#was super low then there is no way you'd want to live with that forever. 🙄 so.
everydayyoulovemeless · 5 months
Hello! Could I get some platonic hcs on a young scientist reader who's currently researching FEV and super mutants. What interactions would they have with Arcade, Curie, Lily Bowen, Fawkes and Marcus? If that's too many characters feel free to cut a few! Have a great day!
Arcade, Curie, Lily, Fawkes, and Marcus's Reactions to a Scientist Researching FEV
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » none ➼ Genre » Platonic
When Arcade first notices you studying FEV and the effects of the virus, he’ll immediately get ahold of his contacts in Westside to ask if Mean Sonofabitch can come to visit for a few hours so you can have a subject derive your questions. The Followers are a little low on resources at any given time, so there's not much else he can offer you to be of any use, but if you asked him for something, he'd be glad to see what he can do to retrieve it for you. His Enclave connections can be vitally helpful with your research too, so, depending on how close you both are, he wouldn't mind introducing you to the people who raised him and granting you more knowledge on the subject. He has a slight interest in the topic himself, mainly because it reminds him of his short-lived time in Navarro, and he loves helping out his fellow scientists in any way he can. So, helping you out with this is very fulfilling for him, especially since it's for a beneficial cause.
Curie finds it admirable that you’re so passionate about the subject. It’s so hard to find anyone whose focus isn’t only on survival but a genuine interest in a topic. She doesn’t understand the FEV as much as you might, but she can only hope you’re planning on using the knowledge you’ve accumulated for the betterment of those who suffered from it. She'll try to lure Strong into your makeshift lab to help with your studies, and she's surprisingly successful. She considers herself more of a biologist, so having a real-life subject would make it easier for her to be of aid in your research. However, it can get a little chaotic at times as Strong doesn't care for the research part of this at all, and he has spontaneous spurts of violence whenever Curie gets too close. Can't say you didn't try!
Lily recommends her doctor to you when you mention your interest. You'd probably get more out of him than you ever would from her. She's not great with all the science stuff, but Dr. Henry is. She'll walk you there as soon as you're ready and sit patiently in the lab as the two of you work and run tests, either on her or the others in Jacobstown. She's already lost all hope of ever turning human again, but she doesn't want to tell you that, afraid that she'd end up discouraging you from trying to help. So, she just sits and smiles, happy that you've found something to be passionate about in such a downer of a place.
Fawkes feels a glimmer of hope grow inside of him when you tell him what your research is about. He’s dreamed of being human again for as long as he could remember and if you plan on discovering a cure, then he’d be happy to help you in any way he could. Even if you're just fascinated with the field, he's still going to feel a surge of pride swell within him. The idea of someone whom he holds to such a high position for finding his condition interesting instead of disgusting makes him happy. He'll gladly answer any questions or be a part of any research you may be conducting at any given time. He just finds himself so genuinely happy to be regarded as useful, especially to someone like you.
Marcus will set you up with as good of a lab as he can offer in Jacobstown. The mutants there need this, and he’d do anything for his brothers and sisters if it meant that there'd be a chance they’d get their humanity back. The others won’t understand your interests at all and might be hostile toward you for it, but Marcus will always be there to ensure you're not being picked on by the others too much. He'll forever be grateful for your desire to help and will give you anything you could need; food, water, protection, a bed to sleep in - anything you need, he'll see what he can do to make happen. It's the least he can do to thank you, even if you don't end up discovering anything. Whatever you do will still be more than most have tried to do for them.
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yandereocs · 9 months
*rubs hands together* Imagine Husk’s de-faced darling asking to cut off one of his hands before they’ll forgive them
* Let us both evily rub our hands together like super villains
* For context, this is related to this post right here!!
Defaced and declawed - Yandere Husk x Reader
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* CW: Descriptions of violence and gore
You don't like looking in mirrors anymore.
It makes sense, given your circumstances. You're not sure anyone would be a fan of looking at themselves after having their face ripped off.
The pain has long subsided and the wound had scarred cleanly. But you swear that you can still feel the agony of your skin pulling off.
It's terrible.
Both you and Husk prefer the bandages stay on.
Speaking of Husk, he feels terrible. You know he does. His mask is in a constant state of expressing sadness or nothing at all. His loving gestures have increase by tenfold. He keeps writing elegant essays begging for forgiveness.
But you can never bring yourself to accept any of it.
Today was no different. Husk was desperately trying to win your affection back, to make everything okay again. He was writing something in his notebook, the sound of pen scratching against paper mixing with the noise of whatever you were watching on TV.
"Please, my love. I'm sorry. It was a lapse of judgement, I never meant to harm you like that. I've told you before that I'll do anything for your forgiveness and I meant it. Anything at all."
Your eyes scan the paper as the notebook was suddenly handed to you. His handwriting had deteriorated in the past months, slowly going from calm and smooth to frantic and shaky.
As soon as you finish reading, your eyes immediately flicked over to Husk's hands. Even now, all you could see was his bloodstained hands, how the thick red liquid dried under his fingernails. It disgusted you.
Those hands...they hurt you. Caused you more pain then you could imagine, caused pain to so many other lives. You turned away from Husk. Looking at him was sickening.
"Your hands."
You felt him perk up when you spoke. Ever since the incident, you've barely spoken to him, if at all.
"I want...I want you to cut off your hands."
The monster immediately stiffened. Cut off his hands? What an insane request.
But he was so desperate for your love again.
"If I do this, you'll forgive me?"
The notebook appears in front of you again. You sigh. You don't want to forgive him. But, if his hands were gone, then no harm can come to you again.
You'd be safe.
"Yeah, sure."
Your reply was half-hearted but it seemed enough for Husk. The man immediately rose from his seat and scurried away to the kitchen, leaving you alone with your thoughts. What would happen afterwards? Husk needed his hands to communicate with you. He was normally the one initiating conversations after the incident. Will the two of you just be in silence forever?
Husk returns promptly, interrupting your thoughts. He was holding a butcher knife. He placed his hand on the coffee table, glancing your way multiple times to make sure you were watching.
You were.
The knife was raised.
And was brought down swiftly.
Immediately the knife clattered to the table as Husk stumbled backwards, his remaining hand gripping the base of his wrist. Blood was pouring out, staining the floor, and Husk's form was becoming unstable. Your eyes widened ever so slightly as you watched the man in front of you shift from something humanoid to monstrous to back to humanoid. He was letting out low groans and growls of pain, his body shivering.
It was a disgusting sight.
You could see the hand that he had chopped off just laying on the coffee table, the once human hand shifting into someone much larger with sharp claws. Perhaps that's how his original hand looks like.
The stench of blood filled the air and make your stomach churn. But you couldn't tear your eyes away no matter who hard you tried.
Husk turns to you, his mask blank. But you could tell he was in pain. You stared back, not offering any words of comfort. Why would you?
Husk lets out another low groan before reaching for the butcher knife again. But then he stops, and he looks down at himself. He isn't exactly sure how to chop off his other hand. He looks to you for help. You shrug.
Husk drops the knife again and stumbles to his notebook, picking up his pencil with shaking, blood stained hand as he writes something down before showing it to you.
The handwriting is barely legible and it isn't in his usual cursive, instead looking more like frantic chicken scratches. But the words could be made out with close enough reading.
"Is chopping one hand enough?"
You stare at the question written, mulling it over. Just one hand wasn't enough to compensate what he did to you. After all, he had used both hands. You scoff and turn away once more, shaking your head.
Husk immediately let's out a low groan and drops the notebook, his body shaking. His form is still unstable, occasionally sprouting large antlers or growing significantly taller before shifting back to his usual form. He's struggling to keep it together. To keep you from seeing just how much of a monster he really is.
It doesn't really matter, though. You already know what kind of a beast he is. You learned that the second he laid his hands on you.
Husk stumbles out of the room and leaves the house, slamming the door. Most likely accidentally. You watch him as he goes.
And now you're left in just your thoughts.
As always, they immediately swarm your head. Regrets, fears, pleas for mercy, they all resurface.
Your head throbs.
Your face aches.
You're so tired.
The door abruptly swings open and your gaze immediately jerks over in it's direction.
It's Husk, of course. He kicked the door shut and makes his way towards you, standing in front of where you were sitting. He holds his hands out. Or, you know. Lack thereof.
Somehow he found a way to get rid of his second hand. The wound wasn't a clean as a swift chop. It honestly looked like he got some wild animal to maul his other hand off. Maybe that is what he did.
Blood was staining the floor under the two of you. You can't tear your eyes away. The exposed, pulsating muscle and the contrast of cleanly cut bone compared to the gnawed off end of his wrists was disgusting to see, the overwhelming stench of iron flooding your nose, causing you to cover it.
He's looking at you.
He needs an answer.
You'll forgive him now, right?
He did what you asked.
So what if he can't communicate with you anymore? He'll find a way.
So, please. He's silently pleading. He needs your forgiveness.
Surely this was enough for you, right?
As you look at him, your stomach churns with the familiar feeling of fear, disgust and hatred.
Nothing has changed.
It wasn't enough.
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blushblushbear · 2 years
Hi, good to have you back!
Okay so hear me out- Double proposals. Their going to propose to their wonderful S/O when they find out we had the same thing in mind. Like we both get on one knee and both end up whipping out rings? What's their reaction?
A headcanon with anyone you think would have most reaction to it
Nimh: He is so so flustered. He was actually low key mentally preparing for you to say no so the fact that YOU were already planning on asking HIM??? He's gonna need to sit down, the room is spinning and his heart is fluttery
Also I picture him asking on a picnic date.
Volks: He's stunned. Like actually just staring at you in disbelief. He'd SAY he knew you were gonna say yes (you had to at this point, ya know?) but part of him was really worried that you didn't actually want to. Or if you DID want to, you didn't want it as much as him, and he hates being the one who cares more (make him feel too vulnerable) (also I feel like he'd ask you at a waterfall???)
He plays it cool (if a bit stammery and flustered) while around you but rest assured when he's in bed later that night he is so excited and giddy and relieved-- he couldn't stop smiling AND NO ONE CAN KNOW
Kelby: He's shocked but like one of those drunk people who got showed some dope street magic. He's so pumped but also can't believe cause NO WAY! OH NO WAY! YOU WERE GONNA PROPOSE?? /HE/ WAS GONNA PROPOSE!!! HAHAHA OH MAN NO WAY!!! later he says that he wished in that moment that he'd told you 'jinx, you owe me a soda' (he asks you at your guys' favorite park, but he waits till sundown to make it extra romantic)
Eli: So this old school romantic fucker made it super obvious he was gonna propose. He showed up that evening on a horse dressed like a prince. And didn't even bat an eye that you were also dressed like royalty. He whisks you away for an evening of cheesy romance but just before he pops the question he actually looks deep into your eyes and gets all poetically sincere. When you smirk and pull out your ring and say "you were gonna ask the same thing" he smirks back with "had a feeling you were going to-- I love you, but I couldn't be beaten to the punch, darling! You understand! NOW PUT A RING ON IT BEYONCE AND GIVE YOUR FIANCEE A SMOOCH!" He jokes and smarms and cheeses but honestly he's really super grateful to have you.
Anon: He actually plays it super casual but the whole time leading up to it he's crazy nervous. He asks in a really low key way-- I think you're just playing video games at his place and he asks if you'd wanna maybe move in and also maybe make it forever and also maybe marry him. He legit plays it like it's a spur of the moment thing that he just blurts out but when you laugh he says he's serious and pulls a ring out of his pocket. He stares at you waiting for his answer and when you stammer he thinks for a moment that he's going to be rejected. But before that sinking feeling can make it all the way to his stomach you pulled out a ring and said you had been trying to think of the right way to ask. He lived and breathed off that high he felt in that moment for about 3 weeks.
Garret: Fully taken by surprise. He cries and scoops you up into his arms. He super can not believe you were planning on proposing too. says he wishes he had waited to ask now so you could ask first and he could give you the same happy feeling you're giving him right now! But he tells you "Don't worry, Garret will find many ways to give you that feeling for the rest of our lives!"
I'm thinking-- maybe apple picking date?? Or a fair date??
Dmitri: Candle lit dinner over looking the sea at a private table at one of the finest restaurants he could find. Rose petals EVERYWHERE, heart shaped EVERYTHING, he is in a tux with his shirt slightly open, HE RENTED A BAND. A string quartet to be precise. He makes the evening as classically romantic as he possibly could. He read you a poem that he wrote with the band playing in the bg. Then at the end of his poem, he gets down on one knee and asks you to be his forever. As you excitedly pull out your own ring he stares at it awestruck. He's silent and unmoving for a moment before his other knee drops down and he's now crying at your feet. He tells you how happy you make him, how lucky he feels, and holds out his hand for you to put the ring on it. He slips your ring on you and then dips you dramatically, telling you "Now kiss me under the stars, my darling"
Ichiban: He streams his proposal. He makes it seem like one of those things were it's like "oh ho ho my S/O doesn't know I'm about to propose to them-- what this~~! >:3" but then you throw him a curve ball and actually pull out your ring and ask him first. He was so sucker punched by the whole thing he ends up crying on stream. The clip of him getting a proposal jump scare goes viral.
William: He actually tries to keep it low key and sweet. Well-- tries to. He's definitely a fumbly nervous mess the whole night. Dinner, dancing and then a boat ride. He brings a boom box out onto the lake. He hits play and then does the whole down on one knee thing and starts his proposal speech, but part way through he realizes that this is the wrong track and asks for just a moment to switch it. He wrestles with the boombox for a bit before fumbling it into the lake. As he watches it sink down in the water, he sighs and feels so defeated, but when you call his name and he turns to you with a kicked puppy look only to see a ring in your hand he legit cannot believe his eyes. He is in stunned shock as you take his hand and give him YOUR proposal speech. The first thing out of his mouth is "REALLY?!" when you laugh and say yes as you slip the ring on his finger, he's still processing it and after a moment of staring at the ring on his finger, mouth agape, he repeats "REALLY?!"
He asks you if your sure or if this is real about a 100 times on the way home that night.
Myx: He got his band to give you a private show to "preview their new set", at the end of which he shouts a declaration of love into the mic and says "and I have just one question for you babe--" and the lights behind him light up with the words 'WILL YOU MARRY ME?'
and as you walk up on stage, drop to your knee and pull out a ring, he can't stop smiling. He kisses you and then WHOOs /SO LOUD/. To say he's over the moon would be an understatement.
Stirling: He takes you out onto a private lake that he owns and has specially flattened so he can skate on it without ruining his skates. He walks you through a graceful yet simple couples routine and then once you've got it down he hits some lights (were those always there?) and you two perform it in full. At the end he surprises you with one final move that was not in the choreography he had shown you-- he slides toward you on one knee, pulling a ring from his shirt and holding it out to you. You look surprised and tell him to wait one second, and then start awkwardly skating out to the end towards your bag. He sits there silently in that proposal pose feeling himself sweat for a second before you come sliding back towards him with your own ring in hand. He stares at it in shock for a moment before smiling sweetly and simply saying "even now, you're still full of surprises.
Scale: He left you a map. Well-- it was more like a puzzle or a riddle. You're own national treasure style hunt towards a 'big surprise' that he refused to tell you. You ran through busy streets, jumps across rooftops, went through a jungle, through a secret entrance behind a waterfall and climbed a secret stairway all the way to the top of a mountain-- all the while feeling like there was someone following you. When you finally got to the top of the mountain it seemed like no one was there-- until a dagger was flung in your direction and embedded itself in the tree behind you. A note was attached to the dagger that read 'turn around'. When you turned, you found a hooded figure looming behind you. "you probably are wondering why I brought you here..." It ripped off it's cloak to reveal Scale in a tux, "I have an important question to ask you." He walked towards you, dropped down on one knee and before he could take out his ring or even begin to ask you pulled out a ring of your own. He looked at it in shock with a blush on his face before leaping to his feet and saying "Wh--WAIT NO FAIR I WAS GONNA ASK FIRST!"
Sven: He had invited you over for a traditional home cooked meal but when you got there you found him in the kitchen, apron still on, oven mitts still on his hands as he was on the floor crying over what looked like it was a souffle but it was so burnt you couldn't be sure. When he noticed you there he started to bawl even harder "NO! NO NO! THIS IS NOT HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO GO!!" he curled onto the ground whimpering as he held back more tears and muttered "there was something I wanted to ask you... but I can't do it like this..." you knelt down beside him, petting his hair trying to console him. "I... actually had something I wanted to ask you too." you said. And then you pulled out a ring and his eyes went wide. "Sven-- would you" before you can even finish you are off the ground being spun around in Sven's arms as he beams "YES! YES! A MILLION TIMES YES!"
Cole: Cole planned to play it low key. He couldn't let his hand show too early. Tonight he was going to make you his, and you weren't gonna see it coming. He had booked a dinner at a nice restaurant. Not so nice that it would draw suspicion but definitely a step above your usual place. He was gonna wait till the end of dinner and spring it on you out of nowhere. It was the perfect plan. After the plates were cleared and it was just you, him, and two glasses of wine, he reached his hand over, taking your hand in his and bringing it to his lips to kiss with a sly smile. "Have I ever told you you look breathtaking in the moonlit? I'm sure I have, but it never hurts to be repeated." He reaches into his pocket to pull out the ring "In fact, I think it would be better if you go those sorts of compliments more often. Perhaps, everyday... an easy feat for me to do once your m--" he froze dead in his tracks as he opened his eyes to a ring box in front of you on the table. He let out a nervous laugh, "heh... w-what's this dearest?" Why was his palms suddenly so sweaty??? why was all of him suddenly so sweaty??? No matter, it's fine, it's nothing, he can remain calm. You open the box, holding it up for him, and asking you to marry him.
....YOU.... were asking HIM.... YOU..... were asking.... HIM???????? YOU--- YOU WERE OFFERING YOUR HAND TO HIM???? YOU WERE ASKING HIM???? YOU WANTED TO MARRY HIM???? YOU WERE PROPOSING????? he could feel his pulse racing YOU-- AND HIM--- YOU HAD A RING??????? YOU--- WERE ASKING---- HIM?????????
"Cole?" your voice cut through his sudden panic like knife. ...A soft and gentle knife.... he looked up at your eyes and you were looking at him with concern-- had he lost his cool???? oh, he guesses he HAS been just staring at the ring wide eyed and unblinking for a full minute now HA HA ha... he clears his throat, trying desperate to cover up any traces of swooning or being flustered "ahem-- YES, sorry, I uh--" he pulls out his ring and opens the box towards you, "I guess you beat me to the punch"
Poe: He takes you out into a field, with a picnic and many candles to help you both see. He reads you a book of poems that remind him of you, and then ends it with a poem of his own. He didn't flinch at any of the other sappy love poems he read that evening but as he drew to the end of his own, he was starting to sweat, knowing what comes next. He finishes off his poem and closes his notebook with a sigh. He reaches into his pocket but before he can pull out the ring you stop him and say that you have a poem you wrote that you wish to read him now. He could never pass up a poem from you. He listened to you with wrapped attention, your voice was like a lullaby. He let his eyes flutter close as he smiled and let your words wash over him. When you finished, he opened his eyes to a brilliant night sky, feeling the ring in his pocket. As he pulled it out and looked towards you, he was meet with a ring meant to be a mate to his. He was shocked, though aside from a blush it barely showed. He simply smiled softly and as he slipped the ring on your finger, said, "to the next chapter of our story..."
Cashew: The two of you had spent library dates quietly passing notes back and forth to each other, so that's how he decided he was going to propose. As he sat next to you sweating bullets in a library, he pretended like nothing was different, and this was a totally normal library date with totally normal notes and he totally didn't have a ring in his pocket or a rose in his backpack. Then the time came. You had slid your shared notebook over to him and he held up finger to indicate he was going to write something long and to give him a moment. When you nodded and turned your attention back to your book he covered the notebook a little a wrote 'will you marry me?' on it, he quietly pulled the ring out of his pocket and the rose out of his backpack and placed them both on the notebook, covering it up just enough so that you don't see yet. then he felt a tap on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin. He glanced over at you and saw a folded up prewritten note that had been sealed with a heart sticker (you were so cute), and as he took it, you glanced at him, pointing to note, indicating that you wanted him to read it. His aniexty flared up and he began to sweat even harder as he thought 'HA w-what if this is a break up note and I'm getting dumped right now? HAHA' with shakey hands he opened the note and a ring fell out pinged onto the table. reading the words on the paper 'will you marry me? Y/N' froze him in a moment. He was sitting there, staring at the ring on the table, clutching the note and vibrating with excitement.
Someone in the next isle shooshed him.
"HOLY SHIT-- I mean---" he lowered his voice, "holy shit!!!!! Y-yes! I---"
he slid the notebook your way, "YES!"
Seth: His was somewhat spur of the moment. He had gotten a ring but still hadn't figured out the right way to ask you. After about 3 weeks of racking his brain for the perfect proposal he finally just said fuck it. One night while you two were lying in bed he looked you square in the eyes and said "marry me?" at first you laughed it off but as he reached out and pulled the ring out of the draw, turned back to you, took your hand and looking at you once more replied, "I'm serious. Marry me." You looked at the ring in shock and surprise for a moment, "L-look, I know this isn't the romantic way to ask you, but I've been thinking about it for forever now and I figured it was time I just--" you rolled over to your side of the bed, digging through your clothes. For a second he thought you were about to get up and storm out on him but when you rolled back over with a ring of your own in your hand, he grew a crazy smile
"Hell yeah!"
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fucktheroyals · 2 years
Feel like people who say that Guillermo has low confidence/self-esteem haven't thought about how Guillermo has had ten years to think about wanting to become a vampire and live forever. He literally lives with them and basically parents them at 10 years i'm sure he knows being a vampire doesn't automatically make you cool (and i mean, look at Jenna, being a vampire did not make her "cool"). The benefits are living forever and special powers. This isn't like... A teenager deciding being a vampire would be cool and hasn't thought about the consequences of living forever. He's lived with them for TEN YEARS and still very much wants to be turned. ...However, with the new vampire hunting skills he may not have thought about how he's already cool af, so really the only reason to be a vampire is to live forever and some other special powers. But still again, it's not like he hasn't thought about that, but it would clearly make it (living forever) more prominent when it comes to why he wants to be a vampire.
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.4 K
Requested by anon: Hey! I see your requests are open and you write for Billy Hargrove. I've just recently had a miscarriage, and it's been seriously difficult to cope with. I was wondering if you could write something with Billy reacting to the reader having a miscarriage, and just super soft/understanding Billy making sure the reader knows she's still loved and he's not going anywhere. Soft Billy for his girl protecting her from the world. Thank you!
Summary: You had a miscarriage, and you're scared to tell Billy.
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
The house is silent. And terribly cold.
You've been sitting on the floor for... Seconds? Hours? Maybe even days. Time is just a blur, as is the wall across from you. And your heart is scattered around this bedroom floor, crushed into pieces.
The smell of blood is making you sick.
Your hands are covered in it, but your inner thighs are worse.
Still, you can't move.
But maybe you should. Maybe staying still isn't the right thing right now. You should pack your things and leave. Leave before he comes back.
Billy rescued you. You were both young when it happened, only something about six months after eighteen. You both lived in a nightmare, and while he got out, you were still stuck. Your parents said you'd only get to go anywhere else when you found yourself a husband.
So Billy gave them exactly what they wanted.
He took you to Indianapolis, in his Camaro, where you got married.
Then you only got back home to show your parents the papers. After that, you were off, never looking back.
You and Billy found good jobs, and rent a nice house in California. Life was amazing until it happened. Until your period was late and you bought a pregnancy test.
That was when you finally understood how much Billy wanted kids. He wants to be different from his father. He wants to love and care for them and protect them...
And you're young and healthy. What could go wrong?
Looking down at your lap, at your ruined light green dress, thighs, and hands, you don't even feel the tears rolling down anymore. Or the cold, or the floor underneath you.
You're numb. Lost. Broken. Destroyed.
You should leave.
Billy has suffered enough, and he wanted this baby so much. You can't believe you'll hurt him like this. You promised you'd never hurt him. Now, look at you.
But you can't quite understand what happened. You did everything right. You visited the doctors, you changed your diet, everything. You did everything right.
A noise makes your heart beat faster.
Billy went to the market to buy something you can't remember.
But you're not ready yet.
You can't face him yet. Maybe never again.
So you move like a lightning bolt, crawling to the door, locking it before returning to your corner between the toilet and the cabinet.
Hugging your knees, you cry as you hear the footsteps. You should've left.
“(Y/N)?” He calls, and you hold your breath as if it could make you disappear. “I got the brownies you were craving for.”
“T-thanks.” You mutter, trying your best to sound normal. But the moment you speak, you know you failed.
“(Y/N), what happened?” His voice already changed, heavy with worry. Soon enough, he's knocking on the door.
“I-I'm alright. I'll... I'll be o-out in a minute.” Looking around, at all the blood, you bite back a sob. You don't know what to do. How to clean yourself. You don't even know if you can't get up.
“(Y/N), you're scaring me. Open up.” He asks, turning the handle.
“I-I'm alright, Billy. Just... Just g-give me some time.” Then, you break down, tears rolling down and sobs bursting out. “Just leave me be! Just leave me the hell alone!”
You have no time for relief, because on the next moment the door is knocked open, and Billy comes in.
And the look on his face when he finds you, a broken mess, covered in blood on the bedroom floor destroys whatever's left of you.
“Go away, Billy!” You yell, voice cracking as you pull your legs closer to your chest, trying to disappear. “Please, please.”
With your eyes tightly close, you sob, pulling the skirts of the dress to cover up your legs and the blood.
After some seconds of silence, you're sure he left, but suddenly, an arm is pulling you. And you're too weak to resist, so you just move, almost involuntary, arms finding their way around his neck. You can feel he's crying too, sobs shaking his body.
“I-I'm sorry. I lost the baby. I lost our baby.” You stutter, pushing him away. “I'm so sorry, I... I don't know what happened, I don't know what I did t-to cause it, Billy. I-I know how much you wanted t-this baby, I'm so sorry.” The sobs keep coming, it doesn't matter how hard your try to control them.
Billy cups your face, thumb wiping some tears away, but soon enough more come to replace them. “(Y/N), listen to me now.”
“No, Billy. I-if you want t-to leave me, it's alright.” Taking his hand off your face, you hold it. But then you realize you are covered in blood, so you sob again, letting go. “I know how much you wanted this baby, a-and I know what it means to you to be a father and I'm–”
“My love, don't say that.” He cuts you off, taking your dirty hands on his. “I'm... I'm heartbroken too, but I won't leave you.”
“No buts.” He says again, moving to sit against the wall, pulling you closer. “I... I'll forever miss our baby.” There are tears on his face, too many to count. You've never seen Billy cry.
“I-I did everything right. I... I don't know what happened.” You're just repeating yourself now, but what else is there to say? It's not your fault, but you feel like it is. One of the first things you knew about Billy after you started dating, was that he wanted kids. “W-what if I can't give you kids?” And you burst into tears again, shoulders shaking violently. “It's alright i-if you want to leave, Billy. It's alright.”
Billy pulls you to him, so you lay on his chest as he keeps you secure in his arms. “(Y/N), I won't leave you. I love you and you're the only woman I want to have kids with. You will be the mother of my children.”
“But what if–”
“We'll see a doctor. Find out what happened and try again. And if, only if you can't... We'll adopt.” With his index finger under your chin, he makes you look up into his eyes. There's a smile on his lips, it's sad and small, but it warms your heart. “One way or another, we'll have a family. Well, we are a family, you and I.”
“So you're not... Angry at me?” You ask in a low voice, wiping some more tears away.
“Of course not.” His forehead touches yours, and you close your eyes. “I love you. Our loss will be with us forever because this baby is our child. He or she is gone, but they'll be alive in us.”
“How do we move from this?” Grabbing the collar of his jacket, you hide your face on his neck.
“Together, love. We move on together. I don't know when, but as long as I have you, I know things will be ok.”
“I love you, Billy. And I'm so–”
“I wasn't your fault.” Rubbing the small of your back, Billy lightly touches your leg. “Let's hit the shower, I'll help you clean up.”
“Alright.” You whisper, allowing Billy to help you to your feet.
He slowly helps you out of your clothes before taking care of his own. You try not to look down, not wanting to see the blood. But Billy takes care of it, rubbing body wash on your hands and then on your legs until your clean. Then he just holds you, your head on his chest under the warm spray of water.
“I don't know what I'd do without you.” You confess, your voice only a little louder than the water falling so he can hear you.
“You won't ever have to find out, princess. It's you and I, now and forever.” Lifting your face, Bily bends over to place a kiss on your lips. It's wet and passionate, slow and sweet. “Whatever happens, you'll always have me.”
“Thank you, Billy.” Managing to offer him a quick, small smile, you peck his lips. “Can we stay like this a while longer, please?”
“As long as you want.” He assures you, strong arms keeping you close to his body.
The pain is real, and it suffocates both of you. But as you both fall apart, you pick the pieces back up, one by one. And as long as you have him, you know you'll figure things out. And whatever comes next, you'll walk right through it, and you'll overcome.
@multific @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon
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donutloverxo · 4 years
My moon and stars
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**not my gif**
Please note that my work is not to be reposted or published anywhere other than my Tumblr or AO3 account without my permission. Reblogs are most welcome though!
Note - this is for @our-marvel-universe's birthday! I'm so sorry I'm late and that I'm bad at summaries.
Divider by @writeyourmindaway
Date posted - 26-08-20/Wed
Summary - Steve swoops in and saves your birthday with some stargazing and confessions.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x reader
Word count - 1386
Masterlist is linked in the bio!
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You groaned as another person bumped into you, spilling a good amount of their drink on you. They didn't even bother apologizing, probably thinking that you're just a nobody, even though this was your party.
You had never had a huge birthday bash before or tons of presents, you were so naively excited when Tony told you he was throwing you one and inviting the whole city. You felt for some reason, they're here because they care for you or the super hero work you do everyday.
You couldn't be more wrong. Most of them didn't even know you. Your own family and friends, other than the Avengers had failed to show up. Now you could only look at the crowd of people and shake your head in disappointed.
Resisting the urge to punch Tony in his stupid face when he so smugly asked, 'You like the party?'
You would've, despite everything, but he wasn't here. He was gone on some stupid mission. Not that you cared that much. He wasn't yours, he didn't need to wish you a happy birthday or attend your party. You still couldn't help but hold out hope that you'd both stop dancing around each other.
No longer interested in the party where even the people you knew were completely drunk you made your way over to your favorite part of the compound.
You held on to your jacket a little tighter as you shivered, the wind messing up your fancy hairstyle. You looked up at the sky to see so many twinkling stars and beautiful colors, something you don't get in cities. You wouldn't trade this view for anything.
You instantly became alert when you heard someone stand behind you. You looked over your shoulder to see the man of your dreams, your captain, someone you had a hopeless schoolgirl crush on.
"Hey." Was all he said giving you a pathetic wave as you huffed.
Folding your hands over your chest you asked "Where were you? You didn't even tell me you were leaving. Not - not that I'd care why would I?" You stammered as you feared you had just accidentally revealed your deepest secret. "You're not that important Steve!" You yelled in an effort to backtrack.
He furrowed his brows before giving you a stupidly handsome smile, "I'm so sorry doll. But I'm here now. Tell me how I can make it up to you."
"Whatever. It doesn't matter." You said dejectedly as you turned around to lean against the railing and continue your stargazing.
"I just knew you'd be here when I didn't see you at the party.” He mumbled under his breath as he stood next to you. You could see him staring at you through your peripheral vision. “What’s wrong kid?”
You winced at the nickname. That’s what he thought of you, that’s all you’ll ever be to him. A Kid. Over the months, you had tried your best to act like an adult, taking some tips from Maria and Nat, to be cool and non-chalant, you doubted he’ll ever change his mind and think of you as a woman or a possible romantic partner.
You shook your head which only made him probe further. “Doll. You’re sulking on your own birthday. You can talk to me.” He assured you putting his hand over yours.
The warmth of his palms and his finger drawing patterns on the back of your hand felt so familiar and comfortable. You tried looked for his sparkly blue eyes best you could in the dark, his pupils blown wide.
“I used to think... I know this is childish but I thought - I don’t know people appreciated me putting my life on the line everyday. And that’s not why I do it obviously.” You had to clarify. You could pretend to hate him but you never wanted him to have a low opinion of you. “It’s just sad that no one sees the work that I do while you’re all so well known and beloved. It’s sucks to be a female avenger I guess” You shrugged.
He gave you an understanding smile and walked a step closer to you as you tried to calm your heartbeat. “I understand. It’s not childish. You deserve to be appreciated. And I can think of at least a couple hundred people who’re thankful to you. All the lives you’ve saved. You make the world a better place.”
“I don’t know how true that is.”
“Well you make my world better just by being here.” He argued.
“Steve,” You shook your head, “You can’t just say things like that! I’m not – it gives me false hope.”
“False hope?” He repeated cocking his head to the side. “I only ever speak the truth sweetheart. In fact I think it’s time for your gift.” He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to you.
You frowned as you tried to read the paper in the low lightening. “Oh... Steve.. you named a star after me?” You looked up at him to see him sheepishly scratch his neck. “That’s so romantic.” You sighed dreamily holding the document close to you.
“I asked around and Bruce told me I could do that. I could even get you a piece of moon but this felt more appropriate. I know how much you love stars.”
He rambled on about the whole process and how his assistant helped him, hoping you wouldn’t see notice how red he was. His gift wasn’t completely selfless. He had an objective, to make you his forever and ever. But he was too scared to ruin the relationship you two did have and lose a precious friend.
Bucky’s words echoed in his head ‘Real men can admit their feelings.’
He cleared his throat “I was hoping –“ he was cut off by your cool lips pressing against his, stealing his breath away. His hands naturally went to your waist to pull you closer to him, his taut body craving the warmth of your soft one.
You pulled away after a beat and blinked up at him. “Oh god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t think I thought...”
“No no I liked it. In fact I was hoping to do that.” His fingers traced the outline of your lips.
“Good.” You nodded not sure of what to say next. But it felt better to just not say anything at all and look back up at the beautiful sky in comfortable silence.
Until the whole team decided to ambush you from, you heard Clint and a drunk Tony sneaking up on you, they really weren’t as sneaky as they thought but you still humored them by acting surprised.
“What the hell girrrl? We’ve been looking everywhere for you. But then I was like we can just ask FRIDAY! So we did.” Tony grinned proudly as his words slurred.
You took the beer bottle away from him “Yeah I’m going to cut you off now.”
“What were you doing here though?” Clint asked and you said something about needing air.
Steve couldn’t help but stare at you as you talked to the rest of the team. Feeling a bit of jealousy and even frustration that they all had to interrupt the precious moment you both shared.
“Did you do it punk?” Bucky asked slapping a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.
“Uh yeah. I mean I didn’t – she did.” He replied lowly so no one else could find out just yet.
“Of course she did.” Steve frowned as his oldest friend clutched his stomach, laughing loudly at him. “After all these years you still haven’t changed.” He shook his head and all Steve could do was smile. “I’m happy for you.” He said and meant it, so proud of his friend.
When Steve was finally able to get you alone, glad that your mood had gotten considerably better, you even seemed to be a bit buzzed from the booze.
“You were right Steve.” You said holding onto his arm treating him like your own personal heater as the night got cooler. “Everyone who matters to me does appreciate me. Especially you.” You leaned up on your tippy toes to peck his lips before scurrying off to tell everyone about the star named after you.
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Tags will be in the reblog! Click the link in the bio to be join the taglist or shoot me an ask/dm. Comments and feedback are really appreciated! ❤❤
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hughiecampbelle · 3 years
Hi, hope you're alright! Congrats on 5k- you deserve each and every one! Could i please get a peaky blinders ship, preferably with one of the younger guys? I'm very awkward and introverted, chubby, short and have red hair. I'm a Christian, I'm super scared of heights and horses, and i like to do crochet and boxing (ie hit a wall when im mad). Im a huge bookworm and i love to write ghost stories and poetry, and id like to study eng lit and be a writer when im older. I have chronic pain and paranoia along with other mental health stuff. Hope that's okay!
This isn't a romantic ship but i totally think you and polly gray would be like the coolest bffs, i can just imagine you two going out and she reads your tea leaves and gives you the best sort of advice and you gossip about the rest of the Shelbys togetherxx
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What trope are you? Runaway Bride/Groom 💕
You're running away, although of course he can't know that. You've become a staple at the Garrison, a regular even, though you rarely order alcohol. Instead you sit at one of the tables in the back, far away from the fighting and yelling, with a new book every week. No one minds, certainly not the Shelbys. You're polite and always pay. That's good enough for them. If anyone gives you trouble, one of them is always quick to shoo them away, especially Finn. Days turned to weeks, until you've settled in Birmingham for a few months now. It was only supposed to be a place to lay low until you figured out where to go, what to do. A nice woman you rented from offered a job doing small chores, enough to support yourself. You never meant to stay as long as you did, but you fell into routine. One that offered comfort, familiarity. It's all you'd wanted since you left everyone and everything behind. . . .
He worked up the courage to talk to you. At first it was nothing, just apologies for the noise or politely telling you they were closing up soon. Then one night, with a little liquid courage, he asked you what you were reading. The way your eyes lit up, the way your voice came alive, when you spoke about what you were so passionate about, Finn knew it was too late. He already head over heels for you. He sat beside you, the two of you talking the night away. He's embarrassed to admit he can't read, but you don't mind one bit. Neither dies he after you've offered to read to him. The next night he's there before you are, wearing a shy smile, asking if you've read anything else to read. Like many things, it becomes routine. Meeting Finn at the end of the day, slipping away from the mundane of your life to be with him. You trade stories, hopes and dreams. He tells you about his family, his brothers and sister, what they do. You tell him about your own past, leaving out how you ended up here. That you would save til the time was right.
Finns practically moved into your apartment. You're practically inseparable. Hand in hand, you walk to and from the Garrison. You've become part of the family in everything but name. You spend your days together as much as you can. You teach Finn to crochet and in return he teaches you to shoot. Both of you are pretty quiet by nature, your silences never awkward or unfulfilled. You're the happiest you've ever been. On dates you go the cities, to fields to watch the stars, to the theater to watch plays and films. Life is perfect. Of course, that's when you tell him. You have to, no matter what. You didn't come to Birmingham by chance. You were escaping, running from a marriage you never wanted to be part of. Fir family business, similar to his own. Money, power, all of it would have come to your family had you stayed. But you couldn't. You didn't love them. You refused to live like that. So, the night before your wedding, you ran and never looked back. It wasn't meant to long as last as it did, but you admit you're glad it did. You never would have met Finn had you not fled. He couldn't be more grateful you had.
~ Could I go on forever about you and Finn being sooo cute??? Yes!!! :P I'm so sorry about the wait my love, but I hope it was so worth it!!!! Also I would absolutely love to be friends with Polly!! She's the perfect person to get advice from, something I'm awfully in need of 😅 Xoxoxo💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜
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morimallow · 4 years
Dive With Me
⚠ : slight (?) NSFW in the beginning.
pairing: Hoshiumi Korai x reader because he be second to my Morisuke.
“K-Korai..!” you called out his name as you tightened around his dick. “Slow down.. a-ahh..” You grabbed the edge of the headboard to gather some strength because he was pounding into you real good. He was filling you to the brim, hitting the exact same spot over and over again.
He leaned closer to you with his mouth dangerously near your ear. Hearing his soft grunts and heavy breathing just turns you on even more than before. “If you want me to slow down, you have to beg,” he pulls out his thick cock until only the tip is in, he continued, “louder, for my name,” he thrusts in you in one swift harsh move, “and harder, my darling.” You clenched your dripping pussy upon hearing that endearment he only uses in bed.
You moaned and screamed his name as he thrusted in and out of you harder and faster. “Fuck, baby. Are you trying to milk me, huh? You feel so fucking good.” Without a word, you squeezed him inside you as you ride out your orgasm prolonged by your boyfriend's hot groans and marks by sucking your neck. Korai followed you and came inside, his thick cum filling up the condom haha u thought practice safe sex.
After resting for a bit, he stood up in all his crowning glory I mean dude he's seriously hot threw the condom in the trash bin and went back to the bed spooning you.
He placed soft open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder and nape, secretly trying to look at your phone screen.
“Korai, love,” you started and he hummed in response, his all attention on you. “Can we adopt?”
He moved his hand from your waist down and started drawing soothing circles on your stomach. “Why? Is one of us infertile or something? We can just make one. You should've told me to stop using con—” You cut him of by your hysterical laughter.
“Fuck!” You continued laughing, grabbing his hand tightly around your stomach as it starts to hurt. Then finally, you said, “But we can't make a whale, babe. I want a whale.”
Right then, you were now laying on your back and you see in your peripheral vision that your boyfriend is staring at you— blankly. After a while, he said breathlessly, “Are you serious right now? You're unbelievable.”
“But I really want a whale. Midnight is so cute!” you tried to reason out to him. You had your obsession with whales when you were in junior high. These large mammals roam in vast and calm oceans that you just wanna swim with them forever. You were a professional diver even before you started college and graduated from a prestigious school, earning your bachelor's degree in Marine Biology and now you're taking up Cetology for further studies.
Seeing that your boyfriend is still not convinced, you straddled his stomach, completely forgetting that you're butt-naked. Placing one of your gentle hands on his hard and toned chest, you gave him your puppy eyes, “Just look at him!” you exclaimed as you held out your phone to him, picture of Midnight's tail above the water.
And with that, Korai almost gave in to your charms like he always does. He placed his rough and calloused hands on your hips, “Baby, we can't possibly home a huge ass whale here—” and you snapped. You know Korai doesn't share the same love for whales as you do but he should at least know it's illegal to take whales from their natural habitat.
You got up and stood by the bed and said with such disappointment, “Home a whale? That's what's impossible. It's an adoption! It's just a certificate but the staff would take care of him. They'd just send us pictures and videos of our baby and that's it.” You stomped towards the bathroom, with your back facing him, you said, “You should've at least known that I'd never adopt a whale to live in our house but to help them,” entered the room and slammed the door at his gaping face.
Feeling irritated at your actions, Korai decided to share this to his team and get their opinions.
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“Even you, Kageyama? Seriously,” he scoffed and went out for his early morning run. You usually go together but you're both irritated so Korai decided to just ignore you.
Walking out of the bathroom, you saw that Korai was no where to be found. Maybe I hurt him..? You tend to not think of someone's feelings when it comes to whales. Guessing that he won't be back until lunch or probably until dinner, you went to your university to continue your lab research. If he'll ignore you then might as well ignore him too.
You couldn't concentrate on your research and your professor suggested you go home early and come back when you feel better. You agreed, thinking that your boyfriend was waiting for you to come home and you'd make your dinner together but when you got home, it was empty. It was cold and just.. dull. He's not here. It's just a house.
Trying to be optimistic, you started to make dinner. Since your boyfriend is an athlete, you made him something which is low in carbs and high in protein. You were always thoughtful and observant — keeping tabs on every little detail about him. Like how he crunches his nose when he blushes, how he kisses your forehead when he has early morning practice, the way he moves making the smallest sounds possible because he doesn't want to wake you up..
An hour passed. Two, three, four..
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You lost count and fell asleep in the dining room.
You've had enough. Alright, Y/N, you're going to the university, finish Chapter 4, pass it to professor, continue your experimentation, go for an evening jog and don't think of Korai. Who cares if you're getting busy the day before your birthday? Not like your boyfriend will throw an unexpected party or at least come home, right? You're pathetic. And you did just that.
Sun shining through the window, you slowly opened your eyes. You looked at the clock and it was already 11AM. Maybe he's home. You ran towards the door, with the biggest smile on your face, to see if his shoes are there. And they weren't.
You came home at around 21:32 and you're beat, so, you took a quick shower and went to bed, not bothered by the fact that he didn't come back.
The soft mattress of the bed left your back and was replaced by two strong and muscled arms. It was warm. It was home. It was Korai. You didn't believe that he was here carrying you to who-knows-where. But even so, guilt was eating you up and you said to the dream Korai, “I'm so sorry, love,” and you sniffled a cry. The dream Korai kissed your forehead and then a peck to your lips. “I'm sorry too, my love, but I need you to go back to sleep, okay?” He's not real but you muttered an okay back anyway.
When you dream, you always end up waking up on the floor not unless Korai is holding you in your sleep but you didn't expect that you'd wake up in a different.. soft bed. You slowly sat up because you were kinda dizzy. Maybe you did fall off the bed but the small window inside the room said otherwise. It was still dark out, probably dawn. Your boyfriend's Adlers jacket caught your eyes. It was hung beside the window with a pair track pants and your favorite shirt from Korai's closet. Feeling a little chilly, you wore the given clothes and tucked your hands inside the pocket of the jacket. You felt a paper and took it out. It read: Come to the upper deck, baby. There are signs so you won't get lost. I'll be waiting.
You saw him leaning slightly over the railings. With the strong wind and waves crashing against the ship, he couldn't hear you walking towards him. You placed your arms around his torso, placing your hands against his rock-hard abs to keep it warm. “You weren't a dream after all,” you whispered more to yourself as you tightened your grip around him.
“I'm always real,” he replied as he took one of your hands and putting it up to his lips to kiss it. It was warm. It was real. Clenching your hand to a fist, you pressed your forehead against his back and held back the tears. “You're here. You came back..”
He turned around and held your chin with his thumb and index finger to look into your eyes. His features softened even more as he saw your tears. He cupped your cheek and held you by your waist, pulling you closer to him and pressed his lips against yours. You missed this. You missed him. The kiss was slow and passionate. You pulled for a brief moment to tilt your heads and came back to each other's lips. Eyes closed, bodies in one big bubble, and hearts connected. He pulled away and you chased his lips and slowly opened your eyes. He has this mischievous glint in his eyes. You know he saw you wanting for more and you blushed looking down.
“Fuck this,” you muttered. You wrapped your arms around his neck, standing on your tip-toes, and kissed him again. This time, longer.
He snaked his arms around your waist and backed you up against the railing. He bit and nibbled on your plump lower lip as he pulled away, out of breath. He placed an open-mouthed kiss on your exposed neck and you moaned at the warmth.
“Let's go back to our room, yeah? It's quite cold,” he stated as he ran his hands through your hair.
“Carry me? You're warm,” you showed him your puppy eyes and super pouty lips, result of your intense kiss.
He shook his head and smiled at your cuteness. He spread his arms and said, “Jump,” and you did. He immediately supported your body as your wrapped your arms and legs around him, burying your head in the crook of his neck and dozed off.
You woke up again in a moving vehicle but this time, you were blindfolded.
“Korai! Are you fucking serious?!” you shouted because you have no idea where your boyfriend is seated or whether he is in the vehicle.
Series of laughters and uh-oh's erupted as someone chuckled beside you and kissed your cheek. “Don't worry, love. We're close. I just hope you're ready for this.” You scoffed, said fine, and squeezed his hand.
After a while, the vehicle stopped. The door was opened and Korai tugged your hand. As soon as you were outside, you asked, “The ocean..?”
Korai guided you to an office. You heard him say, “Mr. Hoshiumi. Yes.. yes. Thank you.”
“Ko-chaaaaaan, tell me what's happening. Take of—” And he really did take off your blindfold. He handed you a paper bag and instructed, “Go change into that. The changing room is up ahead to the right. I'll wait for you here.”
In less than 3 minutes, you came back to the spot and screamed, “I'M GOING DIVING?!” with so much excitement that the staff started to laugh quietly. You eyed your boyfriend. The wetsuit hugging his toned body and it occurred to you.. “YOU'RE DIVING WITH ME?”
Double-checking whether your gears are properly secured, your eyes caught a whale, leaping out of the water. You're frozen in the spot. “Korai..”
“Hmm?” he replied, busy with the equipment.
“I saw Midnight,” you said to him. Then, you turned to the staff who was with you and asked, “The whale who just leapt. That was Midnight, right? Tell me I'm right.”
As she was about to answer, the sound of a whale diving back into the water entered your ears. You whipped your head and just saw the tail. Your eyes widened. “Holy fucking shit, Korai! It really is Midnight!” you whisper-shouted to him.
His eyebrows furrowed and confusion was clear on his handsome features, “How do you know? You just saw it's tail.”
“What? Don't whales all look the same?”
You can't help but roll your eyes at his question. “Of course not. Whales are identified and and named by their tails. His name is Midnight because his whole tail is a dark shade of blue.”
“Oh, good. Now I can identify my son as well,” he said to you smiling. You melted at the sight but then you realized..
“Son?! You adopted Midnight?!” you whisper-shouted at him again.
“Yes, and why are you whisper-shouting? You can just voice out your excitement, you know?”
You glared at him, “Excuse me, Hoshiumi Korai. You must know that whales could be gravely affected by noise pollution.”
After diving into the water with Korai and the staff, who is holding a camera, maybe for documentation of something, you quickly searched for Midnight.
With your keen eye, you spotted him and quickly swam towards him, Korai and the staff followed behind, so you could bond with him.
While swimming with the adopted whale with so much joy, Korai grabbed your hand and made you face him.
You gave him a questioning look and it was answered the time he pulled out a small box and opened it. You were shocked.
You pulled the him upwards, heads now above the water. You quickly took off his mouthpiece and goggles. As you locked eyes with him, he knew the answer.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, he held the box tightly in his hand and you wrapped yours around his neck.
Your lips met. The saltwater or probably tears joining in your mouth. He pulled away, pressed his forehead against yours and held your left hand. As he slipped the ring and kissed you once again, Midnight leapt just behind you. And the staff captured this perfect moments.
After getting the certificate of adoption and the whale brochure, you were now in the upper deck with Korai by your side, enjoying the full-blown formal engagement party planned by your fiance's rivals and now friends back in his highschool days.
With a drink in his hand, a light brown-haired man approached you. You recognized him as one of Korai's teammates in the Japanese National Team.
“Congrats, man. I was gonna let you pay double for the rent if Y/N-san here didn't accept your marriage proposal,” Yaku-san said and laughed lightly. He acknowledged you by bringing his cup of wine lightly towards you and you did the same.
“Thanks and as if I'd pay double. Go away. Shoo!”
“Oh, you're dissing the owner of the ship now? How bold, Hoshiumi-san,” then Yaku started to walk away. When he was near the door, he shouted, “Pay triple, you fucktard!”
As Korai was babbling incoherent words, probably insults, you grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the side of the deck where no one can see you. Looking down and pinching his blazer, “Give it me.”
“Give to you what?”
“Your coat! Let me wear it.. ”
He hugged you tight and placed his chin on top of your head, “Why, my fiancee? Want to show your possessio—”
“My nipples are hard, goddamn it, Korai!” you said it directly at his chest. He pulled away looked at your body. You looked extra ravishing tonight as you wore a red silk dress—low cut to show enough cleavage, a slit up just below your hip, spaghetti straps and your lower back fully exposed.
“You're so perfect I want to pound into you until you can't attend university for your degree but I'll deal with you later,” he said as he took of his coat and draped it over your shoulders.
“Let's go greet some more guests,” he said and started to walk towards the crowd.
Feeling a little bolder, you grabbed his tie and pulled him towards you, nose touching.
Maintaining eye contact, you licked his upper lip and said seductively, “Can later be now, darling?”
He groaned into the crook of your neck and replied, “I'm gonna give you the best birthday present yet.”
M. List
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chromehevrts · 3 years
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                                         𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖
                                           𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : hey, what's up everybody, we live baby, HOT 97 THE GATTI SHOW, and today we have a very special guest in the building, DAVE EAST. how you doing today, DAVE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Ayo...what's good ya'll and Im doing alright, how you been? Thanks for having me.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm feeling great and super excited to have you here today, so thank you for stopping by. i always wanted to have you as the guest at my show because hey, it's NEW-YORK baby and let's face facts, you're one of those new school artists who represents NY. at what age you've figured out you want to do music?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, honestly music was a last resort for me. I went to college and tried to play ball, but shit ain't go how i want. So I sat down and was like shit, what else can I do and niggas was like rap. So I was like aigh, I took on the name rebel and started to push my pen at like 18 or suttin.. So it was either do music and make something outta myself or trap. I went with music, cause shit i had a backup plan if that shit aint work.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm sorry it didn't really go as you planned it with basketball, but UNIVERSE had some other plans for you. i think young people should look up at you, like hey, things might not go the way you want them to be, so you have to dust yourself and try again or find something even better. like you did. what inspires you when you write your lyrics? or it's more a freestyle like process?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, I mean life inspires me... like the shit that goes on around me and my niggas inspire me. I shit I do a little of both, I can freestyle but half the time I like to sit down, smoke and get what i gots to say on paper. I be in the studio from 8pm to 4am mostly every night. But back to what you was saying, when you come from a struggle you gonna do what you gotta do to make it, like I was watching niggas I played ball with get drafted into the NBA. That shit is what motivated me to do something. I ain't want to be the failure watching these niggas living they best life.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : when people scroll through social media, they think all the diamond chains and fancy cars come easy, as if the famous card is unlimited credit card and you don't have do anything for it. no one really thinks about how much you put into work, staying in the studio all night long, tours, shows. i'll have a nerve to compare music industry, and show business in general, with a basketball court. either you sweat and play, or, sit your ass on the bench. and music is not the only thing you do, you're also a business owner and now, a reality tv-show star. hello cast mate, how ya doiiin'? but hey, CONCRETE JUNGLE baby. how did you came up with an idea that you do want to participate in the show?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean... the money. I figured since I'm already doing a TV show and this won't mess with that, why not. I got people I need to take of so doing this show is to help them out to at the end of the day. But I have a few business ventures Im into and that I do, so I'm getting checks in multiple areas. You can't depend on making music forever, you don't wanna get burned out like RIHANNA's ass did. Thats something I always tell starting artist. Like ye treat yoself but sure you invest into some shit and build some shit for yourself.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : and just like that, straight forward and without any fake reasons to get sympathy and attention. DAVE be like yes bitch, it's about the money, so who's going to check me? i love it here. and you are right, once you get your first bag, why not to make more bags out of it? i'm glad you're looking out for the youngsters, but i don't blame them, when you get those figures first it definitely can blow your mind. but let's talk about the show a little bit. are you familiar with other cats mates? do you have any expectations from this project?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean I ain't familiar with all them, but I have met a few and they groupies and shit. I don't know, like its still early to tell, but im just tryna have my fans see more of me than they do already. I just hope the show don't edit me too much cause they will notice the difference.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : since MONA SCOTT has nothing to do with the new production team, let's hope for the best. i'd hate to see some words or actions dragged out of context. okay, moving to the next one. i bet most of the guys would like to know the secret recipe of DAVE EAST's charm, because we all know a lot of ladies consider you as their celebrity crush, along with MICHAEL B JORDAN and ODELL BECKHAM. is there any secret to it and how does it feels to have if not all, then a lot of eyes on you? now i know ladies gonna perk their ears up right now in a hope to hear if they have any chance and what not.
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i don’t discriminate so as long as you keep my attention and you cool. You got a chance..and at first the shit felt weird cause i always had some attention on me but to now have woman that look like models be like oh yeah let’s fuck be on me. I ain’t know how to handle it. Then at the same time it’s annoying cause then you get woman that get jealous and mad at me for no reasons.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : a blessing and a curse at the same time, isn't it? so ladies, respect some boundaries and privacy before showering DAVE with your love. but, let's hop back to the topic of you being on the show. a few days ago there was this shooting at the club where you and other cast members happened to be at. do you have anything to say about it?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i left before the shooting happened cause some nigga and the club discriminated against me. But the shit was wild, i was outside when it first started. I hope everyone but the niggas that tried me is aigh. Fuck them dick succas.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : well, and you know we on air and our audience is pretty, let's say huge. so if the club attendance will go low out of sudden they better not act surprised because you don't have to discriminate anyone. we're glad you made it out safe. and the final question will be, DAVE EAST and MARION, is it the same person or it's more like alter ego thing, like BEYONCE and SASHA FIERCE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Nah it’s the same person i don’t do that witch craft ass shit. The niggas that bump my shit wouldn’t be listening to me if i did that shit. You feel me?
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : you made it clear as a day. thank you so much for blessing THE GATTI SHOW with your appearance, DAVE. it was really nice to learn a little bit more about you, but is there anything else you'd like to share with your fans, you know, maybe some things to get off your chest?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I said all i had to say, but fuck CAVALI or whatever it called and a nigga named VONTE. But karma 3 comes out august 14th so check that out and look out for the EP i got with my boy millyz coming out too. Peace.
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blueboltkatana · 3 years
GUrll ur so sexy... Like you're Hot. I don't care if you were bullied in school, you're sexy, they lied.
Also bitch I KNEW i related to you too much our ascendants are both in leo we're so hot.
Ok ok no now I'll stop complimenting and start with the roasting here we go:
So the sun is your sense of "self" it represents you on the more base level i guess you could say, like what most people think you're like is represented by your sun. With Sagittarius being your sun it means you're very energetic Especially for those things you are passionate about, you might have gone through a LOT of hobbies, only a few of them stuck around but you like to try things. You're curious about the way people's minds works, you wanna figure them out. If the conversations you have don't involve some form of psychoanalysis or philosophy you might loose interest. You are a Talker, maybe you talk very fast or you are often told to lower your voice but you don't do it on purpose you're just very very animated. You are kina volatile, in the sense that you value freedom in everything, love, work, hobbies. You have a huge rebellious streak and you kinda like testing your luck. Think adrenaline junkie. It's cliché but with this much Sagittarius in your chart you prob love traveling, like i said you will chase freedom because you associate it with happiness. If you find people that make you feel free then you feel happy. Rules don't go well with you. You don't really like being involved with fights per se but you LOVE debating, if you can beat a motherfucker with nothing but facts and logic you will and you will enjoy it.
Your way of flirting or making friends is "lowkey bullying" or my favourite "verbally throwing hands". If they shoot back you get heart eyes (my mars in sag agrees). You can be tactless as fuck tho. Like you will say some outrageous shit that MIGHT be funny if the timing is right or MIGHT make everyone in a 5 mile radius mad.
I NEED to talk about your moon in sag bc Babe, babe the moon tells us about our emotions and how we deal with them, how we express them and how they shape us. But BABE. Sagittarius moons are so bad at comforting people it's embarrassing, trying to make them think of smth else or do smth else to distract from the situation is NOT a good way to deal with your emotions... Avoiding your emotions like the plague is not gonna invent a vaccine... Saying "everything is fine :)" DOESN'T MAKE ANYTHING FINE PLEASE GO TO THERAPY. ok to give you some credit, you don't let shit bring you down, no matter what you always get up and that is a *strength* that i admire, but love you're burning the candle at both ends, especially if you get yourself in More problems by trying to distract yourself from One problem.
Also you've had a horsegirl phase or a dog obsession phase or both huh. AND your love language is sarcasm but the type that you will make someone laugh when you're insulting them. You're also hilarious irl you're prob the "funny friend" but with that scorpio mars and venus baby inside ur sad and dark as fuck ripp.
I also wanted to talk about your mercury in sag... Babe... Do you know what a brain to mouth filter IS?! do you recognize that word?!?! Cuz you have never used yours i think. Like you are hilarious but that's because you have dolphins in the head cavity baby. Not trying to say you're stupid, you're actually very smart and opinionated, probably have been told that you'd be a great lawyer or smth. But miss gurl please think before you speak for the love of god ur gonna make someone cry. Also ur mouth is foul. Have you ever spoken a sentence without a "fuck" or a "cunt" somewhere in there?! God bless.
Now for your scorpio Venus I'm just gonna say, more confirmation that ur Sexy as Fuck, scorpio venuses are just sexy, amazing partners, VERY passionate, whoever dates you will never forget you, for better or for worse you'll forever be on the back of their mind. You had a harsh emo phase huh, maybe loved some obscure shit like witchcraft or just love dressing all black like someone's mother died, i bet you wear silver jewelry a lot, maybe necklaces or rings or chockers. If this isn't how you dress now it was prob a major phase in your life. Or maybe you just love horror movies idk
Being as passionate as you are you don't take well to being mistreated or lied to, you might like to plot revenge and things like those, you wouldn't do anything... You actually prefer letting things go but you WILL make an elaborate scenario in your head at 3am or even as you stare right in the persons face.
With mars in scorpio you might be kinda passive aggressive, maybe you act like things don't really bother you but you throw a comment or two once in a while just to stir the pot bc you can't move on lmfao.
You are attracted to people that are introverts or generally just mysterious, like i said above the nature of the Sagittarius is to Learn and to Study. People that you can't immediately figure out intrigue you. All your crushes are either on geminis or water signs lmfao.
The best careers for you are the ones that allow you some freedom of either movement or expression and something that can keep your mind from flying away, something that keeps you intrigued, like research or writing. You're a very "all or nothing" person and it can sometimes scare people away, i advise you to work on compromising, being less stubborn and more open with your emotions and desires.
(part one bc I'm taking too long and I don't wanna keep you waiting so much) I'll reblog this with part 2
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Alright here we go part 2 of Roasting hella until she finds out I'm hiding in her walls.
I will skip over some planets that are Very slow moving and usually don't talk about you as an individual but refer to your generation as a whole.
I wanna focus on lilith for a sec bc worstie lilith talks about our fears, our more "darker" side that we hide from ourselves as well as the people that we love. Lilith in aries in the eleventh house tells me you might be afraid to take charge, you gravitate towards positions of leadership but you let go on the last second, almost afraid to have too much control, very often self sabotaging your own success. Your anger and you own ambition might scare you, you might be afraid of appearing too aggressive bc under your skin you have a deep rooted anger and rebellion that you wish to relieve but you can't find a good enough outlet, some things soothe it but you always feel like it never leaves. It might be related to some form of resentment that you never truly dealt with and now it sits uncomfortably with you and you just can't get over it and it bothers you. You might have been shy in groups as a child, maybe you talked a lot but it was always from a fear of the silence not always because you had something to say. The eleventh house is that of groups and friends and social awareness, technology and your hopes and wishes for the future, having lilith in this house talks about someone who had a hard time feeling comfortable around people OR someone who wasn't very accepted. You might have desperately wished for friends but have found it hard to find any. Or if you did, you deep down felt very alone. I would advise to learn to accept your anger and deal with it in healthy ways instead of brushing it off and repressing it.
The north node talks about what you need to focus more in your life for example in your case with Gemini in your North node you need to focus more on your communication letting go of anxiety and your relation with other people you need to become more interested in intellectual pursuit and growth. You need to let go off the need to always be right and look more at details instead of focusing on on the bigger picture all of the time. When your North node is is in Gemini then your South node is in Sagittarius which tells me that what you should focus less on is your pursuit of freedom and your rebellion. Be more aware of your words and use them with maturity.
Now let's have some fun with the ascendent in leo which we share and now i see why ur so relatable. The first house or the ascendant is that very superficial layer of our personality, it includes the way we carry ourselves, our style, the little habits or quirks we have. One thing about leo ascendants is that we have an obsession with our hair. Hair is important to us, some have huge hair that might remind you of a lions mane, others just have very unique style or color but we ALL are lowkey or highkey obsessed with it, either constantly touching it, pulling it, chewing on it, cutting it or dying it in unique ways you name it. You might have a rather large nose or cat like eyes.
This ascendent is full of life and light, very funny, light hearted and luxurious, you want to live that good life and i don't blame you. A negative aspect is that we come of as intimidating to others. ALL of my friends AND my ex have at some point told me I was intimidating to them. It makes us prone to overcompensating for it later in life so maybe now you're super outgoing and extroverted and you approach people first and try to be super friendly. Also you're an attention whore (affectionate) with a flare for the dramatics, very flamboyant, you basically fill the room with personality, it attracts attention and you love it. You're what people would call a "sunny" person.
You're hella competitive (get it lol) and you LOVE fighting your way to the top and crushing the competition. You're probably a weirdo that low key likes school. Not the way it's run or the teachers or whatever, but the "idea" of school. If you could just learn all your life you absolutely would.
Second house in virgo. The 2nd house is the house of money, work, income, daily routines, values, material possessions, habits, work ethic ect being in virgo it means you can have an extremely good work ethic, you put a lot of thought in planning and mapping your work, you might get overly critical on your work though and often undermine your own success and efforts because they didn't fit your impossible standards. You can be very organized in your work, you want things to be a certain way and if they don't follow your plan you will Make them. Its a good position for virgo but yoh need to be aware of not overworking by trying to do Everything on your own. Let others help you, and let people in your work do their own things don't try to help if not asked to because you will overwork yourself.
The third house is that of the mind, thinking, communication, siblings, interests and early education, in your case it is in Libra which means that you're early education might not have been very stable or it was a period of time that you look back with a lot of fondness but not much substance. You are a good talker but you get lost when it comes to details, you are indecisive when it comes to settling on an opinion on something if you don't have All the facts first, you always want to be right. You are pretty open minded and easy to talk to but you might have the bad habit of rambling off topic. You change interests constantly and you prob like to talk about others, you wanna know the tea if it kills you. You prob had a crush on a childhood best friend or on a hot neighbor. Your relationship with your siblings might be pretty good, friendly, no particular resentment or anything like that, you might be the one that everyone treats a little better, people let you get away with things more often, you might be the one that takes 2 hours in the bathroom lol.
Oof fourth house in scorpio babe how are the mommy issues? 😬 How is your relationship with your femininity? Having trouble with keeping secrets? So the fourth house is the one responsible for your home roots, your family, self-care, emotions, your mother, women and your femininity and having Scorpio here tells me that you might have very strong ties to your family, but they weren't healthy or emotionally supportive. You have grown with people that might have undermined your emotions, people that didn't teach you to set healthy boundaries and maybe even manipulators and gaslighters. You might have been the type to put your foot down a lot a home, assuming a very dominant role as well as the defender. You're very private about your family life and don't want to let people too close.
Ah i just noticed u have like 3 planets in this house including ur Sun and Moon, babe this house is what you need to focus on when you go to therapy. This almost secretive, guarded approach to understanding your own emotions is very prominent in how you see yourself, how you feel and with Pluto there, how you change. I could say the biggest changes in your life have happened in these areas and they have left the biggest impacts on you. Yes you are passionate and protective but don't let bad feelings marinate forever, address them and then move on from them because they're just weighting you down.
Fifth house in sag, also the house of your mercury. This house represents Love, romance, creativity, self expression, joy and childlike spirit. It tells me the way you express your creativity is through words which makes sense since you're a great writer, but not only, the way you express Love is also through your words, expression and free thoughts are your way you tell your loved ones how much you mean to them, think poetry, long rants, music recommendations bc of specific song lyrics, you have been writing form childhood and it's one of the ways you express your view on beauty as well, to you love is freedom and freedom is expression.
Capricorn in the sixth house paired with both uranus and neptune being in it tells me there is something about your knees, joints, bones or teeth in particular that stands out when it comes to your health, maybe you tend to break your teeth, maybe you like chewing on crunchy foods, maybe your joints crack a lot, idk but I'd drink my milk if i was you, take care of your joints and bones. Also for you, being emotionally unwell often translates to being Physically unwell as well, so be mindful of your emotions because they do affect you physically. You need to keep hydrated also and your health plan needs structure for it to work bc that neptune makes everything very chaotic and uranus constantly makes you bored and wanting to spice things up. Take care of your emotional needs just as much as you would with your physical ones. And for the love of jesus be CAREFUL with alcohol or smoking because that neptune in ur health house could mean serious trouble if you let it become an addiction, don't push it.
Aquarius in the seventh house of relationships, marriage, contracts, business partners ect means you are untraditionally traditional. That makes sense in my head let me explain. Aquarius is a sign that seeks individualism desperately, it likes to feel like a special person, impossible to understand. Yet always feels comfortable in the structure of traditional and safe paths. So for example you might marry someone in a way that is not traditional but at the end of the day you wish for your marriage to have a stability you would feel safe falling into. Also it says ur gay. Air signs in the relationship house says ur gay i Make the rules.
Pisces is in the eighth house of sex, intimacy, shared finances, inheritance, taxes, loans, property, mystery, partner's resources. This tells me you fuck with feeling lmfao. Or you simply make your love life something "special", a connection that only you and ur person can share, it's what makes you an amazing lover and an unforgettable one as well. But as amazing as you are at creating a otherworldly atmosphere, ur just as shit at setting boundaries and saying something when you don't like something. You don't like to see things that you love ending and a failed relationship makes you blame yourself too much, you have the tendency to stay in situations where you are being mistreated but you tell yourself It's on you.
A recurring theme I'm seeing is some weakness when it comes to liars or manipulators in your life. So either you irrationally fear people are lying to you because you "lie" to them about yourself or a lot of people in your childhood might have used lying or gaslighting as a way to keep you under control. I would advise to try not to overthink and become paranoid, people love you and they believe in you and they aren't deceiving you, they don't secretly mean something different from what they have said. Listen to your intuition about people sure, but don't confuse it with anxiety.
With lilith and aries in the 9th house of travel and higher education and religion I'm gonna assume you might have religious trauma. Religion might have been a way that people used to try and control you, if not religion then some form of system or government law. Being queer i completely understand the sentiment but in your case it's take a step further because you Value the ideals of this house so much, with lilith here, it's like at som point in your life you were finally awakened to how much injustice there was in the world ant that has made you very inclined to take action, you cannot stand unjust government or non tolerating religions. You might have felt crushed under an unjust system and it took you a lot of will and conviction to find your individuality and build yourself how you wanted once you were free.
Your midheaven in taurus tells me you are one that will achieve any goals you set your mind to. It might take you time, you might procrastinate around it, but at the end of the day, you will do it and you will do it well and it will be rewarding. If your father isn't a Taurus then he was a stable figure in your life, very much a rock for better or for worse. In your career life people will see you as very competent, very down to earth and helpful but you know you just procrastinated till the last second possible and stayed up all night do finish your work... You will seek careers that you believe will guarantee you stable income and a comfortable life. You might indulge in luxury from time to time because you think in order to get the position you want at work you need to look the part. Ultimately it's your sheer stubbornness and spite that gets you all the way up to the top of the food chain.
The eleventh house of groups, friendships, humanitarianism, and social awareness is in your case in gemini. It tells me you value friendship extremely and you surround yourself with a diverse cast of friends, you couldn't mix your different friend groups if you tried and you have tried. You have the habit of being too friendly to everyone which makes you end up with more friends than you know what to do with. You are approachable but people can get the impression that you are putting up a show or a facade and your emotions arent genuine, it's not always the case but you need to be more truthful and assertive, put some boundaries and don't let people get away with shit you don't like. Your public persona is very well liked, seen as fun and bright and smart and overall a joy to be around.
Now that last placement... 12th house cancer, i have the same placement and babe I'm sorry for all the shit you have been through. You deserve the freedom to be unhappy and to express that unhappiness in healthy ways. You deserve to be given unconditional love and support no matter how many mistakes you say you have made no matter how overly pessimistic you are about yourself it doesn't matter you're amazing and i love you and you deserve the world.
With jupiter the planet of expansion in the 12th house of endings, spirituality, solitude and karma?! Gurl i did say u were a cult leader but i didn't think it was astrologically backed up rippp. But it also says you might have a hard time getting the motivation to finish things, you might take a long time to finish a project. This house placements also tells me you're amazing at writing emotional ass fantasy stories which by now we have confirmed, but if you have like, an original idea for a book don't hesitate to get it started babe bc u have a very promising placement for that. Don't get too dragged into a sad whirlpool of emotions and daydreams but bring your creative ideas to life and you'll be fine.
This is all I'm doing today and i think it's enough lol. I'm posting this I'm sorry to my followers for the long ass post I'll tag it so you can filter it. This was a whole psycho-astrological analysis of our favourite writer Hellspawn1975. I have wanted to study her like a new lizard species for a while and i finally got the chance thank you hella for the opportunity.
Final words to @hella1975 i hate you and I'll fuck ur mom tomorrow, gn babe <3
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vickypoochoices · 5 years
Hold My Girl.
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Author's Note: I've been gone forever! This was meant to be a short fic, because I hated the whole break up scenario and I also didn't think the London scene was realistic. I don't think you'd be able to forgive and forget in five seconds flat after a break up like that. So I've taken some of the dialogue from that chapter and done a little tweaking. Except now, I think I might have to do a part two with Big Ben. If people would want to read that?
Tagging: @zigortega4life @emerald-bijou @littlegreenmoo @krsnlove @sarzkh31
Let me know if you want to be added/removed to the tag list.
Damn Abbie and her stupid phone! Damn social media! Damn Zig and his perfect smile that she missed so much! Nothing good ever came out of a little stalking session online did it? Sure, she was pretty pleased to see that gorgeous face of his again. But then she remembered, she didn’t know if she’d ever get to see that gorgeous face again. Touch that gorgeous face again. Kiss that gorgeous face again. At the very least she was relieved to see no new girlfriends or random girls. If anything, she was a little smug to see her face cropping up over and over again in older posts. Until she realised that’s exactly what they were. Old posts that meant nothing now.
Clammy fingertips slapped at her forehead in frustration, the sound vibrating off the bare walls. Launching her phone at the front door, a strangled scream of frustration followed, before the tinny echo of the radio started up. Damn it. You pick your moments. Her phone was well loved, and a little battered and bruised, constantly malfunctioning. But maybe a little music would lighten the mood?
Leaving the phone, instead she pottered into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle and humming softly in time with the pop song blaring from the floor. Steam billowed upwards as the kettle rumbled to a stop minutes later. Once the bubbling vibrations subsided, she noted the sudden change in music. I Miss You by Clean Bandit had replaced the upbeat pop song, her pulse quickening as the lyrics washed over her. Stop! “Hey Google, change stations.” Silence rang out, before the chorus of Too Good At Goodbyes by Sam Smith jolted to life. Her fingertips flexed at her side, as her free hand concentrated on dousing the teabag in boiling water. “Hey Google, change stations.” Third times a charm right? Her phone contemplated the command, a series of vibrations buzzing against the hard floor before suddenly whirring to life once again. This time her chin wobbled and her hands clutched at the kitchen work top in a desperate bid to keep herself from collapsing, a tsunami of emotion crashing over her. Not this song. Anything but this song. Please. “Hey Google, stop. Google…Google. Heyyyy. Stop. Please.” Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol continued, taunting her as she struggled to swallow down fresh tears. She’d done so well up until this point to keep them at bay, but if anything was going to tip her over the edge, it was this song. Their song.
Hot tears trickled down her face, dripping off the tip of her nose and collecting in the crevice of her dry lips, her body racked with sobs, whimpers diminishing in defeat. An inexplicable numbness surrounded her, the lyrics seeming to penetrate through her skin and infiltrate every last one of her thoughts. Thoughts she hadn’t allowed herself to have up until now. Thoughts of Zig.
Her head jerked violently, her body still swaying to an absent song, her phone having long stopped playing. A loud, urgent knock was now insistently rapping out on the front door. Her brows knitted together closely as she wearily placed one foot in front of the other. Mentally running over all the possible people at work that had her home address she came up short, shaking her head dismissively, knowing she hadn’t struck up any real friendships in her time in London.
Using the door as a shield once she pulled it back, her head peered round the corner, only one eye daring to open and come face to face with her killer. She sagged against the frame in relief, suffering a momentary lapse of memory, before realisation set in. With his feet awkwardly shuffling over the gleaming floor of the communal hallway, and his fingertips drumming against his thigh nervously, Zig stood in the doorway, a faint, uncertain ghost of a smile fixed into place.
Her mouth flapped open and shut as she gawked at him for a full minute. “I… Uhh… Hey. What are you doing here?” She cringed inwardly at her fumbled choice of greeting. There were a million and one things she could have said, yet that was all she managed to come up with on the spot.
“I’m here for you. I can’t do this any more.”
The desperation dripped off of every single word he spoke, garnering her full attention. His wavy hair had grown in the time they’d spent apart, making her wonder if she had any influence over that decision, having always preferred it on the longer side. Or maybe this was his new style? That would explain the sudden growth of facial hair. That needs to stay! Feeling the full weight of his relentless staring, she finally caved, eyes fully locking with his. They widened in surprise at the darkened circles underneath and pools of water gathering in the corner of his eyes.
Zig’s voice wobbled, grappling with the surge of emotions stirring at the sight of her. “Can I come in?”
A rush of hot hair escaped in a brief moment of hesitancy, before she finally stood aside to let Zig in. He’d barely taken two steps before stopping in his tracks, his boot clunking against her phone and sending it skidding further along the floor.
“Shit. Sorry.” He scurried across the room, stooping to pick up the phone. As his fingers curled around it, the screen lit up revealing her background photo. A photo of them both together, complete with their cat Bella, and their dog Trix. A happy family. His eyes hurriedly met hers, a surprised look spreading over his features.
Heat rushed to her face, turning her back on him and taking a few seconds to compose herself under the guise of closing the door.
“Can I get you a drink?” Her voice took on an overly cheery tone as she pushed past the embarrassment at being caught red handed. She’d done well at hiding her feelings and pretending everything was fine, but some days she’d lose count of the amount of times she’d pull her phone out just to catch a glimpse of him. Of them. Together.
“Sure. Whatever you’re having.” Zig paused, surveying his surroundings as she flicked the kettle on once more. “Is this it then? Is it just you?” He queried, sweeping his arm around the air gesturing towards the flat.
“And my super hot room mate Jack.”
A crestfallen look slipped into place as he managed a low gasp, barely audible even to himself. “Oh.”
“Sorry. Sorry. Why am I like this? I was kidding Zig!”
“Did you really just make up a fake roomie on the spot like that?”
“Oh Jack’s a real person.” She replied flatly, head down as she seemed to handle the kettle with unnecessary caution.
“But he doesn’t live with you?”
“Not anymore.”
“What happened?”
She rubbed at the back of her head sheepishly. “Ohh that. Nothing.”
Crossing his arms across his chest and leaning his weight onto one leg, he quirked an eyebrow questioningly.
“Okay fine. He said I was a nightmare to live with, can you believe that?”
Zig’s shoulders gently shook as he struggled to contain his laughter, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.
“Hey!” Her eyes flashed warningly.
“Alright, sorry. What was it then? The hair down the plughole? Putting the toilet roll on the holder the wrong way? Or the toothpaste you always seem to leave in the bottom of the sink?”
Her jaw slackened, her features turning stony as she looked at him aghast. “All of the above.”
“At least he didn’t notice the weird, and completely incorrect way you stack everything in the dishwasher.” Zig chuckled light heartedly, stopping himself seconds later as she pushed her lips out into an over exaggerated pout.
“That was the last thing he said to me. ZIG! Why didn’t you tell me I’m a nightmare?”
His body tensed, taking a step back and running a finger along an oak floating shelf absent-mindedly. She slowly closed the gap a moment later, shuffling forward with two steaming mugs, holding one out at arms length for Zig.
“I…I don’t think you want to hear what I have to say.”
“I’m wounded enough as it is. Come on, just kick me when I’m down why don’t you, I’m giving you a free pass here!” She looked over her shoulder to give him a playful grin as she made her way over to the plush sofa, Zig trailing behind uncertainly like a lost puppy. She slowly slinked backwards, curling her legs up underneath her, carefully setting her mug down on the glass coffee table. After a few seconds Zig followed suit.
“No that’s not it. It’s just, well, I don’t think you are a nightmare to live with really.”
“Oh please. You’ve just listed off all my terrible habits!”
“And yet i’ve lived with you for how long now without mentioning them once? Because…”
She wrapped her arms around herself instinctively, hand resting on her elbow and rubbing distractedly as Zig stopped himself, both of them aware of the words he’d just swallowed down.
He let out a low whistle as his eyes wandered once more around her rented flat. “This place is nice and all but it’s so…”
“Boring.” She finished for him, noticing his reluctance to finish what he started.
The corner of his mouth tugged upwards in a wry smile. “Yep. Totally.”
“Pretty to look at, but would it kill them to add a splash of colour? Or you know, just fill it with some…stuff? Anything really! Apparently it’s in the contract that I signed that I won’t change a thing and…Eurgh I’m sorry! You didn’t just fly like four thousand miles to hear me complain about how boring my flat is.”
“If it matters to you, it matters to me.”
Reaching out for her tea, her eyes dropped to the pale liquid, suddenly engrossed as her mind raced over the potential responses she could give him now.
“Zig don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Do that.”
One eyebrow raised in indication for her to continue.
Her free hand scrubbed harshly at her face, a long drawn out breath following. “That thing where you’re cute, caring and just all around great.”
Zig’s chuckle was gentle and light. “That’s not a thing, that’s just me.”
“Stop, you’re killing me! I forgot how perfect you are. No wait, what am I saying? Of course I didn’t!” With the mug back in place, she cradled her head in her hands, a stretched out sigh simultaneously morphing into a string of giggles. “God, sorry Zig! Lucky escape huh?”
With an unreadable expression etched onto his face as he studied her, Zig found his body slowly edging closer to hers, their eyes fixed on each other. “You know that’s not what I think.”
A flicker of hesitation rippled through him, before his hands took control, taking her small hands in his, adding a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Her pulse quickened, confliction overpowering her senses, surprising herself at the feeling of her thumb brushing against Zig’s. Deep breath in, deep breath out.
An easy silence stretched out for a few minutes, both drinking in the other’s eyes with continued strokes to the hand, revelling in the feeling of being back where they belong. But the elephant in the room was only getting harder to ignore.
“What are we doing Zig?” She managed to choke out, her throat suddenly dry.
He looked up from where he’d been contently watching her thumb stroke idle circles around his own. “I know I screwed up. We should have talked about our plans for graduation months before now. In hindsight, I realise you tried to bring it up, but I assumed things would just work out because we loved each other.”
She reeled backwards, unprepared for his sudden admission, Zig’s grip only tightening around her hands. “What are you saying?”
“Why don’t we have that talk now? And this time I’ll listen. Please give me another chance.”
She found herself nodding eagerly, the ability to speak having escaped her.
“I love you and I made a huge mistake.” A shiver trailed down her spine as the words left his mouth. Zig noticed, shrugging his denim jacket off and gently laying it over her shoulders, his face stretching as he offered her a warm smile. His smell engulfed her, her eyes fluttering shut for a split second as warmth surrounded her. She wiggled a little closer to Zig on the sofa.
“I know we agreed parting ways was the best choice for both of us, that we needed to follow our own dreams. But my dreams are nothing without you.” Zig sighed, his fingers now tangling with hers, knitting and kneading together repetitively as he worked up the courage to continue. Wiggling even further, goosebumps began to surface at the sudden close proximity. Too close. There was no going back from here. She’d already made her decision, she realised.
“They need me in Tokyo by the end of August, but instead of being excited I just feel empty. I thought I wanted an adventure, but without you, Japan feels about as exciting as a trip to the dentist. I love you baby. I love you and I miss you. Please take me back.”
Salty tears spilled down her face as her mouth flailed open and shut uselessly. Pressing his forehead against hers and dipping down to her level, they swayed for a beat, the comfortable silence cut short a minute later.
"If it’s an adventure you want, you’ve come to the right place.”
Zig’s chin inclined upwards as his head quirked questioningly.
“We could go for a butchers round Camden Lock, you’d probably fit right in there. Leather is very in around those parts.”
Zig chuckled, lacing his fingers through hers once more. “I’m not sure I can even pretend to know what half of that just meant. But I’ve moved on from leather.”
“Luckily for you, denim is pretty popular round those parts too.”
His eyes softened, warmth spreading over his features as he gave a tiny nod, gesturing for her to continue.
“We could go to a pie and mash shop, complete with jellied eels of course. Or i’ll race you down the steps in Covent Garden, there’s a spiral staircase with 193 steps. We could follow the Pearly Kings and Queens and get an awesome selfie with them. Or maybe you’d prefer the standard monarchy, with a trip to The Tower Of London or…”
She flinched as a pair of lips silenced her. Soft, warm, confident lips. Lips that felt like home. She hesitated for the briefest of seconds, before melting against him.
“I don’t care what we do today, as long as I’m with you…doing this.” He swooped down for another swift kiss, catching her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging.
Her body stilled, stunned into a ramrod straight, rigid posture. Her chest heaved upwards, breathing a laborious chore all of a sudden. A warm, pink tinge coloured her cheeks and her tongue traced along the grooves of her bottom lip. She savoured the taste, a powerful concoction that was so undeniably Zig. A hint of cigarette smoke. He must have been nervous, or stressed. The only two reasons he’d ever reach for the packet of smokes. Coffee. Jetlag is a bitch right? And an underlying taste of mint. Gum, candy, toothpaste. She didn’t know which, and frankly she didn’t care either.
The sudden assault on her senses pulled down the final barrier, fully exposing her as an influx of memories catapulted towards her head on.
The first kiss. Morning kisses. Goodnight kisses. Happy kisses. Lingering kisses. Sloppy kisses. Over the top and annoyingly in your face kisses - The kind that always made Zack say ‘Okay, you two are adorable, we get it!’. Tipsy kisses. Angry kisses. Goodbye kisses. The last kiss. Except it wasn’t. Not now. Not ever. Not if she could help it.
“I can’t believe you came all this way and you haven’t made any plans at all. The Zig I know would be desperate to get out and explore and go on an adventure. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Her tongue poked out slightly as she made light of the situation, the continuous loud thud in her ear of her heartbeat a constant reminder of the true affect Zig was having on her. That he’d always had on her.
“It’s not that I don’t have any plans. I was just kind of hoping you’d want to join me for them.
Edging backwards on the sofa, her eyes peered back at him with some skepticism as she assessed Zig. "Ah ha! I knew it. Well Ortega, that depends. I’ve been here a while now and I’ve done a lot of the touristy things already. What have you got up your sleeve that can convince me to let you take me out for the night?”
A dopey grin spread across his face, his eyes glistening eagerly. “Have you ever been inside Big Ben at night?”
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rreader · 8 years
Hey it's the Disney anon! Yeah I meant sort of live action BATB cause I love the Bucky fic you did😊 So if it's something you'd be happy to write for can I request a reader x gaston fic where they grew up together and she is in love with him but is convinced it isn't mutual & that he deserves better so doesn't tell him. Another guy asks her out & she accepts cause she thinks she should move on if gaston will never love her. But Gaston actually gets super jealous/possessive. Hope it's ok thanks❤
Pairing: Gaston x Reader Fandom: Disney ; Beauty and the Beast (2017)Warnings: /
A/N: asdfghjkl, I’m so glad you send me this request, I literally grinned so hard when I got it! I don’t normally post two things a day, but I literally had the easiest time writing this. This prompt gave me so much inspiration that I just typed it in one go and I’m actually quite happy with how it turned out. I hope you like it as well and if you have any other gaston x reader request please send them my way. I LOVE writing for him and the reader. (added Gaston to my fandoms list)
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“You’restaring again,” LeFou, who had seemingly snuck up on you,whispered.
Youblinked a few times to break the spell you were under before andturned around, wanting to convince him that, no, you weren’t staringat Gaston like a fool in love. 
But the look he threw you was enoughto know that it wouldn’t work on him.
“It’snot like I don’t understand. And I’m certainly not the one to judgeyou,” he winked at you and you had to laugh a little. “But what Idon’t understand is why you don’t tell him. You’ve known eachother for so long..”
“OhLeFou. If only it were so easy. Look at him..-” he was currentlychasing Belle again. “He doesn’t feel the same and I doubt he everwill. He needs a woman who cooks for him and plays the good wife. Youand me both know that I’m not that kind of woman.”
“Neitheris Belle! Which is why he fancies her! So what makes you different?”
“I’ma huntress, LeFou. Belle and me are completely the opposite of each other. If she’s his type then I’m most certainly not.”
“She’s beautiful. That’s why she’s his type. And do I need to remind you of your beauty?”
Yousighed and turned around to face your friend, smiling a little, thenhugging him.
Inthe meantime, Gaston gave up for today in chasing Belle andapproached the two of you.
“Whyif it isn’t my two best friends. How are you today?” he clappedLeFou on the back, which made him break the hug. “Is something thematter, (Y/N)?” he almost looked worried.
Yougave him a small reassuring smile and shook your head.
“Ofcourse not,” you looked up when you heard your father call yourname and gave both of the men in front of you an apologizing look.“Forgive me. I hope you two enjoy your day.”
Thenyou ran over to your father and the two of you went into the woodsfor your hunting business.
“(Y/N)?You know that I love you, right?” he said after a few minutes.
Youlooked up to your father and smiled. “Of course, father. Why?”
“There is this.. man, who would like to get to know you a little. He askedme for my permission and I think you two would be quite the match.”
Thatmade you stop in your tracks.
“Thisisn’t a marriage proposal, (Y/N). He’d merely like to meet you. Ithought it’d be a good idea. You won’t be this young forever, youknow?”
Youlet out a breath. “I can’t believe you’ve done this!”
“Well,you can be angry all you want, I invited him to hunt with us soyou’ll meet him soon anyways.”
Hecontinued walking and you stared after him with a flabbergastedexpression. 
Youcollected your thoughts, then stormed after him, about to give it tohim straight, but suddenly stopped when you saw the man next to him.
Sooner than you’d expected.
Hesmiled and took a step towards you.
“Youmust be (Y/N). Your father has told me all about you and your skills.I’ve never heard of a female hunter before, to be honest.”
“I’mthe only one around.”
“Ilike that. You’re different. Something special,” he leaned in for that last sentence and winked.
Youhad to try really hard not to roll your eyes, but instead tookanother good look at him.
Hecertainly wasn’t ugly and the way he was holding his weapon and hisgear he brought seemed like he knew what he was doing.
Whilehe introduced himself, your father had wandered off deeper intothe woods, leaving you and the man alone.
You ended up hunting together for the day, talking about all sorts ofthings.
Yousoon realized that he was more interesting and open than you thoughthe’d be and found yourself liking him at the end of the day. Whichwasn’t something you had expected to happen.
Whenyou both walked back into the village together, your thoughts driftedoff to a certain man in your life.
Maybeit was time.
Youhad been pining after Gaston for so long and he’d never share thosefeelings you had. So you could either wallow in self pity for the restof your life, be alone and hunt, or find someone else and try to fallin love once more.
“(Y/N)?”you looked up when he spoke your name and found yourself in front ofthe tavern. You’ve been so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t evenremember the last few minutes you walked to the tavern.
“Forgiveme.. What did you say?”
“Iwas wondering if you were hungry? We could eat something..”
“Ofcourse. I’m starving.”
Yousmiled and he held open the door for you.
The two of you sat down at an empty table in the corner of the tavern.
Foranother couple of minutes, you continued to talk and ordered what youwanted, before Gaston realized you were here. Then he realized that youweren’t alone. And that’s when something in him snapped.
Hequickly strolled over to your table.
“(Y/N).There you are. I was wondering when you’d be back,” without aninvitation, he grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside you and pressed kiss on your cheek.
“Gaston,this isn’t a good time,” your voice was low, trying to make thisless embarrassing than it already was.
“Why,won’t you introduce us? Who is this?” he turned towards the man in your company.
“Thisis Jasper. A hunter. Jasper, this is Gaston, my..-”
“..-the most important person in her life,” he grinned confidently.
Jasperkept looking back and forth between you and Gaston.
“What’sgotten into your head?” you asked.
“Idon’t know what you mean, love,” he pushed a strand of hair out ofyour face. “But I think you should end this charade now and tellthis child to leave. You need a man, after all. Not a boy.”
Jasperstood up, challenging Gaston with a single look. Gaston did the sameand stood up just as quickly.
Yourhands covered your face, not believing what was actually happening,but deciding to keep out of it.
If two men wanted to find it was better to stay out of it. Especially when Gaston was one of the men. You’ve learned that lesson when you were very young and tried to go between him and another boy. At the end you had a huge cut on your lip.
“It’stime to leave, Jasper,” he said his name with so much spite. 
“That’snot up for you to decide. (Y/N) and I were enjoying ourselves untilyou disturbed us.”
“She’s with me, do you understand?” he took another step towards Jasper, now being so close to him that his words were a dangerous threat.
Nowyou looked up.
“That’sher decision,” now both men turned around to look at you, puttingyou on the spot right there and then. The entire tavern was lookingat the scene by now. You stammered a few words out, then decided toflee. This was too much and you didn’t know how to handle it.
Yousat on the hill behind your father’s hut and watched the sunset,trying to think about everything that happened today. And the reasons behind it.
Whywould Gaston act like that all of a sudden?
You had never seen him like that. So.. possessive of you.
“Jasperis trying to find you as well. But he doesn’t know you as well as I do,” he grinned, proud of himself for immediately knowing where you were.
Thistime, you did roll your eyes.
Hesat down next to you on the grass.
“Congratulations,Gaston,” you looked down to your hands. “He’s quite nice, youknow? And it’s not like I agreed to marry him. We just met today.”
“He’snot right for you. You deserve someone better than him.”
Youdidn’t answer, just turned your head to your left so he wouldn’t seethe tears in your eyes.
Buthe knew you too well and softly placed his hand under your chin,turning your face towards him.
“Whyare you doing this?” your voice was barely even a whisper.
“Ruiningthis for me.”
Hiseyebrows drew together in confusion.
“No,Gaston. I want the truth. You can play the confident prick witheveryone else, but not with me. We know each other too long for youto do that to me.”
Hetried to find an answer to your question, but couldn’t.
He couldn’t even explain it to himself.
But the moment he saw you with that man, everything inside of him screamed. 
Soinstead of answering, he simply acted and leaned down until his lips met yours.
Youwere surprised, but didn’t move away.
Aftera second, you let out a breath and closed your eyes, starting to enjoy the feeling ofhis lips on yours.
Oncethe kiss was over he pulled back a little to look at you.
“Ithink that’s why I’m doing it,” his hand went from your chin toyour cheek and he looked into your beautiful eyes, which looked soradiant in the light of the sunset. “My god.. You’re so beautiful.Have I ever told you that before?”
Youhad to laugh a little at that last statement.
“No.You haven’t. You’ve been saying it to Belle for the past years.”
“AndI never saw what was right in front of me until someone else almosttook it away from me.”
Youcouldn’t hold the eye contact any longer, so decided to simply throw yourarms around his neck and hug him tightly. His arms went around your waist, pulling you close to his body and inhaling your scent. 
Suddenly the only woman that seemed to matter were you. All thoughts of Belle were erased from his mind.
Youdidn’t know what the future held, but you were glad you had decided tospend the day with Jasper. Otherwise the talk you just had withGaston would never have happened..
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Californian Dream (Pt. 01 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.8 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
Next part (02)->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Ignoring the meaningless chattering, you drink what's left of your water, then put the glass against your neck, hoping the cold will help with the hot weather. Summers in California are always this hot, and since you're under the sun, it doesn't help. Some of your friends, or better saying, the family friends, the people you grew up with, are here again, using your pool as if it was some kind of club they can attend. Standing on this badly shaped circle, you pretend to listen as Ryan goes on about some mansion he helped his father sell this weekend. He's excited, gesticulating a lot, and the others seem to be quite interested too. But not you. Honestly, you couldn't care less.
Through the corner of your eye, you see someone moving on the other side of the huge pool, behind some trees. Turning your head to see it better, you easily recognize the new pool guy, Billy Hargrove. He's been working here for only a couple of months, coming a few times a week to clean the pool or to fix something. You always pay attention to the staff, because nobody else does. You like to know them since they're working at your house after all, and that made you befriend a lot of them throughout the years. But Billy? You haven't even crossed paths with him yet. On purpose.
Billy is by far the most handsome guy you ever met, and you just don't think you can say anything to his face. He probably thinks you're one of the silly, rich chicks he meets on his job, and for some reason, it bothers you.
“(Y/N).” Ryan snaps his fingers on your face, dragging you out of your thoughts. “Are you in there? Aren't you listening?”
“Yup. Sorry, I tuned out for a minute.” Politely, you apologize. “What were you saying?”
“The gala. Who are you going with?”
“Uhm... Not sure yet.” Playing with the empty glass, you move your weight from one leg to the other. “I don't have any good options.”
“What?” Gisele exclaims, giggling. “Robert wants to go with you. Daniel would easily ditch his date for you. And Michael–”
“Don't wanna go with neither of them.” Cutting her off, you decide to just say it. Robert is the most hateful person you ever met. Daniel has been chasing after you for years, it doesn't matter how hard you try to make him understand you don't like him, and every girl he dates, he does it to try and make you jealous. And Michael is a manipulative jerk. All three members of the most prestigious families of California, and desired bachelors. And yet, you can't stand them.
“Who are you going with then? The pool guy?” Gisele gestures at something across the pool, and you know at who.
“Maybe. I bet he's way better than Michael, Daniel, or Robert.” This makes all the five of them laugh, in a very mocking tone. But you mean it. “I might go by myself. Who cares?”
“Are you crazy? Your parents will care, and people will talk, you know that.” Ryan rolls his eyes, lightly slapping his friend's arm. “C'mon, Antony, let's find (Y/N) a fourth option.” The two guys smirk and walk away, and you don't even bother to ask what they're up to. You don't care.
“For real now, (Y/N),” Alice says, running her fingers through her hair. “Gisele is right. The three guys are so into you, and Robert...” She chuckles, exchanging a glance with Gisele. “He's hot. He's... So damn hot.”
“Why don't you go with him then?” You ask her, taking a deep breath and already thinking of an excuse to get away from this conversation and back into the secrecy of your bedroom.
“Because I'm dating.” She answers as if it was the most obvious thing. As if she didn't have a different boyfriend every month. “James Whayland. The one and only, heir to the Whayland fortune? Do you happen to know him?” A rhetoric question, of course. Everyone knows who the Whayland are. “I'm so gonna marry him.”
“You must,” Gisele adds. “You'd be like, stupidly rich.”
And they go on with that, a conversation you don't even try to follow. A lot of girls do that, getting married to join the fortunes and shove more money into their pockets. Your mother herself did it, and she tries to push you into doing the same, pointing out the richest bachelors of California. But you'd never do that. You rather never get married than getting married without love. It's so obvious, yet, if you bring that up, it always becomes an argument. ‘Love comes with time’, she says. ‘Once you're provided financial stability, you'll learn to love the provider.’ None of that sounds appealing to you. You're hoping to fall in love one day. It hasn't happened yet, but you'll patiently wait.
“Hey, Earth to (Y/N).” Ryan raises his voice, and, a little annoyed, you look up at him.
“You're welcome.” He says with a wicked smile.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you tilt your head to the side. “For what, Ryan?”
“For getting you the best date ever for the gala, sweetie.” He and Antony laugh, and soon enough the others follow. “The pool guy is taking you to a high society party. How amazing is that?”
It takes a while for you to even process what he's saying, but his mean tone makes you angry. He thinks he's superior to anyone who doesn't have a collection of fancy cars in their garage. “First of all, Ryan, the pool guy has a name, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah. You're always close to the staff.” He emphasizes the last word, making a disgusted face.
“Second...” What? Second what? You know you can't go with Billy. That would get people talking. But then, the other options make you sick to even consider them. And honestly, you couldn't care less about what people say. It'll probably get you a hell of a lecture from your parents, a few weeks of gossips and mean comments, but that's it. Soon enough someone else will become the hottest topic. “You know what, forget it.” Putting the empty glass on the table, you walk away, ignoring how they call you, telling you not to be silly.
Maybe the guys are joking. Maybe they're just pulling a prank on you, but there's no problem with finding that out. Walking around the pool and into the garden, you walk around the supply closet, following the low noise of something being put into the metal shelves. The supply closet is open, so you patiently wait on the outside, barefoot on the grass as you move to stand to bellow a tree. Bouncing your leg, you look around, breathing deeply and trying to understand why the hell you decided to face Billy now. He's the only guy who works here you're making sure not to have any contact with.
“Good afternoon.” The voice startles you, and you immediately turn to face him. Billy is closing the closet door shut, eyes focused on you. And yes, he's far more gorgeous from up close. “May I help you, Miss–”
“(Y/N).” You cut him off, cursing yourself for doing so. “You may call me (Y/N).”
He simply nods, walking closer and stopping on a shadow spot too. “Do you need anything from me?”
“Uhm...” For a moment, you gotta think a little to remember what brought you here. “I just wanted to ask if maybe some two jerks came to talk to you... About a party... And... Taking a girl to this party...” Playing with your fingers, you wonder if he already thinks you're a total idiot.
“Yes. They said you needed a date for some gala.” Billy crosses his arms, not looking away from you. “If you need it, I can take you.”
Oh. Would he really do that? “Uhm... Look, Ryan and Antony meant it as a joke.” You gotta be honest, even if it means he'll give up the idea. “I mean, not for me, they're just... They're jerks. And they...” Holy crap. You have to get your shit together. “They thought it would be funny to make you think you could take me to this gala.” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “But... I would like it if you could because all my options suck. It's either Michael or Robert or Daniel, and you probably know they're all fighting for the award of the worst person on the face of Earth.”
“It might be really hard to make this decision. Might as well split the award in three.” He speaks up and you giggle. The staff don't usually speak like that about the families they work for. But Billy doesn't seem to care and you like that.
“Yeah. So... I know people will gossip about it but I'd be forever grateful if you could do me this kindness.” You're blushing now, biting your lip. “Because I know it's not your job or anything but I could pay you if you want.”
“There's no need.” Billy shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders. “It's a party, right? It will be fun.”
“Oh... About that...” Calling such events ‘parties’ is a misunderstanding. Almost a crime. “These things... Suck. It's super dull, full of rich people donating, trying to donate more them someone else just so they'll show off how rich they really are... You'll absolutely hate it. I do.” Gesturing at yourself, you give him an apologetic look. “I'd owe you for life if you help me get through it without having to put up with any of those assholes.”
Billy nods, looking down before his eyes meet yours again. “I believe I'll have to wear one of those suits right?”
“Well, I'll be in some uncomfortable dress, so we'll both be unhappy about our clothes.” Your mind goes to the lilac dress your mother made you buy, extremely expensive.
“Alright then. It's on Sunday, right?” You nod. “Should I pick you up?”
“Yes. At seven.” He gives a small nod before gesturing at the garden. “I gotta go now.”
“Sure...” Billy waves before walking away, and you stand there, wondering if you should go back to your so-called friends. You're sure Ryan will have that stupid smile on, eager to know what you and Billy have spoken about. And you won't tell anything, but you also don't want to deal with that shit right now, or else you might tell right to their faces how much of a jerk they are. So you decide to follow Billy through the garden, easily finding him by a particular big tree. He's opening a leaf tarp on a clean space on the grass before taking a fan rake. “This tree is dying.” You say, getting his attention. Billy turns around, furrowing his eyebrows. “That's why there are so many fallen leaves. See how some of them seem healthy, normal green leaves? It only happens when the tree is dying.”
“Then you should have someone cut it down before someone gets hurt.” He says, looking a little confused. “Shouldn't you go back to your friends?”
“Yeah, I probably should.” You're tired of all the things you should do, so for today, you won't do them. As silly as it may be. “Do you need some help?” You ask, stepping forward a little.
“No, I'm alright.” It sounds like a question, and you blush from the way he stares at you, for several seconds, before focusing on his task, raking the leaves to the tarp.
“Ok.” Whispering, you move to sit on a wooden table, one of the many you have scattered around the property. You try not to look at Billy too much, noticing how weird it feels to do this. You barely know the guy, he'll be your date for a gala, and now you're awkwardly seated here, watching as he works. Well, it is better than whatever your friends must be talking about now. “So... What exactly do you work with?” You ask, hoping to get any kind of conversation going. “I thought you just took care of the pool.”
“I work for a company. BJ's Associates.” Billy starts, and you take this chance to look at him. Despite the distance, you can see the sweat glistening on his forehead. “They send me to any place I'm needed. Some of them are scheduled weekly, others are random. And–” He makes a pause suddenly, giving you a look. “Are you bored yet?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you giggle. “I actually wanna know.”
He turns his head to look at the pool, which is a little distant now. Maybe he thinks this is some kind of move, and you wouldn't blame him, judging by the way the guys probably came to talk to him. “That's it. I clean pools, fix cars, might paint walls or something, clean gardens... The list goes on.”
“You know how to fix a car?” Raising an eyebrow, you move to seat on the table, placing both your feet on the wooden bench. “My car is making this weird noise and I'm sure it's not some normal noise.”
“How does it sounds like?”
“Like a clunking, I think... every time I hit the breaks, even when it's softly.”
“It could be some damage to the brake caliper.” He's quick to answer, and you raise your eyebrows, impressed. “Or it's badly mounted.”
“Damn, you're good.” You exclaim, giggling at his funny face.
“I just–”
“(Y/N)!” Amelia's voice reaches you, and Billy stops talking, resuming his job. “I've been looking for you.” The old lady, with her gray hair tied up on a perfect, sophisticated bun, comes to the table you're at, a tray with a jar and six glasses on her hands.
“I've been here chatting with Billy.” You tell as she lays the tray down. “And no, I won't go back to the pool.”
“They're talking about James Whayland.” She starts, rolling her eyes. Amelia is the only one in this house, well, the only one you know who understands you. “Alice Martin was talking about marrying him...?”
“Yup.” A stronger wind messes with your hair, so you use a hand to keep it away from your face. “Something about joining their fortunes and being the king and queen of California. Some shit like that.”
“Poor Alice.” Amelia breathes out, taking a glass and pouring some lemonade on it before handing it over to you. “That Whayland kid is not the nicest guy on Earth.”
“Poor James!” You giggle, putting your glass down and serving her some lemonade too. She doesn't like when you do that, since she's here to serve you. Amelia, the woman who raised you is here for nothing else than to serve you. So unbelievable it almost makes you laugh. “Alice isn't nice either. She can be very manipulative to get what she wants.”
“Don't I know?” She mutters. “Well, I must go. Serve this to your friends.”
“No, no, no. Take your glass and leave the rest. If someone complains tell them I'll drink the whole jar.” Taking the tray from her hands, you place it down on the table again.
“Alright, Miss–”
“(Y/N). Honey. Bunny. Anything, but not this formal stuff, ok?” You correct her, and Amelia gives you a bright smile.
“Alright, (Y/N).” She repeats before turning around and walking away, cordially greeting Billy.
Taking a sip from your glass, you smile to notice Amelia's lemonade is as good as always. A little too sour for your parents taste, but you like it better this way. Your attention goes back to Billy, still dealing with the fallen leaves, despite being almost done. If you ask, he might say no, so you just pour another glass before jumping to the ground, making your way over him. “Here.” Raising your voice, you get his attention. And once again he has this confused expression on his face when he sees the glass. “Lemonade. It's hella hot out here and this might help.”
“Thanks.” Squinting his eyes a little, he takes the glass from your hand, taking long sips, drinking almost everything.
“Sorry if it's a little too sour. I don't like much sugar on it and Amelia knows so...” When he's done, he gives you back the glass. “Why are you looking at me like that? I swear I'm not a ghost.”
“That's not it. I'm just not used to being treated like that by the owners.” Billy's voice gets a little darker, and he pronounces the last word with certain anger. But you can imagine exactly why. Most of the people you know aren't very fond of their employees. They're just the people they pay off to do what they can't do by themselves.
“I know how some of the families can be mean.” Drumming your fingers on the empty glass, you stand there, staring at Billy, just now noticing the deep, beautiful shade of blue from his eyes. Involuntary, you breathe out, smiling.
“Nothing!” You burst out, clearing your throat and finding your legs again, making the way back at the table. “I–”
“(Y/N)!” A shout startles you, and when you turn at the source of the voice, you see it's Gisele. “Get back here! You won't guess who just got here.”
“If it isn't Michael Jackson ready to perform Beat It, I'll be disappointed.” You mutter, only loud enough for Billy to hear it as you walk back to the pool.
“Call me if it's him,” Billy says and you giggle, giving him one last look.
It's not Michael. Well, it is, but not Jackson, just Michael Rothford. He stands by the pool, where everyone gathers around him. Trying not to look pissed, you move closer, offering a polite, fake smile. “Good afternoon, Mike. How have you been?”
“I'm way better now.” He answers, and you try to ignore how everyone moves a little, giving you more space to move closer to Michael. He takes your hand, giving it a shake, and awkwardly squeezing it softly. “I'm here to ask, once again, for you to let me take you to Sunday's gala.”
The two idiots, Antony and Ryan start giggling, and you know exactly why. “Sorry, Mike, I can't.” Pulling your hand away, you cross your arms. “I already have someone, so...” Thank God you have the perfect excuse, and it's not even a lie. You're so damn relieved you won't be forced to attend to such a boring event with someone like Michael.
“Who?” He snaps, suddenly pissed. “Daniel is going with that Angela chick. Robert, you can't stand. Andrew isn't in the country, Willian–”
“You don't know him, alright?” Cutting him off, you sigh.
“Oh, shit,” Ryan mutters, and you give him a look. He has a hand covering his mouth, trying to control a laugh. “You're really going to the gala with the pool guy.” Antony burst into laughter, and the others try to control themselves not to.
“You rather go with the staff than with me?” Michael sounds offended as if he was punched in the face. “Are you kidding me, (Y/N)?”
Quickly, you try to think of something to say. You can't say the truth, that he's a hateful human being you can't stand being next to. But nothing comes to your mind. “No, I'm not. I... Actually wanna go with Billy.”
“Honestly, (Y/N), screw you.” He barks, and before you can answer, he grabs both your shoulders and pushes you straight into the water.
Everything happens way too fast for you to process, so there was no way you could tell him you absolutely can't swim. So the moment you hit the water, you just sink, your body moving to the bottom, way too far from the surface. You do try moving your legs a bit, uselessly. But you're suddenly pulled, strong arms moving you through the water until you finally reach the surface, gasping for air. Breathing fast, the terror finally starts kicking in, and you push yourself up, stumbling a little, ignoring all the hands that offer help. Once you're out of the water, seated on the edge, you finally see who saved you, Billy, also pushing himself up, only with a lot more grace than you. You exchange a glance, and his hand is the one you take, pulling yourself back to your feet.
“You can't swim?” You hear Michael's voice, a curse caught in your throat. “I never met a Californian who can't swim.”
Not minding the small crowd around, you make you walk to Michael, losing no time before slapping him right on the face, the loud noise of your wet hand colliding to his cheek startling some of your friends. “Asshole!” You yell before storming away, embarrassed, still struggling to catch your breath, feeling cold thanks to your soaked clothes.
“Hey.” Someone calls, but you ignore them, walking fast into the house. “(Y/N).” Your arm being grabbed makes you stop walking and turn around, ready to make hell rain on whoever it is, but your fury melts away when you see Billy. “Are you ok?”
Taking a deep breath, you relax a little, nodding. “Yeah, I just... Got scared.” He lets go of your arm, but you don't step away, looking into his blue, calming eyes. ���Thank you, though. You saved my life.”
“Can't believe he threw you at the water like that.”
“See why I need you to take me to that stupid party?” Crossing your arms, you pace around. “I can't even begin to imagine how it'd be to spend the night with that prick.” Looking down, you notice how you and Billy are dripping, soaking the white floor. “I gotta go change, and you should... I don't know. At least you got to enjoy the pool for a while.”
“I'd rather enjoy it when you're not drowning.”
“Yeah, that would be better.” Shyly smiling, you give a step backwards. “I gotta go... But thanks again.” Stopping in your tracks, you decide to be just a little brave. Stepping closer, you tiptoe to place a quick kiss on Billy's cheek, before turning around and rushing upstairs to your bedroom.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon @alwaysadreamingoptimist
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