#was genuinely kind of surprised that i was told. it was the only sister who ever makes any effort at all lol
californiaquail · 4 months
my aunt died this morning and i was told about it on the same day directly and not by facebook or someone being like "oh didn't you hear aunt x died" several days later so you could say my communication with my family is improving
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peachesofteal · 3 months
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warning: postpartum depression requested by multiple: mama's family
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"Where's my baby?!"
You can practically hear your teeth grinding together as you give your aunt a tight lipped smile. "He's due to get up any minute." She sighs, like it's an inconvenience, your mom hot on her heels.
"Hi honey," she says, glancing around your now pristine flat, "how are things?"
"Oh, fine." It's the same thing you've been saying this whole time. I'm fine. I'm good. Everything is great. "Went to the pediatrician the other day, Ry is perfect and healthy." You omit the rest of your news, the sudden reappearance of Simon, the stable, consistent presence in your life, the man who was supporting you in anyway he could.
Even though you absolutely do not want your mom or your aunt to meet him, let alone know about him-
you still kind of wish he was here.
He told you yesterday, regretfully, that he had meetings on base all day today, and you told him your mom and aunt were coming by, but probably wouldn't stay long. It was good, that he wouldn't be around.
Before he left for the night, he made you promise to call if you needed him. Text him to check in. You did as he asked, but didn't hear much. Not a surprise, since he said he wouldn't have a lot of time to respond, but still wanted updates.
"That's great honey." Her smile is genuine, and you know she means it. She does mean well, mostly. It's not her fault you're bad at asking for help, or that since you left home, you've become stubbornly independent. You even spent a few years "gallivanting across the globe" as your sister liked to say, shirking responsibility after uni.
Your family was used to you being a bit of a ghost.
"- don't you think?" Your aunt's voice brings you back to earth, and you nod robotically, unsure of what you're agreeing to. You're about to apologize for missing the conversation when the baby monitor on the kitchen counter lights up, Orion's fussy 'I just woke up mom, come get me' cry crackling from the speaker.
"That's for me." You joke half heartedly with a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. You know the battle with ensue as soon as you come back into the living room with the baby, and you dread it.
"Hi baby." You bend at the waist, scooping him out of his crib. "You're gettin' too heavy for mama, big boy. Don't know what I'm gonna do when you're older." The thought stops you in your tracks, the acknowledgement that he'll get older, that soon he'll be six months, and then a year, two. He'll learn to crawl, to walk, to speak. It's exciting, and anxiety inducing. What if you mess him up? What if you don't give him a good life? What if you're not a good mom, or he gets sick, or there's an accident, or an attack or-
No. You're not going to do this. You're not going to fall into these obsessive what ifs. It will only make you sick to your stomach.
You get him into a new nappy and clothes before slinking back into the living room, cowed with your head down. His head turns against your chest, seeking, and you know he's starting to realize he's hungry.
But the vultures don't care.
"Bring that boy over here, let me hold him." Your aunt croons, syrupy sick voice conjuring a roar of nausea.
"He's probably hungry." You start to warn them that this won't last long as you lower him into her arms, but you know it will fall on deaf ears. "So-"
"Just get a bottle from the fridge dear, I can feed him no problem." You fight the urge to to snap at her, unreasonable rage swelling inside your heart. No one feeds him except you, and Simon. Bottles are fine when you're asleep and can't nurse, or between feedings, but he doesn't eat as much from them. Of course, you've tried to tell them that, multiple times, but it never seems to stick. Your mom knows, but she never stands up to her older sister.
Like mother like daughter, you guess. You've never been a doormat per se, but you don't have a strongest backbone, and becoming a mom has changed you, a lot. You've become even more soft, more sensitive. It's... a problem.
"How are you feeling, honey?" You know she's asking mostly about your body, your stitches, your physical aches and pains, which were plenty considering what you went through when Ry was born, but your mom's voice is gentle, like she senses you frustration, and you give her a weak smile. It's nice she's expressing interest, but that's usually as far as it goes, unless you count the meals she's brought over that you barely picked it, not having enough energy to even feed yourself, or shower, or the suggestion that you give her the baby all the time so you could 'take a break' even though he screamed the moment he was separated from you. Not helpful. Nobody cared that you had scary thoughts, scary moments, scary days. Nobody offered to be here at night with you, when you were all alone with the baby after dark, terrified, crying in the bathroom with your face buried in a towel so you wouldn't wake him. No one was here when you were afraid you might hurt him, or yourself, and no one seemed to hear you when you shrugged over and over again, your lack of interest in everything explicitly clear.
You sucked at asking for help, so you didn't. And when you did, you never got it right, or got the right answers, so you stopped asking. Everything became fine. Good.
"Fine, good." She opens her mouth to say something, ask some question, probably about Ry, when your blood goes cold.
The sound of your front door opening rings out like a bang, your eyes widening in panic, and you nearly run to the kitchen.
Oh fuck. Oh no, no no no-
You turn in slow motion to see your baby's daddy, the man who has a key now, stepping through the doorway. As soon as you lay eyes on him, you split down the middle. You're horrified, because of what's about to happen with the two hens on the couch and-
your libido roars to life. Simon's not wearing his usual jeans or joggers and black hoodie, but a camouflage military uniform. One that he fills out, broad shoulders and broad chest fitted snug inside the material. You think you're staring. Or drooling. Or both.
His lips quirk up on one side with a secretive, almost seductive smile, and he peeks over your shoulder before turning his attention back to you. "Hey mama."
"H-hey. Uh. Hi." Your hands uselessly flit around, like you're trying to swat some invisible bugs away or something. "My mom is still here. And my aunt," you can't help yourself, you take him in from head to toe one more time, "you look... nice."
"Price makes me wear my BDU for on base meetings." He grunts, slightly exasperated. Who?
"Battle dress uniform. It's... the approved, standard uniform. I don't wear it... in the field." His lips press together, and your mind wanders, curious questions about 'the field' popping up like fireworks, but you push them away. Now is definitely not the right time. His thumb brushes your cheek, under your eye, and he frowns. "Everything alright?"
You step to the side, motioning to the living room, where your aunt and mother are whispering fiercely. You roll your shoulders, and take a deep breath. "Do you... want to, say hi?" The question is weak, your voice small. His brow furrows. He looks hesitant, and you don't blame him. They're a lot. It's a lot. He glances down at you again, head tilted in consideration. "Or you could just go. If you ran out that door... well I'd only wish I could come with you." You whisper, and he cracks a smile.
"No. 'm not runnin' from any part of you, sweetheart. C'mon. They can't be worse than..." he trails off, odd look in his eyes before it clears, "they can't be worse than a lot of things."
He follows you around the corner of the kitchen, crossing the threshold of the living room with two large strides.
Your mother gasps. Your aunt makes a sound that you can only describe as a goose being strangled, and Orion starts to cry. Perfect.
"Oh, oh shhh, shhhh." Your aunt tries to soothe him, but you know it won't work.
"Mom," you call over the noise, gesturing to the giant man standing next to your coffee table, and you, "Mom! This is Simon." She stares at you, confused, shocked even. You never told her your one night stand's name, just that you couldn't track him down, so she doesn't make the connection.
Still, she gapes at him. Clears her throat with a question.
"Is this... your boyfriend honey?" Your aunt's expression is not much different, and you freeze. Is he? Is that what this is? You half expect Simon to reject the term boyfriend flat out, but instead-
"Something like that." His hand settles between your shoulder blades, and you lean into it, relishing the comfort. Just the presence of him in the flat is enough to soothe you, lessen the tension you feel building in your chest. "Sounds like he's hungry, mama."
"Yeah, I think he's more than ready." You reach for Ry, eager to pick him up, but your aunt shifts her body, shying away, turning her shoulder to you. You're used to this, the keep away, the way they always try to convince you he'll calm down, to let them hold him for too long, to get him a bottle... but Simon is not.
He goes rigid at your side. You can feel the muscle in his arm turn to stone, and his eyes narrow, upper lip curling. Your mother's eyes go wide, but your aunt remains oblivious. "I can feed him, dear. Go get a bottle warmed up and-"
"No." Simon snaps, rough pitch of his voice dipping deeper into the manc accent, and she bristles. This bitch wouldn't be scared of the devil himself.
"Excuse me?" You watch the muscle in his jaw flex with fascination, wondering what he'll do next. You're brought back to when you met, when he stared down the guy who pushed you out of the way at the bar like he was going to murder him, before calling you over to settle next to his thigh. He put his hand on your waist, shielded you from everyone else for the rest of the night.
You were a goner before you ever had a chance to begin.
"Orion wants his mother. You can hand him over without a fuss, or I can throw you out of this flat. Your choice." His words are hard, cold steel, a sharp knife slicing away, exposing vulnerable parts and smashing them to pieces.
Your aunt has the gall to look scandalized, but when you glance at your mother, she has a different expression. It's warm. Approving. She mets your eyes with a small smile as you scoop Orion up, and then she stands.
"We'll get out of your hair, honey." She tugs you into a half hug before looking over. "Nice to meet you Simon." Your aunt is ranting and raving all the way to your front door, but once it's shut...
"Bloody hell." He mutters, and shakes his head. "I won't let anyone push you 'round like that, sweetheart. Family or not. Especially not in your own home, I-"
"Thank you." It's all you can say. "I um, kind of suck at sticking up for myself, sometimes. It means a lot, that you would do that. For me." He steps close, hand covering Orion's belly and chest, even though he's still crying.
"Kitten doesn't have any claws," he murmurs against your ear, and your eyebrows knit together. Uh... what? "Don't worry, you won't need 'em. Not now that you have me." There's something dangerous in his tone, something lethal and profound. It’s as fervid as his proclamation about his commitment to you, to Orion. Like dark water, bottomless and black, it draws you out deeper, sends shivers up your spine, but doesn't turn you away. It makes you curious, intrigued, desperate to peel back his layers, to dig into him until you know it all, inside and out.
Curiosity killed the cat, isn’t that what they say?
You weren't afraid of him that night, and you're not afraid now. You know Simon is not an ordinary man. You know you've bitten off a lot, by having his baby, rekindling this connection, giving him a key-
but you plan to chew.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
“I need to tell you something.”
Shitfuckno. Eddie doesn't even know why he's still surprised. This is how it always goes, after all. He should probably just give up and stop dating altogether – again.
Steve looks at him exactly as ominously as the words I need to tell you something require. Perfect Steve. Funny Steve. Sweet Steve. Sexy Steve. Steve, who Eddie had genuinely believed to be different.
Eddie sighs, barely suppressing a dark chuckle while he turns away from that perfect face. He doesn't want to look at Steve when he'll tell him the undoubtedly messed-up shit he's about to spill.
“Lemme guess, you're married?” That was what the last guy he dated told him, seven months after they got to know each other. It can't be much worse than that, can it?
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, causing him to involuntarily jerk up his head and meet his eyes.
“How did you know?”
Jesus H. Christ. Not again.
Eddie roughly pulls his hand out of Steve's grip and laughs a joyless laugh.
“Apparently I'm a good guesser.”
He stands up from the park bench the two of them had been sharing. “Well, Steve, this has been a blast. You should go back to your wife, or husband – don't tell me, I don't even wanna know – and I should um, get going. Maybe tell the next person right away what they'll be getting themselves into. Would save them a lot of wasted time, just in case cheating and going around other people's backs isn't really their thing, y'know.”
“Eddie, wait, let me explain!”
Eddie picks up his pace, but Steve, stubborn as he is, easily keeps up with him.
“I'm really not interested, man.”
“It's not – I'm not cheating on her!”
“Okay, so you have an open marriage, good for you. Still the kind of information you could've shared with me, say, three months ago, don't you think?”
“She's a lesbian.”
And that makes Eddie freeze on the spot. It takes Steve two steps before he realizes Eddie has stopped moving; he walks backwards until he's standing right in front of Eddie.
“She's my best friend,” he says, immediately using Eddie's stunned silence to his advantage. “Robin, my roommate – I told you all about her. We wanted to buy a house together and that turned out to be very complicated when you're not... Well, when you're not romantically involved. So we got married. For the, um, practical reasons. We never – we're like siblings. I love her like a sister. But she's also my wife. Platonically.”
It takes a few seconds until Steve's words sink in. Then, Eddie leaps forward and basically collapses into Steve's arms, needing to hold onto him to prevent himself from crashing to the ground.
Steve's arms are warm, strong, and as safe as ever.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Steve asks softly. His lips brush against Eddie's ear while he speaks, and worry colors his voice.
Perfect Steve. Too-good-to-be-true Steve.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” is the only thing Eddie manages to say.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Steve says. “It's just – I've gotten some, um... Less than ideal reactions, in the past, whenever I told this when I was seeing someone. So I thought it'd be better to wait until things were getting serious.” He sighs, tangling his fingers in Eddie's hair. “I didn't wanna scare you off. Are we – are you okay?”
Eddie nods. He lifts his head from where it's resting against Steve's shoulder and raises his hands to squeeze them around Steve's face.
“We're okay,” he says. “And I'm sorry I didn't want to listen to you. I–” He stops; he can't find the words right away. It's still difficult to talk about those things; to let himself be vulnerable. But Steve has been honest with him, so it's only fair to return the favor.
“I've been hurt, Steve,” he confesses. “More than once. I've had some really shitty experiences with dudes not being honest with me. I thought that that was what was happening again, and I couldn't – I couldn't go through that again. Especially not with you.”
“Jesus, Eddie, I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay,” Eddie rushes to say, pulling Steve even closer towards him. “I trust you.” And as soon as these words leave his mouth, he knows it's the truth.
“I do want to be absolutely clear about one thing, though,” Steve says.
Eddie leans back in Steve's arms to give him an expectant look.
“Robin is my wife. I'm not planning on that to change anytime soon. We've been through a lot together. She's been the most important person in my life for years. We own a house and a dog together, and I love her more than anything. I like you a lot, and I promise you I'm all-in with you, but... Robin is still my number one. And that's not gonna change overnight. I need you to be okay with that.”
Eddie swallows. He looks into Steve's eyes. All he sees is a man who is honest, who loves his friends deeply, and who refuses to make any compromises when it comes to love – whether it be the platonic or the romantic kind.
It doesn't scare Eddie off; it only makes him fonder of Steve.
He smiles, glances around to check if they're alone, and presses a quick kiss against Steve's lips.
“I think I can live with that,” he says. “As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this.” He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet Steve's again.
The sigh that Steve breathes into their tentative kiss is one filled with relief.
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hiraethwrote · 16 days
there's a lightness in him
summary: finally, the day has come where you get the chance to meet gojo. but megumi doesn't handle it as well as you had hoped
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[ loner!megumi x popular!reader ]
cw: college au, modern au, f!reader, fluff, gojo cameo, some angst, aged up characters, no use of y/n
word count: 2.9k
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You really wanted to meet Gojo.
For reasons unknown to you, Megumi became even more quiet than usual whenever he was brought up — nearly blatantly refusing to talk about him at all.
Your curiosity was obviously peaked — who was this mysterious individual, who through unfortunate circumstances had ended up basically raising what had turned out to be your perfect boyfriend? Was this where Megumi had gotten his closed off demeanour from? Were shared dinners around the dining table spent in utter silence?
The few things you had gathered about Gojo: he was NOT Megumi’s dad. That was the most important thing you’d learned. Because how dumb were you when you simply assumed the adult man he lived with was his father?
You had also learned that there was a new level to Megumi’s frown that always grew deeper whenever he talked to Gojo on the phone. Granted, he was never happy whenever he was on the phone, but it was something entirely different when he talked to his… guardian?
“What do you mean you haven’t met his family?!” Kasumi exclaimed in pure disbelief once you told her, head tilting up from her doomscrolling.
“As far as I understand, there isn’t much family to meet. It’s mostly just this Gojo figure.”
“And that’s his dad?”
“God no, he’ll bite your head off if you assume so, but whoever he is, he’s the closest thing he has to a parental figure.”
She tried to blink away the worst of her surprise. “But you’ve been together since high school.” It seemed like she wanted the statement to be a question, but it definitely came out more as a judgemental remark.
“Look, his family situation isn’t ideal,” you trailed off, thinking about the few things he had actually opened up to you about — both his sister and his absent father, and you had quickly understood family was a fragile topic for him. So whenever you dared approach the situation about Gojo, you just wanted to be cautious in case there was anything serious he just did not want to talk about.
However, lately, the idea of anything seriously worrisome being the issue had slowly ceased to exist. Megumi genuinely only seemed to be annoyed with whatever it was Gojo said or did — nothing graver than that.
“Does that mean you’ve never been to his house?” Yet another shocked question fired at you.
“No, I’ve been to his house plenty of times,” you chuckled. “It just so happens that Gojo is never home. He’s apparently sent out of town a lot for work.”
She quirked an eyebrow, shaking her head and turning her attention back to her phone. “Your boyfriend is kind of a weirdo, not gonna lie.”
A small, smitten smile automatically grew on your lips. “Yeah, I guess he is,” you said, probably mostly to yourself.
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“I have to go now.”
“What, already?” You whined, bottom lip sticking out in a dramatic pout as Megumi got up from his seat beside you. He met your pleading gaze, leaning forward to capture your lips in a tender kiss to ease his departure.
“It’s probably gonna take a while today,” he sighed, walking over to the door. Before his hand had even managed to clasp around the handle, you were already at his side, staring at him with doe eyes while your arms were tucked behind your back — like you always did when you wanted something.
“Then why don’t I come along?” batting your eyelashes at him.
Whatever your ulterior motive was, he was weak for the look you gave him — sucking in his cheeks to smother the smirk you were slowly pulling from him.
“You wanna come along?”
“I wanna be with you as much as possible!”
“You gonna help with errands, too?”
Your innocent smile was pushed into pursed lips instead. “I can watch?”
He instantly let out a taunting scoff. “Cute,” he sighed, placing a quick kiss on your cheek and opening the door to leave. Before he got too far, you already grabbed ahold of his wrist.
“So, you’re going home for these errands, right?”
And once you said ‘home’, Megumi immediately understood why you had suddenly decided to be so persistent in tagging along for his duties, when you always preferred he just get it over with so he could return to you once he was done.
And his body slowly started to tense up, because unlike you, Megumi really did not want you to meet Gojo.
Why? Well, Megumi could list hundreds of reasons why he wanted to shield you from the menace he had lived with most his life. But he knew those reasons were all superficial, and he never really dared put into words what really plagued him about the situation.
“Megumi,” you spoke his name softly, slowly letting go of his wrist. “I want to meet your family.”
There it was again, your genuine interest in him — somehow always catching him off guard despite you proving it to him from the very first moment. He just didn’t feel deserving of it.
It was written all over your features just how important this was to you — guilt striking him as he couldn’t understand why he had been so selfish as to deprive you of meeting his family, when he had no real reason to.
But what wasn’t he willing to do for you? With a clear of his throat, he tried to set aside his ever present anxiety about the situation, grumbling a low “fine” as he pulled out his phone to send a quick heads up to Gojo.
“Wait, really?” The fragile sentiment in your voice was replaced by an airy relief, not quite expecting him to surrender so easily — especially considering how long you’d bothered him about it all.
“Has to happen eventually, right? Might as well get it over with.”
The nonchalant shrug of his shoulders and the look in his eyes was all it took for you to feel your stomach tickle with butterflies — you saw he was trying to power through his stubbornness for you. He wasn't going to let his own struggles triumph how important this was for you.
“You’re just so-“ endless giddiness spilling over in your expression, unable to finish your sentence. You cupped his face and placed the sweetest kiss on his cheek, before you rather abruptly interrupted your own actions by yanking him after you towards his car.
For the entirety of the ride, you held a mostly one sided conversation, hoping your casual talk would calm him down — but it didn’t stop his knuckles from slowly turning paler when his fingers gnawed at the steering wheel, hoping you didn’t catch how his teeth were grinding against each other.
But he wanted to try — for you.
Pulling into the driveway, surrounded by the familiar scenery of the neighbourhood he grew up in, none of his nerves seemed to disintegrate. Even when he opened the door for you (like he always did) and you laced your fingers with his, the nerves remained knotted inside him.
“If you really don’t want to do this-“
“No, ‘s fine,” he interrupted you softly, reactively squeezing your hand to ground himself. “Let’s just get-“
A blaring voice shouting your name cut through the sad tension, both you and Megumi jumping at the sudden outburst.
Capturing your wide eyed glare, you were met with a freakishly tall man staring directly at you with the most intense blue-eyed stare one could imagine and untamed hair of the purest white — and lastly, a somewhat off putting grin that was overflowing with outgoing charm.
This was Gojo? The Gojo? The very same who had raised your stoic and quiet boyfriend? The one who seemed to have too much pent up energy in his body, despite the size of it? This was not at all what you had expected.
You were about to take a polite bow to introduce yourself, but Gojo simply waved his hand. “No need for formalities. Feel like I know you already.” His smile never wavered, even when he took a step back to let you in.
Megumi was already grumbling to himself, unable to stop how his fingers clenched harder on your hand as a reaction to Gojo’s first appearance — and heat was rising up his neck, slowly colouring the tips of his ears red with embarrassment.
“So glad you finally managed to convince him,” Gojo nearly sung, leading all three of you into the kitchen. “I’ve tried desperately since that day he first visited you. But Megumi never listens to me.”
He was so far from the character you had created in your mind, taking some time let the new impression replace the old one. He leaned so casually against the kitchen counter, while Megumi acted on instinct and pulled out the stool for you, taking a seat next to you.
“I couldn’t quite believe my eyes when he came back home that evening, and he smiled. You know how hard I try to make him smile?”
“Oh, it’s not so hard,” you laughed along, turning to look at your boyfriend only to see he was looking at Gojo with chronically furrowed eyebrows. The lump in your stomach formed immediately, hating just how displeased Megumi appeared to be — reaching out to grab his hand under the table, head turning to look at you, smoothing the crinkles on his forehead. You started to believe he wasn’t even aware of the way he was looking at Gojo, because all evidence of annoyance was gone when he shifted his eyes towards you. “He smiles plenty.”
“Hmpf,” Gojo pouted, arms crossing loosely over his chest. “Well, maybe you just share the same bad sense of humor.” The comment caught you a little by surprise before the genuine laugh slipped past your lips, while Megumi went back to shooting him an ugly scowl.
“I’ve been wanting to meet you too for a while.”
“Is that so?” His tone sounded accusatory as he met Megumi’s eyes. It didn’t take a genius to understand the subtext that Megumi had served him excuse after excuse on why he’d never introduced you.
“Yes, but my schedule is crazy busy,” the lie rolling of your tongue so easily, Megumi almost believing it himself. “Something always came up whenever we tried to make it happen.” It was a small gesture, yet Megumi’s heart fluttered lightly at how you tried to make this as comfortable as possible for him.
“I’m very pleased you finally got the time,” he beamed, seemingly buying into the lie.
And then the conversation flowed as smoothly as butter. He asked questions about your studies and your family, showing a real interest in your life. And he was funny — the clutching-your-stomach type of funny. You didn’t even notice when Kuro and Shiro walked into the kitchen, Shiro lightly nudging your hand for pets before both of the dogs laid down by Megumi’s feet.
But the conversation consisted mostly of your and Gojo’s voice, Megumi only contributing with a weak “hm” or “sure” whenever fitting, which definitely put a thorn in the atmosphere of the company.
“How about we get around to those errands?” You suggested, bringing an end to the constant rambling you knew Megumi had probably prayed would stop.
“Yeah, we probably should,” he mumbled lowly, quickly jumping out of the seat he had been glued to since you arrived. “I just have to get something upstairs-“
“Just go,” you giggled, knowing he was about to ask if you were alright with being left alone for a second.
Megumi hurried away, leaving you and Gojo alone. It didn’t take long before he broke the silence again.
“He’s not usually this cold towards me.” His tone had completely changed, now full of sentiment, one you could only assume came from genuine love for Megumi. “It doesn’t look like it, but I’m sure he secretly likes me. The death glares are at least kept to a minimum when it’s just the two of us.”
“He has a tendency to be a little cranky.” He smiled then, a small and almost shy smile.
“I’m going to make this quick, because he’ll be back down any second,” he took a deep breath as he straightened his posture. “After you came along… I’ve never seen him like this.” Your breath hitched in your throat at the slightly ominous statement. “There’s a lightness in him I’ve never seen before. You clearly mean a lot to him, which is why he exaggerates his frown. He’s just being protective.”
With further clarification, your shoulders found rest, starting to shuffle towards the front door, Gojo close behind. “Believe it or not, he brings me lightness too.”
“No, I believe it,” he smiled as Megumi came down the stairs, both of his dogs following him. “I see it in you too.”
“Ready to go?” Megumi asked in a monotone voice, already having put on his shoes and opened the door.
“It was nice meeting you, Gojo,” you bowed.
“Looking forward to the next time.” Megumi didn’t manage to fully conceal the quiet groan that escaped him, both you and Gojo deciding to not pay it any attention.
“I’ll be back in a few days,” Megumi sighed, already halfway down the pathway, simply waving goodbye over his shoulder.
“I’ll miss you!” Gojo yelled dramatically after him, your boyfriend never sparing him a second glance. While he opened the car door for you, you decided to pay Gojo the decency of a smile and a tiny wave.
Megumi did not hesitate to start the engine, his childhood home quickly disappearing behind you.
Then silence hit — thick silence, nearly suffocating on all the thoughts you could so clearly tell was swarming Megumi’s mind.
“I like him,” you breathed, leaning back on the headrest.
“Yeah? I’m glad.”
“You don’t sound glad.”
His eyes were glued ahead, as if there was nothing more interesting than the boring scenery and the asphalt going straight ahead.
“Why didn’t you want me to meet Gojo?”
He didn’t answer — he only let out a deep breath through his nose which you suspected had been trapped in his lungs since the moment you first pulled up in his driveway. Then he pulled over, the car slowly rolling to a halt.
Your pulse quickened, eyeing how his hands had left the steering wheel only for him to pick at the skin around his nails — a nervous tick you only saw him do when he was extremely anxious.
“I don’t want to mess this up.”
His confession was quiet, and had it not been for the fact that there was not a sound in the car or any distractions outside, you would not have been able to hear it.
“Meeting family… it brings expectations. And if I am to mess this up-“
“Don’t say that, you’re not going to mess this up!” You cut him off, hands cutting through the air to intertwine your fingers with his, stopping his bad habit.
“You don’t know that.” His voice still came out low, eyes directed at your hands. “After last time-“
“Stop it,” you interrupted again, bringing one hand to his face to force him to look at you, breaking your heart when his eyes had turned glossy. “We’re past that now, okay?”
“I know we are, it’s just-“ he took another deep breath, “for some reason, I just felt like that if I kept you from meeting him, I could contain the damage and disappointment if I were to screw it up.”
“I didn’t know you felt this way,” you sniffled quietly, fighting not to let the tears take over. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know,” he averted his gaze again, back to fixating on his lap. “Scared, I suppose.”
“You’re not in this alone. You can always talk to me about these things, okay?”
“Mhmm,” the weak sound was barely heard.
Once again you cupped his face, wanting his eyes on you when you said “I’m on your team, Megumi.” His nostrils flared, not wanting the tears to spill. “Please just let me be on your team!”
Yet again he took another deep breath to steady himself, slowly beginning to nod along before leaning into your touch. “Okay,” he whispered.
He didn’t say it, but you could sense how he had actively reached within himself to fint sparks of confidence to give himself over to your request.
Megumi was just used to doing things on his own, never depending on anyone but himself. And up until he met you, that had worked perfectly fine. But faced with a relationship, he had found himself between a rock and a hard place, where exposing himself emotionally to another human being was necessary for it to work — and you were worth every ounce of dedication. Every other aspect of his life had turned miniscule in comparison to you.
He hadn’t exactly made it easy for you to cooperate when it came to his feelings. But that stopped now, fully surrendering to the fragility one could not avoid in a relationship. He knew you’d be there.
“You want me to drive?”
“No, it’s fine,” he sighed, the evidence of tears gone as he sat back up in his seat. He removed your hand from his face to place a soft kiss on your knuckles.
“You’re not still going to run errands, are you?” Your pulse finally started to calm down when you spotted a small smirk lurking at the corner of his lips.
“Not a chance.”
“My place and order in?”
“Sounds perfect.”
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tags (taglist is open)
@sad-darksoul @nyahctrl @ssetsuka @aceakariii @chxlexauriana
@ps-forgetmenot @thejujvtsupost @acowboykisser @rixo-19
@aestheticallyvini @iheartlinds @rory-cakes @tiffanyandrson
a/n okay idk what's happening but i'm not quite vibing with my writing lately... words aren't wording iykwim... however, did yall catch me teasing some angst in here tihi?? look forward to that
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
Picture You II Fridolina Rolfö x Engen!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 2480
a/n: hi, we had this idea for quite a while now and finally got to writing it down, we hope you enjoy it.
Fridolina Rolfö had no explanation for why her relationships always failed.
Her boyfriend of two years had broken up with her out of nowhere and as much as she wanted to feel sad about it, there was some kind of apathy taking over her.
Coincidentally, her teammates had scheduled a team bonding event only a few days after she was dumped.
In hopes that it would ease her pain and appease the younger players, they decided on an ice cream party.
That was how Fridolina found herself sitting in front of a bowl of vanilla ice cream while her teammates uttered words of reassurance to her that she did not want to hear.
“Don’t worry, Frido. We’ll find you a man who’s worthy of you.“ Mapi grinned while pouring sprinkles on top of her chocolate ice cream.
Fridolina looked up at the defender: “Oh… uhm… thanks.“
“Men are so overrated though.“, Cata rolled her eyes.
“Can we change the topic?“, Fridolina asked carefully. She did not want to ruin the mood but she hoped to draw the attention away from herself.
Ingrid gave her a gentle smile, ready to help her friend out.
“My sister will start her job as a photographer for Barca tomorrow.“, she revealed, visibly proud.
Mapis face lit up with excitement: “That’s amazing, Ingrid.“
“Yes, and well deserved. Your sister is so talented.“, Fridolina agreed, relieved but also genuinely happy.
Ingrid beamed, flattered on her sisters behalf: “She will be so happy to hear that.“
Esmee served herself another portion of ice cream: “I’m excited to meet her.“
“You will love her.“, Ingrid promised.
“I’ve no doubt about that.“, Esmee laughed.
“And Mapi and I are making Frido a list for potential blind dates.“, Aitana announced.
Fridolina flinched at the mention.
As she looked over, her two teammates had already scribbled names on an empty sheet of paper.
“How do you even know so many people?“
Mapi shrugged nonchalantly: “We just do.“
“You need to slow down, girls. I’m not sure if I want to date any man right now…“, Frido stopped them.
Mapi and Aitana shared a surprised look.
“Oh, sorry. We only wanted the best for you, Frido. That’s all.“, Aitana apologized.
The Swedish football player nodded: “I know. But maybe I just need break for now.“
Ingrid put a hand on her friends forearm and said softly: “That’s okay, we understand it. You two had been together for quite a while.“
“Yes, but it hasn’t felt right anymore for a long time.“, the blonde admitted.
Alexia shrugged, eating fruit out of her ice cream bowl: “It happens. Sometimes you just fall out of love with someone and you can’t do anything about it.“
The words of her captain resonated deeply with Fridolina who enjoyed the evening more than before now.
“Ingrid, let me breathe.”, you chuckled. It was your first workday for Barcelona as their new photographer, but your sister prevented you from taking photos as she embraced you in a long hug.
“No.”, she shook her head, clearly not ready to let you go yet.
“Please? Hi, everyone.”, you waved politely with your free hand at the players who slowly arrived at the training grounds.
“Hi.”, Mapi grinned.
“Good to see you, Mapi.”, you replied truthfully, relieved to see some familiar faces.
“So happy you got the job.”, the Spanish defender told you thrilled.
“Me too. Also, hey, Caro and Frido!”, you added delighted to see the Scandinavian players.
“Finally, another Norwegian.”, Caroline winked at you.
“Ignore her. Sweden is so much better.”, Fridolina teased her teammate, but swallowed hard at the sight of you, you were even more beautiful than she remembered. Instead, the blonde tried to play down the excitement she felt while looking at you and hugged you casually.
“We won’t discuss this right now.”, Ingrid decided laughing.
“No, but I’m sure you can show me all the great places in the city.”, you glanced at the footballers you knew since your sister played along side them in Wolfsburg.
“That’s more Frido’s thing. She can help you with that and I can teach you the language.”, Caroline declared.
“That’s my sister. Why can’t I show her around and teach her?”, your sibling wanted to know pouting playfully.
Looking between them, Marta announced:” I’m sure you girls will find a way.”
And they did, you easily felt at home in Barcelona with the help of your sister and her friends. It was different to when you visited Ingrid with your family in the past. Step by step you fell in love with the city and its inhabitants.
A few weeks in and you were doing a photo shooting outside with Fridolina for the summer Barca merchandise. The late afternoon sun made her hair and skin appear golden and you had to pause your preparations to remark:” The outfit looks great on you, Frido.”  
“Oh, thank you.”, she beamed at you, making these sporty clothes look effortlessly elegant and timeless.
“It’s true.”, you smiled back while taking a few test shoots to see how well the light, her profile worked together.
“Can I ask you something? When did you start taking photos?”, Fridolina asked you curiously.
Hearing her questions made your smile grew even brighter. “A long time ago. I was like 15 or 16. when I got into it.”, you remembered fondly at the memory.
 “I guess Ingrid and your brother were the test models.”, the Swedish player thought out loud.
“Yes, she was the reason why I became interested in taking sports related pictures.”, you admitted.
Fridolina laughed lightly: “Did she bully you into taking photos of her while playing?“
“No, I saw that they never had any photos of their games so I started doing it. The first ones turned out awful.“, you grinned as you thought back.
The Blonde shrugged: “Isn’t it always like that? The first times I played football, I wasn’t great at it either.“
“You’re right. But taking photos of you is so easy, you’re a natural.“, you replied while you pressed the shutter a few times.
She even looked beautiful doing casual small talk.
But you realized that the collar of her jacket was upturned.
You put your camera down and come closer to fix it for her. After all, the goal was to present the retro looking Barcelona jacket.
Fridolina smiled gratefully at you: “I mean I’ve already done this a few times. But I don’t think I’ve ever felt as comfortable as I do right now.“
You bit your lip to keep yourself from grinning too wide about that compliment.
“Frido, you’re beautiful inside and outside.“, you said without taking your eyes off of her.
Her cheeks slightly blushed: “That’s so sweet of you.“
“Want to change into the second outfit?“, you suggested, giving both of you a break to focus back on the task at hand.
“Sure.“, the Swede said and disappeared into the changing room.
You took a deep breath, grounding yourself again while you waited.
Fridolina emerged in light blue jeans and a slightly oversized shirt in their signature colours that said Barca across the chest.
You shook your head in awe. This woman could literally wear anything.
“Oh, I love that outfit even more.“, you complimented her.
She looked down at herself: “You do?“
“Yes.“, you said while taking a few photos of her.
“I think it would look cute on you too.“, Frido smirked.
“Do you think so?“
You barely finished your question when you noticed that she was already in the motion of pulling the shirt over her head.
“What are you doing?“, you asked laughing.
The football player just handed you the garment: “Here.“
Stunned, you looked at it and the back to Fridolina standing there in her underwear: “Uhm thanks?“
She rolled her eyes with a smile: “No, put it on.“
“Fine.“, you gave in and did as you were told before adding: “But it’s definitely not warm enough for you to just stand there in your sports bra.“
“I guess I should get dressed again.“, she laughed.
You returned the shirt to your model: “Here are your clothes. Hey, that’s my camera.“
You had failed to realize that she had taken your camera and was now taking photos of you with a big grin on her face.
You usually hated being photographed but Fridolina looked too happy so you bit back any comment.
“I’m not leaving without taking a photo of you too.“
“I guess that’s fair even though I’m not as pretty as Ingrid.”, you turned your gaze away from the Swedish woman and looked at the fresh cut grass instead.
“What? Who says? The beauty obviously runs in the family.”, she disagreed.
“Well, my ex-girlfriend said that.”, you shrugged.
“She was a liar then. You’re gorgeous.”, Fridolina observed.
“That means a lot coming from such a stunning woman herself.”, you confessed smiling timidly. For a moment you paused before asking her:” Do you want to see the pictures I made right now or tomorrow?”
“Aw, thank you. Can I see them now?”, curiously she handed you your camera back, where you started to go through the photos you took of her.
“Of course.”, you nodded politely.
 Being this close to you made the blondes heart flutter.
“They’re so nice, y/n.”, Fridolina muttered, suddenly breathlessly.
“Glad you like them. So, I’ll see you before the game tomorrow?”, you changed the topic lightly.
“Sure.”, she beamed at you.
“Goodbye, Frido.”, you responded warmly.
“See you soon, y/n.”, the footballer replied, eagerly anticipating your reunion.
On the next day, you didn’t find the time to catch up with her as you were busy taking the pictures of the arriving players in their pretty matchday outfits. All of them arrived in style.
During the game you were not mesmerized by their beauty but by their beautiful game which you tried to capture with your camera. This was why you wanted to be here, you thought, to watch the best team in Europe thrive in front of your lens. Somehow the Swede always managed to get your attention as you would notice later while seeing through the photos.
When the referee blew the final whistle, Fridolina run to you to pull you into a hug, while you whispered into your ear:” Frido you had an amazing game.”
“Thanks”, she hummed, while her blue eyes sparkled with excitement.
“Well played.”, you couldn’t help but to rave about her performance.
“Appreciate it.”, the fellow Scandinavian mumbled.
“But I got to go around now to take some more shots.”, you explained winking, as you stepped away from her hug. Which had to be completely friendly and nothing more, right? Because she was 100 % straight. Nothing seemed gay about her. Still some signals your sister’s best friend send were quite confusing.
“Y/n, wait!”, Fridolina yelled your name nervously, attempting to hold you back.
“What?”, you turned your head confused.
“Frido, there you’re. My friend wants to meet you.”, Mapi grinned at her taller teammate, nodding into a direction of a very handsome man waiting in the stands, the sight of him, making your stomach turn. He and her would be a pretty couple.
To your surprise, Fridolinas gaze remained fixed on you.
Reluctantly she turned to Mapi, deliberately ignoring the man.
“Mapi, I’m sorry but I’m not interested. I was about to ask y/n to go on a date with me.“, she apologized but her voice was firm and determined.
“What?!“, you and Mapi gasped at the same time, looking at each other in confusion.
Fridolina remained unimpressed: “Uhm yes. I’m actually not straight. You all just assume that because I date men too.“
After a moment of silence, Mapi started to grin like she only now understood the joke that you failed to get: “No, you always dated men since we know you.“
“That still doesn’t make me straight.“, Fridolina replied matter-of-factly.
You would be impressed by her attitude, if you were any less confused.
Mapi had stopped smiling and watched her teammate attentively.
“That’s right.“, you agreed slowly.
The Swede turned back to you: “So… would you go out with me?“
You nodded: “I’d.“
“Really?“, Fridolina asked again.
This time, your face finally reflected your excitement. You smiled: “Yes.“
You both just beamed at each other.
“Ingrid! You won’t believe it!“, Mapi bounced up and down as she called for your sister.
Ingrid joined the three of you: “Believe what?“
“Frido asked your sister out!“, Mapi yelled.
You cringed slightly, hearing it out loud and refused to look at Ingrid.
“What do you mean Frido asked her out? Like on a date?“, your sister asked. Her perfect eyebrows knotted together.
Mapi nodded enthusiastically: “Yes, exactly that.“
“That’s so cute.“
“Oh my god, Frido. You’re full of surprises!“, Ona interrupted, patting the blonde football player on the shoulder and you silently wondered who else had overheard your conversation.
Fridolina raised her eyebrows: “Am I? Or did you just never ask?“
“You’re right. We never asked. We just assumed you were straight. Sorry.“, Ona admitted but she looked less sorry and more happy for her teammate.
You thought their reactions were kind of adorable.
“It’s fine. I just didn’t think I owed you an explanation.“, Fridolina replied politely.
You could not help yourself. You gently took her hand in yours and squeezed it once. There was no way you could contain your admiration for her.
“You didn’t need to.“, you said softly.
Her attention shifted back to you. “The fact that I dated men before you doesn’t change my feelings for you, I hope you know that.“
“During that photoshoot I felt it. But I thought you might just be nice. Now I know I was wrong.“, you chuckled.
Fridolina visibly bit back a smile: “Sorry. I was hoping I’d send the right signals.“
“You did! I was just blind and - … “
You were unable to finish your sentence. Fridolinas soft lips pressed against yours all of a sudden, right there on the field in front of everyone.
“Maybe this was clearer?”, she asked in a hopeful tone.
“Yes, it was.”, you nodded smiling.
In the background you heard your sister telling her girlfriend” Okay, Mapi, I think I need a bit of time to get used to my best friend kissing my sister.”
“You better should hurry up. They’re hitting it off right away.”, the Spaniard punched her playfully in the side, wearing an amused grin on her lips while watching you being showered with kisses by the Swede.
“I see that.”, Ingrid laughed. She knew it would be weird at first, but seeing her favourite people being happy with each other warmed her heart.
For once you didn’t have your camera to capture the moment but the picture of the first kiss with Fridolina after the match would be forever engraved inside your brain.
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" But daddy, I love him "
Mattheo Riddle x Fem!Potter!Reader
Part 2
Summary: Harry finds out his sister is dating Mattheo Riddle Ft. James, Lily, Remus, Sirius - No war au }
Wc- 5178
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, a lot of people saying a lot of mean things, sexual themes cussing}
A/n: Possible part 2 later
Mattheo Riddle had a reputation for himself. Everyone knew him bloodied before they'd seen him presentable. A Hotwire, fizzling and popping, just waiting for the next person to cross him in a way he deemed punishable, ‘the muggle way.’
He never truly had a distaste for muggles or muggleborns, but they stayed clear of him regardless. Voldemort's son was like a cautionary tale told through the halls, of just how ruthless and unhinged death eaters could be. His mother, Beatrix Lestrange, in Azkaban for life for such cruelties, his father had a name no one dared to say. That left very little to the imagination, or maybe just too much? 
Another thing about Mattheo Riddle, he never said what he was thinking, he only acted. So no one knew the true boy outside of his blinding rage, insatiable flirting and the horrid legacy his parents so carefully wove for him. No one, aside from you.
It wasn't supposed to be this way, truly, it was just an assignment.
“I have a student, he is failing in my class, but I know he has so much potential to do better.” McGonagall began. “If you tutor him, I will give you credits towards one of your less favorable classes.”
Was it bribery? Yes, was it technically against school policy? Most definitely. Were you going to say no to free credits for the history of magic? Absolutely not.
You should have been clued in, when she didn't tell you who you were tutoring, but like your father and brother, your eye was on the prize. Instead of a snitch, however, yours were the new napping opportunities in your least favorite subject. 
You were told by the professor that the study sessions would take place during dinner, and you were allowed to request food from the house elves before or after the meetings. You had to wonder; why was this student getting all these special treatments? And what did you have to do with it?  Imagine your surprise when you walked into the library when dinner was taking place, only for your eyes to land on the candle lit silhouette of Mattheo Riddle himself.
You knew him, of course you did, his father had tried to kill your entire family, while you didn't endure the worst of it, Merlin, you were still in your mothers stomach at the time, your fathers horror stories of the DeathEaters and the recounting of the night was so etched into your brain you could likely recall it as if you stood in that room. The day your father saved the wizarding world, by simply, picking up his wand from the couch when he opened the door. 
Despite it all, you tried not to judge him by the actions of his father, so that the only thing you had left were the numerous bloodied fights he'd been a part of since he walked through the doors of Hogwarts. Not to mention the amount of broken hearted witches that clung to his heels.
Though, now, as you stared at him across the empty Library, he seemed so… peaceful. Calm and reserved, maybe it was the yellow light, or maybe it was the way he seemed to be genuinely enraptured by whatever he was reading. Sitting patiently, just waiting. Waiting for you. You quickly snapped out of your daze, walking forward to stand in front of him.
Mattheo lazily glanced up before his eyes widened slightly and his mouth opened a bit in slack shock. “Potter.”
“Riddle.” You acknowledged him. He didn't seem offended or bothered by your presence, more, confused. There was an easy silence between you two before you gestured to the seat beside him. “May I?”
“... be my guest.” 
That's where it all started. Mattheo was nothing like who you thought he'd be. He was respectful, kind, studious and incredibly clever. You had to admit, Minerva was right, he had incredible potential beyond what he seemed to think of himself. He just needed time to sit down and work, instead of his usual activities, and whatever impression he was trying to make for himself.
Your meetings were frequent, and his grades started to improve. As you got closer, the change in his behavior in class was the first thing you noticed. He began to actually work in potions, probably the only class you shared being a year younger and a Griffondor. You heard from Harry that he had actually scored higher than most of their shared class in Transfiguration. Though, it was a comment out of malice, you couldn't deny how it made you preen with pride.
In the halls you were strangers, but in your personal nook of the library, you were a deadly dynamic. He was a flirt, you knew that before, but he never said the raunchy things he'd say to the girls in the halls he'd flirt with, to you. The occasional comment on your eyes or your calligraphy, maybe some that toed the line of platonic study buddies. You figured that was how he showed affection, but you had no real reference point for it. 
If it was another thing that you knew about Mattheo that not many others knew, it was that he adored praise. All forms of it. He would get bashful and try to hide away from it, but you would see how much harder he tried to impress you everytime. You found it amusing, you would hear the teachers praise him and he'd simply shrug it off, trying to play it cool. But in those private moments between.. friends, when you were revising his essay, with mutters of, “That's a spectacular way to look at it, Riddle.”
“That's brilliant. You're brilliant.”
He would turn as red as a tomato. It made you smile. This was the version of him no one else could or ever would have. It made you cocky, it made you want more of the secret Mattheo, the one he only showed to the closest people.
You had gotten so used to Mattheo’s presence. He had stayed out of trouble, been doing wonderfully in his classes, and he still insisted on your study dates. Said they were the only thing keeping him interested in the classes he took. Ever the flirt.
You guessed being used to Mattheo Riddle of all people was the first part to an awful downward spiral. You had fallen for him. Hard. 
You first noticed when he had to cancel one of your meetings. He was passing you in the hall, two Prefects had him by his forearms, and Snape was rattling on about a proper punishment for him. He had a cut lip and a gnarly battered nose. You were on your way to the library to meet, but when you made eye contact with him you visibly deflated. He had that stupid cocky look on his face, teeth stained red as he winked at a few girls he passed, focusing on anything but Snape’s words.
When his eyes met yours, however, his lips twitched and his eyes lost their twinkle. Like a puppy being told no. Or properly, a boy ashamed. And he should feel ashamed.
You had forgotten who he was when you weren't buried in your books. So for the first time in weeks, you were at the Gryffindor dining table, across from Ginny and Seamus, poking at your food in disinterest. Surrounded by friends and family, and yet so incredibly lonely. Ginny eventually caved to your moping, looking over with a loud click of her tongue. 
“{Y/N}?” She called over and your eyes flicked up and an easy smile took over your face. “Ginny?”
“It's good to see you, you've been avoiding the dining hall for a while now.” She teased and leaned her legs forward to lock her ankles around one of yours to keep you in place. You couldn't help but give a cheeky grin at this.
“Well, I would argue anything is better than being forced to watch you make heart eyes at my brother.” You shot back and Harry looked up from his plate curious, met with the view of you being smacked in the face with a bun. 
“Hey!” You challenged and grabbed your own bun before you heard your head of house clear her throat behind you. Slowly, you set down the bread and looked back at her as she gave you a quizzing look. Clearly confused by you being there, asking with her eyes. Not even having noticed the gluten assault.
“Rain check.” You remarked and shrugged before she let out a simple ‘ah’ and walked off. This just set off Ginny’s and now Harry’s curiosity. 
“What was all that? Thought you were meeting a boy, if I'm honest, now I'm not sure.” Ron mumbled and Harry tilted his head at you. 
“Ew, don't say that, that's my baby sister.” Harry huffed and looked over at you. His expression said it all. “What have you been getting up to?”
You stared at him before slowly smirking, leaning your chin on your palm. “Huh, well, me and Ginny are the same age-”
Then, another bun, to your face, courtesy of your brother. “That's enough out of you.” He huffed.
That's how you got here. Sitting in the forbidden woods, trying to demonstrate to Mattheo how to use a patronus, something your parents showed you when you were younger. Your study rendezvous has long since become time to study more than just your core classes. No one else was around, just you two, while everyone else was hidden away in the grand hall eating. 
“So, firstly, this is a spell that most wizards and witches cannot use. So don't be afraid if you never come to pass.” You explained and he rolled his eyes playfully.
“Right, if I'm not past the level you were at as a toddler, end my misery early.” He teased and you gave a playful scoff and crossed your arms. “Not a toddler, just 12.”
He rolled his eyes with his own smirk playing on his lips. You found yourself staring at the peak of his teeth, threw his lips, you felt your entire body respond in kind. “To be fair, you don't need to feel self conscious, I mean, I am leagues above you, even now.”
He gave an offended gasp and put his hand on his chest. His smirk turned wolfish as he walked up to your side. “Is that a challenge, Potter?”
“Define a challenge, I usually just call it confidence.” You quipped and he gave you a once over, you rolled your eyes fondly. 
“Okay, minx, I get three tries. If I summon my patronus, you have to go to Hogsmeade with me this Sunday.” He mused and leaned into your space. You smirked and stood taller, wetting your lips before you glanced from his eyes to his lips then back. “Let's hope you prove me wrong then, Riddle.”
He did not. Prove you wrong, that is. 
Once you told Riddle about the happy memory clause, he seemed less confident. He wasn't even able to produce sparks, and got increasingly agitated with each failure. Usually, he would pull out a smoke and take a break, and you were curious as to why he didn't.
Every other day before you grew close, you would spy him smoking with his friends in the courtyard, but when you mentioned you hated the smell in the library, he started to hold off until after to smoke.
At least, that's what he told you. He would not tell you the truth, that the moment you told him you hated the smell he chucked the last box he had into the black lake.
Mattheo went through his life without any real care. He only ever experienced fear, anger, and disappointment directed at him. He had his friends, Draco, Theodore, Pansy, even Blaise but none of them were particularly affectionate. Past his playful flirting with Pansy, that he now used as a reference for your friendship, he didn't truly have positive influences on his emotions.
Usually, that would result in him using a poor girl or two to get over whatever he was hung up on. Then, he met you. 
Out of everyone, he figured you had reason to hate him most. His father tried to kill your family, his mother killed your parents' friends, his current friends bullied your brother, and he was assumed a death eater before proven one. But that night, he was proven wrong for the first time, when you sat down next to him and smiled. He had never seen something so breathtaking, something that was meant for him.
He had felt for women before, physical and emotional, but never had he experienced you. In all honesty, he never truly looked at you before. You were Harry Potter’s sister, that was enough reason to stay away. Merlin, did he fuck up.
Being friends with you was hardly acceptable, but falling for you? It made him feel all the more pathetic. Knowing he was falling for someone who would never think of dating him. Here he was, making the worst mistakes of his life over and over again.
“Don't get in your head about it.” Your voice called him from his thoughts. He snapped out of it and looked at you. You tilted your head and smiled, hands on your hips in determination. You had taken off your robe, as if to say you meant business. Sleeves rolled up to your elbows and wand brandished. “Just think about something that makes you happy. Happy enough to smile at nothing.” 
“Smile at nothing?” He muttered in an amused tone. Breathing you in like fresh air.
“At. Nothing.” You insisted and waved your wand. “My memory is when my dad took me to visit my grandparents' graves.” You hummed and he gave a startled laugh. 
“Morbid, darling.”
“Oh, not like that.” You laughed. “I listened to my dad talk about them, like, all the time. Mum too.”
You gestured to the pond and his eyes followed yours. “My dad made it easy, it felt like I was really meeting them, ya know? He talked about me and Harry like we were the most important things in his life. I think I felt his love for them in me too, but towards him. I just felt so lucky.” 
Mattheo stared at your awe filled eyes and he gave a small sigh through his nose. It was out of fondness, of course, but he couldn't deny the bit of jealousy that perked up in his chest when she said that. “Yeah.. lucky.” He mumbled.
You looked back at him and your face fell a bit. You had just spent the last two minutes rubbing your fathers love in his face- Merlin. You slowly gave a cautious smile, considering he was still staring at you like you hung the stars. It maked your ears grow hot and your nerves light up.
You reached over to graze his hand, and he seemed to snap out of his trance, slowly, he wrapped his hand around yours, his calloused fingers covering your hand fully. You guys sat like that for a moment, before you raised your wand higher and stepped closer. Leaning your head against his chest and waving it. 
Your patronus whipped out of your wand, the fox wiggling its nose in greeting before she ran around you two in circles. You began to laugh at her enthusiasm, and Mattheo even gave a chuckle. Your eyes on your patronus, his eyes on you. How was he going to win anyway? He was making his happiest memories now.
“I think I can try again.” He whispered and you looked up at him, your patronus vanishing behind you as you lost your focus. He was giving you a look you had never seen before, it was almost dangerous, how easy it was for him to make a mess of you. 
“You think?” You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything above a whisper. He pulled you flush against him, taking the dazed look you were giving him as confirmation. You wanted him too. He could have fainted. 
“Want to help me?”
You got your answer, in the form of his lips pressing so gently against yours. It was electric, your entire face grew hot and you forgot how to breathe for a moment. His hands found a firmer grip on your waist and you slowly wrapped your arms around his neck. You lost yourself in the kiss, letting him lead as he clearly had more experience.
Mattheo couldn't help it, maybe this wouldn't be a mistake. Maybe it was only fair. Being with you made him feel human, like just another boy falling for just another girl. He wanted to feel like this forever. Normal, with you.
He did not try again that night, far too distracted.
You met him like that several more times, dinner study bled into evenings, innocent touches became intimate, and bold teases became hushed whispers in his dorm room. The very dorm room you were coming back from now. Walking back just after curfew. 
When you made it back to the common room the first thing you noticed was your own reflection, your hair was frazzled and your uniform was creased. You found yourself wondering how all of that could happen from just a kiss. Followed by a few more. And then some more,, you could completely understand how it happened, actually. You’ll remember it forever.
Once you fixed your appearance, the second thing  you noticed was Harry sitting on the couch with a parchment on his lap, next to him was a nervous Ron and a shockingly ridgid Hermione. Harry’s eyes were on you, Ron’s was on his hands, and Hermione was faking reading a book. You pause before you made it to the stairs, slowly walking over to the three. “Hey you guys! What are we up to?”
“Nothing, just been waiting a few hours.” Harry snarked and you narrowed your eyes in confusion. Suddenly you remembered, you had agreed to meet the trio out for Quidditch practice, they had managed to just get enough people for two full teams, guilt filled your chest. 
“Shoot, Harry I am so-” Before you could even start to grovel he stood up and Hermione sighed, Ron quickly speaking up.
“Where were you?” Harry demanded.
“Come on, Harry.” Ron tried to interrupt. “At least not in the common room.”
“What?” You whispered and Harry shoved the parchment in your hands. It wasn't just any piece of paper, it was the map. Your fathers map. 
Your jaw went slack and you looked up at Harry, Your guilt was quickly overturned by anger. “Were you stalking me!?” You exclaimed and thanked Merlin the common room was empty this late.
“I thought something had happened! Don't deflect! Where were you?!”
“None of your business you slime!”
“You come out of the Slytherin dorms with Voldemort’s son and it's none of my business?” He whisper hissed, You scoffed. 
“Yes, none of your business!” You snapped back and threw the map on the ground. “I don't have to answer to you! And his name is Mattheo!” You hissed back and stepped on the charmed paper, dragging it under your heel. “You’d do best to remember that. I'm not a bloody kid, Harry!”
“You're my sister!” He challenged and you scoffed.
“He's a monster! A Slytherin, his parents are horrid, and our-”
“Do not say another word, Harry.” You threatened as you began to stomp off to your dorm and he huffed. Kneeling down to pick up the parchment and dust it off. 
“I’ll make it easy for you.” He called over and you turned to face him with a glare. “You break up with him, or I’ll tell father over the summer.”
Your face fell and your heart stopped. Harry had this look about him, like he didn't want to be doing this, but yet, he was. 
“You wouldn’t-” You spoke slowly and Harry sighed. 
“Two days.”
Those two days were blissful hell. You weren't going to break up with Mattheo, there was no way in muggle hell you were going to willingly give him up.
You did try to talk to him about it, however, several times. At least to warn him why he may have a war hero Auror setting a bounty on his head soon. Your father was protective, far more than you thought was necessary, but he treated everyone as black or white. Usually, everyone was allowed his love and care, that being said, Voldemort was a sore subject.
You would say you were trying your best, but Mattheo was so… Mattheo. He was hard to talk to. A very… physical person? He would complain about how you would be leaving the school in mere days for summer, followed by you being drowned in kisses and wandering hands.
Merlin two days was not enough. Next thing you knew, you were home, in your room, counting the minutes until your mother called you down for dinner.
You began to bite your nails, scrunching up your face when you bit down too far. You sighed as you heard Lily call you and Harry down.
You walked into the hall to see Harry waiting at the top of the staircase for you. He looked regretful, but stern. “Harry-”
“I’ll give you the chance. To tell them yourself.” He mumbled before he walked down the stairs. You mentally prepared yourself and walked as slow as you could down the stairs. Not noticing as Harry glanced at your neck.  
When you walked into the dinning room, your heart dropped. Your mother, father, Uncle Moony, and Uncle Padfoot were all at the table. You cursed and clenched your jaw, Harry stared down at his plate and you sat beside him by Remus. You gave your mom a small thank you as she served you. Sirius and your father were making jokes about their Quidditch days after Harry bragged about their most recent win. You relished in the moment, before all hell broke loose.
You asked your father a question about the story, just trying to seem engaged. He lit up at your interest, turning to face you fully. “Well! When you're a beater, there is this unspoken rule that everyone follows and.. what the bloody hell is that?” 
You narrowed your eyes at his sudden tone change. “What?” You whispered as you looked around the table, all eyes were on you. You took a shaken breath and bit your cheek. “I-”
“That's a hickey, dad.” Harry muttered and took a bite of his food. Your face fell and all the blood left it.
“A what!?” He exclaimed and fixed his glasses on his face, you quickly covered your collarbone. Sirius gripped his silverware, hard, taking a steady breath. “How old are ya, hun?” He asked and you snapped your attention to him. Stuttering and stammering for a moment.
“I think the better question is, who did that? It's bloody horrific.” Remus muttered and you stared up at him with wide, horrified eyes. “U-uncle Moony!”
“Boys, calm down. She's 16, and James, we talked about this. Our kids will be dating soon, I mean, Harry has that Ginny girl and you never fuss at him.” Lily tried to defend and James scoffed. 
“This is hardly the same! I raised him! I don't know a thing about this boy!”
“Or girl.” Remus smirked and James felt his face fall in shock and you groaned, slowly covering your face.
“Remus.” Lily hissed out. “James.” She warned before Sirius spoke up. 
“Fine, fine, it's all fine. I mean, what harm could he do? We've taught her everything she needs to know about the world. Probably some Hufflepuff boy.” He tried to dismiss, and Remus, ever the instigator tonight, spoke up again.
“I'd be shocked if a Hufflepuff did that to my nieces neck.” He mumbled and James began to breathe quicker and heavier.
“Right, right, fine. You're being safe, right?” He asked bluntly and you groaned, melting into your seat. “Please, anything but this conversation right now.”
Lily gave a small fond smile and tutted at the boys. “Well honey, you should invite him over this summer break. I'd love to meet him.” She offered and then Harry gave a laugh. You shot him a look. “Don't you dare.”
“Dare. Very much dare, Harry.” Sirius quipped and Harry looked at you with a pursed lip before he sighed and spoke up. “Don't think you'd want him here is all.”
“Harry.” You warned, Lily sighing. “Harry, you stop that right now.” 
“What? I'm just being honest, dad and padfoot hate Slytherins.” He mused plainly, and James dropped his silverware. 
Sirius gave a laugh, throwing his head back before it slowly died out as he saw your red face. “No-”
“Why does his house matter?” You scoffed. “Not all Slytherins are the same.”
“Yeah, just so happens that he's just the type dad hates.” Harry muttered before he took a sip of water. “Happens to be one he particularly-”
“Harry James Potter!” Lily shouted at him and he had enough sense to seem guilty. He looked down as you tried to sink deeper into your seat. 
“I had a feeling.” Remus spoke up and you looked at him in shock. He gave you a side eyed glance. “You had a quidditch jersey in your bag. You don't play and certainly not for Slytherin.”
You looked down at your hands on your lap as your father shouted. “Why didn't you tell us, Remus!”
“This,” He gestured with his fork towards his husband and best friend. “You're terrifying the poor girl. I saw the name, I have to agree with Harry, you'd lose it.”
“What?” James snapped and Lily slammed her hands on the table. “Will you cut it out? All three of you! Do you want her to hide things from us forever? She'll tell us in her own time.”
Sirius groaned and began to pick at his food. “Whatever. As long as it isn't Malfoy.” He huffed and you shyly shook your head. Sirius gave an exaggerated groan of relief. “Thank Merlin.” 
“Who did that, sweetheart?” James prodded with a warning glare from Lily. “James.” She whispered and they locked eyes. They held that look before he clicked his tongue. 
“I asked you a question, niffler.” James prodded, and Lily slowly closed her eyes, covering her face.
“Dad, I really think-”
“Your dad asked you something.” Remus suddenly spoke up and you looked over at him to meet his eyes. Then it hit you. What he had said moments ago. He knew. 
“Y/N.” Sirius prodded and Lily gave you a sympathetic look. She could command your father on a lot of things. But never about you and Harry.
“Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle.” Harry suddenly spoke up, and your blood ran cold. You sunk as deep as you could into your seat and Lily gave a squeak of surprise, before covering her mouth. Remus thinned his lips and clenched his jaw. 
“No you aren't.” James said simply and you covered your face.
“{Y/N}. No you aren't.”
“Dad, please.” You sniffed, overwhelmed. You sat up and straightened yourself. “He isn't some, bad guy-”
Remus scoffed and Sirius slammed his fist on the table. “His father-!”
“He isn't his father!” You challenged, shooting up from your seat and glaring at your uncle. “You of all people should understand that!”
“Watch your mouth.” James hissed and stood up as well. You scoffed and threw your hands up. “I don't understand! He's done nothing wrong! Nothing to any of us! I get that he's not this image you had in your head of what you wanted for me-”
“Dorcas.. Marlene.” Your mother whispered and your body stiffened. You looked over at your mother and your heart broke at her distress. You reached out and she sniffled, dismissing herself. Your shoulders fell and you looked back to your father. 
He was staring at you with a look you've never seen.
“Your room. Now.”
“Dad! That's not fair in the slightest I-”
“Room!” He boomed and you sniffled before running off. Slamming the dining room door behind you as you walked upstairs. 
It would be a long summer.
Mattheo was missing you. He had been missing you for days now. You said you would write to him, but he didn't get a single letter. He figured it was likely you were busy, you did have a family to distract you after all. 
So, he wrote you a letter instead. He didn't want to think about how desperate it sounded, how desperate he was for you. He didn't look over it more than once before he sent it.
Little did he know, the second James heard an owl outside, he shot to his feet and hurried to intercept it. You were ever oblivious, in your parents room as you and Lily shared one of many heartfelt conversations over the brief summer. Your mother was doing her best to understand, but it was trouble, trying to believe he wasn't doing this for some master plan down the line. You both went quiet when you heard your father call you both.
When you walked into the parlor room, you sat down on the couch, You looked at the table in front of you and grimaced, You'd know that parchment anywhere. 
There was a long pause, before James spoke up. “The last time I saw this parchment, it was a letter Beatrix Lestrange sent us in our third safe house. Telling us she knew where we were, and that she was coming. Coming to kill your family, {Y/N}.” He leaned forward and picked up the letter and you refused to look him in the eyes.
“It’s nostalgic, really. But these words? ‘I yearn for you. I look at my textbooks from over the years and I wonder what it would be like to have you read them to me’.” He declared. “ ‘You made even the most complex of spells doable. You made things doable’.”
Your mother couldnt help but smile a bit at his words. You grimaced.
“Charming, isnt it? If only the rest of the letter wasnt riddled with innuendo of what this fuck wants to do to my daughter.”
You winced and sighed, the grimace not leaving your face. Mattheo that.. Idiot.
Then,, your mother began to laugh, and James looked at her from the corner of his eyes. “What? Is this funny?”
“Quite.” She smirked. “Sounds like the letters you would send me in school. I used to burn them.” 
He scoffed and leaned back in his seat. “That makes me feel fantastic. He’s a bastard like I was in school.”
“Well.” Lily spoke slowly. “Look at us now.” 
Lily looked over at you just in time for you to glance up and meet her eyes. She smiled sweetly before she continued. “I think its sweet.”
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dany-is-my-queen · 3 months
Rhaenyra Targaryen x reader, Alicent Hightower x reader
Word count: 2.4k
Summary: When dragons of green and dragons of black dance, you have to choose the color that suits you best.
Note: @nnightskiess have not forgotten, hope I don´t make you suffer before the series resumes 😣
Note 2: Thanks everybody for the patience!!! Lots of love.
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"It will be okay," you heard the whisper, but the voice was unrecognizable, heightening your alertness. The fire intensified, burning your skin like never before.
You wanted to scream, use your voice to provide support, but in vain. "Y/N," you heard, but where was it coming from? "Y/N," louder now.
"Wake up," you finally managed to open your eyes; Alicent was by your side, concerned. "We need to bring down that fever," she said, trying to get up, and you snapped out of the trance.
"Is Rhaenyra okay?" you asked abruptly.
Alicent hesitated for a moment, then looked away. "Is Rhaenyra okay?" she echoed your question; cursing internally, you took her hand before she could stand. “I was worried about you, I am," she replied.
You squeezed her hand, then brought her hands to your face. Suddenly, a sensation took over your entire body. Silverwing was back. You needed fresh air to decipher the message of that nightmare.
Alicent looked at you with more confusion; you quickly got out of bed, dressed, and gave her a fleeting kiss, but it felt cold. Before she could even react, you found yourself in the dragon pit, facing a youngling who seemed unfazed by your dragon's presence. You regarded him with genuine curiosity.
"Are you new here?" you inquired sincerely. He turned to meet your gaze.
"Not entirely. My name is Addam, my lady."
"They can sense fear, so I advise against exposing yourself if you're not prepared," you advised, soothing your dragon with a gentle stroke.
He chuckled innocently, gesturing towards the cave adjacent to yours. "I haven't quite earned Seasmoke's utter trust yet, but we're making progress."
You furrowed your brow, prompting another laugh from him. "Why the surprise? Don't I have the demeanor of a dragonrider?"
You detected a hint of a familiar gaze in him, reflected in his eyes. "And your second name?"
"Once Rivers, now Velaryon," he declared firmly.
"Did you manage to tame my brother's dragon?" A touch of sadness tinted the conversation. "Whose son are you?"
"I believe it's time we speak to our father."
A few days had passed since that disorienting morning, the unsettling dream, and the revelation of your "brother." You were grappling with a sense of disorientation, and encountering the girl you once held dear was becoming unbearable. Joffrey's arrival in the capital added to your uncertainty, leaving you unsure if his anger towards you would dissipate. You abandoned everyone while intending to be with everybody.
Despite Corlys's attempts to engage you in private conversation, you rebuffed him, as it reminded you too much of your mother. Did she know? If he did, did he share his secret too? It was a burden you couldn't bear to confront at the moment.
Upon entering the room, only Daemon and Rhaenyra were present, apparently engaged in a heated argument.
"Your Grace, did you summon me?" you asked calmly to her, while Daemon sighed in annoyance upon noticing you.
"Here comes your whore," Daemon directed his hatred towards you, never having liked you. What a surprise.
"You will refer to her with respect, am I clear?" Rhaenyra ordered him.
"I've told her a thousand times that you're no longer interested in her, that you chose my brother's widow over her, and that she's the one who has you wrapped around her finger, that she should have forgotten about you a long time ago. You filthy traitor.”
You couldn't contain yourself and stooped to his level, simply recalling the kind of man he has always been and how he forced your sister Laena to stay and perish in a place foreign to her home. Laena deserved someone much better, just like Rhaenyra.
"Why don't you go back to Pentos and stay there for the rest of your days? Here, you'll never be more than a second son, a prince consort, and a first-rate oaf," you spat angrily. He grazed his sword with his hand, gripping it tightly, so you did the same with yours.
"I should have ripped your head off when I had the chance or pierced Dark Sister through your skull like I did with your pathetic, deviant brother. You disgust me just like he did," he confessed to the crime that haunted you for far too long since all the incidents at Driftmark, which instinctively led you to draw your sword in a flash before he or the Queen could react. He was stronger and taller than you, but you managed to bring him down to the floor, threateningly placing the blade at his throat. He just let out an insolent chuckle without attempting to defend himself.
"Oh, fret not, don't want you to be upset with my dear wife afterwards. She had nothing to do with it. We were going to let him go with his fifth-rate knight, but I figured he might do something stupid, as people of your kind often do. So I took care of it," he concluded, recounting his story with the corresponding details. You brought the sword closer to his neck, scratching it slightly.
"Go ahead, thrust it, I dare you," he began. Your body felt on fire, along with your anger and helplessness. You wanted to end him there and then, that cunt was a killer. “Oh, right, you don't have it in you. Could it be that you're reluctant because you'd rather shield Rhaenyra from glimpsing your less flattering traits? Are you afraid she won't love you the same way?"
"Y/N, please stop. I didn't know, I would have never allowed it. The plan and what we agreed upon with Laenor was to escape free of all burdens and responsibilities. If I could go back, I swear I would change it, I would change my decisions. He dithered because of you, he didn't want to leave you behind, nor Laena. I'm so sorry," she sincerely spoke with her voice filled with honesty. "You're better than this."
"But you're not better at fucking her," he murmured arrogantly. That's when you had enough, and with the hilt of Nightrider, you struck him, rendering him unconscious. You couldn't bear to hear any more poison coming from his mouth.
"Y/N… listen," Rhaenyra tried to get your attention, but you weren't interested in hearing her now. You stood up and left the room without uttering another word. Whatever she said next never reached your ears. "Don't walk away from me..”
After Haelena's little one got murdered, the whole funeral ordeal, and all those revenge promises, Alicent ended up at the lake on the outskirts of King’s Landing. She was decked out in this white dress, her eyes carrying regret and fear. She knew things were about to go downhill fast; her mind was stuck on snapshots from her youth—like that time with you on Silverwing, cradling their tiny ones for the first time, holding her mom's hand exploring castles near the Hightower.
You came up, giving her a hug from behind, understanding her need for space but also getting she didn't want to be left alone, especially now. You trailed her quietly, wrapping your arms around her slim waist. The mist lifted, the water thickened. Your face found its way to the nape of her neck, planting a shy kiss; she felt the warmth of your lips, defying the chilly air.
No words were traded that time, and none were needed. Just being there for each other was what you craved at that very moment, just feeling.
The early mornings persisted in tormenting you, and the same phlegm-filled scene was all that your retina perceived after witnessing the decapitation of the primary traitors to Rhaenyra, among them Otto. Your loyalty seemed to have lost its value; no one knew which side you were on, and a sense of unease pervaded your being. Doubt inundated your thoughts, and it inflicted more damage on Alicent than anyone else. It had to cease.
"Y/N…" she called out to you, finding you in the corridors. However, you chose to ignore her, as you had in the preceding days, even after her father's demise. "Will this continue in this manner? You no longer sleep in our room. What has occurred? Please, talk to me," she insisted. Nevertheless, you persisted in disregarding her. You had to act in accordance with what felt right at that moment. "We don't know where Aegon is or if he's well. My father has been beheaded, my children are distant, and Helaena scarcely leaves her chamber. I have no allies here. I feel like I'm losing you too." Her voice broke, accentuating your growing indifference, if that were even possible.
"Tell me why you're trying to conceal it if you have something to say."
You loved Alicent; there was no doubt about that. You loved her enough to spare her from this situation. Or were you merely succumbing to the same cowardice as years ago, when you sought her out solely because Rhaenyra had labeled you a whore?
"I'm sorry about your father," you murmured, still unable to articulate your thoughts.
"She did this, Y/N. She's here to seize everything, not just the throne but you as well. Will you allow it?"
Your countenance reflected an acute internal conflict. Alicent clung to the hope that what followed would be erroneous.
"Do you still love her after all she's done to us? Has she twisted you to her will once again so swiftly?" Each question was infused with pure pain, yet she desperately needed to hear you confess.
Your silence only served to confirm it; you had become mute.
"We've become a love that inflicts pain," you finally articulated.
"Is that all you have to say?"
"Aemond could return at any moment; you need to speak with him."
"So he forgives the lives of the usurpers?" she asked incredulously, displaying annoyance.
"We don't desire more deaths, Alicent. She is our rightful queen—" before you could complete the sentence, you felt Alicent's hand on your cheek. It was impulsive, born out of desperation, driven by jealousy, perhaps a culmination of various emotions; yet, she did not regret it in that moment.
You regarded her with surprise, but it was not unexpected. You had behaved like an immature 16-year-old girl, and she was unwilling to endure it again.
Rhaenyra was acutely aware of the imperative to persistently fortify her position within the heart of King's Landing. The lingering skepticism among a considerable number of individuals, who still refused to acknowledge her as the rightful queen, was more than mere whispers. It extended to some influential figures within the court, casting doubt on her legitimacy.
Simultaneously, Rhaenyra grasped the precariousness of abandoning the capital. The impending return of the middle Green brother signaled an imminent counterattack to reclaim the city. Aemond's unpredictable nature made it unclear how he would navigate the situation. Entrusting one of the Greens' scarce dragons to him, coupled with his lack of finesse in delicate matters, heightened the uncertainty.
The ensuing events took an unforeseen turn as the young prince and his dragon loitered on the outskirts of the city, in a secluded village where Vhagar had been observed for several weeks. Uncertainty loomed over Aemond's course of action, but Rhaenyra was wary of potential surprises.
"The Prince is in close proximity. His dragon incessantly circles the vicinity," reported the maester. Rhaenyra's countenance betrayed no overt concern, yet a flicker of resentment tinged her gaze at the mention of Aemond. It was only a matter of time.
"Let's pay my half-brother an unanticipated visit," Rhaenyra declared. Her gaze met yours, and it was evident that her directive for you to accompany her was not a matter of choice but a command. "And lady y/n, you're coming with me."
Your immediate acknowledgement underscored the non-negotiable nature of the order. "Yes, Your Grace," you replied succinctly. "It's prudent to intercept him before he reaches the city. The devastation he has wrought on remote villages, even among his allies, could escalate significantly if he arrives here."
"Exactly. I must engage him away from the populace. His intent is not only to seize my throne but obliterate what is rightfully ours," she concluded.
Daemon's audible discontent with being excluded was met with Rhaenyra's response. "Silverwing surpasses Caraxes in size. Moreover, your presence is essential here in case the usurper decides on an unforeseen return," she retorted, her tone dry and definitive. With an arrogant sigh, Daemon exited the chamber.
As you approached the Dragon Pit, you beheld her getting ready to mount Syrax, and your thoughts drifted back to that initial encounter.
"Who can understand the heart of a dragon?"
Another dragon emerged, and your alleged brother Addam, offered a timid smile as he mounted it—a moment reciprocated with your own nod.
The journey could've been briefer, but precautions were taken to avoid the townsfolk's prying eyes, where rumors of Aemond's presence lingered.
Out of the dragons' sight, the trio headed to a tavern to strategize. The plan seemed dubious to you, but you complied with the Queen's orders nonetheless.
Rhaenyra donned a chestnut wig, attempting to blend in inconspicuously, a stark contrast to her usual visibility. Addam, an unknown face, posed no issue, and you kept your hood up, adopting an Essos accent for authenticity.
"Ale, please," you asked the provocative waitress, whose intensity wasn't lost on you, making you slightly uneasy.
The Queen intervened, ordering "Water only" once the waitress was out of earshot. Perplexed, you questioned her choice.
"Here with a purpose. Can't afford distractions," she emphasized. Addam, sensing tension, lightened the mood with a jest.
“Can we indulge in a bit of enjoyment?”
“No.” She said stiffly.
Having received complimentary shots, the Queen, annoyed, paid and swiftly ushered you out. Adam stayed behind, kind of aware of the underlying dynamics.
In the rented room, the Queen discarded the wig, sipping wine. Perplexed, you questioned her abrupt change.
"Why the sudden shift? Now you are driniking," you remarked, gently yet seriously.
Concerned about potential espionage, she warned about the waitress being a possible spy. Frustrated, you defended the harmless encounter, asserting your commitment to the mission.
"I don't know why you're acting like this. We're not teenagers. What's gotten into you?" you queried.
Regretful, she apologized, admitting her lapse in judgment.
“I understand. We need to stay focused and vigilant,” she agreed, nodding. “We can’t afford any slip-ups”
“I've come to negotiate with Aemond," she disclosed, surprising you. In a moment of hope, you acknowledged the possibility of averting further bloodshed, honoring Luke's memory, Jace´s memory.
Taglist: @nnightskiess @loveislove4 @evattude @lethal-minds @sophiexoxsblog @claymoresword @tired-ninfa @glorioushamsterqueen @barbicent @newcaptainofsquad9 @pindoris @oh-thats-cute @rxscpctals @laenordeservedbetter @voniikg @toot-is-tired @letlovee-in @urmomsgirlfriend1 @valenciavv @the-camilucha @joliettes @itssecret2109 @i-nail-jello-to-walls @cone-fused-mind @livingdreams97
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starsxblazing · 7 months
Cause and Effect (Part 2)
Azriel awoke in panic as the horrible memories replayed in his mind on a constant loop. He was worried about Cassian who had been severely injured just to protect him in his compromised state. As he assumed, his brother was with Madja who was working on his shredded wings. Knowing that he was in good hands, Azriel immediately launched into the skies to check on his High Lady’s sisters.
He had been horrified in his helpless state as he watched the three of you being turned into High Fae. Only the oldest and youngest of the sisters had put up an actual fight and although it was admirable, it hadn’t done either any good. His mind was stuck on his initial thoughts of you. Your timidness and fear did nothing to cover up your beauty and he was reminded of his shock and frustration when Nesta hadn’t made a fuss about you as she had for Elain.
His mind shifted through memories further back and realized that he hadn’t seen you on his visits as they dealt with the human queens. None of them knew that Feyre had a younger sister and he wondered if it was to keep you safe but the lack of response from your sisters told him that it wasn’t the case.
To his surprise, you were the first one that he saw as he landed on the balcony. There was a half eaten plate of food that had been pushed away to make way for a book that you seemed to be unable to focus on. As soon as your eyes met his, he was unable to resist the small that he gave you. 
A sense of happiness and peace radiated off you so deeply that he could feel it all of the way across the room as he passed through the glass doors. It wasn’t until you gave him a genuine smile that shock overtook him. The warmth of a golden thread spread through him and it was all that he could do to regain his composure.
“How are you doing?” he asked in a gentle voice as he restrained himself from touching you. 
“I don’t know,” you answered honestly as you surveyed the room that you were both in. “I’m not sure how to adjust or even begin to learn what all of this means through how disorienting all of it is.”
Your words hit him like a stone to the heart, causing it to ache tremendously. You had just been traumatized and forced into a life without your consent. Not only that, it appeared as if you were left to deal with it on your own since your sisters were nowhere to be seen or heard. There were so many things that weren’t adding up but the more that he tried to figure it out, the more that his anger tried to overtake him. He forced it deep down so that he would be able to keep all of his attention on you which ended up being very easy to do.
“I could never even begin to imagine how overwhelming that it is.” Another bright smile formed on your face that had his heart warming. “I have faith in you but I’m always here if you ever want my help with anything.”
A shy smile replaced your bright, genuine one and he felt desperate to do any and everything in his power to make it return even though he wasn’t sure how to do so just yet. The only thing that he did know was that you were his mate and he wanted to follow you around like a love-sick puppy. During his eleven years of being imprisoned in his father’s keep, he had done nothing but dream about what it would be like to have someone love him unconditionally and to love them in return.
Even though he knew that mating bonds didn’t always work out, your smile that seemed to show a genuine kind heart had him hoping that it wouldn’t be the case. He didn’t deserve you, that much he already knew, but he was willing to do everything in his power to. Your eyes became stuck on the shadows resting around his shoulders while curiosity shined through your eyes. No matter how hard that he tried not to, he remembered not knowing about you sooner. When a slight frown formed on his face was when your entire mood visibly shifted and it was all that he could feel in the air around the two of you.
“I never saw you when we went to visit your sisters,” he mused quietly, hoping that you would give him a reason why.
“I was in my room. I didn’t- ” you sighed, your eyes glossing over in the process. “Nevermind. It’s not important.”
“I think it is.” He did his best to keep the anger and frustration from his voice and his shadows in check. “You shouldn’t have been excluded, especially not with something so important.”
“It was my choice.” A sad smile appeared as tears lined your eyes, the sight hurting his heart. “I wasn’t.. It’s not really important enough to be worth sharing.”
“I think-”
“What are you doing?”
Nesta’s voice from the doorway had the both of you turning to look at her, her face etched into pure icy anger. The look had you stiffening up in front of him and he took the less than a handful of steps to stand close behind you. His jaw clenched unbearably hard as he rose to his full height, his wings flaring slightly in his protective nature of you. 
Your sister, undeterred or bothered by his threatening demeanor, did nothing but continue to glare at the both of you. The female hadn’t been anywhere near the room and hadn’t seemed to care enough to have you by her side. It made him wonder what the angry interruption was about but he wasn’t given time to question it before you sighed quietly while hanging your head and shaking it slightly.
“We were just tal-”
“You don’t need to talk to her,” Nesta snapped. “She has us. Stay away from her.”
He had to force himself to relax his jaw when he noticed that you were turning to look at him. You simply glanced back at him with apologetic eyes before walking away from him. His eyes narrowed at the archway when you went in a completely different direction than your sister did. Nesta had been insistent that you had her to help you but he could already tell that it wasn’t the case.
He almost followed you but decided against it because he wasn’t sure if it would help you or not but he did know that wherever you were would be his permanent residency.
If you weren't tagged, it was because I was unable to!
@amara-moonlight @allygrace74 @sidthedollface2 @historygeekqueen @hnyclover @kalulakunundrum @historygeekqueen @bubybubsters @thisblogisaboutabook @mybestfriendmademe @caroline-books @justvibbinghere @wisdomofthebrain @nighttimemoonlover @cleverzonkwombatsludge @alessiazeni @rhenysz @ladespedidas @meritxellao @candyjaypoppins @carnationworld @mulansaucey @why4anne @tsibba01 @sassyangel16 @aetherl0l @wallacewillow0773638 @cherryinsalemverse @lupinswolfsbanes @amysangel @ayme301 @sassyslytherinshai @zeroangelo13 @sirens-and-moonflowers @evye47 @starcrossedsan @impossibelle @landofpetrichor @tuggboatfishin @dr4g0ngirl @one-big-fangirl @mistyheart @ang-taylorsversion @youngblood199456 @anuttellaa @thestartitaness @fxckmiup
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arisewanekosuki · 1 year
Traveler's little helper -Extra-: Lyney x Fem!Reader
It will take a while before I’ll write for Fontaine boys for ‘Traveler’s Little Helper’ (we still wait for more guys and information about them!) But I wanted to write something about Lyney! [ Teyvat , Mondstadt ] Fontaine Archon Quest Act I spoilers:
Aether can’t completely trust Lyney after he learned that he with his sister are part of Fatui. But for some reason you trust them. You weren't even that surprised after hearing that they are from House of the Hearth, it’s like you were more surprised how quickly this information came into daylight. It’s like you already knew, but how? To Aether dismay you still told them that when things clam down you wouldn’t mind if Lyney with his siblings join to your small group for some adventuress. Lyney couldn’t believe it, do you try to deceive him? But looking into your mesmerizing eyes he knows that no, that everything you say is genuine. He couldn’t help but ask, why are you not wary of them? You just smiled with sadness filling your eyes, telling that you know not all people who are part of Fatui are not bad people. You told how you meet one in Inazuma, someone who wanted to live peaceful and simple life, you told about the ones who wanted to be heroes, to help another nation just to be hated, forgotten and abandoned in deeps of Chasm. You told about one who joined the army to gain money so their sibling can follow their dreams. Of course you are aware there are bad people in Teyvat, but everyone has their story. There are people in Fatui that were just unlucky, that were manipulated and deceived.  And you can tell that both Lyney and Lynette genuinely wants to save Fontaine, so there is no reason to you to not trust them. The only person you won't trust is Arlecchino because she is a Harbinger! (Aether looked at you with ‘are you serious?’ face, after all you didn’t mind to invite Childe and Wanderer to the team and even Teapot.) Lyney was speechless, you're such kind and thoughtful person. The first time he saw you in the port, he could tell by your wonderful eyes that you have beautiful soul. After you bid goodbye and went on your separate ways, he couldn’t stop thinking about you. -“Lyney?” his sister asked “It’s unlike you to space-out like this.” -“Ah sorry, I have been thinking about something.” Lyney smiled. -“… More like you were thinking about someone.” She whispered, but her brother didn't hear that. Going back to thinking how nice it would be to travel with you.
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listofwhyyouloveher · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you can do a platonic Curtis gang with a fem!reader who’s believes in like witch craft and the devil? Like the whole town thinks she’ll sacrifice them but she genuinely nice and sweet?🫶 (also if it’s not a problem can it be hc’s?)
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Summary: The Outsiders x Witchcraft!Reader
Warnings: strong religious and non-religious context
Author's Note: one of my friends was really into witchcraft once and it looked so fun + I have a deck of pink tarot cards (w?!)
Ponyboy thinks the witchcraft stuff that you do is really sick, he's actually really interested.
He thinks it's cool how you make spells and stuff but he doesn't necessarily believe it.
He's never been a religious person and finds himself not really believing in anything.
However he never fell for the rumors that you were going to kill everyone in Tulsa because everytime he saw you at school you were happy in your own little world.
Johnny has extremely religious parents and they're always warning him about you, kindly and unkindly.
They tell him things like you're gonna eat his soul and he's gonna go to hell, but he doesn't take anything they say seriously
He's approached you a couple of times out of spite and he actually thinks you're really sweet
You give him gifts sometimes and he proudly displayed them in front of his parents
Sodapop is a little scared of you, he kind of fell for those rumors about you wanting to sacrifice people
Once he went up to you and asked you if you sacrifice people, but he had such an innocent look that you couldn't blame him for falling for the rumors
You toyed with him and said you only sacrificed cute boys and to use that information as he willed
He always thought he was a "cute boy" but the way you said it made him feel like he wasn't so he was so confused and pestered you for a while about it.
Steve is like Soda but he puts more of a "tuff" front up about it, so he's approaching you a lot when people dare him to.
He pesters you quite a bit, so much so that you get really frustrated. Once you told him to stop annoying you it was getting old and he saw you in a new light.
He realized how you were mostly poked at and not treated like a normal person and he felt as if he could relate because he was a greaser
He hung out with you a couple of times and he's really enjoying your company, he also got a couple of tarot readings done by you.
Two os the most respectful out of all of them, except maybe Darry. He's kept his distance but he doesn't try stuff on you
The first time he talked to you is when his sister ran up to you because your outfit was so pretty
He apologized because she latched onto you and you got to talking, he was actually really surprised at how nice you were
He said that, if you want, he could take you out to coffee sometimes and that
Darry doesn't engage in the childish discussion that the rest of the gang does, he's to "mature" though
He tells Sodapop and Pony to stop judging people when he overhears their conversations about you.
Truthfully he remembers that when he was in 5th grade he was your "older buddy" in the schools buddy program.
He knows you were always had it rough as a kid but you were always kind so he wants to stick up for you
He also sought you out later and took you out for some food.
Dallas is one of the people that say you're gonna sacrifice everyone in the town, he's not afraid of you but he doesn't like you.
The whole rumor started because he was offered a bet to get with you but he knew he couldn't (mainly because of Darry) so he said no because you'd sacrifice him
He's always watching you though, everytime he sees you he observes you because he finds you intresting
He'll never talk to you though, he has a reputation to uphold and being seen with you is apparently really bad even though he always pays attention to you.
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sleepysnk · 2 years
a/n: thank you @kxmisato for convincing me to make a pt. 2 of dirty secrets. i’m genuinely loving this, so it might be a mini series. who knows! but i hope you guys enjoy, tehe 😁🤍
pairings: hanma shuji x fem!reader
warnings: modern au, college au, nsfw, smut, hanma is reader’s older brothers best friend, mentions of alcohol, some possessiveness if you squint, dirty talk, praising, use of pet names (babydoll, doll, princess, good girl), kinda public sex, rough sex (?).
taste ft. hanma shuji
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Your dirty secret.
Unlike some people, your dirty secret wasn’t something embarrassing. Everyone had at least one in their life, but it was the total opposite for you. Your dirty secret was that you were fucking your older brother’s best friend, Hanma.
For the past two months, the two of you had been seeing one another.
Hanma had kept up with you since the night you both hooked up at that frat party. He made sure to keep your agreement under wraps because of your brother. He wouldn’t exactly be thrilled with the fact that his younger sister was having sex with his own best friend. You two maintained secrecy for a while. Sometimes, you’d see Hanma at parties and give him that “look” to hint that you wanted him. He knew very well what that meant, and he’d make sure to fulfill any desire you had. Other times, he’d link up with you in the middle of the night and fuck your brains out in his car. It was a recurring pattern, but neither of you gave much care.
Despite your “thing” being strictly sexual, Hanma often took you out. He would take you to some pretty nice restaurants or pick you up to watch a movie at his place. He told you that as much as he was attracted to you physically, he adored your personality.
You and Hanma weren’t exactly aware of this, but some people had figured out the two of you were a thing.
Some of his very own friends had seen the two of you walking around town together. They were friends with your brother, but none of them had the balls to actually go and snitch. Hanma could be kind of intimidating and he’s even gotten into some fights where the guys were left stunned by the damage he’d leave behind. They didn’t want to meet the same fate, so they kept their mouths shut about it. However, it could be comical at times to see the lengths you’d both go to keep it private.
It was a surprise that your brother hadn’t figured it out.
Speaking of your brother, he was hosting his annual birthday party that day.
It was his twenty-first birthday, to be exact. He had been hyping up the party for the last few months, and, of course, he allowed you to come because you were his sister. He also wouldn’t hear the end of it if your parents found out, so he decided to save himself a few arguments.
All of his friends would be there, including Hanma. It was also going to be a pool party since his birthday was in the summertime. He was beyond excited to have everyone come over. You were happy to celebrate, but you were also excited to see Hanma. He had been non-stop messaging you about how he couldn’t wait to see you and how badly he missed your presence beside him in bed. The idea of seeing him shirtless in the pool made butterflies swarming inside your stomach. You saw him naked enough, but it never got old for you.
You didn't think the circumstances would lead to what happened the day of his birthday party, but it aligned perfectly.
A little while into the party, your brother began to complain that the alcohol had been running low. His main goal that night was to get blackout drunk to the point where he couldn’t stand, but he couldn’t do that if he didn’t have enough alcohol. His friends were also there too. They wanted to drink with him, so the only choice they had was to go out and grab more.
Your brother had announced to you that he was going to go out with his friends to get more drinks. You figured as much, so it wasn’t really that shocking.
However, what was most surprising was that Hanma had offered to stay behind.
He had explained to your brother that he’d stay back because he didn’t want to tag along. He claimed that he’d rather wait and it wasn’t a very far drive anyway. Your brother, of course, believed Hanma because this wasn’t the first time this had happened. They were also best friends, why would he not believe a word that came from his mouth?
Well, truth be told, Hanma wanted to stay behind for a different reason.
You didn’t think things would unfold so fast. As soon as your brother departed with his friends, Hanma dragged you up the stairs to your bedroom. You wanted to resist him so badly. You knew your brother was bound to come back with the hour, but Hanma kept kissing you and touching you in places that made you melt. Your body completely betrayed you and gave into his touches.
Soon enough, you were lying against your mattress with Hanma’s cock bullying your walls.
It didn’t help that you looked so fucking sexy in your bikini. The black lace hugged your body nicely and showed off everything he wanted to see. He got so fucking pissed when he caught one of his friends staring at your ass as you walked by. He may have not known it, but you were Hanma’s. It took everything inside him to not sock his friend in the jaw. You drove him crazy.
He hovered over your body, tracing your waist and your hips with his fingertips. God, you were a fucking angel to him. He couldn’t have found a more perfect woman than you. “Fuck.. baby, you’re so fucking beautiful..” he groaned, squeezing your thighs with his hand. “Could fuck you like this for days and I’d never get tired..”
Your hands went into his hair, tugging at the curls on his head. Nobody else could fuck you like he did. He did everything perfectly when it came to you, and you couldn’t get enough of him. “H-Hanma! More.. please!” you begged, looking up at him with desperation swirling in your pretty eyes.
Hearing your voice made him smirk. He felt your pussy squeezing his cock. He fucking loved when you hugged him like that. “Yeah?” he asked. “Don’t worry, princess, I’ll make you feel really good..”
Hanma then used the hand with ‘Sin’ tattooed on the back to toy with your clit. His ego was stroked immediately when he saw you jolt instantly from the added pleasure. One perk of fucking you all of the time meant he learned what made your body go nuts. He picked up on everything faster than any subject he took in school. He took care of you so well.
You were his best friend’s little sister. You deserved all the princess treatment.
A sharp gasp pooled from your mouth at the double pleasure. His pace was absolutely relentless. You had already felt that coil in your belly appearing, and your vision turned slightly blurry every time his cock brushed against your g-spot.
He was about to keep up with his pace, but suddenly slowed down when you both heard the front door open downstairs. Panic began to flood through your body at the realization that your brother was now home with his friends. Neither of you were close to finishing, but you didn’t want your brother to catch you with Hanma. There’d be no proper way to explain this, and it’s not like he’d actually believe something wasn’t going on. Your brother wasn’t stupid.
Hanma felt somewhat nervous, but the idea of fucking you upstairs again only made him want to continue. The thrill of possibly being caught and having to shut you up drove him up the wall. Fuck, he wasn’t gonna get blue balls because of your brother. There was no way he’d let that happen.
Hanma’s hand went over your mouth as he slowly pumped himself into you. He could feel how shaky your breaths were from how he fucked you. “Shh.. keep quiet.. we don’t want your brother to hear us, right, doll? Don’t make a peep.. or I’ll stop right now.” he spoke into your ear. “Understand?”
You tugged at his wrist, signaling for him to remove his hand so you could speak. “Hanma.. you know I can’t keep quiet..” you whispered, intertwining his fingers with yours.
He knew it was difficult to maintain silence in that kind of moment. You were also really close to your orgasm, and who was he to shut you up? He couldn’t do that to you, no. He was going to make sure he heard your voice when you came on his cock. He knew it was risky, but he had a plan in mind that might get that risk out of the way. It’s not like your brother would come up anytime soon. He just had to finish you off, and that’d be it.
Hanma reached over to his cell phone which was beside your bed on the table. He quickly pressed on Spotify and played one of the many songs he used to play in his car while he fucked you. He turned up the volume nice and loud so it could prevent anyone from possibly hearing you.
He started to pick up his pace now that the music was playing. “How about now..?” he inquired. “You know how much I love hearing your pretty voice when you cum..”
Whimpers and whines began to fall from your lips from his thrusts. The familiar feeling of his cock reaching that delicious spot inside of you soon returned, making you feel such great ecstasy. You couldn’t hold in your moans anymore. It was too much for you to handle.
“Hanma! Oh, god, Hanma! Right there!” you cried, placing your arms around his neck.
Hanma placed your thighs around his waist, gaining a greater access to your cunt. He took the open opportunity to give you a deep kiss. His tongue darted inside of your mouth instantly, swallowing any moans that escaped your throat. You, on the other hand, struggled to kiss him back from how great the pleasure was. Your bottom lip trembled and paused at every move of his hips. Fuck, you were losing your damn mind and right now.
He then pulled away from your lips. He stared at you with lust-filled eyes. “Tell me you’re mine..” he grunted. “Fuck, say it.. now..”
Your mouth fell ajar from his request, but nonetheless, you wanted to fulfill it. “I-I’m yours, Hanma!” you moaned.
“That’s right.. fuck! You’re my good girl, (Y/N).” his pace then quickened, allowing his balls to slap against your sensitive clit. “All mine..”
The knot in your stomach threatened to snap at any second. There was so much going on around you it became almost overwhelming. Your brain had become foggy, your eyes saw white stars, and your body was shining with sweat. It was coming, and it was going to come hard. His dirty talk was only winding you up more. Hanma Shuji was fucking perfect, and you were perfect for him.
Hanma felt your walls slowly closing in around him. He knew your orgasm was close. He was going to give you the best one ever. You were his pretty princess. He wasn’t going to deny you a single damn thing.
“Come on, babydoll, cum around my fucking dick..” he cooed. “Don’t disappoint me, princess..”
Suddenly, your orgasm washed over you. “Hanma!” you screamed, your body trembling from how hard it hit you.
Hanma grinned so hard when he heard his name fall from your lips. Your gorgeous face looked amazing while you came. Your lips were glossy and so fucking pretty. He could kiss them for hours if he really wanted to. “Yeah.. that’s my girl..” he said, trailing his hands down your body.
“What the fuck?”
A familiar voice rang inside your ears. Hanma turned his head to meet your older brother standing right in the doorway of your bedroom. He quickly went to cover you, making sure that he didn’t possibly see you naked. He could see the embarrassment cover your features the second you realized he was standing there, watching as Hanma shielded your body with his own.
“Seems like the secret is out now, huh, doll?”
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madneedshelp · 1 year
See Me - Eddie Roundtree x FReader
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Summary: You had spent your whole life trying to prove yourself, to be seen. Living in the shadows of your brothers was exhausting, but you fought to make a name for yourself. So, how could not fall for the only person who saw you no matter what?
You had always been Billy and Graham’s little sister to everyone. It didn’t even make sense because you and Graham were twins, but you were still always considered to just be somebody’s something. You were never known as just you.
When you were a kid, you were mildly annoyed by your afterthought status, but you expected the feeling to fade with age. It didn’t. It was only made worse when The Dunne Brothers formed.
Did Billy and Graham ever ask their own sister if she wanted to join the band? Of course not. You didn’t play any instruments, but you had talked about wanting to learn before. It kind of hurt how little attention they paid to you.
Instead of let it drive you crazy, you decided to use it. You were going to make them see you, and then maybe it would feel like they gave a shit. You were even lucky enough to have the perfect opportunity open up.
You could tell Chuck was flaking. He wasn’t serious about the band like the others. So, you took up bass guitar in secret. You were earning your spot in the band once he left, because you could very obviously tell he was leaving.
Sure enough, right before the band was leaving for LA, Chuck told them he was done. You walked out in the driveway to find the remaining band members looking absolutely pissed. 
“What’s going on?” You put a hand on Graham’s shoulder to catch his attention. 
Billy beat him to an answer. “Chuck quit. Now we’re out a bass player.” 
“The fuck are we going to do, man?” Graham looked over at him. 
“I don’t know, Eddie can switch to bass for us.” Billy spat out.
You glanced over in time to see a flash of anger in Eddie’s eyes. He didn’t want that, and frankly, neither did you.
It was now or never. “Let me do it.” 
“You play, little Dunne?” Warren asked. 
“Yes,” You assured him at the same time Billy and Graham let out a sure “no”. 
Your brothers turned to you in surprise the second the words left your mouth. 
“Since when do you play?” Graham gave you a suspicious look.
“Long enough to be better than Chuck.” You folded your arms and looked between him and Billy sternly. “Will you give me a chance to prove it?”
Everyone turned to Billy as he turned to you.
“Fine, yeah, let’s hear what you got.” 
You played one song for them and the vote to let you in was unanimous. 
There was nothing quite as exciting as the feeling when you all arrived in LA. The night after you arrived, you all partied hard. Sure, you all didn’t know what you were doing or how you were going to make it, but you took a huge leap and that called for celebration in your eyes.
“Hey, I never got to thank you.” Eddie handed you a beer as he took the seat next to yours.
You thanked him and took a swig. “Thanked me for what?” 
“You saved my ass before we left. I like where I am, I never wanted to be a bass player. Besides, you’re way better at it than I am. You could kick anyone’s ass at bass.” 
You chuckled at him. “Well, I don’t know about that.”
“No, I’m serious. We should’ve kicked Chuck out when he started skipping practices ages ago.” 
A genuine smile grew on your face. No one has ever complimented you this much before. Especially not someone you barely knew. Eddie hung out with Graham, the most you’d really talked was small conversations in passing.
“Thanks, Eddie. I really appreciate that.” 
He gave you a smile in return and you felt a flutter, an honest-to-God, romance movie flutter. That was not good. You couldn’t fall for someone in the band, things would blow up if it didn’t work out. 
You excused yourself and went to find Camila. She might’ve been Billy’s girlfriend, but she had quickly become your best friend. 
“Hey Cam, come get another drink with me?” You put a hand on her arm.
She turned to you and nodded. “Yeah, sure.” You led her back inside and went immediately to the fridge. “More beer or should we open a bottle of wine? Fair warning, it’s super cheap and super shitty, but it’ll do the trick.”
“How about you tell me what happened with Eddie out there first?” She gave you a sly look.
You closed the fridge and whirled around. “What? Nothing happened!”
“Oh there was definitely a moment. I saw some looks over there.” She poked you. 
“He was just being nice about me joining the band. That’s it. Nothing more.” You held up your hands defensively. 
“Why not? Eddie’s a good guy.”
“I just got in the band, I’m not complicating things with that. Besides, we’ve barely ever talked before. I don’t even think you could call us friends yet. The most important thing right now is figuring out how to actually get famous out here.” 
Camila considered your words for a second and shrugged. “I guess you have a point there. And I wouldn’t worry about you all making it, I have faith in this.” She looped an arm through yours. “Now, let’s go get drunk off our asses on this cheap wine.”
After that night, you found yourself acutely aware of everything Eddie did and it frustrated you to no end. Every time he glanced at you in practice, every compliment he gave you, every little gesture he did. The last thing you wanted to do was develop feelings for Eddie, but it looked like it was maybe too late for that.
Y/N: To make matters worse, Camila had definitely not done what I asked and liked to play the subtle matchmaker. She thought I didn’t notice, but she was pretty obvious about it. 
Camila: So maybe I tried to get them together, is that so bad? Y/N was skeptical, but I knew it wouldn’t blow up like she thought. Besides, I’ve known them almost my entire life, and they deserve to be happy. 
“Hey, would you mind grabbing some ice from the kitchen?” Camila called out as she arranged some plates of food on the table. 
It was Julia’s first birthday, and you and Cam decided to plan a little gathering for it. Just the band was there, it wasn’t anything huge. 
“Yeah, of course.” You dusted off your hands as you finished setting up a folding table. 
“Great! Eddie, go help her.” 
You didn’t even have time to shoot Camila a glare before he nodded and started toward you. Instead you mouthed not funny at her as soon as Eddie couldn’t see. She gave you a smug grin and mouthed you’re welcome. 
You followed Eddie into the kitchen, nervousness faintly tingling in your veins. This man had entirely too much power over you. You had tried everything to get him off your mind, and it would work for a little, but then he would tell you he liked that little riff you threw into that song or he’d bring you your favorite drink after you and Billy had an argument over some stupid thing at the studio and you would turn all mushy again. You had come to realize that he understood what it felt like to be overlooked and maybe that was why you felt a weird connection with him. 
“You seen the cooler?” Eddie asked, bringing your attention back to the moment. 
You glanced around. “Yeah, it’s up there on top of the fridge. One second.”
As you stood on your tiptoes to reach for the cooler, you were realizing that you weren’t going to be able to reach it. Then you felt the ghost of warmth behind you. 
“Here, I can help with that.” Eddie’s smooth voice murmured above you. 
Instantly, you felt your face flame. God, you hadn’t behaved like this since you were thirteen. It was more than a little embarrassing and you sure as hell weren’t about to let him see you like that. As soon as Eddie snatched the cooler and stepped away, you put distance between the two of you. 
“I’m going to go see if Cam needs any more help, you got this from here?” You blurted as you made for the back door. 
“Wait!” Eddie grabbed your wrist gently. You flinched out of surprise, but he immediately dropped your hand. “Sorry, sorry, I just wanted to talk.”
“No, it’s fine, uh, what’s up?” You put on an entirely forced smile. 
Eddie folded his arms and gave you an earnest look. “Did I do something?”
“No,” your brows furrowed. “Why?”
“You avoid me all the time. I don’t know if I pissed you off at some point, but you act like I’ve got the fucking plague or like you want nothing to do with me.”
It stung a little bit. He seemed genuinely hurt, and you never wanted to do that. “No! It’s not you, Eddie. You haven’t done anything wrong, I swear.”
“Then what’s wrong? It’s bad enough being in a band with one Dunne that can’t stand me, I don’t know if I can handle two Dunnes acting like that.” Eddie threw his hands up in frustration. 
You closed your eyes and sighed. “Eddie, I promise I don’t have a problem with you.”
He took a step closer to you. “Then why do you act like you do?”
His tone was becoming more and more irritated, and the insistence was starting to annoy you too. He was going to make you say it, wasn’t he? But honestly, maybe you should’ve just told him. It had been well over a year of pining. If continuing to act like this was going to cause a fight, maybe it would be less chaotic to tell him and see what happens. Things couldn’t keep going the way they were, regardless. 
“You really want to know why?” 
He nodded. “Please.”
You took a breath and looked him directly in the eyes. “I like you, okay? And I don’t want to like you because liking people in your band doesn’t usually work out well, but it’s been too fucking long and I can’t stop feeling like this so I avoid you.”
Eddie let out a dark chuckle. “That’s it? You’ve been ignoring me all this time because you like me?”
“Yeah, I have. And don’t act like that’s so wild. My reasons make sense. It’s not stupid.” You practically spat the words. 
There were lots of ways you had envisioned this possibly going, but you never thought he’d be this angry. You didn’t think he’d be angry at all. Awkward maybe, but not pissed. 
“It is stupid, actually.” 
Your head snapped toward him. “I’m sorry, what?”
Eddie stepped closer again. “I said that’s actually pretty fucking stupid.”
“Eddie, I swear to God, if you-”
Eddie crashed his lips against yours before you could say another word. Your shock wore off after a moment and you were able to kiss him back like you’d wanted to for so long. The two of you broke apart after what felt like a small eternity, panting and grinning.
“Graham owes me $20.” Warren chuckled from the doorway. 
Both of you jumped apart and were met with Warren’s pleased face. 
“How long have been there, Warren?” You stammered.
“Long enough, Little Dunne. Long enough.” 
You pointed a finger at him. “Keep it to yourself, or you lose nickname privileges.”
“We already know!” A voice called from outside. Karen. 
You rolled your eyes. You kind of hated your friends sometimes, but you also kind of loved the infuriating little shits. 
“Whatever, let’s just get the ice back out there.” You shook your head with a laugh.
Eddie grabbed the cooler with one hand and your hand with the other, and you had to admit, you felt way less scared of the possibility of dating a bandmate. 
Y/N and Eddie Roundtree got married a year after Daisy Jones and The Six broke up. They currently work together producing music and are still located in LA. Their daughter and son already have a huge love of music, and are rumored to be starting a band of their own.
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illubean · 3 months
I have a oneshot request for Teruhashi. What if the new girl in the class noticed Teruhashi's efforts to please people, showing her that trying to be perfect is unhealthy, and helped her with her brother?
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Characters: Kokomi Teruhashi Type: Oneshot, written with Fem!reader in mind but can be Gn
not sure if this was supposed to be romantic or not so it's kind of up to interpretation
Warnings: none
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You had been attending PK Academy for about a week now. One of the first people to approach you when you first arrived was Kokomi Teruhashi. Originally, she approached you in order to boost her own perfect pretty girl status, but you guys quickly became great friends. Though you had only known each other for a short while, you noticed something about Teruhashi. This whole perfect thing was just a front. You saw through her façade. When she was mobbed by boys she always tried her best to smile through it and be as polite as possible, but you knew deep down that she wanted to tell them all to piss off from time to time. She was like this to everyone, including you. You saw how it affected her. She was always so tired after days of people pleasing at a time, especially when her brother comes around to meddle in her life too.
As of late, Teruhashi has been at her wits end. Her fan club and her brother seemed to get more and more pushy by the day and all she felt she could really do was smile through it. And with you being new, she felts that she had to be there for you until you got the hang of things yourself. She made an effort to link arms with you and lead you all around school every day, sometimes offering to walk home with you or asking to hang out so she can show you around the city (even if you're already from there).
You could tell that she was becoming more and more exhausted. You could tell that she was trying her very best to keep her perfect reputation up but you honestly couldn't care about her social status. So when she approached you to offer to walk you to lunch you told her straight up
"You know, you don't have to act so optimistic all the time. I like you the way you are, not for your status."
Her jaw was on the floor. Usually people always wanted to be around her because they were captivated by her beauty or because she was popular but you were one of the few if not only people to genuinely just want to be friends with her. Her perfect demeanor cracked just a little bit, letting you see how your words affected her. She seemed genuinely touched for the first time since you've met her, and you could tell she came to some sort of a realization.
After that day your friendship with Teruhashi grew stronger. You hung out more often now, simply just because you liked being around each other. The first time she brought you around to her house she wasn't expecting to see her brother home. He made some weird comments about her and didn't seem too happy you were there. This was the first time you've ever seen Teruhashi so upset. She's never yelled or gotten angry in front of you, but now you were reminded that she was in fact only human like everyone else. After yelling at her brother she grabbed you by the hand and ran up to her room.
She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, just to gasp in surprise when you wrapped your arms around her.
"What are you-"
"Obviously there's something on your mind. Spill."
And out comes all of her family issues like a waterfall. Normally Teruhashi isn't one to put her private life out in the open like this, but she genuinely felt she could trust you with her life. You were the first person to see her for who she truly was. And for that she was eternally grateful.
From that day on you helped her stand up to her odd, controlling, sister complex having brother. After lots of convincing on your guys' end, he finally backed off ever so slightly. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.
You helped Teruhashi turn her life around and feel comfortable the way she is. You helped her feel comfortable without her mask of the most perfect girl in the world. And she owes you everything for helping her accept herself.
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angstywaifu · 7 months
The Lost Sister - Part 8
Synopsis: Xaden is known as an only child due to his sister who 'died' during the Rebellion. Little do they know she didn't die and has been so close this entire time.
Garrick Tavis x OC A/N: Wasn't going to double post today but I'm feeling generous with it being Valentines Day. Sadly nothing super romantic about this one, but I promise some really good stuff is coming soon! I also have a few more one shots, but my requests are open if you have any more you guys want to send through! The Lost Sister Masterlist | Masterlist
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The rotunda is empty as Imogen and I enter. Everyone in the dining hall eating. The feeling of being alone should unsettle me given recent circumstances, but after today I feel like that’s behind us.
Usually I would feel her eyes on me, but as she approached me in the hall I had no idea. Though I had been a little distracted at the lack of Garrick, Xaden and Bodhi at dinner.
She leads me over to the edge of the rotunda, and sits on the ledge, leaning up against one of the pillars. I copy her on the opposite side. For a few moments we sit in silence, looking out over the trees and mountains. It’s beautiful under the moonlight. In the distance I occasionally see dragons flying around. I wonder if one of them will be mine come threshing.
“I’d say I’m sorry for how I’ve acted towards you and what I did today. But I’m won’t. It’s just my weird way of processing this I guess.” She finally says, still looking out over the trees. “But, I can’t assure you it won’t happen again.”
I slowly nod my head. “Thanks, I guess.”
She looks over at me as if confused by my response.
“Not going to lie I was expecting a different response out of you regarding this. Also kind of surprised Garrick isn’t attached to your hip after what I did.”
I can’t help the laugh that escapes my lips. “Yeah well I kinda ran off after he told me he had feelings for me and I haven’t seen him since.”
She narrows her eyes at me and the look she gives me is like she thinks I’m crazy. Which honestly, I definitely am.
“You ran off?” She emphasises each words.
“Yeah.” I lean my head back on the pillar and sigh. I was such an idiot. “I ran off. Like an idiot. And now he’s nowhere to be seen.”
She shakes her head and laughs at me. “Well if it’s any help, I don’t think you haven’t seen him because of what happened. With Bodhi and Xaden also both gone, and from what I could see their dragons to, I think something’s come up.”
I nod. She’s right. In the last few weeks it had become almost normal for the boys to disappear some nights without much warning. But it still felt like it had to do with me. Maybe they went out to help Garrick clear his head. But if that was the case I’m sure either Xaden or Bodhi would have come to see how I was.
“I’m sure Garrick has told you are history and why I’ve been the way I’ve been?” She finally says after a few minutes of me swimming in my own thoughts.
“Yeah, only took me weeks of asking and then snapping at him in the healers quadrant before.” I tell her, earning a laugh out of her.
“I knew I’d like you. Even if I hate how much you have Garrick wrapped around your finger, I can see why.” She says with probably one of the first genuine smiles I’ve seen on her since I’ve been here. “And honestly I did this to myself. He always said he couldn’t give me more than something casual. That his heart lay elsewhere. He never said who, just that they were part of the rebellion casualties. And then you showed up.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any issues. Though was inevitable with everyone thinking I was dead for the last few years. Though I didn’t know Melgren’s plan till the night before conscription day.” I look away from her back out over the valley below us.
I catch the sad look that passes over her face as she studies me. “Don’t be sorry. You being back, as much as its annoyed me in one aspect, has been good the the guys. But can you promise me one thing?” She says as she stands.
I look over at her and nod.
”Don’t fuck it up. He deserves to be happy. And you definitely make him the happiest I’ve ever seen him.”
And with that, she turns and leaves me alone in the Rotunda with my thoughts.
Imogen’s words hang over my head. Don’t fuck it up. Easier said than done. Part of me is over joyed that Garrick shares the same feelings. Though looking back I’m an idiot for not seeing it sooner. I just put it down to us being best friends. Yes he wasn’t like that with Xaden, but I was a girl. Of course our friendship would naturally be a little different.
But part of me is also terrified. What if it goes badly? What if it puts a divide in the dynamic of our group. I couldn’t live with myself if I came between Xaden and Garrick. As much as Xaden is extremely loyal to Garrick, Xaden would pick me over him without a question. It would destroy him. But he would do it. And that’s not something I’d want him to do.
So I do the stupid thing and avoid them. Which sadly is quite easy with how little they are around. They’re in our daily battle brief class, wedged up in the back corner. I know cause I feel their eyes on me despite not turning around to see if they are there. But when it comes to challenges, their appearance is few and far between. And if they are there I do my best to blend into the crowd. As best as I can with my hair colour. Though I haven’t dyed it since arriving, and at nearly 2 months in my natural dark hair has started to shown through. Rhiannon and Violet keep telling me to let it grow out as it looks good with the dark red.
But outside of classes, I rarely see them. I get glimpses of them, but most nights they aren’t at dinner. Imogen makes comments about them being sent out for drills and such. Must be part of being a third year. Though I do notice they are gone more often than the other third years.
A few times Garrick tries to catch me after battle brief or find me at challenges, but somehow I manage to get away. I’m not quite ready to have the conversation he wants to have. But I can’t avoid it forever. A few times I nearly cave when I see the pained look in his hazel eyes. Pain I was causing. Pain I’d seen in Xaden and Bodhi’s eyes as well.
Soon our gym time turns into Gauntlet training with presentation day around the corner. So far our squad has done pretty well. Only one casualty so far. One I had to watch Violet almost be apart of. She hid it but I knew how much it killed her on the inside. She was yet to fully complete the gauntlet and today was our last day of training before presentation day tomorrow.
As we walk up the stairs to the gauntlet my heart drops. Not only is Xaden standing off to the side, Garrick is with him. It wasn’t uncommon for leadership to watch their squads do training on the gauntlet, so far neither had turned up for ours. Of course they show up on the last day.
Rhiannon who is next to me must notices something is off and follows my eyes to where Xaden and Garrick are.
“Why do you look so scared to see Xaden and Garrick?” She asks.
I hadn’t quite built the relationship with her that Violet had, but it was getting there. But I hadn’t told her about my interaction with Garrick after the challenge with Imogen.
“Remember how he took me to the healers after my fight with Imogen?” I whisper to her so the others around us don’t hear. The last thing I need is gossip spreading about this while I’m still figuring my own feelings out.
She nods. “Yeah I remember. Practically rushed over and scooped you up in his arms before you could get off the mat. Was quite romantic.” I roll my eyes at her.
Our group comes to a stop in front of the gauntlet, Xaden and Garrick making their way over with Emettiro. Both their eyes locked on mine.
I lean closer to her. “He might have confessed he’s essentially been in love with me for years and years despite me being dead and I kind of panicked and ran off and have been avoiding him ever since. Which also means avoiding my brother.”
She shakes her head and chuckles at me. “Girl I could have told you he was in love with you. No one looks at someone the way he does with out being in love.”
I go to reply but Emettiro calls us to start running the gauntlet. And I’m glad Rhiannon and I end up near the front, being one of the first ones to go. Though I doubt Xaden and Garrick are here to try talk to me, as much as they may want to. At the end of the day, they want the wing to do well.
I step up as Rhiannon takes off, my eyes meeting Garrick’s. His face is a mask and I can’t read it at all. I can tell he’s upset though. He’s never like that with me. I’m one of the few he never puts a mask up for. Xaden on the other hand is intently focused on Violet who is behind me. Before I take off up the gauntlet I offer Garrick a quick smile. For a brief second before I take off, his mask falters and his eyes soften as he gives me a tight lipped smile. The entire way up the I feel his eyes following me. He’s yet to see me climb it. And probably won’t tomorrow as most of the leadership wait up top for their squads and wings to pass the gauntlet.
I reach the top with ease. Yet again Melgren’s training had really prepared me for this. I’d barely had any issues getting up the gauntlet in the first day. And most times I caught up to or passed the person in front of me. As much as I didn’t want to think it. I was grateful for his training over the years. I turn around to look down the gauntlet to see both Garrick and briefly Xaden looking up at me. Both look happy with how easily I made it up. Xaden’s gaze drops to something below me. Violet is yet again stuck on the last parts of the gauntlet. And dare I say, does Xaden looks concerned? His eyes shift up to mine. We both know she needs to find an alternate way up the last part of the gauntlet.
Part 9
@riorgail @going-through-shit @fw-gt @bbkissme99 @xceafh
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Summary: You come back home to a surprising sight.
Pairing: Dave York x fem. Nanny reader / Dave York x his gardener's son
Wordcount: 2.5k
Rating: E
Warnings: infidelity (kind of, Dave and Carol are only married on paper and Carol knows), smut (Oral f + m receiving), m/m bj, m/f, voyeurism, semi public Oral Sex, kitchen sex, some feelings but just a little
follow @toomanystoriessolittletime-fics and turn on notifications to get notified when I post new fics
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You released your breath with a long sigh, letting you head fall back against the seat of the car that had been provided for you when you had started working for the York household almost eight months ago.
What had started out as a temporary job three times a week to get back on your feet after having been dumped by you boyfriend of six years for his co worker, turned into a full time job you genuinely enjoyed.
It came with all kinds of benefits. 
The car you were currently sitting in, A/C fully on to fight the heatwave currently making the outside into what you imagined hell would feel like. 
A big room with an ensuite bathroom and a walk in closet that was bigger than anything you could have afforded on your own. 
Two adorable kids who made it easy to take care of them. 
Carol, their mother, who had turned more into a friend than a boss. 
And Dave, the father of the kids, husband of Carol. 
The man you had been fucking for almost four months now. 
Now you knew how this would sound for people on the outside. Typical cliché. Starting an affair with the dad. What a cheating slut you are. 
But was it an affair if his wife gave her blessing?
It was almost two months into you working for them that Carol talked to you.
You had just moved into their house after accepting the full time position they had offered you. Carol would be going back to work full time which mean she would travel more, leaving Dave to need more help with the children when he was home. 
It was on the evening before she had to leave for a three day trip that she took you aside and told you about their arrangement. She told you that Dave and her while being high school sweethearts, haven’t been in love for a long time. They were already broken up when Carol found out that she was pregnant and her family, being super traditional demanded for her to either get married or she would be cast out. When Dave found out they had a long talk and decided to get married. After a couple of years they both decided to have another child. But ever since then they were only staying married for the kids and the trust fund of her father she would only get access to if she stayed married. 
You were confused as to why she told you all about this before she said that she had seen you look at Dave and that if something happened between the two of you, your job would not be at stake. She even told you about the man she was seeing for the last couple of months, while you both emptied a bottle of wine. 
It was like a switch had been flipped the next time you saw Dave. 
He had asked you in a minute the two of you had alone if Carol had talked to you and answered every question you had for him about the whole thing. 
It was only two days later that you found yourself pinned against the door of the laundry room, the kids making their homework upstairs as Dave fucked you for the first time. 
There were still times where you felt like this was too good to be true. 
A good paying job you loved, a family that had become yours in the last months and the best sex you ever had in your life all under the same roof. 
You turned off the engine of your car before you got out, taking the groceries you had bought for the rest of the week from the trunk. Alice and Molly were at school and would spend the afternoon at a friends birthday, so you had time off until around 6pm where you had to pick them up. 
Carol was visiting her sister out of state until the end of the following week and Dave was supposed to be back from his work trip tomorrow. 
Which left you with a lot of free time to yourself today, time you intended to use by finally finishing the book you had been reading for the last week and ordering junk food Carol did not want the girls to have. 
Humming to yourself you walked into the house, unloading the groceries on the big kitchen island. You were putting stuff away into the fridge when you noticed the travel mug Dave always took with him standing in the sink. 
You made quick work with putting the rest of the groceries away before you made your way through the house to search for him. His usually locked office door was opened when you walked down the hallway, and you found his laptop bag lying on his desk. 
You chose to ignore the way your heart started beating faster with the promise of seeing Dave being back home sooner than you thought you would. And you definitely chose to ignore the butterflies in your belly as you walked towards his bedroom, only to pout when you found it empty. 
Where was he?
You took a little detour into your room, changing out of your jeans and top into a loose yellow summer dress that almost went down to the floor, intentionally not wearing anything underneath before you continued with your search for the man of the house. 
You checked the living room next, finding it empty too, but the door to the backyard was half open. Remembering that Jackson, the son of the gardener who usually took care of the garden, was here today you thought that maybe Dave got outside to say Hello to him. 
Intending to continue your search outside you walked towards the half opened door when you heard a moan that made you steps falter. 
And it wasn’t a moan out of pain. No. You had heard that moan before. It was Dave and he only ever moaned like that when he had his cock so deep down your throat he was close to cumming. 
Tiptoeing towards the door your eyes widened as you saw Dave standing on the patio with his pants down to his ankles. 
And Jackson, the son of the gardener kneeling in front of him with Dave’s cock in his mouth. You had talked to Jackson the week before when his father brought him with him. He was visiting during his summer break of studying Law at Yale, having just turned 21 and decided to spend his summer break on helping his father out.
You lips parted in surprise, your hands gripping the frame of the patio door as you tried to hide your body inside while your eyes were fixed on the picture in front of you. 
Dave had his hand buried in the young mans hair, his hips slowly thrusting into the gardeners mouth. 
„Relax your throat,“ Dave hummed and you shivered, remembering how he hat uttered the same words to you not too long ago. You heard Jackson gagging as Dave pushed deeper into his mouth, praising the man in front of him with his deep voice. 
You squeezed your legs together, your pussy already slick with need.
You watched Dave pull his cock out of Jackson mouth, his hand almost gently on his cheek as he rubbed the tip of his cock against the young mans lips. 
„Really wanna cum down your throat. You gonna let me?“ Dave asked and you had to stop yourself from moaning. 
„Yes Mr. York,“ he nodded up at him and Dave smirked darkly before he bend down and kissed him quickly. 
Interesting. Maybe you should try to call him Mr. York too from time to time.
„Oh fuck,“ you whispered, one of your hands running down your body, pulling up your skirt so you could touch yourself. 
You pushed a finger inside of you when Dave’s cock filled the gardener’s mouth. He began to thrust into his mouth, the noises of him fucking himself down his throat pornographic. 
You knew from experience that Dave liked to get messy so it didn’t surprise you when he pulled his cock out to spit into Jackson’s mouth. 
„Buy a plug. Next time you gonna let me fuck your ass,“ Dave said, earning a nod from the man before he pumped his cock back into Jackson’s mouth, now fucking his face. 
You played with your pussy watching him use the man. For some reason you would have never though Dave could also be into men. Then again you didn’t really give much thought to anyones sexual orientation. 
Dave moaned and you knew he was about to cum, seeing him grip Jackson's hair tightly as he thrust his cock down the mans throat. 
Shit, you were about to cum too. You sucked your bottom lip between your teeth, letting your head fall against the door frame, your eyes closing as you focused on making yourself cum. 
Your eyes opened when Dave groaned, finding him looking at you. He raised his left eyebrow as he looked at you, before he slowly shook his head and you froze, pulling your hand from between your legs immediately at being caught. 
Dave continued to look at you as he came down Jackson’t throat with a low groan, his whole body shuddering. 
„Show me,“ Dave said, his eyes parting from yours to look at the man kneeling in front of him. You couldn’t see him but in the little smirk you saw on Dave’s lips you knew he just showed Dave his cum. 
„Good boy. Now swallow,“ he hummed.
„Perfect. Now I think you have some gardening to finish huh?“ He asked and helped Jackson up. 
You turned away from the door quickly to walk inside before the gardener could catch you standing there. You were sweating, your pussy wet and so damn horny. 
Walking into the kitchen you leaned with your hands resting on the cool marble of the kitchen island, your eyes closed, grounding yourself.  
You heard footsteps behind you, before arms wrapped around you from behind, lips kissing up from your shoulder to your neck. 
„Didn’t think you were into watching,“ Dave hummed and you let your head fall to the side as his lips wandered up your neck. 
„Didn’t think you were into men,“ you smiled and felt him smile against your skin. 
„I’m into anything really as long as it can make me cum,“ he shrugged and you rolled your eyes. 
„Enjoyed the little show?“ He asked. You could only manage a small nod. Dave pulled you up against his chest, both of his hands now squeezing your tits. He pulled at the front of your dress until your tits fell out, his hands immediately back to holding them, his fingers playing with your nipples. 
„Mhhh. Wanted to cum,“ you whimpered, turning your head so you could look at him. 
He continued to play with your tits as he looked down at you. 
„I could see that,“ he grinned before he kissed you. You moaned against his mouth. 
„Want me to eat this little pussy?“ He said and you shook your head. 
„No?“ He asked, surprised 
„Want you to fuck me. Waited two weeks for you Dave,“ you whimpered. 
„Did your little pussy miss me?“ He asked and you nodded. He pouted. 
„Show me,“ he smirked. You turned around as he took a step back, before you grabbed the fabric of your dress, pulling it up. 
„Take it off,“ he said, his dark eyes on you and you did, pulling the dress over your head, leaving you standing completely naked in the kitchen.
„Such an obedient girl for me,“ he praised before he twirled his finger. You understood, slowly twirling your body for him so he could look at you. He stopped you when you were standing with your back to him again, his hands on your hips. Looking over your shoulder you saw him lean down, one of his hand on your back, pushing you down so you leaned with your elbows on the kitchen Island. 
 The next think your felt were his fingers parting your folds. 
„Bet I could just push my cock inside this pussy and she’d take me, huh?“ He asked and you whined. 
„Yes, Dave. Please fuck me,“ you pleaded desperate. 
„I will. But I just came. Gonna need a while,“ he said and you sighed disappointed .
„Doesn’t mean I can’t make this little pussy cum now, does it?“ He said before you felt his tongue lick a strip from your clit up to your ass, making you moan.
„Please Dave,“ you whimpered. 
„Best fucking pussy I ever had,“ he hummed before he got to work. Playing with you like he was born for it, humming against you like you were the most delicious meal he ever had. He flicked his tongue over your clit before he pushed his tongue as deep inside of you as he could, his hands pulling you open for him.
„Shit, Dave…“ you moaned and he slapped your ass. 
He had you back close to an orgasm in no time, your legs shaking as he devoured you from behind. 
„Thought about this the whole time I was away. Perfect fucking pussy,“ he hummed, two of his fingers entering you without any resistance, Dave’s fingertips immediately finding that spot inside of you that made you see stars, playing with it. 
„You gonna cum for me?“ He asked and you only cried out a weak yes before you came, your pussy clenching his fingers as you rode out your orgasm. 
You moaned when his fingers pulled out and his tongue coming back to clean you up. He helped you up once he was finished, turning you around, his arms pulling you against his chest as he held you. 
Smiling dreamily and satisfied up at him you crossed your hands behind his neck, pulling him down towards you so you could kiss him. 
„I did miss more than just your pussy for the record,“ he said and you smiled. 
„I’m glad it’s not just my pussy then,“ you winked and he chuckled. 
You felt his cock twitch against you and you sucked your bottom lip in. 
„I have a question,“ you said and he nodded. 
„Before outside…. You liked when he called you Mr. York,“ you began and you saw his jaw twitch. 
„Yeah,“ he said and you nodded. 
„Do you want me to call you that too sometimes?“ You asked. 
„If you want to…“ he said and you nodded as if in deep thought before you grinned up at him. 
„Do you…. Do you wanna cum in my pussy next, Mr. York?“
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cherrytreegrove · 4 months
Hi! Came by your blog today when I saw you like my fics out of curiosity. Thank you for that & I see you’re a fellow writer too which makes me happy! ^u^ when doing that I thought it be cool to send you a request to enjoy a fellow writer work. Soooooooooo can I request a TMNT 2012 Leo x reader where reader is a sweet person who genuinely cares about & wants to help people which could be a strength & a weakness. Leading to sweet Leo be a bit overprotective over her especially her going out late at night where she could be vulnerable. Preferably it to be fluff where Leo is just getting butterflies with hoe sweet & understanding she is when reassuring him she’ll be okay & that she’ll try to be careful. Hope this isn’t too big of a request. 😅
You have no idea how happy this request made me!! Did this as a Female Reader because I’m used to she/her pronouns, but if you want a male or gn version, I can totally make that happen! Also sorry about this being short, this is my first time publishing a fanfic! Maybe I should do a part 2?
Kindness: Strength or Weakness?
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Leo loved you with all his heart, he REALLY did, but sometimes he really worried about you. You were, what he could only describe as, an Angel, perfect human being, a saint. Your kindness and patience were incredible. Even Raph couldn’t stay mad at you and your kind heart.
When Leo would watch over you on your walks late at night, he would see how you would help stray animals, the elderly, kids your own age, children, pregnant women, anyone and everyone was a victim to your kindness. Then he would see how some people would use your kindness and take it for granted.
On multiple occasions he would see you lend money to your ‘friends’ and when he would ask, you’d say they haven't paid you yet. Many times would be shoved aside or to the ground after doing something nice or have all the credit taken from you. It made Leo so upset to see you get taken advantage of.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“I’m just saying you should be careful, there’s dangerous people in this world, (Y/N), and I don’t want to see you get hurt..” Leo told you, placing his three fingered hand on your cheek. He had invited you to the lair to watch Space Heros. You smiled at him and giggled.
“I know that, Leo. But I believe that there are always kind people in the world, and a little bit of kindness can go a long way..besides…” You cup his face and place a gentle kiss on his nose, “I’ll always have you to protect me!” Leo blushed at your kiss and wore the most love-sick smile on his face.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“She’s gonna get hurt one day.” Raph said, Leo turned away from the stove to look at his brother.
“Excuse me?”
“(Y/N). She’s gonna get hurt one of these days because of her stupidity.” Leo frowned at Raph. Raph saw you as his sister at times, he wanted what was best for you.
“She is not stupid Raph, she’s just kind, not like you would know what that means.” Leo smirked.
“OH SNAP! Sick burn, Leo!” Mikey laughed, high-threeing Leo. Raph chased Mikey around the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
“He’s kinda right, you know,” Donnie spoke up, looking away from his computer, “(Y/n)’s nice and all but someday she might end up helping the wrong person.”
Leo sighed, he knew the risk of your kindness. But he also knew he couldn’t stop you.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
You walked into the lair, completely drenched in water. All four of the turtles turn to look at you, Leo quickly ran up to you, throwing a blanket over you.
“(Y/N)! What happened?!” He questioned, trying to dry off your hair.
“I saw a girl from my class sitting outside in the rain, she was stood up for a date! So I gave her my umbrella and my jacket and gave her some money to go buy herself some food!” You explained, a smile on your face. Leo frowned, he wasn’t entirely surprised.
“You just give money to anyone who asks for it?” Raph scoffs, throwing Leo an extra towel to dry you off.
“If they really need it, yes!” The red turtle face palmed and went back to reading his comic book.
“(Y/N), you can’t keep giving strangers your stuff, especially when you need it!” Leo said, taking you over to the kitchen.
“First of all, it wasn’t a stranger! And second, a little-”
“Kindness goes a long way, yeah yeah…I know..” He interrupted you. Leo made you a cup of tea and watched you drink some.
“You really are an absolute angel, aren’t you..” He murmured. You perked up an eyebrow and stared at him, “Hm?”
“I just mean that you’re so sweet and kind to everyone, no matter how rude they are to you. You’re always ready to help anyone and everyone…why?” You smiled down at your cup and held Leo’s hand.
“I just really love helping people. It always makes me feel good when someone does something nice for me, so I wanted to do nice things for other people! I think we’re all good deep down on the inside, we just need someone to show us that light!” You smiled.
Leo had always admired you, and he will continue to admire you. He really does hope that the world learns from your kindness. He also hopes that no matter what this cruel and evil world might throw at you, that you’ll always remain his sweet angel.
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