#was real tired and forgot to post yesterday oops
diurnalcritters · 6 months
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Day 556
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adjacently · 2 years
WIP Wednesday-ish
I meant to post this yesterday, but I forgot, oops. Think of this as a coda to i knew him well.
Extremely unbeta'd.
"Are you falling asleep on me, old man?"
Jonas laughs, pulling Nico closer until Nico's back is flushed against his chest. "Who are you calling old? Which one of us had to take a two-hour nap after a one-hour flight again?"
He doesn't need to see visual proof to know Nico's rolling his eyes at him. Nico settles against him without complaint, a soft, huff of breath hitting the side of Jonas' neck warmly.
"You napped with me, though," Nico says, smug. Nico brings their hands together over his stomach, their fingers interlaced, as he trains his gaze back to the bonfire in front of them.
Plausible deniability probably went out the window the moment Nico had nudged Jonas' legs apart, sitting conveniently between the vee of Jonas's legs when they first sat down. They'd lucked out when they found a small, more private nook towards the back of the beach. Still, they're not alone, not by a longshot. The sun's gone down into the horizon, though, darkness covering them all apart from the bright orange and blue flames from the bonfire, embers sending tiny sparks of light into the sand. Jonas hadn't known about the festival when he'd booked their holiday, but he's happy to participate and revel with everyone else, especially with Nico warm and happy in his arms.
It's dark enough that he risks a kiss on the top of Nico's head. No one's looking at them. They're careful, of course--Jonas isn't going to do anything that will put Nico in a compromising situation. It's nice, though, knowing for a sliver of time, they can just be Jonas and Nico, full stop. 
"You do look tired, though, for real," Nico says lowly. His face is angled towards the crook of Jonas' neck, his lips softly brushing against Jonas' skin as he speaks. "We don't have to stay long."
Humming, Jonas squeezes their fingers together, his thumb absently running over the ridges of Nico's abs. "Just a little jetlagged, that's all. This is nice." It's not a lie; big parties like these aren't his jam as much as they are Nico's, but this is nice. Having Nico this close, like Nico doesn't want to be anywhere but within reach of Jonas--these are the kind of parties Jonas likes.
He's also jetlagged, though, and the gentle sound of the ocean's rolling waves isn't helping. It's been so long since he'd been to Bangkok that he'd forgotten how much havoc the time difference can elicit. Booking a trip to Marbella just a day after getting back from Thailand is not one of his better decisions, but with Nico in his arms, well.
It's worth it.
Bangkok had been wonderful, and Jonas would be lying if he said he didn't have a good time. He'd missed his friends, his cousins--missed the surf and sand and food that's uniquely Thailand. It had been a balm, especially after how the Devils' season ended. After how Worlds ended. He'd also be lying, though, if he said he didn't constantly think about Nico.
It feels ridiculous to miss him that much, especially when their lives are so intertwined in Jersey. Going from sleeping in Nico's bed to sleeping alone had been a shocking adjustment. It isn't even about sex, not primarily, at least. There's no greater feeling than being inside Nico and feeling Nico hot and wet and tight around him, but more than that, there's nothing more comforting than Nico's scent and the way his body fits against Jonas.
"We could have moved the trip," Nico says.
That's probably what they should have done, but Jonas doesn't know how he would have coped if he had to wait days, weeks, to see Nico again. They hadn't talked about the offseason much after Worlds. It had been a rough time for both of them--Nico more than Jonas, probably--and they'd parted ways without concrete plans between them. Jonas hadn't been worried; of course they'll see each other in the offseason. Multiple times, probably, and they can make all of the plans later.
And they had. They decided on Marbella again right before Jonas left for Thailand.
"Nah, this is good. The jetlag back is usually better for me than the jetlag getting there, anyway."
Nico kisses his cheek. "If you're sure. We can always spend the trip in bed. I'm totally okay with that, for the record." His grin is wide, but Jonas doesn't miss the way Nico's eyes darken, even with the sparks from the fire as their only light source.
"Don't think I'm letting you cheap out on dinner, Hischier, I'm on to you. You're gonna have to do better than room service carts," Jonas teases. It's a tempting picture, though, and now that it's in his head, he suddenly can't think of anything else other than laying Nico out on their hotel bed, Nico flushed and waiting for him. Pressing his lips gently against Nico's ear, Jonas lowers his voice. "Did you miss me, Nicky? Did you think about me at all?"
Nico's throat bobs as he swallows. "I didn't think about you at all," he says, but his breath hitches when Jonas moves one arm to grip his hips lightly.
"No?" Jonas asks, fingers trailing over the waistband of Nico's trunks. He quickly scans the area around him, making sure that the crowd of hotel vacationers is still largely ignoring them in favor of the makeshift dancefloor closer to the bonfire.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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Today was a pretty good day overall. My allergies are bothering me still but mostly I was in a great mood and things were nice.
I didn't sleep awesome. I woke up a lot. James was putting air in their bike tires and apparently it sounds just like Sweetp throwing up because I woke up right away convinced something was wrong with my cat. But it made me laugh when I realized.
When I got up for real I felt good. I liked my outfit. I have been feeling very cute this week.
I headed out of here. Stopped for breakfast. And got to work at when I thought was on time but it was actually early! Oops. I didn't realize it was a 915 start. Ah well. I just got ready and things were good.
I was very excited to do C, the print position of the cannery. And it was so fun. One of my coworkers set up the chase set up yesterday so I was able to just work on fixing the presses and little fussy things that sometimes get forgotten about.
It was really nice being with my coworkers today. But we found out one of us yesterday tested positive so I think we were all a little on edge about that. Maybe it was okay that I wasn't as included yesterday.
But even though it has us on edge it was still a good time. Jordan was back and he's always down to talk politics. We had a huge conversation about Roe because someone was confused about the trigger laws and it was very gratifying to talk it through with everyone and know we were all primarily on the same side.
The group we had today was excellent. Just really awesome kids. We did have a child with some limits in mobility so we got to use the elevator which was interesting. I am glad to get to test it out so I know how to use it in the future. It's old as hell but it works a lot better then the one we had at ships.
I had a great time with the kids though. All of the printers I had today did a great job. Once I showed them they barely needed me after so I could just do some back up prints. And it was great.
It has been so long since I've done C. The printing and stuff was fine but I haven't done a store in so long. But it was fine. And these kids were so well behaved I barely had to talk over a normal speaking voice. It was great. And even though one child got a little upset I think everyone had fun.
We finished up the program and we cleaned up. I did some oyster cleaning. We did some car parts. I went up to chat with James who had edited my photos for my mini portfolio. And they did such a nice job. And so I was able to submit my application today. This grant and cohort thing would be awesome to get but I also just feel good that I did it. I'll post the portfolio here after this post.
I left at 2 since I had come in early. And I decided I would go to the grocery store that is closing in the shopping center. They are only open for two more days. And everything was about 70 to 80% off.
I drove up there and while there wasn't much, I did get a bunch of canned stuff. I also got gum and candy and ice cream. And a few other things. Like baking stuff. There was for sure a lot of weird stuff because it was like the things you look over normally. But it was for sure weird to see the place so empty. I chatted with an older man about how it felt like the end of the world in here.
But I filled a basket and went to pay. I saved almost $92!! Wild! I spent $35 and got so much.
I went home and ran into Mr Will. Who insisted on carrying my groceries, which were very heavy, upstairs. I was worried about him falling but he wouldn't let me carry one.
I promised I would make him cookies today. And he was like. I thought you forgot about me it's been so long!! But I haven't seen him in forever so I wanted to make sure they wouldn't be old.
So once I got everything away I got to work on my cookies. And I feel very good about them. I made three dozen. One for Mr Will and the others for us and for work.
I cleaned Frenchy's tank. And did some knitting. James was going to go to worked sisters for dinner but when they got there they didn't carry the sandwich I wanted anymore. James insisted on biking to fells point, which is basically on the other side of the city, to get food from Alexanders tavern. I wasn't thrilled that they biked all over the world for a sandwich for me. But I appreciated it.
We had dinner. And played video games. I put faces on the two bears I made.
I hung out with James while they did their podcast. And I chilled in bed for a while.
I got a shower. And now am in bed. I am very tired. And tomorrow is going to be a very busy day. With a 4 row assembly line, which is wild. And then a double cannery. But it will be a good day.
Sleep well everyone. I hope you are all safe. Good night!!
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the earth shudders at the tower asunder (1/4)
Genshin Impact | Lumine & Aether | AO3 Summary: Not all gods have long memories.  (Primordial!Travelers AU, in which Lumine and Aether are not just gods, but amongst the oldest ones.) Notes: oops, forgot to post this here yesterday, so voila. approx 4.5k words. not a holiday fic, but happy holidays!
Their first memories are these: the expanse of bright blue sky, the glow of gentle light. Their true names. Each other—recognition of you, me, brother, sister. We, us, together. 
And a voice, a soft, kind echo of stay together, now. 
It is a long time before they settle on names in the human tongue, but when they do, they cycle through many, though Aether and Lumine they tend to favor. In the early days, it is only the two of them. They learn to walk and run and fly together; they learn to speak, though in a language only the two of them understand, and more than half of it nonverbal regardless. Not long after, they learn to traverse through worlds too, though at first they did not realize they were doing so, having only crossed into open plains and isolated forests for some time. It is only until they are found by humans one day and taken in as spirits to be worshipped that they grow to be a little more like them through observation.
Two shimmering, golden twins who, somewhat inadvertently, brought fortune to the small village...it wasn't long before they were hailed as gods. 
The then-nameless twins decide to stay out of curiosity, and as they watch generations come and go, they learn about the blessings and trappings of mortality. There is still a barrier; they cannot feel wholly what it is their human friends feel, but they continue to learn, and recognize that perhaps, some things are not so different between them after all. Love, loyalty, joy…the villagers are eager to please their gods, and feel relief to see that pleasure reflected on the twins' faces. All this too is a language, and the twins are ever evolving. 
Life around them flourishes. The twins bend their surroundings to ways that please them: clear skies, warm sunlight, light breezes. An abundance of flowers and other flora. Bountiful harvests for the seeds sown. They read the earth and temper the ley lines, and the lives that they have come to lead, which in turn is that of the village's, is mild and peaceful. In the beginning there was only two of them, but since then they have gained much, and they are grateful for it. 
It does not last. 
The village grows into a town, and then a city. The times change, the people change, and the values change. The twins, now sequestered in their aging temple, watch and feel the energies shift. The earth groans, the ley lines diminishing slowly. The so-called god-twins haven't been forgotten, no, but the eyes that are turned upon them are hungrier, more calculating, and sometimes, even malicious. The priests that tend to them range in the service, too; in the past, they did not have priests, just friends who helped them of their own free will. Now, those who tend to the twins are either careless or fanatic. 
It is tiring. The world is no longer as they know it, and it is no longer comfortable to stay. But they have seen this city grow from the cluster of huts it used to be, and so, is it not what humans call “home”? But time continues to pass, and the energy continues to bubble and burst in unpleasant ways. What the twins can do for the people is no longer enough; their own values are too outdated, and what they are and aren't willing to do is not understood by humans who lead such different existences.
The twins have grown too mortal-seeming for the people to be intimidated by any aspect of them anymore. And so the day comes when an organized group breaks into the temple and shackles them, with the intentions of forcing them to do their bidding, for the good of the city, or so they say.
It is a new pain, the cold iron chafing their ankles and wrists, the spite turned towards them, the abandonment by many of those whose ancestors they could easily trace back to someone they liked. There is pain on their mortal flesh, too; if the men no longer believe in the gods, they do not think twice of striking them. That they bruise and bleed seems only to reinforce that they are not so special; there are others with abilities now, and the twins have not shown all their hands—and even less of them, with the times.
Lumine licks the blood from her lip and looks to her brother, who spits his own blood from his mouth.
They were born of the sky and light; they do not want to be contained like this.
They cannot, and will not be contained like this.
“This is no longer home,” the sister says, her eyes melancholy.
“Let’s go,” the brother says, his eyes angry, and the twins join hands.  
“Goodbye,” they say together, their voices—one wistful, one disgusted—echoing across the city, and in a shimmer of light and a puff of wind, the twin gods are gone.
The shackles hit the ground with a damning clatter.
They do not return, though many, moved by the farewell and feeling their abandonment, pray and hope for years after.
The changes in the city are not so explicit, but noticeable. There is a certain life missing in the city, a certain protection, and a certain watchful tenderness.
The people lament and regret their hubris, but it is too late.
By the time the civilization falls, the twins are past looking back.
Stay together, now.
The first lesson is the hardest. In the end, they only have each other.
They are more careful, the next time they stay longer in a place. They traverse through several worlds before they decide to again, and it is because of a young boy who saved their life—or is under the impression he did, anyway—from animal traps in the woods.
It starts, as always, with a curiosity; the boy, Idris, excited by their foreign clothes and manners, wants so badly to hear their stories.
The other townspeople are warier of them, but as the twins get to know the boy by entertaining his requests, it is slowly revealed by his aborted sentences and the scars on his arm that his home life is…not good. He sneaks out to escape his family, and his talks with the travelers from places he’s never heard of before are the highlight of his life.  
They cannot take him with them. But they can, at least, stay.
Unfortunately, there is not much they can do for him besides tend to his wounds and keep his spirits up, but that is enough for Idris.
He grows from a boy to a teen, and then a young adult, and runs away from home. Aether and Lumine aid his escape, and the joy on Idris’ face as they shoot through the woods brings them joy that they had not felt so keenly in a long time.
Idris eventually grows to lead a simple, comfortable life at the edge of a faraway town. Aether is amused that Idris never tires of listening to his and Lumine’s stories, and that he even asks for some to be repeated. They spar with him and teach him better ways to defend himself so he is not subjugated again, the twins themselves having been taught by both peasants and masters alike as they traveled through worlds.
In turn, Idris teaches them to cook—properly, with pots and pans and assorted seasonings. He teaches them other recipes over the fire too, but the fascination the twins show with what he considers regular home cooking makes him laugh.
The three spend their days living as simple huntsmen, though Idris performs more of the day-to-day business transactions. Though the bond between the twins is—something sacred, Idris grows to be something of a brother, too. They note how easily he smiles and laughs now, compared to his reservation as a boy, as well as his growing strength and his eternal kindness, and are glad.
And then—he becomes King.
Soldiers come to their little house in peace, with a representative to explain Idris’ history. A child was lost in a storm and presumed dead, but the body was never found, though his mother the Queen’s was. The information was hidden by the first prince’s faction, who was quite a few years older, and already quite prepared to be heir. But a few months ago, the first prince had been assassinated, and the news that the second prince might still live was revealed due to the sudden lack of succession.
And so, a hunt was mounted, and now, finally succeeded.
His return to the King’s side is not a mere request to be denied, and so, pleading that Aether and Lumine go with him, they are all escorted to the royal castle posthaste.
As it turns out, the King does not have much time to live, hence the increased desperation to find his lost heir. Idris is, of course, baffled and confused, but there is an instant—and real—fondness between father and son, who have such little time between them, and surprisingly more in common than the first prince had with his father.
The King’s last days are filled with conversations with Idris, both personal and official. Idris is unprepared, but he has his father’s last minute lessons and his most trusted advisors, and—though in his heart, he thinks this position is not for him—he cannot back down from the expectations placed upon his shoulders.
No one knows what to do with the strange twins that come with him, but Idris’ first command is that they not be bothered. Aether and Lumine are free to do as they please—he is adamant about this, because he always, and continues, to know them as travelers, even if they have been with him for so long and grown near and dear to his heart.
The twins sense the distress at his position under the brave façade he puts on, however, and continue to stay, much to his relief. In their travels they have seen kings and queens and various types of rulers; though this is the first time they have truly spent their time in the company of one, they can, at the very least, share stories that may help, as they always have.
In time, they become King Idris’ closest and most trusted advisors. He becomes a wise and benevolent ruler with their assistance, the kingdom flourishes—and the air feels once more like home.
Yet—as years go on, the twins, no matter how venerable they are, begin to be regarded with wariness and suspicion.
They do not age.
For a long time, Idris had simply accorded it to good genes; there have been others who look younger than they are. His own Queen is one of them. But as he grows into a proper man while Aether and Lumine still look like adolescents…he would be a fool to continue making excuses.
Still, no one asks. The twins have served well, and have done nothing to give doubt to their character. If they are spirits or fae or gods, then it is in their better interest not to offend them by probing unnecessarily. This uneasiness and curiosity sinks into the background anyway when the Queen finally gives birth to her first child after many difficulties, and there is joy all around at the arrival of a new prince.
And then—war begins to brew.
Small skirmishes around the border begin to grow into larger battles. Villages on the outskirts are razed to the ground; hostages are taken. Full-scale invasion looms, and quickly the kingdom prepares to go to battle with their neighbor.
The King dons his armor, prepared to lead his armies, and yet…and yet—
He looks at his firstborn child with desperation. His Queen cries on his shoulder; the King is a good man and an able fighter, but he is no skilled warrior, and the tides of the battle are not optimistic. The few sorties he’s led are nothing compared to what is to come. Idris looks at his wife and child and wonders if he is a weak man for not wanting to die in battle, no matter how glorious the cause.
At night, after his son has been settled and his wife has fallen into a tearful, exhausted sleep, he prays.
He prays, and as he does, has a thought.
There is a tower that the twins favor, as it is the highest point in the castle. Oftentimes they have been seen perched precariously on the topmost point of its roof—and it is a mystery how they get there, every time. Some swear that they must have flown, but the twins have never been caught in the action, and so it had become something of a joke.
But…perhaps…it is not a jest, after all.
They are not on the roof when he finds them but on the balcony proper, and their eyes are somberly luminous in the moonlight. That they say nothing, their faces blank as they wait for him to speak, makes him nervous. Suddenly there is a gulf between them; they’d been so close for so much of his life, but as he became more comfortable in his role as king and confident in his own decisions, he had sought them out less and less. And now…now, he is about to ask the impossible, his heart beating so loudly surely they must hear it.
Idris licks his lips and steels himself, squaring his shoulders.
“Aether. Lumine. Will you go to war with me?”
A pause, and Lumine’s lips twist into a sardonic smile. It is a severe expression on her young face, but her eyes are much older than her appearance belies.
“That is not,” she begins quietly, “The true question you are asking, is it?”
Idris flinches as if slapped, and Aether leans against the balustrades with deceptive nonchalance.
“Well?” he prompts, his faint smile matching his sister’s, and Idris covers his face with his hands, the accumulating stress from the past few months crashing down upon him all at once.
“Forgive me,” he rasps out, his voice raw, “Will you fight this war for me? It’s true, what they say, isn’t it? You aren’t…aren’t human. Gods, perhaps. If it is you two, surely you could turn the tides. I have…I have my people to think about. And my wife and child. Call me selfish if you must, but I cannot…we cannot win this battle alone. I am desperate to keep the peace and prosperity we have built. We have come too far to lose it all now…and if this is my only option…I will beg for it if I have to. So please…”
His voice cracks, and tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
“I beg of you…save me and my kingdom from our fate.”
He lowers his head and waits, squeezing his eyes shut, the tears falling without reserve, afraid of what will come next.
“We will fight your war,” Lumine whispers.
Idris’ head snaps back up, gratitude on his tongue, but freezes when he catches her expression.
“But it will be the last thing we do,” Aether adds, holding his gaze.
His face is grave, though there is no accusation.
Idris’ throat is tight.
“I understand,” he says, “Thank you.”
The twins walk past him without looking at him again, and the King feels his heart break. But the choice is made. He will not regret it.
He cannot.
(On the battlefield, too few moons later, the twins walk ahead of Idris’ main army and cross their swords with each other’s at the first wave of enemy soldiers.
“Turn back,” they call, voice echoing across the terrain, and of course it is met with crude jeers and hollers before the opposing army charges.
None think to question just why it is the twins’ voices carry so far, with the wind whistling sharply and the dark, cloudy sky rumbling with thunder.
Wings of shimmering light burst out of the twins’ backs; both the King, his soldiers, and the enemy gasp at the otherworldly sight, the charge slowing just for a moment.
“We gave our warning,” the twins say sadly, and the field erupts into light.
It is over quickly, all things considered. By the time the light fades completely, many of their opponents are dead, and the remaining stragglers who do not flee are taken care of swiftly with plain swordsmanship.
They grant mercy where they can.
Rain turns the ground to mud as the battle comes to an end, and the twins return to Idris’ side streaked in blood afterward.
“Goodbye,” they say, their voices flat.
Idris means to say—something. I’m sorry, or thank you, or I hope to see you again. But the words stick in his throat, and the twins walk past him once more. This time, when he turns, they are nowhere to be seen.
Gods, or a kingdom? Idris is only mortal, and so must make a mortal choice.
Love for his land, love for his people, love for his family…there are things he wants to protect.
The twins cannot fault him. After all, they would have chosen each other, too.
But they sleep, for some years after that.
(“You forgive them, don’t you?”
“Ah, Lumi…it’s not about forgiveness. It’s about letting it go. We just…aren’t mortal, right? What good will it do to carry it with us?”
A pause. She presses her lips together, then sighs.
“I can’t help if it hurts,” she admits, turning her face away, and Aether chuckles.
“Well,” he says, ruffling her hair, and she immediately reaches over to ruffle his in revenge, “If it displeases you so much, then just forget, little sister.”
“Don’t call me that,” she snaps, but her tone is merely mildly annoyed. The creation of his physical form a few scant questionable seconds before hers has been an age-old argument between them.  “Fine. I suppose you are meant to just…accept.”
“And it’s both of our so-called jobs to just be. Isn’t it? But if you can’t let go, then just let it be, and let time take care of it. We are made of time.”
A silence.
“Why are we here, Aether?”
He smiles. This, too, is a question his sister asks often.
“Why worry about it, when we already are? Come. The sun, the flowers, the air. Isn’t that enough to live for?”
Lumine doesn’t have an argument. She sighs again.
“So be it,” she says, with a faint smile. )
When they wake, the landscapes are different, both earthly and spiritual. There are more spirits and gods and other celestial beings, and—
They don’t know if this is less lonely.
For a while it is, at least; the lesser spirits greet them mostly with fear or awe, and some brave ones with curiosity. (There is a small wind spirit that is unequivocally bold, circling around them for some months with brazen interest, and the twins miss its company as soon as it is gone. Wind is a free, fickle thing, after all; the twins had not expected it to stay, and the few months it was with them was already considered long.) The more powerful gods are wary, and greet them with respect and obedience, though not all are happy about it. The twins know not what it is they sense, that they think the two more powerful than them, but nor do they know enough to contest it. They travel, and roam, and bend the world in what they consider minor ways; surely these other newer gods can do more than that—and do what they hope is better by the humans who have grown more numerous. Many of these new gods have a people to watch over and guide with care—more than the twins can say for themselves.
Time passes, and the challengers begin to come.
The different gods of battle and weaponry and other such related things request duels. The twins win every time, for many years, treating these fights with polite amusement. Some take those losses with respect, others take it with anger, feeling belittled. But Aether and Lumine are not aggressive beings, so why should they respond with aggression?
Nonetheless, their behavior draws ire as year after year as they accept these duels and continue to win. Lumine’s style is clean and efficient, Aether’s is flashy and acrobatic. Those who are foolish enough to challenge them together see only a flash of light before they are flat on their backs, swords crossed at their necks.
“Must they persist?” Lumine asks her brother one day, as they start hiding from challengers.
Aether laughs.
“They must enjoy the challenge,” he says, spinning his blade, “It gives them something to live for, when life is so long.”
“And us?” Lumine asks, “What is there to challenge us?”
Aether pauses.
“Each other?” he says, grinning slyly. “Why, sister, if you wanted to lose, you need only ask.”
She throws her sword at him for that. He dodges as she summons her weapon back, and lunges forward just as her fingers close around the hilt.
They spar.
A mountain is flattened for their trouble, and the Lord of Mountains expresses his displeasure at them loudly, later. They take his scolding with good graces.
Making friends amongst gods is easier, truth be told; especially with the lesser ones. The Lady of Flowers and the Lord of Birds are among those they are closest to, the both of them having more placid natures, and also rulers of things the twins love best.
Among the stronger ones, they have a polite relationship with the God of Blizzards, and a slightly warmer one with The God of the Woods. The God of Storms they avoid, for he and the twins always seem to clash when they meet. They care not for the flavor of energy he cultivates, and he dislikes many things that are stronger than himself.
Somewhat surprisingly, they get along well with the newly minted God of Commerce, who is already starting to go by many names—including the God of War. He may be young, but his power grows at a rapid pace…and perhaps too quickly. Still, he is level-headed if sometimes rash, and the twins feel at ease watching someone be so sure of their place in the world.
Among the gods, even despite—or simply including—the annoyances, life is fuller. They share the same—or at the very least, similar—time; lasting friendships are formed, abilities are challenged and grow, and the twins laugh more easily in the skies.
And then, the gods start dying at the hands of one another.
Lesser gods go first, and it is a dark day when the twins see the Lady of Flowers wither away.
The God of Crags dies by their hand.
It accomplishes little, but nor can they bear to let such a thing go.
The cycle continues to turn, and grow more vicious; some spirits rise to power in these gruesome times, their potential unlocked by adversity. Some gods grow more powerful as they slay their friends and brethren.
As the Archons rise, the twins finally feel something new: their own abilities draining.
It is a disconcerting feeling. They retain the core of their abilities—their flight, their weapon-summoning, their attacks drawn from light. But something in their existence wavers, like a hazy mirage, and they know something within them is quickly being lost.
In their confusion, they retreat as far as they can from the continuing war between gods, and for a long time, are forgotten.
Among their last memories of each other is this: their hands, grasping each other as they feel the pull of spiritual essence leaving them, whispering to each other don’t leave me, do not go without me.
We must stay together.
The nausea passes, and as they start traveling through worlds once again, they feel like they are running from something, instead.
It finds them anyway.
Teyvat is on the cusp of being consumed by war, and almost immediately after they touch down, they make the decision to leave. No, no more; enough of this. It sickens them, and they are already gathering the energy to shift elsewhere. However—
“Outlanders, your journey ends here.”
They do not know this god, but they can feel her power, and briefly, they think, perhaps, this is how others felt about them so long ago.
The twins summon their swords and their wings as the Unknown God attacks, weaving in and out of her red streaks coiling through the sky.
They are still very skilled, but they are aware: over the millennia, they have grown so weak.
And so, as decreed, their journey ends.
Lumine watches as Aether is swallowed up, and she screams for her brother when he meets her eyes in horror.
Stay together, now.
She doesn’t remember moving, already behind the white-haired god; lightning crackles in her hand, and she yells as she lunges with her blade, the sky exploding into fire upon impact.
She almost, almost grabs her brother’s small prison out of the Unknown God’s hand.
But she fails, and as Lumine too is swallowed up by black and red, she screams for her brother’s return as the red god watches on, mercilessly.
(After all, the gods do not listen to the ones who do not belong.)
Lumine wakes, cold and alone—without her brother, without her wings, without her powers.
In the end, we only have each other.
But that’s not quite true, is it?
“Aether,” she whispers, trembling, her voice cracking.
How is it that there is more to the end, and without him? They were never meant to be separated. They were never meant to exist alone.
“Why are we here, Aether?”
“Why worry about it, when we already are? Come. The sun, the flowers, the air. Isn’t that enough to live for?”
The sun, the flowers, the air. The world tilts around her, and all she can see is utter darkness, despite the blazing sunlight.
She has lived long, and much of it among mortals. She has felt sorrow, and joy, and anger.
But for the first time, as she stares up at the sky, bereft of everything that has ever mattered to her, she feels crushing, consuming despair.
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Imaginary (Jumin x MC)
Chapter one here!
(Also to explain something! Both Bada and Eun are random characters I made up, I like to think that the island was already inhabited by some people, and that Jumin’s father bought part of it, in Saeran’s Normal End, he and MC talk about how the locals are all nice and stuff, so I wanted to add something like this here :D, OH AND! These are the sort of edited chapters, I will post the fully edited ones in AO3!)
AND feedback is greatly appreciated! Sorry if this one was kinda short! Next chapter we WILL get some cute kiddo Jumin, I promise :P
Chapter 2
In the end you weren’t able to find the ghost. That week your mother had been leaving you with heavy amounts of homework, and you hadn’t been able to go outside since by the time you finished it was always too dark, and your mother was home. You were also tired from the amount of history dates and math formulas you had to learn. Your mother wasn’t going to let you fall behind all of your classmates, but she also took it a bit too far and made you study things that even they hadn’t even seen yet.
Thus, your search for the ghost was cancelled. You weren’t able to see Bada and Eun either, which sucked since their food was so delicious last time, and you really wanted some more. In the meantime though, you spent your days reading about ghosts, and how to capture them or see them.
You wanted so badly to find the ghost! But you didn’t have the time. The thing that made it worse was that you were sure there was someone there, you always saw a small shadow by the windows, but as soon as you tried to get closer, it disappeared.
One night, you laid in your bed, unable to sleep and thinking about the ghost. It was about 11pm, your mother was already sleeping and you were sure everyone on the island was too. It made you feel weird, thinking that maybe you were the only one awake. Still, you decided to do something.
Soemthing reckless.
Slowly, very, very slowly, you got out of your bed and put on some shoes that you had in your closet. Then, you grabbed your favorite sweater, and gently opened the sliding door in your room, that led to a little porch. You tiptoed and went down the stairs, quickly running towards the enormous mansion. It was way closer than you had actually thought, and you saw a fence that probably led to the backyard. The fence was tall, no way you could’ve climbed that thing.
But that wasn’t going to stop you.
Somehow you managed to get on top of the fence. It was pretty tall, but you found that if you climbed a tree, and then jumped off from there to the fence, maybe it could work.
It- it didn’t.
Well it did, but you landed on your face and you tried your best to hold back a cry. Still, not wanting to give up, you slowly stood up and walked into the garden.
You were trembling, afraid of the dark, and you were about to reach for your flashlight when you realized...that you hadn’t brought your flashlight.
Welp, you’re dead now, I guess.
You mentally slapped yourself and gulped. There was no one around, and who knows when an opportunity like this might come again? But at the same time, it was way too dark, and you were going to be looking for ghosts. That was way too scary, especially without a flashlight. Then, an idea popped into your head. How about, you go running to your house, quickly grab the flashlight and then come back? You were pretty fast, and you were sure the ghosts couldn’t have noticed your presence yet.
You quickly turned around to go, open the fence door and race to your home, when you heard some footsteps behind you. And you froze.
“Who are you?” A voice said. It sounded like it belonged to a boy, but you didn’t want to find out if that was true or not, and you didn’t even turn around as you let out a small scream. You quickly ran towards the door, struggling a bit to open it.
Fuck it was stuck.
You pushed and pushed, the sound of footsteps coming closer towards you, and a different deeper voice coming from inside the house. Finally, the door bulged and opened, and you took your chance to run away. You didn’t stop until you were safe, under your covers and with all your plushies surrounding you.
That was scary as fuck.
You weren’t able to sleep that night.
When your mother woke you up at 6am, you stared up groggily at her, and she scolded you about staying up late, and that no matter how tired you were, she wanted to see all your work done when she came home.
You of course, decided to leave at lunch time to go and talk with Eun and Bada. You hadn’t seen them in a while and you were actually pretty hungry, the only thing that your mother had left you was another container filled with spaghetti and you were honestly tired of eating it for both lunch and dinner four days in a row.
So, you took your leave and followed the little path towards the village, this time stopping to admire the whole place. The village was up on some mountains, so you were able to see the sea from up above. You could see some men in boats, carrying heavy bags filled with fish, and women with scuba diving equipment coming out of the water. Then, when you looked up towards the other mountain, you saw what looked like a temple. It was red and huge, and you made a mental note to ask both Eun and Bada about it.
Finally, you made it to their house, and you were about to knock on the door, when Bada suddenly opened it.
She was going to say something when she looked down at you and you gave her a big smile.
“Well look who’s back! If it isn’t our little explorer. Found anything interesting these past few days?” She asked, as she motioned for you to come inside. You replied to Bada that, yes you had actually found some very interesting things, but before she could reply Eun came out from the shower, her hair dripping wet, and singing some really catchy song in another language. Then she stopped, looked at you and squealed, running over and giving you a tight hug.
“Hey Y/N! How’s your little ghost adventure going? Come come, we were about to have some lunch, you came at the perfect time! Oh sir here! And tell me everything about it, I don’t want you to skip over any detail.” She gently shoved you into a chair and then gave you a plate full of some Korean dish you didn’t really know the name of, but looked absolutely delicious.
As the two women sat down in front of you, you explained your adventure with the ghost yesterday.
“There was really someone there! He even talked to me!” You said.
Eun raised and eyebrow and gave you a quizzical smile. “Really? Do you have any proof?”
You quickly stopped and became quiet. Dammit!
“I...I don’t have any yet! But, there really was someone there! Seriously! I just...I forgot to bring my camera....” you confessed.
“Well there you go! You need evidence if you want to convince us you know?”
“You mean convince you. I believe in ghost and I think it’s probable that Y/N saw one.” Badda said, as she glared at Eun.
“Ah Bada seriously! Listen kiddo, I will admit that ghosts are real if I actually get to see one. If you manage to give me evidence I’ll believe you, but for now you don’t have any proof.”
“I will get some! You’ll see!” You confidently said.
The rest of the evening passed by quickly, as Bada explained about the temple up in the mountain. Appears you it was a temple that was able to grant each person one wish.
After wards you thanked them for the food and then you quickly looked at your watch and let out a little yelp. “Oops! I have to go now! Thank you for the food, it was great!”
“Wait Y/N, what about my book? Have you-”
“BYE BADA!” You quickly said and left the house in a hurry before Bada could finish her sentence.
You could hear her grumbling and Eun laughing from the other side of the door and you smiled.
You were going to get that evidence!
You quickly went home, and then started working on your homework.
That day, as you stared at your blank notebook while sitting on your desk, you went through the events that had happened last night.
There was certainly a ghost there, maybe even two, since you had heard two people talking. The ghost knew you were already there though, and that would make things hard. So you decided to make up a plan to show Eun and Bada that you were telling the truth. You quickly grabbed your pencil and took off a blank page from your notebook.
Ghost hunting plan:
You wrote, and then you bit the end of your pencil as you thought about what to do.
First of all, you had to bring a flashlight. That was one of the things that was the most important. You weren’t going to deal with two ghosts, in the dark.
Second, you had to bring your camera. That was on the top of the priority list too, since you did need it to take a picture of the ghost.
Still...you were pretty shaken up from yesterday and you didn’t want to be completely alone.
What if you brought one of your favorite toys? No that would make the whole process of climbing the fence harder....and if you were to bring something else, it definetly had to be that book about ghosts. Somewhere in there had to be some sort of ritual or spell or something, that would protect you from ghosts. So you decided to bring it!
And hell, to do it that same night!
Satisfied with your plan, and now a bit more confident with everything, you started doing the homework you mother had left you. Normally you would leave it and do it at the last moment, but today you were inspired and you had to have everything ready for the ghost hunting trip!
When your mother came home she immediatly went to bed, taking your work and locking her door. You then did your normal bedtime routine, washing the dishes, brushing your teeth and taking a warm shower. But then, instead of going to sleep, you sat on your bed with the book in your hands, and you counted down till your mother was asleep.
It was about 10pm, you could hear your mother snoring al the way from her room, and you slowly stood up and grabbed your sweater, some sneakers, the flashlight, the camera and the book. Of course you couldn’t hold everything at once, so the book was in a tiny backpack, and the camera was hanging from your neck. Alright! You were now ready!
Slowly, you opened the sliding doors, and tiptoed out of the porch. You turned on your flashlight and began walking towards the mansion, your camera ready. The lens cap protector thing, was off, and you had night vision on, so you were pretty good!
You finally made it towards the fence, and managed to climb it, this time without falling flat on your face. You gave a little victory dance as you looked around the garden.
It was...really beautiful.
The garden was filled with all kinds of flowers, purple, yellow, red, blue, and there were the bushes you had always heard about! One was in the shape of an elephant, the other one was in the shape of a horse and on and on. In the center of the garden, there was a huge fountain, that was turned off at the moment, which was a bit disappointing. There was also a stone path, that went all around the garden and then probably led somewhere inside the house.
You stood there for a bit, admiring the view. Yesterday was so dark, and you were so scared that you hadn’t been able to see anything. But tonight the moon was out, shining brightly and illuminating everything in front of you. It was beautiful.
Then, you heard some footsteps, and you quickly hid behind a bush. That’s right, you were here looking for a ghost, not to gape at that wonderful garden!
Dammit Y/N, pull yourself together! You thought, as you tried to figure out where the footsteps were coming from. You cowered a bit as they came closer and closer, almost in front of you. You slowly peeked from behind the bush, and saw a silhouette.
A boys silhouette to be more precise. He looked to be around your age, and he was wearing blue stripped pijamas, his hair all messy on top of his head. It was clear he had just woken up, and was looking for something...or for someone.
Drat! You thought. The ghost of the little boy already knew you were going to come back again! Maybe you should have waited a few days before coming back, but you were just so impatient.
Anyway, you had to make up a plan. You had left the fence door open in case you needed to make an impromptu escape, and you gave yourself a pat in the back for thinking that far ahead. What you had to do now, was to take a picture of the ghost. Slowly, very,very slowly you raised your camera to get a picture of the ghost.
He had his back to you, the moonlight shining behind him, giving him a very paranormal aura. Still, for some reason the lense wouldn’t focus, so you decided to move forward a bit to get a better look. Sadly, you miscalculated and you accidentally stepped on a dry leaf, making the ghost turn around in your direction, his face filled with worry but at the same time, confidence.
Then you stopped.
Damn he was cute.
You hadn’t seen his face till now, and you were taken aback by it. He was definetly a very good looking boy, one the girls in your class might go all crazy about. Never in your life had you felt something like you were feeling now. Could it be....love at first sight?
No! He’s a ghost, I can’t fall in love with a ghost, how would that even work?! You scolded yourself. Still, you didn’t stop your staring at the boy. Thankfully he hadn’t seemed to notice you were there, and before you could even think about it, you pressed the camera button and a loud CLICK was heard through the bushes.
And then a bright light came on.
You forgot to turn off the flash.
The boy let out a surprised gasp, and called out, but before he could once again catch you, you quickly got up and ran away from the place. You heard the footsteps following behind you, but you were faster and a few minutes later you didn’t hear anything else, and you slowed your pace.
That was close.
You triumphantly smiled as you looked through the pictures on your camera. Granted they weren’t super high quality, but you could make out the boys silhouette.
Hehe, now to become a millionaire! You celebrated. You sneaked back into your room and placed your camera and flashlight on your desk. Then you were going to grab your paranormal book from your backpack when...you didn’t find anything.
You turned your backpack upside down and staked it as hard as possible, but still nothing would come out.
Bada’s book.
Oh no.
Oh no.
If Bada found out you lost her book, you wouldn’t be able to have lunch at her home ever again! And you would loose the only...friends (?) you had in this island. You couldn’t allow that! You always had to return what you borrowed, that was one thing your mother would always say, and this time she was right! After all, Bada lent you soemthing really important to her, and you couldn’t bear to think about coming back to her home empty handed.
Still...you weren’t going to go back into the house. It was way to dark now, you were sleepy and you were sure the ghost was porbably waiting in the garden, somewhere.
What to do, what to do? You asked yourself as you put on your pijamas and laid in bed.
It must have fallen off somewhere along the way, you thought, so maybe you wouldn’t have to go into the garden after all.
Then you got it!
What if, tomorrow morning you went into the garden? There weren’t going to be any ghosts since it was daytime, you reasoned, and it would be way easier to find the book. After all, there would be no one around the mansion to scold you, or to tell you to leave! It was the perfect plan!
You tucked yourself into bed and looked up confidently at the ceiling. You were going to get that book!
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nomazee · 4 years
bokuto koutarou x reader
word count: 2200+
content: fluff, friends-to-lovers, pining bokuto, ooc bokuto.
(i’m in such a bokuto mood rn so i wrote this!! i did NOT expect this to get this long but oops!!
bokuto is probably,,,VERY ooc in this but this is really just self-indulgent fluff!! hope you enjoy! <3)
(also!!! quick reminder!! my requests are open!! my request rules can be found linked in my navigation which is my pinned post!! feel free to request <3)
contrary to popular belief, bokuto thinks. he thinks a lot. granted, a lot of his thoughts are devoid of any deep meaning, like the possibility of taming a wild owl and keeping it as a pet, or the question of whether he should get two or three meat buns after practice. 
bokuto thinks a lot. he knows this. his mind gets very cluttered sometimes with various random topics. that’s why when his mind started becoming a cohesive conversation of one solid topic, something was wrong. very wrong. 
he started thinking about you. a lot. 
when he first realized it, he figured he should look into it--find out what caused him to have his mind flooded with thoughts of you, your smile, your eyes, your hair, your hands, your voice and nose and lips--
then he realized that he already knew very well why he thought of you so often. 
almost comically, he smiled to himself and thought, “well, i guess that’s that!” and resolved to never approach the subject again. confident as he could be on the court, bokuto was sure that if he ever tried to take action about his feelings, the result was sure to be disastrous. it was best to stay away from any fantasies of his. 
that was hard to do, though, when you seemed to occupy both his thoughts and his day-to-day life. 
you were in the same class--that was just his luck--and while you weren’t an official manager you had a tendency to stop by practice and watch the boys play while chatting with yukie and kaori until it was time to go home. 
(he also often walked you to the train stop. fate really made the stars align when he didn't want them to align.)
though, he had to owe it to fate for allowing your seats to be on separate sides of class. at the very least, he had that relief from the constant pressure he applied on himself absentmindedly whenever he was in your presence. 
during lunch, bokuto sped out of the classroom door and in a direction away from the cafeteria. you seemed to notice this quite quickly and darted to chase after him. 
bokuto felt a warm, firm hand on his shoulder and the distant scent of peppermint. he cursed himself for not walking fast enough and wondered if he could jump up with enough fervor to break through the ceiling. 
“hey,” you were smiling at him as you sidled up next to him. he was thankful he had your real expression right in front of him--the gentle image in his mind was fading by the minute and he appreciated the refresher. “where’re you going? i thought we were still eating lunch together?” 
right. lunch. eating. food. the empty feeling in bokuto’s stomach reminded him of the fact he’d skipped breakfast after thinking so hard about his feelings and what to do with them that too much time slipped away to let him eat something properly. 
“oh, yeah!” he forced a smile--”forced” wasn’t really the right term though, because with you everything flowed so naturally and so easily that he never had to force himself to do something. 
“i was actually planning on practicing a bit instead of going to the cafeteria.” your expression fell the slightest bit and he scolded himself internally for being the cause of even the mildest discomfort of yours. “i’m really sorry for not telling you! really sorry! i should’ve texted you or something. i’m sorry! but i’ll make it up to you if--” 
“bo!” your lightened expression was back and he, cheesily, melted at the sight. “it’s fine! i’m not angry at you. well, at least not for that. i’m just worried that you’re not eating lunch.” 
uh oh. his stomach didn’t feel that great. it felt like there were a bunch of wild, frantic insects in there that pushed and pulled at the tissue in an attempt to get out. he thought he needed to vomit. 
it was nice that you were worrying about him. you did that a lot. the reminder only made him feel lightheaded and briefly convinced that maybe it wasn’t a crush and actually just a really bad, persistent stomach flu that only flared up in the presence of the girl of his dreams. 
he spoke through a smile that he hadn’t even noticed appeared on his face so brightly. “it’s really sweet that you’re worried.” his words were hazy and lovestruck. midway through the interaction he stopped putting so much effort in hiding his adoration for you. he figured maybe you’d appreciate it one way or another, even if it was just to make fun of him in your head. “but i’m fine! no worries! i’ll make sure to eat when i get home, promise.” 
you gave him a nod, “promise,” and a quick wave and then you were off to the cafeteria. to eat lunch. would you be alone? when you both ate lunch together you didn’t really hang out with anyone else--as much as bokuto’s teammates offered to let you sit at their table, you were both perfectly content with just sitting in the presence of each other, alone. 
dreamily, his grin persisted on his face and his eyes grew glittery and unfocused before his lips dropped at another realization. 
you’d be alone. would you feel lonely? would you be mad at him for making you feel that way? 
he made it to the gym already by the time he realized that. maybe this time alone would let him settle his fluttering heart and compose himself so he could be conditioned to tolerate your presence more often without drifting away into a bunch of domestic daydreams. 
a sick feeling in his stomach persisted all through his spiking practice. it was less pleasant than before. his body temperature grew both from unease and the physical exertion caused by extra practice. 
maybe he really was sick. in one way or another. 
you showed up to the gym fifteen minutes into bokuto’s practice. the boys were still slowly getting ready, so you took the time to approach bokuto and hand him a small and weighty paper bag. 
“meat buns,” you told him, extending the package in his directions. “it’s not good to skip meals just to practice. you still have to eat!” despite the scolding tone, your face remained playful and taut in a smile. bokuto wondered if your cheeks every became sore from grinning all the time. as much as he didn’t want you in pain, he was willing to give you all the face massages you wanted as long as it kept you smiling at him so often. did face massages exist? were they a thing? he’d study the art of massage for you and develop a technique, whatever was necessary. 
“y… yeah…!” he responded dumbly. his was certain his face was unhealthily red as his body instinctively moved to wrap you in his arms. 
hugs were typical between you two. it wouldn’t be weird, right? oh well. too late to think about it, since you were already embraced in the warmth of his arms. 
“are you alright?” your voice came out muffled and gentle from the depths of his embrace and his heart fluttered at the way your voice rumbled through his chest. “you feel kinda warm.” 
he was warm? he thought you were way warmer than him. though maybe he meant that in a less physical sense. he couldn’t tell the difference anymore--not with you. 
“yeah, just kind of tired.” before he could ridicule himself at the fact that tired had no correlation to having a full-body flush, he continued to reassure you, “but i’m fine! i’ll make sure to take care of myself.” 
he felt your smile appear against the fabric of his shirt and wondered if it was weird that he was willing to die in that position. 
after a moment of relaxing in each other’s grasps (and ignoring the distant gossip of his teammates), bokuto pulled back with a grin, a nod, and the longing to press a kiss against your forehead. 
practice was good. it felt easier than it had been last week, though he probably owed that to the visit you paid him in the afternoon. he came to the conclusion that running from you just to “figure out his feelings” was stupid. he knew what he felt. he didn’t have a single clue what to do about it specifically, but thought that was fine. it felt good to be around you--he’d be stupid to let opportunities to spend time with you pass him by. 
apparently you sat with akaashi the day before, when bokuto was away from the cafeteria during lunch. he figured that out when he went to sit at your usual table only to find you accompanied by his setter. 
“bo! hey!” you greeted, pausing the ongoing conversation with akaashi. “i forgot to tell you, but akaashi’s sitting with us today. he sat with me yesterday so i just figured the three of us could start eating lunch together.” 
bokuto didn’t really think much of it. if anything, he was thankful that akaashi had kept you company and alleviated the ace of some of his lingering guilt from the day before. 
he had no qualms with having the duo become a trio for the period, and found himself enjoying the conversation floating between all of you. 
well. sort of. he didn’t really get to talk much with how exuberant you seemed to be with akaashi. it was nice to see you so happy and active with his friend, and the sight of your smile was enough to distract him from the unpleasant simmering of his stomach acid. 
for the most part. he had to excuse himself to the bathroom in the middle of class to splash cold water on his face and try to subdue the uncomfortable heat that was certainly not reminiscent of his previous warming adoration for you. 
despite how many times he urged you to go home early, you assured bokuto that you were fine with staying for his practice the whole time, ending your defense with a, “i really wanted to walk with you today!” and a smile that made him fall into your unintentional trap. 
true to your word, you walked to the train station with bokuto, boarding the same train. conversation was light and typical, but his leg kept bouncing and heart urged for him to say something before everything imploded under the pressure of his emotions. 
“are you dating akaashi?” great going, bokuto thought, the most discreet, subtle thing i could’ve possibly asked.
you blinked, and turned your gaze from your phone screen to him. you huffed out a lighthearted laugh and nudged your elbow into his ribs playfully. “of course not. we only really started talking yesterday. i wouldn’t date someone i barely know.” 
bokuto’s mind went on overdrive, the news coming as a deep relief for him and making him ignore the blaring reminders of potential consequences that flashed bright and red in his head. his mouth spilled words before he could logically think of what to say and figured letting his heart guide, as always, wouldn’t be a terrible choice. 
“so you’d date someone you do know? a lot? like a friend?” 
once again, his words weren’t discreet in the slightest, but he had tunnel vision pointed in your direction, covering you in a sheer golden light like you were the only thing that mattered in that moment--because you were. no need for detailed thought processes or pros and cons lists that he’d briefly considered making (“that’s what professionals do, right?”). 
your smile persisted, and he took that as a good enough sign to continue with his mindless stammering. 
though your voice interrupted his next outward train of thought, and he listened with the focus of a child watching a television screen. 
“what about this saturday? at noon? at that sweet little cafe near my house?” 
bokuto blinked. processed your words with an intensity unmatched, even compared to those times he had to write those stupid DBQs and analyze sources that were way too complicated for him to handle very well. 
you words were much easier for him to understand than college-level essays. much lighter, much sweeter, like agave syrup and orange zest. 
“yeah. this saturday. that’s… great.” 
bokuto wondered if it was possible to develop sudden onset asthma as you slid closer to his form, side pressed up against his in a way that felt much more meaningful than any casual touches from before. he lost his breath--felt like he dropped it--as you gave him a smile and let your hand casually fall against his. 
(he walked you all the way home, which he didn’t usually do, but today wasn’t really usual. you asked if you could kiss him, and in a fit of overwhelming emotions he blurted out “i thought i was supposed to do that?!” only for his words to be muffled by your lips on his. bokuto’s mind went silent for the first time in a long time, only filled with a gentle buzz and glimmering stars that made him feel warm and dizzy.)
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beelziebabie · 5 years
The First (Human) Deviltuber - Obey Me Brothers x Reader
Interactive?: At some parts, yes (Later on)
Gender: Female MC
Edited?: nope
Notes: sorry for this being so late aaaa i got really sick yesterday and im still sick now. really sorry!! i made this one a bit longer than i normally would. i hope you enjoy <3💗💕💕
“MC,” You heard a voice mumble, then a short but harsh shake to your shoulder. You grumbled and resisted the urge to flip them off, turning onto your side and bringing the blanket over your head. “Momo please. Go away. Let me sleep.”
“It’s 11 am.”
“Whatever. I wanna sleep.” He sighed.
“Cmon, I wanna do your makeup todayy,” Asmodeus pulled the covers off of your head and you sent a glare at him. He ignored it and patted your messy hair.
“Go take a shower and brush your teeth, then come back in here and sit at your dresser so I can do my work,” He beamed as you sat up, stretching your arms over your head.
“See, I even got dresser all ready!” He pointed to your dresser where everything needed to get your face totally ready was laid out. You blinked and ran your hand across your face.
“Where did you even find that?- Nevermind, where’s Mammon?” You asked, getting off the bed but tripping over something immediately after.
You heard a long groan right after your own. Asmodeus peeked over the side of the bed and held back a giggle, seeing you sprawled on top of Mammon and him struggling to process the situation.
“Theres your answer,” Asmodeus grinned and this time you flipped him off for real.
You got off of Mammon and apologized, leaving an innocent kiss on his cheek and pulling the blanket off your bed and draping it across Mammon. He was only in a tank top and sweatpants so he had to be pretty cold especially since your room had gotten chilly. He fell right back asleep after.
Asmodeus followed you out of your room and into the hallway to get to the bathroom. “Is everyone else up?”
“Nope, only Lucifer, Beel and Leviathan are awake. Including myself of course.” You hummed and turned on the bathroom lights.
You went to pull your shirt over your head when you realized Asmodeus was still in the bathroom with you, standing there with his hands behind his back and a closed eyes smile. You looked at him through the mirror.
“Uhh.. why are you still here? I need to shower.”
“That means I need to get naked.”
“I know.”
You sighed and pushed him out and he made no effort to stop you. “Asmo, I dont think you know what boundaries are.”
“Theres nothing on you I haven’t seen yet,” He shot you a wink and your cheeks flushed slightly as you suppressed a vein popping.
“What the hell does that mea- Nevermind. I’ll see you when I get out.”
. . .
After you got out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around your chest you felt much more awake than before. Just as Asmodeus said, he was waiting for you in your room near your dresser. He even went as far as picking out your outfit for you.
“Wow, I dont even remember buying these,” You picked up a light blue cropped hoodie and black, high waisted ripped jeans along with a bunch of jewelry. Normally you’d only wear an oversized hoodie and leggings.
“Your closet is completely untouched. How much stuff do you buy and never use?” He lightly forced you to sit down in your seat so he could start. You held your hair back in a low ponytail to make it easier for him.
“Uhh, a lot I think? Theres a lot of styles of Instagram and Pinterest that I like and want to try out on myself so I go on shopping sprees.. but I never actually wear the clothes out.” You paused. “Or ever, for that matter.”
He shook his head and laughed a bit. “I don’t even do that. What type of look do you want?”
“Really simple and natural, I’m planning on filming a video today so please make it quick Momo.”
He clicked his tongue and nodded. “You got it.”
. . .
He was quick. Extremely quick. It only took him, maybe, 45 minutes, which is less than half than what you thought it would take. You got dressed and headed downstairs where the other brothers were lounging, watching tv or cooking or eating.
You sat on the couch next to Beelzebub and sat indian style. “Goodmorning everyone.”
“It’s not even morning anymore,” Leviathan said, turning his head to look at you. “It’s almost noon.”
“It’s not my fault that you all are so tiring.”
You felt Lucifer’s eyes bore into the back of your head the moment you said that. “Okay..only five of you.”
“Welp, Levi, wanna go get started?” You tapped him on the shoulder and he nodded.
You stood up and waited for him to follow you to your gaming room. You pulled up another spinning chair for him to sit in and set everything up before looking to him again.
“You ready?” You smiled and he smiled weakly. “Yeah. As ready as I’ll ever be!”
“Aaand we’re live!” You said to the camera, waving with a giant smile as Levi sat timidly next to you. You elbowed him lightly in the arm and nodded to the camera. “Say hi Levi!”
The chat was swarmed with different usernames and messages. You did your best to read them all but the chat was going too fast. Moments like these you wished that you only had a couple thousand of followers, so that everyone could be noticed easier.
Levi put on a small smile and waved before looking down into his lap again. Out of your peripheral vision you could tell his face was on fire. You rubbed his back to spare him the embarrassment.
“Today’s live will be a Q&A while we play minecraft! How does that sound, Levi?” You glanced from the camera to Levi and watched him nod. You sighed. You could only hope that he would open up more as time went on.
You turned on slowmode for the chat so that the messages would go by slower. You handed a controller to Levi and turned on the TV that was just above your computer screen.
You looked back at the chat and smiled warmly at all the ‘Welcome Back’ messages. “Hi everyone, how are you? I missed you all so much.”
Most of the stream went by smoothly. Only most of it.
The boys would constantly enter and leave your gaming room, even after you told them to stop. Except Lucifer, who only entered once and left you alone for the rest of the time. You thanked him immediately after the stream ended.
Mammon seemed especially clingy today. You couldn’t pin why, maybe its because he woke up without seeing you immediately? Whatever it was, he would continuously try to get your attention during the stream.
To avoid making him upset or sad you would always give him at least a little bit of attention then go back to the stream. But he would come back minutes later with something else to show to you or say to you. You were very tempted to just throw him your debit card and leave it at that.
At some point you completely gave up. It was an endless cycle. Sometimes you cursed your motherly demeanor.
The door creaked open right when you placed down the last block of the mansion you and Levi built. He got the hand of the game pretty quickly, he even said that there was a game similar to Minecraft in the Devildom (not audibly, of course. You’re still being recorded.)
You turned your head towards the door and saw that it was Mammon again, but this time with Beelzebub as well.
“We came with snacks,” Bub said simply, pulling up a stool and sitting in it behind you and Leviathan. You thanked him and took a couple cookies from the pile in his arms.
Mammon stood next to you, idly. You looked up at him with a confused expression. “What’s wrong Mammon?”
He said nothing, and instead walked around the other side of the chair and situated himself in your lap.
“Mammon what are you doin- no- stop-“
His legs hung off the arm of the chair and his head rested on your shoulder. You did your best not to push him off your lap and start scolding him. You understood that he didn’t see you for most of the day (except tiny interactions) and he was so used to being around you 24/7 in the Devildom.
“You’re so heavy,” You sighed and went back to gaming.
“Shut up. You should be happy that I’m even speaking to someone as lowly as you.”
“I have more money than you even if its translated to Grimm.” You heard Beelzebub chuckle and Levi hold back a snicker.
“She probably isn’t wrong,” Bub said, opening another pack of chips to scarf down. Mammon clicked his tongue and shut his eyes, embarrassed that this all happened on camera.
You directed your attention back to the chat. You forgot to check it for a while. “Oops, sorry chat. ‘ricegoat’ says.. ‘you werent kidding when you said you have anime boys in your house’.” You laughed at the camera and smiled. “I thought you guys would believe me when I said that.”
The rest of the chat said some rather..peculiar things that aren’t entirely SFW. You had to stop those comments from coming since they were getting quite excessive and uncomfortable for you to read.
7 hours passed since you started the stream and you were starting to feel tired. Levi yawned as well, and Mammon was fast asleep in your lap.
You saved your minecraft world with Leviathan. “Thats all for today guys,” You stretched your arms over your head. “I think this is the end of the stream. I’ll be posting a video today and the highlights tomorrow. Say bye Levi!”
Leviathan smiled and waved at the camera. “Bye, chat. I’ll see you next time.”
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dormousse · 6 years
Long-Sleeves ; chap. 3 — Loki x Reader
I should have posted this chapter yesterday, but i was too tired to do anything, oops. Here is chap 3, I hope you’ll like it. No Loki this time, but some comfort (?) with Tony. Please leave feedback ! 
Also, this probably isn’t the best thing I’ve ever wrote I’m sorry :(
I didn’t forgot about the requests you send me, don’t worry. I had kind of a writer block but I should post some next week !
Warning: mention of self harm, scars, Tony being the best uncle ever
Tag List: (ask me if you want to be tagged!)  @lazy-shark-bouquet @markusstraya @laeticafe03 @twentychemicaldays
Chapter 1 — Chapter 2
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« Why is everything so wrong Tony ? I mean.. I know, it’s summer, people take their clothes off and everything but.. »
« But what Y/N ? »
You sighed and looked over to your uncle. You shrugged your shoulders. « I.. I don’t know. It’s complicated. » Tony finally stops what he was doing to look at you. You eyes were full of tears that threatened to spill freely on your cheeks.  « It’s just.. » 
« Shh sweety that’s okay. » his arms were around you, holding you in a tight hug. You let the tears roll onto your cheeks, soaking his shirt in the process. His hands were stroking your back as he slowly kissed your forehead. After a fex minutes you pulled away, feeling a little bit better now that you had let go of your emotions. You were thankful to have Tony in your life. He was a good friend to your parents, not your real uncle but you treated him as such. He didn’t want you to be a part of the avengers at first, but your abilities to hack into almost everything made you an important asset to the team.
« It’s okay. You’re stronger than you think. » He dried your tears with his thumbs. « I just.. I’d like those scars weren’t here you know. That I could live my life without everyone asking me what happened or why I did that. » you said, fixing your arms. Tony slowly stroked them, grazing his thumbs over the scars.
« I don’t want pity » you sighed. « I want to be treated as someone normal. But with these » You motioned your arms « I can’t. »
« You can Y/N. » Tony said softly, holding your gaze « Those show that you may have been weak by the past, but now you have the courage to wear them. You are a warrior Y/N, those are your battles scars. Don’t be afraid to show them. Don’t let it rule your life. » you smiled softly. « I’m serious Y/N. You deserve to be happy no matter what happened to you in the past. »
Your eyes started to tear a little and you felt a lump in your throat. « Thank you Tony » you said softly. « I love you kiddo. » he smiled before heading towards his desk. He was working on something to update Bucky’s arm, or something like that, you didn’t really know. You wiped off the tears from your face with your hands and put a smile on your face
« Can I help you ? Since I’m here, I want to be useful. » You said, getting off the counter you were sitting on. You quickly pulled down your sleeves that were up your elbow and walked to your uncle. « Actually... Can you bring me something to eat ? I’m starving. » you laughed and walked to the door. « How about you come and eat with me ? »
He sighed and looked up from his desk to you « You know I have to finish this for Peter, otherwise I would already be up there. Well, maybe not. » you smiled, sometimes you wondered if Tony wasn’t the new father of the spider kid. He was so protective of him you were almost jealous.
« Okay, I’ll be back soon. » and with that you walked towards the kitchen.
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soysaucevictim · 5 years
Yeah, I have not been all that consistent at all of late... :/
Apr 21
Got up a bit early today, roughly 11AM, to prep to go with the family for Easter Dinner.
It was okay, I only ate potato salad and some chips (not a fan of ham.) Talking with grandpa did hit a nerve... and I guess for the whole day I was kind of agitated and anxious for it. To quote a bit of my tweets on that one:
I think my final, lingering thoughts sum things up - if America was ever truly great, we wouldn't need civil rights movements. Not that I think that was worth my energy. The man's got a condescension streak.
... I don't really like talking with him at all. It's been that way for ages. Blah.
... since he talked about how people don't learn to be American... and I'm like, "we have such a deeply fundamental disconnect here... and I don't know where to begin.
Got on some other spiels at home related to some of those issues on Twitter too... but yeah. I know I should let this shit go by now - but I think it’s important I write it down for context.
I did basically nothing else other than gaming and watching YouTube the rest of the day.
Apr 22
Got up a bit after 2PM, again.
Same old gaming/YouTube noise for the vast majority of my day. Only thing productive I did today was doing some dishes, showering, and catching up on my DDs.
First, yesterday’s DD. 50 folded crunches with EC. I got entirely too distracted yesterday and didn't get around to this, on time. Oops. But I enjoy this one, it's good to give the obliques some love. :D
Last, today’s DD. 10 jump knee tucks with EC. Very manageable, but I'm just glad it was only 10. :P
I otherwise poorly managed my time again, choosing to rain-check my workouts. Again. :/
Apr 23
I stayed up far too late to have any business going to group today.
Forgot to call in, but I did wake up fairly early to let the driver know, take my meds, and get back to bed. :/
After getting up at like 2PM, I just did the usual BS. Only productive thing I did today was my laundry. Yeah. Time slipped through my fingers, otherwise. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Apr 24
Been up since almost 3PM. Nnng. My sleep schedule has gone off the rails. (Being careless about my coffee consumption of late probably being a major reason...)
Watched the first few episodes of Better Call Saul (that spin-off series from Breaking Bad) with pops, while making dinner. Also was running the usual nonsense (games & YouTube intermittently), before getting into today’s exercise.
First, yesterday’s DD. 2′ one arm plank with EC (1′/1′). No real excuse for missing this yesterday. Bad time management, but got it done now. I used my mp3 player as a timer - holding it up in front of face rather than thigh. The trembling was really noticeable.
Second, today’s DD. 10 swipers with EC. It is cool noticing exercises that used to make me go ??? get easier to coordinate. I remember when I first did these, I was a bit frustrated. Yay, for innervation and procedural memory. :D
Third, Day 25 of CG! Step jacks and march steps. Fairly uneventful, glad I got it done. But I did take 1 rest period to switch to shorts (PJ pants kept sliding off my hips after a few intervals. :I )
Fourth, Day 26 of CG! March steps, punches, and overhead punches. What can I say, I had some fun here with the punching. My legs were getting just a bit tired from doing these workouts back-to-back, but I’ve been worse off before. Didn’t need to rest, this time, even. :,D
Last, Days 25&26 of the A&CC. 4x20 pulse-ups and side-to-side tilts. The former is very deceptive, looks easy but will easily tuck the abs out (but I did have a great deal of fun with this one)! I don’t think I’ve done those tilts very often before, a bit awkward and tough, but doable.
Despite BSing so hard today, I got that done squarely at midnight. So I really should go wind down once I’ve posted this.
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meganfwannabe · 5 years
19/5/19: Thanked God my eyes were opened. Now I'am awared of who's JT. He is a mean person, so selfish and revengeful. He made my cry several times, but today has been the definitive. The conversarion we had yesterday night was awful, he is such a disrespectful person, we treated me like shit, like if I was nothing or no one. He denigrated me all night long. And me like an idiot were kind of, well calm down, I regret what I said, it wasn't my intention to offend you, I'm sorry. And he was like, ha now you regret but you have already said that and I will return you comment 100% more evil and hurtful. You are no one to tell me that, you are the least indicated. And he continued saying more agly things. I was tired of arguing, I wanted to calm thing down but he continued saying those kind of things. I felt like shit, oh and he said lot of stuff related to Renzo. I was so pissed off, so fucking angry when he refered to that but unless that, I tried to appease things, but he continued. (Of course I respond to what he said bout Renzo in a bad way, and bc of that he were on and on) but when I tried to stop the arguing he didn't want that. So well, now I know how he is actually. I am disfusted by him, he make me feel sick, his lack of respect and tact say too much bout him. Think that he isn't a real man, he is just a stupid little boy that wants to be better than everyone or just be more so he can satisfied with himself bc he is a poor boy that has nothing, grew up in a town with 13 blocks and been raised there. I'm not saying he is less, but neither he has to try to be more or think he is. I almost forgot, he said so disgusting things like "I pass your words in my ass" or "I tell you what the fuck I want to", he is literally no one to say those words to anyone, but he said that to me. I felt horrible when read that, but well, thankfully I realised who he is. Now I have to appreciate more than ever my bf Renzo, he is sooooo generous and respectful, he is everything that is right in this world, he always treat me in the cuttest way, never been disrecpectful or said me something that make me feel bad. Thank you God to have sent me someone like him. I'm so in love, love him sl much even though sometimes it is not seen like that. JT says that if sb makes him feel bad, he makes that sb feel worst. And he did that today. Everything started bc he won me in a game and started making fun of it, I got angry and said stop of I will deleted you as I did with the game, oops wait, true that I don't have you added haha. He took that comment in the worst way possible and started fucking around with Renzo's stuff, calling him "cornudo" and I was furious. In conclution, thatwas what happened and why I am so thankful, bc I'm conscious about who JT really is, I will never be in the dilemma of who I choose (my God I was so stupid, IT HAS ALWAYAS BE RENZOOO) Renzo or the other man try, the manwanna ahre. I am sondeeply thankful, I really am. Never be sad bc JT doesn't writw to me. I will star posting hot or goddess pics so he regrets consumes him, yeah. Ah, and many pics bout how in love I am with Renzo. End
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swearronchanel · 8 years
continuing the hiatus with 4.05
Well I'm here avoiding responsibilities as usual, pretending that I don't have class in the morning or any laundry to do but like I said I've been watching shameless and I need a little wholesome ctm to balance it out lol & @ilovemushystuff recommended I watch 4.05 *thank u 😌*but let us go on this journey together 🙃...
the clothes lines remind me of home bc we don't have a dryer in our apartment haha & when it's cold out my mom hangs everything up around the house it's a hilarious nyc struggle lol
my bby shelagh!! 💕 so precious pushing the pram! omg we get to see this again next series *hopefully* with unnamed baby turner 😭!!
aw I miss summer!! I love being out in the summer *plus my birthday is in August*🙃
Ahh aren't we glad Shelagh got new dresses, cause I'm not feeling this one lol
Jenny Agutter's smile w/ her eyebrows raised >>, am I right
Wait this is the osteogenesis imperfecta case right ??
Laura looking angelic but that is not at all new, I just have to always mention it
Now all I can do is stare at her hair bc of this debate earlier 😂 what color?? 
but damn I don't like this dress either I forgot how disrespectful the costume designers were in series 4😂😂
Patrick grabbing her hand saying thank you ugh so pure 😭😢
It's been 3 fucking mins and look at all the shit I've said wow I hate me
Pats and Trix!! I miss their friendship
Haha omg this is right after Trixie and Tom broke up #awkward
"Wild peach, isn't it glorious?" I love my other bby trixie. We are so similar but she's better 💕
"Roasted like a Sunday dinner" LMAO
aw this is the episode with the Sylheti mum, here's some quality early Babs
SISTER E 😭😭😭 I miss her aww
Omg &Sister Mary Cynthia! she just became a nun aw I miss her being so happy 💔 I hope she's in the Christmas special or Series 7 Premiere
"Ready?" ugh I just think of all the times we're heard that, like Trixie asking Shelagh when she was about to get married *hello my two favs interacting its iconic for me* or when Trixie told Sister MC off she wanted to ask her if she was ready when she went to become a postulant like if she was getting married,  my heart 😭 UPDATE: I made a post about it
speaking of my gal Beatrix here she is again
I want to be that platinum blonde tbh
Sister Julienne saying "little man" yes I'm here for this such thing
little Raymond like ST Raymond or the baby that was left on the steps .. wait what happened to him? I forgot lol it's been a while
I do not like Sister Mj's absence
but yes her nephew! Did he just like stop picking her up??
Aw Trixie wanted to hug sister MC I can tell, nuns can hug though why didn't she?
we were robbed of a cute sister MC & sister W young- nun dynamic duo
but I like sister Winifred so much more now she's lowkey golden
Diphtheria yikes
I forgot that the old nurses uniforms were so washed out looking
sweetie, if a ANGLICAN NUN is telling you the baby needs more than prayer wouldn't you believe it ??
like wtf is Christian scientist anyway, yo no se
lol calm down Barbara that's a lot to translate
woah Pat's looks hella good with her hair like that 😍
my bby Trixie serving looks but is heartbroken 😍😢💔
*twerks to the bicycle song*
"She says where he goes, we go - even the moon" ahh again my heart!! & it's so similar to what shelagh said in the last Christmas special 😭💕 *i think it was a bible reference but I can't remember bc my memory is fuzzy from being a reckless heathen* jk jk😂
How does a faja type belt help her?
I initially really liked Trixie and Tom but I'm so glad they found better matches
yo I'd be shook though if my baby's bones kept breaking and I didn't know why omg
The nurses being cute eating popsicles outside lol
aw wait Fred and Violet weren't together yet here, they're so cute haha
again so wild, like imagine no one knowing what your baby is hurt and no one believing that you didn't abuse your child?! I cNt
so scary
Ameerah is so pretty & how sweet omg she brought Babs a dish. She misses having girl friends omg!
The Poor Pentergasts
I feel you Mrs ^, I scream into my hands at least 3x a day *for obvs diff reasons*
Baby Angela💕💕 so precious
aw Patrick & Shelagh😭 but now that shelagh's been on her nightie game this blue nightgown should finally go #hereforthebrinylon™
Shit now Patrick is going to realize and blame himself
let Patrick not feel guilty for anything in series 7, cut this guy a break pls
osteogenesis imperfecta yup I remembered ✔️ well I remember watching this with my mom & her calling if before they knew it and I was annoyed bc She can't just watch she always has to be a nurse & put her opinion out there😂 like we watched the finale yesterday and I thought there'd be some suspense but nah she knew the pill gave her a deadly blood clot😒she was surprised they killed the first women described it to though
Shelagh's face while Patrick gets in the ambulance 😭💔
I miss the nuns singing !! mainly miss Laura singing but still!! it's very peaceful you feel?? let me hear some hymns
I feel you Patrick, you smoke that cig
Alright damn Mr Pentergast, I feel your anger but wtf were they supposed to think??
I get anxious watching Patrick be anxious tbh omg xzjkalsfo
the way he fidgets the pen so relatable
Shelagh kissing him on the forehead and the cheek 😢😭💔💕melts my cold little heart
"I don't want my Geraldine being seen by the receptionist" fuck u lady she's the best damn nurse out here Lmaoo
But seriously did everyone just forget she was a nurse/midwife when she was a nun? it has only been like a year since she left and got married so I wouldn’t think people would forget just yet but maybe? wtf lol. I feel like their story was such gossip that it'd be unforgettable? that's just me Lmaoo
Go get that uniform Shelagh!!!
she's so patient, dios te bendiga. She’s too good.
my angry self would've been like "do 👏🏼 ya👏🏼not👏🏼get👏🏼that👏🏼I 👏🏼was👏🏼 a nurse 👏🏼and 👏🏼delivered 👏🏼like 👏🏼half 👏🏼of 👏🏼your👏🏼 gremlin 👏🏼 children?!" Or "you don't want me to help? Okay there's the door, don't let it hit you on the way out"!
okay I don't think I've ever thought about it until now but Shelagh talks about Patrick's war neurosis with Sister Julienne like she already knew?? I bet Shelagh went to her after the adoption interview 😭
ugh I love their friendship/relationship it's so pure
This whole show is so pure! how can it remind you of the darkness in the world while still giving you faith in humanity??  There's nothing like it
I told you I caught my mom up with series 6 & she was just like "I can't believe we have to wait so long. Why can't America make a show as great as this?"
I then said "I know I have like no reason to live until Christmas" but she said i was being dramatic oops
*cue in the mirror*✨
you guys don't get how happy this made me when I first saw it omg, I was so tired of seeing her sad/upset and lost and distressed and everything but happy but THEN SHE PUT THE UNIFORM ON AND THE LITTLE HAT AND LOOKED IN THE DAMN MIRROR WITH HER MILLON DOLLAR SMILE AND I WANTED TO COMBUST I WAS SO HAPPY I WAS IN TEARS😭😭💖💖
I'm so proud of how far my bby has come ugh I can't deal
It's 1am why am I being a little emotional bitch™ ?? Ugh I just love this character
I'd fight for Shealgh or Trixie/ Laura and Helen in real life. They are gifts we don't deserve
Like I know it wasn't the same people but still word gets around?
Shelagh and Tim's hug aww
Can we pls see a cute moment between them? We were played with that hospital scene in 6.4 bc it was like 2 seconds long
Patrick's pyjamas though >
the flat filled with things from patients is so sweet aww
How did no one else in Ameera's house get sick though?
Angela looking so adorable wow what a pretty baby
the real million $ question is, will we ever see Mrs B? Probs not Lmaoo
Still waiting for the day Timothy Turner has an angsty teen moment bc his unrealistic perfect child-ness has been going on too long
Disregarding that time he was mean to Shelagh in series 3, I won't forget it bc I wanted to smack him 😂👋🏼
*shelagh voice* Dr Turner's back to save poplar from ill health and disease
ALSO I'm sure he realized a kink he didn't know he had lol 😭😂
tracheotomy 😬 how do they make it look so real ahhh!? wild
"..Because I have you" BYEEEE 😭😭💖💔💔💔 my heart melted into a puddle & I can no longer live
the first kiss that you can't even see !! But still it took a season & a half for the married couple to kiss!😂
Ok shh Vanessa is gonna say something profound I must hear
Who tf am i talking to? I'm losing my damn marbles
And yes that's a Hook reference
"Humanity is fragile and all the sunshine in the world can't save the frail or make the delicate invincible but love has the power to strengthen and protect and guide us to a place where we feel sheltered and fulfilled. Where it doesn't matter if it rains for we are home and dry"
And Shelagh holding Angela next to Ameerah and her new baby, my heart!!
such an amazing show
The End.. until next time..
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