#was feeling really stress and sad so i drew my favs hugging
randomapplekey · 2 days
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Hug 💜🧡
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snkpolls · 6 years
SnK S3E03 Results (Manga Reader Version)
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The poll closed with 563 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated! 
Please note that this is the results of the manga reader poll. Anime only watchers are suggested not to read if you do not wish to be spoiled about certain events! Anime only viewers, click here to view your poll results!
Rate the episode
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84% of users rated the episode a 4 or 5 this week, compared to 64% last week. This episode had less action, but was full of key character moments that manga readers were excited to see animated.
So far it's my favourite since it follows the most the manga but with some bearable adjustemements. If the episodes will be like this from now on, I'll be completely satisfied and could get over all the changes in the first two episodes.
The adaptation is doing well, but of course manga readers(me included) about some bits being changed and rearranged. But on the other hand they might come me up with something unexpectedly good. I won't forgive them if they don't give shit machine tho.
It’s starting to feel more like the arc I love
It was great, I'm having trouble deciding which episode is the best of this season yet. I thought the second one was the best, but then I remember the premiere and now, once again, I am thinking about the 3rd one being the greatest. The quality this season is off the charts.
Compared to episode 2, episode 3 was quite uninteresting
I think it must have been boring and confusing for Anime-only's
This episode was appropriately paced for an episode full of flashbacks, and honestly I think it paid off to get the backstories of Erwin and Historia in one showing to avoid conflicting with the future action episodes.  I don't have much else to say- I can't really be critical because it was a pretty good episode, adaptation-wise.
Which of the following moments were your favorite?
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Hange taking their anger out on the table and Levi walking in on it is the winner here! The closest runner ups were seeing Levi’s wanted poster and getting Erwin and Historia’s backstories. We all agree it was nice to see many of these things in color animation finally!
Hange's scene where she blames her table destruction on a cockroach? Totally relatable. And I loved that Levi kinda teased her for it.
I have been waiting for Erwin's back story for AGES and was not disappointed! Kidwin was as heartbreakingly adorable as expected (that nose!! The sad bby at the funeral!!)
I liked all the topics they addressed that had been previously skipped (Historia and Erwin’s pasts). Also, while the sequence of events have been changed, I’m looking forward to how they are going to pan this out.
Erwin has great ass.
Hange's tableflip scene was amazeballs, man I love her!!
Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit. Pixis in a suit.
The conversation between Erwin and Pixis gave me thrills. I thought it was going to be boring, but it was very well shown.
My girl Hange's time to shine in this episode! I want her "BAAAKAAAA" as a ringtone asap
Who drew it better: WIT or Isayama?
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51% of respondents thought the OG drew it best. Isayama can finally sleep at night. Funnily enough, the anime only respondents preferred WIT’s version!
Who has the best reaction to Historia’s backstory?
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Sasha took the lead as she paused licking at her soup bowl to listen to Historia’s story. Connie was easily the next runner up with his dumbfounded expression. We weren’t surprised to see Springles win this one!
How cute was baby Historia?
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The vast majority of respondents just wanna pinch those cute little cheeks (and probably take her home, treat her to some hot cocoa and love her properly).
And baby Historia was the cutest omg! That lil nose and her lil blush! I'm crying bittersweet tears here.
How could anyone possibly look down on and abuse such a precious little bean like baby Historia?? Alma's so pathetic…
Baby Historia is the cutest thing I have seen in anime. She is so adorable and sweet! I would love to hug her so much! She is just too cute! <3
Child Hisu is ADORKABLE
How cute was little Erwin?
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While this is a tiny bit more spread out than Historia, the majority of respondents were also enamored with adorable kidwin and are ready to adopt him at any time (and probably give lots of hugs too!).
Young Erwin was def my fav bighead-bigbrows!
I love Erwin so muchhhh my precious baby is so cute and handsome at the same timeeeee I just want to hug him and never let anything bad happen to him againnnnn
The episode was dialogue heavy with a lot of character backstories and plot exposition. What type of episodes do you tend to prefer watching?
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In general, respondents don’t mind if an episode has a lot of action or if it’s a bit slower with some good plot developments. What matters is that we keep moving forward and that it’s entertaining, right?
About episode type: Tense conversation ready to break into action at any second, like when Kenny and Levi were talking in the bar.
It was a nice change of pace after all the fights in the first 2 episodes but I'm looking forward to the action  coming back next episode
Did Flegel really stay in that alleyway the entire night?
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We asked this mostly for fun and respondents didn’t disappoint. The majority believe that he did stay in the alleyway the entire night, but plenty of you had some fun commentary (and sass) to provide us all with some laughs:
Based on how the events at Erwin's went, I'd guess that Reeves was killed nearing dawn and it hasn't been that long.
During the night, he went to slay all of marley and came back in the morning, Flegel for president!
Oh crap, I didn't even notice that. Part of me wants to say maybe he left and came back, but that really doesn't make much sense if he's trying to not get caught. No doubt the Interior Squad would have surveyed the area a little before getting the body ready for a public reveal to frame Erwin.
He took one long leak
He went to get sour cream and came back
Slept in a trash-can then went for a morning stroll
insert Schroedinger's cat analogy
No clearly Annie came and rescued him
Somehow he knew Commander Handsome will be there, so yeah, he stayed. I would stay too <3
no, he crawled up the wall like a spider and slept on the rooftops dont worry
On a scale of 1-5, how distressed are you about Eren being tied, gagged and drugged?
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Most respondents seemed unconcerned or indifferent to Eren’s current situation, but those who are distressed were pretty vocal about it:
PLEASE MAKE SURE THE POOR BOY GETS SOME WATER???  The little scene with his in-and-out of consciousness is very distressing to see!
I pray that Eren gets a happy ending; I feel SO stressed for him
Who has the best hat?
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Connie’s sunhat took the lead! But we agree that all hats are good and that everyone was looking fab.
HAT HAT HAT I'm really hoping that from this point on, they will follow the manga more closely again, as I am not super impressed by the current shake-up in event order but most importantly HAT HAT HAT JEAN GOT HIS HAT.
The hats!!! The hats are so good!
Love his top hat but lost half his lines for it
How many flashbacks within flashbacks is too many?
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Half of respondents appreciated the Inception reference and just want to be flashbacked into oblivion. Okay but seriously, there were some who got a bit confused by WIT’s use of flashbacks for some of these scenes. We hope you’re holding up okay during current manga chapters!
bit weird to slow it down this much when the first 2 episodes were so action packed, 2 flashbacks in one episode is a bit much if you ask me. the episode didnt give you any break or a few seconds to let the information sink in.
I was confused by flashbacks in flashbacks. I don't lke that type of stuff and I got feeling that they were traveling in time :/
How do you feel about the rearrangement of events after this episode?
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45% are still tentative and not ready to judge the situation just yet. However, a good 37% combined are either content or are already finding they like the changes better. It seems the optimism is starting to improve overall!
Dont remember much of the order of events in this arc, as long as it all makes sense its fine. I trust Isayamas judgment
I prefer the manga’s order, but I am content, BUT I’m still waiting for more episodes to make a final judgement, BUT  I’m still very confused with where they are going with this.
I want to slap the whole WIT Studios and Yams but u know im okay for now.
Same story, different medium. Pretty neutral, happy I don’t know word for word what’s going to happen.
So I was very very nervous about the changes and pacing, but them taking the time to slow down and let the emotional weight of Historia and Erwin's backstories sink in is just what I needed to calm down a bit. I still have some preferences with the manga, but I'm sated to the point of watching and waiting without making too much of a fuss.
Some changes do make the action flow smoother, but im not happy that the studio decided to cut out Reeves-Levi wall bonding and L's squad 2.0's doubts on killing people
Rearrangement? Who cares? Erwin on graveyard was pure sex how was I supposed to thino about rearrangments???
I think the anime is doing a good job restructuring the arc, and is preserving its internal consistency quite well. But I am upset about some of the things that got removed, so I don't quite like the anime's retelling.
The rearrangement was understandable, however until I can look over the whole arc, I wouldn't be able to give a fair opinion on the execution of this season.
How do you feel about Historia’s absence when the Survey Corps proposed she needs to be queen?
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As with the previous question, nearly half of voters are not yet ready to judge how the changes will affect the arc overall. 35% of you guys think it was a bad choice on WIT’s part. It’s probably safe to say we’re all on our toes wondering how WIT is going to handle this plot development as they move forward!
I hope we can still see the Levi smiling moment at the end of this arc despite the absence of these scenes.
I prefer Rod being the one to push the idea of her royalty into her, and I still think we'll get a moment regarding Levi's will to accept a different kind of hell and pushing Historia to make a choice in some other way later.
It didn't have a huge significance to the plot but it gave both Historia and Levi some good characterisation.
I feel a mixture of "I need more episodes" and "It was a poor choice".
Had to be done for an action packed start the season but I'm disappointed as it is an important scene for Levi's development
It was a poor choice that broke an important chain of events, it was Levi who had to force Historia.
Ralph called Hange a devil after they were locked up. Was this good foreshadowing to current manga events?
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71% of respondents believed that this was good foreshadowing! We suppose one nice part of the anime being as behind from the manga as it is, is that we can recall these older moments that manage to have thematic relevance to current events.
I think Hange being called a devil was amazing foreshadowing, but also in a sense that, by overthrowing the current system, they are unwittingly putting themselves in the exact same position as the old government and its cronies were in with almost exactly the same problems and solutions available to them, the poor things just don't see it yet.
After this week, do you believe future episodes are now going to be more faithful to the original chapters?
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50% of voters are confident that WIT is mostly headed back toward the linear timeline of the manga, with maybe small bits and pieces shuffled or omitted. 28% aren’t feeling as optimistic about it, however. But 18% are confident we’re back onto the strict manga timeline.
I'll have to wait and see all the episodes. No point trying to guess, only to be disappointed. Isayama authorised the changes, let's see what his new vision of these chapters!
I believe they will be faithful more than just "a little bit."  It seems the PV is a good indicator of that.  The Historia rising up to be queen is definitely going to be handled differently and there is no way around that.  But I'm ready, Wit!
im still trying to grasp what they trying to do of the pacing and the moments and i still hope the upcoming eps will make sense of all that cuts and flashbacks.
They'll have to do something different with Levi and Historia's 'discussion' about her becoming queen. I wonder if it will happen later, and someone else will do Reeve's line about him being a scary but good man? It would be interesting if someone like Mikasa does it.
Leaked episode titles PROVE they are gonna butcher up the cave scene
Maybe yes, maybe not. It all depends on Isayama and WIT, so let us wait for episode 41, shall we?
Which scene from the PV are you most looking forward to this week?
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The largest group are most looking forward to Jean testing whether or not they can trust Marlowe and Hitch (please give us the stick WIT!). The close runner up is Levi interrogating the MP with the nice mustache and a case of foot-in-mouth. Literally.
I'm totally excited to see Marlowe and Hitch!
Central MP HQ next week?!?! Hoping for some new action scenes.
everyone in the PV is hot (yes pulverized erwin is still included)
Which group of characters are you favorite?
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“All of them” wins as the good neutral vote.
I never know how to answer the which group is your favorite question because my fav is 104th + Annie (sans RB). So I'm always answering sans RBA which is unfair to Annie.
Where you do primarily discuss the series?
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Additional thoughts on the episode?
A little bit better, but not enough. But overall I'm satisfied and I enjoyed it.
All in all, a very nicely done episode. I like how the story is coming together, all the different elements in the manga are there, just in a different order. I had high hopes for this season and so far I am not disappointed!
At this point I have absolutely NO clue where they are, or what's going on. The manga was less confusing for me.
Damn cockroaches, always ruining Hange's day.
Earlier I was really salty about Levi having to hold Mikasa back everytime it was mentioned that Eren was kidnapped, but later I noticed that instead of Mikasa being cool with it immediately like she was in her manga, in the anime they are slowing her development down to make it more realistic and believable(Levi had to physically restrain her the first time around, while the second time he just had to talk her down) so I still have faith it wit. I am still a little angry that the "That wasn't how I raised him." scene was cut though. It was an important Mikasa-Armin moment. But oh well! At least we got to see Jean in his glorious fedora!
Felt well-paced, I do like that they are tweeking things to make the anime feel more smooth.
Hanji looked like a snack throughout this episode shes so hot oh my god I’m so gay
Baby Erwin and Historia are wonderful, and I really like that they put two very different parent/child relationships on display here. Erwin's devotion to his father's theories, and the closeness to their relationship paralleled the neglegence Alma showed towards Historia - and in the end, the parents meet the same fate, offed by the Interior Squad."
Both Historia and Erwin's backstories needed stronger direction. Also, just a nitpick, but the soundtrack they used when Sannes told Hange "good luck" was an extremely weird choice. It was a very grim and ominous scene yet the music in the background didn't reflect that.
Pixis' lack of opposition was annoying. It seemed like he was just there so that Erwin had someone to talk about his backstory to. In the manga his red-line of no blood being spilled and his willingness to stay with the nobility if they had unknown but good reasons for their behaviour increased the stakes a lot.
I love the consistent tension buildup and the music choices that just compliment it. Sawano has been on a roll with the new tunes, and the way old ones have been used has been fantastic. Attack on D for Erwin's flashback is a choice I didn't consider, but I'll be damned if that wasn't a great call.
I just want to protect smol Historia and precious little Kidwin
Loving the development for Erwin. People need to realize that he isn't some cold hearted badass. He has feelings too ya know!
Thank you to everyone who participated! We’ll see you back on Monday! 
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