#wanted to make gifs of ned last night but told myself i could not open any more psds until i closed some
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lamentation | SIX
{peter parker x fem!reader AU}
based on All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven
word count: 3,804
warnings: fluff. lots of fluff. a sprinkle of angst but just a tiny bit.
18+!!! minors stay away!
The following morning at school you relieved to see Peter standing at your locker, appearing unscathed aside from the timid and fearful look in his eye as he watched you approach him. You knew that he was probably expecting you to shut him out again, though you were full of surprises that morning when you breathed a quiet sigh and felt all the remaining anger purge from your system entirely. In reality you had been planning to give him a piece of your mind, telling him just how much of an idiot you thought that he was for his stupid idea, but seeing him sent all those thoughts flying away in an instant.
Instead, all that you could think of was how happy you were to see that he was okay. He was tense as you opened your locker, but seemed to relax slightly when you gave him a fleeting once over and nodded to yourself in approval. Peter was standing and didn't look to be in any pain, and that was all you cared about in that moment.
Apparently Peter was full of surprises too, because the second that you closed your locker he pulled you into a bone crushing hug that quite literally knocked the wind out of you. You gasped quietly, freezing in place at the sudden contact, before you slowly melted into his grip and hugged him back. He somehow managed to squeeze you tighter at the return of the embrace.
"I'm sorry," he whispered into your hair, "I'm so, so, so sorry."
A part of you wondered if Peter even knew what exactly he was apologizing for, if he really understood just why you were upset. Did he know the sorts of things that had crossed your mind last night? Could he really fathom all the crazy emotions you had been feeling?
You didn't think he did. Really, how could he, when even you were still reeling and trying to pinpoint all the different reasons you had been so upset? There were the obvious reasons--like the horrible flashbacks to that fateful day when your sister had been tragically killed--but there were also more complex, subtle reasons that you weren't ready to admit out loud.
Things like the fact that you'd never been so enraged about anything as you had been at the thought of somebody hurting Peter Parker. Not even the animosity you felt toward the Avengers could compare to the fury you had felt while listening to him fight and be attacked by those men. It puzzled you; how could that affect you so much?
You knew why, despite your unwillingness to face the truth. You knew, deep down, that you had been so upset because the thought of Peter being hurt scared you nearly as much as you had been that day. It pained you to think of it, and that was a problem.
It was a problem because being friends with Peter, when he lived the life that he did, meant constantly living in that fear. He was a superhero, constantly putting his life on the line for all the innocent people of Queens and the world alike, and that was absolutely terrifying for you. And yet, for some reason, you couldn't bring yourself to push him away like you felt you should.
He pulled away from you slowly, though he kept his hands firmly on your shoulders, and studied your face closely as he asked, "Are you okay? Are we okay?"
Hearing Peter say the word we in reference to himself and you gave you a funny feeling, but you ignored it. "Are you okay?" you parroted, instead, raising your eyebrows challengingly.
"Yes." he stated without hesitation, "I had some bruising, but it's mostly gone now. It wasn't as bad as it sounded, I swear."
You hummed quietly, leading the way to Calculus as he finally released his iron-like grip on your arms. "And was there a reason you didn't come to my window?" you questioned further, glancing back at the boy who chewed his lower lip anxiously.
Peter didn't answer until the two of you had sat in your seats, leaning close to speak in a hushed tone that no one else could hear, "I didn't want to scare you."
The sharp remark was instantly at the tip of your tongue, wanting to spit at him that he already had, repeatedly, but you held back at the sight of his big, brown, puppy eyes blinking at you shyly. He was fiddling with his fingers apprehensively, clearly waiting for some sort of remark, and it gave you pause. This was Peter, and Peter wouldn't hurt a fly intentionally.
You had to keep reminding yourself of that. Reminding yourself that he didn't mean to scare you like he had, and that he meant well even if his intentions didn't quite land right. So, you just whispered back, "It scared me when you didn't show up, and you didn't say anything."
"I--I didn't know if you wanted me to."
Catching one of his fretting hands in your own, you gave him a serious look as you replied, "I always want you to."
The teacher called the class to attention immediately after you closed your mouth, and you turned away with burning cheeks at the star-struck look on Peter's face. Perhaps that had been too bold of a statement, but it was the truth; you did always want to hear from Peter. You always wanted to know if he was okay, even if all he had to say to you was a bland text to let you know he'd survived another night of patrol.
Now, after all the things you had heard, you hoped he'd take your words seriously and let you in like you had for him. Could you go to sleep every night without knowing for sure he had made it through the night unscathed? Easily, the answer was no. You couldn't, and you really wanted him to put your mind at ease.
After gym class, which was spent with you panting whilst running sprints with Peter pretending to be just as winded, he held your bag for you beside your locker and waited patiently for you to exchange your books. You could tell that something was on his mind from the way he shifted from foot to foot nervously, and growing tired of having to chase your bag around, you asked, "What's your deal, Pete?"
He blinked at the nickname, but after a moment finally found his voice again, "Sit with me at lunch?"
"No, like, sit with Ned, MJ, and I." he reiterated, and you wrinkled your nose. "Come on, I promise they'll love you! There's really nothing to be scared of, (Y/N)."
You opened your mouth to argue, to tell him that there were in fact a million reasons for you to be scared, but he pouted his lips like a child and pleaded with you silently until you caved, "Fine, fuck, just stop making that face!"
And so, you found yourself trailing through the cafeteria awkwardly in Peter's shadow. You could feel the stares on your body even though you refused to look, the stares of all your fellow students watching the resident crazy girl make her way through the cafeteria all year. You usually sat at the table right by the doors and the garbage cans, the one place you could slip in and out without making a spectacle of yourself, but Peter's usual table was all the way in the back of the large room.
There sat Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones, both of whom were watching you curiously as you looked back at them in discomfort. You'd never known them to be mean--well, Michelle could mean in her blunt manner--but that didn't ease your nerves at all. The fear you felt wasn't because you were weary of their judgment.
You were scared of letting more people into your life. More attachments meant more for you to lose, and after all that you had lost, you were rather unwilling to put yourself out there. It was a surprise enough to yourself and probably everyone else that you'd made room in your caged heart for Peter. He was perhaps the most dangerous of all to let in, yet you had.
"Hey, (Y/N), right?" Ned greeted cheerfully, doing a weird handshake with Peter as the two of you sat down across from him and MJ. You just nodded, not trusting your voice to come out should you dare to speak. "How was the Stark Internship, dude?"
Your face pinched in puzzlement, and Peter chuckled at the way you glanced at him curiously. "She knows, Ned." he muttered, nudging your knee with his own as he pulled a smashed sandwich from his bag and unwrapped it. "It was... rough. I handled it, though."
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Stark Internship was a cover story for Peter's secret identity. "She knows? You told her, already?" MJ gaped, "No offense, but I had to figure that shit out for myself."
As Ned and MJ stared at Peter incredulously, the two of you shared a look as you begged him not to say anything and he scrambled to think of any sort of a cover story. "She--she helped me one night when I got hurt pretty bad. Had to take my mask off." he finally blurted, stumbling over his words, and you noticed how his eyes squeezed shut for a moment in frustration at his lame answer.
"Why didn't you call one of us?" Ned interrogated, eyes flickering between your own and Peter's as if he were trying to pick up on any dishonesty.
MJ, blunt as always, just asked, "Is that why you started following her around like a dog?"
You had to chuckle when Peter pouted, sticking his tongue out at Michelle's remark and whining, "I did not follow her around like a dog!"
"You kind of did." you mumbled quietly. All three of them stared at you in stunned silence for a few seconds, shocked by your sudden interjection, and you busied yourself with rearranging your carrot sticks.
Peter's knee bumped yours again, and you nudged his back. He shot you a little smile, pleased with you making an effort even if it was thoughtless, and you found yourself relaxing slightly under his gaze as MJ and Ned continued to joke about how much Peter had embarrassed himself following you around. "Remember when he threw all of his shit on the ground in Calculus?" Ned sputtered through laughter.
The brown-haired boy's cheeks blazed red at the story, and you found yourself laughing along with his two friends as you remembered it. At the time it had only embarrassed you, but now as you looked back on it, you couldn't help but to find it endearing. So, you nudged his knee again and bit back the grin fighting its way onto your face as you kept your eyes on your lunch.
Suddenly, he put his hand on your knee and squeezed it softly, and your entire body seemed to burst into flames. Before you could pull away, scared of the intense feeling it gave you, a voice cut above all the rest, "Penis Parker!"
His hand was gone in an instant, but you remained hot for an entirely different reason. Flash Thompson sauntered up to the table with his typical smug smirk, calling again, "Hey, Penis Parker! Finally find a girl miserable enough to settle for you?"
Peter's face turned red and pinched into a frown, but he just muttered quietly, "Go away, Flash."
"Figures you'd go for (Y/N). The whole dead family thing, right? Does she just get you?"
You tensed, turning your head slowly to glare up at Flash with a ferocity that seemed to even make him falter, though he hid it quickly behind his usual mask. "Go the fuck away, Eugene." you hissed, but he just laughed.
Seeing that he wasn't planning on going anywhere, punctuated by the way he propped his foot up on one of the seats and sneered down at you, you quickly grabbed all of your stuff and stood up. Peter, Ned, and MJ were quick to follow, and all four of you made your way out of the cafeteria as Flash shouted, "Aw, did I hurt your feelings, Penis Parker?"
"Peter?" you called after him, trailing behind as he walked at a brisk pace. Ned and MJ disappeared around a corner, heading off in a different direction, and you were trying to catch up with the boy who seemed eager to shake you off. "Pete?"
He slowed, sighing quietly, and turned to face you with still red cheeks and eyes swimming with anger. "What?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Briefly, you felt hurt at his attitude, but you brushed it off. You knew that he was just frustrated at Flash, and you were no stranger to misplaced anger. It would have been pretty hypocritical of you to be upset with him after how long he'd put up with you lashing out at him when he just wanted to be your friend.
You walked toward him hesitantly, almost reaching out to hug him, but you thought better of it in the end. You didn't want to push things too far, too fast, and one hug was more than enough for one day. Instead, you rocked back on your heels and asked, "Walk me to class?"
Peter blinked at the question, clearly expecting you to say something else, and after a moment nodded. "Yeah, yeah, let's go." He didn't relax at all as he walked beside you through the still empty halls, though his hand kept bumping yours every now and then, and for a fleeting second outside of your classroom he squeezed your hand before dropping it and walking away.
The rest of the day, Peter was stiff and aloof. He barely talked to you during Speech class, though that didn't really matter considering Ms. Lovell actually lectured that day, but you could tell he was upset. It felt a little strange to suddenly switch roles; he was now playing the part of the closed off one, and you were left trying to figure out how to get through to him.
Making people feel better wasn't exactly your strong suit anymore. Once upon a time it had been, but since your sister's death you'd seemingly lost the ability to even make yourself better. Yet, you wanted more than anything to get him back to the smiling, happy boy he'd been earlier that day.
As the two of you packed up your things after class to go home, you watched him anxiously to see if he'd finally say something, but he didn't. So, you cleared your throat and quietly asked, "Do you want to hang out?"
He paused for a moment, staring down at his bag in silence with tensed shoulders and creased brows, before finally looking up at you and giving the tiniest smile. "Come on." was all he said, zipping his bag and waiting expectantly for you to follow him out of the classroom.
You followed him out of the building, to the subway, onto the subway, and off of it again, all without a single clue as to where you were going. It wasn't until the he lead you into an apartment building that you realized he was taking you to his house, and suddenly you were extremely nervous. "Do you live here?" you asked, immediately cringing at the stupid question.
He just laughed, "Yeah. My Aunt May is home, she'll probably offer you food, but just say no. Trust me."
For a moment you wanted to ask why, but then you remembered how he'd told you when he'd first started following you around that his Aunt May was a truly atrocious cook. Except for cherry pie, it seemed, because he'd raved to you about that over the phone for what felt like hours the other day. Nodding affirmatively, you replied, "Right, just say no."
Peter's home life was far different from your own, even before the incident. His aunt was a bright, lively young woman who was very excited to meet you, and just as much of an affectionate person as you were finding Peter to be. She'd been overjoyed to meet you, letting slip that Peter had told her lots about you, but he'd cut her off before she could ramble about the things he'd said.
Part of you wondered if he'd told her how the two of you had met, but you knew better than to think Peter would do such a thing. He wasn't the type of person to spill others' secrets. How could he, when he had such a big secret of his own?
His room was everything you had expected it to be, though. A cramped little room with bunk beds adorning Star Wars sheets, LEGOs everywhere, and a plethora of computer parts littering every possible surface. He blushed a little as you took it all in, stammering when you smirked at the sheets in amusement, but overall he seemed relieved when you didn't mention the clutter.
It was very Peter Parker. Messy, slightly chaotic, and very nerdy. You sat on the bottom bunk, which you deciphered to be his by the rumpled sheets, and watched as he awkwardly tried to sort out the mess a little. "So," you started, "why don't you stand up to Flash at school?"
He sighed, giving up on his tidying and sitting beside you. "I knew you would ask that." he joked, though the humor didn't quite meet his eyes. "It's a long story."
"I have time, Pete." you spoke softly, and a little smile twitched at his lips.
He raked a hand through his messy hair, the combed style starting to curl from a long day, and you wondered what his hair looked like with nothing done to it. "Well, I guess it all goes back to when I first got... my abilities. You know, after the bite, I kinda went crazy for a bit. I was determined to prove myself, or something--I don't know. I just showed off a lot and got myself into a lot of trouble because of it."
Peter continued when you looked at him expectantly, "My Uncle Ben was going crazy too, trying to figure out what was going on with me. We got into a lot of fights before he--before he, um, died. We got into one the night he died."
"He tried to stop me from going out because he just knew I was going to do something I shouldn't, and we just got into this huge argument. It ended with me telling him he wasn't my dad and to stop pretending he was, and I ran off." He was getting choked up, stumbling over his words and gripping his knees with his hands as tears welled up in his eyes at the memories.
Hesitantly, you put your hand on top of his, and he was quick to flip his hand over and grip yours tightly as if he were afraid you'd pull away from him. As he spoke, it was starting to sink in just how much Peter truly could understand your anguish over your sister. He could understand why you blamed yourself, because he too had blamed himself, and your heart broke at the thought of Peter ever being in a position like the one you'd been in that night.
Had he ever tried to do what you had planned to do? Your own eyes burned at the thought, and you squeezed his hand back just as tightly. "He came looking for me, and happened to interrupt a robbery. Uncle Ben, he--he was a really good guy. He couldn't just let the guy get away. So, he uh, he tried to stop him... and the guy stabbed him."
"I'd seen the robbery before that, but I'd been so angry I just kept walking. I could have stopped it before Uncle Ben ever showed up, but I didn't, and he got stabbed because of it." Peter coughed to stop himself from really crying, "The last thing he said to me was that with great power comes great responsibility, and I just can't let him down."
You almost wished that you hadn't asked, because it hurt to see him in so much pain, but you felt good knowing that Peter really did understand you. You felt closer to him, and a little part of you felt a little less distaste for superheroes in that moment too. Did they all know such tragedy? Did they all suffer such pain, too?
Peter looked at you, blinking away tears as his voice steadied, "So, that's why I don't use Spiderman unless I have to. I didn't stand up for myself before, so I shouldn't now. I didn't play sports before, so I shouldn't now. It wouldn't be fair, and it wouldn't be right. I have this gift, and it's my responsibility to use it for good. I can deal with Flash's stupid taunting--I was so upset today because of what he said about you."
The fluttering was back, stronger than ever, and you couldn't shove it aside no matter how hard you tried. The moment was too serious--too heartfelt. It was too close.
Doing what you did best, you created a little more distance to keep your heart safe. You weren't ready to admit that maybe you liked Peter in a not-so-friendly sort of way. You weren't ready to let him into that last little bit of your heart.
So, you joked, "Well, he was right about one thing--I do get you." To your relief, he laughed, though he didn't let go of your hand. You didn't want him to, either.
"Seriously, though, you don't have to worry about me. Flash doesn't bother me, not really anyways." Peter continued, and the pair of you smiled at each other like a couple of love-struck fools for a long moment. Peter, unlike you, wasn't so keen on or capable of hiding his feelings. It was written all over his face for you to see that he liked you, and even if it made you feel good it still made you squirm with discomfort.
You were just thankful that he hadn't tried to take things further, though the subtle touches were probably his timid way of doing just that. The touches you could handle. It was what came after--the truly taking things to that next level part--that scared you. If you told him how you thought you were feeling, and he told you the same, then that just made the possibility of losing him that much worse.
SERIES TAGLIST {ask to be added}:
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#peter parker series#peter parker au#peter parker angst#peter parker fluff#peter parker smut#peter parker imagine#peter parker fanfiction#peter parker fic#peter parker x reader#peter parker x you#peter parker x y/n#peter parker x fem!reader#peter parker#peter parker mcu#peter parker oneshot#peter parker blurb#spiderman x you#spiderman x y/n#spiderman x reader#spiderman imagine#spiderman mcu#spiderman fanfiction#spiderman series#spiderman fic#spiderman fluff#spiderman au#mcu#tom holland imagine#tom holland series#tom holland x you
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Scintila (Peter Parker x Fem! Reader)
A/N: I loooove this!
Request by Anon: Hello! Happy 400!! Idk if you guys still write for marvel but can I request "scintila (n); a tiny, brilliant flash; a small thing; a barely visible trait" with Peter Parker if you're still doing those?
Words: 2, 315
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Harley Keener, since meeting the great Tony Stark, has become one more member of the family. And although he’s not the biological son of the businessman, everyone treats him as such.
Pepper, Morgan and Y/N Stark welcomed him with open arms when he needed help and Harley has always been grateful. So much is the connection that he even treats Tony's daughters like his sisters. With Morgan it was easier because she was so young. With Y/N it was a bit strange being the same age, but they managed to be friends and Harley would do anything for them.
He even promised Tony that he would take care of any boy who wants to hurt them. Somewhat exaggerated, but Tony appreciates it, he doesn’t want to intrude much in the life of his teenage daughter.
Another person who has also become a great friend of the family is Peter Parker. Tony adores the boy and admires everything he has done at such a young age, in addition to understanding the role of being a superhero, he also sees him as a teenager that had to mature at a young age.
Harley and Peter study at the same high school, so they became great friends with many things in common. Soon they had a group with MJ, Ned and Betty, who already knew about Peter's identity and Tony's influence.
While celebrating the victory against Thanos, Tony Stark did not hesitate to invite as many superheroes and helpers as he could, including the group of friends.
Harley is having his best life, then he sees his friend Peter rush out onto the small balcony. He doesn’t hesitate to follow him to find out what was happening.
He jumps a bit, but his shoulders fall as he recognizes Harley.
"Hey, man, what's up?” He answers nervous.
"You're good?”
“Great, yeah. Great party, Mr. Stark always gives good parties.”
“Just say it, Parker.”
"Say what?”
"I know you. I haven't seen you so nervous since you met Tony.”
"Me? Nervous? I don't know what you're talking about, I'm having a blast!”
"Why did you go out? Less than five minutes ago I saw you laughing with Ned!” says Harley leaning against the balcony railing.
"I just needed air.”
Harley rolls his eyes.
“You'd feel better if you tell me.”
Peter frowns.
"Are you saying it because you really want to help or do you just want to know the gossip?”
Harley cocks his head.
"A little of both. Okay, more of the latter, but come on, buddy. What’s got you so upset?" He says pretending not to know why. He had his suspicions.
Peter sighs and imitates his friend's position.
"It's not a what, exactly,” His cheeks flush. "There's a girl who-“
“Oh, yeah. Now it all makes sense,” says Harley. He laughs. "It's just that?”
"What? You knew it?" He asks nervously.
"You're not very discreet, Peter," He scoffs. "Actually, I don't know why it took you so long.”
The truth is that Harley saw the exact moment when Peter's panic started and it has to do with the moment MJ arrived at the party just five minutes ago.
Peter groans in frustration.
“Ned has also told me that, but I didn’t believe him. Dammit.”
“Hey, calm down, it's not that bad. There’s nothing wrong with you liking a girl.”
"It's not that I see it as a bad thing, it's just that…” He sighs. "Whenever I’m around her, I don't know, I turn into this stupid machine that can barely say a word. She makes me nervous.”
Harley smiles.
"I understand," He pats his back.
“Yeah, it's the bad thing about being a brainiac. We don't always have the girl, though I'm still hopeful. Just look at Tony.”
“Okay, First thing, are you talking about a specific girl? And Second; Mr. Stark does not count, he is a millionaire.”
“Right," He grins. “A girl I share biology with, but that's not important, Parker. You’re the main guy now,” He points out.
"I don't know what to do, Harley.”
"How much do you like the girl?”
“A lot, she doesn't have an idea. Shit, just look at me now, she barely got here and I couldn't help but run away! And-“ He smiles like a fool, “she looks beautiful, Harley. She always is, but today–”
"Stop before you start drooling,” Harley takes him by the shoulders. "I know what you need, Parker.”
"Confidence, that's what you need. I will help you get enough to encourage you to kiss that girl.”
"What? Kiss her? No Harley, it's not a good idea and less around her– her–“
"This is the right time! Nobody will make fun of you if something goes wrong.”
"That doesn’t help me. Also,” He makes a face. “Suppose I kiss her, what if she rejects me or something? As far as I know, she doesn't feel the same way about me.”
Harley can't resist the defeated look from his friend. Peter’s always there for him when he needs him most and has helped him many times, it is his duty to return the favor.
"Listen to me, Parker,” He shakes him. “Today is the perfect night for you to finally admit your love for the girl you want. Stop overthinking it. Do not think. Just go to her and kiss her, only then you’ll get an answer.”
"I can't just do that, I don't want to make her uncomfortable!” Harley lets go of him and purses his lips.
“Okay, you're right about that. But just a little kiss from her and see her reaction?”
“This plan has many flaws.”
“Peter, at this rate, you’ll never be able to say the simple words 'I like you'. And you, better than anyone, know that time is money. What if the next day she’s gone? I don't want you to regret something you never did.”
Parker analyzes the words of his friend and sighs. "Just one kiss?”
Harley smiles.
"If she asks for more, then go ahead,” Peter rolls his eyes, but he smiles. "Come on Parker. It's your moment, don't think about it anymore!” He goes to the sliding door and opens it. "Kiss her!”
“Alright!” He answers without moving.
“Oh, yeah…” He shakes his head and walks into the house.
Obeying Harley's advice, Peter doesn't make eye contact with anyone else. His gaze is fixed on the target. Harley looks at him proudly from the open door. He watches him get closer to where MJ is laughing with the others, he even notices that Y/N has also arrived. Everything changes when Harley sees Peter approaching her.
“Oh, crap.”
Peter touches the girl's shoulder. She turns smiling when she recognizes the boy, but she does not have the opportunity to say something since Parker's lips collide with hers.
"Holy, shit!” says Harley.
Ned, Betty and MJ look surprised, but the three also share a mischievous grin. The kiss lasts only a few seconds. Peter waits for the girl's reaction.
The palpitations of his heart increase in anticipation. Only until he sees a small smile from Y/N does he feel like his chest is about to explode, but he can't enjoy the moment because someone takes him by the collar of his shirt and pulls him across the place.
"Harley?" the girl asks when she sees her friend's reaction, but it's too late for him to hear her. She returns with his friends. "What has happened?”
Ned shrugs.
"Oh, I know," Betty says with a big smile. "Parker finally dared to kiss you.”
"About time," adds MJ, nodding.
Y/N smiles feeling her face burn.
"You better find out what's going on.”
"And then you tell us," Ned points out.
She follows the path the boys took. She hears her voices and stops before reaching the television room.
"What were you thinking, Parker?”
Peter looks at him confused as he fixes his shirt.
"What? I was doing exactly what you told me!” He says flustered.
“But why did you kiss Y/N!?”
“That was your advice, idiot!”
"That is not true!”
"Stop yelling at me!”
They both growl in frustration. Harley tries to calm his breathing. He walks from one side to the other.
“I don't know if your brain failed and maybe you didn't realize it, but buddy, you got the wrong girl!”
"What? Of course not. Why do you think that?”
"The girl you were talking about is MJ!”
"No," Peter shakes his head. "Of course not. MJ’s my friend!”
"B-but, you–” Harley points at him with his shaking hand. "You panicked when she arrived!”
Peter sighs. "And didn't you notice who she arrived with?”
It looks like Harley's eyes are about to pop out of his face.
"Shit, no,” He pulls his hair. "No, you can't like Y/N.”
"So all that motivational talk was because you thought the girl I liked was MJ?”
"Obviously! Shit, everything was simple. I thought you liked her, Parker, but now…” Harley couldn't feel dumber. He now realizes that Peter tried to warn him. Now it makes sense why he was so nervous.
Peter frowns.
"If I had told you from the beginning who she was, wouldn't you have helped me?”
Harley sighs heavily.
“Peter, I promised Mr. Stark that I would not allow any boy to break Y/N's heart.”
"And you think I want that?" He says annoyed.
"It's nothing personal,” he tries to get closer, but Peter backs away.
"Of course not," He says sarcastically. “Do you think I want to hurt her? Me?”
"No. I can't believe my friend thinks that of me. You don’t-" He growls. “You don't understand, you don't know how I feel about her, Harley.”
"Peter, I'm just trying to keep my promise.”
“And you didn't even bother to consider or think that I, above all people, am the one who wants to harm her the least? Shit, even I would beat myself up if I do that! Harley, you don't have an idea of everything I would do for her. What I would give to see that smile all the time, her eyes every time she gets emotional…” His voice cracks. "To hear her laugh, hug her when she's sad, take care of her… I would do whatever to see her wrinkle her nose, raise her voice and pace around as if she wanted to dig a hole in the floor and then make up with her favorite ice cream, chips, chocolates and watch her favorite movie…” He sighs. "But you could never know that.”
Harley looks at him in surprise. He had never seen Peter like that. Guilt eats away at him from within.
"Peter, I'm sorry. You… you're right, I didn't give you a chance. I'm very sorry, it's just that– I felt scared. I promised Tony that I would take care of her and even if I hadn't, she is like my sister. I don't want her to get hurt…”
"And everyone says I'm melodramatic!” Both boys look towards the entrance of the room.
"Mr. Stark–”
"How long have you been listening?" Harley asks.
“Enough, kid,” He raises an eyebrow. "As much as I love teenage drama, it caught my attention that this time the protagonist of this drama is my daughter,” He looks directly at Peter. The boy seems embarrassed. "I was shocked to my core.”
"Did-did you see it?" Peter asks.
Tony rolls his eyes. “You are in my party, at my house. I obviously saw it. This happens to me for inviting so many teenagers…”
“Are you upset?”
"No, kid, breathe. I only came because I saw Harley nearly choke you. I don't want blood in my new house. But no, I'm not upset you kissed my daughter, Parker. Actually, it was about time,” He smiles amused. "Thanks to you, I won a bet.”
"Did you bet for them to be together?”
“We all did. MJ and I made good money,” The three are silent for a few seconds. "Well, seeing that you did not kill each other, it’d be better if I returned to the party,” He walks away, but before leaving, he turns to see them. "I appreciate that need to take care of Y/N, but the both of you made a serious mistake.”
“Which one?" They say at the same time.
“You didn’t take my daughter's opinion into account and believe me, that will cost you. I learned it the hard way.”
"I don't think she’d be so upset just by one kiss," says Harley.
"No, not for the kiss. But for everything you just shouted.”
The two boys tense up.
"Did she hear us?”
“Loud and clear,” says Y/N, leaning against the door frame.
"Good luck!” says Tony leaving.
The girl walks into the room and crosses her arms.
"I can explain it–”
“It's not what it seems–”
She raises a hand.
“My dad’s right. You did something bad, but not so serious,” She approaches Harley and kisses his cheek. "Thank you for being a good brother,” she smiles at him, then punches his arm hardly. “That's so you stop making stupid promises. I can take care of myself. You’ll help me only when I ask, not before.”
"Got it,” Harley grunts.
She turns to Peter, who grimaces expecting the blow, but it never comes.
"Harley, this is the time for you to leave us alone.”
“Fine, but don’t do bad things. Tony will know if you do,” He complains as he leaves the place.
"Aren't you going to hit me?”
"I should," She raises an eyebrow. "But, I prefer to kiss you.”
This time the is slow and sweet. He puts his hands around her waist and she plays with Peter's brown curls.
"Everything you said to Harley, was it true?" She asks.
"Every word," Peter whispers against her lips.
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Not him - Tom Holland x Reader
Pairings: Tom Holland x reader; (slight Post Malone x reader)
Summary: (Y/N) and Tom got together on the set of Spider-Man. But the relationship doesn’t work out the way both of them had hoped for. What happens when (Y/N) gets over Tom faster than he would like? How will they act when they first see each other again in person on set for the new movie when neither of them can let go of their resentment?
Requests are open!
I guess, you could label this as Angst? Eventhough I don’t think it’s that angsty. I’m also terrible at writing summaries. Also, for the new love interest I chose Post Malone, because I needed a celebrity in the same age range as the main characters and also I’m kinda obsessed with him at the moment, so sorry if he’s not everyone’s type. However, this isn’t about him, so sorry if I didn’t exactly nail his personality.
“Are you being serious?”, (Y/N) questioned her boyfriend. She couldn’t believe what she just heard.
“Here we go again”, Tom said rolling his eyes, “yes, I am serious”
(Y/N) chose to ignore that little dig at her but instead continued, “So, you’re seriously planning to move her in?”
“What am I supposed to do? Do you expect me to put her on the streets?”
“I expect you to at least talk to me about it!”
“I have known her for ages. There was no point in discussing it. She nedded a place to stay and I offered. End of story. She’s one of my closest childhood friends! Can we please not fight about this? Please? You’re leaving to shoot soon. You won’t even notice she’s here.”
"I don’t want to fight with you, love. But she’s a childhood friend that you told me you were in love with for the longest time! That I’m leaving makes it worse actually. Besides, you already spend the majority of your time with her. Do you really have to move her in now, too?”
It was true, Melanie was one of Tom’s oldest friends back in London. They grew up in the same neighbourhood and shared the same friend group. And he was crushing on her hard when he was younger.
“So you conveniently ignore that I hang out with all my old friends?”, Tom was getting more and more annoyed now. What was her problem?
“You can’t seriously expect me to spend all my time with you! I’m gone for so long at a time. Let me just spend some time with my people!”, Tom grew frustrated now.
“Your people... You spend all your free time with your people! And I’m at home going to bed alone almost every night. Why did you even ask me to come stay with you here, when you just leave me all the time?”, she was close to tears now. She felt lonely.
“I’m beginning to ask myself the same question. What has gotten into me?”
(Y/N) was quiet for a moment. That stung. The world knew Tom as that silly goofball, which he was - most of the time at least. But he could also be a proper bastard if he wanted to.
The girl took a deep breath.
“Listen, I understand that you want to help your friend but I just wished for you to talk to me first before you made that decision”, she continued much calmer now.
But Tom was having none of it. He was fired up now and annoyed by his girlfriend’s constant nagging.
“(Y/N)! How am I supposed to talk to you when you get so overly emotional all the time? You’re so fucking sensitive!”
“So you don’t talk to me at all? What kinda logic is that? Tom look at us. We’re fighting. Again. I can’t remember the last time we had a nice evening together. I can’t remember the last time we slept with each other...”
“You’re being dramatic. It hasn’t been that long”
“It has, too!”
“What do you want me to do? You’re smothering me! Of course I’d rather spend time with Mel. She’s not nagging me all the damn time!”
This was the first time he admitted to it.
Both of them stood still, facing each other.
“(Y/N)-”, Tom started but (Y/N) just held up her hand, effectively silencing him.
“Tom. Have you cheated on me with Melanie?”
“What? Of course not! (Y/N) I love you. Nobody else. I wouldn’t do that to you”, he tried to reassure her. Suddenly he felt bad for what he said.
“Have you thought about it? Even for just a second?”
“(Y/N), please...”, he pleaded with her.
“I’m leaving”
It’s been a few months since (Y/N) left Tom. He still felt bad for how their last fight ended and he was sure that if he hadn’t gotten so fired up, she’d still be there with him.
Tom asked her to stay, pleaded even, when she was picking up her stuff from all over his apartment. But after the logistics of separating where figured out neither of them talked to the other. (Y/N) made it clear to him, that she wasn’t interested in talking anymore. It was hard for him to accept and move on. He’d struggle to keep his mind off of his ex-lover. There were so many things that reminded him of her - so many things that he didn’t even realize before. The smell of coffee for example.
Eventhough, it was hard for Tom, his friends kept his mind occupied for long enough to relax a little and have some fun. None of them knew about the reason for their split. He told everybody it just didn’t work out between them. Only Harrison and his brothers knew the real reason of what happened. Only they saw him struggle.
The shooting for the next Spider-Man movie would start soon, so he’d be scheduled to give some interviews. All the tabloids were of course hoping Tom would give out secret details about the movie; that they’d be the first ones to report.
“Mornin’ Mate, how’re things today?” Harrison asked his friend, when they first arrived at the car that would get them to the interview place his management had organized.
“Actually, things are great, Haz! I think today is going to be good”, Tom answered truthfully. He was looking forward to today. There was no trace of any struggle on his face. No thoughts were spent on (Y/N) since Tom woke up this morning.
Harrison was glad. He wished for his best friend to move on and be happy again.
Tom was sitting in an empty room, lost in his thoughts after several hours of interviews, when a women in a grey blazer entered the room.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Holland”, she greeted him.
Tom was pulled back to reality.
“Good afternoon, pleasure to meet you. You can call me Tom by the way”, he greeted back.
The women continued to set up the interview. What followed were several different variations of the same questions he had already answered throughout the day.
While Tom enjoyed talking about his new movies, getting the same questions over and over again was getting a little boring. However, he had managed to not spoil a single thing about the movie, which he was immensely relieved about.
“So, the character of Felicia Hardy or maybe better known as Black Cat was introduced to the Spider-Man universe in the last movie. (F/N) (L/N) did an amazing job portraying her and the audience loved the new character”
Here we go again.
Tom already knew this was coming. Every interviewer so far asked about (Y/N) and him. But he was prepared.
“Yes, (Y/N) really is an amazing actress. I’m happy I was given the chance to work with her”
“So, you and Miss (L/N) started dating on set of the last movie but a few months ago you announced your split on social media. Last movie’s post credit scene suggested she’d be part of the new movie aswell. What do you expect returning on set, considering the current circumstances ?”, the woman continued.
Tom took a deep breath. He’s done this before.
“The split was amicable. When we realized the relationship wouldn’t work out, we mutually decided we’re better off as friends”
“So you two are still in contact?”
“Yes, of course. We are both busy with our schedules but we both keep in contact regularly”
“That’s amazing. So there won’t be any hard feelings on set”, she concluded.
“No, of course not. I’m really looking forward to seeing her again in person”
Somewhat the truth.
“You are one of the hottest singles on he market right now. We are dying to know: Is there anybody that has caught your eye yet? Seeing as lately (Y/N) has been seen getting cozy with rapper Post Malone..”
Tom tried to not show his reaction to the newly found information. He awkwardly denied having his eye on anyone at the moment and they wrapped up the interview.
Tom was grateful that that was the last interview of the day. As soon as the lady left, he stormed over to Harrison, who was just as shocked as he was. He was already on his phone searching for evidence for the lady’s claims.
“Is it true?”, Tom asked his friend.
“Seems like it...”, Harrison showed the actor his phone. A picture of (Y/N) and Post Malone outside of a restaurant, holding hands lit up his phone screen.
Tom grabbed the phone and swiped further and further. There were a few more pictures of them together. Holding hands, snuggling - even one picture that showed them kissing.
For a second he felt a myriad of emotions cascading down upon him.
Shame. Anger. Sadness.
On one hand he felt embarrassed that he was mourning after their relationship while she was already out in the field dating around. On the other hand he felt angry. Did their relationship mean nothing to her? Was he not important to her?
And on a whole other hand he felt sad. He didn’t know what he expected but maybe there was still a little hope within him that they could get together again once the shooting would start.
But at the same time there was doubt lurking in the back of his mind. He always knew there was a discrepancy between him and her. While he was always more goofy and childlike, she was more grunge and edgy. Of course, it didn’t help that she was constantly fangirling over the musician.
“I love a man with a clear aesthetic” is what she used to say. And who had a clearer aesthetic than Post Malone? Next to him he felt like a slice of untoasted white bread.
“Tom?”, Harrison saw his friend spiraling.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”, Tom exclaimed.
Lashing out on the ones he loved seemed to be a recurring theme with him lately.
Harrison pulled up his his hands in surrender.
“Calm down, mate. I didn’t know either”
Tom left to wait in the car. He was awfully quiet for the remainder of the day.
So much for today being good...
It’s been a few weeks since Tom started shooting. As the main actor he had to be on set before anybody else did. (Y/N) arrived a few weeks later, Black Cat was not yet one of the main characters, so there was no need for (Y/N) to be there from the beginning.
Tom didn’t sleep well the night before (Y/N) was supposed to arrive. He has neither seen her nor talked to her since she left his apartment all those months ago. He was worried as to how to interact with her.
When Tom finally arrived on set, she was already there, chatting with Zendaya. The two of them hit it off immediately when they first met during the first movie.
When Zendaya saw Tom she grew quiet. Of course, she knew about their split but she didn’t know how he would react to seeing her for the first time after it. And she would’ve much preferred to not be present during their first meeting.
(Y/N) stopped mid-sentence and followed Zendaya’s gaze meeting Tom’s eyes, who was standing like a deer in the headlights. Eyes wide and his mouth slightly agape.
“Excuse me for a moment”, (Y/N) told her friend and made her way over to her ex-lover.
“Hello, Tom”
“Hey..”, Tom was unsure what to say.
“How’re ya? Everything good?”
She always did this. Asked how somebody was and already suggested the answer to go with.
“Yeah I’m good. And you? How’re you?”, he asked her back eventhough he already know what she was gonna answer. He just knew her like that.
“You know.. It is what it is”, she shrugged, but sent him a wink after that.
They chatted for a few more minutes about how excited she was to start shooting again, but never about anything deeper.
He didn’t ask her about her new relationship. She didn’t ask him about Melanie.
Then they parted again.
“You again?”, Peter in his Spider-Man suit swung onto the roof, where Felicia was tinkering around.
“Hello, Spider”, the Black Cat greeted him without looking up.
“You know? I’m actually kind of on a date right now, so maybe we could settle this quick and easy?”, Peter suggested, knowing that Michelle was waiting just at the other side of the street. When Karen notified him of an attempted break-in, he made up a quick excuse and left her standing.
The girl straightened up and started to circle Peter slowly.
“Is that your girl down there? She’s cute. I wouldn’t let her wait if I were you”, she pointed towards where Michelle was standing, looking around for Peter.
Peter furrowed his brows underneath his mask.
“Nice suit by the way”, she commented further. She only wore some black combat boots, a pair of pants, a crop top and a tighter top underneath. All black of course. The only thing that would ever even suggest she wasn’t just an ordinary girl were the black mask she was wearing and the devices on both of her wrists, that her claws and other similar gadgets were attached to.
“I, myself, prefer to not stand out as much. Not really a look you want to achieve... as a master thief, you know?”, she continued.
“You know? Someone once told me there’s usually not this much talking in a fight”, Peter told Felicia.
“Oh but we’re not fighting, silly”, she chuckled lowly. Something about her made Peter suspicious. What was she doing?
“Well, whatever it is what we are doing. I’m stopping you!”, Peter puffed his chest up.
“There’s no need, Spider. I already got what I want”, she showed him a stunning diamond collier dangling between her fingers, “do you think this suits me?”
She held the necklace up to her cleavage, batting her eyelashes.
Peter de-puffed his chest. He seriously began to ask himself what they were even doing.
“Listen, I can get you back to your dimension. Just give me the necklace and come with me, Felicia. I can get you back home”, Peter tried to reason with her.
The Black Cat began walking again but stopped right behind him.
“Oh but why? I like it here. How are we going to have our little rendezvous when I’m gone, Peter”, she leaned in behind him and all but whispered his name in his ear.
For a while he was silence.
“CUT!”, the director yelled, “Tom, you missed your line”.
“Everything okay?”, (Y/N) whispered.
But Tom was kinda shaken up. The Black Cat was less sexualized as she’d be in the comics. They were supposedd to be teenagers after all. But this was (Y/N). His (Y/N). He was okay acting with her but when she was so close to him that he could feel her breath tickling his ear, he froze up. His mind drew a blank and all he could do was stand there and wish that the ground would open up and swallow him whole.
“Five minute break, everybody”, the director announced.
As everybody scattered around, (Y/N) made her way over to her ex-lover.
“Hey.. Tom, are you okay?”
“Yes, of course I’m okay!”, Tom was exasperated, “Everybody misses their line once in a while! Why is this such a big deal?”. Tom pulled his maks off.
“Okay, chill! I was just trying to make sure you’re okay. You looked shaken up. No need for you to lash out at me”, (Y/N) bit back and turned around to leave.
“Wait!”, Tom rubbed his hands over his face, “I’m sorry. I’m just a little frustrated but I shouldn’t have taken it out on you”.
(Y/N) furrowed her brows but nodded quickly after. She was never one to hold grudges.
“I care about you, Tom”
For a moment they just stood there before (Y/N) clapped her hands.
“So, let’s get our shit together and kill this scene”
After weeks of working together this all felt like the first time all over again. Jacob would often joke that the “gang was back together” and at times it really felt like that.
“Do you remember when Tessa literally shredded your briefs?”, (Y/N) was wheezing at that point, tears rolling down her face, smudging her mascara.
“Yes and those were literally my last clean pair. Do you remember? I just came back from the press tour”, Tom continued.
All of them burst out laughing. It was their first free evening in a while and the group decided to spend it together with a few drinks and lots of food. Both Zendaya and Jacob feared that it might be awkward having Tom and (Y/N) there together but there was no trace of any bitterness or any other kind of hard feelings. They just felt like friends hanging out together.
“Wait, this reminds me... You left your mermaid blanket at my place”
“Hm, I’ll come get it next time I’m in London”
“I mean you’re of course always welcome to swing by but I really doubt you’d want that blanket, love. Tessa kind of claimed it as hers. There is so much drool on it... you better just get a new one”, Tom told the girl, eventhough he liked the idea of her back in his apartment.
“Well, she can keep it”, (Y/N) chuckled. She did notice his use of the word ‘love’ but she didn’t mind. It felt organic coming from him, he was British after all.
After that the conversations shifted and the boys strarted their own little talks about video games and whatnot. (Y/N) and Zendaya just caught up further, talking about their projects, giving interviews and photoshoots.
It was at that moment that the music in the background changed to Circles by Post Malone.
“Soooo.. Post Malone, huh?”, Zendaya wiggled her eyebrows at her friend.
(Y/N) shrugged and smiled sheepishly.
“What can I say?”, (Y/N) really didn’t know.
“Maybe start with how you two met?”, Zendaya suggested, grinning. She was thirsty for some gossip.
At the mention of the new topic Tom perked up but tried to stay low-key.
“I mean we followed each other on social media for a while at this point but never talked or anything. However, me and him attended the same event a few months back. I guess, we recognized one another and started vibing. I asked him about that one shirt he was wearing in the ‘Go Flex’ music video and he made sure to dig it out of his closet and gave it to me. After that we just kept talking”, she tried to be nonchalant but it was apparent to the others that she was a little flustered.
“Awww, that’s so cute”, Zendaya reacted.
(Y/N) broke out grinning.
“You guys don’t realize how crazy talented he is. So fun to be around and creative, too. I’ve never met anybody that extravagant but at the same time so down to earth. Our first date was at an Olive Garden. Can you imagine? We freaking drove there in a Rolce Royce”, if this were anything other than real life, the girl would’ve had heart-eyes by now.
Tom had heard enough. He stood up abruptly.
“Anybody want another drink? I’ll get enother round”, he offered. He didn’t want to make a scene. He just needed to get away for a moment.
When he returned the topic of conversation had changed, which Tom was thankful for.
“Virgin Colada for you”, he handed (Y/N) her drink.
“And for the rest of us... The grown up drinks”, he teased (Y/N), who in return stuck her tongue out at him.
The evening was too nice to ruin it now with hurt feelings. She seemed happy and as long as he could just ignore Post Malone even existed in his sphere, he’d be alright.
It was a nice morning on set. Tom and (Y/N) already had an early scene that was set during sunrise, which meant they had to get up earlier than (Y/N) would’ve liked.
They were given a short break but catching up on sleep would mean getting out of their costumes and messing up their hair and make up. So, not an option really.
“I don’t operate well when I’m tired”, (Y/N) whined as she and an Tom returned to where the trailers were standing.
“M’lady, may I invite you for a cup of coffee? It might lift your spirits”, Tom bowed down but looked up at the girl with a cheeky grin.
“You realize the coffee is free, right?”, (Y/N) deadpanned.
Tom shrugged and both burst out laughing, bickering on their way to the catering.
The others were already there, when they arrived. But they were not just on their own. Next to Zendaya stood a young man and a women, that seemed to be a little older than them.
“Morning, guys, how did your scene go?”, Jacob greeted the new arrivals.
“It’s been good. Too early though.. I mean if you ask me at least”, (Y/N) answered.
“How are you?”, Tom asked.
“Everything good?”, (Y/N) added.
“Can’t complain”, Zendaya answered, “let me introduce you to my family. This is my mom, Claire. And this is my brother, Austin”
Zendaya was grinning from ear to ear.
They were around the halfway point of shooting, which was usually when people liked their friends and family to come around and visit them.
(Y/N) mimicked her friend’s smile and greeted the visitors. It was nice meeting the family behind the actors and creators.
While Tom was greeting Zendaya’s family, (Y/N) turned towards her with her eyebrows raised.
“Girl, your brother is mighty fine”, she not so subtly murmured.
“It must be nice to have your family here”, Tom turned to Zendaya.
“Yes, of course. I’ve missed them so much”, she squeezed her mothers hand, “do you have any visits arranged?”
“Uh, no. Not yet. But I do have a little while to go still”, he answered.
“(Y/N), you must be excited for next week, right?”, Jacob asked the actress.
“Why? What happens next week?”, Tom was puzzled.
“Austin is visiting”, (Y/N) informed him.
The Brit raised his eyebrows.
“You’re kidding right?”, he was looking around, waiting for someone to tell him this was just an unfunny joke.
“No, why would I be?”, his ex-girlfriend inquired.
“Because this is low, (Y/N). Really low even”, Tom grunted, “I need to get out of here”.
With that he left the group standing and stormed away.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I didn’t mean to stirr anything up”, Jacob scrambled for an apology. He didn’t mean to ruin the mood.
“No. Don’t feel sorry, Jacob. I’m tired of walking on eggshells around him. We are adults. I’ve moved on and he should too. Just give him a little time to calm down”, she assured him.
Then she turned towards the buffet had had her breakfast.
The following week was a little strange. (Y/N) felt bad for Tom but she was so done with making apologies.
The both of them still worked fine together but other than that they were a little distanced. They still talked and they still hung out as a group but whatever progress the two of them have made so far was out of the window. The tension, however, did help their fighting scenes together.
(Y/N) was sad about losing Tom as a friend but she also realized she couldn’t expect them to still be friends after she broke up with him. Being civil was enough for her - at least for the moment.
(Y/N) was giddy on the morning Austin was suppsoed to arrive. She really did miss him and with the Tom situation going on, she felt especially estranged from everything.
The musician arrived just as (Y/N) had finished her final scene for the day. She was still in costume but that didn’t stop her from sprinting over to her new boyfriend and clinging onto him.
“Austin!”, she squealed.
He engulfed her in a hug, swallowing her body completely.
“I missed you”, he whispered into her neck.
(Y/N) heard someone clear their throat from behind her. When she turned around, she saw Zendaya, Jacob and Tom waiting impatiently. In Tom’s case, however, he just looked more annoyed at the public display of affection.
“Don’t you want to introduce us?”, Zendaya suggested. She, too, was excited to meet Post Malone, who was one of the most successful musicians at the moment.
“Yes, of course. Austin, those are Zendaya, Jacob and Tom. Guys, this is Austin”, she introduced everybody.
“Dude, it’s so dope to meet all y’all. Being on set of Spider-Man is so surreal”, Posty beamed. He was never one to be shy around new people.
“Hey, can I leave you here for a second? How about I go change and then we go have dinner?”, (Y/N) suggested.
“Fine by me”, her boyfriend shrugged and (Y/N) left them to go change.
When she returned they were still stood there talking about god knows what. Tom looked a little displeased but other than that there was no indicator for anything other than a friendly conversation.
Austin put his arm her shoulder when she reached them but didn’t stop his conversation until Zendaya ended her sentence.
“All good? We ready to leave?”, he turned towards her and pressed a kiss on the crown of her head, as he was way taller than the girl.
Tom pulled a face when he did that, but tried to get it together before anybody could notice.
“So, are you guys joining us?”, Austin asked the group.
“Can’t unfortunately”, Jacob answered for them.
“Still got some scenes that need to be shot today”, Tom added. This was probably the first time he was thankful for his busy schedule. He didn’t think he could stand seeing them together. Especially seeing how affectionate they were with each other. There was no use in denying it anymore. He was jealous. And why was that? Because he was still in love with (F/N) (L/N).
“Aww that’s too bad, man. But next time for sure, ye?”, the rapper answered before they all said their goodbyes and parted.
At night after dinner (Y/N) and Austin were lying in bed talking about everything that they have missed out on the other’s everyday lives. Music, shooting, friends and family...
“So, how have you been? You told me you’re worried it’d be weird interacting with your ex again but he seems pretty nice to me”, Post asked the girl.
She was tracing his exposed tattoos with her finger, something he really enjoyed. Austin wasn’t always the most confident in his looks but that didn’t matter to her.
“He is”, she finally answered, “he’s a great guy. Usually very sweet and caring.. I think maybe him and me could be friends again..”
“Wow. Seems like you miss him. Should I be worried?”, he looked down at her.
She was still concentrated on his tattoos on his chest, when he said that but looked up at him to answer.
“No. Of course n-”, she started to deny but that was already enough for him to flip them over and pepper her with kisses and tickles, making her squeal and flail around, trying to escape his grasp.
It’s been a few days since (Y/N)’s new boyfriend arrived and Tom hated to admit it, but Austin Post was actually a decent guy, that he would probably even like if it wasn’t for him being with his ex-girlfriend, that he was very much still in love with. Austin’s likeability made Tom dislike him even more though. It would be so much easier if he were just an overall unpleasant bloke.
“So, Austin, how long are you staying?”, Zendaya asked him over breakfast.
“Uh just a couple more days”, he answered with his mouth still half full.
“Ah that’s nice. So you’ll still be here when Melanie arrives”, Tom spoke up.
(Y/N) almost broke her neck whipping her head around at the mention of that name.
She slammed down her cutlery, stood up and gestured for Tom to follow her, which he did.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”, she yelled once she was out of earshot.
“What’s wrong with me?”, Tom whipped around.
The girl was surprised by his outburst.
“Don’t you think it’s a little class-less to literally fly out your new guy?”, his tone turned condescending.
“Goddamnit, Tom! Are we still not over that? Everybody is flying their loved ones out, why shouldn’t I?”, (Y/N) was getting fired up now.
“I could ask you the same question, (Y/N). I’m merely having a good friend of mine visit me. What’s the difference?”
“The difference is, Tom, that you flew her out out of spite. You had no intention to have her visit you, before you found out that Austin was going to come visit. We are broke up. Do you expect me to stay single forever?”
“Well, you got over me awfully fast, didn’t you Sweetheart?”, he spat the last part, not even denying her accusation. (Y/N) couldn’t help but notice how handsome he looked with his hair unkempt from ruffling it in his frustration, but she chose to ignore those feelings bubbling up inside of her.
“Well, you made it awfully easy for me, Sweetheart!”, she mimicked him.
“And why is that? Because I helped a friend? Your jealousy ruined this relationship,(Y/N)!”, Tom didn’t mean what he said but he was too hurt to care at the moment.
“Yes, of course. I ruined this relationship. It wasn’t the fact that you literally moved in another girl?”, (Y/N) was being unfair now. She didn’t have a problem with Melanie at all. She never made a move at Tom or gave (Y/N) any other reason to disklike her. She was actually a really sweet girl. But (Y/N) was too hurt to care at the moment.
“You’re seriously worried about me having cheated on you? He is fucking rapper! What do you think he does when he’s on tour?”, Tom threw up his hands.
“Austin hasn’t given me any reason to doubt him. He’s been nothing but amazing to me. That’s more that I could say for you”, she dug at him.
To say that this didn’t hurt would’ve been a lie. Tom was taken aback for a moment before he just muttered a ‘fine’ and left her standing.
From then on it was radio silence between the two of them. (Y/N) was looking forward to the end of shooting. When she broke up with Tom, she didn’t anticipate this all to blow up in their faces like this. She didn’t want to create a hostile environment for anybody. She knew for a fact that Zendaya and Jacob felt uncomfortable with the current situation. They felt like the victims of a bad divorce. And even Tom seemed to be more down than she had seen him in a while.
(Y/N) greeted Melanie when she arrived but other than that she kept to herself. She dreaded the day Austin had to leave again because that would mean she’d be alone with Tom and Melanie.
Tom was happy to have Mel with him again. (Y/N) wasn’t the only one that was feeling bad about the whole situation. Instead of connecting with her again, he had just driven her away further.
However, neither of them could let go of their resentment. Both of them were desperate to get some kind of reaction out of the other.
“Here, Mel. You really gotta try these! They taste amazing”, Tom held his spoon out for Melanie to try the tasty dessert. Them sharing food wasn’t something out of the ordinary for them but usually Tom wouldn’t spoon-feed his friends. At this moment, though, he tried to be as animated as possible to make sure (Y/N) noticed.
And she did notice. It took a lot from her to not give him the reaction he was gunning for. Instead she made it a point to get really cozy with her new boyfriend to show her ex that she wasn’t bothered at all.
“Babe, not that I don’t enjoy making out with you but I know you’re doing this to get back at Tom”, Austin murmured in his lover ear after they parted their kiss. His husky voice was sending goosebumps down her spine - not least because she knew he was right.
“You should talk to him”
”Tom, can we talk?”, it took (Y/N) a great deal of convincing herself to make her way over to him.
Tom was surprised, he didn’t expect her to ever speak to him again but complied.
They made their way over to her trailer and sat down inside of it. Neither of them said a word. (Y/N) didn’t know why she was feeling so nervous. It’s just Tom.
Get yourself together, damnit. Deep breath and go...
“Tom.. I’m sorry”, she already had thought exactly of what what she was going to say but at the moment drew a complete blank.
“What for?”, Tom was being huffy.
“Everything. You are right. I shouldn’t have just flown Austin out. I should have at least talked to you beforehand. I really didn’t mean to hurt you...”
“Me neither”, Tom softened up.
For a moment they just sat in silence, but for the first time since they started shooting it wasn’t uncomfortable at all.
“I miss you, you know”, he looked up from his lap and into her eyes. She was about to answer, when he silenced her.
“I miss you so damn much and I hate seeing you with him. He seems like a great dude but (Y/N) be honest with me... Do you really love him?”
(Y/N) was taken aback. She did not expect that sort of question now.
“I.. I do”, she answered truthfully. Tom’s face fell. How could he be so stupid and still hope there’d be a future for them that’s anything but friendly.
“But it’s not the same... I love him. He’s amazing but he’s not you”
She felt so terrible for saying that. Austin has been nothing but loving to her and they haven’t fought once in all that time that they were together but being around Tom again showed her that there was something missing.
Tom perked up, he couldn’t believe his ears but when he properly registered her words a show stopping grin found it’s way on his face.
“That’s amazing. I mean not for him obviously but.. you know what I mean", Tom was excited. They could start over again and be better than they were before.
He noticed that (Y/N) didn’t share the same excitement as him.
“Love, are you okay? Are you not happy?”, Tom scooted closer to her.
“No, I am. It’s just, we can’t just pick up where we left off, Tom. We.. we.. Austin wasn’t the problem that broke us up to begin with. We can’t ignore everything that has been going on”, sounded desperate. It’s true though. Just because she didn’t feel the same way for her new boyfriend as she felt for Tom, didn’t mean all their other problems were gone.
Tom craddled her face in his hands.
“Darling, it’s going to be okay. Look at me. We won’t do the same mistakes again, okay?”, Tom leaned his forehead against hers. (Y/N) was always a rather anxious person that needed to be calmed down frequently, when she was freaking out.
She took a deep breath and relaxed into his touch. It was nice to feel his skin against hers again.
“You okay?”, Tom asked.
She nodded and a small smile found it’s way on her face.
At this moment Tom couldn’t resist anymore. It’s been too long that he had felt her lips against his but just as he was about to lean in she pulled back.
“What are you doing? Tom, I’m still in a relationship... It wouldn’t be fair to Austin if we’d started foolin aroung behind his back. Let me at least talk to him before we properly make-up”
Tom did feel a little disappointed but understood what she was saying.
“Not even a little peck?”, he tried but shut up when (Y/N) shot him a warning look. One could try...
Both of them exited her trailer. While (Y/N) made her way over to where Post was waiting, Tom joined Melanie and his co-stars again. Tom’s good mood didn’t go unnoticed though.
“What got you all smiles?”, Zendaya teased.
“I may or may not have made up with (Y/N)”, Tom bragged in a sing-song voice.
“Wait what? When did that happen? Not that I’m not happy for you but last time I saw her she was making out with Post Malone”, Zendaya was thrown off by the newly found information and while Tom explained the situation (Y/N) had to break the news to Austin.
She didn’t want to have this conversation but she was confident that she was naking the right decision.
“Hey, Babe. Did you two talk it out?”, Austin looked up from his phone when his girl approached him.
“Austin? Can we talk?”, it was the second time today that she would have to use that phrase. She couldn’t but to think how cliche she sounded.
“Oh oh. That doesn’t sound good”, his smile faded, “you’re not breaking up with me, are you?”
There was no need for her to answer his question because as soon as she teared up he got his answer.
“Nononono. Don’t cry, please”, he tried to soothe her which made her feel even worse. Why was he being so nice to her?
“What happened, (Y/N)?”
“We talked”
“I figured that much”
“Well, I apologized and so did he. We kinda made up”
“There is probably no use trying to convince you otherwise, huh?”, Austin had already admitted defeat.
“Probably not”
“I never stood a chance, did I? It’s always been him...”, he huffed out a laugh. He sounded disappointed but he was coping.
“That’s not true. I think you are one of the most remarkable people I’ve ever had the fortune of meeting but ...”
“But I’m not him”, Austin ended her sentence for her.
“I’m so sorry. I really do love you but being on set with him again just brought back all those feelings”
Both were just sitting there for a moment.
“But we’re still friends right?”, Austin broke the silence, looking at the girl across from him.
(Y/N) blinked for a few times.
“Of course”, she was so perplexed. She didn’t expect him to not be pissed at her. He chuckled when he saw how confused the girl was. He wasn’t mad at her. She had feelings for someone else. That’s something out of her control. He did however still want to have her in his life - even if it’d be just as friends.
“C’mere”, he held out his arms and engulfed her in a massive bear hug.
“I don’t understand. You’re not angry?”
“No, how could I? We’re cool”, he reassured her, “but I can’t promise I won’t write a song ot two about you”
“Well, I can’t blame you”
They both had a laugh about it but then the atmosphere became a little more serious again.
“I should go”, Austin broke the silence.
“You don’t have to”
“No front, but, (Y/N), I really don’t want to see you with Tom. At least not at the moment”, he explained to her.
(Y/N) just nodded. She didn’t want to make things worse for him. While he took the news like a pro, she could still see that he was hurt. He was not about to fight a battle he already knew he couldn’t win but it really wasn’t a good feeling to be left for someone else either.
The two of them hugged it out for a little while longer and then Austin made his way to leave the set back to his hotel room to pack his bags and fly home.
He stopped to say goodbye to the others. Eventhough he would rather not see Tom at the moment, just leaving without a word would be rude. Also, he was not about to leave with his tail between his legs. He was Post Malone after all.
When he approached the others their conversation died down and Tom’s bright smile disappeared completely. There was no way for him to know how the rapper would react. But the latter decided to not say anything at all.
Austin said his goodbyes and turned to leave but before he left, he told Tom something only they could hear.
Back in her hotel room, (Y/N) tried to relax after the long day she just had. The last time she was this exhausted was ages ago.
At the moment, she was getting ready to take a shower and go snuggle up in bed to get some sleep before she had to leave to shoot the next morning.
Just as she was about to hop under the warm, relaxing water, there was a knock on her door. (Y/N) didn’t expect anybody this late but she had an idea who it could be.
“Hello, Tom”, she greeted her lover.
“Can I come in? Or am I interrupting something?”, the actor looked the girl up and down. He couldn’t help but have his eyes linger a little as he couldn’t help but notice she was only dressed in a towel at the moment.
“I was just about to have a shower but you’re welcome to come in and wait”, she told him.
As he closed the door behind him she turned around and added, “or you could join me of course”
She made it sound like an option but that opportunity was too good for Tom to pass up.
Being underneath the water with him just felt right. He was a little taller than her so the water from his hair dripped down on her face as they were standing chest to chest. He leaned down and his lips met hers. She started smiling into the kiss nefore they parted.
“I missed this”, Tom’s voice was husky.
She did too. She wasn’t a fool, there was still a lot to work through but at this very moment everything just felt right. His body against hers felt right. His lips on hers felt right. Them together... felt so right.
“I love you, Tom”
Both of them were cuddled in bed dressed in the white, fluffy bathrobes the hotel provided, talking about anything and everything with the occasional kiss in between.
“It’s two o’clock already. We should really go to sleep if we want to be able to function tomorrow”, she reminded her boyfriend.
“At this point, I am tempted to pull an all-nighter, love”, he winked at her.
“An all-nighter doing what exactly?”, (Y/N) teased her man.
“You know? Before Post left he told me to be good to you and I think that’s exactly what I will be doing tonight”
“I really don’t think that’s what he meant, babe”, she laughed.
“Close enough for me”, he murmured as he leaned down to kiss her once again but most definitely not for the last time that night.
#tom holland imagine#tom holland x reader#post malone imagine#post malone x reader#spiderman imagine
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a night in | peter parker
summary: queens’ coolest friends group of smarty pants is back with fun sing-alongs, some life advice and a few hilarious childhood stories while peter can’t keep his hands off you
pairing: peter parker x reader
warnings: swearing and quick mentions of violence and vandalism
word count: 2.2k
song: Boys Ain’t Shit (feat. Tate McRae & Audrey Mika) by SAYGRACE
a/n: this is for everyone out there who would like some company on a boring friday night. just hang out with peter and the gang:)
↳ masterlist
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“These boys ain’t shit, I’m not here for it,” you sang on top of your lungs while holding the white blanket around the nape of your neck, hips moving to the beat.
“If you want me, act like it. Act like it!” MJ sang the next line and twirled around the kitchen counter while carelessly throwing her hands up in the air. You met halfway and locked eyes with each other, a sparkling gleam dancing in them.
“These boys get pissed. ‘Cause I won’t stand for it.” MJ threw her hair over her shoulder and you cheered her on, “If you want the sweet life then act like it!” The LED lights dunked your skin in vibrating pink.
You were just two careless girls, dancing and singing their hearts out on a Friday night while the music was blasting through the speakers. “Run it backwards, don’t be such an asshole, run it backwards, run it, run it back— “
Suddenly the joyful moment ended when the music was abruptly turned off. Your heads snapped to the door, ready to cuss out the person who cruelly paused your music.
When the harsh lights were switched on, you could see them standing in the doorway: Your very confused boyfriend and his amused best friend, each of them holding bags of food.
“So this is what you do when we’re gone for ten minutes?” Ned asked with a grin on his face while setting his stuff on the kitchen counter. MJ rolled her eyes at him and fished out a can of soda, replying, “Always. Next thing on the list would be a pillow fight and a makeover.”
You walked to the living room to put away your fluffy blanket and called out, “Don’t forget sneaking out to meet up with leather jacket-wearing biker gangs.” As you turned back around, two strong arms slung around your waist and the familiar curls were nestled into the side of your face as Peter placed soft kisses on your neck.
Melting into his embrace right away, you smiled at his affectionate greeting. “Missed me?”
“You tell me,” he mumbled into your neck and you giggled slightly at the vibration, “I’m gone for two seconds and my girlfriend sings about boys not being shit.”
You gently removed him from your neck before he could reach your sweet spot and rested your hands at the back of his neck to face him. A sweet pout was resting on his puckered lips and you couldn’t help but peck them, immediately conjuring a smile.
“I was just jamming out to a song with MJ.” He cocked his head to the side to mutely question the song choice, but you just shrugged. “Besides,” you said with a smirk while playing with his hair, “you know, you ain’t shit, Parker.”
He gasped at you and placed his hand over his chest, making you laugh at his dramatic gesture. “But I love you anyway.” You leaned forward and captured his cold lips with yours.
The familiar warmth promptly welcomed you and rose from your stomach to your chest and the distinct chatter of your friends quickly vanished into the background. Peter melted into the kiss and you smiled at the impact you had on him.
When you pulled back, he instantly pressed your waist closer, prolonging the soft-lipped kiss. Not wanting to let go either, you moved your lips with his whilst soft curls slipped through your fingertips.
When his tongue glided over your bottom lip to ask for permission to enter, you had to fight everything in you to not let him take control and instead, reluctantly pulled away, leaving your lips disappointedly cold again.
“We wanted to spend the evening with MJ and Ned, remember?”
“They have food in there, they’ll be fine,” he waved you off and went in for another kiss, but you turned your head to the side, making him peck your cheek instead.
“Come on Pete, we promised them.” Groaning slightly, he pouted again and you wanted nothing more than to just plant thousands of kisses on his soft lips. Instead, you dragged him back into the kitchen.
And that’s how the four of you ended up on the living room floor, eating takeout pizza and exchanging embarrassing childhood stories.
You were cuddled in between your boyfriend’s legs and listening to Ned’s funny memory as Peter mindlessly drew circles on your waist with his fingers.
“And because nobody was paying attention to him, I had no other choice but to scream out his name while preparing myself for the impact!”
“You had to prepare yourself for the impact?” you laughed and MJ shook her head with a look of disapproval on her face, though she couldn’t help but grin herself, “You yeeted the poor blind kid across the playground!” You burst out laughing.
“Dude, pushing over a blind guy is not cool,” Peter chocked out between his laughter, your back feeling his chest vibrate.
“I was on a swing!” Ned defended, still aware that it was all kinds of messed up, “What kindergarten teacher lets a blind kid walk up to the swings?! That’s child neglectment!”
Everyone burst out laughing again, tears were almost streaming down your face. Eyeing your half-eaten pizza, you turned your head and handed it to Peter who wordlessly grabbed it and took a bite off it.
You smiled up at him and loved how he had a great time. He deserved every second of joy and happiness. Noticing you stare at him, he curiously looked down at you and you just silently exchanged warm smiles. A sparkling gleam was dancing in your eyes and Peter felt his heart flutter again.
Sometimes he couldn’t get over the fact that you were his. The funniest, smartest and kindest girl out there was sitting in between his legs, sharing her pizza with him. God, he was lucky.
He bent down and pecked your lips. Your nose scrunched at the heavy taste of onions, but Peter just gave you a lopsided grin.
“So what happened next?” MJ asked and picked up a bag of skittles off the floor, ripping it open to hand it to Ned.
It was an unspoken rule in your group that he always gets the bag first since he only eats the red skittles.
“Our parents were called in and I was expelled for the rest of the day,” Ned explained sheepishly and picked out his skittles.
“Getting expelled in kindergarten,” you chuckled, “Ned Leeds, you are a wild one.” He shrugged with a huge grin on his face, returning the bag of sweets to MJ.
“Well, if you want to talk about being a wild one, how about you share a story now, babe?” Peter nudged your side and you grimaced, nibbling on your bottom lip.
MJ nodded while leaning back on her arms, “It’s your turn.”
“Yeah,” Ned agreed, “I know like nothing about your childhood.”
You snatched the skittles bag from MJ and acted like you were deeply invested in picking out a specific colored skittle. “Because there’s nothing to tell,” you mumbled, clearly embarrassed of your younger self, but as always, Peter caught it with his enhanced hearing.
“Your mom told me what you were like as a child. There’s plenty to tell!” he urged and you elbowed him, but he just snickered, finding it adorable that you believed you could hurt him in any way.
“You seriously need to stop having dinner with my mom.” You deadpanned but you just felt him shrug.
“She makes the best lasagna.”
The others agreed, “She really does.”
“Bless that woman’s lasagna.”
You groaned and threw the bag in the middle of the floor for the others to grab. “Since when is everybody having dinner with my mom?”
“You wouldn’t know, you’re never home.” MJ shrugged, causing a pang of guilt in your chest.
“I get it, I’m too busy,” you mumbled while playing with the sweets in your hands.
“Well,” Ned eyed you and glanced at Peter who was absentmindedly playing with your hair, “you do have a lot on your plate with all the extracurriculars. You can always drop some, you know.”
Sensing the growing discomfort, Peter let go of your hair and hugged you from behind, pressing you against his chest. You naturally melted into his embrace and his heartbeat calmed you down.
“I guess I could drop one or two,” you mumbled and the others gazed at you knowingly.
“You know,” MJ spoke up in her monotonous voice that indicated that she tried to be gentle, “there’s nothing wrong with giving up on something if you don’t enjoy it anymore. No shame in that.”
“She’s right,” Peter encouraged, “babe, you don’t have to keep going just because you don’t want to let other people down. Whether it is the marching band or the speech and debate team, they’ll be fine without you. Do what makes you happy.”
The others agreed and the corners of your mouth turned up. You were grateful for moments like these with your friends.
They were right, you haven’t had dinner at home with your mom for a while now and you couldn’t even remember the last time you properly talked to her or even to your friends. You were always out, always doing something and always trying to please somebody.
“Thanks guys, I really needed this.”
MJ gave you a two-finger way and Ned beamed at you. You felt Peter place a gentle kiss on the top of your head and you honestly never wanted this evening to end.
“Anyway,” Ned announced loudly, “before we got all emotional, it was Y/n’s turn to share an embarrassing childhood story.”
The others nodded and you plastered a smile on your face, deciding on telling them a rather harmless story of your childhood. They would get to hear the cooler ones eventually.
“So,” you clapped your hands together and set the scene, “when I was 6 years old, I had to pop into the store around the corner to get some eggs for my mom since she was sick and on bed rest. But on my way home, I ran into this boy who I had a crush on and I was super embarrassed because I was wearing these pink barbie pajamas that I really did not want him to see me in.” You rolled your eyes at your younger self.
“But there was no way to hide from him since he was coming my way and I had to go down the street from the direction that he came from.”
“Very thrilling,” Ned commented while popping mini pretzels into his mouth. MJ swatted him with her hand to shut him up. You smiled at that motion and continued,
“But to my luck, a police car just pulled up and what my 6-year-old super brain immediately came up with was that instead of letting him think that I was a girly wimp, I could be a super cool badass right in front of him.”
“Of course what every 6-year-old aspires to be,” Peter snorted and Ned added, “Understandably.”
You jokingly rolled your eyes at them. “So I pulled out the eggs and threw them on the windshield of that police car while also making sure that the boy witnessed it all.”
Ned slapped his hand on his forehead, staring at you bewildered, whereas MJ just proudly grinned at you.
“Obviously, the cops jumped out of the car and chased me down. Clearly haven’t thought it through, I ran as fast as I could to escape them but when I passed the boy, he tripped me!”
A collective gasp left their mouths as they gaped at you with wide eyes.
“Turns out, he was the cop’s son,” you paused for dramatic effect, “and he was disgustingly proud of having stopped me.” Peter let out an irritated huff and you mindlessly rubbed circles into his arm.
“When the cops asked me why I did what I did, I obviously told them the truth because you know I suck at lying. The boy, of course, had to hear all of it and was just as awkward about it as me.” A small laugh escaped your lips as you remembered the memory clearly. “To my luck, they found it adorable, so they just drove me home with a simple warning,” you ended your story and popped another skittle into your mouth.
Ned shook his head at you comically, “Nope Y/n, I take everything back. You are the wild one. Shoving a blind kid doesn’t sound that bad anymore compared to your story.”
“It’s still just as bad, Ned,” MJ interjected and gave him a pointed look.
Peter leaned forward to catch your gaze. “I can’t believe you did that.” He smiled at you amused but you just shrugged it off and grinned at him.
“It’s nice to be wanted, you know?”
He stared at you horrified as everybody laughed. “Not by the law!”
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quarantine sucks, i miss my friends:( anyway, this was a lot of fun to write so feel free to leave some feedback, send in requests or talk to me!
check out more of my stuff on my masterlist and if you don’t, that’s fine too. buh-bye!
#i think a night in with them would be so much fun damn#man i need friends who like to stay in#what i would give to have a cool night with mj and ned#spiderman#marvel#mcu#peter parker x reader#peter parker drabble#peter parker#peter parker one shot#peter parker imagine#fluff#peter parker fluff#ned and mj
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WINNER - j.s*
A/N: Sorry, again, for the long wait. I really am terrible at being consistent. Nonetheless, here is some smut from our favourite bastard, Jon Snow.
Requested: Yes, anonymous
Character(s): Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Word Count: 2309
It was the big night, the night of the annual banquet. I was in Lady Sansa's room, helping her get ready for the feast. "I saw my brother looking at you the other day." She told me as I laced up her dress.
"I don't think this is appropriate, Lady Sansa." I kept my head down as I continued working on her dress. "You might be my maid, Y/N, but you're still my friend." Her head turned around as she spoke, a small smile spread across her lips. "Thank you, my lady." My mind began to race, 'What brother did she mean? Does she know?'.
"I can see you thinking, Y/N," She turned her head back around to face the cold, stone wall. "It was Jon." Although she was no longer facing me, I could nearly hear the smirk in her voice. My actions stopped as she spoke. "I'm sure it was nothing." I said, trying to change the subject. "I can tell he likes you. You've always been close," Sansa pushed on.
It was true, though. My mother was the head cook in the Winterfell kitchens and Jon was a bastard so we were always pushed to the side, ignored. We were able to find comfort in each other's company.
When we were young, it was purely platonic. But as we got older, our opinions changed, and we started to explore more. It's been around 2 years since we first slept with each other and our affections have only grown since then. We've decided to keep our relationship a secret, though. If anybody found out, I could risk losing my job as Sansa's handmaiden, or even my mother's job. Sansa knew we were close but that's all she knew, and I really wanted to keep it that way.
"You should try something tonight!" Sansa exclaimed. "I don't think that's appropriate, my lady." I shook my head as I finished lacing up her dress. "Look," She began as she turned around. "Just try something, anything. Just to see if he likes you. Please, for me."
I moved over to her dressing table to grab her necklace. I attached the necklace and turned to face the girl. "Fine." A breath left my mouth and a smile appeared across her lips. I knew that I wouldn't try anything out of the ordinary, but she wouldn't need to know that.
Laughter filled the room and alcohol flowed freely from golden goblets. A jug rested in my hand as I observed the banquet hall from the edges of the room. The Starks sat at the head of the table, wine flowing through them and smiles on every one of their faces.
My eyes scanned the room, looking for a particular person. But he wasn't sat with this family. Jon Snow, bastard of the infamous Ned Stark, was pushed to the end of the table, on his own. My heart felt for the man. He had never done anything wrong to the Starks and yet, they seemed to hate him.
His eyebrows were knitted together and a pout was clear on his plump lips. His eyes also scanned the crowd before landing on mine. A smirk slid onto his face as he caught my gaze. 'He's thinking about the deal.' I thought to myself.
At some point last week, Jon had proposed a challenge. "We should see how long we can go without having sex. The first one to give in loses." His voice replayed in my head clearly. "Prepare to lose, Snow." The deal was still in play and neither one of us had given in yet. And I was determined to win.
"Y/N." My name on his lips was like a sin, beautiful but irresistible. He waved his hand and gestured for me to come over to his seat. My feet shuffled in his direction, nervous of what was about to come. No more words left his mouth, instead he pointed at his empty goblet that sat before him.
But, to get to the goblet, I would have to bend over the table. "You really are a bastard." I whispered under my breath. Cautiously, I began to bend over the table to reach the goblet. As my fingers grasped it, I felt something slide down my back and to my bottom.
Jon squeezed and an inaudible whimper left my mouth. I stood up immediately, the cup still in hand, but Jon was not finished. His hands remained on my ass, pinching and slapping wherever he could, not caring about the stares of others. Nobody even cared about us anyway.
"Why have you stopped, princess?" He questioned and looked at the cup in one hand and the jug in the other. I carefully placed the cup onto the table and poured more wine in, trying my hardest not to spill anything. Once I had finished, I stepped away from the table and bowed. "My Lord." I smirked. Although he was no lord, he loved to be called it. But only in private.
The smile on his lips faded as he heard my words. Turning my back, I sauntered away, my heart threatening to jump out of my throat.
That night was torturous. I wanted nothing more than Jon to come crawling through the door to the servant's chambers and take me back to his room. I would have never thought that this deal would be so difficult.
I could almost feel his hands across my thighs, his hot breath on my neck and his sweet words in my ear, "Come on princess, cum for me." A quiet moan slipped from my lips, I had to try and not wake the other servants in the room. I just needed something, whether that was Jon or revenge, I had yet to find out.
The next day I spent by Sansa's side. She was incessantly asking me about the night before and what happened with Jon. It hurt me but I kept myself quiet and didn't tell her anything. She had also suggested that we watch the Stark men and Jon train. So we did.
We stood on the overlook point in the Winterfell courtyard. Snow drifted from the white sky to taint the muddy floor. The sun still beamed through the clouds and illuminated the whiteness of Winterfell. It was truly magical.
But my eyes strayed away from the snow and to something else. Jon Snow and his half-brother Robb Stark. And surely was a sight to behold. Despite the weather, sweat dripped from their brows. Jon had some of his hair tightly pulled back into a bun while the rest of it layed just above his broad soldiers.
Occasionally he would glance over at Sansa and I, a smile upon his lips and cynical thoughts in his head. But little did he know my own plan that I had conjured in my own head. It was wrong, I knew it was. But I was desperate to win. I had to prove this to Jon, and I was prepared to take any means necessary.
"Y/N, I'm going back to my chambers to do some sewing. Would you care to join me? You are permitted to do as you please." Her auburn hair glowed in the light of the courtyard. "Thank you, my Lady, but I think I'm going to stay out here for a while." She nodded and I curtsied before she began her walk back to her own chambers.
It was time for the plan to be set into motion. I was going to flirt with Robb Stark, in front of my lover, his bastard brother; Jon Snow.
"Y/N, how lovely it is for you to join us." Robb greeted me as I made my way down the wooden steps into the courtyard where the men were training. "Lady Sansa was busy so I thought I would join you, my lords." I replied with a smile spread tightly across my lips.
Robb returned the smile and walked over to me, his arms open wide. His sudden gesture of affection was surprising, but it worked well with my plan so I went along with it. He squeezed me in his embrace and I wrapped my arms around him, making sure that Jon saw every move I made.
As we pulled away, I could feel his icy stare on me. I caught his gaze, anger surging through his chocolate eyes, his hands screwed into fists. 'This is easier than I thought it would be.' I thought to myself.
We spent a few minutes talking and laughing with each other, but my eyes were focused on Jon. His stare never left us. "Thank you for your company, my lords, but I'm afraid I must attend to Lady Sansa." Robb gave me another warm smile and a quick hug before I left to go straight to Jon's chambers.
The plan was working perfectly.
I could hear Jon's heavy footsteps following behind me, my heart was pounding out of my chest in pure excitement. I started to sprint, making it into Jon's room just before he did. Quickly, I made my way onto his bed and waited for him to come into the room.
His dark eyes cast a fiery gaze over me. "Jon, how are you?" I asked nonchalantly. He looked up at me and when his eyes landed on my figure, his eyebrows raised accusatorily. 'Perfect.' And he did look perfect. With a light layer of sweat across his light skin. His dark eyes boring into me. His fists clenched by his side. I was dripping with anticipation.
Jon took one step towards me so I stood up, our eyes directly connected. He continued to move towards me until I was pressed against the wall, chest heaving so much it brushed against Jon's with every breath. Emotions raged through my head, it was like thousands of volts were pulsing through me.
Even though I could barely control the shaking in my hands, I straightened my back and stood my ground even though I knew I had done something wrong. "We were just talking Jon, relax." I lifted my shaking hands up to rest on his shoulders and his eyes set ablaze.
"You knew exactly what you were doing." He tore my hands from his shoulders and pinned them against the stone wall. "Jon, the bet." I breathed as his plump lips got closer to mine. "Fuck the bet, you're mine,"
His eyes were blown with fury and lust but there was something else deep within his eyes. Could it be love? Or just more anger?
Suddenly, he leant down and captured my lips in a possessive kiss, tongues battling while heat pooled in my panties. Somehow during the kiss, Jon's hands had traveled to my breasts, where he quickly began to play with my nipples. A low, whimpering moan escaped my lips but Jon pulled away from me panting.
"Take your clothes off and bend over the table." He commanded roughly as he started to removed his armour and undershirt. "Yes, my lord." A whimper left his throat as the words left mine. Whenever I called Jon 'My Lord', he would crumble to his knees.
Once we were both completely bare, I moved over to the table and followed Jon's order. The wood was freezing cold and sent shudders down my spine. I was going to complain about the table the being too cold when I suddenly felt the warmth of Jon's body against my own, sending shudders of anticipation to my core.
His rock hard cock was pressed against my ass and slowly the warmth of his torso pressed against my back until his mouth was right beside my ear. "You're mind, Y/N. And after this, the only thing you'll be able to say is my name." He hissed in my ear.
"I'm all yours, my Lord. Fuck me, please." I whined. And with that, he thrust his dick so deep inside of me that I almost lost control of my body and my eyes rolled back into my head. His immediate pace was just as ruthless, each thrust shoving my hips into the wooden table until I was certain that I'd be completely bruised for weeks.
Jon grabbed my hair and pulled me flush up against him, continuing his brutal pace and bringing one hand down to rub my clit. Animistic whimpers and moans were leaving both of our mouths and I wasn't entirely sure if I was going to stay conscious when I orgasmed, which was very soon.
Jon's lips were removed from my neck when he let out a quick groan and said, "I'm so close, Y/N, cum for me darling." Immediately the coil that had been building up inside me burst and sent searing pleasure to every muscle and nerve in my body.
Had Jon not been holding me up, I would have collapsed onto the cold stone floor. But his grip was as strong as iron as he buried his cum deep inside of me. When both of us had calmed down and cleaned up, Jon lead me to his bed.
We curled into each other, my head resting against his muscular chest. "I win." I giggled. A smirk slid onto Jon's lips, "I'm the real winner." A snort left my mouth as our lips entwined once again.
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First Kiss
"She here yet?" I turned to Andy, my best mate. We were throwing a small party at our flat tonight. I was lurking across from the door waiting for the girl I'd fallen head over heels for to show up.
"Not yet." I turned back, bringing my corona up to my lips eyes not leaving the front door, as another group entered. Still no Y/N.
"What are you going to do when she shows up?”
"I dunno.”
"Talking to her would probably be a good step. She's still writing that script, why don't you talk to her about that…"
"Do you think she'll want to talk about that?”
"Sure, don't see why not." Andy leaned on the wall. "What if she doesn't come.”
"Then I'll probably end up getting hammered and walking to her flat.”
"Again." Andy chuckled. "At least last time you weren't that drunk that you couldn't think on your feet.”
"It still wasn't the best excuse," I mumbled, already knowing where Andy was going with this. "But she brought it, for the most part.”
"And what was the excuse again?" Andy shrugged his shoulders. "I seem to be drawing a blank…"
"I'm serious, just want to make sure that you don't use the same one again.”
"Why are we mates." I groaned and threw my head back against the wall. "I believe it was something like, 'I'm sorry I thought this was my house.'... God, I'm an idiot.”
"Nah, just a lovesick fool. Look who just walked in." My eyes snapped open, walking through the door was Y/N and Elissa her best-friend. They were laughing already. Y/N had a bottle of whisky in her hand, carrying it down by her side as she greeted one of our many mutual friends. God, she looked perfect, hair curled down her back, and her outfit, the thing I liked about Y/N amongst others is that she always looked amazing. She never overdressed, but she never looked too casual. "She looks fit tonight.”
"Andy..." Andy held his hands up in defence against my warning.
"I'm just saying." He chuckled. "ELISSA, Y/N." He hollered across the room. "Welcome ladies." The girls started to make their way over to us, pushing through the crowd.
"What the fuck are you doing," I whispered harshly.
"Shut up. I'm getting you closer to what you want." Andy held his hands out waiting for both girls to tuck themselves under his arms. "Look at you two, looking lovely as always.”
"Thanks, Andy, George" Elissa smiled wrapping an arm around me in a quick hug. "Good to see you back in the motherland.”
"Yeah, good to be back." I released her and looked at Y/N. "Hey Y/N." She smiled and unwrapped from Andy and launched at me. Arms wrapping around my waist.
“Ned Kelly, is that you?" She joked before pulling back to look at me. "It's so good to see you again." I chuckled as she kissed my cheek. "How are you, Georgie?" I nodded my head, not trusting my voice.
"How about a drink? I've got four shot glasses in the kitchen with our names on them." Andy grabbed onto Elissa. "Follow me.”
"Just go up and talk to her George." Elissa, Andy and I were sitting on the lounge, looking right at Y/N being chatted up by none other than Troy, a half friend of mine and Andy's. The guy you invite him to parties, but not the guy you really want the girl you're interested in chatting to. "What have you got to lose?"
"My dignity," I mumbled picking up another corona. I took a swig as I watched Troy help Y/N up so she was sitting on the kitchen counter, legs dangling off the edge.
"You lost that the night you showed up to our flat, off tits," Elissa muttered. Andy chuckled under his breath. "I'm sorry I thought this was my house..." Elissa mimicked me, falling into a round of laughter with Andy.
"Why am I friends with the two of you." Andy wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me into him.
"Because Elissa and I are the types of people who'll go distract Troy over there so you can snake some time with Y/N." Without another word the pair got up and walked over to Troy. Elissa started their conversation, jumping right in. She ran a hand up and down his arm, laughing at all the things he said while Andy placed himself between them. I watched as Andy made a drink motion to Troy and Elissa, practically dragging him away from Y/N.
"Fuck it," I muttered standing up, corona left forgotten on the floor by the lounge. "Carpe Diem," I mumbled remembering something Charlie once told me on the set of The True History of the Kelly Gang. I walked up to Y/N smiling as I stood in front of her. “Shot?"
"A shot with the George MacKay, who am I to say no." She giggled, winking as she picked up two nearby shot glasses. I reached around her and grabbed a bottle of Whisky and a bottle of Vodka, holding them out for her to pick.
"Whisky, definitely the whisky." I unscrewed the cap and made quick work of pouring the two small glasses to the top
"Salute." We chanted before throwing the shots back. "Another." She demanded, legs swinging on the bench. We repeated the process three more times before we switched to a slightly less potent mix. "I'm glad your back Georgie, London hasn't quite been the same..." She held onto my hand. Eyes wide with excitement. "But you don't seem happy. What's wrong?”
"What was Troy talking to you about?" I moved in closer to her, so she could talk without needing to yell. Her mouth rested by my ear, breath tickling the skin every time she exhaled.
"He wanted to ask me something." She replied, her legs wrapped around my waist and pulled me into her. Her arms around my neck, hugging me tightly. "I'm sorry, I need a George hug, it's been far too long. Being deprived of the best hugs in the world..." She whispered into my ear.
"What did he want to ask you." I pried further hoping she was drunk enough to tell me without asking questions trying to ignore the sensation of her skin lighting mine on fire with every touch.
"He wanted to ask me out." That piece of utter shit. "I told him I couldn't because I would be too busy." She continued.
"You're busy these days then?" I mumbled, holding onto her. She smiled and nodded her head.
"Too busy being infatuated with you.”
"I like you George, as stupid and as blind as you are, I really like you." I pulled away, watching her.
"You like me?" She nodded her head, biting down on her lip.
"A lot." She looked down at her outfit, the tight jeans and the deep plunging shirt. "Why do you think I'm wearing this obscene thing for? It's not just cause' I've got great tits." I looked down at them, smirking as she spoke. She did indeed have a great rack. "Its because I was hoping that somewhere in that beautiful head of yours you'd realise that you like me as I like you.”
"I do like you." I held onto her face, running my thumb over her perfectly plump lips. "I've had this nagging bloody crush on you for the last year." She giggled. "Do you know how annoying it was when you were dating Trevor." I pushed some hair behind her ear. "I mean what kind of fucking name is Trevor.”
"Let me tell you, moaning George is a lot more fun." I took a step back, shocked by her admission.
"And how would you know that?" She shrugged innocently. Bottom lip slipping between her teeth for only a second.
"I have to keep myself busy while you're away somehow." She giggled again. "No point flirting if I didn't get to flirt with you."
"Are you saying." I spared a quick look around, making sure no one could overhear the words I was about to say to the woman in front of me. "That late at night, when I've been away you've touched yourself thinking of me.”
"If you don't kiss me, I think I'm going to have to go off by myself and take care of myself again." She didn't even flinch when my arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer to me than I thought I'd ever get her. She didn't offer up any protest when my mouth attached to hers, god it feels so right that everything around us melted away. The loud thumping of the music, the laughter. Nothing else existed. Just her and me.
I could write novels on the way her tongue drags against mine; gently, but with an urgency and neediness that sends shivers through me. And when she moans against my lips it's like a symphony she's performing just for me.
I was the first to pull back and glance around us. Most people are too busy mingling to notice and the thrill is enticing, but she pushes me back, dropping to the floor before tugging me over to my bedroom door. I push it open and push her through the door, hands finding her hips as she pushes me back against my own door.
"This private enough for you?" I ask she musters up a quick nod before she's moving back in, running her fingers through my hair as I deepen the kiss.
A/N: If you have a prompt you want to be filled let me know.
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Catch Me If You Can (Peter Parker x Reader)
I looked around, sighing in frustration. It was not comfortable waiting for someone during the winter, in New York. And choosing a rooftop was definitely not a good idea.
I was waiting for Peter, a close friend of mine, I had told him to meet me immediately and told him it was very urgent. There wasn’t anything wrong, it was just that my paranoia had me under control, driving me mentally sick because for days, maybe weeks I had just one question in my head: could Peter...be Spider-Man?
It all had started when he ‘got an internship in the Stark Industries’. He constantly ditched me, showed up late everywhere, left me and Ned with all the work we had for our science project and Ms. Parker started asking me questions to see if I knew why Peter kept sneaking out at night. If he was Spider-Man, all of these would make sense along with some other small details I noticed. Maybe I was just watching too much Sherlock. But no matter what, I had to know. I just had to have an answer.
“(Y/N)!” Peter’s screaming made me jump in fear, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I turned to face him as he rushed in front of me. “What is going on? What is so urgent you wanted to meet here, in the middle of the night?” His voice reflecting his anger.
“I-I have to tell you something.” Ask you something. Ask! Why am I so nervous?
“What? What is it?”
“I know.” I was only capable of saying those two words. Even though I had this conversation practiced in my head a dozen times, I couldn’t help but be nervous.
“What? Know what?” He chuckled nervously, making me more confident of myself.
“I know Peter! So-so you better explain yourself before I-“
“(Y/N)! You know what? Just tell me!”
“Why you sneak out at night, why you always ditch me, have scarves all over you, a-and whenever you’re gone stuff, you know, happens! I am not an idiot.”
I saw the shock in his eyes as his mouth opened, no word coming out.
“Y-you, I don’t know what you’re saying. I have no clue. Zero, like-like none, you know what-“
“Peter! Just admit it.”
“Admit what? You’re freaking me the hell out.” He said, trying to act all cool.
“Admit who you are.”
“We’ve been friends since elementary school, don’t you kn-“
“Peter!” I shouted again. “I know you’re Spider-Man.”
“W-what? I-I’m not Spider-Man! What the hell?” He said, laughing nervously again.
“Oh you’re not?” I asked sarcastically.
“Of course not!”
“So you’re doing all those things becaausseee?”
“The Stark Internship! I’ve been saying- Do you even ever listen to me?”
“Oh, yeah, right, that! Why couldn’t I think of that! So what do you do in this ‘internship’?”
“(Y/N), you sound so crazy right know.”
“C-crazy? Me?” I took a few steps back, running my hands through my hair. I was freaking the hell out.
“Yeah you! You know what, I’ll prove it to you. Show you where I work, introduce you-“
“P-prove it to me?” I asked, as the words left my mouth, an idea popped into my head. I turned my back to Peter, facing the view up from the rooftop we were standing in.
“Yes! How about tomorrow? I promise.”
I didn’t answer, I just walked towards the edge. I saw the ground, God, how high is this building?
I turned back to face Peter, with a creepy grin on myself. “Peter, you’re telling me you’re not...”
“Not Spider-Man!”
I took a few more steps towards the edge.
“(Y/N) What are you-“
“So that would mean...” I looked down at the ground again before looking at him over my shoulder.
“You couldn’t do anything, you know, if I happened to slip and-“
“No no no no I don’t like where this is going.” He walked towards me, there were still a long distance between us.
“So if I jump,” I stepped on the sides.
“...You couldn’t catch me.”
“You are being insane! Get back down, please!”
“Not until you tell me who you are.”
He walked towards me, “N-no! Come any closer and I’ll jump.”
“Okay, okay!” He stopped, holding his hands up in the air. “Just please, for the love of god, get down from there.”
“Peter, admit it.” I said, my voice more confident. I knew no matter what, he could catch me. He was Spider-Man.
“Well, I guess, I am going to die...” I took one more step. And that was it, there was no more space left.
“Get down there, please! I. AM. NOT. SPIDER-MAN.”
I took a deep breath. My heart was pounding in my chest. I heard him talking, but I wasn’t listening anymore. I knew there was only one way to find out.
I let myself go, backwards into the darkness. He shouted my name, and I caught a sight of him running towards the edge. That was the last thing I saw before I shut my eyes. Just in a few seconds, I found myself in his arms, my face buried in his shoulder. We were...up in the air. My brain couldn’t function what was happening. I opened my eyes when my feet touched the ground.
“Oh my god.” I breathed out as I looked at him. We were safe on the ground.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he held my face, looking into my eyes.
“Y-yes. I knew it.”
He wrapped his arms around me. “Don’t ever do that again. You scared the living shit out of me.”
I closed my eyes as I hugged his neck. “It’s okay. I knew you would catch me.”
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A/N: If there was a way to describe how Peter Parker looked while he was talking to the reader, it would definitely be the gif of Matt Smith in Doctor Who. There is absolutely no doubt about that in my mind. The only thing from Homecoming is the videos from the beginning and the compound moving.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 Part 5 Part 6
The next week was seemingly never ending, from your perspective. You were alone in the Avengers Tower, except for the occasional government worker strolling around. That left you with your worries for the team and, more importantly, Tony’s and Peter’s well being. You couldn’t believe that Tony would bring a kid to fight against highly trained Avengers. You could only imagine Aunt May’s sorrow if her last remaining family member was killed doing something that she couldn’t have possibly known about.
Ned noticed your change of attitude during school as you tried to maintain your grades with the newfound stress your father had accidentally placed on you. At first, he teased you that you weren’t the same because Peter wasn’t there, but stopped when you didn’t laugh or brush it off in any way. “Y/N, I was just joking,” Ned said carefully, “Is everything okay?”
You tried to smile. “Yeah, I just haven’t been sleeping well,” you mentioned before lying, “My father has a work thing for the week and it’s just hard to fall asleep by myself.”
Nodding, Ned offered, “How about we have a movie night then? Maybe killing your eyes will make you too tired to even think about being awake.” You laughed a bit at the mention. The suggestion was entirely platonic since Ned knew how you felt about Peter. He was trying to see what Peter thought of you, but found it harder to read his best friend’s emotions as easily as he once was able to.
“That sounds like fun,” you answered sincerely. It was Friday, so you didn’t have to worry about school work just yet and longed to spend some time with one of your friends. “Since Peter isn’t here, we can actually watch something besides The Empire Strikes Back!” The boy was obsessed with the second Star Wars
“Maybe we can finally move onto Return of the Jedi,” Ned joined in on the joke. “I’ll text you a time and you’ll text me where you live?” You nodded, deciding that you’d rather have company than keep your secret. Besides, you could trust Ned. He was one of your closest friends.
That night, you were checking your phone constantly to see if your dad would contact you in any way. You didn’t reply to Peter’s text concerning a secret he found out about you, so you weren’t expecting a text from him. He was fighting in Germany anyway. No time to text when you’re Spiderman. The fact still shocked you severely, but you focused your nervous energy on setting up the movie night with Ned.
Your phone rang, making you run over to the table and look hurriedly. It was Ned so you breathed out to calm yourself down. You picked it up and Ned just began talking without letting you say anything. “Hey,” he rambled, “Are you sure you gave me the right address, because I’m pretty sure this is the building Tony Stark’s penthouse is in. Are you in another apartment building around here? I don’t see many arou-”
“Tell the doorman that Y/N invited you,” you cut him off with a nervous laugh.
Ned sounded star struck. “Okay.” The click signified the call ending and you made sure that the system was working properly. You might be able to keep up with Tony, but sometimes the TV system bested you in your darkest moments. Your phone began exploding with the amount of frenzied texts Ned was sending you. Apparently the doorman was leading him to the door. You opened it with a smile before tipping the doorman and pulling the shocked Ned in. “Please don’t freak out,” you said before Ned could even comprehend what is going on.
“You’re- you’re-”
“A Stark, yeah,” you finished his sentence, “And I really want this to stay a secret.” When Ned didn’t reply, you waved a hand in front of his face. “You catch my drift?”
“How is this even possible?”
“I’m Tony Stark’s daughter,” you explained, “My mom isn’t with him anymore. They got divorced after having me.” You began setting up the snacks before looking up. “Is this weird? This is probably strange.” Ned only nodded with wide eyes. “Does this change our friendship?” He shook his head quickly.
It took him a few seconds to form another sentence. “Does anyone else know?”
“No one,” you stated, “And you aren’t going to tell anyone, right?” He shook his head again.
“Your dad is Iron Man!” Better he had his little freak out in private instead of at school.
You nodded before asking, “So what movie do you want to watch?” Ned, still shocked at how casual you were handling this and at the overall evening, stated some random movie. He barely watched it, wanting to know more about being related to Tony Stark and how you got to this point of your life.
“Why didn’t you tell everyone?” Ned asked one more question before he had to go home.
Sighing, you leaned on the doorframe and looked at Ned. You were acting very nonchalantly, but you knew that you were hiding something rather important and you hoped that they wouldn’t hate you for keeping it a secret. “I didn’t want people to think I got into Midtown because of my father,” you revealed, “Plus, I didn’t really want to popular because of my last name.” Ned nodded, still slightly dazed.
Having Ned to hang out with took your mind off the unease you felt about your dad and Peter. In return, you answered all his questions, feeling slightly relieved that at least one of your friends knew who you actually are. You still had no idea if Peter knew that you were a Stark or anything like that. F.R.I.D.A.Y. informed you the next morning that the team would be returning later in the day so you arranged to be at the airport to greet Tony and potentially Peter.
Once the airplane landed, you let out a sigh of relief. You would have been notified if anyone was seriously injured, you told yourself. Knowing that Steve, Wanda, and Sam wouldn’t be on the flight, you did a mental checklist on who could possibly be on. You had heard that Clint had joined Steve’s side as well as a new hero. Someone was missing. Natasha Romanoff’s disappearance unsettled you, but you focused on who was on the plane.
Vision was the first to get out of the plane. He didn’t appear to notice you, or he knew that you were more worried about the other people on the flight. You offered a halfhearted smile in his general direction, telling yourself that you'd talk to him once you were back at the tower. When you saw the familiar brown hair as he stuck his head out of the plane, your smile bled from your face when you saw some of the injuries on his face alone.
Peter was still smiling widely, regardless of the black eye he was sporting. He exited the plane with a little hop in his step, looking over you for a second. His eyes grew wide as he turned in your direction. You smiled slightly and waved, your nerves clearly shown. His little hopping turned into tripping as he scrambled to get to you. Peter stumbled over his words breathlessly as he approached you, "Hey Y/N! W-w-What are you doing here? Not like I'm not h-happy. It's just unexpected. I mean-"
Out of your peripheral vision, you could see Tony getting out of the plane and shot Peter an apologetic glance before you heard Tony yell, "Y/N! You have to help me with some repairs. I'll need your small hands." Tony, after realizing that your hands were just slightly more nimble, decided you would be essential with the small nooks in his suit that Tony couldn't get his hands through. He didn't trust Dummy the robot of course. Peter looked between the two with a flustered expression, knowing that you knew Tony Stark, yet not knowing the actual extent of it.
Approaching the two teens, Tony asked, "Is Spiderling bothering you?" Peter looked absolutely appalled that he would just reveal his secret identity to you. Rolling his eyes, he waved off his concern. "Don't worry," Tony stated, "Peter Parker, this is Y/N, my daughter."
"Daughter?" Peter echoed, still terribly confused.
"Yeah, daughter, so no funny business," Tony warned before turning to you, "Ready, kid?" Not able to trust your words, you only nodded and began walking towards the limo. You knew Tony was trying act casual even though you could see his own injuries right in front of you. "Spiderling, we can give you a lift as well."
Peter was still in shock over all the information violently thrown at him. How could you kept this a secret from your friends? He was well aware of his own secrets that he kept from you and your friends, but he couldn’t understand why you'd want to hide this. If anyone knew you were a Stark, you wouldn’t have gotten a tutor if you didn’t want one. You could have been popular with Liz Allan and Flash. You wouldn't have to be friends with him and Ned, Peter noted disappointedly.
During the car ride, it was strangely quiet, considering Peter had been talking Tony’s ear off the whole trip. You avoided Peter’s gaze by looking at your phone and pretending to be busy. Sometimes, you’d look up and smile a bit at his anxiousness, but looked away before he could see it. Peter tried not to look hurt and focused on what Tony was saying.
Once Peter left the car, Tony’s cool expression faded to a smile at you. “Was everything okay while I was away?”
“Everything is fine,” you mentioned, “How was Germany?” Tony looked down for a second before looking back up and smiling to reassure you. He didn’t want to tell you what he found out about his parents and how it changed him.
“Same old,” he chuckled as they approached the Avengers Tower. It wasn’t really the Avenger’s Tower since they preferred the facility upstate and Tony started using this as his Stark Tower again. Tony looked at it nostalgically. “I’m planning on selling this building,” he stated as if it was nothing of importance, “We’re going to be staying permanently in the Facility upstate.”
You looked at him with wide eyes. “What about Midtown? I couldn’t possibly commute.”
“Well, you can go to school somewhere near us,” Tony offered with a little nod, “Oh, yeah. You must see Peter quite a bit.” His face showed genuine realization at the fact before he thought for a bit and turned to you. “Hey, can you watch the kid? Make sure he’s doing okay. It’s going to take a couple of months to sell it anyway.” You only nodded, not wanting to push Tony at the moment.
When Peter got into his house, he first had to deal with Aunt May’s concern and hastily lied about what had injured him. He lied about a guy named Steve from Brooklyn as he explored his souvenirs from his trip. Peter looked through all the footage, stopping at the video from in the car home. It was some of Mr. Stark and Peter noticed you look up. He must not have seen it, but you smiled tinily at him before looking back down.
He couldn't have guessed that you were Tony Stark’s daughter. Why wouldn’t you trust him? Didn’t you trust him? Peter groaned when he realized the secret he had been keeping. He was being hypocritical. He looked back at the video of you smiling when you thought no one was looking and found himself smiling back.
Crap, he was definitely in too deep.
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12. Alien technology and human grudges
Of course I know there weren’t many things Peter could have done, but come on, leaving in the middle of something like this? It was..unfathomable and as I was dragged, my the bun on top of my head, to the middle of the room with a gun pressed to my head, I regretted every befriending the boy known as Peter Parker. His name was like venom in my mind as the woman who had originally been grabbed by the big grimy hands, thanked me with her eyes, her twin toddlers sobbing violently.
“Shut them up!” Rex yelled. I had made the assumption that based on their guns they were part of the whole “Vulture” thing last year.
“They’re babes. Babes cry when there are loud, obnoxious, ugly, scary men being assholes, and blowing shit up.” I snap, trying to redirect any attention from the lady and her babies to me instead. It earned a hit in the back of my head, a hard one. My vision exploded in a blur of…Red and blue? My eyes refocused and I seen Spider-Man standing in front of me.
“Now? is that any way to treat a lady?” Spider-Man asked before jumping, spinning in the air, and tackling the man with the gun. It was a quick move to start a fight and get the upper hand. I blinked a few times as I laid on the floor, rubble from explosions landing on and beside me.
When I heard a buzz I looked over to see the phone, Peter’s phone, which I had dropped earlier. I crawled over to it slowly. When I flipped it over it was still on the video of Tony and Peter , although it had restarted. I crawled over to the screaming twins. Both were girls but one sported a Spider-Man logo shirt while her sister had an Iron Man hoodie on.
“Hey, guys. You know who Tony Stark is right?” I asked earning hesitant and uncertain nods from both girls. I glance at their mum before pressing play. Both girls stopping crying to watch the video. Tony spoke to the camera while Peter anxiously looked up at him.
“Hey May! Just wante-”
“Hey! My names May!” The blonde one gasped. I was glad they weren’t focused on the fight occurring behind me. I let the watch the video over and over until the phone’s battery died 10 minutes later. Every time Tony said “Hey May.” followed by referring to Peter as May’s nephew I heard a familiar voice speak from a memory.
“….Bad guys try to target me through hurting Aunt May..I mean…God! No! Stupid! Stupid!”
My thought train was thrown off track when I felt someone grab me and pull me up by the collar of my shirt. I gasped as I recognized the grip of the big grimy hands. I felt metal push itself into my temple and looked up to see Spider-Man who stood in front us with his hands up in defeat.
“Make another moved, and the British Bitch gets in.” Rex said with a threatening voice. “Okay. Alright. Yo, let her go. This is about you and me, alright?” Spider-Man says. I feel tears sting my eyes as a gun is pressed to my head for the second time today. I gasp when a sharp explosion hits me in the back of the head and I am pushed to the ground landing at Spider-Man’s feet.
The heavy steps and the way Spidey’s arms stayed in the air even after I was released pointed to the man’s escape. I couldn’t stop myself as tears shook my body. Sure, 2 months ago I had wanted to kill myself, but that had been my choice….2 times since Peter left I almost unwillingly lost my life. I couldn’t help the anger I felt towards him, leaving me there to die. That’s how I had seen it, he left me to die.
“Gen…” Spider-Man said as he picked me up. I stared at him, his voice seemingly familiar as if i had heard it with out that mask on. He shakes his head and looks don at me. He swung me home and before he could leave I gave him Peter’s phone.
“Give this to Parker.. Or don’t…I-I don’t care. I just don’t want it..” I said emotionlessly and I hadn’t realized just how my words were slurred and just how blurry everything was. “What happened?” “As soon as the bad guys got there, Peter ran off….I could have died in there tonight and he wouldn’t have even known until..” I say this too harshly and can see Spider-Man visibly cringe. It is as if m words slap him hard in the face as Spider-Man stumbles back at my words. He shakes his head.
“Ge-Eve… I am sure he had a reason to leave..Peter is a good kid.” Spidey says and I just scoff. “Yeah? I thought so too.” I say as tears brim my eyes. “Eve, look.” I cut him off. “Look, Spidey, you said you couldn’t be anything to me other than a friend, that even that was too dangerous..Why are you here Spider-Man?” I ask lashing out verbally. I am not just a go to when you need someone, okay?“ I honestly didn’t even know where any of it was coming from as my eyes closed and words tumbled out.
"I..We…Eve! Stop! Just stop talking! You are in shock. Turn around, lemme see your head.” I do as told. “You need stitches.” he declares and I just shake my head. “You let that man go today. Did you do that because of me? What about the others? Where are they? Spi-” Was the last thing I managed to say, my heart racing, before I passed out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Third Person P.O.V.
When Eve wakea up she is in a white hospital room. Groggily she looks around. “Shes awake, Ned go get a nurse. M.J. you go get her sister, she is in the cafeteria.” An older woman says. She was really pretty, dark brown hair with matching eyes, framed behind glasses. Her hair in a messy pony tail an she was wearing sweats with a loose jumper. Her face was soft a warm smile set onto her lips, fine smile lines defining her age. Eve didn’t know this woman, but she felt comfortable and safe with her.
“I was looking forward to meeting you Eve, it’s unfortunate that these are the circumstances that we meet at, but that’s alright. I’m May Parker, Peter’s aunt."She holds out her hand and Eve takes it. "Ho did I get here? What happened? Why does my head hurt so much?” “You were in an accident. Spider-Man saved your life, you have a concussion and stitches from where you were attacked. You saved a mother and her twins.”
Suddenly, Genevieve remembers everything. Getting ice cream with Peter. The explosion. How Peter left.. Almost getting shot 2 times. Everything.
“Peter brought you here.” May says and Eve follows her eyes to the boy sitting across the way, his back against the wall, knees pulled up to his chest. His eyes staring into hers, dark bags heavy under his. She turns away. Her heart throbbing in her chest as tears threatened to fall.
“I’m sensing tension..What happened? What did he do? You know, hes a smart kid, he’s got a good head always has, he just messes up every now and then. He always has good intentions, Eve, he does.” May says and Eve just nods. Her eyes seeming to keep falling back on his. “He really likes you, ya know?” May says looking out to her nephew. “I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but oh well.” “Mrs. Parker?” “Please, you can call me Aunt May hun.” “A-Aunt May.. do you mind if I talk to him? Alone?” She asks, gritting her teeth at the stuttering. “Of course. Hold on.” Eve watches as May walks out. Peter stands up when he sees his aunt.
“She wants to talk to you.” He looks in the window at the girl sitting on the hospital bed. “Aunt May. I didn’t even give her a reason before I just disappeared..Did I tell you what she told me when I was in the suit?” The boy asks his aunt who just shakes her head sadly. “She can’t understand if you don’t give her something to understand hunny.” “I can’t, May..I don’ want her brought into all of this.” “I know, but when she finds out and she will, I am sure she will be able to take care of herself. She’s strong.” Peter runs a hand over his mouth, then through his hair. All the while Eve watched. He walked in and the silence was nerve racking.
“You left me… I almost died today Peter…and you weren’t even there..” Eve says, her heavy words breaking the silence. “It’s actually been 2 days Eve..” Peter says and she has to resist the urge to slap him. “I don’t care…I almost died in an ice cream parlour full of strangers. .A-and I know Peter.” That last part made him a kind of nervous she had never seen in him. “I know you brought me here.” She says slowly. “I sort of remember it…but what if…what if it had just been a dead body in your arms?” Peter actually seems to relax at this.
“Gen..” Eve’s mind starts to replay things, trying to piece them together, but now, she cannot believe it at all. “I just…I had to tell Mr. Stark… Okay? How do you believe I left you there to die?” “You left your phone, Pete..” She says and he pulls it out from his pocket. “I know…I used a different way to contact him..That’s why the Spider guy showed up.” “Well…I don’t care…It’s going to take more than that. I almost died Peter. I almost died and where were you?” She asks. He can see where she is coming from but losing Eve is like losing part of himself. They were best friends, closer than even him and Ned and that was honestly saying a lot.
“I…I was just…I tried..” “You weren’t there when I had a gun to my head…and…and maybe you shouldn’t even be here now..” “Gen..” “No..Pete… get it okay? You were scared..I understand because…I was scared too.” She stopped to catch her breath, taking a deep sigh she looked at Peter. Who was just open mouth staring at her, eyes wide. She quickly looked away.“Just go, okay..? I just need sometime. Please…just go..” And after staring anywhere but her with wide eyes and a shake of the head Peter Parker and his Aunt May were gone. Leaving Eve to answer all the questions M.J., Ned, and her sister could throw at her. After a while, they all left, including Sam who had to be forced to go home and get some decent sleep. She looked like a zombie.
Genevieve had a pretty hard time falling asleep and staying asleep that night. Maybe it was because of the shitty bed. Or the pain or the IV’s or the constant beeping of the machines. Or maybe it was because of a certain brown haired boy. Telling Peter to go away had to be the hardest thing she had done. Up until that point she had to remind herself why she was so mad. So that she didn’t text him and apologize for everything. Peter had been her best friend Up until then and letting him go was hard. But I just needed a few days to think,to understand.
If she had known how much her life would change in those few days…she never would have made him leave that night in the hospital..
She would have made him promise to always stay…
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