#was this outright fatphobic? no. but was it steeped in the same prejudice and bullshit that is responsible for it?
Prompt: Jaskier is hella embarrassed to bring Geralt to events/dinners with his friends bc Geralt ALWAYS eats like a fucktonne more food after dinner and goes searching for cereal and shit cos hes a hungry boi. Cue Jaskier having to apologise profusely to the host and assure them that the food wasnt bad, Geralt just does that a lot. Ofc Geralt is oblivious and/or does not give a fuck.
as a fat person who has done every diet under the sun and pushed her body past the point of injury and permanent metabolic damage because of people in my life who spoke to and about me like this, id like to direct you to a little explanatory ficlet that is the opposite of this.
would my therapist say i overreacted? yes. but suzanne isn't following me and i dont like fat/food shaming in my inbox
(for everyone else, there are some bangin not dramatic prompts im gonna crank out soon, i just got this and it made me angry, plz scroll on in peace)
Warnings: eating disorder mentions, yoyo dieting, self hatred, weight/body related mindfuckery, jaskier telling someone the fuck off.
“I’m sorry?” Jaskier’s voice had a threatening edge to it as he rounded on their host, “Would you care to try that again?”
“I said ‘Aren't you ashamed of your boy toy eating everything in sight?’” The woman, rich as she was, clearly wasn’t bright.
Jaskier closed his eyes as if he were waging a war within himself. He tried to remind himself he had to work with this woman, she ran a whole department at the school. But fuck it. His lips formed a thin line and when he did open his eyes, his blisteringly cold glare was trained on the idiot in question.
“No. I am not,” his words were clipped and biting, clearly refraining from raising his voice, “I don't’ see a problem whatsoever with the way my husband eats. In fact, I prefer it. When you watch someone starve themselves and torture themselves and cry tears of helpless shame as they give in and eat a meal for the first time all day at 10pm, you start to celebrate when they eat at all. I’ve watched the person I love most in this world fight his own body for decades in hopes that he suddenly wouldn’t need food. I watched him do cleanse after fad after cleanse and lay in bed all day in pain because that's all his body could handle. I am proud of him for eating at all, let alone in public. So no, I'm not ashamed of him. I’m ashamed of you. I’m sorry your mother made a joke about how much she hated herself in front of you and no one has ever told you differently. I’m sorry straight old white men have tricked you into hating yourself for their profit. But you’re old enough now to have figured all that out on your own.” Jaskier almost opened the door, where Geralt sat waiting in the car, having pulled it round for him, “Don't return the cake stand. I don’t want anything to do with you so long as I can avoid it.”
The look of shock on her face was almost as sweet as the kiss Geralt gave him when he swung into the passenger seat, blissfully unaware of the host's disgusting comment. Just the way Jaskier would keep him. He may not have brawn, but he would protect Geralt till the day he died.
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