shi-vu · 2 years
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few hours for Warrior Nun 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
O amor é puro.
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foryourmajesty · 11 months
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Day 26 : Demon i'm sure he's a really nice fellow underneath
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sgliu · 2 years
The more you watch season 2 the more you see Ava's heart eyes. It's like Simon said Alba you need to make me believe Ava is in love.....and boy did she deliver. She looked at Bea's lips sooooo many times.
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thalyts · 2 years
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sgliu · 2 years
Why Warrior Nun is important to me.
Beatrice (enough said about that but...)
Being real Beatrice was a hurricane and 10 point earthquake in my life....no not cause KTY is the beautiful person she is.
But because of her story. I grew up queer in the LDS church, and by best friend and I have decided that it is like a mask. "Same gender attraction is of the devil." You get so good at masking your emotions and keeping people at arms length to not show the people who should love you the "Monster" you are.
This is what I saw in Beatrice in her "coming out" scene in Season 1 episode 8. She says
"My whole life, people have tried to make me into something I'm not. To make me normal. Or at least "acceptable" I became skilled at so many things just so I would still have value...despite my flaws. Or what I taught was a flaw of course I tried to fit in. But when you're punished just for being different, you begin to hate what you are. And what you love and what should make you happy only brings you pain. Pain is what made me a sister warrior. When I first heard this it cracked part of my mask off. This is everything I have felt into a paragraph. The guilt, shame, self hate and internal homophobia.
Beatrice definitely has a mask that she has hand crafted and perfected from her parents. (Episode 3 season 1) Says that her parents are in politics and shipped her of to boarding school. I can't imagine how that felt but it probably just instilled in her that she isn't worth more that her "flaw." We see later the golden retriever that Ava is slowly cracks her mask away. The stone scene.
She also breaks out of her comfort zone by swearing in the last episode.
Fast forward to season 2 we see her and Ava living together in Switzerland. This is her opportunity that she gets to experience what life would be like with Ava. Even thought she still was scared. I can't imagine the small intimate moments they had with each other here. From teaching her how to write,  to unconscienced Ava cuddling on the bed with Bea. Those moments of longing from Bea. Her deep rooted fear would have made her terrified to share her feelings of her due to her parent instilling in her that she was flawed for thinking this. Ava tried so hard to show her that it is ok I like you too without scaring Bea way. She gave so much to others and Ava. When she said it ok you catch up with him(Miguel). I truly feel like she felt I will never fall in love so why don't I let her. We see in season 2 where she broke at the table. She has had her whole believe shattered. She has lost all of her found family in the past few months and her God that she has been devoting her life to not even be real.  She reverts back to her traumatized self here. That hurts to see to me. Cause I have personally been here. You screw your life up cause you are so scared to be the real you. Like Shelby in The Wilds. You let just a little bit of yourself out and bad things happen people die cause you were selfish to be who you wanted.
Fast forward to Camila telling her "there is no shame in it." I believe that was the first person in her life to tell her that and her believe it. Cause afterward we get Beatrice holding Ava after she fell and her tackling her to keep her from killing herself. She has spent so much time restricting her emotions almost to the point of a robot.
Fast forward again to the final episode. Ava just kissed her. This probably being her first kiss or her first kiss in a long time. That was her final straw she had a reason to not want this life a reason out. She wanted Ava. We see this after she takes the lives of many men. We see her use non lethal ways of hurting people unto this point. I believe that all of the martial arts she specializes in are known for self-defence. Like she WANTS Ava to stay alive. I mean who of us her wanted her dead. We then get to the point where she is there with Ava fulfilling her promise of always to be there and never give up on her. She lets her go. :'( Up until the past 2 months of her life she has given all of her to the Catholic church and Ava comes in like a golden retriever on a wrecking ball into her life. She got everything that she wanted during those 2 months and selflessly let go the love of her life. I wish we got more time with how Beatrice has coped with it. Cause it has came in and cracked my heart open and and smacked my mask off. I saw Beatrice a beautiful and broken soul give up and leave everything dear in her life to go live like Ava told her to. This has rocked my world seeing in the essence of me put on the screen and it hurts. I want to see what happens to them with all of my heart. Cause those two deserve a better ending.  
Side note I thought it was genius of Simon to name her Beatrice after Saint Beatrice of Silva. XD. But being serious Beatrice da Silva was the patron saint of prisoners. It was posted somewhere that Nuns rename themselves when taking vows.I believe that this is a double meaning. She feels like she is a prisoner, and it is foreshadowing  her protecting Miss Silvia, and guiding her back to her. I believe that Jeremiah 29:13 hints at it too. "And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."
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ninguemmeperguntou · 1 year
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Avatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - Tentando não pensar em você (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1367505403-avatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior-nun2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=N2ZHNZC3QiA1aaeT6q2FiX9ngegvXgRZ0POsndxyceGoLA0cvx%2B%2F%2Fhx4K%2BC9g3xS%2BOPgitSyacejP5zDvM05zNtFTZxNadLm6EEa1VpFqkpNaPehvO0beQpTCw7yVlm%2B Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 1 year
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Avatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - Terapia (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1360824525-avatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior-nun2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=4RdjLFA50f1vJo%2BtBIdKWVCzw6RbDq0vHJgXIi%2FENFbvvYBzKSmq07ZbqutYW7887tYqj0pRwr3T2IP8hPEjlXM3CC8rhQAI7YEu%2B0f4Kgnq8O0Ip9EDjHfHcXOdoMYO Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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Avatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - Pequenos pedaços da gente (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1298997855-avatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior-nun2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=%2F3D36Q93Ebk9IHF0TB2apqaiXDyiTNO7uUNX2IAAjZE2GCiVPBlwNKIBGb5uFrKN1V0a3T4skJpkUnJjKoH56nSPf1gBh9fNg9UbkjlYoYFg5SobSZwhcBnHxUb5znD%2B Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 1 year
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Warrior Nun - GAP - Os sonhos não morrem - Avatrice ,Monsam - Futuro incerto (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1363520195-warrior-nun-gap-os-sonhos-n%C3%A3o-morrem-avatrice?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=yVVlLjvc10fD2addshfEd8oHnLCuYjRsieQjunLcp4yicMYQEyHrsYe6BEsZoNudFind%2BTMQVBZS3%2BrbcBscWVWxI2eITHsCNt6GqplAN5PUcnyImX7QP3MfeTZlQk4c Será que existe aquele amor épico que dura toda uma vida ou isso é apenas um jeito romântico demais de ver as coisas? Existe aquela pessoa que é única e vai ser assim mesmo quando não está do teu lado?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 1 year
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Warrior Nun - GAP - Os sonhos não morrem - Avatrice ,Monsam - love (Parte 1) (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1332991101-warrior-nun-gap-os-sonhos-n%C3%A3o-morrem-avatrice?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=d2khMn6q2zdMwflMjUdT1DAl993K87UqLIz7kdjlllw7ECUHEzJu%2BvXSzlltB9rUMOz8zNzym3dZ06Xc%2FZcuXP2rTDp2TyfLq79WSzES%2BNBOeqhCWk3kaxgsmYMXiQz1 Será que existe aquele amor épico que dura toda uma vida ou isso é apenas um jeito romântico demais de ver as coisas? Existe aquela pessoa que é única e vai ser assim mesmo quando não está do teu lado?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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Warrior Nun - GAP - Os sonhos não morrem - Avatrice ,Monsam - Estava lembrando da gente (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1285085498-warrior-nun-gap-os-sonhos-n%C3%A3o-morrem-avatrice?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=zEgPRrg%2FJQnFFPhpUyU1SKKE5OS%2BiMUE860PQT0FoJiJaXthL7nPo8QvEl%2BfcngfXAM4alXcpfhagSktOtRMPO6ws%2FT2ymVe8y%2B3wQa9xGBdzmDmRK9t9fTa%2F8jcpQlQ Será que existe aquele amor épico que dura toda uma vida ou isso é apenas um jeito romântico demais de ver as coisas? Existe aquela pessoa que é única e vai ser assim mesmo quando não está do teu lado?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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Ava e Beatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - O amor é sempre bondoso. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1293107839-ava-e-beatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=A4okEEL6Cmwon2QyXI6gS7GrTfbPdG2cBSsdGjznMH%2Fq0EdJgyJ8v0kNfgI2flFjALxirW%2F3OyQ24nuZrB8a2QFjmUUw1ZtKDcOJzzTAMY2%2FD%2FmYStPvRda33vlUQsts Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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Ava e Beatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - Tentativa (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1291888902-ava-e-beatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=oXrjp2uezdv0frxHBNe6Ks%2B6%2BF2OA8itB%2Bm06ENzSvLdBGganQi1Ud37YobuLhz4rkvhp0EB5LXdb2vA%2BT3GwuqQdQY36Nykt2eBlI90gNRaCGw2%2BDNBcL1%2F5zUkfbVp Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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ninguemmeperguntou · 2 years
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Ava e Beatrice - Eu vou estar esperando você . Warrior Nun2 - Meu erro (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1291434808-ava-e-beatrice-eu-vou-estar-esperando-voc%C3%AA-warrior?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Lailaoliveira2022&wp_originator=smsyct%2BWw1iiSWe%2FbXKcy5%2FYsmQR10tWKdQIouRm9rF3HIoS4XX2zSRr9ELlg867ich%2FKUn9I2ULpanHSMmXi4f6lhpTqOvsK8yNiIZYMXp0pR45vjYuL0oiq1qdewkC Depois da luta final contra Adriel,o mundo perdeu sua Freira guerreira que se sacrificou para salvar a todos. Beatrice perdeu o amor da sua vida. Agora tudo que ela pode fazer é relembrar o que elas viveram no curto período que estiveram juntas... Ou será que não?
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