ouiouixmonami · 3 years
In honor of Washette Week, today I’ll be talking about Washington’s letter to Lafayette on 30 September 1779 which is ultra-detailed and surprisingly lengthy (something that George himself acknowledges in the last paragraph). It even includes mention of George being ghosted *gasp! Who would do such a thing?!* Don’t worry, I’m about to tell you! Here’s a little collection of my favorite snippets from this bad boy.
Your forward Zeal in the cause of liberty—Your singular attachment to this infant world—Your ardent & persevering efforts, not only in America but since your return to France to serve the United States. your polite attention to Americans—and your strict & uniform friendship for me, has ripened the first impressions of esteem & attachment which I imbibed for you into such perfect love & gratitude that neither time nor absence can impair which will warrant my assuring you, that whether in the character of an Officer at the head of a Corps of gallant French (if circumstances should require this)—whether as a Major Genl commanding a division of the American Army—Or whether, after our Swords & Spears have given place to the plough share & pruning-hook, I see you as a private Gentleman—a friend & Companion—I shall welcome you in all the warmth of friendship to Columbias shore; & in the latter case, to my rural Cottage, where homely fare & a cordial reception shall be substituted for delicacies & costly living.
This specific compliment is so sweet! No matter the time or the place, George wants Lafayette to know that he’ll always care about him. Fun fact: Lafayette took George up on his offer in 1784 when he visited Mt. Vernon from approximately August 17 - 26.
Colo. Neville called upon me about a Month since and was to have dined with us the next day but did not come, since which I have not seen him nor do I know at this time where he is
Yep. You read that right. Colonel Neville ghosted George. 
let me entreat you to be perswaded, that to meet you any where after the final accomplishment of so glorious an event would contribute to my happiness—& that, to visit a country to whose generous aid we stand so much indebted, would be an additional pleasure—but remember my good friend, that I am unacquainted with your language—that I am too far advanced in years to acquire a knowledge of it. and that to converse through the medium of an interpreter upon common occasions, especially with the Ladies must appr so extremely aukward—insipid—& uncouth—that I can scarce bear it in idea. I will therefore hold myself disengaged for the present and when I see you in Virginia—we will talk of this matter & fix our plan.
George not speaking French would surely put a damper on the trip that Lafayette has proposed! Not to worry, they’ll reconvene and figure out a plan that will leave neither of them embarrassed in front of the ladies. Spoiler alert: George never went to France.
But to conclude—you requested from me a long letter—I have given you one—but methinks my dear Marquis I hear you say there is reason in all things—that this is too long—I am clearly in Sentiment with you, & will have mercy on you in my next—But at present must pray your patience a while longer, till I can make a tender of my most respectful compliments to the Marchioness. Tell her (if you have not made a mistake, & offered your own love instead of hers to me) that I have a heart susceptable of the tenderest passion, & that it is already so strongly impressed with the most favourable ideas of her, that she must be cautious of putting loves torch to it; as you must be in fanning the flame. But here again methinks I hear you say, I am not apprehensive of danger—My wife is young—you are growing old & the atlantic is between you—All this is true, but know my good friend that no distance can keep anxious lovers long asunder, and that the Wonders of former ages may be revived in this—But alas! will you not remark that amidst all the wonders recorded in holy writ no instance can be produced where a young Woman from real inclination has prefered an old Man—This is so much against me that I shall not be able I fear to contest the prize with you—yet, under the encouragement you have given me I shall enter the list for so inestimable a jewell.
George joking that Lafayette is the one who loves him rather than Lafayette’s wife, Adrienne, is such a fun glimpse at his lighthearted side that was reserved for a select few. Aw! Not so fast, though, because this paragraph takes a sudden turn that’s reminiscent of what I read as Alexander’s not-so-subtle attempt at compliment fishing from none other than John Laurens but with just a dash of self deprecation. 
When I look back to the length of this letter I am so much astonished & frightned at it myself, that I have not the courage to give it a careful reading for the purpose of correction—You must therefore receive it with all its imperfections—accompanied with this assurance that though there may be many incorrections in the letter, there is not a single defect in the friendship of my dear Marquis Yr Most Obedt—& Affecte Servt Go: Washington
Lafayette had requested long letters, so long letters he shall receive! Proof-read long letters? Now that’s pushing it. The closing sentence here is both wholesome and heartwarming - throughout this letter George stresses how much he cares for Lafayette but this one sentence stands out to me because it’s both plain and poetic.
I highly recommend reading the entire letter - it covers a variety of topics, both political and personal, and is all around a great read to get a sense of their relationship!
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jacepens · 3 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Hamilton - Miranda, Turn (TV 2014), American Revolution RPF Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette/George Washington Characters: Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, George Washington Additional Tags: Choose Your Own Adventure, Choose Their Adventure, Varying Genres, Fluff, Angst, Action, Adventure, Alternate Universe - Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Nature, Nature Magic, washette week, Horror, Mystery, Maybe - Freeform, literally I don't know where everything might definitively lead, all subject to change Summary:
A Choose Your (Their) Adventure Story! There is a calamity incoming, a force near impossible to stop. It will tear the world apart, leaving only eerie silence when it has finished it's work. For now, this calamity remains hidden, and Lafayette and George have secrets to share and feelings to confess. But when the storm reaches its peak, will you choose the right path to save not only them, but the world?
What’s this?? That’s right! In honor of this washette week (check pupbeepaw’s Instagram for more info) I’m making a little choose your own adventure story!:) I’m already having a lot of fun with it, it’s going to have such different genres and tones, it’s very fun to write.
But anyway, I hope you enjoy!:) (and I highly encourage you to join in the festivities whether you write, draw, or just like washette! Talk with us about washette! We love it! <3)
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ouiouixmonami · 3 years
The fantastically creative pupbeepaws has been hosting a Washette Week celebration over on instagram, and now @jacepens and I are bringing the party to tumblr!
What's Washette week, you ask? We’ll let pupbeepaws do the talking here! ;)
I am hosting a celebration dedicated to the close and heart-warming relationship of George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette-- and you’re all invited! Washette Week is 10 days long, in honor of Lafayette’s 10-day visit to Mount Vernon in August, 1784. (It is likely he visited Aug.17-26). I’ve added a little twist to spice up the festivities! For historical fun and extra inspiration, each daily prompt is accompanied by a quote taken from their letters to each other.*
🐝✨ What are the “rules” you ask?✨🐝
❤️ For each of the 10 days you will be given a Prompt Word and a related quote as your source of inspiration. You may choose to interpret the Prompt Word however you wish! You may decide to focus on either the quote, the Word, or a mixture of both--however creativity strikes! Neither the Word nor the quote need to be featured anywhere in your submission! It’s merely there to offer inspiration.
❤️ Fanart and fiction are the most obvious ways to participate, BUT every conceivable form of submission is appreciated!
❤️ If you don’t like to draw or write, you could simply make a post that shares your opinion on the day’s quote. Maybe talk about different lines from the same letter, or offer alternative letters that also fit the Prompt Word. Washette Week aims to be as inclusive and engaging as possible! Start a conversation!
❤️ If you need to skip a day(s), submit entries at a later date, or would rather submit something unrelated to the Prompt but still related to Washette, no worries! As far as I’m concerned, every week is Washette Week, so feel free to revisit this Prompt List at your leisure whenever you are seeking inspiration.
❤️ Please TAG your entries with #washetteweek so we can all see!
❤️ Please feel free to SHARE this Prompt List.
*The full letters can be found on FoundersArchive.gov. I include the date, location, and author of each letter so you can easily look them up. I hope you will read and enjoy them as much as I do! :3
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jacepens · 3 years
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Unprompted Washette Week sketch✨
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but secretly it’s incomprehensible waltzing instructions because I don’t want you thinking that’s where your hands go for a proper waltz, it’s not!🤭🙈
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