#wanted to get it done today hi i got scolded she was like you're not going home until you finish this
delicatetaysversion · 11 months
yeah so today was fun😃 aab apna batao
idk i feel unwell it's probably pms :(
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alyswritings · 4 months
Car Video
Request: Hiii can I request sturniolo triplets x sister reader she is like 5 or 6 they are doing a car video they asked her questions and they asked who is her favorite triplets is and she says matt and then Chris says a bad word the reader repeat it thank you love your page
Sturniolo Triplets x sister!reader
Summary: Y/N is in a car video with her brothers.
Warnings: none.
a/n: thanks for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Matt pulls into the parking spot in the fairly deserted parking lot and he puts the car in park.
Chris deals with setting up the camera while Matt passes out the food they got.
"Okay. You ready?" Nick asks his baby sister.
"Uh-huh." She vigorously nods, stuffing a whole chicken nugget in her mouth.
"Hey, be careful before you choke." Matt warns, earning a nod from the girl.
"'Kay. We're recording." Chris says, putting the camera up on the dashboard. Matt gets out to check if it's in focus, getting back in once he looks.
"All right. Hey, guys. Today, we have a very special guest for the car video. We have, our little sister, Y/N." Nick introduces, motioning to the girl.
"Hi." The five year old waves and grins at the camera, earning soft laughs from her three brothers.
"We've done this type of video before with our parents and with Justin where we ask them questions and that's what we're gonna be doing with Y/N/N." Nick explains.
"Be honest, munchkin." Chris warns making her nod.
"Okay. We can start off easy. What's your favorite color?" Matt asks, scrolling through his phone.
"Dark purple." Y/N answers. "But sometimes green. Orange is fun, too."
"Okay, so three favorite colors, got it." Nick says.
"What's your favorite movie?" Chris asks.
"Tangled." The girl immediately lights up at the thought of the animated movie. "Mommy won't let me get a chameleon or a horse." She pouts.
"Maybe when you're older." Nick lightly pats her on the head. "Who's your best friend?"
"Natalie." Y/N grins. "We play Barbies and dress up and she has a doggy, too. He's really big."
"Bigger than you?" Chris asks and the girl nods.
"Oh, yeah? What's his name?" Matt asks.
"Cheerio." Y/N answers. "She said her sister named him when she was a little kid and they got him as a puppy."
"Okay, here's a good one." Chris smiles. "Who's your favorite brother?"
"Matty." Y/N answers with almost no hesitation.
"What?!" Chris exclaims.
"Wha--" Nick frowns at her.
"All right!" Matt grins, reaching back and giving her a high five.
"That's so mean." Nick scoffs.
"What do you mean it's Matt?" Chris asks.
"You asked." The five year old shrugs, not seeing the issue.
"Why does he get to be the favorite?" Nick asks.
"Cause he always says yes when I ask him to play and he lets me sleep in his bed when I get bad dreams. And he takes me to get ice cream." Y/N explains.
"We let you sleep in our beds." Nick says. "We bring home ice cream. We play with you."
"You two say no a lot more than him. Plus, he's the best at play pretend." Y/N pouts. "And I like car rides. You don't take me on car rides."
"All right." Chris rolls his eyes. "We get it. Matt's the favorite."
"Yeah, moving on." Nick says.
They continue to ask her questions, Y/N going into random rambles at times.
"Fuck!" Chris hisses when his knee hits the dashboard.
"Chris!" His brothers scold as Y/N giggles.
"What?" He asks.
"5 year old present, you idiot." Matt smacks him in the arm.
"You want some more fries?" Nick asks, holding the carton out to his sister, distracting her from the two arguing up front. Y/N nods, grabbing a few of the fries and starting to eat them.
Y/N gasps as the fries fall out of her hold and onto the floor.
"Fuck!" She cries out.
"Chris!" Matt scolds.
"Shit." Nick whispers, rubbing his face.
"Whoops." Chris mumbles, struggling not to laugh.
"Mom's gonna kill you." Nick says. He glances down as Y/N leans over to the cupholder to take a sip of her drink. He puts the fries in the other cupholder, giving her easy access to them.
"Y/N, you can't say that word." Matt tells her.
"Why?" She frowns. "Chrissy said it."
"It's an adult word. You're not an adult." Nick tells her.
"That's stupid." She grumbles, slouching in her seat and crossing her arms over a chest, pouting. The triplets quietly laugh, trying to hold it in so they don't upset her.
"Trust me, kid, you don't wanna grow up too fast." Chris tells her.
"Whatever." She huffs.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse @venomsvl @wildieflower @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @mrvlxgrl @star-wars-lover @champomiel
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wasawattpadkid · 2 years
Part - 1
Summery: Billy and Stu have been planning these murders for quite some time. Everything is going to plan until you show up. What happens when they meet someone who is just as mentally deluded as they are?
Pairing: Poly! ghostface x fem!reader
Warnings for this series: murder, blood, smut (will be more in depth on smut chapters), power dynamics, a dash of sexism, knives, stalking, perverse behavior, cheating,
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19
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"Do you have anything you'd like to tell us about yourself?" You hated this. First days were known to be horrible for a reason. Why on earth would you want to tell a room full of strangers some random fact about you? They don't care if you have a pet nor do they want to know why you're here. The room was dead silent waiting for you to hurry up and sit down. "Umm-"
"What's your cup size?" A boy asked making the other kids in the class snicker. The dark-haired boy next to him smiled shaking his head in disapproval. "Steven I'm not doing this with you today, out." Steven groaned already grabbing his books. "But miss-" With a stern point of the finger she spoke again. "Out!" The class once again fell silent and you couldn't possibly feel more uncomfortable. You've done nothing wrong yet within 5 minutes you feel everyone staring at you with disdain.
Once the door closed behind Steven the teacher spoke again. "I'm terribly sorry Y/n. Just take Steven's spot for today and we'll figure the rest out tomorrow." A simple nod was all you could muster. All you had was a pencil in your hand and a bright yellow notebook sitting on top of your new desk. You closed your eyes trying to fast-forward time. This was the last class of the day and it could honestly not be worse. "Don't worry about him he's a dick." The note on your desk read. The boy to your left looked at you then the paper wanting you to send the note back.
With a quick scribble, you handed him the paper. A huffed laugh left his lips as he read "You are what you eat." The note was then crumpled and shoved into his pocket. That seemed to be the end of your conversation with the stranger but you pushed further. Leaning to the side you whisper, "What's your name?" Instead of saying anything he opened up his notebook. The black and white cover was scuffed showing obvious signs of use. He lifted the book showing you the inside. With a single word written in big letters. 'Billy.'
The class went on, no more pleasantries being exchanged. The bell rang signaling the tiring day was over. You were going to say something else to Billy but he was up and gone by the time you looked up. "So much for that." You mumbled as you got up. The movies always showed the new girl getting all the attention. Everyone tries to quickly mold her into their cult-like clique. Maybe it was the dress you were wearing or the way you wore your hair that made you look like a prude. Growing up with your grandparents sets you up for a life of social isolation.
The parking lot was crowded but not crowded enough to not see your bright red car. Just as visible was the short-haired boy sitting on the hood. "Get off my car." You scolded flatly. "Holy shit this is yours!? How'd you get it?" He asked bouncing with joy. "It's my dad's so I don't want you sitting on it. Thanks." You tossed your bags in the car as he continued talking. Just a second ago you were praying Billy would keep up some conversation. Now you're wanting nothing more than to get home. "Man look it's Christine!" He shouted as the girl next to him covered her ears. "Is he always this loud?" She laughed at the question shaking her head up and down. "Unfortunately. I'm Tatum, so you're the new girl everyone's talking about?"
A puzzled look fell over your features. "Who's talking about me?" Before she could answer Billy walks up to the car. "This is nice." His blabbering friend seems disappointed with that answer. "Nice? It's fucking awesome! Can we ride in it?" He turns to beg you. Billy looked over at you raising his eyebrows in silent confusion. "I don't even know you." What part of 'dads' car did he not understand? "I'm Stu, this is Billy."
"We've met." Billy says gesturing towards you. "it's nice to meet you Stu but I don't give rides to strangers." He walks over throwing his arm over your shoulder. Way too much physical contact from someone you don't know. "Well you know my friend Billy and now you know me. I'd say we're all friends here." Tatum rolls her eyes at her friend's antics. "If you two are going to harass this poor woman I'm leaving. I've got to catch up with Sydney. See ya, babe." She blew a kiss at Stu which he caught.
"Pleaseeeee." He begged. Just as Billy was about to intervene you agreed. "Fine but no food, drink, cigarettes, or really anything that could mess up this car. Got it?" You laid out the rules as you climbed into the driver's seat. Stu bit his lip nodding his head. "Yes ma'am. Come on man." Stu said as he jumped in the car. Billy stood awkwardly looking down at his feet. His eyes nervously looked around almost like he was late for something. "Go without me I've got some errands to run." Stu stuck his head out of the window. You tapped the steering wheel impatiently. "Come on man Christine is like your favorite movie." At this, Billy laughed.
"No, I think you're confusing things. A murderous car is definitely more your speed." At this point, you regretted saying yes to Stu. "Please come with us I don't trust him." Stu covered his heart in fake hurt. "If you should be worried about anybody you should worry about Billy." You seriously doubted that. Sure he was quiet and a little unnerving but he might just be shy. "Fuck it." His hands smack his thighs in defeat. Stu loudly rejoices at his friend's surrender. "Get in the back."
You figured Stu would put up a fight considering he was there first. Yet he opened the door with sad eyes and quietly got into the back. It was strange. You weren't sure how long these two had been friends but it was an odd dynamic. "Why do you get to sit next to her?" Stu whined from the back seat. "Because she doesn't trust you." A laugh forced its way from your throat. "Who said I trusted you? According to him, I should be careful around you." You pointed to the man in the back who gladly smiled. Billy propped his arm on the window shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry but dressed like that you need to be careful with everyone."
"Gotta agree with him on that. You look like Betty Crocker." Stu leaned his head on the seat between you and Billy. "Don't get me wrong it's kinda sexy but still very grandma." With a roll of your eyes, you started the car, hearing the engine purr to life. The boy next to you cracked such a small smile you'd have to catch it on camera for proof that it happened. "This is amazing! I fucking love you, Betty Crocker." Stu kissed you on the cheek making your nose crinkle. At that, Billy actually laughed. Nothing too dramatic though. "Ew can you not touch me at all? Jesus Christ." With one hand on the wheel, you took the other to wipe your cheek.
"Now you see what I put up with," Billy adds. "Oh, so you kiss him too huh?" You drove out of the parking lot heading to the main road. "Only on weekends." Stu shrugged. You giggled but Billy didn't seem to find anything funny. "So what brings you to this hell hole?" He asks still keeping his eyes out the window. "Me and my moved into my grandparent's house after they passed. He found a good job here too so ta-da here I am" Stu leaned forward to press buttons on the dash which you promptly swatted his hand away. "What is your deal with this car?"
Stu seemed shocked you had to even ask. "It's Christine baby! The man-eating car." You blinked a few times a little confused. "You know the John Carpenter film? Came out in 1983. Same guy that directed Halloween with Michael Myers." Billy seemed interested in this conversation more so than others. His whole body seem to turn towards you actively listening to anything you had to say. "Of course, I know Halloween I've just not seen Christine." It was Billy's turn to pick at you. "You're telling me you've never seen Christine but you've got the car?"
He must be brain-dead to think you got a car based on a movie. "This is a 58' Plymouth. It is way older than the Christine movie. I've got the original if you ask me." Stu looked like he was adding numbers to fact-check your math. Billy on the other hand had the same stoic expression on his face. His eyes dragged up and down you seemingly trying to figure out something. "Say where do you two live?" Stu gave out directions to his house without hesitation. "You can just drop me off at his place." You nod in Billy's direction as you focus on the road.
"Why do you dress like this?" Billy picks at the fabric of your dress. It seems no one in this town knows what personal boundaries are. But you guess it beats the awkwardness of a new friendship. With these two it's like you jumped ahead. "I like it." Plain and simple. Billy wasn't buying it either was Stu. "It's more than just that. You know people look at you differently do you get off on that sort of thing?" The question was rude. If you had a backbone of any sort you throw him out of the moving car. Being a people pleaser however made you give him an honest answer. "Maybe. Do I notice when people look at me hatefully? Duh. But at the end of the day, I'm happy they looked at me at all. I mean you both look like every other teenage boy out there. You don't want to stand out?"
Stu liked your answer it was honestly one he could relate to. "No, we like to blend in." That was all Billy said. It was a change from the chattiness before. "Well, what about you Stu?" Billy turned to look back at the boy. Meanwhile he was happy at being included. When it was just him with some girls he could say whatever he felt like. When Billy was around things were different. Just with his eyes he could tell Stu what and what not to say. He didn't mind of course he loved Billy more than he would ever know really. Plus he knew his personality could be a lot for new people. It was nice to have someone to let him know when enough was enough.
"Like he said we like to blend in. We're not big attention whores." He laughed. You don't think the comment was aimed at you but you couldn't help but feel a little hurt by it. "What's your name?" Stu asked while he lay down in the back seat. "Y/n." Billy once again needed more of an answer. "Y/n what?" He was looking for a last name. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Stu's eyes shot back and forth between you two. "I would. That's why I asked."
"Well, you ask too many questions. Unless you're looking to change my last name I don't know why you'd need to know." Billy wasn't mad. Aggravated sure but not mad. You were smart. Not smart enough to tell two psychos to fuck off but smart enough to not hand out personal information easily. He'd have to work for it which he loved to do. "Is your place down this road Stu?" The boy perked up. A little sad that the ride was over. "Yeah just go on down."
"What are you doing this weekend?" Billy asked seeing his window of opportunity was closing. "Nothing much why?" More boring and cryptic answers. "We should come over to your place this weekend seeing as nothing's going on." Billy looked at his friend for backup. "Absolutely! I could bring a copy of Christine and we could get mad wasted!" Billy closed his eyes regretting asking him for anything. "I don't drink. Never had a reason to."
"Well, Ms. Crocker I'm giving you one." Unfortunately for these two you had self-preservation skills. Getting drunk with two men you don't know at your house is not smart. They act like you haven't seen any scary movies. "I'm not getting drunk with you two. I'll think about hanging out this weekend but no drinking. My dad would kill me if he knew I had two dudes in the house let alone drunk dudes." Billy could work with that. Stu was practically jumping at the idea to hang with you. For once he didn't have ulterior motives. He couldn't say the same for his friend who had that gleam in his eye he's seen before.
You pulled into the driveway saying goodbye to your new friends. "See you at school tomorrow?" Billy asked knowing the seat you occupied today would be permanently vacant so you could stay next to him. "Unfortunately. Bye, losers." You waved at the guys ready to get the hell home. The boys watched as you pulled away, the bright red car was easy to follow down the road. "What do you think about her?" Billy asked his friend. "She's alright man. Needs better taste in movies but I can fix that." Billy agreed but something just wasn't sitting right with him. In one day you managed to weasel your way into their lives. He wasn't sure if he wanted to watch movies with you or make you the star of one.
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Part 2
A/N: I've been writing for about 5 years now but I'm new to the Scream fandom. I just recently watched the first movie and I can't seem to get these two out of my head so feedback is greatly appreciated! See ya lovelies 💞
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lolaxbunnyy · 8 months
IDK IF YOU STILL DO MY HERO ACADEMIA AS IM NEW- but I love your writing so
What about poly Bakugo, Deku, Todoroki x Fem!reader who’s nine months pregnant, due any day now. She’s about to go into labor but they’re not home due to a mission
Idk if I explained this well 💀
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also I hope this is good enough I haven’t been on here in a while 😬 . Also I gave the baby a name and a gender if you want something else then you can feel free to change it. Also if anybody has anything they would like me to write please ask!
warnings: fem black reader, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of birth, nothing bad though just enjoy.
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SHOTO, IZUKU, AND KATSUKI. The top three most amazing and well known pro heros who were well loved by their fans had a little secret. They had a pretty little wife who was carrying one of their babies. Katsuki decided that he was going to be the one to get her pregnant first, the other two had no problem with that. After months of trying and no show she was finally pregnant and all four of them were so happy to finally have their first kid.
It’s been 9 months already and their precious baby girl has yet to leave her place within her mamas tummy.
Y/N rubbed her swollen belly as she did her rotations on her exercise ball. Katsuki’s mom was here helping her out with the little things that she needed. Mitsuki loved her from the moment Katsuki introduced them and now that she’s going to have a little grandchild she was even more happy with her future daughter in law.
"Y/N honey. The boys are calling again."Mitsuki said as she walked in from the kitchen to the living room rolling her eyes. “This is the fourth time they’ve called in the last hour.” Mitsuki chuckled.
"They're so worried that you're going to pop before they get back." Y/N grabbed the phone from, Mitsuki’s hand and put it up to her ear.
“Hello?” “Hey, baby. You doing okay?” Y/N rolled her eyes even though he couldn’t see her. “Yes I’ve been okay since the last time you called.” She heard him chuckle. “Okay. You’re a little worked up. What happened? Sick of us calling?” Y/N giggled. “Nope, never. I can’t even miss or worry about you guys because you’re too busy calling all the time instead of focusing on your task that you three were sent to do.” Before Izuku could respond she heard the faint voice of someone talking to him. “Oi? Is that Curls?” Katsuki of course.
Y/N heard what sounded like the phone being snatched away from Izuku. “Oi, Curls! If you ever hand up in my face again we’re gonna have some problems when I get back home, you hear me?” Y/N chuckled. “Yes sir.” She heard the blonde kiss his teeth before handing the phone back to Izuku.
“Sorry, bout that. Anyways you’ve got some scolding to do to Katsuki anyways.” “Don’t you dare tell her about that!” She could tell Izuku rolled his eyes. “He was being careless today and almost lost his leg.” Katsuki grumbled. “ ‘Was not bein’ fuckin’ careless. ‘The hell was I s’posed to know he was gonna turn his leg in to a fuckin’ chain saw?!” Y/N pursed her lips. “Y’know if you two are done bickering we have matters to attend too.”
Shoto said out of nowhere. “That’s right. Well baby, look like we gotta go. We’ll see you next week, hopefully.” Katsuki butted in. “Yeah so tell the brat to avoid her eviction notices till then.” Y/N laughed. “I’m sure she heard you, Kat. I’ll see you boys next week. I love you.” “We love you more baby.” Then the phone clicked and the call was over.
Y/N sighed. She truly did miss them. Sure she enjoyed the company of her soon to be in laws, but she missed her boys. It was quiet and peaceful while they were away and she hated that. The bed was always cold and empty and she also hated that but it still smelled of them and she could at least appreciate that. So did the large shirt that she borrowed from Shoto’s side of the closet.
The boys had already been gone for two weeks and they’d be back home next week but it doesn’t feel like Blossom can wait any longer to be out in the world. Her eyes trailed over towards the belly cast that she had gotten done. The boys had decorated it all pretty and even drew a little family of four on it in Katsuki’s terrible excuse of a drawing. She’d never tell him that though because even if it was bad it’s still cute and still has meaning to it. She can still even feel their careful hands on her stomach.
Izuku’s hands are the most scarred and a little calloused but still firm and calming. Katsuki’s hands being the most calloused and somehow a bit sweaty from time to time. Sho’s hands were the softest but were always cold.
She missed the special treatment and massages they’d give her before they left. They were very caring and spoiling.
It’s been like this since they’ve found out that she was pregnant. They couldn’t be home for her, they had their moms take care of her. Then when they came home for the night, they’d be all over her because in their words, “you look so cute when you’re pregnant.”
She smiled softly at Mitsuki as she smelled the cooking of her favorite food. It’s getting later and later and there was a storm outside brewing. She didn’t want her poor boys caught outside in the rain.
"Y/N, Inko sent some more clothes for Blossom." Mitsuki smiled as she handed them to her. “Awe. We’re going to run out of space in her little closets.” Y/N held the shirt to her stomach. “Do you like it, B?” Y/N suddenly winced at a sharp pain in her stomach. “Okay, I’ll put it away.” But the pain kept coming. Mitsuki helped Y/N up carefully and at that very moment, her water broke.
Mitsuki immediately started to call phones. "Inko, Rei! It's happening! I need you here now! The babies coming!"
Mitsuki was rushing around the house to get the bags ready and extra clothes before helping her soon to be daughter in law towards the car.
Once they arrived after some time Mitsuki rushed in to get a nurse and she came back with a nurse who had a wheelchair ready and the both of them helped Y/N out of the car in to the chair and she was wheeled in and rushed towards the maternity floor. They put her in a room and went to go get things ready for her.
“Where the fuck are they going?!” Y/N whimpered out as one if her hands held her stomach while her other arm was draped across her face. Rei and Inko walked in. "They're going to get everything ready. More doctors and your epidural for your pain, Honey."Inko responded and Y/N hummed in pain.
“Did you call the boys?” Rei asked and Mitsuki nodded her head as she tried to get Y/N comfortable and situated. "Yes but they're not answering. I think they're too busy in what they're doing."
Rei let out a soft okay before looking at the clock on the wall. 12:03 AM it read. A nurse came back in and injected her with the medicine but it didn’t have time to do its job because right after the doctors came in and it was time for her baby girl to come out in to the world.
Everything went smoothly. (beside the three mothers having to stop Y/N from attacking the nurse. Twice. First time because if her giving her the epidural late and second because the bitch almost dropped her baby.) when Blossom was all cleaned up it was about. 2:19 when Y/N got to hold her baby and feed her.
She was so pretty. Her skin was a mix between Y/N and Katsuki and her hair was blonde and straight but Y/N was sure that her curls would come in soon. Last but not least her eyes her round and (e/c) just like her moms as she looked up at her through her blonde eyelashes. The three mothers huddled around Y/N to look at their granddaughter. "Awe. She's so pretty." Inko cooed softly. “I’ve got to get pictures.” Rei gushed and both her and Inko rushed to their purses to get their phone out while Mitsuki stayed by Y/N.
"Do you want me to get her so you can rest?" “Yes please, if you don’t mind.” Mitsuki took Blossom and soon after, Y/N was knocked out.
Izuku was the last person to get out of the bath for that morning. They’d been up since midnight going on a fake lead, practically wasting their time all night. Izuku grabbed what he thought was his phone but noticed that it was Katsuki’s. “Hey, Kachaan? You’ve got 10 missed calls from your mom.” Katsuki raised an eyebrow as he set down his freshly cooked spicy ramen.
He went to his call log and clicked on his mom’s name in face time. "Hello?" His mom’s face showed in the camera. “You called 10 times?” He said unamused. Thinking that it was just her being worried and paranoid again. "Well, I needed to tell you something." Katsuki hummed. “Kay?” The camera flipped around and Katsuki saw blonde hair then the phone fell to the floor as his mom let out an agitated ‘damn it’ before picking it up and a sleeping baby was shown.
“Is that?” "Yep." Inko cut off her son. “That’s Blossom guys!” The boys mouths dropped. Their daughter was so pretty just like her mommy. After that face time call that day the boys had to call off the mission to get home to their girls immediately.
Y/N was released from the hospital two days before they could come home so when they made it back they instantly without a second thought came straight home and they finally got to see their daughter. Blossoms little hair started to curl up a little so she most definitely started to look like Y/N.
Katsuki was the first to hold her and she was so small Katsuki feared that he might break her. Izuku and Shoto walked towards Katsuki, standing on either side of him as they looked down at their daughter. “She most definitely looks like a Blossom.” Shoto spoke softly as the little baby curiously looked at the three men.
Their moms smiled at them. "Congrats boys!" Mitsuki had tears in her eyes as little sniffles came out. "Oh my goodness. I'm finally a grandma! I'm never gonna get over this!" She cried into Inko’s shoulder and Inko patted her back comfortingly. “I wanna hold her next.” Izuku held his arms out and Katsuki carefully handed Blossom to him. Once he was secure in his arms, Katsuki turned towards Y/N.
He smiled softly and he walked over towards her giving her a kiss on her cheek. He watched the others coo over the little blonde haired baby.
“Thank you so much, baby.” Three months later, the world knew about their two girls after Izuku had posted a video of Blossom giggling away at Katsuki and Shoto making silly faces at her while Y/N just watched in the background with a big smile on her face. That video was the most brought up topic in their latest interviews and they didn’t mind at all telling the world about their girls.
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this story belongs to @lolaxbunnyy !!
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alexa-fika · 4 months
ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! Last request before I sleep
Here me out shanks with a 13 year old daughter (who has his iconic red hair) reader who absolutely despised him because he's the reason why her town got attack (Shanks keeps flirting with her mother unknowingly he accidentally made her into an outcast)
Reader who's snarky, a bit rude but polite and well mannered (unlike shanks)
Reader who's always reading and very elegant royalty like but not spoiled and very serious all the time (unlike shanks)
Reader who's secretly insecure and scared that she's always gonna be in her father shadow
Reader who is always in the whitebeard pirates (THOUGHT THIS WASN'T A WHITEBEARD REQUEST BUT I MADE IT ANYWAYS?)
Reader who always dye their hair into black
Reader who bonds with ace because of their daddy issues 🥰
That's it. That's the tweet
Roots ( Ace x f!teen!reader)
A/N here we go, I dont feel with this one, I feel like I missed the whole vibe you were trying to get when you submitted the regret, I spend a week just staring at the screen trying to think of how to approach it and I can’t say I choose the right one
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Dokucha frowns as the book on her hands is ripped away from her hands, only to let a small smile as she recognizes the candy cane-patterned bracelet
"Ace, you're back," she stated, looking up at the grinning man squatting on the railing
"I'm back," he responds, jumping down from the railing and bringing the girl into a side hug
"What have you been up to today?"
"I am actually taking a small breather before I continue training; I believe it's Haruta's turn for a session," she stated gingerly, clenching her hands in a lower position
"Turn?"He furrowed his brows at her words and the implications behind them
"Dokucha, how many sessions have you done?"
She bites at her lip, shifting her gaze away from his
"This would be the seventh," she muttered
"I told you to stop pushing it, you're only thirteen dokucha, it's okay to train, but this is too much," he scolded
"Is this about Shanks?" he muttered, kneeling down to her level
"I don't want to fall behind."
" I know you don't, but are you just going to waste your life trying to catch him?
Isn't that what you don't want to do? To live your whole life trying to surpass your old man?"
"I can see it in their eyes, Ace, every time we go on a mission; all they can see is him, they don't think of me as Dokucha, they just see his daughter," she murmured, teary eyes flickering back to the man
"Then let them. They have no place in your life, so why would you care what a bunch of strangers think?" he asked
He frowns at the small unconvinced hum that leaves the teen at his words only to bounce back as an idea comes to mind
“ Hey, I found a cool place on my way back; it’s only a few minutes on the Striker; wanna check it out?”
“But Haruta is expecting me…”
“Don’t worry about that; you said you still have some time, right?”
“I suppose so, b-
“Great, you head to the Striker; I will catch back up in a second; need to get something before we head out,” he said, running off
“W- Ace! I din- and he’s gone” she mutters at the retreating form of the commander, taking a glance down at the striker that had been tied to the Moby Dick
“I guess no harm in a small ride.”
“How did you find this place?” she muttered
The two found themselves sitting on the Striker, their leaves soaking in crystal clear water as they watched all the fish swim around them, curious about the two visitors
“I visited this island before on one of my missions.”
"Listen, Dokucha, I have told you about my father, yeah?”
“Yes, you did.”
“The reason why I'm so pushy on stopping what you’re doing is because I made the same mistake, and it cost me over 15 years of my life” he started, noticing how his words had finally gotten the girl’s attention
“ I spent all that time trying to follow my father’s legacy, to surpass him. To become the pirate king, to Defeat whitebeard. All the while, it just ate me inside; I was blindsided and led by my anger toward him for all those years. I missed many opportunities to enjoy, to have a carefree childhood just to accomplish that goal”
“How did you…why…”
“Why I stopped?”
“I found pops.”
“ I thought your goal was to take him down to prove yourself?” She asked now facing his way as her legs Straddled the Striker giving him her full attention, loookimg up at him in confusion
“It was; I spent the next few days going after him even after he took me into the moby; every day, I would try.”
“I refuse to believe that” she scoffed with an amused laugh
“I'm serious!
Tried over a hundred times, and every time, I would end up with either a bloody nose or thrown into the sea.”
She covers her mouth as she lets out a muffled laugh at the thought of a grumpy, drenched Ace
“A-Anyway, after that, Marco and later Pops talked with me; it made me realize how useless it was to try to take Pops down and follow after someone else’s dream.”
“Din’t you feel disappointed?”
“Quite the opposite, I felt free for the first time, felt free to make choices based on what I wanted and not to surpass my father; it’s led me to where I am now, and it was the best realization I made in my life.”
“Keep it in mind, okay? Let’s head back for now,” he said, pushing himself up, extending a hand to the girl as he prepped the Striker
“How do you think I should start?”
“Start what?” He questions, manauvering the Striker through the waves, slowing down as he puts his attention on her
“Letting go”
“Maybe you should start with this,” he said, flicking their head
“Jerk, what was the reason for that?”
“Stop trying to change yourself; your roots are coming out; why don’t you let them grow?”
“Ah!” She exclaims covering her head at his comment, missing the way he sighed and shook his head only to come back to her senses as a weight was placed on her head
“You should be proud of yourself, the way you look, the way you are; at the end of the day, it’s yours, not his; now might be the best time
She looks up at the ravenette questioningly, his iconic hat now missing from his head and gingerly placed on hers
“What do you mean?”
He simply gestures to the new vessel now anchored next to the Moby Dick
“What is he doing here.”
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writingroom21 · 5 months
The Nanny
Pairing: rafe x nanny reader 
Summary: Being Wheezie’s nanny was great. The only downside is dealing with the oldest Cameron, Rafe. What happens when his fascination with the nanny becomes a reality?
Warnings: 18+, masturbation, and voyeurism
Chapter 1: Did you enjoy the show?
The sun was beating down on you as you laid out on the beach chair. Wheezie has been begging you all week to go to the beach with her and as per usual she disappeared. A breeze passed by you causing goosebumps to raise across your body. The sound of waves crashing filled your ears as you flipped the page of the book you were reading. “You know I didn’t think my dad pays you to lounge at the beach.” The voice of the one person you do not want to see right now creeps up from behind. You lift the sunglasses as you peak behind you to be greeted with Rafe Cameron. The oldest out of all of the Cameron children and one of the main reasons that even at Wheezie’s age she has a nanny. Your head turns to look at him over the chair you laid on. He’s wearing black swim trunks, your eyes look up at his body and see the chain dangling on his collar before meeting his eyes. Thank god for sunglasses, he would never let you forget checking him out.
“Actually he does. Whatever Wheezie wants she gets, today was the beach.” Your head turns to face the water again, glasses shading your eyes from the sun. The sound of sand shuffling can be heard as Rafe gets closer. His shadow casts a dark film over your body as he looks down at you. “Nice swimsuit, sunny. Really makes your tits pop.” A few snickers come from behind him and with a quick glance behind him you can see Topper and Kelce. “You should wear this around the house more often.” Rafe’s hand goes to caress the strap holding your top up. “Stop it.” You say and swat his hand away from you squirming in the chair to get away from him. 
Through the corner of your eye you can see Wheezie coming back with some of her friends. Standing up you gather all your things, slipping your shorts back on to show off your ass. You might hate the flirting at times but it sure is fun to mess with him. “Come on baby, don't be like that. Why don’t you come hang out with us? I promise you’ll have a good time.” The sound of his voice has this underline of suggestion to it. Narrowing your eyes you stare at him for a second. Rafe has this little grin on his face that royally pisses you off. Who does he think he is? “The next time I want to be left unsatisfied and disappointed I’ll make sure to call you.” The edge in your voice only made his stupid grin grow even more. “Trust me baby.” He steps a little bit closer to you. “I would have you begging me for more when I’m done with you.” He whispered eyes staring at yours behind the sunglasses. 
A scoff leaves your lips as you take a step back. “You’re right. Maybe I” You pause for a second to look at his blue eyes. He’s standing a bit straighter now, you actively have to look up at him. “Maybe after your minute is over I’ll definitely want more. I know how much you love having girls beg you to make them cum.” Which was true. Having to live in the same house as him let alone the same floor has proven that point. “It’s just sad you can’t make them cum the first time.” You shrug your shoulders as his face drops. Topper and Kelce’s laughs ring in your ear, infuriating Rafe as he shoots them a death glare over his shoulder. “Oka-”
“Hey!” Wheezie yells as she gets closer to us. “What are you doing here?” she asks the older Cameron. “Just enjoying the view.” Rafe replies with a shrug. His eyes raking up and down your body landing on your tits once again. “Gross.” You chuckle a little at her reaction. It's good to see that someone else is tired of his constant flirting.
Ever since you got the job a year ago, Rafe was always flirting with you. The small touches and whispers in your ear have been endless. Ward has scolded him so many times that you're surprised even talks to you. It’s not that Rafe isn’t attractive, he is but it's his personality. If that beautiful face hadn’t been so cocky, entitled, or rude you may have already slept with him. Actually you would probably still sleep with him but after hearing girl after girl. As well as dealing with the fall out of each heartbreak, you were all set. You didn’t want to be another notch on his belt and that’s all he sees you as.
“Come on Wheeze. Why don’t we go get some ice cream? I think I saw that cute boy working today.” You send her a wink as your arm wraps around her shoulder. The both of you couldn’t even get a few steps in before Rafe calls out to you. “You aren’t taking my little sister somewhere so you can felt with some fucking guy.” His eyes burn into the back of your head. Stopping and turning your head to look back at him you grin. “The boy isn’t for me, it's for Wheeze. I don’t think my boyfriend would like me flirting with someone else.” The ease in your voice made Rafe clench his jaw. The jealous green monster he hates so much tapping at his shoulder seeing you walk away.
The two of you continue walking, not looking back as he yells out to you. “What boyfriend? Sunny, I'm talking to you, what boyfriend?” Topper and Kelce can be heard trying to get his attention as he keeps calling after you. You keep walking as Wheezie turns to look back at him. The two boys now in front of him holding him back as he tries to follow the both of you. She looks at you for a second and then back to him. “Since when do you have a boyfriend?” Her brown eyes shine behind her glasses staring at me. “Since a second ago.” Looking over at her you both laugh, continuing to the ice cream shop that’s down the road. 
The sunset was painting the sky with hues of orange, reds, and purple. It looked breathtaking as you sat in the kitchen scrolling on your phone. A video of a puppy playing hide and seek with a baby made you laugh. The sound of footsteps filled the room, Rafe’s voice following along. “What are you laughing about?” “oh sorry I was just texting someone.” You giggle, he steps further into the kitchen making his way to you. “Let me guess that little boyfriend of yours.” Bitterness and a hint of jealousy are laced in his sentence. You place your phone down as you twist your body to face him. 
He looks good. The white t-shirt clings to his arms as he leans down onto the island next to you. “What could he have possibly said that was so funny.” There’s that jealousy again. You lean in a little closer to him, eyes flicking to his lips just in time to catch him liking them. You look back to his eyes, noticing him doing the same. “He was telling me about this douchebag that he met at this party. I think you might know him, he’s this little trust fund baby who thinks he rules the world.” A huf escapes his lips and he leans in a little closer. Lips so close to each other that when he moves his lips they lightly brush yours. “He sounds like an asshole.” He straightens up and walks to the fridge.
Opening it up he takes out a water bottle without looking back at you. His arms flexing distracts you for a moment and you’re glad that he can’t see you. Rafe closes the door and your eyes dart to the rest of the room not looking at anything particular. “It’s sad you are dating him. Maybe that trust fund baby can teach you a good time.” He winks at you when he walks by taking a swig from the bottle. “Very funny I don’t think he would be able to handle me. Plus why would I leave someone who can actually get the job done.” You shrug, picking the phone back up to look busy.  You can see Rafe stop in his tracks from the corner of your eye. “Baby I would rock your world to the point that you would forget your own name. That little boy would look like a rookie once I’m done with you.” With that he just walked away leaving you blushing. 
There’s a slight ache between your thighs and you clench trying to relieve it. Before you can make the mistake of following him Rose walked in. “Hi sweetie. Would you be able to do me a favor? Ward and I are going to the Bahamas for a week to finish up some business deal. Who knows what Sarah will be up to while we are gone and god knows what Rafe will be up to. I swear those two will send Ward to an early grave. Anyway, Wheezie is going to a week-long sleepaway camp with some friends. I know it’s not really your job but can you keep an eye on the other two. We really need to get this deal done and I don’t need them ruining something just to have Ward leave.” She barely looks at you or anything for that matter as she parades around the kitchen, staring at her phone the whole time. Her eyes look up at you waiting for the response. “Of course I can. I’m here to help out in any way.” She smiles at you and grabs a wine glass. “Thank you, You’ve honestly been a big help around the house. I haven’t seen Wheezie this happy or Rafe this well behaved. It's like we needed you.” She chuckles and pours the red wine into her glass.
Her statement took you by surprise. You knew that Wheezie was doing a lot better knowing that she has a stable environment. But the statement about Rafe didn’t make sense. Sure he flirts with you all the time and on rare occasions make sure you are okay at a party. But that’s just because he wants to sleep with you and he knows that if anything happened to you Ward would be upset. You’ve seen Ward yell at him countless of times and know how much Rafe wants his fathers approval. It honestly breaks your heart seeing how hard he really tries. “That’s only because he has to be nice to me. But I’m glad I’m a positive influence.” She takes a sip from her glass tilting her head as she looks at you. There’s something behind her eyes that you can’t make out.“You may not see it but he cares about you. He’s different around you.” She goes back onto her phone as she leaves. “But what do I know? You never know what that kid is thinking. Oh do you mind bringing Wheezie her suitcase? It's in the closet in the hallway.” “Yeah.” You call out stuck in place. 
After a moment you snapped out of it and made your way to get the suitcase. Grabbing it you drop it off in her room. “Here you go kiddo.” You barge into her room. “One suitcase for your travels.” She is standing by her dresser going through it and tossing clothes everywhere. “Do you think this is good to bring?” She’s holding up a dress the two of you got a few weeks back when you were at the mall. “Depends, do you plan on spending the week doing camp activities in that dress?” You reply sitting on the edge of her bed looking at her. She walks over, putting the suitcase next to you as she starts to pack. “It’s not for camp. A cute boy in my grade is going and it’s for when he asks me out.” You laugh, swiping the dress from her hands before she can pack it. “Very funny young lady. When you are at camp you will be doing camp activities, not boys.” You fold the dress putting it back into her drawer before closing it. 
“Uhh.” She cries out, flopping onto the bed. “You’re no fun. It’s fine he wouldn’t have asked me out anyway.” Glancing at her you can see her in deep thought. “He would be stupid if he didn’t. You are so beautiful and amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” You crouch next to her on the floor and she turns her head to the side to see you. “Thank you.” Your right arm reaches up and pushes her hair out of her face. “Just telling the truth… Now finish packing, we don't need a repeat of Cabo.”  You both giggle and you leave her alone.
Making your way down the stairs to your room the sound of a door catches your attention. It closes softly, barely loud enough to hear it. You stop midway on the staircase just in time to see Rafe make his way from your room across the hall to his.  
What was he doing in your room? Rushing down the rest of the stairs you burst into your room. Nothing looks out of place, everything is exactly where you have left it. The bed was still made, your desk perfectly intact, your nightstand has the book you left there last night. If everything was still there what was he doing? Looking around once again you can’t find anything. Your legs start to move before you can think about where you are going. Even though deep down you know exactly where. 
Not even thinking you open Rafes door but stop as soon as you see him. He’s laying on his bed, the shirt he was wearing earlier pulled up to his chest. Your eyes scan down his body and your eyes widen seeing what he is doing. Rafe's right hand is wrapped around his dick stroking it in fast strokes.  “Fuck baby. Just like that, feel fucking amazing.” But what really catches your eyes is the red lace fabric he has pressed up to his nose. He takes a big sniff before bringing the panties down to his dick. You thought Rose's statement shocked you but you are truly frozen now. It’s like every muscle in your body gave up and every neuron in your brain died. No matter how much you wanted to say something or move you couldn’t. The grip you had on the door tightened as you heard him moan.
“Oh god.” His strokes get faster making the veins in his arms pop out more. Another moan leaves his lips. The noise draws your gaze up to his face, which was a mistake because you could ignore the throbbing happening in your shorts. But Rafe’s eyes were screwed shut, head thrown back making his neck look biteable. Yeah looking at the pleasure expression he had right now was a mistake. The little voice in your head telling you to run starts telling you to join him. “Fuck Sunny don’t stop.” Your jaw drops hearing your nickname. The one he gave you a few weeks into working here. 
“Knew you were a slut. Begging me to teach you a lesson.” A sloppy smacking noise reaching your ears. He was thinking about you? You knew he wanted to fuck you but you never thought he would steal you panties just to get off on the thought of you. “Bet your dripping right now. Soaking those little shorts of yours.” This made your eyes shoot up to look at him. Crystal blue eyes meeting yours as his pupils dilate enveloping the sea of blue. He moans as he cums moaning out your name without breaking eye contact. White ropes shooting up and coating his toned stomach. You can feel the blood rush to your face at the thought of being caught watching Rafe masturbate. Well more of the fact that you like watching Rafe himself off. 
“If I knew you were into voyeurism I would have left my door open a long time ago.” He chuckles, running his hand over his buzz cut. “I-I’m sorry. I saw you come out of my room and I.” The words die on your tongue watching as he gets up from the bed, wiping off his cum with my panties. His moans keep playing in your head as you just stare. He makes his way over to you, striping from his shirt leaving him completely bare in front of you. “It’s okay I liked that you watched me. Maybe next time I won’t have to use your panties.” He taunts waving the red lace in your face. 
With your brain not functioning no comebacks came to mind and you didn’t feel his hand wrapping around your waist. “So tell me if I reach into those pretty panties will you be as soaked as I think you’ll be.” The soft fabric brush against your lips finally snapping you out of whatever daze was put over you. You push him off of you and snatch the panties out of his hand. “You fucking wish asshole.” You exclaim practically running out of the room to yours and locking the door.
Your chest rises and falls in fast motions trying to have you catch your breath. What just happened? The events keep playing in your mind as you throw the solid garment into the hamper and go to wash your hands in the ensuite bathroom. Scrubbing furiously you get the remnants of his cum off of your hands. You lean against it with your head hanging between your shoulders. It wasn’t until you licked your lips and tasted salt you remembered the moment. He had wiped the painties on your lips before you had stormed off. You still had his cum left on your lips.
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oursecretways · 2 months
Hello!! ☺️
Could I please get #7 with Lee Know 💕
No pressure at all!
7. He calms you down while you're having a panic attack
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idol!Lee Know × fem!Reader note(s): ahh of course lovely, hope you enjoy it, I really tried ngl lmao😭 I just love writing gentle and caring Minho content, he can be a bully, but we all know he is there to help anyone he loves 😌 hope you enjoy it ♥ it became a two parter because apparently you can only have so much characters in one tumblr post it is a two parter genre(s): fluff, angst word count: 1.1K (the two part together) warning(s): reader having a panic attack, strong language, toxic work environment being called “baby” and “love” a lot
masterlist ║ invisible ask game ║ part two
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It was the most typical day at work: working your ass off so someone higher above, or some older colleague can steal your work, but what made it even worse that your work bestie can’t be here, since she went overseas with her family… “Lucky her” you think to yourself, as you come back from your lunch break, which you wished you wouldn’t have done. Looking back you should’ve said that you aren’t feeling well — which to some degree was true, you know one of those days when everything seems suffocating, much, much darker, and one ugly tone, and you break… yeah it was one of those days. As you sat down at your desk to continue your market research needed for your company new product. Man, you wished you would do what actually excited you: creating the product itself based on the research, but you are only a researcher, which is way more stressful than you like to admit to anyone, especially your boyfriend Minho. You two met him when you first moved to Korea — because you were always fascinated by the countries’ culture, and it was a childhood dream of yours to move to Seoul. Unbeknownst to you, that meant that you meet with a K-pop idol that happened to be your ideal man. When the two of you met, you did not know much about Stray Kids, only heard their song called Hellavator. But now you are a fully pledged STAY, teasing Minho that Ji is your bias every time you get the chance — even tho he secretly agrees and tells you that Han is his bias too.
Once everyone got back to their respected desk, your boss called you into his office, “Y/N, please come, I need to talk to you.” You already know it probably won’t be a talk of a lifetime, especially that he has been even a bigger prick than usual, because your department haven’t been meeting the monthly quota. Making Mr. Whang’s life harder than he would want it to be. “Yes sir? How can help you?” you asked sincerely. You felt your throat dry, and tried to focus on your breathing, believing it to be a little nervousness. The nicer you can act, the easier he would let you off… at least that was your oh so naive thought. He made sure that you know where is your place: six feet under him. He made you feel like you should crawl, especially that you accused his great friend, an honest, hardworking colleague, of stealing your assignment. And you tried to explain it to him that there has been injustice, because he did, in fact, steal your presentation that you have put countless all-nighters in, but he just kept on going. Even scolded you about being so uptight and a prude, how women nowadays suck “Woman nowadays don’t get put into their place well enough. I am sure if I would be that boyfriend of yours, I would teach you to know where is your place.” After that sentence, your view started spinning, as you became very dizzy. The autopilot mode been turned on, and you were agreeing with all he said, but in reality you couldn’t been further away from reality. “You can go, don’t bother for today, you are seemingly useless, not even saying what you think, all you can do is agree, truly useless. I don’t even know how they can hire an intern like you.” You felt as if your chest closing up by the time you got out of his office. If anyone tried to call your name, you couldn’t hear it with your heart beating loudly in your ear. Without noticing, you went straight to the dance studio, where your boyfriend of many years tries his best to come up with new choreography for their comeback. You knew he is alone because Hyunjin is on a fashion show and Felix is in the studio recording his parts.
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bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
hey hope ur having a great day!
could u possibly write an angst request with skz? (any member)
something along the lines of the reader having a terrible childhood and having to go through trauma and really dark days and maybe opening up to them about it?
ig I'm asking for it is cause I'm not doing so well recently and just need to feel something lmao
hope that you're doing well, if not then a channie hug for u <33
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Warning: Angst, toxic relationship, Chan being mean.
Paring: OT8 x reader
Summary: shutting down the boys was easy but fighting her demons aka her dad was not
AN: someone requested something similar to this and I can’t seem to find the request so I just joined the two 🥺
Enjoy! 🩷
"Y/n? You okay?" Hyunjin asked her again trying to get her out of her trance.
"Yeah-yeah," her voice is caught in a crack. The hot feeling of tears starts to build up. "I'm fine, where are the rest of the boys?" She cleared her throat and put her bag down.
"They went to get some coffee, I told them I would wait here for you. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked one last time to be certain. He could sense her vibe was off but yet again it was Y/n. She was the most mysterious yet energetic person you would come across. Oh? And she's the youngest.
"Yes I'm fine Hyun, we should head for practice. We don't want to keep the boys waiting," she gave him another comforting smile before grabbing her bag once again and making their way to the JYP building.
The walk was quiet. Her thoughts were currently running haywire as she try to peace everything together but she knew today wasn't going to be a good day. The argument she had with her father still played in her head.
"So, what do you have in your schedules today?" Hyunjin interrupted her thoughts trying to ease the tension in the air.
"I just have dance practice with you guys then I get a break and you?"
"I have a photo shoot later after practice, kinda cliché themed." Y/n giggle at this. Hyunjin gave himself a pat on the back for making her laugh.
"Well, I hope stay don't make fun of you because that'll be more memes coming out,"
"Yeah, yeah, as long as I rock the outfit no one can bring me down," he flexed his biceps earring a gag sound from the manknae.
"Hyunjin that's gross," she rolled her eyes as they both entered the studio to find the boys stretching. They all said their hello's and started their practice off.
"Y/n get your head in the game," Leeknow scolded her. She had been messing up a lot today and now that they were halfway through, she hadn't gotten anything done causing the whole group to get lost.
"I'm trying okay?" She snapped back at him. Han's neck snapped in their direction as he looked at her in disbelief.
"Don't snap at him like that, his older than you," Han joined in the scolding. Y/n was tired and frustrated now. She couldn't deal with them hopping on her back.
"Okay whatever," she walked away from the both of them and sat on the floor by her bag trying to look for her water bottle. The boys were looking at her from a far trying to figure what was bothering her today.
"Hey Y/n?" I.N finally gave in and sat besides her to check in.
"Yes I.N?" She replied in her soft tone.
"You okay? You've been messing up all day-"
That was all she needed. That little push to throw her off the edge. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and she stood up still facing I.N. Her anger was at a 10 and she couldn't hold it back anymore.
"I'm fine okay?! What is wrong with all of you?! Don't you see I'm trying?! Can't you leave me alone for once?! Why does it seem like whatever I do is a problem-"
"Y/n. Out. Now." Chan's loud voice shook the room quite literally. She stormed off to stand outside by the door. Trying to keep her cool but she couldn't.
"Don't you see this is a waste of time? You're a girl! You won't survive in this industry!"
"But dad I- the boys got me. We're making it-"
"Those boys will soon leave you just like your mum did. You're pathetic and a waste of space. You don't even bring anything to the table!" Her father's voice was loud through the phone.
"Why won't you let me to what I want for once?" She begged.
"Because! I spent my whole life working my butt off to provide for you and now look at you? You've basically become a stripper"
"Dad don't say that-"
"Well it's the truth."
Her father's words echoed in her ears. She felt helpless. She felt useless. She felt disgusted by herself.
"What was that?" Chan storms out the room. He was angry. It was obvious.
"What is wrong with you? What's your problem? You've been so moody all day and whenever we ask you what's wrong cause we know damn well we didn't do anything wrong, you start acting bratty,"
"Chan I was just trying to-"
"No, I don't want to hear it. You will go in there and apologize. Understood?"
"Chan! You never listen to me. Your always taking their side," she snapped at him.
"I know damn well you aren't talking to me like that. I've given you time and time again to come talk to me but you crush it off and decide to be a bitch to everyone. So don't even say I don't listen to you-"
"I'm not being a bitch, I just want to be alone,"
"Okay then be alone. Stop bringing everyone down just cause you can't deal with you problems, you better go apologize to everyone and you can head home," the tears in her eyes started to fall once he left.
Maybe she indeed was the problem. Maybe she needed to learn a way to cope with her feelings. Maybe she just needed to shut up.
She slowly took steps back into the studio and everyone turned to look at her.
"I'm sorry if I snapped at any of you, I won't do it again," her sobs were heard. They were so painful to hear that even Chan was so close to stopping her and pulling her into a hug. He felt so bad but he knew he had to stand on business.
At first Chan thought that maybe her silent treatment would last a day or two but it dragged and it continued to drag till it was the 1 week stamp.
He grew worried because he wasn't not just talking to him but she wasn't talk at all. She would only say hello and then continue with her day. Not even taking to managers or staff.
She would just nod or say small thanks you's or goodbyes. It was almost like the fight he had with her shit her up completely and this was eating him up.
The stress of the VMA's performance coming up and having to deal with his members made everything 10x harder to cope with.
"She hasn't been eating," Changbin informs Chan who lets out a frustrated sigh. "Should I just talk to her? Maybe that'll fix things,"
"She's so mad, she won't talk to anyone. Even I.N," this caused Han and Changbin to gasp.
"They're like bestfriends, it's like they were never separated at birth. What do you mean he won't talk to her?" Han asked.
"He came to me in tears yesterday because he attempted to get her to talk but she shut him down immediately,"
"Then you're going to have to fix this Chan. She needs you even though she hasn't said it. Maybe it's something deeper than your fight,"
"I know that for certain Hyunjin but how can I talk to her when she keeps avoiding me and walking away,"
"Just go to the gardens," Felix suggested.
Chan hadn't thought about it and quickly gave a hug to Felix who he praised for a bit and run to the gardens.
There she was. Sat feeding ducklings. She had a soft smile on her face. Her cheekbones were becoming visible because of the lack of food and the stress of the shows coming up.
"Y/n?" He said while making his way to her. She remained still and quiet. Continuing to feed the ducks.
"Can we talk please?" Silence. "Look I'm sorry. I'm getting worried and you not being able to talk to me means that there's something deeper going on. Can you talk to me please? I'll shut up and listen."
"My dad," she sat up and looked over to him. Chan in disbelief after hearing her voice after so long. "My dad wants me to go back home,"
"What? What? He can't do that. We're a team. We're your family,"
"I never told you about him because of how toxic he is Chan, he won't leave me alone until I'm home. Where he can control me."
"But your legal and your on a contract-"
"He doesn't care Chan," she looked up at him. The tears in her eyes started to pour like rain. Chan's eyes soften as he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
"I won't let him take you. Over my dead body." Was all he said as she continued to sob.
"I'm so scared. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Oppa,"
"Shhhh. It's okay my love. It's fine. You did now."
He continued to comfort her until she could calm down. A constant apology left her mouth. Chan didn't want an apology he just wanted to protect her and he knew the only way he could talk to her was if she had calmed down.
"Have you eaten?" He asked her knowing the answer. He just didn't want to make it seem like he was tracking her consumption.
"I'm not hungry," her face was squashed against his chest making the words come out a little muffled.
"You are. You've lost so much weight. Let's go buy you some ramen and we can talk okay? How does that sound?"
"That's okay Chan. I'm ready to talk."
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idkwhatimdoinghere1655 · 11 months
Birthday Wishes - Arthur Leclerc
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<word count - 1657>
Tonight was going to be the third date you would have with Arthur, and you were beyond excited. You had immensely enjoyed the other two dates you had been on with him, and he truly was one of the sweetest guys you had ever had the pleasure of meeting. 
He had said he was going to meet you at the restaurant, so you got yourself ready so that you could be there a bit early. You didn't want to come across as too eager, but being early never hurt anyone. 
Thankfully, the restaurant was a short walk from your apartment, so you set off in the mild Monaco sunset. When you arrived and walked into the restaurant, you scanned the room, but there was no sign of Arthur anywhere.
You walked up to the front of house, ready to ask for the table since you assumed he wasn't there yet. "Hi, how can I help you?" the kind faced lady at the desk asked with a smile. 
"I've got a reservation for two, I'm pretty sure it should be under Leclerc?" you asked, remembering that Arthur had told you about the reservations. "I think someone is already here, follow me," she said, walking out through the restaurant and taking you to one of the tables near the back.
Then you spotted Arthur, sweetly smiling at you as you approached. His eyes were glued to you through your every move, not able to get over how stunning you looked. He scrambled to stand and greet you as the waitress walked away.
"Hey, wow, you look absolutely incredible," he complimented, pulling you in for a hug and kissing your cheeks.
"Thank you very much," you blushed, never getting used to him complimenting you. "How are you?" you asked as he pulled your chair out for you - just like a true gentleman. "I'm great thanks, you?" He countered, pushing your chair in before sitting back down on his own. "Yeah, good thanks," you nodded, picking up the menu.
Both of you ordered what you wanted, and you were glad to be able to talk to him. "What have you been up to today?" you asked, gazing at him from across the table. "All of my family came over, like my Mom and my brothers, so it was pretty hectic," he smiled, his dimples becoming more prominent.
"Any special occasion?" you asked, knowing that the whole of his family was often very busy within the world of motorsports. "It's actually my birthday today," He sheepishly said, emitting the detail that he'd rescheduled family dinner to come out with you.
"Arthur! You should've told me, we could've done something more special," you playfully scolded with feigned anger.
"Being with you is special enough for me," he quietly muttered, so quiet, in fact, that you barely heard it. You weren't even sure if you were meant to hear it, so you smiled warmly at him.
From across the table, Arthur took your hand and held it in his, your fingers slotting together like pieces of a puzzle. "Happy birthday, Arthur," you said as his thumb mindlessly ran up and down your skin. "Thank you, Y/N," he responded.
A few moments later, an idea popped into your head. "Excuse me for a second, I've got to use the bathroom," you said, standing and walking in the direction of the bathroom. When you were certain that Arthur couldn't see you, you slipped off to the front of house.
"Excuse me, it's my friend's birthday today, and I was wondering if we could do something for it?" you asked, approaching the desk, "I know I should have given notice, but I only just found out it's his birthday, sorry," you rushed, not wanting them to feel pressured.
"Of course we can, you're with the young man in the corner, yes?" she confirmed, and you were excited to see what they had up their sleeve.
"Yes, thank you so much!" you thanked, walking back the way you came to avoid suspicion from Arthur. "Ah you're back, I was starting to think you'd ran away from me," He joked, glad to have you back.
He had dated a fair few girls recently, but none of them could bring him the same sense of calm and contention like you could. It was like a strange feeling of familiarity, even if he hadn't known you long.
"I couldn't run from you, especially on your birthday," you lightly chuckled, taking his hand back in yours from across the table.
The two of you finished your main courses, and your plates were cleared away. You kept on looking over his shoulder to spot if they were coming, but you were trying to not make it look obvious.
Arthur just assumed you'd seen a famous person - you were in Monaco after all. "Look, I know tonight is far from over, but I was just wondering if-" He started, but was interrupted by you starting to sing happy birthday as one of the waitresses appeared in front of you with a cake.
There was a sparkler, spitting sparks of light up in little shoots of orange. Of course, there were the usual candles, their crimson flames dancing in the still air of the restaurant. A few people around you joined in as you sang, the cake being placed in front of Arthur.
His face was lit up, but you couldn't tell if it was the candles or the pure joy in his near Cheshire cat grin. He couldn't help but stare at you through the flames, wondering how he manged to be on a date with someone so thoughtful.
As the song came to a close, you told him, "Make a wish! But don't tell me, or else it won't come true,". Arthur didn't even have to think twice about what his wish was going to be, and he blew out the candles as people around cheered for him.
The other diners in the restaurant resumed the normal operations of the night, and the smile on his face was priceless. Every ounce of joy he had in his body was being put on full display for you to see. "I'll say it now, I don't know what kind of cake this is, so I'm sorry if you don't like it," you nervously chuckled, not having thought that through before.
"It could be my least favourite in the world and I am still going to eat it since you went through the effort to get it for me," he said, not really caring how cliche it sounded as the words left his mouth. "Would you like a slice?" He asked, picking the candles and sparklers out of the sponge.
"Yes please," you chirped, passing him your plate, "But birthday boy gets the first slice, I don't make the rules," you laughed, holding your arms up defensively.
"You're right, but, I think the birthday boy has the complete authority to overturn that rule when there is a beautiful lady in front of him who deserves the cake more," he said, plating up a slice for you and passing it over to you.
"Unfortunately, I can't argue with the birthday boy, so I will just have to deal with the burden of having the first slice," you laughed with feigned hurt, waiting for him to get his slice before starting yours. "And, luckily for you, chocolate just so happens to be my favourite," he said, swallowing his mouthful of pillowy chocolate sponge.
"I didn't get a choice, so I'm glad you like it," you told him. It was the thought that counted, but there was just a certain feeling that getting your favourite cake on your birthday provoked.
"Thank you for this, I really appreciate it," he said, unable to quash the tingling feeling that spread across his chest, and the butterflies that fluttered around in his stomach. He felt this way on your first date, but the intensity increased every time he saw you.
You collared the waiter over to pay the bill, fully prepared to pay for dinner as the present you weren't able to give him since you had only just found out that it was his birthday. "Oh, no, allow me," he dismissed the unspoken offer, gently pushing your hand away from the card reader.
"It's your birthday, the least I can do is get you dinner," you told him, going for the machine again. "And because it's my birthday, I want to treat you," he said, quickly tapping it on the reader with a beep.
"Next time, it's on me," you told him, with a stern yet playful tone to your voice. You had said that after your first date, and your second, but he clearly wasn't one for listening to your instruction.
You stayed for a short while after, discussing what you were getting up to the next day, and when you were both free. "After you," he said, opening the door for you as you walked out into the Monaco night.
"Thank you for dinner tonight, I've had a wonderful time," you smiled, standing beside him under the moonlight. "It's my pleasure, I've had a brilliant time too," he told you, watching as your eyes glinted in the luminance of the moon.
It was almost as if all of a sudden, h was bombarded with these overwhelming feelings of love and wonder. He just wanted you.
"Can- Can I?" He asked, leaning in so close that you could feel his breath on your face. His heart was pounding out of his chest so hard you could practically hear it. "Yeah," you nodded, closing the small gap between you.
Your lips came together, and you could still taste the the decadent chocolate on his tongue. Reluctantly, he pulled himself away and gazed into your eyes. "My wish came true," he grinned, hoping his other wishes with you would come true.
A/N - I was writing Charles' birthday thing last night, but then I quickly realised that it was Arthur's birthday today, so I quickly whipped this up. Sorry if it not great... Requests are open as always! Love you 💖
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The Arrangement
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Summary: Jake's done a lot of things to keep his sister, and then his niece, safe from his parent's influence and manipulation. If he wants to keep them safe, he has to marry you.
Warnings: Bad parents, Disgusting comments of a sexual nature. Let me know if I missed any!
Chapter 1 -- Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
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Your mother rushes into your room, followed by her many assistants. "It's today," she tells you. You give her a confused look and she rolls her eyes. "The marriage. It's happening today so you'd best dress up. My ladies will do your hair and makeup so you can look somewhat decent for your new husband."
"Yes, mother," is all you can say. Any attempts at pointing out you'd had no notice would be futile. And should you dare try to state a preference in your looks it would be immediately dismissed, paired with an insult. Best to just comply and do as she says. You make sure to follow the instructions of the hair and makeup team. They have to put up with your mother, too, so you always try to be polite to them.
As soon as they finish your mother shoves you in front of a mirror. "There," she coos. "Don't you look so lovely?"
You think you look like a clown. Like a lesser copy of her. "Yes, mother. Thank you."
"Would have gotten you a better dress but you refused to lose weight," she sighs. You bite your tongue. The doctor said you were healthy, that should be enough. But not for her.
"Now," she continues, "we will be meeting your father and brother at the Jensen estate. Apparently they've already go the paperwork and notary crap sorted out. Remember to walk gracefully, be polite, and for the love of everything, smile. I don't need my daughter's wedding photos to look like a funeral had happened!"
"Yes, mother."
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Jake is really trying to keep calm. His father, father-in-law and brother-in-law are all drinking to the "marriage" happening this afternoon. Apparently they're just waiting for the bride and her mother to finish getting ready. Jake is scared she's going to be just like his own mother: power hungry, demanding, backstabbing, cold. Meeting the bride's family has not helped assuage his concerns. If anything, it only further drives his conviction that he did the right thing, breaking his sister's engagement. The only thing keeping Jake calm is Clay's presence. Having an ally makes a world of difference.
Montgomery, his father-in-law, is already three drinks in. "And as a wedding gift to the happy couple, your father and I have purchased a penthouse and a car that you won't be embarrassed to be seen in."
"Are you ashamed to be seen in an American classic?" Clay raises an eyebrow.
"It's a pinto," Travis, the brother-in-law, scoffs.
"Exactly," Clay calmly says. "An American classic."
Travis rolls his eyes before turning to Jake, "I'm kinda disappointed you agreed to this thing. I was kinda hoping for that niece of yours. You know, once she turns 18. The young ones are so much easier to train."
Jake's gripping his glass so tightly his knuckles are white. He has to behave, it's in the contract. And punching his brother-in-law would not be behaving.
Thankfully Clay has his back. "Young man, you've got problems. I'm specifically talking in the bedroom, but I'm sure you've got plenty of problems outside as well. If you need some lessons on how to please a woman, I'm happy to give you some pointers."
Travis glowers at him but Clay just smirks.
A knock at the door breaks the tension in the room. An attendant comes in, "the bride is here."
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The first time you see Jake, your heart falls. He looks angry, mean. You didn't have much hope about being treated well to begin with but this just solidified it.
The first time Jake sees you, his own heart does the same. You're the spitting image of your mother. He mentally prepares himself for a life of being scolded for never being enough, a life of being cheated on, a life without love.
The documents are signed and notarized. The fake smiles are pasted on for the photos. Jake is given the keys to both the penthouse and the car. Clay promises to meet them there, driving his pinto.
You and Jake sit silently in the car. Both wanting to cry.
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Chapter 1 -- Chapter 3
Series Masterlist
Tagging: @alicedopey; @ashdoctor; @delicatebarness;@ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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♬ Summary: Jungkook is proud that Y/N is his girlfriend and he of course lets the world know how much he loves her. 
♬ Pairing: Established relationship; Jungkook x reader 
♬ Rating:  Explicit (18+) 
♬Genre: Established relationship, comedy, angst?, fluff, and smutish
♬ Warnings: Smut angst(ish) and fluff (lol) 
♬ Part of, ‘ His Fan Girl
♬ Authors note: Time jump like I know the story isn’t here yet but I couldn’t help myself lol 
After being with Y/N for a while, Jungkook already knew her reaction to the song. Y/N always got mad (flustered) at him for sharing things with his members about their love life but she also thought it was cute. When Jungkook told her that he was working on his solo album, he lied to her. The lie wasn’t big but he just said he was going to do a love song for her and she couldn’t help but fall for him more. The song had two versions to it, normal (for Y/N) and explicit (for Jungkook); problem solved. The only thing he wasn’t looking forward to was Y/N scolding him. 
Y/N sat in the studio watching Jungkook sing away in the booth and she couldn’t help but smile at him. She loved watching him sing because of how passionate he was about it. He opened his eyes and gave her his bunny smile letting her know he was truly happy. He put his headphones on the stand and walked outside. He gave her the hand motion to come here and she tilted her head at him. She placed her laptop on the couch and said her sorrys to the producers who just gave her a smile. She stood under Jungkook and gave him a confused look, “Is everything okay?” 
He nodded his head and leaned down, giving her a quick kiss, “I just wanted a kiss from you.” 
Her face felt hot and she glanced at the producers who weren’t even paying attention to them, “Yo-You can’t just kiss me in front of them...” 
“Why? You don’t want my love?” 
She slapped his chest gently and crossed her arms over her chest, “T-That’s not what I meant and you know that.” She looked over his body to look at the stand and a soft smile appeared, “You're doing a good job. Your English has improved, I’m proud of you.”
He kissed her forehead at this and nodded his head, “It was all because of you. You're a great teacher, you know.” 
“I-I tried my best...Are you almost done?” 
“Almost, can you wait another hour?” 
“Of course, I can. I just need to look over the reports from work.” 
He nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m sorry you have to wait for me.” 
“Eh? It’s okay, Kook. I’m glad I can spend time with you.” 
Another reason why he loved Y/N. She was always patient with him and just wanted to be with him regardless of what it was. He also knew she struggled in her life. She had clinical depression and there were days when it was so hard for her to function. It hurt him to see her like that because no matter what he did, she stayed the same. She always felt bad for doing this to him but he understood. 
“Baby, are you okay?”
Y/N looked up from there to give him a small smile, “I will be...”
He gave her a small frown and sat on the bed. He grabbed her hand, rubbing her knuckles gently, “Are you having another episode?” 
She sighed and nodded her head, “I am...I don’t know why though. I know you wanted to go on a date today but I don’t know...I don’t know if I can. I-I’m sorry.” 
“I wish I could take the weight off of your shoulders.” 
She gave him a small smile and leaned into his body, “I love you...”
“I love you more.” 
Her shy nature made intimate moments between the two even better. Jungkook still couldn’t believe that she was a virgin when they met and that she didn’t really have experience with a boyfriend. It made his heart flutter to know that he was her first and her last. It was an honor that he will carry for the rest of his life. There were moments when she had to push Jungkook out of bed to go to work or even to stop him from having another round. He just couldn’t get enough of her. How could he? She was everything he wanted and more, a blessing even. 
“Yo-Your fingertips are cold...”
“Let me warm them up then.” He slid his hand down her stomach to her entrance. He shoved two fingers in and she arched her back off of the bed. He looked down at her red face and couldn’t help his heart beat faster. She looked so cute even though they were doing something sinful. 
He brought his head down to her breast and started sucking at her nipple making her moans even louder. He backed away and grabbed the condom off of the bed but she noticed he was different tonight. He looked nervous and she kind of knew why. She gently brought his head into her chest and kissed the side of his head, “Kookie~, It will be okay. I know your solo will be good.” 
He pulled away and looked down at her and gave her a soft smile, “I love you.” 
“And I love you more.” 
He placed the condom on his cock and gave her another smile, “I don’t think you understand...I love you so much.” 
He intertwined their fingers together next to her head and thrust into her. She let out a moan and he leaned down letting her moan into his mouth, “Kook~!” 
Their tongues swirled each other and he opened his eyes to peek at her. Her face was so red that he could feel the heat off of it and with her eyes closed, it made her look so innocent. He kept thrusting into her as he placed kisses on her neck, “You give me strength...” 
Today was release day. Y/N and Jungkook were in New York for him to perform at Good Morning and she was so excited to see it. She was going to be in a special area making sure no one could see her. This was the second thing on her mind, the first thing on her mind was just seeing him perform. They sat in the hotel with her laptop on the bed as she looked at him with a smile, “Are you excited?” 
He gave her a nervous smile and laugh, “I’m not sure...” 
She leaned forward placing a kiss on the tip of his nose, “I’m excited. You didn’t let me come with you to the filming...I’m still upset about that, you know.”
He rolled his eyes and brought her in to sit on his lap with her laptop in hers. He kissed the side of her head and chuckled, “I wanted it to be a surprise.” 
“You know I don’t like surprises...”
“Too bad.” 
She glanced at the time and looked up to see him already looking down, “Are you ready?” 
“Yeah, I am.” 
She pressed play and she watched it as he played with her fingers. She laughed at some parts and rolled her eyes. When the video was over, she turned her body so she could straddle his waist with a goofy smile, “This just shows how clingy you are...”
“Clingy for you only baby.” 
The autoplay on youtube went to the next song and she glanced to see what was playing. She turned her whole body and she squinted at the screen, “JUNGKOOK! WHY DOES THIS SAY EXPLICIT!” 
He felt sweat forming on his forehead as he let out a small laugh, “I-It’s nothing.” 
I'll be fuckin' you right, seven days a week. She glared at the screen with her mouth open and her face blazing. She shut her laptop and let out a groan as she brought her hands to cover her face, “Why did you make that!?”
He pouted at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, “Because I love you, plus the world knows I have a girlfriend. They know I’m talking about you.” 
“Th-They don’t know it's me! OH MY GOD, THE GUYS ARE GONNA LISTEN TO THIS AND KNOW!!” 
Jungkook let out a laugh and kissed her cheek, “I kiss your waist and ease your mind..”
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
What if maybe stucky had a day off for the first time in awhile and they planned on spending it w/ reader. She was really looking forward to it. But maybe one of the caregivers asked them to watch their little for the day last minute bc they were called away on a mission. Stucky accidentally ignores reader all day and just really hurts her feelings. Maybe they spoil the other little let them pick the movie and lunch etc. How would they make it up to reader?
Hi M! First off, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for being so patient. I'm so so sorry it has taken me so long to get to your amazing thoughts and questions. So let's dive in <3
What A Day
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name scarcely used, pet names, language, anxiety, very upset Peter (but not at reader), angst, misunderstanding, frustrations, scolding, threat of punishment, tears, fluffity fluff fluff fluff, everything gets worked out in the end because I always need a happy ending.
A/N- not my best writing style, I'm sorry, words are hard right now. But I love you all and want to try to get these requests out for you all, so I hope you like it anyways.
Today was the day! You were all set to spend the day together, just you and your daddies. You were so excited, you had been looking forward to it for the longest time. You all had tried to plan stuff before this, and something always came up. Every time. But not today! No way, not today!
Until it did.
Tony and Pepper received a very-last-minute summons to the White House to 'discuss some urgent matters' as Pepper put it or bail their asses out, as Tony put it. There was no way they could bring Peter, who was feeling extra little and clingy, so Steve, seeing their panic, volunteered to take him for the day, since you'd all planned on being at home anyways and the rest of the team were out on assignment.
You were a bit disappointed, but Petey was your best friend in the world, so this was going to be fun, right? Well......
When they dropped Peter off, he was definitely in a littler headspace than you had even seen him. He was crying hard in Steve's arms as Tony and Pepper left (both trying their hardest not to well up).
You tried to help, patting him on the leg and offering him Emma Bear or Pipsqueak to hold, but he didn't want either of them and tried to bat your hand away.
This shocked you a bit, but Bucky picked you up and whispered in your ear that Peter just needed a little extra attention right now. You nodded in understanding, and as soon as Bucky set you back down, you set off to your playroom, determined to find things to make him smile.
When you got back though- your arms full of toys and stuffies that you knew he'd like- you were a bit surprised to see both Steve and Bucky on the couch, side by side, comforting and holding Peter. You dropped your toys on the floor, wanting to come be a part of the cuddle party, but the noise scared Peter who started to cry again.
"Baby, you need to be more careful," Steve scolded very gently, knowing you hadn't done it on purpose. "I know you're trying to help, but Peter doesn't like loud noises right now. Please go put your toys back."
You started to protest that you had only picked out toys to be nice, but Bucky cut you off. "Go put 'em up, love, you heard Papa." It was a gentle tone, but you knew better than to try to argue.
Trying to be quiet, you carefully put them back slowly. But every time you came back to the room, you eyed your daddies meaningfully, hoping they'd ask you to be a part of the cuddle party, but they were so focused on keeping the little boy calm that they missed it entirely.
Once you were done, you quietly came over with Pipsqueak, holding him out to Peter, who took him, but turned his face back into Steve's chest. Feeling both frustrated and a little jealous, you said, "You s'posed to say 'tank you'." Peter just whined in reply.
This time, Steve looked at you sternly. "Baby, please don't upset Peter right now. He's feeling very little and needs quiet."
"But he didn't say tank you and you always say I gotta use my manners..."
Bucky picked you up before you caused Peter to start crying again, and started carrying you down the hallway to your playroom. "Listen up, angel, Peter is too young and upset to remember manners right now, and you're being loud when we've asked you to quiet down. Why don't you stay and play in here for a while until Peter is feeling better?" He set you down in the playroom and quickly shut the door before you had a chance to say anything.
You felt like you were being punished, even though you'd never get to stay in your playroom with all your toys when you were actually being punished. But you couldn't help but feel that way. Your daddies weren't spending any time with you now, and your bestie was treating you like you were mean, and it wasn't fair at all.
Bucky came to get you about an hour later for lunch. You were disappointed when you found that lunch was already made, because you loved it when you got to stir the mac and cheese. But when you were eating and Steve started telling Peter what a good job he'd done stirring, you got mad.
You shoved yourself off your chair and got exactly one step away before Bucky picked you up and plopped you back down. "You haven't been excused, little girl," he said a bit sharply, getting tired of your antics. You glowered as once again you were being asked to have manners when Peter didn't have to. Bucky made you sit there until all your lunch was eaten, which was well after Peter and Steve finished theirs and left to go watch a movie together.
You got even angrier when they picked a different movie than the one that you all were supposed to watch today, but you were still stuck in your dumb chair and couldn't do anything about it. Bucky had to threaten you with a time out and early bedtime before you finally finished eating. And once you did, he gave you a little talking-to about your attitude before taking your hand and bringing you over to the couch to watch the movie with them.
What you saw when you got there stopped you cold.
Steve had wrapped Peter up in your special yellow weighted blanket. Now, normally this wouldn't be a big deal, as you always wanted to share with your bestie, but this was YOUR special blanket for when you were feeling upset or overstimulated or needed comfort- and right now, you were definitely feeling all three.
"Dat's my special blanket," you said, pointing and mumbling. You didn't want to be loud or 'keep having an attitude', but this was just too much.
The look of disappointment in Steve's eyes hurt your heart. "Honey, we share in this house," he said, making you feel even worse. "You know that."
You couldn't stop the tears from overflowing at this point. "I alweady gave him my whole day!" you sobbed, before turning around and running to your room. You didn't slam your door- you'd only get in more trouble- but you pushed it mostly shut before diving into your stuffies, pulling Jellybean in close, and continuing to sob.
You heard a soft knock on your door a few moments later. "Baby, it's Daddy. May I come in please?" You only buried yourself deeper into your furry friends, afraid that Daddy was going to scold you again.
Bucky slowly opened the door, and his heart shattered at seeing you crying into all your stuffed animals. "I'm gonna come in, okay?" he added softly, stepping forward gently. If you really didn't want him in there, he would leave, but as you gave no indication one way or the other, he came in quietly and sat on the foot of your bed.
Once your tears and sobs slowed down, you risked a peek at Daddy in between Jellybean's soft fluffy ears. His face broke into a sad smile once he saw your red eyes. "Hey there, Trouble," he said gently. "Can Daddy hold you please?"
You didn't want another talking-to about your attitude, so you obediently pushed yourself up and crawled over to him. But when he pulled you onto his lap and cuddled you to his chest, like he did when he was comforting you, you suddenly realized that you weren't in trouble- that he really did want to just hold you. And the tears started all over again.
Bucky just held on, rocking you gently, rubbing your back, squeezing you tight when the tears turned into sobs, pressing soft kisses onto the top of your head. Once you cried yourself out, he plucked a tissue from the bedside table and held it to your face so you could blow. He mopped you up, still cuddling you all the while. "I'm really sorry you didn't get your day with us, Trouble," he said softly. "And I'm sorry that Papa and I were so focused on Peter and didn't see how upset you were. We weren't very nice to you today, were we?"
Sniffing mightily, you rubbed your nose with the back of your hand, resting your tired and aching head on Daddy's chest. "You was twying to help Petey. I sowwy I was bad and loud and mean," you mumbled.
"Baby, you were NOT bad or mean. You were loud, but that's just you- and we like you that way," Bucky said, finally grinning, which made you giggle. "I know that you were trying to help, and I'm sorry that I didn't have the patience to see that, and that we left you on your own today when we were trying to take care of Peter. So how about this? You and I can take some R&R together right now, just you and me, and then we can figure out everything else afterwards?"
Absolutely exhausted, you just nodded, falling asleep in Daddy's arms before he could even lay you down. And true to his word, he stayed with you for your whole nap, cuddling you and running his fingers through your hair.
After you all had naps, Peter was feeling much better, and the four of you played legos and dinosaurs in the living room until Tony and Pepper came home. It was a relief to Bucky and Steve, who had quietly worried that this was going to mess up Peter's and your friendship. But as always, after a good nap, things seemed brighter and you both were back to the giggling troublemakers you usually were, playing happily and noisily until Peter went home.
After you all had eaten supper, Papa cuddled you on his lap, apologizing too, and the three of you had a really good talk (with you still in younger space) about all of you feeling jealously, frustrations, and angry feelings, and being safe to calmly tell each other. They also helped work out some hand signals for you in case you went non-verbal or couldn't find the right words to tell them how you were feeling. You felt like a much happier baby after new ways to help you express yourself, and gleefully accepted Papa's cuddles all night (since Daddy had gotten them all to himself during nap time, he argued it was his turn).
The next day, Fury had blocked every single message to your daddies as well as access to your floor (barring emergency protocols, but ya know) making sure that you all truly had the whole day to yourselves. Daddy made your favorite cinnamon and sugar french toast for breakfast, which he fed to you bite by bite while you wiggled with energy.
The three of you went to your favorite quiet park out of the city, where you joyfully screamed down the slide, scrambled up the net ladder, giggled rocking back and forth on the bouncy animals, and had a contest with your daddies to see who could swing you the highest. THAT was the best.
You had a picnic lunch and had a blast bouncing back and forth between your daddies, insisting on feeding them blueberries one at a time. For some reason, that absolutely tickled you to no end, and you ended up laughing your head off the entire time. You fell asleep in your seat on the way home, and woke up in your bed. You found your daddies and the three of you drew pictures and colored together, then made a blanket fort in the living room for later.
Papa let you help him make dinner, and while it wasn't stirring- mac-and-cheese, it was still really fun. And then they both surprised you with being able to make a batch of your favorites- chocolate chip cookies! Right after the cookies cooled just enough, you FINALLY got to watch your movie, snuggled in between the two of them in your blanket fort, munching on the delicious treats.
Papa gave you a bath, letting you pick out both bubbles and a bath bomb, and Daddy put on your lotion and helped you pick out jammies and your nighttime books. You fell asleep in the crook of Bucky's arm, safe and warm, the three of you now more bonded than ever.
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bonny-kookoo · 1 year
𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖎𝖙 [Change of Heart]
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One step forward, two steps back. But why are you both dancing around like that?
Tags/Warnings: (here we go...) werewolf!kook, Alpha!kook, werewolf!reader, omega!reader, some angst, blood and fighting, we love drama, strangers to mates, soulmate AU, major injury
Length: 2.5k
There is no Taglist for this fic.
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You watch from the sidelines as everyone gets ready to shift with their partners to go on the pack hunt- smiling as you see Seokjin and his mate.
"You're not coming?" Jungkook's voice asks from behind you, and for once, you've stopped being so jumpy around him. He's not really done anything that would suggest he wants to just fuck and drop you- so maybe, he's not all that bad of a person. You shake your head, turning it to look at him- his hair a bit curled today. He's probably just showered, considering the way he smells. "Not your thing?" He wonders, visibly happy to notice your pretty obvious shift in behavior towards him as he sits down next to you.
"No-" You shake your head, watching Minjee complain to her mother why she can't tag along. "-just, it's lame to go without a hunting partner. And Yoongi doesn't attend, really." You shrug, when he teasingly bumps his shoulder into yours.
"I'm here though?" He asks, and there's a playful glimmer in his eyes you've not noticed before. Well- there's a lot of things you've not noticed before, considering you didn't bother paying attention to him in detail. Maybe you should. He wants to be your mate, after all- and taking everything into consideration, you're starting to become pretty comfortable with that thought.
"I'm slow." You decline, waving him off with a hand gesture. "And I get lost pretty easy, so, it's not really my thing I guess." You explain to him- but he's stubborn.
"Well, that's why you run with a partner. I don't really know the woods here, but I've got some good orientation skills to make up for it, if I'm allowed to brag." He chuckles, making you roll your eyes. So much to giving him a chance.
Though you can't deny that he's actually not that bad.
You jump up from your spot on the bench, stretching your arms before you turn around. "You know what? Alright." You almost challenge, and you just know from the sight of his sparkling eyes that he'd wag his tail if he had one in his human form. "If I get lost, I'm telling Yoongi it's your fault." You threaten at him as he stands up, your finger poking at the middle of his chest.
But he only grins, lifts your hand to his face, and kisses the back of it with n impish glimmer in his eyes.
"Don't worry." He says, letting you take your hand back. "I won't lose you." He promises, and you look away, walking towards Namjoon and Yoongi to let them know you'll both attend as well. You can sense Jungkook right behind you, and Yoongi seems to notice too- eyeing the alpha behind you with suspicion.
"Yoongi, Jungkook here wants to kidnap me for the hunt this time." You say, earning an insulted gasp from behind.
"That's a lie, you brat!" He scolds, making Namjoon laugh- though Yoongi doesn't seem too impressed.
"I'd rather you stay here." He says, catching you off guard. "You're not suited for a hunt like this. You've never attended before-" He starts, and Jungkook cuts him off.
"Then it's a good time, no?" He says calmly. "She's got to learn at some point. Wrapping your omegas in bubble wrap will only make them easy targets." He says with crossed arms, and you can practically taste the tension suddenly rising.
"Are you telling me how to lead my pack, whelp?" Yoongi threatens lowly, a growl underlining his statement, as Namjoon coughs awkwardly, trying to ease the situation before something could snap.
"I'm sure he simply got a little overexcited, right Jungkook?" He targets his friend and packmember, who you can see grits his teeth with a sharp gaze on Yoongi. "Jungkook."
"Of course. Pardon my manners." He growls just as aggressively at Yoongi, who doesn't back down- though he does relax a bit.
"Though, if I may give my opinion-" Namjoon calmly says to Yoongi next to him. "Jungkook is more than capable of keeping your packmember safe, I assure you." He tells him. "If anyone is to trust, it's him. I'll put my honor in him." He says, and you're not sure what to do now.
"I- don't have to go, actually." You try and pacify everyone in this situation. You always hate things like these. As an omega, you simply can't stand situations like these were people are so close to fighting. The only thing that confuses you right now- and visibly draws both Yoongis and Namjoons attention as well- is how you instinctively stand in front of Jungkook, protectively.
Which probably just looks hilarious, but that's besides the point.
"I see." Yoongi just says after a moment, moving his gaze from you, to Jungkook- before he reaches out to tap the top of your head, a silent wolf-sign of approval, before he leaves you all be, Namjoon following after him.
"I'm sorry." Jungkook suddenly says behind you, a lot softer now than minutes prior. "I didn't mean to get you in such an uncomfortable situation." He says, but you just shrug your shoulders.
"No, you.. were right." You nod, still looking after Yoongi until he disappears from sight. "It's time to learn. Be less dependent on him, you know? Not so weak all the time…" You say, and Jungkook gently offers his hand on your shoulder.
"I think you don't give yourself enough credit." He reassures. "The way you shielded me from your own packleader was pretty attractive, I won't lie." he teases into your ear, and you turn red, attempting to hit his chest-
though he runs off before you can catch him, a boyish smile full of excitement on his lips.
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"Omega, stop looking at the clouds." Jungkook's voice echoes in your head, his heavy body colliding with yours as you get gently scolded.
In a way, you feel a lot more comfortable with his alpha next to you, instead of Jungkook himself- because compared, his alpha is a lot more clear in his behavior, plays with his cards open on the table, so to speak. It reassures you, and gives you a huge feeling of security, especially in an unfamiliar situation such as this one.
So of course, you can't help but be playful with him.
What humans don't understand, is the relation of the subgender to yourself. It's not like you and your omega, or Jungkook and his alpha are two different entities- it's more complicated than that. Jungkook is his alpha, his alpha is him. The only difference existing in this form is what isn't there- it's like who's in control at what time. His instincts are free in this form, emotions raw and uncontrolled, everyone simply existing in the moment, neither in the past nor the future. In this form, he's the purest version of himself, so to speak, no social boundaries or human insecurities clouding his actions and words. And it's the same for you.
And to him, it couldn't be any more beautiful.
Gone is the damage that the past had inflicted on your human soul. Forgotten is what holds you back from seeing him right in front of you. Instead, you're playful, carefree and wild- you're what he's always been longing for, what he's finally found. But his moment of tranquility is interrupted by a sudden movement close by that makes him stop in his tracks, listening closely as you walk closer as well, and come to a stop next to him. Something doesn't feel right- there's no prey around, nothing jumping through the forest, not even birds chirping as if they've all gone away.
As if something scared them off.
And then it happens.
A shot rings out, and you yelp- he can't check if you're injured or not as you both run off into the direction you came from, another shot landing in a tree right next to Jungkook's face- so close he could've sworn he could hear it whizz past him. He runs and keeps an eye on you- changing his side to the one the shots come from, to shield you in case another shot tries to land. You luckily don't seem to be injured- and soon, he can see Seokjin and the others already high alert as they've probably heard the noise. "What happened?" Seokjin wonders, but Jungkook shakes his head as he doesn't slow down.
"Run back!" He barks out, and everyone follows the advice instantly.
Another shot falls, and he can hear it so close to him it makes his spine shiver. He can see the pack houses come into view, and every pack leader and beta already protectively out in front, expecting everyone as they've probably sent all the others inside. Whoever had been running after them has gone by now- scent leaving, a car speeding off in the distance. "What happened?" Namjoon demands instantly. "Is anyone hurt?"
"No-" Seokjin pants, before he turns around. "-right? Jungkook? You both alright?" He wonders, and just then the Alpha finally gets the time to check you over.
Yoongi watches as the wolf scans you urgently for any signs of potential injury, noticing the way you don't put weight on one of your back legs. "It's just sore." You explain. "I.. bent it weird when I got scared." You reassure, though he intently sniffs your fur, not letting your words ease his mind before he can make sure himself. It's an oddly reassuring sight for Yoongi to see- it's first proof to him that you'll be fine in the hands of the alpha, if you choose to stay with him. Jungkook huffs in relief when he doesn't find anything that could tell him you're hurt- and a sore leg would heal quickly on it's own.
"Maybe we should call of the-" Seokjin starts, but you whimper at that.
"No, Jinnie!" You complain. "You've waited so long!" You whine, and he walks closer to try and calm you down.
"I know, but it's not worth it if we're potentially in danger." He denies.
"We can just stay a little longer, and discuss if your mate could stay here until the next full moon." Namjoon offers. "If Yoongi agrees, she could stay here."
"We would need an exchange." Yoongi shakes his head however, arms crossed. "I can't randomly take in members like that, Namjoon."
"I know." The leader says, a little amused. "And I think.. I might know who could help with this." He says, looking at you, who's still being licked and groomed by an overly worried alphawolf next to you, large beast all over you as he makes sure no scent of fear would stick with you any longer.
Yoongi sighs. "We'll talk about that later." He simply says, walking off.
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"I'm exchanging." You say the next morning as you've sat down across from Jungkook at the table where he's having his breakfast at. He falls into a cough at that, almost choking on his cereal.
"What?" He asks, and you shrug, putting your own spoon in your bowl.
"I offered myself." You say simply, and he's a lot more collected now.
"I- yeah, I assumed as much. But-" He puts down his spoon. "Yoongi agreed?" He wonders, and you nod. "So you're coming with me? m-My pack, I mean. Namjoon's pack." He corrects himself almost in a hurry, making you smile.
"Yep." You nod. "Gotta pack my things tonight, and we'll still have the festival, though things are gonna be changed a bit to fit the new event better." You say, before pointing your spoon at his bowl. "You wanna have your cereal go soggy?" You tease, and he picks up his own at that remark, continuing to eat-
though you can feel his eyes on you the entire time, until he finishes.
"I hope you know that you don't have to do that." He says after putting the bowl back down, placing the spoon in the empty dish. "I'm happy, don't get me wrong- but,"
"Don't worry." You shake your head. "I would've offered myself either way. Seokjin deserves to be happy. He's waited for a long time, and it's time I find myself a mate too, don't you think?" You wonder.
Jungkook crosses his arms, leans them on the table.
"Your pack has a lot to offer." You rant on, finding amusement in the clear boiling emotions in the alpha in front of you. "Namjoon spoke to an alpha named Jimin, yesterday. Very pretty face. Not too intimidating, seems very nice." You almost sing.
He deserves this, you think to yourself. After all, you've spoken to other's of his pack as well- and the stories you've been told about him are anything but nice and of any nature that would cause trust. He's done this in the past, if the things his packmates told you are correct; he plays around with omegas of other packs during the festival times, and leaves them behind once they're over. He probably hoped he could do that to you too.
But you're not that easy.
He notices the shift in behavior towards him by now, the icy stare you send him reminding him of the very beginnings when he's first met you. He just doesn't know why- has he done anything to come off too strong? Has he pushed you back for one reason or another?
He can't come up with an answer.
"What's gotten you so petty at me suddenly?" He wonders, a little irritated by your behavior. He doesn't like that you're jabbing at him with cryptic hits instead of openly explaining what's on your mind- and it seems like you won't tell him no matter how much he wants to, as you stand up and collect your bowl and spoon.
"Nothing." You simply answer. "I need to go pack my things." You excuse yourself, and he wants to reach out, grab after you-
but he doesn't. He's got no right to keep you at his side-
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!!
Tagged through the week by lots of people (thank y'all I always enjoy reading your stuff 💜) and today by @wikiangela and @inell who both shared AMAZING stuff y'all should show some love 🩷💚
Still working on Severed Artery, but it's been slow going. It's been... a week™, and the words just aren't wording. I am hoping to have this finished soon because I really like it (most of it anyway lol). While I sit and stare at the doc until it stares back, have some of The Boys vs Helena Diaz:
“Mom,” Eddie says before she can get started. “I know you're worried, but we've got it handled.” “Eddie, you can't even walk more than a few feet without falling over,” she points out with a huff. “What makes you think you can single handedly take care of Christopher? Or yourself?” “Not single handedly,” Buck declares. Helena turns her icy gaze on Buck. “Excuse me?” “Eddie can take care of himself and Chris, he has been for years, but that doesn't mean he's been alone,” Buck says. “I'm not saying he's incapable,” Helena says slowly. She always did that when she was trying not to explode. “All I'm saying is he's going to need help.” “And he has it,” Buck says easily. "I think you might be overstepping, young man," she says in the same tone she always used to scold Eddie with his whole life. “You've done what you were asked.” “Don’t you dar-” Buck stops Eddie's protest with a reassuring hand on his shoulder, his gaze never leaving Helena's. "I step in wherever Eddie wants me.” “Like taking my grandson from me?” Helena scoffs. “Mom-” “Why didn't you tell us?” she asks, looking at Eddie with watery eyes. There are a million reasons why Eddie didn't tell them. A million more why he never intended to tell Buck. But Buck needed to know, deserved to know, and it was the only way Eddie could give Buck his heart and still protect it from being shattered. “I knew how you’d react,” Eddie says, taking the easiest explanation. “You didn’t even consider the possibility of him going with you,” Helena huffs. “It’s not about that,” Eddie counters. “Christopher’s life is here. He loves Buck-” “And he loves us-” “I’m not saying he doesn’t, but-” “Then why choose-” “Because he loves Buck like a father,” Eddie blurts out.
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed):
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@exhuastedpigeon @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @thekristen999
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6 @slowlyfoggydestiny
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 @totallynotagoraphobic @dandelioncasey @bibuckbuckgoose @whatsgoodinthehood22
@lady-elaine @buckley-diaz-rules @buddiedaydreamer911 @monroemary @pirate-hunter @nonspeakingkiku
And @just-passing-through04
And anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
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d3adlove1 · 3 months
Lovers Rock❤️‍🔥
Summary: The story of how you and Carl came to be with a time jump into Alexandria. It’s late at night and you're at your boyfriend Carls's house and he plays “Lovers Rock” by TV Girl
(I know TV Girl wasn't around the time that the show aired so just like pretend)
TW: Mention of death, blood, kissing, and cuddling, use of pet names?? (just incase)
(Carl Grimes x fem!reader)
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You and Carl were what everyone considered "puppy love" or "best friends to lovers" trope. Before you and he had started to date you two were insanely close ever since the farm when the group was looking for Sophia but instead found you. Well they didn't exactly find you, you had appeared on the farm, alone, scared, and splattered in blood. Your parent's blood to be exact. The same day Carl was shot while trying to pet a dear (which you still scold him for to this day) you were taken in by Maggie coming back on her horse from collecting Lori and warning the others. She cleaned you up and basically took you in as her own even though her dad Hershel was completely against it since she was only in her early twenties but over time you grew on him. When Glenn and Maggie got together he accepted you as if you were his own blood as well since you were nothing but a meek child.
However during your first week on the farm when Carl was on bed rest it didn't stop you from being the curious kid you were, resulting in you asking Maggie to visit the unfamiliar boy non-stop until she finally gave in and asked Lori and Rick if you could see him. They said yes thanks to worrying about their son being lonely. When granted permission you walked into the room slightly nervous but confident that you would easily make friends with the boy. You saw Carl fiddling with the sheriff hat his dad had just given him but when you walked in he immediately stopped and stared at you. It freaked you out a little but you pushed it to the side and sat on the chair beside the bed.
"Hi, my name is y/n y/l/n, what's yours?" you ask trying to spark up a conversation. You could tell he was shy, it was written all over his facial features. "My name is Carl Grimes" he mutters as he fails to keep eye contact. "Well Carl Grimes I like your hat", you add to give him some type of confidence though you really did like the hat. He looked at you again with a smile on his face, "Thanks, my dad gave it to me" he spoke clearer than before. You smiled back at him and spent the rest of that day with him talking about random things you liked and sharing common interests.
Since then you and Carl were a pair nobody could ever seperate even if they tried. To say the least, he and you had gone through thick and thin together, losing Lori and Shane, the governor's attack, thinking Judith was dead, the collectors, terminus, and the church which is where you two had made it official, but now you were in Alexandria. It had taken some adjusting to get used to everyone and the environment but you did it with Carl by your side.
Earlier today while you were on your watch shift at the gate Carl had stopped by to bring you your favorite snack. You sat on top of the gate on the lookout when you heard the ladder being used. Soon enough Carl was sitting by your side with chocolate-covered strawberries in a container. Your face quickly lit up and you snatched the container from his hand. "Um a hi would also be appreciated y/n" he remarks. You playfully roll your eyes at him and give him a tight hug, as you pull away you place a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you Carl I appreciate it" You look at him with pure admiration and gratefulness in your eyes. "Of course baby", he places a quick kiss on your forehead as you open the container and start to eat.
"Soo, I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out at my house after you're done with your shift" he questioned with a hopeful expression. "Yeah of course" you reply with a smile. Carl grins at you and looks at your lips for a moment before pressing a kiss onto your lips. "What was that for i'm literally swallowing my food", you respond with a chuckle. "There was chocolate on your lips" he states with a shrug, "I'll see you later though". He places a quick kiss on your cheek as he moves to the ladder. "You're gross!" you call out for him to hear. "I know!"
A few hours had passed and you were at Carls's front door. You knocked and Rick answered the door with Judith in his hands. "Oh hey y/n it's good to see you" his accent strong on his tongue. "Hi Rick it's nice to see you too, and it's especially good to see you Judith", you poked at her stomach causing her to giggle. "Well we were just headed out, Carl's upstairs". "Oh alright well see you guys later" You smiled at them as you walked towards the stairs, hearing the door shut. As you reached Carl's room you heard your favorite song play.
Lovers Rock
You couldn't help but smile as you opened the door to see Carl sitting on his bed with a beautifully picked bouquet of roses in his hand. You closed the door behind you and he stood up from the bed. "Awww this is cute Carl thank you but you didn't need to play my favorite song to give me flowers", you say as you wrap your arms around his neck. "The song isn't for you sweetheart", he says within the crook of your neck. You pull away to look at him with a displeased look on your face, "Then who the fuck is it for?" you ask. "Me", he responds with a low chuckle. You tilt your head at him still slightly confused. Carl's cheeks flush a light pink before he responds, "The song reminds me of you".
You smile up at him before he leans down to give you a tender kiss on the lips as he holds you by your waist.
"She might want a kiss before the end of this song".
Hii again, this is now my second post. I decided to post this oneshot before I post "Running Feelings Part 2" so that will be coming soon. I'm not sure if this oneshot is either too long or too short because I don't really know how to feel about it but I'm posting this anyways!
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sakumz · 6 months
a/n : tw reader has family issues, slight gore
[ g. kaldo x fem reader ]
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you slam the telephone down in your office. kaldo slightly jolts from the sudden noise as he placed the daily newspaper he was reading back on the small table next to the couch. taking one quick sip of his honeyed coffee before making his remark.
" what's got you so worked up in the morning? "
" morning? it's already noon! " you scold as you turn to face him, the tears on your eyes barely noticeable.
" they should call you the angry cane, " he jokes as you slump back down on your chair.
" what are you even doing in my office? "
" just chilling, I'm free. there's really nothing for me to do here, I could go home if I wanted to but I'd feel bad for the rest working their asses off. anyways enough about me but let me guess who was on the phone! your sister right? " he had a hand on his chin before snapping his fingers together.
" yeah... "
work was your escape from the family house you grew up in. magic was everything in this world. if your magic was stronger everyone would possibly respect you right? or so you thought. growing up as the big sister and middle child of five siblings. you're bound to be compared to your older brothers. it was unfair if only your parents didn't value one gender over the other. your brothers weren't as great as you. your first brother works in the bureau of magic but you're a divine visionary, also part of the bureau of magic so why? why does your parents still expect more from you? his wife recently gave birth to his second child. your second brother, step brother, is peacefully living his life as a successful bakery owner. both your younger siblings were in high school, both in their first year, one's your biological sister and the other is your half sister or not half but step sister. you're barely 23 and yet everything feels so far apart.
" so incompetent. " you mumbled as kaldo tilts his head.
" why? " you can't help but whisper as tears starts to prick your eyes. kaldo stays silent.
" I'm a divine visionary yet what more can she expect from me? I've done everything I can to be the best... I've even slayed that one dragon beast, earning a title... I've saved countless of people. so why? " you can't help but bawl your eyes out. kaldo gets up from the couch as he approaches you, rubbing slow circles on your back.
" you're more than the best, they don't say it but if they're not proud of you then I am. nothing can change that. I think you're incredible. " he says, calming you down.
you left the house and had been living by yourself ever since high school up till now. you don't have a reason for being in a place that haunts you for not being better than your older brothers. your sister called you earlier, inviting you to the family's dinner party tonight.
" kaldo... come with me to my family's dinner tonight, " you look up at him.
" your step mother will be there? " hearing those words, you can't help but glare at him. your real mother had been dead since your sister was born. that step mother of yours, doesn't even look one bit like you! isn't it obvious she's not your real mother. kaldo did visit your family house once, all the portraits of your real mother were replaced by her face. there's barely any family photos hung on the walls either.
" yeah. " you spat as he smiles.
" am I coming as your co-worker, best friend or potential lover maybe husband even? " you blush at his words.
" c-c-co-worker! "
after work, you and kaldo made your way to the family house. not bothering to change out of your work clothes. nervousness didn't bother to eat you. you felt oddly confident, having kaldo with you. if there's bloodshed today, you're certain it'll be your victory. kaldo feels happy he's going in the house again. he talked to the others about visiting the grand family house and no one was surprised he finally managed to visit it. everyone having gone in once as well but this second visit will make him special! if only he knew the madl family was a close partner to your family's. that means orter and his brother used to come over frequently to play. he didn't know that, of course.
" welcome home. " the house butler greets you, surprised to see you bringing a plus one, a male too.
" good to see you Mr butler, " he smiles at the nickname you've given him, barely remembering the last he heard you calling him that. he takes your coat and kaldo's as he hung it on the rack, near the entrance doors. before walking you to the dinning table.
everyone was quiet for a moment, taking in your appearance and the man next to you. your father sat at the end of the table, your step mother next to him and your first brother on his other side. everyone has taken their seats and the vacant ones were the one directly facing your father, the seat next to it or the two seats next to your step mother.
kaldo pats your shoulder. you take this as a sign to sit. you took the seat directly infront of your father as kaldo sits next to you, next to him was your sister.
everyone starts to eat, the table was quiet. you were surprised how kaldo didn't say anything. the food was a distraction, how you miss the cooking of the house. truth be told, the only good parts to living here was the workers who serve the family. your father clears his throat as the attention shifted to him.
" when are you, y/n going to get married? " he questions as everyone turns to look at you. you drop your fork on the plate as a surprise to the question.
" isnt it obvious, she's dating the guy next to her? " your step brother jokes as you cast a spell controlling his shadow to slightly tug at his leg, making him hit the table. all the plates, glasses and bowls clanks to the movement.
" orter madl would've been the best one for her to marry, " your first brother chimes in. his wife next to him, nods.
" big brother i want to marry him, don't say that! " your step sister says as she slams her hand on the table.
" ew, I doubt he'll even bat an eye at you. remember when he came over to watch the divine visionary candidate test, he said you were incompetent and far from his type. don't try your luck, " you can't help but laugh at what your sister said. everyone turning back to you.
" sorry, but orter would rather stab himself than be with you. " you wipe the tears from your eyes as kaldo smiles.
" anyways, I can't see myself with orter. we're best friends and I wouldn't want to be in an arranged marriage with someone who didn't get the freedom to pick who they'll marry. especially one just to tie the family together. " you finish the sentence as you look directly at your father.
" well we didn't say you'll be in one, marrying the orter madl gives you some sort of high title. you should take it, " your step mother says.
" I'll be fine. besides kaldo here, will be my life long partner. " hearing you say that, got kaldo grinning from ear to ear.
" that man, doesn't look like kaldo gehenna. " your step brother says matter of fact. " maybe you've casted a spell to make some other guy look like him and then brought the man over. "
" that's a pity, if it's true! Hahaha, " your step sister laughs.
" be quiet, is it true? you, kaldo gehenna will marry y/n? " your father says, turning to look at the man.
his eyes open, smiling at him as he says, " yes, and insulting me won't go unnoticed. you shall receive punishment for that. I could get you expelled from easton academy and I can burn down your precious bakery. "
" don't do that, say something! y/n! " your step mother shouts as she slams her hands on the table, dropping down a glass next to the floor.
" shut up, this is beyond my control and why should I control the actions of my beloved? " you question as this bubbles up her anger. she summon her wand, casting a spell to pick up a broken glass to throw it as you. it cut your cheek, you felt the blood run down. you stand up from your seat.
out of anger, you threw the glass next to you at your father. aiming for the wall behind him, he was unfazed. everyone looked at you. have you gone crazy? that's the man who created you with your late mother. the man who spends money on you, lets you live in his house.
" y/n, sit. " your father ordered as you stand, not moving an inch.
" no, thanks for dinner. I'm sorry dear sister. I can't stay for long and if I could, I would have done so long ago. you know I'm strong. I've defeated countless of monsters, that doesn't change the fact I can take the life of humans too. " your step family, shudders at the thought. a cold blooded bloodbath with them? maybe together with your father and big brother too. you turn your back against them. kaldo stands and places a hand over your back.
" she'll be in good hands, family in law. "
" who said anything about letting you into this family? your father work hard raising you and all you do is act like a brat. you're all bark and no bites! if only you were like your big brother. " your step mother shouts as she stands from her seat.
" bark and no bites? " a shadow came over her neck, holding her up slightly away from the ground.
"h-h-help me dear, " she calls for your father as she tries to grab his shoulder.
" drop it, y/n. " your father says.
" yeah, stop it, " your big brother speaks.
the shadow disappeared, dropping her to the ground. she wraps one hand over the place where the shadow was at, little did she realise there was a burnt imprinted left.
" are you sure, you still want to marry that mad witch? she nearly took her mother's life! " your step brother says, as both the step siblings rushed to their mother's side.
" she's not my mother. " you mumbled out loud.
" I don't care, what she does. even if her hands are bloodied. even if she'll kill me. she's mine and I'll still love her. " kaldo takes your hand to plant a kiss, turning over to look at them all.
" let's go, " you say to kaldo as you both took your leave.
walking around the now empty streets, it was already late into the night. you didn't feel one bit of guilt, the glass cut healed immediately after you left. you held kaldos hand eversince you left the house. he didn't want to let go and wished you didn't pull away. now, standing on a bridge. the soft water noises, wind blowing, prettily lit starry sky. you can't help but be drawn to those.
" sorry, " you apologise as kaldo stands closer to you, shoulder to shoulder touching.
" that was a hell of a dinner huh? " you start, sighing. if your real mother was still around. she'll definitely embrace you like she always did.
" don't be sorry, I'd kill too if I had to keep up with all of that till I'm finally free from those horrors. she hates you because you look so much like your mother, " he places his other hand to your cheek. stroking it slow and tenderly.
" no I mean, sorry for making it seem like we'll marry. unless you really want to, " you placed both hands over your mouth.
" HUH!? so you don't intend to be my lifelong partner? were you going to marry orter and prove them right? " he babbles as you laugh, putting your hands by your side.
" I really love you, kaldo gehenna. " you confessed, his eyes shot open and his eyes met yours, so full of love and adoration.
you lean close, nose brushing against his as you shut your eyes and give him a kiss to his lips. you feel his arms snake around your waist, pulling you closer.
pulling apart, to catch your breath. you don't fail to notice his silghtly red face and the soft smile that doesn't seem to go away.
" I promise to be your sword and shield. I vow to be yours. I love you so much, " he takes your hand to his lips, placing a kiss as he drags you along.
" say, if we're together. can we skip the dating parts and just get married? " he says as you can see your house draw closer.
" yeah let's just get married, we've already known each other quite long too. "
" great, the wedding will be next week then! " he cheers as you unlock the doors of your house. you gave him a soft smile as you gave him one last kiss to the cheek before bidding him goodbye and a get home safely.
kaldo couldn't sleep that night, he was over the moon. the girl of his dreams finally said yes to him and had felt the same way as he. he couldn't help but call ryoh that night, gossiping the night away. ryoh too, was so happy for the man but gods he wished he'd shut up. he was tired from work and was looking forward to cuddling the night away with his wife.
" please free me. I have a wife to attend to, " ryoh mumbles out loud, catching the flame cane off guard.
" my, its so late well see you tomorrow and thank you for lending me a listening ear, goodnight ryoh. " he hangs up momentarily, forcing himself to sleep.
the next day as he walked to your office, he heard yours and orter's voices. he decides to wait by the door as he eavesdrop on the conversation.
" after the dinner, your sister called me. she said it was a disaster and they were expecting you'd marry me but you chose kaldo? " orter was leaning on the door, arms crossed after the other as you sat by your desk.
" you wouldn't want to marry me either. besides I just can't imagine you as the father of my children. I want a guy who knows how to wow his kids! " you laugh at the idea of kaldo being the fun parent.
" i see, you're all grown up now. well if there's anything I can help you with, let me know. I might even babysit them once or twice. " he offers, pushing his glasses up his face, not failing to notice the smile on your face.
" what a great best friend you are! do you want a hug? " you beamed as orter pushes himself off the wall. remembering the last time you gave him a hug, it was bone crushing. you managed to manipulate and manifest his shadow into 3d! making that give him a hug.
" no, " he opens the door as kaldo pretends he's just got there.
" get back to work, don't just flirt with her all day. " orter scolds as kaldo sighs, handling him the coffee he prepared for you. he'll just come back with a better and sweeter batch for you he thinks as he walks away dreadfully. he hears you laugh as he walks away, making a smile crawl up his face.
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