#was seriously considering making reader mel's tutor
deouxess · 2 years
i bleed in amber
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ambessa raids a city in ionia, beheads a child, and you comfort mel.
tw: beheading, gore, mentions of blood.
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mel has always known of her mother's brutality. it itches in the back of her skull, the thought that she comes from a line of murderers.
the great medardas.
or so they call her family of savages. still, she doesn't let it bother her. she never thought she had to see it. she never expected to be forced to face it upfront. she always presumed that that would be left to her brother; the eldest, the heir, the less weak of the two.
she was always more of a diplomat than a fighter, even more so than her brother. the least she thought she would have to do was give the penalty of death and leave it in the hands of others. and she would've come to terms with that and the guilt it carried because such is the life of a medarda.
mel wishes she'd have anticipated the outcome.
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you survey the estate's properties and damages while mel rambles on about how much she's learned of the country. you hum to indicate your concentration then give a nod to your footmen and motion them away before you interrupt her. an exhale leaves you as you screw your eyes shut to stave off the incoming headache. she's not going to like this.
“mel, dove?”
“what will you do under the circumstances that we have to dispose of a native?”
as chief consort, overseeing mel's education and her progress with her tutors are your obligation. so is asking rational, relevant questions like these. that didn't mean you enjoyed it. she didn't falter and quickly answered with;
“strip them of their possessions and send them elsewhere.”
she turned to you with a practiced coolness and a look of hope in her eyes, sure that her answer would please you. you steeled yourself for your next question as you drew out a breath and shut your eyes.
“what do you do in the circumstance where we must be rid of them completely?”
you can hear the wind blowing the weight of the portiere softly as the air tenses. you can tell she's tense. she looks you in the eye as she combs her brain for answers and comes up short. finally she offers an answer.
“public execution.”
with slight dourness in her tone. you both pause and for a moment, her eyes flash with something. hurt?
“I never meant to—”
“your eminence? lady medarda awaits you in the cathedra.”
you nodded and turned to mel.
“how about you head there first and i'll follow? i've got some things to finish up.”
you surmised you could give your apology another time.
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you swore the whole room was gold with the way it illuminated. the crystal roof that reflected the aurulent doors were ingenious. or they would be, once the blood was scrubbed off the walls.
“he offered me a gold coin for every—”
“weapon you had collected from the fallen? we know dear, you've told that one already.”
“not to her.” she turns to you and gives you a half smirk before turning back to her second born. you could say your relationship has improved since the enthroning situation. in fact, she hasn't tried to kill you since. you stand behind her and hear mel prattle on excitedly about the image their figurehead should have. the child looks to her mother for approval with hope in her eyes as ambessa smiles down at her.
"perhaps she could be my daughter.”
she looked so shocked you struggled not to laugh.
“you would give me a throne?”
“i will give you the world child, if you prove you can take it”
your attention shifted to the door, if it could even be called that, stood two guards and.... a girl, it seemed? the wind blew heavily while ambessa seemed to ponder over her.
“what should we do with her?”
ah, a test. an opportunity.
“she won't be any trouble for us. strip her of her possessions and send her to the far colonies.”
you knew that wouldn't do it for ambessa.
“she is a symbol of the old regime. we kill her now. if we do, we spare needing to kill thousands in her stead.”
it's a mercy you suppose, only killing one to possibly save the lives of others. but it's too much for her, you can tell. mel's lithe body shakes like a leaf as she wavers and searches for something, anything to palliate her mother.
“we could show the people we are merciful.”
her voice shakes, the poor child. and you walk forward to hold her steady. ambessa walks away, and for a moment all is well as you both let out a breath. before ambessa turns and slashes the child's throat. her head falls clean off her shoulders and you hold a hand to your mouth. mel begins to shake again and you grasp her shoulders.
“breathe, schatje, breathe.”
you whisper in her ear as you hold her close. she stands stock still and lets out a squeak as she watches the blood pool, her eyes wide. ambessa turns to you both and her eyes flick in between the two of you, huddled together like frightened children.
“a wolf has no mercy.” she advises before walking off.
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plutvisual · 2 years
i bleed in amber
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ambessa raids a city in ionia, beheads a child, and you comfort mel
tw: beheading, blood, gore, brutality, and shame
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mel has always known of her mother's brutality. it itches in the back of her skull, the thought that she comes from a line of murderers.
the great medardas.
or so they call her family of savages. still, she doesn't let it bother her. she never thought she had to see it. she never expected to be forced to face it upfront. she always presumed that that would be left to her brother; the eldest, the heir, the less weak of the two.
she was always more of a diplomat than a fighter, even more so than her brother. the least she thought she would have to do was give the penalty of death and leave it in the hands of others. and she would've come to terms with that and the guilt it carried because such is the life of a medarda.
mel wishes she'd have anticipated the outcome.
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you survey the estate's properties and damages while mel rambles on about how much she's learned of the country. you hum to indicate your concentration then give a nod to your footmen and motion them away before you interrupt her. an exhale leaves you as you screw your eyes shut to stave off the incoming headache. she's not going to like this.
“mel, dove?”
“what will you do under the circumstances that we have to dispose of a native?”
as chief consort (as well as the only one), overseeing mel's education and her progress with her tutors are your obligation. so is asking rational, relevant questions like these. that didn't mean you enjoyed it. she didn't falter and quickly answered with;
“strip them of their possessions and send them elsewhere.”
she turned to you with a practiced coolness and a look of hope in her eyes, sure that her answer would please you. you steeled yourself for your next question as you drew out a breath and shut your eyes.
“what do you do in the circumstance where we must be rid of them completely?”
you can hear the wind blowing the weight of the portiere softly as the air tenses. you can tell she's tense. she looks you in the eye as she combs her brain for answers and comes up short. finally she offers an answer.
“public execution. to send a message.”
she says with slight dourness in her tone. you both pause and for a moment, her eyes flash with something. hurt?
“I never meant to—”
“your eminence? lady medarda awaits you in the cathedra.”
you nodded and turned to mel.
“how about you head there first and i'll follow? i've got some things to finish up.”
you surmised you could give your apology another time.
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you swore the whole room was gold with the way it illuminated. the crystal roof that reflected the aurulent doors were ingenious. or they would be, once the detritus was scrubbed off the walls.
“he offered me a gold coin for every—”
“weapon you had collected from the fallen? we know dear, you've told that one already.”
“not to her.” she turns to you and gives you a half smirk before turning back to her second born. you could say your relationship has improved since the enthroning situation. in fact, she hasn't tried to kill you since. you stand behind her and hear mel prattle on excitedly about the image their figurehead should have. the child looks to her mother for approval with hope in her eyes as ambessa smiles down at her.
“perhaps she could be my daughter.”
she looked so shocked you struggled not to laugh.
“you would give me a throne?”
“i will give you the world child, if you prove you can take it”
your attention shifted to the door, if it could even be called that, stood two guards and.... a girl, it seemed? the wind blew heavily while ambessa seemed to ponder over her.
“what should we do with her?”
ah, a test. an opportunity.
“she won't be any trouble for us. strip her of her possessions and send her to the far colonies.”
you knew that wouldn't do it for ambessa.
“she is a symbol of the old regime. we kill her now. if we do, we spare needing to kill thousands in her stead.”
it's a mercy you suppose, only killing one to possibly save the lives of others. but it's too much for her, you can tell. perhaps you should step in, calm them both down. while you ponder mel's lithe body shakes like a leaf as she wavers and searches for something, anything to palliate her mother.
“we could show the people we are merciful.” she begs,
her voice shakes, the poor child. as you walk forward to hold her steady, ambessa walks away, and for a moment all is well and you both let out a breath. that's before ambessa turns and slashes the child's throat. her head falls clean off her shoulders and you hold a hand to your mouth. mel begins to shake again and you grasp her shoulders.
“breathe, schatje, breathe.”
you whisper in her ear as you hold her close. she stands stock still and lets out a squeak as she watches the blood pool, her eyes wide. ambessa turns to you both and her eyes flick in between the two of you, huddled together like frightened children.
“a wolf has no mercy.” she advises before walking off.
fucking brute.
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oureuphoria · 5 years
Worst of You - JJK 10
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You meet him under horrible circumstances but everything feels perfect when you’re with him. Too bad you have a bitch of a best friend, anxiety and an inability to learn from your mistakes which cripples your chances to be with the man of your literal dreams. He, however, is a police officer with years worth of built-up turmoil and an inability to make attachments. Or “I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” “Cool, I’ll let everyone know you’re moving in then.”
Genre: fluff, angst, comedy
Pairing: officer!jungkook X  collegestudent!reader
Word count: 3,477
Warnings: None I think. 
Note: P.S. thing’s start to go downhill from here. 
| 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |
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When you woke up, you expected to see Jungkook’s side of the bed completely empty but instead, he was right there sleeping peacefully, at 9am. “Jungkook! Wake up, you’re late to work!” You shook him lightly, your voice was still pretty quiet. He tiredly turned to face you before letting out a hoarse, “what?” You pointed at the clock, he took one look at it and went back to sleep. “Jungkook, what about your job? Are you sick?” He turned to face you once again, more awake now. “On Tuesday I got promoted to Corporal, I have Saturdays off now.” “Oh.” You were about to go back to sleep, but then you jumped up quickly and Jungkook winced at the storm that was yet to come. “Wait! Why didn’t you tell me, that’s so amazing! I knew you could do it!” Jungkook pulled the blanket over his head to block out your loud excitement and you got the hint. “Whoops, I’m sorry. I’ll let you sleep now.” You smiled to yourself as you quietly left the bed.
All the sleepiness was knocked out of you so you decided to take a shower, but you were genuinely uncomfortable with the idea of going to the communal bathrooms on a Saturday morning. They were generally filled with puke and hungover college students. You recalled Jungkook telling you a while back that you could use his guest bathroom whenever you wanted and thought you would have to use children’s shampoo because he always kept it there in case his niece and nephew had to stay for a while.
You were still in the bathroom when Jungkook woke up. You were in the middle of harshly judging your skin when you heard Jungkook’s voice just outside your door. “Mom, I told you I don’t want to. No, I don’t have a girlfriend, I’m just not interested.” That sentence alone got rid of all your rationality and soon you had your ear pressed up against the door to hear better. “You know what, fine, I’ll meet her tonight. Are you happy now?” You couldn’t hear what was said on the other line so you had no real way of telling what was really going on or who he was meeting which just made you extremely anxious.
“Hey, Y/N. I’m going out tonight to meet an old friend.” You heard him yell from his room before he came out in slacks and a dress shirt, looking very handsome. You were on the couch, reading a book you bought the other day with Jimin. “Help me with my tie, your small hands make better knots.” You rolled your eyes at the underlying insult but you helped him anyway. You couldn’t help but feel a little angry about having to hear him lie to his mother about you. “Ow! Y/N, too tight.” You didn’t mean to smile but you did and he looked at you suspiciously. “My bad.” He took one look at his reflection in the mirror he has in the living room and angrily took the tie off. “It’s too much.” Then he unbuttoned the first few buttons, his toned chest peaking out. “You seem to be trying awfully hard to impress this ‘old friend’” Jungkook leaned down to face you, pinching your cheeks tightly. “She’s just a friend.” He gave you a quick kiss before he grabbed his things and was out the door.
You went back to reading the book you had just started to read but it was growing harder to concentrate the later it got, and once he was finally back, it was 11pm. You were already asleep on the couch, the book on your lap as your neck hung to the side. Jungkook winced at the uncomfortable position and hoped you weren’t asleep that way for long. “Y/N, wake up. Come on, let’s get you to bed.” You sleepily got up, rubbing your eyes to help you see better. You unlocked your phone to check the time and saw it was 11:17. You couldn’t help but wonder what took him so long considering he left at 7 but before you could address it, the warm confines of the bed pulled you into a gentle sleep.
The next day things were extremely tense. If you didn’t initiate conversations it would often go quiet for a really long time. Jungkook was either on his laptop, on his phone or playing a video game. The cycle got a little tedious around 1pm. “Jungkook, I’m bored.” He didn’t look up from his phone, smiling as he messaged someone. “Hello? Earth to Jungkook?” He once again kept his eyes trained on his screen though this time he found the energy to formulate a reply. “I heard you the first time. I don’t know, go out or something.” You frowned, his days off were the only days you could genuinely spend time with him and yet it felt as if he didn’t want to. You weren’t going to beg for his attention, you knew it would just make him mad.
You decided to go shopping, you wanted new clothes and you were in desperate need of a new laptop charger, you were sick of getting electrocuted every time you tried to charge the damn thing. It was a warm day, significantly warmer than any other this crisp winter, you were nearing the end of February so it was natural for the weather to get warmer. “Isn’t it too cold to wear a skirt?” You heard him ask behind you as you put on your shoes. “I literally just complained to you about the weather and how it was going to be 97 degrees today. Maybe if you listened to me you’d know this.” You stuck your tongue out at him towards the end of your sentence, it was childish yet you couldn’t help but hope he would take you seriously with your complaints. “Do you want me to drop you off?” You shook your head, giving him a peck on the cheek on your way out. “Y/N take a jacket- and she’s already out the door,” Jungkook mumbled the last part to himself, shaking his head slightly at your forgetfulness, he knew it was going to get colder later and he knew he was in for an earful about how cold you were when you’d get home.
“And then the lady told me that they didn’t have any more in my size and I was so sad. Jungkook are you even listening?” On his phone, once again, even when the man wasn’t at work he always found a way to make you feel like a nuisance. You gave up, it was like talking to a brick wall accept maybe the brick wall would be a better listener than Jungkook. You were already in bed when Jungkook joined you, though you were facing the closet door and sleeping near the edge. “Jungkook I think I’m going to go back to sleeping at my dorm.” He wasn’t expecting you to be awake, the statement catching him off-guard. “Really, why?” Despite him sounding fairly uninterested, you were glad he even responded. “If I don’t sleep there then I’m basically paying rent for a horribly overpriced storage unit.” Jungkook chuckled at your joke, but he didn’t reply, you took it as a sign that he wanted you out too.
“Ew, what’re you doing here?” Ellen was exhaling a cloud of smoke when you walked in. “I live here, stupid. Stop smoking indoors!” You spoke through coughs, blowing the smoke away and opening the windows. You looked up to see the fire alarm was off, you glared at her respectively. She didn’t care about your concerns, in fact, to show you exactly how little she cared, she flipped you off as you went to your room. Ellen was a lot of things, but you didn’t think she was a genuinely bad person, she was probably just lonely and sometimes you felt bad for her, but then she would start pissing you off again and you’d go back to hating her.
Your room was still the same, untouched. You often came here to study but you began slacking off as spring break was nearing. Ellen was blasting loud music again but weirdly turned it down when you asked her to. Maybe she liked having you back, maybe your theory about her being lonely was true after all. Whatever it was, you were grateful for it.
The next day was a Tuesday, also known as the worst day of the week. Not only did you have two consecutive tutor lessons but your classes ran nonstop from 8am-3pm. After your last class ended you walked to the library, exhausted and hungry. Unfortunately, you couldn’t eat or rest because your first tutoring lesson started at 4 and you had a lot of content to organize. A couple of students showed up 20 minutes early but you refused to say a word to them and they joked about how you should become a lawyer since you refuse to give out free advice but you were not in the mood.
3 dreadful hours later you were finally done with both sessions and you laid your head on the desk sleepily. You were tired enough to convince yourself to forget food and go home. Sure, you hadn’t eaten anything all day but sleep seemed more appetizing than food ever could. Naturally, since the universe seemed to hate you before you could even get up Jimin sat right in front of you. “There you are! You will not believe who I just saw at the cafe.” You looked at him distastefully. “Who?” You played along for the sake of getting it over and done with. “Jungkook, with a very pretty girl.” You laughed, assuming it to be Mel. “That’s just his coworker.” He looked at you with worried eyes as he shook his head. “No, I saw his coworkers when we went to the club, she’s different. She’s Asian, tall, long black hair, you don’t know her?” You shook your head, feeling the exhaustion disappear. “How long ago did you see them there?” “20 minutes ago, I would’ve told you earlier but you weren’t picking up your phone.” You recalled putting it on night mode before starting the lessons. You took said phone out to message Jungkook, asking where he was. He finished at 6pm which should’ve been an hour ago.
Where are you, Jungkook?
You waited for a reply but you can’t say you were patient, you were growing more anxious by the second and thankfully, almost 4 minutes later, Jungkook replied.
Work, I’m going to be late tonight.
Read 7:28
“What a fucking liar!” Jimin exclaimed from beside you once he read the message. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up. “Jimin, where are we going?” He speed-walked out of the building, making his way to the student carpark and very literally pushing you into his car. “Jimin, where are we going?” Once he put his seatbelt on, he turned to you smiling. “Station, we’re busting his ass.” You whined out loudly. “No, I don’t want to cause drama, he was probably with someone important for work.” Jimin didn’t reply, driving you there anyways. He went in with you and you saw Mel, he pushed you towards her and she smiled your way. “Hey Mel, I was just wondering if Jungkook was here?” You asked her politely, a little bashfully to be frank. “No, actually, he left a while ago.” You nodded, smiling though it really didn’t feel genuine, you thanked her and walked back to Jimin, telling him about what she said.
“Do you think he’s cheating on me?” You were on the verge of crying when you left the building, Jimin quickly engulfed you in a bone-crushing hug. “I’m sorry Y/N but after what you told me yesterday and what I saw, I think he is.” You started crying then, you had been cheated on before but you were 15 and you dated the boy for like 3 days. When you were finally in bed, you couldn’t sleep. You felt sick and exhausted but all you could do was dwell over Jungkook. After the phone call you overheard, the night out he had with her on Saturday and lying to you to see her it appeared that he probably was cheating.
When Jungkook left the bathroom, you had just walked out of the doors of the station lobby. By the time he got to Mel, you were gone. “Hey, did I miss anything?” He asked Mel while looking around the station. He was getting ready to leave after finally wrapping up the last of his reports. He had originally finished at 6 but the Chief called him back in because he needed some reports earlier than expected. He didn’t mind though, after finally clearing up with his old friend (the girl his mother tried to set him up with) that he wasn’t interested in a relationship, he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. Mel paused for a moment before smiling. “No, you didn’t miss a thing.
You were having dinner with Jungkook, it was a Friday night and you had barely spoken to him all week. When he asked what was wrong you were quick to brush him off, saying you were sick. You weren’t lying, at least not entirely. For the most part, you were ignoring him because of the cheating suspicions which you were still yet to address. “Y/N, we need to talk.” Your heart stopped then and there, you genuinely believed he was breaking up with you at that very moment for someone else. “…Yes?” Your voice was small and you had barely squeaked the word out before you chugged an entire cup of water out of nervousness. “You already know I’m not a fan of this facade you put on when something’s wrong so, how about you drop it and tell me what’s wrong?” He spoke softly, in a tone that was more friendly than menacing, but you couldn’t ask him, it would hurt too much if you were right.
“Um…I think we need a break.” “We don’t need shit.” Jungkook spoke so quickly and surely after with such a casual tone, causing your mouth to let out a default, “oh, ok.” There was a silence that followed before you realized what you had said. “Wait, no, it’s not okay. I think we need a break.” You spoke more sternly this time, trying to get your point across. You believed that if you took a break, you’d be able to soften the blow on yourself when it would inevitably come. Time heals everything or so they say. “And why’s that?” Jungkook was still eating his steak, though with more vigor than he had before. “Well, I just think that we should take some time to figure out what we really want.” “The only reason we’d be taking a break is if you’re not sure you want me because I’m already sure I want you, Y/N,” Jungkook spoke monotonously, showing little signs of anger but you knew they were there. “Well, it doesn’t seem like it.” There it was, a simple mumble, a quick thought that accidentally slipped out of your mouth, the trigger to your first ever real fight. “Why do you feel that way?” Jungkook was staying scarily calm. In the past few months, you’ve only had a small number of petty fights that meant nothing but he’d always get super angry and it was generally really funny. Now, however, it seemed as if this fight was far more serious than the rest and it scared you with how calm he was.
“Well, you just never have time to do anything and it feels like you prioritise everything before me.” Jungkook dropped his knife and fork, took a long sip of wine before replying. “Going into this relationship, did I not warn you about how busy I was?” “That’s not what I-” “Just answer the question Y/N.” You nodded in reply, trying to calm yourself down in case you got mad and said something stupid. “Did I not warn you that I took my job very seriously and often put it before anything else?” You nodded, though his work was far from what you were trying to criticise. “Then tell me why the fuck you’re complaining about it now?” He was still calm, yet very stern and you felt as if you’d start crying before you let any proper reply out. You forced yourself to keep it together though, you could have a reasonable argument, you’re an ‘adult’ after all.
“I wasn’t talking about your job, I mean your days off. It seems you would much rather spend time with your phone or friends than with me and it doesn’t feel very nice.” He nodded, picking up his knife and fork again before stabbing his steak with controlled aggression. “I’ve spent nearly every one of my day’s off with you. Your comment only applies to a couple of weekends and I know you’re not this upset over that so spit it out. What’s really bothering you?” Your mind told you to keep your mouth shut but your heart desperately wanted closure and before you could realize it you had already blurted it out.
“I think you’re cheating on me.” For the first time since the argument had started, Jungkook had dropped all of his eating utensils and was looking at you. “What?” You felt judged under his stare so you diverted your eyes to your plate of food while you poked at the chicken. “It started when I overheard you talking to your mother, you told her you didn’t have a girlfriend and that you were going to meet someone for her, then the night that you do, you’re dressed all fancy and stressing over the way you look, what was I supposed to think?” Jungkook’s face hardened, his hand coming up to massage his now aching head. “You thought I was cheating because of that?” You didn’t like how it felt so trivial under his words, it seemed pretty damn important. “No, there’s more. Jimin came up to me on Tuesday saying you were out with some girl, at first I didn’t think much of it but when I messaged you, you said you were working even though Jimin swore he saw you at the cafe with a girl. Jimin and I went to the station to see if you were there and you weren’t, you lied to me.”
“No, you’re lying right now because I was at the station, I would’ve seen you.” “No! I was there, you can even ask Mel, I asked her where you were and she said you had left a while ago.” Jungkook’s face fell at the mention of Mel, she knew he was there the whole night, you had to be lying. “What time did you go to the station?” You looked at him, confused. You didn’t know why that was relevant but you answered nonetheless. “Right after you replied to me about you being at work.” Jungkook remembers he was in the bathroom at the time, but it didn’t make sense, Mel wouldn’t lie, she had no reason to, she was his best friend for as long as he could remember, there was no way she’d lie to him.
“Y/N, if all you’re going to do is lie then this conversation is over. You clearly don’t want to be with me but you’re insistent on being the good guy so you try to accuse me of cheating? Seriously? That’s it Y/N, I’m done. Are you happy now?” It was at that moment that you noticed a couple of tears had fallen down your face, you shook your head quickly, not trusting your voice but he already left before you could tell him how wrong he was, his steak half-eaten. You wanted to be with him more than anything in the world, but you were both stuck in distorted versions of the same reality, not one knowing the real truth.
Every time you saw him from then, it was always at that stupid cafe. You avoided going there as much as you could but it became hard when it was the only place Jimin and Alex wanted to go. Alex, yes. She came to you 3 days ago with. A heartfelt apology and a lot of buried confessions, you forgave her but you let her know you weren’t sure you could trust her the same way yet. Nonetheless, you and Jungkook were both still not talking to each other and every time you saw him, your heart broke a little more.
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