#was on the verge of tears until I saw this one (1) pic
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kingkatsuki · 7 months ago
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lxstfulbeans · 4 years ago
*Busts in with a plastic bag of crack* You want some crack, kids? I’ll give it to ya! đŸ„ž So Y/N forgot where she placed her phone at and her crush decides to call her phone to help hear the ringtone so she can find it better. However, Y/N forgot that she uses funny ass ringtones for said crush and even has funny contact pics/names for them in her phone. Said songs are “Something about you girl” by Ice JJ Fish, “Wap” but with Carl Wheezer’s voice, “Interior Crocodile Alligator”, and the NFL theme song. I would love to see head cannons of this for Hawks, Dabi, Aizawa and Bakugo.
“Something about you girl” - Hawks. He’s saved as “KFC” and his contact pic is of him making the light skin face that sent y/n to orbit (he thought she deleted it cuz it’s cringy)
“Wap” - Dabi. He’s saved as “Patchy the Pirate” and his pic is a blurred image of him chasing Y/N.
“Interior crocodile alligator” - Aizawa. He’s saved as “Dad of 20” and his pic is of him laying face first in his sleeping bag
“NFL Theme song” - Bakugo. He’s “Boom Boom Pomeranian” and his pic is of a Pomeranian with his hair photoshopped on it.
I know they’ll give some funny reactions! They’ll look at sis confused and she’ll just go “See about that...” and book it when she takes her phone. This idea had me busting my pancreas 💀💀💀
Bruh I- 💀 I’m literally hearin these damn audios as I’m reading this ask, I’m rolling. This is the best 😂
— 3. 2. 1. ACTION!! —
HEADCANON: Y/N loses her phone and forgets that she saved crack-fuelled pictures and ringtones assigned to her crush.
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You were losing your fucking mind at this point.
Where the fuck could you have misplaced your cellphone?? You had to meet your homegirls at the club for girls night, PRONTO!!
Keigo raised a brow as he walked in on you basically tearing apart your living room for your phone, almost crying from frustration. “Whoa, kid. Ya lose something?” He had the nerve to ask when it was clearly the case.
Sure, there was a whole lotta things to love about this bird-man, but that smartass attitude was gonna get slapped outta him.
“dId yOu lOsE sOmeThInG- YES FOOL MY DAYUM PHONE!!” You huff, throwing another couch cushion on the floor before you fell to the floor in exhaustion. “I got to meet the girls for girls night in twenty minutes, and I can’t find my phone!” You briefly explain.
You heard him chuckle, pulling out his own phone. “Okay, okay, calm down, kid. It ain’t the end of the world, y’know. I’ll just call it and we’ll listen out for the ringtone.” He says, scrolling for a bit before finding your contact, pressing the call button and..
That’s when y’all heard it.
Your ringtone went off under the couch, making Keigo look at you with the most confused face ever, his wings puffing up as he looked at you, yet you couldn’t stop laughing as he used one of his feathers to drag the phone from under the couch.
“What the hell, kid?? I though you deleted this cringey ass selfie!” He whined, looking at the contact photo of him making that dumbass lightskin face that had you howling the other day. “And what the hell is this ringtone?? AND YOU SAVED ME AS KFC??”
“BRUH I CAN’T BREATHE SHUT UPP—“ You screech as you curl up, tears pricking your eyes as you roll on the floor. Keigo couldn’t help but snicker, rolling his eyes at you as he got you off the floor, “Okay, you got some explaining to do.”
“Well, you see, what had happened was-“ You begin, trying to hold back your laughter before snatching your phone and purse, running out of the door. “I’ll see you later, KFC!! I’m running late!”
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“Aw, damn! Where in the entire hell did I put my phone??” You groaned.
Of course, this wasn’t the first time you lost your phone and you swore it would’ve been the last. But, you were so caught up on multitasking with so much shit you wanted to get out of the way, you completely forgot about your phone.
You sighed as you now have to tear apart the lounge that you JUST straightened up, making this much worse than it had to be.
“Hey, little mouse. What’s with all the whining and hollering for?”
“I can’t find my phone, I’ve been all up in y’all raggedy-ass lair lookin’ for my shit so I can bounce!” You say with an eye roll as you placed your hands on your hips, clearly not in the mood for the bullshit right now.
“Okay, calm down. It’s just a phone, I can just call it and you can listen out for the ringtone.” He said with a sigh as he brought out his phone, dialing your number and waiting for the tone to play. The two of you went from room to room, getting more anxious everytime the phone went to voicemail. You were visibly going to cry, there was no way that you could’ve left your phone anywhere that WASN’T in the LOV Lair.
“I swear, if you start crying, I won’t let you live it down.” You hear Dabi mumble to you as you both entered the last room, dialing your number one last time until...
Your phone was jamming out on a chair, Dabi looking at you like you just committed a grave sin while the ringtone played. The longer he stared at you, wanting an explanation, you can’t help but burst into laughter as you crawl to your phone, and let the tone finish.
You just hoped that your crush was still going to hang out with you after this crackhead mishap.
Dabi was literally at a loss for words, (lookin’ a lil like confused bakugou rn 👀) as you wheezed in laughter. “[Y/N]... what in the fuck was that?” He asked, you can tell he was serious from how low and menacing your name was said. You were either about to run for your life or die laughing.
“And why the fuck is my name, “Patchy The Pirate”? And what the hell is this photo?” He asked again. Man, was it getting hot in there or was it just you?
“Well, you see here, uh- MOINK!” You shout, howling in laughter as you were chased around the building. Kurogiri shaking his head in disappointment.
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“Oh no.”
“Oh, no...”
“Oh, no no no no no..”
This cannot be happening, this CANNOT be happening right now. Lord have mercy, please let today not be the day.
“Goddamn it, where’s my phone?!”
Yep, your phone. Your new phone that Shƍta got for your birthday, who you also had a huge crush on but would never tell that to ANYONE. You promised yourself that you wouldn’t lose this phone, it was definitely the most precious thing ever.
“Fuuuuck!” You whined, already on the verge of panicking while your tore apart your room for that birthday gift. “Hey, what’s all this racket for? I’m trying to sleep.” said your friend, roommate, and crush, Shƍta.
“I-I’m just lookin’ for somethin’, Shƍ! Sorry for all this noise..” you mumbled an apology as you continued your search, swinging your arm around underneath the bed.
“You lost your phone, didn’t you, [Y/N]?”
DAMN, he catches on quick for somebody who sleeps 25/8. Maybe it’s because you don’t really have trouble looking for stuff unless it’s something really important to you.
You sighed, the embarrassment and disappointment washing over you as you laid in defeat on the floor. “Yeah.. I can’t find it..” you mumbled.
The older man sighed, cracking his neck as he got out his phone. “Okay, just calm down. I’ll call it and we’ll just listen out for your ringtone, okay? If we can’t hear it, we’ll track it.”
God, why was he so hot when he took responsibility? You couldn’t help but sit up and nod at his words as he scrolled through his contacts until he found your name, confirming the call until..
Your phone blasted the same line over and over, as hard as you tried to contain it, you couldn’t help but screech in laughter when you looked up to see Shƍta’s disturbed, confused, and concerned face as he picked up your phone from underneath your dresser.
“”Dad of 20”?? What the hell type of name is that?” He asked, the iconic sleeping bag worm as his contact photo. The joke behind it was the fact that he was a whole teacher at U.A. You always thought it was cute that he was basically a father figure to those future heroes.
Plus, you wouldn’t stop joking about them being his, “lil chilrens”.
“Aight, aight. I wanna thank you for finding my phone, I promise not to lose it again!” You quickly say, trying to creep out of the room until you were confined with his capture weapon.
“I’m not done with you yet.”
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“Hey, dumbass! Hurry up, or we’ll miss the movie!”
Damn, damn, damn!! You can’t believe you just lost your phone right now, you could’ve sworn you left it on your bed before you started fixing your hair in the bathroom.
“Shit, shit! Bakugou, can you help me find my phone real quick? Pretty please?” You call out to him, really anxious because you were really looking forward to this movie and you could not miss a second of it!
“Ugh, are you serious?? What did I tell you about keeping up with your shit!” He groaned, getting out his phone as he dialed your number and listened to the trill.
“I know, I know! I promise I’ll be more careful!” You say as you listened out for it, only to pull aside your blankets to see your vibrating phone with the ringtone on blast.
Oh yes, the NFL Theme. What made you lose your shit was Bakugou’s flabbergasted facial expression as he looked down at your contact photo and nickname for him.
You couldn’t help but cackle as you saw a vein pop out, popping hands reaching out for you. “Hey! What the fuck is this shit?? Imma show you a pomeranian!” He shouted.
“Katsu! Katsu! Relaaaxx!! You know you’re my bestie and I love you, but we got a movie to catch so let’s do this later fam.” You snicker, trying to calm yourself down as you yoinked your phone and took off out the door with your purse.
Sorry that Bakugou’s was kinda short! But, hope you enjoyed these!
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atinydise · 5 years ago
Stupid bet (Part 2)
❊ Genre: Angst.
❊ Pairing: Wooyoung.
❊ Word count: 5k8.
❊ Masterlist.
Part 1 / Part 3
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You opened your apartment door lazily. You got a long and exhausting day. You threw your keys on the small coffee table and sat heavily on your couch. You sighed; the atmosphere of your apartment was dark and depressive. Only the moonlight through the window was illuminating the room. Hardly, you stood up to grab something to drink, when your phone rang on your pocket. You stared at the screen. Wooyoung was calling you, again, like every day, at the same hour or a bit later if he was promoting. His contact pic remembered you the good moments you had in this short time of relationship. But you would have never got these types of cute picture without this bet. At this thought, you turned down your phone, screen facing the counter, still buzzing.
You sipped the sparkling water you got and sighed again. Why couldn’t he stop calling you? You were more than clear the last time you saw him in the practice room. It was a breakup and not just a break for few days. You started to get lost in your thoughts again. Your body was physically there on this dark and empty apartment, but your mind was imagining you everywhere with Wooyoung. You remembered him almost jumping on you, making shake the couch. You would scold him, telling that this couch was expensive. He would simply giggle at you and tickle you till the serious expression on your face disappear and was replaced by a wide smile added by the loudest laugh he never heard before. You shook your head to forget these moments you shared but you accidentally stared at the microwave next to you. “Y/N! Look the popcorn is popping!” You rushed next to him, staring at the microwave’s interior intensely. “Wow! It’s already looks so tasty!” “They won’t last long,” said Wooyoung, saliva almost dripping of his mouth. You chuckled, “we need to find a good movie to eat these delicious popcorns!” Wooyoung hummed. He was about to say something when the corn started to pop crazily in the microwave. “Huh- Wooyoung is this normal?” He gulped, “don’t think so...” The amount of popcorn dropped of the bowl to jump inside the microwave. “How much corn did you put?!” you started to freak out. “Too much I think!” he said, pushing the button ‘STOP’ a thousand time to reduce the mess. When finally, all the “pop” stopped, the entire room remain quiet. After few long seconds, both of you laughed crazily. Wooyoung fell on the floor while you tried to gain back your balance from laughing. “We almost died because of a bowl of popcorn,” he laughed, wiping his tears away. You sipped again, refocusing back on your loneliness. You put down your glass in the sink. You needed to admit that your life without him was not the same. The little source of warmness on your heart was no more. It was vanished when you learned the truth about his bet. At first, you tried to calm down and think about his issue every time you could. Was it really a big deal? Do you really needed to break up with him for that? Could you forgive him or even the whole group? Was this bet really important even if without it you would never had met Wooyoung? “Without
it,” you repeated slowly. You were not Wooyoung’s type of girl and he didn’t even notice you in this restaurant. You took a deep breath and left the kitchen to your bathroom. You grabbed your pajama and did your skincare routine. 
While you applied your hydrating cream, you stared at the shower on the mirror reflection. “Wooyoung hurry up!” you yelled at him, on the other side of the curtain. Your boyfriend was taking too long on the shower. “I’m not done yet!”, he replied. “Even if we are late, they are going to wait for us, down worry!” Not happy with this answer, you turned on the hot water on the sink. Instantly, you heard Wooyoung’s high-pitched scream. “Y/N! Are you crazy?! This is so cold!” he said exiting the shower quickly. You giggled evilly and slapped his naked butt, “finally you are done, thank you.” Until you left, he yelled how crazy you were. But at least, you were in time. You looked at your reflection on the mirror. You were surprised to see a tear sliding on your cheek. You wiped it instantly and applied correctly the cream on your face. You cried too much these days, so you made yourself a promise to not bust in tears again. You were stronger than that. Just before going to your bed, you grabbed your phone on the kitchen’s counter. The screen turned on and you saw that you got a voicemail from Wooyoung. You hesitated to listen it, but your brain wouldn’t work properly if you just delete it and act like nothing happened. And at least, you would know if everything’s okay for him. You shakily pressed the speaker on, when Wooyoung’s voice resounded on the quiet room.
“Y/N? Hi, it’s me Wooyoung.” He paused, “yes I think that you know already
” You missed his voice a lot. So much that you didn’t want the voicemail to end. “I think that you’re going to delete this before even listening me, but I will keep going. As I said in my thousands of text messages or all the DMs on social media, I’m really sorry.” He paused again,“ you could guess that he was emotional or on verge to cry. “This bet was the stupid thing I ever did. I had not any intention to harm or hurt you in any kind of way. I was just not thinking about the consequences of my act. But one part of me doesn’t want to apologize to you because this bet helped me to meet and date you.” You covered your mouth to choke your sobs. “Okay I didn’t notice you alone, reading your book in the restaurant this day
 but thanks to this bet I would have never got your number and text you all night long from the first day. We would have never talked our dreams or our favorite food. Without this bet we would never have our first date or first kiss at this playground.” You smiled at this comment, you were surprised to see that he remembered a minimal detail. “There’s so many other things that I would have never did with you without this stupid bet.” He sobbed. You felt your heart clench on your chest. This pain was oppressing. You slid down against the counter, crying with Wooyoung through the voicemail. “I know that you don’t want to talk to me ever again but please give me another chance to prove how much you count for me. How much I love you and how much I need you.” His voice cracked before to bust in tears. He tried to add something, but it was probably too hard for him. “Wooyoung-ah
 you should hang up and rest now,” you heard San’s voice, comforting his friend, sadly. “But I need her to know
” he cried. After a long silence, broken by Wooyoung’s sobs, the voicemail stopped. Desperately, your phone slid slowly off your hand to fell on the floor. You cupped your face in your hands. Why you couldn’t forgive him? What was wrong with you? Why it’s a big deal for you? Why you were not running to the dorm to see him and confess your feelings for him instead of crying alone here? A part of you knew why. Only because this stupid bet made you insecure. All these memories you had seemed fake now. You were doubting about his feelings and even yours. The trust you had for your ex-boyfriend before disappeared. This stupid bet destroyed you and nothing would be the same with Wooyoung.
Part 1 / Part 3
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hereiamhereigo · 7 years ago
The Nanny Chapter 3
Chapter 3 [Harrison Osterfield X Reader]
The Nanny
Pairing: Harrison O x reader (Tom in a starring role)
Warnings: N/A
Plot: Y/N is the nanny for the Downey family. She loves her job and can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. Maybe a boy with breathtaking blue eyes?
Author Note: This is my first shot at this, so please be kind and patient. If you have any tips, please let me know! Also, huge shout out @thewiseandfree for helping so much!
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Y/N looked at her phone, almost expecting a text. Once she realized he was in the clear, she realized she needed help. She pulled out her phone, screen shot all the messages between her and Harrison, and then them off to her best friend. Hopefully she would get some quick help.
She got Avri to settle in with her coloring pages, helping her when her assistance was required of the child. She occasionally checked the time, knowing Avri would need to be fed lunch soon. She definitely wanted to avoid a certain blonde- haired boy, but she also knew it would be incredibly selfish to make Avri wait to eat. Avri wanted to go to the main food area to eat, not wanting to snack the day away.
Once it was the right time for lunch, Avri put away the items she was working with and grabbed Y/N’s hand. Y/N turned to Susan to see if she would join them, but Susan was on a call. Y/N grabbed a scrap piece of paper and left a note, letting her know where they were going. Once that was done, she and Avri headed out.
Luckily, it looked like no one else had come in for lunch. She quickly got both her and Avri’s food, setting it down at their table. Once they were settled in, Y/N took a quick look at her phone. There was a response from her best friend and she quickly read over the advice.
Seriously girl! He wants to talk to you, don’t leave him hanging!
A second text read also, what does this hottie look like? I need a pic!
Laughing, she creeped on Harrison’s Instagram to find a suitable photo of him. Once she found one, she screenshot it and sent it off.
She knew she needed to be a little bit nicer, but she also needed to protect herself. She brushed it off, waiting until she could get more help.
Avri happily ate her food, not having anyone or anything to distract her. Once she was done, she made her movie request for the afternoon- she wanted to watch Mulan. Of course, Y/N agreed.
Y/N and Avri made quick work of cleaning up their mess, Avri always being an amazing helper. Once they were done, they headed back to the trailer. They were almost there when Avri started to tug on Y/N’s hand. When Y/N followed Avri’s eyes, we saw her looking at a dog. Not just any dog, a Grey pitbull, who seemed to know who Avri was, as its tail began to wag. The dog was on a leash but the leash was gently looped around the handle of a trailer door.
“Thessssa!” Avri cried, trying to lead Y/N towards the pup. Not knowing who the dog belonged to or if it was okay to pet, Y/N resisted.
“Y/N I wanna see Thesa.” Avri said, pulling on her nanny’s hand.
“Avri, who’s dog is that? We cannot pet dogs without asking the owner.”
Before the child could answer, the trailer door opened and out walked Harrison and Tom. Both boys greeted the playful pup.
“Y/N pleaseeee? It’s Tom’s dog. Can I please go play?” She looked up at her nanny, but never tried to pull away from her.
“Well, we have to ask Tom if it’s okay first.” Hearing his name, Tom looked up, noticing the pair.
“Why hello darlings. Do you want to play with Tessa?” Tom said, offering a toy for Avri to throw.  Y/N gently nudged Avri to take the toy from Tom. Avri threw it as far as she could, Tessa chasing after it right away.
“She should play baseball” Y/N as she watched the ball clear several trailers worth of length. Both of the boys agreed with her while Avri giggled with glee watching Tessa chase after the toy.
“And what were you ladies up to before you got distracted?” Harrison asked.
“We had lunch!” Avri answered, throwing the toy again for Tessa to chase.
“And what fine cuisine did you have?” Tom asked Avri.
“Y/N let me have chicken nuggets, but if my mom asks, I had a salad.” Avri said, reciting the line Y/N had told her. Both boys turned to Y/N for an explanation.
“She’s little and no kid wants to have a salad for lunch. I figured if someone could keep it quiet, we would be just fine” she said, shooting a playful look at Avri. Avri shrugged and kept playing with Tessa, who had laid down for pats and rubs from the four humans. Harrison started laughing.
“So we have figured out your secret- you make children lie on your behalf.” He said in between laughs.
“If I followed Susan’s meal plan for her, she would eat like a runway model. I want her to be a kid! Superfood salads are not what a kid wants to eat!” Y/N said.
“Fair enough. I love the lie though.” Harrison replied. Y/N turned her attention to Avri, making sure she was being gentle to Tessa. Avri was rubbing all over Tessa’s body, and the dog was loving the attention. Tom had joined in and was helping Avri find all of Tessa’s favorite spots.
“Is Tessa staying with you all?” Y/N asked Harrison.
“She is, and normally she does not come to set but tommy threw a fit today, so here she is.”
“Oi! I did not throw a fit” Tomsaid, defending himself. “I love Tessa and I wanted her to be with me today, that’s all. I never get to travel with her, so I want to spend as much time with her before my mom comes and gets her.” Avri’s eyes got big.
“Tessa is leaving?! When?! Whyyy?!” She yelled, on the verge of tears. Y/N went to go console her but Harrison stopped her with a shake of his head.
“Oh she’s not leaving soon, but in a couple of weeks. When I go home.”
“Where is home? I want to see Tessa” Avri questioned, not fully understanding the situation.
“I live in England, all the way over the ocean” Tom answered her  question.
“Okay, I will ask to visit there then. I love Tessa” Avri added, acting like it was nothing to go across an oven to see a dog.
“Love, I promise you will see Tessa everyday until we leave okay? After that, you might have to settle for pictures.” Once the last sentence sunk into Avris head, the tears began flowing down her cheeks.
“No. No. NO! I want to see Tessa whenever I want, and not in pictures!” She started to wail and turned to her nanny. “I want to go to momma now.” She said, grabbing Y/N’s hand and tugging her in the direction of her mother.
Y/N, completely shocked at her behavior, allowed herself to be dragged away. Before they turned the corner, Y/N glanced back to see confused looks on both boys faces. She shrugged and she turned the corner. Once they were safely away from the boys, she halted Avri in her path.
“Avri, what happened? What is the matter?” Y/N crouched down to the small child’s eye level.
“I don’t like that everyone leaves. Then we have to go somewhere else, and Exton goes to another trailer and I’m all alone. I hate it!” She started crying again at the end of her mini speech.
Y/N knew the constant movement and change was not normal, sometimes she had a hard time adjusting. This was going to be a lifetime challenge for a child, with both parents in the movie industry. Y/N tried her hardest to make things normal for Avri, but clearly she was failing. She knew however that the small child was watching her reaction, and realized now was not the time to lose her cool.
“How about we go back to the trailer and watch a movie okay? I think you are feeling a lot of things, and we need to take a moment to figure this all out okay? However, yelling at Tom like that was not okay. You need to apologize to him when you see him next Okay? He did nothing wrong and he is probably upset right now. That was not nice and we don’t talk to others that way. Does that make sense?” Y/N knew Avri was much more mature that kids her age, and Y/N hoped the message would sink in. She did not want to go thru this ever again.
Avri has stopped crying and was now nodding her head as she wiped away the last of her tears. Once that was done, she once again took Y/N’s hand and they finished they walk back to the Downey’s trailer.
Once there, Y/N got Avri all set up for her afternoon movie then nap. Once Avri was settled in, Y/N settled herself in, checking her phone. There were several text messages, some from her mother and sister, some from her best friend and almost twenty from Harrison and an unknown number. Y/N immediately looked over the ones from the unknown number. By the third message, she realized this was Tom texting her. She quickly sent a message to both of the boys so they would not worry.
Sorry. I was walking Avri back and we talked a bit and I didn’t even check my phone. She feels bad for the way she behaved, but I think she needs to rest for a bit.
She quickly hit send, going thru the messages from her mother and sister, replying to all of them. Both of them knew what she did and who she worked for, and she could freely talk to them about what was going on. She wanted to call and talk to her mom, but she could not do so in front of Avri and Susan was in the other part of the trailer on her phone. She knew she would have to wait until Avri was asleep.
She went back and checked the messages from her best friend. She chuckled at the advice given.
Damn girl! You are holding out!! GET IT.
Followed by
Also, completely off topic, does he have a hot brother or friend? I’ll take either, or both ;)
Y/N rolled her eyes at her best friends antics. She quickly replied.
Listen, he’s nice but he’s way out of my league. I can’t, plus ya know, he’s from somewhere else. I will have to find out the answer to your question for you, but his bestie is pretty hot.
The quick reply from her best friend read:
Pics or you’re lying. She laughed and quickly sent a picture of Tom, knowing her best friend was glued to the phone, waiting on a reponse. She was not shocked when a response came in right away.
D. A. M. N. I’m off to take a cold shower, thanks!
Y/N let out a quiet laugh and turned to see Avri out cold next to her. Y/N quickly muted the movie and brought Avri to her bed to nap. Y/N thought about also taking a nap, but she did not want to make Avri share the bed with her. Instead, Y/N cracked her back and started to head out to take a walk. When she reached the door, she heard Susan clear her throat.
“Y/N did something happen today after lunch? Rob just called and said something happened with Tom?” Y/N brought her hand off the handle and turned to Susan.
“Yes, Avri had a bit of a fit when she found out that Tom and Tessa were not staying here. I already talked her about it, and she is going to apologize to Tom, she just needed to rest for a bit.” Susan looked at her for a pause before speaking.
“When something like this happens, you need to let us know. That was completely out of line and out of character for her. She needs to apologize to Tom and Maybe she needs to stay in the trailer more. What did you tell her?”
“I think she just gets sad that the same people are not always around. I told her that she cannot act like that towards people and she probably hurt Toms feelings-“
“Go wake her up please. I want to talk to her now.” Susan said, cutting her off. Y/N knew better than to argue and went to wake Avri up. Avri looked over at Y/N when she woke her up.
“Your mom wants to talk to you, she’s not happy about what happened with Tom.” A look of fear crossed over Avri’s face.
“I’m sowieeee and I will tell him that too.”
“I know you will, but your mom wants to talk to you. Cmon.” Y/N took her by the hand and brought her into the main area, where Susan had not been joined by Rob.
“Daddy!” Avri said, running with arms outreached to Robert. Her father quickly picked her up, placing her on his hip.
“So I heard we had a little issue earlier hm?” He said, questioning Avri.
“Yes papa, I was mean to Tom. I need to say sorry, Y/N already told me.” Rob’s eyes looked up, connecting with Y/N’s. “Why don’t we go see him now and apologize?” Without a further word, Rob tookAvri out the trailer with him.
“Y/N, you are the nanny and you should have had her apologize to Tom right then. Were you actually going to make her say sorry? Or were you just hoping we would not hear about it?” Susan questioned Y/N.
“I was, she just needed to cool down. She-“
“That was not your decision to make. You are the nanny, not a parent. You should have said something to us. It is totally embarrassing that we had to find out from Tom that our child misbehaved.” By this point, Y/N was almost in tears. “I think it’s best that you go back to the house for now. We will take care of our children for the rest of the day, and take them to dinner. I’ll get someone from security to drive you home.”
Y/N was in total disbelief. She thought she was doing the right thing. She can’t believe she messed up. What if she got fired? That thought kept racing through her head, over and over. She quickly packed up her belongings and headed towards the area where she was normally dropped off and picked up. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, but she chose to ignore it.
Once she was in the parking lot, she quickly spotted the car. She heard someone calling her name, but she quickly got into the car and closed the door. The driver took off, taking her back the familiar route to the Downey’s home. Usually she looked at her phone during the trips to and from, but this time, she put her phone on do not disturb and looked at the view.
Once she got to the Downey’s home, she quickly packed everything she could, not knowing if she would be able to once the Downey’s got home. Knowing she had just a few hours, she took a shower and quickly started a load of laundry for herself.
Once out of the shower, she had no choice but to face reality- she could really be fired. She decided to call her mother, knowing this would help alleviate her tension. She quickly called her mom up, but her mom did not pick up. She left a voicemail requesting her mom call her back as soon as possible, as she may be coming home.
Once she hung up, she turned the ringer on and started looking through her messages. She ignored the ones from her best friend momentarily while she opened the almost 45 texts from Harrison.
“What could he possibly want?” Y/N groaned.
The messages started off with him saying Tom was not upset at all at Avri, but wanted to make sure the girl was okay. Then it turned into warning her that Robert had overheard the two boys talking and Robert had gotten quite upset about the lack of his daughters manners. Then the boys tried to tell him that it sounded like Avri was upset about something bigger, to which Robert shrugged off, stating that a small child could never have such big issues. Then it turned into Robert being upset that she had not immediately made the child apologize to Tom. At that point, Y/N had to take a break. This whole thing was just so overwhelming for her.
Her phone rang, cutting off her thoughts. Assuming it was her mother, she immediately answered the phone without checking the caller ID.
“Hi Mom-“ Y/N greeted the caller.
“Mum? Please don’t hang up Y/N it’s Tom. Please let me explain-“
“Explain what? How you most likely got me fired? Your best friend already did a bang-up job. Would it have been so hard for you to go someplace quiet to talk?” Y/N heard some commotion on the other end of the line.
“Y/N please. Tom and I are both very sorry and we should not have said anything. We are so sorry and we really hope you don’t get fired” Harrison pleaded with her.
“You are both incredibly sweet, but what’s done is done. I’m going to be honest, I am frustrated and upset with both of you at this moment. However, I am more so with myself, and I will continue to be. I really can’t talk right now- I need to pack everything so when they fired me, I can just grab and go.”
“Oh, uh, is there anything we can do?” Y/N heard Tom ask.
“No, not really. This is out of our hands. I really do have to go” with that, Y/N hung up. She quickly ran to get her now done laundry out of the dryer and folded them into her bag. She began to move everything to right by her door. She checked the time, knowing the family would be home soon. She knew she should eat, but she just could not bring herself to do so.
She sat and waited until she heard the car pull into the driveway.
Chapter 3
Y/N looked at her phone, almost expecting a text. Once she realized he was in the clear, she realized she needed help. She pulled out her phone, screen shot all the messages between her and Harrison, and then them off to her best friend. Hopefully she would get some quick help.
She got Avri to settle in with her coloring pages, helping her when her assistance was required of the child. She occasionally checked the time, knowing Avri would need to be fed lunch soon. She definitely wanted to avoid a certain blonde- haired boy, but she also knew it would be incredibly selfish to make Avri wait to eat. Avri wanted to go to the main food area to eat, not wanting to snack the day away.
Once it was the right time for lunch, Avri put away the items she was working with and grabbed Y/N’s hand. Y/N turned to Susan to see if she would join them, but Susan was on a call. Y/N grabbed a scrap piece of paper and left a note, letting her know where they were going. Once that was done, she and Avri headed out.
Luckily, it looked like no one else had come in for lunch. She quickly got both her and Avri’s food, setting it down at their table. Once they were settled in, Y/N took a quick look at her phone. There was a response from her best friend and she quickly read over the advice.
Seriously girl! He wants to talk to you, don’t leave him hanging!
A second text read also, what does this hottie look like? I need a pic!
Laughing, she creeped on Harrison’s Instagram to find a suitable photo of him. Once she found one, she screenshot it and sent it off.
She knew she needed to be a little bit nicer, but she also needed to protect herself. She brushed it off, waiting until she could get more help.
Avri happily ate her food, not having anyone or anything to distract her. Once she was done, she made her movie request for the afternoon- she wanted to watch Mulan. Of course, Y/N agreed.
Y/N and Avri made quick work of cleaning up their mess, Avri always being an amazing helper. Once they were done, they headed back to the trailer. They were almost there when Avri started to tug on Y/N’s hand. When Y/N followed Avri’s eyes, we saw her looking at a dog. Not just any dog, a Grey pitbull, who seemed to know who Avri was, as its tail began to wag. The dog was on a leash but the leash was gently looped around the handle of a trailer door.
“Thessssa!” Avri cried, trying to lead Y/N towards the pup. Not knowing who the dog belonged to or if it was okay to pet, Y/N resisted.
“Y/N I wanna see Thesa.” Avri said, pulling on her nanny’s hand.
“Avri, who’s dog is that? We cannot pet dogs without asking the owner.”
Before the child could answer, the trailer door opened and out walked Harrison and Tom. Both boys greeted the playful pup.
“Y/N pleaseeee? It’s Tom’s dog. Can I please go play?” She looked up at her nanny, but never tried to pull away from her.
“Well, we have to ask Tom if it’s okay first.” Hearing his name, Tom looked up, noticing the pair.
“Why hello darlings. Do you want to play with Tessa?” Tom said, offering a toy for Avri to throw.  Y/N gently nudged Avri to take the toy from Tom. Avri threw it as far as she could, Tessa chasing after it right away.
“She should play baseball” Y/N as she watched the ball clear several trailers worth of length. Both of the boys agreed with her while Avri giggled with glee watching Tessa chase after the toy.
“And what were you ladies up to before you got distracted?” Harrison asked.
“We had lunch!” Avri answered, throwing the toy again for Tessa to chase.
“And what fine cuisine did you have?” Tom asked Avri.
“Y/N let me have chicken nuggets, but if my mom asks, I had a salad.” Avri said, reciting the line Y/N had told her. Both boys turned to Y/N for an explanation.
“She’s little and no kid wants to have a salad for lunch. I figured if someone could keep it quiet, we would be just fine” she said, shooting a playful look at Avri. Avri shrugged and kept playing with Tessa, who had laid down for pats and rubs from the four humans. Harrison started laughing.
“So we have figured out your secret- you make children lie on your behalf.” He said in between laughs.
“If I followed Susan’s meal plan for her, she would eat like a runway model. I want her to be a kid! Superfood salads are not what a kid wants to eat!” Y/N said.
“Fair enough. I love the lie though.” Harrison replied. Y/N turned her attention to Avri, making sure she was being gentle to Tessa. Avri was rubbing all over Tessa’s body, and the dog was loving the attention. Tom had joined in and was helping Avri find all of Tessa’s favorite spots.
“Is Tessa staying with you all?” Y/N asked Harrison.
“She is, and normally she does not come to set but tommy threw a fit today, so here she is.”
“Oi! I did not throw a fit” Tomsaid, defending himself. “I love Tessa and I wanted her to be with me today, that’s all. I never get to travel with her, so I want to spend as much time with her before my mom comes and gets her.” Avri’s eyes got big.
“Tessa is leaving?! When?! Whyyy?!” She yelled, on the verge of tears. Y/N went to go console her but Harrison stopped her with a shake of his head.
“Oh she’s not leaving soon, but in a couple of weeks. When I go home.”
“Where is home? I want to see Tessa” Avri questioned, not fully understanding the situation.
“I live in England, all the way over the ocean” Tom answered her  question.
“Okay, I will ask to visit there then. I love Tessa” Avri added, acting like it was nothing to go across an oven to see a dog.
“Love, I promise you will see Tessa everyday until we leave okay? After that, you might have to settle for pictures.” Once the last sentence sunk into Avris head, the tears began flowing down her cheeks.
“No. No. NO! I want to see Tessa whenever I want, and not in pictures!” She started to wail and turned to her nanny. “I want to go to momma now.” She said, grabbing Y/N’s hand and tugging her in the direction of her mother.
Y/N, completely shocked at her behavior, allowed herself to be dragged away. Before they turned the corner, Y/N glanced back to see confused looks on both boys faces. She shrugged and she turned the corner. Once they were safely away from the boys, she halted Avri in her path.
“Avri, what happened? What is the matter?” Y/N crouched down to the small child’s eye level.
“I don’t like that everyone leaves. Then we have to go somewhere else, and Exton goes to another trailer and I’m all alone. I hate it!” She started crying again at the end of her mini speech.
Y/N knew the constant movement and change was not normal, sometimes she had a hard time adjusting. This was going to be a lifetime challenge for a child, with both parents in the movie industry. Y/N tried her hardest to make things normal for Avri, but clearly she was failing. She knew however that the small child was watching her reaction, and realized now was not the time to lose her cool.
“How about we go back to the trailer and watch a movie okay? I think you are feeling a lot of things, and we need to take a moment to figure this all out okay? However, yelling at Tom like that was not okay. You need to apologize to him when you see him next Okay? He did nothing wrong and he is probably upset right now. That was not nice and we don’t talk to others that way. Does that make sense?” Y/N knew Avri was much more mature that kids her age, and Y/N hoped the message would sink in. She did not want to go thru this ever again.
Avri has stopped crying and was now nodding her head as she wiped away the last of her tears. Once that was done, she once again took Y/N’s hand and they finished they walk back to the Downey’s trailer.
Once there, Y/N got Avri all set up for her afternoon movie then nap. Once Avri was settled in, Y/N settled herself in, checking her phone. There were several text messages, some from her mother and sister, some from her best friend and almost twenty from Harrison and an unknown number. Y/N immediately looked over the ones from the unknown number. By the third message, she realized this was Tom texting her. She quickly sent a message to both of the boys so they would not worry.
Sorry. I was walking Avri back and we talked a bit and I didn’t even check my phone. She feels bad for the way she behaved, but I think she needs to rest for a bit.
She quickly hit send, going thru the messages from her mother and sister, replying to all of them. Both of them knew what she did and who she worked for, and she could freely talk to them about what was going on. She wanted to call and talk to her mom, but she could not do so in front of Avri and Susan was in the other part of the trailer on her phone. She knew she would have to wait until Avri was asleep.
She went back and checked the messages from her best friend. She chuckled at the advice given.
Damn girl! You are holding out!! GET IT.
Followed by
Also, completely off topic, does he have a hot brother or friend? I’ll take either, or both ;)
Y/N rolled her eyes at her best friends antics. She quickly replied.
Listen, he’s nice but he’s way out of my league. I can’t, plus ya know, he’s from somewhere else. I will have to find out the answer to your question for you, but his bestie is pretty hot.
The quick reply from her best friend read:
Pics or you’re lying. She laughed and quickly sent a picture of Tom, knowing her best friend was glued to the phone, waiting on a reponse. She was not shocked when a response came in right away.
D. A. M. N. I’m off to take a cold shower, thanks!
Y/N let out a quiet laugh and turned to see Avri out cold next to her. Y/N quickly muted the movie and brought Avri to her bed to nap. Y/N thought about also taking a nap, but she did not want to make Avri share the bed with her. Instead, Y/N cracked her back and started to head out to take a walk. When she reached the door, she heard Susan clear her throat.
“Y/N did something happen today after lunch? Rob just called and said something happened with Tom?” Y/N brought her hand off the handle and turned to Susan.
“Yes, Avri had a bit of a fit when she found out that Tom and Tessa were not staying here. I already talked her about it, and she is going to apologize to Tom, she just needed to rest for a bit.” Susan looked at her for a pause before speaking.
“When something like this happens, you need to let us know. That was completely out of line and out of character for her. She needs to apologize to Tom and Maybe she needs to stay in the trailer more. What did you tell her?”
“I think she just gets sad that the same people are not always around. I told her that she cannot act like that towards people and she probably hurt Toms feelings-“
“Go wake her up please. I want to talk to her now.” Susan said, cutting her off. Y/N knew better than to argue and went to wake Avri up. Avri looked over at Y/N when she woke her up.
“Your mom wants to talk to you, she’s not happy about what happened with Tom.” A look of fear crossed over Avri’s face.
“I’m sowieeee and I will tell him that too.”
“I know you will, but your mom wants to talk to you. Cmon.” Y/N took her by the hand and brought her into the main area, where Susan had not been joined by Rob.
“Daddy!” Avri said, running with arms outreached to Robert. Her father quickly picked her up, placing her on his hip.
“So I heard we had a little issue earlier hm?” He said, questioning Avri.
“Yes papa, I was mean to Tom. I need to say sorry, Y/N already told me.” Rob’s eyes looked up, connecting with Y/N’s. “Why don’t we go see him now and apologize?” Without a further word, Rob tookAvri out the trailer with him.
“Y/N, you are the nanny and you should have had her apologize to Tom right then. Were you actually going to make her say sorry? Or were you just hoping we would not hear about it?” Susan questioned Y/N.
“I was, she just needed to cool down. She-“
“That was not your decision to make. You are the nanny, not a parent. You should have said something to us. It is totally embarrassing that we had to find out from Tom that our child misbehaved.” By this point, Y/N was almost in tears. “I think it’s best that you go back to the house for now. We will take care of our children for the rest of the day, and take them to dinner. I’ll get someone from security to drive you home.”
Y/N was in total disbelief. She thought she was doing the right thing. She can’t believe she messed up. What if she got fired? That thought kept racing through her head, over and over. She quickly packed up her belongings and headed towards the area where she was normally dropped off and picked up. She felt her phone vibrating in her pocket, but she chose to ignore it.
Once she was in the parking lot, she quickly spotted the car. She heard someone calling her name, but she quickly got into the car and closed the door. The driver took off, taking her back the familiar route to the Downey’s home. Usually she looked at her phone during the trips to and from, but this time, she put her phone on do not disturb and looked at the view.
Once she got to the Downey’s home, she quickly packed everything she could, not knowing if she would be able to once the Downey’s got home. Knowing she had just a few hours, she took a shower and quickly started a load of laundry for herself.
Once out of the shower, she had no choice but to face reality- she could really be fired. She decided to call her mother, knowing this would help alleviate her tension. She quickly called her mom up, but her mom did not pick up. She left a voicemail requesting her mom call her back as soon as possible, as she may be coming home.
Once she hung up, she turned the ringer on and started looking through her messages. She ignored the ones from her best friend momentarily while she opened the almost 45 texts from Harrison.
“What could he possibly want?” Y/N groaned.
The messages started off with him saying Tom was not upset at all at Avri, but wanted to make sure the girl was okay. Then it turned into warning her that Robert had overheard the two boys talking and Robert had gotten quite upset about the lack of his daughters manners. Then the boys tried to tell him that it sounded like Avri was upset about something bigger, to which Robert shrugged off, stating that a small child could never have such big issues. Then it turned into Robert being upset that she had not immediately made the child apologize to Tom. At that point, Y/N had to take a break. This whole thing was just so overwhelming for her.
Her phone rang, cutting off her thoughts. Assuming it was her mother, she immediately answered the phone without checking the caller ID.
“Hi Mom-“ Y/N greeted the caller.
“Mum? Please don’t hang up Y/N it’s Tom. Please let me explain-“
“Explain what? How you most likely got me fired? Your best friend already did a bang-up job. Would it have been so hard for you to go someplace quiet to talk?” Y/N heard some commotion on the other end of the line.
“Y/N please. Tom and I are both very sorry and we should not have said anything. We are so sorry and we really hope you don’t get fired” Harrison pleaded with her.
“You are both incredibly sweet, but what’s done is done. I’m going to be honest, I am frustrated and upset with both of you at this moment. However, I am more so with myself, and I will continue to be. I really can’t talk right now- I need to pack everything so when they fired me, I can just grab and go.”
“Oh, uh, is there anything we can do?” Y/N heard Tom ask.
“No, not really. This is out of our hands. I really do have to go” with that, Y/N hung up. She quickly ran to get her now done laundry out of the dryer and folded them into her bag. She began to move everything to right by her door. She checked the time, knowing the family would be home soon. She knew she should eat, but she just could not bring herself to do so.
She sat and waited until she heard the car pull into the driveway.
Chapter 4
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