#was his entire appearance only enough for 51 gifs? yes
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wildwcmenrxs · 3 years ago
in the source link there are 51 gifs of lee seung-hyub in nevertheless, made for roleplaying purposes. feel free to edit for personal use. please do not use for ‘t*boo’ plots. like and reblog if you want to support my work.
content warnings: none.
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himjopper · 5 years ago
the flea & the acrobat (jim hopper fic)
pairing: hopper x reader, stranger things chapter: 2/? chapter rating: teen, 18+ (mention of violence, fear, mild swearing, mention of sexual intentions) summary: you’re an FBI agent from the behavioral analysis unit, living in the big city and enjoying the hustle and bustle of the 80’s crime scene. you’ve worked your ass off to get respect around a male dominated field, earning yourself a promotion as the head of your department after you helped solve a missing persons case that swept the nation just short of a year ago. the case closed, but something happening in a small town in Hawkins, Indiana is making your bones chill with its similarities to your closed case. a young girl, barbara holland, is missing and you’ve got a hunch on how to bring her home. little do you know, Hawkins isn’t exactly textbook and you need the locals’s help. a/n: oh my goodness, I finally got a chapter 2 out and we’re getting to meet Hop. I know I only hinted at it in chapter 1, but I didn’t want to rush it! trying to build some tension before we head down the road of uh cough tension ;-) anyway! please enjoy and send me ideas or thoughts! also let me know if you’d like to be tagged! <3 gif credit & tagged: @chiefharbour​
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The air was drier than Seattle’s, certainly promising that you weren’t going to be rained on all morning. Your plane touched down in Indianapolis and the drive between the city to this nowhere town was vast. You saw less and less as the miles continued. However, there were definitely more corn fields. Your mind immediately jumped to the possibility Barbara Holland was tortured and thrown in one of those fields. Surrounded by husks, glasses broken, windpipe probably shattered, blunt force trauma to the back of the head and if this really is an admirer of Schwartzmen, they would have removed all her teeth and fingertips to try to keep her from being identified. That’s how the original killer stayed under the radar for so long and how this case earned the name Snake Hole. It felt like every time you had a lead on Schwartzmen and you were on his heel, another murdered redhead would pop up on nearly the other side of Alabama. Every time you had him, he’d disappear before he would strike, just like a snake you didn’t see on a path. He’d keep his victims for a period of two to three days of grooming before the torture, making them feel guilty for abandoning him as a baby as if he was their son, anything to get them to confess before he’d forgive them and eventually “save” them from their sins. He was fast, manipulative, cunning, and obsessive. You had every hope whoever had Barbara Holland was anything but.
        · · ──── ·𖥸· ──── · ·
Pulling up to the Hawkins’s Police Department left you a bit nervous and you weren’t entirely sure why. You’ve done plenty of solo investigating in your career and if anything, you’re a better agent when you work alone, but the idea of speaking with people from a close knit small town has its up and downs. On one hand, they’re eager to get their local to return home safely. On the other, they have no idea what the FBI should be doing in their town, they think their local PD is more than capable, and they don’t trust the FBI with their personal information because there’s a conspiracy that you’re the government and you’re going to sample their DNA for cloning to breed with aliens in Area 51.
You take a deep breath as you kill the ignition in the rental and check your appearance in the rear view mirror.
Be positive. This could go over smoothly and quickly if you are confident and strong. God, listen to yourself. What a load of shit.
Eventually you’re greeted by a front desk and you’re already noticing the difference in volume this office was compared to yours back home in Seattle. The fax machine was quiet. The conversations were low. There was very subtle sounds of keyboards clicking. Somewhere there’s a radio, still quiet but humming today’s popular hits. Even your heels seemed too loud.
“Good morning,” you began as you made eye contact with the older woman at the desk. Had to have been in her early sixties, been here since her thirties. Her nails were painted a fuchsia color, not a nail chipped, and her fingers decorated with jewelry including an older wedding ring. She seemed sweet, maternal, maybe a bit stern. Behind her thick rimmed glasses, her eyes looked up at you and she adjusted the frames to get a better look at your face before you spoke again.
“I’m special agent Scotch with the FBI, I spoke briefly with a Florence over the phone?”
Suddenly her hands fly up in excitement as she exclaims, “Oh! Yes!”
She stands up from her office chair to hold your hand over the counter, not even much of a shake but just a gentle grasp and supportive squeeze that took you off guard at first, but actually relieved a lot of your stress.
“It is so nice to meet you, I’m Florence, but please address me as Flo; my mother was Florence. I can’t tell you how much we appreciate you coming down here from your big city crimes to want to help us down here!” Your lips parted to speak, but she was already guiding you to the other side of her desk and towards a table decorated with various breakfast pastries and the smell of caffeine comforted you instantly.  “Come, come, let’s get you a coffee and you tell me about your flight, is it a long trip from Washington? I don’t travel much, they’ve had me glued to this desk for nearly half my life now,” she trails off with a laugh to herself.
You make small talk over semi-stale croissants with jam and burnt coffee, but you’re grateful for her hospitality nonetheless. You notice there’s a couple other desks covered with stacks of paper thrown around haphazardly. The lack of organization and order was clear here. Your hear some men’s voices down the hall towards more office space.
“Flo, thank you for your kindness,” you start. “I just have a couple of questions, if that’s okay? Who was in charge here for the case on Barbara Holland’s disappearance?”
Immediately, she puts her paper plate down on the table you’ve been conversing next to and she sprinkles the crumbs off her fingertips onto the plate. She sighs, but it’s not out of frustration or exhaustion per say. Sympathy, maybe? “That’d be our chief of police here, Jim Hopper. It’s been a wild ride, I’ll tell you what. Seems like a bit of a dead end for our chief, but he’s a stubborn man, ehm ....?” she looks at you then, realizing she doesn’t know how to address you properly. Something about your last name and “agent” didn’t seem friendly enough for Flo, you’re inclined to introduce yourself again with your first name to which she then adds to her statement.
You squint in suspicion. “Stubborn?”
Flo nods feverishly with a comedic roll of her eyes. “Beyond belief,” she exasperates, “he has a hard time letting anything go or run its course. It’s difficult to see him at such a loss with Miss Holland’s disappearance. He’s been at that like a dog tied to a tree, I’ll tell you.“
By nature, you want to trust Flo’s judgement. However, the files she had faxed to you to read over with Hayes last week weren’t matching up with her words. The lack of information for Barbara’s disappearance made you believe this was a chief of police in charge who either got promoted too early and wasn’t sure how to investigate properly or he was a lazy cop who figured a sixteen year old girl ran away from her wholesome and structured square lifestyle to indulge in some teenage rebellion. Was it genuine carelessness or just sloppy law enforcement? There seemed to be nothing to really work with from Hawkins PD.
Your lips relieve themselves from the hard line you had pressed them together in, you make a hum sound of understanding.
“I see. Is your chief of police, Jim Hopper, available to speak to? I think he’d have more answers for me regarding this case.”
She shakes her head then and explains she hasn’t seen him since last night, your eyes catching the ticking clock above to see it was already a quarter passed ten. Incompetent as predicted, you think to yourself. “Ms. Flo,” your attempt at keeping your voice soft and patient was partially failing due to the frustration you were feeling in your chest. “I don’t mean to rush you or your team, however, this is a time sensitive case. Where is your chief of police?”
As if on cue, there’s a loud chime of the front doors opening and two men’s voices bellowing over each other in a heated discussion.
“For the last time, Mr. Larson, I don’t know where your damn gnomes are this time—“
“I think you do, chief, you’re just too lazy to do something about it—!”
There’s a louder roar from the first man’s voice, “Alright, alright! Enough!”
Flo excuses herself to see the problem, you assume. There’s some quieter bickering between the three of them now before the chime of the front door is heard again and one of the men comes into view first. He’s taller than you expected, clad in khakis and a pack of cigarettes is peeking from his pocket. Based off the scruff, off balance posture, and cold demeanor, you were left to assume this was the infamous chief.
Your breath catches in your throat when he catches your eye contact for the first time. You didn’t expect his eyes to be that blue, either.
“Who’re you.”
His voice is so gruff and flat, he doesn’t even ask it like a question. His brow is knitted together as he stares at you, you notice his eyes scan you up and down a few times.
Before you can speak, Flo rushes passed him and stands in front of you.
“Hopper, this is federal agent Scotch, she’s with the FBI-“ His hand flies up to stop her excitement and he has a clear look of distaste before he starts storming to his office with a string of grumbling, “No, no, no FBI, I don’t care where she’s from, I’ll be in my office, just show her out...”
This is where you lose your patience. “Excuse me, Chief.”
Hopper turns half way to look at you again, brows raised and obviously not expecting much from you. However, you’re unfortunately used to being patronized, especially in this field of work.
“My name is special agent Scotch, I’m with the behavioral analysis unit in the FBI located in Seattle. I really don’t care if you don’t want to talk with me, but I’ll have to rule you as a suspect if you keep me from information regarding the missing case of Barbara Holland, especially because you already fit our rough profile of an unsub from the matching murder cases from a year ago we believe is being mirrored here in Hawkins. Now, it’s just me and not the rest of my team, but I wouldn’t hesitate to make the call and have you arrested myself since you’re not in the position to refuse me, do I make myself clear?”
Flo’s widened eyes move from watching you to the chief. He looks skeptical and almost lets out a laugh with an unlit cigarette now dangling between his lips, “You think I took the missing kid?”
Your facial expression, however, doesn’t falter. You held his eye contact as he raised his lighter to his mouth.
“I said, do I make myself clear?” You repeat.
There’s a few small puffs of smoke while he continues to hold your gaze. There’s a different light in his eyes, the blue much darker than before. “Crystal,” he mutters.
As subtly as possible you exhale the breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. He draws in another drag before tilting his head towards a hall, motioning you to join.
“We’ll discuss this in my office. I don’t need the town gossiping about why there’s a goddamn FBI agent in my town.” With a turn on his heel, he doesn’t wait for you as he’s already halfway down the hall. You watch the muscles on his back and shoulders as he walks off.
Flo’s sudden grip on your wrist makes you flinch. Her smile is soft though and she gives you a reassuring squeeze. You return her smile for a moment before your heels match the rhythmic stomping of Hopper’s much heavier boots as you both entered his office. For a brief second, he was behind you and you could feel how much he really towered over you, it felt like nearly half your size. You could smell the cigarette smoke mixed with his aftershave and you became suddenly aware of how loud your heartbeat was. The slam of his office door that he kicked close woke you up from your senses quickly. Hopper went behind his desk, nudging several files and papers to the sides before he sat in front of you now, leaned back in the creaking chair and cigarette between his lips.
“You wanted to talk?”
You say nothing as he ashes his cigarette in the dish in front of you.
“Let’s talk.”
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drewxmay · 8 years ago
Contestshipping Review - Part Twenty-Two - Thinning the Hoard
-The Title-
What “hoard”? Hoard of trainers who want to win?
Why is this the title?
-Episode Link-
-The Review-
Episode starts off with the Narrator giving exposition. You want some? Go read the other reviews.
Unfinished theme song, I was very lucky with the link yesterday with the full song. I think the video will be taken down soon though, seeing how high quality it is.
And now for the second appeal rounds. Drew starts it off by sending out his new Absol. The Absol uses flash, which sends a blinding light in waves across the stage, Absol apparently absorbs the light and it make’s their fur coat sparkle.
May and Solidad and backstage talking about Drew’s preformence while Harley sits close to them filing his nails.
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Remember: I thought he was a girl for two whole years.
Back to Drew’s preformence.
The light is gone and Absol uses Water Pules. A blue Aura starts to surround Absol and a ring of water appears, getting bigger as it flows away from the Absol.
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The water starts Spiraling around the Absol, until they are told to use Razor Wind. Once they do, many of them come and destroy all of the water. This only leaves small sparkles of glitter from the water.
His appeal ending, and he and his Absol bow. Drew is obviously not happy about something.
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So now with Team Rocket.
Jessie is doing this thing where she’s going to interview a random person who made it to the next round.
She’s literally in the middle of a hallway and body could walk through.
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just walk away Drew she’s insane you should know it.
Jessie: So how did it go? Inquiring minds want to know!
Drew: Sorry no comment. :walks away:
Goods job Drew.
You still seem very bothered by something though.
Jessie: Gee thanks for the sunshine.
It’s not only James’ sarcasm now everybody has it.
And now for the next person’s second appeal! It’s Harley, and he’s no longer in that stupid outfit!
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I really want to make a snarky comment rn about how he’s still wearing a stupid outfit but I don’t becuase I don’t think it’s stupid he just cares a lot about his Cacturn and it’s cute.
He sends out Octillary who starts off by using Fire Blast. They jump up into the air and light a circle of Fire. Octillary stands in the middle, and pretends like he’s summoning the devil.
Don’t beleive me?
Let’s see if I can get the gif to work
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Can’t get the gif to work but you get the point
Wait so Ash is trying to get his hat back from the Apom?
I thought Ash already got his hat back. Oh well.
So eventually Pikachu uses quick attack and Ash gets his hat back. Then, to make the Annoying Apom not come back for a while, Pikachu also uses Thunder Bolt. Then, Ash throws a Pokeball at them, but before it is able to catch them, the Apom uses its tail to throw it back. Kinda reminds me of when Ash tried to put Pikachu in a Pokeball...
And we’re already in the middle of Solidad’s preformence! Her Slowbro is uses psychic to make the only part of them that is touching the ground their shell, then, it starts spinning around the field. Then, it goes to the middle of the stage, still on their shell, and continues spinning in circles while using water-gun.
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Harley stay away from my baby :(
And now for May’s appeal round!
She sends out Munchlax, who is told to use solar beam, but instead of just immediately shooting one off, they start super charging the energy, turning it all of the light into a huge ball. Once they finally shoot, the ball of light goes high up into the sky until Munchlax jumps up and hits it. It doesn’t dissapear but sparkles escape from it and go in all directions, as well as a low pitched pretty sound coming from it as well. May gets praise from the judges.
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You know what Solidad claims to be old buddies with Harley and never once in this entire show have we seen them interact so that means the fandom needs to make headcanons.
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May: :is shaking badly: Sixteen is an awfully small number for the people who will get to the next round...
Max: Oh c’mon you were awesome right there!
Brock: Just remember all of the hours of training you put in.
Yes but Brock, everybody else has spent so much time into that training and so many of them will also not be able to go, some of them tries so hard and failed. May’s case may be the same, and so he shouldn’t just rule out the idea that she might not make it to the next round becuase she trained.
Solidad: Hi May.
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Solidad: Your first round preformence was one of the best ever!
May: You think so? Thank you so much!
Harley: :runs up behind everybody: May May!
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Everybody: :turns around:
Harley: It’s awful awful! Something’s wrong with Drew!
I’ll save that snarky comment for later.
So it cuts to Drew and Absol in the forest. Absol tries using Razor Wind.
Gifs from @toasty-coconut-test
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But even if your Absol wanted to try to prefect the attack Absol wouldn’t want to hurt their trainer. I mean, people usually try to practice attacks on other Pokemon when training.
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You know what, let’s say that somebody wants to help somebody to prefect something. It doesn’t come out how it should’ve, you could go with what May tried to do and praise them, telling them that it was great but you need to do better, you you could go with telling them that it failed, and that you need to try harder. One is going to make the person your trying to help want to get better, the other is just going to make whoever you’re training upset and be nervous that the attack doesn’t go as planned.
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Though, these gifs have different words then what I’m watching, they tell about the same thing. Though, there are a few more things that the version I’m watching said and that I would comment on, right now I think that this is enough.
If you didn’t watch the scene then you wouldn’t know just how harsh Drew was being. “I’m not a wimp like you!” Drew is upset, and it’s not just becuase of the failed Razor wind. Sure, it might’ve upset him, but it wouldn’t get to the points of him yelling at May. In a later scene I’ll explain what exactly made him more angry.
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Solidad: Bullying is no way to raise a Pokemon. Training has to be a two way street. If the two of you can’t agree then you have nothing!
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Max: I’ve never seen that dark and scary side of Drew I guess.
Solidad: I think seeing your first round preformence really shook him May.
May: Huh?
Solidad: Don’t forget you’re right up there next to him in the contest standings, right? That just hit him, y’know?
May: You think so? What do I do??
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Ash: Hey!
Drew: :looks over his shoulder: Huh?
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Drew: Oh it’s you guys.
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Drew: Look I said what was on my mind okay???
Ash: I know that Drew.
Pikachu: :Jumps off of Ash’s shoulder: Pikachu. (Probably something like “Me too.”)
Brock: Solidad’s having a little talk with May right now. I think it’d be a good time to do the same thing.
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Ash: Y’know, watching you out there made me think about all the rivals I’ve faced in battle over the years. I never talked to them about how they trained or anything. We deal with that on the battle field.
And then Ash met Paul.
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Drew: I hear you.
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Drew: We’re rivals. May and I.
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This show is beautiful have you every cared to look at the backgrounds?
The Grand Festival is back up!
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Oh yay May VS Harley this’ll be fun.
And now for May VS Harley!
Just kidding the battle starts here.
So it starts out with May sending out Munchlax and Eevee. Harley sends out Cacturn and his new WigglyTuff. Munchlax uses Focus Punch and Eevee tries using tackle. They both run towards Harley's Pokemon, but then WigglyTuff jumps in front of Cacturn and inflates their body, so when Munchlax and Eevee hit, Wigglytuff is unaffected. It's like a balloon that will never pop.
Solidad and Drew are backstage watching the battle.
Solidad: Being able to expand Wifflytuff's body like that can mean big points, but Harley better be very careful.
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Back to Harley and May's battle.
Wigglytuff jumps into the air, looking like their able to tackle Eevee and Munchlax. At the last second, Wigglytuff jumps out of the way and Cacturn comes flying towards them while using poison sting. Munchlax and Eevee are both hit and May looses even more points. Cacturn runs towards them with a needle arm but before he hits Eevee uses Shadown Ball and Munchlax punches it with Focus Punch and it goes flying towards Cacturn. Cacturn faints and is no longer in the battle.
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Solidad: Wow, Harley’s cutting it close.
Drew: Maybe.
WigglyTuff, still in the air, tries coming down on them with body slam. May is able to dodge, but then WigglyTuff grabs them both and throws them unto the air. While they are in the air, Wigglytuff jumps up and uses double-slap on them both. Munchlax and Eevee fall to the ground. Munchlax uses Solar Beam and Eevee uses Shadow Ball. WigglyTuff dodges all of them, but Eevee and Munchlax continue to use the same attacks over and over, while WigglyTuff dodges them all. May looses points. Eventually, May gets an idea. Munchlax uses Solar Beam and Eevee uses Shadow ball and the two attacks combine mid air. It creates an explosion behind WigglyTuff and is sent down to the ground. While they are falling Eevee helps Munchlax into the air and then Munchlax punches Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff passes out when they hit the ground.
May wins!
Death by Petals!
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And they’re even heart shaped this time!
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Drew wins becuase he does.
And now for Solidad’s fragment of a battle. Slowbro uses psychic and wins
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You know what Solidad is a perty girl I want to hug her.
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May starts off my sending out Cumbusken and Squirtle. Drew sends out his Flygon and Absol. May's Ssqurtle starts it off by using rapid spin. Before it hits Flygon uses sandstorm, but then May immediately afterwards makes Cumbisken jump off of Squirtle's shell and uses Mega Kick. Before Cumbusken is able to hit Absol uses Flash from inside of the sandstorm, making it so that Cumbusken couldn't see clearly when he tries to hit Flygon. Absol uses Iron tail on Cumbusken and it lands a direct hit. In order to recover from this May makes Cumbusken use Sky Uppercut and Squirtle use Bubble.
Then the episode ends :D
Don’t worry it’s just a cliff hanger, the next episode is where I keep all of the gifs.
Time to write a serious conclusion. Sometimes I struggle with these, becuase after I finish a review I just get so tiered. Five hours of writing, but writing a conclusion is fun and the conclusion might be one of the most fun parts of the review for me to make.
Now, if you’re just reading the reviews and not watching the episodes, a lot of the scenes I try to summarize or recap with telling you what they say won’t have the same feel. The one that I am specifically talking about is the scene near the middle of the episode where Drew yelled at May. I’m pretty sure I explained well enough within the review what exactly was bothering him, but I might as well restate it during the conclusion.
Drew realized that May is close behind and about to surpass him. That just hit him. He’s been watching her turn from a coordinator that barley knew what a contest was to somebody who was close to beating him. That made him realize a few things, like that he wasn’t improving nearly as fast as May was. It just hit him. I’m usually good at explaining things but for this? It’s hard to explain emotions like this. You can figure it all out in you head, but you can’t explain it.
Many people say that Drew actually meant what he said back there, and it just isn’t true. Drew knows that bullying his  Pokemon isn’t getting him anywhere. He knows that May has talent, but this all just confused him, and it almost hurt. It’s confusing, and almost to the point where it’s not meant to be explained.
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