#was that the tag we can NEVER remember. anyways *passes aout*
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six-six-cicada · 1 year ago
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harry i must inform you there's homosexuals in your head
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the-fiction-witch · 5 years ago
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I yawned as the sun set turned the sky a twinleling purple and blue, The Sky dark but clear as the earth below was plunged into darkness. The Fire Sparked out a moment the little ember spurting out onto the sand below instantly being snuffed out. I looked across the fire and saw Minho he was a tall man fairly bulkey, his hair always seemed gresy to the eye but he like most of us had torn clothes and his few belongins attached to his body best he could, I didn't know him well he hand't been around for long he spoke no english but we understood him to the best of our abbility mostly by his general deminer and finger indications. Beside him at a distance was brenda she was a prepared her clothes perfect for this sort of thing, her stuff in a tight backpack that never left her body hair hair up in a massive braids tied up with an old cloth, she had been around a while we met up back in Spain we banded together in the escape of gibralta she like Minho spoke no english but she spoke no other laungue either she was mute and talked to us only by her sign langugae lucky some of us had learnt to speak that in these years. Beside her and I was thomas he was a bit of a nerd really not honeslty aure how he lasted this long but he is very fast his glasses still on his nose even if they where so broken I douhgt he could see out of them, I met up with him back in London he and I where the only two survivers of the Warren street Attack. Beside Minho to his right was Little Ivy I met her on the ferry from liverpool to some dock on holdand I forget the name off she was the yongest amungs us just eleven she often clung to me tightly in fear treating me a lot like her mother. Beside her and myself was newt he sat shivering refusing to come closer to the fire we met him on the london outskirts his motorbke was out of gas so he tagged along with us, he didnt talk much really, he didnt get along with anyone else in the group just me and Ivy not sure why I always got the feeling he never trusted them. I froze as I heard a snap of a tig behind me. Everyone else froze too turning to see it but a small rabbit jumped from the bush making many of us relax till brenda got up grabbing the little thing “No! brenda please it isn't bothering you, we don't need the food” I tell her “We need to start stoking up This is the living thing we've seen in months” thomas told me “brenda, you have no reason to kill it” I tell her and she sighed putting it on the ground it hopped over jumping in my lap so I sat petting it for a while “Your to Nice sometimes” newt smiled at me “Thanks, I don't see reasons to kill such cute little animals if we have no need to” I smile resting my head on his shoulder when suddenly Minho got up calling us all to be quiet we all sat in the quiet listening all I could hear was the fire crackleing and newts staggered breathing but he gave the signal so we grabbed out stuff I dropped the rabbit grabbing my bags slipping them on my back and we all began to run away from the fire into the darkness I heard him scream behind us I tried to stop but newt grabbed my hand tugging me back forward with everyone else so I let go running with them Ivy ran beside me keeping close to me I could hear them getting closer but I did my best not to look back as I heard a lot of screaming and yelling from behind me once we got in the open I saw how many of us where left it was me Ivy, newt and brenda “Co-Operate with Mantlelane Or be destroed!” the voiced yelled from within the trees “RUN!” I scream we all ran as fast as our feet could carry us down the coastal sand the horrible sounds getting closer to us no matter how fast we ran till I spotted it the stocking structure the only bulding for miles not battered to the ground with two men stood at the entrence with guns we ran as fast as we could to the little entrence but they put the tate across before we could get there “No no no please” I beg as we hit the gate “You human?” One asked pointing his gun at us “Yes Yes were human! Let us in!” newt told them “all of you?” He asked “yes all of us!” I tell him “Please hurry there right behind us” I tell them the other guard got a little pin tiny but sharp we all knew this test so held out our arms close to it, he taped the pin on each of our arms it of course causing blood to draw so he opened the gate and let us me newt and Ivy in but they wouldnt let brenda pass “No No please she's human let her in! Test it again” I ask them “mam will you please get down to the main base please” he told us pushing us all along so we had no choice we had to leave her outside we heard a few gun shots and a massive clang of the huge door “Down to the Base Move move!” They yelled so us so we as fast as we could givien all we had just ran walked down this narrow metal corridor until the men stopped slamming another airproff door behind us.
I kept walking down the corridor it was dark and cold Ivy clung to my leg scared, newt held my hand with a vice like grip he was scared even if it was harder to tell then with Ivy I saw a door and lightly pushed it open it was a huge room with two tracks of ribbons snakeing around the room to two doors “Uhh hello?” I ask it echoing across the room “Ohhh Hello!” a voice said coming out one of the little doors it was a man he looked old running out the room and coming down to us “My goodness humans, real humans I thought we got the last ones months ago, thank god you got here when you did we leave tomorrow” he says coming over and shaking our hands “Well before we add you to the roster we need to go though a quick testing procedier come along all of you” He says so we followed him into the little room it was a small office with a few chairs and a desk with anther door on the other side “have a seat please” he says so we each took a seat “Right Firstly can I take your names?” He asked “Oh course, y/n y/l/n” I tell him “Loverly...” He began “newt smith” newt told him “Ohh...so your- your not?” He began “Ooohh No were not, nooo” I tell him “Ohh so she's not your?” He asked “No this is Ivy, she's not our daughter” I tell him “Ohhh alright, and your name little girl?” He asked “Ivy” she answered “Ivy what?” He asked “I don't remember” she says “Ohh...well alright then, you are all officaly human?” He asked and we all nod “Can you give your ages then please?” he asked “Well... Ivy is ten, y/n's twenty three, and I am twenty four” newt explained “Ohh perfect” He smiled “Now Mr smith are you still fertile?” He asked “Uhhhh.... I was last I knew” He answered making me giggle a little “Any you miss y/l/n?” the man asked “Uhhh as far as  know” I answer once we went though a whole lot of questions he took us each to a little room on our own I sat and waited a good long time till he came to see me giving me a very basic check off me physicaly once he checked everything off his list he took us all though to a long corridor leading as far as the eye can see he looked over his papework   “Right, I can put you up in room  22343” He says getting a little key out his pocket and unlocking the door to what seemed like a little hotel room with a double and a single bed “Here are each of your pass files, the ship leaves at half ten tomorrow” he says handing  newt some little booklets and he left going off back to his office so we went the room was small but I guess it would be alright for one night “What are we going to do about the beds?” I ask “You and Ivy have the double I'll go on the single” he answered “You sure?” I ask and he nods dumping hia backpack and sitting on it “Least it will be nice to have a real bed for the night” He sighed, “when was the last time we got a real bed?” He asks “new york, remember” I laugh sorting my stuff starting piles in a little bathroom of stuff to wash in the bathtub   “Yeah, I remember that” he laughs “We snuch into the fanciest hotel in new york, thing was filled with rats but it was the last time we got a real bed” he laughs within seconds Ivy was fast asleep on the bed “whats all these booklets aout anyway?” I asked “Nothing much, just protocol, boreing the ship tomorrow and all” He explained “Nearly though we weren't gonna make it here” “Well we made it, where here now. As long as we get on that ship tomorrow we're safe” I smiled giving his cheek a kiss “Goodnight newt” “Night y/n”
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