#was getting stressed out about needing to pack for uni in the autumn
lit-in-thy-heart · 1 year
love it when i'm in the middle of a task and realise i really can't be bothered to finish it
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bless-311 · 11 months
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choi jiung x f!reader
synopsis. who would've thought that the worst part of a mugging wouldn't be the actual mugging? alternately, your best friend gets turned into a zombie amidst an already stressful university life.
▸genre, warnings. pg13, zombie au, non-idol au, uni au, office au but only 4 yn, bf2l, humor, horror, angst/fluff, blood ment, minor talk of injuries, yearning, slow burn i think, slice of life, keeho med student??, yn not korean, this is a series btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!🎃
▸word count. 4.3k
series mlist | next part →
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The hairs on the back of your neck stand up, you just laid your eyes on the record.
"Oh my god? Oh my god!? Jiung, come look at this!" you call out, twisting around to hold out your most recent discovery from the mystical and densely packed row of records in your favorite run-down vinyl store. 
His sneakers squeak on the worn linoleum of the floors, he makes his way from the opposite corner of the store with a "No way! You've been looking for this in vinyl forever, right?" 
His fingers run over the grooves of the unsheathed disk and you nod enthusiastically, you breathe in the dusty warm scent of the concrete and pieces of vinyl, the dim strip lights and sunlight streaming through the window illuminating your golden find. The cramped low ceiling can't hold the high spirits that are warming you despite the cool autumnal weather. He resheaths the record and nimbly plucks it from your hands, heading for the register in the back. You scamper quickly to follow him, almost hanging on his arm to keep your view on your newfound baby. 
When he reaches the unvarnished wooden table with a small till atop, he smiles and waves to the old man running the store. The stylishly dressed old man chuckles at the two of you and your antics, he'd been allowing the both of you to loiter here without buying since your sophomore year in university when you'd found the shop. In your defense, being in uni is expensive and you would have needed more funds to get vinyl records every other weekend. He tells you the price of the vinyl and you almost do a spit take at the cost. You're about to say something when Jiung pulls out his already thin wallet –one could even liken it to a balding man's hair– and pulls out the crisp bills necessary. 
"Ji, no. I cannot let you pay for this!" you protest trying to pluck the bills out of his hand, after some effort Jiung prevails and manages to pay.
The old man shakes his head in amusement, cigarette hanging from his lips, he tucks the bills in the register and hands Jiung his change. 
He advises you sagely "Young lady, you should let him pay for you! it's a good thing he's no scumbag, what a good boyfriend!" 
Jiung giggles when your jaw drops, he similarly admonishes you "Yeah you should let me, your loving boyfriend, buy you this nice record."
Jiung pulls you out of the store by the scruff with you huffing and puffing angrily the whole way. 
"Ji- JIUNG!" You swat his hands away from the collar of his coat, he looks at you with a  sheepish smile.
"Choi Jiung! Not only did you pay for that with money you don't have, but you also lied to that old man!" you start to scold him by smacking him on the arm, as you do so his dark brown hair glints in the setting sunlight. 
The two of you look comical as you hit and yell at him and he stands unperturbed if not just regretting the boxing around the ears. You don't see yourself right now, but Jiung thinks he understands why someone could think you're a couple. People had been making this assumption since your freshman year of university, usually the two of you either refuted it or just brushed it off. It's no wonder why, since you two had met at freshman orientation you had been almost inseparable when not in lectures. You had approached him for directions, but you struggled slightly with spoken Korean at the time as a foreign student and he by the grace of god spoke stellar English. Despite your seemingly unrelated majors you had an overlapping class or two and ended up attending the same dance studio! The crazy coincidences served to make you two quickly super comfortable with each other. This translated past school to after you got your degree in advertising and started working and Jiung deciding to pursue a masters degree in music composition, leading up to right now with the two of you supposedly celebrating you getting your full-time contract. 
"Sorry, sorry! Sorry, please stop hitting me now?" He pleads, escaping your violent attacks. 
He secures the record in the front basket of his motorcycle, thankfully it's free of any garish advertising colors despite his food delivery job. In a deep shamefaced bow, he informs you you can pick the restaurant (like he always planned for you to do, but anything to get on your good side). You stick out your tongue and order him to take you to the nearest kbbq restaurant, he quickly submits and puts on his helmet. In a swift motion, he puts yours on for you, securing the strap under your chin. You reel a little, because it was so fast, totally because of that. 
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You walk into the restaurant and let the sizzling mouth-watering scent hit your nose. You all but forgot about the spat you just had with Jiung in the face of food, which made Jiung chuckle. You find yourselves an empty table, settling down you call over a waitress and scan the menu of standard kbbq dishes. Jiung fills her in on your orders, despite being fluent in Korean to a corporate level you still preferred having him talk for you when the two of you were together. You lean your elbows on the table and tuck one arm under your chin as you watch the exchange, not bothering to tune in over the noise. The waitress cracks a joke which earns her a giggle from Jiung, she points a thumbs up his way before gathering your menus and heading to the kitchen. It doesn't really bother you she didn't acknowledge you, but since you're thinking about it it probably does. Jiung removes his jacket as you did earlier and folds up his sleeves, the chill not reaching inside the warmth of the building. You keep observing him until he eventually feels your gaze and looks over, sending you an inquisitive head tilt like a puppy. You shake your head as a response and proceed to tie back your hair as a show of your okayness. He sends you a double thumbs up which you return with childish happiness, the unintentional mood lighting of the dim orangey raw pendant lights in the restaurant causing the scene to have a fuzzy quality. You have a great evening between wing manning Jiung (he wasn't interested), enjoying the meat that made you want to dance it was that good, and answering the latest trending debate questions (you both felt similarly on the perilla leaf matter). You got to pay this time, with your last baby paycheck. 
Jiung stops in front of the nearest train station, waiting diligently for you to unclasp your hands from his shoulders, get off the bike, and rid yourself of your helmet before passing you your vinyl. It's cool to the touch because of the air, which is getting even nippier now that night has fallen.
You smooth down your helmet ruffled hair "I'm off," you inform him, as though he had not just brought you to the station pointing towards the building awkwardly. 
You could have been better at that goodbye, yikes. He nods and asks you to shoot him a text when you're home safe, to which you salute him and promise a timely message. 
Hopping off the bike, he draws you into a hug and you hear "Good job by the way, I'm proud of you," in your ear.
When he tries to pull away after that. You keep him there, which shocks both of you. You release him eventually with a shallow shove, turning heel and running into the station.
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True to your word, the second you walk through your apartment door after a three-station train commute, five-minute walk, and elevator ride, you dutifully text him a simple “Home👍." To which he responds with a like. 
You immediately run to put the record on in the small creamy yellow suitcase-style record player, it lives in the corner of your wooden living room floor next to the console. You try your best to organize your collection in the small metal rack you had purchased but there always seems to be a stack by the player, you see it and smile fondly at the record at the very top of the stack. Coincidentally, this record is not only your first but also one gifted to you by Jiung. Since high school, you had known you wanted to move overseas as a result you’d held back on collecting many physical items like records or even just clothes. When you finally did move to Korea you had resolved to start a collection of some sort, you had confided in Jiung about this right before your semester break, and to your surprise soon after you got your first coursework of the year back with flying colors Jiung had brought you to the record store for the first time and let you choose any record. You wipe the debris off the cover and place it back at the top of the pile, the memory of the record combined with the residual emotions from the night's celebration had you thinking about all that Jiung had done for you. You go through the motions of getting ready for bed with a record blaring in the background, counting the good things you owe him. It's not until the hot water from the shower hits your back that you recall that Jiung's aunt is your landlady, his mom sending you to her, that was the reason you could afford the rent to this place on your previous salary. 
You're hounded by the thought of how deep your relationship with Jiung is, and how you would be not just in hard times but doomed to failure if you hadn't met him. You wish you could help him in tough times too but he never seems to have any, which would usually be a cause for happiness and relief if not for your feelings of guilt and debt. It overwhelms you that you feel unable to help him in return, so you just lie on your bed and scroll mindlessly in hopes of sleep or just reprieve from your thoughts. You haunt the hashtag for one of your high school favorite boy groups who are having a 15th-anniversary reunion, the specter of your thoughts taints the disco pop playing from the screen though. The time passes slowly as you scroll languidly through the carousel of apps you have open, your eyelids are heavy and on the verge of sleep. The sudden loud buzz of a call and flash change of the screen startle you, causing your phone to drop directly on your nose. 
nursing your throbbing nose you pick up the call, which you see is from Jiung, "Ji? What's up?" 
It wasn't uncommon for him to call late at night, but considering you had seen each other just hours before it did seem a bit odd. 
"Oh thank god, you picked up," he sighs in relief, his breath a quick puff "I need to come over, can I come over?" The tremble in his voice was evident.
You were puzzled, why did he seem so off? 
"Yeah of course, what's going on?" You question, trying to glean more details of the situation. 
You don't get an answer and you're about to ask again until you hear a sharp inhale and after a few seconds of heavy breathing a muffled yell.
"Ji, What's going on!?" you repeat your question with an urgent fear. 
The call cuts off. You feel sick to your stomach with fear, what was that yell you just heard? The bile rises in your throat and you only feel it retreat a little when a message 'otw' appears on your phone screen. You walk to the kitchen and open a sprite, leaving a fridge open for a bit of light as you sip. You know it's not really settling your stomach, but it feels like it so you sip. Warily you close the fridge and turn on the lights, too nervous to sit tight you pace by the entrance and rearrange your slippers. You hear the code to your door go through, Jiung long since needing you to let him in, as it opens you look down first taking in his full body. He looks haggard and beat up, he's cradling his hand (and some takeout?), you feel a contraction in your heart. You look up to his face, you almost scream. 
You didn't end up screaming, you did have to halfway catch Jiung though. Dragging his heavy ass to the couch, you feel your heart calm slightly in relief but also with sudden duty. You look at his bloodied face that initially tempted a shriek from you, trying to assess the damage. You decide the cut on his head isn't as serious as it looks and his busted lip should be okay, his hand has a weird jagged kind of cut but other than the scrapes and bruises he doesn't have any major injuries, You sigh in relief when you reach this conclusion. Then you tense up again realizing you're out of your depth, what do you do right now? 
"There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, right?" He asks you quietly, his voice hoarse, this was the first time he'd spoken since he'd been here. 
You smile at him weakly, grateful, and quickly turn to go get the kit in question. you dust it off after retrieving from the cabinet, glad that Keeho in proper med student fashion had decided to get you one as a housewarming gift. Oh shit, Keeho. You make a mental note to call him as soon as Jiung is sorted. Walking out of the bathroom with a damp rag and the first aid kit you feel slightly more confident, which is a start, you lay the contents of the first aid kit out on your coffee table next to the mysterious takeout bag and get to work with the rag. Gingerly wiping the blood of Jiung's pale skin, you swear up and down no tiny cut should bleed this much and take great care to wipe even more gently when you reach the cut on his forehead and the one on his lip. Jiung winces and you whisper a chain of 'sorrys' as you clean it up properly. You try your best to apply the disinfectant with the least amount of discomfort possible and press on the bandaids with similar care. You sigh and stare at your handiwork on his face with apprehension, barely satisfied you pull his hand into the light to see the damage. Upon closer inspection you can tell it's a bite mark, an odd looking one but a bite mark, you pray it's not infected as you put a boatload of antibacterial cream on it before wrapping it in a bandage. You stare at the bandaid on his lips and where the very edges of the cut peek out, you'd never felt comfortable looking at his lips for long but now you were worried enough that the thought of it being inappropriate slipped your mind. 
You had settled Jiung in your bed after passing him a far oversized t-shirt of yours and some shorts he'd left a while back, you'd gone to pack up the takeout and remembered something at the back of your pantry. You're now brewing some medicinal Chinese herbal tea, something you brought with you from home. You can practically taste the bitterness through the smell and hope you don't seem too much like your mom right now, but you didn't know what else to do other than give him gallons of hot water. You stand around holding your cooking chopsticks in one hand, cooking the tea in a brass ramyeon pot was a little unorthodox but you didn't really have a teapot lying around so you made do. After much deliberation and a thought to call your grandmother you decide the tea is ready, you carefully pour it into a mug and make your way back to your bedroom. You tug on the drawstring of your standing lamp tucked in the corner of your room next to your door and let the warm light cast a dim glow on the familiar landscape of your small room making exaggerated shadows on all your usually commonplace furniture. You put the mug on the nightstand as you approach the bed, you lightly shake Jiung's shoulder, regretfully having to wake him. 
"I made you tea, you should drink it while it's still hot" you explain as he opens his eyes and sits up. 
The scent of the tea blends in with the tiger balm you'd slathered across his chest, you know he's not coughing but it never hurts to be safe, right? He tentatively takes a sip and makes a face, you know it's bitter and you give him an apologetic look. You motion him to keep drinking regardless, watching as he drains his cup which takes a great deal of effort. He smiles weakly at you, and you sigh and smile back. 
"I'll go now," he says, making the motions of getting out of your bed.
You push him back lightly, the fabric of his shirt cool on your palms, and tsk him, you're not going to allow him to leave now. 
"Did you see the way you walked in here? I'm not letting you go back to your four person shoebox sized dorm" you tell him patting his shoulder as he forcibly slumps against the propped up pillow behind him. 
Neither of you want to argue, but you're willing to stand your ground. He sighs and gives in, moving to lie down again, you quietly thank him turning off the lamp and slipping out of the room with the mug. You wash it, which is really surprising frankly, it must be all the residual responsible energy from taking care of Jiung. That causes you to sigh, yeah you wanted to return the kindness he had extended to you, but was a crazy mugging really the way it had to be done? You wash the suds off your hands and the sink, chewing on the inside of your cheek regretting the wishes you made earlier in the night. Well, at least the ambiguity of them. You decide to lie down on your couch, exhausted thoroughly from the many and extremely colorful events of the night, you feel your eyelids droop finally drifting off into sleep. 
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You wake up not because the birds are chirping or the sun is streaming, but because of a jab to the ribs. 
"Hey, did you die? Only one of us can die at a time," you hear a suddenly very grating voice ask, accompanying the sharp pokes.
One of the said pokes lands on your cheek when you open your eyes and shoot the doe eyed boy a fat glare. You scratch the back of your head and sit up, as you do you feel a fabric fall away from your body, you look down to see a hoodie that seemed to have been draped haphazardly on your sleeping self. You look up at Jiung throwing him a questioning head tilt, he looks back at you happily but still pale even his hair seems paler. 
"You looked cold," he explained, "like one of those tiktoks of the sleepover where the friend doesn't give them a blanket." 
You stare at him incredulously, even if the gesture did warm not just your upper body (he forgot about your goosebumpy legs) you elect to ignore him and stretch a little before getting off the couch and heading to your bathroom. 
Finally deciding to speak with your dry morning voice, you croak "Can you heat up the congee I have in the fridge?" 
Jiung salutes you and bounds happily towards the kitchen, he's way too happy for someone who just got mugged the night before. What happened to being scraped and bruised up, you wonder. You step onto the ice cold tile of your bathroom and it sends a shiver up your spine, whew you are cold. With that you splash some water on your face and try to wake yourself up a bit more, not really succeeding you decide to brush you teeth. Maybe the minty fresh flavor will wake you? You're not sure where your train of thought is going with that one. You wash and gargle, doing a rushed version of your normal skincare routine not wanting to keep Jiung or your breakfast waiting. You hear the beeping of the microwave, just in time for you to pop into the kitchen all freshened up. 
You clap excitedly seeing that he brought out the century eggs you have too, "Oh that looks so good, I'm starving right now!" 
He nods his agreement and serves you both your individual bowls of the soupy rice, in his usual fashion he dumped way too much chilli in and you gave him a wary stare.
“Not finishing that for you, you know that right?” You scoff lightly, knowing full well it’ll be too spicy for him and you’ll have to finish it.
To both your surprise breakfast goes fast and uneventfully, both of you finishing your bowls’ of congee with no issues other than a small spill on you shirt. You watch Jiung settle down on the couch as you wash the dishes from the meal, he turns on youtube on your tv and plays some music video that he’s been ‘dying to watch’ and you tune into the song. It had come naturally to the both of you to spen the day together, you could’nt let Jiung leave and it was a Sunday so you had both decided on a movie montage. You finish washing and placing the dishes on the rack and hop over to join jiung on the couch, settling in comfortably in your usual spot. You turn to him as the video ends, pausing the tv, you clear your throat and wait for him to give you his full attention.
“Before we do anything, tell me what happened last night.” you command, trying not to sound too demanding but knowing that you can’t just move on without an explanation.
He sighs and purses his lips, he looks at you but darts his eyes away before speaking “I don’t really remember, to be honest. It was a big blur, all I remember is trying to squeeze in one last delivery before heading home for the night,” he rambles.
You nod, urging him to continue, so he does “I stopped at the alley outside the store to situate everything, you know? Out of nowhere this dude comes at me, and everything from there’s a massive blip,” he manages to finish coherently. 
You nod, not wanting to press it any further you mutually decided (read: Jiung just nodded along) to do a chick flick movi marathon. This being part of your continuous effort to educate Jiung on trashy pop culture to which he is a surprisingly active student. 
The sun has long past set by the time the two of you get off the couch and stretch, deciding it’s dinner time. In tandem and like a well oiled machine you head to the kitchen as a team and prepare the stolen chicken from his disaster struck order from the previous night. It seems the person ordering was not feeling spicy because the two options were honey and soy-garlic. Fine by you, you were happy to get free food if nothing else. You happily dig into a drumstick of the ill gotten soy-garlic chicken when you hear Jiung gagging in disgust.
“Dude, what the fork?” you say, not wanting to be so vulgar in front of your food.
“It’s like rotten or something, I don’t know,” Jiung replies, looking like he bit into maggot-y meat.
You shake your head in disbelief, our chicken is just fine, but to appease him you pull a chunk of the opposite side of his drumstick off with your chopsticks. Inspecting it closely you deem it worthy and pop it into your mouth, it’s… yummy.
“You’re insane,” you report to him, happily munching on your food.
“Biased journalism!” he cries in disbelief. 
You’re not exactly sure why or how this is when the dots connect, but by golly do they. The bite, pale skin, spice tolerance, bad reaction to food? You’ve watched IZombie, you know exactly what this sounds like. This only calls for one thing, you scamper off your chair and towards your spice cabinet, grabbing your gochugaru chili flakes. You pop the container and Jiung’s mouth open, you pour about a teaspoon’s worth of the flakes onto his tongue and order him to swallow. He swallows easily, light work, no reaction. 
You gasp loudly not expecting to actually get the response you’d expected, Jiung freaks out, “What the FUCK? What’s happening, why’d you just try to turn my mouth into meat kimchi?” he asks you frantically.
You hold one hand up to him and dial the only person you can think of, Keeho.
You’re surprised with how fast he shows up to your SOS text, a large duffel bag with a red cross logo showing up with him, “What’s the sitch?” he asks completely out of breath and panting.
You fill him in on your miraculous discovery, making him roll his eyes when you use the phrase ‘code z’. He asks a few more questions going between you and Jiung for answers, this reveals some things, like even though you hadn’t checked on or redressed Jiung’s wounds (oops) they had perfectly healed and also that Jiung had never seen IZombie. Jiung looks completely lost as you and Keeho hold a very unintellectual conversation on what this means and how Liv survived in the show post turning, Keeho leaving you stumped when he pulls out very Ravi-esque medical terms.
Keeho nods thoughtfully and after a long pause simply asks, “So, Jiung, how does it feel to be undead?”
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▸note. honestly i was planning for this to be a loooong one shot but i! am! busy!。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 idk what the update schedule for this will look like, but with the acute pressure off my shoulders ill tentatively say a chapter every week or so? i hope you like it bc i love the dynamics so far, and i have a lot planned (17 pages of notes to be exact) for this series! tyty and have a happy happy halloween!!💕🎃🍬
shoutout @busy-dizzybee for reading my stream of thoughts in real time, soldier on🫡
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nets. @kflixnet
©bless-311 | do not translate, copy, or rework any fics or repost fics on any other social media platforms
posted: 311023
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melaschnie · 3 years
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[Here are some tips and things to keep in mind for going back to uni this autumn! I know that some (me included) have already started going to school/uni in person again, but I think for a lot of people the next semester is still a few weeks away and this might be helpful :)]
[the transcript is below the cut]
Going back to uni after lockdown
What effects has social distancing for over 1.5 years had on us?
Being isolated from our social circle and having little to no social life comes with many negative psychological effects, such as exhaustion, anxiety, irritability, poor concentration, or symptoms of depression.
Being isolated for so long also negatively affects our social connectedness, which is one of the most important factors that influence psychological well-being.
1: Keeping up with current regulations / safety measures
Just because we will finally be able to get back to uni for lectures sadly doesn’t mean that the pandemic is over. So make a point to still keep up with federal and local rules.
Your university will most likely have its own rules on what is allowed on campus, e.g., you might only be allowed to sit at a table with two people. Because the number of people who are allowed to attend a lecture in person might be limited, make sure to regularly check your student e-mail for updates on what your university has planned for the upcoming semester!
2: Checking in and reaching out to others
For some, staying at home might have been relaxing, while others experienced it as very stressful (e.g. due to family). What you can do to help others move forward, as a first step to ease back into socialising, is reach out to them. Maybe you can go and have lunch together sometime soon!
There might be people you haven’t spoken to since the beginning of the pandemic, but who says that you won’t enjoy spending time with them now as much as you did then?
If you are hesitant about conversation being awkward just remember: everyone will understand, you are not alone in this.
3: Reframing of negative thoughts
When reaching out to people, not getting an immediate response is always a possibility. Maybe there still isn’t one a week later. Did I annoy them? Do they not want anything to do with me?
Don’t worry, you’re not alone with those thoughts. Sometimes it is better to take a step back and ask yourself if there is a concrete reason for your worries. Are you overanalysing the situation? Most likely the slow response has nothing to do with you at all! Just send a follow-up text and be patient - who knows what’s currently going on in the other person’s life.
4: Easing back into socialising
After a long time of not meeting in person, many people experience socialising as incredibly exhausting. You can limit this by taking small consistent steps before going back to university, for example: texting, (video) calls, meeting another person for a limited time (e.g., lunch), spending an evening with a group of friends.
Just remember to be patient with yourself (and others!) and don’t try to push too hard too fast. By gradually building up to meeting larger groups of people, you can avoid being overwhelmed on the first day back at university, but it is fine if you still feel that way - everyone experiences this situation differently.
5: Be mindful and respect boundaries
This is something that applies as much to yourself as it does to others. Everyone was affected differently by the pandemic, so it is important to be mindful of others’ boundaries. If they are not comfortable sitting together closely during a break, that’s fine.
Don’t be hesitant to communicate it if you’re the one who is uncomfortable in a situation; just like you should respect others’ feelings, they should respect yours and act accordingly.
Tip: To make sure everyone knows who is fine with what in terms of closeness, you could clarify it via text first to avoid awkward situations.
6: Open and honest conversation
You have heard it before and you will hear it again: conversation is key. Make it an open and honest conversation, so you can be sure that everyone is on the same page.
Talking about your concerns openly will help relieve the anxiety that you or others might be dealing with. It also increases social support because others will probably be experiencing similar feelings. You’ll be there to reassure each other along the way and find solutions for what worries you.
7: Social and institutional support
If you are feeling like you need someone to talk to apart from your friends or family, take a look at your university’s website! Some offer free counselling sessions to their students. Also, student organisations in your city can often provide you with a direct contact to a psychologist or psychiatrist if the need arises. 
Take them up on these offers, these people are being paid to help you to the best of their abilities. Sometimes, opening up to a stranger is easier than anything else.
8: Don’t forget about the basics!
And then there are the things you should always do before going back to uni. Do you need to look for a job? Get new books? New stationery? Do it.
Many students also need to move back to the city they are studying in. After a long time of living in a different place, for example, if you’ve moved back in with your parents, it can be time-consuming to pack everything back up or look for a new place to live in.
Give yourself enough time before classes start again, so you don’t end up more stressed than you already are!
9: Help maintain a safe environment
Lastly, there are three general things you can do to help maintain a safe learning environment for everyone:
1. If you can, go and get vaccinated!
2. If you can’t (yet), please consider getting tested regularly.
3. Wear a mask and wash your hands.
(Obviously, all three points depend on a lot of other factors, such as incidence numbers, how many people are already vaccinated, or your country’s policy on offering tests to the population. This is not meant to pressure you into anything, these are simply things that have been proven to help keep virus transmission to a minimum.)
Thank you for reading! I hope everyone stays safe and has a great start of the new semester!
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Day 2: Hinata x Kageyama, “19...for luck”
hey! idk how this works but i honestly want to send u the ship n the number thing soookagehina annnnd 19 uwu if u dont mind 
This is kind of a part of my fic starry cheeks and moonlit smiles...or I took the inspiration from that fic to write this little prompt. This is Hinata and Kageyama in later years. They live in an apaprmtnet in the suburbs of Tokyo  Kags is a professional volleyball player and Hinata studies to become a grade school teacher (while playing volleyball in the uni-volleyball club). 
(AO3 Link)
Hinata watched Kageyama from the doorway. He was on the floor, suitcase in front of him and clothes strew around, or clothes were always kind of just laying around in their bedroom, but now there was more because he was leaving tomorrow.
“Do you have everything, Tobio?” Hinata asked. He walked into the room and put down a strawberry milk for his partner. Chocolate milk for himself.
Kageyama hummed back, folding a shirt into the case. “Thanks.”
Hinata looked at the number 7 jersey that was hanging in the wall on it’s hangers. Washed, ironed and ready for a new training camp. Kageyama was second setter and pinch server of the national team. It wasn't unusual for him to travel to training camps, practice matches and tournaments, but this time; he would be out for almost two weeks. One week on a camp to make them ready for the startup of the season and then an intense practice weekend against teams that could be stronger.
Unlike last time, Kageyama would stand as the starting setter, since their official one was out because of an knee injury. His boyfriend might not show it, but Hinata was good at reading him. Kageyama was more stressed this time than last, but he was sure Tobio would do a great ob as the setter. His team wouldn't have chosen him if they didn't trust him.
“It’s going to be okay, you know.” Hinata hummed and started to help him.
Tobio gave a small nod back, but was still more intrigued by folding his pants than looking at Hinata.
“It’s weird you know, you used to be so sure of yousef when I met you.” Hinata started to snicker a little bit. “You were so hot-headed and intense, and was sure you could adjust to everything just given the right instructions.” He glanced at his boyfriend. Hinata was sure he had folded the same pair of pants three times now. “Now, you always get so tense before practice matches and camps, even though I know you enjoy yourself the most when you are playing.”
They sat in quietness for a few minutes. Hinata helped a silent Tobio  pack and fold his suitcase. It was autumn, so he needed a few sets of outside wear too, because there would be outside training too. The team ways traveling further up north, and yeah, if it was cold in their Tokyo suburban neighbourhood, it would sure be cold in north-Japan.
“It’s different now, you know?”
Hinata didn't almost hear the whisper. He looked over to the setter. He must have been stressed, because he kept clutching the boxed milk.
“There are so many people that will watch and see if I fail. So many have opinions on the line up and I don’t care about it, I don’t, I just don’t need comment from someone that don’t understand the whole picture.” Kageyama huffed out a breath and let go of the milk, Which Shōyō was glad for. More pressure on that poor box, it might’ve explode over his clothes and they would have to start over again. “What if I’m not good enough and coach decides to make room for others. If I can't cooperate with the team and not set well, what then?” His breath had picked up during his voicing, Hinata grew a little worried. “We also got that stupid, fancy dinner at the end of the week. We even have to dress up for it!”
“Then you just have to practice and work on your team building.” Hinata smiled back, hoping it was comforting and encouraging. “And remember what Yahci-chan thought us, chew first and then talk- then you are as good as it can get.” He hope it would plant a small smile on his face, but it only seemed to deflate Tobio some more.
“It’s not that easy.”
Hinata shook his head. “No, but it has never stopped you before.”
Kageyama’s eye grew widers and he sat up.
“Remember how Tsukishima used to tease you that you were the tyrant king, well, you said you wanted to set, serve and play all by yourself when I met you.” Hinata had to stop and laugh at the memory. Kageyama practically stiffened up and got so, so rosy cheeks. It was cute. “What I am trying to say, is that you are not the same person you were, like, seven years ago. A lot have happened and you will continue to get better. And maybe in a few years, if you keep it up- you will be the official setter of Japanese volleyball team.”
“I doubt it, I don't think my senpai will retire any time soon. He is just a year older than me.” Kageyama huffed back. He might have tried to not look intimidating, but his cheeks were still flushed and he was still slightly pouting.
“Well, I know you wont give up on volleyball any time soon.”
Kageyama nodded. At least he was sure of that. Kageyama not playing volleyball, wasn't right.
“And Tobio,” Hinata chuckled easily. “ You have tried to fold the same pair of pants for fifteen minutes.” His boyfriend looked down at his hands. And, yes, his pants were just a mess of wrinkled denim fabric. It looked like a two year old had tried to make a ball out of it. Kageyama pouted somewhat, but it was broken off by a yawn.
Hinata chuckled easily and took his hands. “Come on, we can pack tomor to, your train doesn’t travel until late, 05.00 p.m, right?” Kageyama nodded, sleepy. “Well, then, we can sleep in and pack when we have eaten, hmmm?”
“You drive me to the station, right?” Kageyama asked once they were cuddles into their bed. There was still clothes and toiletries thrown around in their bedroom, but that was a problem for tomorrow.
“Of course, I always do, don't I?”
“Yeah,” And Hinata could hear the smile in his voice.
The next morning went smoothly. They slept in, Hinata made made breakfast for the two of them. they took a quick walk to the drug store to pick up the last few things Kageyama needed; and lastly, they packed.
After an early dinner Hinata drove Tobio to the train station and when he helped Kageyama unload the baggage, a few other teammates waved to them. Hinata waved back while Kageyama nodded. He was familiar with them and sometimes, even he would get invited out for drinks with Tobio’s team. It was a great bunch of guys.
“Call me when you arrive.” Hinata said as they hugged. “And don’t worry about silly stuff.” He felt Tobio nod into this hair. “But, call me- if you get stressed or something. It’s better when you call and talk it out.”
“Hai, hai.” Tobo replayed lazily.
“Good luck, Tobio-chan.” Hinata sang as he stood up on his toes to peck a soft kiss on Kageyama's nose. His boyfriend wrinkled it in reaction and, gosh, it was cute.
“Don’t I get a good buy kiss?” He asked hopefully and looked down to meet Hinata's eyes.
“No,” Hinata laughed and turned around. “You only get a good luck kiss this time. That is what you need anyway.” He winked back playfully and gave a last bow to the other teammates. Kageyama smiled back, boyish and handsome as always.
Hinata only drove away when he saw Kageyama with his teammates as they entered the station, and all he felt was pride for his boyfriend.
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wiccanarchived · 5 years
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BASICS . full name .  sally  elizabeth  mcknight pronunciation  .  sa  -  lee  ,  ih  -  liz  -  uh  -  beth  ,  mik  -  night nickname  .  thorn  ,  honey  (  father  )  ,  rosebud  (  mother  )  ,  sal  (  other  family  ,  occasionally  band mates  ) height  .  5'8" age  .  23 zodiac  .  sagittarius spoken  languages  .  english  ,  spanish  ,  french  (  self  taught  because  they're  some  of  the  most  commonly  used  languages  in  the  world  &  made  touring  easier  )  ,  novice  knowledge  of  welsh  . 
PHYSICAL  CHARACTERISTICS  . hair  color  . black  with  red  highlights  ,  lower  back  length  .  it's  naturally  wavy  &  tousled  but  usually  straightened eyes  . smokey  turquoise skin  tone  . white  ,  almost  quite  literally  aside  from  her  slight  pink  undertones  . doesn't  tan ��in  any  way  shape  or  form  ,  only  burns body  type  .  classic  hourglass  .  full  bust  ,  slender  waist  ,  wide  hips accent  . none  in  particular  ,  perhaps  a  slight  bostonian  one  when  in  boston  as  it  rubs  off  from  the  locals  .  her  voice  is  more  often  than  not  stays  in  its  consistent  breathy  ,  warm  ,  &  sultry  tone  . dominant  hand  . right   posture  .  straight  &  reading  confidence  often  ,  though  when  nervous  can  slope  her  shoulders  &  fiddle  with  fingers   scars  . none  (  verse  dependent  ) tattoos  . thorns  &  roses  across  lower  back  ,  triple  goddess  symbol  on  inner  right  wrist  ,  horned  god  symbol  on  inner  left  wrist  (  additional  tattoos  verse  dependent  ) most  noticeable  feature  . her  mysterious  ,  bedroom  eyes  &  sweet  ,  dimpled  smile
CHILDHOOD  . place  of  birth  .  salem  ,  massachusetts hometown  . oakhaven birth  weight  . 5  pound  ,  5  ounces birth  height  . 8  inches  ,  3  cm manner  of  birth  .  born  at  william  griggs  hospital  on  december  1st  at  3am first  words  . "  no  !  "  (  because  it's  what  she  mostly  heard  followed  by  ' --  sally  ,  don't  play  with  that  !  '  ) siblings  . one  older  brother  ,  levi  mcknight parents  .  father  ,  arthur  mcknight  &  mother  ,  emily  mcknight parental  involvement  .  thorn's  parents  were  &  are  incredibly  involved  in  their  daughter's  life  .  not  to  an  unhealthy  measure  by  any  means  but  they're  supportive  endlessly  &  are  immeasurably  proud  of  their  daughter  .  thorn's  incredibly  protective  of  her  parents  ,  even  to  the  point  where  she  still  holds  a  mild  grudge  on  the  mayor  for  trying  to  pin  the  whole  witch's  ghost  scheme  on  her  father  .  there's  a  definite  softness  that  come  out  of  her  from  her  parents  ,  addressing  both  as  '  mommy  &  daddy  '  ,  her  mom  packing  lunches  for  her  when  she's  in  town  ,  helping  at  her  father's  pharmacy  &  mother's  vet  clinic  .  there's  a  very  clear  ,  very  loving  bond  among  them  
ADULT  LIFE  . occupation  . musician  (  lead  singer  /  guitarist  of  the  hex  girls  )  ,  entrepreneur  (  owner  eco-friendly  cosmetics  ,  skin  ,  &  hair  care  line  ,  '  midnight  forest  '  )  ,  editorial  &  runway  alternative  model  for  freak  beauty  modeling  agency  ,  student  at  salem  state  university current  residence  .  salem  ,  massachusetts  (  oakhaven  ) close  friends  .  kimberly  "  luna  "  moss  ,  muffy  "  dusk  "  st  .  james  ,  fred  jones  ,  daphne  blake  ,  velma  dinkley  ,  norville  "  shaggy  "  rogers  ,  scooby  -  doo relationship  status  . single  (  verse  dependent  ) financial  status  . millionaire  .  has  the  potential  to  be  wealthier  but  is  quite  generous  when  giving  to  charity  . driver's  license  . yes  ,  for  both  basic  automobile  &  commercial  (  personal  car  &  the  hex  bus  ) criminal  record  .  (  oh  boy  ... )  trespassing  ,  illegal  protest  ,  disturbing  the  peace  ,  resisting  arrest  ,  assaulting  a  police  officer  ,  &  arson  .  all  done  during  her  late  teens  -  freshman  year  at  uni  .  all  charges  aside  from  arson  were  done  out  of  protest  against  animal  testing  ,  fashion  industry  use  of  threatened  &  endangered  animals  ,  &  destruction  of  natural  resources  .  arson  was  accidental  . vices  .  ben  ravencroft's  past  works  before  his  mysterious  disappearance  ,  very  mild  jinxes  more  played  off  as  pranks  on  people  that  annoy  her  
SEX  &  ROMANCE  . sexual  orientation  .  bisexual romantic  orientation  .  biromantic preferred  emotional  role  .  switch preferred  sexual  role  .  switch   libido  .  very  healthy  .  she's  a  stressed  woman  &  it's  a  good  way  to  work  it  all  out  with  or  without  a  partner  .  although  it  can  be  swayed  come  the  time  of  year  ,  come  the  spring  /  summer  months  the  sun  is  at  its  all  time  high  ,  her  ruling  goddess  ,  the  mother  ,  is  at  her  sexual  peak  &  so  is  thorn  .  the  autumn  &  winter  months  tend  to  slow  her  down  though  since  she's  not  nearly  as  powerful  but  if  given  the  right  partner  with  enough  stamina  to  tap  into  she's  more  than  fine  .   turn  ons  .  adventurous  ,  intelligent  ,  romantic  ,  sense  of  humor  ,  a  take  -  charge  attitude  (  or  at  the  very  least  having  the  guts  to  stand  up  to  her  &  put  her  in  check  )  ,  soulful  eyes  ,  probably  the  ability  to  kick  her  ass  ,  any  kind  of  musical  talent turn  offs  .  uncommunicative  ,  selfish  ,  distant  ,  dishonesty  ,  close  -  minded  ,  a  quick  sense  of  over  familiarity  (  ex.  calling  her  ' sally  '  FAR  too  soon  ,  the  assumption  anyone  knows  her  only  based  on  media  depiction  ) love  language  .  when  in  a  serious  enough  relationship  she's  openly  physically  affectionate  to  the  point  where  she  actually  won't  realize  she's  even  doing  it  .  reaching  out  to  hold  hand  /  arm  ,  playing  with  fingers  ,  with  hair  .  she's  not  particularly  shy  about  leaving  her  mark  behind  by  means  of  her  lipstick  along  lips  ,  cheeks  ,  forehead  if  the  time  feels  right  .  more  subtle  means  conveying  her  affection  usually  come  by  batting  lashes  &  /  or  a  soft  ,  dreamy  sort  of  look  in  her  eye  . relationship  tendencies  . she's  ...  had  it  rough  .  for  starters  she  never  had  a  real  love  interest  until  she  went  to  college  as  as  a  child  /  teenager  she  never  felt  comfortable  in  her  own  self  /  skin  enough  to  even  bother  .  &  at  the  time  no  one  was  exactly  beating  her  door  down  to  ask  her  out  as  she  was  deemed  '  the  weird  girl  who  talks  to  trees  .  '  come  college  when  she  fully  filled  out  things  went  fast  &  she  was  became  so  occupied  with  the  band  that  she  needed  someone  who  would  understand  she's  extremely  serious  about  where  she  wants  to  go  with  her  life  &  hadn't  managed  to  find  that  person  .  so  it  was  a  string  of  people  who  just  didn't  care  too  much  about  what  she  did  &  were  distant  but  able  to  catch  her  long  enough  to  fill  the  void  .  she  WANTS  someone  to  care  but  allows  her  her  freedoms  ,  trusts  &  respects  her
MISCELLANEOUS  . character's  theme  song  . i'm  a  hex  girl  (  obv  )  ,  witchy  woman -  eagles hobbies  to  pass  the  time  . reading  ,  exercising  (  yoga  ,  dance  ,  hiking  )  ,  journaling  ,  gardening  ,  listening  to  music left  or  right  brained  .  right  brain  with  left  brain  influences  .  right  obviously  leads  with  her  career  as  a  musician  having  to  be  creative  &  imaginative  ,  however  left  takes  influence  when  it  comes  to  her  professional  side  &  logical  thinking  to  solve  problems  in  a  manner  that  would  get  the  job  done  .  feeling  takes  much  influence  in  her  magick  ,  being  an  empath  &  having  deeply  rooted  emotions  ,  but  on  the  other  side  a  love  of  science  (  namely  biology  &  the  make   -  up  of  plants  ,  animals  ,  &  medicine  )  lean  left  brain  heavy  . fears  .  ghosts  ,  being  trapped  ,  inadequacy self  confidence  level  .  it's  HEAVILY  dependent  on  what  area  of  her  life  we're  talking  about  .  if  we're  speaking  music  ,  it's  a  solid  10  /  10  .  she  KNOWS  her  &  the  girls  are  damn  good  &  won't  be  told  otherwise  .  on  a  personal  level  it's  quite  poor  .  she  has  trust  issues  &  doesn't  doubt  that  aside  from  people  that've  been  there  for  a  long  time  ,  people  will  take  the  opportunity  to  do  her  dirty  .  while  she's  getting  better  on  the  magick  front  of  things  she  still  has  a  lot  to  work  through  because  aside  from  her  work  ,  her  confidence  does  need  a  lot  of  repair  ,  which  is  probably  why  she's  a  bit  of  a  workaholic  .  only  thing  she  feels  fully  comfortable  with   vulnerabilities  . her  family  (  the  girls  included  )  ,  her  large  heart  ,  insecurities  ,  &  stubbornness 
TAGGED  BY  :  @lxdrlappen TAGGING  :  @yunhuntress @baddeleyite @bloomshops @sclskinn  &  you   ♥
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