#was misspelled (there was an s at the end of her surname when i don’t think there should’ve been) so i’ve tried again
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Just remembered I still need to cancel that job interview I got signed up for against my will
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#i just sent the email cancelling it but god.#the way that temping agency sat on my info for well over a month and then finally scheduled something the same week i got a job offer#like where were you people when i was sitting here unemployed and going insane#i’d better not get some ‘this is such short notice :(‘ girl i sent it sunday evening. the interview isn’t until wednesday afternoon#you can see it first thing monday morning and adjust your week accordingly#i bet they’re going to get back to me saying something like ‘you need to remove your info from the temping agency then’ but the thing is#i can’t fucking log in. they’re saying my saved password is incorrect when like.. how can it be. it’s saved. it must have worked before#and when i tried to reset my password i just didn’t get the email. functional website!!!!#it gets worse: my email just bounced back saying it couldn’t be delivered. i think the email address they gave me for this person#was misspelled (there was an s at the end of her surname when i don’t think there should’ve been) so i’ve tried again#if this doesn’t go through i’m going to have to CALL them. crying and screaming and throwing up#okay i think this one went through. it hasn’t bounced back anyway.#i just hope to fucking god that my job doesn’t fall through at the last fucking second because this is the SECOND interview i have cancelled#like i didn’t want to go to either of them anyway because i didn’t want either of those jobs but they Were jobs#i think i declined both politely enough that i shouldn’t have burned the bridge permanently. that was my intention at least#like i’m always slightly tempted to ghost recruiters because 1) they’re constantly ghosting me and 2) fuck ‘em#but you never know when you’re going to have to run to someone with your tail between your legs and be like ‘actually yeah can i be a summer#school teacher for minimum wage? 🥺’#i haaaate job hunting. as far as i’m concerned the biggest perk of this job is that i won’t have to job hunt for 6 months#personal
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