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no-psi-nan · 8 months ago
Physically ill thinking of how epic Akechi would be in a hypothetical Saiki musical and knowing that not only will there never be a Saiki musical but if there WAS one, Akechi would never be in it because they'd stick to the most marketable characters for a limited time show, dying on the floor completely miserable at this prospect.
Akechi talks so fast that he'd be practically rapping, and we can bring his word bubbles to life on stage with practical effects, like maybe hanging his bubbles on a rope at the front of the stage so they're aligned vertically and covering half the view, and words are projected onto the bubbles at a rapid speed, and he can physically push the bubbles out of the way sometimes.
And Akechi's gestures the most out of the cast so translated to a musical, he'd be a really extra dancer, but also given his old man aesthetic he throws some ballet or classical dance elements into the general vibe of the musical's dance style (ex. everyone spins normally but Akechi specifically does a pirouette). And because he's kinda manic in his expression, his particular dancing quirk would be adding in extra steps while dancing in a group and also being like ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ the whole time.
(Hairo's moves would be closer to judo stances & moving with high energy, Teruhashi would be more elegant with little flourishes of her hands, Saiki would do the dance normally at full energy but be like 😐 the whole time, Kaido lingers on the poses to try to look cool, Kuboyasu dances with his nail bat, Toritsuka's kinda doing percussion with the clomping of his geta, Aiura's serving 24.7% more cunt than everyone else, etc.)
Plus it would be really cool if Akechi did some sign language narration when he isn't involved in the scene, like perhaps it's not even clear that he's a character at first either lmao, and since he uses readable speech bubbles he doesn't have to sign all that but he does anyways and it would add to the overwhelming-ness of the whole experience and would tie in cutely to him being Saiki's childhood friend like come onnnn...
AND LIKE the problem is that the Akechi actor would have to be ridiculously talented to do all of that BUT if you have someone THAT GOOD on the team would you really make them a minor character??? Like it just wouldn't make sense financially so my vision could never come to life and I'm going to throw up about it
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three-eyed-skullbunny · 7 months ago
pic goes hard feel free to screenshot
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my new blahaj btw. sword for scale
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thegryffe · 5 months ago
waowgh boops are back...
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dullanyan · 3 months ago
well, this is the 10th year in a row i'll be doing the year in review i think? waowgh.
2024: augh
this year... well, i had decided to not decline most invitations to hanging out. there's only like one or 2 times i did, i think maybe. and i'm glad i went to the places i was invited!!
i was scared of course, ive got horrible anxiety and i used to be one of those introverts that declined invites because being at home was easier. (no offense if you genuinely would rather be at home, of course. but it was killing me and i was missing out.)
i got to go to my first ren faire, i went to some cons, went to the zoo and aquarium, it was awesome :} i definitely wanna continue this for as long as possible.
other than that, my mental health has been... ehh. while i accepted invites out on those occasions, i have been kind of a hermit online. so ive joined some group chats, im not super active in them, but i do wanna participate a bit more. i gotta get it out of my head that its weird when i come back out of nowhere... its not!! i will be kind of a lurking cryptid though, i suppose.
i was a bit too scared and stressed this year. obviously i cant control most of the things stressing me out... gestures vaguely towards the general state of things. but i wanna try to relax more. i worried about becoming too angry and irritable, and i Do Not wish to be someone like that.
for 2025, i wanna do more things. ive recently started doing little workouts in the morning (when i get up early enough) and i'd like to continue those. i've been eating a bit too many sweets lately because of the holidays, so i'd like to cut back on that. i wont say no to an occasional treat, though. i also have been drinking more "special drinks" as i call em... bubble teas, root beers, fruit sodas, etc. so i would like to limit those! only 3 a week i think. maybe 4 if i really need it, hehe.
i'd like to kind of... get out there more, in terms of advertising my streams and stuff. my following hasnt grown a lot in the past year, and well... i do need to get a better paying job since streaming isnt giving me all that much. but yknow! mental illness makes working quite difficult for me. i have a cocktail of undiagnosed and untreated issues going on in my brain.
and. most importantly. to me. i would LOVE to do more art. its felt like... so impossible for me for a while. i did draw some things (didnt post much of any of em, though.) and i'd really like to get back into it.
i suppose my resolution is to try to get into healthier habits. engage in my hobbies more, do some exercises, eat better. i'm getting older, so i need to not live like a depressed 19 year old anymore like i have been for almost 10 years now lol.
i hope 2025 is nice to us all! see ya :}
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doggirl-antics · 3 months ago
talking to tha dog on tumblr.dog
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yourlocalbadgerscales · 6 days ago
*high-pitched shrieking* WAOWGH :0
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buggiecrossing · 6 months ago
trick or treat (I am dressed up as you (a bunny-dog-angel))
special enchanted pancakes!! what's the spell? you'll never know mwehehe >:33 /sillie
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syrinq · 2 years ago
think i finally figured out what the fuck my ''oh cool! but wtf is the point'' thoughts entail about mando season 3. RUH ROH RAGGY!
read more again because 1) i like making lists and 2) unfortunately i also like to add 48392480223 words of explanation to each point and i occasionally repeat myself but with different examples. SIGH
1) s3 episodes can basically be 'watched separately' like s1/2. there's inherently nothing wrong with that, but in s3 it feels more ''off'' than in s1/2. these one-off rpg encounter episodes hinder the journey to the ''big goal'' too much sometimes, moreso in s3 than in s1/2 i feel like.
the prison episode that introduces the bald guy in s1? the fuck is the point of that? if s2 was already written by then, fine, it introduces a guy that'll be used for an escape plan. on its own though, extremely irrelevant and 'just entertainment' with a trivial one-liner that can now be added to The One Mando's backstory. sad!
2) s3 episodes introduce more important plot points/cliffhangers than usual. instead of ''just lone bounty hunter mando'', it's now the ''bigger picture'' that looms over this particular group of mandos.
they're changing the scale from 1 mando, to his group of mandos, and it's possible this show is going to be THE media point for star wars to sell shit and share lore on mandos as a society. however they're not doing it super... greatly, this transition, in my opinion. the idea isn't bad. but the execution and the general beginnings of this show don't make it a super great fit.
the 'overall goal' of the season gets muddled or vague as fuck because of this upscaling. s1 was all about Fucking Off & Figuring Out What To Do With Baby Yoda. s2 was about Finding Jedi To Slam Baby Yoda At. this shit is simple and ''small scale''. linked to One Individual And His Green Yoda. s3 was seemingly about Main Beskar Mando getting redemption on home planet. but that's already done in like episode 1 and now it's all about retaking stinky home planet or whatever.
3) despite the upscaling of s3, they try and stay at the ''small scale'', which clashes heavily. recurring individuals from s1-2 return that only got to do with one Specific Mando alone. why is an entire planet only seemingly inhabited by a singular town and why didn't the goddamn magistrate pull some strings to have mercenaries? he could've easily done it. he ran an entire guild before because these bitches are in the outer rim or whatever. for fuck's sake
i'm going to horribly pull a quote from a show i actually thoroughly enjoy through all of the 4 (soon-to-be-5) seasons it has existed. Lego Masters Australia. bet you didn't see that fucking coming. hit like a brick didn't it. anyway. as the brickman judge said, once, "the scaling is inconsistent in your build!"
newsflash, mixing minifig scale with 1:1 scale with sculpt scale or whatever, won't mix well. that's what they're doing in s3 to my feeling. but whatever girl.
4) TBOBF and s3 undo what initially s1-2 stood for, and also the goals achieved. i don't give a shit it's confirmed it was YEARS of jedi training. show-wise it still feels ''immediate'' and it's fucking stupid. why the fuck is the baby back. fanservice, i know, but it's still fucking dumb.
why this entire deal about being an apostate and now suddenly there's this newcomer that ''walks both worlds'' and is let off scott-free. seriously? everyone better be allowed to decide how they want to practice their beliefs. christ almighty (and i'm not even religious)
why this big set up about finding a particular droid & it's solved in the 1st minute of the next episode. oh wait. because Now There's A Big Pirate To Be Fought. Now It's A Dinosaur. Waowgh!
fights and whatever are cool, yes, i can 100% rewatch the dragon ball broly movie because that's literally 100 minutes of buff anime dudes punching the shit out of each other & the environment.
BUT there's got to be a balance between getting development across & shooty stuff because it's Star Wars Of Course They Need Shooty. then again i cannot ever rewatch the trilogies because they also do this stupid ''going to places A-Z'' for bumps in the journey. maybe it's just a star wars thing. maybe it's just an RPG thing. drags it out too much. it's a bore.
5) wow don't you just love it when s3 has the 'shafting of episodes' for Random Segments to prepare for Future Show 101. you know. like in TBOBF. or more infamously, how marvel does it. sigh. they love that cash money. if no bitch out there ain't realising star wars isn't obviously trying to ''marvellise'' itself, get some glasses
6) no seriously what's the point of having a singular mandalorian be known as ''the mandalorian'', also known as ''one of many from some creed'' aka no individualism. then you go on to give this fucker a name, a backstory, character goals, and basically give him the protagonist treatment because He Is The Protagonist. Even If He Likes Sidequesting.
and then you cast the fucker aside in s3 to ''upscale things'', and he essentially becomes a side character again. so you undo that individualism to instead focus on the rebuild of the society as a whole because blah blah blah. fractured people or whatever.
OH NO BUT WAIT! instead it focuses heavily on the development of ANOTHER mandalorian. so the meaning of ''the mandalorian'' is really just shifting here for s3. either darling dear bo-katan's gonna get her own show in the future, or she'll be the new definition behind ''the mandalorian'', because this show loves its episode names with dual meanings/pointers to people, and it wouldn't surprise me if they're now pulling the same for the overall vibe of the show/its name.
in theory, cool idea. but then you really shouldn't have started with the focus on one individual space cowboy and the star wars version of green goblin & their journey Togethah. what're you gonna do for season 4? call it the mandalorianS instead of just the mandalorian?
list over it's 2am. good bye
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three-eyed-skullbunny · 7 months ago
yellow yellow yellow burpuple yellow—
waowgh since when did i have a community /hj
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sillypilled-friendcel · 1 year ago
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let’s see paul allen’s mall-based outfit
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doggirl-antics · 4 months ago
waowgh i’ve been tagged :O
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this post is literally me
@computerbooper @ uhhhh idk who else to tag so anyone can join in :3
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