#was for big city rodeo..
sher-ee · 4 months
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KCC getting trolled thanks to Butker.
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highlifeboat · 2 years
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Mia being raised in small town Texas and having an actual southern accent she represses is the only canon I accept in this house. It's what she deserves.
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There’s so much hype for city culture, we need more love and appreciation of rural cultures
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dragpinkman · 1 year
oh to go to pride or not this year
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mokulule · 4 months
Meet Cult
Dead on MAYn - Day 2
Prompt: Jason and Danny abducted by the same cult. No warnings apply.
This was a bad day, was Jason’s first thought as he became aware.
“Oh you’re awake, how are you feeling? That’s a nasty gash on your head,” a voice told him worried.
Jason slowly blinked his eyes into focus. He had the worst headache and when he grimaced he felt something stiff and crusty pull at his skin - dried blood. His arms were tied to a metal pole of sorts behind him which is what had kept him in a kneeling position while unconscious.
A young man slowly came into focus in the dim light. He had dark hair and light eyes, but actual color wasn’t possible to really tell. He was wearing just a simple light t-shirt and shorts, sitting similarly tied to Jason. If he’d been there for any length of time he had to be chilled from the concrete. Jason at least wore sturdy pants which added a bit of insulation.
What had happened?
Jason had been… shopping? Yeah that sounded about right. And then- nothing.
“Hey, please tell me they didn’t knock you entirely senseless?”
Jason focused back on the other… hostage? “What do you know?”
There was a flash of white as he grinned. “I know they came back with you sporting bloodied noses and mr stick up his ass probably have a broken wrist.”
“Who are they?” Jason spoke lowly, looking around, but the room they were in was a basement room only way in was a heavy metal door. Only the barest of light shone through the cracks of an otherwise barred window. There was no one but the two of them.
“Some weirdo cultists.”
Jason must have shown his surprise on his face, because he continued.
“Didn’t expect that, huh?”
“I thought it was just a normal kidnapping.”
“You get kidnapped enough for there to be normal kidnappings?” The man asked eyebrows raising up past his messy bangs.
“Not as such, but my adoptive father is something of a big deal in Gotham so there’s a risk.”
The other thought that over for a moment with a worried frown, before speaking, “I’m sorry you got caught up in this weirdness.”
“And what about you?” Jason asked.
“Me?” He tilted his head.
“You seem remarkably calm about this?”
That earned Jason a chuckle.
“Yeah well you could say it’s not my first rodeo either. I get involved in a shocking amount of weirdness for someone who’s just trying to get a degree.”
He had the sort of smile that invited Jason to share in the joke. Jason gave him a smirk of his own.
“Actually with a degree in Gotham chances are high of becoming a supervillain.”His smile fell as he stared at Jason in shock.
“You’re shitting me.”
Jason shook his head and leaned back against his metal pole, unfolding his legs to get a modicum of comfort.
“Shockingly high amount of PhD’s amongst the rogues,” Jason explained.
That startled a laugh out of the man. He had a nice laugh. “Should have picked another city then I guess.”
“And miss meeting me in some cult’s basement?” The words escaped Jason before he’d even had a chance to consider them, it was just too tempting to banter with this man. Only the sudden silence made him realize he was flirting.
The man tilted his head slightly and gave Jason a thoughtful look. Jason found himself tensing, holding his breath, but then a smile spread slowly over the man’s lips, and Jason could breathe again.
“You know what, you’re right. I’m Danny.”
“Nice to meet you, Jason.” It was said so honestly, with no hint of joking, words soft like a caress, that Jason’s breath hitched. He scrambled to get his thoughts in order. He didn’t know how to respond.
Thankfully Danny, didn’t seem to need a response.
“Urgh, you know what? Let’s get out of here. I usually stick around to see what nonsense they’re trying to do, but I’m not feeling charitable today.” With that Danny pulled his hands in front of him and pushed himself to his feet - as if nobody had bothered tying him up at all.
The action thankfully pushed Jason back into an analytical mindset. He either had training or- “Powers?”
“A few.” Danny winked at him and to his embarrassment he felt his cheeks heating - so much for the analytical mindset. Danny moved over to start to untie Jason. His hands were cold and Jason’s earlier assumption that he was chilled from the floor seemed proved. He needed to keep his mind on track and not think of the way cool fingers brushed against the insides of his wrists. Without using his powers, as he’d clearly done to get himself free, Danny was not fast.
“You shouldn’t show them off, Gotham has a real problem with traffickers.”
“Not to mention death-cults, which somehow nobody warns you about.” Danny shot right back with a put-upon sigh.
“I’m serious.”
“So am I,” Danny ducked back in front of Jason, “if I had known the amount of supernatural shit going on- well,” Danny shrugged, “I would have probably still taken that scholarship, because beggars can’t be choosers, but I would have had warning.”
Danny went back to untying with a cursed, “idiots really mad at you fighting them, what’s up with all these fucking knots! This might feel weird.”
There was a strange liquid sensation in his wrists and forearms and then he was free. He brought his arms back to his front to inspect the damage. His fingers tingled and throbbed as he flexed them, and he had a bad case of rope burn running from wrists up his forearms. They really hadn’t liked him fighting them indeed. He’d been no where near loosing his hands or fingers, but it had been a risk if he’d been tied up too long.
Not that he’d have let it get that far, he’d have slipped out way beforehand.
Cool hands laid themselves on top of his wrists and gripped him gently. A soothing sort of cool energy seemed to seep into his skin chasing away the pain and numbness and Jason was forced to reevaluate his “chilled” theory. The cold might have to do with his powers.
Jason looked up and Danny’s face was very close. The tips of their noses were inches apart. Danny’s eyes were very blue, the light had to hit them just right right now, it was almost like the glowed.
“You really shouldn’t use your powers so obviously,” he cautioned absently, as his eyes traced the thin barely visible white scars on the left side of Danny’s face; they grew over his skin, organic like vines on a trellis - or like lightning. As if the thought had summoned it, he could suddenly smell ozone, wild, like power rippling under the surface barely held back.
“Are you going to traffic me, Jason?”
For a moment the words didn’t register. He was too busy watching Danny’s lips move. Too caught up in that power he felt. What had Danny said? This wasn’t the first time a cult went for him? A death cult? He didn’t want to stick around to be charitable today? He’d never really been a captive.
What was he?
Danny let go of him as if burned and stepped back. The sense of power disappeared just as suddenly, leaving Jason reeling with the sudden emptiness. He felt as if he’d been dropped into a desert with emptiness stretching for miles in every direction.
“I’m sorry,” Danny said, “I didn’t mean to scare you. Most people don’t-“ He cut himself off.
Jason swallowed, realizing he had been scared, and pushed himself to his feet. He felt wobbly and disoriented, disconnected.
“Most people what?” He demanded, when he finally felt stable on his feet.
Danny looked at him with a worried frown. “Most people don’t feel my power at all. You’re either magic…”
There was an “or” clearly missing. Jason didn’t know why, but he knew he had to know. “Or?”
“This is really not the best place for this,” Danny hedged looking around them with a grimace.
Jason stepped forward and grabbed his arms. The power was back, though more muted than before, like it was hiding behind layers of fabric.
“Or?” He demanded.
Danny looked up at him a strange expression on his face. “Or, you have more than a passing familiarity with death.”
It felt like the ground dropped out from under Jason’s feet, that first rush of air of a fall. Yet, somehow he was still standing. Danny’s hands gripping his arms hard in return was the reason. He gave Jason a small shake and when Jason sorta focused on him, he said, “This is not an empty stomach sort of conversation. Least I know why they grabbed you too. Come on.”
And with those words suddenly they were flying up through the ceiling and the next ceiling and the next, it became a blur until suddenly they were outside in fresh air high above the city. Jason moved his legs in a startled motion, but nothing happened. He was weightless, Danny’s hold on him was light. That cool energy was flowing through him again, but this time it was his whole body.
The view of Gotham stretched out below them, behind them was the harbor, they’d been in one of the many more or less abandoned buildings that dotted the area between harbor and city proper. Too many gun fights broke out in the area over shipments of various illegal items for any legal businesses to want to rent those buildings for any substantial amount of time, which explained how a (death?) cult had set up shop.
Jason was very carefully ignoring the fact that he was flying. It wasn’t the first time he’d flown with someone - those other times however he’d still been able to feel gravity, now he was weightless. The air might as well have been water, though it didn’t press on him.
The view of Gotham was breathtaking from up here. Evening was closing in on a rare day with few clouds for Gotham which meant blue actually peeked through in spots.
Danny sent him a grin and Jason’s stomach did a flip. When Danny moved so he only held Jason’s hand, Jason noticed they were both somewhat see-through.
“Are we invisible?” He asked.

“Sure are, don’t wanna catch unwanted attention.”

With those words Danny flew them through the city until they came to a flat topped roof in view of the Gotham U campus. He set Jason down and held his hand until he was steady on his feet as gravity reasserted itself on his body, like a heavy blanket.
“I know a good burger place nearby.” Danny had said he was a student, with Gotham U in view that supported the claim. Danny continued speaking, “I will return with food, but if you want to leave in the mean time-“ He nodded towards the roof access and gave a shrug- “otherwise I will explain things once we have eaten. Any allergies or dislikes?”
Jason numbly shook his head. Danny faded away like a mirage, leaving Jason with just the view of the old campus buildings.
Jason sat down to wait. Danny had given him an out, but there was no way Jason could let this go. Not just because of his training, but because he needed to know. If Danny knew anything of what had brought Jason back…
Of course it occurred to him that Danny might have just fled himself, it would have been the smart thing to do. He had no obligation to tell Jason anything, Jason was a stranger. But somehow Jason knew Danny wouldn’t have said he’d be coming back if he wasn’t.
Jason’s gut feeling was ratified when Danny returned about 20 minutes later, brandishing a large paper bag and two milkshakes as he turned visible. Somehow Jason had felt he was there just a moment before he turned into visibility, like a prickle on his skin - it was something to examine later.
Danny had brought them both cheeseburgers and fries. The burgers were juicy and the fries crisp and spiced. Jason felt more real, more himself with hot food in his belly. Danny had given him the choice between the cherry or the pistachio milkshake as he set down beside Jason. He had chosen the cherry - it was good. With those flavor options he had to wonder what more options they had.
When their impromptu rooftop picnic was done, aside from the last of their milkshakes. Jason’s eye were drawn to Danny’s calloused hands, where they fiddled nervously with the straw.
Something was building, there was a grim set to Danny mouth and Jason was suddenly uncertain if he really wanted an explanation at all. Danny had powers that Jason could feel because they were death related, so what? That was an explanation of a sort already.
“I died when I was fourteen.”
The statement was like a punch to the gut, and Jason felt just as breathless. He snapped his head to Danny, about to tell him that he really didn’t have to tell him that, but Danny held up a hand. He met Jason’s eyes squarely, somehow conveying that it was okay, that he wanted to share this.
“An interdimensional portal opened up right on top of me, killing me, but all that energy also revived me, killed me again and revived me over an over…” His eyes slid from Jason to the skyline haunted and empty. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath, then looked to Jason again. “It left me somewhere in the middle, both dead and alive and neither all at the same time.”
Jason didn’t know what to say. The weight of the trust Danny was showing him by telling him about his death, was heavy like an anchor rooting him to the spot.
“These days,” Danny continued in a lighter tone, “I consider myself something of a bridge between the spirit and the living world. I help where I can in between trying to live and I get to be kidnapped by death cults because of my energy.” Danny shrugged carelessly, but the pinched eyebrows gave away how anxious he was about Jason’s reaction.
It was honestly not the strangest story Jason had ever heard. The world was a strange place what was one more addition to the tapestry that was Jason’s life? A thought occured to him. He carefully looked out over the city - the sunset painted the sky red in between the skyscrapers - and steeled his voice neutral.
“A bridge huh? Between the physical and the spirit world…”
“Do you also master all four elements?”
“No, mostly just ice- wait a moment,” Danny’s head snapped to face him as he caught on to the Avatar joke and he promptly punched his shoulder.
Jason laughed.
“It is not funny!” Danny insisted, yet he had to cover his mouth to muffle the laughter that wanted to escape. For a moment his shoulders quaked in silence but then he gave in and laughed.
“Fuck you, Jason, I was trying to handle this conversation respectful of the heavy subject.” Then almost as afterthought he muttered, “Ancients, I never thought of it like that.”
He leaned all the way back until he was lying on the roof, looking up to the sky. Jason followed suit.
“I don’t want to talk about my death,” Jason admitted.
“That’s alright. It’s not the sort of thing you ask a spirit to share, it has to be freely given.”
Jason turned his head to look at Danny.
“Is that what I am? A spirit?”
“I’m not entirely sure, I’ve never met anyone like you before.”
Jason should probably ask him to elaborate, milk him for all the information he had. Danny was a being with still unknown powers in Gotham, Bruce would be unbearable if he learned. But Danny didn’t feel like a threat to him and Jason was tired of asking questions.
From next to him he heard a sigh.
“For a moment back there,” Danny started a wistful note in his voice, “I actually thought I might be getting lucky tonight.”
Jason snorted at the unexpected subject change. He hesitated for a moment, but then threw caution to the wind. “Who says you aren’t?”
Danny sat up so fast he jumped a foot off the ground - he didn’t even seem to notice the fact he was still hovering as he turned around in the air to face him hovering above him. “You gotta be yanking my tail! After all this?”
Jason shrugged, deliberately moving his arms a bit higher where they pillowed his head. He smirked, delighted at the way Danny’s eyes were drawn to the sliver of skin revealed as his shirt drew up.
“I, uh-“
Something occurred to Jason. “Do you have a tail to yank?”
This time it was Danny’s turn to smirk, his teeth were distinctly sharper than they had been a moment ago. Jason’s mouth went dry.
“Sometimes, when I want to.”
Jason had almost forgotten what question he had asked. When it sunk in he blushed at the implication he could change his shape. Trying to regain his composure, he teased, “So it’s a deliberate choice to be a skinny twink?”
Danny flicked his nose for that. “No, this is just me. My low energy state if you want.” He paused for a moment considering then added teasingly, “I can’t change my shape much in human form.”
“Human form?” Jason asked curiously.
Danny hummed, and reached out slowly, leaving plenty of time for Jason to move away. He didn’t. He did shudder though, when cold fingers brushed his cheek and trailed down his throat. He could feel the power held in check, a tsunami behind a dam. Holding Danny’s eyes he tilted his head back to give him more room.
Danny sucked in a breath. His eyes darkened and Jason felt the power ripple.
“Maybe I’ll show you,” Danny said slowly, “if you’re very good.”
Jason swallowed. Yeah, he could be good. He could be very good.
When Danny kissed him, Jason thought this hadn’t been too bad a day after all. Even despite the weirdness, Jason would take it. And the night? The night was shaping up to be all the better.
“What the Hell, Jason!”Jason startled awake at Dick’s outburst from behind him.
“You couldn’t have called us to say you were alright? I know you have more than the one phone!” Dick continued his tirade.
Danny was as awake as Jason and looked up at him with wide eyes from where he was conveniently hidden by Jason’s larger frame. Jason resisted the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Wing,” he said tiredly as he worked to disentangle himself from Danny and turn around, but Dick didn’t even hear. He was pacing back and forth, very much not done with his rant.
“Nooooo, you get grabbed on open street and we get to find some weird cult, with a huge magic circle and strange bubbling liquids, and they have your wallet and phone - and your tracker. I can’t believe you didn’t bother to get it when you escaped!”
“Wing,” Jason tried again.
“Of all the-“
“Nightwing!” Jason said firmly with great emphasis on the call sign.
Dick spun to look at him finally. He did a double take when he saw Danny peeking over Jason’s shoulder with wide eyes.
“Danny, meet my friend Nightwing, we go back a long time. Like I mentioned, my dad being who he is, kidnapping is a risk and you meet people this way.” Jason gave Dick a telling glare and his mouth clicked shut, message obviously delivered: Jason was not compromised but he sure would be if Dick kept blabbering.
“Wing, this is Danny, my co-would-be-sacrifice. He’s a regular Houdini with rope and locked doors, he got us out.”
“Hi,” Danny said hesitantly raising a hand in a little wave.
Dick rubbed his face. “You could have called.”
“I was busy.”
“I can see that! Just-” Dick threw up his hands and walked to the window he’d entered through, “call your dad before you get busy again, he’s worried.”
He left through the window and didn’t even bother to close it, dick. Jason turned to look at Danny, he was beet red.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered, “I didn’t even consider they might have taken your things.”
“They didn’t take yours?” They mustn’t have, Danny had gotten them food.
“I- um,” Danny grimaced then admitted, “I store my phone and wallet in my thigh for the most part.”
For a moment Jason stared, then he burst out laughing. Danny slapped his chest.
“It’s not that funny!”
But really it was, especially because of the way Danny pouted. He leaned down to kiss the pout away but Danny stopped him with a hand over his mouth.
“No, you go call your dad so we don’t get more surprise visitors.”
- Hope you enjoyed! If I get the time I want to write a small sequel for one of the last days, but I haven't started yet so we'll see.
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queenxxxsupreme · 2 months
Ghost (Logan Howlett x reader)
A/N: this is my first attempt at a fic in a while, so please just bear with me. This takes place after the events of Deadpool and Wolverine. I feel like I am not too great at writing Wade’s character and I think I’m still learning how to write Logan so just please don’t hate me if anything seems out of character. I hope you enjoy :)
Warnings: cursing, mentions of thoughts of suicide, nothing else out of the ordinary for a Deadpool and Wolverine fic
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: What happens when the man who broke your heart shows up on your doorstep with a weird man claiming to be from another universe?
As you were tying your robe into place, the sound of glass shattering in the other room caught your attention.
“Fuck.” You muttered before hastily making your way down the hallway. “Nugs, what the hell are you doing in here?”
The overweight orange cat meowed loudly from where he sat on the floor. Directly beside him was a pile of dirt and the remnants of your favorite flower pot.
“Nugget! Dude, we have talked a million times about you trying to get up on that shelf.” You shooed the cat away from the mess, then went to retrieve a broom. “You are far too big to be trying to climb up there. You could get hurt.”
He meowed again and rubbed against your calf, offering his own version of an apology.
You swept the dirt and plant material into the dustpan. As you were making your way towards the trash can, a firm knock came at the front door.
Nugget started meowing loudly. It was almost like he was trying to imitate a siren and warn you that there was someone at the door.
Cautiously, you moved towards the door. You weren’t expecting anyone, sure, but you also knew absolutely no one in the city, so why would someone be knocking on your door at 11:30 on a Wednesday night?
You pulled the door open to see an unknown man. He wore a trucker hat with the words ‘this is actually my first rodeo’ stitched on to it. He was wearing a gray hoodie and jeans. The skin covering his face was scarred badly.
“Can I help you?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Oh my FUCK! You didn’t tell me we were coming to see Y/N!” The man turned around to reveal Logan Howlett.
Your heart jumped to your throat at the sight of him, and the very thought of breathing went right out the window.
He stood with his arms crossed. The dark red flannel he wore stretched over his muscles. It was like the shirt was two sizes too small for him. The jeans he wore were dark and fit him snug. His hair wasn’t as poofy as you remembered it being, but it was still styled and spiked just like he had always done.
As you took in the sight of the Wolverine, you realized he didn’t look as unkempt as you so vividly recalled him being the last time that you saw him.
“Uh, hi, Y/N.”
Hearing him say your name almost made you vomit right then and there. It had been years since you last heard him say your name.
You snapped out of your trance, the tension and nerves in your stomach twisting into anger.
“What the fuck do you want, Logan?”
”I know it’s a long shot, but we need somewhere to stay for the night.”
You couldn’t believe what he was saying. What made him think he had the right to ask you for anything?
You started to close the door but the man you didn’t know stopped you, placing his hand on the door.
“Hold on just a second, Y/N! We have some wild— and I mean wild —stories to tell you.”
”I don’t know you, fuck nuts.” You snapped. Your irises disappeared as the entire eye turned black. “Now if you two don’t get the hell away from my apartment—,”
”I know you don’t owe me anything, Y/N.” Logan paused, taking a second to admire how stunning you looked. You stood there in nothing but a soft pink robe with little cherries all over it and your hair was wet. You even smelled the same. “We’re doing some…. work nearby and we need somewhere to stay.”
”Go fuck yourself, how about that?” You tried to close the door but this time Logan stopped you. His hand was firm and steady as he held the door open.
“I-I just want to talk to you.”
You held his gaze, your eyes returning to their normal Y/E/C color.
Perhaps if he hadn’t looked so different from the last time you saw him, you’d slam the door in his face. But he didn’t look broken, his eyes weren’t empty. The Logan standing before you was more like the one you fell in love with years ago, rather than the one who had broken your heart.
“When was the last time you had a drink?”
Logan let out a heavy breath and almost rolled his eyes.
“Look, I’m not gonna lie to you. It was, like, forty-five minutes ago. But it was just one drink.”
”He’s seriously been cutting back on the alcohol.” The stranger nodded his head. “But if you ask me, I’d rather him be loaded with that shit. Makes him more tolerable.”
Logan elbowed him harshly in the ribs.
”It’s a good thing I didn’t ask you then isn’t it, buddy?” I raised my brows at the stranger.
”Yikes, you are just like I remember you being. All sweet and mean and shit.”
“Please, Y/N.” Logan pulled your attention back to him.
With a sigh of defeat, you stepped back and held the door for the two men.
“Yes! Thank you, Y/N.” The stranger happily entered your home. “You know, I’ve always wanted to see what your place was like. The you from my world banned me from her place a long time ago. We wear the same size shoes, you know. And apparently, she doesn’t like to share. Said I stretched out her Burkins. And her nighties.”
You furrowed your eyebrows as you listened to the man ramble.
“Who in the fuck are you?”
”Wade Wilson.” The man turned around to face you, holding his hand out. “You might know me as Deadpool.”
”No, actually. I don’t.” You crossed your arms over your chest, ignoring his outstretched hand. “Where the hell did you get this guy, Logan?”
”Uh, it’s a long story.”
”I can explain it all, momma. Let’s have a seat.” Wade gestured to your kitchen table and then pulled a chair out.
You stepped out onto your balcony, pulling a carton of cigarettes from the pocket in your jacket. Your eyes flickered out over the city.
Never in a million years did you think that Logan Howlett would show up at your apartment looking like a kicked dog. Never in a million years did you think he’d be able to dig himself out of the hole he tried to bury himself in ages ago. And never in a million years did you think he would have the guts to stand in front of you asking to stay for just the night.
He needed somewhere to stay for the night, somewhere to rest in the midst of whatever the fuck he was doing. And with him came a strange man by the name of Wade Wilson.
The air was cool and a gentle breeze blew through your hair. The faint sound of car horns kept you from being too absorbed by your own thoughts.
Out of the corner of your eye, something moved. It was Wade.
You took a puff of the cigarette and then offered it to him.
“Oh, no thank you. I’m trying to limit my oral intake of carcinogens.”
You nodded, finding it best not to question him, and moved to sit down at the little table.
“Sometimes I think things couldn’t get any more crazy. The man who broke my heart and made me contemplate offing myself shows up at my front door out of the blue with a man claiming to be from another universe entirely. How am I supposed to react to that?”
Wade opened his mouth to answer your rhetorical question with something sassy, but he stopped himself. He could see that your eyes were glossy and your breath was shaky. Your hand trembled as you held the cigarette up to your lips.
He slipped into the seat next to you, racking his brain for something to say.
“Did you know that?” You asked him, your eyes finding his. “That when we broke up, when he…. When Logan decided that he was done…. I thought about killing myself.”
”No, I didn’t.” Wade spoke softly.
”We were together for years. Almost a lifetime. And he just…. He just couldn’t take it anymore. After what happened at the school.” You paused for a moment. “He couldn’t move on, but he couldn’t die either. Everything just turned him into someone I— someone I didn’t know. Don’t know.”
Wade watched you in silence. His chest began to feet tight, like it was hard for him to breathe. Seeing his best friend— or at least his best friend in his world —so torn up, so genuinely hurt, made Deadpool feel bad.
“In my world, you two were together until his dying breath.”
Your eyes snapped over to him, unsure that you had heard him right.
”Wherever you were, he was not too far behind. You two were inseparable. Practically joined at the hip.”
You gazed at him for a few moments, giving yourself time to process his words. An ache began to stir in your gut, the same ache that you fought every single minute of every single day to suppress.
“He-He died? In your- In your world, I mean.”
”Yeah. Oh, yeah.” Wade rubbed his palms on the thighs of his jeans. “It was a real dark time for everyone. I never even got to team up with him before he croaked.”
You flicked the ashes from your cigarette into an ashtray. You leaned back in your seat, taking a deep breath.
“Your Logan, was he like this one?”
“Very similar. This one gives off slutty vibes. And he’s more drunk than the one from my world.”
“Was I happy with him, Wade?”
The Deadpool looked at you for a while. It was so weird to him that you were questioning your happiness with Logan Howlett. In his world, all you ever did was talk about Logan, about the memories you had with him.
“Happier than anyone I ever knew.” He nodded his head softly. “Look, I don’t know your situation with him in this world, but I think you should let him talk to you.”
You took a deep breath of the cigarette. The back of your throat burned.
“I can’t do that.”
“Sure you can. Just let him talk and explain himself. Make him feel like a dick for what he did. Then have the hottest makeup sex ever. Lovers-to-enemies-back-to-lovers sex is the best. Or so I’ve heard. I haven’t had a chance to experience that yet. Still on my bucket list.”
“He wouldn’t listen to me before. What makes you think he’ll listen to me now?”
“In our little journey we’ve had, I think I’ve been a good influence on him. I got him to smile, like, three times.”
You wanted to believe him, to trust the words he was telling you and the grin on his face. But you couldn’t stop thinking back to the Logan you remembered.
The cigarette between your fingertips disappeared beneath your touch, the gentle breeze taking away the particles of what was left of it.
You looked down at your hand, a shaky breath leaving through your lips.
“I don’t know, Wade.”
“That’s okay, momma. That’s okay.” He put his hands up. “It’s late and it’s been a wild and odd day for you. Why don’t you go get some sleep?”
“Yeah.” You nodded your head, standing from your chair.
He stood to his feet and looked down at you for a few moments. Then his arms wrapped around you and he pulled you in for a tight hug.
“Oh, uh–,”
“Shhh. Just let me hug you.” He whispered.
You were confused and shocked a little bit, but you hugged him back nonetheless.
“You smell just like the Y/N from my world.”
”Alright, okay.” You pulled away from him.
“I’m gonna go see if the princess is done with her shower yet.”
“Goodnight, Wade.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
You watched him walk back into your apartment and he disappeared around a corner.
You stood there for a few moments in silence. He was an interesting man. You almost enjoyed how much he constantly annoyed Logan.
“What a fucking day.” You rubbed your temple with one hand as you moved to return to your seat.
The cigarette pack was pulled from your jacket pocket and you took out a second cigarette. You put the stick between your lips, then reached back into your pocket to pull out a lighter.
Someone cleared their throat. You turned your head to see Logan standing in the doorway. He was in a pair of black sweatpants and a t-shirt. His hair was damp, a telltale sign that he had just gotten out of the shower.
You said nothing to him for a few heartbeats.
“Your friend is strange.” You nodded to the seat beside you that Wade had previously sat in. As Logan sat down, you held out the pack of cigarettes for him.
“Thanks.” He muttered, taking the box and pulling a cigarette out. You took it back from him and tossed it down onto the table. “He’s…. He’s not too bad.”
You lit your cigarette, then passed the lighter to Logan.
”When’d you take up smoking?” He placed the lighter down on the table next to the pack of cigarettes.
“Couple years ago.”
Logan wanted to look at you, to see how much you had changed in the years since he had last seen you. But he couldn’t bring himself to see the way that you looked at him. The sadness. The grief. The anger. So instead, the Wolverine focused his gaze on the skyline ahead.
The two of you sat there in silence for what felt like ages. Part of you didn’t know what to say, but the other part of you didn’t feel like it was your job to be the first to speak. That was on him.
You finished the cigarette with one final deep breath, then you put it out in the ashtray. The silence was getting to be too much, and you contemplated getting a third cigarette.
“Why did you come here, Logan?” You crossed your arms tightly over your chest.
”I wanted to…. I guess I just wanted to see you.” He blew a cloud of smoke from his lips. “The whole way here, I was trying to think of something to say, of what I could say to apologize to you, to show you that I am sorry. But nothing is good enough. Nothing sounds good enough.”
You turned your head to look at him, tilting your head to the side just a little.
“Start with an actual apology, Logan. Tell me that you are sorry. God knows you’ve never fucking done that before.”
Logan pressed his lips together tightly. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you, not yet at least.
“I am sorry, Y/N.”
You didn’t realize you were crying until the breeze blowing over the balcony made your damp cheeks feel cold. You turned away from him, hastily wiping your eyes with the sleeve of your jacket.
“I am— I’m so, so fucking sorry for everything.” Logan’s voice was quiet.
“I thought about killing myself, Logan.”
It was his turn to look at you. His brows were drawn together and his lips parted.
“I had no one left. The Professor was gone. Storm, Jean, there was no one fucking left for me to go to.” Your voice trembled as you said each name.
“I’m— Y/N, I’m sorry. I just…. There was a lot going on and I—,”
”You don’t think I didn’t fucking see what was going on, Logan?” You cut him off. The sadness and grief you felt quickly turned to anger. “I wanted to help you. I did everything I could to try to help you! And you just shot me down like I was a fucking nobody to you. Like we hadn’t spent the last fifteen plus years together!”
”I didn’t know how to process everything!” He raised his voice. All the emotions from all those years ago came flooding back to him. “You couldn’t fix everything, Y/N! You couldn’t just make things better with a snap of your fingers! I was an asshole. The biggest fucking asshole in the world. And I’m sorry you had to go through that.”
You stood to your feet. The thought of just sitting idly while you felt the white hot anger of a thousand suns under your skin made you want to vomit.
“Fuck you, Logan. Actually and genuinely fuck you. To think you have the right to find me and just waltz in and try to apologize for fucking being the absolute biggest dickhead in the entire—,”
Logan cut you off by wrapping his arms around you. He pulled you into what was perhaps the tightest hug you had ever had in your life. He buried his face against the side of your head, his hands pressing firmly into your back.
You were frozen in shock for the first few seconds. What was he doing? What was he trying to do?
”I’m so fucking sorry.” His voice cracked. “I’m so sorry.”
And just like that, you melted around him. Your arms wrapped around his torso. You buried your face in his chest.
Sure, you weren’t completely accepting of his apology. There were still plenty of conversations the two of you needed to have to work through your issues. But you would be lying if you said you hadn’t been dreaming about this moment for years.
You stood there for a long time, probably too long, holding him as tight as you possibly could. Your tears dampened his hoodie at the center of his chest and you were sure you could feel his own tears making your hair damp.
When he finally felt that he had held you for long enough, Logan pulled back. You looked up at him, taking in a shaky breath through your lips. His large hands came up to cup your face, thumbs brushing the tears away.
”We should go to sleep.”
”Yeah.” You nodded your head, stepping away from him so that you could gather yourself quickly. “Um, yeah. I think Wade said something about sharing the guest bed with you.”
”Oh, great.” Logan rolled his eyes.
“You can always sleep on the couch if you want.” You offered, moving around him and into your apartment.
You stopped in the kitchen to watch him. As he stepped into the dim lighting of your home, you found yourself staring at him once more. It felt like you were dreaming, like maybe this was some sort of coma dream. Maybe you fell down the stairs in your apartment and this wasn’t real.
”Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Logan.”
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artist-issues · 2 months
I also like that his nickname for her changes as he learns more about her (because their interest in understanding each other parallels their interest in understanding how storms work) but it’s always in reference to where she’s from. Because she has that whole “running from home -> returning to home” character arc thing going. So we start with “city girl” and we move to “Sepulpa.” And the guy who’s giving her those nicknames is not only demonstrating that he’s learned more about her and they’re getting closer, but also, he’s the one really reminding her where she’s from/where she belongs in this story.
Javi is also doing that, but the thing about Javi is that he is associated with the Big Tragedy. He was part of the thing that makes Kate want to cut herself off from “where she belongs.” So even though he’s reminding her of who she is and where she’s from, too, it’s in the wrong direction. Kate’s character needed somebody new to come into her life, not somebody from the tortured past. And what better “somebody new” than a guy who’s got all the love for weather she used to have, and all the challenging interest in her, with none of the “reference to tragedy?”
I mean they could’ve written Tyler to be a storm-chaser who lost someone, too. At the rodeo, he could’ve gone, “yeah, my parents died in a storm, there wasn’t an early enough warning system, so now I chase what I used to fear to help understand the thing that took my family from me,” yadda yadda, angst angst. But that’s not what they do. Because Tyler’s character doesn’t need to foil the tragedy. He needs to foil the fun. And the hope, and the enjoyment, and the bravery, that Kate’s character has been suppressing.
So what better character to start marking where Kate’s return-to-where-she-belongs journey is, with nicknames, than Tyler—the guy trying to understand her—and then once he gets an understanding, he’s the guy trying to push her to move forward?
Good good good. Good writing, good storytelling, good characters. Nothing fancy. Just plain good.
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scwheeler · 9 months
— illicit affairs
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luke castellan x fem!reader
warnings: potential toxic!luke, secret relationship, doubting relationship
summary: you agreed to date privately since it tended to help avoid the typical issues in relationships and made things extra special between you two, but you didn’t agree to secretly.
a/n: #ilovetoxic!lukesorrynotsorry
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make sure nobody sees you leave
in hermes cabin, it was monthly game night, a tradition that luke and a few of his half-siblings created once newbies felt out of place when first arriving to camp half-blood. tonight, cabin eleven was full of laughter and shouts over games like monopoly, charades, and various card games.
hood over your head, keep your eyes down
while the stoll twins were distracting everyone with a big argument over who gets to purchase new york city, luke saw it as the perfect opportunity to slip out of the room for a moment.
tell your friends you're out for a run
grabbing one of his dark jackets, he sneaked out the back door with the hood covering his figure. spotting the bright campfire in the center of campus, he walked towards the woods.
you’ll be flushed when you return
anyone would be scared shitless to enter the inky forest in the middle of the night, especially alone. but this wasn’t luke’s first rodeo. the scarce dirt path that was the only source of navigation through the deep canopy of trees was created by luke’s worn out sneakers for god’s sake.
take the road less traveled by
with the amount of times he had quietly crept out of a large group to escape into the mysterious woods, he knew the way like the back of his hand. thus, here he was, careful to not make a sound yet slightly rushing in order to not be late.
tell yourself you can always stop
once he saw a blinking gleam flashing in front of him, a smile slid across his face. his pace quicken, leaving his worries of being discovered in the unlit caves of trees behind him. your figure becoming clearer in his eyesight was enough for him to instantly wrap his arms around you, lifting your feet from the ground.
what started in beautiful rooms
his immediate grasp resulted you in dropping the flashlight in your right hand, now replacing the object with a hold around his neck. he spun you around before placing you back on the ground to see your face.
ends with meetings in parking lots
“i missed you.” you spoke first, a hand cupping his cheek and admiring his moonlit features.
he kissed your hand, the taste of blood seeping through his pink lips. he winced at the sour taste, ceasing him from continuing. he took your hand until he noticed the peeled spot of your right thumb.
and that's the thing about illicit affairs
“wha—i thought i told you to stop doing this.” his tone was soft, implying his care for your well-being.
“i am…this was from training earlier.” you lied.
believing it and without another word, his longing stare was followed by his lips coming down on yours. the collision held a sense of yearning for each other after a missed amount of time together. even though you had seen each other just this morning in the mess hall for breakfast.
and clandestine meetings and longing stares
but you were sat with cabin six and him at cabin eleven, just a few tables over but it seemed like the gap lengthened every time someone would block his view from you and yours from him.
it’s born from just one single glance
when opportunities arrived for you to sneak a look at him, your heart would skip a beat whenever it was returned. there were moments when the chances were aligned and you both would get to look at each other.
but it dies, and it dies, and it dies
a million little times
just long enough for a share of a small grin or little laugh until, someone would call your name or he would be whisked off into his head counselor duties. one would hold their doting gaze on the other as they walked out of the room, not before they turned and glanced back at them.
leave the perfume on the shelf
the longer this little secret went on, the harder it became. at least for you. you would stand outside your cabin after dismissing your sisters to go to the campfire on their own. leaving you behind, they would reluctantly run to the blazing campfire surrounding music and sweet conversation.
that you picked out just for him
biting your lip anxiously, you stood watching the woods in front of you. hesitate to enter them and hesitate to give up waiting to go enjoy the night with the rest of camp, you continued to fidget your fingers.
so you leave no trace behind
like you don't even exist
occasionally picking at them, they reached their breaking point, suddenly blood sliding down your hand. out of fear, you wiped it off on your pants until there was rustling amongst the dark trees.
take the words for what they are
on instinct, you turned on the flashlight and off repeatedly as a signal, luke had created when your little rendezvous began.
the moon hung low in the sky, casting a soft, silver glow over everything in sight. a figure emerged from the darkness, his sharp features highlighted by the gentle light that hushed the rest of the world.
you no longer cared for the hollers and shouts of happiness far at the campfire. your focus was only on the boy approaching you with such haste.
a dwindling, mercurial high
a drug that only worked
your heart fluttered at the warm, beaming smile that reached your eyes. one look at your previous thoughts of debating were gone. now only fixated on the sweet, affectionate boy who opened his arms at the sight of you.
going to bed with your head in the clouds was an understatement. a grin plastered on your face, you rolled up your covers before laying your head on the soft pillow. you had to stay quiet, the rest of your cabin already fast asleep with how late you came back.
the first few hundred times
the doubt surrounding your relationship with luke vanished every night you had spent with him. his reassuring words that he loved you and his lingering touches that sent chills throughout your entire body were things that all the girls in the cabin would fawn over but you kept your mouth shut.
and that's the thing about illicit affairs
luke made you swear that your meetups and kisses would only be behind the scenes. at first, it was mysterious in a romantic film way but whenever you would see couples together, hand holding and demonstrating pda around camp, your heart would ping in jealously.
and clandestine meetings and stolen stares
luke had taken you to the river to stargaze and catch up about each other’s days. straying away from the loudness of the camp, you laid your safety with luke as he led you through the forest, one of your biggest fears.
but with luke, you were calm and felt nothing besides the fluttery feeling he gives you whenever he as much spare you a glance. your hand in his was everything you needed to go wherever, no matter how dangerous or scary because he would protect you. right?
they show their truth one single time
the next afternoon was friday. which meant capture the flag, and with the ‘best swordsman in camp’ hermes’ cabin always won. but for you, it wasn’t because he could have you on the ground with his sword in a second but rather with his charming look or tender words that wrapped you in a warm embrace every time.
but they lie, and they lie, and they lie
a million little times
in the midst of battle, you had held your own pretty well with the help of your half-siblings. as the daughter of athena, you were known to be good with a sword or any weapon for that matter. therefore, your cabin agreed it would be best for you to keep guard of your flag.
and you wanna scream
one of the apollo kids lunged at you with full strength, but you dodged and used it against him, successfully defeating him. with the sound of branches crunching, you whipped around to the culprit with sword in hand. but once you made eye contact, your arm faltered almost surrendering immediately.
it was none other than luke castellan.
your outstretched arm restricted him from getting any closer but he knew your guard was down. easily, he used his mastered swordsman skills to deflect your sword and push you up against one of the trees.
don’t call me "kid"
with his sword against your throat, a grin spread across his face as the familiarity of your beloved boy returned, resting the fear sitting deep down your stomach.
you struggling against his strong grip as chris ran in from the forest and grabbed your flag. defenseless, you sighed in defeat when chris disappeared as fast as he came.
don’t call me "baby"
“thanks baby.” he whispered, his lips almost kissing your ear before pulling away and following chris. moments after he left, the horn was heard throughout the camp and you knew that you were the reason they won, and why you lost.
later that night, you waited for him again in the chilly summer air. the mountains sometimes made the weather alter and tonight was one of those nights.
look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
rocking on the balls of your feet, you gripped the flashlight tight and crossed your arms. looking down at your watch, the minute hand now hit the forty-three of the one.
what were you doing?
standing in the middle of the night, distancing yourself from your own siblings and friends just to get a couple of hours with luke before having to part and wait once again. he never specified a time of when he would come, just after twelve when he could make it.
you showed me colors
so the minute the clock in your cabin would hit that hour, you would grab your flashlight and a small cardigan. at first, he would be more no later than a few minutes late and by the looks of him being out of breath, you knew he meant to be earlier.
he would profusely apologize when he was even just ten minutes late, saying that no lady should wait for their prince charming especially this close to the forest at night. thus, twice a week he would help you train, seeing who would last in a duel longer. but these meetups would usually end in him on top of you, now trying to see who would hold their breath longer.
you know I can't see with anyone else
but now, you were waiting like a child for their parent to pick them up from camp, even when the child knows deep down that they aren’t coming. eventually, you woke up to sunlight and a younger camper shaking you awake.
you looked down at your watch to see it was already seven in the morning, meaning you had been waiting there the entire night and he had not come at all.
don’t call me "kid"
later in the mess hall during lunch, you sat poking at your lunch with no luke in sight. maybe he wasn’t feeling well or in the nurses’ office you thought. you hoped. but unfortunately, he came barging in with the rest of hermes cabin, trophy in hand and shouts galore.
luke was none other than in the front, getting handshakes and slaps on the shoulders. he was getting compliments left and right, more than anyone else from the cabin.
don’t call me "baby"
cheers were spread amongst the tables like wildfire and they soon begun chanting, “luke.” he was on top of the shoulders of two campers and given praise from everyone he passed. the guys hollered in excitement and the girls swooned at his existence.
look at this idiotic fool that you made me
the stoll twins stood on the hermes table and shouted, “this man…this man right here, he is the best swordsman in camp! he was the one who defeated everyone and won cabin eleven the capture the flag trophy!”
you taught me a secret language
you frowned at the twins’ words and caught luke’s eyes. he was soaking in his glory with a bright smile that you had once admired so much. his expression immediately softened was he spotted you but you got up and walked out of the hall, too upset to even look back.
luke’s eyes followed your figure and tapped the campers to let him down. he quickly ran out the way he came in, allowing the twins to go on and yap about luke’s greatness and how the win was achieved.
i can't speak with anyone else
you were walked towards your cabin until a hand grabbed your shoulder and spun you around. you glared at him once your eyes met and he was unhanded you in response.
“what’s going on? why are you so upset?” he asked and took one of your hands in his.
you pulled away and crossed your arms in defense, “hm maybe because i didn’t get any sleep last night from waiting for you all night!”
and you know damn well
with that you turned around and went to open the front door of your cabin but luke yet again grabbed your arm this time and made you face him. his grasp was harsh, stronger than he ever had done to you. shocked, you froze half in fear and surprise.
“no…no i’m sorry, my cabin wanted to celebrate the win and they got carried away and i couldn’t get out of it—you saw how loud and crazy they were back there.” he continued and stared down at you with his delicate and soft set eyes that welcomed you back to him.
for you, i would ruin myself
your restraint got weaker as you gradually closed the gap between you two until he pulled you in for a hug completely. with his chin on your head, he whispered “i’m sorry baby, i’ll make it up to you tonight, okay?”
you didn’t respond but kept your face hidden in his chest which was enough of an answer for him.
a million little times
accordingly, you were standing in front of the eerie forest only with a flashlight in hand, awaiting for your prince charming to whisk you away. however, you too knew at the bottom of your heart that he was never coming.
“hey, kid.”
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jmdbjk · 1 month
Mental gymnastics...
I am flipping out. That's all. Just my brain doing cartwheels and whatever those things are called where you flip between those high bars and let go for a breathless second and then grab onto reality again. Or this...
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Too much Olympics these past few weeks I guess... anyway.
WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER ALERT! I may or may not mention scenes in detail and their outcomes during these long rambling messy posts beginning with the next sentence.
Before I get into it... kudos to the staff for keeping up with these two and for suffering many extremely anxious moments as Jimin and Jungkook drove themselves through NYC, as Jungkook and then both Jimin and Jungkook rode the motorcycle through traffic, and the few heart stopping moments when JK flipped his kayak over and then they took off down the river alone before staff caught up with them. Not to mention probably looking up the nearest ER/urgent care facility in case Jimin got too dehydrated from his bout with the stomach bug.
Seriously though, their lives and global headlines had to flash before their eyes when JK disappeared underwater under that kayak... so big applause for the staff/production crew for not shitting THEIR pants thirteen times too.
So here are some of my thoughts. I'll begin with the first episode...
Episode 1:
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In the opening scene, I'm assuming this is Antoya Korean BBQ restaurant. They were talking about JK's sore throat and that he had to visit a medical facility. Jimin kept on about it. It seemed like JK's "stop babying me" attitude bubbled up a little bit. Let them be them. As you can see, JK adjusted Jimin's beanie so he could see his eyes. They were fine.
Pause and reflect: they didn't know what to expect with this idea of a travel show. The moment above happened on Thursday evening, July 13. Both of them were working. Jimin was still working on his concepts, photos, MV and whatnot, planning to finish everything for Muse in the coming months. Jungkook had a full schedule for promoting Seven which was dropping the next day. He had to get up early for Good Morning America concert in the park.
I'm stating all this for point of reference. Nothing is static. JK was in work mode: he had a performance the next day and also not feeling well himself. Jimin had been on a plane for 14 hours. Just keep these things in mind before jumping to conclusions.
In the next scene (the next day) back at the hotel after JK's done with his performance and when he's packing to go on this trip he's all in and ready to go. Hurry up Jimin!
Jimin asked him how the live performance went. As we know, the GMA live performance was mostly rained out. Before the storm came through, they quickly pre-recorded the performances before it would have been time for the live broadcast and then shut it down. Jungkook had to be driven quickly to the studio to be interviewed to fill the leftover time in the program that more of his live performance would have taken up.
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Hearing Jungkook say "this isn't my first rodeo" was never going to be on any bingo card in my lifetime.
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I don't know what he was scribbling on that iPad but it looked geometric. He was focused. Maybe it was something for the next week's performance, maybe it was a sketch for music show staging, trying to recreate that flower archway they saw at Antoya the night before? maybe he was doodling in Canva... we don't know.
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Me either, Jimin... (this was the first of all the hilarious gems that begin to shower down on us).
They are both known to be perfectionists when it comes to their work. And we know they've also both performed when feeling less than 100% on that stage. Jungkook realized there were circumstances beyond his control and he took it in stride.
FYI, in New York City, they stayed at the Loews Regency on E. 61st Street in Manhattan. It is between Madison Ave. and Park Avenue and not far from Central Park. Swanky. The suite looks like the 2-bedroom "Park Avenue Suite" and runs $2100 a night... gasp. Yes, its the same suite where JK did his live after his rained upon GMA appearance. During this live he mentioned being poked with needles, IV's and shots in the butt as well as teasing us with what would become Are You Sure:
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No, I don't think Jimin stayed in this suite with JK. Jimin's room had a smaller bathroom and a shower curtain instead of a glass shower door. Staff with camera woke him up.
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To be that beautiful when rolling out of bed... anyway, I digress...
It truly was unplanned and spontaneous as if they were doing this with the idea of "let's try it and see if it can be viable." Even Jimin wasn't sure if any of this could be aired.
Once they got in the Jeep they started to find their groove. Being alone, just them, was what they needed. They could focus on what was ahead of them. The driving moments were some of the best for me.
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We eventually learn that Jimin wasn't feeling well and I'm certain this is what Jungkook was telling Yoongi during that episode of Suchwita, along with the elbowing in the nose.
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Seems like Jimin's stomach trouble started when they were at the first restaurant, the burger place. The bathroom visits continued at the brewery and into the evening at the campsite.
Jimin had some sort of stomach bug that kept him on the toilet a lot and he ran a little bit of a temp. I am sad that he wasn't feeling 100% when they were on the yacht the next day but he still seemed to enjoy it enough to find the humor in his situation. He was a real trooper.
It sure didn't stop him from eating. My man was very brave in that regard. Me... no way I'd be stuffing my face with a big greasy burger when at any moment I might need to make a run for the toilet.
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They get back on the road and these are the moments that I wait for:
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After arguing in satoori about who is the worst driver between them, they start shopping at Dick's.
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And get recognized...
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After shopping excursion at Dick's, they finally head to High Nine Brewery...
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Jimin's first sample wasn't to his taste (again). His taste buds were probably a little off since he had the stomach thing going on... but JK's eyebrows say that his sample was pretty good.
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They finally settle on a hard seltzer and a pale ale and relax for a little bit. Jungkook is still wondering what would make good subject matter to film. They are truly making it up as they go...
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Jimin proceeds to explain and an interaction happens and I am not sure what to think about it:
I am going to end this post here because they are now on their way to the kayaks and that segment deserves its own post and I have too many screen shots of it to fit in this post.
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[These are all my own opinions about what I am seeing and hearing them say and from what I am observing from the video. It's ok if your opinion is different from mine.]
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cloveroctobers · 1 month
RODEO — Javi Rivera.
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A/N: got the chance to see twisters on my birthday and it ofc inspired me to finally write something for Anthony lol. This isn’t going to be anything big since I still want to be on break until late September early October. Am I going to give Javi the love his deserves or am I going to be messy? What type of summer is it? A brat girl summer…whatever that means 😉
WARNINGS: language + stepping out of relationships, mentions of another character from challengers, reader and Kate don’t get along, mentions of minor smut/sexual relations, and ended up different than I originally planned. Enjoy!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
A text on short notice never bothered you.
Granted you had to take a ride from Brooklyn to Manhattan but majority of the time Javi was considerate, letting you know when he was going to be on your new side of town—you were a South Carolina native—and the both of you would make it work. He had this experiment that he worked on with his old friend Kate that actually proved to work this time and with some other guy that had the widest laughter lines you’ve ever seen. A classic cowboy—you deemed him as—that looked awfully familiar when you met him in passing at a dinner you didn’t know you were “imposing” in on.
Kate’s words not Javi or the cowboy’s.
The trio were going back and forth to the city, mostly Kate and the cowboy you learned to be named Tyler but once Javi learned you were in the city too? (Apparently Kate found a home in New York also, working in Mahattan after what went down in Oklahoma five years ago.) He had no problem trying to get to you. You learned that Kate didn’t approve of what you two had going on (Javi let it slip one night as he smacked on some chips and you sipping on some terribly made Kombucha around the outside of the usual meet up spot once he touched down in NY), considering that you were engaged to someone else and that someone was slowly rising in the public eye, Patrick Zweig…you may or may not know him.
Tyler did.
To keep it short, this wouldn’t be the first time that you didn’t give a fuck about what Kate Carter had to say about you. Back in college the both of you tried to get along but it’s just the common case of two people not being able to mesh well. You didn’t appreciate how Kate always felt like she was right, sure the girl was crazy intelligent but she didn’t enjoy your sarcasm or want to listen to your opinions on anything, she found your lack of drive for storm chasing to be confusing on why you bothered to hang out with the group when that was their sole connection, and didn’t understand the relationship you had with her boyfriend, Jeb who was actually your friend first and you were the one who introduced them at a party—it was childish sure but even years later you didn’t need her judgment.
Which is why you and Javi were always discreet. Moments with your college friend in the present never felt like enough but reminded you that you often wondered what it would have been like if you had a different ring on your finger given to you by someone else. Javi always made it his mission to take it right off, slamming it in the drawer beside the bed before interlocking his fingers right with yours as he rocked you into the temporary mattress.
That never lasted long since you loved to be on top. Just ask Tyra’s problematic self! And who was Javi to say no, having you above him like this? like the true goddess that loved to be in control, you never left his mind, even when he struggled to keep his eyes open at the rotation of your hips. His fingertips would leave bruises but you never complained, you liked him leaving marks. Javi felt like this should be wrong, of course he cared about you, maybe even more than that, always did but he had his head turned in a different direction once upon a time. He wasn’t sure if your feelings were genuine or just something to pass the time but he was the first person you told that you didn’t want to marry Patrick after accepting his proposal.
People pleasing was never something that you often did so why were you settling for a man who was fucking around with not only his ex but some strangers on tinder? Javi did his research on your fiancé, some tennis athlete that didn’t have the best stats which was odd since it seemed like he was in his prime in college, Javi would give him credit on that, it was evident that this Patrick guy knew how to play yet something was missing in his gameplay. It was also safe to say that Javi didn’t think Patrick was even your type to be honest…but maybe you had other people in your head too much about where you should be in life.
When it was time to have those deep conversations, like you were nineteen again, present you didn’t want to hear it majority of the time with your fingers in his curls and another hand feeling a part of Javi that was always ready for you. Javi always cursed himself for folding every time you got your hands on him, he wanted to know what was going to become of this relationship but he couldn’t help it.
A piece of your heart was okay for a little while.
There was something about you that he never wanted to let go. You weren’t with the crew when that tornado touched down in Oklahoma that day, you got into an argument with Jeb that day for putting you on the back burner for their project, and as usual Javi checked in on you the best that he could since he was also part of the experiment. You brushed it off like you always did, tired of being the main one to put your frustrations out there; since you were basically the black sheep to the group and clocked into your shitty part time job with Javi promising that he would come check you out once they were done out there. The aftermath of it all also whipped through the friendship that was once there. There was tension no doubt, misdirected anger of course, your unresolved feelings for Jeb, Javi wishing he could have been at two places at once—as if he could have saved his friends from something so destructive with just his two hands. Kate became a ghost, you actually didnt have much to say to her like you thought you would, she was a walking frostbite, with a limp so prominent, disconnected, and leaving a numbing coldness trail behind her everywhere she went the longer she stayed in Oklahoma. It was sad because you knew she had to witness it all and that would forever haunt her.
Unfortunately that bitterness gave you joy. Javi dropped out of college but you kept at it, to distract you from the what if’s along with the great loss and when he thought the military was his best option, you tried to beg him to stay with a kiss that wasn’t the answer to your shared pain. He’s done the dissociating shit before as a way of grieving, he just hoped that you being with him now wasn’t your way of escaping whatever you were still running from.
Storm chasing wasn’t really your thing, don’t think you didnt try but Kinesiology and bull riding was more of your passion. Javi liked to trace and kiss those scars on your body because of that old hobby when you allowed him to hold you afterwards but he had them memorized just like you with his freckles. Yet you still kept coming around which really confused Kate but you got along with everyone else for the most part. The dance parties and stick and poke tattoos with Addy, the 150 questions the hypochondriac Praveen had for you about body horror stories he caught himself reading and watching! And wanting to know what proper care he would have (as if you were suddenly a doctor and not a kinesiology major) to take if that ever happened to him—getting struck by lighting wasn’t enough to get him to stop storm chasing but it was his life and he lived it how he wanted, and then there was Jeb. You used to be able to catch each other’s eyes from across the room and send each other ridiculous facial expressions before carrying on and eventually finding each other later. The shift in your friendship changed once you got left outside of the team. You began to connect with party-man Javi once Jeb started to slip away and build something more with Kate.
It’s always funny how that works out in friend groups isn’t it?
Coming in sync was always something you made your priority. Knowing Javi’s ticks and studying not only his face but his body always made you kick it up a notch, just crossing a boundary that you knew he would try to tap out but you proved to know his body better than he did himself and Javi honestly wanted to hate you for it but couldn’t.
He didn’t think anybody could lock you down—not even your fiancé—and it was something he always thought of when you put your back to him and let him to hold you while you briefly checked your phone.
No new messages from the Fiancé!
Javi peeped.
This Patrick guy didn’t give a fuck about you, just liked having a place to rest his head in instead of his car that you probably paid majority of the rent on. That’s right, Javi always remembered your blabbering once you had too many aperol spritz and what seemed to open you up more on a personal level lately.
“Want something from the café downstairs?” You asked, turning your phone face down to peek back at Javi who was still panting.
Javi slowly blinked, lifting his head in search of the alarm clock to find out what time it is.
[1:40 am]
You were making it your mission to try everything at least once on the menu every time Javi flew in. It was your usual hotel with a delicious café and you just about finished everything on the lunch and dinner menu except for two items that didn’t seem that appetizing to you. This time around you snuck up behind Javi and his laptop while he was downstairs about to dig into one of the dinners he wouldn’t share with you at one of the high rise tables…you were onto the breakfast menu.
He slips his free arm to caress the bone by your ear, “I want you.”
You snort, “I’ll give you another round when you can handle it, preferably in the shower since I’m meeting the girls at 8 for hot yoga. Breakfast can come as early as 6.”
The freckled face man fought the urge to roll his eyes at this. Since when the hell were into hot yoga of all things? The rough around the edges person seemed to be morphed into something else but Javi knew you were still in there somewhere. Don’t get him wrong, Yeah people grow and you’re into what you want to be into but he would have never guessed you hanging out doing yoga or brunch or even having a routine. Maybe axe throwing but he guessed he better be thankful for the yoga since you seemed to be more flexible every time the both of you tried a new position.
Javi tossed in, “is your bitch of a soon to be husband, Patrick joining in on that session?”
You quirk up a brow at this energy but don’t work to defend him, “…never mix business with pleasure.”
Which meant that you never brought multiple parties into your relationship together. He did his thing and you did yours. Patrick was never faithful to you, you knew it and Javi knew it too, you couldn’t be upset about it because you never truly wanted to marry him. There was no wedding date set because frankly the both of you were still young and trying to figure it out. It was selfish since you were still holding out hope that Patrick will actually make something of himself but you both weren’t sure if you even liked each other besides having nightcaps or getting people off your backs when you were seen together. The both of you were lonely, him more than you—if you wanted to make it a competition but it’s what worked and it didn’t need to make sense. It just made Patrick’s family (who were a lot to handle and always kept referring to two of his exes before you in front of you) happy that he had a “stable” person in his life for once and it got your parents off your back—some—but not without their own sly comments.
“Is that what your relationship is?”
You shrug, “yeah.”
“And what about us?”
You turn your face away to reach for the card, “i think you’ll like the BLT French toast or even the prosciutto toast—
He nudges your face back to meet his sunlit honey eyes and there wasn’t an ounce of humor in them. “Listen, I’m serious. We got too much history to keep downplayin’ this. I’m moving back to Miami by the end of the summer and I just want to know how much longer we’re gonna keep doing this. Is this only just sex for you or what?”
Javi’s thumb burns into your skin now and his stare is sharp. You try not to get lost in his eyes and the tightness in your chest isn’t the most pleasant. You’re scared and have been scared before with Jeb but there’s no risk without action. Or whatever it is they say.
“…if you’re in love with me, just say that.”
Javi blinks, “What I know is that you won’t be marrying Patrick Twig—
“That’s not—
“I’m not done.”
Javi ignores the tilt of your head at his command, “You’re better than this and I know you see that when you look in the mirror. Maybe you didn’t fully heal yet and that’s not me tryin’ to disrespect you or nothing but I’m just callin’ it like I see it. I could give you the world besides just this or shit, as least try to but only if that’s what you want because I know what you need and it definitely ain’t a bozo who can’t even take care of what he thinks is his.”
You can always count on Javier Rivera to tell you exactly how it is. He was on your case about your feelings for Jeb just like you were with his with Kate but that all changed once the two started dating. It would have made sense for the both of you to gravitate towards each other then but the need to compensate for what you both missed out on wasnt fulfilling that void with forced love. It was platonic then but what was it now?
“…Do you think I’m yours?”
Javi puffs out a breath at this, “respectfully, imma need you to stop answering me with questions and just be honest with yourself and me. I don’t know how much longer I can keep holding out.”
“But you don’t, not unless I say so anyways.” You wink reaching to caress the back of his shoulder blade but Javi isn’t budging, which makes you sigh, “…okay fine. I hear you, you don’t want to be in a situationship with me anymore.”
Javi nods and awaits for you to say more but the glazed over look in your eyes, tells him that you’re trying to get out of this and he won’t lie, it stings.
“Here’s the thing,” you start with an intake of breath, “you’re right, I’m probably never going to marry Patrick. We’re equally each other’s placeholders, as fucked up as it sounds it’s true. As for this…”
Javier swallows the lump in his throat, just waiting on you to break his heart.
“You’re not the first person to pull this. It’s not my first rodeo…and no that doesn’t mean I’ve been with anyone else outside of you. I wouldn’t do that, not to you. You’re too important.” You admit, “and if we’re gonna do this…I just need you to be patient with me.”
A grin splits onto Javi’s face then, “so that does mean you love me?!”
“…I didn’t say all that.”
He smooches your cheek multiple times that makes your nose crinkle, “you didn’t have to, I can just tell.”
“How?” You ask as he rests his head back on the cloud-like pillow beside yours.
Javi hums, “I’m real in touch with my feminine side you know? Raised by my mom and aunties, got a sister that really wants to meet you—
“Huh? What?”
“Baby steps though,” Javi promises seeing the smidge of panic in your eyes, “I just need more confirmation that you’re going to try this with me. And that you’re not gonna run away since that is kinda what we all do.”
It was your turn to be vulnerable like Javi knew you could be. So you turn to face Javi, face to face and take a moment. “…I can’t say that I’m not scared and not of you but just the idea of actually being loved more than the intimacy and I’m sure you’re more than capable of giving that to me…it’s just that I get in my head a lot.”
Javi nods, “well it’s okay to be scared…Rome wasnt built in a day. We’ve been diligent—
“What if this doesn’t work—
“Nah, we’re not gonna back out when we just started.” Javi slips his hands down to clasp your hands in his, “We keep going, we love, we share—
“Just like your sandwich last night?”
Javi snorts, “we’re all works in progress, don’t hold that against me, baby.” He pecks your hands while you laugh a little, “we do what feels right and I got to ask, does this feel right to you as it does for me?”
You press your forehead against his, “every time I’m with you it does…as much as I try to block you out when we’re away from each other…I can’t. I wont.”
Javi pulls back to kiss your forehead, “bet. Feelings mutual and i just needed to hear you say it so…now that we’re on the same page…go ahead and order me that prosciutto and meet me in the shower.”
He’s kicking the covers back as you sit up on your elbow, “I’m not debating over which asscheek of yours is bigger than the other again.”
Javi sucks his teeth as leans against the doorway of sliding bathroom door in all his naked glory, “you pointed that out, I just wanted to know if the freckles on my left asscheek were also shaped like a palm tree like the ones on my chest.”
Scrunching up your nose, you hold your hand up in the air as if that defense was any better. Javi’s laughter suddenly turns dark as he takes in your appearance and slowly steps back as something stands to your attention.
“So…you joinin’ me or are you just going to continue watching the show?” He points behind himself, slowly stepping back.
Sighing you fold your arms back behind you, “ah…I’ll think about it finster.”
Javi sucks his teeth, stomping right back into the room to yank the tight hotel sheets back from the bed making you hiss at the coolness of the AC. “No way you just compared me to a rugrat.”
He pulls you right into his arms, limbs locking around him easily as you toy with the ends of his curls as he spins you around to lead you right into the bathroom, “did I?” You tease, bumping your nose against his before pulling back, “wait! You didn’t let me order.”
“Guess we’re skipping breakfast now and you might be late to yoga, sorry not sorry.” He mutters before slamming his lips right against yours.
Your thighs alone clench right around his hips as Javi slips his tongue along the shape of your lips while feeling around for the shower latch.
This time around, as sure as you are of the racing of your heart, you’re willing to let Javi lead this round…for now.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
read more twisters anthology fics here.
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leatherandlacerry · 4 months
for our eyes only
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Prompt: Harry takes Mia with him on a work trip in New York City and all she asks is to take a couple photos in the hotel lobby photobooth
Word count: less than 1K
Authors note: this one’s short and sweet, I always have those Photo Booth aesthetics on my Pinterest so I get inspired. I imagine Harry like ceo/boss of pleasing and richrry but will do anything for Mia LOL(if you guys like this I’ll definitely do some more of them, its also 1 am so I'm sorry if the editing sucks)
“Baby, can we?” Mia points to the vintage photobooth tucked away in the corner of the hotel Harry and her were staying at. It’s been the best weekend she could ask for surrounded by the towering views of New York City.
Harry had a work emergency out here so he decided to bring Mia for a get away. It’s been room service and bubble baths every night and she couldn’t ask for anything more.
Except making the man who hates having his photo taken do this one little thing.
Harry gives her a serious look before smirking at the pouty lips she give him.
“It’ll be quick and for our eyes only,” She grins, giving him puppy dog eyes before placing a kiss on his cheek.
Mia watches him have the argument in his head before ultimately he rolls his eyes and drags her to the booth.
“Itll be fun, I promise”
“This is only because I love you,” Harry mumbles before pushing the bright red curtain open to let her in. With a little bounce in her step she follows him in.
A squeal leaves Mia’s lips as Harry practically man handles you onto his lap and shuts the curtain for some privacy. They both take a second to get situated, making they know what poses they want to do.
“$10 for this rusty thing?!” Harry’s eyes practically bulge out of his eyes at the price of a small strip of paper.
Even the CEO for a multimillionaire dollar company has a budget I guess, it’s adorable.
“I got it!” Mia giggles, reaching into her small shoulder bag to grab some cash. By the time she pulls it out the countdown is starting on the small screen.
“I said I got-“
“Hush love, sit still and look pretty for the camera,” He scolded jokingly before grabbing her face in his hand placing a big kiss on her cheek. Mia scrunches up her face as the flash goes off.
“Easy enough,” She smirks at his last comment before he pinches your thigh. “I’m always pretty,”
“Mhm my pretty girl” He hums, looking over to Mia with biggest smile on his face. It had been a long time since Harry found someone like her. He’d be damned if he were to ever let this one go.
The two don’t even notice that the count down starts as mia leans down to place her lips on his.
In the heat of the moment Harry slides his tongue between her lips to deepen the kiss and the flash goes off. Mia pull back, slightly out of breath from the intensity of it all.
“A proper porno,” He jokes, making Mia’s head fall back in laughter. She could feel her heart practically pound out of her chest at the dimples on his cheeks.
“Not our first rodeo,” Mia smirks, nipping at his lip. That toothy grin of his appears into the kissed they shared before they get ready for the next one.
Mia never thought she could feel so deeply for someone like this. Everytime he was around she found it hard to function properly.
“What’s next?” He asks, getting ready for the next one.
On the high of him, Mia wraps her hands around his head, sticking her tongue out for a silly one. At the last second she decide to tussle up Harry's hair, making his face drop.
“Oh that’s the winner,” She laughs, watching him glare at her as he trys to fight a smile.
“That’s all you get now,” he mumbles, standing up to exit the booth as the last photo counts down.
“You looked hot!” Mia squeals, wrapping her arms sounded his toned waist to pull him back. Harry stops and turns back to grab a hold of her chin.
“Yeah?” He asks as Mia looks up at him, feeling a swarm of butterflies in her stomach. “How hot?”
Her mouth slightly opens to say something as the flash goes off and there’s now a photo of her in full submission. This is something Harry would cherish forever.
“That’s a keeper,” He chuckles as she pushes him off.
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vivwritesfics · 5 months
Bob Floyd- whatever you want. Joint bachelor /bachelorette party, meeting partners nieces and nephews, going to a museum, teaching someone to horseback ride, idk. Run wild.
hahahahahahahaha anything you say? to someone obsessed with bob floyd and cowboys? oh boy oh boy oh boy
okay i did some short cowboy bob bc i've got a whole ass cowboy bob thing that i'll post in... a year (not literally lmao)
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Cowboys didn't wear glasses.
Of course, Bob had seen his grandpa wearing glasses, but that was when he was sitting at the kitchen table, sorting through the bills for the ranch. He never wore them when they went on cattle drives or did work on the ranch.
Bob was the only kid at the rodeo wearing glasses growing up. He had his too big Stetson hat on his head as he sat on Ranger, the pony he'd had back then.
There was a time where Bob had not worn his glasses. He was sixteen and insecure. He may have desperately needed them, but he couldn't think of anything more embarrassing than wearing them. Word of warning, ladies and gentlemen, don't try steer roping if you can't fucking see.
Thank God he still had Ranger back then. Ranger took care of him, quite literally kept him from dying that day.
Bob never tried to not wear glasses after that. It just wasn't worth the risk. He couldn't pretend he didn't notice it though. As a man in his mid twenties, watching as the city girls around for a week took his friends home, wearing their cowboy hats.
Never Bob.
He'd be sitting in the corner with his water.
But then he met her.
A city girl, sure, but she didn't want the other cowboys. She didn't to walk out of the bar wearing Roosters cowboy hat, or with Hangmans hand in her back pocket.
Her eyes had been on Bob all night. He hadn't noticed, had been too focused on the game of darts being played by his fellow cowboys. It was only when Natasha, the current rodeo star, pointed it out that he saw her. She was definitely staring at him, a somewhat flirty smile on her face.
When Bob sent a blushy smile in her direction, she looked away, looked back down at her drink. Natasha had to push him to go and talk to her.
"Hey there, cowboy."
Those were her first words. From that point, Bob was hooked. She had never seen cowboys in glasses before, and she loved it. She saw that he tried to hide himself behind his Stetson (which, now he was in his late 20's, finally fit him), and it was so cute.
She had to do most of the talking, but that was fine. He answered every question she had about the rodeo and being a cowboy. (She took his hat and put it on her own head for about five minutes, not knowing what it meant).
Bob surprised himself (and Rooster and Hangman, who had been listening in), when he invited her to see his ranch. She grinned, laced her fingers through him, and let him pull her out to his truck.
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xomakara · 10 months
Falling For the Cowboy
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SUMMARY | You take over your late grandfather’s old farm, meet your charming neighbors and townspeople, and fall in love with Mark, the handsome cowboy PAIRINGS | Mark/Fem!Reader GENRE | cowboy!Mark, smut, unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, oral (both male and female receiving/giving), fluff RATING | Mature LENGTH | 5,060 words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Finally done!!!
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"Oh, god..." you moaned out, hands grasping at his sweaty back as he continued to thrust. You weren't used to such an enthusiastic partner, but then again, this wasn't your first rodeo. You could feel the heat radiating from his body and dripping down onto your breasts, making them seem even larger than they already were. Your stomach was quivering with each thrust, each feeling almost too good for words. You felt like the entire world was right, everything made sense when you were with him, when you had this connection between the two of you.
You never imagined that you'd have sex with the handsome young rancher whose property neighbored yours. After inheriting your grandpa's farm, you moved from the big city to the small town of Neo, whose inhabitants were friendly, if not a little odd, but you found a home there. You became fast friends with the residents, enjoying nature walks with Winwin, shopping at Haechan's general shop, getting coffee at Johnny's cafe, or having lunch at Ten's bar. Sometimes you went hiking or fishing with Yuta; it was a nice way to get away from it all.
Until you met Mark Lee as he was chasing one of his goats that wandered unto your land.
That event would lead to more than just a friendship. It started out innocently enough: casual dates, hand-holding on walks into town, mutual touches in passing. It escalated slowly but surely: a kiss here, a brief peck there, the occasional making out in a closet (his "clever" hiding place), cuddling after going out dancing... you liked being close to him, seeing his smile whenever he looked at you, hearing his laughter at something you said, feeling his arms around you, sharing an intimate moment with someone who understood what you were going through. You'd gone from living alone, lonely, to having a true friend in Mark, someone who shared your interests and hobbies, your values, who loved animals just as much as you did.
One night changed everything.
It was raining heavily that evening, making it difficult for both of you to leave your respective houses. By the time you saw him walking up your driveway, looking soaked and sexy as hell, you knew what you wanted: him. It didn't take long before the two of you ended up in your bed together, getting completely naked. He lay down on top of you, covering your body with his own, and kissed you passionately. Your hands traveled across his back, feeling his muscles tense under your touch, his skin warm against your own, and when he put his hands behind your head and pulled you closer, you knew you'd fallen for him. On that rainy night, the storm outside seemed far away as you connected intimately with Mark, becoming lost in passion and pleasure.
That was only the beginning of your affair with Mark.
Over the next few months, things between the two of you got more intense. There were plenty of "accidental" meetings outside, hidden kisses and stolen embraces during shopping trips, hand-holding and lingering touches in public places, secret rendezvous in various secluded locations, always careful not to be caught by other people. During those times, you'd give yourself over to Mark entirely, focusing solely on him, feeling safe with him and finding joy and happiness in his arms.
"Fuck, Mark..." you moaned, wrapping your legs around his waist as he pounded into you harder and faster. His mouth moved to your neck, kissing, sucking, biting at your soft flesh. Your hands ran through his thick black hair, holding him tightly to you, the sweat trickling down your face mingling with his and glistening upon his naked chest.
"Y/N, you're so fucking beautiful..." he groaned, fingers digging into your ass cheeks, pulling you tighter against him as he thrust harder. "Your tits are perfect, nipples hard and so fucking sensitive..."
The two of you came together, his powerful body pumping hot semen deep inside you, filling you completely as he collapsed atop you, exhausted. He wrapped his arms around you, stroking your cheek and smiling gently.
"Mmmm..." you let out a satisfied moan. "How did I let you distract me from my farm work?"
“In my defense…” He laughed lightly. "Watching you pull those carrots out of the ground has been a serious turn-on."
A laugh escaped your lips, a sweet sound. "Well I’ll have you know that you riding on your horse earlier distracted me quite nicely too."
He chuckled, nuzzling his nose against yours. "I can see how that might have happened."
He lifted himself off you, sitting up and wiping the sweat from his forehead with a nearby towel. "What do you say we clean ourselves up and have some lunch?”
You nodded eagerly. You needed to recover and catch your breath after that wild and passionate fuck session, but you were definitely hungry. “Sounds great! Where should we eat?”
He smiled, rising to his feet and reached for his pants. "Ten’s restaurant bar? I think Kun is playing a gig there tonight. We could hear him practice while we eat."
Kun was a local musician who often played at Ten’s bar. He was good, and his songs often included references to nature, taking the listener to an outdoor picnic, camping in the forest, lying on a blanket underneath the stars. The music had always brought you a lot of comfort, especially when you’d lived by yourself on your farm, or when you needed to clear your mind after a bad day. The food at Ten’s wasn’t exactly gourmet, but the atmosphere was always lively, giving you a chance to meet new people, listen to live music, or dance.
Mark opened the door to the bar, leading you inside. There were a number of people milling about, chatting with each other or checking their phones, waiting for their food. Both you and Mark spotted Renjun, Haechan, and Jaemin occupying a table in the corner.
Renjun waved happily, grinning at the sight of you and Mark. "Hey you guys! What are you doing here?"
Mark grinned back. "We were just getting ready to order some food. Y/N and I were wondering if we could join you."
Haechan glanced between you and Mark with an amused look. “You both got hungry after a fucking session, huh?”
“So how was your riding lesson with the hot cowboy?” Jaemin asked you, a teasing grin on his face.
You blushed slightly. You knew what he meant. After all, you voiced your fantasies to Jaemin a few times that you’ve wanted to ride Mark. You took a quick sip of water, avoiding everyone’s eyes. When you finally looked at Jaemin again, you saw that he was laughing, shaking his head as he patted Mark's back. “Well, damn Mark. You must’ve been good.”
“Why did we pick today to go out for lunch?” You muttered, Mark laughing next to you.
“Oh, well anyway, I guess it's okay for you two to come join us,” Jaemin said with a sheepish look. “You haven’t told anyone yet, have you? That is, if you don’t want us to tell anyone…”
“Actually, we have been kind of keeping it quiet,” Mark spoke up. “But yeah, you guys can tell the whole town."
"Dude, the whole town knows already." Renjun chuckled. "Johnny told everyone."
"How did Johnny find out?" You muttered, thinking back to all the times you ran into the tall man. "Did he catch us?"
"Damn right, I caught you in the act," a deep voice called out. You and the rest of the table looked up to see Johnny making his way towards you. "Thought you and Mark were being sneaky, huh?"
"In my defense..." you started, trying to explain why Johnny saw you and Mark getting it on.
“Yeah, I heard that too," Haechan chimed in. "But I gotta admit that I was surprised when I walked past the farmhouse last week.”
You looked around at everyone else at the table, hoping no one would bring it up anymore. As it turned out, nobody said anything further about the topic, content with knowing you and Mark were an item. A small smile tugged at your lips.
After eating a hearty meal, you left Ten’s restaurant bar to go back home to tend to your crops and animals. Although you enjoyed spending time with your new lover, you also appreciated the solitude of the country life, doing chores in silence, free to do whatever you wanted without worrying about others' opinions.
It was nice to be able to think clearly.
When you arrived home, you took a quick shower, washed the sweat and dirt from your body, and crawled into bed, falling asleep instantly. Waking up the following morning was refreshing and energizing. It was still fairly early – there was plenty of daylight to complete the day’s chores – but you were eager to begin your day.
With the day brightening outside, you sat up and stretched, yawning loudly. Your muscles ached, but it was worth it. You quickly threw on some clothes, grabbed your gardening gloves and headed out to start planting some of the seeds that you’d purchased the previous day. After a couple hours of working, you managed to finish most of your list, though you were tired and sweaty. Still, you weren’t too tired to enjoy a slice of lemon meringue pie and a cup of freshly brewed tea. At least, not until you felt like you needed another shower. You were tempted to spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on some paperwork and sorting through boxes in your storage room, but instead decided to call Mark and ask if he wanted to grab a bite to eat. He readily agreed.
When you met Mark at Ten’s bar later that evening, he was dressed in a pair of jeans and a dark green t-shirt, his boots clicking against the wooden floor as he walked toward you. When he leaned forward and brushed his lips against yours, your heart skipped a beat, butterflies erupting in your stomach. You placed your hand on his shoulder, bringing his face closer to yours, leaning into him.
The two of you ordered a meal from the menu, choosing some sandwiches and salad for dinner. Afterwards, the two of you went for a walk around the town, holding hands and strolling leisurely along the streets. It was late enough that shops and stores were closed, giving you and Mark a chance to get some quality time together without being disturbed. The moon shone brightly above, casting its silvery light upon the trees and buildings, creating shadows upon the sidewalks and road. The town was quiet, but it wasn’t lonely. You and Mark were surrounded by trees, flowers, and birds singing in the air, making the town seem peaceful. You couldn’t help but feel relaxed, content, and happy.
Mark took your hand in his, squeezing it gently. "Have I ever told you that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?"
"Only once or twice," you replied softly, leaning your head against his shoulder. "But I believe it every single time you tell me that."
"Good." He squeezed your hand even tighter. "Because I'll never stop telling you."
You smiled, gazing at him, then continued walking along the sidewalk, admiring the moonlight glimmering on the grass, spreading warmth throughout your entire body. Mark held your hand firmly, guiding you carefully along the uneven terrain, sometimes letting go to grab hold of your elbow.
"You know..." you started as you both found a bench to sit on. "When I got the news that grandpa passed away and left me the farm, I wasn't sure if I'd be able to take care of everything on my own. But now... it's actually really fun."
"Really?" Mark chuckled. "You don't miss living in the city at all?"
"Sometimes. I miss my family but... this place feels like home now." You shrugged. "Everyone in Neo has been so welcoming and friendly since I moved here, so I feel pretty lucky."
"Thanks to you, Y/N. You've done a great job maintaining the farm and building relationships with the neighbors. You helped change the community for the better."
You smiled, hugging his arm. "Thanks for helping me too. Without you, I probably wouldn't have gotten very far. I mean, having you around helps me so much with everything. Even just talking to you makes me happier than I've ever been before."
"You know..." Mark paused. "I thought you were kind of intimidating at first. A city girl like you moving out to the countryside to take over a farm? You seemed like you didn't belong. But now I realize that you fit perfectly here. And I'm so glad you chose to move here."
You snuggled close to him, closing your eyes and savoring the moment. "Thank you, Mark."
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The next day, you were running around your farm chasing after one of the new chickens that Mark just bought for the coop.
"Come on, Yellow! Come on!" You yelled, trying to reach the little fowl before she flew off to parts unknown. She screeched loudly, alerting the other chickens to her presence. Within seconds, they came flocking after you, shrieking with delight as they clucked happily. Soon, you were surrounded by chickens.
"Awww, aren't they cute?" Mark joked as he walked over to you, carrying a bag filled with chicken feed. He set the bag down near the gate and pulled a camera from his pocket, snapping a picture of the flock of chickens huddled around you. You laughed as you bent down to pet the birds, scratching them behind their heads. They pecked playfully at your fingers.
"That should keep Haechan and the others at bay," Mark joked.
You gave him a playful punch on the arm. "Geez, Mr. Smartass, they're only chickens!"
Mark picked up one of the chicks and held it in his arms, smiling fondly at the baby chicken. "Hey, little guy. Can you say 'hello'? Hello, hello?"
You laughed. "Okay, so maybe that's pushing it."
Mark put the chick back down, smiling at it. "Heh, so adorable."
"They are adorable." You nodded, watching as the chicks scattered back to their coop, jumping into the enclosure excitedly.
Mark and you spent the remainder of the afternoon helping each other on your farm and on his ranch. Before heading home, you took some pictures of Mark on his property, writing his name and other messages in the soft ground with rocks.
When you finished taking photos, you made sure to record a video, pausing it every time Mark kissed you on the cheek, forehead, nose, and lips.
"Wait, are you going to post these on your socials?" Mark teased, nudging you with his elbow.
"Maybe..." You laughed, pulling away. "Maybe I want my family and city friends to know about this handsome cowboy I've been seeing."
Mark shook his head. "Ah, man, I wish I could see your parents' faces when they watch that video."
"Hahaha, just wait till they meet him." You winked. "They'll fall head over heels for him too."
"Ha ha, let's hope so," Mark let out a good natured laugh.
"They'll love you Mark." You rested your head on his chest, feeling safe and secure as you inhaled his scent. "If you weren't in my life, I don't know where I'd be right now."
"So true." Mark gently stroked your hair. "Your grandfather would be proud of how far you've come."
You closed your eyes, reveling in the sensation of being loved.
"Can I ask you something?" Mark suddenly asked.
"Sure," you replied. "What's up?"
"Well..." Mark blushed slightly. "Is it weird that I've had feelings for you since the first day we met?"
Your breath hitched as you stared at him, trying to process what he just said. Had he known? Did he always feel this way?
"Mark..." You whispered, unable to find the words. You blinked rapidly several times, forcing yourself to focus on his face. "Did you really have feelings for me?"
He smiled, brushing his thumb across your cheekbone. "Of course I did. It's hard not to have feelings for you."
You leaned forward, kissing him lightly on the lips. Then you whispered, "Me too."
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A few days later, Mark stopped by your farm to pick up some chicken eggs. You stood outside in front of the house, waving him over when he finally reached your house. You hugged him tightly, giggling as you embraced him. He wrapped his arms around you, gently nuzzling his nose into your hair. You buried your face into his chest, enjoying the feeling of being in his embrace.
"How's my favorite farmer today?" Mark chuckled.
"I'm fine. And yourself?" You returned the favor, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Oh, I'm just thinking about the way I feel about you." Mark smiled. "It's really hard to describe, you know?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, nodding your head. "And why is that?"
"Let's just say I'm falling for you harder and harder every day."
Your heart melted, sending a surge of excitement throughout your body. "I'm falling for you too."
"Wow, we really are crazy for each other." Mark joked. "I guess I should have known it was meant to be."
"Me too," you replied, resting your chin on top of his chest.
You both stared at the sky, appreciating the stars shining brightly in the night sky.
"What's on your mind?" Mark asked softly.
"I love you Mark." You whispered.
Mark's jaw dropped slightly, his expression lighting up with joy. He grinned widely, reaching his arms around your waist and pulling you in close. "I love you too, Y/N."
"And... and I want to be with you." You sighed, looking deeply into his eyes. "We can do whatever we want. Take care of our farm together, build our ranch together, live our lives together, wherever life takes us."
Mark's heart swelled with emotion as he gazed into your eyes. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against yours. You melted against him, opening your mouth slightly as you wrapped your arms around his neck, returning his passionate kiss.
Mark broke the kiss, placing his forehead against yours. "You know, I never expected anything like this. This is the best thing that's ever happened to me."
"It's the best thing that's ever happened to me too." You smiled, squeezing his shoulders gently.
"Let's do something special tonight," Mark suggested. "No work, no chores. Just spending time with each other."
"Sounds good to me." You agreed, holding his hand tightly. "Any ideas?"
"Well..." Mark smiled mischievously. "I think I know exactly what we can do tonight."
"Ooohhh," you giggled, biting your lip. You took his hand and led him inside, closing the door behind you. "Does this involve riding a certain, handsome cowboy?"
"Definitely," Mark smirked, tugging you towards the stairs. "Come on."
After making it upstairs, Mark guided you to your bedroom. You lay down on the bed, lying on your side and facing him. He sat down beside you, caressing your cheek.
"Y/N, you are so precious to me." Mark sighed. "And I'm so thankful that you're mine."
You gazed into his eyes, feeling like your heart was about to burst with happiness. "I'm so happy you're mine too."
"Tonight," Mark murmured. "Just the two of us. Let's make this a memorable night."
"It will definitely be unforgettable." You whispered, your hands slowly running up under his shirt. "Mark, make love to me."
Mark slowly leaned forward, giving you a deep kiss as he unbuttoned your blouse, tossing it aside. You moaned softly, running your fingers through his hair as he pulled your bra straps off, dropping them onto the floor. His lips pressed against yours once again, sending another wave of desire coursing through your body. Your breathing grew heavy as he began working his way down your body, touching you everywhere. He traced his tongue along your collar bone, nibbling softly on your shoulder. He looked up at you, smiling.
"Y/N, I know that we've fucked many times but..." He breathed heavily, running his fingers up your stomach. "...this time just feels different. It's special because you're special. I want to show you that I appreciate you more than anything else in the world."
You sighed, running your fingers through his hair. "Mark..."
Mark pushed himself up on his knees, resting his weight on his forearms. He leaned forward, placing a tender kiss on your left breast. "You are so beautiful. So perfect. I can't get enough of you."
He moved his lips lower, teasing your navel with his tongue. Your breathing became increasingly rapid as he worked his way down further, touching you all over. His fingertips danced across your skin, sending a tingle down your spine. He continued moving downwards until he reached the bottom of your shorts. He pulled your pants down slowly, carefully, exposing your sensitive pussy to his gaze. He ran his fingers over your thighs, his touch gentle and tender. You arched your back slightly, drawing a sharp intake of breath. You spread your legs wider as his fingertips explored every inch of your naked flesh. You couldn't take it anymore; you wanted him.
"Mark..." You begged softly, looking up at him through hooded eyelids.
"Shhhh..." He hushed, pressing kisses against your inner thigh. "I'm going to give you everything you need, everything you deserve."
His fingers parted your pussy lips slightly, revealing your moist folds. He sucked in a breath as he placed a single finger inside of you, sending waves of pleasure rippling through your entire body. You moaned loudly, bucking your hips upwards.
"Mark..." You moaned, grinding your pussy against his hand. "Please... please..."
"Not yet." Mark panted, gently inserting a second finger, sliding them in and out of you. You grabbed his arm, burying your face in his shoulder. Your fingernails dug into his skin as your breathing quickened.
"Don't stop..." You gasped. "Don't stop... oh god!"
"That's it, Y/N," Mark whispered, thrusting his fingers deeper inside of you. "I'm here. I'm here for you."
Mark continued thrusting his fingers into you, gradually increasing the speed of his strokes. Your body trembled from pleasure as you released your grip on his arm, gripping the sheets as you felt an orgasm rip through your body. You cried out as your juices flowed freely, drenching his fingers. Mark removed his fingers, leaning forward to capture your lips in a searing kiss. He continued pleasuring you as your orgasms subsided, whispering sweet nothings into your ear.
"Y/N," he moaned softly, pulling his fingers out of you and bringing them to his lips. "You taste so good."
You smiled at him, breathing heavily. "Mmmm, I bet you taste even better."
Mark gave you a wicked grin. "Wanna find out?"
You chuckled, raising your eyebrows. "Yeah, I think I would like that."
Mark rose to his feet, unbuckling his belt and pushing his pants down. You watched as he stepped out of his pants, letting them drop to the floor. His cock sprung free, its impressive length standing proudly before you. You reached out to grasp it gently, stroking it lightly. You looked up at him, seeing his eyes glazed over with lust. You brought your lips closer to his cock, tasting the pre-come oozing from his slit. You licked your lips, swirling your tongue around his shaft, savoring the salty flavor. Mark groaned as you lowered your mouth over his cock, taking it fully into your mouth. You licked the tip, allowing the head to rest against your lips.
"Damn, Y/N," Mark groaned, placing his hands on your head. "That feels amazing."
You sucked harder, increasing the pace of your strokes. Mark placed one hand on the back of your head, holding you firmly in place. He let out a soft moan as he thrust his hips upwards, pumping his dick faster and faster into your eager mouth. You wrapped your fingers around his shaft, massaging his balls while continuing to suck him off. His groans were turning into loud grunts, indicating that he was about to cum.
You increased your speed, causing him to explode within your mouth. The first spurt of his hot seed shot into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat. You swallowed eagerly, bobbing your head back and forth as his semen continued pouring out of his cock. You kept sucking, licking his cum from your lips as it dripped down onto your breasts. Mark's breathing slowed as he came down from his orgasm, still gasping slightly as his breathing returned to normal.
"Fuck Y/N..." He panted, running his fingers through your hair. "That was amazing."
"I knew you tasted good." You smirked, pushing him to lay on the bed. You crawled up his body. "But now I'm ready to ride this cowboy all night long."
Mark chuckled, grabbing your ass and lifting you into position. "Mmmmm," he purred. "Are you sure you want to ride me?"
"As sure as I've ever been in my life." You moaned, resting your body atop his. "I'm ready whenever you are, cowboy."
Mark grinned, planting a chaste kiss on your lips. He wrapped his arms around you, helping guide you onto his erection. You slid easily down his shaft, enjoying the sensation of his hardness inside of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him passionately.
"Jesus, you feel so good." Mark grunted, tightening his grip around your waist. "Feels so damn good being inside you."
"Mmm," you moaned, rocking your hips back and forth. "So does having you inside me."
You kissed him deeply, plunging your tongue into his mouth as you ground your pussy against his cock. He groaned, biting your lip playfully as you continued riding him. You tightened your muscles, moaning as his cock hit your G-spot.
"Oh fuck yeah, Y/N," Mark grunted, lifting you off of him slightly. "That's right. Fuck yourself on my dick. Show me how much you love riding me."
You slammed your pussy down on his cock, speeding up your pace. You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him hard. Your bodies collided against each other, smacking together softly. Mark wrapped his arms around your waist, nuzzling your neck.
"You're so fucking sexy." He whispered, pressing small kisses against your neck.
"Fuck, Mark." You whimpered, clutching his arm, riding him like your life depended on it. "Your dick feels so fucking good inside of me."
Mark smiled, caressing your cheek with his hand. "Keep riding me, baby. Keep driving me wild."
You rocked your hips back and forth, rubbing your clit against his pubic bone. Mark bit his lip as you fucked him, sucking in a breath sharply when you tightened your pussy around his cock. He reached out to grab your breasts, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. You continued your assault on his cock, moaning softly as you rode him.
"I want to watch you cum, baby." Mark whispered, lifting his head. "I wanna see those pretty eyes of yours as you lose control."
"Then look at me." You moaned. "Watch me come apart for you, Mark."
Mark moaned as you rode him faster and faster. You could hear your breaths getting heavier, your moans growing louder. Mark stared into your eyes, encouraging you as he grabbed hold of your hips tightly. You closed your eyes, feeling your pussy tighten around his cock.
"Mark, let's cum together." You panted, tightening your muscles. "Fill me up with your hot load, Mark. I need it so badly."
"Here it comes, Y/N." Mark whispered, arching his back slightly. "Cum for me."
Your pussy tightened around his cock as you felt your orgasm wash over you. You screamed out his name as your body shook uncontrollably, your orgasm tearing through your entire body. Mark released his grip on your hips, grabbing your tits and squeezing them roughly. His cock pulsated wildly, shooting its thick load of cum deep inside of you. You collapsed against him, breathing heavily as your orgasm finally faded away.
Mark slowly lifted you off of him, laying you down next to him. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. You could feel his arms wrapping around you, his warmth radiating throughout your entire body. You closed your eyes, basking in the moment as he softly stroked your hair.
"Do you have any idea how amazing you are?" Mark whispered, resting his chin on top of your head. "I honestly don't know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you."
You tilted your head up to meet his gaze. "I'd say we both had something to do with it."
"Is that so?" Mark smirked. "Well then, I guess you're stuck with me forever."
"Forever?" You asked, smiling at him. "What are you insinuating, Mark Lee? That I'm going to be yours forever?"
"Only if you want me to be." Mark replied simply, cupping your face in his hands. "And if you'll have me."
You nodded, returning his smile. "Of course I will, Mark. I wouldn't have it any other way."
"That's my girl." He whispered, nibbling your lower lip playfully. "That's my little farmer."
"Yeah, that's me." You said with a smile. "Forever with her cowboy. Always and forever."
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isaacswhy · 5 months
isaacwhy x gn!reader (sfw) 1.6k summary: moving to the new house was rough, and you had to stay in a hotel for a few days while the boys moved. once you were settled in, you realized just how much you loved it. requested?: no
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It brought you no joy to spend another night in the hotel. Of course, you were thankful that Isaac had paid for your nights staying there, but it was frustrating. You weren't able to sleep at home, with your boyfriend, like you usually were. But, you understood that he was just trying to keep you from going insane from how the other guys acted while they moved. It wasn't his first rodeo doing it.
No matter what, though, you still had to swipe your key card and drop your bag in the hotel as you always had. Isaac spent the first night with you, but had to stay the rest of the nights at the new house while they were moving in. The two of you learned the hard way that when Isaac wasn't around while the grown-up toddlers were moving their belongings, they'd be on the verge of burning the place down all the time.
At the very least, you got to call him. You took your shoes off, doing a quick switch into some pajama pants and walked over to your bed. That was the good part of the hotel, the phenomenal bedding. Isaac really shelled out for your comfort. You fished your phone from your pocket and opened Isaac's contact, pressing the little "FaceTime" button.
The line rang for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust how you looked in the camera before he picked up. Your image shrank into the corner as his face came into full view, beaming and bright. You couldn't help the smile on your face when you saw his big, toothy grin.
"Hi baby!" Isaac half-shouted as you watched him fall back on his bed, his curls spreading onto the blanket.
You waved to the camera. "Hi Isaac! How was the day today? Any good news for me?"
"Today was good!" Isaac sat up and looked down at the camera, "I should be able to have us fully settled by tomorrow. Hopefully, you can spend the night then."
You grinned a little bit at the prospect. You'd missed his strong arms wrapped around you. "That's great! I'll keep my phone on me and probably go out for a little shopping trip in the new city, so just give me a call whenever you think the place is ready."
"Sounds like a plan," He said, "I've been setting up our room, actually. Do you want to see now?"
"No, no, leave it a surprise for tomorrow night." With the house being a little bigger than the last one, somehow, the two of you were sharing a room and Isaac's setup would be in an office room connected to it. Although, you shared a room in the last house, but it was essentially just moving into Isaac's space and tossing your own clothes in his closet.
Things wrapped up easily that night, the two of you talking for a little too long until Isaac had to cut off the call. It was getting late, and he needed the energy for tomorrow. When you finally hung up, you tucked into bed, only Isaac filling your thoughts as you drifted off.
You awoke to the sunlight peering through the curtains the next morning. Grabbing your phone, you saw no news from Isaac and got up for the day.
It was pretty uneventful, other than picking up a few new pieces of clothes and a pair of shoes for Isaac. He was a bit of a nut about his shoe game, and you recognized the pair as one he'd been keeping his eye out for online. Luckily, they had a pair in his size. Shoe shopping for a man so tall was a nightmare sometimes.
You were just getting out of the line with your new items when you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket. Grabbing it showed Isaac's contact and a phone call, so you picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey! I was just letting you know it should be good to come down whenever," Isaac sounded a little out of breath, "Just finished unpacking the last of our stuff. Had to carry Tanner's desk into his room so he could set up his computer. Anyways, if you want to pack up your stuff in the hotel and come down, I'm ready for you!"
A big grin spread across your face. "That's amazing! I'll be headed down soon. Just finishing up a trip to the mall, but I'm gonna head to the hotel right away. I'll pack up my shit and get down to you in a minute, okay?"
"Okay! I love you!"
Your heart warmed a little bit. "I love you too, Isaac, bye."
You were practically sprinting back to the hotel. Once you got inside, you were glad not to have unpacked everything yet. The rest of your clothes and other personal belongings you had with you were packed up quickly into your bags. The car Isaac had rented for you waited for you in the parking garage, where you tossed your things in there. From there, you hit the road.
The drive wasn't too long, but they'd chosen a location far enough from downtown to give themselves privacy. You didn't mind the drive, though, since it was just building excitement to see your boyfriend for the first time in a few days.
You finally pulled into the driveway and walked up to the front door, using your key to get inside. The place was beautiful. Clean, more modern look but with a touch of the luxury that came with a house of this size and price. Of course, in a few weeks, it'd look more like a bomb went off in here. But for the time being, it looked great.
Nick poked his head out from the kitchen and waved at you. "Hey! You finally made it!"
You nodded and waved back, smiling. "Yeah! Isaac thought it'd be best if I wasn't in your guys' path of destruction while you all got moved in. Since I hadn't brought a lot to the last house, anyways, I'm just the last piece of the puzzle."
"That.. makes sense, actually," Nick laughed to himself, "Well, welcome home! ISAAC! GET DOWN HERE!"
You flinched a bit at Nick's sudden yelling, but you heard thundering footsteps as suddenly, your boyfriend ran down the stairs and towards you. You practically leapt into his arms, feeling him pick you up and spin you around.
"You're home!" Isaac was practically squealing into your shirt as he finally put you down, "Do you like it?"
When you saw him like this, he really looked like an oversized puppy. "I love it! The place looks so nice! For now.."
"I'll do my best to make sure they don't rip it to shreds like the last house.." Isaac nervously chuckled, "Come on! Let me show you the room!"
You took Isaac's oversized hand as you followed him up the stairs, leading you through a hallway or two before he opened a door. He led you inside, and you were met with beauty. It was simple, clean, and everything you liked. There was so much personality, the shelves and tables lined with little trinkets, figures, and other pieces of things that you both liked.
You walked over to one of the shelves, smirking. "Did you get me a Jujutsu Kaisen figure?"
"Only because I thought you were really into it," He said with a shy smile, "Did I get it right?"
You nodded and smiled. It was your favorite character from the show, after all. He'd been a good listener after forcing you to watch it with him. "You did, don't worry. This room is amazing, should we go get my bags?"
Isaac lit up a bit. "Oh, right! I'll go get them, maybe get Nick to grab one. You don't worry about any of that, stay here and get yourself acquainted! Look around!"
Before you could protest, he was out of the room and you heard his footsteps down the hallway. You decided to do as he suggested, looking through everything he had set up in your room. You tested out the bed, which was as soft and comforting as you'd loved.
You walked into the office room connected to the bedroom, smiling at his setup and looking over to see a second setup. Before you'd moved, you had another setup that decided to short out during the hot summer heat. When you needed to play something, you often just used Isaac's or bullied Nick when Isaac was busy.
But, there was a second setup, next to Isaac's. It was your favorite color, with some figures and little items from your favorite shows decorating the desk, and a beautiful keyboard and mouse. You approached it, running your hand over the keys and pressing a few. The sound was off the charts.
"You like it?"
You turned around and saw Isaac standing at the door, with a grin on his face. "It's perfect. Was this the real reason you didn't want me here when you were moving in? So you could build all of this?"
Isaac shrugged his shoulders. "Maaaybe."
You sighed and shook your head. "You didn't have to do all this for me," You said with a sigh, but you walked up to him and smiled, "Thank you."
"Of course I have to, I'm your boyfriend," Isaac's voice made you weak in the knees a little bit. When he spoke so softly as he pulled you into a tight hug, his voice warmed your body like nothing else could.
With Isaac's arms wrapped around you like they were, you were able to take in his scent and sit there in the peace in quiet. It felt like pure comfort to you. It felt like home.
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entertainmentgirl80 · 1 month
A City Girl & A Country Boy's Date 🤠😘
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Warnings: FLUFF
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"Okay, sooo, where are you taking me, Mr. Owens?" You were suspicious but curious.
"I'm taking you somewhere special, you will gonna like it, I promise, and don't worry I not gonna murder you, I'm not that type of person, besides, my mama raised me well. That is the man I am today." He has a Cheshire cat smirk on his features.
"Okay, you have my word, so where the rest of your crew though, this evening, if you don't mind ask?" You furrowed your eyebrow.
"They are back at the hotel, relaxing before we hit to chase more storms tomorrow." He answers while driving.
Looking at the window, while you are sitting on the front passenger side of the truck, you never thought the back of your mind while you think to yourself that the tornado wrangler, Mr. Tyler Owens himself is taking you on a date, now, sure. At first, the day that you met him, when you came to Oklahoma just to get away from the big city for a vacation. Then, suddenly, this man laid his pretty green emerald eyes on you and the rest is history, at first impression: he have a cocky but arrogant personality because how he came off towards you after the two of y'all met at a motel while he was with his crewmates. So, day after day, once the two of you get to know each other, Tyler is the most sweet but humble man you ever meet. Sure, he still has that shit-eating smirk on his features. However, deep down, he is still a good man, despite his cocky demeanor.
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"We here, darlin'" he killed the engine on his truck.
He got out of the truck, and open the door on your side, and he give his hand to you, after you got of the car, and you amaze that he taking you a rodeo on a first date....
"Can I tell you something?" You sitting down next to Tyler.
"Anything, sweetheart." He furrowed his eyebrows, just curiously.
"I'm never been a rodeo before in my life." You confess to him.
"Well, honey, tonight is your lucky night, cause there is a first time for everything." He has a Cheshire Cat smirk on his features.
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So, afterward, y'all went to get something to eat, and went straight back to the motel, so the two of you walking down the hallway towards your room, before, you go in for the night, you cup Tyler's face and kisses him, and he kisses you back, so after that, both of you said good nights to each other, and you went to your room.
Bonus Content:
You woke up the next day, brushing your teeth, gotten dressed, and headed out to start your day. So while you were out and about doing simple things like shopping, your stomach was rumble, meaning you haven't eaten all day. So, you went to Starbucks to get your favorite drink & your sandwich as well, so, after you went in and paid for your stuff. You decided to go outside, since today is decent, and sit down, enjoying the view, so while eating, you pull up on YouTube, just scrolling. However, in the back of your mind, you type in Tyler's name, and it's popped up, and so, you click on their page, and you saw that they were on live doing one of their tornado adventures, and your smile creep up because of Tyler's charming but rebellious personality that you can't help but enjoyed especially that always been his passion that and helping others who affected the aftermath of tornadoes. So, after you were done eating, you went back to the motel, and long behold, Mr. Tornado Wrangler himself saw you with bags in your hands.
"Hey, city girl, I see you that you went shopping today." He greeted you with a smirk on his features.
"Hey, and yeah , I just didn't want to stay in the room all day, you what I'm saying?"
"Yeah, I'm understand, I feel you on that."
"So I'm did binges watch some of your videos, today." You confess him while your cheeks are blush.
"Oh really? What your favorite one?" He wanna know.
"I'm don't know, I like all of them, so you do youtube full time, if you don't mind asking?" She asked him.
"Yes, but I do little work on the little side as well, so yeah, I'm full-time youtuber."
"Oh okay, well I'm see you later."
"Hey!, I'm was wonder do you want to grab some dinner tonight, if that okay with you?" He blushing.
"Yeah, I'm will like that." You give him a kiss on a cheek, and he kisses you right back.
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A/N: Another one, for all the Tyler Owens lovers out here, and I'm hope you like it . 🤟🏽🤠💋
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kedsandtubesocks · 7 months
you, my golden hour
Rancher!Javier Peña x Cowgirl!Reader
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summary: 1997. as a fallen rodeo star, you can handle anything - except maybe your city’s hometown hero
warnings/tags: 18+ ONLY MDNI, Post Season 3 Javi works on his family’s ranch AU, unspecified age gap (only age mention is reader can drink and Javi is older), major pining & yearning, emotional hurt & comfort, light angst with tender fluff, reader has a backstory and family, no physical description of reader but gendered language is used and reader can ride a horse, use of pet/nicknames, mention/description of rodeo accident, themes of dealing with burnout, small texas town toxicity, light Spanish use, reader & javi having insecurities they bond/heal over, bar scene with alcohol consumption, spicy moments with allusions to smut, intense makeout where Javi gets handsy, soft!Javi, dreamy & protective!Javi
word count: 10.2k (I’m sorry)
a/n: the second installment of ‘let’s rodeo’ and my love letter to Javi & Texas, the heart of this series - this fic is near & dear to me and I just appreciate getting the chance to write this, so to @lowlights @ahauntedcowboy & @perotovar for giving me the courage to post this know I’m so grateful… and to you reading this thank you, so dearly appreciate you too ♡
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You haven’t thought of Javier Peña in years.
Older than you, he was handsome and had a smile that rivaled the Texas Friday night lights. He eventually hooked up with the number one town sweetheart who was even rumored to have won a local state beauty contest.
By the time you heard of their engagement, you already had started your plans for the circuits, for the road. You didn’t mourn or even feel heartbroken over the news.
Even after that, the rodeo consumed you. It kept you in a tornado like whirl for years until that fateful day it spat you out.
When that ride stopped, Javier Peña came back into your mind with a strange fog-like entrance.
While still on bed rest, the news on the TV had been showing a small special on the War on Drugs and the lull of it filled the room.
Your grandmother was the one who brought him up.
“That’s what Chucho’s son is involved in.”
“Wait, Javier Peña’s into drugs?” You asked a bit confused even without the pain killers.
“No. He’s going after the people who sell drugs.” She clarified.
“He also didn’t get married either. Do you remember?” She had added.
You did. You heard he left the little Miss Homecoming Queen at the altar. Quite a scandal that made him the talk of the town for a while.
Then he became a big shot drug enforcer who took down one of the largest drug cartels in history and he again became the talk of the town.
It’s been a few years since your accident and now Javier Peña is back home.
Now driving into the Peña ranch you feel both so young, yet so aged at the same time, like you’re stuck between two realities.
Your sister bounces out of the truck with uncontainable glee and you’re grateful she’s excited.
Chucho Peña comes to greet everyone. His classic cream cowboy hat and gentle smile are all a beautiful welcome. It’s also adorable seeing your grandpa reunite with his old friend.
Señor Peña’s kind eyes eventually land on you with a sweet twinkle.
“It’s good to see you, mija.”
You’ve always adored Chucho Peña.
His son on the other hand…
You never knew Javier enough to fully know him. Even with his dad and your grandpa being pals, the years between you and Javier didn’t help. He existed outside your orbit, a figure almost out of reach.
“And that son of yours!?” Your grandpa of course perks up asking about him.
“Ah sí Javi’s here, just out in the stables.” Chucho explains casually.
The last time you physically saw Javier Peña he was walking out of the bank. You’d been waiting in your family truck when he stepped out. By that point, a small bit of shadow was forming against his jaw and upper lip as his facial hair began to grow thick. He was a young man on the verge of stepping into the threshold of being grown.
Now before you he’s a fully grown man.
For a minute you think the man in the barn is someone else because it doesn’t seem like Javier.
Yet when he turns, you see his eyes.
Rich soil of the earth stunning eyes and you know it’s him.
His body has filled out and his shoulders even look broader. He sports a similar mustache like his father’s and it adds to his older appearance. There’s a weathered weariness on his face evident in the wrinkles carved out by his eyes and on his forehead.
The button up shirt he’s wearing allows a peek at his chest and his skin shines with sweat from the Texas sun already shining its warmth.
He’s breathtakingly stunning and you can’t take your eyes off him.
He warmly greets your grandpa with a wide smile that touches his eyes and brightens his face. He’s still that charming young man you saw, a brilliant comet out of your galaxy.
But then his gaze lands on you and his eyes narrow. A conflicting recognition and confusion swirl in his eyes. He knows you, seems to remember you, but not fully.
His dad clarifies your name and you deflate a bit. Then Javier’s eyes go wide and his eyebrows shoot into his hairline.
So, he does remember you.
“Oh, yeah. Good to see you.” He nods fully realizing who you are.
“Guess the horse must be for you then?” Javier adds and your heart sinks a bit.
A grimace tugs on your face but you try recovering quickly.
“No mijo,” Chucho thankfully answers quick and gentle. “I told you, it’s for her hermanita.”
You grin small and tight in agreement.
“Oh…yeah of course.” He nods.
Your little sister immediately jumps in bright and eager to share her excitement. Thankfully the focus effortlessly shifts to her and the reason why you’re all here.
The horse is beautiful, playful and eager for attention. This first meeting already feels good. Of course, everyone holds their breaths when your sister goes for the ride.
And it couldn’t have gone more smoothly.
You even exhale relieved.
“You seemed nervous.” A smooth warm voice comes out besides you.
As you lean against the ring’s fence you discover Javier Peña moving to rest beside you.
“Just like the first day of school kinda nerves. Want to make sure everything goes smoothly.” You answer as your sister effortlessly trots around the ring with ease.
“Yeah, I bet. They already seem to be clicking.” Javier notes genuine and you’re grateful too.
Your grandfather now calls out to you.
Both you and Javier turn towards where the older men stand close to each other like conspiring headaches.
“To celebrate, we’re having dinner here!” Your grandpa cheers happily and a dread drop kicks your heart.
Immediately you stammer out panicked about how you all can’t impose.
“No pasa nada, mija.” Senor Peña gently reassures you saying not to worry. “Besides, you’re all more than welcome here. It’s been a while since Javi and I had guests.”
You don’t miss the unashamed hum Javier makes.
“And grandma?” You reply, trying to reach for more excuses not to stay.
“She can walk.” Your sister teases suddenly and you give her a sharp look.
“Will you go pick her up, please?” Your grandpa gives you his best pleading face before simply throwing the truck keys to you
Stubborn old man.
“Hijo,” Señor Peña calls out again, but this time to his son. “You should go too.”
“No Pop, it’s okay!” Javi politely declines and you want to second that.
“Aye,” His dad chides and then he pointedly gives Javier a look that screams - Don’t be rude, go with her.
The walk to the truck is quiet, awkward as hell, feels like two parents shoving their kids together to play nice.
Heading into the main part of town, silence fills most of the drive. You're also mentally kicking yourself for not getting the radio fixed last week like you should’ve.
“So uh, your grandma…still volunteering at the women’s shelter?” Until Javier offers a small branch of conversation.
“Yup.” You nod.
“Oh good, that’s good.” He replies.
But silence returns.
“So, you taking a break from the rodeo then? Pop used to tell me about you all the time.” Javier comments light, casual.
You feel like a cat with its hairs standing up. But even with that sensation, knowing Señor Peña spoke so fondly of you does simmer the sting.
“Sort of.” You decide to rip this off like a bandaid, get it over with now. “Had a bad accident a while back. Still haven’t decided if I wanna return.”
It’s been two years since you’ve been home.
“Oh…” Javier’s voice drops, the same way everyone does when you tell them.
“I’m sorry.” Except you’re surprise at how sincerely soft his voice is. “I thought I heard something about it. I should’ve fucking remembered… Sorry.”
He apologizes again, surprising you once more as genuine repentance floats off his voice.
You thank him understandingly. After all, it's one of the better responses you’ve been given. But you don’t want to dig into this, especially with him, so you quickly change the conversation.
“So how long are you here for? I’m sure there must be other drug cartels waiting for you to take them down.” You offer casual.
Not only had he taken down Pablo Escobar a while back, you briefly heard of his very recent grand move against the other cartel in Columbia.
He’s impressive, the town’s hero and golden boy.
“Uh actually, I’m retired. Gonna take a step back for a bit.” Javier answers just as polite and calm as you had answered him.
Oh. You hadn’t heard that. Or maybe you did and forgot.
You now feel like the foolish one and genuinely congratulate him.
“It takes a lot to decide when to step away. Besides, you deserve a break after all you did.” You mean those words.
After all, they were the same comforting words his father told you when you came back home.
A pause fills the truck and you worry you’ve maybe overstepped.
“I…yeah.” Javier breathes out. “Thanks. Appreciate that.”
Your heart flutters at how small and genuine he sounds.
“So…how about them Dallas Cowboys, huh?” Javier offers light and for some reason you laugh.
It’s not much, but it feels like a lifeline.
When you arrive to pick up your grandmother she gasps so giddy when she sees the surprise guest with you. Her excitement lights up the drive while she talks about her day taking full advantage of having Javier listening to her.
“Oh I’m so glad you’re back home safe Javi!” She gushes and then says your name.
You’re already panicking.
“With so many of your friends living out of town, maybe you’ll get to spend more time back in the city with Javier!?” She offers to you brightly and absolute horror seizes your heart.
Shooting a petrified face at her you silently plead for this discussion to die.
Javier in the back seat weakly laughs. Because of course Javier, ever the gentleman, had your grams sitting up front.
“Oh don’t give me that look.” Your grandma playfully teases back at you. “At least go rent a movie with him.”
The thought crosses your mind about turning around and dropping her back off.
“Did you know,” Javier innocently jumps in. “The first ever blockbuster was opened in Dallas?”
Your grandma coos in awe as if he’s just explained a miracle.
“See! Now you have to go with him to one!” She urges.
A horrified indignant noise escapes you. While behind you, Javier snickers even more and you’re tempted to drop him off on the side of the road to let the coyotes feast on him.
The minute you arrive at the Peña’s home you can’t get out of the truck fast enough.
Dinner fortunately goes smooth and you’re surprised at how eased the rest of the time unfolds. You do hate how many times your eyes flicker towards Javier like if you’re still trying to soak him in.
Then, from across the table, Javier’s gaze flickers to you fast catching you staring red handed. Your heart transforms into a jackrabbit, petrified and thumping fast, almost making you flee right then and there.
Until your grandpa addresses you. His warm eyes dance with a surprise in his gaze.
“We’ve decided to have some of your sister's training here.”
Your heart now skips over itself.
Your gramps and sister both explain the plan hatched while you were on the road. In order to get used to competing in different spaces, your sister decided to train here at the Peña’s.
You’re hesitant, but understand the logic. You’re even impressed. But you can’t pinpoint why you’re so nervous about this.
Señor Peña now calls to you, sensing your hesitation, and tenderly grins.
“Don’t worry mija,” his kind eyes crinkle with understanding. “It’s no trouble at all.”
His reassurance is grace and you smile back relieved while thanking him deeply.
“Seems like you’re the boss here.” Javier suddenly joins in with a casual tone and you freeze.
“Well yeah, that’s my coach you’re talking to.” Your sister proudly declares.
“Coach?” Javier’s voice perks up curious.
“Yeah.” You answer with a small smile. “That’s me.”
“Been barking orders at me all these years so why not put her in charge.” Your sister innocently adds and in pure sobbing annoyance you want to shove her face into her plate.
Thankfully everyone laughs, illuminating the room.
But you’re faced with a new reality. You’re going to be here more, seeing Javier Peña more.
And you don’t know how you feel about that yet.
The Peña ranch in the morning sits tranquil and the peace gives you the focus on training.
You’re surprised at how good your sister and the mare already bond. You explain a few drills and have your sister run a few repetitions of them.
“You sound like a tough one.” Javier’s voice surprises you and you almost jump over the fence.
Glancing back, he approaches you with two thermoses.
“Pop and I thought you might need an extra pick me up.” He offers and you can’t help but greedily grab at it.
“Tell your dad thanks and that he’s a saint.”
Javier snorts at your reply.
Now your focus returns to your sister. You recommend a type of turning drill vividly remember doing yourself. Your sister playfully salutes you and begins.
“How she looking, coach?” Him calling you ‘coach’ draws a dangerous electricity that snaps up your spine.
“Don’t call me coach.” You dryly tell him trying to keep yourself composed.
“Well isn’t that what you are?” He teases casually.
Your face scrunches up annoyed while his eyes crinkle amused.
“Don’t you have things to do, Javier Peña?” You sigh, already exhausted of this man.
“Javi…you can just call me Javi, coach.”
You’re tempted to childishly scoot away from him. Younger you would have never imagined he was this annoying.
“Don’t call me coach.” You dully repeat.
“Okay, coach.”
Now you contemplate just shoving him away.
But all the annoyance washes away when commotion hits. The horse makes a disgruntled whinny and immediately both you and Javier whip your attention towards the ring. Your sister calmly stays on the saddle, gently soothing down her companion.
After asking if she’s good, her eased thumbs up reassures you. She does a few trots to calm everyone down. You even exhale relieved.
“You lost in thought?” Javier comments.
“Yeah.” You answer him with a mutter. “Just thinking.”
You almost don’t tell him. But you surprise yourself and do.
You explain the type of pace that comes with training in barrel racing. There’s a pattern and method to it all. You don’t realize you’ve rambled until you blink and realize Javier stares so directly at you. His eyebrows furrow slightly as if he’s focused hard listening to your words.
Embarrassed, you’re about to stammer out an apology when Javier whistles low.
“You know your fucking shit.” He nods appreciatively and hearing his pride ignites something dangerous in your chest.
Another surprise sharp whistle comes. Out from the barn, a further ways away, Chucho stands staring out. He even waves at you and you wave back.
“You gonna work today, hijo?” He calls out.
Javier curses under his breath.
“Busted.” You joke and now he’s the one side eying you.
“Please you’re the one slacking off here!” Your baby sister suddenly complains loud and cheeky “You’re not getting paid by the hour, coach!”
“Guess we’re both in trouble.” Javier snickers.
You roll your eyes but quickly sneer at your smiling sister.
“Alright then. See ya later…bandita.” Javier already walks away by the time you hear his goodbye.
But it hits you.
He thankfully stopped calling you coach. But now, what replaced it…
Little Bandit.
The nickname rips through you with a barbed fierceness you’re not prepared for.
The rest of the month follows this same routine.
On training days Javier shows up with something for you to drink. Once he even came with a few goods from the bakery across town.
No matter what, he watches practice with you for as long as he can before getting called back to the ranch.
During these moments together, he asks about how the turns are made or why you correct your sister when you do. It’s friendly. You actually start enjoying his company especially when your grandfather so eagerly leaves to hang out with Chucho instead.
The greetings and thanks are always the same.
“Thanks, Peña.”
“Javi,” he patiently corrects you everytime.
You can’t bring yourself to call him that just yet.
At the start of the new month everyone sleeps in and arrives later to the Peña’s ranch.
This time you’ve brought more barrels. Thankfully you can move them with the help of your sister. Suddenly besides you, boots clamor onto the truck and rapidly you snap your attention to the source of the sound.
Javier Peña smoothly climbs up to help you with the rest of the barrels.
He’s in a striking soft purple button up shirt. Sweat already shines against his bare arms. Thick worn in working gloves cover his hands. His hair seems a bit curlier today and he wears aviator sunglasses that suit his face.
Effortlessly Javier grabs onto one and lifts it by himself.
You’re stunned. Even your sister stops and stares just as surprised.
Javier is strong. Doesn’t seem like the muscular type but he’s built and radiates a type of seasoned strength of a well grown man, a rancher man.
His arms firmly hold the barrel, sturdy and toned, and you can’t look away.
“Where d’ya want me to put it?” Javier yells and you trip out of your thoughts to dumbly point where the barrel needs to be placed.
Your grandfather whistles proudly seeing Javier.
“If this rancher thing doesn’t work out for you Jav, you got the makings of a fine rodeo man.” Your grandpa teases.
Javier chuckles, with his eyes averted a bit bashful.
“Could add him to the team.” Your grandpa notes with a twinkling gleam of something mischievous.
You reply a dry no as you move to get off the truck.
In a flash, Javier jogs over and immediately reaches his hand out to help you get down. Placing your hand in his, Javier helps you down and you thank him.
He’s wearing gloves. This shouldn’t feel so significant. Yet the way he firmly holds your hand makes your heart sprout wings.
Even back on the solid dirt ground your legs don’t feel as if they’re under you.
Javier doesn’t stick around after that and you’re allowed to focus.
It’s later in the day, later than the usual practice times, and the Texas sun beats down with a fierceness. You call for more water breaks to keep everyone hydrated.
During a break, a rustling catches your attention. There towards the barn, Javi moves in and around the place.
You just catch the smallest glimpse of him with a hammer in his hand as he heads into the smaller enclosure. Curiosity gets the best of you.
Grabbing another water bottle you justify it as wanting to be polite, but curiosity gnaws at you.
The clang of hammering approaches louder and louder until you spot him in a goat pen. He hammers in a reinforced slab, probably fixing a hole. His back to you allows a glorious full sight of his broad shoulders at work.
He even switches to a drill and watching him casually use power tools, you never thought you’d find this so attractive.
One of the goats nearby makes a blep of a noise at your appearance and you almost want to shush them.
Javier glances over his shoulders spotting you.
“Hey there, bandita. Qué pasó?” he nods at you as the nickname flares up your heart.
“Just…knew how hot it was getting and gramps told me just to check up on you.” You lie waving the water bottle.
Javier turns to face you and you’re greeted with the sight of his full sweaty glory. You should be turned off seeing how bad his shirt sticks to him, how he smells of hay and dirt, but it’s incredibly hot.
The hard work of his day evident on every inch of him brews a dark cloud of desire in you.
“Oh well, tell your gramps thanks.” He replies snagging the water bottle from you.
His plus lips, the glorious sight of his thick slick neck, and the movement of the sweat just covering him as he drinks from the water bottle…
Getting this weak over the sight of him just drinking a water bottler you now think is the lowest you can go. You wonder about walking down by the river nearby and just jumping in to cool down.
From a distance, your sister yells out for you.
“Duty calls.” Javier smirks. With a sheepish smile you shrug then wave a quick goodbye.
You practically run out of that barn like a fleeing field mouse.
Later that night, alone in your room, your fingers slip under your sheets to slide under your sleep shorts. You imagine licking the sweat off Javier’s neck, picture his thick strong fingers, that fix up barns, hoist up barrels, and wonder how thick they would feel inside you.
You fall into desire’s blissful sticky release.
When you shower the next morning, you rationalize that those thoughts of Javier simply come from needing to scratch an itch.
Besides, you couldn’t get tangled with Javier. He’s older. He’s Laredo’s golden boy. He doesn’t go after broken cowgirls like you.
In the shower you turn the heat up more. A part of you hopes it will scorch off the building desire in your heart.
The morning is muggy, a soupy cloudy early day begging you to curl back into bed. Soft chirping echoes of the mockingbirds fill the air. You opted for earlier practices this week so your sister could prepare for a trip with her friends coming up. You agreed, wanting her to still enjoy moments outside of this.
“You out here all alone, bandita?” Javier.
He breaks the morning’s stillness. Holding his routine two drinks, he approaches you bundled up in a nice jacket that flatters him.
Thanking him, you greedily grab the drink and savor its warmth.
You explain that your sister is free roaming around the ranch this morning and it’s why you’re all alone. You stare at the empty riding area where the dirt sits holy and untouched.
“Do you miss it?” Javier asks. His voice is quietly probing, gentle as the morning mist.
That question holds a million answers all tied up in a messy knot.
“Sometimes.” You answer truthfully because you did. You missed the adrenaline, the wind blowing past you, speeding around a barrel so fast it was like you were out running the wind.
“Can I ask…” Javier and his soft, kind voice presses on. “What happened?”
Might as well. You’re now sort of friends with Javier even though the word feels sticky in your heart.
“You know that saying about how you just gotta get back on the horse? Well it's easier said than done.” You mutter.
It happened during a ride in Arizona. You’ve fallen and wrecked before. But this one just felt different. You took a barrel close and then everything slipped away. You remember being on the saddle, remember feeling your body float. Then the world went dark.
You woke up to a nasty concussion, a broken arm, and a couple of rowdy scrapes. You don’t remember your foot getting caught in the stirrup, but that’s what had happened.
“Holy fuck...” Javier breathes out, the weight of your words hang in his. “Shit I’m sorry.”
You thank him earnestly and reassure him it’s fine, just unfortunate shit like that happens. Everyone knew how dangerous the sport could get. The rodeo was a rough ride and every cowboy knew that.
But for you, you just couldn’t shake it off.
“I’m glad you made it out.” Sincerity blooms in his voice and your lips tug grateful at how considerate he is as you thank him again.
“You haven’t gone back?” Now he dances on a tight line.
“Nope. I tried after getting the clearance from the doctors but… it just didn’t go well.” You truthfully tell him.
You didn’t want to ride anymore, didn’t want to face everyone or the pressure of the race or the terror swallowing you whole. It felt as if you were burnt dry and exhausted from the inside out.
Your grandma gently embraced you and held you for what felt like hours.
“Then don’t go. You don’t have to do anything that makes you this worried and sick. Nothing is worth you being this scared, not even the damn rodeo.” She told you tenderly and with the most profoundly kind smile. You cried out of relief.
“It’s brave,” Javier says so firmly understanding. “Making a decision like that is really fucking brave, hard as fuck too.”
You gently grin and thank him again while blinking away a few tears.
“Same goes for you too.” You tell him.
From your gramps, who had gotten the full story from Chucho, you learned more about what happened with Javier and his final days in Columbia.
“I don’t know much but, what you did was brave too.” Your voice comes out softer than you expected.
He barks a laugh now. It’s dry, bitter, and can catch fire.
“Doesn't feel like it.”
You understand maybe more than he even knows. So you think about maybe what you would’ve told yourself.
“You did what was right.” You begin. “Everyone else might judge you or say shit but it doesn't matter. You’re not meant to please everyone or do what everyone expects you to do. And if that’s seen as a bad thing then…I don’t know, fuck them and fuck that.”
You say it so simply Javier busts out laughing. It’s a true blue laugh, so sweet it crinkles his beautiful dirt road eyes.
You’ve never seen him laugh like this before. And he’s beautiful.
You join in snickering as well but try to ignore the butterflies suddenly nesting in your stomach.
He’s really such a dream. A carved out Texas man so seasoned from the world, yet he still stays so kind and devoted to his family.
You get why many in the town, especially the girls during your time in high school, are all over him. Now you’re afraid you might’ve fallen into the same pit traps they did.
You’re falling under the spell of Javier Peña.
“So you’re really not going back to catching drug dealers and what not?” You ask when the laughter settles.
“I could’ve.” Javi answers. “Damn DEA would’ve taken me back. But…I just couldn’t see a future with it anymore.”
“And now here I am.” He says with a boyish soft grin.
“Now here you are”. You repeat with a nod.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here.” You truthfully tell him. You knew his dad worried about him. But the quiet truth is that you’re grateful for this time getting to know him now.
His eyes soften and your heat bursts.
“Thanks, glad I’m here. Glad you’re here too, bandita.” Then he softly nudges you. It’s playfully, friendly but it’s his words that almost take you out by the knees.
“Anyway, the government’s dumb. They don't deserve you.” You nod and Javier snorts amused.
“Guess I should listen to a cowgirl like you.” He teases.
You shrug. “Some people say I’m not one anymore.”
Especially because you didn’t ride anymore.
“Fuck them and fuck that.” He repeats your words and your lips twitch with a bubbling giggle.
Right now, it feels like you and him are two lonely birds sitting on a wire. Yet there’s something comforting about it, knowing it’s with him.
Then it dawns on you. You enjoy spending time with him. You know there’s desire already trickling in for him. But now he’s becoming someone precious to you.
You can’t even deny that anymore.
“Thanks, Javi.”
You don’t miss the way his eyebrows shoot up high.
Thunder roars suddenly clashing into the air interrupting the moment.
The dark clouds now loom on the horizon and coat the morning in an impending murkiness.
“Guess a storm’s coming in.” Javi mumbles.
Thankfully your sister rides back in quick and Javi decides to do some final things around the ranch before the storm rolls in. Before the rain comes, you and your sister pack up quickly. But it’s too late.
The rain pours down in a blink, almost like a hole in the sky popped to let a faucet drain out. The wind even picks up dangerously quick. It’s chaotic trying to wrangle the hose back to the stables but you and your sister manage.
“Come inside!” Gramps yells from the Peña’s porch and you and your sister scurry to the shaded sanctuary.
“You coming in?” Your sister asks while drying herself off with a towel. You don’t move from your spot by the steps.
“I’ll be in a bit.” You reassure her. She glares suspiciously and you shoo her away.
Javi hasn’t come back yet.
Noises clang out from the barn. A poisonous worry erupts through you and immediately you rush back out into the rain.
Inside the barn Javi tries yanking up a barn ladder that’s fallen over. It’s sturdy, wooden, and stuck in a hard position.
You move to help. Without any words or having to explain anything you both, as a team, work to yank the ladder out. Patiently and slowly the ladder gets moved to a spot the wind won’t knock it over.
The rush of it all has you breathing heavy.
“Thanks bandita.”
You breathlessly laugh and turn to maybe make a joke about now becoming a ranch hand and stealing his job. But all words, all thoughts, die instantly.
Having to work together to push the ladder, you now notice how close you are to him.
The sight of Javi soaked to the bone from the rain is corruptible. His clothes stick to him showing off his thick frame and shoulders. His drenched hair now seems darker with the curls more pounced.
He’s also heavily breathing too.
Now his lips, how soft and wet they look, have you hypnotized.
The pattering rain pours down hard on the roof, the only noise in the barn. You notice a shift in Javier. His eyes ever so slightly soften, almost hazing over. You might just be imaging it, but his face gradually seems to lean closer. Or maybe, you’re the one leaning towards him.
You’re possessed with an ache to kiss him, to see how the rain tastes on his lips.
It’s just you and him, soaked to the bone. You probably look like a drenched mess of a creature, but you’ve never wanted someone this much.
Chucho suddenly shouts out from outside the barn and your heart stops.
Like a skittish roadrunner, you scramble away fast from Javier and just in time. His dad walks in from the other side of the barn holding an umbrella with an extra in his hand.
“You kids okay?” He calls out.
Both you and Javi yell back, quickly moving towards the elder Peña.
“You two look like a couple of soaked barn cats.” Chucho teases.
You weakly laugh and thank him for the umbrella.
Javi grumbles at his dad while he grabs the umbrella to open it up. Ever chivalrous, Javier holds it above you and him. Yet the entire walk to the house is quiet.
Fuck. Did you ruin this tentative whatever was forming between you and him? Or were you just imagining things?
You stay quiet the rest of the time waiting out the storm.
“You okay?” Your sister, keen as always, notices.
You lie with a smile saying the weather’s getting to you. When in reality, it’s a man that has.
Because you can’t stop thinking about Javier Peña now.
The rain stays for the rest of the week and everyone takes the schedule changes with stride. Your sister even heads out earlier on her trip earlier during a lighter drizzle.
By Saturday night the storm settles down.
Your closest friend from high school, now back in town for the month, even calls your home phone begging you to take advantage of the better weather.
“Look, before I go back to Florida let’s enjoy a nice night out, yeah? Maybe play some pool?” She pleads.
It’s how you now find yourself at the bar. You haven’t gotten dressed up in a while and you’re reminded of how nice it feels.
As much as you jokingly fussed about going out, being with your best friend laughing at the bar is lovely.
Ricky, one of the bartenders, actually was in the same grade as you two and it’s nice reminiscing, snickering over a nice drink.
“So how’s it been hanging out with Mr. Hero of the town himself?” Your friend smirks.
You make an unamused face at her while Ricky perks up.
“Wait, who are you hanging out with?” He whispers excitedly.
“Javier Peña.” Excitedly, she spills and you roll your eyes when Ricky gasps.
“You’ve fallen for the guy half the county is in love with!?” He hisses. You hate it, but it’s true and tastes soberly cold.
“Okay but practically all of our class was and maybe still is in love with him.” Your best friend adds.
“Well y’all do remember, he left Lorraine Wilson at the altar right?” Ricky reminds everyone and your mouth turns acidic.
“Oh fuck you’re right.” Your friend whispers.
“Might be bad news.” Ricky tensely tells you.
You want to hiss that he’s not like that. He’s kind, a bit annoying, but with a good heart.
“Shit, speak of the devil and he shall appear.” Ricky says in a low awed tone.
Worried you whip around to see what caught his attention. Absolute horror drowns you.
Javi and another man step into the bar and you want to run.
Your best friend squeals excited beside you, but you can’t comprehend what she says. Javier has stolen your attention.
Ricky called him the devil and he does seem like an angel dipped in temptation.
The sleek blazer he wears is dressed down by his nice button up shirt and jeans. His hair is styled nice, seeming so soft and begging for someone’s fingers to run through it. A buzz swarms in your head seeing him outside the ranch looking this gorgeous.
That’s when he spots you. For a split moment you two see each other. His eyes widen and before anyone can react you whip back towards the bar.
“Looks like you’re about to fall outta your seat.” Ricky snickers and you death glare at him.
“Okay,” your friend nudges you. “The guy he’s with, I think that’s David Martinez. He was in Peña’s class right? He’s so hot now, what the fuck?” She breathes out.
You almost toast to that because you felt the same about Javier.
So you keep your head down, enjoy your drink and maybe wonder about suggesting that game of pool your best friend advertised.
“Would you two beauties be alright with a bit of company?” A sweet male voice comes out and immediately draws the attention to him.
Behind you stands Javier Peña and his friend.
David has always been kind to your family and his mom even worked with your grandma at the shelter. You appreciate that Javi still hangs out with him.
“Yes of course. We’d love some company, right?” Your friend brightly asks you and you smile polite.
Your heart however rages like it’s a wild bucking bronco trying to break free.
The guys buy a round of drinks. Everyone laughs reminiscing about that one famous senior prank where the class managed to get two cows into the school.
The atmosphere is friendly, light. But your eyes constantly flicker nervously to Javi. You can’t stop staring at him, can’t stop thinking about him. Now here he is a Texas dream, or maybe your nightmare.
You turn back to take another sip and in that shift, your best friend turns to direct all her attention to David who moves to sit beside her.
But now Javier smoothly slides into the barstool next to you.
“Nice to see you outside the ranch.” His voice comes out smooth and rich.
You agree. But the air turns awkward, as if neither of you know how to tackle this new situation.
Suddenly heels clicking fast arrive. Standing to the side is a girl you recognize from your sister’s class that just graduated high school.
“Hi,” she smiles, staring at Javi with obvious hearts in her eyes.
He politely but cautiously greets her back.
“I was, um, wondering if you wanted to maybe dance with me?” She’s bold. You can at least appreciate that.
“My friends all dared me to ask you since it’s, ya know, you.” She gushes and giggles.
“Uh, appreciate the thought but I’ll have to pass, sorry.” He turns her down gently.
As if she finally realizes you even existed her eyes blink to you.
“Oh hey!” She recognizes you as an older sister to one of her classmates. And then for something else.
“Yeah didn’t you like, used to be a rodeo cowgirl or something and then something happened so now you’re not doing anything anymore?”
She’s being underlyingly mean. Her misleading chipper tone, vapid smile, are all soaked in venom meant to shake you or even scare Javi away from you.
But you’re used to it by now. You’re about to comment how she shouldn’t even be here.
Javier however speaks first and fast.
“Hey,” Javier’s voice jumps shockingly sharply, almost reprimanding. Your eyes go wide at how fast he reacts. He even glares at the girl.
Besides you, your best friend immediately turns around.
“Oh hey!” She greets the young newcomer. “Weren’t you that girl caught buying weed only for the cops to figure out you were actually buying oregano?”
Her cheerful tone makes you bust out a snort because yeah, she’s right.
The girl’s face falls absolutely mortified.
“Now get the fuck out of here.” Your dear friend finishes sweet but the undercurrent of her voice looms threatening. The disgraced girl rushes away before she can even reply.
You wheeze into your hand and fondly lean against your dearest sweet friend.
“If she or any of her little punk ass friends try anything again, I’ll shove my heel so far up their asses.” She reassures.
“Don’t worry,” Ricky now jumps in. “I’m definitely telling our bouncer those little shits managed to sneak in.”
Gratitude carves out an ocean in you and you’re thankful for those who understand.
David whistles appreciatively and your friend, with a reassuring squeeze to your shoulder, returns to her discussion with him.
You feel Javier’s eyes burning on you.
“Does shit like that happen often?” His concerned and low voice floats out among the music.
You shrug.
“Back when I first came back it did, but it's dying down.”
You were supposed to be a big rodeo star. You even had an official big name brand sponsorship lined up. But, after the accident, not returning to the rodeo painted you a failure in the eyes of the town.
Especially compared to its bright shining star you sit beside.
Suddenly a warmth slides over your hand resting on the bar. Javier squeezes your hand gently, a reassuring comfort.
“I’m sorry.” He mutters deeply sad. “S’fucking awful.”
You thank him, even make a dry joke about small town bullshit which earns you a small dry chuckle.
“The shit I got after Lorraine…” he sighs and now you find his hand doesn’t leave yours. You don’t want it to.
“I get it. Shit’s brutal.” He finishes, a steeled hardness lingering in his tone.
Now your hand squeezes his.
His eyes, gleaming tiger’s eyes gemstones, flicker up to you and you smile softly.
Javi’s hand feels so lovely. It's rough, a bit callous but cozy. Just like him.
“Hey!” Your best friend suddenly cheers. “Let’s dance!”
She interrupts the moment but you can’t blame her. A hesitant scrunched up reaction tugs at your face though.
“It’s a slow dance.” You waver.
“That’s the best kind! Come on!” She urges and you spot her hand already intertwining with the guy’s.
“You go,” you urge with a beaming grin. “I wanna finish my drink.”
“Aw, come on now bandita,” now Javi slides off his seat.
Standing up straight, he extends his hand out to you.
“You gotta at least get one dance in.” He smirks.
It’s just one dance and you don’t know if you’ll ever get another chance to dance with him. That thought alone outweighs the hesitation. Placing your hand in his, Javier leads you out to the dance floor.
Javi maintains a polite distance from you. Yet the faintest scent of his cologne floats off him, a siren’s song pure of temptation. His hand keeps yours in its protective hold while he gently guides you to the beat of the music.
Being this close to him clouds your focus in a tantalizing haze begging you to get lost in. But you can’t. You can’t even stare into his eyes. So your focus flickers out to the rest of the bar.
David and your best friend dance close, already getting cozy with each other. Then your eyes move to the door.
The bar’s bouncer sternly starts throwing the three girls out and the one you recognize stares at you with disgusted hatred.
You snort.
“What?” Javi mutters, his voice silky against the low music.
You nudge your head towards the bar’s entrance and Javi follows your gaze.
“Oh hey.” He comments, noticing the scene.
“Good riddance. Poor girl must be pissed seeing you dance with someone me though.” You mutter a bit gleeful at the thought.
“Wait, what?” Javi sounds insulted.
“Uh yeah,” you reply, confused. “I mean, it’s kinda funny. You’re Mr. hometown hero here with the town’s nobody.”
“No.” Javier snaps fast. “Anyone who says or believes that’s a pinché cabrón.”
They’re a fucking asshole and the way he speaks with a conviction refuses to allow any doubt to refute him.
“And besides…I’m not a hero.” That’s when Javi’s voice drops, transforming into a whisper tangled among the slow country ballad playing.
“I’m not that golden bullshit guy everyone thinks I am.” His voice contains a stinging rawness you recognize.
Now you’re the one snapping back at him.
“Yeah you are. You’re good, Javi.” You begin firm.
“You’re noble and kind. Brave.” The words flow from your heart and you don’t even stop them. “You’ve worked hard to help people. I’m sure there’s shit you regret and you might not think you’re good because of it, but you are.”
He stays silent. Only the tune of the slow jam settles between you and him. You’re worried you’ve maybe said something to upset him.
Then Javier exhales your name and it has never sounded so tender.
Your throat tightens and when you finally look at him, you’re greeted by a galaxy.
The lights of the bar dance in his dark road eyes that stare directly at you as if the rest of the bar has melted away. Javi’s hand gingerly against your back now slides down gently. In that same motion, he slowly begins drawing you to him.
You don’t resist and catch his eyes flickering to your lips.
A sudden clamoring collision erupts and startled, you clutch onto Javi.
The cause of the commotion is a man who tripped into some chairs. He effortlessly laughs it off. The group he’s with helps him up and you’re thankful it’s not a bar fight.
You sigh relaxed.
That’s when you notice Javier shifted to draw you closer to him. In an almost protective hold, he has you now close against his broad chest. His cologne smells divine, makes your mouth water.
Like a bolt of electricity striking you, you’re galvanized and scramble immediately out of his hold.
“Wait, bandita, what’s wrong? You okay?” He’s so concerned and you dare not look at him.
“Just need some air.” You reply moving away from Javi towards the door leading to the small patio outside.
Your best friend swiftly rushes to you.
“Hey, you okay?!”
You rapidly reassure her that you’re fine and just need air. You even joke about not being able to handle your drinks anymore.
“That fucker didn’t try anything, right?” She asks low and deadly.
You shake your head and squeeze her hand. It’s enough for her to let you leave. Your body operates on autopilot until you stumble into the night air.
It feels like you’re resurfacing. You move to lean against the railing and simply gather yourself.
You feel possessed again needing to kiss him.
And it’s not just that. You want all of him all the time now and it’s infesting you. You’re barely keeping your head above water or maybe you’re this far gone under the waves.
For a moment you think it might be drizzling again. Until you blink and realize the water against your eyes are tears threatening to spill.
You’re so afraid of how badly you want Javier, and how badly it might shatter right before your eyes.
Someone says your name cautiously.
Embarrassed, you turn towards the door.
Javi stands a few steps away from you. His handsome face crumbles instantly seeing you. Quickly he rushes to your side, as if on instinct wanting to help, until he stops.
“Bandita, are you okay!? Fuck… did I do this?” He stammers out worried.
“Did I overstep?” His voice is wrecked. He’s so apologetic already.
You shake your head trying to pathetically dab away the tears. Unable to look at Javier, your attention stays on the dark stretch of parking lot.
“I promise it’s not you. It’s me.” Maybe it will always just be you.
Darling…he’s never called you that.
“Whatever it is, please let me help.” His voice pleads unbearably tender and you want to cry even more.
He really is so good, too good.
“I just…I just can’t take it...” you begin with a watery cough.
You finally look at him. The furrowed brows, his worried soaked eyes, concern paints him so young. You’re reminded of the young man you saw walking out of a bank all those years ago and how a piece of him stands before you now.
“I like you so much Javi.” Through the heartache, you finally admit it out loud. “Maybe even more than I wanna admit and I don't know if I can’t keep fighting it.”
His face scrunches up and his eyes rapidly scan over you.
“Fight it?” He mutters out. “Why fight it?”
Now you stare at him a bit confused. You have nothing to lose now. So you hold your heart out to him. You reveal it all…the fears and worries sprouting in your heart like uncomfortably cacti about how he deserves someone just as refined and established as him, that he'll eventually get bored of someone like you.
All your words come out hollow, especially thinking about how he can have anyone he wants.
Javier, suddenly in the middle of your ramble, interrupts, upset, snapping your name fiercely that any other words you want to say vanish.
“You’re the only one in this town who actually understands, who maybe even really fucking sees me.” He growls.
Your heart even jumps hearing how determined and raised his voice got.
“You…” Javi now chokes out and suddenly runs a hand over his face. Then his hands go to his hips. His eyes fall to the floor as if he’s taking a moment to gather himself.
“Fuck… you don’t even know what you do to me, how much you fucking mean to me.” Javier breathes and the words get caught in your ribs.
“Whenever you’re not around I can’t stand it. I just wanna be with you….all the damn time.” He coughs out as if he can’t even believe his words.
Those earth pool eyes of his flicker to you.
Under the watch of the clouded Texas deep night sky, it’s just you and him.
You don't know who moves first. Instead it feels like two magnets finally flinging together so fast the collision knocks you awake.
Because in a blink Javi’s hand holds face while his other yanks at your hips. Then he kisses you.
It’s all encompassing.
Immediately your hands scramble to claw at him, begging to get him as close as possible.
His mustache scrapes beautifully against your lips. You taste the beer lingering on his tongue and he’s divine. The wall of the bar suddenly hits your back.
Now you’re flush against him, fully pinned under all of Javier, and you moan. His tongue with hungered finesse licks into your mouth. One hand stays firmly holding your face while his other runs across your body trying to map you out.
His hips rut against yours and you go dizzy with aching raw need.
“Mi pretty bebita, so good to me.” He whispers out thick and heavy. You whine wanting him more, wanting him inside you every way possible. Everything feels molten.
Javi playfully bites your bottom lip and your knees almost buckle. Your mind simply chants for him.
A clash of teeth, a burning heat devours you while you chase every taste of Javier that he gives. It’s an unleashing of something raw and aching, as if finally you can breathe against him while something inside you whispers yes, yes you and I are here and you don’t want to ever leave.
A sudden droplet plops onto your head. You ignore it especially when your tongue swipes against Javi’s and he groans out the most heavenly noise.
A few more large obvious water drops come.
You and Javi freeze, halting mid make out like a paused VHS tape.
Then the rain arrives.
“Shit!” Javi coughs out immediately pulling away. He quickly shrugs off his blazer and drapes it over you, a makeshift umbrella.
Filled by the most buoyant bliss, you laugh.
Javier snorts, shaking his head but he must sense it too, all of it amongst the rain.
And it’s beautiful.
“I’m surprised you don’t wear this as much.” Javier comments as he picks up your Stetson cowboy hat.
He’s shirtless, only wearing his jeans. You’re treated to his bare broad shoulders and wonderfully sweet ass in his jeans. It’s an utterly devastating combo.
Sitting on your bed waiting to settle in for the night with him, you shrug.
You didn’t expect him to be so curious and constantly snooping around anytime he’s in your bedroom. Then again, you still can’t believe he’s even in your bedroom.
Sneaking away that the first weekend after the bar didn’t last long though.
Your grandma caught him a few Sunday mornings later trying to sneak out and she ran to you screaming excitedly when she could start planning the wedding. You still haven’t recovered from that.
Even with the blessings from both sides, including Chucho and your gramps, you still wanted to just enjoy being with Javi in these intimate carved out spaces.
His presence already is crystallizing here. His wallet and packs of nicotine gum clutter the night stand. His extra pair of sunglasses sit beside yours on the dresser. His faded worn Texas A&M University t-shirt is tossed by the bed and his boots are by the door. You treasure it all.
Javi, now standing in front of you, places the cowboy hat on top of your head.
The familiar presence of wearing it is like greeting an old friend. You bashfully grin at your handsome rancher. Javier’s eyes gloss over you, taking in the sight. His hand moves to tenderly hold your face.
“You look good, like a true damn cowgirl.” He mutters and your heart flutters against its cage.
“Know you can ride like one now too,” his voice dips with a magnetic undertone as his words hold the heavily sexual double meaning.
You playfully smack his shoulder and he smirks.
“I’m still surprised you don’t call me cowgirl instead of bandita.” You note gently.
“Do you mind that I call you that?” One of his eyebrows lifts up curiously.
No, you didn’t mind at all. You were just curious and you even tell him that.
Javi snorts and his thumb now strokes your cheek.
“The way Pop used to talk about you and how you’d race made you sound like some wild bandit trying to outrun outlaws or something.”
You snort now and your fondness for Chucho Peña triples.
“And then,” Javier continues. “When I met you, I knew I was fucked.”
Now your face scrunches up confused and you ask why. A small charming grin tugs his lips.
“Cause the minute I saw you glaring at me in the barn you stole every fucking inch of me.”
Javi’s thumb now moves to run over your lip and desire bubbles in you. You kiss his thumb, delicate and reverent.
“My pretty little bandit.” His voice is low, a fond rumble in his chest that you want to drown in as much as you can.
You think of all the awards you’ve won, the tournaments you’ve faced. Yet they all seem to fall so short to those words, to this man you so endlessly adore.
In your cowboy hat, you yank Javi close and kiss him. Quickly you and him both tumble into your bed sheets, melting against each other in pure bliss.
In the afterglow, you snatch up the cowboy hat again and now place it on Javi’s head. Your gruff rancher's face twists into a grumpy frown and you grin giddy.
“You look good, a classic Texas man.” You compliment him, almost mirroring the words he told you.
His face scrunches up more.
“Always thought I looked stupid wearing these.” He huffs taking off the Stetson.
“Everybody looks good in a cowboy hat.” You reply truthfully and place the hat back on him.
“Especially you.” You add letting your hand slide across his bare chest. The sight of him in the cowboy hat, your cowboy hat, flickers to life the simmering heat from earlier. He’s already so beautiful and now a cowboy hat on, shirtless, with the dimming post sex glow radiating from him, he’s personified sin.
“Cowboy hat doing it for ya, huh?” Javi’s little cocky smirk has you glaring playfully at him.
“Shut up.” You huff but then swiftly kiss him. Soon enough you become one again with the man taking root in your heart.
Early the next morning, when he thinks you’re asleep, Javier’s fingertips trace over your face with butterfly wing delicateness.
“So fuckin’ crazy about you, baby.” He whispers to your unknowing sleeping form. You feel your heart blossom, a morning bloom wanting to keep him tangled in your soul for as long as he’ll stay.
You think again of two lonely birds on the wire, maybe not so lonely anymore.
With a soft kiss goodbye against your forehead Javi heads out and you soak molten in his words.
You end up not seeing him for a few days. Over the phone he explains, annoyed, of having to run around trying to find a specific fence wire and how it’s kept him away.
Even with how much you miss him, it does allow you space.
Earlier this month, you decided on a new training schedule. Each week would alternate between practice at the Peña’s ranch and yours.
Currently practice is at your family’s ranch.
“Next time you talk to that boyfriend of yours, tell him to get tacos from that place he got us lunch from last time.” Your sister yells as she finishes up a few drills around the ring.
You roll your eyes. “He isn’t a food delivery service.”
She simply shrugs.
The day is winding down. Early evening approaches and the Texas sun starts to bathe everything in a golden glaze straight out of a George Strait song.
“You know…I’m happy for you.” As you and her start putting everything away for the day, your sister casually drops that line.
“About what?” You smirk.
“You and Javi.” She clarifies. Her face is messy with sweat but she beams bright. “You deserve someone like him.”
Your sister, always so kind, maybe too kind for a world this harsh sometimes.
“What? Someone who always manages to steal the last biscuit or flirts with grandma more and more everyday?” You tease and your little sister snickers.
“Well yeah. But what I mean is…you deserve someone who sees how great you are.”
Her words crash into you with a tidal wave of emotions. Her attention rests with her horse, getting in a few final brushes before she turns in for the day.
“I know you… think you’re some sort of failure or that you’re not good. But you are. You’re actually the fucking best.” She says so simply. “And I’m happy Javi sees it too.”
Tears clog your eyes and dry out your throat.
“You sound like a bad hallmark card.” You laugh watery but the gratitude flows out.
Your sister glares then throws the grooming brush at you. You laugh harder when she misses and once she’s out of the stable you playfully shove her.
“You heading back?” She notices your slow pace that hangs back.
You reassure her you’ll be home in a minute and just need a few minutes to yourself. With an understanding nod she walks back to the house.
Now alone you head to the very last stable and head to your ace. You miss your old companion and seeing this sweet creature nudge his muzzle against your hand conjures a sad nostalgic tug in your heart.
Grabbing the saddle, and untangling the reign, you head out to the ring.
You’ve been talking about your old rodeo days with Javi a lot recently. You ask him about Columbia as well. In the sacred soft space of pillow talk. you and him gently unravel more memories, more secrets to each other. It’s made you nostalgic, even a bit wistful.
Plus, you haven’t done this in a while. You frequently rode at a leisurely place along the trails by the river from time to time. But getting into the ring is still so sacred.
With your horse all set, you hoist yourself up and onto the saddle.
Just a few laps is all you do. You focus on the sound of the dirt under the hooves, the light breeze on your face, the feel of riding again.
Then, after gaining more confidence, you speed up.
It’s not even close to the speeds you used to hit, but it’s quick. You even make a lap around the ring going this speed.
One rotation, one good lap and you’re soaring.
It’s nothing. It’s not even an attempt to get back into the rhythm of racing. But it’s a ride and home in its own way.
You slow down, let the horse trot out of his groove to calm down. The entire time, your chest feels so light.
Your eyes glance out and then your heart drops.
Javi, with his flat out jaw dropped, stares at you as if you’ve spouted wings. You didn’t even hear him approach.
He breathes out your name.
Scrambling, a bit embarrassed, you quickly dismount, and after guiding the horse to the side you rush towards him.
You’re about to apologize for not noticing him when Javier ends up speaking first.
“You’re incredible.” He exhales in awe and it knocks the wind from you.
He must see whatever emotion colors your face because he repeats himself again firmer.
“You’re amazing, bandita.”
You weakly laugh thanking him.
“Does that mean-”
“Nah,” you gently cut him off and explain how you just enjoy a ride like that from time to time.
“It’s like just taking a casual drive type thing.” You shrug.
Suddenly Javi’s hand moves to rest on your arm leaning against the fence. He rubs so soft and comfortingly.
“Thank you,” he says gently. “For letting me know you.”
You want him to know every inch of you. The same way you want to know Javier in every way that you can. You want to carve out a home in your heart for him.
The hand that was on your arm moves to your cheek tilting your face towards his. He wears his classic aviator sunglasses you’ve grown fond of stealing from him.
He’s so gorgeous. It’s like the Texas sun was made to bask Javi in its glow. He’s a modern Helios, beautifully crafted with his deep earthy eyes and golden face.
“Proud of you, mi bandita.” He mutters with words soaked in adoration.
You swallow hard and let the truth sink into you.
“Thank you Javi… I’m proud of you too.” You earnestly tell him.
He snorts bashfully and you think you might be doomed to think about this man forever now, but it’s alright.
There’s something foreign in your chest growing so bright you feel as if you’ve swallowed a sun and maybe you have. Because Javier is bright, so unexpectedly warm.
A man crafted right out of the Texas golden magic hour.
And as Javi leans forward to kiss you so tenderly, you step forward into the sun, into his kaleidoscopic glow and it’s beautiful.
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