nick busied his hands, moving dirtied cups off the countertop. “You know, reporting me to the Better Business Bureau or whatever the fu—“ He corrected himself. No cussing on the job. Granted, no one told him anything yet, but he was trying his best before they did. “Or whatever that is won’t do anything. I was joking, and shi—stuff.”
"What? No. I'm not going to report you," Adrian chuckled. "I just wanted your number."
Nick eyed him for a moment. Again, this guy was way too hot to still be here. Nick should shut the fuck up and just give him his number. And yet… 
"Why?" Adrian was louder than he intended. The music thrummed inside his ears and chest. "I think you're hot. And I'd like to get to know you? Unless you're taken or something. Or not gay." 
“Oh, no, I’m definitely gay.” Was Nick hearing things? Was the music making his ears ring? He thought Nick was hot? Bullshit. This guy was, like, ripped out of a fan fiction or something. “And single.” He blurted. “I’m not supposed to give out personal information on the job.” Why did he say that? Fucking dammit.
"Okay." Adrian nodded. "Understood." He pushed his empty glass away from him. "Do you," he pointed to the register, "mind if I have my receipt?"
“Yeah, sorry, here.”
Adrian swiped a pen from the tabletop. "If you can't give me your number," he spoke as he scribbled on the paper, "I'll give you mine." He pushed it towards him. Adrian Rivers 555-6421
“Adrian Rivers,” Nick read out loud, eyebrows raising. His eyes shifted to him in suspicion. “Okay, you’re making this up. Even your name is hot.”
Adrian laughed. "Feel free to Google me. I'm a real person, I swear. Or just ask Tara." He pointed with his thumb behind him. "She'll vouch for me." Adrian moved from the stool. "I hope I hear from you. And I also hope that the next time I see you, I'll be buying you a drink instead." Adrian grinned and moved to exit. "It was nice to meet you, Nick."
Before Nick had time to question why he knew his name (and then realize why), Adrian was gone. Nick didn’t realize he was still looking after him until a customer stepped up to where Adrian once was. He crumpled the receipt slightly, but then tucked it in his pocket, and cut his eyes over to Tara who was now looking at him. “What?” he mouthed, though there was a slight smile to it, before getting back to work.
Nick had been stalking the hot customer’s Insta for the past few days - of fucking course he had. Being hit on at the bar wasn’t a new occurrence, but it was definitely new for Nick to be interested. In a scientific way, of course. In a who-the-hell-was-this-guy sort of way. Definitely. For sure. No other reason. The series of selfies, the majority shirtless, just so happened to be there. So what if Nick looked? That’s what they were there for. Duh. It absolutely did not mean he was going to text him back. No way.
adrianrivers just posted a photo.
Nick’s jaw quite literally dropped open. “What the fuck…” he whispered, eyes assaulted by tan skin and warm eyes and an unending expanse of tattoos. He stopped thinking and pulled up Adrian’s contact in his phone. He tried not to question why he’d added his number to begin with. 
Nick: wtf was that??? Nick: i didn’t expect to be assaulted by your abs when creeping insta Nick: but i like your tattoos Nick: btw this is Nick from the bar. you gave me your number for some reason
Adrian: oh? have you decided I'm a real boy now? Adrian: thank you lol. kind of lost count how many I have. do you have any? Adrian: some reason? I told you why. you're hot.
Nick: im still on the fence tbh Nick: shut up. anyway Nick: i do have tattoos. my arm is starting to look like a doodle board so i’m thinking i probably need to cool it for half a second Nick: what’s the first one you got then
Adrian: ok I'll bite. what do I have to do to prove it? Adrian: you only live once. why not get cool tattoos while you're at it. Adrian: first one? fuck. it's been a minute. I think it's the one on my arm. an angel. Adrian: what's the last one you got?
Nick: you’re a little TOO hot so I’m going to need some kind of embarrassing story otherwise I’m going to assume you’re ai Nick: u right Nick: cool. I’d like to see that Nick: the triforce. you can barely see it with the other ones I have around it Nick: okay, what’s your favorite one
Adrian: you sure you scrolled down far enough? you'll see a very dorky 8th grade me. braces. glasses. The whole thing. Adrian: so you're a zelda fan huh? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Adrian: my favorite is always my newest. Adrian: are you at work right now?
Nick: god no three posts of thirst traps and i felt like i was entering creep territory Nick: now that you know i might scroll down more so now’s ur chance to private your shit Nick: sounds tempting but pretty sure im busy that day typing… Nick: shift doesn’t start till 8. why?
Adrian: just three? maybe I should post more. Adrian: no point in being ashamed of it. it's still me. Adrian: depends. when do you get off?
Nick: bar closes at 2 and I’m out by 3 Nick: are you planning on snatching me up and axe murdering me Nick: bc I have a right to know so I can make arrangements for the right pic of me to be on the news
Adrian: I don't even know how to use an axe. a butcher knife maybe. but really I was thinking we could take a drive somewhere after you're off. no murder involved. Adrian: you can even show me how you drive it in reverse.
Nick: a butcher knife. thats messy as fuck Nick: at 3am??? what if I murdered YOU Nick: don’t you have a bedtime typing….Nick: i feel like you know i can’t say no to that
Adrian: I don't mind getting my hands dirty sometimes. so are you going to murder me then? Adrian: my schedule is a little off. why? do you want to tuck me in? Adrian: hey if the only leverage I have is my car, I'll take it if it means I see you again.
Nick: it sounds like you want me to Nick: insomnia? and yeah. sure. that’s exactly it. ill even tell you a goodnight story- fuck off Nick: it’s working Nick: if you want to risk your life and your car, swing by a little after 3. I’ll drive it backwards and forwards for you. upside down. all of that.
Adrian: I'll take my chances. Adrian: something like that. love that one. read it again. Adrian: sounds like a date. I'll see you after 3. Nick: ill write up my will on my break Nick: and text you when im out
Part Two
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