#was it alright that my screenshots are in night mode? I think it’s easier on the eyes
sewer-toridae · 1 year
Hello everyone, time for ✨Flight Rising Statistics✨
Not sure if anybody has done this before but I made a spreadsheet of every primary gene and how many dragons have what gene. Numbers are current as of March 30th, 2023. The link to my Google Sheet is here for all my work and data.
Of course, some genes have been out since launch and others are quite new, but I think it’s just fun to look at numbers. As of today, there are 40 primary genes, including Basic.
First off, let’s start off with the top 10 most numerous and least numerous genes! Numbers are of unexalted dragons.
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Here are some charts to show off the data as well.
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Of course older genes are going to be higher on the list and newer genes lower, but I was really surprised how many gem genes were in the top 10. Iridescent especially holy shit. Not only are gem genes the more expensive genes, but they have the highest breeding rarity.
Now let’s look at total exalted and unexalted dragons.
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Similar rankings. To make it a little bit more interesting, I calculated the percentage of dragons for that gene that are exalted. For example, only 30.35% of all Tide dragons are exalted.
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Despite having the most total dragons (and I have on my master spreadsheet that they have the most exalted dragons as well) Basic doesn’t even crack the top 10. They’re actually right in the middle at #20. I’m guessing that’s because of do many active progens, progen children, and gen 1s. I think this data makes sense. Older genes have the highest exalt ratio while newer genes have a lower exalt ratio. Genes that have been around for while have been fed to more dom battles, and people in general often want genes that are newer and more exciting (because they’re new.) I wanted to include Mosaic at #11 because despite it being at or near the bottom of dragons with the gene, it has a much higher percentage of exalted dragons than the other genes that are on the bottom with it.
I think that the most important metrics are how many active dragons there are and the ratio of exalted to unexalted. This isn’t a perfect grading system, but I ranked all genes from 1-40 in both active dragons and exalt ratio then averaged them out. The higher the score the better.
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This isn’t a perfect ranking because some of them feel kind of off. My gut says that Basic should be #1 because it has a ton of active dragons and a great exalt ratio, and that Mosaic would be last. But it does makes sense in ways and worth a look at because genes I know to be well liked are ranked very high, and less popular and “cheaper” genes are still ranked lower.
So what does this all mean? Probably nothing! This is just the primary genes and also doesn’t factor in color. There’s tons of different qualities to dragons and various reasons why a dragon could be exalted. There’s plenty of dragons that have “unpopular” genes that are very loved and look great. Anywho, I’m no statistician but thought this was a fun look at statistics.
Feedback? Thoughts? Should I do secondary and tertiary? Or. I think it would be more beneficial to do an ancient species since most of their genes come out at once.
*uses this data to sell you gem genes* Did you know that if your dragon has a treasure gene it has a 40% higher chance of being exalted?? Buy my gem gene bundle for only $49.98 and stop your dragons from being exalted TODAY
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delfts-purple · 3 years
Saints Row Reboot Thoughts
So originally I had a massive ass post of my SR5 wish list sitting in my drafts but since that's now useless, gonna do this. For some context I have been playing since 06, when I was way to young and I fucking hated 4. Now lets go!
My Wants and not wants:
Reboot after SR2 or SRTT. No hate, SRTT was alright but it may be easier and better to reboot from SR2. I seriously do not want you to redo 1 and 2. They are very good games that can stand the test of time and deserve their place. I may be more pissed if you retcon 1 and 2 than I was at 4. Like I guess I could live with a remaster if it was a graphical and control scheme overhaul only. I do hear you young fans, we did have clunky controls back then but they were normal so I don't get put off by it.
It looks to be the case we are going back to the roots and my god are we overdue.
Lets talk clothing. Basically the entire clothing system from SR2, that is what I want pray for. It was peak customization that I have not had another game match.
BIG PHAT GOLD CHAINS PLEZ. I know its probably not fashionable anymore but hot damn it looks so good.
Body slider/Gender slider (idk what to call it) from SR2. Not only is it great for our Trans homies. It was just a great, nah, amazing tool. Really before its time.
Please, make it so I don't have to be a body builder. Like skinny Bosses need more love. My boy Ty was always skinny till 3 and 4 forced him to be bulky. Skinny boys need love tooo!!!!
Honestly like a hybrid of the character builder from 2 and 3 would work. The color, make up and feature diversity of SR3. Paired with the fine tuning of SR2. Its just like chefs kiss.
Custom walking styles, I always loved that my and my friends boss not walk alike.
Two tone hair again maybe? I just think its neat.
Honestly just all the fucking activities from SR2 and SR1. I loved them all, well except Heli assault but people liked that to so let them have it.
Tagging, please, I love tagging.
GOLD/PLATNUIM WEPON UNLOCKS! So gangster like hot damn.
BOOZE AND DRUGS! Like I have had 100s of hours of fun fucking about with that. Like if we had the variety of SR1 in booze and drugs, I would die and got to heaven.
I mean if you can find a way to not make romancing a bastardization I guess you can keep it.
JUST DON'T! Don't bastardize that charaters.
Can we maybe have back some of that grit? Like SR2 was a prefect balance of grit and humour. SRTT felt like I was a toddler been mollycoddled by shallow humour. Not enough grit and felt like it was wrote by a 10th grader tbh.
Make the Boss... them again. Like non of this 'he hu puckish rouge' shit. I don't play a gang game to be a fucking hero. I know, shock, horror. I play it to be a sociopathic bastard. I got 100 fucking games where I am the good guy, sometimes ya boi needs a break. A evil, going to hell for this, I do question my mental status when I laugh at this, break.
Mission and cut scene replay. One of the reason SR1 and 2 save files can rack up into the 1000s of hours for me is this feature. If I want to play one mission, I don't have to replay the whole game. I can give in to whims. I do not have a word for it in English but it is maximum happiness with fun.
More cut scenes. Like there felt like there was less of them in 3 and 4.
Idle animations. My Boss just been like 'yep, Delfts gone, time to go fishing or drinking or smoking' was just great.
Look Gat was never some weird immortal, unbeatable guy until you made him that way in 4 onwards. He was the kinda hot headed, asshole, who got him self into trouble over it, guy who we adored. Bring my boi back.
A photo mode. I mean I got very, very good at cropping screenshots and clipping my camera of walls but, my Boss deserves better! He his my handsome little killer and people need to know that.
MKUltra elevator nightmare shopping/wardrobe/garage screens, you know the ones, fucking scrap them. Go back to how it was in 1 and 2. I do not need to be subjected to CIA brutality while playing SR. I got enough of that thanks.
Keep the phone menu, that shit was tight. Real immersed me and I love seeing the Bosses phone. I mean I have bought and made replicas of them ffs.
Make hazel eyes behave like the did in the remaster. Like damn. Just. I have a whole post on this shit thats how good it was.
I know you guys are good for it but keep them fun af cheats. I spent to long as a massive af beating up super small people as it rained corpses. Oh and the gravity was gone.
Don't have dual wielding as a fucking upgrade. My Boss just dual wields, let him, like you did in 2.
Weapon skins, like in SR4, that was alright. I wouldn't mind that one.
Keep the Bosses back story vague still. I haven't wrote and perfected his back story over the last decade or more so you can piss on it.
Jackets and hoodie, stop the putting my hair in a ponytail. Last time I put on a fucking track jacket I didn't have to tie my hair back, It didn't happen in 2 so why 3 and 4?
Respect and Missions. Can we either have a return to the old style respect system to make people play the side missions or just not make people play them by force. I fucking hate Heli assault and all that flying shit, so been forced to do it made me want rip my hair out. Like if they are there people will play the ones they want, I do not want to be made to do it by the main story. THX
Bring back the day/night cycle. I could play for much longer when it wasn't so monotone. Also it made me think about what I was doing when. Like I wouldn't got to the night club at 10am.
Bring back Nightclubs. Tyde want's to party and so does Delfts.
Stop making the character hollow 2D’s of their former selves.
A varied city, like Stilwater. Seriously, feels like a real city and I have lived or worked in over 6 in my life so I know. Steelport felt like what some Vatnik Babushka (Boomer Grandma) in rural Siberia would describe the city, dull and unrealistic.
Have the gangs act like actual gangs. You know, go around doing crime and harassing NPCs like they did in 1 and 2.
NPCs, make them like you did in SR2. They acted like real people, did the most random and weird shit. Felt real. They also all look different or their was such a wide variety in base models I didn’t notice repetition. SRTT and SRIV they were like 5 NPCs. I had occasions where there was 10 of the same model and I was like, two or three is okay but fucking 10?
Make them drive the way they did in 1 and 2 too. I have drove in a city for a long time and that shit was so real. People are dumb sometimes.
Bring back Freckle Bitches!!!!!!
If I think of anything else I will add it but feel free to add your own and disagree with me. I kinda want to here how all you others be feeling about this. I feel fear and happy. Also can you tell I blasted this out at like 4am.
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javis-beretta · 6 years
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before (7)
okay, so i know that i said this would probably be the last part, but y’all got pranked, and it’s not.it’s not intentional at all, i want to get the last part perfect before i post it, so this is the first part of the end, i guess. massive love to all of you for reading this! <3
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 8  
The video was everywhere. It began on Instagram, you think, at least that where you first caught wind of it. You were tagged in the original post, @’d all over the comments and Davey had DM’d it to you, with about a thousand question marks. You didn’t recognise the account name, but that original video had 129 views. You didn’t doubt that your entire school had seen it, and that it had been screen recorded, screenshotted and sent to everyone you knew. It had been less than a day since you had talked to Katherine, but, now, when you were sick to you stomach, you knew she was the only person who’d know what to do.
You knocked on her bedroom door, so lightly that you were scared she wouldn’t hear. You heard a quiet “come in” and pushed open the door. She swivelled in her desk chair to see you.
“I’m busy.”
“I-I know you don’t want to see me ever again, and I’m not here to say anything about Ja- about any boys. I just,” your voice cracked, and your eyes filled with tears. “I need you Kath, please.”
You walked towards her and your trembling hands passed her your phone, open to the Instagram account. The video showed a couple in a hot tub, a girl on a boy’s lap. His hair was fluffy and blond, and you knew that if he opened his eyes, they would be piercing blue. The girl was impossibly close to him with her hands tangled in his hair and running over his shoulders. It was less than a minute long, but you doubted anyone would need to see anymore.They probably jumped to the same conclusion before the video was over. You had somehow made a sex tape before you’d lost your virginity.
Katherine immediately went into journalist mode.
“Okay, well, you can only see your back and there are no identifying features. If you hadn’t been tagged, it could have been anyone. It’ll be worse for Race, I’m sure.”
You chuckled, although nothing was funny.
“It’s never worse for boys.”
You crashed down on Katherine’s bed and clutched a pillow to your face.
“God, how did I let this happen? I’m so stupid!”
You felt a weight next to you and Katherine pulled the pillow away.
“Hey, it’s not your fault. This could have happened to anyone. I’ll take care of it, I promise.”
She grabbed your arms and pulled you up, so that you were sitting next to her on the bed.
“I know you’re only being nice to me because I accidentally made a sex tape and you feel bad, but I’m really sorry,” you said.
She sighed, long-sufferingly.
“I’m glad you told me about this, even if you did hide the fact that you’re in love with my ex-boyfriend.”
Your eyes widened, and you grabbed her hands frantically, but there was a glint in her eyes and she giggled, a little. Was she… joking?
“Jack called me last night, and, uh, he told me that you and Race are, and I’m quoting him here, ‘the most in love couple he’s ever seen’. He’s pretty sure that you’re not in love with him.”
Your jaw dropped.
“He told you? And you still spent all this time ignoring me?”
She raised her hands in surrender and spoke again.
“I came by your room last night, to talk, and I saw something on your desk.”
She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket and unfolded it. It was a typed-up document, with the word “contract” in emboldened capital letters at the top. You groaned, and she handed it to you.
“I wasn’t ignoring you. I was waiting for you to tell me about this.”
You flopped back on the bed, again. How had everything fallen apart so quickly? You sighed, and the entire story spilled out. You began with the letters and ended with the day before, where everything had gone to pieces. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes as you thought of how you had left things with Race.
“And, I guess, I was scared that if I told you it was fake, then it really would be,” you ended. “I just wanted to believe that it was real so badly that I guess I fooled myself into thinking it was.”
“Hey,” she laid on her side, facing you. “I saw the way he looked at you last night. I don’t know what happened between him and Spot, but he looked at you like he had some real feelings. I’ve never seen a boy that torn up before.”
You leaned into her and she wrapped you in a tight hug. The pair of you lay like that for a little while, just cuddling, before she giggled a little and pulled away.
“You will not believe the college stories that I’ve got for you.”
And, just like that, everything between you was good again. It was normal and peaceful, and you had your sister back. Christmas came and went without any incident, and so did New Years’, but it didn’t really feel the same. The post was gone, and so was Race. You kept expecting your phone to ping with the ridiculous Kim Possible text tone that he had set as his custom notification, but it never went off. You missed him, but if you texted him or called him and he said what you were afraid he would, that he was back with Spot, or that wasn’t interested in you, it would all be real. It was easier to ignore it, to act like you had never felt anything.
Before long, Katherine had to go back to university and you had to go back to school. Davey and Romeo met you as you were walking into the ugly and familiar brick building. It felt like everything had gone back to normal. You were no longer dating a popular jock and you were invisible again, in the best way.
“I’m pretty sure that the Mathletes’ wild New Years’ party overshadowed your video. I heard someone puked in an oven, it was disgusting,” Davey said, as you made your way to your lockers.
“Yeah, it got taken down before I even saw it, if that’s any consolation,” Romeo agreed.
“It’s not, but thanks, Rome,” you nudged him gently with your shoulder. “It certainly does feel good to be back to norm-.”
You stopped speaking when you saw a crowd around your locker. Davey grabbed your arm and pushed through, pulling you behind him.
Taped to your locker door was a photograph, a screenshot of the video.
It’s always the ones you don’t expect!!!
The words were written in block capitals on your locker door, in black Sharpie. You felt tears prick at your eyes. Romeo ripped the picture off and you just dropped you bag and rushed back through the crowd. You weren’t sure where you would go, but you just had to get away. You missed being invisible.
You hadn’t gotten more than a few steps down the hallway when you bumped into something warm, and hard.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?”, Race grabbed your wrist gently and asked. You didn’t let yourself stop, pulling your arm away quickly, and running away as fast as you could.
Race stopped Davey as he went to follow you.
“Jacobs. What’s going on here?”
Davey grimaced.
“Someone taped this to Y/N’s locker.”
Race grabbed the picture out of Davey’s hand. He had seen the video, of course he had. Guys had been texting it to him all through Christmas break, mostly congratulating him on it. Every time he wanted to text you, to ask if you’d seen it or if you were okay, he reminded himself that you wanted nothing to do with him. Jack was probably comforting you and you were probably better off with him, anyway.
“Someone? Who did this, Davey?”
“I think you can guess.”
Race’s eyes caught on Spot, standing in the corner of the hallway, watching with a smile. Of course. Race grabbed Albert’s arm and whispered something in the boy’s ear. Al nodded, and stood beside him, his arms folded.
“Alright, listen up!”
Race had to raise his voice to be heard all through the hallway.
“If I hear anybody talking about that video to Y/N L/N or to anyone, me and Al over here are gonna have a real nice talk with you, after school. Is that clear? You leave her alone, or we’ll have a problem, alright?”
Everyone nodded, muttered affirmatives, and quickly scattered. Race wasn’t violent, but he and his boys had been in their fair share of fights. It wouldn’t be a good idea to pick one with them. Race made his way to your locker and read the words that were still there. He swore under his breath. He knew that handwriting.
He turned to the place where Spot had been standing, but he had run off in the chaos. He cursed again and stalked off, blue eyes stormy and face red. He didn’t care what you thought of him, right then. He just wanted to hold you, to protect you from all of the whispers and beady eyes of high school drama. More than that, he wanted to know that you were okay, even if you weren’t with him.
As he walked off, he didn’t notice you, peering around a corner from behind him. Your face was blotchy, and your eyes were red, but there was something certain in them. It felt good to have someone stand up for you, but you knew that you had to stand up for yourself, eventually. You shook your head, once, twice, as if to clear away the worry and stood up straight. You were going to find Spot Conlon, and you were going to talk to him, yourself. This was your battle. Spot had come after you. It was about time that you confronted him, with or without Race by your side.
TAGLIST: @the-kool-aid-man-is-real @pinecovewoods @hungoverhellhound @ben-cook-can-cook @seriously-ceci @the-butterfly-anon @broadwayloser @newsies-nuisance @bennie-badeend @brendonuriehimself @races-erster @anddrownedusinink @thesmallestbi @jordmac @infinity-fandom-trash
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