seancodydotcom · 1 year
One of my favorite dutch words is the term we use for "A money laundering storefront"
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dirotech · 2 years
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FX-25A Dry Coal Processing plant is built to reduce ash to average 12%, sulfur reduced to below 0.8%,and increase heating value. Capacity 3000tph whatsap:+8613730503881
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FGX-12 Composite Dry Coal Separator Used in Coal Deshaling & Coal Beneficiation
In some open pit coal mine area, around 30-50% stones and gangue is mixed in raw coal during coal mining, thus,that removing stone & gangue ahead of time from raw coal is the first work before coal beneficiation,intelligent FGX12 dry coal separator developed by Tangshan Diro Technology can remove around 98% gangue & stone or more, separating efficiency is upto 95%, Erro Possible is around 0.1-0.16, the clean coal content in reject is 2%.
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1.Our customers can choose to sell clean coal directly or supply to power plant to make great economic benefit,this is worthy of investment for low rank coal.
For some low rank coal like lignite,and long flame coal etc,this is the most optimal way to invest in economic cost and benefit,due to 1/4 investment cost of cost washery. Specially for lignite, there is no slime produced during production,thus the relevant cost like slime processing,storage,and transportation is all saved.
2. Some customers will feed clean coal to coal washing preparation plant for further processing.
1)Sharply reduce water & processing cost,cause the reject and stone is removed ahead of time;
2)Save transportation cost.
3) Moreover,that dry coal pre-preparation of raw material, reduce un-efficient processing of raw materials, the gangue and stone does not participating in coal washery;
4)Capacity of raw coal washery is reduced, reduce abrasion of equipments.
We roughly figure out the cost, if install our FGX-12 dry coal separation plant before coal washery,capacity is 120-150tph,then can help users save around $ 1100000/a. So, we advocate coal mines and power plant to design a scientific complete coal beneficiation plant,consider more economic value,reduce cost and loss, create more economic benefit.Tangshan Diro Technology are pragmatic,reliable and for offer our customer with optimal and washibility plant.
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History of FGX composit dry coal separator
We have 34 years experience to process coal in dry way,DIRO designed FGX-1 dry coal separator initally for dry coal deshaling & coal preparation in 1989, the separating efficiency is 92%, erro possible is around 0.1~0.2. So, FGX composite dry coal separator is widely installed in arid and cold area in west northern part of China.
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Why DIRO developed FGX-1 dry coal separator in 1989?
FGX series compound dry coal separator is widely installed in arid and cold area in west northern part of China, like Shann'xi,Shanxi,Inner Mongolia and Xinjiang province,cause this area is covered by MuUs Desert,be shortage of water;most importantly, coal mines & power plants are lack of investment capital in 1980's-2000's China.That quickly change the coal stream recource into the money is a intially idea, if cost is lower than coal washing plant,that is perfect. Thus, our engineers were working to design FGX-1 dry coal separator to solve two problems:
1. dry coal deshaling
2. coal beneficiation in dry method, has less effect on tempreture & weather situation
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I was bore and grew up in Yulin city,Shann'xi,which coal reserves is 29.097 billion tons,it accounts for 1/3 of China's coal. The fast development of coal mining and dry coal preparation technology & coal washing tech in China, promoting the area development.
During development of 34 years,our FGX & FX dry coal preparation plant are assembled in Russia,Ukrain & Poland, the whole coal beneficiation plant is not affected on cold weather & lower tempreture conditions. In Gobi desert area in Mongolia, and South Africa, water is a problem,then this technology is assembled to solve the water problem of coal preparation, our FX series dry coal preparation,separating efficiency is upto 95%.
Please #check my website for more info:www.fxdrycoalprep.com
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lighthouseblog · 2 years
ERP software for coal Washery
Lighthouse ERP software for coal Washery and Haulage Industry is designed to handle complete needs in the most efficient, effective & accurate way.
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shannonselin · 2 months
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Queen Kamamalu of the Sandwich Islands, portrait based on an 1824 lithograph by John Hayter
One of the things I try to bring out in Napoleon in America is how Europeans in the early 19th century tended to regard Native Americans and other indigenous people as exotic savages. Such views are illustrated by the tragic visit of the King and Queen of the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) to England in 1824. 
King Kamehameha II and Queen Kamamalu travelled to London hoping to meet King George IV. However, there was disagreement over the propriety of receiving the King of the Sandwich Islands at Court. The newspaper John Bull expressed the negative side of the argument.
The COURIER last week published a paragraph explaining that the King of the Sandwich Islands has got five brigs in his navy, instead of five canoes; and told us, moreover, that his territories exceed in size all our West Indian Colonies; that they are civilized, accomplished, &c. &c. &c. What the object of all this puffing may be, we really are at a loss to understand; but the effect produced by the quackery of treating these people as European monarchs are treated may be perceived by an extract from some evening paper, which is copied into Saturday’s CHRONICLE. With respect to the man being a King at all, we deny the fact – there is no King of the Sandwich Islands – it is a matter of history and matter of fact that ‘the islands are not united under one sovereign’ – this person is therefore a chief, to whom we should afford the rights of hospitality, but to whom we should not show a respect and deference which are not due to him, and which applied to such a person become absurd and ridiculous. Her Majesty, it is said, committed an extraordinary solecism at a party some few evenings since – and ‘it was well it was no worse’ was the general observation upon it – but at present their Majesties have gotten the measles, which will detain them within doors.
Measles did more than detain their Majesties; the disease – which was then non-existent in the Sandwich Islands – killed them. 
The Queen died first, on July 8, 1824, at the age of 22. She was, to the last,
quite sensible and composed. The King took his last farewell about 10 o’clock in the morning, previously to which she informed him that she was sensible she was dying, and was quite resigned. Their separation was truly affecting.  (The Times, July 10, 1824)
John Bull opined as follows:
We certainly did not anticipate so tragical a termination to the absurd farce which has been acted, in which these poor creatures have been the principal performers – and yet the smallest consideration would have prepared us for the event. A group of savages are suddenly transported from their huts in their native climate, to a pent-up hotel in the dense smoke of London – their limbs, for decency’s sake, straitened and confined in European clothing, their hours of rising and sleeping wholly changed, their food suddenly altered from yams and plantains to rich soups and fricandeaux, and all the melancholy attempts at cookery of which the kitchen of the hotel in which they have been confined is susceptible – the pure limpid stream, their wonted beverage, supplanted by the mixture of Buxton, or Whithbead, or Calvert, or some other such Whig-washery, in which, together with wines and spirits, the poor creatures have been of course allowed to revel with unlimited and savage profusion – the consequence is, the poor female dies first, and in all probability will shortly be followed by the male.
The paper was right. King Kamehameha II died on July 14, 1824, at the age of 27. 
For more details about their visit, and what happened to their bodies, see "When the King & Queen of the Sandwich Islands Visited England."
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handweavers · 1 year
I just booked a trip to Iceland and I just remembered that you've been! I'm mostly hiking but I love spinning especially and also the usual other yarn-related pursuits, knitting crochet weaving etc. Do you have any wool/yarn related recs that are in Reykjavik? Or in other parts of Iceland? Love your textile work <3
check out the woollen circle in selfoss area there's lots of yarn mills and knit shops and a natural dye studio in that area!! i think there's a website that lists a bunch of participating shops and things if u google
also in reykjavik the handknitting association of iceland is a cute yarn shop, there are so many yarn shops in the area but i really liked that one :)
if you're in the north and it's open (the hours are funny/seasonal) check out the icelandic textile museum in blönduós, it's beautiful and right next to the textile artist residency. the main alafoss (like lopi yarns) wool washery is also in that town, i think tours of it can be arranged
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babybluesquid · 1 year
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Hog 112, the founder and leader of the Hog, Forward, & Associates Inquisitives Agency on Washery Street, LLC.
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scholars-of-nym · 1 year
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Setoto had been quite absent-minded lately. Alka Zolka fiddled with his battle-axe and practiced his movements with a frown - he should ask her, he thought to himself.
Setoto was sitting at a safe distance on a half-collapsed stone bench. Even now, when she’s usually studying the Nymian books Surito was able to dig up, she was simply staring off into space.
“Hrm…” Alka made up his mind. He sheathed his axe and walked over to Setoto, who blinked and looked up to him. He could see in her eyes she was still somewhere far away - even her smile, usually bright and wonderfull, was a little sad.
As she saw him approach, Setoto closed the book she wasn’t reading. “Ah, Alka! Have you finished your movements already?”
Alka nodded. “Yes, but more importantly -” he sat down next to her. “What’s wrong?”
Setoto blinked. “Oh, it’s - it’s nothing, I just…” She looked down, struggling to find words.
“Setoto,” Alka said gently. “I know that something’s on your mind. Please, share your burden with me.”
Setoto was quiet for a little while, avoiding Alka’s gaze. “Tomorrow’s my father’s birthday.” she whispered.
“Oh… I’m sorry…”
Setoto sighed. “I mean… I miss him, a lot, and I am glad that I have something to remember him by… but I can’t - he never got to have a burial…” Setoto put her head in her hands, her shoulders shaking. “I never got to say goodbye…”
Alka put his arm over her shoulders to comfort her. “I’m sorry, Setoto. That must be so hard.”
Without thinking, Setoto leaned a little closer to him. “I wish i could do something for him. I know I can’t bring him home - it’s far too late for that.”
Alka pondered it over, his brow furrowed. “What about a memorial stone? I know we can’t bury him, but… we can place it somewhere nice, and…”
Setoto nodded slowly, smiling through her tears. “Yes… I do think that would be nice.”
Alka smiled softly. “Good. Let’s pick one out, I’m sure there’s a suitable one around here… do you know how to chisel? I know someone who can teach you…”
Setoto nodded again. “Yes… let’s begin.”
Along the shores of Bronze Lake, up on the cliffs, there’s a small patch where Nymeia lilies grow in the wild. It has a clear view of the palace and the little village that sprang up around it. A few young trees gave a scattering of shade in the midday sun.
In the midst of it all, a white marble stone foraged from the ruins of Nym, of the house, the home where Setoto and her father once lived. It was cut to shape, as smoothly as a novice could. The lettering may be shaky and unsteady, but there was no doubt that it was written with love.
Here lies the memory of my father, who gave his life in search of a cure for me, his daughter. An accomplished Scholar and a wonderful father, I will be forever grateful and filled with love for you. I pray you have found your rest.
“Thank you, Alka.” Setoto said quietly. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
Alka smiled softly. “Anything for you.”
Setoto smiled, holding a large, white feathered quill. “He loved these, I never saw him without one. As soon as he’d gotten an idea, or wanted to note something he didn’t want to forget, he’s whip it out and write it down with it. Often he’d put it in his hat - even after he’d just used it, ink and all.” She chuckled. “It stained terribly, the workers at the washeries were always quite unhappy.”
She placed it at the base of the stone. “It feels good to remember.” she said, absent-mindedly. “It hurts, but… it’s nice, to share his memory.”
Alka nodded. “I’m sure he’d be proud of you.” He put a hand on her shoulder.
She looked up, wiping away a few new tears. “I’d like to be alone now, for a bit.”
“Of course.” He smiled gently. “I’ll stay here for the night. You can always find me if you wish for company.”
Setoto smiled back. “Thank you, Alka.”
As he retreated, Setoto looked back at the stone, and she sat down amidst the lilies. “I love you, father, and I miss you terribly. I wish you could see me - at last, I am myself again!” She sniffled. “I hope you like this spot - Alka found it, originally. I think you’d like him - he’s so very passionate and gallant, and he’s been a great help in my studies.”
She looked out over the lake, feeling the breeze on her face - something she dearly missed while she was a tonberry. She crouched closer to the stone and put her hand on it. “I’ll always remember you, and I’ll visit you regularly. I promise.”
The stone was starting to become warm in the sunlight, and she smiled through her tears.
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suchcrispwhimsy · 2 years
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found a beer. in the abandoned coal washery just near my house
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washcolaundrye · 1 month
Washco offers sophisticated solutions in Delhi NCR and the most dependable laundry services in Laxmi Nagar.
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Get treated the best with Washco Other options: -Find your best laundry services in Laxmi Nagar -Find modern laundry solutions in Delhi NCR.
In the fast and frenetic world today, where the two key components are convenience and time, a good laundry service can help you manage better. Whether you are looking for trusted laundry services in Laxmi Nagar or modern washeries in the Delhi NCR, Washco Laundry Services can attend to all your needs with unparalleled convenience and quality.
How to Find Reliable Laundry Services in Laxmi Nagar: Why Washco Is Your Go-To Option
Laxmi Nagar, mentioned in terms of the community or general lifestyle, is a very corporate locality by being very much crowded. It really moves by fast, meaning being in the need of services which keep the swiftness of how everything around here goes at. It's because of this fact that reliability comes with laundry - Washco, in that respect, an island of trust and efficiency amidst a hustling area.
Why Washco for Reliable Laundry Service in Laxmi Nagar?
Quality Assurance: We believe that consistency is the key to providing reliable service. In other words, fulfilling your expectations every time or even surpassing them. Our laundry services in Laxmi Nagar are incredibly detailed and the results produced are top-tier.
ON-TIME LAUNDRY: We understand that time is the most valuable resource for a man by a long shot. Punctuality is our top priority. We will ensure that your linen gets cleaned and delivered on time. Our process is streamlined and designed to fit into your busy life.
AFFORDABLE PRICING: The price for quality should not cost a fortune. Washco is providing affordable and competitive pricing without ever compromising the quality of service to you. We have models that give transparent pricing to each of our services.
A Human Touch: Indeed, our approach to customer care services is quite personal. We listen to your very own needs and, most definitely, your preferences, and make sure that your experience is totally tailor-made according to your satisfaction.
Embrace the Future with Modern Delhi NCR Laundry Services
Delhi NCR is a place that offers modernity and pace in life. So are the laundry services in this region. Heralding the touch of modernity to laundry services, using the most advanced technologies, comes in WashCo as the darling of NCR.
What Makes WashCo the Leader in Modern Laundry Services in Delhi NCR?
State-of-the-Art Technology: We use the latest technology in laundry services to clean your outfits to a much higher rate while doing so efficiently. Be it the advanced technology of the washing machine or the best of eco-friendly detergents, the equipment ensures complete brilliant cleaning.
Innovative Solutions: Experience our supremely modern laundry services, attuned for quick cleans, comfort, and special care for your fabrics. We offer special treatments for your delicate fabrics as part of our same-day service. We've got you covered with anything you can think of.
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Eco-Friendly Practices: We at Washco practice sustainable laundry at Washco. Being sustainable is what Washco is all about—a forward-looking laundry service. We clean your laundry both eco-friendly and with detergents and machines.
Ease: We value your demands for contemporary lifestyles, hence provide through features such as online schedules, flexible schedules, and drop-off and pickup from your homes. We are there for you when it is most convenient. Give us the opportunity to serve you while acquiring flexibility in our services to you; it will not conflict with your time-sensitive and long day.
Why Washco Laundry Services are Right in Class for Delhi NCR and Laxmi Nagar
Washco Laundry Services is here at Laxmi Nagar, a distinguished laundry service from Delhi NCR, augmenting modern infrastructures in laundry. We are therefore miles ahead of the rest with top standards in quality, innovation in customer service, and value.
Experience the Washco Difference
Ready to add a new dimension to your laundry experience? Call now and check out our laundries in Laxmi Nagar or to discover newer and better ways to handle your laundry in Modern Delhi NCR. From time-bound services to state-of-the-art technology, our customers experience laundry serviced with utmost excellence and efficiency.
Call us on phone or visit our website for more information or reservation of service. Allow Washco Laundry Services to take this load off your back so you can stay focused on what is important.
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amiralabtronorg · 2 months
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Labtron's Automatic Glassware Washeris designed provide efficient cost-effective cleaning for laboratory glassware.advanced washer combines an air heaterfor washing and a HEPA filter for drying. It features a wide range of chamber capacities,12 preset programs, a user-friendly PLC touch screen. washer offers a capacity of 220 L and an overall power consumption of 6.5 kW / 16.5 kW.standard with 36 nozzles and 2 racks.
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dirotech · 2 years
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FGX dry coal separator is developped in 1986, it do excellently to solve coal higher ash,higher sulfure problems, increase calorific
Coal Deshaling
Thermal coal for Dry Coal Processing
Pre-preparation before coal washery.
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In some open pit coal mine, around 30-50% stones and gangue is mixed during coal mining, so that removing stone & gangue from raw coal is the first work to do before coal beneficiation,intelligent FGX12 dry coal separator can remove around 98% gangue & stone or more, the clean coal content in reject is 2%.
1. Our customers can choose to sell clean coal directly or supply to power plant to make great economic benefit,this is worthy of investment for low rank coal.
2. Some customers will feed clean coal to coal washing preparation plant for further processing.
Sharply reduce water & processing cost,save transportation cost. Pre-preparation of coal, reduce un-efficient processing of materials, capacity of raw coal washery is reduced, reduce abrasion of equipments.
Please click this linkage for more infor of dry coal separation:
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firstofmay23 · 1 year
Another visit to Istex Wool Washery
I've been getting so busy lately it's hard to keep up with this blog. I'm two weeks behind, so what I'm writing about right now is something that happened two weeks ago.
As agreed with the factory, we revisited the wool washery to look at the proper Icelandic wool being washed. It was only me, Brandy, and Sage who were able to visit the place. Sage and I got there first. When we entered the factory, the smell of sheep is unmistakable. We were greeted by (not sure but it must be) the manager, and he offered us coffee from the pantry thermos. It wasn't bad actually, and I love the fact that people here are big on coffee. We were introduced to a younger guy operating the washery that day, and you have to forgive me for not remembering his name. I should've written it down, to be honest. After a few minutes, Brandy arrived, and the second tour began.
Since we've seen the whole process of the washing, this time it's more to look at the varieties of Icelandic sheep wool. he was showing us the difference between adult sheep wool and lambswool. It's amazing how soft and fluffy lambswools are, even before any treatment. He was also showing us some lower-quality wool as well, which in my opinion would be great for home decor, such as rugs or seat covers.
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Left: Lambswool, so fucking soft. Right: I'd steal those for carpets tbh
We were also taken to the freshly shipped container containing a new batch of recently shorn sheep. These were shorn around two months ago and come in many different colors. My favorite is, of course, the black and grey ones, can't go wrong with those two colors. So most sheep were shorn twice, the first one is in winter. So that when they were shorn in spring, they wouldn't have matted wool from the winter to ensure good quality wool. After the washing of the wool in Blönduós, they were shipped To Reykjavík for spinning and we were able to visit that one as well by appointment. That adds one more list of things to do in Reykjavík. More free wool here I come!
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I'm a slut for monochromatic colors
Sheep farmers in Iceland usually don't only do farming for a living, but they also do other jobs too. The guy who took us on the tour even said that he juggled between 4 jobs! Istex is his main job, but he also takes care of his own farm filled with sheep, goats, and horses, works as a carpenter, as well as doing maintenance work too. Farmers in Iceland cannot rely on farming alone, as the profit for farms is very low and the demand for Icelandic sheep meat is low compared to imported meat from other countries. Due to the meat processing system that's more ethical compared to other countries, the price for the local stuff is understandably higher. Also in the past few years, fewer people are taking up farming and even quit working on a farm. This makes whoever remains must work extra hard to cover the lack of manpower in the industry.
On the plus side, the knitting trend that rose during the pandemic has increased the demand for Icelandic wool. This shifted the main goal of sheep farming from meat to wool, and that gives a glimpse of hope for the Icelandic sheep farmers.
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Happy place
And of course, we asked if they got some discarded unprocessed wool that they don't mind us taking, and they did! So towards the end of the trip, he took out a one big bag of wool and let us dig in to get some for us to take home. We ended up using the whole floor to sort out what we wanted to take. In the end, I took a whole bag of black and white wool to wash and process myself as part of my farm-to-clothing project by felting and hand spinning. It was truly an experience.
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handweavers · 1 year
I think you'd have fun on a tour of my work, it's a huge carpet mill and I think you'd love how fucking MASSIVE these old damn looms are. anyways stay well!!!
omg please I love factories and mills I love the machines. I still think about when I got to tour the istex wool washery facility in iceland when i was there it was literally awesome. love u
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babybluesquid · 1 year
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Forward, the second in command of the Hog, Forward, & Associates Inquisitives Agency on Washery Street, LLC. A champion of the Sovereign Host. The painted handprints belong to orphaned children he is supporting.
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