#want to work with pics with his hair blonde and long / wild enough haha
survivoirs · 1 year
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“𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐇𝐚𝐰𝐤𝐬. 𝐀 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐠𝐨𝐨𝐝.”
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floralseokjin · 6 years
;of the sol (m)
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A runaway, you’re not accustomed to the way the kind village that took you in live their life—worshipping and celebrating the dragons’ descendants. A story you only ever thought was legend, is that of real life, and you’ve fallen in love with one of this century’s dragon kin. The baker’s son, Kim Seokjin.
;or alternatively, Seokjin is hiding a gold dragon dick under all that clothing...
pairing; kim seokjin x reader genre/warnings; (loose) yona of the dawn au, dragon! seokjin, blonde! seokjin, smut; first time, lots of romance, lots of fluff, …...a dragon dick…… (pls give it a chance) words; 13,359
Inspired and semi-based around Yona of the Dawn. (if you have time, I really recommend the anime/manga, it’s amazing!)
⤑ read over on ao3 here
author’s note; can you believe it’s finally here? I could cry happy tears, seeing as this was an idea of mine I had since early February. Their love story was daunting to write because of all the fluff…and well…the dragon dick… The concept sounds a little crazy, but it truly is the sweetest, most romantic thing i’ve ever written, and i’m so happy with it! p.s. I really wanted to link a pic of his ahem… 🐲🍆but I really don’t want to risk this story being flagged anyway haha, so if you’re curious, please message me and i’ll try to attach the pic! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy ~
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Kim Seokjin was your knight in shining armour. Quite literally when he found you that night with his father, although you weren’t to know that until a couple of months down the line. It was a peculiar thought to realise you’d been residing in the village of Helios for over a year. Seokjin had taken you to market with him on the anniversary, selling the bread he and his father baked. That was how they had come across you that fateful night, on their way back from trading, finding you slumped against a tree, exhausted and dehydrated. It seemed fitting to remember such an occasion, because ever since that night everything had changed for the better. You had passed the tree on your way to the surrounding villages, lost in sudden thoughts and memories. It seemed so long ago now.
A runaway, you had escaped your gloomy village in despair, unable to stick a moment longer. If you were to die of starvation, you’d rather it be some place else. You had no idea of the outside world, only jumbled tales and fables that were surely fiction, but too scared to ask for shelter, you’d kept on travelling, moving past every village you came across. You knew without Seokjin and his father’s kindness you would have died out there. They could’ve walked past you, surely coming across all types of riffraff whilst traveling, but instead they rushed forward, immediately checking if you were alive. You would never forget the warmth in Seokjin’s hands that night as he cupped your face and searched for life in your eyes.
It was a warmth you were used to, that’s why. These days it was hard to find you apart, his fingers entwined with yours as you walked around the village, enjoying your free time, away from work. The Kim bakery was the heart and soul of Helios and you were honoured to be working there. You were just so honoured to be living in the beautiful village, period. It had taken you a few weeks to heal fully when you first arrived, and you remembered being so scared that you’d be asked to leave once better. You loved it here, everyone was so kind and accommodating. Especially Seokjin’s family, with who you were staying with. It was only him and his parents, a family unit you never had, and as hard as you tried not to, you’d found yourself growing attached to them. You were over the moon when they asked you to stay, enough room for you to live with them in the house next door to their bakery.
You’d began working at Kim’sBakery—so fittingly titled after the family name—gradually. At first it was to help out while Seokjin and his father went off to trade, just his mother and the baker boy left to hold the fort. They were thankful for your aid, and slowly it happened more and more, a day or two here and there turning into hours upon hours a week. You did not mind at all, it was fun having something to do, and in all honesty, you had never had a job before. Your own village was poor and tarnished, population hardly there for work to be profitable. Most people survived by stealing from passing travellers and hunting wild animals in the woods. You were overjoyed when Seokjin’s parents finally sat you down and asked if you’d like to make it official. Now, you worked almost every day except for Sundays when Kim’s Bakery was closed for the holy day.
Helios village didn’t worship just any average God though. It was a dragon. You had heard lots of tales about this land, once home to such beautiful, mystical creatures hundreds and hundreds of years ago who lived amongst the humans. All colours, all sizes, until one day, the King dragon, a beautiful red beast named Airule, the largest one of all, decided he wanted to change six into men, making them the leaders of six respected tribes of freshly built villages. He wanted to bring the land, the Kingdom of Airule, so fittingly named, together. To create harmony and tranquility; a Kingdom which he would rule peacefully.
That was as far as your knowledge had gone, taking it for hearsay and fiction, but alas, you had been naïve, cooped up in your tiny village and unable to explore and travel the rest of the land. It was notfiction, you found that out once residing in Helios. What you thought was legend, was that of real life, and it blew your mind.
Helios was one of the six main villages in this Kingdom. Six villages for six dragons. Long ago it was land to the Sol tribe, the ancestors of today, and its leader was none other than the golden dragon Helios, a name the village had been christened with too. The human form he lived life in had been beyond stunning, drawings passed down through the centuries, alive and well in children’s books used as bedtime tales. He had flowing long blonde hair, golden in the sunlight, a body strong and muscular, and he radiated love and positivity wherever he went. A smile that was contagious, or so you had read. You’d only found that out since your time here, noticing and wondering what the meaning was of the giant golden dragon statue in the middle of the village. Helios’ dragon from was even more beautiful, scales dazzling under the sun.
That was another thing. The village of Helios was always draped in the glow of the sun, leaves on the tree in beautiful shades of rusty orange, and when it rained—enough to keep drought away and crops fresh—you were always blessed with a rainbow. It truly was a beautiful place and you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have finally found happiness.
A large part of said happiness was down to one boy. Kim Seokjin. Who just so happened to be the sun dragon’s kin. Unbelievable, implausible. You had no idea there was such a thing until he’d confided in you one evening. He was oddly serious before he explained everything, concerning you, but the truth rendered you speechless. You had no clue there were even such things, but as you looked up at the statue that glowed as the sun set for the day, you listened in earnest.
Born every twenty-five years or so—maybe a lot longer depending on creation, Helios was blessed with a fresh sun kin. It could be passed down father to son, a logical explanation, but if the man created no sons, it could also be at random—the village were all descendants of the dragon after all… The latter was Seokjin’s case. Born just as the old sol kin was at death’s door, with golden hair and sun kissed skin, perhaps at first glance he could pass as any babe birthed in this hearty village. For the rays of the sun beamed down on them all. Only there was one difference. Something that set him apart from the rest. He glowed like the sun itself. Blinding, a beacon, and there was no way of denying it. A new dragon had blessed Helios. A new King was born.
Of course, the blazing light simmered after a few days, but the adoration didn’t. He was visited by every single villager, a ceremony in place to pass down the honour. Gifted things he couldn’t possibly have any use for as a week-old baby, and he’d been worshiped ever since. Twenty-one years of unrelenting love. You had always been curious as to why the village seemed to hang off every word he said. Curious as to why everyone looked at him with such love and devotion. Seokjin was indeed amazing, your short time knowing him had taught you that. He was so kind, so attentive. Voice as gentle as a lamb, but a body built like it could go to war. It all made sense. He had the dragon in him. He wasthe dragon. The children’s books could tell you all you needed to know about the dragon Helios, and it was now obvious, every description was Seokjin. He radiated the positivity this world very much needed, like a light. Like a beacon.
He was telling you all this now, and felt awful for keeping it from you, but you had been the first person to see him as just that: a person. His whole life he’d been placed on a pedestal, and even though the village loved him, and he loved the village, they didn’t treat him like one of them. He was different. A greater being. Above them. With you, he was equal. He wanted to be greedy for a little while, because you made him realise he was a good man. You made your decision without any bias, and it was because of that, he finally had to indulge the truth.
He showed you something. Something unbelievable. Something that surely should be impossible, but it wasn’t. Not when he was of dragon. Granted a gift from Helios himself. Your eyes bulged and your mouth gaped as you watched Seokjin birth a ball of golden light from his palms.How else did you think I found you that night,he’d laughed gently, the orb bouncing around between his hands. And there it was, it all fitted together. Your knight in shining armour.
That wasn’t the first time you felt something different for him, but it was the first time you truly acknowledged it. Stood there, the sun finally set for the day, awing as he let the ball of light bounce around your body. Your eyes met and lingered, and your heart jumped inside your chest.
You had no idea his heart was also beating a little harder for you. He asked you if you would accompany him for a picnic down at lake tomorrow afternoon and you accepted eagerly, unable to sleep well that night, nor work properly the next morning. Your heart wouldn’t stop leaping around as you made your way to the lake, but it momentarily stopped once you saw him lounging on a blanket by the bank. This place was the prettiest in the village, where the sun shined the strongest, and you swear he seemed to glow in the rays.
He hadn’t been in the bakery today, training the baker boy how to trade for days he wasn’t available and you soon pushed your nerves to the back of your mind to ask him how it had gone. Talking with Seokjin was always easy, he had been your friend for a couple of months now, but it was increasingly harder to concentrate with the realisation of your feelings. Now he had confided in you, you only felt a deeper connection, and by the way your bodies leant into one another, you could tell he felt it too.
“Do you ever feel scared?” You asked him, tilting your head, squinting slightly as the sun hit your eyes. You could only imagine the pressure he felt on a daily basis. The kin of a dragon, the village’s heart. It was a lot of strain for a boy barely an adult.
“I do,” he admitted quietly after some thought. He looked you in the eyes, as if he’d decided right then and there to be as truthful as he could. “I often wonder why me? I’m just a son born to a baker. There must be someone worthier.”
“Don’t feel like that,” you insisted, unable to stop yourself when you reached for his hand, soothing it with a squeeze. “I think you’re worthy.” Your voice was but a whisper, suddenly shy.
His nose wrinkled, a lopsided smile itching at his mouth. His smile was always your favourite, but his laugh was a close second. It tinkered in your ears. “You only found out I was part dragon not twenty-four hours ago.”
That made you blush a little, cheeks heating up in embarrassment and you cast your gaze down, eyes catching your hand still atop his. For some reason you couldn’t seem to pull it away. He was correct, before yesterday he had still been human. He wasstill human. There was no difference for you. He was still the same person, and if you thought really hard, if the dragons still had to exist, you couldn’t think of a better person to take the honour. Before you could explain that though, he spoke again.
“Is it stupid that I’ve felt the most at ease with myself since I confided in you?”
Your head shot up at that, surprise in your eyes, just as he slipped his hand from under yours to squeeze it instead. He watched you warily, afraid he’d said something he shouldn’t.
“Not at all,” you reassured him with a small smile. “I’m glad I could help in some way.” You didn’t let him know how warm and happy that made you feel. How hopeful.
Something had changed between you and he since yesterday. It was like you were waiting with bated breath for something. Something exciting, something you’d only let yourself pine for not twenty-four hours ago. You both turned your heads to the sky, watching it in absentminded enjoyment. Your hands stayed together. It felt comforting. It feltright.
“Are there more of you…?” Your curiosity itched at you. It was impossible to sate it. There was so much you wanted to know. A world you had been secluded from for so long. A world you could never have imagined before now. You felt Seokjin’s gaze on and you turned your head to face him again. “Dragons,” you added, eliminating the crease of his brow instantly.
He nodded slowly, turning back to look at the sun. You could tell he felt at ease here. He looked magical. How could you have never known? It radiated from him. “Six more, if legend is correct.”
“Will you ever meet them?” What did they look like? What powers did they hold? It was all too much. You wanted to talk about this forever.
“Probably not.” Seokjin chuckled, shrugging casually. “Airule is vast. Some parts so dangerous not a soul in their right mind would try to cross.” That much was true. The south was tamer in comparison. You’d heard stories about further north, and travelling across the kingdom was near impossible. Wasn’t he a little curious though? To learn more about where he came from… To meet people just like him…
You were so lost in thought you hadn’t realised Seokjin’s attention had turned to you, a small smile on his face. Almost fond. It made your heart skip a beat. That pesky thing. “You take this all in your stride,” he mused. His voice sounded so gentle, fluttered through your body, almost made you want to shut your eyes, to revel in it a little more. A little longer.
You smiled wide, making sure to lock eyes as you spoke. “Maybe I always knew you were special.”
His eyes widened, taken by surprise and he looked away hastily, pink colouring his cheeks as he tried to think of something to say. He couldn’t. Speechless. It was cute. The realisation made you feel all warm inside. More so when he chose to squeeze your hand in reply instead. You acted without much thought, recklessly maybe, but it just felt right. To link your fingers carefully with his. The action made you feel safe. He didn’t pull away. He just squeezed harder.
Yes, something had changed between you two. You were sure of it now. The hope in your chest bloomed until it slightly overwhelmed you, and all you could do was stare out over the lake. The sun had begun to sink a tad. You were relieved when Seokjin spoke again.
“I have more secrets.” He began hesitantly, swallowing before continuing. “Confessions.” You turned your head his direction, watching him carefully. He kept his eyes locked on the sky. “I thought I’d be selfish if I told you, but I can’t keep this silent for any longer…and… and besides,” he chuckled lightly, upturning his shoulder. “I think you wouldn’t mind at all.”
Your heart stopped then. At his words. At his actions, as he turned to face you. To stare you right in the eyes. You knew. You knew what he was about to say.
“I like you.” You gripped his hand tighter, his words overcoming you. Surely this was a dream… However, no. Fate had been kind to you since Seokjin found you. “I’ve fallen for you, and there’s no escape…”
He almost sounded sad, mouth downturned as his gaze fell to his lap. You took that as worry. Worry you didn’t like him back, and you clung to him harder, moving closer. Your shoulders brushed against one another, legs soon after. You wanted to touch him some more. You wanted to never let him go. You wanted him to be yours.
“Seokjin…” You breathed, hot air hitting his cheek. He closed his eyes, like he couldn’t bear to see you this close. Feelyou this close. “You know I like you too.”
His next breath was shaky. It left him like he was almost afraid, but he fluttered his eyes open again. They pooled with sincerity. His tone of voice the same. “You see me for me.”
Why did he seem so shocked? What else would you see him for? You couldn’t help but slowly reach for his face with your free hand, cupping the soft flesh of his cheek. He fell into your touch.
“Even now, after you know the truth you don’t treat me differently. You’re not melodramatic, feverish…” You giggled at that. The girls that seemed to flock him every time he appeared at the bakery didn’t go unnoticed to you. Maybe it was the jealousy, not that you would ever admit that out loud, but it was incredibly obvious that most of the women of Helios had an enthusiastic reaction to him because of who he was… Although, what he looked like sure helped things too… He was beautiful. Maybe he didn’t see that…
Your giggle died down when he wrinkled his nose, still lost in thoughts of his own. “…Disgusted…”
That was absurd. Impossible. He was talking nonsense, and you wanted to kiss it from his mouth. To abolish such foolish thoughts. You carefully slipped your fingers from his, and he went to chase them on instinct, stopping when he felt your hand clasp the back of his neck, locking him place. You tilted your head to press your forehead against his. He took another shaky breath.
“I think you’re amazing.”
You were taken by surprise when he wrapped his arm around your waist, embracing you intimately as his other hand toyed in the locks of your hair. His next breath sounded like a relieved sigh. You carried on. Finding it easy to confess.
“Always have. Even more so now.” He watched you pause and smile with curiosity. “Seokjin, I can’t fight it any longer.”
It seemed like you both couldn’t. Your breathes mingling together. The warmth of your body heat merging also. Your eyes closed the same time your mouths met, and you knew right then, right there, you had never felt happier. It was like you were born to experience this moment. Born to feel the plush of his lips against yours. Born to taste the sweetness of his tongue.
You had dreamed about your first kiss since you were a child, long before the harsh realities of life became apparent, and over time the small act seemed stupid and insignificant. Meeting Seokjin had made you wonder once again… Nerves were nonexistent, not when it concerned the boy in front of you. It was just natural.
He was a gentle kisser. Gentle and kind, just like himself, and you only stopped momentarily to catch your breath and tell him the most important thing of all. The last thing that needed to be shared.
“I’m glad you found me.”
He smiled, lips kiss bitten—your doing, a realisation that made your face burn semi- innocently—and stroked your cheeks, thumbs circling the apples, agreeing wholeheartedly before he was closing the distance once more.
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The murmur of your name sounded against your sticky mouth as Seokjin tried to pull back. He moved almost hesitantly, reluctantly, because you knew he didn’t want to stop. However, he did manage to break away enough to rush out more words, a breathless chuckle leaving him too. “Let us catch our breath, my love.”
You pouted instantly, crushing him to you as you rolled him onto his back. He let you without little resistance. You wouldn’t be able to do it otherwise. “I don’t want to,” you whined, catching his lips with yours again.
Kissing Seokjin was addictive. With each passing month, week, day, it was getting harder and harder to control yourself. The burning need in your body needed to be satisfied. You’d surely blow up if not. You’d been happily courting for over ten months now, and despite enjoying the content feeling, the safe feeling when it came to having him in your life—not only romantically, but he was your friend too—there was just something missing… Lover.
Even the word made made you heat up, cheeks ablaze, palms turning sweaty. You were in love with each other, you told that to one another every single day, so logically there was one last step to go… You wanted him. You wanted him to make love to you.
Frowned upon by the elders, consummating such a relationship was near impossible to do. You had to make use of stolen moments like these, in your bedroom, when you were both free from the bakery, Seokjin’s father out to trade with the baker boy, Seokjin’s mother busy baking in the kitchen. This afternoon was the perfect opportunity, they weren’t given to you often, but Seokjin… Seokjin was always hesitant to take it to the next level.
“W-we should stop.” He tried again. This time turning his head when you tried to chase his kiss instinctively. He averted his gaze too, almost refusing to look you in the eyes. However, his mouth was parted, breathing shallow. He couldn’t hide how affected he was. What was he running from?
“Seokjin,” you insisted with a sigh. “I really do not mind.” If he felt guilty, there was no need. You cupped his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you. His irises were almost black, pupils blown out double their size. The carnal urge inside you roared, but your voice stayed softly sweet. “I knowhow much you love me.”
He shook his head as best he could. “It’s taking advantage.”
“Of what?” You laughed loudly. “Don’t be so silly.” There was no such thing as taking advantage. Not when your love for Seokjin was concerned. Besides, was it so bad? In the end you both wanted to take advantage of one another. The itch for a pleasure unimaginable incessant. You gripped his face harder, so close your mouth brushed against his as you murmured more clandestine confessions. “I want you. So bad.” His lips moved like he couldn’t control it. Capturing your bottom lip to tug softly downwards. Your heart jumped, just like something between your legs. This was torture.
A groan tore from your throat as your neck fell back. “Kim Seokjin, you drive me crazy.”
“Likewise.” He agreed, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth before he closed his eyes. He looked beautiful lying on your bed, blonde hair fluffed out against the pillows. He truly was out of this world. A painting. Your body and heart were near to bursting.
“So. Let us give way to sin. Isn’t that what they say?” You urged, clinging to his shirt to tug at him almost petulantly.
He sighed gently, long fingers circling your wrists, stilling your motions. The action was stern enough to make you stop in your tracks. “You speak without thought.” He murmured. It somehow caused your cheeks to flush, embarrassment settling uncomfortably in your chest.
You let him carefully sit you upright, with him following until you slid to the side to let him bring his legs out from under you. His feet hit the floor. Gentle, but it was a thud to your ears. His back was to you now. “I should go back next door. See if they need me.”
“They don’t.” You couldn’t help but try one last time, even though his rejection was heavy in your heart. Your hand landed on his shoulder clumsily, attempting to stop him from rising. You didn’t miss the way he stiffened. “Seokjin…” You barely whispered, voice filled with concern. It even wobbled, so you swallowed, hardening your exterior. If there was one thing this life had taught you, it was to always act braver than you were—than you felt.
You tried again. “Don’t you want me like that?”
Seokjin whipped around immediately, horror in his eyes and tone as he spoke. “Of course I do!” He clasped your hands tightly. Almost a little tootightly, as if he needed you to understand.
“Then what’s the problem?” You begged quietly. You needed to know. If it was because he wanted to wait, that was fine with you, of course it was. However, from the way he was acting right now—the way he’d been acting every time he stopped you short—it was something more than that. The anguish on his face right now told you that. He looked pained, beside himself as he battled an internal dilemma raging inside his mind.
Finally, he spoke. Voice tiny, gaze unable to hold yours as he looked down at your clasped hands. He opened his mouth, stopped himself and then let go of you, tugging at his cotton trousers instead. He tried again. “You won’t want me when you see the truth.”
“See the truth?” You puzzled after a tiny pause. You wanted to reach out to him but you were too scared. Nothing made any sense.
He shook his head, eyes closed as he scoffed pitifully. “I really should go…”
“Seokjin.” Your voice was gentle, tender, as you tried to let him know everything was alright. Whatever he was afraid of, he didn’t need to be. Whatever it was he was keeping from you, you would not stop loving him, wantinghim. He looked up, blinking slowly as he gazed into your eyes. You had never seen him look so scared. Seokjin, your Seokjin, who was always so bright and brave. You continued, desperate to make your voice reassuring. “Tell me. We promised no secrets.”
He looked at you still, as if he was contemplating his options. You watched him shift, and for a split second you were half expecting him to bolt. Instead he averted his gaze yet again.
“Okay,” he whispered hoarsely. “When I was born…” You waited patiently, the unexpected wrenching you with worry. Silence felt like it dragged on for eternity until he finally continued. “There was a…deformity…”
The word seemed to taste foul in his mouth, lips downturned in a grimace. Your heart skipped a beat, shock and confusion rooting inside you. Whatever it was you expected him to say, it was not that.“The dragon’s gift came with a curse.” He sounded bitter. Pained and bitter.
‘Where?” You wondered loudly, unable to stop yourself. “What are you speaking about? I have never seen anything…”
He shook his head again. “It’s not visible right now.” He sounded weak, speech stunted as he tried to lock eyes with you once again. “We dragon kin possess powers.”
He was struggling and you tried to help, edging a hand closer to his atop his thigh. His body was still half twisted away from you, and you wanted him to relax, lie back again, assure you he wasn’t going anywhere… wasn’t leaving you. You nodded earnestly. “Yours, light to darkness.”
“Mhm.” He tried to agree passively, pulling at a loose thread on his trousers. “But we also have physical traits too.” He was slow again, cautious. “Scales. Limbs. Tails…” Your eyes widened, the news a shock. He had never told you that, which made you wonder what his physical defect was… “Mine is much…” He stopped to grimace, physically disgusted. “Mine is vile.” He spat the word. You felt the hate behind it.
You rushed to hold his hand, unable to hear him talk like this. “Seok—
“Embarrassing. Inhuman.” He cut you off, his brain now going in to overdrive. Like he couldn’t stop. He pushed your hand away, looking at you gravely. “You don’t understand.” He was anguished, sorrowful, humiliated. “It stops me from showing you how much I love you…”
Your brow furrowed, trying to make sense of his words, and then ever so slowly everything began to get clearer. Your hand fell limp to the side of his leg, eyes grazing down his torso and into his lap. Stops him from showing…That could only mean one thing. How he’d been reluctant to take your courtship further. Why he’d been reluctant… Physical traits.That’s what he’d just said, so what did that mean? Scales… You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but what? He still hadn’t told you exactly what was wrong. You felt wrong for even guessing such a thing, but by the look in his eyes, you knew your assumption was correct.
“You’ve guessed.” He finally confirmed solemnly. “I’m so sorry. I kept this from you when I shouldn’t have, but how do I dare tell anyone?”
You wanted to reassure him straight away. To tell him not to be silly. However, your head was spinning, trying to make sense of such a baffling thought. Shock was still sparked in your body, and it showed on your face.
“Won’t they see me as a monster?” He continued, almost like he was asking himself. You caught his eye as he looked up. “Do you see me as a monster?”
“Seokjin, no,” you gasped immediately. This time when you cupped his hand he didn’t pull away. You seemed to catch him by surprise. He was surprised you weren’t repulsed by him? That poor boy. What did he think he was? You knew right then and there, that this piece of new information didn’t change a thing between you and him. He needed to understand. “Seokjin, you’re not a monster.” You insisted, but he shook his head adamantly.
“Please forgive me. I shouldn’t have let this go on for so long. Not when I knewit would end like this.”
End? You panicked. What was ending? “This is silly.” Your voice was shrill when filled with the reality of loosing Seokjin. Why was he acting like this was over? Nothing had changed. Why couldn’t he see that? Why couldn’t he listen to you?
You reached for his face instead, clasping his cheeks so hard he’d surely get pressure marks. “Seokjin, you’re being silly. Let’s talk some more. Tell me everything, so I can understand better.” You were pleading, eyes wide, filling with tears.
“There is no point,” he half-wailed, wrenching from your grip. “Don’t you see? There’s nothing to understand, other than I’m a monster to you.”
“No,” you uttered, ears burning, not wanting to hear this nonsense.
“If you saw, you’d realise.” His voice was low, unlike anything you’d ever heard before. Almost like a warning.
“You are definitely not anything of the sort!” You were near to shouting, desperate for him to listen to you. What would it take for him to believe you? You went to reach for him again. “You’re—
“I need to go.” He raised his voice. Louder than yours, and pulled back from your hands, standing to the floor.
“No,” you cried, your fingers managing to catch in the loose fabric of his shirt, tugging as tight as you could. His hand wrapped around your wrist, stopping you.
“I wantto go.” He whispered. Voice tight, eyes pooling with tears that threatened to spill any moment. That just broke your heart even more. “I want to be alone. I’m sorry.”
He let go of your wrist and you loosened your grip on him, hand dropping to the bed. What choice did you have? You needed to respect his wishes. He stepped back immediately, turning from you as he flew to the door.
“I’m sorry for everything,” was the last thing he said as he shut it behind him.
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That night you couldn’t sleep a wink. Once the tears had come, they couldn’t stop for the whole evening. That was your first argument. If you could call it that. Neither of you were angry at one another. At least you thought Seokjin wasn’t mad at you. Mad at himself it seemed, yes. Ashamed, mortified? They both seemed fitting too. Even though he had no need.
Your head buzzed. Trying to make sense of the little information you had. Your imagination could have never fathomed such a thing, so it was finding it hard to do so right now, but gradually, and as the sun began to rise, throwing Helios into a dim glow, the shock wore off. It didn’t change a thing.
It didn’t change anything at all. You were positive. You still loved Seokjin just as much as you had moments before his cryptic revelation. You were even… No, you couldn’t think that…but… Your hunger for him still ached away at you. It was fierce now, because he’d finally acknowledged something deeper between you two. He felt it too. It stops me from showing you how much I love you… He’dsaid that. He wanted you too. However, he was afraid you wouldn’t want him when you found out the truth.
You were torn. Feeling too many emotions at once. Your need for him, but also your sorrow. Your heart ached. He had lived with this secret for twenty-one years. Living his life under the assumption it would be alone. He was the apple of the village’s eye, but in his eyes, he harboured a nasty secret. He thought he was a monster, and that just broke your heart.
He was nothing of the sort. The kindest, gentlest man you’d ever met, and nothing would change that. It was about what was on the inside, not a physical deformity.
Shamefully, just with all this thinking, you pulsed underneath the sheets. Curiosity itched away at you, wondering what he looked liked. If only he knew. Would he be disgusted? Or would he realise that you didn’t mind at all? Nothing he could tell you could make you love him less. Make you want him less… You needed to talk to him. Needed to make him understand.
However, the next day brought busy work. You were in the bakery all day, rushed off your feet and Seokjin had been out with his father since 7am, visiting the nearing village. You’d seen him in passing this morning, but he’d paid little attention to you, refusing to meet your eyes when you’d politely greeted him good morning as he left the dining table. You’d carried on your day with a heavy heart and when they still hadn’t arrived back to catch supper, you’d made your way to bed with an even heavier one, stomach empty with loss of appetite. Perhaps Seokjin’s mother knew something was wrong, but she didn’t bring it up, wishing you a good night’s sleep with a kiss to your cheek.
You’d been lying in bed, wide awake, for an hour when you’d finally heard the tell-tale noises of his arrival back home. He and his father always tried to be as silent as possible, but the stairs creaked when they tip-toed up them and you could hear them bid goodnight to one another. You thought you may be able to sleep then, relieved he’d come home safe, but the need to see him pained you. You couldn’t spend another night like this. Tomorrow may be busier, a Saturday. You had never not said a word to one another for longer than a few hours…
You waited another thirty minutes, careful to make sure his parents had enough time to fall sound asleep, before you got out of bed, creeping out the door and down the hallway. Seokjin’s bedroom was right at the end and thankfully his mother and father resided the opposite. They’d collapse of heart failure if they found out what you were doing, but you couldn’t feel guilty now. You needed to see your boyfriend.
His door was slightly ajar, and any worry you had of him possibly being asleep disintegrated when you saw the glow of his oil burner in the dark. You lightly tapped on the wood, hoping he could hear you. When you were met with silence, you whispered his name. Another silence, and then he whispered yours back, question in his tone. You took that as an invite, quietly pushing the door open and slipping inside.
Seokjin was sitting up in bed, cheesecloth sleepshirt threaded loose across his chest and shoulders. His blonde hair laid across his forehead, having brushed it for the night and he had his diary in his lap, open has he wrote. You opened your mouth to apologise for interrupting him, but he beat you to it.
“Are you angry at me?” He looked worried, eyes wide as he leaned forward, discarding the diary atop his nightstand.
You shook your head firmly. “Never.”
“But I lied to you.” He sounded confused. Voice small, eyebrows knitted together.
“You have never lied to me.” Seokjin was an honest man. He may have hidden things from you, but they were not lies. He was just scared to disclose the truth. However, he needn’t be. Nothing had changed.
“Please,” you begged softly, taking a step closer to the foot of his bed. “I need you. Can you just hold me right now?”
He watched you, seemingly in a little shock. Whatever he expected your reaction to be at his news, it was clearly not this, but he nodded slowly, stretching his arms out to when you began to crawl up the bed. You latched onto his shoulders, squeezing him tightly. He clung on to you just as hard, burying his face into your hair and taking a relieved breath. You could have stayed like that all night, but soon enough you found yourself under the sheets with him, curled into his body, head cushioned by his chest as he ran his fingers through your locks.
“If my parents find you out of your bed…” He murmured, kissing the top of your head. You buried your face into him, filling your nostrils with his scent as you closed your eyes. You felt ten times lighter. Dramatic maybe, but you were so glad to be back in his arms. For the whole day you’d been scared that would never happen again…
“They’re asleep. I waited,” you reassured him. He didn’t say anything in reply, fingers never stilling as he soothed the strands down your back. You lifted your head a tad, looking up at him before placing a kiss on his chest. Your lips caught the gaps of his skin, visible through the threaded laces. You wanted to kiss every inch of him. “I don’t like not speaking with you.”
“Likewise.” His smile was sad, voice gentle. He cupped your face now, thumb caressing circles. “I’m so terribly sorry. I was… ashamed yesterday.” He looked away as he finished, still obviously embarrassed by the memory. “Still am.” He added, chuckling softly. “But you can’t see my cheeks burn in this dim lighting.”
Your eyes met for a second and you couldn’t help but giggle along too. Seeing him joke around was relieving. You shuffled closer to him, face now level with his as you took it in your palms. “You never have to be ashamed.” You whispered. “Ever.” You watched for a reaction. Instead he closed his eye, visibly struggling with your words. What would it take to make him believe you? If only he could open up more…
“Seokjin,” you began carefully, and ever so slowly he fluttered his eyelids open. His large eyes glassy. “If you love me, you have to explain everything to me. I’m owed that.”
“I already did,” he croaked.
You pulled back, giving him some room, but also because you were about to ask something that made you grow hot, cheeks blushed. “You…” You shook your head, beginning again. “You have…” However, try as you might, you could not finish, gaze falling down his body instead, hidden by the sheets.
Perhaps he misunderstood your hesitation though, because he sounded forlorn when he replied. “Yes. I do.” How was he supposed to know that your body desired him just as strongly as yesterday? You almost felt ashamed, knowing he was so distressed, but you couldn’t help it. If only he understood… Would it make him feel better?
“I’m not human when it comes to that,” he continued, shaking your hands from his face. His hand fell to the mattress, too shamed to touch you.
“I don’t care,” you pleaded, clutching a hold of his shirt instead. You had gotten so passionate you were now kneeled over his body, begging him to listen to you. “Seokjin, I still want to be with you. I love you. I don’t give a damn.” You were shaking him, forgetting to keep your voice down.
He firmly circled your wrists with his fingers, stilling you, and your voice broke off with a cry, scared and panicked. You couldn’t lose him. Not after everything you’d been through in your life. He was your one happiness. Your light in the once never-ending darkness.
“My parents were so happy when I told them about us,” he began almost wistfully. His voice was so gentle it caught you off guard, and you relaxed your body, feeling him entwine his fingers with yours. “To finally see their son so joyous and in love…” Your chest swelled, wanting to hold him some more, but then his expression fell. “But they also know the truth. They’re the only ones who do. Imagine birthing a child to be met with such horror.”
“Shush,” you quickly rushed, letting go of his hands to grip his face. “Don’t say such things.” How could he think himself a monster when he was the most gentle, loving man around? Could he not see the real him? Could he not look in a mirror and see the truth? He was blinded by his disgust for himself. It had tainted his life since he was old enough to understand.
“They’re nervous of it ending. Just like I am.” He continued, barely there, hushed under his breath. The word endscared you beyond belief, only dispelling when you felt his large hands grip around yours, holding you to him tightly. “But I don’t want to let you go.” He sounded desperate, broken. Almost like he was begging. It cut at your heart. “I love you too much.”
“Then don’t!” Your faces were so close by now, noses crushed up against one another as you pleaded. Both teary eyed, both so hopelessly in love with one another. “You don’t have to. I won’tlet you.”
“How can I ever love you properly?” He cried out, voice breaking as he tried to keep quiet. “Satisfyyou?” He sounded tormented. Like this was all he’d been thinking about. You felt a flood of guilt wash over you. All this time, ever kiss and touch you secretly shared together. While you craved and hinted for more, he was tortured, under the impression you would never love him the same again if you knew the truth. For months he hid, thinking he couldn’t give you what you wanted. No matter how much he wanted it too.
None of that mattered now. You needed him to know that wasn’t important. What wasimportant was your love for him, and his love for you. “You already love me as best as humanly possible, because that is what you are.” You pressed your forehead against his, closing your eyes. “Human.” Not a monster. “This heart that beats,” you signalled, reaching one hand between your bodies and covering his chest. The muscle beat under your palm hard. “It’s all human.”
He let out a tiny sigh, almost like he’d been holding his breath. Your words sent a relief through him, and one of his hands laced through your hair at the back of your head, holding you close. Your breaths mingled with one another. You slightly out of breath, desperate to make him see, and his shallow, listening as you continued.
“You just have the blessing of Helios inside you. It shines bright, and I couldn’t think of a better man for the job.” He let you pull back to look him in the eyes. This time he didn’t look away. He shone right now, you swore it. He was of the sun. A gift. Your gift.
“Seokjin,” you murmured, unable to stay away from his mouth a moment longer. “I love you.” His lips were warm and soft. The instant comfort that you’d longed for all day. He felt like home. You’d never had one of those until you met him. You pulled back slowly, mouth parting to tell him one last importance. “I love you no matter what you hide, and I am so lucky to have met you.”
He made a noise as he reached for your mouth hastily; one of relief and happiness. It rumbled as his lips touched yours and you whimpered, because it seemed like you’d finally gotten through to him. This time he kissed you without hesitation, without something to say, and you felt the difference instantly. His tongue eagerly swiped across your bottom lip, delicate but restless, and you parted instantly, your muscles meeting, caressing one another.
He clutched your cheek tighter, rising his head before he began to sit up. “I love you too,” he rushed, and before you could take another breath, you were pushed on your back, his large body twisting to crawl over yours. His legs kicked the sheets away, crumpled to the bottom of the mattress, and the bed frame groaned under the sudden movement, but Seokjin was too distracted to notice. He cupped your face with both hands now, words pressed tight against your lips. “So, so much.” You were too breathless to reply.
After he was done chasing your mouth, he found your jaw, kissing hot trails towards the sensitive flesh of your neck. This was a new feeling altogether, your skin erupting with goosebumps, each breath turning into little shallow gasps. When his hands began to caress your sides, you felt as if your heart was beating outside of your body. It drummed manically, alive only to the sensation of his touch. How long had your body craved for this? Imagining what it would feel like to have his hands on you like this? Even his touch above the material of your bodice was enough to suffice. You felt him everywhere, his palms burning their way to the skin. A moan slipped from his lips when he found the swell of your breasts, kissing them like he had been kissing your mouth for months. His tongue slipped between your cleavage, your eyes closing, basking silently in the pleasure until you felt his palms cupping the soft flesh and they flew open again.
“Seokjin,” you breathed, hands running along his large shoulders. He kissed up your chest, peppering your throat in kisses until he found your lips again. He was out of breath, moving without direction, like he couldn’t stay still for long enough to think clearly. His thumbs found where your nipples were, hidden beneath the cotton and they hardened under the pads magically. You were beginning to get aroused, much more aroused than you’d ever been before. It coloured your cheeks. They felt hot. Like they were burning.
“You’re so beautiful,” he got out. Voice an octave lower, gruff. It shot up your legs, finding home beneath your nightgown. “I want to kiss every inch of you. I want to see how beautiful you are bare. I want to hold you. Touch you. Feel you.”
You felt like you were drowning. Either that or going crazy. You were beside yourself, squirming underneath him, his body heat seeping into yours, causing your head to go giddy. If you died right now, you’d go happy. You would want to see the whole thing out, of course, but with how fast the blood was coursing through your body right now, who knew if you’d blow up…
Beside himself also, you felt his hands reach under your nightgown, gripping the underside of your thighs. His palms were clammy and hot, and the contact made you jerk into him; new and exciting. He didn’t stay there for long though, a strangled noise leaving him as he fumbled over your body, unable to keep still for his greed took over.
“I cannot hold back any longer,” he admitted almost embarrassingly, fingers playing with the lace of your bodice. They shook and you clasped them in your own.
“Then don’t.” You whispered.
Your gaze was unwavering, speaking unsaid words, expressing your desire, and a moment later he was hastily unlacing you. Your lips met in a frenzy, your fingers helping his as he freed your chest from its confines. When he felt your soft breasts against his hands he had to pull away, jaw slack, eyes unblinking as he drunk the image up. You kissed at his nose, his cheeks, his open mouth, giggling quietly at his reaction.
“Can I kiss them?” He requested, all but a breath, and you nodded quickly, bracing yourself, but never ready for when his tongue delicately brushed against your left nipple. You arched your back, chasing the feeling, wanting more, and he engulfed the flushed peak between his lips, caressing it with the tip of his tongue. The stimulation was making your toes curl, his sheet sliding off the bed as you jerked your leg and moaned sweetly. He liked that, working wider strokes of his tongue until he was kissing your breast like he would your mouth. His right hand reached for your forgotten breast, kneading the flesh, his thumb circling the hard bud. There was the most scorching burn between your legs, and Seokjin’s weight against your body did nothing for it. It just made it blaze harder.
“Is this alright?” He asked, pulling away slowly, mouth all sticky, lips shining in the muted glow of the oil lamp. He looked golden in this light, the shadow of the flames flickering across his face as he kneeled straight, hands cupping your sides tightly, as if he needed to anchor himself down.
You wondered if you looked as beautiful as he did? He was looking at you as if you did. You wanted to look even more bewitching… Nodding your reply you carefully began to rise. Seokjin had no other choice but to move back, letting you sit on your knees. He watched in silence as you took the hem of your nightgown in your hands, eyes wide and mesmerised when you began to lift it up, shimmying it over your hips and up your torso. It freed from your shoulders easily, and there was a moment of darkness as it covered your face, and then it was gone, dropped to floor, in which you hoped was seductively.
You both kneeled before one another, you bare, except for the cotton underwear that hid your innocence. It throbbed so hard you were shocked Seokjin couldn’t notice, but he was too distracted, drinking in the sight before him like you were a painting. Your eyes met, and and you felt no shame, only love. So much love it overwhelmed you, gripped at your lungs, squeezed at your heart. You were moaning in relief when his mouth flew at yours, clutching him tight around the neck as your bodies pressed against one another.
He moaned too. It didn’t sound real, but such a beautiful sound could only come from such a beautiful young man, so it was yours to hear, and yours only. When you finally drew apart, he clutched your jaw, mouth open, breath heavy, eyes unfocused and blown out. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He told you, shaking his head a little to correct himself. “Willever lay eyes on.” His gaze travelled down between your bodies, a sweet sigh leaving him. “There is so much I want to do to you…”
Something in your abdomen began to flip around, his words affecting your body until you were trembling something chronic. However, there was something else that needed to be done before you could even think about being so selfish. You brought one of your hands over his shoulder, running it down his chest until you stopped at the centre, gripping the cloth in your fist. “Please undress too.”
He looked at you quietly at first, as if he was contemplating it. You didn’t want to rush him at all, nor force him into a situation he felt uncomfortable with, but he seemed just as desperate as you, and after all, there was so much youwanted to do to him too… With a resolute nod he let go of your face, placing one sweet, lingering kiss on your mouth with a smile before he moved to slip his nightshirt off. You had never had the pleasure of seeing Seokjin shirtless. Although this summer had been incredibly hot, he was considerably modest—which made perfect sense now—and he’d rather swelter in the heat than cool down with one easy motion. It was all worth the wait now.
Seokjin was built so large, that had been one of the first thing you’d noticed when you’d initially met him, but his bare torso was a sight to behold. His skin almost glistened in the flamed light, and he looked so divine you couldn’t stop yourself from reaching out and caressing him. He was hard too, chest firm beneath your palm as you dragged one across slowly. The other ran along his shoulder, gently massaging the muscle. Your mouths met again, you just couldn’t get enough. It felt like you were only breathing properly when you kissed one another. He wrapped his arms around your middle, holding you close, your bare chests pressed against one another. His skin was boiling. You found yourself on your back again, head cushioned by his pillow, hair pushed out like a halo. He pulled back on his heels, taking the opportunity to stare down at your naked body laid out on his bed. You ran your fingers down his stomach, stopping at the waistband of his breeches.
“More,” you whispered, begging him with your eyes. You felt his body freeze up. “Please.”  You added. You wanted terribly to show him how perfect he was. “I want to see. There is nothing in this world that could make my love go away.”
That seemed to comfort him, and even though there was still fear in his eyes, his hands moved to the buttons along his crotch. “Promise?” He asked, voice small.
You nodded firmly. “I swear on my life.”
That was all he needed, and you watched with bated breath and a drumming heart as he began to unfasten his trunks. He believed you. He trusted you. You were overwhelmed with love again, struggling with how to express it all at once. You would spend your whole life doing so, you were sure of it.
You kept silent as he stepped out of the garment, even when you grew surprised at the bounds of woven gauze wrapped around his groin. You had not been expecting the great lengths he had to take in order to keep it concealed. Whether he needed to, or whether it was because he couldn’t bear to look at it himself… You hated to think it was the latter.  
“I…” He trailed off, fingers visibly shaking as he found the end of the cotton, fiddling with it as it loosened. “I have to hide it well.”
He sounded embarrassed and you hated it, sitting up to console him.  “It’s okay,” you murmured, catching his fingers with yours. You held on for a while, looking up at him with a small smile, waiting for him to return it. When he did timidly, your heart swelled. “I love you, Seokjin. So much.”
He nodded his head, perhaps to give himself confidence, because he soon dropped your hand to your side, busying himself with the gauze again and ever so slowly he began to unbind himself. With each layer that fell you could make out the obvious bulge that laid in the middle. You were not so innocent. His arousal was a lot harder to hide than yours…
“Is it not painful wrapped so tight?” You couldn’t help but ask, worry colouring your tone.
“A little,” he admitted bashfully.
As he got closer your mouth parted in awe. There were small golden scales that trailed up the right side of his groin, along his hip and upwards, trailing off as they hit his stomach. These didglisten in the light, and you just had to touch them, following the scatter with the tip of your fingers. Seokjin’s breath hitched, stilling momentarily to look down at you. “They’re beautiful,” you said, voice hushed.
He smiled gently at you. The fear was still in his eyes, but so was a warmth. He knew you loved him unconditionally, and despite his reservations, he carried on, unwrapping the last of the woven fabric before he dropped it to the mattress.
“Oh.” You let out, blinking a few times at the sight before you.
He took your silence as a fear for the worst, panicking as he pulled back from you, your hand on his hip falling to your side. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—
“You’re beautiful,” you interrupted him, reaching for both his hips this time as you held him still. You should have said something immediately, but you were speechless. Astounded by the beauty. He let you study him, but kept his eyes trained to the wall in front of him. You could hear his heart pounding from here. You didn’t want him to feel ashamed.
“Gold,” you breathed. For reasons unknown, you had not been expecting such a sight. Yes, he had told you he was cursed but really speaking, you had no clue how. You could never have fathomed this. It was golden, just as you saw him. He really was the sun, and there was nothing hideous about him. He was beautiful.
It stood from his body, distended from arousal and its entrapment. Tip pointed and a slit that seemed to be leaking some type of clear substance that made it shimmer even more. The length was a little intimidating, but that may have been down to your inexperience. Smooth and curved, three ridges followed the tip until a larger one hit the base, bulbous and veiny. Under his member sat his scrotum, equally as golden. The scales that speckled his hip started at the groin, no faint hair in sight, but they also travelled down his left leg, at the inside of his thigh, stopping midway.
You had never seen another manhood, so logically speaking, this was no matter. You had nothing to compare it to. You would now neverwant to compare something so breathtakingly beautiful. The sight had you in awe, but he didn’t seem to notice, squirming in your grip. Trying to get free, trying to hide.
“Seokjin, look at me,” you implored, reaching for his waist as you knelt too, desperate to get as near eye level as you could. You clung to his face, kissing his mouth, but his arms lie limp at his sides. “Seokjin…” You started, taking his hands to drag him down over your body.
“Come here.” He complied, body almost sagging, and once he’d lowered enough you flipped him, straddling his chest. You found his face again, kissing his mouth open, desperately, your breathing getting louder.
“You’re beautiful. Perfect.Please don’t be ashamed.” You pleaded. He didn’t say anything in reply, but you felt his hands behind your thighs, holding you in place. His tongue peeked out of his mouth, delicately laving yours with each caress of your mouth. You pulled back to catch a look of his face, and you were pleased to see his gaze was on yours now.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “For everything.”
“You never have to hide with me,” you smiled back, lowering your body to his thighs. As you did so, your hand accidently brushed against his member. It was the lightest of touches, but his bottom half jerked upwards, a strangled cry leaving him.
You froze, eyes wide. You wondered if you should apologise, confused by his reaction. Confused altogether. Your stomach lurched as you thought back. He had felt so smooth, like marble, but soft, and so warm. Bravely, you ran your hand over his length again, with purpose this time, watching his face for reactions. His plush lips parted, swollen and pink from your stolen kisses, and a beautiful sigh left him. It sounded like your name. It wasyour name.
“Does that feel good?” You questioned, voice high-pitched with excitement. You didn’t give him time to reply, wrapping your fist around the thickest part of the shaft—the part you guessed had most the feeling. He jerked forward again. You could feel him pulse against your palm. “I want to make you feel good,” you murmured determinedly.
He moaned in response, too overcome for words at that precise moment. All he seemed to do was rock his hips into your hold, almost as if he was trying to create friction. You acted on the spot, sliding your fist up the ridged flesh. He let out a sigh of relief, and you moved back, repeating the action slowly.  
“Yes, it feels so good.” He finally replied, voice strained. “It feels more than good.” This time a small chuckle fell from his lips. It was music to your ears. “I’ve never…” He stopped to swallow, and you crouched lower over his body, blood rising to the surface of your skin when you felt his hands slide up your buttocks, shaping the flesh in his palms gently. Everything about him was gentle, and it only made you love him more.
He tried again. “I’ve never done this… felt this…” You could tell he was feeling bashful at his confession, so you shushed him with your mouth, kissing him sweetly, lovingly. It made you sad to know he had hidden from his body—from who he was—for so long. Sad to know he was that disgusted with himself… How tortured he must have felt every time you kissed him so brazenly… Bound like he had been, fit to burst. How much willpower did one man have?
“Let me do anything you want,” you whispered. You wanted to make him feel the divine like pleasure an orgasm brought. “Faster?” You prompted, beginning to rake your palm a lot quicker. He moaned in response, head pushing back into the pillow, his thick neck on show. His fingers dug into your buttocks now. It helped with the ache between your legs.
You were getting greedy, chasing his reactions. His cheeks flushed, just like the rest of him; patches of red scattering his neck and chest. It was odd to see him so rosy when he was always so golden. The only thing that was gold now, was his throbbing member in your hand. The crests ran along your palm as you moved, and bravely you curled your thumb over the slit of the tip, dampening the pad with the clear substance that continued to leak from it. He jerked his hips once more, a groan leaving him. It didn’t sound human. You repeated. Every time your fist hit the head you circled what you now understood as the most sensitive part of him.
You knew he couldn’t take anymore when one of his hands gripped around your wrist, panicking, blurting your name to get you to stop. However, you didn’t. This sensation was new to him, overwhelming. He had no idea what was happening, probably scared, but you knew. You knewhe was close. His stomach clenched as he writhed around. It only took two more runs of your palm, and then he was stilling, a quiet, drawn out moan leaving his throat.
His length convulsed, and you looked down in time to see the spurts of white stain his abdomen, rising up and down with his pants. It speckled across his golden scales, painted him even more beautiful. You let go of him immediately, throwing yourself into his arms.
“Oh, oh.” He was still out of breath, trembling as he wrapped his arms around your body, kissing you messily. “I love you.” His chest heaved, and he sounded drunk. You couldn’t help but giggle as you pulled away to peek at him. He looked sinful, spread naked in front of your feasting eyes, not a care in the world now that a part of his soul had left his body, manhood growing slightly limp against his stained stomach.
“We need something to clean you up with,” you continued to giggle, aware your cheeks were practically burning, unable to stop soaking in the view.
“Use my shirt,” he muttered, dazed.
“Your shirt?” You exclaimed, putting a hand to your mouth when you realised how loud you’d been. You both needed to remember you weren’t alone in this house. You couldn’t get found out.
“Mhm.” He confirmed. “I’ll wash it in the lake tomorrow.”
You laughed again in disbelief, but obeyed, finding the garment in a heap at the end of the bed. You straddled him again, sopping up the arousal on his body. He helped you, capturing your lips with his in the process and soon enough you were distracted. You felt him drop the shirt to the floor as his tongue delicately opened your mouth, arms winding around your waist.
“Do you want to stop?” You wondered out loud, breathless and trembling. Your body longed for some relief, but you did not want to be unfair. He could be near exhaustion now.
“No,” he exclaimed, coughing to clear his throat. “Not at all.” He gripped your hips as you sat on his stomach, a light shining in his eyes. He was almost like an excited puppy. “I want this night to last forever.”
You smiled at that, touched by his words and wholeheartedly agreeing. Ever so lightly, you felt his fingers trace the waistband of your underwear, lids turning heavy as he cast his gaze upwards to your face. His voice was low when he spoke again. A request. “Please let me see you.”
In all honesty, you had forgotten you were still clothed where your need burned the hardest, and you moved quickly, kneeling higher to drag the cotton down each leg until you were just as bare as him. You looked down at him with heavy eyes, slightly shy, but only because he was studying you with such intensity.
He traced your hip bone with his finger, voice but a breath. “You are stunning, my love.” My love. His love. That was correct. You were his and he was yours. You leaned over his torso, needing to kiss him again, to feel his warmth. He cupped your face, pushing your hair behind your ear.
“All my wildest dreams don’t even…” He trailed off when your lips met, kissing you slowly. You moved closer, between your legs brushing against the smooth, gold beauty that laid between his. You couldn’t help the groan that fell from you both. Pleasure burst from every nerve in your body.
“Does that feel good?” Seokjin wondered, pulling back to cup both flushed cheeks now.
“Y-yes,” you sighed, moving your hips again. He kissed your nose as you moaned, his breathing becoming shallow again. He grew harder again as you slid over each crest, growing hotter, more sensitive, until he was surely ready for more. Your arousal felt heavy between your legs, sticking to him, greedy for his touch.
“Seokjin… I want you,” you uttered, mouth parted in pants. You clung on to his chest. “I needyou.”
“Please.” He agreed.
You lifted on your knees again, hand shaking as you gripped his member. You were nervous, but your body was acting on its own accord. Instinct.You hovered above the tip, letting him settle against your opening. “A-are you sure?” He asked, worried, holding your hips. You were aroused greatly but pushing down on him was intimidating. You struggled, feeling a little foolish.
You silently give up, needing a moment. Your heart was beating so fast. Moving back to crouch down, you dropped his length to kiss your way across his hip, catching the golden scales with each peck. You took deep breaths, calming yourself.
“Let me…Let me help you,” he suggested, curling his hands around your waist to flip your back to the mattress. “Come here,” he whispered, bending over your bottom half. “I want to touch you…feel you…kiss you…”
When two of his fingers brushed carefully over your folds, you felt a flutter travel up your stomach and a pulse down below. You bucked into him, overcome by not only his words, but his actions. He repeated, spreading your left leg by the inside of your thigh to gaze upon you even more.
“Seokjin,” you breathed, staring down at him.
“You’re beautiful.” He praised. “Can I kiss you?”
He was not talking about your lips. Or maybe he was…just a different kind. You nodded quickly, afraid to even breathe as you watched him descend. His tongue was delicate, laving against the soft flesh hesitantly. This was all new to him, but you could tell he was desperate to make you feel good. His eyes closed tight, face burying between your legs as the tip of his tongue dug between your folds, catching on a spot that had you moaning sweetly, spreading your legs shamelessly. He froze, experimentally repeating the curl of his tongue. It had the same effect, an arm reaching out to entangle your fingers in his locks. He moaned against you, sending a rumble up your pelvis.
You had explored your own body before. Most of the time after Seokjin had left you in a hot and bothered state, cheeks red, out of breath, thighs trembling, but it did not feel anything like this. His sweet tongue was a divine state of being, coaxing your tense, nervous body, and with a few more laps of his wet muscle, your moans grew more persistent. You remembered to keep the volume down, but it was impossible to stay silent altogether. Seokjin worked you until you were trembling underneath him, squirming in his hold, a pleasure settling deep inside the pit of your stomach and staying there, glowing.
He pulled away when he realised you were growing sensitive, lips shimmering with your arousal. He looked absolutely stunning. “You sound so… It is driving me crazy.” He laughed with a trembling voice.
Sated, but still greedy, you smiled at him, breasts heaving slightly with your chest, and you ran your hand down your stomach, hooking your finger under Seokjin’s chin. “Do you think I’m ready…?”
“We can try…” He murmured. “Should I see…?” He trailed off, one of his fingers circling your entrance carefully. You could hear yourself, sticky as you coated the pad, and you fidgeted, wanting more. On cue, he slipped the digit inside you. Your velvet walls squeezed around the intrusion, but it was in a desperate need, locking him in placed. He explored you a little, dragging and rubbing inside you, trying to stretch you for what was to come.
“You feel so soft.” He told you, reluctantly pulling out. “Do you want to try, my love?” You nodded almost feverishly, gripping onto his shoulders as he crawled over your body. You spread your legs, letting him nestle inside them as he kissed your forehead and down your nose.
When he reached your mouth, he stopped to pull away. “Are you sure? Tell me right now if not.” He rubbed your nose with his lovingly. “We can stop… I know… I know this isn’t what you were expecting…”
You clutched his face in your hands. “It is better.” You promised. “Better than what I could have ever imagined.” Tonight was perfect. You were so lucky, and so happy. “I want you so much.” You whispered, mouth tugging at his bottom lip. You rolled your hips upward, brushing against his length. “So much it hurts.” His breath caught, surprised by your brazen words. “Please…”
“When you beg like that it is impossible to even think of saying no,” he chuckled under his breath, voice strained as he held himself up by the palms of his hands.
You dragged your tongue along his, too far gone. You were speaking without thinking, so needy for his love. “Want to feel you inside me.”
He shook, voice just the same as he whispered in your ear. “Sinful.”
“Love cannot be sin,” you shook your head, and he pulled back to watch you with a small smile.
“You are right.” He agreed, caressing your cheek before he glided the hand down your body; down your cleavage, to your navel, goosebumps erupting all over you. You heard him grip his member in his fist, rubbing it ever so carefully up and down your swollen folds. “I want to be one with you.” He confessed sweetly, and you braced yourself, blood rushing in your eardrums.
“Alright?” He murmured. Reassurance as he found your entrance and began to push inside. You nodded your head, strands of his hair that dangled down tickling your forehead. “Slowly…” He followed his own advice, opening you up bit by bit, until he stopped at the first ridge.
Like this you felt no pain, and you gripped his hips. “Keep going.” You whispered, watching his face almost mesmerised. The veins in his neck bulged, visibly holding his breath as he struggled with his pacing. You could tell the sensation was overwhelming for him, his eyes glassy. As your flesh stretched over the first golden crest, you felt the burn, instantly fuller, and you dug your nails into his skin, overcome. It happened two more times, popping over the final ridges until he hit the bulge at the base, your vagina unable to strain that much right now. You both gasped upon the sensation, mouths open, eyes wide as you stared at one another in disbelief.
“Can we stay like this for a little while?” You asked, slightly panting for breath as you kept painfully still. There was not so much pain, just a dull burning as your skin tightened around him. He nodded his head, speechless himself, and reached for your mouth, kissing you as best he could. His arms trembled and he moved to rest on his elbows, caressing your face with his fingers.
“I love you,” he told you through sweet sighs, careful to hold his body weight up, not to crush you or add excess pressure between your bodies.
“I love you too.” So much. It felt like you were floating this time. Staying afloat because you had Seokjin. You had his love. You were one. Connected like no other way, and you wanted to stay like this forever. Safe in his embrace.
“You feel so soft,” he choked, unable to keep still a moment longer as his knees buckled. He pulled back, and you couldn’t help but moan out, pleasure hurtling through your body.  
“Yes, do that again,” you begged, wrapping your arms around his neck now, holding him close. He moved forward, repeating his action until he was shallowly thrusting into your warmth. “Seokjin…” You breathed, fluttering your eyes closed.
“You feel so good. So warm. My head may explode,” he whimpered, driving a little faster in to you, and that’s when you felt it, the stretch as his bulge steadily pushed inside you. You were now more aroused than ever, and greedily, you took him all.
Seokjin’s hips stuttered, head flying back as he buried deep inside your velvet walls, but you rutted upwards, desperately trying to keep him moving. It felt so good, and you wanted to feel the drag of all his crests as he thrust inside you. The bed frame creaked again as he laid over your body, the warmth encasing you, and you clung to him tightly, moaning loudly.
“Shush,” he strained, because it seemed he wanted nothing more than to join you. “We mustn’t wake my parents up.”
You agreed, from then on trying your best to stay silent. You’d gnaw at your bottom lip if needed. He buried his face in your neck as he continued to furiously make love to you, both of your bodies glistening with sweat, sliding against one another. Breathing laboured, the occasional groan, and the sounds of your arousal as he slid in and out of you filled his bedroom. It was a masterpiece. Beautiful.
Your right hand found his hip, tracing the patterns his scales made. You would never get enough of touching him. He pulled his head back, watching you with unfocused eyes. “S-seok…” You trailed off, unable to continue, panting loudly. You wanted to tell him he was gorgeous. Strands of hair stuck to his forehead, the sheen of sweat on his face twinkling in the flamed light, his brows furrowed as his thrusts grew weaker, sloppier. Your heart swelled inside your chest. Filled with so much love you didn’t know what to do.
“I’m going…” He tried, shaking his head. “Again—!” You knew what was coming, the tell-tale signs right there, but this time as he orgasmed, he captured your lips in his, sheathing his gold as deep as it would get, filling you with the hot warmth you knew from earlier.
He stayed like, buried inside your warmth, growing partly limp as you both caught your breath like you’d been drowning moments earlier. You wrapped your arms around his waist, holding him tightly, inhaling his scent, melting into his skin.
You found one another’s mouths again, his hands cupping your jaw as he kissed you hard. This time was different though, there was no urge behind it, no desperation, just a need that lived inside him. A need to show you how much he loved you. Pulling away with a gasp, he clutched your face harder. “I love you—I love you. So—much.” Another kiss to your mouth. He didn’t give you time to reciprocate.
“I want you forever.” He gushed. “Marry me.” More kisses, but this time you were too stunned to even try and kiss back. He broke apart, murmuring softly now. “Marry me…”
“Are you sure?” You found your voice. Quiet and full of disbelief. This was your wildest dream. Marrying Seokjin. Your happy ending. Something that seemed impossible before finding yourself in Helios. Impossible until you met the love of your life…
“I’ve never been surer of anything, my love. I will love you for my entire life.” He professed, and you giggled, happiness swelling inside your chest. You kissed him like your life depended on it, until he was desperate to know the answer. “Yes?” He gasped, breaking apart.
“Of course it’s a yes,” you nodded wildly, running your fingers through his hair, before pressing his forehead against yours. He grinned harder than you’d ever seen.
“I love you, Seokjin. Forever.” 
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